The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 30, 1867, Image 3

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OP . " - I
-.7.------- , --
Jalugry 30th, 1867.
_ .
• , , „If. orajoh PI , , 031,1115.
a , `.. i. + j • .tY , g-7
' 1 '• '• .iittii ---- e b '0 'a...e t i j .
-/ X 1 tktnt4 t - ige - at tlt AI
r . . le . '
Id th' titrit*ie in the dfrike to`-ility:,
Astnitatittritter's Notice—W. 11. & W.
• poi.; ~,, -.i,-, r
al l .
kitittli*KlK4ittl- W#44 4t &
13. 4 44
4. . ..
:Deutii.triT-T...T. C andier,',& Co.
' Ltatal'_azle:e—W at i Geniy.i
wg . the "antii l eirtied - • *Ott ter t tite Akers
, ,
0 Ce 4 mi.4 ti i' '
.r, --71-, !-F s n'! , ,"l l a P ther
-. ees • "Y i • - I ' H
l o f
• - s---t•-'"---- .e.- , • . • -
F o u ,7 ---1 lati:,•'e tire - alit-pin was - found a
My iiageon:Thillete t, , Beaver, The
- ,erpe .11. 1 1ta°9,0if s q, 1 0., .' il.449R,4kOff'f*
plot_ ph Oullery, in t h e plane. -:
•-•---,--...,---.....«.-LL'l•, , _ - •,, ,
• ea,-o f
congratu,ii . itti r our - Preelicklizien .
y r - tflciitf IP3Aktiokit '... f.#llelo,e_ent
e on dni:rice'finit4infiiii , to 4 1,N0 - atl;rii"Of
pa e tecpripineriendA „ 0 ..g. stake,.'
_' -:
COI/111'9.-1'1'44 50Yeliistgion, teacher of
s ok will give,it - eiracer4lwitti tile Pupils,
the Lorlon church, in tocli'osier,cia Friday
e r g ~ thW . ,ti!iNli.-)itis ,- .iarke-ofiii k iii*ii i
oft, also Tiiii ia.:Bri gew#4; :litiii;ilWri
13righOi sac. h ' ..' , !•; -.:!,:, '.. I „
--------.--=-:, !—;,•r o 4` - t --- ' -- .. --- : --- . -. .
ipilrriaA/PsigCoutAßlot or flint at . Oa
17''' 14 - :' 4 %'-':i. ,'-:,'....'. •-- . L .
i n , cnivyxi..7liia:—.The good- , p'
. 401 W of
peter IniTe'iinentiitl ' t he .bidder rof prog
re; Ili hiih tiff ron.,€l4iSaa, '3r-T4i'p'; Winch 25
itu i t e at of reach of tli;eicointnonality, and se;
in ,' diet slic r ti .. -- ,itureitlient minutikoctitidl
i t,
..ithi their own I>orouglili f.... at J . ., J . . .4 . inderrin's.
TLep :ent is clamed vp - r: - -.s. &ow,
Furs: t rars ! ... Call
. tud.ste El ofil.y:A_furs
61161.i:1 (vit
11nm t,' ,f —s 5 , ..• . i ... i.,
• •-•.. "•••
i ----'— 4 - 1 - •--
p .
'llle/stitast , na ;Raven taitivcs.-- 7 .i.5 - ye r ill be
tisk . reference to, the 1 prooesdin'Os of the
Ids (11 coalVittirii; -eirdon; ;el: a 1. ,, who.
• wore ii est td. - 1;11 $9 . 61. i Cilii of trini;der of T . Lios..
MAC - o ::, ha l 4l:,:ielni diiic t liarged-iipois Itiir
own ; ! oznizariee. 'filo! ground for this din
etia.e, appearp•to ha a what of evidence. - The
.-ithole g i.:l4:r vf the dial p earance - of. Mr. Mid
.4llrtntils :s uniiria-t4ireultd in tn.„Tsterl• as ev
er. I
~_ ~
Bax.,lrszini-Poottg Rt•VALI4O.-I , ett Pell',
PoOTiOf lfttisitist . too' inewbst •oaltbrated.abak
adter,in,bililoealitt : ,' Some ye'ori -ogLi'•toteit .
ado Was madef tirer'lthe fact thn "Ii ? wllesliX4 , ,a'
barrel of f 'apples from his home .to BOSLOat on a
Wlieelbarrow+a iliStance.of aksboiles. , , , Whitt
tc- L sa . pr etty fair exhibition of . strenitti .l ojllti
eridurance„l;nt we have allin ientiiiiitt Bea 7
Tar, who, if qta,tlOes.laot ••knock the bells' off
of Ben, at lelist eiinale . him in . these ouslittes. I
Joseph Hall, Esq., of this pliPoa the keeper al
...1. ~ ,1 - _ , , • , , ---,.
_____,_...,.......:......,4,___„,____-_.., I thei
,nationsii Hote l , pu.reaaaan a. sleigh ta,,,•.•• • •1
Se gn To •Itiuos .40n4sos.—on wedykesday , week St it oglr's Ferry, in .this county ; and
the. embors Dl .' " the bar and 'officers of ,the i not h i a; L iut a horse ‘ie,tti hiMat the time, de-
c-our!.g , sro a .oerftillimer4ary tiuvpoi -
Achz )ri a t the lko. Viola Hovel. ',
.It,..nit• forty ' cokiingl.y* at it he. weat, -.1 , 1 is the snort sptton;
get'l in.2npatlittk. •;01 , ,c - Stt:APCOnirlPßki' , •-• , - , . 0: t...T0....1i00rs he brought. up in front of his own
to Jtidgo 1 tort:4ll:nd on lc p•lshing, - it up . uilase:f. 4: • c:,
Jiil,,,.k.,clielem;,)fai a .. i . v i o r j' .. tarsiable im = hotel, beriag• inkLiii the I “ittatitution7 :up -hill
yreib t ! ltffrpoltrAtiyrti;oot lonlj kritin,i ll 7 and d.. 4.1, for.,elght miles without asalstanco . ,
1 4ta.
Aeitt ibility c lifit by hie coneenus and affable i iTorti'Liii:Se ornian Lt;onsidtking Mr. ; p • iirs,
, _ .1
1 . • ir4l: i t.'
Llvr- tr or. :1 • - t' ~.-3'-,,1• , ' 0 ge—ahou L . .tsty —we take It t this 'is is
-I -
.74 r•--.,iinsiii . • - - 1.,-- , .'
• piettv.hifid to belit.. ; •• . , , .
• 1icr....4 t5,......1', ; ;;14, :iv wadi drawers ~, 4 1 -... I .- -... • •
t t ,
tie T .,. 0.1 • t h y :'• I t. 7 !•,t . '...: „,.„ ,;,,„ ..._, , ‘,.,:ii „ I
' .:7,... .-,,-.---
~ ..., ~.- -- ; - . 6 - 1...,..' .-,.......,,. . - 40 1 4'.'CliOOT.s IN. rie.t V • Ei COUNTI,L-It - 13 ter
1 1‘.1‘. 1"11111V"Il'
..".."' ..."'.....'
I som t I rot beC ' n :nnticipatin ; g, - ,‘the report
ita tellowini riddlitar tiAistreac , +silk" Priamriii! °: d ' , " r:... -
4., ~,,....,. ~,., itpg ,, r teat . bli 'd
'too ,
, . - i— blind •••&E'" • '
..,_ of tile. Superintesideut, cif ..Comccon S.ehooLs of
• the State; butler, .vot it has tint: ranched 4344-0:
hill{ becla:11; Ih:t t,..1,;•0t :kr, flied; the man wia 1-, , A • . • .• • , ,•
~ ,,,i , ,,
v; as the .
.r,h , on it . come s tc bnnd - we-Shall take..pteasttre
A . : ', - '., -
b i .11,,...L.g - .Lr•t;; tl.e ill•lti•tliat Litt - NIT . • 1 -- ---.1 14
11114411 . • ' 7 '. •'' ‘: 1 . ` b ~ , .1 , - .., -.- ~..,- ~
1 .
41 iat• --- 4a ,14,41 . L af,OKO" g nu thin
I vrltiolt - re ate ! to ,
... cur own county :. I n the
S - 0 c . :!;;4::!! ?, - A tilps.l; neat Nrceli. ..
: "...i . .__.:___:____-..i.-- I , ' 1 tneaT4lme, 71inwerler, we• l!ave inbtaine - l.Blini.
i 11:4, -T . EN.. „ ioN t i-- A n r , fernitto!ion of i mher ,ittirLes [lie ifOli wing highly interesting ' ,
°T.: affil'' br lit eitiaiiel scit' ,ol in EL'iel'e^t('''', 1 information tettcbin,l- the e numbergoT "sbitOols,.
li , I, ,
, • ! , ,,:l..Le parl,;„on Thgrrlds.y..and Friday ot,t,-i oiont 116 taught, tl''L'ill'4, ' }llill:kl,.3 .. .c,, for tbie,
;,.. i,74Licerettl.•• teachets and 'the przneip:d,
f t
. oonniy dOrini-the Past p.p :• ! -`' -- 7 •-•:•'.
, r'' ,', . ht t'i ell. " 1,,,, t'e Wild are ilic!iito % J iv tho ' : Schools, ltib; average or4tOontha taaght, ti
',.( •.'11: .. liftb!ic s - Ctr4Cll'-' -.t b e quecesB- ' ••~ -
. , ...i.,c4111„..
1 ~ , i,:,..:td be :LC gt'74iltd. SLY, !ilOif. , l ac..o
:,':u --;. 1 , : 5:t:', ,, .... :IC .:.;:4s .. 217r.)1 .. ,:117.i.:74, fllll
...! ! ..... 1 , :.4.1,,,,;'t .U:.I 111,C.,:t f•tt4ll':,l On '4l; k ^ ,
.1. , i :: , .: . : 1!!".:it::!..'!:11 1 ., - +::..V.:.;711 ail I,ess
, .
1.. ;:kt tialk;
I.! • — 7 :
.. -
..?..„ .
, . 1 14 , .141! . kZi , •.;. oft,y.Y) n a :.. ra 6:0,, ilArr:llll.;:ti,C.t
4 -.
c'nt...iirr - lien-cker: • . '
rt .
• ~',VO :r , oidoitiatlrilki.rn that 111ri, Sheik.
r' • .
~, we FT .
..,, oLe .1.15‘i. week .icer connection! ;
,i. 1
i ....::.. ‘.l . ll.:'scilt-i , lir.r. i r,:case,feeis=-4:le-red at
a , 30.(;t: , i'AVe ;i:',.l:ot its what par!:,
.i. t .:y ...v.: .I:d ::1r.... itjlivilcioltd him
' ; ~ is... I.{ - h 0 .% (: 1. - 41 , ! , , . , \ - , Ir i 1;1. out error is, we, ,
.. ~ •,. - ~-.-- . 1 . .
f i
....1:. , 1,'T.1: cot•rev:i IA Ai* do,not ;oeuli to
11.,; , ;11 1 ::,.- ..nuf.htzt we 110 ti(Jll t occasionally do
F., .. ..,:ii! t,f ii g k r , udl local ne•Ws. ' - . •
• ?i -- ...t, tl u!i:itlt to ...44.,•,- go•plt, at Gealit.
' k - :'• - •.•••L's."Ott,. —The Lawrence Journal of oft - ,
41L'it,:t...i....=.:;:yg: "Itt'llie f:th in. , it • - a
e'otniiiity '
••,..ur ci:tz;n ! ! tft7t.r2l; 41 en-the Slippery rock,!
I' thi , c9atc.);,' , Orieh it i supposedwin yield;
1 l
art :ills btirrelt, pet. day. They navel tn..?
en...•;,t tltei;• tatiug la i hd-„Will soon hertit; the,
•..-,+ I , br.t:le:t. ra l e' wl - 11 i.l.lJetreA'ln few
. •
".1: r:o.,‘ e•• i , is I.:I wrenee . wp 11 .
1 ongt Les, , and -if accepted, the 1 State
1,i t ,,, to i a ii, whete hel would.injure no one,antl ... • . ~,
en ,
titi..4l i i,
lel:pi...mop - tat
ci . . n., _ ,.
I.bere , hje tu rl2 - iifent disposition'wouldhavian I ' 4 t '''''• "' I -
', 'f he Bu dge s of the. :Supreme. Court
iippurtat.:t, OS citnetly' down. ~ • f
•, lof the Ilairict Of , Columbiazitke atf.
i 0. tnorized by the bill to appoint a com r
1 i ..7N - .OT.ISTOI EN,: --Thelpocel : brk belungirig to
Cups` John Tievo mies.on.
1 who in turn are to appoint in
1....1; centain t ng twenty -i ' ve the States_judgettand,righltcre.orehle
bundrod dollars, and referred' to by , ua., last 1 t i ci fi-t - , 4 1 ...z. -...' !
1 Reek ac liaving been Itolett by:a Straiigei , who ' .
Mr. Steven . a (haired '''' that, thi3
•-s4,iaokb;•euiest at tiie same .table with him II ho .till further Oppor
1 \ 1.1 *- ' utrie sould huv_ .._
.4 '_ 4 ..:', ' ...i.e. near Baden, proves not , to have been : at 12 1 a1. , ' tun hy to an.end, but r 3f.r. Bigbam. of
s. o
R I. 6rI C-OL:Lf' . ."-. Mg. I StaprlseL iteral4i'• ovi t.74ter.,a11. ' DI r. Tiril4lti.,.hung Invercoa,
' ' t Ohio, insitited _.on_the irotioulbeing
. _,
A v ;ay: thlo the'aiattie-depth of the snow;'. liClielisitainid ttlerrioney. overrtheteek of It, ; Inn t., Medi) soMeLtlaya 4 atince; to . -rreeena4„
here nu; arifted, in that courts at the ores- J'faat7ti tit;: -. pociet4oiik slipplat out of •bilii nut lia - qhole - !natter to the Coinmits ,
pri me 1. , ;31140 rt e. , ttr. , l thatrthe.difte in ''';ilelc. l ifrfell bOtind it, and was not found un- I fee on nenonstrOci:on:' 110 Wai l wil7. I
ime 16 - , fibs.. , are- tw f r ntjttfe feet deep.— ' tiltAliiritert day. The stranger watt therefor. I I l i nx k 1 . 10.*e V er, he citit), tr.i.makeAsug,4_.
iL e ri..,1::,. i,, / t i c . 7 ,•.0,i people o f that place. ' f oil dent, andNli.. 11 ; SPold deei;ledif eariless ' gastion 'to 3 frAttsventr•refitivertotht i r
i:•' -i s'' u 2 ' 4 9i , i.g• "4 1 , 411 occa*iime l / 2 mail. till.he -handling of tdlrge tuntutqf money I ditTosition of the Will, .
~., ...._ 1 .4
1 -
1 hcve ti,, , rill isi action' Af renclit4news that i 1 ' .,' "-- - 7 -17.." . . • . . A
''". enc.uP .. .l. ito-' - iie en' tirely ",:out. of . time. -;-- I
will not fake, ypur. counsel,. rectognize , l
,t.p t,Nre an -l l.,t.)raluithv,`itud ,we trust ; { ire ' ,tr!Zn A n T i n n il l) W a S rll TALll nl v tion .44 ' i tt g i Pi nd — i: t efy fiw ond :ll :P ri ttly7llll 6 a gl 9 ire
ind Said
'exgrildtir.".4 ' l". '
.k,.. ,„ kali,..;iii t''e i'ftisetiin,dtteeou;se of iiine. ire; the foir . o wing il' l nutosittlees: are'rtiesbiti"Ar I , P i* .anti '. °lilt', nor 1:1 0 i r li -,;°Pf. I v tl4.,
( i'l-hkiniziei : v - : tia l4 temlinga, .it'osiir; a ' and i lv - III I;YI,- u-s _. 11 , ~.ibt, .. , .4._ efeT l P....saioniar d w..iilß.Atill fan',- rp " h s :! } "s t e - 'o r " : prordr di` , • ca ir e d .
.ili r :
t r i rt . ; . ' i. . 1' 1 • its- had resent]; „moven. to .thist,place from 1 . , - • 1 , "
1 diet,' at Teal • a • 1[ ' • ~,-,- ........• '.l- • . '.. 1 teVennlikorddif. ‘T.ll!"4efftlafirtitalbo,-
..--4,- •
..,—.—,,....., . .Plttsbor . gh.,, q ne,.went ; Out in.. tho - oitprtlg, all !1 c i f the
.b i m K: t i n - 48; c i i it e i khod l t at.
I ~., if . L 1 - ,,
i ' 1 ..c0,--3ranes Beaty; of . .. South Beaver ;woe suppossi4; to priieure;preyytions, and . :owl _i_. ~ _ . - ._- - . . .... ,- i.• ~ .. ...A A . . , ~.
-. • ' `:2 , sVigatottg, was - equivalent tO lif • aeleat•---.
...!:,: p. bronght 'to itotOot hi ibis Plaee .n 'his rethrn fottnd- his *if° Asia in ber..o.laart:•-71,1,11.4. •
.. -.-i- 11 • ii: .. 4 . 66 r,,,..
,TOttil waii t P414 1 .„(14 1 : tin . t en"--
'i:' ":' i r v. l:l ' l , l' 'a
1 !
' . 4 '; - , e ! ahleen , nwnth''.,,le, post Morten' esatnination r , taken:,:with thwi. i ' i -!--_-- . • . 4 . t , wail -l ima to - . t i le coithuitL
re *l'o.'6
~ , _ .1,11 , yrighca ~ . )o_potnius,--eiean ; j , . , . , .;- .. - - id i t 1 '!"
.1' 1 •• ur. Border ward the Purel4ser.--LOC,IL ',pie!. that nothing in the line of
.. ti, u
o mott
.. o , lee:: ed . 1,, ;fi cco u st i det io n
~,; ,i`bi d h_,.,i t ;
I ; f l, bosu: w. e . o il y , ,
..ed tisity.tbat the ''fouttd about the house, save , a small (runt' y , triebo i quim is its certainzdehth-a 4'.111.
Iriii.' broil:ea iWi‘AiV i •J"ailiew IlfiitYlf it , of uortt. i mea4.-lead tti:the-conoltts , latt i. 114 .4 " 612 ! 1 .. i'tite •Or referring, Witt.',Bs,'r fi:01.5? ilrOtt
' l ' l ' 4 tleaver trovast 4 4 - 7: rre i g h e a gigf p o lutl i s diet of stal.'vat jell - - - I
I ' • --• .... '' 1 . all the li3aiiii;te .114116:1Eii:Arciiiil...:Iiiit.,
. , ,
1 - :". 27,. . I.'con 4 sleos,tliatt:the Lpeeil haS it:— ;I ' /".--' ', . ,.
-g I I i ti10 . .114 . 0170.4.40,-:.* .1. • • -1. , .. ...e•- , 1 , .. ~ ..;1..1... f...ti
. ..i.t.-k
fir. • ; !'n'ler MiLe. Ile puich„e r, and at 8 et a per ' Wir- A kt ila6l • l4/ " I " 4tin° f:l'ef,t"k"hold - 1.. , •• .. :-- rr. , . , ' ....-4i.;-..-.....40,4----3,..---: .-... ~ - , ,i.,,
i ; l , ° :''' D ' e... 'ia ,. hflg cart him ' i t 25:12. We w'ond . or if loo de m rs .,a o n f y i he left Castle ißeaver Valleir.R. R-1. I A WAPHllitiTtatt;hatt"%zef&i. ~ .Tha.*4
4 ,m' rmktiferrietend running Mi. Rimy I - .
r _ , apte.i . r office r : : in Neiv-7 Ciotti.; kf t ign -of the tin.eti Which giiiii 4 titnet
, t
lbfo'nday task 'the follensing gentleSseti leini .: hope . yi; l / 1 4- Izst .r
,i,ot KJ 1: e ail is
,le 11:y r
• ' ' ,,',,,,r1 ;4 69 i;,, 1 7 .-, ,, , :.. e. - liit'ecl4 rne,,xt., ziea.r ,.. ..e , ;4 - ern - l e ko'L e d, t o manage t Lie affairs of ; the c ompany l ',tiftiort`, ii - o9bdige t r eon . ccaliir . ,_cor . Gelieral i
ti, , ounce the people to i. , . - 1 ~„_ .._
tlt.c that - i....... iS. att . ex . callent farm 4.": • lffor.the ettattiAg ypin :11teiideq„.A....1 e . craw, il 'drnittiiid-lifisilltifilihiaWitaiiiillify - as— I
• o.- - L . i . 1 Mr * !If 'd' ft! 4.Caitle.f r birintont:44. Wijdnii, liB()ci at el4 4o ll3 ba t liArifGe 4 4 4 o; l /' 1 1
x.) . 4;1, r 4 the It t I 'ltl' ; I °I. ''I l) ' e 'l ' - - • ' 4 IV mml o. : j e t 4. ) 1 4 ** .. .1A.•,1 1 01-
Te n - es agricu ura mum ,
1 1 1 • e•st for nugbt ii4anisirc bill we 5ab...,1 • * gk : '' . - -*41..
- 1 Prd[Binttielifitaltl4llllll")
. b „ •
ina.,/ , 4, a4 , hive to • „ b - tlPatterson ! of, Nett Crttet...lohn N. Cranford ,, t • • • *mod
____. 2 „_•: : , s;eir ... sor ,
,ii_mL ,... ,.
l o "'". '' .11- 4 - i , 5 4 r..1`f ''' . ' - - . 7r. 4 verj l ua° 'rtr,thibedelllai4; • 'Will, ja. 4r.434,:ff krjs; 04. tii ,.., e grent:!,4pi, 0 6 , irl
, r , ...
.i , , demonEtrionoi. 4. , i Hi= itsiii, i4a. , . 1 ,,,.,,, 1i „,.. 5. •
st i, 4opt, 'hot - 941 , ,A3_ 414. 2_07 , ..... k , t_
i., .-.,. :-----..-........—.-. --,, :- -- 1--• mg • - - Btat — iii WilA taiiis ' -
—•., A . Crawford4l Nl*, Castle; Solfrots4-41.•• if, --,,,,--• -- - 4 - 1111 -
.., ~., _ .i.,.. a,. - 4,.._-!..:, tb .
-1' 1 .1 2 ./4 ' ; 041 1 ,. ' _ itic .li timit . . " 1
da l .
th i.. tri4g,:.! i fs:iiret _ of : f • Pi"
~r , „ 01, 4 , :.:i dr0mtic... - 1 W : . 'Cur .
~ ,,...1 7 , 1, 1: _,:.: V . , ...,„: ,... -, l ., : i . : . i i . ig e i r loe " e - n . 5. c ....0f " . in tri '
ibi th obvirci e ' f a Xis *Olt tay o7if e
sil iii - 14 '
i l d
1,,, - ..5-larsolte zeta :to '-e- th at" '''
AI, tt d d i i .-- lat-ax.-ita OAralo4l'frr. " ''''' .45 1 4,10/ 1 0igaiWik t
' i kelh&g, tit emit
mion. !
!lion presiding.. upoh the aPeniug of the
ttavtigleeiiW, Elerfionor ttlifeila i brief
i _ ut UPgiaItAIMMOM - 1s -of
re,Par, in-Whichientitired forth
~a num
, _.
- , 2 . lLeVie i tr us tZ ot
s;ltutt ai r Vtiventg ,deltolLip corn-
!mon' sate Vent dine*" " . I * u ...1_• ,_••• .. I
4 452 1. 1.; - • Irtt r 4 h ,- ;? 4 ,42i .." 1
p r it il s
Governor, for .Eben zeri . Idartin 4. •seine time
labtee r eonvict 41al citt ( 4 l 44lllfiteliint) ,
i llevas . howeier;,..ta r ente,FAiito t:t!e944nizance to
,linswOr:thethtititif fdit - ttelt:iiiksittfdlalititcdy,'
'!of whirl he tr., i, 1 ,, f ..,, i , „ A l t ." : •
The Irabeas toiptis - Atli -Aiiintriii4ealth
... . ,
;vs • Pant, ..411,_,GoNort,';:ati1,4411,:praters--
I; were callttlYiti, t afie oi t inigailfoli; 3 and at
I , instanee 4,, i rl ti-40 ff goy, arll t founsel for
1 prosecutliitiAletbutiliblehhiikth prisoner,
i" #l ll- refli? .3 Eititktyefusttiatettace in the sum
•of $lOOO tO iircarit libtatreiht. • • I
il ecnalfry sAtit, va t ituus g ..,Logan---changed '
with involuntary inauslaughter—taken up, st!l
number of witne:attes,ealledandoahsained,,fter 1
which - the 'Set : OnTant "vil - tsliscliiiiiik. - 14 - K
1,0 84 2! :‘,..._ 41 4 11 , d 'u it t ciiquAt t r l A ° I. r t . ° :2 311 i
tthe P. Ft. wi &R. R., from which, 'ail fall
I • •
at Now' ftrightsta a lidlabar 7 , 91.8,1retsrs ofi
alle, was thra l i Wn by the suatiedbacking of the
tragi4ild A 4 10• :- •''; ..;;: ,Z.!? i Li
jo ll 'qty , ,siad Sarah Cl*: brotight. up,, oil
`'roe - fi n:' -'L 1 -- ' Al - the - osuri-ini
p,00,1, A sva r, enee _ `t o " . . c
.• k
'prosetii.iiansb,^Ouchaj their : :, :at r ..V.;` , ..::: H
I ' Yin. Kfun4dl..vs.:o, Dd...Astiapirll two•I
em - estieWl ;fitcia i ii=• to '\re't!' ;:iT ,4 ,g u !!!'!" --1
4ritiedl by• If iad for AkilaAtilf ...nut! I .lli#lso , tt :i for
Isladint:i: . The tialandosja t4e,isil list w*
eontitiu'ed rtntil Mare? . . -
Judge itll6'3lM wasin ..ver)-:: Noble health,
ie feeble indeedthat the, Court, Wes brought
to a auddiniolPse. --, Vet by-hiti,ifFs and ,
profkiptitedei in,the ',dispatch Of I-bun:44°e:-'et .14
raised jorhselfivbry high in l ,the elititaa44 of
: igt ir . ho litre pre Sept - luring 0 0,-,: teesi c of
tleatintrt., - i.llltl is to be 4topadeokt4ineiral›;
thi(ehe Wilt eredily iteivir ail - :am idnitiii
AAA has so" invert - sited - his siatent- - _!
eacli e rs: mule. 7,t1: female; 104 l'avel•age an - ! , . / an :Clcar ,
pretfent. The debate holly..
los of male teacLer2,lyer month: 8; , ,71:1 of teil tlu of al: per 00118 except thbe privll- . -
ci.,: . e, 1 teache:4, , , •...!..",.t.i:;".i iidual)er :or male lg ed 1 " lic
~ -i 97:, ; of female i:.'agfees'C-1 1 3f,:teaellhag 1 -C-re :! . 1 "" ri(-11 " Yer Y 612 "" itih g , n l ' o3l . 131 1
‘__. J. , ,, ~,
.. , 4 w;: . 6 I,he'speecbes li.,:ing. riatl from 'via titit -3 / 4
, e.l - soitolar.,. per ' taan.ll,!,_-.....i;&yeb, elpta . . , car : I geriK. - (N
eliwil purpoeTs, $3:l 5 i 12.t1. . , "--• At 4p . .M ..,_ N T r. st i ek:eni . ma,lific .. d
. . 7- 717.7: ----- .1 -..-- ..: ----- 7 - 7 ---- . : :., '•,:c ~. hi, -enabling biii, .w.hiph -. , wit's . :undoi'
ILEIBAt-7 , 1.?.—:•)a ,rf•til , " last, "it ifv-a-airf! vloiliviv . rutiquz,F;roitriiiing Out '',tliu - sqiC.;
he I.!voc if ou'eti heciinie 4.‘.1
refraciurY,'-1.uitl 1 12 : •' ; l'ion al:1cl) was'. aimii& - tip aelz•nrisil.
log Liu -dereat respeet. ' for ...adirar . tafaaron ? ”..: edge ;be f i:andity of thripreses4 South:
yt ts t.lkea iit!i0::: by :he OffiCials. and banded i ttrjt :SI u . te - governmenea. 'As modJfiedi
• •
vier 19 Sheri ff I.i:teti. lie;cllls.omselPg Fir ii.provides,only that 1431111 penple l ,ishije
;Wont, and, ite believe, ltaila,• originally . frc t ir7 . lnnd blank, - shall , eleet.tfelegates:tri 114:
It entogo aUlli.ty. iteing . able to dig t.oinevroit, 7 . ten4.3nuthorn`Staten;' nrf,
epllVOnt the: first
i e was reveFei tti
o, ttralop" •in that 1ine,.. 1 119! - E.Y.n,
y next, to:* State,
Gut utterly ati - d:p6•6itritority refnied la do's4,l tyltich etitlyeittitlft:44 '0 fora; a 844!
break thin (donatitut ion, giving 611. persons except
iud threatened to g g'neroily, :
1 • sup e .
imi do Lamy 'ot her -vicious clihi - gsi .4 bimilar, , t•kost vv . hoihtivta ki"eakn in rebellion, equal
and. pui i nical privileges. i- This'
eque'Fts were' made of hitn. c Under the eir- : divit
• ~ - ` ' cratistittitiori is to b@ - subs itted
.uuv.v.valves it, \cat thought_ prudent:to bring ~.. , to'
i -411:494844% 44,194;14
!fsiia k ietirj,kt,
• 7-
-Irsellegfastteme one erdsolchtheitenso
04401A4,WforA, et
*Wel nee' befghtelf..,
1,0 ItlitiAcer). efihielfeWained
Mi dire ,
_,Litging,Tiil of e VET
i r tiodia by. Onisthlig t bdri..' .1
iintllo luth itanusiiiiingu..
ki of elot
ty l'n rs.
k4k l A CAht Co
eOM • LO el zit t %
house, but litißstitiffdoaiff the efaible.
944 - 014:4;1041:_iiikkeri4miali
; at tieles were° found to be miss%
*rt.' •
guar ppe t ,is 4,l l c tu faat,g,tbatab ft aromdy
were in ttieglbi t vieltll/ thel6lle, and
4 , . 0. 4: 1 4 4 11 1 ItikftWAITIMITAII6M I *-01, t
ger absieedutd:bavautprettntOmaninding
,and corn mideeibe"ertiriWiliithout- be.
in ior o gicvmpagedi
T "e l 'to 'Ol 141,ti l e 4 b i egVifYipon
Mr Rosenberger, 18 said to beat.
I who, no 40 1 1 14 ;14iad , 1144:1 12 0 117
!ey by bit/920166671
a• a iti
j U di t 1044,T r Selicu fic -? Tll Iter q
both,, U. heldstptc *aims/ogle(
Jan: , 22d; j 8674 the foklOirtultforlianthlai
and resolutiontu: were 7 , 1116 - 10iltiogfelif
adopted: •
IV hm,,pleafed Almighty
Crixt : tbrouffiv,e , frOni our' much re.
epeoted -and-..lamented Brotlier,Ltra,
iitrinchard, ,peintty
V4 . .,afrijiitekof :this Diittiiot;
Rasolced. That. while' We bow it: hunt
hle enbmitision to the, will of akin.
ruleth Heaven and Earth, but at
ploe.o the lose of our,beloved Brother
and Ut..oeiate.
R eso bol, That we do sificerely sym.
pathize the byreavetitw o idow and
'sillily in tit. a . thair . day - nEafflika,ton,
and wo can hot; lelp but feel gratified in
the thou g ht, th t ,',t, in ber
Bile_ canOflect, 17d kpiti,vr, e
eympatbize with • for, and' that f irei , linad Wits - ahltfrecti<allikte and kind
father; u warm friend, a good eitiigo,
au. honstit Mau, iind:'a tent:, Odd 14;01-
1-° " -w • - I • - ' ' -, .'
Itteeeiixd, That . the. membei 14 ,of t he
Lodge *ear e usual badge . of in 3t1,74•
. 1
ing fit- oi It t3'. o:ky, la, find thilt,theLvlci
be clothed • in L-k;.‘tunizio. ior. ti4li. -- 's
-Pf the foregoin'g t : • -NI i. - -. •
(7111 P; - .•• . , . . ,
Resolt7e(l, Tinit. a t...Qp:ii•,.... F .1 wi t tc'z ied t
i)e sent.. to tiii , floitressed,leidii*Tl , llllsO . 1 . 1. •
, ~, }
iliat •it be _sell t..V.0 each ,
of Itle meaver .... ..r.......,.. ,:-. :..n, 1 I T.
f ' hi' In '
oilmen .or pu... te, i-1-1. 1 I 1
' CLLICKS -:—' EWELlil 1
1 LlESE,l,l4hines are- e L detit.eiffel eve ',le
.. t uls we may ay-, . - 1 1 , • ' ''l • 'aiirtOten'aticimit,ierrieig;sritralltintret
-- .."'-' IiTLIVEW-WAILE , '
Tho circle is brokenone'seat is forks:ken, • ,:. , ....,.. . 1 . . . 1 ,-. • nom the finest gauze; to • the thickest Beaver
one bud from the tree of our friendship cs alba, ' •: - ‘1 `1 I' 1 -• cloth without any. change in feed; beed:e or
ken; .- . 1 .-, p , a ik N. 0 te -- ,000 - .*lvi rAii . 'Pe" two 07 es wittutTloqij
- T.• --- CFCP 6-3:40,
I •
One heart front among u , , , ,n0 longer shall th.t•ll'i :.
.j.. .
~,,, ..... \ ..; ii. ! ~, ii f r ..- ' ti:leaiti/ :1 4r1411 pliToll4r4 *Ili?
;Vial joy in'eur gladness, or grief, in our ill. '!. 411.1:i1CA.5.. \ 1. 0 ES, ;-[..?•'' -.
.! .. „ c -- Lin iiii ea . 11 ,:t ir d . 4e k .,:; - 1: 41 :., 3 , 2 1, e f d a t - :, ibni4 i, t h e ' r „, 411 „,,,,
WM••••• 11 "#/,:t -,-- -) - • - i • '' ''• I` '''‘' '' '"- :1..' '''' -' `I.. '- - '':. sk . ' kit, he can return itt and fla.4'.llis ; money.--:
DT , - VrtiKtiturF'. ' 1 -: COm ifti ttde • --.• ' t : • • 58',' FIFTHN,SaErrit::-.: il,, i*alai*itriaCric SUM II ~1 -,Rl.itc)les alike'
-'jgs i tag
. :,sI ANN ., II ,S , ~ . . ,' ' '''''. . - :.. ,'.' f ' .:. :1 ~.: 'V
-+•y l e, ~.,4''.,.-...•1; . on,botit'slttet.''-vrfiieV 4rilt ert , rhi"or-tavel--
14 4 .
I The ca.ap,...: mar the by tridnty pin• cent. in
I • Sk it a- 1111 0 0 ,- -,--ii.‘,l ...., -,.: - ,,-. 1 7' use; - Artirranted forpfintr yirs. :ft has been
:T.-, 4.. '",4 . 4r , v1H1 ',V-r7.1, . -- ..5..„,, . iiit-raiittrih,* ' lied Wilkie phtesr — fer.tenlacis, ALA lin 10 7 J
1 101?:A.,Be 1 1 1 - I ". 4 !P'eA'"?-it-Wittl i i‘',i, en setisfaction in all oists. Plata Inielt - up
ValtY'saffs Os ',.. ~.- .•:\ _ - , A
_, , 6... 1 12
.... 1 to mal t iegony,kelaiti.llith_peitrl,,, eityer.:platedl
_____, , 1 --, '''K -77 7." - ,..,,,,,„., , ' 1-: ' , 4, -.1<, , ....,.4,-, viand ristaitheel '''''Nk • i.:.^.....,'',..•:,.'„-,,-. - •
o.lnLbileNlss.''.Nu irs , ii - E SAL - • ur-k , 4 ' The attention •et taiiers , ihoeinakers, and
' - ''
ftiAti.E • • . ''
• h- .
`V. A . FAL . • 'if. ,-, 1 170'311'1nP31.1 i s c alled to ?'I• 3 .
„,_ 1 \„.:t.•,z1,... rt4i,z . ..--',i..., ~ . ......f,'...,- - ..,-: - ......:,,
.1 ~.,..
' - • ---- -••- N t h - .... •.• c . f I ,- - AL.9O, . , 1 ,
•• y virtue of an oi'd'dt• o. 1 40 .1.1., „
_alk ors 1,
' i' • ttd...•:- • - ' .-..:3 ...titer ~ • uptomiloignod. ••
,- • • _...._ ~ 02•0,4)0--)1
aiirnA'ftibT .
• a .
The ...nteres( raanifeated tlie. re
eniistriv.ltiqn question ywas again tifine•
bed 1,9 day` L!' attendatieeAf
spentilt.iffira in the lionea. , .I.llindre .i4
are bie
ile , =to go( gatikti ici e
of the House
,*as rt
one titnego hat it 'Wesiiiti,N"-
. :' • .
- ' • - •-•-•
ill ' It , . : . 1 4 37 01
~,=. a .
, , .1
. 4
.: .•,i ",•,„. . • it., . ; • . 4 T .:9
: . 1 . 1 a!r. .. , ' .• ' s' I'1I . •C. 3 '' + ' tri , B '' ' 'r- - ''' .' ' r •
I f orme r - ' • .6 k. - n • • tuna the Publio that lifter this Ist of Jon.
ti. •.'L ' ' - . t -
_ l4 - - ,T: - : - ' -1887, be *Mho Prepared toll., private
his Thu/ 1.24± kritr i Altir . gig
i „...„," 1 ssions' in •Nlusiodlo ALA e. - may favor him
; soak aw a mow .. ~ . , r.,-,-:„. , , 'di their patronage.ns "ven at 'the
L .by James Ise ilsit lir . Ihro•-17!. • . ,
. . ,
~irl oes of, pupils or at the room of the
P l ,
' . übsoribli: - "Clarlestioderate.l! : .
1 9 i. n lii t tr i a 7 4 iiiidas..l"*.C"
°!th ikg4hParaTYPIIM
•t B fete tt
~..f. 0 . _ 0
" e iran l iStiel l AV a it1iK 66:4331
,•, - •
ii--- .
1 Amaihit= ..•._.- 1 c v -pARTIV,ERS I LIP :NQTICIS.
pa 4.he ne i yillAget ai W- A , itt I-4, 16- a iitiCtitn
iEconomrii dfflPi-lir: -
~. Yl lll l4 in' the WATCH, CLOCK; . AND JEWHL
*O3 ;Zto . ija i'az.nt*S tc-4 t.'-:¢e ) , BlTSWV l 744l l 3lEAPWilfalkoadwaY ,
t 0!:i Jan: -4, 1887„, in-jeegitt . 2
~. d i ii a i h i atteg i r r , nitga ,
' lleir l4l 4 0 Witli P el* 46114111 ‘ i " 4011 - 11 - Nero of the firm in the lure. i Portions hatrl
- . 1
• P ,mayiiies..-
..;. -II = I. C. 4 LEL •TE
Z Stll lt
• Ttio filo 14401 4,14"!: ° , 4/4 1 40SISPI
• reoidOloi ef,lroilbir, 1 4 0 1;:4 Beater... l
on the 4 / 1 1 . , Bm.u.r., of
&boot 70 l eers.
, ,
lp ?
1- 0 ittadelbeirl
Fleur 41ir
, Disied:Aipleb per lotbaw•"""- * ' 1 4
•40 esebbis •"
Wheat qi is ' ' ;
' irrdifirkti
2 00
c o i a . • , 16-f
IliA 8 e
,iii, • • ,
2. -
26.. 6
' ~ .. - : :
•••••••••‘.. k ...irf • • . ....... . 41. v.
p ota t e 4,lo , wt, - .1 i.-,..1 - ,gur,,, -
Oni 'I -80
1 SO
Or °Zlil' aitii": ...1.11 J 4 1 - ' ..
• _... 100
. .wigierdpplig.:.: ,• , I ' . i t
4.1......... 11 0
. 10
eqraids,,,o.E. -1.
..1.,:',1 r. %:-. - • '
1 ,
i • CI ....I,'. ;,•••* . '
1 , 1
i li n gga u s t m te s ; TA 1 •c i
y, • 1 ' - 2
• --:. • 1
Candles', '
) • ';t, `_ ''•! r'"'D44.- 1' . ;' : 4 .) 11. - L
c:,...' iiii " 4 "
,_. .
The oil market in Pittsbargh. osk Mots . -
lasp"ietil: lialll7 - iiaLiileialsbe I die
largest rep red • o . r some stele. grude r ;i l lie
3 ' il tali 14 :jets st n geliSig : : Sieiheny es.
still elos.ed,J cr . 1 . e ..!' •. -.,.•:-,--, '1.. , ,
At 4thi eili - udiin l iseirss 6101i4e 'tin' NO
dn' , T; ll lnkilifif,P. 1% - 1 4 1 Pe r '0 1 /0, 4 /", l' , ,k
for eebies eqi- ••the +Wee "Ler, e'quiit
of oil mild ittehreeje l ksrl egOitiargeq s a y
11 1
Wiwi' hare' r —eiic l -y beeiriolirad :wait-`ship:
3 * ,10 ,.j Pri, 2,1061/00 1 4$41)A 0 40-_,*
barrel at the Whitt $2.10 at the welli , i
At: stnititi l -i+ inig.WitL- t o - e oil marksi
4a 3 *la° b1 4 . 1 . 7 . 1 7-4' lll P I vi iii1P!',47 4 #4 1 7.7
.crivie.44.o,4 ikikt: , wriii; , a l 4',l l 44 , 33l4liio ,
$2 50 at the osier.l , :: '.4...,, r -':.; !. : , '
DUBS 1. 1 30 • ".
' f .1 ‘ ,
' pE44Aii,
iVer 'ioiiikty; •i ti
the %It= WEIV-A — rivi.Pre#l,4l l o 7l
fleiOste ►
sipoi_fe PAbis.
et-er7,- - eli the ptiFieeil-eer
Iday, Februar44 21st,18CT,
ip, m. :he followitki4l , eperbej
4 . /ad AistiViw Elairoreco,ALi
i At : 6*cl situa,ted
1. gotifh — be wrap towas4iiksiitititki.
tiotnilled =Ake s4ito4
erebittOr 01
rremitt 6F - oi
I . Thur.i
at 1 o'clocil
real estate 0)
.an 4
hodaty afotl
.-----• .. - .v.,--,
of Win., 41.1:11i'tiiiht, iiiiTilTltosth;-13,k; caber.
land? .of .
.ti!iiil testalok, recenklx iiiiilt_toEliiir;
and kHeeitni, On •the, eiWit•hy laid:oc..Jiiiipt.
11' A lfi lin t ,S4,
:other lauds of
n .testifc , iir tl kotO
tcp south : by, iifikoflliciunte r.414 149 U
taltdokATfrM SOS. i4 ) i4o-uisstel i utt4
Wiich are
.ert44:-4./4i.q! l'w9 Atiiii, iii 4
scori Vow wfiAD4w_ilauaaielfe4:o4:.
far•lntderne ~,bo- i Pcitico io 4welffsi, p
Large Tw o tort'
Brick" Wookit . Feittiair, ;with i a.,
basenteuk, i of at , tute,•94wiikalctleFe4arY
. n.Fnir, .11" iii-o
- Payin g' ; tho building and mactinery
being iii good order, anillotcoposiity suificlifil
for a large insnufacturitig Ittitin . 1 . fas.l:_,.
whole wster.power. of the fAittlelhavir toTe . h.
isl e
IS anilifblellor in taciall PT" , . . 1
Vpairt Siistiließsill,' ,144-i mi 8 ' 1
guid:iii"iiddirdider.y. ;..S.WW B T tiliteiryl
;;rant Dwelling House, with Kitchen attar h-
ed, double porch, &EI - Xlio, a good doutite
Frunze Borst, wick gooil'stonc-losuletfondsotk.
it l!'"Est , WlNeoft'Shed:ius4 cOits : cil.b•: T
41 , 10, 11
Iwo Story Frame WarehoustkUt4 o w o
log :renew Ri?tr,ton4hii-rx.tWilff r' , '
-• 1
I ; The Itnkorensents on the thief anises ibseri.
bed are -very Salilibli.. Them. itailwilesi is.
excellent iiiid well iiiiciroirelL Tlittrattal
otlieerliundings arsi well and:substnntlillysit.:
' '
i struoted, and the location & good 9USIOPSS‘st" . -
ufticturisit Iptirlioses: .• `. - ' -
. 2d. • Abuil=iill thi foi "''
lifitiit iiiiiiiitliginolicp
or pareeksf • land, sietuite ,-llt Ditriikeli 4 . ;
Beaver ofinoty„ beundid ottAe'Llirlest - br lesti
of vim. giiiitey Klifilit,:osiatAitaitii by land
of !Utah Cliantberlte, ett the; . easit., by• elitist.,
lands of sal& Tialatm.lisitht 4E 6 south by.
the tail raci of !de 'hide, • aanfaciery or
other landslof IldliV4l44lttilXintilliklit about
150 acres, Saco or liiss„obbut BO islysll.4•4
ohniiiiTii%divilli'adt*liir'ol Mal- lai
Wiiiifhisoira' ialwilw 14birts0 01084 0 8180 '
shed & ; fruit trees an tliCripilt: o ilk' -
P llOll- 7. 1 r4 0 :- ,, .: : . , 'T- ;:. , F..-ik , ..f...t-:•_-.,} 1 1.1_,'
,Tbk abo:TO,1);15. .. . .; 3 / 4 A 4 4, ,1 , 0 9: 4 .:1
'Man& 4 stiles.rrow. I) • . • • , • • '
null. frotultheasrasoi4 - .' . t* - •
lingses=eo l l4:49ed.
4iately-ti • Inita
Pallileee ()!tillitli - W.,14 0 10. Rail
'tray aw n the valley.:Of the 'matte Bearer,
;throe ~t e cod.and.-oilspeoPi t ilrir,r.'
.att tte t.' 4'#: R: IV Sit Iberia% sher: i. '.• ."
• : TERIVIE-Onit.ibirttoinahsi Parchss Sso'
nay on the , coiifirmaticui_of the-sale by he
men 4 front - the Onte.sttlit.oquhu4o lB . 9 1 . 1 0!r<
'fie 040 81 64.4-WM ‘...j, 0.01 PAW;
.itiiiitilife l ...scOWed-h.YRIWI NlVflussor,"!
1 • _For' furtkor Won:lotto Applyle t tlie unue,
,sijkied'a hiiiiiiiiandONLlli - ti*V&llit*:lN
iddresirbiii ait: itittinioss,• P.: , 04.111 . or
•04matjr,"Pli. , • :•-- "-- ~ 1 RIUBICLWA V. •:,
:ralr4• . 6 Bier , of Issiiiill , ofai t ablett
1 , 4 t: 9 , - :- : , L'"! $ .:1:7;1.-z-f-.1.-,i1J, •;.: ts.uta c is 1
- . :: cp-i-,..- 1 • 4;341 e...:::t ER :91..^.Y . :4".1 1 .21
• I.l ‘ 'Dr v itn ant on,:
~..L., . ..„. , ~• 3 .c.:.1,:f411,3
ISurves Phy s i ci an 'A,lPonlion urge n ;'
iliiiiiiiirh4 f;
, rtit ..;-; •.. .listiy?.4,'qEizir. er
- r.. r T - - t,' ;-- • :
re*: .5
Aftr %,
h 205
tbem fopthem
lees indebted will plessemallerid settle Willi..
tdisinlyd • C. V.' WINTER.
jan9l37:bt ,-• ". ' .
1 4 4pic i fib FRAB iejogaig
• •
:tl 4o(fiklikVl4lF 74l . l6.H.
-"` ..r.z?••
•-› -0!:• ' - -3:•=4
~i~c~a'~: ~.~'`~~~e~i
, ,
• ~: 1.7 ,
• " *. T . i_C •P. ' 5 )
mo=w44.• r 1
,EE-/ A G
'-'6ltOroi; tolls foiiii4 c • -
139 E
114 64 1 1"1:
• .4. c.s..s, 4141.:,"
c; , is , :. ' , L, - :" 7.!' l'') —: i !.''-: '`,.
Tiii — int;airriber again itioeta)iii saimeicinn
—rligrani;yriOk ,
Cu!,.hristmtif-Tnir presents
over - offered in the (meaty. •.•
• , 11.
[4146' as
&60. 0 0,6
2g,l:Wi s g . 71* :;
• !gewiing,ll•litO:hinek.
- I s - ,J44 11 1N G MACHINEIS
19447sqst$4 16 : to years, and licensed.,
;*inti KnitOng; Mashing,
is the- best_ in O use, 10d stY
kind L'l_lsknrswill P,sirs-sloriAs‘tas.Y-
A f t lkilftir.FOZ , (3lPr mod ; LANE ; AND
- - .
qui.D.fl otvg DitEssgs._ Any person
.Isarrlnfriax..:t. A.isa, • braict\!# 1311 bioidery
tiliFiki:iti"*Tie Sire; anti mpla
t..40/".444Vi'S.`If.AtiTED. ie; dross,' 'fib
' It. IL LotiSi.. ,, • !..!
• . -•\ • Olinerals.4 4 ea11,:: 1-
:Umkrmkt 'Cathithitt,
a Piitt %,
aita!s! \
ser4l4[2ll Booos, of bi s crW• Brightim; te the
*sok for Deaver county. ; ' -
i t tlk
....._. . .
videvid• Are i 1 IS , - '
oxat. Box or B . .Poirr, t l •
t;`i . .., , ..New Brieitori, Jaii. ;2, ..!‘q:i . • fi .
, fFrl'reroident. and Direeiore 'of . ale ilink
: . s#‘fir tliio da
-crsideplared a DIV7DV.NP OF
~ watT. - updrilti CaiiitalStocks mit.
Xl i
jof ilakp tp, of the • liet ' 6 months, pay4wle .
al . .' Sae oderi . or then legal reilrefferitativei
l'oti ' Iliti Of !meta:beat tax. ,1 1
i 1
5 ,-814141100 the Board:. r.- ' , -
;-,1141 , 1 : - 'STEWARD BOWS,. Caotriek.
i :
11111.ECUTOIrer Non.LOS:'• 1
-tgic a
s' i.. ei Isttqi iiiiiik•nissitiolts
i -r . istiap',4sf i nt,i4Aill:rijc - tate of Nair
iv ea.* !tone 1 14irer - co,. deed„ -lilting
wu l tilis
itieest "044 4he Andirsirded; all - persons'
3r t zo . 101 4240;40" ',to_ ißild resists
OW* r a "tocPVKlll4niflAti . RaY 7 W. r.
las tig ' IWlnt„olaimikoisitiet thii,samt.w.lll
INDOi Llii,si . privit!iilt : llmond4st,ldter set "
' 1 i t ai rF* '.- :,- - " " C!'w:l3rigist°l•:'
K,the snbseriber,
;n4 6111*
224 Desiensl*, in 3143
aillielk•tar).46-4 1 1 1 1—
mar in torahs w e_not. on nose. sup .
:ousit* , _trY 4 Pki am. kT°rTs~o
4 1 4.i 1 F-11 31 !li• er: — •
, • liTf!utf:
Atairtita l ls jlte Of St
• •Pi.IT ce444' •VeßtraflrATrt-1'...77 „!:
`"f r ."^ ""rf •— • 7_47- --1 ,
• :,..414,4%/3/47Y•414L4 44 9:4.000: 4 , ', 1 4-
ilitfutoi - • -•
• .&fiir - oWtfillrlt iffitiear.“.*-;/44 - .P• 'AL •
ft=for tale COrtaisktly,c. r . .• •
itswAltislWy4.„ Be PAID
ft* pilitairft - e r t ie racir i a ---- r .
. rat 414 . 0 . 4 _ 3 _ o4, _ 7t
..; ,
,„ t
Itl r s to isßhA t crs, for lit t
.- It l M B
r - =
-''; IT- z..-',.4,
i i=l
. -
' 1 3P072 1411 - WE 81HOOA
as:7l.:Ta - r 4 •
1.4 •
115.41 4.EOP , e
6 T CI •1
a A
.L:.. liclrtt - 111P s
, ,
, .
.•. ; ,
D F -
Et-;' tY4 FS . 'YtWitE
4• • z
T 11.14
1 - '
D1. . A33 - 1 1 9 -, r) . -1 0-F IlzsTEß'
:I '1
pricex - i 'astt:l*.ll all
'Good ! , of, }o ,;; ? ry tigst,7: l '
: ip) ion. scold
Cif iihever.
ruiv u
Gaol Prise
do .
•, Rants4 . Stuffs,
• "
Canto:it Mattiel.,
:41.d & Flapriels4
b 1 arre~l Sr.. -. 7llilied do
• 'do
13)o . itql
Jaiici i Gaps
TOrnilYi n g 3 ;:?..
ar hibbons,l
.a dads,
• stc., - 10c1, etc
at 1i.(74104:..
real estate ' . :•.-
S6A - e - er•l'en
10. 1., . ,- A '
of Alio .lode
lane, &c., ell
!chic], are 'cr
cesosd ; a lak
S z7solati and,
- •- teed eellar
' i' go , Nrcist4,n, -
-. trams ciwutil
' •
, - r with four `rd
• , • t stdae ba -, ,,-" ,
. -.., r j . underneath
. • j • house. seal i.
.1 ' • . • ' i two story On
, '
. I , ,', house. ri d of
-. 4 ! ' • . i • I and
---...-,- Tfic • prices of 11-i ', urcusv•l' , :! t
• : • J ,• j.i, ilu,..i,6lflaixj. 4 .
hove Gooch; we .w al r ratit Jess ~,,„i i: , ot; .
= - -
of fzi" ' 1 - i •'''---,
Ahhti the .SaArie u aas .00( a. n 't•II n' 3 11 ° 11
f l It I - 4. * .A.
can be .Ikoug It, or wes t .0 ek 4 ,,, i k ip i , b,„o,.
iTlOUntailM. ' ' t- ~. :sr, by Inuit o f.' II
1 , . • „t! treat Qr . par
_ . • :-- .- j i scribed, cord
; „I t c A ti b l ° ti ti :ari , ..iri ll '.;
_. . I t well .watered
- .• i the retni-tt et
.1 ; i 1 N.e. 8; 'A
: !, i i s.feresaid,-bo
' Kenzie and t
••-I ' i seat by Ace('
43Tidleg.S1 p" 0 ,,i4;
-end o
i above deseri
, 1:11 .
t: ', '-
.c3 g r . b
c ih o e r e. ,
..o a : e d r: l ' dar e:
f t i o : a a t it mi
t e ll ' e l 'l hrilNi
i t ' :
~ ' .-p" in the p
_- 1 { iafaresaid, .
j.l No. 4. Le
I ',lief' afot:esai
I IVarian, on the
lie - alley On t
iroad on the ~
1 04 enclosed
..1 As purpert -1
1t0,.-L'ir Ito
leti . off ite'B
by Waliok-T
' &e.,being-i •
Led tte'putp4i.
1 e*id; , : '
-.. The SIXITS
eoliel.d. ProPe
in 2 calmer
eeismill be •
Tikes— l'i
tolurpnid e .
Blurt, one-I
in tie yeitie l
with interest
staritiente le '
For further
D'resg-Goods in
I variiety ,
-Trench Merinos,
I <I
oburs,' :
• 'Etc., te.,
Cheaper - thafi ev,er !
Blankeis - ,and 'Blanket , . Shaw
At real barg ains.
, ; •
~;= . ~_
emember the place:
• Ives bilks
Viig4o . l
tllit Of -
t.T1.4. 1 , . 6
'll 7 eXlr.R i
_ .. ..,,,,...,„,„,T..i.•
._ .
WHOL — Ski & 'tett:Al t ,ti: -
MIER* Oil; •
' -
; .
• '
litousit Turn
?WA . /
' S 0
_. '~ ...:I:':f._
~x~ ; s
- 0,17
Tiu RoOftu ' g,
, Execiito
. .
By Tirtue
. la#
out-cry., on th l
T• U ES.
et 22 o'Flecl
1- •
in .Darlingionl
tho estate of.t!
. .
and on Which hp resided at the, time •of - ,11110
ojeceasi, tidjoininglatfils of 11.'.!...!'e ocbrsin 41
OW ziOtill„ Rei. J...1A*0(41.0n tioe7eftei s, Silo& •
billetoy on 't l e' will , : ITV R._11.• .1.F.•0141•4041 - 1F
south; I eontai Mg- 4.5 ~dris.'ill niiiiiteillitie
Aliqut 30 a.tre excellent - buttons ihni,clearedtr..
the balinee g Od lead. With ' f a 3 ;foot rein:of
coal unilernes 11:
. ..Itnin'otemente; a good two
story fiume once, frhmit'linen t ;milk bons.
wpith honieta 4011er : opt .buildings ? ...itleitlf
er Vigil 'wet , :fel thfewitte i• lit - •flrefllath. UV
hi the.barn -eircl, and afgoofkbeciiitg orchard
on • the .preishies: • , Said -form 'A - within Cute : -
half mile of,,
Ilitrliugteri. about tn':t tulle:W.lm
New Gentle& tativa, on the I'. ft.; W. &C.
Rmilroad; wit ...lecke:At!, thttrehei, i r,,rr.t.o. sitesite
t ~
sAW i tnitli'ali onvenien. I . -; [..,.•
1 - ',TE . ..1 - 1 S —"Iwo- fi fths Of pnreifatie tnotes ,
it( ,
(1 .,
hatfd' on eon rmation of site 'I., y the Court...- -
balance in t. -a - Uinta. itnntial . ytimi!...nte from
that date,w th int-ei-em.-thereon from came
date; tir he,tte.tured brlamd and Mortgage. •
- For furth,n infOrritatlorf.inqui tt of li. lliCo..
Ekti.. I.earer, l'a., or the
„node ;pied, Now ----•
.- JUSF,i'll 111141 1 TA1.N..
Ex.'r of the Ittet will of Wm, 6ri:f.cltt,:l:ic".l.‘ -
_l , 10 ots
I'2 1 -2
:fA2 a 16
I Al tr i . ,
Beiwor, Pio
_ , - No.-
3r, AwA-':sige
. 41E.CYFF.Sli r'
good iatPree
00 - .the'tcci4
- '
1 11411, .
1119 Artiotes
iwteral as,:ortsnaii. of
- ,
fr.S r .: - !;...."...17)
.114 A" 11 4 PS' ~17‘ : 4 " .
1 ;7 . : & 0-,ket--
m 4ler
,"P"1:2., • • • •
ts ; LOCKS,. • •
STRAI. 111:`bES,lo.'
-C?#t V s 411eL4 44gt'
• .1 , k• --
SpOut)lig "awl lioiie. to,.
- • • • ; 1 •• •
NO 220 111101OW.VIc i
jsii~.:~i.::.;. i
Sale* of Real Estate:
If ati.authoritz..;'.oflptaivatlilaXit's.
.1' AYllliitzt. Beltit‘i4;llo'oset3,"
.d writ soil u.t, Puhli4. voradue::or
preinises l
J oni
.F 1. l' -
~ --,
Y. 1,1- ital. 2601, ;Sill'. .
:31.-, -- tifi4itnibie isilitleftAte .
township.. Beiver 0ui.!3,, I'w.,
1 , a,said W Brit,tain,dit'll',..-
TiyT,E AT !)I'lf . ' FloN..A.T
of mi 'turar of 4ue -- 4).--iplxame
R li t
eay . iir coauty.rite'l.iii.tiaiiii
int i'd tiy said Courfi.,:ii.niitte.e
kte'of,llellece'a:Nlnie:iniin.if, :" •
ling* inparr!: toi - ',lit' Rim 711 7 4 .
, 111-Ve.:**lgh,
'the C...tu.t. 1it..11.e . is -Peak
.... _ ,
• D
Trustees app.
of reaiva
CE , :zie, wilt
-the f:)lloaing -di.. be.;
tu4teln ia4o. c,..uut• of
. aylvaaia,-
ntiony 'thir]etigis
i & •
Lac "Ntizi.. 4 2;-G - Paellareadigt,
utier fence!, ot, •
••cted the iiihiag.; of 'Lo
ge ut9ry i&g.i zt-it
I. ‘ l4 A;!*iiiiy l 4 IL„
i„,lerrext-h--.rle 4
i.I J.:•1:4
fr..rn & uk
41'4 _ 71r t
;w Patibilit c. •
nll alt-fini.ic4;
gyia, aua loigg % y ltaltibe
e tenant
ty . tt; tiutltlitikt... • Wol • b& 1 14410$1a
enterzao.4 ord'or.
kit it!. - • •••-•
b 1.70141
ei No- ' 3, bekt..
inng I 7'..t &ere& .9 1 ? . .74:2 1, 70 . 40* •
ea eicare:l, a ad ,i 4.& ifo&t, 4 t•mcop .
alanc t.iutltzr€4-_,-_;:ramiar4 •
deaiguatathas puriiart •
. •
• tract of hlid in ]hptowt...ab4i .
uarth - ity: land 9f tt: sr.. -
et No. 4, 134,Faintaftpr tlesecjiled,
. 3 /0 40, 4:44-,Hariot.hi •
et]. oniainin g 1 24!. a erei a kit 22 -
out -SO . aure4.7:•#e*Vdskliind in 9,
eult.iv ion L]?..*115.6 '
&tarot], a good Iptiaripg.;app*log r .
itremitee, and on
, r
ty'lliult aralat.
y .liouse; de&igutit kitr-p&rt• •
of and_ return of. Ilia' inquest
114, in the
adjoining landa oflfatriogkilist
.weat. 1 4nda.,..04 10.
Ensti x tlic
orth; . and i;1 4 1Y, ( .4.0. , 4910Rttik.-
cr s es ad• 27
i , perches, ele*re
g a.-
oyd 1.10111, /1714.1 DegignVed
' in the plot - andi atdratauraaaid.
a r l.ll. l nOehlikii.4A
of n ouLdeil .
- ltibriT.,Bli.rilee
t;)- 5451'et , i,enelo,letitLud .
the Ptoilind Omenti . krom •
Lbreces s lossits .- arnottett.o-11:11
'ty In, good cobchtiook lying teitit• ! - .
Beaver ; end will -, be' istati.*P 6 t , '-
t. described, or two Or iiertleirf,
tl4 together. I . -, - 1 ' 1-1 '-;:" •• .- f
e-third of the
,perohatit •gbimi,
coi§ftriostiott ht tile As7 - 3,/,'!e•
ird.its-spi seer ; lust Vhsiitis l
[ - rocs Aim. dots - 6f . .iitstSsagtithm.
reigt.stett-limo,l thltAetformil IR.
leettre,d by bond
inforenaLion ingrirl K tMls s:
e?ne t ty. Ps. •
, ,glip' t ilepoise ,o - n
! N.:5.. - k:ITENT-lIAS,,CON ,
:: 'for lli&eopti!ifi QV Zir 1
1 eileeupLot tiers. :Alsoiiii: tip
I Si, ifaiir Si. , pilistotirglit;i-Wr
1 - t , . •
.r.... - ~...'
.7,, _ .
"ifer t 't e ••• •
t t . 13
14;1,0 iff*,