The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 30, 1867, Image 2
ZZ TAM'S TH 43, tilp i ftsjiijwimpittrm ocin9lll444,s64l4W ifiwyt =CM I Ark luvorkilittift:' The . SeprethoColrt , al- the cunt feitletol eettiLtbstkithjAvitteliviy,eAte aft= to fe direst-it ifithlelot the edit - 4tie.fetiple..L-; , r--itrerirmairekTitibi; ;La, ith haikoti4hp 4 peopyi id the owl t uptin lA 1 part y . .... ra :1 g ain; 3 t . 1 ." ,*!Ai'elemeqt • nf the Union :t.vk , itfre 4 t at:ltd AAverie j liti Ctit . 4440'04 dectsiOn fs s tlirTib into. Titr. Local of last-week fitddlges in 1 .1 1. - of .thet-cor 9tr .' y l 4l leiiiiatore some very coarse remarks concerning - Aiiti ill PA I PabIA , ifoisPon'ool , 44 kt:Alkr. Davenport, *of Anis , 01 . ace, end 'PINIO ' su .- .." 'ifir °I " * .tb 4 PcaPtiCTrotn" l4 'hom I' cb i es him with bei n'• s t he" an tb or - of or ~.) ,wei-.Pl l ;*Attieq; PI i niOY a evrtain ;ditoi hal 'during our absence ; I ; 6l l'i r, °Oft: , P'!" { r ( lPe,Cs ' faith .r, 0 - 1 at.Pittibur"gb. Ho waS not its author ... . eroSc t meets, Up* therrigh tA t cif- the sq ,.. g Lace no. doubt hut that Lo -Litlipi i it,'ll . 4%-.wilti - 0 8:46f •.- tilia Mate, I eat klieiv be *as not It the time rt at - 13i ii titrOliticed - tt:ht,ll' in Cortirii,ntid tic ked him. We writeronr owh edito 7 utlit*,4lao l b,,,,en refit: red , . - t) tbe, udtctlrlale, si-b as tbcy e,h.., and for any ! Alf,Y- 1 0010 3 44 6 1 , P. 1 11 4 144% that All C. thing we . know to the contrary, /d,r. 01 imi Ittraighicbeferet the Elaprem Cour Davenport never saw t'he-one referred of . tte United ,§ttites, in w-hichi is in• lo,until be saw, it to "print hirritelf.-:-: dtiliWeve:validity, of United i Stele i We employed him:to a i l tend to o4rbu; hiqaio i ito f ":11 b ; , MI _ E r. :A . Ils rti} , „ 13 4 ,0 ~., ) 0 . on-L sinews tnittera while Iva were: 111 y, tution or. the oppoiliti c m a $1.14,e law not to 'write fer tbel divia, : it4d be toAsitir rojeral C nsillialon l , &Jail:b i t strictly attended to wha t ! he .wail ti , ili - - 4 .thlY • befor e '.11;-ftiti ties lY f irl 1 !gaged to db, and - iit --- Ah'ulg more d tIlls,;, tiiit',Vtißilnion et : 11 b e g iver, ge!nst - I Jag had nothtng to dui - thou, 'wit pre.. a t Ar i iitcd Siatii fie ate, with tit th , parihg the article in quewtion, it nd coAtkiriTlV: ol - 4 4i" . 1. Ike ' ll gs• 43 1 having no knowledge ot,it Until it •Its the inteaduction (ft tbis bill , oNection 1 ! i n ! , type, h as the 1 1 ,5 ed a1 .,,: a! coal . , 0 1_ !in! ,typ e , , . i L a I[l, . .. :I tag tii i'ijOi ing it; vi4on turcotg iiiis tiik . giil'Viiif 094pliiiwitig renlift. ,-,, i . _ .. .!. •- A ye5m0 0 1144.111, 15 -.i' - :-Tftio.r.tott li iva6 tip. .es, ttib events_ -pratiage ;of the a i t ;• and.if so passel , ttO . I,ep c t o i tis,..?r *i - nl .-. ay e i Ca ti el•rej ni i tnat an enornouipop-t . cai pp vet , ll bee takco" from fa bra ueh of t i he GO' e s rn ~ 4ttt 7 "ifbieli las''beither right, r , . , . , , , ~ attt ority 'cit. usteg it. - ' , 1 • 1 • ..._ r _..1..........______ t 1 r .1[ ,11.Coof&IttittOnai C onve ntion. , , I `'Tile Cluimbershrirg fßeposifrv, in long and fermi:lle at tick; epores 1 elertuptiar. 'that exists- in oitrSt.if i , Ok,tolialii.Ce,Lindic'a, - iinsi -that 'the t 1 ' eon. only tic rerrludied '' by Ip. Coosa 1.441 . Conre"nti , tn .Incorpo rat ir,.g . i our oiganie' ht prertsionitibst ° tial/ j; ' - i 1 , , 4...Th0..the iitiate $11,61 . 1 C:oll,:iSi o • ono hundred , atembisrs,":tp'bfe:choet ' 4 4ifiegle•distriets. ..,_ , • 4' l ! ,-.T - bi j • 11 '.. 6 tr. o.:uti . e: of 4 /, eOie 8 01! - .....LT - ESTON, Tix' As. January 24, es s 4 iiit " Consist -: of fouri ri luindred 1 8 67. _ : _ ,. .. f .. u 9 Gen. -P• 11 . 4S'heridon pm - AarA i „cacti 19 he ele?,,i':,!y if '.7 . •nt l deding Departnlen of - the 'rilill, ;,Vii-c -1i ithlKict ..: " "(..---:- .. ;".. [ -- „Orleans: The citizens. of Galves ton . 1 1 1 16i•all;Ityislation '•reltrti!igi -tiihi oishAn g , iv,e a (Ar i l o ,, c i nit, from a le ration intdreet4 shall ti , .. 1 by' gene !Steamer to the ears', to the remains of iTiii'lln.l "alit fc ) t 'P ecit a i i_ l ' lfil l ei n ' s I Geo. Johneoli. Gen Griflin , eoraibeirid'. I 40tater'prfvileges iv l l 3 -tever 11 ," .. 11 . 1 - 1 .1 ir.g. his iSaae.if a I proLibitery,.. cirSdor. Ifted• bat by the courts. r- •• Will yea giveiatatikity to the citizens . I ' htitt 'thee shalt be no siretiitli a'p',....1 hero to givern„ciii_eeeort , to his re -I.,,,Wiation of Inane iron - , .1 - 4 t- tri , :a . s‘.l ., . 3 . nainb. I n 2 1 ' ' I , -, for claims f'..;-evlit •uPcn i • lk j , " ( `'"'"' ''• (Sigt;r.4.l) Cuas. f it StErexcip, gayer. i rtin 1/ • Chas. A...Le(ingrd," 2 1 / a yer, !Gal- IN,"' kt-- 3 4 ,„"at th("-1n ,,,, e ', 1bg3r , A.4) ,. r , ',..'"n le ; , ' '.,, i ' v ' ' ..rev '. on r. , Texas.7-Stii=:l resetfull; de. Itilre - dint - ti-b, Pft. , 4 ev l3* `-: 1 " 4 ` 8 P.- . ••••1 cline to grant yoili request. I. hare forAlle,peritel. 61 . '„fiixty la A A CI h e ' •-.. 4 ' - i -,, - r - - ',tee much regard' for the :memory t f ,lixtiribited ' " flora li approptiati g, ,to the . brave men wtio 'died to preserve ff+.6lsalvt'''.-8'11:' a ddi t i ona l' 8911- f or 'our Government, 'to_authorize Conled progieted Se's. iiyiiii, or for eztra or ad- . Ihi - ii.ned , genitin s tjorbo.vityLdfit i. Bin .e n r at at n e y cl n e n iv e m: v s h tr o ati n en t b el o n ‘ p - e t ili t e o. r ii e ,r; ny t a t i o n y s Ou year. ; • ' '*- I 'l it. ' * ' I'. II .11E1111).1ti. i t. ' Ir' 61 That no iity . e.rdinate °Mar - shall 1 , - be appointed:ln either bratich,,or re- - I AtaLegio.i t ' • i n_• 1 - 3 .-S. A' ___-.1 ''''uie•o•flY eorol ) e(Ofatie l ' n si l -6 f r `j I ecs ‘ ' '' The ClO --,--- ver(Poot• lonleas a bill Ethan; bare. liege- ;piteged 1 : , • .by both.,bectichei! creating• the- - I oillee 1 'the editor of the Norfolk (VII ) Day . 'and detining-its daties.. , '• , „ •I . • • -gook, tiimself I a re'constructed rebel, -., 7. 'That no ihill [of- - any_ . ! kind. -sbeli f',llropounds and amiwers a long series ,paai either bran . cli;vVirotit reoririne I di: i e tino i 'n- his iiisu'r. of les week f tliv Whole rata on 'a dad • 7 t ' U 2 s, ' --•-.- ''' • . ' ill n ' a i c . zit Y ° - - t l- -L- r 4 tile last qt wlieLi are the followino. 'lf the,yeas a d eciy R. , I hre co — ca 7 i The people ebuald study the 1 cline- 1 •• 1011 -- alleged ! iblit a he*gir' la : ! fully,_and the aisktt,einsel ms aolld , -pcosettlef ally- nOmber of 11. nbers .4;1031 4 ` .- tiOsto - ifildi6ttatte , n) me e than I ,:ty .... i,, tiler:the, honor and go d faith. -,d,,• l i g : t. o ' p r c e ,. 4 -t ot i,,i, o - . f a i, d ; t b o " :. dy. A .1 17 . I pi . 1 1 6. Grover *Lent eau cl'er again:- t. S_ rt 'ji g e ''k u the r,ic k it4i 1 i?, 1 ,:,, , T4.41 1 , , ,e,_! .. . 4 ` , .4 0, f r4 r .l . ,:tottililud to th e:i re of tlie..t teen in the br i • lion* th, - or their allies in tile Nortl? ? resting the p oiligate'lli)pi•Opriiltioi? Q. Now that, the. ne-rroes are free mom!). wit:e , wliich tfipt - ly th Ll 14bLY II . l, i `:-., . , 1 .1 f• - 1•4 I'l ':- 1 ' ' 1 • I --,. ii we y• do t.iel.linace tingeinen., Tint ter, -al ' s " . l n " ` !, :='''"l'i )ul P`' s3 " . • I ''Surnner, Steves,...X:C.. ki;ep tip NIVAI a , - members, WO. NC IIIII- "ko 1) r" 1 . 1 ,IP• I 'Llillt°' bawl aboutt theiii ? , - 4‘. 13y thiii 'they - mare, nl , ifile idlo„'-eortinkVl wit lthe r. expect to -.kee p ,the 1 - ieopl!, of I..arieus 1 "iiiiiititu t ebti,'tint! 'frornlithetyP they sections of ti),o 4.ouetty .by the . eers; i t ifiliki.'•- j id4 ) Ltss . u . ta t n - , t i ir i r, 1 1 1 .. iii c. ,. r , l ytnd thn .. 4 . p , reeerat - them tbinkmg about • _ . , , ~r -esfogy- qofttitouTproseit4d ; wbilo i..,z Will th y succeed in 'doin. , ; so? t e . f-i•-al(,,,P.udt.i.te_n , Legislature woullci be too Onwielsily;X; ,N 3 I ' 0 - to - ,affc;rd ezi heti To tih . tists an , Q. Wtiy ! A. Beraase. c the people , __ bPputlitlnit . y-tto;; 4 l .strult .. (L e " liills:t Auglj, :are r,. bos. , in i nin to think.' "-. :, .. ! Q. %II y o the. peddle begin `to or give cell, ptlotoAts , t,t , ‘e , p wet , 'to l i thin -, , 14' so rer • I ,hard ? A Why they - kuY Piqecci::(lf Il*Pni-Ir and PrPfi I' i koow ar.d 're I ;that, elerYtb,r‘g. they . , . k I . • e en ti 1,3 lran m Lcgpslature, * ere II i tise costs a beet 4 t It re - cli mes at, much as , -. bibee our reeollhation, haii al wayahad I it,-:'ased -'to, l ead they are thipking 'iiiillnetiabe nOtortetY; and-if it. ,11:;is . 1 there all 01 # mono S vile anii w!liit 4.1 ...., , . . ; '" I •-- beeornes of it. vlbeeti itadiseilf ii, its ed.trapt as lem.l ; .i . • , . ~... il ,I. k 2.1 .. , , ... - Q. What.) to comg of all this bard ~.seintkfil; tide , ior 'llome .. ,at.hrer reformat!). th ioi cio ? A. The people are grfing, eorY tuell'llr 6l l l 9o l; hespeedily.,adOpti.i .. d,: to'act: -, i -_1 ~ .. _, tulL.tac.l.ll,4ean , !table- qaickly l. 'and, "Q. }row ? A. Whyr Somebody Out thaf olio .l4 s , 3 l"ol ot ii i od .out ,... , -, „J , ..., ' .West will - ru for Congress on the Be.' r . ;7 , -7 II '- ' ___, _ . ..... pucliatioh tittrimit, and, l it' eleeterl, thOa '•''' - . ' ' . s ' - ~„ ' ..-, , . iiereral 'others will ran foreongresion . ,," -"" 4 , 1 14iiii..P#ilid e!tit m rovace.r. - • - ~. ,',., •i. f ~,, • - .:,;•;, , -n, ..,.. ;,.: • ',• •, .7...:t ' 41e samettleket, and b 0 elected'' then :- -, -T,4l 4 l " Pir (4 ' loo lll,f ‘2""elullll°P°llliM% be- 'irotitebody- W i lli .r un for President:en • come aeliamedA .his many-ieteea,alitt 'the dame ticket, and tie _elected ' ;then then • - i-libllit' - bikes .`co tii o •i:Pdodging.'"L_- hill 1 they'• will - rJeconstract the Supreme ! -t - ,fo rt --.A .f lai n • it t 4 . 6 - 4'" , 0 ,, t i or i t, i l . l l i i ik-it ioit i- (ry ... 4 ' .l lotirt o .a n .. th ..s,a r ine , 'lc'ket . a ii d then' ts , _ • -7 , • ',..:1, I ,'n tlif , .. ~ '. i . .i,' 1 , comes .tsepti .. ta ion. , . -44rarteltTril l 91 . 1 9 ° .'? le rr'ng,. 8 4!Lr. .ID ,K- '1" Q. ,w bat repu - diitea-debtlo which .',s4l4Avirt4b@ir lifpitik-uP(.ln l ,, all, l iwill ' Dut * ltbe foitb Of be - Ilbited Mates IS col: i' , •••- we billia toiractfklttr:colorilbss .betsome a : Fein kly pled# , cl! . A. - Yes*--it was !I I"an ...116 , .iiitiOsitt f itti r ;s4w e hr s , it ii prov i t i,"k e ti trick ge tlfigi"thn PleiTge. :and 'lt` li?' ankle hat, keeps n t-e *lt islieiiiet:efelitAt ib'liir4 on tilt , ithi, 1 1 i r -- ' chicanery ._. . „ ~V.:' - ' . ~, . ..1,1.- - -i:, i tal k . about the pledge. - t. - ' - ... - i • . 0f,,.. , 16194kur . , .ajtki as It° did riot r '' ' , llll ` n t• Q. To _what othet liictikatirb *wait. '*l'.i.'7'itlitifi...t " ettiiil 1. 4, tz:eom. 0 I: 4 - a, ,I , 1 INr `tae pole - 11in" altli of' l l Aies I.Tiirtiid : Slaieti " : .t. ''' '7. ii 44; :3,4 iiiii ? attg:o2!iig,nipit., 7 pi . 4ge - d?.`r s r. -4 , 4 theireift- thilfict 1 ta. Ty 4i101;1)iII I QViittlell OM Sties Tian atta".to - the liiiiittitiOn ...of .- -.-, !., ~„ ,-.- - •„, , ..,-.- -:-.) ;.) a, ;,. ~,..: 1 ~the. x litriitt amid ' erg I tr i o,Dc ! t:o?. .7, , ,, qicro - si . a. , _- - , .. - _ i:ikiitt - tlitielPfkol ' 94 , - ,'X,r-c4dP4 • 7 11 f1;: 4 1:1 1 V k b *: to. , ;;IP4, Oine*lF4o 4, 4 f..:r1g, 1 0 14 :"'• iii°at • liftfr f,LlfitiA ~P.f,:i'li iirlipg . ; . I ! . titt's":, ''if li qk'°ißF fih tijkilciql. l TY $OO a c t ' 11, 100,Y1 1 - ~.4 6CeeT*11.Y NW. P 4 ,roo Mtkebas ii9;s , T,.ieigs,if4,Vt..; . for'.4pi ‘eibkes or be .peoch t .p;, - A, 104 ,„ li t A: a ii :,'-e. wi.lle (11g,11. - sii ..,•':• 1 ...).+41: , , , 1 • • . 4-, ICarisas - lI.tS. .56 1 i:tato: 1 13. 1 7bcP -111 loods• who 7311 abolish the Interest. On Thursday Opast weeir, ttiOtan-,1 Reve l ikeoul4 _ paper mojiiy wbo wilt Ptts -- Legislaturcr-ve-;ele4eil Senato r s p tt(ii ly fligelslirthehort s ipi °Cuts -g4it— Porrierol and' Riiits--411 latter for the ere ilpo.'nofr s coAtutte stibnite - 4e phort and ;the former for •the' lit of the (pie' . 11 II:, "tile s 4atan 'like b a itt n *the term. • - - rHatton De Senatar Pomeroy ha's ser!t;ier_e_i_r ; 4? ,Years in the Senate; a nd has , bap! a GEN. DIX; says the N. I. , TrOtw., faithful anti useful rneni t her ot - tbat ho= is now Naval Ofilcer -at the Port; oft 1.1 lio r as web apriinted by- - the New-York to which lucrative preen G.orerneritthat State -somejinonth4 'hp was ayipoiated by; the Presidimil ttgctfo _MI the pine° Male vneaut, by immediately after the adjournitent of, the ,Aeath Of Senator ,Jamos 11. Lanethe 'Senate; on the strength,,of an stab= , of those #er.tlismen ' are aelave I orate cipiuion .by.. Legislators, and belong , to the radi—iStansturi-thalitneappoiVtinent-091114 ea .-l et4lz - Mr 'bagenport•ibj`estice ie its remarks iaet week Mr. D. is a peaceable pritpte ' the. I individual—not a puhiic "bringer; tit)' — T and, to 'make low - personal dilves at him is as coc.temptibila in an editor, as it , iii tnean'aad cowardly ft.r a soldier • . , tcp fi re upon a citizen n who is neith i er in the tmrvice, nor bits arms in his hands. . I. I 1 . 1 - Gen. Phil. Sheridan. -We have seed Sheridan on the march', in the batte, in the charge and the pirstut, and the ftnosie that in neitiler . or the t sc' 014; tions was there ever any discount ou hita, :But dashing and. gatiant and brave as he 'alwayslappeaved to tl,we never saw him to ko inuch , advunlisgs as be shows bitnielf in tile .folkkwidg correspondence. All houtor to-,"GiGri ons Little Phil" • - lichis? - 45 1;01E41 tv i i.! ti wr "iv EiSat ti k e: ,SOiteti:eo AO. krill- :-cirite of: I boao ‘ litifiti l .: eti far iViii`JrepodiateaVy .b,iiittlie otlieitii . l )l.r. I' l .",:l. "-". . mss:-1 n ~... .; Vliiifi.; eMiltde AIM; 1112 people ' or . A6e llfir . War r i xiottalikliiiik? t A..lllWitiao' ;I:3 a dollar bt - i do—liar; - , be' lawfutlylitide tiuting-the'-recesti o 1 Congrbas; thOuih:tice =contrary opin ion hid: - .1147ai5.' bean the Senate - and acquiesced-in by Ithfil Executive. Gen:ttisiiit4pped into tlie vacant office; whose. ambits - Mentz j,ure Worth abOut $45.060i. yes.r, and already.'drawntorno $9,600 froin On receiving bia,rppointment 41- istert,o France, hermit in : his reliin ., tt , iron as 'Navel Officer, to take etree:t on the uppei i iiitmer.t of .his'succ•Jssot..--.4 But his auccessor , htte notyet beo Ap pointed, and - is ,not likely to be !err soon; so that Pen. Dig..rgtaine poises*? Mon o`t two °Mee's, one of which yields' more income than the united sitlitries i of Gen. Grant, Lieut. don. Sherman ; i and Admiral Fetrragut. . The qneetion for the lionate to 'decide to ',=' Whether Gen: Dia Mini( be confirmed for ljhotb !liege cffice4 Or for ,only one? aiic s but one, •which one? ' It is the 4..ine „ rat °pluton that to (ncor . of theliJui ted Statel shall hold ITIOre, atilt! ettiO office the eatohicaerts ,of 'whieti- ex ceede 6,2,500 a year; bat gait. Di*, At- _ raAa tarp ey- n. Stansbury, and the i Prea ideot; appear: ,to _think differently— Th . * pnbtie look with eonsiderahle tn• terest to the' Senate AO learn what that hotiorable bOdy thinks- on the subject. . - .7 TUE Legillattpo of ,tirrs State pro poses to visit Pittsburgh-on E&iday of text week. Their "obje4tive points' is to see in person ,the State Institetiona loeated -kitegh'imii , cauntp cointielv.iNDENT of the Pittsburgh Cethrrtercittf warmly and forcibly urges of Col. St. S. Quay, of thia.eouuty; for another tetra in t h e Legislature. Mr. Quay has made-,tin eftfcienti roeniner of thetlionseionthas . A. 'great ninny ActicJ triendc hererthav would ie•eloctiOn witti Unieh rasure. SEE „ . Pia WA tatOitillAtti IlAnnbinunG, Jan: 23,',1,8a7, EXXLIT. . • Putitioosr.—Mr. tho - fare 'on - Riot Li.arty. Qzissengre pßailway." . • 1 • Report. of Gontnuttoe =3Lra Lawry —To outliorizd tho Goversur, to ap point the., prisons of i the Comrrionwealt • i! An. Place. . r. i•intorpornte the Sof eposlt L'ompany -of Pittabargh, - ! " 'Also:Rupp - I - en:teat to thet - Penpidu tny t a Ban authorize antinereitee or- capital tit7ek..Panse'tl:.. .of.. .Lairrenee-LArt -airmust th,4eTiCeeeeire taxation .tif.fur.el - tod . oetialin.4 . l 4 3te iu bor .; • ••• 7" ehungo the name of-the ShonangtOral!e . rliall : : Mad, and ta.entarge-thepow,or of- the °Cupid. a. rasolucioa tliat . ttie Rl:nand railroad law take prik,, Vedencie whetri Adot.!.tid aaatiitnamtsly... • . 1O 'E _ 11, v porti cvroini'aeo,--;Projik ways aria M.eatis trAratike—:fit!. .V addcl .- 1 -,To.ibereate %b() ilgAitry ft;e, firy of tl)lit.:.9t)itnoOyc l e,tltl)-.- 1 ' Bart,ori.:—T4 st!4horii:e' tho of r.,, , frit - xltural ierip, ; Mr.:r.wit. 'Flom Jukr t•c:lviCe to :Atohatani. ia. ' ilitle,gbehy . . - couhty. • • __,, , . „..! .-- -... .I.'llo (4 - mu:slant in ine case of .Jirt-. tor, ht . Carribria; vrithdrecc, • `• -' • .. • ` Bras in Placo.-- Mr. fitiay—ACi'rel 'two t 3 Treasure( oflencir coiitly. 10 certain , cases., i:. _Mr. Mcßee -,,1%4 " copArniihg ;'the, i actions of '!.he,'CluOcils'hf . -a-st 1 . 3 4 . - Ltnii4lhim in. borroving rnhhey, :IA; ie!y, i s ta r, t O pay, the'sinv, andtb preyewt disorderly ,coudikct,in„liai4 :13prAtigh. , ..,,...11; W,(i4dPe4T4 Co,hatrua'4ol . aw:. in , cases:, wl,lOO - ( l',AjtiOlid Vii l 4 3 4lief . ,lia'y tha'plafhtfirs.v.oiiiol; ,- ' 'I 11 t '.lellks44-To ilifh,i , rtkorate . tha Ita., fannic Hag 4esuciatison . or Brou;Oiioe.l i*PeOicd.. _ v - -, • , 4 • • • , - .. 1 ' 41.. EiT3',---.Tbleifee 'alp c'ort Viraline. 'and . Cb(eago, _an. griaand '..kltter- , burgh' Tairrtioada,:to (.1,1-o..o'rectio* 4f . ~c4We:..:, , I r-ChudivViV÷ ~ I . .Fliit t 1 4_,.. 6 • '''skilbl] helii . qa , 3.9 1, 7•; - 1.4f, 1 1 6 1 1 !•..947 1 14 'MP ( 4!iIY.. tor , daniagett:dirriag ho (Tar. . ; Mr: Boy I* 'fiiirrofacid• i I hi* 'bin .re-1 1 gutting only. * tharrity rote to is chair - 'a, nlyintmittee This olictedi 1 le t , l - 0, 4),,„,en ctilig' t yr hith ? thi_boar pt g4:- . ;391164 , 00*E ii - ,i,rive,(l.;lifid'ltiii,Vitistioti , 1 -,W4ts i llositii(feir *Thllilo,otasealitt; 1 4 1 5 ,9 11 itit'ehOlditi:' Chid': .third tkoi * outih,' "itiretti •A .I: l l!•,i(iilehi'•4llfii; - isitc? ° 'iieeli'it,tedi frOt 'bkin*"(3isii`ried.: , - .- '' k l- 1 .- tiiii*ciierpi.ibi 614 faiinathl . 4 iiie j ~iilittilefeCi by: Janiii : an'd : litiniii7i,Al :'.: :-.:.,,,. • , ~ :: „_,. It 0 _ - . 7 ....,,, , ..inert 'us ... '•'"'" - - —.IA , liaL , .. 7_-_, 71 _ 1 1 - r — .. , ... m - zr:, -- * - crt - , H .... .l ~., f o rii:i i rivoriltd" 04 1 111rtifs illekof st 13,ati d hi% gibteitmorell,akaulk, .;,a`sithbikaqoaltliiiadtkelisiPAr.'lten iiri - oini v i gi v . 13:1-.1..0 1411,.c.nh - 1 cls:.'-; v. tc •-.1 ....40.4,1 - - qZ l4 ";;fle. 7'ifl'O r2 Ul 4 ' 1441,4 ,- by thlkiliillo,lo4ll' ,iii! / 1 010116 c:- mi ifilir 7-itti'frilig4riiiittli- /- Ordilfar' , iiii , Voter-lieresi t obik, saibtelf anahlicaduilhrvilliliug.'4ll44l f i t 4e 'itoliiii , i4tfto T ilf t, Girafiteyeasittlelftkhili*'bft*elidistiiiilleiht T-leidglis-inimAirnuid lasitmnite,7l3.49#4;;wiii' bi - ' PhltalliSi •''" .?% 1 -‘ . I 'r: - - z 4 . ,- 74 . ;;Pciritzl/i. miveavvit.ll, 4 4n Oinisilailicevudiatlilaiwiby.:,AoAnq, fil e lit• liineorta; ; 4o - isafaudillaitit; likAbi'AtefOinkisorptnevik!-. ir niv_. - 4011'eti f ithe the Committee- trig , tilidation te7 14 093 of tlil3aisee - - ^.` t %"' ;' :a : l 4 .0403),.. elthos i iiFy- c e-tAnii,g,:- '-'• ".. ..- . i , 1 1311 ii .• - imiraiLisi .. . . - 1%. , ', Oftbs . cni4 o : -- gaMPe - 47,11- whiter% and to provjthi _;' , - , .. v . e f eerry net the provisionteobil -- .', i '.., -, 1te . .,Whi.44:`,.. ' Jl . :_ &Awl for. 0' II ! 41ho : — ~,_ ';''' Va • islistate r : ..-er ~ _;•- o :, • 0 0. ..- t ,.--eietp• - • --- -•- - t -Coin *•:' " 44 :,,,!7;ff. ...-;-„; : i... 44 - , „r- -- _-; , , , : -‘7 , ..-- - i , ~• : l -- 7114:3,....;„z „ i.fT -11 1 54 ,•‘.71414 i; . joint Aelsk. j ',I , .. Dimig-27; the catiiirtuatiori 3 . ;-, dgar - Cowan.-- Tike:debate.shis'.post po leiL -----' --.--- ' .. r.. ,_, .- 1 • ititis' - '4 ) iiiis'id.'—lne riieraiiiii - ''ttie 43efotr thqiii**tCompe y.,---L , ...---.-,----,47,7:`... A U PP l e gl i fill t. . lq :1 . 9 ° P. l ":i ~sh7 jPgf k ; Bank., -i__.• , 1: ---t4..., •..i, „,,;.,„-?- ,::./1 4.:;•: , PoOlici.4l4B , Pitseekrt4.o l ;rl re *9 1 111: tkuswil,eftrOtigi.g .Bi4l )'P°1014,.."7-;"till *9I.MA/106Tc:tansies lht:tiieTeeegekz. tif az-laivio i'adimi t ' . Sit*: ORT , PiI49i l i t leis. • .;;.! - 1 ,., ..--.- • ..'-':. r .1- ; „ --- • :'-'i 4 . :To,itioriaile the * pl.ot,zbeeretirT.:4A . the Coleoloeyealth. ~. ~ t .-:, .: 1 _,,For-: iie LielOt .: :: - eieureitUle'..o:4l46 aouseo,lo,Oonjoiwtion. - .4s!ith i -the.,Ad- T jutsui,.(lo - eral,,to',..pretares : s rbill,Lo reybleiAltO:Pilittio hos of the attete..-.-::.:. ; L, -POWs. Inekitutioe ,o 1 -. Allegheur Couety..enstor ,Bi ham; in the Sen ate, 04 Speaker pr_ e,:ef.the - 11oese, exteoile4 an ihvittiti n to the .1.4 - $414 : 4- a 'tnre.frow the .feeh ere of'.l be .publio.., institutions-of- ,Atiegheey e +poet)! .t 0.., visit tbsiStati. PLR:4y , O,Otiarylit,b. .. --:: I ,Ths_Aiteithllf y - Lt Soso 'Left,-r:The t ;Allegheny i dele4ttio .met this morn;, leg.: ',,..*Senator Lligieetii . : at the ::,re.' vest, Of °...1 he A elegatioe;” se bnii ttr4 it. ' 'report:relistive : to the new. liquor bik. pessatitiiii - Pt ire:11108e by Mr. Peteisi • iwhieh.S . SS:ordiid 14 be published iu theisaviaid papers in , Pittsburgh '..-. BatlV, *uses pa' aid johit- -tsiiiia4' 1 tuns to !.i - eilloor.u.. • 'still - -.Tasstliy: At eleven a t elacil4 . -, -To re willto charge' attendance of , .bottij ,bialtb - has of -the. LegisliiiSt2 l ; els reoponse io- invitationsi 1 etLentiOd 1 LbrO3- to - visit .A.lleghLny - eenety...-; 1 , - - ---..,' . -"i • . - - - - ..- •-. 1867 : . strkriOua -petitions. -land memorial! acre sproiftynted. , ' 1 I . ' s.' l e •On rnotiottt of r : llendersoa, Ale Mintary Vommitt !. Wire instructed to ingitireleliethar under present lo g -1 islititni, the tun e iritonts Of ifittitourt State militia tar t r ed intolhe Unitad States, iter*iee.are ibtitied to bounty; antis 11'04 6 to - mie.piiitidioncy of so amending thobbstitti bilis. - that they . 1:- - - '-s.• ' 10 - :ffitit . l4. tititnth;Juditiary 'Coin linitiee,'repOitetritlbil4itving . verions ..'titiflitedin State ,peniteistiirtes, tinter atititanch ,itt-FtnieW4rotties, who Ain conduct' thetnielYes an •taat no Charge. of ndionniiw itii l snita 't end atainet rtlen,kitil: hate : itediction of one tuontft trig peel y 4 eur madir from the 't einV, of 'Eestairii.4! .; uf'sittlx 4 n'. •I . , lai.'-ehitbdliki tntro.lucett 4 bill ti v i 4 ;iirailivernment veryinueb--one which i.Otitit:iit'S the ittit Of 18/15'to' • prevent I tintkes the trial of the aSsitsiftnators,of iinip . ) {lille WAlie,t.,.W 6 1101 ,- ;p0 cir t et, ISI r. Ile:Coln illegal, Which, if St rieM -any in ghlt, ofit.ittt iOr pro'seetiti6e 4vliieli I applied wolild-'those cotiviciidg [miry lieveqbaii :ittidar - it*flitipir'net ithern tntirderers. In u v.-0i1:4,1164mq of COngreis l ii rev iii; td,iiil,flB:l4os I ()Very act done by the: ertnY since' tbet, .1 ;' :'l c itil.l4 - 1.-4!,rtifti.ri States-Mitistiala,..:._; coipmenceinent el' the rebellion- Is us): iiheite4l;elLe Ili„),• `3I i• Witll;i4ett 6- ' constitutional -No ~ left • ingement: on: - itied : Vblllrerfilietif the : iiilitilitt mint tliiit aired i n'er u men t can be tel erat." r 4, - iltrulted tai t ts irabills in th*Sup- , act or•ilaik*SdNil irrdeect, : it; tie ti , t l tiVe r .ri:cOnfe tpoire ' • ' '- -. :' - 1i b 0 HO- elt Abe . natinn 'and the, Consti I: .Ii ill' iketittifecr- 4 ,, The higislettie sp- I tut ion it•elf. To ; illustrate . : As; for '. .rtipiiip.ion - bill '‘ . l,as ire:pee:id - rtran the ir.statnee, a Captain of a ship - in a hen ' 'inea,eu Comihittee*Wlth . emetidnients. ivy g tie . tinds it nueeli.sary to ctt aiwitY ' ,I,rife'ri t riC...T,tio'i tt rift• bill' a l i t ; up I the throw sonic tlattgi r a t e oat 'e2i 4 l-4ck`;',l M - r. Griinee F t d• eel o v er t - atd, in order ao , fitive tne vessel IWith7l 4 ' ut kon it; 'midi bit. i-end the.crew. lie must be' dealt !With ter - dot.uneiationi 4 ibis PrOretitlonitits, ' severidy by the owners of 'the vessel 1..,Wh0 - lill:li'e leti'ar ed *ith silbsiOiSin'g itir the less sustained,. liltcough to i thiptives'anTim Ming !Wen' tO-thessUp. : save vessel and earjzo. Ay li' bad no. 1?Oti, of their ic ernis; utder Penalty ,i right I to., violate the, ecinhtitusiOn; or . et'llii,liti6o-oF.tii tiSql, -.... '' - , : - .', Contrnet, by so , oi:ig.,‘itt.d should have knumbei lit a iiendinentii: were o ff . I , allowed all to •go to . t 6. bottom to- , 1 e red, , but 'n on 'e •- , t.ra ' adopt , except , el-her. ciiiti . to admit b 4 oolis:, mhps.and 'et - tarts, t, ' I shbuld: not he surprised , if J-)ltilson t4filic iis9 . 4iMblit: libtaties, free of 'is impenelied ; if 'so, allwur troubles Attiy, and Rine iiii, ' the ifuty on•l,titill slon be •healod, as -the last 4 infiel Llinsek! and ?nee d' Oil: '-' " • !of the Tebel States walleye vanished, 1 -, , s ... :1 ..,.. 6 , g 4 . j, ..A r f ri . A .L. Dt „: l ,,i ( h e t and they will quietly*, 1 aecept' the liti:iintnl...laittraip47.intz , Sage et w.)rds terms, atiErthe constitutional aMend. !ite.i:ttrrei-b e etwe 1 0 - rmeots'Ard take their places Emong, ' 4 ,-:fitilitiatid:Cd4cp r, - iiffitollii44 . etf. - Vi le their, si•twr .. §tat.o of the. r.ation,Which 1 I d iptOtton br t,':.eon'struettoh :i *o; !Aber might and Wouhl have done bug it i:11(9414,,p- . 1) in , .d . ctieteett,. sitiee'but for Sohnson-and his copper- 1 firditlnk,lawk.iidriii'frc%m: being liven 'head -friend., who %,- , tinly hope to re., i4cCti l ib W)titherelfsl,:iicti hit: agrictiltitral build the Democratic party • upon bis . 1 tie li eg eII li rpog,e;i: 11 . 4 . liefly }mitt that 1 policy , . aI. d thereby. co me in to . poster t Jol; :had 4ct r a:: eilltty' of usimpa. ' again, for , it is powfr and pleasure' 1 Lion in, settin . 2,6l,,ene .."Outherti State r , i they seek at the Stierifire of even . all ,470'0"rinfeut- : I ' .''' . " '' . ' I that. is tloar ti).a ropubli, l tha, riglits. I lir. Co'Op , r,'"6l t e n t ieggeo' said .1 1e !ol nut}l as a man bvfore• the law and , r(l 'i n C tli a t e i ii tit o r - p' S tif l i l o Y O . : i s a ll a 3 ;t 4 l 6 .i r il l h 6 6 l:;. ; ' .ilt t it 1' p .1.13- irl . ' 1 - e p Ci rt i rti . b t:ti i I L t i t,7 l : 'of i n " thO r ' '? p -4 . ? ts e s e a ul tg a el l :f! ) ,g E. 'r.. t tuitted be,. woujd,s.ev. to the:gentleman, 1 Si et'aPs . ' bril,..whic:k-su l 4pelids tits .writ' asith,e ,Seot[tigh. lilarmion -once tmee 1 of h:l6,e'asi'irpas in the tan rebel states ; teaid,,l..l,,eid A' iti:u- - 4 'tbOu bast lied." i plueing ,them. under martial Jaw! Pr ` Xt.' ti.illy — ,.;,,gKilib,'geatlitn,so l e rlis i . fi'Ve Years, depriVing all rebels' Of die' note i penal ttedfd titiii - We i, i fOr'itifii le ihO • right! fo vote tlien by ti:vetiri fig iallegi• tuanypition'*ati. - platting-•he . .(Qottper) , anee I to State and General Govern : - !Mg* the friend:um.' paid agent end. OM ) gent ; - t h ey van .be admitted to, a lien ildo . nttiti dirk of Andre* Johnsen', 4 participa:tion in its 'rights and imain l and un teas- ati+ conscience - wthk-'extiti..itiitie 4 , thus allowing, :tic loyal people lgiiisbedtsicltlillit-tiin4lhe waer.not: per- to. pre l seat republican forms Oil - tilpv l I max/4 - .10 , 8ns i or. -I'. ' : ' i ernitlent', and to. be.edn.itted a,, , triih . as' • .. ‘ - , N: *#., Coops 14141 Mr. Kelley * zi l' ottatei of the trial:fn. If it doei not 'agittri: . !init . :ooo leg meets. ' .While 1111112444,1 V will he referred to the eimmit i f ts I•(Ceoper) leas ' erprisatalSeca wary . ctr I tee tin- Reconstruction, and 'there be thii:',Presideat•tt bid 4,ever - reetaired iil pe,q,eotAr.,tind.repor : td. and acted, bin. dbfb u l of m 0 ,% . 4, ae ,y,. . and ' • whe n ta ti ,i by the Heine: ,Ir ,it sliotkid ,pass, :the geattintai i 'igiii*.acil E oliedagain., .- • , Inii hairy will be . , required to :inferbe 1 - l'het:tipOikt - 4 Vaned; both to order, i it. should Johnson ; ,refuse to - ,d 0414: ati[di they to'6othefi'leattr: , . 1- - , ' : (tying' Comautieler4 ChieQ. he will !A tang* iiit'.4.ticill :anuses .-dettioo r :Pe `...p_akettehed, andAleh.,: IN'ta'fle`, will: ' iiitrittedqhat - 4fikr- Steeetilia tpli w nil take hid, pra se, (it. made, pieta wit*tifitet_ i c , 46/I . .leninntUne con clR,i-. 1 dlil , t. a l tbe, Senate.)iind; bit wiil i sinfoigai' eiiiiiittibetrieti;.'tiat:z.orAitdog , pais& 1 thii, ,- .., law. ~li.' wilt - .'ne'i , er, .do ~ lot Mr . ritiettelitetil - rOfteiteD3l,tfidttigist. at L i, i k roh:Riton tit, thwart ,the.. Will Of iliepoo : 110' lil s- 1 0 . 1041 talft,toit ;400 tel kit/wife:mist DlA,,,e*preteied,ctiirn i gb pots g edp is; nee-. iii'tilid '.itv!ty o licillitttlk. -...= t -':!_______Lii___er.• fp; if.ial?nrittc4 l l6 now; I_ 'facollide. l it i. 1. 1 konliferli atki,==- I rlia , zPstisOdenVe...rk, * o o .4 l 4 - .or ,stiNi: 04i,,i,e id npi at ind . ' •* Trig 1 * iii ''' • • -•' 1 ' 'nib! 'aiiiiiileitarite filo•Voloriuto'iirid•Niv! ,; A 4111A16114-1,044V1i fig ti ~. , Lett' -biiitelt*' Mitt it I . :lissiollitekt:t , anderili,..44 pekA4.4roy:A:o oe, eipvect. Ottbnir: ebw;gti-r '14 , -Aneen'eri: The -- 46+, fperpsentitieoo.l.o.4 w nseeti,oo. yp t i,agO4,-, i J. dtitiiikliV44ol4lelatiiPtise) WOrit4t) :V.F. l kled I. .f),iilJ, Arici', ll4 .- 0 00 11 i i r;'0 1 tz 'billAret tff-itr. '!.rilatlVltherlamer;Gat. tiorsig., Of 4 t eumitigOlt-, ; . pient,,t&lif 'ittlitidilifttie " 6 otibt seqei MU rat, • Irrni. 13 1 114,41 0 ,caket*t h E ,4o,., Tt r . kncipiia t o ) i lketiipkiiote,:;'. %Igo/44ns at wo - AA, :4:4; IC #0 . 1,-, Wi)19...„1)i *p. (12,q . ,.v" , 4,, 4iittititc:l.l(te'tirs‘Viltikeaiit:fret*llinrlZorifr P 3l "Fl it tli " o ° 9 i l?' rowit.:loo._..ll4l,fii. . bast ar-iric , togaktio • • , -----i--- '-. • •, gi L.r.‘ . 1 .:,........., im.l,k, „.:.,„. , a ~FgEgiA,.. Wil . , • Wir, - ,liiiken presented the petition . - ' - ' f• . of . ka :: , . 1 • , fti :d Of I tr 1r ~ ... , t, . I , , t 0 , e i • • Sta. - i nd a ' gt a l' .rd ' .-'' eir .',' T tie*. ." rin .., , . _ r , il ine, ?, th, ' , inn c C._ , in •,. be, .:•porte. 'sok , .ti • j. , ,, , t •-•*-:••• , t . L g in ria • • • . elvil emPloyeea ot . tilo ttoveruinent, amended' ; an incritate of_2o_ per cent to ali givileinpliffeee :4( 4(adtiltigton„whoap'...falarirt aro legs thin $3,500 41" ti wenWeall it up to. tC would' o M ui r ci 7W itg i" Mo'r i c ' t 'l r it (l i - , l L lk e Q cr il u T il l a tb 4i t ii ii o' 00 131 '4F4Ar.5` 3 " 6 - ‘9 4 4 :,P3. 1 .Wia91 - the, Pliq!!! . .rgY I w o i n t n e t - ,l.4fati . - 9 0j .4 .1,c, 4 0 e r, a 7zt i - i k h-ciaa it e dzia n -i k-4*- i , . mitteere.ponaion 14- I 4., t Mr:-Truinhidtrealled up the Zito:nee Wit . .-,feliitik4 tblthe . habeat'aiiTits;: *ad it'vraii, parsed .4 ft authorized the writ of herbens cor p us; fort he fre fereleal' of- any ciistijtaitiorited by formcraets, from a State i. eglirl : to the'Oireuit CoUrt of; the United'States,' a hen'tbe 'defendant id iii`iteitial 'i:tiatosfy.. •' . -- i - k ' Ifonselti. Patierson, ' Nom ) • the! Coritmitibe'op Poreiin A ff airs', report ed a bilt' to 'aid by: . ' boride the" POO afritetion' 'Of the 'European and 31 - 6 - rtti Arriertean`..gail way.., -'' 1 ' ' •,« i'.- Mr. Orth made a Minority reptirt. - ; 7 ,idr..Loneyear 'int:reduced a bid till uZiend ihe (time ler( the, rei i ersion :' tO tel .tile United .. Strikes 'il lands iianted'i by Coilgresh to Atlatiirtfi - : - o - aid - - ip 1: - h 1 e - constrnaior.. lit 6 reit oad from! Arnby to Traverse Bay. g ferred. , ' The ,Oommittee on trri!h4n.' Alnico way instructed to inqnire ioto the 'dis bursement of funds • ;for ;Indians /in ColOrado. :;, ' • ' ' - ' A'-'d •• 'd Private bine were eensi ere,,,an the Stina`to jotilt resalution - authticl2.( l ?4, the ,actePturico. of the steam' -- i4en , sioop.t?f•walf}fair; from, Lb a contract. , ..• or at $050,00.0, the price already - pait Adopted. • : .. A reenlution inifilly ronsuring Mr. Cooper, in, Tentiesgee, for his remark 4 11 ' yestirdiy, vrai•introduead by Kr ..rnmitall,aud, after Some breezy dis. cusaioni-rittirawn. ' ; I Washington Corresponainoet. Watinnowrox, Jan. 22;1867: De2P - ArgFs: There 'appeal, to bare I arisen some .portentione etnudB in' the political hortzon'Tecently; c bleb' ren: l ciera - i 7iionie‘ithat .-difficutt ! for=- our kroAtelit aftgete:te AMOY at k 'accent Johnsen tam funini iShtt''*n ftircieirer r iofet-ientept np?fit tqfitit lia*k on .vtiven&esti ed to tho . ,Wnli i by*gaillatVongroca. 'l'h - ireice:us stilt Vp.renzaitt a relic of *iota' fiend mitt) t* Tip) nag . Om . * tr:i.m- 1 heir* SI the luprztne Iflntii,Who hive.' ahnie sterility, qinipris:which, if 1611Wwed t, emben ASS the ,'wheels. ' • • c • . - In ffirlittlet6W --- - I , .• , Tbe i fiaPreme art of Alabama, in r% . .. ~ p from the Benders 1 • ;. .a fi; et, aii decided that :the is the Stite was not destroy by ten, and the military and I. p. 1 .to that 'followed; that the Se ,i, of this State Wte a - def . /de l , r . hongh not i, .barrriony , with, the United States Cfonstiturion r, and Goverbiltent. and that enacts -u.n.d ' liittuitrorilY of such de ' facto tairrerm. ; A LIN IST lii . XPR'S -NU 7 :66 merit befesv :the Aitirreniter, rkfar- sal '"' tbl itt wekelit ' " ,liteisTalid,-.'- The _ t ILEXT.E'ftS of- st(Upniaticatlo n an k:' '' in t d v . jr.444 4 64 , 08,405. i 1atit0100 1 or'-bei:'OL:lSCßidtls, hall r Ro o t el " . iiiiitieepiirsiriffity OP' the;:, law tsi,,, the - , Beam- 04 "utiroloo'4 1 ,'42. 1r j 4 , .... "ter 1 Ong tliditiii ' Of lid - trait& Starei.— 1 sod I,e, the ' it_n , ler.aigepci, a u ~"' "":"!-, —-- ebl (a the iairestafeogr e re .. ';-' .9 11 a /a ' nird huts *toll yo made inyestettiot4 - ., iq u ii i i , ti i j -, ) ,• - i pieri - t, i n • am . ol .. '..ineli.ksi a i i i• 1 demi/iris agiiiiii. die ekare,ir 6ti:?10 pia in _Ceintiferatci lAindi " ~anti reti t ei'vid' or Contoderate'TresiorY notes Oder the 11111 4 1 01 kriown Sh e fiff.di N MAI *7:lV... dent . authority_Of-the set-:orthel Legislature 1 . ' cuittl.a.- 1 4vit - ST. kt(kiitstAis, 1 , . i, - 1 - - ; '' •,..bviiplmit.. U. DARRAG,II Sh ar 4 i k ./ of, Deeeintier. 1861 in zood taitth, are 1 1 ,1er80,07.-.4it. - . pa n e • ' -'-' entitled .ta , tredits on seeoiant (thereof: l --- - pa ne Thts disettesion.esttles i the question oy' - lishillity'irtere - in administrator Te 4 eek,i?edq;infederata .Treitafiryliotaii 4 , talinign .., of,tiob ' -tine 'istute. Chi J (Alive Walker i elioaled the. opinio , New Piar oißeepiteirliction • A. - Washington' venial- I to. the Isie , fork Times of ysterdaylieys: '..Sinc last November t he leidit4 politician , North and South , Repotheues,.beivio ' craw, arid ea, Rebels, al-ik4 , hitie 'bee at. Work on a p n a hereby the daft: i eresees bet* tire 'rth and the , ICIo , Senth, and b e t' een the. F.xel•u! ive and ; 14',04isliiiime Lira ehoti of, the 'Govern. mentlwoald he . atiidhotof - ilyildjusted. Suffrage and amnesty form the basis of; the. 'proposition. For instance, ii Soith Carolina will adopt the Massa. ai, j , ,' ehueette euff r' e l franchise, tlieT resi 1 dent,is willing issue. aproclamation of amnesty to I/ who aPprire - of it I The - people Ofsouth CuYolina, blacks 14'w,e1.1 as wlti e!, ran"efeet loyal rep- I faiieiitkeires tolCongreFsi, ini Congress will determiner n on their 'admission:— ,' The Administration is. Serjonsly eon ; eideri it g this pro, posktiori!.. . A RILL has ten introdu , d ni the Maryland Legislataret-and., - we' • tire s ! told that ther&is no doubt cf its pass-1 age-:•-whieb takes froni„Judge Bohd.! Ot 13sitiinor411 poweelto, istue writs I of -habeas w l rptis in cases between i inflater and apprentiee,!, and limits'is ii t jurisdiction to theeity ; i A bill to a I ish. the habeas -esirpus ,utterly wOu d sent cagy be.sinoremon'sinotlit usurp - tine than-, this. Abolish , it, ia - part, eiti) ; ,i litillliibed alto,,,„&sther.=-1 - In' Ole ricml. of Rebilir.obler.ea we -, rsnaembar-nothisf , that - exceeds this;. •, ,• , . r' •attack,/i/ritil lto the,rnearier ,that- lit is directed et colored children ,b - otii4 to' `cit il ul on I astqiv; wit b: the .. consent et t teir parents, and _prarti- !, milky, \Fetnraid to Siavary. This is! the restilt_attle- . 4l,e_haltmda law ishich ,_ l con t. rolfeif Aid 'Oll -- t — erearknis - iii:Batr l timote, aro'd4-ave Maryland a 'lteli - el 'Legislature; land these are the men at 1 whosa,servide ,Mr. Jobomon. Without • heipg asiced.l placed 'the' army 01 the 1 - .1 n'i t ett St a•l4 =--,11 7 . - 1r,1,• Trib , t*e.' - V : ,` , S. ' T ttiEARIIREIC Sptnner has nil enitner et,- -eluntee`i es ' c leorrp.n l dentfi l'ithse,ar he eti hint lo - ign.... checks tv ;“conerieriee money "; for -confesackl w i t • frauds htei ~ "are-pi.lB , ably- - hOgas a% i their Chet:lca or theit penitence. try i-biii (sue Smiling several trusses l•fish who love to fbuntler in fa/ caeri eions net. 'flit oter;dar, . a badly re ~ ennstrueted Soot,. ernor sent Mm. a 1'5560 Confederate note- demanding its !_payment'in coin, on . ths ground that Uncle Sanilhavicrg dotroyed,the goy : ' ernment i- ich owed him the t 3,5,00 - had 'rends cd himself -: lial4c for its jdebts! Mr. Spinner la'.andl} reip. nd d . 1. 1 / 1 411 , Ile er ditorgovernmentOoressid , lied bez.tu rausferred to\ an, Iliimun r i ' tionatiltr.b t, place, - and, advised the. ereilit'of tel go thitbei , dm! .Present-ht's ktttici bill.- l' --' '• Ed k.. r the Peunsyivenfa Dele , r4 ' • oi • i t'.on to .."! - o gross have signed* prone b i,; -, .. MILT-IL. , •i , • • 'o4ainsi th oonfirtnation ., of!Mr.(luN‘ctli ; liwnnets aitcred tt--ttil -,le.lrted, f scti. :id, Itiniste to Austria 7 ! , They oil this ~ .` • - -r, - o • t 611 Eipme. Making awl f:claN; tutwit ilk ttiu . belt f that, hei ie . ' unfit for ' -li.e i li - - • r- , . i. . ' - llati 1831t14 04.,shorf 'DOM 'll VOSili011,; lit they do not seem to re- .- , . , . 6,. member f.; at Mr. COWltlesstatesinato i .mtou,,, , sinv pi inatstqtlor,tkr-. G ',r .3“; • .., • ..I. I Otrl ien - ht ra . y .. too elypen \ stsi 4 for [rine: : • C .1. LL , - AT...YR s£l:': VA' !IL eonsuMpti N a. , 11 1 .4,i•er it lis tine tothe ; protect o ' 11) i` Perin-sy.lvanians, the' ? YU, TROU 3 L E t... 1 .S.llO iIY •Gri6PS: I 'Senato omouittee; rust tot . . consider ~ . .' ‘. 1 W j bettior i _would &it. be elleip to pay 1 'air RuabaiaLar l'oe 1434, v,ru,r Brio 'Slr ~ Cow , i ' -0) ri lA , , . .- •IaNI .. rk- 1 , . _.t-ckiL , Tlti.. ~,.. tO go off! and stay gut bf Ow nontry ! • f ' 4 . ri, t - , 1., . ~ I I /- 1 1 AI- A. 3 11 - - I} --- ; Tns , r Z eleetton of Overo,or Swaottilco - E. ‘. 1111 -,,, : 1 the ITtite States jgenate'fron *ary i ; land enall es hint ; th 'realize the reward , - 1 whit.:h 'afirr all,tont !poorly pays • horn; for the, past be tol4'in the service of." Johnston. ! 'Maryland will be represent led in , theitnited'Siates 4 a united Afpegatioti in sympathy; with' 'l , lle . iiitas ,lor whieti the rebels fought' . . . , -, .--tlie . restilt, pruefiesdly, of the inflows i ..' ~. 0 ,,j , r I by. Utit n! men a tiaa State to etrfran ' 431:11, , A ii - A C i at.' N G 4 'l ) ,:chitier *ll Who ,Were .iwith thou in Sell rtime-nt; . 1 - ' r • . ' - f• • ' ,! , .12 , - i , 1 Ton tioetrint; t , hat the Sovei.ji r i, ' t. i - . . • w•ili !if the people is scprerae,enn bind• , , '1 ; 'tog ' ,on Courts and Vow-Press alike i - t-s ' . -1 -1 1 6 -.1'00: 4 " 4,l'aildiy'hecornin4 th'e accepted ' ! f 13 00 - t Sal -c . A- * " / trieeLea the only quo, pop*isteht with ! - c ' • . the' *publican : ideality governitient, The 44011410 n of a litinitred, battle fields I sullied l iNj i t',h• the blond " 4 ; half a million 1 men laying 401wo their 'lives that - 1 ,00. i • Rtyebtio 'night live'- itiitt ratihed .by • : 1 thelbitilli people at thi!, l ' ballot-box is -' I -7 -: ' ".,,,,, r ' !..hlt),her ih4o. ally' ad t of ten J.udges i evert renderetli anal - viili . n'in-d i - h WHEY so• 'or! b 1 : 0 " .. `- o f:f ' I , ab , 1 s; and ' - the:: fen inform the - publw ,J vr i ts ite suptetnellsty A. 4 , - awl - inten tion Y '' " 1,.1....1.---...... ' . • l.tileit to close , out tite il ia e . to , , 1 14--4 ------r--- , : stock of fall and Winter moots : ( . 1! ) , 1 7' OpoiTAITEIL.4 lati, 1 j 01' • T \ repare for a Spring . Stock, consistiob. ',, ( . - I as. - e .- he IP ' - gelzt Lindney4 : PI so •:vho, whipped! ' " • '' iiin.nthiit—three. -ii4 old lc ! ) - Rest!, ;' Ladies'; Gent's,- py!s alt 0 ~,, ' i: . - d Childr e.' 1 Llist,44ll, is -th'i..l.3w or sb 11:7 0' . - Shoes ,- Gaiter OPP" , ', -= I ts e , r-I, . , .1 . liana 'PlUlVt,i*.,lia oco' sef f indergo rig. trial !• . ~ , . 1 ~, .4 tells C ' lli2 : -- . I lii; 944 81411 gbieii :at - 41.IblOrt in 1 041 NY hial. "h. 's? B°1( It. CC ' be fIll" An 411*' • C 1. 9° 1. & of o,Tel! enlrfeemin' • to ' .! we am bouts,' to keep up t o ._ .. 3010 / 1 0::- iti wilrba moitlini. (1 . a el. 'T e tr!" ,to the entire satisfaction o f ar e 1 1 ~, ..„ e, ttp ay. 1 , he, ex'. ' .411.1doels werrd,oed. _ . ,g(li, . • sit %e n I' 6 ,ver %s 9 trial iti grOti. in Qr. 1- . IfiCkgr k ‘ IIL- i v t ,! limns etiliiiiY. t- 1 - r 4 ..... -., ~ , 3 Poore, , i. 1, • - - .____ 4 ....,r± ' I ' ° ! 'of 11. u. i t o derre; ,, ;; , , , r, .1 , -' - I ,1 - ' , - -4.:! 1 atitilt, ' , ci6 the ii'ortiterti.lpitiibs iel j ae ;i,t;7.- 1 J ' iirqPPFit'd to , he clielioei tan. fii - *. ' ^1 ---"' 1 :- ---- sXnars ,- ',lo.e'Ope .I)*us.aic9 g rt r h9 " L n it ) ; l ' S i s 'C i n si C" ,fi fil , l l, 4 i t ' 14.4911e,,t lines,, iti 0 ~ilri. t "tti 'lire' . 1., tie my' 1. ,tc,! : • Lailtiire 01 ; f e et.. (Rip : •"' *.r''''; - ' 1- ' - 1 1 16 , 1 -_ ~), matttlintEtr Untirlialg 1142.144 u M. Wit sa late`: tit - litttie Elgrotelvi..:slo"9ll4r.l44, etilhikiftbt Ykidwpite requeit,,e4tVlN l KWlti ll tillVErliAtArid tilabs• hominumainas stgainstsail l - st s i n Ve l fit~z,liftvm - roirb tk , theßtteiteu tor setu cAtt enierit. - .- ir4 :r f ti /PREC,T- -- tz - , G - - . , , , • augliing . 4,5! - t , Q 31): atl yo that Lave Leen eaffsringthe 1 __NstolatairisriekOf t oothachr.. and dresdir az.„.acti,33 2 .-, 1 3 433 ,11 you_ will flail tharDr. Chstid. leg & V0.i.5.0 reiuty to relieve ton. 1;;;; the 45 ... or the. geo k t, lain destro;ier— ; r/. i L'OEI G G.4Banii. make their extraction a A0111%44: pLoisauxo, .ratkoritliau of pain. ; • • AA dait;4laperatifsna purfoio443 it as bect possible ukaaster 1 , and at as, reaoitale ter . ..T. 3 4 4 , braityto4Dentist,iu the ooity.. _ .serttlfies in 13 itair. er Stat tOtry; it eiit tit N. ....J...v.6- : - 7l r . T. J. 'ettoxof.lN i 4 .6 .• • .. Cx~.~All~~~'- . _ CLOSING-.OUr E • ' GE A:l4lY' S .L W. ';'3lfl:A:'N lijiY, • • . , :••••. .•.. • . : • TR;I~~IN'C+ • AN. • S ti - C P 0 RIE CORNER BRI Dt.i E & .1 1 .1 A ET Sr*. E.Yf .V TER: : ' . • . TNTE.N.W.S'd TO it E kip* r.. Arst of larcit,to.jke pied by VII! Dickey, nn , Water . , cater, I OFFER , 31J EU:JIBE - S Wk .- AT FRIERS TH.4 I .li WILL ASTONISH ALI. . • , • • , 1 .- 'lux - 1 1 " 1 ,701riery • - i. iOl itery d.esetil,ktion. cakes Po-r t Lau tie . ehespest. yt I tat slid' Sirallionnetg; ILb'essi, , -1 4 1-olvers, Plitsuts, otnaticerite, its. A JOB LOT; of La - dies a 0,4 ' Alissei . Hsu.— =Di= 11 X 1 -rirri.32llXieS, • •• of 41 kinds, for 'Prime sad Cloak", Gimp, Cordi, Lzzeg, Blittour-&e. • , BititlOß,ll; 11001' siiiiati„, I,CIONEI'k. fIA IR, 11ELT.3. D 1 cKLES,Se„ 3LEN AND 101 - S' 1 ‘ it Ais AN I) cvA N ME.N . !-y. tt .;• t - c.(413.,,vr5. . LAWES:' L431.:618 ; c. 14,4; C'„ [lnn •Ha :ting,. . I (irttlititt:;!..i ~2 7 (ii.),;:s., 7 :ility ao,-,„/..,;(7.ty,4 , I and Lad i,t'. .1 .1 ,11,er ,i:',. , 11.4 - z,". - • 1-14c,i r ery 'Twits rußs,:h CLOSING OUT AT COST! I. - , •1. • I WOOLEN. G-OODS. • •21• J, , uphyy gurt Shit ,r 1.3, ..t.t4,..N.,bits; • Square :and . I.0":41 Shit wi ' ISTatSIIIS.- , oft' • at; , 1 1 1, 14.• tltan • CRASS A. D It: KZ 7:" NOW IS Tat TIML 11 - 13E1,1741:013:2.s ; El L. • _ IN. 13.1:1jA:-V.11:1;? ND' we, -18 I t!i , Iry rhvi iiy o• I ; .1. SU SRLE I t