The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 30, 1867, Image 1
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'leiTes asilY") -'I .• - : .'t ~• P' )/1 • i i ' 4 , t 1 I ~ 11 1 1 64 " Pil •s Al 44 44 64 114 64 44 id 14 ! .... 4... 8 I EXP " I!. 1 .1...........,... • 102Orst 1. 116 44 44 • 125446 m . 46 • 257 " '6.- 420 "- {l 4 ,46 ".' 527" j 5.11 - ,, 4 7.00 4i 118 " i 824 '' .1148 " 1 900 " ,"1,217a5i 935 •• 4 '•:1:125 " 1100' i. ,i)8 r '. - 151 "1.1163- • - 538 11 225 '-'ll2lBrw i - 605 "' .25.5 "1250 ..- 4sl 625 ",.. 815 '' -180 " .4 4"1 titiT . • 84r 200 " ,i5O ' 1 " 1 ' 746 . , " ! ' 24511 t igii: , • 885 • 332 " ~. 1 11920- ` . 9(y Stri •• 1 ~..!4000 •, " , ,:-480- 11 1 ~..-..i,lpm 448 al A il r 828'' ,alOll4uA 6 - 45 " Asa -.41: 1'27, ~, i K. Br; 808 .e, -,:k,,,..- 820 '. I 930 " T ..__,____ T .. _,_____________ Brie iiad,rittsbnrgExpress Taain leaves Now calnis itt.- 1 4:7'1p.m.i, arrives in Pittsburg at • e:46 p.. 1 4 ,; - 8 turnidg loaves - Pittsburg at 6:00 a.m., arrives stll j New' caitle at 8:30 a.m. 1 J, New q..ii.i and l 'ittsburg - Aceommotiatlon 1- Train ili*Vell ....'i'isir Cootie at 7:00 a.m., arrives i • in Alleilteny let 9:45 a.m. Returning leaves' • A Ileghilkrat . 6:30 pin. :arrives in -- N - e* Castle •',... at C:2O '' •; • „ • . . ------ r- - V -- ---,------ Z ---------- -------- ---- 77-: I ' - 1 Q .---- -11.1-- -----I-f---:•:--1--t----------_,-_-:- . i: '' Clitl Vt. ! . etriPITT4. R.R•,' -- ' ; .r. and ii 'ter Dec 24, 1 acm, trains Will leafOsta r , tkoneglaily, Sninda it excepted, as foltows. - -- 1 ------ ----,. -.- + ' ..' i - •:,•' • .; arum] 'SOUTH, , I •. • 1 MAIL. , • ~ Accox , ..1..: , . , . , i Ex r lll.! Malt . A ; '' I • • - :-....F.-:, , 177-, - ~....7 . t l'eveland..... i l k VOA), • 28 Pk' .. ~ 880 ex Yuelid stieet 1 1 :31 .1 24 " - 841 " ' 1 adson. ::1: 935 '1 34 ", • 500 " • in.kroa ..',.... 0 1: , ..... ..:i 111,...i ' , , ,1 ..... ...! .i. ' 1ier0141:4:8... .1. ; - I i ..... .i . " r el 4 l /4.... !ilO.lO .1 : oi ..! . 538 " Ilianre ;-..... :olio ,! ir 50 "; 680 " , . Bayard 4 . ...... 111144 I 'll. 53 "11 . - ..... ''' ellsville.... !il,!?.0 Pm' TO .. 1 ..... .... .. r - .I.' . clol ."--- '''---,--7- 1 -- i 1 '' -- i 1 7 - ----- ~ • 1: ; 1 *I.II. I ,EXP S. i ' Accuim Ear's. ._. ..-------71---- 1 ; • I I .1 ---- 7.1 -- --- I Vellpillt,... !' 845 A: t 44i4rit joyild:; 1 11:.. :1017' i 61u, "1 - • ' iiii.........-025 .1 1 64j ~! 700- , - ~ . .....,.:-: . 121 4 rm1 . 7 9 .'' ' 749 " ... aillersburg..lll .4! .. .-.lj- 1 . ille I, .11..1 . 1, 1 ..... ...f 7 . i _ ~..... ..i.' ..... ...i 4 de011...1.:- :'1"46 ' 1 ; pa .. i 827 " I - 1; elif street i; 147 "I 904 .11' 982 !"!-... ... ... tr C iT eludi.,. !! 2 : 00'11 915 "1 - 945 "1 j -:,:• ::.4 1, - ,- t !! • swam Nati. : . "': k ''' • :v . i ::: . 11 St,aut.,; 1 , 11 . a., EXI ... .:!LICC OM +----7,--- , i,.--I t - . •-.-' 1 1 41aTre...'i,... 1I - 4801./i Bloase 1040ami • , 11 idgeport... ;!.4 1 10 " 625 " 1050 "I' . - I I. 'griingeL.... - .!' ..t. .. :41i 721 " 11:19 "; 1... i 14 übenAllie. 1 . 4i,ft •M' 748 " 1158 '' 'sr llnilln!!. :-.. !: 7:25 "1. - 45 •• 144/ps 700 AM 8 it Wiroity- ii : 747 •t ' 907 " 202." • . 1 785 - "I - 1 II Ver. ,::;.... 11 820.' 4 , -940 , ''l 280," ( 828 0 f i, Rb dtutft : :... " 800 11'950 ", 240 "! 835 " tblarik .. il ,940,‘ 0.1105 "' 350 "I 9.55 _". • it tiotsti Rs . - , - 1i --- Ti s rigi. -7- 4 13ii.s• iiirait.T l 6.l7cclgii ... - - i L.-.....____ ' T I 1 _.- ....-_--.. m6ls.tii' 680rit ••I 160 " 445 A' " p 7. " .188 " •4155 •", S 4 *4 . 544 .6 .25 " .840 '•620 " 11828' ' 'BBO " I 'B4O ."1010 is - 6. . . ..... 1.927 " 1112 " 1 9 66 1 ' . .40 : um: 11 ~,, „„ ,„, • :i- ' - :llL'A ' 1111,401i0 WIWI. • iXP'SI' Exr's. lixr's. In.'s. J ,- . / il .. • isbu I 2 7 rg .„... r ••00ax .220. us ' 180ri Assehist.isr.;:...l.4l7 . •i• &10- 41 ..-. 54 7-." •810 •• • M;Erlglitog.. I . 427 '' ' liffiYie , ..... 4, ..141:‘ ,. I, o i, i I .512 •• 932 •• 445 s• '407. 1 a 'ColuOianal..l ;560 ?• 1016" - :" ..., 4 " 436 4, lallin4 - ..1 820 i.• 1047 ••• 552 •• .6 . 12 •• -Alliansio..?-.. ' ' ''7, 15 - 4 4 .-1160 •• 656 ii 60' 4 ' tuten...t . ."... ,805 it_ 1250rn ' 744, •• '7oe." Massillon :1--.,... 826'1 , 115, •• • 808 •• . 7231i.Y. - 0rrvi1.!4. 1 ..-... 1 1905 ic2oo . •• 850. ss gar s, Moodie's' f l 988. ,i 24. •! 4 ...925'„.5.• 888 .. Losdonrills ...11:040 • 346, •• 1022 1. 986 '' minat410...... 1187 • 445 " 1112 •• 1025 •• lAr 1216 580.1ig .•• „..::,' ,;,,_,i, 1145 •• 1100 .•• t'7''''" Pe 4240 ,• -820 " 1220ri -700 in rosyrss , • 110,11 650 •• 1248 •• . 788 '' U. Sandusky 1 151 ' ' .780 •• -125 •• '823 •• Foresl .! - 228', • 801 si 154 •• -857 •• ~ Lisia.;.'..... .... I "1_355 • : . ,.91 $ - •• 805. •• 1021 •• . -DslphOs .1436 - • ~9sV 'I, 337 ••• 1 1102,14 Vas Wort,- . 66 •., 0 1021 '‘ 406 '' llB7, '' ,Port.,Nayne: 1 650 - s• 1150 1. ; 640 •• -120 rm ' ColiOla ..... 7,34 1•12.35111 623 •• 208 , •• - Hantsrllls...- . .i.... 4' •'....... ••, - ‘. ..... ~ ..-74r5r,t4n.:... 1.1 - .. l i • '.. ..i..:, ~ •.....- „. i Wisia!t ,I 825 l• • 180 4 " . 711 •• 301 -•• • Inn* ....„ '. '1...:.i• • .. t• ',.. ...... ~ Plyno lt iti..... 1 .925 ' • ' 285 s., 807 •' 405 't Raaat l'slpaiiiiso..: 1050'. i• '416 •• 935' •• - 548 " Robarp, • ~ • ,-. "elarki.: . • • ..... ~ -de . .. 1118.811.Cros • ~... .: .. ' ~' A lil.Bl4J'n, I, ~.. .• _.'. ..s . ... • .46 C ihissp .:..... 112 i 3Orn ' ii 2. -• 130°•• 1130 • 800 •• • • 1 u• r. ..... . . • . •1' TSAINSIGOINCI BAST. r • I , _ ' • ' , .. . ... ' . ~. • . ,'!, . .1i MET S .S.S.P'S.I AXP" S. --,,+----- Oar/v.4' :11 440m4 720. km .335 pm, 11.1:41t8June .1 ' t i l " . " 111 C•:811Cfoi 1. l• • 1 . .....y. 41 ' '‘; Clarkeli ....... . 1' . 1 ...• le ." '" lrobaiti;: - 1 1 .1.... " ...... ftl ti l';lpar*so...l l ,l 688 " 906 " 521 al V 4411411 -... 1i.1.:.. " ' " ' " Ilym_ . otqh .... 1 429 " 1085 1, .720 " Bonrbcll,4 ....... !.'..... ," .. ... Warearl...-. 1 940 I. llB 3, " 817 " l'iercel4n-... 11.1—, 1 " ' t'l ..,.... " litintstille ..t.l .!. .... ,'"i ..i •.. (MumlAa ..;. - .:•11 1 / 4 0 , ".11219P.mi 904 A. Fort 1 111yie.:1111454"1 • 125 - " 1 ,1005." :Van Were! .4... 1 11.4im) 282 "11118 Pelpboilp 145 i'..l 308 "1148 ..1 Lii ns .4 . 1 •'1 219 to 833 ," . 1,217.1.1 Voriiii:k -, IM . - ~'. 449 "4.'125 " r 81k44,iu!ky-11 481.• ".j . .508 I .'" 151 .4 1 Blierrtolfrs2B "1 538 "I 225, "1, L f. - •Ar . , 4170 " • 605 ' . 265 "11 4;rlmtwi l e ' ,lBe •i • 615 A 625 " r . 815 "1 11.5ait4i?1,1..._1" 1 5564'1, 657 ..1 - 343 t•i 1,44441,1114 _1•• ; 11'50_1"I '746," 425 ' 4 l • W . i1ei1tr....... - '11gli: el ~. . 885 " .508 • orrville•••••••• 11 • 921) " ' 9°6 " I 58° " !, Mifiniett..... i• 0 1 00 • 942 . Goo ... elintililk.....l,lp2O ,"110Q3 tti 616 ••1' •A11iiii*i . ......, 1125 i,''lloo :"[ 715., "1 litsleir . . il ,: - — 7120, 1 . "7111.".1 7 "1, 144 ~ 1 Coluku4ut. t i ll2f..V - 31.11i.11::,0 ~i - •, i laps -4.: ... . , 1 1121!. r , 'l`2;l2Ait! 87.8 ~, i X. Brighton.. J; 217 '`‘'. "; ..... ".! k9oheil.4ri.. t;. 225. i "; vliTi " 021 4 1 !Pitteburgh.,... l ' 3-:10 1"I t. 230 "'; 1025 " .I"Fil,nr7i; I, 210 pm 43511, haslet' .. , . 1 '823 " ,645 ver .."... I .. .!....: , 656 1 1 itit'iFirry'l 461 " 1 - 611 :' elleville-.... 461, " ''''' 0 ' I . 4 oearrille. II 565 " ig2B-1' . gisili, ee. - .... .. .. .. ... 840 ' 0 Ateport... I; I'OT " '927 ' *afte.4.... II 72! " 1 940 ..' iti ciiiAWA 4—" S Lettee 1 „,,X•l i itila.4,. '41311 V,O a trt B 111 / 4 ,141, 11.45 a 'in, :N. , ERI MYERS General 0.,7: III.; A. CI r ~_,. i ~, ......______________... I i at-4 24 St, lasi, 81, t ~,t• ' • ; . • 1081 Cipi, aka dies' Furs. 1 ii % • . .„ alit? COUn y-Trafi, Sql"ta' •, i , . :"" 1 11" 14, , i 1 5 '1 6 . \ , . . . =1 1 114. Piogr — ens lie i regiliohei .--- .. : 1 , - 7 . - ....• - Reid 'Aefcre: the Teticherfs ,County' Ct. , . 1 , " * 1 ftit'e at Pailington. • . 1 • t i e llY MISS ANNA R. ill ; MINII: ~ , The wither is defined tobe orie who Isparta knowledge, infornm,:ine..rueth To the teach. er is confided the cultivation of-the immortal minds of youth.. For - the position ;is required a combination of **lithe not inferior to him Who fine the most sacred position-41m minis ter of the - gospeL Teachers sre:actilptors on minds eueceptible of having incislons,deep and lasting, carved upon them. Our ministers, stateammaielaton.authoFst doiturni lawyers and editors are monuments showing forth the woHmenship 'of teachers who' were slire'lo their.dity., Oaths other hind We might go to the gloomy pestilential prisons in our land, and perhaps many who' are confined • within their . grated windows and wrongly: - bolted doors, would trace their career of mime to wrong impressions and principles received from teachers. How soletan,the thought,when luir- Toying the children seated in it school-room,to reflect. that they are to"be thelen and women of the future; that they only await the teach eridirecting eon eve they- go forth to make a decisire metk twigs ; that inn few shortyeari ,' they are to be the importent actors in port- ' uating-the eivitreligions and. literary priyil• ' egg which we enjoy, or, if not properly train ed, in Spreading - broadcast these pernicious infirmness whicep tamed from ignorance, in- , subordination a idleness. ' When . the:Toil. tier: of teacher is of such vast imp ortance, th e pfr y ditties to, be performed so many, andthelinfiu once. so Mighty and Jesting, should not the responsibilitleabe well weighed, every oppor t unity nd means et improvement employed. to quality and prepare for theptisiticii Should they not . ',I "Be up and ding, . I With a heart for any fate;-' '. • Still achieving, still per:suing, Learn to labor andte wait." . 'Duty pi with outstreched finger to ac tion high and noble. All is action, _Motion, progress, and none can stay it or mark its lim ite,—none so bold as to make the vain endeav or. Shall teachers, whose work is so great, linger er falter.iii . the race I- • , -"e fails alone who feebly cream • - ! He wins who dares the tercet march." 1 Timi is short and speeding,, the - years in, which t+ work are short and few,improve (ben each passing Moment. . Teachers should ,place a standard high, ,and then make a constant and persevering effort to approximate the mark; their motto : "onward and upward. "— Yet-to aquire 'perfection in a teacher wouldl,e to demand more than 'can be accomplished In this world. ' Model school teachers are a rare commodity. It would require the long life of Methuselah, thn, wisdom of Solomen, and the, patience of Job , to make , modet teachers; mull and erenthen it is to be pre sumed they would be few and far between._ Because. teachers I cannot become perfect is no exentafor a life less attention to tinniness. All the space be tvieen us and'perfection is given 'in which to iMprove. Every, 'effortorvery step inprogress diminishes this intervening space. The fluted ard of 4uslificatione requisite in a teacher, Is being gradual* raised,—so gradully th at with I a due attention to business, all teacherrmight . I reach i 4 Should those who have net eserv, . perseverance . and a-desire to keep pine with, ~ the progress of the age,,receive certideates of, frieffito Waperinteadent I t Sts' duties to himself as' a citizen Of a free repub- Ilic; hie duties to those for whom be la** deroancl, that he admits only. . t hose wile are moral - energetic and progressive. How aria 1 We bear candidates for certificates say; after i examination, "Mr. Reed you, mud GTOTICKIIk • my failare t•-day, I knew the . answers to all those questions you asked , me very well, was },up last nigh6ar, perhaps, was frightenetL"— , I Now would not Mr. Reed be justifiable in soy-) i inlte-stich "We hitie an elevation to which we f . wish you \not+ely to aspire, but reach, and uutil you arouse your; ambition, inoreasa - your store oft knowledge, snd Telma to think. I shall refuse yFm a passport to the profession." Many suppose that any one is capable of teaching email - children, no difference ,how ordinary , thequelificetiona The State Sh - perintendent; 1 e in n address in Allegheny eity,eome time ago; 0 , said that this is a lamentably Mitaken idea ; that a teacher of small phildren shouldpossess ' even more knowledge than that of larger ones. ' There are many ways for teachers to infinite. ,their store of knowledge;—such as seattend case at iinstitutes. 'reading standard works on: teaching, and visiting the _schools of others. The road to success is open to all ; why then' bb contented to be, a mere drone in the pro fession.l There are some obstacles to be over [. I come it is true. but perseverasee will conquer. . An expenditure of all the limo, is -very es sential t i o success, 'but the wages general* will notedmit this.. Money is a great Motive 'power fed perhaps were the. Wagei raised to' a :slender& as high as, thal o bf qualifications,. ;leachers would be more aetlie and efficient.— WIT-they do not progress more rapidly is In deed wonderful, nhr they teach at all is even` 'more ivonderfut when they might engage in other. things more reaumerative.: . School teaching is that on which Meny females are dependent for a livelihood; arid' the State and Comity 13uperintendent sal; they teach quite as Welland in many easel; more eaccessfully than males; why, then, should not the schools be intrusted entirely to . them i Just last night Mr. Reed said the(; in his opinion, the schools would be in hotter -coalitioh if taught only by well qualified females. A school di rector who was present heartily coincided,and said itien,that. he believes they . missies .more knowledge. ;They agreed that it II prejudice which keeps them , in the back-ground. Can not this be livereeme ? Intellect Is measured by its acbievemrnts, and achievements are es timated by their difficulties. Perhaps then, e, resolute determination to .succeed, together with an interest, in all matters pertaining to the professioirmay overcome it,, and lead to final snicesa-, A. ' desire, strongly felt, and clearly manifested to do good, and an naweiri ed exertion to instruct anti dicipline pupil', - Will fit them, when called upon, 'to net well their pin, in life, and win for teachers anted. ing,laurels. , ' Then "Mount up the 'heiglits of wisdom; • „ And eriph'eseh error low; • lep back iso words of. knowlidgi, • . that L ulnae beach should know. • , Be faithful to tltylnission, , • - • • ' In'serviee of thylkeed - - 1 -• Add then gohisit Shapiste . i Shall be thrjustausuird.7 ar," ledotator • ad drew:4r% his brethren, i!tw - o' ma d , ie: world- De'one am • a broad narrow jived; d leads perdi tiinr,, de oder ,a narrow and 'broad raid '4l leads dire destruction. ' "If dim S de case," said a liable bearit, "die Intl. Ind individual- takes to . the weeds!". 4ANCH. , rrm." yard: p• m. hiladet. 2.85 P.M TiCkei Agent. MORE Pa,) "1 - wish yoif would not jive roe lob ,elrort weigt t 'thy :money ' lle said a onstoiner to a . gtoner, mrholine an onteiasiling bill agaiaet . bini:':' 4 4 o dad wish ~ na wont tli n glvo "'gob a lon g wet for ?nine," field the g rocer. POLITICAL nurroßir. Proataint Tairibaln AUid It* A e : • EL Illtephecke.-Efighly Intermit. tog - Oorrespondeote Beloit". to Mr. EltikheitssElpeeohlleicOd . t. the ,Georgli LegtaltiPtree ' 'T - • Tl?e, Natioael.Pnblisbing Ocimpasy bait just mood; ; work: ntitled .41.1nn. adder B.' Steptona, in publia.,idcl :veto, with Lectors itrid . apeechos, be fore, During and since the liter,',!,bY Usury: Cleaveland. 11l it. linflndlttie , following eiceedingly. intereeti rig icor; respondence. Mil'. bits .nevor.,, before. boon publiShed. Mr. Cienveletut Sara, " are inforiOd by Mr.Stepb ens that no person bad - ever Seen the ;letters, of Mr. Linecilii to hilt Until since' t. IS . retorn - froni Fort Warren ' in 1865; ex copt his . Private, Beiretariesi; , Abe 'For. Your Own Elyeof bse r bosn•iscredly-pbEisr red, as _far .as possible, so long is it *in(1 . 96014, at all necessary or prOprir." Tho"lisitei! are as folio ws; - • 'stmt . ML .Ltsoo,LN TO -31 z. ETZPBIIis Opnegfield, 111 , NT,. 80, 1860. Ron. A.. 8. Stiihens—lfy : I . in• the newsps - pirs „four speech' recently delivered, 1 hefore the Georgia Legislature . , or its -assembled members. If you - bays re d is'l)l shall be much vise I SS possi ble, obliged to you if you -send me a coif.. Tours,very FROM 31E. STEPHENS TO Ma. .LT,NEOLN. , Crawfordville; Ga. Dec. 14, 18611. My. Near Sir:l Your short and po lite note of the 30th nit., asking Ririe f rovise'd copy of the speirdi to <which Too refer, 40., was not, receive4oo4l The new spaper - report of the speech has : been revised by hie. The. notes of the reporter were sub mitted to me, and corrected In stuns extent before being babllobed Wit ttOt so thOroughty as I could have kiseAd. The report was substantially correct. If I. bad bad any idea that it ,wo,uld have been so extensively . 4 oirolated as it. has been, and been republished ito many places, throughout the; corn try as it has been .I should. had, pre l pared a copy forth° press in the firs. \ miasmic, But .Ihad no such thought, I and therefore let the report g, le it I did. There are several verbal ititiceu raeies'in it but the main points ap pear sufficiently for all practicpar! 'poses. The country is certainly; in great peril, and no man ever hid lieettr, ier.or greater responsibilities resting upor. him that. roa have in the , , pies obi qiomentOns . T,oursoitoett respectfielli c i . i.tiax4arA.H. I:l2lplism*-- - A. LINCOLN, 5p1i9010 . 14,111. IMPLY 014M11. LINCOLN. - [For y.ur me eye wily.] Springfield - JP.. Duo. 22; 186 \ A. Hoo. A. .11. Stephens—My Defy Your obliging answer to my, short note isjast received, and for which please accept my thankn. I fully tip: preeiatectbe prUBßilt peril the country; is in, ml- the weight of responsibility., ori tie., DJ the of the loiuth: retillir entertaic bones that a Rehtibli.• !win Administration would directlyl or indirectly interfere with their - slaves; or with them about .their slaves 1 1 1 If I they. wish to , assure you, as once ,a ,friend, and still;!I hope, not ah my, that thcro is" no cause for such I fears. The Sou'th be - in n'o aims - danger in this repect, than iti.would I in the days of Washington. • I Suppose, :however, this doeS.not mOet, the "Ciike. I Yon think slavery is right, and ought ttsle extended; orbilorwe think it la toren?, and ought , to• be restricted.— That I sup Pose infthe rub. It certain ly the e/nly substantial difference , betTieow ca.* , Yours; Very truly, A laNcoLa .. , . ma.lsraTrizas TO MIL =get/LW. '. . ' - VraWfr/TllVille, 'tht., D06'.30, 1.860.:. 'Dear Sir: Youri of the 22d instaut was received two !days ago" - .l' ,I - bold it, and appreciate it is 'you - intended. Personally I am.nut, your enmity Ifar from It; auctlhoireVar widely we: nisy differ : :politically, yet. I trust' WO litith have in earnest desire to preserVe and 'Maintain the Union:of I the' Suttee; if . it can Ale done principle! 4iid •furthisranee of the, obj Pets for whieb it wile formed.. It Was .with enCh fee l . ings on my part, that I suggested; to yon'tn my former notefthObeavY .11-e --sponsibility novi resting onl yolkand illi :with the samofeeliugs I wil now take - the liberty of saying , in all rankness and, earnestness, that this gr it,Otiiit k oanever. be 'attnined_by fo . e.;' This. is my settled . ean'viotion, Consider the' opinion,:iveigh it, and • ass :upon it for yourself. 'Arcerror on ibis point may lead to. theta most diast s 'cootie quenees, /I will alto add that in - My judgment th? . people of .the 133rith. do nit entertain' any fear_ s that'a neplib. flee" :Administration,•or st leaat the tinsi ehiint 'to l ba • itiatigarated, 'wotild attempt VD:interfere dgently is • tin mediately with Slayatiy,la - die thatimt. Thair, - stproheneiow and tilicittiatido• do . not aiming friini that mimeos: -• Thay do..notatisefOm th'ettat'af the kriaint Anti - Stayei7 ikrailloaa (Atha Piiiiclant I elect' ' IrmahlUgtoit, ' Jitariaiki' ' . .4d otheiVrieideitte ail generally . adadt: tectik:haive***Aida Slavery in - Hie. ,tintatti:- Blit'in ibbig6iiol 'Atiti - 'sla; iert - dili v llol'eateraeitir. - elleateat' into Etart y 011'anigation*. --.--." ' • • ' Y cluis-of:Oitherelifitdeid&ra,g l ; to ' us'• foretg&s nd *.erne, - Iltiatiaa•-4ati other ":1•011.140 1 Objaats el tib4VOsiirid Goaalet i Were thelkaaistifailek fisOtamionoi. thei rilay. Tharrfaikarfaikimielai. d!rifivalf! tlf”Pil to jsatfeet dr Ifriala , . , ~1 I -- - - 1111 # 1 ; 1 79 - or . thil itiPatt**4lte:(Msgfro] with ;us, wars k sr ,v:, jik th e alailleenfradnitn ..„. _. rarti4hg n Watt *telthit tlikwiltniioll.ooliSiggiok, iasi'aist Mille - enbjeetlinart *NW the . latfrerintrWlinttei!.. -',e6bilataii•ir btu; no control. 'r . . Vile laltbi.:' je‘t'whiehlition . /eclat iikk e *Quids of the co id::4lo4soil of t tiloiernaletit;lir z . Aim* so li' s ' arse-Voimiirriedijii, .! , die 6,4dintrat. ideelf- In :: theollifiti. - - ;'of =principles: announced bythe:: ' _ ~ i itiant, party. 'Ebb leading objsetr ,An be.iink• pli, atid-:**Atabit, 7 4 1 as :phasaita pat Wei insiftlitioett ‘. hilt One Stites Itlid_st ; ,4 l 4 ;. _ , . .r , ' and nib: tionat cordiernitittilit.".7 • * upon gin. eral priibipleavfalini: i s tts•• self to iircuselt sp i rt. Mil, of Iteti .„. thditnikroitsblit ,-IleiitelOwthi pail, of the gronori . - ~.LitYll4li Mite. ti ti-' a fie, gentile . :eoseaded, ' ; tiii#epublicabe ev . " at i Ciingrass cannot interfere' wit , , very ifir.atia 'Staten; rt_iii kniinkil ceded:that Congrnasi cannot ea - a ny form. religiotus worship:: _ .suppose that 141 by.. any one Of_ the • Christian Chucrhes or sects pr in all', the Southern 8 4t 411 1 but' - ao'elistenea many one of the: le ._ Sep Statesr- I under such circninstaii . -suppose thy ' people of the Ifortlimirikates 'Wald organize a political pe4y—not i nposi a Sitleign or ficmestie psikey but with One leading ides of billimlernaition of thei docttine and - tenetOof that pat tic- utile .ohirrith, and 'with liiiiravOred ob ject, of preventing• itaseztetimon into the 0 0 11 1 0 1 0 n: Tfrritott -even after th 9 highest judicial . ' nal 'of the land bad : decided theyt, d, no snob i k constitutionalpoweri,, A And suppose that a party so organisadisbould carry a presidegtel,electiont:lL is not ap. parpnt that c .a gensralf*lng of resist, Ono* IA t4i Asuocien, aWkskandl , objskd, of 4E14. a party_ would ijsnessarily and rightfully ensue? !nog' iv, .iict, be - awl inevitable .cotseqmfg*' 7 AlLid the more eco s if pxtgiblil fro*4l 6 emitted - fact th'itt, it. was it matt Nord their control, and one Lb, IA ey, ought not in the spirit of ipetwcin c i at co-Eltatee, to attempt .to t iftaddle with. sable'' , . .., ..- -.V -4. .nay be now: Tbe t immi difference woulti, of souse exist in the supposed ease bi religiim, When i Parties or Cembinitions 'of men. the fore, so forat - themselvel, must le not be assumed 'to arils *tit from ria son pr any sense of jlieti4, ~btit from ;finatutiam? The motives can spring trona nii other 'mine, and wben Men, come ander the influence of lanatieient, Cher to no telling where their iMpulse or pions may„ottrixe them. ;This, is wha creates our, discontent ind ap ,se prehension.' Yoe will sleet !allot, me to sly that-it is neither unnatural or unreasonable, eaPeclallY weer , l we eee the ttent to which this reckless 'spir it ha, ahead) gone. Such, for instance, as tbe avowed disregard en d: breach of thi3 Coostitutioe, in tbs.:passage 'of the.statutesin a number ol' the North-1 erre States egainst the rendition' of fu gitives from service; and seek exibi. . tinnsi of madness as the John 1 Smits 1 raid ntoVirginia, which lai remitted to m ch sympathy from many; and l r open condemnation from any of e , leading men er the pleseut prominent party. For a very clear itatemeatiof the prevaling sentiment of the ineits =iterate men of the South upon them, I refer you to:the - speech of,Senktor , Niel:Olson, of 'Tbanesiee, w 13166 I 16 7 close Ito you. Upon a review ', of the y wholi, who can oar tbxt, the general disco nt and apprehension, prevail. ling is not well founded? 1 .1 I l 1 ' In addressing. you thus !would have -ma understand me as 144% not a peonel enemy • but as one. who would have On db what, you can to saver common country.. A. Word ' "filly Spoken" by,you now. would .lni.- deed . be "like apples of gold in pictures Oar of sillier." I entreat you be not deafest. ved as to the nature and extant of the , danger, or as to the remedy. 1 tlistrioili lation and harmony. in my judgment, lean nevei:Ve;established by *me. For Can theitinion, ender tha Con-, stitution. be maintained by fen - 36.- 11M 4nion was formed by the Mineent lof ind*ndeat sovereign Steak . Ul.• 'them* • sotertiignty still roeideVivith them ,eloarittely whichicareber4umed, and oall -be if their eafety,,Arangulltty tend mrity,lts their judgment, :nitre it. . Under oar.. systems . 10 , i , tiew it. theris c : l - • 'no eightfkd Power, lii lb* Gan- Oral Terehletitie - 00erces Alk, r w liit cage One .at 111.111411014 d - WOW. ' llf apeer.ber , reserved right., and eliiinessii, the .41: exorcise other alOirgthiptiPOW- Ark ' 301 We Me - perpetql4fiAlitide ! ..Tbat Opuide.nymn the,coutiegtooles of wiLe..: l Shy teehh:Lit 0 num woulli tot be the Ualcus..or 00 , Consgt,ation t .It - stook; be noth nit- short of .a ;00neell idaiiii ,• • ' Rues*. me' fp? sir lac yes ._thino • Iria*S• EiOUU. aironi language used; ltoitik e - 1 .-6 •4l•4 4 ip4!feet,in io pmisels the t • 4 SeSert now kfarik oisilearoxsises it.-?eatiF;44olno eir•-'. jltakutirwi t is do : " • 4Fr.- all) ,, :trite, and lei - , ti,... hats ,IMM 1 , . Weight ivitifl . on an, in y'citlddgment, wader Or the iiritmktsinnity resting two Yog,l it, menu. r - -- - . l r ollll.l63flpe4tittliy.: ALIXAND.FILI tripains. ns, Linranut..Spritng 1105 EMI - ' .{ • - An szoellent attune l ons 'incise chap. ter. ia I bookery B*Cl - in opoite to teach file art - ofi Liarvin i g,„: Is con-. tamed' in nitory Irecer.tly_publishell by John Holliugshaid, riondOn.l— biro ii a Hr. Joitepb BoWpot,te Only "IA carefttl . mother, wo Filltahel! over him so sash:10001y that the,rpe'Sgu , forty,be is - as an in, fact •During into rathellcirigjeurney ;Jiisephfis tnothei tel la ~ aideep and he. Awes tise ostriage 'to obtain refresh: 'Thitand i t nient. , I „ rata goes 'on, Mr. 11 9WPI risolaiLi on the platform with 1 feelings those of a "careless solar on a clesolate Who '-has suffered' the ethermeMber3 of an ex ploring patty, th „ return to .tbe ship witbontlita. In this emergency, he takes the advice of an intelligent pot. tnr;`andlSoon , finds himself in the cot fea-roons of a hotel, 'where' a stiff waiterinfortris him that a' roast goose will icon be ready forldinner. throw. jag of his nervovenose. be boldly or ders. it. in, ;tad brings It Or; h. the voluMe, on aboliiry, peruses' the 'aitieleit. Carving, whilelhe - waiter lays the chub and 'arrangeti the table, Mr. ..oseph llowpot took Ilia seat very eloWly at the table.while the stiff waiter, removed, the cover from tti smoking goose. Joseph made a ' grea t, display 'bat pening, hut-knife; tarn'. kg up the cuffs orhiti,cost, afterwards his waistbands, then ihsrpeninghth ktifs'agiin, trying it 'with thumb evidentlf.waititig for Ile . stiff waiter to have room., _ It Was half-past three otoleck, and, being a Wintry aftarioon, was gettkg dusk. t "Weald you ,like the gaa lighted, sir?", inquired the stiff Welter, i'.Not at all. not stall," returned To seph htirriedly. dont think eed ilt." - Plant it securelYla,the figure 4;1 think !feel ing for the spotwith bis fingers,) Very well how to plant the fork secure • ly" (tryng' to stick the fork in:) Eh! ;Why? IWhy, there's "a confounded lion°. Try A little on one side.— (Shifts the fork.) A boo* there also. Why 6ng it, it's all bone. • Stay. pm haps I' ve got the wrong , side. Con found abese artists, • wish they'( draw better i • It's no snore like a goose than I am. ,§nopost. we tarn over gently. Wo! (Turtle the goose Oval tenderly.) There gries the .gravy' all ,hver the table and tmy trowsers.-- (Sope with his handkerchief looking round once or twice anxiously at the door:) Now then'once morei, let's see; where were ire? Oh! on .No 4 . *1-,„, .* * ' "You theO a dexterous twist of the wrist separate the leg from the body." ' (Panning. ) How—dexterous, twist? (Perplexed.) Somehow like Chi., I i ' suppose? Good gracious!"'• -He braced himself up for ' a great effort. but unfortunately,,in stead of being sticeessfill, he, twisted the goose Off the table . on to the floor, between his feet. .Por somo reason the stiff waiter` again Made his appear: nate. . I , Ring sir?' be inquired moi - e tlealiy than usual. ' • ; • Joseph . ; - ,in,his ttrepidation, seized the dish .cover` and'slapped 'it on -the empty_ dish, bolaiog it don with his head . ; while be turned round to thi pertifiamode stiff 'lraiter, . :and. with *something of indignation In his %Otte, replyed,,"l did not ring.' "Herol" was the answer of the stiff waiter 46 he agii;ii retired. 4 `Joseph greasily - reeoVered' him look elt the cover, and, lifting :he , goose up, ten with both' bands ily rfrom,tHe floor & he l plabed it again upon ' tHe 'dish bind took a_ otidtilkoriliisses of sherri to fortify hiniselffor a final effort.. • " "Oh! that eitremellofficious person, be Muttered thbimse" ; he bas throtin the‘intoit profuse perspiration. Dear me the bird's as , cold as a stonet' He Look ehiple mote gleam* of Wile. "live • not tallied anbstaittial ft:#bd for eight Elmira, land I feel the! pangs of Ono Why dbould, I t‘l3bitilie? Ro Ono , I , .. He lookedarthuid aid itelhag him-, l ied 'unobserved. be tore of;ejeg with ble.bgedt:sod basked 4711 1 1 1 sFlan New of the serrate, ulna reiriuseee° , , ky all i i4 l l, ,time. Cold ; Ate the bird'ilies be at e; or l oither deiroorod;ii fair gain- o,9's and,lPl tbs time. Li* appetite was eetudled,, the temporary courage is. epired:hy his half ptoil of ebtolit ra* , (abseiled aleetwitk the ' i mino, and ilictfillllo4,lll iota.hie origioal :444 of. l'sf ,: 1 11S u! .00iffeelei4..J- ,eaddeoiy his Ives me. fixed apee.thei,disb. , • , !' ficioget!. WajteeetTebrrek ed.- b al. beerid,egeeteele. The goose do 't" look au ikitli4beon cell ed; INI kirkit.itbeClSlE n t ' worried by e.eptijeriet." , A - -'1.7 MESS .d.`,City OrloliriStri• ' Next to the envircnit fol . ; Seville,_ where every thing which Voinfit mist ed with orangesia ebveted with-rose", and the Valley "of-Mexico,. ,whiCh us one iarterire or 110 Were all . the lfelir round,nutst come Itome *Sibs, chosen aantjof „Vlore: She'revels in T wild Owen,. aMong - the ruins, ' i the Vilnlbil; rlll3 chinks of-the Colbieneyand twee the, viraito - Campragna:r - Bbe runs over Vtill!!tanne Itcrwers in 'Abe gardens ' f freevillas which, frtngett,the Seven .. ille. „ Flowersi in Rome;i, ere literal.. y ,cheaper . tban - dikt, fordirt,' , is a delis cost lives. _For - tenPence fie bar{ bur sefeih•l'-a tionqnet. in Okeella 'an, ' English &JON= "Wit hiel‘cherap , at a gni. nes ,f, in! Covent rden; such -a. bouquet might , r:tic- aorEnglitib 'seamstress, Stitch: g - in her -solitar', garret calculate ow many bourn of toil and miles of, needles -and thread' it -'avould I ;take AD 1 purchase one poor sprig_Of Mignon-, pet te front that abounding, loveliness. Too are spared in Rome the detesia ie nnisanee of the flower Orbs who in yenico and- Florence dog. your_foot iftePs.and thrust bouquets into Your button hole whether you ,will or not. diery street Corner or vacant pace ii Ls I brave 'said, it Ifaichit!'d2 l - ilk Madi ',ins, and You Mai , spend'your, loos ', hid( penny, in flowers, .or leave theliti alone as yon chose. The peripraietie 1.. gender of flowers whom I have yet met in. the. Eternal City is a hump backed•d*arf who oh week days !wants the outside of Piale'e'reading 1 roo' m on the,-Piazza di Spagrm, and is' ii small Birriam Wood of Choice flo*- era. iYoU may make poor . Lancelot Gobbo's fo rtune , for a fortnight if: yeti - g' lye hint say hajocchi—'`tht but is 7d f,or' an armful of rainbow.- On Sun days, when Plate's in dffersnee:to the prejadices of its Protestant patrons, la closed, the dwarf changes his station to the - outside of the cafe gs-Ronia, on the Corso, whither it ma,f,be hinted it coneiderableseccCiora of tni prbies4 tent patrons resort, to read - the Gak nunz, invisible at Piale's: On the Sabbath i the Gobbe- does not- vend flowers. '‘llti has a paii of I buffsla *mu for sale, beadtiful in „their poi lett ' and curvilinear'. spikeress; with iwhich .he stands sentry, a 'horn,:ln 'etch hand, like's Stunned terri Otto figure of Plenty, bearing ossified, c i Mopies. With a view to Prates . 1 atrons, he has mastered rl:t s ,. rrateck - of !English. "Little iti li . dowers? i- b'efall.-- t'llbtle7'. I: tl 'milif,imigi Wine' 'Vila, IL" H ye 4. l et Nisidol lnglalti ... ottdals nid urge* : •• .„..-"• the blot, but itb a peculiar of ctirioaty, ly round the st he was all Carving" from It to. page 48, 'Mist he crust thagoose like left• band—so , I e A st - e - ilal 'i a r r t roo k n, P l i tte i nd d e lt d 3. b l 7. l. eTr yumetancee of the most novel a d 1 atartling char:eater. We hive oft n k I heard of robbers using chloroform 'n • r on . persons asleep: : ins rooms, bnrgii.ti ri , Only entered, but never, in AI the an• bale of crime, have we beard Wore of bat potent 4trug being applied •to 'lde-awake . -parsone in their own .i Doses. • Th. faots'nre as follows : 1 A couple of ordinnry—or rather ex raordinory,—pack *peddlers entered : 'be houlie,Of Mr. John Lerch, on Pop: ar streetjnear Brrinkley. avenue, and Offered tneir trapi for sale. They were .wparently. Polanders, and'spake im perfect Engliah. 1 ~ r ff Tito la iee in the house . Came . fc).-I ward, wen they, spread out' thOir goods to I ok at theal, and were join id by Mr. Lerch. . After unrolling say: i oral pieces, they opcined a libawl afid fibook it up as if to, take opt the.wrin: klee., - it: ytte thoroughly saturat d iirith chloiciform, and so thorongly • i i t.affect the: parties that they . weir unable* *.cofist its inflnence. ,They aank into 'an iiisensible . state, and•e mapied.awfor some time. When th y feeovered:-they found ithat their' v a-. =tuts bad 'departeci, sio had robed l e the hotie&,cf money, isilverware, and Other articles, atiionnting - ito:about tiro hundred ankfifty dollars: . 1 No cluer,has been obtained toithe ilconndralsithey made - good their' Ss- gape, ' It is to I)ff hoped that they will /fa apprehended before they ',commit any . Moro , such exploits.-3fatiphis Commercial and. Aiqus, of 1 1 . I • §ad Affair'in aState Prised; The Sin Francisco .Times give's an ace/hint Of tho Sudden death of three donVictiiiithe California State Prison • . • hy l "danipichokel , • Theparttulars, , re ak, follows:. • , .., I"In the'rr.ornieg five prisoters Iv: nt into the tunnel; which drains the &li on yard, far the purpose of rernovitig tope obstruetions: After hiving prd seeded some distance---say f2rts . , feet 1 -+they encountered foul sir, or ardif.- i ground _Memos,' whit% ~prOstnited tiled. Two made their way but,drag ting atitA them ',lndian . - Belly: Late horn Bantlimoto. il'ho was'gniteirlead when brbeght to the open sir.' A, brave yirg German , named ,Hylton w , h, o ea • **eerily 'from Humbolt saantj, meted in and saved smother. itilitraing far the rethaming rMsaa, Its *al himself overeomo,and rememed a (V JJ IM is the tunnel. . 1 I f"rbe-Itediee were,edl 'veneered later . ' the day. Hylton mule tine looking tPural afinfient loithe. Stud Prises ! jos. one yOat, &a bad Occupied the po• eititm of darly Sergeant in one - of the rnia regiments during the 1 Califi r , ar. l ' .T e ollittersil In charge OA the ' 'eon alli - erect, lit apprOprrate heid Me 'dyer the - g‘reic...., of poor Hylton 1.) ela tokeit * :f their regard Ibr :Ills 1617, e lab aa lee of hie own life_ to, te aer biajoiloir prqpncrs:frorr(ar(an- A help 41/Ab r. ." , - 1 , :. , . _ ' A -No v el: , ME 4111n000RNIFIPIPII, f! laii ‘OINAL*1 1 01014 1) 4# 41 1 61 Par ' NMI try_ ,__4M11 1 14. 1 SS oadar_ PT, giOnmoitioglol,- 1 * 11.14104 " 11 .040* inasured !.• Special a4lOll Per ike,ll4 . Sloa got gisiistm • • Buidessresph ; .:.. s cikn" and llootko,*ollgloakill‘li lad othiellotioes of a PablioatiopfAlli!' ._ • How a Fsmae; gear, Loa alleMlatt , - f . -.By. taking hill nannteppigg:;.a' I - AilePiqg 0 9 1e44 1 4 1 ti , a1f441, githilk.! : itigik t [ tleas. •; , . • , t 4 . '-; . si -1-, I '. 15iyg - AO ittOn'tion lii ilii:Stil;," "A stitch in;tinie-liVeiirtdriii "IS, , , ~ to ihe sowing - " gi*"... 'Mt - P 2 44 ' sead 4hs' ropoP. Visat l / 4 " • ' ..'• '' ." !at j , i p . •>. • ~,, 0, ...r..';-. lativpng•ctutpere4lOce,.inill; lej 1 &c„&c„unsheltered, 11.tinvitius . : <Cas4 heat of inn.' _Morn tio,ilcik' ' il 1 in AO *Par anunalljObsist ialiittlikw seat• Would ba' willing-4a ballas*,, ' 1 , 7 -.,.,,, Ailaittink .lisiekea:ituplagtemilKENC be scattered over tt.ofttritt, until . . Ow l arerEaparable., ~gy.repering hs. : • Mora . init ementis end- tool' nilha pianW tin* iniT!ttollate illii,g'-ba,:, airiv , e&t.‘i proof .or e ' , .asierthstak.Abitl • '!As* sk,3 . mosey" . ' •., ,`', :: .3 J..;` 4 ! :,..) Attending, suption asiewld. i .. 00:te* J , mii, all kinds. of ft , 04811W' in the words. 'W. th - C r Airflsri-`*: "•chesp,' • : •! _ : 1 - ' ''''''' ' Allowing the fence to rema i n; • I paired - until strange cattle 'art . • miti o graiin g in the ineadow , i graln nal :, ,.. . 1 browsing the fruit 'trees. . - c. f ,,,, pisbelieving the principle' of -; , t&& rotation of crops , before tunking - **llW gle experi men t. : L i :.,` ~. :-, iafi I Planting fruit -trees...wit!) s4. 4 i• ' , • pect4itionof having fruit, witinin,, ‘,.. lag , the tree half the attent t iK 4 ,guises to makb thent - prifliable.!• .1 . t : .Practicing economy! by, deprivthg stock of proVor shelter , durum, , winter,and feeding them u4sottnck ,. . ,' • sueb, - as half—rotten corn and 111 4' i ; " - - z-ZsretY nighu wOlve,n4l. l * -1 40L... / in tall chortle in the - aaighborboodi Ottawa.,. 4Tror tie a "i i rs3 4 l4 4l eir. 4 AUL • members kn.* raver. -*V I be jteited tolora,r . • ' going to 4fiti . boa ninny .nkildren in that city do fat st_t_endschoe --In Chieag6,the Oerinans are Mei ea l *ith th 9 gteattint amount ,Of itifo Mastic infoliettyi ' —A romantic writer says thb 4 . s. - . ..,. ham sank' beneath the' i isaveii"oirkin ,and undefiled by tread:' r• , ,, f • ~...-r l finieterCampbell lie at I§ifiry Or , :te,vtevk',wsiting,liioawbet•.-Ilka!oi'i*gy ,j,hNd,)'ltto,turn cp.. • ~ . r i.- - .,4„)-e.hundred and otztena !,‘_..:••. 4 -,---. • s familieswitktheralikli - -----')-,-. ,i s w i nter cc - • 'AX 1 --.;;.-The wife uf a &irks coatitn ts 2 . l • eepei'aeaided4 btitist4ble wit:el I. dittetvbecaluoi tie attealpted i,- '' 0 ,,,,, - /Ton ionic other hatband* • , 1 -,...r..,..-:- , , . • - - _ i ,: .- ;,. . i' ' - = 7 .oh - in is tlie Mx*: .1 . " ,-,... - , the Const tatidnal-Ainehilment- - i7 1 :: ' • loyal eat A Will soon fOl•ow iti "ritiril , Rut:cession, ticra. tlidi Obit 10,..,mitalstureil - have coriviened.. ..1 ' ::-"-r'' t —iliils d Fillmore, IVim.G..l Fer#34. Agi n 111 Hutchinson and other :teed= ing aittieds of Vero Arganiand *club' t i , which the initiating fee ii MO, a neat dues' 50; !- a '• • -: - .± in i A ssenersdi w bailwas bel4 in i chieng ain !ridgy bigh,:iist.., Abiert one h dred men and ;admen of • the vile sor assembled, in 4 1 010 -unwe Ylt. free an easy: Ithe polka' i made a 0 Scent mid marched. all -tO she„ twin* and neat mining satin: of.abn gay- ' broWd was fined tire dullard Ind , emitie: —There is a growing sentiiiient 'lit; the Scidth,in favor of abandoning tint.' itics, and paying ettetititin to thid;kei; toratidn of the prosperity;of siit.need tion. A late number of Ow 810)taint4 Whig. advises the R eople : to.i.lite.,Pii tbe - old politicians,. and stii*,'"iire'sire a: inning-!a heir. era 'and Windt . iiiiite ne itleandhd tin* met," ' - - • ,c. ' —Ali7' ISlt t arrieburg..CortenPandent 6i the Philadelphia Presa el goits:• Ibis - opening of another- Senatorial' nami. ~.s pitigti to continue for two Yestri - or.. uts •r - ''' tit the expiration of Senator , Bile4t kW ' tarm, lie urges that the raw% . ' pithy sliturfil drop old , lendeti cif 1104 dons, inti' - tike tip taebjectinsible, end rising 'young- Mee, and . saggesta that the party begin 'pow ;to comibieti do such , a man -as Hon..G.'.'W.*Siiitialil; &ember of Cockrell' froni the litiiiii; - teesql,Distribt. : I ' , --- ' ,—..ln Cincinnati, the waiters....of i hotel, quit werk•because Vie liFtriirt,. tt` ton refused . to take agnin 'into lbeit: einploy i thaeharged. reritanty_EZWry had tlienty hire deli' ireOlidliet,thiffit when- they gave up • them:. itlktx* --- f Landlerds refused to psi ; ; "Sett ' l Wite brought at,d, the court ruled ibitAlS Waitafiiiiheald go erithowl their uktneit Se tench for combination.: , -, .s'i l ': —lllinois bas purchased , from=: KM: Deuglai.thelot of ground le — whit* • the remains of 'Stephen ~ .1 k :- I iiiigisi I were himed, paying , therefnr tblizamot 1101-t.35,000. uovernor Ogleiby map! r mania an appropriation to slid theep , tl4 Lion of it atuukble aicieitinent :mie.. 101. remains of Abraham- tintielnefoo which purptiai the; Ikintietint: AWllit .4 -• stied now lea tifis,ooo eiilleefeetitsed inisistimiAmtititWOW444Wret i t edo c.arry , cut the plan which . . bite ' adapted. t it simple 'Fenian ninanii: Oudot, limmig alb alone at a nlgao . iii 'bittern:v*4 eft: !edits*, .dijii 4 10pt,...1. • t r tirtiehtid, rcbbed end aeuriiitil,abi.,, uniciiewn ' :parties.' ; be 'lke ositTed thiotigb el&tealinnaniz!anfOri tsberabii at I 64140 bladred .. dMiiiit in' specie . and..greell*lliii t ..... N 1 1144 171 6 9. ,thieves and murderer!' ' o, llll7lleu-'•n ffiet snow rAblit'Oio , hetet* lie'teithe Of two -: nien ` in" rtbnir 'r eltiletiNi 'Heti ',etre 'lW•ce4 , arad... ' ''-' I ',s ' 1 GlO II EN 11 H MI SIMI iff