The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 23, 1867, Image 4
EEO t Le: MEZEZZ ,-a.aittvf itoli:w. s BEIMiI • -,• t , • F r tat! 111 I , t • J rawstnisie higil leaves to announce '':l.ll3hvit ohne= of ,Deater-. ccunty that t .r sir hare formed:a eo-partnershiP -under the . naillasad style ot; ... - M NELSON &-ROESSLER, , • • for the pnrpoee of carrying on the Diy :tooth Trade _ - • in 'ill ita. various . Drenches. The large end audio fresh - stook will comprise, the latest aid mat 114rable • - IMII , DELr.Rfil. clk-tioons, OF EVERY DE S CRIPTION • FREiNOII MERINos: 'COBURGS, SitA)iLS,.; I i 111 and a full aaisortLUeitt or •• - . I.)o3cEti3Stie ..e (3 0 5. s. 411 br i ttle aboralleods have been purehaied st I Eastern - Markets, for CASH, ilhich will enable is to sell them at the lowesf - prices. Oar' Sisorimentmbeing untimally -hcrge, we ' , Naiad especiallylittiite the lathes to at least. - give call before piirchasirig elsewhere as we gusiantee to sell goods at lower rates than any tome in Pittsburg. , , r., Iraq respectfully, .1,. . .. " • . • ...NELSON & ROESSLER, • _ . • OR.e.II4NS' COURT . irliTimmance of an order.. of .the ,Orp a' Court of Bearer county, I.ho undersi ned eell at public 'endue or outcry, on the .premiees, Wc - itnesday, Jcoptary . .3C,fl i , 1867 , at I.., ; faleck‘i P-. M., all that farnlor tract of land itititAte in .liarlingtott tp., Deaver county, 1'6 7 ,, the estate; of Samuel', Glllilatitti, tale of saia tuw . uallip;.tric'tl.,bounded as follows,' viz: Otiith".north,by hind of Henry 'con, on the east biland of Joseph Douthitt, on the south ltylatls'of John Caititanti Samuel Reed, and on the*est by land of ohn 31*Clure ; con, 44114122 acres, ':more or less, sbotit . 100 saes cleared and tn a.go a state of cultivation; ..on which are erecied ri .. " good ,two story frame dwellfig 110{1103 with - c liar underneath and frame ( - kitchen land dining room . attached, a frame:thank- bliiii,. with. "stone basement, a . large. dig stabfe and :alter . out-buildings. Premiiii - Well watered., About 21 miles dis tant frein Darlington.witcl the same - distance front:F.ocm Station - on the P. Ft.. W. &C. R.R. T.FIRXIB.-40ni,s-third.ofthe purchase nitiney , oalhe'.,eonfirmetiiOn of 11.43.5a1e by the court,: . tho hatinee in two eqiii,emaiial paymenis, from the dettrof the Woitfliniation of the sale by the - copit, • With interest; back payments to bo secnieti t ihybondtuni mb ' agts.on the preruiseS. • .jait2'fiT.: 1 ',l JOHN 'CLURE, ''. 7, . Adminietraters of . .Bamuil . Gilliland; deed LOCPA' - 4 1 . . ft:felon% Garay • ' • fro NEC . ginfitl,. o - , ESSITYI ~,FOR GOING 'ill. .Sioltel, ' OUTSIDE ' OF , I :REAVE'R ort , Ti e .ard° l3- .-, : TO :GOOD , GOO - , I tic, tot' t'hfladelr GROCERIE'S! % Staley of wrighle.':, -- ____±. _- urgh...l . cowity,, ,, 0 f ... .. fat si, c rg purchased the 4' • ' ii . 1 aqueatte boreagP: .. , d by Jiiseih er j. °l , l l4"tst il ( tit r e trAalpipkni Statb —l-tforming the Public that he - i s s hie.l l ,::ri4tinge, iteceitee the store and ' replen. , ~t.,,,,a,....41 12 c b uritri lad, in. the future will ectt Oroll' ?? ... , 1 • / keep FOlotte , , i • ert , ii. . cC; : o .e i Grocer i e s , pnvater,'Se 3 tart tci tiovet ~ bait — bean stpiqii)ts to a the Lowese Prices p oe m_ • .. •st articles in th e market the Land departf4ent. , t., ~ , ~ The joint (klinmittee . 01 1 undersigned eopkase b4nehos of tlitOogielatnre ;with theiyatrottage. -Ita BultdinoLitrilGrrounda , 1 BENFLY RICHT. piated . Qeor - go ,tiehat.c; 0 gf-- c stiity, "Superititidant t y u _u a. lg , Di' IN Biiiidtngs and Grounds, 1 40MEA i i - , ,i 1 1A • 1 • PUBLISHING Ni l pursuinga eitablisb d • n ity is evidently i not very , Pcoinnounee: tP li t i lie . • n r t. ro a t i ae: i ve• file Regfster wass,t4,::ii,:ityAthat he is stetbout six Weeice ag(Possible ma lobs the proprietor wtpatorced by the gene- peal out r,_o4 at tirawe. li ght-eyed., persons, tb -do cditorWitbdreveltuPi_ I' s . of e'retyl i _ , .00tper half dozen Arn e ' connection wtb tbo 50 sts each; ' . Am - .connection I._ _ :, caw ,. i o s, , s 7;iibelitease; Tai editor of , the % 1 V ' ' Al l wc e`k _A. T./nog: *lnissifob being abi ,' . , - `!whisky." We, can 'S.B nt , .. i ' Si a gratification iti , this . 1 , -.Oil-, II &Rd t i de eil d c o n an k entnry on /I L L, 1 4 .. 11 Surgeon, Ifsmilties of ti l e eountii'lTON, . PA; , a. .A A . r. fr wiol....ll:lBide,nee at loeier eri l d'ef 11"`""'r '‘," J. r I ' JanY24.'66:ly Clueutil in Buell 941 16 ; Andw . - Ili, to take t o t h a , , to pit im e r e o t h n e ir ::toarding,! fr in . nOt itp . !ll t,be air LI. R. DABRAOH' ero ; ' fol:isle at "rJ • That. iiir ' • . Sha ron t RE s •1. • - AI OOR 'S DRUG STORE - , rS BRATEIti • 0 `I fottnct the best eesotiment of. '- ' 7 ; 'DRUG rateclicsirkers, .c ZelsafEildjS.l.JS PIT luo us; %WINES BEE MI INIBI in gresyni, sold ch othi . , DupottC Cheisereta I Lanzps, St 1100 D, SCARFS riff 2 ill L 1 it, ad Ortindies, X' a i;nt e,', A:)3; 45 , AND yE '11:111FFS.: T SRTICLErs, - SOAPS, TOIL ill. S ENT ItipICINES MEI riety, all of - thc beet quality, and -Kier than can be bought at any. r Drug StorcAn the county. 'tt•Feittale Pills , 75 cents' per box 'O, $1: -Clark's, $l. The Largest stock of d Lamp •Trimmings. Lanterns ationery Wind°lo Glass and„ Putty.. • . .- :: 1 1.7.outside of the city. at lloore's and .sold cheaper than can be kYwhere else. • Let those who doubt Id see, and they will doubt nomore • • J. •MOOO. lii=ll ever oferei Drug Elior bought an; this calf se DeelB,'E ff= ATIONS. FOR THE' El w BOUNTY'• One andred DUES 01.61018 OF tBBl=B2 & 63, FILEI) BF rf. F9RE :;„ SIIOU PPLY AT ONCE ors Ridige, art LT S. CLIA In 1G:BN TS, cvuu-tich. at., 1135 ri'E.4l3 JR,Gr' desired, Wend mrsonally .lities as may be requettied fur the . receiving these applications. [des in such foe purpose 'of • A:N.1)1-Z lE;IVNT Wiar-A-717, • .1 - ATTORNEY AT. LAW. - .1 - 0 A 4 . .!"Tje I N IN THE SEVERAL 1: - .'CutitTS OF; BEAVER COMITY', promptlyNtitend to all kinds of legal business iin this or counties adjoining. • Collectiioris will Ile expeditiously made in ; all amounts lupon all . sot ts of ' elniinsoeit her iu conUty Irnd State or in more' distant lo ealities In Cotyrq i t be &vim; t. j 1 lease.. ar~tiCt of abstracts ration of ..Mortgaes slims IA i nearly oOpo .1 'Street, Beav; :lacing, immediate attention will the drawing...of Lends, agreement, t o't the furnishing of title, and to the careful lireye isurts htgal instruments.' : I , judgments and other securities ptt,Ot nr soli'. t .t n building of Joe. C. Wilson,req, ire. lloures Drug gore. Tl.Ord r, Pa: • tang 13,'6.0. s. F.DMUNTISn ti, 'W. E. 8AT61.15: T. C. PERKINE E_D dUNDSO:'''I?,)c. CO IMI I,IJ Pi OLSTERERS, Nos. 9 & 8 . -Third st (near Wood) . • . J TSBURG' PA:; . .;... . • and keep - on_han ..erery articl in their line; viz Nlanufactur l e Curtain Gaod: Mauldin go, .1 titers; C . au4 , Lace Curtains, Cornices, Curtain Trimmings. Windoiv Pillows and Bol [iinforts. lilankets.Slieets Slips, Cots, Springs and . of -1 all kinds.. • ' • Steamboats' and ilotelefurnicAcd'on shoe; notice. • I •. ALSO DEALERS IN 5 ' • ! WLII JA , roeiess, ) - DECORATIONS, ETC. dee 1 . 9: 4mo FLOUR . , . ACUOICE LdT of Extra Family Flour iXtat.xtte eireAtstod for sale, by the bbL or •, , - sack, at A. S. HARVEY'S, Bridgewater. EXECUTOR'S . -NOTICE: ..., : • - , .7. I PEACE! _ I L ETTXIIS I testamentary 'en ' the estate.. . 17 Of AVM. IF . Orr, 5r..,, late of Brighton 'TO have pettee in the family buy your flour 1 4 , tolVisitil4 4l ,.eitACr c 4 0 1 9./.,-P 4 -) doed; licwilig ; of A: S:; Thirrey. li Prime art lupe of Ft .. f !indebted bee . 4 graktted. 0 the undersigned , all perious., tra - Pontay.or t hand and for sale by the bbl. or 1 , r !indetrteilio slid . estate tlie'retinestect t4iinule ' sack. : 1 '. • . ' ' '- ‘- • ~, 1 i lhurnl3dia,te.ptizient, and those having claims i.,i A. S; 11-I. I IIIIY, Bridgewater 1 1 igiintethii Salp4 r , trill piesent ;thitei *prOperly ' ' ~ ' ----- -- -- .1 **tithe ticate4l for' settl4nent. 1 ' 4 LAR43I£ 'lot of Drx Boards,. and en ex Pi zf. KOMI', E „i u - to ' r ,„' , • i 1 - 1:: celteni assortment of Shingles :constant • • J, 1. SCOTT. j on hind and for sale, at . 1 r 1 ' ' '..i. , july ii ly J. 6... 11. Dann.ton's, Sharon 1,. flec2G V) c 4 ,A.Lazo, •-• "i o z,„TAR . • - Jr - , "pi tr, • , . • • • . 1 • ` :AL it4Elin alC_fir . t 1. AND W;kTORES, -1 mum Tis 1.4 c. 0 -;• • ANpil FIN .E...._ . 3EFtLY,on/ 4; siLvia-SPOONS AND roiiis • ,;IrikE Ealthr.g4.-PIA TED ' WARIi • • BRONZES, FBENCH Vi°Crr'S Iss 111111 AMERICAN CLOp' I Fano* abods. _die: M.Special, sittorition4iven to thi repair ng of all kinds of Watobos. - i. 1 • . Xo.-22; PI:PTA - STREET, maftl;66—Tyj • , • Pittsbyry,_Pa MERT PrTurs - 43 - alzp-i - r, BANKER & BROKER, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, FOREIGN EXCJIANG I 143°, GOLD, SILVER, & COUPDXS. Ear' bight prico paid for COMPOUND INTEREST,N TES. - [augl;66:ly T H INLYGit • . , - - c \ • c 'll7 , SH ,; a • NO..:1116, STREET car C ALLEURENY CITY PAI nrcl on • Are'bow receiving a large and elegant stock of PLAIN -~: 01.10 They also 0 CARP i All of the nest ilesignk at re4luce.d rates . N0v.21'46.31it . _ . _ t i u. I ni 1 ' !IL untle'signed has'been a pp6intetl..ag6t ! Intel o. for the :Etna . InsUrance Company, - 1 0 Y I for.,thei IlartfOrd, Conn., :tad likewise, for the Niagara . ' tcsr l f t ,, ' insurance Company of New - .York, and die cry. Enterprise I nsurance Company of l'itilalelphia. t • . .- Each of t brie Companies insure tlwellinis, I „ out-builtlings„Stores; Manufactories, Se., k i e. i a ` - against loss by fire, on•favorable terms, for five tr " years or less . . 1 • t dec . • Logsts' egnittlbly atljusted and prompity' of I paid when the insurance i 3 effe.cted., All l ilt i "a' iflr!...+4 m.mitecte4 with eit'er.of ehet , Te coma i 1,- the sies AU ended•tO vit If tii-pe telt and fidelity. 1 I frr . , '- • • H10:3. 2 1 1 • CLURE,Agent. tan2;22.'.e,(3--. .;- z • Bearer, rd. 1. ' , 13 .. i ' l . ) VA 1 . . UA to F AIFO It is, A L ill. . i l.l . 'in( . , . rytltr, sul)icriber.. agents for fife heirs Of, 1... 30Int Reed, late' of Indtpary township, Nlv'ar county, dec'd.. Offer for s 9 lo the home farm of said deceased, situate itt industry township, aforesaid, 'about two 8.41 one-half miles from Industry, on the Ohio river .ntulthd C. &,P. Railroad; hounded by Alex. Ewing,l, Saniuedlloyt Geoi-ge Stoddard, heirs of' '2A MI Reed, deed.. and Win. Gaily; containing two hundred acres,' rang: or less, about one hun dred and sixty. lOre4 cleared and under a goodj stay of , cultivation:: Two dwelling .houses on l• the farm, (One frame and one hewed log) one doublelog bar n.stablei , waion shed.granery,S:e Two-good orehardi - ott the pre.miizes. A good well-at the , door of one dwelling house, and a - good spring .tear the other, and I i na l well watered. - 1 • - , For terms And further part ionla rs inquire of ' I the subscriber:' ' • MILO REEL, , .' t , . . Fallstou. Beaver co.,- o I 1 ! . .11ARVEY REED,I on the premises ' • 3F l 'zxie,ria: X4=ab f HE tlubscribP,r cilTers his Tarn, c&sieflng L 0f'250 ACRES OF LAND, for salej About eighty 'acres of said farm is in PUlatßki ToWnship, and the - balance in New Sewiekly Township. , The. whole- term is under fenee, and about one half of it/clearel. There is / a gued.frame house and also a good frame barn on the prbPerty, tOgether with all other net. essery out-buildings. The land is .well water ' ed,has tiro good orehard4 upon it,isconcgnient to schools and churches, and hi tniJy about lie. / miles from Roarer, the corny seat: The fartn can be; conveniently divided -into smaller tracts td suit•purchasers.' , • C. nov2oiti.. JAS . .' C.. FEIIGLTSOII. Defighton tp MESE 118 IVOOD STREET, pritEr. rir ALL Imirqs or '." MP, S 0 - 1 - r*l' - "11:1":10 _ ~` li Or 1 , FAMY MN CI POPLINS, 1 r- '- - -- • ',• . ' , IL: 12 ilti )e r n 4r• . ,1 • , Cr vbi C . rte, ics dr, Ma - UR:SI 7 , . Dr. Deseriptidn iti an entire Non - Stock of es acon, moTirs, INSURANCE AGENCY.' decl9:7t Pk/um!' C. ; - 1? V OU R IMEAIaIt - ' . .. - ÷ - "7 . .."--. re , e.d tc 1 1“0 , 01.. • -, t4'. -. 4A.: , :::.,u 1 3 -)0 .._-.:. -.,...v v: I .:,x........0:,•4_1-- , 7 ..,t,t . N7.:..- . - , I U/S ' REVYFIr C , , ''.- tic o. iallaiOND, ~.- - ;.I 1: -4 -• . 1:- 1 - - - ' ' : 11013 i :ESTER; P 4.: r, , r r "firal tirtu;sti `...lir:y .Gpoils *Ori,) , bell 4 a full it'sgstfiitn •of ppizcji-a • I?, • T:r i• • , ; • • t ici s, - , . - , P. • gliICALS,.and IMMO ~~ EZEED oth, AT'S FOOT OIL, Mil SPE43I y I. AND El SECOND QUALITY t E LLAID, Vzi4.IETIES BRTITEttS,- , t. I IkE ,REST PERFIJ4TAIN,i, S; TO mi=lß PUL iREPAnTIONSI B AXD M FOR TILE' Alil. ate. t Medicineq always :9it so, CI. ARS & TOBACCO, took has been purebnip4 ntl 'offered at .the very', .1.1 EST PRICES. • - • m h tiro:l-roughly educated , A pot =LI hennst. physician! rind . ot,har! can 11 ? having their pres'et:iptiona acc4 MIES ure Medicines only. , • . LO s S BRIZHId & C mun 81111 S, M==l •Il kLER IN IFS & pßovisicqs,!•l ~ ..elpeihre.. a fresh supply of', 1 '''. ' Alerniny ' I , 4clies, Turkey Prunel, • 'atom -* Lityir ftaisius, ea Ccw l . . Seedless Ilaiiing, I ms, -' f .I.:nglitl Goshenh C e.u he r e i s ts ~. , els J Sweet Potatoes 4 ilex, , - No. 1 Mitelcerel.l Llso; ime;•asse, etment - os*Teas, Suge , ', o I t r l . 1 . , 861 Cay Cat!fl. , At ,S. lIARVEYOi, ov - 41 .: Br dg a 4:04 pridgewateT2. 'ls — Sale.! . of' Beal ..Esis.,ie. 1 1111111 Y T/ ,of an wider of the Court of Ci ) :u.,. t, eas of Beaver.eottniy. the Und4r 7 i ictl, -4 .t , e,e appointed: by' s.tirl Conril to ,! • [ , ;e su. the!yeall estate of AlcOrn, , st l i.3, 'toWnsliip, in siebl eoputY, dee`,l, ST...Ic I E -, l'z 7 L LLY treal.: all C iironinDie:l l 3 l }w it elf, the C o f mon S t i i ,„ l ., of ~,,i , i l i , es :; , lie",tfue4 , . blindness. Thelma- 1 ! tisot i A. VitatslLmit , ,e. Py- , pepsia.Cancor.a.n 11 esPose-to public vendue or 0 1 11 1- .. deap ... ;:n ,, , c rzr. 4 . ,, 1 ,t, . A.,...00 ~ ; 1 ',.c.21 t i i , :old I:l7:3 . (ii:s t ent n e:; . ti h m: ar L e: i the ... e , ..a t ..: , •-•1(`-st au, , - • fi , P. M. all the font:iving - 11 ' C s . erila ir . :nab . y to .m i ..t.ier, e, -lc ~7 t.,i- scan in ed I ', ° ln f e i t 1 11 : o r ii ; c h , i u : 1 •1 :::;1 1 t l i ' v i e l t; e l : o ' f a Cu l r t e7L 4> A Vt :::: ' I : 1 2 PM l',latC the estate ofJosep'n Alcorn 1131 EN OF' CA NeEll.- OF LA.1:013 1 01101 V." ~ q iti Lein Moou said county , 1 , tuay • be seen at 113 i. 11 annen's Drug: Store ,y i lv4 tate of Pennsylvania, to 'wit: I AIII those interested, and refer?nces given of the! Kutruled on the north by the,.l.AS of cure Mf other ',Chronic': diseases. Partieul4i of Freedom, on the east by hind ''ottent'ion given' . to Female Compinints and ileni•v• lilcoi-n, on the 6ottib Ittv i Priente . Disease4. , ' • . :5 . , .. , • '1 . Ist . 4 Alcorn and others, on the-tvestlby 1 N. 8.-31ermtry and Cainmel ' are -not use; of 1.„ ••• Akorn, Jacob 'Vogt . a.,,1 Jo eel., by the Doet or. - . jn0v..21 . 611-i•-3ams.• e ntaining about 247 .acres, about.l73 • .- acre- a. d and in good state ofeultivati '1 1 , m, ' - 13 11 . 11)G E w.-1 - l'Ell tt log a flton the pi:einises.. This is a very tie- -', r • ..: sirs I arra—goictly .rolling, Soil'eseelletit, well' Ped, &e.l It is within 1 milc,of 'the i' jar i •• 4 Ohi i r,,t of a riffle of the Rochester. 4ho ion. ii 3' rat d t it: I le at thz tion-or the Pitts. Ft. W. & C: hild :r - " C . .. &IP ilrott.'6 l i l.n m . miles.:fro Pittsberl3.,lj l Iv If will. sold its 'a , whole or divided to skit 1J pure!' at Into - t napat eels.. by a line Ili r.O iil g i in a im mn,andsouffzein direeLfon th:oulit 1 it, bnitkkthe ,eastern division to contain aboity. . cfes'ethe western divisionnboht, 147 ecret Posse ssi on ' given - April 1, 1867.1 TEII4-Orie.thirtl of tire purchase money' ; . to be pailm confirmation of tire sale by the Courtl.'betriee ht', two equal, -annual instad ruentti, w interest frMn that date', to'be E.'e cllreoy Act and . polfwige, , . I i • Forlfulierinfeirinallon inquire of theiun dersigne,4esiding in Moon township afore said; 41r Netter at Water Cure, Beavereoutt-. i•Y• Fri. 'l• l'-... DANIEL B.'SHOAT', , j ~ dee:N'folt : , • Vmstee. 1 ) fl.ll lir 'IT'. .:114 13t tt t v bi) 114 y I-- INNV BARBER-SHOP. • PT - a: l —. - ------ r\ i\ -- 7 lrE i t i r , EAR : \ ---0 7 1 i , I - - • - , 11 Dui; 1 , - .. 1 .• , -, - ; . ri. r I P .., rNa!it. Agents . everywhere t 4 F : 1.1.1V IN t lAA AIR-CUTTING ) ,ZRA M . 1 i;‘....-11 our tersoven s2') Sewing ft blachities.—, l i . 1 . , 'ores, new kinds.; Under and tippr tee& t Senq . 1 j o'n- trial. Warranted li'vc years: AbOlc salajt‘l 1 . •. . _ .:. , i , PO 0. 1 ING, 4811.. ft. , '. ', • I ;ry or larce controissuins paid.' The'em.i mai,. ori ' B 1LL1,4315• having removed. hiS t bhines sold in United States' for less lien S4O l , 10 Ship fr Ilridgewater to 'Beaver, Wish.:. ; Which.ere - jugyllicenied by lloire, Triwler 4. Clover. y Baker, Singer 47 C 0.,• cing jes tct. nforl his i former customers and the - I !ird s „,,, 11 , 4 1 ) 1 1:c ene.4ly,that be is now to ltb found in a i .Thtdielder. All other cheap machines era in= j enents and tb.e.t . eller.or user are fidbie to ari l :" 'Room Aqining Ike. National Ho,us.e, i.fring i - - , - - . • 1 re.afin4 end iniiiriii4untnt. tilustrate4,oirculars where a 411 - carry* on in his . former •good ; ; entfree.• • Address,or call upon. Shaw&Clark,' nod fashiona4 style. By close - attention . t PI l' at . B i ddeford, Maine, or. Chicago, Ill.: • • ; businesvbe ii es to Merit...and receive a fiber- mayl6,'66. , • ' -._ . Lismrly. . 1 'at shitri of p licJpatrortagei, Those wiihing 1 I 1a clean % gm' shave, or hair-cut in it fash- - w -- Ni s lA. • CL I A s it. - I,KEL i , ' itonablej 313 , 1 just stop in andgive John al. •. .". ; • . - - (vial, and lie fta satisfied that lie can please .; ';' AVI'ORNEI.' AT .1.4111 V, : 1 )na. . i.! •- . -. a . ti g'- . -, '.1%;1(:). 85 } 4 IFTEI. Sr., PITTSBURG: PA' -- ' ----- ' :----1 7 -------7 ----- . . YARD VILTILL GIVB l'll.o‘.ll l T ATTENTION " ITO L AW D„I 4 ! AND .13011. T '' w Colleotioiti, and the purchaseinand - sele • . of Real,Estnte.• Add-will' also, attend' to the business ofhisprofesslenj in BeaVer "CO. .:14.2.6 hi's' Saco'!: ' riE tinderigned offers for salei _ Mill sod *oat Tare, in Industry, • Benver j , ix, REEL:BP:B Imprived :Wet e,r „Braker ), i , . • og. SALE. ' 4 nt.Tt Ps: - l'ic Join is .in good Earning Pr. .1' i'' 1• . for sale tit' j-- -t. •' : • .t . • ti; art/ the Bcbt - Yard is'suff!castußY large fat- . inly4:ly . •Jj &, 11. Dajte4ntt's - . .Bharon. The building of all' classes rif hoes. • It- not 1 , . • .• ... 1 .......__--_____ • ,•.; . void by ithe Ist, - of ! April; 1867. the,pioperty,: IektrILDING, Bridge. op Other titzthbr, saweij . ',Ube f l pt_rent. , '. - _,. , '•I ..1' JD 'to orderr onehort nothke. - at - . . 1 .n0v21166. .. ' WILLIAM CAIBICB . r ..j 9 1y4:1 y J •St 5 . . o.4.lRnActes, - Sharon. - . . ' I . - I •• - - 1' • 1 ' • - ' 1 -- 1 Mil= FINK LIQUORS;. Assortmelit *. • lir OM LARD OIL, CrA R BOX 0 La .Q.I.LET SOAP*, Eli FM Mil BEM _ ' • • • . . - . . .. , . -•': 1 1;1 / 1 4 .4 i i - 1 1 111 14grirETTZ IV .1:-;:;;1 11 .... 16 • 1 4 1114. ' . 1 ' ; - ---;:i r : .• t-, ; r-,-' • ''• 8 .:F - ! - ; i-zr.." - - ' ''. l l - !A . ..C. 0 -- y. ;7*X . M5 7. , WS , --;- ,3 ,,, ,... ,,, : - . ,, i, • .i . A„ T :, 4 , , ,,:4: 4 , ;,•%:::''`:':: T. ,I ...,C:r.r..: , F. ' i i ,BOOTS'.4 -SHOES- - WILSQL--41. -- -, STEWART o ~. iorrttui , :-rosi*trai.,inforin ow- I puta ~ 4 hat they, *sic . . .just' received .direet oin thiatittfaCtiisers," the htigeeit end' best • rmitis FA' - AND WINTERI3TOCItOr • -1 ' . (.adiesc..G!int's, Bogy ' s:antli,utilkiren t , 1 , .., - • -- ': •'• Boots anti•Stiois....• •'. • 1 ,. . t GAITtT, 41,4P.P.ERS'ead that have eretbeen bionght to this comity,. ; We wntild particularly call attention to •ott stock of Mena' bea y itip,•tap ` arid doublesole — tkee, .Iheeled Boots. Erenelf:Calt doable:: -raole and -double 'upper sewed'. scotch bottom Boots: Boys' Yout .s' and rbilaren's heavy kip, to • and &table sole ooppor tiped stnl steel beelt,:d Boots. - ; i• fl,dies'. French ldd and Mprocock Balinoials :and Gait s. - ast, ktyf rt. ' . I I • Uses and Chll4;ren's pegged. and - .,setred poll' bit Bocita and Balmorals, of the lif- I e_itatyles. and a great cariefy of: Chili Ten's copper tip. ehoeB.-: • Which w, cheap, it right in tl • We would 11,and exr s with oth %fore , purcli ' AU Goa! will sell Wholesale and not cheaper, than Abu can b e city of Pittsburg. s I respectfully Invite purcintiers to 'mine our stock; compare onr er dealers.•an4 satisfy tlicin3ciren . asing elsewhere, •• • • .1 Warranted. • .• •_ I WILSON dr. STEIVART, - In are Diamond, • • .ROMIESTIAI to PA . 61,3*G0 & all C 3) e> , , tcpcived • a :new- stock .o 1.. • ' iiAN F: j! Goods, of !TEST - STI4ES,i I; A: NI'TZT TER • WEAR. la FA L eu's Furnishing, Geniis Geutit cmstarOy orrhan.4 ElMil • . • NG I. DE TO ORDER CLOTH 1 , 11 the latest styles and atabortcst notice Win. "JRJEICir • , I 1 Stercartls Rose, Brig ve Strert; l ~ ._., 00:66 . I3IIIDGEWITEII. •r. :14. - C ' . ELE •TIC; PIi.YSICIAN, diva' :P;•?1,7T" Store, fl , y; over :ambo'at Landing, Ro chester, Pa., Optio l lite 'S - • • .1 • • • . , . MANCFACTtIIfiR ASD DVALER IY • 1 , 'ltalian and American - Maible • I ,,,.' .. 1 . '"24O,NTI ci IIIENIIi i . e . r. IIEAD Stc*lr f S, I kc./ I I " I'leasc , give m e a call before purchasing elsewher: i " I - S h op oppositer. Smith' s',Drug likore,l3riage l street, firidgewa el. 1 i July 25, '66:;1y 1 , . it. WOODRUFF. ME : I T: S 4; V V -1•11111 • .1. " 9;"' •,` _' 'A:RD - WARE, lit E W V' ' „ t . , -- .' ~. 1 , ' ORX ST 4 ' iIIOi,..NAI L .S,iGLASS; :WO i BLAaisismiTris: 707:4.5) .:\. \., 1 . - r - , .1 LI () ii.iNiffq .. jr, AdditotriMlßAli I.I4.PLENTS,I - - 4iiiroari , feitir Too lA, '„.' \ , 1 ' • 1' _ _ ..• \ ' i MASONS' TOOLS, •• ' - \ t KEEPS CONSTANT • ' ' 1- • El AND sW, o P. h 8.. EMMME . . • i sliotamAKF,Rs.Tooi , s, SADDLERS' TOOLS, F ',L A STittE R' . TOOLS] TOOLS S kDDLERY, HA RDVb ARE\ BENT iBLLOWS & SHAFTS, ~ LOCKS,. BOLTS &lIIN 'BS, -- T.I47S,ItATTOCKS & LiOF,S, --- • " . COUNTER&PL A IFORS.t..SCAL::,..• . . , . . ' TA.BLE :k - POCKET CUTLERY:, .: - - . ' :,. •-• , ~, . . .Bitoirx &713LEACIIED \IS'Ait,,N.I -, HORSE SHOES & NAILS,' . 1 -PRINTS. . GlNGtilisz' t ' ,f#R.E & e t ARRIAGE BOLTS! & RIM, .' . ' DELA INSE.S, ..••• Auw As l C RN . BII.EI,LER, STREW i CUTTERS. 1 -. C T I A lt aLc - ': ib t F l i t : 4;Ne l m P l i t . io, P:A Itr k - ADI L S , V A .11M S EiES , wtio KiKs i :Gst D L E K. .r. ; 7 7 c i l i i: EN it l i t c.;'::ll:,: e . : -. Ain KITT Y.c ! ..-, .....:. _.,...- ~ : 1 . , ' . 13 T c A:B E t i c • -• ' • Poi ".t- - - • .... . , - t AGEhT 1. !•.. -• 1 TWEEDS, '• _. S.ITNI.T, ESC6SIORLIWQWER AND REAPER,' AND i . C.ASSINIERE, - BEUtilte6ITH I , ZIEW'BRIOITON,FI-RE 7 I3RICK WORE:;!.. I :' '-- - (2 Lo-AKIN G . , L. • latt2,'o7. r - ; : t .- .22 •1. _, . • j, - ' - )/0' B arth Or 01 . and` Ho o p - , .. Hi .1 ' IEI A.I-1, 131E111, -- • . . , kr.R .- -Dit ES S El i fi, -, &•C.' rAkI,EB BiI:CTIN is happy to tsrinouties vethis I . 1 his old customers, that he- has been die- - i chi rged fro= the service of the rnited States, I ...4 opened a shop in the &mile!! buildingad-1 . joining Wrn.'oi.r's Store.!. Ladies' hoir cut in' ' . ~.- 'F IAii. T S ...AND. CA - 'RS th most tcpproved style. He trusts Lis Old - fri nds, will renew their, Patronitgc.. • flaying L.- car led thi flag oethe 4th Rel.'. U. S. C. T.. - - - e! 1 ! for almost a ear, in - the Inttle.s around!Pe- ! , . ' I ' .., i ter burg, he thinks himself entitled to a fair "e l !' 1 and Ilqs:-0. Ini . .,:aqto,:: of itht li sha oof the pOblie patronage : • .- ' 1- ' ••• • n .., . - , . •'&, .es -. lie' has also Opened a -brandh slop in al• -I , . -.! : .. roott ! in the•noith part of did Market . }louse, ' - • . i' . `a - : . . - s i, 4. in flridgewater. which will be 14t ipen - st all 1 " ,l . , L , settlonible . hours. - : . ! , - BOOTS ^Nz:igs.. i '-. - Li.lies' and tientleinca's • itliii.enti ir , a 1 • ~, au i • 1 1 i Shampooing pi.omptly lotetitla to, anti e.xectil 1 . sT ....„, As n ,„,,,,. , iiii \ IL '• H' I tell iti the caot , t l approv - ed style'. 1 . fnii - g<•titil-;. ! '''" -• •••"-- ' '...... ! -- . . • \ - ! t,'-xl- , • t . I;. 1, • i . . ! • T' V..; it' PI PS ll ts i r - , • - - -,I Rt 'PL. -. . . - jFA rruirmy \ .TIONALi • • PLOW ._ CO . iast • ' - . - - .R e a,a iron Plows ' , i r ROC AE ,•STER PA .. ' - • . .- • - i • ' ' • .t . _any. ; wishing to purehastr-.• RE MAN UFA C'I I IJRIATG - ;§ or Plow Points, to tho / '- t• , all the Vari e ties of • iel: and i - 'Ca st IrOn ' Plows . • superior Fhieh. and , -.- 1 • ; Quality of our .-- .- 1 ... . Work.' ' would call Ole - attent ion of tlio,Farmers f. n o I'K Wit 1"It VC TY.l2ial Beaver ;;y.- u-hliiing; 'to_purchOic • •,- • 4 • 4 • " - r• - to t als 'aoa ;:andzlilts ft the-thires.i . .• 1 .- 1-'lO 1... l'ilili - ts. -tu . ilo • ,'*ambers 'o; - Pittsburg plows. , !. ... ' Su p erior etii , v i ' i o u f ls o h l.z i . ' 1 ' 1 „" 11 . pm plow costingti bought.. rapt Is:ly[ • .1... A-1N MI ~ . • CO I, H '' ' ifE.S I', B R AD .& O„ ; T4e Point, n'd Law:l:Mao , . .2... -,..;__.- ..:.!,-, ,-,, i, l •,, ... , . . ._ . ~ pontlingrmmber of Pitt; bu r g plo; ! .r.s. .Successors: to S, Jones &Co ! , 'z.4Y•old plowcv:tiago'beugilt. • f.:l-;,;. • . _ , 1 , •••• . - i . , tr. of . Wood &.Fourth .Streethi ' • I .BR AD i f . t' . ..' , • ..• - • • - .. ----- • t JA*Et 7 f - ' . E , f'. PITTSBURG. PA.,- i .. . Successors to S. Jooes & .•:,..-';• "_ . aaarklid - rs , - 4k.., lEirolters. . of Wood & Fourth. Cori i ...,. PITTSBURG.' P.-i._ - vVEßzritarrr smcußrnEs,l, nicer's — -& 43 .1.,.01.i. - e - .. ', .REIGN EXCHANGE, -1 ', IN .yl.I. r;iNv.s or , . . , **(l It Silver Coupons; • ERNIVIENT SEqURI N tIk'S, '',..,, ~..2 ~.1 ' j r -- N, L .. 1 ' "• ' kur'',..ompotifiu Jnirmt AiG,,Si oREIid.N. EX'Ciii: - ." 3...'; - I - 0r.:1 , 14' : - .. . Gold & Silver Coup ons, . 1 31 T !CC paid .IL.r Cvn:iwitt,,cl In:rrest Nuii:. EEEI GO ' C . •. nr.ais - ncee2sitde n , t s i n ti i k, Sitit:s: and raimilns: st ult6wedion time deprH , .1.0.C,14', it I ES'. ,' I • 3r:i'mav_etjx:3o . IE C+ROC'~R MI 'AND ~ • . 1 • ' ( c••••'‘ ',!• •.- ' ' . • •,, Pai.ttera-willi do_; Jell 1. , ex. l'll''''" - ‘ t r'''''' - ! • 0 D 1/I „ , e-1* ~.. D.. 11: .l ' > Ell.) ... and Prices I!cfore I ;aric'ca - ; s i : : 1 1:4: •- 1 ' -- .• ' '• b • I.y] ...V0. e.i.Them.on . ,/, , pii , ,,, ,, ,, re. , •- • - . '. • G H a "t - ' - '1 1 :" Grrc:) , oerA• ol4 ' 1 I.:1- U IN , CA_..i Nilo4li and full supp t V con , l2 , llll ,l‘ ° ' , , ,s .11. 'at, PriCC` -4 ' t' - . . . . l IINISTEitED 14 - DR4 • MUDD/kr, 1 l• Choice•Drands of - 1 " . A. :: AIDGFAVATtii, PA.;' , in e;itracting teeth. 1 _ 1 hale added t.) my many other faciiitiei for 1.: the :'supeessful l -prosecution of ray profession. 1- - F •l° l: . - -14 - - . " / vi,.1.11:E) this inrplitable4-pso-killing ti.nit7. all , branch-1 , - • IN. - .1;..11...r.:1-.'S -,--. , es of Degistry'pe7.formed in the best and most'. - • 1 - - . moder 9 style. 4 All work done,p.S cheaply, and 1 . 1 • -,. ' -=---.•'—,- fifty pleent. better, than at 'any other St etitu •;.1 Dental .stabDslnnent in the State; ftny9'66:ly ' ' ARI3OIII, OI . - - 1 .31: t. :-- .0 A. it .]Ft., A-EX , 1 LARD ' - • ~. t •: 'i A °RA ' I !IT LAW . 1-. . - ' 1 --',.. .:'.. CDLLECTION4i and other boaineSs4lllwill ' - Q° .E . •'''','' '•ceive- , .prcitni:d .attention;!'. Also legally; . 1 authorized 'agent), for. the collection of ' bank i - - •• .- ~ Ser . PlLY,l3ensi - ons., bounty and all: Soldiers' claims. i . • I SEDlo_llice, DistrictMtorunfs:ofFFe,•Ctiinit L . Irotnin, Deaver, I‘ a - tang 42 - (.6-I.y. •i 1 i - 1 - - .:_____,______.- ___. I , ' - ••‘ ' • M.Aldhtav 1:3732. 1 c). - in: 1-3Ecat , - o 1.;,1 • .1 , • ' 1 !' r t BEAVER' .P 1. . - ' All kidds of igr) • in i ,I . • , I . . 1 J.. 8.. CL1.A..1-4i., Proprietor. . . 1 . , lEEE LA AD I ' ' 7_ _ opt, . STAB 4 LING . ' Apra 6 t'o l tbis I, • tar,s. J. c loose. !. • _pit 4;18. G y I Saranel Sitruqs r wpr,nr.. . J i v . I,..DDtgoN. . 1 Also'Agent Of :i . • coropan.Y• I WI TER : ',AND _ B - EDISONo ( ocoo so -- , r s' s to 0. F. r Vinter,) ~ . r is wAT,piF , .cto crocks ' ThWELII SILNFi ;AND"PLATT WOES, MUSKIAL 'INSTRFMENTS; -'!.10- I I sr.cosp- ai'L 11014 - ike. .&e: 1 • ' , - = ! -I. .Speeja,l ateention given to, the repair t ' ; -i * l : El . ' ing rof Watches, Clocks and Jewelry-. -':-`," --' - . , i jel • t , .. Stae: Cor.Bioa4way dt Appitt do,' - 1-Z0 6,11 . . I. •-• 1 Isrir .sß4virrox, 1r...11. - . [janTePT ;* .lan'-' 637J-1' 1 It WWI MI iiii Second ;door,abiiii the Rai . • • .. • •,• . : Rf)CII EST Eit; p ~--- . t ... • . • - 1 --- i- - ' .. '' AT LOIVF,ST NIARKY.T.ITiqI . . 7 , . .T'- - - -' • ,„- .1 C = Neff au4 wcll,l,s3rlcorti Drif GOO% r.uNSi -, i!Sv.„r . I • NOTIO IN:S F 11.01ERY k,•; . ' DIALKBS IN ALL -KINDS or . :On, all • accessible" ' - ii.t.ates and CaintdaN 1-1 %1 A fjpl:9la; G 1, - A - S:, I N . ,ll; s i . ES! i ; 1 - •• . - COAT'S: ATEN I TR, 11 - 111'I'E PUTTY, PXIN OF AI. 1, ColAilt ( IR 0 1 . .1; LI Lill Ma • W4RE, !-• goo4delivered frecachs.W: and count,ry pojEte on." • schanie fory.eyip, .1 • . OSS is Conveya:tr - tk r' v' t the, MoOesier he 741erel gentvt' Epre4 , mber the plice • • Ram C , IS ST. I D INC; BOVE TOT I . YORK STREPT, lell um I;7SWARE , NE t