The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 23, 1867, Image 2

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3 • - • -Sin& outlitiat,-isetue; , ..saforu .0 ; ,the
`'Save Legislatures -co eit.ber no in
'f' sted or elected U. S Senat.ors: They
`-'-- -are ns * follows :' ' ' .I'l • i
! ' '4llnont his - reelected l4tdan Tr am ,
b. 4 1 1. This is Judge Trairibull's third
- .441111 in - the Senate 'and he is cant ss.
, edly one of the ableitas well as pu l est
', menibera ,in that body.;.' : ; The whole
.-country may well rejoice 1 that hi is
'returned to the seat—th t he °xi so
long ad . orned. -
New Jersey hal designated fisi4:o..,
:rick T—Fielinghnyeen as its Cadi.
.date to`r the'Senate. oalthe deat h 01
Senate? Wright a few :Months; Xgo,
Mr. Frelitightlysen was 4pointedi by
the Governor of New Jersify td fill the
unexpired •torm.. He hcs I evidently
done the satjafactioC,Of his! Un.
sou friends ici.t;be'LegialittUrei Unto
blitoeloction.- fir a. full' tiOn 'of, ; six
.Years. '. - , 1 • .
'The, NUvaia 'beiiiifist4te, on the
47th, ic..olected tlinslion.',Tiia. W'.lgye 1
• otoi the U S. Setiatelroin '"that State. I
Ile is an active, intelligent Senator,
' and Wu, alreflay a fine r'Oputiitii4. I
On body or'U - hiohhois lis . ,llMllb9r. 1
A.Soene in the Senate:l
M. T4ursilhrlastan elating Odene
`neared in,tbe,Siii4teofl;Abe Ucited
tatei. SOverul ' spoeches bad! keen
_a on t!ie bill to:iegnltie t i 'the teintre
'office. Tke: ;pending qmiiiion,!
:waver, was- lout aight! of, and: the;
?ate took a„ wide , range, inveling 1
President's conduct in removing i
' appointing men to office in differ-
-. ,titteJ of the cour.fry, ana l the
FRlCter . if tionte_ r -of tkese apPiiiint-
- - ..likiiivist beaame tie,--sUbjecit of i
:4540n . L -iii:llendrilcA, of Indi- i
~ assumed the championship O' the
'cliMt in this 'running'deba me nd
1 ‘:
bored hard ' and long t aka ,
is i 1
t-- , ,t , -Ale appear the better: 1 M \ it o i
p a r r e te e e e
d t a o d close
4 °l l e itt e le l ; l. h n i 3. ll3 l
e iiwa s . ea led to - ordei by Mr.
. : gull, of Californiu, whO pro
1, Led against the following senence 1
as not allowable •in a debate in the
Semite : • - • ' i - 1 '!
. ,
"There was no d u tysucit',- o
fathers; there• was no such duty-o
Tetient predecessors in this Chai
-• hecunse War; was no ilreitident
bad become tbn-enemy obis coani
' , c - The thair. .(Mr, Anthony) dei
. , the point of orddr not-Well saki
' ", This deeision; was appealed-
' amid , ' *arise eicitamtlnt, a.'
-.,.'ilitetnbers being on %heti iteet .441
_offering - tnottqns, - ainendnientsi
' ernandine recognition ftoni th
! --
ding' _When quiet w
tored,- a ~- o te MO talip-n, i l3
1 chair itnd 31.r.. 1 ,5ur0nti r,-,;nataie,ef
....,.,* -
iage hiajorit...fof their coticag es.
OubeznatbriarAppisinitrrient s.
Gdat.ruOr petliy hasirecently made
tbe s folic:m.4.g a ppdi n fipen ts ,
. I pIipOZOF I,d Flou'i :it Pit.t.t;bitrgifi,. 7
Capt.-Wm. B:Coal i o,r, 'of We,ti,tindri..•
land county., - • 1
State Military igeut. at %slotting- •
- lop, D. C.—Bx Sherit• Juba Ec.-Ste'yv•.]
of Pittsburgh.
'Deputy liti t illar:y Alit-at at Ifashirtg,- I
ton—Wm. A. Cook of Wiii.ritOrelapd
county. •
- • Notaries Public--I.sauC N4Coursin
find Dr. Samuel Smith,:of Pitisburgli,
and .N. Nelson , of AlleghOn'y
Port .Physician,' Philadelphia—Dr.
Goodman, of Philaaelplhiar
bepittv''see'.y. of Commonwealth—
.. , s
itaae,Gara r of Brie. 4
11 I b del Pio d 1' i• G
• : ea t cot',
, 1 a e en v .
• s it. G.Biokel, continued. • 1 ,
• ' tort 'Werdelnerul Gideon/G.,
.Clarli, of Philadelphia, contiriaed. •
Sia s ler'"of Wrights and Itteasures,
Allegheny •county; • H. B. `T.4yon,''ol
Duquesne borough. ' L - • -
.TrPtlA: o ,of State Insane / Hospital,
deceased, .11..nry Gil-1
I ?Ores t t'4 I
- . Coldne • ••it 4. 3iCCo;yl- late the
privatir - Sc :tary- to GI:Irmo Or Curtin,
• bait been rippo' it) ted• to a s elerkshlp an
t • tho Landdepartn.ent.• : I
The Yoint.Vonimitte.e ofl, the two
brafichos of thezaiegislaturet on Pub 7
Grounds, !have ap
s . pointed George :.Binehert, of •Lebanon
county, 'PSuperintitilant cif Public
• Blandings and 'Grounds; .
Pu?LisHiso. it daily iniVer at Oil
City ii evidently ( not very, i iennfnera- - ,
five like ;Register- was ' lablished
tbeitibeidei . x weeks ego, rid in four
'weeks the proprietor was i f financittny
f!cleaseut t ,"" and at; the pnd of .the
• fifth it tiAoilitor withdrew.sid dissolved
all connection with i the enterprise:\ ---E
- ••_, , ' ~...4---------I 1
Trueeditr . of the .kocat teliuitiktes
birateif on being able in elll the word
•!whillity."; wo - can see , o canna., for
gratification in would, be a
sad Coramentary On t h e : !educational
. . .
; •
-4-. - .
7 -T4O roan Who
r , tiadidradr. ,ctilOci alibis life, and fre
ittelniT in such qbantities is I.9`oli•lige
„kiln- to take - to the • fence tot ners,ctiuld
.thenap l i of the Artige prop
,etly Nat: hid floored b -or .- . ' '
are informed= that - Abe
GO nest and bound dogliteward of
tb :County Pool' Howe, took adian;
tags of our receta,s.'beer.ce and ,
to town.—Zoml.'
Vor once. we can vouch for the truth
of what the says! • Mr.
line been id 'mortal dread oftei! . &
0.,•f0r the lasi thiee or-four mofitbs.
His fears, we suppose, have kept him
from town during this time; but... Nara,
ing a tew vree s a tha Odell : would
' i - gd- t
be away on the let of January he.
Wcirkud• hie costfage‘np to:a creditable
degree, and reenlvod to:eome to Hea
ver on that . day. -On arriving at Van..
poit he is .said to have become 'fearful
that, there watka mistake or a trick i in
Odoll's contemplated abence,aod UP,
ing,,le kent . Oriend forward to liner.
tain• the whet eitbouts of the enemy. --1
onlretureing,thie frieod.informidlim
-that Odell had actually left town, that
Wharton had'oom'e across a lot of cheap
whisky, and was then curled up under 1
the Offieerfable, and ,that the foreirian
Of the establtahnient was on a social
"bender," erir fti''. "battle row."' Thus
assured, it r. S h
roade came to town, l
transacted some busioess, and then:left 1
for home by the .most direct route,and
at a gait that defied pursuit. We con.
gratulate him on the successful perfora
mance of this - feat, - , t , • •
We aro no alarmist,hni- we take this'
occasion to notify the Union party toll
this county that aboutone-half orits
:bombers are in great bodily danger.
Odell &:•Co have sworn in their wrath
(they made no_ affidavits) that' . they
would knock down, - dirag out,iluek up 1
and whip "whole•feaps" of men bed
longing; to the Ur.ion party.' 'fhe'y are I
said T'.l hai , e'"spltti3d" folly the One.'
Lalf Of our Whore'erganization ;
our advice is that this threat be. Doti
lightly-heeded : They , 'cortainly svidt I
- attempt to execdte it; and it :must lie 1
adinitteffthat tVet(Surface indications" ,
are largely in their. tostr.: Look at/
the facts: Inn 'Physical point of viiw,
Odell himself looks its it ha -, was the
s of herculean powers ; and
to make the metier woiso, he is ' sail
to be•like,u singed cat,—much better
1 than he looks. The Job-like; patience
i i which' he says ,he practicied^ once
I whin a' Jellow ' was standink, at his
door and- tinntering him out to take a
,'mill,"indicates piu* that Will do t 4
bet,on in any emergency. 7 harton i ;
too, is sod tb be a man of_ tinmense
strength,and ;intimates to lrisipe - rsonall
friends that he can=w hip his weight fri4,
"wild cats." On investigatioe we find I
the story to be essentially 4 1 1 Se, that 1
his hair instantly and. prernaturely 1
turned white, on: the sprit oach of
,41 . !
1 II -
lid of - ten yeara,who
_had maimed .;...1
Li 60 A.Evenun tittlLucie. Ibe poy !las
twolve•ears old, and,the cepillus un-
1 derwent no change of oolor lentil six I
days after theoceurrenee ! Wo make t
ibis-cor r rectiop 'in:order to diii i abuse the
pahlic rniud--:- . Ondeeeive • car friends,'
Ii nd sm to put them on their guard
i the anner of -
`man be is. Let there
Ibe mueh space between any one, or
ever. a halffinzenUnon me'
The foremarv_ (we do not
3,. i ,
name) has Iny'ge frame, an
mil though fierce took, and
Lion for developing uneomm
whenever brought into col
, --Tipp, apples or - cookedfoo
'Under these cirenmstanelets ' we ad*
vise our party friends here in town- to
be prudent and to keep
. w thin door s
as much as posstble,and to he Uniorr 1
iota of
-'the country district we say:t
Oome to town only when- you - mu 4
• / and ''
and then comt_by reg9ileints, if
not by 'regiments, by companies, 'Mid
never_ in' a less number thah a full _pia-
loon. There ii danger in a sregarding
1 thit t advice, ato as the son inel'ori the
'watsh—towerove deernit UP duty to
,'thus sound the - alarm. - .-
lir. Quay Voted in caul s for Cur-,
tin, bat his haste in movi ng the , iiiianz
imity of Cameron's noMinition:looks
'----. Perhaps be can n tisfactot - ily
explain hissOurse to thos e who voted
for him with the express understand. 4
ina that.he was never so nubh •as Lc
.ti. i
give a favnu,of any othet man
than euriin—perbaps No cannot.—
Time will tell irblood fain-Local :-;
'On readihg,tbe above t e first. time,
compposed Odell Was itl author; al!-
I t9riwarile we took lit that "iriaarton bad
writ‘en it, but nOlig we ~are antiefied
that it embracji tho concentrated
wisdom of ' bat 6of the . One. than
could not hay.e ;xpended so much 4 in:
telleck" on this/subject, nd live; -.but
Iris both &mtribnied,it i 5 highly prob-.
able that their 'reasoning facilities
suffered only 'a temporary strafn,and
that they tiTeiiii no sent permanent.
ly impaired. I . e? , ho , . lo at least.
Aentleinna. ,he future,
.- .-
) Ttz'n / f oci
over be ta,c__ __Jitt N. _
ed 'General Ca t nieron;
our friendshi i 'p foe him
des!te Le get ab °like
went at Me eninda. Thi
tis, ~and; coons ,
4iige a "whisky dri
iianees ,to "vri It"
•Gill. GRANT ,eildorbeit the President's
veto of the Distrietautfrage bill-40eal
~ He ' does 'no' \auili-!thirif And it
imight :jest as well ba said tint (Jan:
Grant oriclorsetb.thulnit of
„pelf ' .
Patiltd*ring 'oV:liikr aw to : Roy tkit. ha,
) n k k n ig " 6 ' i;;, _ wilt' 4 51 444 11 Yi yi ,:.
Prealdent Johnson since it : is over; tit'_
' the peoilla :generally. would just .4.
[ readily believe thiobb • 'asser tiiin ati
[ • 1 •
['they Would the other. ,Gonelfal want_
lias4cven no opinion at 'all - upon - Iga
bill - referred - to, but if sake 4. to do .sli
his answer; would be that al ' loblack,
mania more deserving off -ballot
than a • disloyal White one In :mort
ways than [ons has be giver. the . pitblii
to understand'that ''halls the view` hi,
takes of the'sutrage ijuiition. \''
U. S Senator Caanei +`
After Gen. Cairieron's
, _—
the United States Senate on skbi
a party of .his pe,reonal frionda_
on him at ,oise of the hotele; /Writ.
burg. SpeecheS were made -~41,
torney General Brewster, ,Senitbri
Lowry and • Landon, and General
,Cameron. Among other lremarks,
the letter said:
cheek God that. in; spite, of- thn
slanders my enemies have heaped .on'
tne or twenli years, my fellow aid..
sane . who 'have seen my life ;day
to day always Stool by my-belle, 110
helped me toxispel them. This ttic •
gle of my political life has ended in.
victory: ',desire thie as an sneerer
to vindicate my honeity to _my dill.'
dren and friends.: I. now proposer to.
put these elabder's beltind,, me awl
forgeti.jilike the - liar who cnneootott
them mill the fact that good men in,
eomu cases, by repetition 'of them,
Were induced to believe, and repeat
I them...
Mr. Cameron continued : .Sii-years
.I thought•slavery was the atreitgtit 1
of the rebellibtd. ought to he de
stroyed- without'deley. - I Wished also
-to arm the - black men Who would
volunteer," Of ccutse "thought cloth-
Ind& black, man in the AMerican uni
form clothed him with the rightsof an
American Citizen, and I am sad Ito sue
a 'black soldier, and defter; thiti overt I
Peunkylvania dernee- him the bidlot,
the only,weapon whereby he can pro'- '
.test hiinsell. • t hope to live to .-sea the
word :itthite"-striekeo from Our own
cOnstitstion, and - the spirit of caste
upon odor utterly dqtroyed., .
The ,fictith, however, is more eon
trolled,: by social irifluenaa than by Pb
'Weal principles. If ycd ara wise .and
firm, you may pinisibly • •eaticate - the
rising gen l oration into loyalty;
there is no -reethrid of statesmanship
which will • make this generation. al
the South loyal to the Union'au4 flag.
The poison: of thirty- y ears 'cannot :be - I
eradicated by the Subservioney .of A
President or by the slat Mee of Con.
,gress. Let' us look. the trAth the i
face. The Southern territory. is Ais—
Toe loyal ;men of -to 'hay must
guad their 'children against- another!
treasonable rebbtlion. The Conetitu 7
tionel Amendment, impartial.aufgr. •
• Of Andrew Johnson, j avid long ago
he was a traitor to his *arty, and •an
lenemy to his cotintvy ;tilt{ a bad man
He -has done -many: bail things; but
t ,riothing worse than offe r ing the offiCee
1 cf the coartyry to those' ley , .unprinel .
pled men Nicht) agreed to desei:t and .
1 Witty -, thigieut .Etepabliettnagaoiza-
Ilion for- his patronage. A,li . Stned the
- Democratic long Iwo. lie h 4•4
4 tight to give, them - offices,
has no right to diSposo of them - at
anction•t6 weak-kneed. flepublicanS..-
u and hint
know his
a reputa
$ .
Tho panper labor of. Europe is aghin
competeing with ,our labor, and .our
manufactures languish tor, want. ot '
protection agaiiiii; it. Penney .
needs no assur.knee of my devotion to
'her interests inilliis regard, which are
Clio interests o - • the whole
I Will continuert_o,labar, in ieason or
Lout of Belson, to protect our manifac
turea,froirk . ruin and their - workmen
from Icing thtown out otempldiment t
lor their wages reduced to the starva.
point, for I hold that I .the true
of- any nation depends on the
welfme`of itti laboring clasi.
Nebraska and . Colorado.
WAISIIINGTOP!, January 16, 1867.
-In the Senate to-day the Renee
amendtherits to the bills for the adniis.
ilea of Colorado and Tebraska were
ckneurred in, and the' bills now go to
the President. The provisions, about
Which there has been so much debate
are attached to each bill in thefollow
lug language: •
8E0..3. And be it further enacted,
that this actlAhall go into effect with
1 the and perpetual condi- .
tio,p, that within said State ot Nelms;
shall 'be, no. abridgment *
denial of the exercise' of the elective
franchise, or of any other right to any
person by' realion of race or color, ex.
l cepting Indians.: i not taxed, and- upon
the further fundamental condition that I
the ,Legislature of said State, ,by a
solemn act, shall deolarelthe assent of ' I
said State to -the said fundamental'
cond'i'tions, and shell transmit to' the
Presidedt of the United States . an au
thentic cepy,ef said act,l upon receipt
whereOf he . President, by' proolama
I tiOn,ihall forthwith announce the fact,
wfierenpon said fundamental condition
shall b'e'held as a part of the organic
law of the State, and withont any fur
ther prOceeding on the Tart 'of Con-
gross, the admission of Said Statelnto
the Union shall ba considered as com
plete; said State Legislature shall he
convened byte Territorial Governor
within thirty dais after; the! passage of
this 'act„to act npen
." the condition sub:
• w i tted herds r_ .; •-. r '
;The vote in the &seta On . concur
ring, in tne House Amendment was
twenty-eight to fourteen, just enough
to pass it over a vet.o.i ; The vote by
which' the bills•passed the Hottsw.yes
terday; was 193 to 55, With several ab
sentises in favor , of.them.-. Ten wer
absent from the Senate to day, o i
whom six are witted for 'the bill
I orer a veto. , -- , ,r: • I
mortal' std
rry yet - a
Id insists. that
pringa freWt a
r as atipoint—
s very- rough
ioii'. with the
:1 L
T i " l2 augr t.
1 ' i.
Bemired< Peary ,- - 7:i,
Governor ot - the Suit& ult.
The c0t 0 1 1 9 6108 are
impooing:iint . :tholittle e s a H
. ,
rind militeiye4vork-iiii,"
" ail- M il adirOtili Was:444l
girls plAitteal;opmicti,o , glre
, stiLit, accol
.vntjs_the p rt
hini ire suf fr age at the
- 4. ) ......
tin ' 7‘ll j k 1
I tie Imo
to wing extract• which re
that document:: ; '- : "
We are- confeseedly i;
abate.: It hi,marvelons o
teas :perished in the firnac .
haw; from the very itahOso
and'old parties, the trar : h i
abittritimphant. The non
the -ikkentive, and a- c`c,be
eihreti - lky substantially/1, ,
feagekie - contest
.inr,an : , , I
- el 4 perieircelits,hot . to - haVa
'pged by the ireniers cwf-t
postitutfoO,- has only,ser
op - : the :reinarkable_ ever
people, and
. to strengthen 1
lure nonflicte. That - tun
ally. decided. •-,74:1 : 1
-The' - victorionS force', ',l
moral, of tile patifeti . .
'aini . ply paiutitig before t o•
work of reptiscruisi • :. ,
States . eve not only b = .
.the,cotillagraticin of
been 6trualieed. in the e ii 1
ufirestored tint Mit, 1
dell : sera . lf,still a• .i
dogying, their return to: t
Atiat'whia airy re.enter , 1
gistions and its blessings I
the better able, to fulfil th
joY. the otheti.» Their c , ) i
I rfiiii;ful warning to mob
and espeeitilly lo nurse v.!?
Until slaver t fell the i
understand tLe valti . o cf
icaLitutiona. ilyqustorn ,
and' 'Many twice to Oe
we did not feertont its c
ty.', so for frOrn:astaiitilk
allydestroyinour : '-atie.:
was only - when 40)006,
the ma s k, that we Fir
teatares'of the monster
big out the, vitals of tft ,
_ If we are now tistoninh
ed aVithe exhibition of
.r.g 1 1
tratitgue among those
1 -
inatigmaged and proseen
less,witeirgainst a g ne
rnent, and ba4ing be n
escape the pnhisliinen
I are once mor4 „arrooa i nt
I to :issuriiii..efintiql . Or he
this gnat, nation, :hot •
cause woulditkejblive la
liad,r,laverVlPeu pert ILI
alnl multiply?„' ' 1
'Boast as we may of
, and moral - victories, -yet i
tliat tiler... is no fiiichtllii i ;
lican government, irt 3 l tl t.
that begar. still carriekl ;i
There is not, today I.' I e
in Europe where thi il
individual ir s i p am so d - ft,
led underieek. as in the e
_were_ •
. .
the United , -.l3tliae,r. .4iu.'-,
has suggestairits ,
.vi f
: The abliorilep I n
e,tl treason 0 1 ;n 1 1 - II
mo„,ii.„ ii.r,,„„tx,,.. kit;
.et, strum: t ar 24 riv ge!,
guilty lailure7r is
insisted upon r ens ' /R .. 64
better and the 6orittetV,i
1 11
that a 'nation, : ;ili,t4i. - 't.;4
rrecalorn, is its in , r. 7 l) *t
that. those a - pile - ere
/arable I s nitite Ould
submit to elk' tennis
or: , I 'I.
The violat.i of the
obligations. 1 t pail!)
.most atroeiotnprirnes i
of time, theinirdereis o,
soldiers - on 601 s of ba
loathsome diigeons any
prisons, theYp.ust rit.t. 8h
pear in the . ieuncil t•hani
nation, to sii:hvits igi s f t i
trol its destites, aid Y s it'
conditions *elf' will 4 , 1
institutions torn their hal
es andintlufee, and #ecuri
forting of gfernment, in,,t ,
and vfgoro every seeticin
try, I i I ..
That. till arc indlspiis
eucheondions, to manifes
recent a eV,eii m arro'gant'
- the ptd - ed'aendnente
Lionel nititation
whtnb'a elieved, icy ma
patriotic.tiiens anl a ata
too mild d geneta , : . :
Pre;They *
he i rer,
'eoniidereby the: people
late eleolm,! andsalipros
ld isarge is o g
sanaLiorioh it NT uld bl
to eithinker,imike disrel
certaintli view s iSt this
the-late i teri BMWs shoal
ted to . !orator . lit
tione" l bthe General
.white 0 continue to d
amend - sits. I 1 1
To tliongressOfthe PI
the baoitisyn m Nithics
whein4 stitrage o the
been f . 439011 y giiPoo.-.
fearles •proelaitrie . the,
oeal liet-4 1 .WEr. - • DODO
FAlTiiillEftyMiTS.' Upol
eratioind actions . of C 4
prose ter'ests .are ftiti
ikll d I •
.n its firniiin
ago t ho_la expeirneilt
repninietri is indisscitu
That firinueeit acid to
fullyoibited by iteeen
Ijoritin the originatio
, Ition leasuibes of wisdom
tion4.9 ' innte• radieet .ft
• it n erg, !than those of
lent - no ; doubt!. 8
Itivill t--ovule my cordi
•Ido Ity w, l ell add; that
, spl svilt,leonfidet in a
kre e will,,not ihesit
tai kb her ;en ire i
0 6 - d
jilt the admibiotra,
go tent t i nu y
.era, sl .
•sh e expested ''ron2
i M'W'' ista n
-1 hies of a :m e nd, bis ~. I.a -
ter upon tbo i ldischarge of gni rayons
ib*: ducieii - ,lvOtti it arm - resolution
iict.ivitii lonasty SindArnim slily; I .
'!,ruat my briars will be raga s ed,witft,
abitity iiiitrilated vitn 1 t gauged
... ..?. i : A... ' ,
resit ottfulicamimou.F i T fore ,
~ p. .., ~
! ti. kd Marjestly, hope that
.. V . ,.. i . a . - . -
lercourse ""TIF my jellow ciqzens of .
'the Sedate, and Neese of Represent:i
deas will Ihe So', frank and e;irdiat, Uri.
our dutielil to a pomme l conatitneney
wilt-lie "pleissuntly'and faithltilly dis
'Charged. Different', branehai of the
, governs of as we are, with jilietima
.ltive-diakieft,we are, neverthelese,, parts
'of one organized and. well 'regtilliced,
'system and 10. we ul operate or dies
greet, the intereste 'of the State will
probably )lie promoted or retarded.=
Elected by the people,'!deeirrs to - pro
mote the .Weltare -of ever citizen,
. mere. party 'difference shodlii not' be
alloed to 1 interfere with he main.
tenanoe,ef .t irgetierous, a true arid ioni
prehentOe !public
,poliv. 1
It viiislthe' illustrious Ml'
equally ;clf3Oiiguished as a a
a statesman, who gave -nil
the declatation. "that' the
amilesof 4eaven cannot be,
on a. tuition ihat disregardsl
nal ruloa ot order and right
fereon„ . Yrbt , asserted that
is-morally tong cannot 'bo
right." .1 These utterancesif,
deepest cobvictitnis of the .1
principles Which . should pr,
icontitil '44 governments.
fellow-citizens, adhere to the
orr.ecl by them, and our cifci
happily united ia, enirouraJ
stitutioua Of onr State,as ;ii
of our nailon. with & riimpi
that willlrepel thl madness°,
the scheines of usiirpation,a,
fully resist; the changes and
of-all cbining time. •,1
- ---- --..-..- --
'tk , LEGISLA.'
ate beef
7M 3i
his 'pi
'lVaie in
ber 11
.1 ,
• _ •
ielce from
_ .
rf war,and
wfd hatreds
i es purified
. thetvreen
Csa twice
came *suf . —
Us 'in our
. eeninicl-
1 1 N.atiopal
d to duvet
cri of our,
1 ,
lam.for fu.
i t is iirtu
• aical aid
lions, are
.erfact the
aved from
1 but -have
ing.- The
acted and
'Wen tinily
• Union, se
nits obli.
ey will be
.peand en.
ition is a
d nations,
not fully
e proxinn7
. 53; a
as g,t id it
-6 7ro away
se hidoOktm
1, -Was- eat"
' °public:l
Petitions Pre,' Rented—
Right J i - soeintiort premit4
tibu Agamt4t, the paEsitge of
tuttotial Ametttlrnents.
Mr. Biglia l ni—A petition
, %..
I;4o:ain't Spruce alley, N
,Pittsburgh;. , I . . -.
Bills,in Place.-:,31i. Bro
ren'oe—Au act to.pioteeti
1 and' othre.
l e
, > i ; • •
, to : rnpeet tin'
10 boun4es;in• lbw(ly town
leo.- •Pe.s . e(l. - -•-• 1 .'
, , ... ...
1 Mr, Birighnm- 7 --,An net t
I ate .the.'people'a ;Bnnk :"oft 1
On mOtion. of- (3..itieral
SOlinte nrinn:mouNly
. 1
ptiy ther reffieets to tho r •
i ornor,'lon..A . : U. Curtin. j
. •
I.AfternoonSisl4ion. —Sen
evne!utid his tlienil on till
"tionnl A nipn(lllents.,
I .I.(.lju4rned until 'even o
I A and tiLock
.rl el.ty
Iva ; having
roma govern
licriniued to
lest' nibs cif
6ch 'greater
} n
I l i to increame
o r material
t 9 no 6 true
g as a ftei;ttb-
ten States
.the *art
,poto Stute
'hut •ol . ' the
tions which
point, ar. liotarl
(Afileghvny%eotinly.. 13111 pti
Luararri'ate° on thi
ordered to triret- - artTircr
• 1 .1
The .0e I nato . me!, the Ito
ieouventiOn, agree'able to i
COngreks"tind,. of the Le s
ca 4 up the rOto for Unitnii
lat Or. when filmon.,Canier
kelfq•el 11n be
1 116u.0, then tii.kirpr
!farewell to the reilring Go
the ha,l randet ell
I:diseloire-Of ills
!tho- . 6i.x . yenes he itr,tl Ocenp
hornatorial' clla i, and..voin
riniir•.l{ec a l carethewoui
and thti .e,li1(1(e , of those,
the litt or.
• .them an
farewell, kiovi.rr.or'Gurtin'
partare l fre l mlliarrisburg. _
171;j—Pet it ionk preSented.—Mr.
I ,pernowttrauee'-froin,•the cities
1. 3 i/tt.
„Township, a;ainat bekhg
1.4 U the:borough - of La*reti,,4e,..
1: 4 ;) ' • •
tea t-
....413, inn gra ili
ir 1 r. - Nhired to.
FitubTipliis ,
bare * Wei. - .
r1%11 1 4 ryi . '.f,iiii
i-. ' flicAri tro:', I
oil f
gri-red :le 1
art! ;54) • n
e , ted n,
tfie core i:raj
n c . Pst, polemn
lore .of .the
the lanais
our hdroie
IV, :64= in
11 not, re up
lets of, the
'ion. or, ecia
%ball lie on
eserve our
rful fitrrpon:.
repn blica
ieir purity
of the cuun-
zons of
Bi•own, of . Mercer—Against
repeal of Ole act .appointing awition.
Pers. •
?Repci.; of • Committee:-11r. Slioe--
-maker-, T To pnwerti on eointnit,
tees in- eases. of, fanatics and druelc•
Bills passep.—Mr. 13ignatri—Supple.,
trinnt't( the Pittsburgh Baying Batik.
White—T change 'the magnet
of sleeting . :Own ,council in Belle Vler.
, • -
non. ,
Mt. S l ew 4tht—To establihh al ferry
Oveithe TonihioglienY aI near Per
ryopOliti. - I •
Bill to pay the Slate agent at Wash.
ing top. 1 , i
Bills !niplace:—Mr. Brown•
cer-- . To elif.anke the place of business
of ,the: petroleum Company of Penn.
syrvania. , .
Mr. , §earight- =To exe mpt cemete.
ries &mil taxation., • _
The JAmendrnents adopted —The
Constitutional Amendments coming
upon: speeial order, were .Passed by a
Strict psirty vote: aYe,3.20; nays. 9.
Adjotirned nctiE Monday 'at ''eight;
p'eloek.l ! . '
d to-accept
train tbvir
rejeotion of,
of tho na
true and
,amon to bo
been !fully
daring the
d by ma
re them a
: improper
ard. And
act, none of:
, be, admit,
etical rule
t over r. men t .
pose there
State 4
and over,
,)eople 1 Mlle
i They have
r unequiv
1i:1 the dent).-
'or.gress our
,hre' welfare
l r!,
and emir:
, of genuine
y involVed.
rage will be
trolling ma -L
I and.adop- 1
and disere-
Cowan's Appointment .41Mi.. hint:
}ell 'offered a resolution.indignantly
-;, , roterating nattiest the appointment
dgar'Cownn,as MiT.istsr Ito, Vienna,
and approiv,ing'the autioc at:the Penn
raylmantsinembers of the Mouse of Re
presetitiOres at; Washingtit- , -in pro.
',Orating against his confixm l ation. '
The resolution was bitieily,cpposit
by the Democratic - members, • Mr.
Boyle, ' of Fayette, leading off' Tbe
d!scussions occupied both session's of
the House, and resulted in the adop
tion of tbe'retiolutions by a vow. cf 68
ayes t 0 133 nays. .
• Alit act to vueate SPruee ley , pug s ..
burgh. came front the 84ini f ib.
IThe' Croveinor sent is the following
appointinentsi Benjamin . Brewster, to
bb.Attarney,Retieril; , Frank Jordon,,
ti:ci- be Sciaretary of tie,COmitionWealthi'
idll . oiove,
b momentei
I approial:
Nile Penn
loyal Con
te to • &us--
finance and
ion of the
only what
d ,
vlarrior and
Wane° - to
the eter
-7 and Set—
xpreae my,
I rules and
olnote and
• IA a',
e be g3l , -
1 .1
)ruEl 'bo
iligthe in
ell as those
at of truth
if ambitior k ,
he Equal
ftkre)r . of
uth . • , ward ,
of relutive
hip, paler
ri toorpor—
!Pit tabor 411.
Cosblved tri
Jtlring Gov-
'tor Bigham
C tu
0 -
to i.ap
Pntlin. in
IPO in joint
he nets of
'h3h to
n 'WWI do.
mied to bid
;kr: l :titeiri ; for
him In tho
lfeti the . GU
1113'11(10d . to
who 'foil in
ffee t ion o.e
took hie d©•
r I
1 ,i
Isaac!. e i ~to be bemty li Tterri
~,. Acilitur ell: •
~ 1- ,
~ . ..
; . 7.terf,l /r , he • Secrete - mai:mit in
W. `111°1?-#11Y. 1 1
:,: rr. „ I
17.1 - ._1 : • _
I "`:B e rt t Commiittoos.-+Tly ?dr.
i ,MeCriOity I . rom the Indleialty_ Cort
InitteAl) fixing the limo Or holdipg
kcoarts in P I A legheny cotinty,-:land reg
-nlatingprki edings horein..! "1,:.: . ,
Ili ito:i6g—Tp in reale the 1 . 04115 nt
the Diat'rict'AtaiotTo) and cotlief 4440
WOW - -tali 3olin
in, mg,— ..,
lir:. : Woreelle
soniier .i'lur.rersi' it 4
• Mr.11427,--4et rel
~ AlsoA'Aet - veliting T o borough taxes
In o,lr , Ciii.i ; , .i_
, Mr. Pavls,:frorke tiktruttes on Fed
cr , ;al' Irelations. repo ted .atlfrmlttivelk
thifinAnt resolutions adOptink the Con
sti utionall Amendments.
- • .i
Bills i, {dace. 316E86—Act:
relative , . petroleum and; other GI a
in 'Altegh ny eorintfr. , .
I me. Qtl. l. r --To repeal ar. act eltan r
An g tte vsi;pme in the 'ease of JohO
1 Lett ox. - - - 1 u
if r.' 'IV : dell—:-
I tonitple tort el the. h
liylrant v I * Maori
b ny.•;-'l'.
lin carte n 'Sp fro
lechiSti) c,. katy.
1. kt ti .An a
;tatititt; gni beer hi
? ton oo,u,rity i
1 1
1 14.r.Evrittg—sup 1
leorporitting the bo
ton,T , t .L
' 'Xt. 'Ke . n neciy --A
to VrOteol ion of ml
`p4lTo-heir duties !
. : .
1(' ' ..,.:.1-it ' nd 16, •1867.,* i. - ' •-• •• • . -. • ,
Cottait : Btzt ling , . 64iPlitry - T
- i . ..
were lit esenteio 7 i 1
ie t itizons. of Do- i ( 1 --- /li.
e,nte , i es , F" .. rt . r,tit,'sliing' G 00.4.1. ' resets -
: , ei,
0u if floe of the ear ; l, a . n q .1 • 0 ` 11. -1: -P'lPt ; r •-Cott , tr-f; - ..
'lpi eitiatilis of ..Nrtlrth', • -. • : •,;, ,_ . ..._ , ... •. 1
14.1 passage of • MI% ••,/ - I.olBitery Sis . . -Celt' 'IS;
le reeonknietion (Ai' 1 - . . ' •:' -- : .. * ..' .. .:
• FURS !. . ruPts I:- rs: FIRS t- ! !.
Use Orpgor. - Legit. I. - CLOSING OUT..AT COST ! .. .
.stablislinient or. ti:• . - • . , .. ~ .-7,.
1 • .i ..
esentett And tehliitl, 1 _._: • ,
Ima Nl , ili , its .ka, ,aa i -' --* liiirool4, Gtry .-- , . -
)itme ‘.all token up 1 -- ' - - • ' - : -. . • .
'eZ p , Lyr .., Ko s i ti t, u S a t r . e alv a l u s d , !_f:;:, •- • illis• -
, acniniVreni!a, • •-;
[• ; •
Either. Congress i . - - ' e p rx , ver‘it ,•:
n , ,y , „ •
.„„ ~:•,_ ,\
pose enn,ditieni of :* , '• t • &."-r-1,.7 1, riR1 rA,..); -
or it - innst..•be left ' • se .l "g ''' '• • * ! - I -r- , -,
1 , . ,.- .. -
the Tat:t i•tory for. i - 4 • A the Van - eties of , • '
14 ne,midd d ic I. - •
,i i,, '' - a :tind - ._ c a s I ro n . m om
. c ‘ ll :4l . trouid air( the attentiOnLaf iiiiFarmeriat
'expressed stmilst
7 , 1 ... i m a i', , Beaver - coriniy, _ trishinOte purehase
vm; opp0 30( 1 to AI: 1 ••• ' -.- Plows or Plow Poirits t o the' -- •
,btit if- any 1; . -- ^ - , Plows
;Finisli 1 'and - 1 . • .
:(1, - „,they slirmiti I.)e I. . • - .•• -, .. Quality or .ou , e
.. • - ,
. • •...,Work. 1 ,1 • •••' • '
u 1. f ..... 1 "..,-,..•,1 , - 141 : -Q1 , 1 :- e . :1 4 -1 1_ 7-'• - •7•• - - Ipm . 'ALT.' IV 0 MC . W A RRAINTEDigui
1 . . • , - • , iThe Points and Land-lidsq ft I
further disCas.o H rintl it n • . ", - . t-le eutrrs..
, g sumbere .of -Pittsburg plows:, , .. -
ui•soo, .:Murrill . a!! i-
. .,Iseirota plow easting a bought.. raprlB:l 7
morning hoer ext ! - -.i - - ----------- '
r ordeil, of eosin' :i .
Jte team) of* oft"
'hii• relais were; • - .
fferedita a soli.: --
iendertOt . 01TS. .'
[%. n-a min.] introat $2.',00
L int 9 6. f; .. .....! • . .
4TilleCt.ilt..l. Nvii .' I •
-,, r , •
,!.,,•-•.- {72 ., ' -
• . 4 .4' 1 ',,,,• , NZ,. •
Huckalcir, • -6w f : ',: 'iiixon,.±-i;;,!
Doolittle', - Etiot c linds, ••,. I Foster, ..,I.' . 1
Harris, 1 - - 'lien rieks,l,•!, - :fohnson. ' ,ii
Nesmith; ' . No, : - I -Fatterson,.. 1
itidge,, ,- . Saulsbury: ;:' f - '• ' = .l
Tito . bill -1 -to • at Cafor_ado' than
came - up.. The 'll.7ltisaltiliWntlene4 N''.
concur - I.'3d ii),and J tba 6il\ k goes twthe I
President: --':* ' L ii. • • i
• • .. Halls!. '
lAlied lia.roto ofitita'
a . leornetittee - on JuH
he finesse an opiiiiOn
_ng I.h el. fleeces' ty -Of i
her unction of the 1!
S her
tlianAhree • ';'
tea iteliall . i- •re ) •-:,..'
•:'' 1- - 1. re,„
Pd,and the reSoltitiOn
. • • •
*Aslit).•ifitox, 1).
H ,
-• Irarious petition
elailing'9ne front t
trtgt against the r
reney; on.e from luy
Carolina,. awking ti
St4velust bill for th
:hat .
the 'minor / Val oil
• for the
d .l`he *bill to ad
arriended - hy - the H,
Mr, iWtide morel
InoO. concur.
14‘.1 • tp it
to/ the people of
JMr Hendricks %%
th!e . ephditione me •
Were tO, be imp - P.4
left ;,to the pc , ople
piy ivit,l4.them,
'.;The quetit!oh is
Mess Hen*
others,:eitier, tlic,n
ed,ijind the regtit'4
'he: bill to regttlit
itywrot - tisr, T
1) 1" "
tMr. Henuricksol
f9l. the House an
known es the Bros
agreed-t0,.18 agai
T,h tli+ so• 'any
eOnettrieil. in, 18
'24r. - Spaulding
Tem°luonn•that th,
d;eiary- report lo 1 1
it.. writing respoet
obtaining any far i
I..lOnstitutiOnil Ann
(qurtf l a of the St:
men i ted'in conoTea.
~ Mr. Fink o bject
- ias'notTeecii-ed.
... .
.TA X .
tarred, including t - 1,
ionieth for the real
govOntnent of tiL
fro ni a 'society for
in Ciniintiati, co'
. iitstresS exists ani
ph4ns of. soldiets
dery experienced
ties and back pay.
• 1 - no,
petii -
ioni•were re,2
foe front Texei Uhr
irganiz4tion of the
:at- I St.4t;-..antrPni.l he relief of the pony;
plaining 'that great,
re-g viiidows and or.
conse'lnehee of the
Cln collecting I?ot4tt!-`1
• 1 1-J .
. i
The Ronde, wont into goninnittee -02 ,.f i
the, W , bol on the 1 dgtslative ApprOl'
{nation' bV. '. I . : A
31r. Ste ens otTe t
ed , oni amendment!
as hn tidd tional sc'et'ion, extending to'!,
the Croprt of Mtn s t ihe.provisions ofl
section"4d:of tee, A .pfl 'Juiy, 1864,1
which dechwes tlt t. ittCourts of . the,i
United States th'e e sh• ll; excle- )
t .,
sion of. anytwitness on tiecOunt of eolcitL, I
oor in . civil 'atitir.,ns hectineel be is al
party to or interieted in the hustles!
tried. Re Bald t y,hel that hat. he Coati oft
t k
Claims had recently , it wait
no Court Of the nitedi States, and
thereferis tie lad cid , not apply to it!.., 11
-The antendment, fter aiihert distuao
sion, was Itgreed to. IU bill was
V - .! •
then repotted tit. e House. .'''.
~ . . 1 .1-....--....- .....+-...„_.,_. . = l .. '
—The Steward di
~.,1 Jteivard divorot scandal eme
Still ' i oecepies• -ti t le ationlion . of tile ,
1 3
'Chicago fo ke , 41, ielheileast diges-,
ting snit ev r ,brought = ill 'any court'
of tbe' eon'
,Ity,ln it .just suite tim ,
- progreisiia style o i l tbau l i.,ity, and i'p'
Ale 'otily topic of )11troraation tbern.]
t he Young wife ! , danglittir of a weal}.
yeitikeeTWaabingtn Smit b,Eaq.-- 1
f i
2,silgo &divorce from &trivet' agh us bis nd,,
;tab) alma -Married wqa pieparing for
the psrrpit, dn 'a, klit i rge ;of ialuitery.
Aeeordiog to the r ,e, f idanesof , witness
-15 II . 'Who, bolVetrai, are noi-ef 'the most
erllclit—worthy on:11r, they °barge will
1 1 , v 1 , ,
L LifhaNit
- 1 ... •• . -- i -:. .. . •
. X> ,
Mat-ire -to pas.
Ileemyy conrity.
ting te , Ysitrotd
• •
ASO 111101: E#Plivitllll,
1 ,
'first of Mara: to the TM) forroeily‘occo
iitieitbr.7., '4lBkntliegZT
kpfticES CHAT WILL - 431'0141811 ALL,
o authorise the
story ofthe
. ,
• • •
Of, esers deseriptiou, eheaper
elieapesi., YelSei and Silk l'iiinnsia; lt.tAsse,
Flo_vrissi Plumes. Quismenli;te. - •
A 30 . 11 LOT or Wits and . 3ilsses
Vas, 4,31 , 4.. '1:611 end -see
vhangn tiro ienne
Cambria and ,Al,
t rein to. ras
°non WiihingL
I lernent to an set in.
Qugt; of W akan g — i
113ALMORAL &. 1100 P stuns ,
I COR t SETB. ii.t`lll NE"I'TS.
n act tor the bet.
niatarr; t)f tbu
in performing the MEN AND 40YS.' 11.-IT$ .1 N b
louy : ' - CAPS, SIENS' KNIT CQA'rS:
' :LADILs! cl - ,(Xtils, A141..:C.(4.0i35;
-I" • -
• r
real ,ems.-/
1 Ist, A Gold 6t Silver Coutions -
lington „ • j
county' aforeel Pahlior 'Co:7pound perrest Mies
'of Win. 11 ‘ KAi, , •
landa at' said te4l i i n tide .4.11
on acceittihltt
land on ed Statesand Canadas.
and other lithtlte depostts. pyll:Gat
the south by land of
; ining ' about tits Acre.. almULlil f a y
I which are erected Itr
ISlore.lloure, with ihrelitril al.nt atriire.
lar underneath, Double. l'oraco 10' •
Large. Two Story Far.bry,
basement story of 'tout; awl f
; "
machinery therein for t 4 infing, Spinling,
tiny, Fulling, the—thtildizig and ; machinery
I being in good order, find Of capacity: stotieient -
t for aiglarge manufaeiuiing bitsiness. The -
whole water peter of thy Llttle Betiverfreek =
; is 11.1.1in:thin for manufacturing purposes at Oh
point, and the Dam, ”rd ve;711 , 0 01
Oa in j/2 , 4 order. • Al.tx a gtoad Two.tito „r•
Pram( Dwelling' House. Witlt attach
ed,,double,_porch, &c. ' Alsd„ sclud double
Frame Bath, with good stone:foundation, And
11. large Wagon Stied and Cora a
t 7wo . Story Prairie Warehotte, and- two hewed ,
log Tenant lloirses on the !To:Fuses
The improvements on the trail above &seri- '
bed are very valttlible. The, leater power is
excellent and well haproved. The Factory .
I other buildings arse
,Iveh andsttbstantbill con-)
stricter!, and theiocat ion a( i gouil ant, for Man- ,
I • ufacttiring purposes. .
, 2d. - Also, all ;the following deseribea Pletil
rOr parcel of land, - situate,. in Darlington tp.,
beaver county, bounded ott the -I trest by land -
Int' Wm. Harvey Knight, on the north by 11 0
of Selab Chamberlin, en the east by • Os~rr
land. of said Testator; and on the south i
Mthe tail race of the Woolen Manufactory or,
Other lands if. laid Testator; 401116.61 i Ogiabo --
160.acrec more or lee., abourbt) acres cleared,
I kadianderlaid with a good , vein of .:oat: oa
whieh is erected a hewed log bard , ' with fratas '
I shed, ; trees on the premises. The fete
lIOs well Waterhg,' • t ' I
The above aro valuable farms; i aro located.
about 4 mile. from Darlington, and about if
I miles from the present terminus of the Dar-.
ditigton Cannel Coal Railroad. and are imun.
upon the projected Railroad fironi New
Elallilee l en the Pittsburg; t Ft. W. g'd. Rail.
I tray down The valley of, the Little Beavel '
I,through the coal and. oil r egion ti :li' le g °r ' •
ron the C. &P. It. It., at the bio.rlrer. •
TER318.7-ose-lhit'l'd of ;the rtnintote to- , =
ploy on the confirusititin of, the , tale by de
blurt, the• balance to two .eqUal, pvc
meats from the doteof tha donirtaation 'Cure ,
, ashvby the court:with iuttireet, back
' maids to be secured by boalt sad= t
For-further information 'apply, to the under', I
Ilig_tled at hie residence, near the ptetaistsVor''',
iddtesa• him at Darlington, Y,O Barter •
County, Pa.. ReVIIEN WATG
11 1 1 28 Ex'r of last will of Jl. Eideiviee ° •
, ,
, 075 , R -- - ivvitt.m.).
kTtit•ißovE REWARD ' 111 'BS. i'AID
'for the'return of a 'gel oliemfaeed old
kite& Lever Watch, taken [CI ' Eck lli o . kinds uf
'J. B. Dawsin, ea thenigh! 7ch •of
Jciatuary..lB67. - .• ; jan;S.
• •
CIECONDLUAND Betletectid e 41kettriageL, i,
la Maki. Attlee. !ardrobe 3 l.Ckairt; ay."
,e. • Inciaire of : -. . S. 3. WALL
E ' ijclals•frr—st. •cabizet 4 . ..0r:150• 4 4 % -
.. . , :-. t...
- c ; Loptiqppf;::-.4• A it; i't , ;,
1 ....... ~.. . _ .
- •
. 1
kind 4, for gaol r ticbo is . ; i
Successors to S. Jones, & Co.,
Cgr. of 3Vod &Fiiurtit StTeets,