The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 23, 1867, Image 1
I! = , 1r 1- ...1 111 El - , , rqfv:'-i.. 7 - 7 : 1 7 - iZ:" --- - - , 7z .7-T .l 4 - - ..*--- - 4 411- - - • ' Will---7-r.,.... .. • . be l'ebli seday,, IP' l'ilvi.APA 4 ' r ff1 )154 1 7,-. .. TIIIR . ST. IHR ,. 'PA ~,. t..",-.r..f: . - D .. - _ . ixts2,ool3eir sin in Advance. milt have promtdatteption- J..-WEYA4O,, iditot:- 4-Proprietor, VOTZi TI -"'i ':(4; • .t, • - ' Er . .134.83XX1M1 IP' =I R 114 , • • - " • - try., nyticw kept. in fi note; to, be found - ' '• ' In hort e , :7 , ••• : - t - .4 _ MIT 7 13. 1 CA BRLDGEWATER, TA: : e; . 9. t '~ MI tae r agait. greets his . .nanterinte Patrons with the ..••• 1 'ldosl l -..'Vittfit COMPLETE ' rrrocic ota, , .ChristmasYeart. pretenta ever.. offered r the county • ; ?ha ,Itibeir ViRGE4T. • 1 B. MiTLIfETNI: pridgewaterjy`-a, Idegii6G 86Q.00 .. . . • ... TICAI39 GOING r—te:r. .1 • • VS7 MI 3WM‘ 3:3 0 . ' • n'_ .• E x y r s ' itx . r's [ Exp ei' • - , . i, - * . ' 1 .. • ''l •.• *- •'• .•1- 1 1" • '-' • • -•-- - ' - Chicago. :, 440.ti 1 l 7- 4 0. tn '335r31 1 1 ----?- 020Px SeNrigicr i . AittiChilfleS. - „ Th' I..lslllRJuno 1.. ' 3. ' l ' T ':" .• " 44 7 . , . ~... , , f AI C.ll4Cros l' 4. .' : "'." ' "1 ..'. .. - ~.01.•••.) , Al.BO, -!.'t. [Clarke : - 11 .,-. i , )., I . T *ludefiut. • If D -:, .1.., YON . .. Hobart ~. ~, ..1 . 4 , , , 4 '''' ./ .• ^:1144311 tau ' l• •- " - i Valparaso.... ft 638 " 995 .." 621 ,"11254A5t tee . ,1 . 1! . . • i . - .• .:;... [L. '-. --- - . 1 - : - , Warmish -... r ... :.. ‘, - „,,,••• 1" " ir ;„ i I 1 _ - - int ..... I c l. — -.• . [ Plymouth .... I', 829 "i 1035 -". 729 '" 257 " • , tail lia ..: ll ,'`' ' . i i . .,-_, m an t':ed ref every de- - I Bnurbon . ' - • "ft . ' '"1 ' " - " I 01unaM5..:..1.11040,4a 1- i [ - .1 1 , arid wlll Ethel [ Warsaw ....:.-! 940 .‘11133. t`: 817, '" 429 "1 roit'llfitifi.:l l .ll4s -1 1 4 ,:r dlet ' Y `'• ~ tikslcest Beaver I- Pierce,ton..... i' - ••!, 'to, - 4, It V r eirot,,,,, 4 13,10. 1 , . 2216 - .3..116V 0 7 . ' lICCrEC or t Huntsville ... , ....- "I , "-' l . ' "1 :: Pelrbes • j! 145'" i 883- nator Suptft talsini. ! Columbia _... ,:1040 -• .2ittem . pO4 '.• 527 ~ Lima.;;;: 1 1 1 , 219 ..., 33,3 -.ion pretty ::„... after a I - Fort -Wayne. : 1145 •••'[ 125* ••. Ipcs ' •••[ 700 " PlrrelliC t ..F: 346 1"1 tip. 1 ~t oct at , lie . 4. ''.' l =a7 Van Wart --... !! 119p311' 222 '"',111•8 •••!- 824 " r 4110!&1117-.11 i 31:• •, 50$ .r 1. [.. ,_,..._, .:Itar- Delphos ' ' ! '145 "j 303 ••:1148 -••[ 900'.,i I „, yr , i „ . I:mg ~.538 .1 22,, to ...i. a t s o : Lima li 219 ••[ 333 "‘.1 . 217.t31', 9;35 " i .. Ar Vex) ". : 80. i. :245 cliditering, by, I °rest ' !' 35 6 "4 439 ! i i 125 "0100 .. "I tll ,* l I ,llle I 616:431 6° '•'- 315 : , ) , , ,i t t il i t n a ih st e ov rn e\ ii j s, U Sandusky- I! 431 "1 • 503.:., -131. ••11133 :. .1 .11.astelield..1.. I 656! . " . 65 " 4411 Bucyrus -!! 522 .1 i. 533 ,"1 225 '!'! I,eatitavills ....'t 150 , " 7 :it 426 A-, ii, E. , ti ,„„ 60U " ' 605,2! 255 "142 •• , Weimer.— !',I 840 8 . 4. • 608'1. i itTe ....... '''. -- '''' ;:De ' ', 61'.v.:1„.6.2r) i"j 34,5 ~ ,i 130 - •• 0rrvi11e....:.....i1d 910, ,rt . .l 6go : i. .ional Bank of tansfield......l! 656 '"I 657' [ 4 .1 - 843 "1 - ..20,1) "1 w i t ' Miiiteißes'......./4000 "[, if...:" GOO* .. 41tnoney, in chndonville -!! ..750.,••! 746 " 1 .42,5 ..•-•[ :245 ."-i . t!5et05........10Z3: ”tiog " . 616 •d 441 tie $lO6 no t:tn. er. ..... . :i 850 _"[ 8:35 " 1 568 "1 - 334 "1, .......,J . 124 ..a . l "I. 715 2.1 -..C4 .._ . ~,,t., -ille ' 920 • ••1 9G6 "t I:30 ‘..! 357 "1 Itillsati ' ,- - ; - ,y2OY, - !I' , 1 1 - " . 41 44'.. 6me , r- -___ A r -- -66/1 1110n., - ... ', 1000 4 -i 9.12 .4 1 . .3(.0 ! ..t date. l - COlam tatita a .;.:1'..1!.!3:.m1117/ "i ..... "I (145. 'i .-. "' .. I ,ci.f)a ~....,..._ ;11Cnt0 '..c_116 1 3 "'. tile — l ' 4444.1 . raw .4'... ...... I I 12:1 :•!,128 . P.A3A: 8•38 .t! 727 ;Tv" 'T° ••-!...- , g 0... .. .. Alf4i . ...4 44 t a -...... ! i-91.. r .. . I. Brigitton... l l 217 4 . -i - t• ! ....I. •, 1 , ..... .41 13,68 ‘ olyw.C. hart, • 4 ;ant! ..13"118r31 . 1151 •• ..... •-•' • 645 •• 1 Bailteitir .....1 225-t-•[ 145 ••! 921 ••I 820 •:'•[n and yalentit; -11'124 ";• •;838 "[ 74 '' 1 itteb423Th ... 1 . 1 Jul ..i 230 "!1025 " 930 ":-* of Darlingiaiou..ii 21T "i ,"1 ...•.. "I:. RnS "1 . i--.----------r --,---•-•- :0' . . ' ; ' 4-3 .. 4. r I.?" 6.1 I:41 ..! '5OO .. , 11rie Old Pittsburg Express 'Fusin lea.Ves Nem ~. to jail by - .1 - Y !.-- .1; - 0 1 -'-' 1 - 7,.. I L"', 4l ' Cattle. at 4:05 p,111:, arrives in Pittsburg at ri os (th em i s f; ; ;4 1 ',•••• . 35° "; . -2:3°' " ' ' ll'- '''' "I .....-- --: 2 : e:46 P. - Returning 'swifts Pittsburg at 6:00 • • •)1I" t 1/I — E - x res. taa'n leav , s N .- m.. - utihenrgatOrei ",! irg P .- 1 - - . a.m., strive, in sew Castle at 8:60 a.m. : Y in - [,, th J",,,N t •.05 - p.m., areivea in.Pliteburg at Newtastlie and . I'ir.tabiirg Acconiino4alon .4 - g '- .7 1 ' .o. ' 11 etnruing lor.ves Vitt sbarg at 6:03 Train Racal Nan , Caetle ait 7:00 aim., arrives , o'• . TiPili,"tirrivns in Sew . cogtio . nt . ii : 3o a-ul ja - Alleigheuy ,at .11i45 a.n: Returning lesiveia - zttfi ''.. 'New Castle and Pittsburg Aceoinnirgation -Allagltefty a 5:39 p.m., ajrires in "Kew C4e- ''..!... at 6:0 f.m: , ''' : ' • - 6 • - s, 1:13•:•.•••1) i Tes'.in lt;:ives New Captle at 7:00 :ion., arrivc,3 ~ ::. c ,,,,, ,in Allegheny - at• 9:45 a.m. Returning leaves F. IL 1111118, Oen. Tioici -:. cor - '''. , 4 nnu I - -.i. -111..-heny at 1:20 p.m., a rrives ;a yen Castle, . ~ - • • . tt en:n F.m. - •.: i CLEVE...* PI T.4;'' .ion!"' -'°1 wig' 06 11.kx4 after Dec 2.1, IB6P,kr-' ~:31 • 9 - Ni 33. 1 3 3 . 403 6# iiaily, Ennahi l l ej r: 3 , :itredelit:eleral j3 _bent, • -- --'.'"---,------.,, ] n id.r.: liedr:ll, PittKbtirgh. • .-. , (wise .- — Jr -- ..., ide . c2r,::: . : n. j . pi evenW• . ~, . . , . :Ii 143 of Neu' Drwlitou.i .3e '3' ' 11 tor,f• '''' ...r eiatniy. ', t . thc. 63 ,1 j 3343:-------- I—i'. ----j------ -- - --- :7 - CleYf i l ilrSV2s,(l : i7idein:d. No: I. ,-. zueud- if i ..- ~ - , : -1 " ' 4 }'•• ' s . % . i'e-C .. ),1.1.1:1 3 .1.1 1 1C. OF BEAvER COP:TY-2, ) - -.• ~ 1 rN6i' Brighton, Jan. 2, 1'917. f - 1' LIB President And Direetors ..of . this Bank hare-tins dayjdecldreil n DIVIDEND .OF .. ' VIK 'E PEE CI NT4upon its Capital Stock. odt iit flit pronts of the last:. 6 months, ,payable .:, '';e3Etockhotfers 6r !their legal ,reprrsTiLatices 1 Totitlentand- 7 -free ol''governrtient tax. ;' . i By order Of the !Board: 3. , jant! 33 j .EDWIRD Hdors,•CaslAcr. EXECL: T i • BERBAS litters testamentary to the - estate of limoimt; Hi:al, late •of Now Bright On .bOro',• Beaver co.. t15, - ‘ having I heeu granted to tile undersigned, all peraons I;nowing.theinselves indebt6l to said estate . are requested to Made :immediate ,payment, :cud thßse litiving . clalma against the same will Fret;ent thea properly,authenticated for set otement. : • : ENJ . R. BRADFORD. Ex . r., New.Brig4ton. . jan9 67 ESTRAY NOTICE.' .•• . . i • , , C AME to the residence of ,the subscriber, shout-the f.'L'd of December. in Moon tp., Beaver county,Pa.,a bay Mare,shod all round, star in forelfead, ; whit c spot on nose, sup Posed -, l io be *bold 16 ears old. The owner. is re . quested to.come iorward,,prove property, pay .-, charges and _lakei her away.. ' .. . jo -L n,(17•1t.„ . . WM . au.orr. ; . :'• N the Orplia .s' Court of I Beaver county t • . in the matt rof the account of. William j ; .1 nff, Exteutor•of the wiTof John Duff,dec'e i And now to,wit : November 14th, 1811 Q, the ' Sours. appoint 4ohn B. Young, Esq., an' -Audi , -tor to distribute the halante in the hands of said assentor. 'From the Record. • Attests :: r' • JO. - A. FRAZIER, Crli• , . .. . , , . The Lodi* ppointed 11y they. Orpktanis' Court to diatribdte the halatice in • the • LandS• of Minima Put, Executikr 9 f John Duff, dep'd., • *till attend tip the duties of his appOintineokat•- his a r ef':•irt, Weaver, .onAVOneadny, the' 9th -fla of January, 1867, a:. 10 o'clock A. Id, nt if ich time L and place all partics:interiaSed ye i can attendif they see proper. 1 , - • . - ' ,_. !-... • ,3: 11. - .VOUNG; l'''• decltrGEl. . .• . Auditor. AirivEl and DepartVre of 11440 s at Beaver, Pa. _ . . Ann:vitt-Eastern :nail due at 9:80, A. )1. ITettera'pla 1 due at :3, Pnl. ' • 1 .:4 .- TritAlert•REE.P.a4ern eirilleaveirl.iit 7.:;.30, . A.M. Vle4tethilnaii leayes ut..1:110,T, y.- - • Itltiniittir sale: eoh9taidly. ' . bee 2 1 1.1.11.;. , 8..1.'.111; A TICK: 1.. •'T itioos;%7 Tap, I'll la BE 11. R'S NOTICE 't t &i3'.i `q '.! • J,`.. • 1.. MIS i- -I,P4k,ki' , _`;:..-- , .. , . a;4; 1. . . 0; . 14• ; • - ,Mio 044.--)S PtirtS. ' , VT: W.'& te. I On and after`" Nov. 18, 1896, Traini'.rorill .„ On. daily; :readapt eiftetted; T.isTl6l:. lame. trrlin ;caving Chteagoat:iB.l,6 E. afi; J 4st;es . daily.) • • • - wEir, , .; • • i. )410.14 ,! Pittsburg ;; ;204rm1; L Rbithester.:-. ; 417 ' Brighton-•-•! 427 "f .tnon 512 1.; ‘ , l . .1 1 . 62;k." .I.lli4nee i; 716 it! Canton .t - I; . 805 11 826, '" ; ' 2 - • 000 1 Wooster ~.... 928 rLoudouviller -111040. " Zinefierd;.... • " •Crestline itir-;lllsast i• - . l ,Do-,,1-40"*."1 I•Ducyrus - 11:110.."1 11.,8anifiAy .1, IJH Forest I; WS "1 Lima •'Bss_ " - Delphos 1'485 ", Van Weir - 505 "I VOA Wayne.. t 1 - 650 "I Columbia !1.76-4- "1 Huntsville:A-I, Pierceton It Warsar" , '825 - ; Plymout 1, 025' Wanitah - •11...... " Valparaiio...,lllos9 " Hobart C1arke:........ MG.ltit.Cro '‘ - • , J'it. !I ChiCago F. R. NYERS, Geri. Tit:zet AO CLEV . k. & PITTS% On 17,1!d aft ,r Nev Is;+,,t.nins r4ll leave st. a tionolltily. Stull:Lys eNceitteil, rs follows. I=l 1. I : • I MAIL' i tit. Ac coo 2 . .2",rn' 335 PM Ilucliq..streetjt - 821 H 246 "r 345 " Hudson - . ij 925 840 "1 500 " Akroh Urrsillr. .. ..... 41avenun • ••i• •11. 536 • ' • Gr,,,) 'l",s;r\i' 7,11 131Ly.ard EPIESI I W. A' I, - I ..., •.; $41. 7 k14 ,Biyard.. :;1617. A11iance....... 01123 ‘: Bavanna4.... 11121.11'31 Millersburg,. !! Orrcille Akron .. .. Hudson ...:... Euclid street Cleveland 12441 4 , 1147:'', I 4-100 ClOll4O NUA 41Orm 541 too " 8e1aire........ Bridgeport...- lT grtinge..... Steubenville: Wellsville .... Smith's Ferry Beaver Rochester ... Pittsburgh 725 " 747 " 824 " 8:30 H 940 " GOIX lEXPI. 435rqi 615 Am 543..1'780•"1 556 "I 738'" 411 *.l 681 " 507 " 500 - " 725 " 840 41/ I 225 ex 835 " Pittsburgh ;. Rochester .:. Beaver Smith's Ferry Wellrrille Sieubenyille. 600 " 923 " 980 " , Lagrange ' 618 .4.840 4411010 ': Bridgeport— 11 712 " 927 4 4 ,1112, ", 725 t. 940 1.11.241," 1 TUSCARAIVASBRANCH. Leaves Armes N. Philadelphia 6,50 aln li.t.yard t 6.55 p 8ayard,.11.45 a ria, N. Philadel. 2.35 PO B. MYERS. Geneial Ticlet Agent 2.;/ J. Et.1L,..A.C.:31501:L1F, (AI No 24 St - Clair St 'Pitialtirgh Pa.) and ladies' Purso Betver CoUnty Trade Soliciteo. Novemtier 14. 13116--3MIP9 • .•,•-_•_ • -,- ...,, - ,ir..- . - - . . • --: :-,;:•••,-, ••,,- , ~_ -,.. - -..-•-; .- . •-,-;,---• ...,'_'- . -.--- ...- - ..-g• . -J:-..„.•_.'" -:...- , -w ,, ...,...,,, - : - . - 4 , _._ •-:•,..cN . .- . '_. -; -. 7",:••••.. : ? - 7:"...s ;;OVIT, - .',.`f, - .:•"-.•••;-.._:' , -•, ••, - 1 " -, .. -' E. ''.- ••-- -; - - .. ' , Wk.- - - .- - -...--,.. : ,••• —• .: -.-_ • ...... "..J- ~, ..‘.... 7.,42.., . ~.. ; F .., -T, --- -., -, -- r _ . ~.,. .1-,..- ~..,,,,,... --- I -.. .. -,-- ..,.- -. t. _:-.- .-4.--:-..... . :,.,... ,:-.,....:, „...,..,..---,,,,. •,,,-. .._ ...•, ^ s '• -.. .„.,,,, ... ---- - _ - _ ''' _ • -- _____-_-- -..--.• :-.....-.. .-.: ....„4,..... • . .....,,,,.:..,...:.•-:-.•-•"-.:ff;^.'7 1 ,- - . ..t , • - •.• : ...* .""...., ~ i•` "-" -.‘ , ' '-- 1*•• .."..: '1 - - - - -'- f.- ' •:.• 4 - , ' ,. :=•,;:„•.. - '1. , :,"; * `IT ;• , ~, „.. s . - • • -- . ''' .. :''. • .-, .• " ,— "" rT7 l ireell,l 'a 4 1, '•• ....--.. : . j z , i :1,'....71;,..•;.:..'7,:,.....1..-:::,1;:12-1..:;. i,..y.,7.Lft::::1,r,:L,A.,:t::2::!:if;5.':;;1/,im:i::!,T-::,f,z-,,_IBs:,:s::::::-41...":-74t::Tl4:rt:::--t'i-1_,...'-c;~.4!•.r.--:•,•„'::,_.-;:','I':;:e•!ili::z,.::';.:,::t'.rl::':''I.'..s,..I.Af'::''',:'-.:::':z,vgi,'''.e,::ortx.t..::..s;e:-:o:171''--:7 . I . ~ .v . , A l / 4 , ., • t h . f-t ...; z ßo t. -' - ' 0 " .- , , --,-. •-- . •• 1, , ._. , i.lf.i. - J , - t., - ,. .;-4,!..! F. .-- ..,; - ,....h. • f: rt l• ; , .n; ,. ..-,r flEir; -.. ' s fit '7 , - • ' -'-'• - . •• , rif ., :1 7 4-1 ; :,i ..s; -'--- -.4t .,.• ". ' k • % t,”/;4 1 (... ) `.± .;* : ' `i . 72..; ..4,: . ' 7 'W;.4 ,: 1,. 't• . r ',. ''' II IA '' . '' . -4: 1.1 .....' - 1 '; a ' - . ' - !••:- -.. - f )- -'-'- - •li . -,,- '.. y"f T "' • r'ir'• .•-( -_ k - ,:' - i 4..1... 3 .. • .',,. 4. ...- -' - t.,... r .: - 43 - 1 4 '-- -7 , 1 1 I', ....." 4 ,-. ', -._ •, . -o,' , t ,• '- i zi! 1,,-, 4.- i ,; -. - kh --- ~:;:. ~,,,,,' ---, ** T . ' A -. ' - '-' • - - •'; 7. '' ;;.- .. - ..i; nr ' . i t ' ' ,:Fil .' .. 2 .;t • ''.l.'r ! - 4 , .F ;z- . ~,- . 1. , • • ••, •:•,,, ~',.# 't,L M . "... .4 11 7* * C. , i. - ,7 1 '. ; , ----.7,,,.r -- --"'. ..- -`• ,-;. -v --i t . , . ~, ~•.-7 ~.::---.=-..:, -•,-,;i 4, ...• 0. tt : J,l;j:;;.p. * - r ' ;.., , ', S ,...' '' ...t E . . ' ,4 - '' . . al:" •• • .: -, f" ''' - , ..I , ,qt - -,,:f -. 1,-," & ,, : -t,;:li , ~ ;141. 4 1i-?,.4....i.i1* -!.. ' ',: "Ziralß E ---1-a:::-. ....; .Y.•..x i le ... 2.- ...- -.-. 7. - ' ~- .". •.. ---,- . ~4 '• -, - , 1 - .7-• . --- - :•: ! - • 7 d .:. , I:- ;- C. .. a, .;' , i t ' ar` fr:: -: •-- ,ji T. z , i,, :--• - r ..":,.'' : ; ;S:1 -, L t 4 . 7- •,..:,,..).-;.--• - , ~-, -r: ' ::' ,4 3.44-f.. ---- .4, -1- ,, ,•- , 1 - z , !-'+'/ • , ''f- '.' ' --' --_,.:- - -:_- 1 '-: - - -J , -y , _- :, -•_ ~ :, ; ‘, : •,1• --..,! • ,-...--,` il-lis.1:11:.•'_.- .'-14.:-, I. ' " .. t9 ; '-a .F .;:-‘ -_.-- -- - - 1 -. 1.4 - "l r t,i,-1- ~. -i . ±::• - • - ;' 4•• •-i' ''' '. '-'"'• -; •" c '-' ' '''''-' -*'' ''• ''' ' .."'; . .. ; 2 ; -.- ' :.'..-..• ,-, t i i r ,:.,....L.:`, l. :-#1... , . orti rt - .; - .• . 28 . _ 1867 e-:--_ , e.KkA ,?,,,: • -?- ••,-' : , .....,,,,,,----•,---- -,i — ----, &AID • • • . ',IL) I A 7 — , T fil-tio •. . _., , ... - . .._ -- ' - - 11 1 % l , -d i rued ifeibt .. '` it,':‘• .;.- or r tr.'s. ) . t t„ e fi' , 7 0 , '-, ti , ? AA . ~- 6, 1 -i-e d t h , w. ',‘•.., ,_ti,,t.l tiltii - ... , lir 4 • 1 - pio fikir i• ot ',, , - i . ' -, i;'-• oY Lik.i...P4 .PI :- C• ,-,..,...., l .-cri.lY , i the, .t . a641 -- = .. , , iv; : - - - tz . -A-, ,z. , ME MO= .Eu's. ,2 7- 2 - 7 1- ...o 4 . 4 : 982 i4 l 4 9, 1 k1.0 .4 ! 102 f - T4 I, 20a Kr '8.59E1i. 2W"1:92:". 1307 , Ett" 407 " 1112 4, 615 703. d , 723 , 800 f ,f33a,_~t~ isiire IS 1 4 . at 1022 )6, 1.112 4. ; 4.1 1143 122Ormi 123'4. —l5l Ci 8137 405 64 , 540 623" d4' A4O .4 .f4O 580 " 020 " ,650 " 780 " 801'" 918 " 933 1021'" I]6o 1285 Ax 1/0 700Ait 823:•6 857 • IQ2I 1102.“ 1 4 1TOpx " i 4 EMI 44 7/1 : r EMI Sta " Si 4 . 05 " 180 .. EOM 233 .. Mg MC 9;.15 g+ lIIIE I 61 !ES 800 620 .. :1 3O: u SyITIC , I 4 CCS.)Nt xr's 45.1 pm 644 ..*? 7.10A1t 7'2.8 751- •• • . . SO3 ' 846 904 0;0 04.3 1005 El Ext.'s; Act:l)m ME 1040 Am, ,1050 "1,.i... 7 . - ... n 1139 "!•, •.• 1158 •I .". ... .... 12:Semi 70( 147 "1 735 ',. .C 17." 8 , 3 4 , , 225 - " 835 '., L - 840 " • 955 '-4. 610 Ax 623 ~ 721 •• 748 •• 816 •• 9)i " 9 0 " 9:)0 1105'. MB ticcom MEI Exv's- 830riz. 445 " 455 ,•4 544 " 620 " 1922E3 ,Proica:the ; CATCH GEM ME Wi'MINONA: ":• • ,; ppu ijusintold keteid; mire thotuumui yeaTlOgat: Viputleasiies,bottlediuitsitinet,;l? • ‘ uly foe human:lo:4lr it "yon lii4lll,rkil(the - 144.,1 Ia ourjonizie,Pinie,tc sua fro.. i'h44, - d and '9. ig_. , 4:- /1 .. 4) etuishin‘e acie 'l.,i;olc ; ' fat the lev,;' ci:: . E'en,i4heiileppus ' i ieth • EMI .Jcid 3oz l grouP or 3041 , 14 1 0 if 1 0:09, 1 4A ; Bound intfriesidekliploholf.tita '.; ..k:seh Word. •etikchlookuVetekeass,gladisei is; • l'ins4l-boneatkyin,t coitago Whore mother , Oogefli.eot BM:tains :o'er har,qliej;iiii ,Catch froM,l4e; 4EL! . • ' .See that 41otitig; happy fathei, heerful,•toiling all clay long, • - Shig ng to make labor cheerful, t ' • "atch thaattitahine of big Seek the cottage of_thaloply t "... - - . . - , tO want au . S7l4;'• iln from grateful , happy eat:tees. — Catch'.the - sunshine ere you go. Whet you meet a fallen broth or, . Lend lijm o:er a helping band; • Teach hie' bow to gather aunsbine-L Point: him to the better land: Should yotime r et nn erring sister, - - Fallen,. crushed, and I envied too, Shniecwith her Tout. cherished sunshine— , Teach her to be good and tru e . And when from each face the sadnees To joyous hope tins gii-en place, Vlllen they whisper blessings on thee, Catch the sunshine from - each face: So through all life's checkered pathway • From rid' and poor, from Ligbund law: Be ever cheimful, ev - er:rrady, : Chorish o sunshine as yob go. Then should darkening shadows gather , O'er your pathway here below ;, . You will find this blessed sunstuns , fleMeAy 'for army Woe- • - Should you gathei more than needful _ To cheinyou in your darker hours; Share i. with some friendless mourner, Teach hiur itSyenieditil porters. Whensotive dope cv4b life's satl dreaia'g, . 7 • 'When the toilk of 14 , sulky:sr, • , 'STORIES OF SHIRTS. DT 4ID• r.% CAMP.Z Hood has thrown a pbolVe. interest around shirts, which has, elevated the ordinark4;Jtaracter ofli fi that most umufal under garment; but ` to mil iher very mention of -the article If recalls some incidents %quell aro the n l AnOst. , amusing in my shins lire. I tsar et;tered at the VilCst Military A c:denty, as a cadet, ; year 165t'-: and, although very Yoir.g and eit.e.rtnit:gty Idez , t,"; at; the coral 4 metier ni or toy eat ee.r.; grilive to i t record lt.,“l;eni.-y Havens" und'A . X.);(l Spring" received an undue share of 1 my thoughts anti time. ; The militav authoritle;s have doyen a charmed eit (le around West ;Point; and _any. careless' young, gentlolmo tht rteeted to erossing• the n - .a.gie line leertain to reeeive . perolissioii to - return ; l 'tp his patertial - mansion. In suoitner there . .are certain plaeeslt designated on I,he iltedsott where alonel the erdets to :bathe, and When) an estiothible oil . gunthonati . I,ov:a by tit? feroe'tons. tale of Pirate," supitlictl .0 t. sub ros.a. with t.;:i taleasbtalally strong drink.- . -Otte exiNniely wnria. Atigust..aller— noon we stole out of eamp,.and, he gioard,l;ominenced bathing ing the gatfarl, , eommeneuu g sec:tided:'spot on•the river.. We had' been paddling .aloit the shore foti tome time, When,Ao our extre•m u disi ;list, de;et.k,3 lite tail form of Gay.' 'taiti'- 7 -=-- Coming doWn the path. This sight caused usltouninediatcl). swim out,. and we had scarcely don so when we haathe pleasure df - seein therofrieer approach life place where. as. we icndly thocght, our clothe Were concealed, and call to.atiOrde.rly who, beiztuk.our h.ibiLtr.entA,mtcrehel 'with them up til,o ; 'So soon as we recovered from thO (ante keident.t.O this raid, we had 'ati . .Lquatie debate As to tiie-prlpriety !returning to the shore, demanding our liclokhes from tale captain and braving the cersegoent arrest- an. oil'iing UR unconcernedly trial, • r remaining in thewatcr until li lingli taken to water the officer had 103, the scene of his e. 1 1, praised_lhe beast ;1 1 1 , plot,-when.we_could trust to fortune ' ood old horse," l a "fine, to get.hatic undiscovered to the two- y' ilfsregard for truth o ; mile.distunt encampment. _ {: t iii — ake hid' give me re The latter plan,of action was adopt r ttackening his pace .Th ed.:and we remained on, the bosom df ' 1 dignant. Lreviled him 1 •—A rock tiWo years acii) a an, Pron. Father Hudson ,until ihe'intense chill . ..afraid 1 swore him, b ith no i ' , Chief. j: d l .te sentenced a koung man to in indiotited• the danger of cramps. Oar iniora success. , , prison tor having; fitted bat d, rebel return to the`shore was followed by. Finally I detirwined i t eve the i privateer. After a.. few 'mouths eon search,which" disclosed the. melanchol brute to his tate;•o34,lftrgl the sad; 1 releasert A\ penniless fact that but one shirt and a solitary dle in a gully, I walkedlolvinggiv ifi Neme i lt , h e , was . echtie comprised the wardrobe of our en ili • Tei a parting ki c k i s o t io ve ll sal: adventurer, be discovered a quartz i Marty, who, like the *uses, formed la luation; and when 1 last si bile. he i.mine a4ic nine. _ . was strolling composedly , l a rot w -j- hicti be succeeded in Soiling for i several' thousand dullard. . irith the t !' menet-Obtained he bought into another One.gentleman of our forlorn tut.. wgrbii 44 , as bein ga w apt' b yieuom semblage (this warrior has since die - ; artillery. " . 11 , ' mine and sold , his interest al ve *reeks ,5 , 000, the judg 'who had ' tinguished himself' as a Coniederate 11 Ia the.early morning: retiree, it since Or $l7 General) decorated his person with the ['frilling, had thrown ineinfocof iht'rcommitted him to jail, ini a 'ilibull pri— Cravat, while my form vas r enveloped t rttlaimpromptu swanipsved ;b• rvateer beit4 one , of the Dar hieers. ' , and the shirt • nd with lie leading tlie he rain -.. I.escaped uninji, but rn .. , _.;„ .ll ~ . , t r ., , t, advance, as became two . f well-dreiscd • vereoat i beiegthoroughly _ whit • . • 1 . ' individuals. we paraded in a momaid es true, , in a. nseasure„ o y °the --The hils _krs. Amos 1 ;Lae way toward camp . , . ,1 ' I lotlics--4 threw it away, httinp it gm:tithed $33000 to . pubhein ) , MEM EIS itr l -Aith -,iatiy._as.,.. l4 tel manner;l.riplicidtbit - I.:*atilitt et - 'p,q,# 1.,.0.h.. :,1;e : .: ,11:re!=-4.14;. ; -on.1.4-staffoL,o,.....,: -!,,• . ?.. ti6tit or iv*Je4/ ,ii, ,!;..atitit!titei Vluyed,'lf! mtis t thee irrever. ir..s 4 - 6111iint 0 pp . : f qn.t , rspanscri.?*,•!Whar'ir l y...ttr . ief n Miss , 1 ,-.:-= -" ''.„" l - ' l t' , .•.. `. white's yotte..RWO'rdr. -. 1. :1. , :i:... -, 7. !:;‘.,, ~ '. 4 7 1 i61#11,4' ' ...'i't iii4iikga titlny:..ttniforhvi'..:kruiiikei' parl -.1 141 %,4 15 10, 7 : 1 40. :- :6siritry-piintaVatati:ani.titeiosp , i Co vero iNtit-::errldit.,f. 'L I *tib:. - M•! flretirlarl3l 441.e4 it , ifif . 4' - '4l;t,f.fli - t'allaiitd - ris...qrnji,teititilttr:oberyer. with .m) freer ..i r i: :::: :: :: - . '::,' .. .'....,- . ,.; , : tt i i . tuiriitaitlkrp.-. -;,..: i= '':'' .' ..:• :: :`• .:-"i [ ‘Yri3',01,411:V4102 0011 i ebO.lY / 14 9, --'4ll 7 .ipapers were . in the other y . coat • l'i - cror,',elti,k ,_ 1 :-:`, , ;:rZill'.44.7, - 4-4, - .ItO:i and.n y . , 4lWarti 11,-:ctbeen , irt,•:the, gullyi ` l ii iit;iti,'";lii ‘l"blii?.l4 , i' ,.. loiiie..itA.qii3 - !.,"'li ziqlra' ' ' ` l ' ll A 4 ' - '!'''.' l-1- "' - '. 6.:5 '" Y' • 4 "'il liiit'44:ll,.Tnl., §i - eti'ie'rl,s..iik.itk;ii4ol4.64lll dirtied , aorspipitationet . in,y acw . .Pfilib . .trittft, blOttlieritelfeAhWl . piar, 1105.:'' : ': ' -.--' ' -1 -:-:.'; . : .. - ' ' his ; eral;ao, , ' , iiiii . „ : "..Wilidtf-,imni . e- - ' , ,i•binetr,ttOrtY'horior;Ftb,e t wo - inere 1 .- 1 11 teVOittied'f - "-..v.4ertiliiii.:tritaio ..t0; 'itilpilii, warriors refused Irnylatory i and reas;iV, : t,o,;' iti - c4thliptiltitat, not . .'irne Of4thein temarfiedtba.:beitheng . V , yl.Wit.6 We,*4 JlZifttiti .. o 4) - yi :A piritu; I - Wati alielierter'trying-to;l,et. mei, 'OotatiOns'ib ' 7iiliit :vre I I 'were liii.; the'rebetkltheti,avd. thAti 'bad bette tng ''Sesindui aft;l wuietbail 111 : -be-E114;; .. l at lil . '. •" ; • : ' ' " - '-' '-,1 - 1 , -• ' 1 •-•• 1 ., ' - • ''.• •*- 'l' ''Aiiinterstint disci:n[Bton' hero ensue - 11 1 . :1) • i ! 11 ' 61 - - '._._, 4 , ~..iii4 „ ,ttl P lli''' l er - X ,l= ,#,.itk. • between these patilotie - gentleman' -- . '. - raa. Bo .nal°r.,Cll lo . ll4, 4'tn4t;•R"e'.re• to :ray, fat' and the ..tullest; who - evi - 'o . e:4ltio,.t,bo ahori ies of this eon' try/tint: put - . off_ at fi'n 6' . -ioa' o:.estett-thatl give thorn a l l.. det . .tly . lit6. a keen ei,e;cer•. - the main .',.'. ...; ..:: . . ~ • - ... ‘• q nQ. . :g'.. - • . 1" speec. 1:11r the . , dw; wirer° , Ave al. tittrd _learned ',if e',lituteit, to - P,..lnrge - , IdiseetitillAci - . this prepOrition, but! . int'clotheenoo - propertr.. •' • - . 't in i er-party thai. litre _weroi lot of haYink no• :arnigi, Tina 'fitttiffy ,foreed 1 1 tern' drunker, eilß .l a duneingn4l..ted uni'r Vhreate. 61. the - contents : ' , Or tw 'I trA the tr.0cT.',..,, , I: , 1 - ' .. : . , ~,,. 1 radio - liOrize - pietoie, , .tO , ':"take off m ' rho .ciellttrl uiti rlic . .,r.,Pvigicle-tiOige4 .. blot' s ..",..-' - Here I - stopped. .-. •' ‘ , ' - data-al of tbell(onPe to 'maker' her I ' ' .:(:dove, - .off with them' honts:" cease' i I pearanee at... ihia.windOWetli l, os-, tnelolpitt regretfuliylwit:ka pair oto -.1, Iyi a mingled . ftai Oig ot 0.1 :: and hotel u tuirtei *ith' - iltte,at ' r it it 3 9 .i g ') : :- I , t ft 6 % Ti ll t: o l vV4 ‘ . . r a. id :d ih eta b i t! (Ui -' 11- th ir y i"d ra w nt ii ;1 'edit - turned , . gentleAen.- iliO ' hair :a; ''arid arid gifted her parent i- Rd .- - PR.Vdi.. 4 .farior also r'equesttd.• - .' 1 -.:,' rrtv : .utiderelothing being ;silk, .wa ' on the fair attirre - *A.4 l A* ' 4frita`...ger: . ' ' I foni:d.thav neither . threals .or. e • • - --, ....'-' ~,- - I: , -- `2,,,'-r:- ' • • • treatiiiis had • yO4 effeet;s6,With.un ire - 'Gentietnen; . " iitte - , coati - Reaped, ! I real 0 6 ge „ t i oi , t h aj j.iipply i im m ilia,td • 1 hoer ulhilonet':ll:ou • 114 - B:away . a4i had . liii, - iiii&trit: Mighty . Pfe clothes, - these . worthies (who: - .wereeimilla; aitt to r tl`boefedet ate commander for net, i u'll try to ,comein . ..-,. . . - 1 !ofth'i'liiss 701...iejt lied 'entered the.a . .1 Xi;ereitp`ottsci. WAY-a - lade to this, and i thy . 7 .1 .1 d i 'or,er jo .plltrillbr) tool: their d: - re lir rture '• - ' .rather tVdlshitiiiiA.ed tone she: mud: ' I ' - . 1.: - El i; . • . ' -• ' • -I - "It')ltidlii y : l t,his tilt Idanifin.lrieed:'. - t ' -1:1' herd ate yfiCult.yhp.W! . ' .I'entt't I d r i - z 44:46 , 1t.44 Pnit'oii)int ; -- billtdet.) . .i,'ci4me in .. t lie ,- 13 , eular '' . i. that PlVlof he countr7- t - . .. . t - • • I'. p3netruttitg-, tnanne t.n4,.fori-1-'tvill - PE;Teinttii`tittnte,"'l,' i "jd 14as iti,,.fie be-t' - iiiii . T..;: - !if : iiit . ..,..'alpiti • 1 :., - ,„ - di . - y,:inlacrin . c the , n y tsbts` , 61 : n1A .. et • l 'll 't hat wa . w." , i ' I "Ler i oP°. aBl ' 6l. ° ITit'atio, - ,'ellid'us.l. wa.4:l ono Ahirt sin, i Il L hat'•.ttnie . 9 . 1,:y.i r o :T.a 13,-.o ,s ne: . a , b , - 1, 1 .1 :n-rnsfa4e.; do - -.,. 11 , 0 Pe We• - ..were..l a piiii- . tt e; -- Oplrip4 I -''. . . 4 1, 1n.....c.... i ' ten mt.- ;'' ' '''...' -'-'-' ' •- ' - * -- ' l ' 7111 -- 4 i ll4: ', l. "'''.i.:.*.iiiiiii*lioo ' ' ." .. .41 . . il'Euricitaitee:•if Were Pliod 'ex^ .jiti - i t G, of anbe 7 * ii . trffercalW-ti: A ii *ned i tr,/i, ilintlifikars'ac 11'6g•I` getter, a i self flat on:the grOithc ito - esetipaohser• tirvant wa3 sent„.M.eleithe! : which . i ~,,,,,..idt.,, heard . 6. om ij §. vo j e „ d n i: t hki .! ) frig broughlt.macle'.a..toilet iti the t pa„i[nk column that , the : - Trion were ,I lv u. i §ont her n.- • I htid Fe ! atielc , )Y'firlishatt nIY 1 I,w ! or,ls and rushcll. fi . ir ;:ntri . p,where - 4' - af 6-6 r; w h6o3l i' I seif-t l onlgratuluttotts ate buying 'eluded I k V : 'Vrrectlivv.clty 1 ilied . e ta 111 ,e'ir,r 11 .'"L• -. -'- :'I, illeirl notice , I when ' voice shOuted. 1 „•. , , . F. Gitun."44 fur e'\`.- 41 I'Lale _--.pre. i "Hello: Jim:l tlifit's i a I dek i k . f l lfeller ; tro 1 .. rred " 91 . e g ; ai "-:ea r e i that- an'.,-Atktie'a look t . at bhit.'-' - - - i; Dxfra • tours of guard atyme received' . Jim, Whose , late is nknOwn to me,l nei ppuishmeni. • 1 • ~ . • , gall Oped orer:. and', Idi mounting , took' il,s•'''...' • ,' . - ' 1 ., ~ , 1 ; ' . ; • T "tattle ofi,-Sixd bad : tioen. ..ra: ' .It - ' . a leek at me. He tur eel nteover very much as a good itotte ,ifs e t icami nes the: ;4. rid for spine 119er-4 1. e:1d- we . . srere : beef phe . ts in negoti t ia . rtnf)r ife _but t t 'e s ttbhorn/y tknd 0 . ..,nl ply retiring .to , reeali . rues aPPareatl)..: n p ',4 4 , I . , i, 1 ~ I: c river, follio f vVil ,- ~tlio exultant 1 a` : , he calledtfor Juet.- -, ..f 'at worth . a i i :l :l l a u k e i r n i ";.% ". ' ' ' . ti C7 b (j a r t rf t '' (i '' t i • 1 r t , e 'ro .: .-.,.. 'p . OSitiiiti'',j7l l, ig i ld ' , b re e 'l et — rit u ;leet t e l I l t :, a ,i t il i t i tirc i :l ll3 it I ittint. . • . 4 ' ' .r Hie. ; , a lydc at i tt i.A, ,ye+4 feller. 7r • V inl• isn't. 11 ,0 . .11,•'s !not tteaci. Stili- The rouprty ; 011. : the .st:iti-i ... , • , , , ir i i • er 4 mule and b d Met with ltke'lln. ;se 1 waq cool.; polio %;:e A '-ing , .9! , , , .. _ 1 1 c . -, I 1 110(110 tak,o u quiet ?king -rag. wi,,, 1 . t:tice i liut 'twig?". , 1,, . - I Ud scrVed the .I.lepn k a l ong w hil e ! -. Th i v. p ro po s ition w fa retlieVed with I t it i a lc d ad it q ud nn t r n t 3 e l . r i ,, to t r , s ) e i r , , ,, t c ,: i - d i n e d re ud r: ( l , r t i i i i e e d r e . tr . nrge oaths wily h li,titiibee,rl sa les . i: . the •it tillety.• . • . ~. I. I intense disgust br• ~. lei i 4ftek; wir,rp• I seout l ed at the idei:l l o `tak in g ii,! . as' prit Col. —,---'s rrivitnen. f Illiiibie:cav 5. o,me. i , o o n m e t r rh u o .l' rn b t: d i n 's t p t g i n a l i d t a b r i p . ed b ard t a ll. , t, Me, and it wits to . ta .. ,, i • t rea t,.,,i;,,,,„, . r t lg it a airy:had hoChee r 'n-'-hva of 1 ,,-.. . i i - 't ' t.- it . shirt;' then, invoicing a certain tittle - - ": hi .,:" 1 ",.; I shit's;' to ilk optics if I : 11;7, la 'l l exan nit - I ---- ll ' u:.- I,fret Nfollid ditigrtied[ ti ' t 'ili)ble' , zorps . I t tii i a .: 4 l .. N lt l o . : l ;e c , e rt!e i v al e k d d n . e a l. l n v .l .' vi '3 7: l l) , 114r0,hi.e ; r.. :11.0,86ncig r them an. itiebreechtii 1 timarionetlitat .it •,.‘res lost •likely - : -3 r . l 't *- . , • ' • • . •.• . n d : t h at ,• 1 , : : I ankee,..bade hie cum ado rejoin toe" d Dotter-look out :for. i - . 1 - nh n Hies ,r, coternt,Titl: I 1 , I - .11,',... :-- 77 . a l - had horn . eapfurer 1 • di l R - gusted a i e 1 the r4O• amity • . . , 1 'stet:t e e:l -r i n o ff r l t il k l 6 011 , g in it i : 4 t s h i t.:lll}l4,, :;_ii_t 3 1) 1 :wl.towa.i4avj:iio.rol?.s-:. ~ MEI 11 lIIMI t' Sea. - _ In .my•-,,,little_.tifieri •epj , ti ,.,„ r i it n ' pleasant • , W, !- l ej,iiit, g t I n - ruo ride.thi•ough Ai s, ci' mnot _ let with the e: h..1 . ,, f ' l "' • :';j - ih ! , : 71 , - .0 1, .: dnatwo, -i. swill- i.., . ~,01 (!ii— p'elemittiatenireets-e' n e . t w he tl i e l t h e t i li la o i. r t se: one bides is gallant and ' LI charger; 4ut on the re - dining' to - 'eh I refer •.p wee mounted OIT ll lilt We beast, *h o s - 4 , 'sriej}d I could ier .ehunge from w ht;t; is popularly 4 doe trot.'.` - ' li The ballets seremnol shells shrialied •aver must have lien land fitil ot.the elfarge an EIVIA pe inn ME 4' toe ens, it. 999 nevi pll.niy . pet. '44 l 'T 'oititifr: lip etitikeilltipt Owe,. 11'exud 414, 1 4ift tiiioo4.httonl , .114 .yipiai,i , tiOtolit, 1 ii4ii*0ty0 )41 ,94,4T0404 3itiqsattK4g,oriilio l% to tviYat kriffztOo4i g 0 AO 'diertilw,F49Lab tAltin,.4lPlTAche , • 7414) NVlii4iiii.'clotii! . .,t t titr?"._ tio gray oi:.*i t b' Iftikist-at loildly deed* 'lmp dig em zit'tli€i'piti:` rtutipti ko r. e t*li" V!! ,ho l firte tO. 7 0:) . • *ilii,rk: COttAiiilt's. /ti ! • ~T 4 11 40 kija: 116vrei,0017ted , . gi.ner:.l inability to' re leniah his ator\ of wt:iddly goods, gave tneda partin Aule::!. wilirh is ritilCf u - to vivid)ji .-• • . • •1:• , . ..n.• it• frolr; 1 til7ill to h.till ' . iLI. Forttine, howe%:er, a i il4jtinetnie m repented of her -for ri nlth:ridnese! for .I heard the clear : n tee of a bjglo then a cheer. and , . dew :th goad _at : hard gallop. camp r biii,l t4c6 - gnizet as Col. I— l a regirrie4t. They sool Li: -- • - J . Asperpeii t ito T exan ß ngt ing, among others, ate ten, ow.ri as - a Jac:c:l . 7 - . '. ---- , 1 -I-, !I • . 1 . - Coionel.l soon nil 1 de•hisAppear ance, and as I line•ii Win' i .i t irr well, `1! soon piocured clothing ; . If.robing trio:111 sli ort tit afterwa ' A I cianai a;ong, ) • • i and my ordeily—a Istal eql•ilberni t.; Sim, the eter end. Che cheery e repulse., k [ ur.j.:g.ged .. my or • er . y—" a n —atJtack•hi and lgaiveibe_ni'a beating Which 'rendered thetn b thllneet.sible. 81,ilt•hl was a great . bat le,. and (feels.. ke in its results, bat io be alwayfil associated with. • al iz H Hil d him kca w;" but ppeareti tion by : became . _ almost . , . •.. , "".., •, ' T - • 7-- •---':_-.---______ , . - t -,ft - e.;.1.1: - -; ~-i •• •A -'t Er t• 1 AIRTICA TO iumgowtst v_v r . 4. 4i•- .- .... -!- i - •. l •.l •• I:A -4.; ~0",:k.•"' TE' ..f I " 1. VP ~ . .,,g, .. El .4;0:v P. - _, .41 ~r t , ^.41..C...?.;: 'l- - ll' ' o ''f''). "t-4 . : AdTAWlarkrif • ... rrir 141 -T•O ' or $ l 7. - Tif4U vi _,, - i I s e ,. ..,, Av toi - s ~ ,!.,...1.,.., et. ,i , .. , '.:, ~-::,. far !Iqualre- Im= - •• - . ,„;: .1. , --Iz, p..; ;.-; 60 cent*: - Alibirai itisockinf I 7 ' 5 ' •,' - , i . : •• -* ,liiirtbet;lB6•so*i, . 'i V' • - - A 41400 •afte iiinyiffi,iii t z i ti, r:. . i ' ;,, , , ' l, ~ qp, -8 _T. spiti•es - 26 7* , !1•144. 668110640 , t - Vl' ~1- . .7- ; ;;, -„, ! .- -:,'' ' ,1:1 : ,?...; a ~ t olsigist siL ; ;';: :-, I . . _; - ;',.... - a' 0 , 4 • ---,--- , ~ - - -- - -nr ---- z - 'L. . : 111aihmen, lords. 7, , , 'cents ak biaibpis 7. 11 1 • 1- , 'Mani* • and D the Ole Q I' Ili IN e . ir - . _ x F . ei ~ pfk . gi!.. , l44,c i mi t ! Q ea: ~/. 1 -PPft aild iith•r Natlces..of 1 orpublirliatrie -- ' ' ' Vieieltier, - a relic of ' the , nuddlii; agesian'd _made (anions: br_the•ma rtial moy,erakuta iiif GlistavusAhn dolpe of Srkilfti4 In..tfie - ,iittilk_pitit or the' Se c ii; ariteenth'eentu4, is 'Omitted ' iltew : ;(rulesftinti''.the - adident city orb Ma:l;4-13014n5: -..T . he, battcaditvidis of rtiviktoti:er,still,attet, the,. thi 'straggle for popre*ii'ol:l:24l,Weitif,, tbd givedes aud' the = Gertnariii-Lthe' .74i:forth - en' aid liin• 'Latinists'.' . Sitr , roundig the. Fewer,: fathe,Oresent day . 'it diV ex 4nsive beer garde',; wherathid lovers Pi _JPg or gather in large .6 u i ~, bersdaily , to sip ,their - fisiprite bever:- , age '',' 'At coriospondin't thus destriberi.,' a recerit4iiiit 'to' ' dile ihistoric - tiput:: . Inside tlits tower W..w S ,ell .. to : iii Which !opens a - : subterFancari pastiagel. tbt,L I extpodsl - to.the.buitg - of Abe - Ciiidtp;a 1 firnhiiik bid "Place Overlooking 'Nirodiz* buie; jtiSt within the'vialla,' bu'tquite ton Cho Opotica side •of Lite: ytil ey —. This barg meets, exactly, our idea of rtn(ddddrailati castle of the middfc 1 l 1 ages, with , turret and tower arid, deep ' I Mont draw-bridge,dunticon and court yards. ISo old is it"rhat on ore of its towers,l covered with fragments. of statues,, and 3alled the heathea tower, ,no record . omains. This castre wits It favorite residence of the' . fierman empeiors, even daring the time when it was a free 'city. Hero tire,' heavy 4, stone stbirease , carved wooden pan-. eta and ceiling f elaboiate worlcip4ii.:. ship, .old fade . golden tapestries and furniture of du ique.patitirs; pnrceli!in stoves, filled n arty one side of a 'room, and covilrediv tl many rennning de vices; a chap l: nll of curious but faded relies of hp older. time,in which I noticCd the place for the master tens _ in the gatleiy,land - for the retainers in the wide rocim baloiv• A little saitel of apartmentl.fiad modern furniture, arranged for . Ole .young Buckriaii King, when he chose 'to visit NureniL burg; yard through all this wo wan dered,,, ti tbinking 'of those . of; . thiso wnderful olden mes, the' era castle's glory. `'.. , - '“ ' I The woman who' has charge of the Int.' appartinenti stood ready to. show us the - dungeons and instrittnetits" of tor ture formerly of useod: so. we went through the dnik:iroorne,'..and she ex-, Owned the use of theseperAte instru ments Of tor ti(re ' - making_ us. shti d der try illuOratiOnA, for those ir, 'running order she aptnally set in: operation we, hoWeier; su pplying in imagination i thirwretebed.cietims. ~ • ~ :, , L ; _, i • These ' Were , the.: stock's, ;hideous j maskst. worn, by qtaarrelsonie‘ persons 1 I n.4,40.i ina r [rev p I ure,itt4.7oo*Bll)9 cic-. -14 ,1414,4,546gned`..especialIV 'for seoid , . , -., . - ----, -5-.,......, 9 _life_ . 1 permit, • and,. therefore, such offenses j are perfectly allowableindegiu;:onti ;or th3i`r prerogairVes; - their .sex -exini ! erste+ ;them: , froin punishment! .Cone"- f l picuouS. among the articles • wr,s the 1 Death'' head, worn. 'for a season by. • , . lope condeinned, and afterWArds par;- : I dpned, and q mug used •only4y per= _ ~sons under sentence. •of death,.. who !were allowed by an old law us mncb _beer as they could :drink during .the , [test three _days of life. .0u r (yes qutekl3--over the bloody - blades. mark !ed witb.,.the number of heads' decapi.. tared. I. Iron., knuckle erackeral And 1 2 . teeth• pullers, gags and ton'crue-ent. iron i • e . .. tors, and .bands for -tbreing the; eyes from the sockets; and s , rack, 'And] wheekand knife, until the impression of what terrible things that had been . stifereil. by human flesh was too bo r r..l rible to permit further explorat-tone ;,1 so, - whil e the t:tqluble woman piloted ! , -;:the party on 1:111rough the. "dungeons ! 'rind secret passages and torture rooms 1. under the castle Walls, I waited under 6 i the lirne- tree, tbat is over seven ir4nd.. . !red years, old, and looked 'down deep into the *old well mentioned before.— An old. woman lowered 'a light forMe „. to let mese° the mouth of' the subter. i ' raneant passage,, and ..tokl me liAle tl tales ofr besieger and. besieged, prison. I 'ler AO [captive ; and . 'the .time when, ' I u uden s.he city, the eitizenti toiled fort !1 the cul). of cold. -water, carrying. , the' I cooling draught-to those who suffered 1 froln - rsiege and. drought and pestilence'i `.i at once. • Thedrops Of water we pour: l , (.(1 do i ln into the well leached. the j bottom in seven seconds, and the light Li,ivitle:the thick darknees. - aboVe and be- 1 . tow,glintmered like a star in the dark. I neim oil. night.h- 7. • . THE st.w York Herald's gibhtnrind special,' says': Gen. Rosser and Henry A. NVi•ie addressed thn,citizens of Rit:b -i mond l ast , evenir4, o,r, the subject' of the relief of widows Hof fiontederate soldier 4. Both ctxpressed the opinion that the rebellion had still a fair pros. pect or success. Wise .said that 'he would 'paver give up, and , that tee South was sublimely unconquered,— He desired to be buried in - a 'grey overcoat when his time should come' rs, captur s Jim and Wiry is a lawyer the 'mit itf need man hi-, our jvcialsystemi I :Because , thnughfbe may nth, in . his .•JWn cap: riuge.h's.must draw the con.qyances of ottie:r peoplo. . . YANKEE farmer is endeavoring. to discover a plain to extract 'the . beat; Irom musical compositions. lie say they ado worth. trying for, tus,in some, eases it. only takes' twn- tofill a mea— sure. ; • 'Way are railroad comanics like . laundrOsseli? Because they h ave ironen the whole !country; and sometimes d. a littletmangling . rt. I r` • i reee be :titti 4 tione . "IT takcis nino tailqrf.•to . make a yut'ime ia'enotigh to Luin him, 4'3 . A.. oolf4i-...; of • ...iirif#4,,,' . ':U6i '''art Se verity - ; iisiciii . ':*ktoritiltEir ra:' 'tilieni4o4;,Jbiiliiiiii,itifAt *Koh. eoties and I iba t i. l 44tette . .. - --..; .:. • . .--.=9 1: 2•;--7. , _ .-..- I-: I:114 , •,1‘0 ,, - • :- 4- 7 .Theris iiiiiisaltAirillii'JitiiitOlorikib' coniay, Ohio, whieb4i.",l4o,MMTP,i iit %/der, if!,,,Llet4-49,14e- 1)Solfl p r . - loqiiOf the water triolip . g, .2 - I t '-',Of soft.., . ,...,_ p.,.1--... 2 .-: .... , xl i. : ... -..,•: 7 1 . 1_ 1' 'Lkt Othi - 'Binith ; 4 0if ifi4114 .1 4;i 1 .4 boy ...Mite° n;:yiaii tildr:;wisoilitillimkstse , - an.; -Inlitin . tor , .;110 . 4opiir, bbtAoelf. 74 11 300 rit.digt..:Fil:t' , 44 . :X4 1. i,J44,754A. I°•li;fr 4 g° , , . ' . .: : -„,-, i:. ', .- : : , - .f ...,,... 1 ''•-• - ' •li A i , ' ..,1.. 4 4.00i .1 . - - -- A: Yoilng •!4'.4 o retiN c?ri IV :oen'z. ct:a,:',isati, eakeS.ivick F iAili6ii .iiiiiiliie : . 'aria . dttylOit liiiiitc',l*l34.BbiciAttlkitivi , in; etiiAlge • ;4) . - tile- INcrel . 4p.u6Alikio* Express, . : -. :.[', • - ' ..:,. iiia:.-,; .- • , .' •/k - ,market iiiistreVireciritsifitit,trikiin. I kisiiies,',l.eD. 4p-, .914;'*44 r9 l Vflk-.-I_o*'.l 8401 O! At'Atoue . o. izir,e!gy:ehOqi. clhiy.', • on 11,04r:TOir t i. - l iiilil: .. Boiiitilliiitil * e ic+ - 74re rely 'Fro - 0 1 bi ttidn',''' r,.' - ' , ' ' ,'' -'' —The. tots.i anitkpt4 ok, . to`b4cto annually . • iirtichterit".' iittriil iii:A ß e , !,: (.64 - world. is _ess,i ' n#siet:a - s - Aificiiril:7'A%iit. 309,900,000 pc ! utidii l . 'ltaitlifk r •-tat',l3•ll.--t 500, An:tenon, 2413 - ;286;500i..:itfiiiii,44,1 , 800,000; Atte:rail:4 l l llo9%. *4-15491t. a11,.99,Q39,000.. ..;,- :": -, ... [ l. ••• • • • -..4 ••' +A large. black. bear. waaskiiledi 4'7 - ihe Souie,rsat side - Of. .Paurelnill, , lo, lc - -; i ays .ago which_ weighed, w 2 tieri Clst' cd,'l6o pounds; Tie 'forturihtti` lei' _- tore ot "-Bruin" , ireia Heriiktit'-.liot? :, of - domsrset county,' and Until, ..fltr; :-..., .Jr-, of Fayette county. - i;-,,:..--' x k 1 "-Tha bpdy of,an infant =lnas , ft-,i Friday, on e the, rivar'satlge,fitl4 . -.4c; burgh: It hi 6 IliTOS;id:to. ha 11,4! l 'the di.isiAn of.its eituiltu*.'fi#KV I drown it to tho clottiesitrou#4 - : - .: ;babe bad caught •in -.the. bualres i J prevented it real:101)V hl water. w"` ' Iresuit was it Waii frozen tern , .e 3...„, -! I —A. man.' naulo,d -G . "( . .tr_ -BergUs.t,„ ilirs t wig shot through thii fp tigi.lo - 11 Ajtty l la.t 4 ball .on,Tucliday _aiorning, tA1..5, wound will l iroba'hiy prove fati;t ' .' ~-2 Wayne hic l i r et i gh.,..l4q,. Trill:" I i nictiber of the Chester ilitiort 1 .4 - . ~, .... I bar; was armed tv 'the ' 27th it11...,r-to kiss Jentlio Cameron, daughtor'of v tlio Hon. Shiloh, Ca4terPri, ' t. Q' . AitkirlN. biugll. , . -....._ 7, 1 '.....!-- ~-'-1 -' . , ' .„ - .. liaa bean Ifiga decide/1 4t.,r s t 'tee City, Coanbil et liartiabitrgh had, no right to ,aptiropriatit , ,lnon4- to entertain the .PrdaidetiVanClipitikig the expense of the tax payelTit ot lit"' ri Onk intistarcrhtaliy: i tit alaiLeatteurise mil piittiag:eag:iatetne : —John K - Roeli, iho.4oloredinal)stits who was admitted to. pradticeethr-illte United Suttee Supreme . Court on.:, eit , 110 r Sumner's i ntoiion, 1403110 time ailing, died „t i n Boiton up Tuesday WA r ut coneurtnption A 4 -Gossip reporin thti fifteadY retiirft of, - (i,encral " C11311;111 . front ',5 - ,th4 continent; .and thnt he ;wiU reakiAut countryhiy -house at Oritrivi, - Yetty Jersey. . •-•-• • ,--13eti: Wood, Ar, ;ch his;fenent .faro winnings from J 4112 .Mor*lsitek.;und. 801110 other pocket.- m oney,' ohaspd . a hands:n:4.o7nm_, of .atorea oh ,Broadway... , ---Ten or elev+n• distinct shcc Its of earthquake were 'recently niperienfaiti ar Sorel, Canad 4 skp;rio'd thdrty oilerty.soclondi altogether : --11.enry Boyd - taxis ; a niak: a4to decendant, ot. G-eorge, Washing ion, was - convicted; on tb e 21d - of Deieniber, at. King George'si Cart Ito* Nit ginia, of yoluntary tnanslafthter,-jp killing- Dr.. Ross; some year/Her.. Hi was sentenced to tbree,Tell,e4 ,aid six months in Penitentntry; The jcr, recommended the prisoner 'to - merry - % '—Barstow & EfiffoDi T tb,e;.runitiVay Boston merehantei w.hetieriersditors Weed to the tune Of 175 'ookitrie 11t ing comfortably seL St. - itwtnncyo kora - real, and • have .beuntnined their ands u ndereiteitiil - ori,:at. ties defy arrest or presecuttOelptlheir awindlea. I --• - _ L —COnscietice nu'ney llovj":„.. j 0 d ffereit co m inn nituttienapAttiptl b money, from" 4tionliikok pitrscr l ns. . ,Ito (Mire to relieve.#* . tieliecikroliee I.wercrreceived at the plagiary:Depart, 1 meat on the 29th hilt. 'britiOeresiiii ?ini Indianapolis ser,t two thoiiialitt46 . lla l rs. 1 —Thu Richnelin i tl DisPalO r saya`thai ; the oviner_of thefarni knoWastaPittPlil Gip, finding that the Islanfil,uulde,V the cutting 'of, limier's eitoal:o4l4l - conveniently be put , totryfitliont k some means or • comtriunt tino:Avith the main land, is (Fillin g -up(ine end of the canal, in -order to creilif sidiulle'T .way, and the caniOwill amiti be itaitnq the - . ' - ' l , :._. ' 1 New Orleanscan'liy. r clalm.Aci iffi 6 youngotit authorise- in Atrirteit. k..,, A. little . girl, not' eleven Year* O:lctilue 'been • keeping_ a diary fin iiiiiini' time'„ patii,. and it was reveLtly.666f, to Ille'vr', York Ao - be read 1 - I.s , some . .friendErnfor amusement. They :were sefwell i. pleas , . od:with its contents,' that' ita,3odblica tion was advised: lit will=-be4veleime, of over two hundred pages,' anifirkearil the title 6f ,"I.lnacal thi) 11040. 9 . i,.. , , I —The, Detroit Post saysc44 4 4,o_ Alderman 1.,. W. Ingersoll.tlik!Ot,„nith less than tweny.. , ,,pthei p L eSp‘or„ to . S16,000 ; 000, the acetinulation'orteean; deposited forty yeari age l by' ' , llo'fhit t , tin nal grandtnOther -at :the', erphdn's COart offiolland, f,or 4hoi.d4exiiiant of Isaac Weblers, of :New , YOrk opv I , , ~. whom Le 14, . J • - .