The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 16, 1867, Image 3
II ~.- tgallif..-134iii ' ir . iliklii ' four ituilts.ttsikill4 . , .bW:_ as gs_4l,34httss k i weather u we gull remember - hulas SOU. ; bee) . The noir has " from - three to sit isiebets . ima lascamungouL i lug dialog 611 ti " th r i t t s 4l° t r il P ersUire Webil____."..............iimiimmem raiser turplessestl eel . slate of tains brought MAW' the sleighing rte fore* of the . . _ 1.111111111"."'".------ . alit AIMMIETTSEIIO= S " i eo6atr4aS the Aisle of beUs dui *miss : I . L. . i 1 4, 1,4 • is I beet As constsat and oulaterroited As the The stiorthevy sae Fume. , i • i D .„„,,, t hNogiglis gal* f.riag Dor •a'"i'L•anti wala sPr" 1 fortir, it; ixlib Wt s ore t years. , #ith. irstiipielA. Arpa t. 417: ~____ isAdinintik .04 c loas k . 70 iit': .. 1-: - ; - •`- . 1 ,• . • alomk , ", isatioesik Brutal's islik, , , 'keit": O.,IlseMS-4 Reim, Jr. ; . ish,Tie 03beet . Lfrt warei L rMeyer a Smith. sisjabliii Eal4Wifibeilif Littell: or r zazai—lt. T. Taylor. 1 111110i d a nds, ril l " **4?--1 1 . , *IL BAYER_ fa '4 l / 1 0isiito .154 Fifth st., bag , is die'ltatisiised - timid for the /Lasts is that eity • . • . arc Ulan as.--4:hir readers will valaspe, toasaimpaiblie that Rev. lu , ,of 2gis -Brighton, •leettu:ei .to=morrow sassing in 0014.2 ,:idgewater; f or the benefit of tie destita e poor. A,diais ales lb Let ail attieditharpossibly eau. scrsSo Toxic —IL *Minos, Esq., the 114 venue ColleotF,f9r_ the 24th District, was is town onlistnrilay bud ooDectiows le this /14.,1!tY.:jtierunsalis,,* "1144- .iients" ftsliod of C Kr. E.. *Ws bars, sod settled with iglifnelo Sam."' , - • girl* dome) instriatioa by Profess- Tambora go to Ur* 'tali *ut flalml Brio eOunty. i's; A tarot at :a stood seiloOk4o of : ptars ,aloe &AA a year ;ae i f all ay 9eat. • - . _ Yesterday Rs. n, stirring day atilarrisbur g. Georywilltiaugeratiados Govertor.Ofibs ,Rate,. and'Eien. Cameroniras'elso elected at f tint lir/rite the 'United Itates lenste. • flrscLits Notice. `—Persins reliding in New 3righten ; or vicinity, Daring intainess to trans ., set with, ihis office; will e ilease Leave their` or dare st Pri '0 Variety Mae on Mein street, opposite iitr. Kenuedy'S, Dry ,wads store, and our r e porter will sell for !hew. i.' _ • Pocro-ilooz posT.-15....L..AudereOu, Lg.. 1 it Itemiogtoo, tide eitruu4, lost pocket.-book eemewhere bmweeithe bridge over the mouth of, Jim stiaver..ereekstialtemiugtonstation,ortl the lithlrud., cootaisiegil9B,begides valuable ' • - • _ Tapirs' Aussuse.+-We Isere reeieved I from Al publisbers, tbe "Tribune Alakense" far'lBo., It coutaini the 'dicta 'returns or' , • all ele ctions held its the United States, and i. Territeziee leiring the gut year, besides ether . . two** ge‘t, isluii: - Pece. 20 ate. • Abireie TriEuneOfftee.,lNew roilt. _ .seeing of list sfook. Jf r, lliUWn idoCcinlia .. ellkot an otter in .Little 11.a.inr crook, abbot t ntilsefrorn Dar- . • 'Anglo', to thie eoniity.l said to have-been_ nstrilarge one; ind , was Offered,. the' ? ,0 40 0:41k 7 , $l5 for hiltrophy. Tiro other ot tets*entd to be, ILA. oninuctioinityoustiro . /mien° doubt "but tise i attriot ttte'ititio i!%o%'aporiltn// nett Bey fooit ilio.*o of their ennil4.. "IL . ... , A .!c wiritt,as tlirr4---Riehard Waltort,ll4; • -end b :the wii, , a i erlioleNtouled. with-awake limn i . ..0&11!! .. j.J1A11 township, made tie a Ifiew :liCtspresent het week of ' .a But lot of Inlet Oicellint aorghata,manufaeturei by him self and fandiy. : , Weiappreciate the fafor,aad . Itir. W.: o stay draw GA me at eight for anything we can - do in the.waY of returning it. . . 1 . • Cotsitirratce l ge.a., —Daring the early. part of la et wash, Oii - Oath. of Thomas Welsh, a Warrant was issued !for thi arrest of Isla° .T.bompson,charged With committing an assault aiid hatiei "on the persoit of the former.— Jac *unlap i Esq , of Fallston, before whom the oath wits made,to the cuatod of sheriff the offending parr to Littell, there j i to %Wait theplearttr of the powers that be.- lasso: is an uittiericin citizen of African de mat:" . - i. , .. , Been Eticiton.--=,At 111,1311ke!ipli t held Jenu-,. ery 8, 1867, ler %of, the , 'National Bankof - Beever'eintiety, in New Brighton, the .„c. following. amid jeoltlemna, were., elected for 0 44111 11 Tel= , 4 Miner ; , 4enj. Wilds, "hies Dqueln, Milt o n Townsend, 111:,B.Boops,, clei,Jßarker, 'John Berms, John Stiles, se*sairigh. . i ,'; • W . F. it. rAIEONIIII4).—.-Sheriff Little's hosrd,_ nag use is a popular institution, ,sad is bet : tar patronized' sineiA he has charge at . it thk, • ' everibetore. At ibe present time be has 16' regnlir guests, alit is net to be presumed that ' a singl e ; C*B e these will get •.huffy"and tenni the leouitt beinn tie mouth' of Marsh, at least. spade up their mindi to • 4srq there until shout that time; and we dare say that tam Merit they will. Cowman. Thursday night'hist; while a lit bey. were Manning theii sleds' atom' IVilion's hilt, near this plum,' a collision 'ea .• eurred, wjti4h animked one •ot them.` frank ' Ralf, senseless for;seste time. ife *SS earned ' binne, and ifter s te bolt hour or so mired inf- Spiently lobe iblitsi speak again.• . . - liveesssttos.l-'lt km been reserVed for the ' .mile of P~listoa to develop the laws of ./lisperation sad Liens* in piralarvist • twemest, &o:, paefictly e• 01 t sad sweet ia bet 1 &trcrier weather,! without the *id of ice. Dr. Was. Gamine!, of ;that plot*. Ass received Let ' tots ?stoat, for ble Ilmerstion Cooler, fiad7 tar I is*: kst in the &ping,' 'Rd will be i`deildeestuak to these who cannot ob. , ~., ii A Bin Ac"iliti r.. ...on ilaturdepiast a tittle can of Yrs. Bowl, who :Ives in this ?Ise% ' tee wltli a uti!crtune by , whisk oat of Ills' ler !Ms brekonalidiby whisk he has probably re -' . ' til ed °thor • • • lean. faterad diameter. 'Ns had beim plis _ es the Midi aired with • 'hie sled, aid' !!' ga team littehtittle a ' . awe rliat - . . 'it etepil at the thee; lie: be. p tly .. lut e 4 Ms AIM, ifitta. Jai sad eadadhAtilwil to isle a ride.' • bin via swaps filatel- ed to * lain " , and wheithe teas . , .:;edited 141b'ire raw edam Nn tit's ' itollow's did • letiresd, awit Ilvi irallala • wbeeup.i.Ao , cl,o4;irsiossit,-,lial ~ ~ : I, s , 6,4faiiatidrilic uoabst, hit et Kg 446 a No, EA. siiferecorY ;Nish pailtikeili lilt !r;lanes: - ' / _ „ H Ell ARGUS; 111 E! gillr The toad of last week, with the nap -14140 vot Wharton's lerustpw . .yas . a tolerable trod issues. Thie f . no dinAtinises' trait the Ifeetithat it oonileosed and published - the local i sews of the Aqua of two days before ,We i ha", ne ePhieeo44sf. -- thie, d'ellio. alsrlg.,, Itnt 1 iiubmit that iewillat iav4W ilittleitmattlintsii Ito give us credit for these items; Or if no creel -4 is elven ' they timid at least be inserted as . j they Moeee.4, its, Ow • PePer , :" . .Phwee•4 4oll '‘ distort or change theta main. - BILOC,OIT TO 311L. -0n halt Sunday, night,at about 9 P. M.; Joseph Johnston, of liegewell• toimship, Woe brought igi jail on Cooludtrgient f Jrtive Irons' of the sane township. , Jo seph:had been , a;ring the put of s "gay, Le tlia4," with Ons,Agireh Ann Young, who had Lim arrested, defirdfirt boil, he :Wail sent to_prksOn t .4,l4niton 4 - nisi:TAW "feller,". turd we presUme.the charge bf adiiltsrp and . tardy wilklbe brought tur d maintained aiust biro. .1 , ' eleetieW held in Newi.BrighteW:oWTl.aitiWy,of lesi"-weieik.,for borsugt,i afficeri,theOliowingientlenieW wets *sleeted • . " • • ..- Buigesa—Benjamiwileilisoi. • /militant Durgel.'l7. Heger , . 'Town Conneil- 7 -Charliii 11. Merrick; J., C. Calhoun, eininelDnnhai, Jas. Edgsx,„ , Joseph Deere*, Z. H. Ale:ander, David ;Matsr. 'School John Tie I n. Anditer—J, 5 Mitchell. • . ; • Assessor—Daniel Megan. . , . • Asslstszt Assessors:—Jos. Alekander, Jos. Reerei. .. • . : Constable--Abljali High Consiablasines CinTen. Judge of •Eletiimi--Betijamtn , * itatHord Inspeete. H. Chamberlin Milo M. Mil lee. • • r , . • . Disttmois hitscaisr.—Fclurlor. tire boys of this place,.ivho have lately been in the hibit of' asineying passengers at the rail rtpul,depoi., were .last ; week arrested for malicious mischief, and }radii hearing before Justice J. C. Wilson. Owing tci` l the fact that this was the brat ; time that they were before the Justine, his. Honor let them -off rather easily upon payment of the coats.-but he took ..oicasion,.to ?Ang l in& them that, should they he brought before him on a similar 'charge- he abetdd consider it his . duty Whitt them recognized to iiroiirt. Boys shotild_now take fair warairig that * some of theis Matters forbearanoiltis ceased to bo's virtos and citizens of the: Wu are determined that in'the future snob 'practise shall main indulged in with impunity, but in every Case they may expect the full paucity if the law to be rigidly *Mottled: , We omitibi publieition if *their names fine' time, but we lune them, and we shall ispoz - a repetition of the ohm!e nipt:Wititheld them: . INITITUTE piroseeditsgs, of siivititief ' were, seatlis, at different times,, a Shirt "time ago, and,soise of them with the request, that we pubtfah the same sad theh either hand the me r niesoript to the Local, or request it to copy from the Arhus. - A friend—from thiri3ountry now writes to us and:wishes to know if we coin plied with-the request.; , and if so, why these proceedings never appeared-in that paper We answer:—We recolleel of but, two instances wherein we were requested- toviothis ° , One. of these We sent a hand of this office up" to the Loofa with . the manuscript, and , in',the other we rquested that paper , to copy, as will be Beet in the Argus of the 2d. • We sestet. 'tell why neither of them ever appeared in the Local, ualese it is as "Petroleuni T. Nasby" declares that the "Diwocracy and tke spellia beak lieve to Ittfiniti.",asul. therefire .every thing perteheiag to education is necessarily !sleet cut of "Dieitekratie Papera.' 'This is only our opinion, howevett; and we give it fir what it is worth. ' • I BriIIMIS AT DIM% .11MT.—PillirS01111resid ing at•this place, 14 who have been atiending to interests recently at Smith's Perry, assure us that business hes not fora long thee been as dull there and at Island Itun,as it is at Pres. ent. 'The low pri l ee of oil, the winter weather and the high rates ofi transportation from the wells to the public thoronghfaree all combine to bring about a stagoatien in business, there that has been unparralleled for a eettple of years past. Witeh the price. of prude takes a permanent upward turn, and "old sot"- takes a few more northertstri des, and teamsters be , some possessed'again of 110IIIICileell,W11 expect 'to see business, prospects reviving is that lo cality, arid the old "get up and &teat order of thieigs rah:tete:ed.. • ,1 CLIVINLAND AND #IIIIIIIIINDI :RAIL ROAD.- The report if the Piesidani:etthm oilnpany, N. FeCullough, /sq., for the bell yesr eliding Nov. 28th, 1866, showe r the road to be is a most prwperoliii eoaditiea. The . receipti fe;_tbe year.,were as follows: .• ?rent paesearmi .11. 888,922 88 From freiglt .. .... .. ... . ;1.08,681 - 66 From msecellsaeous sources I 64,851 40 Prom suridwe earnhigeTittsbursh Ft. WiyaWaad gbh:4as° 256,966 78 , 1 $2,607,971 68 Total 1 , lIIPIIIIIIIIIII. I . • I For accoOnt-nrWmitivapoiiii sad 1 ears 1 $616,881 0$ For inaiatananee eft way ' in l d 494,56748 stamOtnros ' ' .For transportation ezponses:i.... 869,814,27 wr i generat expensp 'Aroilii ' - Tr,697,T78 44 'airing' as ast iiarnhip.4 ' $9111,192 0$ , MARRIED On Jai. 10 1 1867, by Bev. John Brews, of preedoie,, lir. Wu mei Tongs to Mos Jess L. Nam. both i otrAllestieay (seamy, Pa. Oa Jaa...14;7111117. at the Neidimbes of bdoliFs matter; %Ow:* i me. TironAs Massa SIM, lee ineteetzi. • Ali I tt i k l k ?Ski& Widellllll64i • DI II to Xiss itavar B. Sicitua4,4l.ou . . enuat7, P.:. w { ll~i~l~ - . f A1.4.1" 3 _ 44 , i t wet o Elea ! i!) takaatot4dii, chi) nomithitiatf I,oo g;ir fA. ballot 04*fei ola y , flies abiwni.from ark- Stowe, (Mercer, Coleman, ' flOne4r4 Cowle,_, Graham, T:` l-- I_ Harries, - cr - 4. . ilfoua'biricit:s, Landon. , _ . Cement, Sabers, . , +lleitis; - 1H ~ ' WWI'S; • - Brown, (icaliti.) Loift - rWiller, - 4 . i common, lifiCulaiigliy,..Wkawa, , Chadwick, - ItiVray? -- -Woodward, De Haven, . St _ Wors4, . Dooshosigt, olio; ',llMglot., .. F1'01,61.24 - - ' Hair,lßpaeleet fotaasAgio (Aimee, • •411ese.' ' '' Harbisoi, . t ` 3 111 40. Adair, 1 itieing, - - .• *MD. - Gallagher, Chase, -GewleN....- Wyllie,Les. Davie, l'- libicows# L , Day,_ -- UP , . 1 1 1 PeY. TlYtor, *harms', 7iegnill. . - wee seweiss. •••z: , Bighsm itzetexds 4 *Wiwi Arington:a, moil, ' ettlimatF, 'Willow ' 1 "`: . t r 1 VO'll coo*: '• _,- Bits:was, of Law- Bkootalter, • Teat, - : ' ' reuse, Leeeh, MaPheriiw ,On the announcemcitt ot the stave vote, Camerpesi pamination was made unanimous on nopuon Of M - ;.S.,Quoty, of Beaver., -, - - , . ' . .., . 4 The sellits'a' Lincoln littaixtegg." l Editor Argus: Although the shots of, "Borden" are chalacteriaed by the Local lie w eetittitiiigio l 4 , ll l * l oed." it is evident that some of them fell in such idols proximity as to-cause un easiness in his present position. A brave soldier likethe Dotal man should pay no heed to the wild shooting of a demoralized enemy, but reserve hie amunition for another occasion. ' _, My quotation, obenefit of clergy"' from English criminal leer, appears to be all tireek to bun. We supposed he was suffici entiy conversant •with the language - of . Blackstone to under. stand the phrase as used, but instead of that being the case, be seize. upon it, to launch out ina tirade of _abuse nd vilification of , the _class lot MOP embraced in the tcirm clergy: I-wonder what harm the "clergy" ever did him? It he ever came within hearing of their voice, hamar, have ' had. lie feelings,. (hurt. Undoubtedly " he never would forgive theta it they had chanced to preach from that passage of Scripture. "It the righteous scarcely be saired,. where shall the ungodly and the h siotur appear or from- one of those other yaselges thatapeak of charity, &a. Ile is evidently seeltiognotoriety,and hopes to dravr, out !ogres of that large l Wk..' entitillted resimitable class ot •profs.- ' viatioks:Lbettle , ml 4 OO appear . for once in gootPbeithfiWy. - - Ile eseye,"Berdanintimatee his &edt as to hell.' Not alit ot it. If I had ever had any doubts on that subject, the fact that such specimens of human• ity tulle are permitted to peeathrough this world witrout speciel panishment.: woutd'Ofwiiinee mos of 1 the 01861i:to 'necessity of a place of punishment in the future.' In the Divine economy, , which is founded in justice. it ecnii 4 4 not be otherwise. Peter Cartwright relates that once-when be was> piing with - Goiiiiil Jackson, is youbg Sprig of a infidel who wskpreeent,., kept annoying: him , by asking "sues tions; and llnally asked him "if he re: ally believed. there• wee auch a plaice as hell ?" Mir. Cartwright replied that , he did. The iil4l General who bid - beer sittintin silence till then, d i rect. in g his remarks to tbIIIP young sco ff er; sled, "I sin glad there iejust each `ii place ea bell."I "Why so r asked the ' . scoffer. "Why," said the General,"to,l punish atiehMeolutdrels as you, shall vility .. the Christian religion, add en. 4, deator to bring it into contrOpt."- , -I The young mau l feeling . I,looolc* of the reply, subsided. 13Ittgle, s ate no t verdant enough to slippage that - sue% * rebuke—amen if admuusterild byi General jacksonoirould penetrate the alligator bide of the .Dliedf i*1113, 1 , I "Borden" is likened unto an ass.; -1 Why should, the editor stoop 93 low sito criticise the braying Wei ass?...-4 The prosatrlption is that if !rabid ear . , pooled us to be an au—one of the to ' eared speciim--he would have be. more guarded in tie attack, fearing Hold be might.-hurt tiiefeeiings of hi fither Cirsoura other gear' relatiee. Its three different numbers lof th Local it is asserted boldly thittLincolU is now in bell-4nuot PS ID hell aufirgins ineilie tokinintiol'lSO datniied, This it etioreiban -wind - be, ea id even from agEropperbeed sheet, Wile le•West grit.. it is trtgoUs sousievie of bounds followed at his heilletbeoeg life, snarling anti snapping lit his - °v..- ry ottep_but -he heeded' them not., The - same elinty,serpente, with iehiasone t,olivelirctrudiiit fropisfibili n . Falig4l4, lay,ta,hicpstli. bathe lottigit - *lna, not. _Sven Wallatoblii 41 1 541 . 44._....40* . him it* Stloo*, theft oL sePattl4tintah'e *iper, 7 - feellig no alarm. If - Linecit bas-b4o - thigtitutoieVtstrinuttlio! •.: iiillie,, ltig` IA Mad 'till" - &bole ibillgaleriickbe, oiled t#ll - *„ andtedibeisimmetry..Atoili.. dia. kii. gobigirbileteenteolietoi, bid - - Viet iiiiiirit;polftleSiloWlemer; 'lBl** have feriiiitted tietituila I ,i ' iiiiiiie iiiikka-troisi_ Abe p 1 0 . ,1 c c- 41 04: AL 415 . iiiieViairt EtteretaliiaAlionfir ~.. 4 maing..; 0 Win obacilytiand a p 1 ,, TA; ag r ego i4 ft) lA* "t ea - Ilsot or - AO:VI* ji_Otild bileit'dictittliff sithb it - efah. ' I ' -4'060) Yet i iii!iisf it W ;. 00.4 11 1404 1 4n9f11ir -160,44b40 ibevielAtili!Cir W . * 4.#1 ref roe- - rgarlltinsei la; _ orsvax-aviteatTad. - : =I ;NOUN' Peaaypse . - : • 'IQ.7 *l c J .y :er4iVal • _s • Os i thoi Issits in .e a'. Dtisd, • _ dal P 'Meat Cima jFY V 1 Oita Ing#4 I 6 4 IIMITO counurnsirs was OWL, • • '•?• - r •a 1 * 1* pet . ... 2 00 'sakes ... •:•!?t• j •k+t" 4 "4l4 .... . . .• . . 74 Mt • • • ' - ......"*.t....."4"""t*,.., ~. ••••".1.?.. - .i.:. ;„ tr. , ~141 . •......• ... .m• . - ,it , , • . • P • .126 i . . •- . ", '- :P 7 _.:;:i.4. - , . :44.1. 200 ' - .. : ii!(.. - •...,:.,.....1....., ,,- ...,: *;. oo ..,•. 'T - 1 - 4 --= , :-..:.: l+rs. ' - . ;•• ISO i '&- t...,;: . .'; '"' . 100 1 - . , • S ' -' : ii4kit...;...... -' ' -12 . t -'. ' :vr- 1 ~ .. ‘ . .„.. 4W, • - ' 20 ~‘ .4". - ' 11 • • • •- - •••• "--.4... - 4.! ,, , - • • 110 I - d i , 61 . ; J •4 , g t Pat.& Oedema, Cori' NU* But,taT, - • dm, BIE ?wirK w i th -' The ell "ill4;to,..duOtir : 4111111 . VrIffhtk , ".1 1 .0. beim inastiye is Pit f tsb 3verasad sall,, ;al i t witsisiiiii iipiati* ''' ' Aginik . ,:tii' se.' Scr , tia6 traasse!iclis. $ ,Irto sellisie at SkrAo* - , isliiiii: - . 4kagity se!url4 f an . 1441 iiibut,y,r,iTer, itlois*. i __. ~• , lAt C14.4%10141 , , 14. ~nA-' A m& ar ; t*yx,rei t00p!.., , Eit ' ' lahlfilidi : ittaiiiiifu t ibog quotatioti.!4k4fikirel* ilovoin; lots Weil illiposid ' Cleit.4EVlpeitsirel—behig ..s team ,et ill istailaikinsport.; 10 MI : E undersigned tallisidausars in inform. 1 1 iss the. People -- 10:Peatar 'and Tieinity, he hes *Petted et ~,..::' . .. , • I, 'Cit Bb ' OBIZ 4 P 8 1 -1 6lc ir , ... 'l ' te hilltdieliii : : ?kit ° a . ? . " I .FIA VEI k P A't r t 4 nabs sasortssent of POPESS, . E9rl?. 1 Ps, itQLoj* ISORGEU3!, =., • Algiti-Cgait"V- . OfICESI ' SOAP'S, CA.1114)30, RAI : ~ SINS/1111101 1 i' - • ~_ - - _,--,,7 - •! 1 %- : Tlii: ;- ... • : 67: -. 1A1, -- . r -. art' , *. .4 y t,_.'lrtawift•--,104 "0 ept in a well -1 4 4:.- . '-k- . • ' . 4 ",•ir..V.::k -, ' ;3:-51t ast es ef. ta nnert aiiii : isi t ail i ei e ms tit best utisAik-11014 Has are. aaastiulai ? lie t, ant affiledlll-011111vfor Cash or Product , * n ow t 's, : . .. 4 SIMON sarazir. - • UM i~ .-- . 09-PAROPEIIIP..NO.I7O.4 • ... T r it - hs•ase•cistid;•itts , btai -: iiiibOrmM-cLock, - AiiiiormL4 _Oll9l 88,' - sorter of Broisgiiii 'it - Ir%btiS , Pc,. Capt. 1r L. , 0 414111081 14, ( sillt be one *Me Port ' n of citejlerich - tWiftire. ' Peninsisebey in ktailik Arialsrlis - ~ ..wtll Ovum :present lit !be paymeiVist 'Qom, knowlisirtbsui Is Yesanitebts44l Sad settle witb netritiliyvisAlk4b, 4 1 *%W. bekstiiitst.inilier dinietf. - ----:. • C. - c ITATE It.' -,:jeitSrlThilit = - "-, : T.-: , .. •-- -.. ' •, - , • . - w. Low.pispf, INTER - . - .EDISOI4,! (SO,lO - 4:j0V47,wi1,440.,) • '.. EALE I NMYER eNv fise l ZEVl 'AIMS; ,311181.011, MSTVIMENTS, so.] iNgo stistiedsigives to the repair soTWit kin!;:qyti#li t aci.jevi!!t. ate; • 4rgW__4l.l , lo ON, ElO'f;' I , 1.1 ! V i I. • ~. , .. sy. as vrx:meaTe Arsirldtrearros rii,. 4kiiiig , a i l . a , , A AI tILD WVE; •-- • -AND itkiittrrSt - • 'e•-• • - • AMPICNTSIRIV TOOLS - * 4 1'00 - itt;-5 ; --- • ' IBLACOISkiMr- XASONIV-TactUr • 19 - SPA TOOLS; jy. : lT4 of ; . • PirjdfrXßEßS' TOOLS, 7300:1140! TOOLIf. El MM s I k#Di.u!,T-muL .4o. _• apA4II,A- 1- t. hutartztotpivp' - * --. IOIAPT*; -,..• . ~. ..,. 4 'el l ii 000; AthAlit—itiNG 7 -„•:5-v• .1 T.Z. , ;; c r .i tr 2 It-.7",•:—..';:: e t r- '......c: -,- .....c, 1 1( 11.M 11 1 / 4. 4 00 1411 C 1.5, ill'i -* 4 -7 • -1. ,• . . iritaii, .. '. 11 ;-,- -.1 .'"'''""••••'!. . . tiIUU-4.40411PAGA W" *Aft ' ' ' r . ... "114. i -" Slitirlit h /LW ' ••-- . 61 . . ' I ... w . . 4,17 ,Q 1 .. .1::' , ..1 & l : :i- '- y::' .'Y5%..'7: 4;4 .PiliTir ,-; .:. r: ...I, L i ,!r • ;14:3 , ..,---:.: ! ..:,1 . - t:i'41100111$41911 . ; ,-.....7 : 1 ~.., .., t , 41111DMOSIMO' . .p, , pipprvaar4lll INTION.mI r.,3 •.:,-.1•- "i.-steit A ptifts• a tiScsiA.:l-: iv. tigttl 7,gt 7., T s aj •..•:"4..., : . 14 :R,i ot>, 1 .7 •;: , 1•atl : , ..siir.aT itlf t -4:.. ..X.11a•i.:1.451,.. i. , :rr-. sit • - ‘-- : .- t ` ''. • 4 1 ' ' l i ttl,6e: MP" • i t !OM CM ,-).- - - G• a/4MM_ oF Sea _ . I‘ .. F Baum* Jas. Nit !Met A rk in ft.l •<• !riasad dissoasts.L.,2 '•-• 1019,012 40 , •,' taidei . r__ Itataa__ ... 12,7 00 ,11.0.1rdsdepsoiled~.1119ses- I = .'4l . Ezipeaso A _ : I' i 7. i . __ " ...- ;: t: nt: ~i t's, .„ .....,.... . . : , . 1,600 00 47.70,62. laisiTtader =Ugh_ beak notes a . ula 69 ... , . gs. ; r.;: f ,..t.:..0401§0 0 1 0 6 0 1 - gr a e VBes;;,..EZ - : Costiagrat twit! 7.000:00 7El4l4o*i* • 10ertifi,thi4 'abditiset at tle fetsfigray. oar to thi . , obllat art% costa* t • EDWARD Boors vials 6. ptiasT: - ....„;:,...414. wfwe; 2 - . . -R:kitll .• j MEM . _451r7 MET • I ~.... _ tits .an sli„ m 0 .. ujo i. oo ' V,- - 1,3164-V„Haa3 e - "L • ".•-; .• W/LSON ktqcliai ROOLD attsizet v fall] inform 'the public in general of Asir intention to close out' tbidr extensive, Week of Fill' ter-Beats and nose, to prepare•foia 111 *whiting at Ladies', Gent's Boy's and iihildren's Sho" , Gailorst-SUPPor., 64 • P Tbieh will lie sold at cost, or ,belew cost, as we we bound to keep, up the , trade, and that to the entire satisfaction of our euttowers,--, *11... 11 ! "C ••- DICIER"! k WILSON, - 11 Doors Bast of V. E. Anderion'illtere, 1 Beare!, 3 4 a 9 ift• - • GREAT REDUCTION IN EarLlCalnei I reE Undersigned' kr rtsg"istablishe. hisi-i ,; sell is Rbehester, Ps., - anuenuioes' to the m of thit place and. vicinity that he is tv iet hesti 0 take 000041* Alabiatyps% ~ 001 thit best possible aisuasi,sad *t iaselt-beloiethat charged hy the gene rality -of ' artists. For light-eyed persons, sloady.daykare preferable . . •- FerriSi Card TUtothiphsoof ropy style, 11,7_5 sal. dOse_ a' $l,OO pertioll team Awl ' bretypes Dom 20 to Weis:each, veltboutasoo; 1 r •P r i 1 1 . , 44 ,1 .1 1 `,.9" . .4 •V e * &dr guariiiteee - - - 1.1 • v : J1 1 , 1 1 0 : 0 7- - • - - ••.' • .:-' • ' • CI 1 , I • • .7, - : : :.:- - i t , , Hi'..,:-. - , i GEAt.V.' ,4b t: 1 • .14fAY - MILLINERY, BM - 4± - f . • I • i • • ' LA 1Y II we 1! gitle SI 1111" s! • 60241CR-BRIWE i t SARICEr STs. Illapp;w4,Tr.A. • • 11If 1 - •I gar". every 'ilesaTitiips,achesper thr the elteliO4,. Velvet esi&S'N Illotnektt ?lows; Vaasa, Otajaseate, &e: I _ 4 - 303:1,,0T of T e adlei grid Ities t eti '_Very-Chesp. tCall sad tee their. i—• '. • ' ef all kiads,tos Dreises -sad Cloaks, Gimps, Cord, Laces, Batton, Vii. EALIIOILiL A > HOOP mans, • COESETS D.AIR NETTS, SE.ErTh, BUCKLES, &a. MIEN AND ,YB' 'HATS AND •.. C. 6 2 43, :KENS' KNITCO.&TS. ,LADIES' CLOTAS, ALL COLORS, q•intry • "Ptiritnel, t. aemeea Furnishing Goods, Gents • - and 'kat !in' • Paper spate, -}ilwoofey & Titgott i itino-t! chssr : • 16; 1 0g4W (i."4/ 01 • • 4144 y r. /NW 111;iirio; Weilittp*i.4l - e " af* rLag •e - V-5-1;.7 , *. A ' • 41 :: , 101 1 3: snig" - Aff 14. rtkoi clime! • %R . Wl4r4S_ • ifishaidigibtilOstaatetidr,:ioMing Ault 41144* • EIS , eir i 4:1 4 . ; 117 p . . . QiVitiarM4 -09 - I.rocW4 Rearesber -the Pi&Oh4 , IWW 1 464110 *Mat l ififfiegbialo ll l llll M C!' e-ran ME 1151 .oes OMNI II MEM Opeping ArOiE ;" - IMMISE23 ark' -PEtr•Aba!Look - - , .., 4 . : ,-* -"" ~•'-:- - - ' , -..N.- - , 7 - Nr . I DEB F. A. rdktii's 111 El - ,P l =7n)"7. agy.:oQo-p..6:.isi : 9RE, . . Tit • DiAiroNik .13Ocialutt . = t'rlj . f .t . Our linces_ will: astonish ell Asbe 'WO( us :With • --T NMI Geode if every description, soli C i keepo flits., ever.. „ _ i ' ~s.c---.-+~~_~--. El Brown Nislint.;it • 10 eta Bleactiod -de Geed. 12 a.:15 giants Stairs, Tiekings; Cheeks, = 1 1 ti,inghams,r - Prints, j. _ • C . anton Flannels, Red & Yellow Flannels; Belied &Striped::: 'de Hoop - pots ; and Shoos,' Hats arick Caps, Trimmings, F . t ibboet, _ Mtioadsi , etc. ME The pries: of the hovel. Goods we warrant , less than.j the same °lasi of Goods Can he _;bought for West of the , mountains. • Dress Goods la _en •-„ ii less • . variety, French Merir,o3, toborgs, Delaines, HPoplinsi , , - - • Cashnieres, 4 ` , Fetc., Ste., ete., Cheaper than ever ! i I El Bkpokets Bleiiket •Shatv.s, i ' At 'grim biivins. EE El the place: - 04 - 00M113 . ...1111111412 11T94 1 1 / 1 , _ -47 Tilii-DIAX6I4I) itocuzsvripm, . s everybody, ' ettid:ese for clurselies before pittg4iog. r ritOrizzglyiuto.*G4oD4 ... , i lOW Wl* - -TiNg -:16 .,, art.: .7 , ;it: • - , yz - , 1 - ' „:. r 1 2 • . 2_l, •,.. riot clgsk co . e Arts th• 4 r - ' ROIO I II - • - - • • ^ • r... 1, V l • IttlW 1 - 1 ~ • i. . i l', , : -L -.1•;.-., .:.,i r . ,cpriA, ~.. '- . EHOORESTIit Q- ;e„: ... . . Eal lUl!ib,tOtt.AL. z.. -EAT LOWIST SLARtET innek) 1<", I C opiettosti well Stock of ;. • ST - I cutsi MI 01 5 . • sitolizt si r pi434oolit • natme,'.... DaLAIN'S% • ALPAOCAS,''_ • COBRIGGIS,_ FRINGE MERINOS, TIANNELS, - Plaia sad Barred;si - , WOOL DiLAINES," Colefs, BLAGESI/XE: • ..::2101,00.- • • . TABLING, TOWELLED, CHECKS, ;BANE, ' TWEEDS, • :SATINETS, - 9A ) SSIMERE,, _BROAK:LOTN, etchtsixeiL • ;• Balinoral aid 1 /Ocif ,Skirtir,` ° o pit ofrustO - r. • HOSIERY GLOV#2., MATS( AND 0 Metes and , pope : —ii kiss 1014v2 tatest ,1 0 3 4 ". ' • • 1. _ - Boom Womatek in . iibll.Oett -04 is hoes, Carpft. Shoes, ie.. ite. 12 I`-2 ek , 415.-11ka di•!Clothing.:n • .- „ • .3CIIOOL 13001 CA tr. *TATICOUCILTA, TaCiarii:WS ll -rP`r l i large and w4 l -tar 4 csited 51°C;41V.416:114 .( • . Carpentets' 'T001,14 - of,All . 7Linikos BUILiIINGIIAIiDWrAItih : -BMWS, , STRAP UlliGrEs# • I SCANWP. ' ISHUITta 110.GZ,V, SOL,Tx; I LOCO. • " • 1 , NAILS, inficoNv i cir Paws- Of all sins, single and" _jinn& -•• • ' ... - :srEcia rillo - t:LOX •_ - - Ysid to filling _ordoia cr,Csigicitlisii."COlrtg tornin,d-nuil4ors for • • '- •- HARP • G trASS IS-6 CO&TS - ItliTES'r 1174itr, • - • ti; rurTY,l,.l` -:„- E'4kilir , s orA4L:COLORS,' -. 1: -- 611 - OP - 41TD, - . DR l'Oaktividg do - 4 4 a i r ci ir. 1 . 1 ,0 11 257 4, 1 1 a 1 ek ant. Pries before putelki#g elsewhere., 7 . i X e COCearkeilie A, I fresh sod fall enfilt, coontootly. on nand , Choice Stands" of -' AL 0 UR, • , - _ „ _ Il lIEI 0Att.803E.011., 111 SIM 1111641.11.14417g00dirt -Matadi itsfaii4 e l statij o i.4o4 Weal sers.4. CROSS:is Coarrorcnosr—Asat of Wu* Mum avid . i the. Rochester' I40160: Via APO of. !tie Ibirchante Uubmi rest Vompeay. , • - - - : - • R' the • •-0 - R 0 13if 13. 1 20 Rig --iIarCOSJILWOOI62,4II.O ,I /- 1 , 1 111.4101101 0 1 . :00Tf.:n4t , ittrAltilffr; Vitiqh•aitkYr-- - Paw -----3 rc 410117-4 Yr • -it - Oa' 4:0;743 01...1 ,14 ~-~...1 MEM MI ENE ll= Mi==l AM LINsT.EV,) 01,11, BENZINE, Mffffi= NEMINI LARD 044: ,, "CRIIII',-tiri - Mail IBM 1111. I= = ME