The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 02, 1867, Image 1

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    • 3 •
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awl° wig
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,•! 6'J -
TAUltsul- 650 'llOl6-.4s
Satra ....... 'l l 3r ":1047,
6. jll-4! ,120114
Caton.. . -......•.. !I . l —s .—.
ilialllon ..... ''i
. 826 "1'1164/$1
ofrrille.. ...... ; 006 1 ' , ' 200-a
Vomiter ~. .... ii 888 " 05.... i•
LOW/012filte .. i:1040 .".1' 845' , *
ganditid ...„ .11.1/07 ... 1 .446. f•
emit i lia , yir ~flilantl
. 68014.1
I .De ANY: ,•; 620 •al
U. Sandusiy ,1 IPI. <1 780.4„ ,
fore 3! ... , .... ;.•,,. '43 ',.; -Or ~,
iton. ....... ~, 55 .-"', 914 : „
DelphoP .. :I , 4,36 ..I 1:13 1 ..,
• Tu oci .... it...„ii 4,05 ~,1 021' -,,!
font Vnyno..l , 150 , •;1150 $;1
c,olomlYi • 1,
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rierect:tat :.....• :;,. ..:
...r, ~
1. :4 5 t.'; 140 a
Warnor„ ,,,
fi,, ..
Bourbon ...'... ~ . ~.. Ail
Wanstah i •, 6 ,t+ ":.+ll5 "li
Ts!parAigo... 0 /0416 .1” ......'... '
Clarke... rt.,. 'i..i;. A, .....'.''
MC Rlt J'n. 1... ;. '';. —... •‘;
ebf eagr , ..,.... ‘,l2l)pst , 620 A'
1 i
S G 01343 0.44
is Exes. 2
111 C.llll Cres
""i 905' ,g 1
TalPinISC.... , Jirl ..._
Wandiati ~...± .1 -it . -.:' "1
Plymouth ~:. : :4. 1 0 .9095' * 4 l
Rottrbem . .... t'••'. "I - - 44 &"
Vrarpt w ....., ;; 9 0 " I { llB9* ',l
”Timii•eton ....`• 11.. --.... _ ',;•
litintinille ~, . ..- 11. :.1: 4.. . ••i 1 "'
Corair.bia ...:. ':11040 ••11219i,1
Fort Warne..'' lit fo'•W 2^_o-••.
VIII Weri .....-! 11' 0rm!".282 "
Delphi..a i 145 "; , 808 : '.•
Limu; , - •
11 L '213 •••I -838 ••
'forebt ' 802 •q 489 -••
e..ialuiiky.. !! . 4gr ~.; tla . ..
1i%4 , ..i.. 'i c"2 a. 1588`
. •
600 '•• .605 ..-
Crettlin‘i • b •i'li . .6ls Ajo • 626 ••
1ian55e1d... , ;. 1 1 06 H 657 , ••
loannunulTie...l:l„ . 2. l ,l4k!”.
- VrEhli`i••••...:.'..; i SO 'ft M N '
l_Orririllei:......l,i 4 4 "1 006 . ..3 4
;reunion ' f ito '•I 942 .."
C 16,0111....:„. ilO.O •• 1008 "i
i Allinete :...;', , 11 . 14 •,• ,', 1100 • !il
[ &lea ..... .. ritli'd ••'1132 -"!
Columbiana .."1^.... Belt 1156 •••
1101, ,
.1;11" 112 . 8 X'
- 4+ . t 1. '2l •
X. Brigliton..:. '217. "; • • •
Buuniinier ... -- 285 12. r 1 •• :
linibilrgh .I' l , 860••i..: 1 280 sij
,;rio and Pittakir 1 4 4. 1 - :xpre`sel
Canis At 4:05 ii' t tn., .artiTes
n:45 , p.m. Itetgrnitug leaves i
a.m., arYivea in ':•ilfw..Cantla at I
. .'i_ir . w cantle - sat 151.4 . 144.. I
Train le.a.feiscN•ir, t
Catald . st. 7:0
in Allegheny it
~. :45 a.m.: Ito
Allegheny at 1:20
g i rc!., arrive
YERS, 'Geri
F: .R
9;1866, trai
days except
- CLE,,Vg.
On s(1 after Nor
lions daily, Sun,
Clevelapi 81 1 9 ot
Euclid 'street II 81 •
nutlsou . .9 e 45' 1 "
'1 ..
• ltavenni..
'Alliance ..
Bsy hid ...
r iloo
.1917 "
Alliance "
;11214r e'
-Akron .....
liudesa ; 1 1216 "
kali& erriat 1-47 "
• - st - ATC„iT
, • 440r,3t'
+ l ,
RteibenTille. 4300
1, 747 . a
kWrIT LI. 820
10 thtStel j 830
tits'ourgk, „
- 040 .6
XPS. tExP'a
....—.. ,;...._... _____,
, •• 1. '
tinahargir l'' 225 ix i 48dPa
ltotike , te e ~: :• 335 4.1 545 ."'
Ifletrei L .... .. . ;, .:. .:.. .. i 556.••.
t tith'sPerry 1, 411 ..1 831 " 1
!eiliville .;.; 500 •4 - 725 ..
bt aahenville. : '' 400 1 .1 . 823 "
1 ,1 1 . 1 1nge..... .. 618 ..I 840 "
L. ,.
. I " l4 6tPorti.. ! 712 4 .1 927 4 .
rgataira. 1; , v). /
...1.4.40 - 114
.__::f: f I,
-•.. Is I
LeAvet - , Aißkivei- ,- : ,
N. Philadelphia 8.60. in /14,fird, P!.'ss' 4 ,14 .
P a/tri, 11.45 N. ph
wra', itsdel,2.Bto, P.M
m • . I
Ig.4 . l3 l_ , A.ciu&Oki E
(At ko 24 84, Pittsburgh,
Ratio Caps , and 'Ladies' S i t . ins.
Bauer CoOnty Trod. Solicited.
3.",r41t1r 14, 1(14C-4411M
- .
'4ll •
mArso, ,
.001 -41?4,1>
`*a 2.
by malt,
, h.
• 1 •
Vol". !
1 1
'•49 •
7;37:7 - 1.
, Hi Mani CaIIST. . • .
1 . " ''' • - .
A IPA; titllti Vio n tutlV it flit ii I, i
rdo not wtotui lod e,
. I gnowi 101 And that I can 11,111 •,
' - - Withath , bilik4 /. tty ; ' ,
tia.tho . pOtto.frliplein rttoilliesrina,.
s!ojlaro i l)a inl biisk-- , : I ;
'. !Tail stay away is tk uaand yas4
I . •BaforoiT ask him I I aok ! 1,,k.., ,
. •
t'. AA' ..;P1ig115W,4:44!&12'17,:5: 1 ;
. ; 1 11111 , 1I 4Ar i t t ",
And / foolishly beside ir -
I wont foiget him sfor that—
f l. 1 't' .4 ~
'l' ~,,,..,.s.-M
To be4o cross wit • me-I!
I know I' l ra notan l gelqutte
Idon't Ipit4end : !,.sl be. ~
Ile had another sweethoart onto;
' Azd non. when ore{ fill oat.:: ..-
.11e always says alus was not
. orowr,.; i
Aud thit sb. (Min` t pont: • i
It i - s;,enOigh to r •voiitt saint - ,
' . It'srit)6 0163:1 - cpe ' '
I wish th i ll g i C l. daTrhere..
Well, lIA , ` 1 •
-/..ninks that she rims g rotty,nvtoo- -
• I I
- .Was beantifnl as.goodi ' •
. L
I wonder If she'd •ge him - hack '
.. • Again, non-,: it' sbe could ? 7 . .
- 1 kritiw she would, d tbere she is----
• - Stielice almost in sight ; . _
And now it's itiniot nine o'ciock—.
I"erhapS Lea therel., to-night. .
~i L
, i'd almostl write to him to come—
... 'But theit !' re said I "won't ; i*
I do not care so much, but sho
~ • tidian't•have hun if don't. •
k,„Besidesli kno* thatll was- wrong,
it. And he , was in the right ;- -.
1Y......,1 guess toll him so—and then— '
- 1 I I 1 a 'sit he'd come Co night
. ..
.• , wtll 164.
' Etil o rtf* l l
• 11.2.11
. 4i.
224 as
147 .4*
472k., 4
A*. "
1 0.,26.1
1100 : ..
no s ,
1:103 "
1181 "
655, .411,
808 le
860 "
112. x•
806 ••
337- 4 k,
403 ":
540 't
7/ /
- 4 91" '" I
13!) ,
8 , 10 '
335 pm
- . - . 4 t1
. 1 ~i
521 a“
1254 Am
901 "
62r "
700 "
I 900
085 ••
i nOO
/2181 . 11-
1250- ••
180 "
209 1,
F tri "
480 4.1
1 ‘ 7 5441
• 620 •
121 .
; 808
930 6,
1005 4.
Ills 4•
1148 4.
1217 Am
151 4'
225' 4 4
255 4'
315 4.
1143 4.
1-5 X
600 ~
616 •*,
715 .•i
744 ..
Lt 111" ..
921 ‘•
1, 102 4 "
raain lesves'New
in Pittsburg at
iitelturg:o. 6:00
8:40 a.m.;
stoat's! odat i on
I cat., arrives
I- turning leaves
a in.lSew Castle
Ticket A r
s wait leave eta-
Id, as follows.
236 rm
246 "
335 ex
846 . 1
500 •"
$3O "
415 "'
589 "
704 ••
AccoSa 1
E 3321
, 455 ix
615 ..
644 ..
728 "
761 la
got ~
90 4 4 4'
: 4'
. 952. ci
--r i
vnio u
4158 4 1
, H 147 44 '
217 g*
225 c.
I'B4o .g
748 "
845 6 .
wy; Id
050 `.1
700 Ax
785 4 ,
828 4 ,
885 ••
A c - c
780 "I
810 e l
050 f ,
1010 9
1112 4 4
1125 t•
445 "
514 "
_ ..
i* - - A. ..r. .
'.p I ,xi - ' .ivr, ..i::pZl 1-1,-1.,
I ''.»
f.l .._f i 4 I s r
• *. 4I . ' ::. , th , . -.. - ,, , ,f T I. V
• ,: , ;:',..
_„: ,e-e - I.
7' 4 'j ,
.1 . .' .1:-. ' .111
, !, 7 : 1 ? eft .', v • ii. 14 .1- -, 7 != 4 , 4
'.. , 1::,.. ::.,ft.l
7 :"-: k,;')!:'g - ...I . f ''' ''',..:
. ! . .
• a ie•L
At 34
a, 1,
as a. Yankee
- PIN TUE' "VAT cosTrancrea." •
Ghost-1 am thy father's spirit--
lianilet- I -Teou don't. say so', OW man give
us your flipper. Rovr;--db - do Ilain't seen ye ;
in a age. When'd ye come down ?
• • O-Dvome4 fny a s . ,Olenika'Wtu to walk the the
night— .1
'• it—Why on mirth dOii:t you take a boss car I
:and ride? ; Or do theyequit too airlY for you°
I pay; where do yeou,hing eout daytiine •
•-‘ll—And 'for thellarcNinftned to fast in fires—
R—Abeout heow fast are ye on a dirt road?
Top tort?
6—Till tlie lota, critit,eigotiiitkiltays of
. ••
"SsOuTo 4 ,lol s - 8 1k 10 04 4 , 94 "“1fi r _
-;Are yen pnreng lon 1 1 7 a arts of
this ckolera "stedlciztert - Prin*At
Gdderciy: 1. •
• ,;
U—But that.,kant forbid. to tell ' he he RC tots
'Of 'lny' prison heitstil-eiiil4 a I:idol:Whitt... , ...
ll—Don't unfold it here,
..old man—don't
G--Whose . liliglitest Would! bairew kip tbi
sold. . • 't
R —Fetch on yOiir ha rroW. I -
I . 6—freeze the y oung blood— • '
1 - 1-1 -4 4 it ?Pt, you tarnel old refrigerator.
G—Rake thy two eyes like stars start from
rtheir spheres
I • H—Bew' Yon-couldn't tell abeottcwbat
time they'd staid j - '
6—Thy knotted and "combined locks to Part
; -
11-1 ve- - parted with aboutall of them leeks
now, 'specially on thstor of and bead.- - •
G.—And 'each particular heir- - • r• -
lI=I alit particular to -shah%
GI—To stand on eud like Auills upon the
fretful porerpine".
lI—NeoW look a here,,old poppy, distil fret
your porcupine over me.
G—lint this eternal' blazon must not be to
ears of flesh and blOod. his, Jilt, bit; Beet
• 11—(Getting angry )--Tcou be gel darned:-4I
Dicritt I 'lnd in Bel •.Yeabody'e Bum Alnards
when yeouj fled into Canada, takin' your draft
with ye! and -where yeou was killed by the
Finnegans and it served you tight. Better go
and 'list ,yoUrself, yeou Carnal ole eritteri'stead
of prowlin'lnunditightidbiturbin' your blood
Irelationtr. Lti t out,
- (13alt ;Hamlet in st
J —New-Tork Clipper.
I •
A Vsitit ABLE Srovs.—The oldest stero-lii
the United States, if not in - the world, is that
,Whicl. warms the hall of the capitol of Virginia
r .
in Riehmeid. It was made in England and
' sent to Virginia in 1777 rand warmed the house'
of Burgesses and the General Asisembly for
sixty yeari bcfotai i was.remored to: its pres
ent location, where it hal been for upwards of
thirty yeas. It has survived three, British
kings; and -Lis been Itentemporantons. with
ifour unmaithics, two republics anti two Impe
rial goverifments of France. 'The great re
public of America has been torn by civil war.
the branches partly healed.; and still this old
I store haii reniained,in the midst °tit all. •
. It is stated as ft: singular • •coincidanes that
Major General Grant, a.Scotch officeelit , the
British ariay,in 1778, defeated Gen. lee in
command of the American forces in Newler
eey, and was afterward promoted 'to the rank
of Lieutenant General, in - the British
He died very old at. his neat at._ Ballesadallock
near Bight, ,Scotland, in 1806.
GOLD was accidently diecovertpita:ißtiorl, time
since in Hein°Ck county, Kentioay. , 41a. as
say at the Philedelphia mint,•devealoped $45
17 per ton let' gold, and $5B , tollip*lE ton - of
silver and 'other precious metals. A 'P4iladel
phia company has noug„ldthe froand.
GOtr.oiiirrte Ulf, the iitiii4t.Gen..,Robert
E. Lee, him been elected President as Pro
fessor of 1 Mathematics, its appliances, and
Mi:itary Science; in the Maryland AgrOmltu
raliCollege, Pay, $2,600 per annum And a
rosi*nce:ir : • - - .1---5
GILVAT hia,smit a cheek for twenty -six
thcinsand 'fillers to a real eafite Man. at St.
Lome, to be tused in the pareliase of the old
farm owned by big 'father-in-law, on the
Goomiroad.tin miles treat thepity,- u 4 t lest
heamettestqar. himself And ,
'Gan. Pirsemocra, of Cheater.connty s ima
readied the appol t ntment of Colabel' of the
lath :11. Infantryi declined some time since
by Gen e
- .
Joint au t algoajntyactara #1 Nothing more,
tonthinelnibli life than to see a-.poor. but
virtßoryOulg meLiamalisigtwlth mons
G. J. Ifixolpi, of Texu, has leciit•d
in'cHfirtjabnra, Pa mill ion togimitnee
the practice of law there. •
t(t•W.PIJO.3 .
tM3.t - a
." 7
e1....1 .4
Plitzi4 isitiodiff
, 11%1.11:f: wevatm
7; To 1:trvHNIIIIIIMIbi
Thirmableciaedgeted:lotiii *kw* OW
-Ope *blob Miirtidiqifie,e;
is.mosi areitour'
Natant, _ .rosairsir wfl, well; Ail3kinde loin !tineVeen!
roust ber.iiyatoriiiitVe. instanceot
wt tch.tanst bite ail its parte-system
atically arranged-and adapted to each
other,'so !that there will boa harmo
niuue warkitieof 4hl wholk id order
to have ; a ~ , good tune piece. And a
_steam engine. can answer the end for•
which it .wits designed only erben all
parts of the machine are in perfect
order. In,like dumper. a jiehool cauat,
be "completely organized,
ea and fully employed,'" difiorder
and confusion .wilt. bo _the. t rosult.—
Therefore, we 4,3.0,10 to,inquire,lat,
What ure the elements that go to
riiiike up'a sehonfr "Mid :.?4, - f i tiitv May
they be. t reduced to , system, so 'that
'they will produce united action towel d
the accomplishment of that grand iii
Fglorious Objeei,the education' pi y ,
irst, then, the elements •'which.
pose a sehOul, and concerning , :
the teaclitir should bees , welly&
as possible berme entering.
. j
discharge - his duties, are
lowing Vq: Ist, the territory` em
lino! li nits ;
ed . I '
,school , pi;
; 3d, puPilsi 4th, ' the. Reboot,' floes,
school furtifure; sth, tex t books' )
j attainmenteel pupils; 7th, chi's,'
ition Stli,:genoral arrange:menu
the second place
i wed will notiee;bl
each' of these in their order.
teacher Mast inform hiniseit.wit
gard to the dititanee his plipiltrk
travel to reacli ,Thie
e o - ineas b .et 11439,1101140141
vatt :11tgrcituarbv
do wittfoot: Ho'-inay also ,
from it the duty of dismissing school
_,......, - --I 1 , -- i 11111,13360 t for loffencesasilic3;'OeCir,—; - bnyers or Bei ~„..,
--- 71:''-
- " An " riler ' h " r Du " lit". I-11-Ver Y ' These thin - ' it . should Ttitewisie, hive' wale that, stop shoe ?f open war,
i ptortrty • evening, .I,liat,
.., the children, their hent.ti an l e es
~ i- , a : .> 1 vent tbeir spite against them.] • •
trktt,pc_ti, Vonly_kefolit,;;Altr . , .
_4,..- By ~ ..-50,-.-1r- ..,_. - '• - 39itAitivi-_-. 430ebrAtwomriktoramge widoeminet
esg l / 4r,
l'aeing..Jum*igirtrthv_ . elPeet , ire-erroneno the, : iiork -of 40'44i:fel- in .the beat cirtles amlii" the cl ll O . 2 0 .9P*
will secure the con fi dence of _parents,
I which' will be very much in his favOr. 14(6: Air pilar . eiCreeieit-,.11 - xid sas-., } trims, where the presence of our inilit
rengenteriol,ibtriiliepisfittory;nhil sub.' Ty keeps their 'rage sr check. 4 Such is
I ,IIC must make the acquaintance of sidiary. , 64 0.. to the classes the real tit in Nashville, which :.cis is more
parehtsan&learr. of theft appreciation , business
of rtluet.tio'n ai.d the importance they, 01 ' Kilt ix to O'e tipue —taubdued than,any tither in tha',,Sinith,
at `
to the school, from whicfi be I Here, the t Acker , kimes_viii-f.ruitnet i because it, enjoys not only, tbe,,protee ,
with ills sOliplarls i mind, - .1 - ith mind.-- - , tion of our soldiery, hut is presided ,
lusty infer the amount of ea-operation
Hence; All olliefarraiigements should over by the, onlytiladieal government
he is likely', to receive Irc.ra.theirr.- h i ', auc b a . :
s OCIT let him ait.stid to; that exists, in tiny rebellions territory.
Also, h4llwill be enabled to unfold his "
this work it: 'in
plani thfit be has in view in a way . t ur icid.l;•
. r 1 -2. . - ~ - or rw Kentucky in its capitol.her 1
aiTuptedly -and - ilndis';, Were such. governor. as those of
that, will be sure tn , gain the hearty .:,,,i. •-•-• ''. • i , ", . ' ~."„' '''',,„,. streets would hardly be safe for out-, , ;
assent of parents; and this, if not "the 'A OR , !rl`,cilnoll/41"4-_-- would ;; --#..,' :Spoken men cf the North.. ; They- must
thr .ba -mit,..-- .
one thing , is at leatt*one
thitig needed in order to teach school
successfully. I, By t' l lAiting parents the!
teo9hor will likewise learn_ much of
the-3d element—the pupils that ire to
maker up his school: see
where parental authority is - respected
_and Obeyed, arid lchere it is treated I
with contempt or dia'regarded, and
will .
.thud. be- enabled to determine
pretty-aceurately who- will-and who
will not give! him* trouble School,
for children laribt to obey the_irpai
ents will tiotle - likely to rebetagainst
__the-authority of the teanher. When
commencothentday arrives,the teach
I or should, be m - hticschool,roont,
it order .tO in
in thet
accommodations; ar. , d t 6 kilt.litiokri'an
order before Ithe pupils gather. Re
ahaald alto 6e 9, l rfaq. tiolfesk.loch
_7 l)
1 LTI tif fcerir. -
A .Lt ,
pupil 118 stab one
tee; Mfg thb;t4ilidifiliii iiottcea him"
in fiart Willer; then whatever time there,
is to alai bef( lair the sehoaL
ore of
(/8 t
to : order . ..ald lieprietit l in4-vlegkearit
conversation: tlbe"'""pupilit won
they de,iire , it, but.more - eap6clalls in I
obokervjog-theii cory,rtiesationsismi
tions ninon"; theMsel&s. - Thie 'time.
will not li,kely paraty-ewithoutrhis
learning soM l ething of thii bumao na
ture with !srhieti -bo is lo i deal._,-The
time littelOg arrirdcl . for *c ling bis
achool, together, he should sive notice
of the aamety ringing
ii l ifile'bell.
(Every tea7herationld,baTeiona) The
pupihr lin I Roth . be Seared, The
. . .
teieher sho!titl then rise and address
them in d pleasant ''CotiPersational
style, stating briefly the, purpor for,
'Which they ,not, the object deslgned;
and. the advantages. to be obtained .
theriby. Then' laj , - down this one .
fundaments!' prineiple.-jahlek,upday,
laft all other regniationa 'that ' &ay
fretnltime to 1 4tmi",be, Reedods
rig!) t'3" - =Thir, if properly foreliebted,,l
is sufficient at present., , Also, the,
teitheftthoef4' hare itotite`plan'arrea
g4,to,,giy.,e ereploppapt k tn ,b is pupils,
as s o w! es thiciuth'tilking to'
.friketn ti* ;Vivi Jaitsy
napcii.ort- AP O 4,. - AA , 0 l e Og I N t aq t "-
stadttlit as lOW 'till - 1:111' a **cll.
Lot thinii.tieepaiffini irseitiiiii the find
lessl h
cins ifAlial lapse' at., Okiii
lisaater Ow*, eozpascranad *stove
A*. riPttiovrolliqVaitori t
text books4soeog.thst there is a seta
tonsity and ft tooftbeitiity , to those. ewe'
tablished oq the oper board of Di'
rectors. This glee =him opporia 4
nitp of jtsigittg. wbotAbelittatomenti
of ' bin xpipile de-46441d' be, by
~.: _-~~
- 1. -
4600 - Sialtibk
lie abOuld t.
fiction of "
two mr"
44 --- L _ - , 'Ji the nation
a , . ,
ealyisttebsaostleli otaltet - nb iOld,`anarny-efliain , said that ,. a” "U rmrArea tgilt,e
iltigaryledftdital U_M' 'Rlcaft•Jlemilthey. wentAcrrittaburgltisk tog 49 eiel4,ttzay:,W.
Louisville l a l l lo o ll .
.Journal, whit* , ItINI alfille4•ll`attbsy . w . aralcido-*0 As hoetiage wen& ja. aeareh •of . Abe- Itegro k ,
Anita& 0xh 11 4 0343 ..a 114 nitia*PiPt, li Atie sexageo-- - oot *Dame, bet itelJog . fildt.ite*Vrk td.'"a* fretd;iiid a4ii
in2HMO Ifeniallk 404 Atwoo.lii " dvil: aVitfis thei4luid. they' could , Ur biaffiliii. ;" Eehols Malicia - -
r i Waftab i l - V . foilitt *ha 'a t s k,hite'pricittifiathiViroiV-liktbreatening pitatiedWrWiterobviehti A. .'leioigiffilft
tsibila , ii lf.t. nOiti t itAl` , ..'i,:'f-' t,'- '' ~;"••:.,1- , pk,witti weinno. - witieb therMita- shoat-hip naldeshe,stopped.7. - Bohol.
1 - This tiebriekiltd.„tfri. Poe-
,tpailtd they bad in theizixstseedion. •Prtifemil ,11)#„tt- to, A Aiitliggl, -.lo, itti ll'
Ithttilviotatilkicift=' : Ell'ea,*+ A" ern I
. A . l i m i e r' i n o ur - serv i ce a a td_tiu tt b e lration `= drew ti. ilisfiel 644,444 -
~ifetthodillt'pralitter in NuebTilretidlis,`dailw n ot kaa l ia l lintat i rtn ' f i nsile mi on tlirdtigh life tinily:"
,fferilied tri - a 8
*64lr A in " t i ssik 6 " :1 " 413 ,' ilmiT e tA s 1 ., bia n - niform btit 'had Ito:hide hht hoOrt:- 4 the.niaiderenthettiiirreikrutia
e r ns t es i la kiLe i tY s
adipted,tei:E.lastan, 'll4:e6ris of in 'O v4 " l , l L nt;(e nq iwis. .. oftlizief, ,inititek * , Miler A citizen's balloon, lthdtltne trjel - iro Lits_____, t e'o l4l 4
i ,
and republics, wittrsuch ,
Our, fitr. theln - lic iftlAtt 1/I ‘ ;li k eti - 14. - at) dreear tbat,-eved.thon he was often Cnark.,,,:-.,rPeAlteiteiP,etttiralaummysea-W
'/I * lll3 -_. t v, 7 ° _" d ! l3- t e el' ve Y el it 47-#l4l‘" of tin grest,peril lof -his . life: •Butalately, *K 0 40' 1 , 1 )0 0 0 ti l lol4-t haueffigtatuiste;
ti la the Igefitarattinranai 4 3 4,, '7....tee. i al, Ks 414 ,landienee, witQft° 1 visiting ? 6mi, to see boorpan?of our hroht'Vt 1 " 41 4 1(11"°1ral; ;I gali ' r 44 tht l i
sehoel. Irhe'pe,,,illOJO Pasisit°lsiead. lnv there he •was ap 4 I'
e i lLtat , 1 .
tavern.. , a b e d b y fiyo •the•Aet of.eciiiress\'of %eft
the teadher May Valet!, int ! t ft l . g • - . mon I st the who asked ham his a5 66 ,7_ for 11. NaillotoY - Teonigiftleibli- 11 *
'to attend fel i .o.°; 6l Pg . - - $ 1 ,4 1 'Ol l Ol. itt ~* a ehslll j e tableaux -were. latel.r ', business. He replied- that that was. Itiohraof" 4 "nd °z l • ll °' l9 lias ,V irist° '
. alser that tliojfch . obtre - 41k . 11 l'obtt-114tid l lblii - oilisvitahle cause, in
.6Whiclt . hin . own „m eant,
, no t It h e tr n.: Th ey 4SOLlwsus . kro ... tight, ... n...-4, • ix . iiiimp , ...
'stant, Cuiploptikftetarld'alicli ) elit - nt stile-Goad tiS • kirney - was represented in still preosed ham, and, as if suspicions vicuon, had. toe ' rresi eta ,int!tri . 1
,and such kioa - .l,or.fitotell-,0 'a)t- ,are, 1 tuw...*sa4,.l,hd the 'rebel symbols were of his ° errand, asked hint it Ise bad feted, *as certain, for "be co'nfesicel
slictaiLtotbiti'ctrotitiesMill'mt,..A . :4lpit, I flaunted before a sympathizing midi- that be bad committed 60 eiiiili - ' = 1.
14. y of eich. 1 ' , *
...' ',L
I etne - Lo' to seek aft;r` the dead 'leeks -!-
;He bi•eitine • some What . alarmed. and ` Mr. Johnson, in dtesolvir.gth.Coatle 1
'• "the . follpiritiLaka ee l ina o rtiit t ti n i n o r i na t y. , an a u n i on meet i ng, b a d not a lipoid le bad come to seek, for a friend `akifrOo chose to accepe_thereoeaktido 1
that are coo)ltantly'ptelf4fagtpli,the `lttl.adee4resenf;• The next dar• • his' who. had died in the Cnafeerate seri. cision,:of the Snereme,Coart, thfkalitt I ,'
teitolier t .iiiless Ay his aCiarsge Stift be 1 ticket-had twelve b u ~d red disunion Ivied. .Theiandlord instantly ordered itary lila 'er civilians in. ths ro - sat f
"can dc l atiaue if...remove die ' firi "._ Inippfirters against four hundred rail -
mothitip a teaUt, t /witheut any Order from ,: tates-islllegll, at his •rthcifity.--",
Ist.: AiVirig - leave hi acid ; orate l 'lcal end trot, Union , men .
• They would him, ti ,cd i t e p,, 3 H i en d rove Li m t o th e Ilia-Cabinet, l it id- 'sold, ran =4lin
leave iedfa. 'Mee thittg4"t lif*it not accept the . word "Un'tot,"- but' cemetery, erbere both the, rebel and him: This • mterpretatirt :10 I:llfiterT
be permitted without 'leay ~
,e . ri a 1 would recognize the. President. They t hi, um on dew' are briried; • but in' o - prise no one, though it iwoold.,:ltallf
spevified time efinalci• he.' :a le to I saw 'Ow, he, like them; disliked What 'otte"-divi s iiens. 1 Ther asked hint the been betted had u test. cacti, .beetn,tiatt:
6 , - W I weir Pretendto supp.)rt, but I note o f hin t f r i en d . ire i n i e , t hem a !flitted to theSuprome Coriftitl,inft4
:A . •
heirrlionesty openly spurned.ifibtitf ne n ine,' and i e titi on& ( g a t e _ Rebel States.: -We are not - itgerA4
Oinen eir that city yet le alge ;and; .
that Ihe was tns sten•brother,lpared to admit that Virgioht:ittil-lt*. ,
'rely &other° lady's custom , Ind; hie moilierlhad desired ta bare I diens !tend In equal releitio.O.itkt,tif.
ating their r ttesnake spittle , b- in f d On ' tth ' Grovernirtent. 'Rut_ any argument trip '
• , t onn ~ arrtvtng a e eemo- .
',l• into, the face,a, .of. 11°,_ Union.i tery, he neglerttkl his "halkhrother," 1 this point is 'supertieded by :ttle. fatof
•no Breve come thither i'vtia tne 1 „„,,v meer d e d .t o eonn t thi t i iows of :I that the Titsident's tiptteu - ti *faiiiitt 1
dries they were captured ; A
an- ;. Uni on graved, and. thean Timber ;in 4 1 from th.freedmer. o)lrtest
. 81400 14
i coitifnd'i - Pn 4 itiew'eilllal I row , that he titlgiti asoortatn hoc ma • 1 Protection, from their opredstp..stbit
lair own. .' ' 'I ny ' c offins be would need. i His ~ pat . i hist fear of ; Punishment._..,, Wallop
ladies, what-, shopping, are tons"' ''noticed his , inditleienee, andikilied this negro brutally it t " n o ,#
y jeered at by those who arc
~asked him why ite did not hunt up bi„l , ,innrder without d • shcloit , 'of 4iptifkit
npon them, and even told b y broiher. lie had them an o ddilion, and fr eely adniitted nit& boaitea
, given`
rdl3; mesdames of the i•ard
-„ , name, as One moo common would hovel f
, t o_ as on net of ,coutitge.. -; dot the drill
let the3' do not - with for ..ten - : excited suspicion; and he, bad to p, , ,eti aa,.thoritice of • virginukdcquitt,ed' %tire
,euters. A Northern merchant 1 , 0 -fj
a and go no and stisWn path after ~0 1 any ertine, sod tirttially_ eaciudad
city,. Agclated, it ties_ hardly , - nt h ,
p fearching,antonglynore than a I the wanton killi of it negAi from
I th get any trade from. these `thous and grave s for hilt lost . "broth. 'the category of arilsr. Henley kill
'Ciene-itiotr i. :diral iere - his .er ' While thus en aged, the perspi- i another ta-mor row aril ttate , iv no
They loathed thejtVeW:ertifWti o ir -
ioll*orlrontildhl in drops. If Power - that will punish the- act. -Ufa
ankee intruders, whether, as ihe could not find this Mune; hts Oh lis not an exceptional mute; io eergi.
Ters; and, in all .n 0141140 I - • . - -- 1 -ta--` 1 300 freedmen
-have been kille d,: . sine.
eat the: biuitenouette,to rime ;nor- • .
ittpeak 416 th hated-or - or have their
fr it r n a iz ll i i i ; l e g m . e a r , it lt i b n " th l e ,
8 1 c ij h , Ok. to I m sy a !fi k t : : v a e t r ic y .; breath entirely abated, ati an unender.
There shoel4o3e,a gi n id f or 0114 ,11,1 r %, 'Able Yankee nuisance, at- the nearest
and ever,V4hieg in- its time. - A time ! len l Pc'Pt. - '': -' I.
to open the jschgal (whicti.shuiliti;ne4 1 .. But these petty slings. end arrows ,
er vAry)i a dOnite time forevery School :With -which . their outrageous .fortune,
exercise; a ibis-for study, and a time sibundantly_supplied.them, and i
for I tease; .li'litast2,,Urwhisper, and a :which theysosonerously dispense to I
time to keep' tilenfr. .In.abort, every j ‘ their ,conquerots, naturally devoldp 1
-titiog. tiNirsiS ilasinate, 0 . 0 at oasigipt,lnto, deitdlier , weapons Where United)
1)!‘ preltelst* phi I nkLbe provided for, '411.00 uoldiers and Gov. Brovinlows I
and have ire own ttussreod place. are notjouod. :If this is the state of
:(. ' plesuse copy ) ' &Oleg ;and action in-j Nashville, how.
- - mach i vkurse is it in those outer regions
., blessed r witb ''.fobtitio,!i_nigov ernors,- and .
Unblessed-With, national 6601)92 Ono 1
_ . .
/, e may, i perhap; pas , Vilely throtighi
i e s'eT-tte'jaiia mdiib e
Ilitruriesntments'tc hinself,'and
-*not known to have been' their isrivcs.l
cute' lie may ove,u settle in 'smite
• { The -la , course of. tthaT,
door npt spy" to have ,
ottisfactotyl - to s 004.04. •2 13
ot. the-Soot , ' 4113 preSool.. • et:' 'FP`
poia.-to ¢owge vstii!tgr.•
!Y.11 6 .'.( 1 P) i;lligtgar Pow,?r•" :
Whell 4 IT.i) kilfo4o4.3...dvet,tia ,
• NA'
•- 4vgne4tJobatoc-43&0a1y-Impe;
'7+: ----• s. 10. _
... _
dud be Ons_ ' ' Mr,oci A, i '
reit . fiqd biiiiken-Kkiva 4 0nxe ,braying , fib the jierila arc
1 1,
. 1.104 , whet' -4 0 proposo ?" 11 „r 3 ,4_ ed to confiPotAelr Jaboils wikh-
AY Watt tep. eukativtfibutrgiso,iihoot t P IP AVtkatirrowOst limit& Tliiy - poky
i ptlealplea of frpodm, equality, end
Or' AMP/ ; i lConktiNionaliftt,,_ to..ttal- 5 0 ', 1104 - 4ut c a mu4 I ‘ 4° C ate the
Anal -AEU iilSKLialliteitig •neither,An
be - one 'elms of scholars,.
°: a er in ceo n Ayjellt b a mp h et t°lll-1 7L . 9 -rot iLllfilliC l i.e" ,-eraiii: ri d *ler eeir * hr bilti o " d d ri7 Ph i ik e e r ,u4. l 2 p rte rt rci9r i vr .l 4 ; : :
L ti: ne ir-c c i eli a lahnt:" : l4llnne zo ihn-i r itr : ud i saw : t°T rh ob e r ; e tbilt h ie 7 7 l g d r die: o l ir n tll :_ hie s ei t j :t vinietr : 7 l l: -t : elleiT h °.all i hnu n
iadieeted :- r,' i. •.. -.7e, ' 4rlis their titighborbittid, Who need, desire
- . 141d i npor.- Vrintitibri, inik,ht beeept
'beetle, al* Alioneaftoketivitrat both&
*efote,piide le-iminbibaell the wilt
`come ,In tb litoi6gobing loaCcial
Ciaeh ' Thi`e*.ifel4l#4-liziejeareir I
4.'r r Olikurtiblitirsond-ihe
gore, down op:Mite hopes:BBdg testa.
!Ai; site 3riticm; sorroW
- ~
Totiore'be - -...../ 'levet:To ._ _....... . ~,
*, -2 C 4l ftkeiii "0W1 6 7, *Hit be -the,
I'llol l ot - 4 : tottiiieetitot.w'r - . - -•.-
-..' In *heir Pik the ii.litiigttly tenon .-
iireedl !PY, , ~t. ' . - bbienttr stip - Oneonta;
lb- bonit di' OtOrtitisteri . pestilence
anttainihkatribtfileitPtetty b Vi•Ottr;-
. _
aim: fagoditiop,to
ltt n eAtitrr, 4 Ire ir *C 11141
ifiehtlth Jell9llOP
nate-Africanlat4*'air` re - Wit o4 : 4
r, l ...; .
,•,. .
.' -. A .---43 ° ,0, roPiclillttr:ol6,.#otr...llf
,ittliAl43,lle; '
11 _
... ,
On itotthe, , gf e tll7 , "C i t
- 1117,0bith- ft .. - r vro'u • - IT7e in,
jy !Lei - acd li riliciiii: heti:rafter: - ' :. ' .
i - • 1 . , . f 4.- -: - • .- 1 1
1 ' -•• • i"1
, - • _-- -
. ..
• •
.trrit; " : 4
!II . .
:1,7 1 1'7 0 "X'SEt-1412:14.4:`,-8I c; ' I - N T;
I' • • - • • •-•
' -
gi •
•r• t •
. •
•• ' ns •&,:,1-1••*.;
• • . •• 1 •A '
*jitliV7.l.l *•Ftegltra 7 1.1 A. ga
•Ityvz .34 1..34 6 , h -
, ,
.1 i 11111611:
T Yll4llOcik in the
aftr.. , ::-..„4„..-it.
iii,..4 WisiiiitilittviJATSW cum: '
. • i . , --- r '
, . ,5 ,..1 ii,•4!
Isd *oa th , as a wbois, is yet. 'ace
mdi, did tts,.. F i jian piricr i
confir.e4 orim ns euid •0 8 capit
1 iGlifiisiiej' - -W iiitbi - liiiked.
'ortb9sbilt , 'atyrsiiivi dam
_ .
every Mean* that iathatroAliey still
faithfully um ,146§0, ,c4Or.l9r 2 Lh,
StlYiti!dlied to-frit- taro:, eau*.
toee By •pp ~ 4bue_papalty,of equal:l4lo.9oe.
.6* S uViPok iTt liStvociAtee of XRr 4ll- " .
"kik i#o.oPlAntB/:flaVO:iii some , putts' ,of
~i~tA ; L~[ii~~
T4kooll, sr estcop,l.
, !ars, is
. .
nA r si* 1 .131 e.
y. .iingukioiu*ea 4014*
- -
;liritiword, the freedom Witli
we enii.debate and, develop the
Ideas. of .Demoeratie *De kOhriglism - u
ty, in, tho Prortll itnpOn=
sTbt ' e in. almost' oil ; SO,
luck ay 1 ~ sioyakOder;, - .1441.06
Tly ;re b elhi
- -
.gnntienTen, bat exceodig . gly Jebellioto ,
folgirfga,;lold;wa:that cniajnentilki
0 mat troc4yikicneigttixtskoodk. , ;-
410 lita . urookLboxacrifised
Anjltuitratto, : of:tbeirtoesoefa con
dicion is Teen in in experiennerepoit
solw..T.P- - 45tn-q4eFt'still-in n1;61'4.1:14
n ,
A.Tritiiitr d'hrti;
.iiirtit it - f ikii t aroiY,
vdtiteltriielineilyelf tiii t tie ‘Shenittit
gloat. wit slut ilitiltl9ll: kit'
Fa , 9CknlanY-9$ meti wAtheakell'AilisAf
lit Cli 1 1, 0 tr, 81 : 00 1 Ai 1 0 14 in- &hat iii*P4
t --
- - 1 1 6 k
one' arriiy y mseo s ed. Iliojia
tife'reY.l ieekttoseliakiii.ii*al'bur
bet tusk' ;thee ettindink " bete - W*lT'
-vpd4ekergriaeiy.tiiit 116E104d 40e-
Abetter' Eimielf gutrd,
diatteii iiere lie ete . oci: Th
eatitibsti • r.
s44' 1-rf.e417,E•1,
.:4 7 .! .. .7;b":::. , ,',... r .i ;t 2. 4 1
•7'. .1.7-4 • Z.,.
1._Ti0 , " . : ;!.:: . . r i J;
. :}f: ;.-.11..:11-'!, 7
:s. G.r; 'Ss: ~.
:•:f.g .'"
*tict" nisi f e tbid" iiiii" v e
'Asti-1W tiiiitiroOf thit*itiroftetel.
def. tiev eirolver;: - -en4- itielsrld
leigtibast tweak-Alt thLna ziammulsi
. fi l icst4 , Thitrstirank4ack 'pack „be
iiika.pled, e , - Ait whtt :1444 rtt 4 _pesiee
brit ,iitilin ciiir iiiitettereireAtifis ;cog
Velibirid BO t ttbeiiixtrO«Arkinri Ike
ciarii try . they biro I *Doe otblined
:-9t: the -ts:..-
Irero,:,Aftlated-to- nee- by Olicirs diktat
p O ltictr
ilia likticiiiiticOnetendilAine
Must be itist.intly_ itatrifided. 'At -- liv"•••-
length, the second from 114 last, sp.. Chriatmait. 1865, and but. ; ttueti` riti*.
pears , the woltmer,;woicil.—the lout their murderers hare been ..lutni:hed '''''''
rost; UrOthettilo
,nd ;lid 'his Willi Safe. ISrar. e t etitrefffftL - - - *1" - fkfinfii*lfte s -
Let fir nation look 6n its officer at_sayannah writes;,.' under,' date ot.l
(iron) %am o n g
, re t taii; ll.v. -It, would-be just afiesoytti '''
thuscouipelled to
eye ' of ; get Dec."a jury in the• State of .2.tetv-'170;;W:'.
graves, under the :hipglity
re el drivers, that ,he might ' find a I to convict a person of mattittanghtif
ifor shccifirig - u• - friad- d00..' uslto„ et,a
name that shall .decoive diem and-save
his lite,—and ehat, too white engagod , i lt f °f R°bet 4 to fi"d,,,'a p iteijisr itotY
upon a charge of .Itlllitizi - a-"eii i igro
in the service i of - the 'nation: and
holding a cOmmisaio3o,froin the'Preid- Sweeping as_this.assertiol 3 mul_beitti* 1
escape„ of „Iv atson it an iustatota-Af '
dent:rof the U plied '.. States. ' Sherman
is needed again :riL•ttonte, more than its truth;as the
. Wew.Orlearni lairtsw .:
in Itexico. Well does 'Kr. Phillips ere ; t he. A .:Dc i
say, that Gen. G ant;bas but half donennt6"fPerrin;lue°l4lll;'
bus County . ; Georgia ot_the mUrdeeiff
II - 'work: end kill 'lose 411 the fame, Heavy Thipmar f and ttundreds;ot ether
. ..
ais.Uitork, a. ..... _
hi bus won it, ge n allowikstrah a state
uf ;things to oak. "'T
,The Fame bifieor declared, - that;
while riding through e . wild mount,
I r
SW cono arise xy in I. this arise region, 43A.
this same service, he o fired. a black
smith 'five dollars lo's oe his horse.
The fellow, wtiO scented hie tin
and business, satci_ tie "would not put
a shoe on
,a -L--16r4pkeittonte for
elty - dollats;Tri i tdimtnediately mount,
ed:bis - ovVn, to ise the eouptry.' • Tho
Officer started in an oppositedireetion,
bought an _old Shoe.abd some nails.of
iaGeorgia maiden_ct}r, two iiapers of
1 tobaecu, put , it' on himself, %ad rod,
1160. y-five Mite's that . day to get away
' from theselieveable nitizeas,to, whom
"Str. - .TehAyion iit..giyeii up the-: State
'and tries - Co give tip the estioy.
App).yipg io a rtiiiUr ef•3
,fdr,inauoa°os to tivrior'e 4if "our .
" : thin. - ne ap, rho- more
fritillary tn'lio n eighbors sol
diem are the be:l4 . beliiiied of, ili#:pe9-
p1!). 2 said.
_ •
talnlv kill Lim.; _
Such i» tbe a4ualistattiorthe South
"in' Northern Georgia;. and Alabama,
and thexi-eSurii borders of the Cairo.
lines. It, is .. tiot to
, tor in nthcr por i laons. , •
greot.thia darknois Kit is
1, , 00r altogiAb6.l . dark.' l'geniiik tibia
~ great and marvellous hive been
Chaoe, horrible it; 'is,'
not 'Vail :as Diiorganized
Ih'y. is; betier:tliaa nrgiblzeci
siistroify. i4;66l;(eL irgar4z.,. _
&Sit joined Item
o , lsfighbilt all cbaL.tand.,
Noy, - bOken, and it
needs 11:44,..:thisgs- 7 .6 strong
4101, ' —= ud tittle
perlgettk4uAllioli9 - y;s4
Tz-A9- change figo. Chios, to gr4er,
i 1... i eap1y , a9d.49y.F:z1.. / t". Y. Iltdeperadlnt.
i ;i• : • . -
miTeuts'Alueetior ,Orprgargethg-a, nett?'
yeentiriont , efipilktoof Crawford goanLy,
is ghat*/ setaboglibcpeoplepcifiliat
vestipn kit the ,prejeet."—
by total. isosebiaef, , ,tbsitv.of :thib
•-"ti7.l( eticK .Intsch-htbdieelier
ilie461)117:18 eet. ag..
EaCLegiola&orooki imooMing Ofoosioa &dim) oa,
aoldbotri .;,, :
. • - -
. ,
IiIANY leading neeessionis4 and ret.
Ati the
etriptintilift tat-etite.,* Ensde
illOnte r election; nie:tii6.
voimitiitt(thiltr ftirneer*nd etitigintiog
to -Texas, Po)t fools ".manifest-des..
lint.'" win 6,l3n:overtake_ tfiem there.
'...- . =1110.063=1421
retti, st
le Se*
*"!!!" 1 414" 1 14 1 1 0 -t.;!..ij oi l y a n •
auz• saifn
---,a ,
ela rala int
and other othar Noticterlftii
ic..0.2.;,;,, t5it i i , 11 .__
iffsithitawitair S i a
commasiiiAtaa , its 04604 ' I
_Ow uiii vit pr. Ei)•-411rdilift0;7 i -
twirol' in' Itaxikir4go.pqL -• :
Asa thrterlii f teigr ati i egf
tioger, - - Alttd 3 :isv isda#44- Nif
Tairioluatafaicesiviatlibitillii ,
- "rv.l 3 .Y.S." ' qiittiimosnrigaitil , '.
=tilt ••-.71 -
Agc-'4 4 11W1
EA.) arciyte "xidefit
cases.are roof s.:p The civil ()Otitis in
the Se bra Siates poAitiv:y refuge to try
web eases - , While ,in .. i the fey! cases
*here the fear of military intertekinbe
his induced ih - om to parade thti forin
of duty, the jury has aegiiittodthe
prisoner without the .i preienr.ii 'if• tig i
liberation No More need bliTsit!d; we
may - simply add that! the - conetrifitidh
which President John - FiOn -puts ' epee
the decision 11? f tfie 15ttiirentir , Cu e .
whether it be right Or .W.Nr.ig:bri: -
1 .,
40 ,
the Frel L tmeri -witho4t, . a., parti , e of ,lgiii pi,ljetion: The " - yehUle;' en vet
mint coin e befo - re (t ifg,titiiii; iyhiiiKiefil
not,: we- may tope: iiegrea itvii. Ably a
immudiele action: 7 AT. _Y.. - TrOmite...z. 4 .
- -,---;,--:-'-:-'01,•.—:-.. i . .,:.: - .4 1.
Weatirizepla Gil Reg on -
The oil market at Periterebnig,
-'^ iii luat nowt dr lied.
jwit now'
ae the, lightei 44'1+14 for
40rea were, a priel3 . oiiietisly,lew4o
,he Pro1 l e4r. Pt_WlAl.9l!)....tflei
. •
t -Icaroju;
yak, Galo'e ork;div
•z- • - ••••
hoods, farntsh Aberbsifiritt iheriritA-
Oese ren4cdriit,triti =Smits drailis
anti a. Lomat d stafe.:o(4 . 0004114 1 .
and others , projected , ,al 4 ll
greatly tett* the Ji n ''of :eottliitom ton
'fibtween "ParkbttipiFfgh - Dlfftr
are WO 'Dural* Spii 41.
thaoilrts.jkLaosil 4911 1 the
tsp,titig withkas„:whtehis r,
that lifts the oiCh* §foirtefs some
- 'IV ;land *ipet;'',lktiviiii ifiltke
, - tiOlcs - a .icitim
-e it
, very
the oil..terrjtf
tasSit. t Alttiouth '4114 We*
. sue all• it=toSt preirk
ifijigr•tacitaC:,p9rvoit,. i pf
,y ,• b . dayptoptd;,
C4its It" ettadi
"One - compiti
and acres of tuna 'ltithin
tory lEn9wn .i Abs-Break, ii , bere all
D J'
the Oil jutiOu Itoforebeeittf'ocosrsod
81 1
-hae IVuslot an ralq*-o , reo , ~H-tOsit9d
ae res . ca. w* .13 the: work o,
.01. , Wir olto
Cial arli i ,ild iiil." .. the - '4onOletioo of
Itie jitojecipatisillioaa wetiii *iligive
ti, itnr. - impvini Teo' prdifuetios.. , era t
pieseiltl helleitria- Of transport . ..lion
- - - -----
fr 1 0. 6 9 , 14, 11 gt.b tkuti. , W.he4,o4 -I * I W
utationsoflaght Ilioneittil
frig rapidly: • -
' To titian* of Natio:WM:Om Oak;
Jag vffiry.,fgai.guinve, , prokoo4ops for . a
'festival_and fair, to be in
aid -or aft - ; 0 Odin ai.
Richiniclad•' •-•; -
i t i
i , i
1 I
. yi,k4Kik
';:;ttigi: 1441