The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 28, 1866, Image 3
.1:, •T .;77,... ,it , :::_:',...., a ,:::, .i. ;......i.• GUS- 1: . .1 ur. cri9lo!: t. v. .:. F.STED-t Zll. C ASE.•-•- : 1 ' • • l 'A - cal=3 of I suleide occurred in Rochester on 4 i tho 2i o n -7 : = .1 rruelthq Cal last week, which eithiitted aol,,tn . e. as , 3 , 544.41 -,:, - detail l a cif . 4ititiVaVlVOluffillrorgilt e eti..llll. - A r zaa : e j eler, " Ws.— • Ittets in soar as iiiiiiiifitlliiiiiiliiii, *aro • TEOI7I ' ' 1-' • - 101 follows . '- - -,-; -.,--.. • e . . - ~ r •...,,,.. ....-, ' . -4S. Young Man =Med Josef - ' ..1 ujin : 2 ,7 e r ' rs -- „. . isS6l.OO i: llt % " ill ' 11l Yogalt*Co/44; 1 0 4 '','-. ~t•?. ' ' ''' 1 .....maii e l ha 4 "" who Lad been a solOtTin 4te in. it; i• , nd• I • - 1.. . - I,bead Regiment, Irst*lnl_, ertisks4 l4 rAiii i .. - *,j . 4 4 4-I° o o a g e vI l ' II riongYilMia*M ~„,.. y1;1,11,114 LF -.1, near the satee t plitte.lAinnliW. appear% I . d i a _.,_,ln hter I had an intention of going to Augusta , Georges, i ,liv/.°-, it to seek ' a - -eituation u, : elerh, haiing,been t .' Nov!' 1 , pleased with that City rtkile in ihn tkotli. He' i itichie, ; ( 41 left Youngs town sonviAttetitinpbitlignufway,' l .*U. and, in e pasty with his young t'illititd „ f ,',--..- 1 areund thilseteral village) and - mi * . env . • ... Ycanistoir",:sitilongst. others Sin LW 'ie",m , , t . BB .atielatir . . - .l47 . baitd.d4g4ip . b.t.ia.v . hotels, n`nkeipealred,its young folks generally,- ! ;.... to be enjeying - the honeymoon. _• • . '1 • - AbOutOne wee: ago theyeams to Roe-heater, , • and itopi l edi it.:31r.,: itdatst't . artr-hotel.'f- The ' 1 yoUng teen watis3ititedifille beirdere, to-bit of singUlnrly luiet and unobtrusive Manners,- 1 and iiieted times appeared to be pinup dinko 1 Eta of!, priettnitntelansly, -- frlnn Whfeltlisri would by 'a' Wens. effort . . arouse hitoself, -- anti • then for tti time appear quite gay and sociable. 1 , .*. On Id ~ day morning he soft his wife started ' out for walk to, flitaver l They strolled oi i, around the.streets 'of! Beaver Rome time, wheni . i, u pon iiswi p f a e s;n a g t h o e ne vi .c o f o t i h s e te D p r i u n g a s n to d res g , o it t e io to m id e ~. 01.1, Poix,--:-We had 'the ploistant ,on ;cirque, or he felt that;he was about ;s base i l y r i&v c last or hearing 'Air: - Rurane i 4au,attaal. of'!i'glie . .. " They went iii, purchased .; w t ,Liegton county; recite his on the Ithe - 14ini e,, and while the wife was looking 1 ,.. 15 ., Th e weal it - 5a is . a - flii 'ist oduetioh.l at the...3h W ease,he also purobased a quantity , . F ..,, , , ~;.;6 wep read by Mr..; Dulls ... ; i hut th)s - i - of ptorp tine, asking what was the proper I iP2.1'..-r= lants too dee 144s:si:ea; to be 10 , ameitut f i a doi-i, ',lte. 'lle put the morphine ' . - no prefu l ,tolhe aulli r.- .- ,in his. p ' ket, and.iminediately left the store. 1 rearcitl:.: . ....__ l 1 . Arriving at Rochester,.' ho appeared in un- F , Jr adlgr 4,3 t /''.: B 4 -l e r • /11134: *, :algae * g o usually high spirits, and about eight • o'clock ~ , • e11, ' 0 . • • - • int h -e ernin told' his wife ititiehe iras joins - . ~ • ~. .._ 7.. ~-Niyiinbir :nth, 186 i , s ands it N/J gacLT,,, ON. apt, arum, 314 mpiftj pit, Is tits 'nib agent ;;;,- tivt: city, _States tor fislo l at. Dicie}^ . f 404, Pa: .3111.!. A. 31i,s.f , ssr-=7,-Tbe 4 . igi yii,11:(t00, OI ))41,t0n,!0 . yrb ; 41 ,1 Isigt 7 vejk, etili itemaint IF I 44"—Tbe r, v. ) tke.!*,....,,1 'Airttniorabij',dilich: t e ..:gr4Et; ,ci ,lpe bv-Trisent:"' • .l.tenwie isdirt3oo 0 tire Mersre:Jielseti & Remit ,r n /10 offer fur sale a large let These gentlemen. . 1 7 .004 a low prress,:nid sties ads: rites. ~rf r ,.Put errri - j,ing businessmtn; • ler SE e e fu. it ale. Dickey llstt.r. ra. • , . out 'to Jr!. dope oysters . ,He told. Mr. - John= itomthe he wee going out a short ~ time upon the hill. In the .eourst. of half an hour he. keturnel` bric.ging half A can of oysters and a bottle f liqUid ;shelled Port Wine,:contain t; inicaboit I I pint %...lia poured out a conSidera-. the quantity, of the_ liquid into, a glass, and req.irsttd hie wife to dlint: it, 'adding that it i was a pure Article, and wolli4 dp her, mueh, _ ' goed: - She 'complied, aiiii".•her- . I:ntneiliately' - ',.. .ohliy:rs who 1 ! aWallaw • •I,thi rest, • teatoily - tad the wife' 3lF \T ty . 4-ite them I drank t ' c wine rhe she felt a peruliar bunt- r, ' c i , beginning of '-ing seulsatioe in the stoniest', accompanied I! , - • • one ,huidt, i with fa' i ntirg - sod,,nauses.. Bell: deliberately E"'"-'d b y \.opetied he can of oyetwra, ate two, end -re- i. ' IA A DI 41131 * 4 ' n '_,' " insrking that he could not eat. any more , went 1 ,. the, P r q u ' e ft4to bed, 'saying that he did not feel very waif, • CottUn ` iix ' muli k irs 'About ;.' o'clock the Trite liWakettayl with vie,- '. i.,. nt,eftii.s; euet :r er r i .t it : 4 ::::l lint 4 . yn i Ptonis`oriestiies'aiitt4our !deg, Which: Gentle 1 centinued for scitee time, !tad probably seve•ll : • 4 1 .s i# , -len far gone that he ecnild sr, - i, speak, and- after . I her liff. Her'. htfibarid; en thk.oclatre4. was , i Hoo , H 5 e . ." .1 '. --- C I " 11. ' 4 " 511 9• 119 -± whi! 4 !• i liageri4g time few hours in great agony, ex- 1 , 3 ,. /:311 li . •••t as gelagl.,p, 'he irAili• rai,b l i 4451 F ired about 7 o'clock on Tuesday morning. 1 ~,,,._. A ?itch son-of" 3 1 r: I.W111:11 1 ...Orr. aged ; Dr. liar..jai,' being ctlieft.beforo death had - 1 , ' ‘ .. . c ut '„, •. „,,,. 11 ., iiic.-Ansetutil . • • , e ft s , , , saw . *•' •• ' 1- ran el 0 " 4- ' 4 ° 4 ' tied i upon inatien found that the un•i 7 i'Att , C 4o - i Y"T'.. 4:1 .,7* Pr iil T b7111"51 " — . : fortunate r.uag mati . i.ail . liken , in user-dose .-;., 1 1 1.1. u. v,..., ti-3,..:).v , ,1 that,. he • 11 . 4 ihternally . 'of morphine . A corour's jury; OtlaistiliS of i - ze P h Y: -.!,-. , tei:•:. , 1,.. k v t : krr e iq ills ;proved ins tebe,t,pe 1 ) , 4 ,,. A ] . gi. c ;i" , E m., J; ' it. pendfetun. John 1 , ... i, ~ c•ot ••r- .1 .', ;?;I•;:izir9s r'o"its:t: tr. . ' f - as eo. .G wag " elg Ottn pans P e . ii M e4. . *iilde s Ti iti O r 2l A tia lun ci ' g 9. 4 . 10 3 . : ' i -- - • " - --------- ' • ' .r ''' ' • and '! I C ii rose •• -' ~'!.. v. 4 3-calvni. for aliday gift's. -• • .l . i -... _ _ •. • • • I' Iliberattert eltettei, the abcrrelacts,,And that i : - --- ;77 .-o-i.----- - -..,... -'"ik I' I'VrtS.7- Mass per lqa'claellai4l `the w-e comts,icked ! Le, peison which caubed 1 • ;:i..,:15t,2 a i3. , _!•reitin. New York o'd.Pi%ilitdel- ibis deatlil ;Aiming •• the- inveatigatitroi. , the • - i .::: ; :Ff . ! Sr:: t' , .'ll:l a 1,3 ,, anw ; 11 ur two dial- , u Ow ustras -An wrlttenerifaa.spe in , Iv' a hii;el, lilitti.niftla.i, an lilt itinels, fof. the pecitetirooleaf the, 4anataid. - . 4 , _ „' ,1••-• ' !m• l e d lei. F gteerailY.. eye c i it lei s_a slo nly I: ..Tlii* L. is 14* Ceetfry that "Istie, of my own !vo:.tag do n., We,bele not en any eri accord utaci end tete) , o n life."'• -- - :the neeline., when we go sit to ; Tile 7eraic ' f ' . 1 , io; o ll :i t,t arri t. t rL ou s t:g l i ir t h ove: iii o e . d * e. duct or this fr4t. in Rerustr. hn shall be very ! • u,,parehisee., - , , '_ .- ',comma fame talhircleatl by. meats of poison - -- - ''.... •*r 4 Ad mi*: - tered by hicaself?':. E!IMM==I !: Soma , of out . yonn par ,tonntil on M2n.,dax.niOst : Crl itHfinnseittunifanaitteidr.,' with imne . of; t the bost - m n;nl 4n a Admilar.oozaskOn: Lo 4'4, end ofteh inny tlinjtjomq... she: t 3 11,34 dratv6ri EM 7c, 111411 tour i t"" : tVI. NEMB ii :leLl' • isi:iag BUN= t_„ tS ~. lcii:::,:i1:1 hnurc y w . !ti..l tin as rileatffiT-14 4 6;" .7.4r. - Ant hr..' liini( o 4 76:44%;tie wiiiiiik. ,inlay ,- ' 1.-t• Lj ~. i.;l"s E, 6U ,a;l.c i• /Lcae *ni Li , : I IMES 1 . . r . ! ' • MISIME = for ogle 131., Picke Iti — Ske.i. I,srer 1" I. —To-ntorkOrt is MEE '.y n:r 4 e p*estime,,buei e euutiti7 will- be tr• t he -Luca int'sr - d. .., , ;Ai ! u r t th4t . d 2 e . ft ,dfinevetolp sie what . he later! r,a;4l.trat EMI= .rl.l fr:v2l MOM .t La% 'lr Eszt '!Wean otith , ,,,occasyqx ; b he may t,ei found whero tha "critter" • Pt "tPC 2 4 .5 ' :reillt;re the ..Ist 73Pqr -ste- (.1.6n .1 c no:eLuugv tlPAir.c; 1 FEE Tr..:,414.ut•T1N,J. - ;*. , st week fit . _about kention wtiffelled t. yeari, of ago',.. who 217 able-to O keep the '.1 , .. zat pas4g - down tGwapis.Nll , ts, •ici wt , elo:4,:wehe ile;t.ewite. ik‘Utti it n l .l conizaer..i.ed "thi..l tii,l.Giag iotezrOgalpd,, lig ...Proul io.t.-.1 and intneiett-lbot be hid G 1 .! cc '. .?.F r f ale. and 414. wile give Of _uelei, h.egran tiot ".tio e ?art! lilac- '!Jut of fee tar, 1,;.1.) n..; dotilirsaw hiiu bell, 1.11'104 nis : ilium, b) 1 P I z . 'itti' o f. ndopting n ii.t...*S earlyallay tying I, %I;6t, cur at !tnor tcvely lIMMEN eeF•er, Aeni ilitaa the ~, i c~,et ~: ~:~ . ~.: =iMM ell CL el fr, , z th —L)i; Thus. , ei.ll.4riica *as a .eTwa Runt tof , ,•af the derrick, earn• .is 4kuil, which rC B'o'or. tfireiiheura Feic7ht tzs cn t: 1 4eLts tf b t e Ein kt' Liz co 1114 , fs9.P. rcsinvi, I•ex ; 4.,f. tro~irt~ lien ~! 4 1% .. wnt t': ~;e'•nniriurcl, n B^R ° '7 ^.t~~c d (hi accidiut Ki • iciverdsenie `ti e~' ~. BC ART ' l iltloo lla d, 11.4 g I 1 IM=E . . BRA Arntee f -003 ,ta Bayard, 9, philade. 2 I UTE S eneral ..)331. E::11 nr ,l vEß; .PA. - Proprido, sT.&Lit4i; att.; hell Wela.• . 1 4 1" • tirn - ■ axml'oe of wc • Ft ste.7. • 01Ln - d4CI4 's.? W 411 OW " tors And ' ativarthie of Roches ,f well 4s-1 ve . bought _sell died - i`bve arej Giy4 them = It Vinson's; friends cis— .l last, sad en : • iniChalf sic we ever may . they . . at aval3l • akait__ _ 7 dt -Wilson,le, f . ".f ' . - ' -" . . ~., .., 1 .in en, earoring , 0 ? sceouut,fo;_the• ; wee of t his mo ' t melancholy, affair, there is hilt *us thanksgiving !itobition which abut:tins thi ;blast , seseilance 48 , ,.ses i ersi i• y ;of probnbility. - The rashiaat was , eldenily Iwo - yet - dal. _ i the result. of ' inorhid sensitiveness, wrought . • 4to ho 0t ....1-up to aletate of utter desperation by untoward ~,, ol ic ot tio • eircumitances. The brave young so:dierovlo et; ~,i, are , bad' fared death - on a dozen battle-fields, be vtn__i_ cog; un bte to co p with the:terrors of &dyer s P-v 7 air , : •. . _. Int l . - •. . - , . '- • ' ' -- ' . - • tit i s hi g h il if Oi , j etheOzy Morr.lai :be , friends` of - thr: with- 6 W ag :partiepq L,fr:' Bell, the fatlie:r _Of ' the young (..e„ -can b e i, i )i d. :Mat 'end Mee. Paci.; suit , and•feater_mther ---- '. ! rot •tlic y' o' g wife, arrived at Rochester, anal 't 6 e/OY's -• •-• 'left on Ithe eveninktrain, the one bearing the J .; .I dead b?dy of his eon. and the other thelivink i oc, , nnertloy *form `of -the crushed and broken hearted 1 S. o'.clOckl at Y oun g 6.1 m. • ''' •'- -•- . , sows . • oa buy zo T Thu ended one . of - those sad tragedies watitga d ru d i !, which e are sorry to say are fast b ecoming e bl e i rl di.--.. 'so com Ilion in our country an to elicit but Kiiiley's eor- ;tittle ' ' • • , , , ! ,i office he' clime 1 win i eWl. I Tan- i.itcrivr Ito:lllEßT;—Althmigh nearly 1 Iptly. told hie two weeks have elapsed since the robbery of ly drank lone' i the Treasurer's o,ffice in this place,*o.saiisfao:., , i m by I his . tory clue ban , yet•b ,ifi een obtained la . 'who the , be belisC4 i Parties are..?Wo presuMe that eforts:are still ' I ct to his par.. on foot i to ferret out ihe . offenders, but thus far ,r e h i s b ee t tr i e success has not attended them. a i ! uggesi ; to 1 liaise plan :of ' a possible. - - _ & ay aft cr anon, work et en pulley vrl l sial and striking four or _I five I dered -him in latterirartie.— MSS s residenese, •iciap frOm it s. The - .l7sin iui faZitOOl it is of prove fetal. in astothr r-• dot Tb a t • 'awl Cu. 53 p m. '.85 Pad Bp is t itol E2l CU II BVj Elf Ae this —lr .• ifo n „TherLßlrrettee Josn:4l of tb - e 24th says Commissioners. net of Lawrence county want t i ts berrgsr mein for 'qui pnepose of com promising and iedeetailitrail road bonds :still in thel l hands of persons willing to take less : titan tie face of them. . the law of MaPC - 1 , ,i 1564, and the supp!oment, of February,O, 18811. authorises .the Commissioners to borrow metie i y- , for that purp'se..for which they issue bonds free from taxation, bearing interest payable semi-annually. , It is a safe investment it just as g.xtd tie gorernMentlsonds... ... : •, : 1 ., Eider II A. Burgess is holding a. series q 111 eit itag 8, ai.:Whito• Hail,, l i ta'NeWtastle.. At Ithe clOse of the discourse on Wednesday erei ' log, tilMkas 31T-use. Of Eton Talley, presented 1 ‘ ,berself as a sandidate for baptism, and deli - ed 4 be baptiied ilrei7;:iiteholi• of the nigh , ,whenthe congregation Proceeded to the . li . sbannOck, in the rear of the residenbe of Mr; Ci M. Phillips, when She was immersed, Ily Elder Higigialt;, : :: It 1rA5 . .P:f 0 4 1 44 ilit:aaion. I • ' I -ser'Stlias iltielienberger,*firldghwite ; call the aUentioa of the public - to . their fillet' I stock lordoods. to which a large addition h i s !elktlf be4iii.aCilliitiliKini: ii::Pai.i."`orii full aisOrtnimn of Choice Groceries, Quee - _ . i srare,lirst inality, by the piece or in complete i saiia,! plairtian* -fig r 4. embracing - 14ater TnTeglier'''XS_ " Baskets , Curie, 4r 4 4.- 410? Obboalialli, fWillow an • d ikets, Wooden Ware, Ta- ,Split , i i . blitLeFtHery,Udsi..4ariaty:ii - YMi - Oileißer,g 4.Sodlh "II or which dare li•eglearer4l3: Z l 7 - (shads tio'Zia't''.;: - Mirl wililie roil at iiinall ' •• . I' I pref,te • .7 . --...-. . - Tr. -..!:-.....- - . r.• k. t. ...... • • 1 Ll kt,4-RIXD: - ' - - -11 l - A."- ' t ' '. _ l'.' i 9. . ADS 1!-..1..fftelier. J - t•Lcz.:3.• I.s..t.rttbrAG E .„ .1 - -, --- :::-..- - - i i , • , • i i.. .,._. i ~ 1- 1 -- t itit tbsi.: l / 4 4ty)tiertV 4:!''' D.itrttlst3n, 4 l 1 • ---L ., .. , i4 2 .. 1 -:,,-.- :: -4 ,, - t •• -, A Y iPt ". I_Tp _ll Ci 55 .....„1.. .m•,. s er 111,......1 - -..) • 4 . ($ 7, -:•-% 41.N . T.14, ti'l tf ' tr. ' '$ I _.., - 4i 4 1 0 " ..' • ms, m: :jurrieprnif . ft, •Avr, 4r .. EPA ! i ":-.. 5.........: Ir. „.. - . •••1, , p4 1, 1: ...yr.?, t•lr.trAlMLlerf f j 1 7,i .. 72.'N ,S. 4 . 15.,- , •? , 1" . • 0 ' ,;• , ' '.-- , " ' • . i; A. M.. of.Jsia• -Pittsburg:Mutual L V. ~:WW._,..i . - • I`.:Wd• W r I•°' '''' •-•;•... '' 'I , '-... ' '• • ; .'-'''''' r : , ' • '' .. .- • ' th im : et-ch tmh 1: .. &after NV."l l tl ' , ...'4121 -, ierave :•i, • RBOOTS 114 }Mtg., A t .. . _.. cud • • slid mi .. 41 • --.. ,' .- iStatitilt. dailY. *SA744* ' 4 *Wittet*.li,i ll - . ri - rr•••• 't.. 'ft 17 :43,1 " - P - ~ .I7lr-'- 1 1- 1---, 4 % .4-.1 i : ... .. : ..;,.... ......, 7 11- -- 1 ,'• " liga ' °l ' :Wye: (Train Steaviag.Clist s ..a . .. p. .ti. , ti f f -1- . 4 . 04 ' . Af-- - -ti It: r 4 .1.1r c".!• : 1, L177 , 1 i leaves datly.) .. Si.. ~..„., , . = : im , :. -c lr 4 '''‘T4``. 4 r•-. 251 1 • .- itSTE•Witia ' -- • I , , v. t , ..,. k 4 -• ...., •11 de__._ i c .L . • - L7X - I —' eiti. 1 1 1 , 1, - ;.:40c, We ./ksi4 jou zsreceivadrAih4 -1-n „ i ........:: f1.1411i apt winsomtukswilo..4inunt-Aboi - It. , •.- r isorti iiii,t4 14 0. 1 4441%0 TilittENSlOCßoakv , : . - - alO . 1 .. I : , - _ : 11-. . • • ' I , I -: I , 1,1 .1 1 1 • ~.. 821 ” UAW AtenVir Rot, 'Sid tilhlieWS 4in 1:• ,;,.. , 4....i. -c ~..:..:.4 6 -, , j ,,e : „..,.......•.4.- t...:.,...,...,, 11146'.14 ! , ' v.,4‘. 14 1.1 1 . 1 44•1t1W1A1,.. t -.Liz, f.,..ii:: '4 ,- - •••••'• k,.. , i • I . _in ... i ; 61 /TRIA - Sii. ri. ) 4.4.Alkolatitgi_ Ott 1 4 ,,, k ........._. •-• il ..... 701; .-- !,,,..._, . 2 ,--.. , ~..,, - ~..-...2---....- 7 ,:t JAILIWINPIL111.1. 1 01C : (Mat 7 28 i . 11ie , 446.-tie . o4A btlagkiet.:l4l;a co nes .= 41' -•-• . -, z- , 1 *)17., _ii I ~,,...v , ...,.. 44 *, .., 14 /4. P0 4 • 4411 r4. 7 . ( 4 - 4 .tAtltiokt .4 1 . OIL! , ; * . 1111.1 086 .:4 ,: : :' Me 1..11". 13 1:0 1141 : T a. y -1 11141"C t i .. p . , ..._•- t 7 a Cil :^; ti amar 5: 1)1 _, ,, :1.: 6 , 4" 4.-.„ ~ ....1 ij " , .. i.: t. e .i l l 'i i • . S. , 5,,_ :: T .. ..... , - • 17 .t 1 T. , i .: Int : . ;lit A' 11145 "1 I iteei4d JitoOtS. It:Tsuji& Calt.ettiuble - .:• I 'pia ~ 11,00 8 , :-' :-'!. 7 ...4. Atuk.dibuttle;.-spttar. mil** •.-,...-,,: t ; ~ 1 : 1 2ai m AK's' ' ' :- - ! : ' • 7 ' '-._ 1 100 0 1 0ir battOgir9ol4S. ' 48, " • 78g " 1 ... r..: i . e ' .77` - ' 2 r . 1.11:... - v r o _:,' r, ..",.. f ,.. 3 c 5 a 1., , - 11%,:i . los ~.. '.145 foutitt.' 38144 iiildteutor betivv. kilt, tar; _ •54 :1 461 'ill, -„--acsi: 40ublo)solt -cupper-,:lipettatil-: 1 1-t- 1 0:a f• • ' '. . M. - -:. ~.:stael beel44l6otit. - ; -,,,"--• . e 1 „ i ,•.-.- '.kiiit, „.:.‘ ;: s _.;;;.. - cr..? .r.„:., • ......; ....;,,..; .::.. - -,". .. :,. .'..7.- k. i," 4 _ Th , e4 c - 1., 41. a .1.1 . 1:11ele Ffell.l kid and Marot.toialisli Boots. II -. 6ogti ..i 1 2 1 r m_ . ' -. galustdth"tta9l - XasiCe-ta qt thsl. - !.5ii_1....,' -.1..• litBSitelrs, ..B*-70, . • P.Oll- 1 4 4 .1 :, - t - .I . -:': ‘.,..1;r .1...,Citty,kti..:,..-.4..: •,-..-....., ' '.- -. . , :i J c • 1 L i a .uiti •i 4 4 -., :; A' .i - 2r.itl)lloses and Catlittrea'slr...fterdlatal‘a, swedgo_ 1 ASO., - -i*-./. -_4Ol . Isi s . , --...44 ktiots•Auti, - Llguioials, 41. ties:rat= ... L. / .1447 . -IIA j ;JO • s est atyltl i ands great:tatistj-tif .'.'• ' :.-. I --2gq, .. . M , al, _ . Oaken s *super tip. -- ,shc. , ,s. ' ..4... .i :? ' • r .• 1 "•i: , :h .--*i.:., ~ ...-- -:_.-: 1 wr y „wag t, P. ITl.icit we mill tell fr:4nk , 4lt 37. - e• 'R,,,tall ;I "'"-- f' , N.l -. : --", al , - I)l l, 4 4hPiir ' ItOt-:.4. 01 ".14 1 5, thit7l4 l 4. * .iiili •l 4l ;;-f-rt • .. . bong tin tfe l giy Zf r l'itualmr. • ' ' - • I "` • " c AY - 1 • c .. ~ 1 .,... .•-i . ea ou 4 : rxtecttisitiy.iititte. tlftreliwters id 1 :,,:: ...!,.... • ...t., eta! Kati examine ritte.l4,.. 3 k, outeps re our pti- 1 11.3 "ilsc o ,••' : cuivitii otbsp*ltin, find sittafpllteir.A:ll=o • ____' .. i 'ltettife' ptit•chasitig gie..witere,.., . _ • ' - T.. • 1 AO Goods. !Ft:multi:l " ': •- ' . 0 . , --1.-- ; I -__, • ' I • El ~~~;=- x 144,2tter .. :20d,11144,, Mast , Auca, . • a. t. • at. Rochester, Pa., Art. , 11.•'•11.113nietry,"tiged about 32 C-f" ~_~~~~ ,s~__.. [Ea y~. v' i .. ~f PM lIIEMIEM =RE IX'S I =- , MO LLIN:ERY,.. I ~~ l:i MU - Uol. EMPoltig,sll N E 3c MARKET His EW ATER. RI3RID COEN BRthG - • • :Am ob'-5 0 - ir . . •: 1 Of every- .deseripticin. • chespei than - the cheapest; Velvet 'ma Silk Bennett; It:hbonsi Flown*, Plumes, Ornaments,- Ike. A' JOB LOT of Ladles a nd' Misiei• fate. --4 Vey Cheep, est; and see the. I ijoheek - .0 • sea and Make, ititripl; &c. of all k C ordst nilei for llr ses, Button ORAL rzsgr3:- 1.100. P Al R SETTS, C414E6, ht. • . . YS' RATS . ANT KNIr.COATS. . 13A.L.11 ' CO ;FITS, -B. AND .:30` PS, M EN S, ALI. .001,0 R, Areap. ' (Zo:3T v • t i Country' 'ilsing - 'oo.lis, Gent!? Paper • cotiars;"L .!‘ Batt; v, en.'i • iery & • - cit , l'ovedii _ . . 1 FIER!! ! ! istritst per than over.. Call and tee. WOOLEN G OODS. Knit SLawll4 NtAtige, Soettgr sifilati 444 .ifoxiig Shttils• 7 - I VINSIECIPMENtia ust/ •or ill leis - likah t: '-': 'IOU INStit ~, . - , . . . ..tiiiiiind aid. ciesaed, "tecim. r [ - Ig.Oilliii: iiiiii ciiik P 1 itihiki twilit* irtssoitiie.eo 'Me:. Machiteititching. itiCL L A.- 1)81:0, MI?. . . -, 11 x Bean Stapp • 'a . Mon'a • i?oonq, rma • IRealembet the pleat—carer pridie ticet Street", lilvidgewater; 'l' WATT OrvlY , - • • ,4 • K 2 CYM: . P-S-0.'4N1 11 ZINGER. ROE • _ • DEBAT . , -STREETI NO ti 6, F ,NY PA.: EiII OEM large sad el et desk of : . Ezrz MMESEn HWY SUS, NI is.'.a:k:ll : Cjtiigs, @ncit e_ r 91 SECALWIAB. 0 A le - Ft-ikc U• mss 1 • Of Ivry Description. • . . . I o!eo offor . I , entire New. Stock ot , - d PM10343 a - -err; orAnm the newlei Alesigne at retitietai fata . 21'6(1.8m 1 The GO AU o Nov 7~ac~Cuto''s Sake. TrikßE witnnisideit I lielate reilidociee' of Tra:-Brittaia. deed.; in Darlintinitp., l ,on --, -_ • ITuesday,•No'vessber 2744,1886, . . ... - • at 10 o'Clock.n.'in.",''the following .prOptity,; to wit:. 7..be3d. of Mdali - Mini. 6 head of voting eirttlti; "N.) itead'ofi /Mau, 2 Hogs. 4 Mfvei of Beer, r.orn in tire tar, Hay in the Mr*, on:c1 horse,.Wagon. 1 Staiii - aild limners; 'Farming Menials, RonsehOld` and' Kitchen Furniture. and Taiga's Otheriaitielis -too tedniusla inns tion. 1 ; • - - 1 .108EPH.:BRITTAIN. 1: noy2l'66Executor' 1 . _ r 777411". • '• • aiuf Tea, selsoto4 . A 4 lialbe , ool6 4 ' 411; brands imported,"*4 . Bl3l4 - 41 " n " pries of ordinary toss, at r I • Brrtrit'EbristsirsZll,37.ll.o.' •1 % - •- .• -Exp'i.i loiaPte.' tiles ..,:,-.....'...—:.----• ..1 1 -_,.,..-_, - * -1,,,........ ! -....:-.6.;:-.4 01ttatocarg tl': - . - 4 R -11 46r 670 . IC: '. 7 ' 11. Brtgittoa-. 421 " A* " ~._ .. Sapp • 612 ,' ' .•• .-41455 2 dobliapow; - aq it 1 ik ~ 1 - - •••.'. '. ,r 1i1aikr.........„....„,,e5t., ...., r m . .715 , 4 11We "56.-1 „ l c smog • - 1355 " •Xitr! 9 *.il '.70. - “ m aig duon..... 7 826 i ,116..•• S ON i. Orrville.:'7-..t 'Pert' ~.,,, *•,. • - .;_ , i....1160- Wooster .- • ir l3B ,_ -14 . -_,.." • ' ''''"'"''' Loculowrllle .: 1 ;,10411 -1 - - sset. - 4 , . 1 ~• lansfleld -.,.. f 1137 .'4, 1 - 14W , 0' .Ar -11-15ita1^534-A ' 11 60111111111 q 0„:„I ' ! del ;la WU, O; - V t ti ervs Al4Cy . ft .110 si 050 . ! 5 )61 .r‘ <l . l V " a 1• ." ,t , .1 i 1 -845 ~--, pi . • ••.• elpitos:::: - Z..' - ' -• • ; Ntirez.; - :. 1 .1 -1593 f •i..-1 ' , ? . r - -;..v.! , r rthrt:Wipip-il 4i50 .4,-.-- `'111.49 trolinktift ....:.. II 784 0 .. 5 , ..-. • ~,,,,. i i.....,,, ii..;.."..." -;•:: t i 1ra1parat54 ( .;..16•105 . 1.&& i 4,15.,, litobire - '..A::.:1! - ;::t. - ;! 1, • :.":: - .. ..--.., IClarke ..„ -1 1 )1 • ..!., '... - ,'4, t ;. ; ... 111 C Aft't -1 ' ‘• 1. ''"'i . .. rue , i ~ .•• , .i iR ti1.34 . rh..1! ...... " :•••!-V.4 : ( 7 .izji.slitcv.?..?• - •• : 1 : ; 711 . 31 'm I i 4:40., - li:i 4 :. .., ..,.... ,7 ,,, , .. 5 , - . 67l F. ',c..%Ai ti T E .. x :'- p ' 8. _, .4( 1— ~..1.- * RI ; S •-. s3o' • •-• - ! t .. " --,- .17 - 1 , 1 - ! ' 1 ld Chioago ~ 441)Att i 720 : 4 It.lslßlLJunl !! - ".1 1 .• 1 ; illl C.RRCioiIH:...... - -1• 1 • 4' '' l• . .. Clarke ... - !•, ..... ...: I. •. , -. -j , 4t. ; 8 . 8 , _ : 90 ' - , 5 :-' ,l. : 17e2i ::1 26 " 1 * .t : t .L •:' Valpare4o.... ir.t,;;s "i Wanatall ..... i . ...... ",,..... 1 - •,1 L 1. : •1. i'lyinouth ...-.. ;: P 29: "IftY,ls . .t 7.0 .. inW.: „ .''' r .. • 11...4.. ~ • Sourboti..,... .'' ... "r ... , •.. • , ' ..:'. 8.8 Wiiiisw ...-......' .919 -"i 10 .. UPiercetika :.... ;1 ~•1 CI, 1111Unti4140 ..:.' I 1 , .. . ' • , i' "poltimbis ..... i.lO-19 :I 111 1 or' . Wiyni...'ll4s ..I i!Van Wert .....1 119-r , t';' •1 32 ' , IlDeikee•.,..4i; 145 "j P 3 AI . lh, i-1 lams r • ' ... 219 .. i i . 238 '4 6 ,1.217a, I I i oreat.o6o , •i: 43;t1,. : 1241...'q 11 Sandusic?`, - : 11'431 --*, : 503 , 4 i ,:161 ' i•i', Biloyrui -l - il -522 " ; 5384 4 22.5 ,i'' U . rett = ' - tir '' Ce.o ••! 605 i. ' . line li 11 i. • - tD: i ElsAis;, 625-a1 '' 9" l' AlitOeld...,; .• G 5 6, ..! (167' ' Lopdckhrille ',.. :,-.750 +, " .W00 . 51v......./. 7:- 85 0 4 ......t , -*AI 382 r "' grri,We-•••••• l' 9P 3 "1 NUS .i *.A130-1 - p , -- - Mistlllon..:•.: itliko il :Ml' ,500 I ,Alttance :.:.i.111126' r.• . 41. 1 1 Sslisat . .. - ./.;.:.i. ii - 1!2.0.7,! 1 1 1 • 744, .0 it 1 lloluinblArial:-1;4 3 8rx ' En9n..... ..... I . , 1 1 1 122 --Q. l l N. IlrightoxL. it 217' , "1.. •lAitsiiisfee,..l - .L . q 235 " ' 124 r:ittilli!rgfr.;:.:4; - 860 - 4 , 23d!a1l v.. .. _.. -.--;,.:.-4..-. Crlll2 N4'' -Erif4dn'y.blug ZiP -rleiln leeits lie", ! ~ .Ciatli, et'4M -inte:rj•rt( iiiif•Pitistivrig let I . 6:45 p.m. gettrning lons4439l4kburi it SAY) :: tau t * aan.;- arrive!' in - New Csatip l 14. , ri. New Qamte ' end - Pli Ace . mnnewlellen , Train lama Ziewastlest; . _ii-m „ 4rrivee i ; ,in Allsielesti 010:15, 1 e.m.. • efiirtlint leaves i • ;Allegheny et 1%0 g,M., M1P42.1h Se:, Castle 4:001 4) P4' l ,, : :- Ij I i - - -' - z . •' ..° '-'• ' ' l ' 47 ' .. 'l' . , . - . F.. 11. MY E us,_ ann. Lake. !Ag't. . • Izi.alkekier hfest sty les'end `s, t• glottal' tio!les. . ' • I-N-7.-r— -,, 41LE r i E r ...6r, ptirip. , it, iv 1 4 .:. Wm: Tit.EiPTIOI-1 1- , .. , Olt Mishbilar.Nntl 7 -38f;e'y 40 awl lleliveife- '''''-' '-' .-' .• •-- - 7 4 - ---4 . :.- -- ,: ' - -- 1 4 iii t i s dav,-,llo4ntl&ya•ileipaiiies4ellowir. i• , ; 9 € l ca.rt: 3 - Pi , 4c, -Pii4g4-Stief e,:— 1' 'oo9ti•. lEEE ISE Euclid street Hudson. Orrrille. iltersburg,.. alliance ilTii Wellsville :... , DayArti.. `...:i . ' i A STOMAS i 1 billlersbgrri i Oriwille'..:::i Akriiti ::. - ..? 1 .i._ Hudson .....4 1 Euclid stra4l Cleveland..,. 1 _____z . . - :_•_;.•-!..'_IN . ... Behdre.. Bridgeport.;:, Lagrange-4j Ateubeitiill4l , • Rotith'sre Beaiet Rochester PittibUrgh ' I • ,Pittitairgli Rochester 8 13 tot er th 7 iirerri ft Wellsville .4 Steubenville' r Rridgepoif..: .435p1il 4.14i - 91 545 .' IN btl &Ili.' 4t .788 • 881 .. iEII7 .'i 1 7q 5 -!!--1 :40 ". 823 •=s - 95, 0 8.13,.. 4 .119L0..•:; 927 ..,111 . 2 - . 4 . 94 , 0 ..tuth. • - 4. 1 ._. • TOSCARA*4k4kire. l l .l- - - ' t4neres - - - i_ ' •Atirt ' _, -• -. N. Ailacielph* - ,ik*ltki74 . i t.4- ni- Bargl.1 1 .14' 111 !:•' br- ?Sit l' , .r 6: i'?! l 7, • , P.S. IiTEM-Gtesorsl - -Ticket . .. ent .; Irisy*c:lxia - tittorlikol.lo. _---.,, IHE sobseriber offers Ibis ;tram, Aqinstatiog ..Of.'tSp...ACILIS;:t)7,- LAND%- Pt aille ' ' - t eighty - setae of aelikfirat is Pulseki Township, andkhibittimeo 16-.2lew ,Sewiekly. Towasltip. line 'whole • him is am* fess% ant "lout otialiO4 grittoleitEed,, Thitsi la # good•franialtouso arorigtso a mit friate botpt i on thiktrofictity, toget)tiil. With lilt ti sr. spa? pussy opkiptilcfipsi.h Ihelinifili i; 'viler eds.haitirori4o4l,okohards upon_ 4,iir.O - °pieta to sehobla a#4ol.oratie*, pAiti.otil 'kt . fici infleifrom Hearer, ffie`eouit4 r:eif.: The Tara& eau bo, otirsittieat,li_. di: iced ;;into. sttop!or tracts tosulf,porelasikitt: .- ,_r-, ',,.... ~. ... n01a:667.', - ‘.bis. 44..:Extiapiciii..- WW I wrap e ." • I April' 4, 1 ttitS - :r 11= TaAnEVCOIIO. • • • Earip1. , 020 . 611 ut..!,.,.. ..i. i1138'1 1 1817 ..11420 .. --16-..'ri ; .4.., al 121Qi. (.404 . 0 , 621 125:k, 1005 "I 'lOO .' :: • •'• - • - 2 32 " 1118 " 1 ,1814 .. , ' ! .. : 30344,9146 0.., .300; , .0 ~ • , _ . 238 is 1217 Ail ' 985 •.; : 40.1* 126 0 4101 .. T, ITAVE ;64t. - ..'rteeiteel $ ult.. etoelc• i 1 . 803.16izi,51 ...il2, .ti„s3 ... .L 0 ti, of tLe ‘ 1 ' r 1 . 68$'N A id n 5 ~1 e, ,..m . , . • 605 i• 2.35 ••'1250 .. 4 1 ii i .. 136 .. i .. 625 a ;8I _ - 667 Ir, 843 .• 200 .i , 'PAC-, FM. ii 74citill 435 -. 243 ~ 1 1 . It B3s 'P't6/ .•‘• 812... A l ms l i. .. 0 .- im p i. -2,57 .6. .941 ;600, 4.. Ai) , 44 - i 1814 1 1 ', WO .. 448 G. ttloia 114 " '645 ai 1182;a 744 a 62 , 3 .. i' I - ii i 11,,,12A310833 i. ',f ;; ;r4f e .: . . , 1 - . tr. ..... .. GrutteMen's Furnishing . Goods 32v , 1.16. r. ... 820 .• ,, `23o!d 1021 ~ 930 -.1 ~~ 'i. • 4°- 16-5 1 ,14 ,. • 11 GLAIS§ .01.41115 - •., . . • • 111. . Are Tint'- -b ts•• Wine 61z'1 • -.F41",*.fr.0.';'4t:: ' itTA .... ~ ----'1 4,10‘...A. 2 4,0* P ...---- /i 35 . 111 '-• si l t 0 821 -1 Z. 3 4"4 316 '1 1;126 tg I llOs N. Isw. sfi , 1..,...,.. • :, • • , 1 .3.:.. .i 1 „..,....1 if • - s i \ ' • .. tt•-•I II 10 .I. •••—i : ... r•• ~* fc:, '',,S,'-', I . • r. ,. • '. 4 411A0 4 1 Ala •-• AU% ie ., , • , 1 1 4 , A 590 .63 1 " 1:1,a, • r ••••••• 1 11105' ix! 705;. , t *• ' ' ,I•.' - 001x9 scOmi IMO I _ ~• 1 i • , \ • MAIL. riorl.tatilit: Ear's . : l _.....—..,, — 7 .1 -1---.L . 1 845At0 455 1 . 4 t PP' "1 815 4 1, 11/flt "1 64 . 4' al -740Ait; ......, I VlPrmis 7X!til• 111 ~ ,, 1 - - . 1 2 :';;1 , ;.i.1 . l '. -'-ii• - •T?. 1 ,,74 •• ; : - ' 1 ••• - r l , ; , IWO; - .1 afg 11 ;SSG ...,-, ~ 6 147' 6 1 71 .44 JI 1 • V.IS2 -1 1 r 1200 "I 915 "11005 :1; ;111 . 47t:;d EA F 1 1'. I # . • • -.. .':W.I/%4 I .ifiX l l ' S.,• yr:L. 1 AU4'O4 t44° 61,9m111040.4.41 , 4.. ' ~4 50 . 4 CV* . 4 .41050 14 1 .1 ' ' MI . 4 721 "41189 "I 'lig) ". 71.8 .11108 . :7 4 1 ... - ‘25 ", 845 " c 125;4 70t1A4 717 "1 . 007 "t 142..”1..735 " -BZ4) a l - 940 . 41 847;1ii fi= ‘• go ,41_ . 950 A 4 25 ,t 1 835 ~, 940 " 1111,51 6 1* ar9Z•64 rffn IFIMI :4 5 4* MI S " :411 SOU GOO 618 , r 712 725 .+ _,W 1 1.6N I= - . .• .& . - - 7 .CA::ci'"O - :3:i4 i 7. IBM • • t . CLOTMIO6 31.9& 'era OilltEß CEO I not2l • • E 3 ECIf i fOR:B NCeries. Enpts test satenapy c‘a the' A+tAIP L i of , sy,, gTo g . Conies. - late of New Se*iek iy tp., Beaver co. deold:. 'having- been grant . ed to the iradettigned. preens Indebted to said estate' are requeSted to make iinmediste pityaient,end thkise' having efitilaZagpiinet th e estate still preSent; them to , the subscriber ,properly attt e ntica t edl' for'seitlern 6C • J 3 ES_ C.'I 4 'E I eGUStW, Ex'r.: : oct17:0 " • - New Seitickly ij. ' a, AILiMINHiIi, rbATOR'S NOTI,CE. ;4,l"Tilkt3ot,hltninistration on the eStato „ iit r F:pw. ktyrn, Is i so of Ititiotli Ilter Township. Desegf ooiinty, deo'4., ern grunted\ id , the- untiersigheti,c - creditors „Rill pitonatt_ alt s cininisspiliperly . .Sti.tiler:iested 16 JohnAlulbortson: et.Soutli Roarer. ip„ .sgent •for idtninigt itur, in. to the - administrator hituielf. • WNI.,ENIITII, ettl.7'M Ws±ltington. CFDAR BUCKEPS—Pht'ent , isil-toy Mack ,. • C'9iitc-3134.sitetf4 gar, ..• • . ket-04 Itsikets - , ..Lutter,itivls,Alop sticks, t i tAiing9l4.s, &.c.. ‘stuT2l - . Sritats k Bstia.t.scsatstt.ce.tCs, S. 41,.."1:31;1.C.XIIINKCVELE - (At N 24 Slt aSt., Nucor Fil..) • - Hata, Caps Ladies'' treaver - e c iunty,Trade SOlcited: NevemlAr44, IS6, 7 Btrios - ME FR t all MACKEItEL—.F.Lira NO 1 Shore, ih i e. g barrels anckits; or by - ho• pont* also _No. • 2 - and IL for Sale .141". - STILES SC. SAW BaL Mai BOAT YAM 1 1 OR 5445 E: nieders!sned offers' for Saki hie ALill.knd BOW. Yartikin Industry; Balker °Minty; Pa, '. The 00 brut- good runtrlntor: der and theßoat taid-Ls stithriently large foe the building . of all classic . of net sold by. tbeiat of : - April, l lBil7, ther4l*Tty wilt lee-4ir rent: - ' ' ; • ' • ner2l'66: ' • WILLIWCAIIOII4. CAYAVEI .F 2 ` fresh stoc k • - • P e'rt it 4 ea, Green-fent:, ' , • ~ .1 'Green 'Corn, TOmetoe& - l'Biaekbeirlea,•Whertletier "elks eases, Phis • , ke,,: far- half by . nov2l - . • themes.* AnaLkeltionsaaa. in — FuifirTD4 Lei ] h ex salt :‘• 1 BE4,Vitit: • • - , . , • AWD s 4 ;Oa airrig Ifremalit'ikit,iy; is. Offered t. fe Pis lielisa" tweitour fated. eimt taining solve TOOMS-1. is also a wash meta with a-. eirtern holding 80 barrelsorers or. savert-eighttni_of,ita ,seta; w differeptirja4ii trust. . , es.,Apply,to, I...Lsainie, Esq. Fr • t. n0v144160w , . . , BZ ME 455 541 •' 62)x• VISN'T,S WARe—Tee :it.etts oOmplete„ ' ; • ber mtts. e etiort • , ", xkleiry Aid , Spired • . Stone thins: all of . Hiet "1 "' • ity, for siaeby I . • -.•• ETILIP sTlAl.l,..r,,,Avlvrt*. LVTFIST =Ea :..c . ,r: . :AVOIINt - - - AttAit .:. eirsitikatli c oir - • • , - 1- ' BRIDGEWATER, Oa: t • - . . -• • , i Plitt) rE.S-i,LI-; Dill r . ' • 'II 11E CI - 1 1 1 1T.A.V.E. =.74.r ' 1 .. f 7 l P ,i ORM.. 'HEIR' •• irtenilsy:ot pa(rona of ' i .'.ztys:r °linty, that tlieisoliirl - Cti.46 *l4 Sti;& Id Dry Ciosl!l..:. no plot, in an depOrnente; s now Operi . ction, at ygly - 447pniar prices - Dross OrltOdtll `- :TO" •" Satin stripei., Sint ottipn; Poplin stripo.., Va:eneta. dttipts, I ;sod Torrni, - Stripe pciiiin/, PrOVlide: 1 Bt. - Annie Enipreis *lobsir rePps. . TardttlEntpre':,;. - 1 Irish Poplins,- • - .1 Arid ttl i rartety f .1 i illack-211kft, - • Fi g v ''. Q su . b .. ;Colored* , kdi • I Iteilzsiyo, i laneyrilits, I - . ,k I At. prifiesialz-apo :Ito It., 3 estd b : 4,11 Blacir bearer crohi. Blacit melten t!1•111‘. Blasi; French cloth: Bpak-Euilish Irate. • Broria:Snglieh Irate 1 1 freil sacking clot •15.; ! . 'cloth*, - .I : - iitoore-fancjr.Clot )!, ' ' _ i 4 ertssilitg clothk, I ' ~ '':- - i 1 , 1 r. ! .- . ..,, I, 's l ues, I, I s r • .. , plie t 0 ks. - ,lrer.opri, , i to .c.i.-s: e. 7110. ;1 polo ) Nod (ism Plai Sncjue Circuit AR of tti ~ L,- r -, ..,_Ei..• • 1 SI - 12t1.7817_,9. - • • ' I fripet, - ' .-, I , l'n;inimaa . ., • itke6krast, . , • iii'o4ll.niant, alraili:e "AsKrellt , rti . .‘, ......,: - • -•'-' • 11 —.... ,r*- . I 1 .. ; • I , ... • „...... 4 ... 1 :_,, Rs :_- .. Araeio:lAL 'SKIRTS co ,tbilk, .biiituffut 1 ..- "dg '.: fi-c'ir: 22.,0 •to SI Y. l 1 . - ' - . H.l' l ~.. ' . 1. Woolen. -Slagle a ;Brodie I Cashaie I Yew' d ,I . ld Ell =I Mal '&1 Toqikri. Gray, Irown, From $ It 50 upa - s.rds, I I /4:4. • et, White; j, l 'carlet. Sol xul4 - 11 kind' or fri. Man D.rab. li hite, eus laceLeasclEs..l... .. .and l . bays; 'T e . , Sall:lets, Blue , 1 sad if. large steel of eoaflags.'• 1 . - t i ....:. , I I. : :. • • . For, me I Tweeds, EMI rL9.22cas I• F: ruO IS# 11t6 GOOD BT F'N'S, T3U T • MI , 'ltilsi - S , 00-V 03, TpWELS, IRISH Li .ME,XS, fi P-! CHEAP 1 - • - - orse s o , llonp i Ski rt Fronts,— Co11:011 ric„evilhi? . l! Fain MEI t - Ciii-,-, 1= . • - 1 - - - 1;H - - 9SI 31181 -I I ritteburg, Pa.. MMMINIE _ -.,..-. 4 kit' 'i - -; ff4,=-4,.: ,q4i..... It IV '542.....21,J..A.,.... , ... , ..X: . :,-X 1 ' . A \'D E MI . a".; • . '7 ~4. - ; - :(T',;- - hl TA ii, - 1- - - - 1 ,I i i I " 7-- U . 1 i , 1 ritRS: 1 .! I , 't r. Pl; - qn I pupliit's, S• ti,n_jclottts, Fre l palb:4opf,-••• rk•rys, rrev r zWynt rit.T.Tp; , • n' ISaf.itnaq. Fig red j w - o.j)1 110:tines. • ME REM • •14.) ths • 9Y 624 - • I I= *tvtist.., alts, tie; • etiow 7 Pl • , • no, ray, Mike' anl adyishirtinglUnneTs.: =I I= t `t . : - - ••• GI eris; . IBIR t fait to suit. •• - EOM o Eli 3.:, -.r= ....'.'. 1:4 6 El Fin -4 1gEllEit • : , ULM - --a' 72"...,=7 ..„._...,.. ~.. ,414Jreizt - ' '.1)441,410 , 611.ticri 4' , 9 l iaatra?' v ,-,; ;,. 0 , Ml:Vislga , ri'. 4 .applew. 4 '''••• A .- . : ~..e t tirt44 4l l l4 4: i , • ' .t., ~. •.- " . ..• Oi."..itcegetvood Pit'..n - .1 , ...%7A12 11:t-or...: I ::r.e it Phintings, Engeavit, gitirit•P VS • 47% and Silver Wale 8 nllei `',;..1.! . cone.V ills . :. I. Ain 411 d 0444 etas.K c, -- • .-, '• sV.din'arlatioid etitcsitbdout, -- t .4 sk.vepititetiptsm tieddegvq i -I•Pu* A it L , LireVibig 4§3. . Chat*, Plain vaLtkiiii • ' •., - - e., et ."., - , g I,OOO,OOO,FOROMIDOLLAIti - 1 inct *ioi-slizi a da4gr uatfu l lao,* .4 1 •'' • iltie - MTN' .rE rartit. AlltSo-•,' NE 01,111VMAZIlelliii:iour:ittinttioet iitliimillet 4it itm,kcingt. the laroet.3ml progiviipular. Jewelry ~ .45!. i ei'tition iu the I;:uiteti Stetee, The , bag-, : nes3 - g-sknd'e,lrptylvtas:l.ogW,s2lpo4o4l t tinitt&' . 1 trio±t. candid - niani4r. Our' rapiA4 increuinct% ' ''s - e. sure Tarsal fkUltris,OPlVA 6 ftr . &IA . .„....1 - 03 1 ,r of ' talvinitsl'ottac'''' luitc • 1 " . "- --- ''' The; sudden st.lttatieu - of tr„Ad : enropei i'_ or: ins to the , lite OttruntiliklVitaud recent - die A2traux finiiitiattrilletiltfirs4 lip caneed the flitur!. Itif .•a-large - , c uetbei'foffJJerelty / 1441 ' 414 ".P 449-n it l i4 4 P4 l, ""if ' 1 g44 -144 / 1 ", . .. .5 ) ,-‘i raettriteir goo3§llP-qt grOt. &erisleiWireviiu.... instauees 104 s than - oe.. (W-4 the cost of 'than- utigadija .l ", ;11. 457 trim 'l.setkiilvtlstMi4 TOT theas•RuukCiiist.-•Goittli, i 2 soshi4ii.l tremelr low iirice§;.thatviro - Aurhtleirdrio Stu*: a w a y Ohmic kloadsoiltd*Retbiltirehila. diol - -ttotizi;apirsloatilt - prisitilihtr.artr:ottgoro r ' e6tabltshment floing.o.'n#niletr-hudatitlEt Atli 18; TO' , c Itteaftirly adllcit your gI ring, the;oit. pa:it : year 'we have foroArded, a nualbtor or. the mosi! f4iisiNii)infiri7p a iIIk . WCIP: L country: Those who pli l trouize ua wul reeeive 1 1 the full value_ ot: ourlist norilt" ljs# (taut One I 'tail; and theFe .1re,„3.114,v11,1,. „tail 1 lug , - ne ..uhy.aleforkd a kisioje.plotopt. iyetuims., And tii, artiele,timwu till btrimuse•,., • , list.ely rent Elny resttru iwll t = eigtexi. ;.171 , . a • The foll.y.skng pqaitt:a.t,;;;.reett,lly drelca,; , rvalw.l.o - ,trizes •froitgAixertatle • A slici2;.'"toll. hafiel4ll4 l Y. k 4.177: . tAt of 4- A 'e liar? , I,r Inept, PP • 1 - 344mh11;. L: Him= • / ilf - stor&i:SeCiJael•tlfrAl couir Ir Cl i . ter," A Machine, 'vet - e s6r.; Lisn't" Cc - A. Water Chit-1j ,tecden, roapspi i..7 s ,Altrpt..l4l.„ViAorri[ Gold 1511 le: t 2i7 Kir a ; St , Charleiollr..i S. f.. Riltem WatOls 4 l value st"..o; ti:::,kri .4friiicateut7fflireclrattWleVl&ll64‘kei Etistnel e - Y ltiltelr, - Tzir v -Z-151; ~ t nig , Pre.sidtut tT.', , h•ti•,;al-) .:i::(lii..4 13,....aa . .lin •1 , t , jug C . ,,mi.f.r,y, Sal, fratt.4,-s. i:e: ; .iittiedeen,l -- ; value,.s::,titt ; ..I,are..• - • •SI ,1411 g, 1.,, i.. ,..ri; 1 3.4.4 , Imhart , ";t l j;zinfv l o , ff44(ooo"7-.4 - Dittinond Phil 'iitl44oll::- - it•Y:estAit , 4-1-, t • , . ii. -.. i .lo . fitgemery, _Ala., Mitelt.;, - 11-..,:it,, r 1 41,11i'1t . ,:4, 1 lter. !seise Vas - Duzer, ,Viaittit'Ll.;k-ri.,-Fa . i Lined Dining Set. Istine.-;•14;31/1,;;,rgiss Cierst- t lacusurr; - iisytern . I. l littre,:-"Fietnito-'44. 1141 : 44 . 1 I$V1), .2.a . a •tittkrts-rr,t, rpi, - ;::hie ":1 , 17,"... - ' ' 1 . I. - 11!.71$• 1 - nartareetthi - i s le illackd c-.' tits ,, -. %tit tie:publis6-itS - u4stes• .4!ttikt , 40:14340.44"..t t Oerpetr.ottl are. &grin:tie- itne&triiited'il."l4 - 4 ! en Currcy wheratialtr - 04;titt4415..- 1 - c - -::::..- - I'PA it rrAL , , lAar : ~. 0..V., ... - 4. T. 'Kit- k • 1. ' • 7 . ..; iif, St:11;i:f .1- 4 - 14,4.V . F.-='.4k 1 ;:f, 't• - lii"it %but rtgand,,te _YAM:, tul nr,; : rt,i'•ol.4.-iti- tee eal yetaktion -I stat 'ye..ti lift ;4.rta . .• et*: ... s . 15414414 roitew:C. -1 4A%no*.cr 01 E. Vett: , 30. 15 eteg't 511.4:, , ae5iit411-oivAi'4a-trises If:, t 1.21-4 _5O first clI1V: 'Se ii:1;01: : : - 1:it C'e 49, i u... 0, a , 75 fine Oir:ritititingli•_, . 1,- • '477.?„74 . -7 -1 0 is 14•0' - ' tiiso4o4:ll.l4 tex lTetigin,r4tisii-Wanse4k-tstet: "50 At tisib - ..L: ' • ' ' t-- -- 5!1 - 1..r;: - 159 Reyebt tug I.litt c tier, si:o l ,S ! s; tilly,o-- ttfiffis -•_•l -50.F.1lt;1ft Fruit atriCtiVektr#lq 4 4,Z: 4- it-tir' .. 'a -- 4i.11) Stt..4 of_. ten. ill iisliipv , cra5.t..f.3.44., •-ik 150 G.ll htuttitagestitiAVAi,9lla*,strts.. 7 i...6-44 ii4e- 1 100 Ibitita'4-rtng. tqurt.erf tiftl".i._ ni;:t.' - ittkr"2 l M- 175 4 1101d 1 Y-E:41 . 0 -1 : - 4.',-; 1 1.7............. i., - * 65 -iti: 16.7 -. 300 'L a d i t . )C4 'c li ci•••p.-7 - - -' r-t , ri ' -at t l l •r-_,& I ` ..IY -s:_ ar f vl -„_ 4l- .; c: ' e4 ' 1 '; : ! ; .;!.. - -,.. - ;:•!-...,:. 4 • C42=lst i .lii - auizaci Pins, Ilre-stelies Sad Ctetraeltir s ~ Ladle'? I tttts ek-tisid-stitt.Vl37s l tr-tretzlirik Vat& Flor.euting, itektie. ;twin 11.04'Y.."-a-Junst7 arrAtiftei, Stinitc von ottd ttneli t;treigs 44 - tirosiskeltatt- , 4 , _ . • .. - -- - t. gtild rings. Zola tliini,k•. : :i rixtstfts'AttitstAttlsl' belt Intektts,tiiti.enslsad rtet,eili,lottt 11940 k boxes, geld, peas •tv_ith_ Aosi_snsi.A•itar_lastaelei.. hollers. and tslargo,.. - ;lfiti_ttii"... ll - 1 143 - 411 ~ .s4rif 1 *zwe sadjewary iire. , !ox Liocrirr.l - 1. , . '.- -.• •.;'' • ! • riogLA cii ( ino? to . viosin At; tiE ... e,5 .),„,;';* • 'A-ticlcs for' CIST.':-D914 , W- 1 1-"?urellt , Pirtit - 1 • , leitled er.vrlspe. ler ,f... 1..; e• - . 4.: . '. - . . ~,,,...- IM:Five scaled tivehtkes. trill :La seat 1 , ...,c $1 ; ek v e s fo,,i-2 ; Thirty f.r ,:y;Ai., - -.l4lttit 53,1•.,S;1 11 ;3fiii:IttiatsLait , +Aar 'Si 57. Z---. ;- 1 , - . `-•;:, z,ii , - , 2.: - acts ittr tr.tnrsr• ;-:•••.et, %cif "11.,11t. .i , _ VD et0:0114:4 ,44'.af,i:IY, 1 17C3'..atie.Di . ItErj il4 . arai Gents wiwrwill wet it3tuitly., i. 2.11: ileterip tire circulars OM bei.. , erv. , ,s applii•aion. bistribution_ are tit e, feile tving tatistr nen—Certificates a:lanai' each article and.its value stelbreeti'ittree t aret - .eNkT4eti; athicik ME are Well' mi "OrlithEtcre:fit aspts %Apr tuning the Oeftifielt4ox: Order for 'eon:a crtir etc, will be delivered httr 01tee,140,0114,A5. iny_akicieeas..w4hont: raga: .:a. tilalc on receipt..of;s cents: -if', C:7 1,7 - On -reneiviiig tie. 4rtifionWthli tisdbaeir will see what artielritTlr>ws .afit ben ilerifFoitiAlrlft7T -reterf,* the,art ielo - nerried--Cr - lait 'bj'ilfEer ott article on oar litt-Of e tenie'rnittw 4 "- " PtireEanerii SekLair Scr46lii-Tnitit in-this manner,. 'Obtain-an aftjefs'vr:4sr9:7l#) one to fiyirbnlidieddeliiii. - t • - Long` lettere tire) ttnie'C'esisar_r:;r.Linfa:o4 - kirtthirqs' to wrifet , ;: chooeing differ e qt art.ll;lt , 4 inenti§n_the idylede‘qtred.'''' " * * 4 :"l6 rd ers 'for' St:ALCn E~ vßinttLfE AtitAii every 'Oar be' aceomtlaiiiett ,'14)11i - , 7 114 - 1 with , the 'l6f At - V*6ns' lent Town; Oilunty and •State 0 16 ' 1 17 w ri i lV 4 ‘ . Letteii - al iohld be *lfitreirstirTtr 't - genc-as „follows: . . Rii'el4Y.4 SUE • sitfsßUiri Ito Lzknme a(cax{~t#irrdri Goldt. Otei4,lewe4y, ISM aoji.ll)-, C 5, 13 I 191.1"irer -• vcrai v es; - 1 1 Anerioati, SfristfU§Set lad 'evert Pctntle ,otiots4 Especially sdipted We 3 tali Trale! • • - ,.Cire4111.&84.1511 _descriittisd iistaselaLtirs4.: Aiesitet• wanted tlecrelters. Add l yes SALIEAR,Y„BIt4, &11% - • ME ; is-- r — 6ll)inta,kiics Etitir --17" artla of orit 50Co julytflT .• J. & *%•ip,,.:4414 . 5,. Nu* 4 Coolo II Il =MI MA CI