The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 21, 1866, Image 2
II El Hl TifF: I IZ F • Iva o _100 : r To 21:.. Novembs: 2lst, 1136 . ' . . Tha.Oh'ange of Front. 'ice oar paper -of ' this week will . . b fantail teniartaole, artildo . from ib giticiago Times ;• and as this paper i ono bf-'1,04„ inflnoitial. or 'tins, o f t th.iPlifecontic pta.ty in this ciinntryi, it itttAinees are to be reg a rded ala hithly . sighifiearit. ' Tho : Times no onfyladfnits the titter rotit, of its par .ty i$ tlie'fall elections, b`nt :. say.s ale:' "tiiii,t, ii4ving heen-boaton on ti gre. hatiinmi isste,.! ; Ss to Willeh It believe' itself to hki wholly :right;and the' o pos4ion whnlly. iirtitiir, and still sti Ui Peri, it melt % nererthelefis antirid thati isaue," . and adopt some . othe'," nearly akin tt4 possible to that o which' they were so recent arrayed' As a . preliminary to doi , so, he. Times advises the Demoera to.cet loosefrom the adiniinstrali. of Andrew JOhnson; to trust no 10. gert to' th 3 le.thriby of •Johns i t kieWard or ante, but to strike o in in entre' y "new line," andagir brig . it's Ownl trusted warriorri t thetforegliound' Tbii "newiline' ; e l l . btates the iillt of suffrage to i'' I - • , - nero; ant the . Thiters argues; t P i • 1 • sooner or later the ballot will inevi i t blyi fall IntO. tho 'black. mum's Ladd and this fling as certain as fate, i 1 i , highly in that.'t 'comes to in train thel)einneracy; - Thief poslt'ou, lia tiro eatirnittion• ftthe l ..7 i iiites, voll n, t . save the. Dentecratie , party; any o her . witl'enuse it "to set down iv: laciness and deetiyinglnactivity,'? and cent hue to - the viciim.4fd7efeats ill out; number 4 linpaCtial suffrage--the .iul . re gar liitaVeadhusetta kind.--=is til,e -.... loria' recommended,. by,' the Tinii 'as, .1.-h4 antidote of the :party,-ati ,the c ( D4toorany are . appealed. to to. fir ' , gat thetr _6ld l- prejudiceS, buckle the r ar.. t mo on avow, and :fight ! their ' ntter • haeties• in behalf 4' o f the ' neol - • . el ; -not against him ati ~heretofore . article from the Times is• stirri.4! ail :tlaii i. political waters ; and its recent— , taelidation is. meeting:with a vigorcias. , resistance from the party genetally ; and 'hence, whileit is barely pOSsi b le, that. negro Suffrage will'; °yeti by a . 4110 k in, the - .Derameratie - creelk l iku highly probable that the.agitiiti - iw o attar. question by that party will; .al.l` co;ito-a number of its -member ikt • thij .Union.rank,s. I.£ so, k some goo tittleast will have "come Of: of a ME "The Combat neeroefus `The Chicago. Times,. in its i lining loose from the A•ciminiati tikes occasion to-make sorne MI tae President that are not.reel complacently ;as, s one would 4 tih4 Ivould bro. A. J. is evil u• afi.htin In 'III I " anti) n reply - t , t ~. v. llii?ga of the . Times, hi.s org -Washington ..Reptiblicali, advt imes and its associates to arty of their owteand no orco themselves upon the at t por into the presence of th'' lkiesire to have nothing to do vii _ . at further tells thein that it ' Ithat..the Copperheal or tie litarty, after violating all - the' , ;Invade, at the Philadelphia Cot otter being 'as wr conseq 104.4 ,violation repndinted i ,''Pilate exCept' two, htrin rem. tnttelc . 7 and noW..,ponie before he in a light that shows the , dentitate of principle' aa . t been profuse in. Pledges.- ii i 4ohnson has already /earned, ,:it; thq 4 political - . party that ribly disloyal' to' chi ,countr • the rebellion, is in -110 *sensi ',trusted eren, onpolitical 0 whin thsti zebelliciii' hal been' and peacO•. again reigns tb 'i the, land. : DisloYalw and,dl I go band . in.hand,and.judgin_, 1 ( ,reeer;l. elections, there 'aro rtruths bett-r und t-tt d b , , . e... oo y i try - genettaly than, this one i .11nrin party Las nothing i's 1 ;yet anything to gain ittco of - this r•uprttiro between •th c and tbeDemocraey, it . can, iessivili, look upon •the. 'qa , . 4tferane indifference. ' : I • ~ REV. I),R...TaIt9TLEYi the ttio Second ; tTniketi. Pr Church of' Pittsburgh, has deposed -from ,the aainistry t mur.icated Irani Ali chore, conduct. The' . ehages a, were brought by' as folloiss: • I • irSt—tultind, Cornet treatment of his wife and . "Second--Using "yulgar 'l6trituage, 4- "fhird—,tadelity to h Ovs.",( .1 . After an" eeelesitibeal Ireeka duration, he'. was- foi and the henteneo: abate . pi•onouneed upon him. • T. goes before the civil coal, ylidatiou 140" r.116i0 Pr'eqliev, , ' Pi ).-.AT ' ' 1 ----- .-.-----+- --- aym, the'airt t yr, . -Gotrip. PROCEEUINGI3., ; -‘,The , follow' - I i tt t 1. - II - in cases were disposed,of dur og the '• The .oca/ Complains l i . e iea y r., 11-, , atiout.• thle testi:l:olly oNi,o,ine of tike'Ceur i, bold in this farm' last•week: s-line, in t 6 trial oftire case of the " COlo• * vs. Josiah Paiterst?o 0 , al.-L . :- ' m ,.... , ‘,...., i lndicted - for forcilale:entiYl• I,Not gait-'gait-' ofnitnnweelt vs. JareSs 11. Odell, in , ty, and: , Wm. Brooks, prosecutor, to' ~.. , the' cwirt lie' , her e last week, and pay the costa. . •l' I • charges perjur. upon two of the testi-, Same vs. Washington Gordon. In fiers at least;, - Messrs. "Shrouds - and - dieted for assault and . batteryl Con • 1. -1 Con- McGregor.. lii order to Matto a mar-. tin -mo ~ , , Same vs. Stahel • Reich. ',del) ty rout of himself, to wire,t, _degree of for , breaking ints•,e, store. room lin day folly will the editor of the Local not tittle, with inientl to coltria it larceny. go ? Ho co ld not _prove perjury Recog,niztince - entered int?- to t appear I liguitist "these- Me -, i,' for the -simple at Noc term: -Did not appear. -Re ieuson that 11. ey *CO comMitted no C°Vizzine9 forfeited.- ! . bffense of. Uri 'kind; .au . d' thps charge Sarre vs James II Odell ' Indicted for assault and battery. ionad gen ie. only made l thotiAlief:l4, the par ty, and sentenced to pay a find of $35 ties libelled ill 'cause -Odelf's.arrest, and costs of prosecution. 1 and-glee that noted indtvideal sad his r Sanie vs.' Isaac, Duda. .Indinted fin. Larceny. Plead guilty and sentenced 'friends an opt) rtanity oftigain shriek - to pay a fine of. $5-and coats of prose - ing "martyr'm.' This+ is the pur- eution, and undergo imprisonment in _ pose, and' the ditor -of the Local gas . the county jail fur a period 'of, three none otiier in viewi for be knows, as months. •tria,n , l. does ever bo else- that is acquaintl I_ • .Same vs. Titus A.ckr rind Jos': edwith either Mr, Sh ' dy , --,./- : Clingby. Indicted for fareenyl. Ack erman plead not guilty, and !wee ao- Gregor, - that these ' tlemen , have qu i tte d. cii ng b y .I.,lead guilty., and characters for truth and j eracity above was sentenced tepay a Bee ofiss and suspicion, and that thei in ; estimony i'' • costs of prosecutioe, and undergo im. prisonme the' county jail for a any court would . be regal' a as amoag petod ofthree months. the boat that could be Offered: Aad. Some vs. Hobert Moffitt.lndicted yet knowing - this he is fool-haxdy for assault and battery. potind gull. enough to ebt.rgethein with a crime, ty. and sentenced to pay a flit° of $5 / the commissin i n of which,, neither him. and costs of prosecution. 1 -. . Same vs :Remy Poulson -Indicted selfr.or any. one else beli,eves 1: Man for aseuott ' and battery. Foued gull. ifestly, thee,'lndrtyrdem is his objective ty ; and sentenced to pay a fina of $lO point; and as we Are "a li!tle older than and costs of priniecution, , , he is, ate be hie:pardon for Suggest-. -- Same vs.- Wm. Stewart' and{ Samuel . ing that the playing of` the political i i ‘ Weallough, , Indicted for assault and battery Continued. , martyr usual y pays better before an same vs. D. .. - ... • 1 1 .m.., , storrison. - election than it does after the election for' fornication and ,bastardy. is ' hefd.. 1.) ring a heated campaign ued, and-reeogniiitnee enterei party 'fries 'usually stand "ahouldei the 'aura of $804: - ' to 5116utiler; and lend li help L 3 i Same .B. P. Whitn ln i. -hand dieted for assault and batti . / when one of their number gets into a hill f oun d . and John Reetb ,. t i difticuliy w Ile !obeying for the coin- . c um, tu.tu ty t h e ants ; , .. 1 mon cause; but when the canvass is • Same vs. john Ferguson. - Indicted over each " hti IA expected to stand on for larceny. Found.guilty, nd fined Indicted its own bottem,V an d every m a n „ a l I OA r . .85 and costs of: prosecution, ! and lark ed to mane le "his own ciande," Hence; dergo imprisonment in. the teunty jail' while the " eiping hand'? was geher-, for two months , I oust} , etc deco; to our - unfortunate', - Same vs. John Reel. Indicted for neighbor before the election, we _Wain assault and battery. ; -Plead guilty, hint now that the sympathetic paw will and entered into/, recognizance to.ap nDt,orne () Au, re adify . ,e,ftee the Coe. pear at adjourned, court.. se-It is over Mat-k that ! But if, our Same vs, Beery Youlmiti, Indicted warning is atibeeded..%anti proseeu- for ast-autt and shattery on oath of :his tions again Como; and martyrioni is wild, Julia Peale:ion, Foetid guilty. '-ied,then.l.ll , o'. is net so' and, sentenced to pay a fine af $5 abil ARGUS. filid This upappr.pciti 41 till' ii;" bco . a duly TILE VOtecii Of the people__ hils,"been emphatiC, sad we append a general summary of+-,Republioant - majorities, , + which •has sustained 'Congress and - . , { ctede troasqu octiouti; - Look at'; the • 1 i ZIOAbll A result t. --• r' . . . 'At tlit , Ociober elections • 6 00,000., 1 . 31a,:sacialtetts , . , 70,000 i Ne sv :Yar'k %.;' . - 20,0 • I%New - Jersey - --, 5, -. 111i.n0ii..4.. • - - 4 ; z . .- ," • 46, • -1416111 1 pm - 1 • . 50, --Ulm:basin 14.• - . 26dil - Missouri' . • - • - 20,0 i I gliroas 4.. - 10,000 - 44.kulivaotw - ! . 14eirado, ...--- ' 9.4 azimi : lt 0 at Ct t With California,: Tennessee, arid other'Statee.added. the popular ma jority, against the Piesident is about - half .a million of . yetes. o C ext. week thire will be r.o court held lo Beaver. - The on, erous labors of the : present- week, to gether.with,,thosit of paa termst. have completely, wortkont the judicial ener. gies-of the coenty.--Lecal 01.24 week . We 'think the editor of the, Local hhoufd be the last man in this vicini ty to Intimate flat the '"julical en ergies". of the comity, „lire Opt 'what they should be. He bas certainly•bad I,What'business be bionsbt - before the cOnri attended to:in is prompti man. nit; as .he could desire; and the county generally understands that. this-bust ness is pot only extensive anCvaried, but •costly besides:l • r .p li WO. Fitly, a nal n, the es the form a longer ettiloo, ,- io who "is 1 4ittd tioeritfe • p!e l dgesj ii•ontion, wienr 1:.)t e l trery ifed ti3el Flub. to t be as TUE. editor of ttie •Local in speaking of his trial last week,'sayri we l take "There were two or three Democrats on the jury =pan - noted; - (it'vhould not be liagotten. that the. ease was entire- , ly political in tilliitstc' atures) but - they (the I)einocrats)t were stricken off 'by the , .counscl for.t i he proseciftiop."_ 0 . 0 shottest . way to tei:ute this as Sertion :o call; it whatit d'esOt yea to betatte4 a lie. 1 , There . ere Demo. crate osi that Jury,-"Johtipito; Es' q., David C3wati and/John - N agneri JPr. inetanceL-tbitt hive s very respecio? l e. standing in *llls county 7-4 poiition libel but few -accuse tbeeditor of the Local ,of : I ditrieg to • be itle4tiOns ; .erusleti oughout sho4ety frotia the but ifew ho Aft pa@ Itor nequeticel nd aoubt i MAJ--GEN..EleaTaiNip, the AuditOr G .., _ i eneral of Penusylvanaa, who was a fiw "Weeks ago appointed a qiiii nel in the regular- army, dectinelf7the ap -1 pointment, and wt thereortoOntinue 1 Ito discharge . the idutiau or-the office . 1 whieh,he now so.creditably fills. Tpe ' feeble health_ of.: his '=aged father, to-. sgether with lmilt)ness affairs of a pri- . vete 'ehatacter;fiavo' - indneed bim 'to tefuse the riitle6 tendred biro ;o the 'regularOny, by the Secretary of War: . ;- • , . : pastor of terj=toiian . • just I . for „int.s. atrtst, hiu . 1.121e 1 y were I ; • rtd (violent • ud itrofarte mvrtlage ofißl 'two nii4 guilty, 'referred to e now 9° an "aP bi Mrt. ,then' lhou egos:.,, for that the ,alarm had ; nut 'sounded. j Total majority • • .Aa ,tho . j*ry rowed, by scoii•R of hersoaa who (.04 . aco, /to., ' 'that S i b pay. di fferep tly.—Local. That jack- must hay: time in: going frpm th e l rponkup stairs; fothe Loral says be was talked of persous"--fortyL six; .while they NT er o , COMA of prcsecutiOu:. and undergo im prtsonmetit in the county jail for Lwo months. . :. 1 - r • Same vs. same. Surety of the peace, on oath of his wife, Julia roulson.-- e , Sentenced . to pay costs of prialusbution, aiiii conamitUd Aojail until the ten.. teLce is complied with.. ' ' - . • ..Same vs. George Stevens. Indicted for larceny... !Fpunci,not gui ty, and re! lease .from custody. : S. no vs.. John Flowers a Indicted for larceny. Foci 11,:s .t.c.). riewersnot. guilty others. ..51otion for a new reeognilance,inAlas surik.:ci! tered, into. . ' . -•- . • Same Vs. 'Frederick a Strawbecker; : Indicted II and battery. Not.!guilty. . Same ca. William IXi 1: ng: Indicted for stealing worn his. employer. Pk adi not guilty. On motion.. of 1 .Common- Woulthsw tiOlteLprosequi. was ordered 'to' be entered in the case: 1 , Siime vs. Irinac . l)nehana. indicted', .for being ,accessoy 'to .tarc4ny. - Con' tinned to next terin,und recogniaance . ,enteredinba in't.he.itunt o $2OO. • Same vii.' !Wchard Doti ister.' ; L1.7. dieted for Selling liqUor to, men °tin '- teriperaCe habits. Continned: . Same is 'same: • Indiete l d for`st.lling liquor to Min Ors., Continued. - • ' Same .vs: siiimcl. Inditited . for far= nishing:liqnor to iiien .when intoxica• ted Continued.. i . - i .i ~: Same vs: Pavid'and liinry44 Penny Indicted for_ assault and battery. sig nured, And the- -prosecutor, Sar!th Siseo, to .pay the coats. ' - 1 Same vs. as. Covert:. .Indicted for fiirniAing liquor to mine s. Contiti nod. • --I •. 1 ' !:- 1 ' Same'v.. David Penny.l Charge: .-of surety of the peace; on oath of Joseph. Penny, and . loseph - Penny bound in the stun Of . ::150 'to appear and prose cute.., •. l' . .........4.33,000 Pi:eelfat . en's So g h e o e ol . in Te112:1e8- The nerephis Pod. remprks: The . lowing, figures are from i reports for Oeteber,l3Ow ,in Itie,ho h Os of Geo. Lewis,Aoktstlit Commissioner for,the Freedmen's ICuiesu di Alf& StASs &bows • , 82 Teachers J .123 _ . Papit s in attendance i - 7823 White teacliere • ' ' , 95 Colored teachers - ' 1 1 ,8 Teacihers trenspo'rted , - 1 81 Buildings provided by ttie Buisau " 1 0 3z:tidings provided by. freedmen ,' 17 s c hoo;: sustained by freedmen • - 15 s e hd o i s p 1u .:!17 sustained by fieettmeu . 8 Sabbath sehOeas.;,- ' 0 1,85 ' Number attending . SaLba4 l t'oh9ols 8619 - The eotion-pieditig geison basealled many ;pupils from the s hence 'to 'the fields, and the repprt fo r the the piasent month wilt show '` iti en i siderablo in: crease from the ahtle figures. The first,quarteriT report 14 the yeas'- ending o . eteiser 31, shows 1,890 papildi writing, and - , the ilast quarterly report:: BIKARe 2,799—d0 increase ot 9b9. I . ' StUdyinr, aritlimetitt;first quarterly. report, 2,008,; last repint, 2,725ir. iirease of, 717. • 1 Studying grammar, 4rat quarterly report, 212; last report' 497—inerease of 285. 1 - - The schools are in a very prosper ous condition; and constantly aug— rnenungt in- number, thei freed .people evincing-great interestl in them, and feeling the necessity of, the education of their , raee. _ are *ere told bad koard't - oads would "o.told them bien a ipng .boa i '.to the ecbtor the . ‘to' by "scores or—eighty Should the Legislate adopt a ftee school. ey :. , and whites as hoped, efforts of I the • Borea l will be , a great pre 1 efforts of the State. ip'ritugv-pla Dear O ri arir {tine :eP cu o n n t l i ci fi , 331 :E 6 k 1 i : h .' ride on the ail..hereabonti witbouti, being foreibl remindtal of those torsi: , bled times ; no so far awry as might be.. "glm all, the comotion was - through, mud, mud,' d I -.Th o .. new railway froM Oil City to Irvineton, where: it T v joins the . & . It ; It., is claimed/ tol Il be the best t It road in , the State'. It is already ricliiving-s, large amionnt 0 freiglit and %tit Passenger travefis in.= creasit.g.. taburgh. which slept ao , i tk nnaccountab long over the 'ocunple:-.1 Lion ok the la*heny ValleS7 ..R. R I l' seems to bei ingup tO th.e import- 1 once of 'Lbw, rite, and the prospect now is that r rly in '67 we .shall sail the ears goinover'it. It dOes:,seetn; i t strange that he far seeing but.iness men of the Ir n City should &offer:he, trade w,hiehlirly belonged :to .theFk i to be tuirneitother Chtionehybefored making an.effort to retain it. . - 1 The very, lovi price of-oil is having the effect of turnir.g unusual attention ,to the- erectiOnlof iron tanks and fi ll= ' in g them with btitdo - oil. to await that appaiently certain rise in price, tothe ;good old : figure of : five or sii dollars per bst. - It•woild be difficult to find any•htisiness tot pay better, provided we atlMit. it to be a fact 'that oil must advance: An iron tank i of the elitists ity .of ten thousand barrels, ,CLIII he erected for nine thousand dollars: The advance of two dollars:per bbl on'.ite contents would be- a very, fair opera; :Lion, or 3 io 011 Creek pailabco, a big. thing. : ' = . ,Sincelast Spring very manYol these tanks hive been built, bothat Oil Ny a nd along the creek It is estimated that the &memo of iron ;tankage.. ii,* t he creek is obsiet 280,000 barrels 444 to thia,so,ooo barrels at Oleopplia:;. and il, like -amount: at' Tidietite, stn ; you wilfsee-tnat preparations are .be 4 rig made to, hold a Lair, supply: of the cruder for the gook time.ooroing. Invention* are still the order of-the day, the majority of improvements bo; tog on valves and workiug•harrels."- The 'old - brass barrels hid fair to be su Parceded, for the rapidity isith Weich they wear ‘•naid ship" is a p eat ob..' jection to them. The fatest nd best is a lease hardened coot iron barrel, Bored; perfectly true inside, and - woof against Wearing from atu action of the Tabio. t - ..,, , , i'A. sew machine of the torpedo ketity‘ has l ap peat ed. This consists of a, nain. mer of.hard wood, about twelve inches in length, and of 4 diamter to fit ; the well 'To this is attached stout poles, iniy- twoland a half inches think, put tag-ether after the manner of suckter rods{ ,A stout cap is fastened -to the upper end, on which a - weight . of 600 pounds -falls, descending some ten or twelve feet. The effect of' this blow is toj 'sore° the rammer doWn through the water in the wel4at the Same time forcing the 'water sideways iuto - t”iy erevetpo that may be loupd; opening the mouths - of 'the veins, and clearing. theta of any accumulation' of -mud or . parafliine which may have collecte4.— Phis is to be tried' on eotne Wel: next week. ' Fbwing wells seem { .to have departed. I believe there.are hut two now on the creek. ''.The well-nlgh nni versa: practiir of dwang.wellii is no &aft one 'vastly% for t taut "as -whoa the gas is hiiowed to came op: outside 'oft the tubing, it. is'impossibln for the Well, to flew. . . 3 At Pit llole they have got up ,a de bating society for - "Mutual •inaptovek .ment: arid the subject :or nektdebate is, , -There is more pleasure in untici• potion than in reality. 7" Dry hole, owners will Como in 'neAvy on thn nfi finnation—so will the ‘;Cly mers,:"— Wbiet side will 3ou takeT Thine, PlAula rECIT. nd;ctert Contio into in_ .y, in— try.. No i e. prose- 11,t others. iud -guilty as to the trial, and ilBOO ea• GeOrge oc aesinilt • litrashington CozTespondenoe WASEIINGTON, 1). 0., .410 V. 16, 1866 Capt. treygnd—Deer Sir: cliaying a leisure hoar; I: coteluded. I would down and converse with an' old absent friend. •_The,eitY Cent . clislances" is very (tell tif , d took,- ing suite iincneory, us marry of the old citizens who are still of the , Coppery'- . Johreon stripe, are loiAting as if a. wei.e loat, not only to the. city, but to thaGovernme.ut e imie,the result al the, recent elections became, knoivu, as no one now doubts fix a moment the passage of the •riegro suffrage bill' in ' the District of Columba, in j orneform or other, universal or partial. John son,seems still inezorabb, as I. :have been: informed by good an tbotityl that 'there has beennumber of ex SSenators. . a rand Congressmen, hero from theSolith begging of him to urge , the Satitti; to accept or ratify -the aniendmenta l eo ,the COn.4titution, but pi' yet;all ieents to he tineVailing,,as Andy still thinks Congies4 and ihe, grew, majority who have - repudiated his pdlicy area etiib. _born set of fellows. His coarse re -Minds mo of an incident that oeduireci' many yeara ago in our owokounty,—. An old citizen byithe name of 4 Matthew 13rooks, once a jiirei in an important' cose,stood out for ton days, Willi.° (its he alleged) the other eleven stubborn• jurors would agree with , him in ren- 2 Octal; n verdict.- But I guesslehns', son will not be ao . successful ris.he for • the people have ,an - idea that a buns Bred and: fitly . Congressmer. know r.early such, and are about hou'est,as he is. Bat this state of thillgo cannot 'last long. The,,Cops perhcads begin to feel ,the impOrtance lot 4 more thoidugh nniop of the ais. 133 al elerooptaboth North and South; l &slim time.for the election or another; Preaident will soon he here • and in order to success, (as they may try, to 'believe awaits them) they must have the Southern membeie in their seats' . in Cangresa You may remem ber, haviv heard nip some months since expitas- my fears that Johnson's last card to be .pluyed would be to embroil, use in *foreign war, thinking thereby to unite the.nation, ',and 'he would become the war -earsdide.te for the... Presidency. I see kinOmated now , by an influential. Denlocratio Copperhead paper ,thav is, tor, bt i the policy, of that, patty, as Weil to Ingo tie ahfrancbisethent of the negro lace, hopiAg thereby to use 'them to of Tenneassel :tam for blacks he eduesitioeat n sociaLieti ,aratioefor the the coming Proeidential 'canvas, for tilev Would iiiiinage to s iot the eroat inafority, 'of. their Votes. by' fraud or other*ite, for it.'time at leaati until they bodaine edUCated to judge be— leryien reel and 1 aseumpl friendt.- - There will be an early' move made in Cotogressito pass a law convening the' tew (Fortieth) . Ccingress on the sth day of March next for wise purposer. Every care will betaken , by a patriot. Jo Co grins ' of the vital interests of itia.p pie against any despotic, no. of a bad mai, now in power. HeOwill be held to the strictest acctiiiiit& and Made sit example of, lest, (if pi seihie) U worse man following him might pre suniaon his success And really pervert or ' destroy our republiCan form or overninent entirely, CoogressehoUld 'Tan means hold, him to ti strict 'sc. °out for iill hie overt nets thereby deterring all _who may ,follow him from tamyering with thoeacred rights cf a forg!Fing people. The great majority of the members I are' expected here next, week. , r remain i very, truly, youre, ' i A TarrstArt. The' Aosasisins at Tortugas. - ' 16 boatswain; formerly of the receiv ing ship Vermont, named Brogden, who has , been& prisoner for nearly a year at - the Dry Tortugas, and waste cently pardoned, .was taken on the Newburn at Key West . lie :gives a very intelligent and no doubt entirely accurate account of the present condi tion of the Lincoln - assairmatiqn con. spirators confined at Dry Tot tugait-..-. Dr Mudd, Spangler, o'4aughlin :and Arnpld.' Ace-cording to his statement Dr; Mudd' has recovered from.the die- . ,grace into which he fell;-. throegh attempt at-escape about a year ago by co ealing, hirnself in,a coal bunker of is .e Steamer Winfield Sutott."; It • will I be remembered that after this fruitless attempt to extend the area of his freo-, dpm, he-was removed from the medi cal disPensary,in which he was detail ed as an ,aebiatant,and compelled to do the most menial work about the priSon. Tie is now retdrned to his old posit:en. and enjoys -even greater confidence than ever; as in addition to dispensing medicines; he acts ,as'the :medical at. tondant upon a good many .of the pris oners. I Under. hit present kind ileat tneut ,stid the comforts land liberty al4- lowed bire, hie. !natal bra picked up amazingly; so meek so that he 3 in Irestiy better health tnow , than when first admitted to tho prison, , He bey heves' thathe wilt shortly be pardoned, .1 and this opinion is generally. outer.tniu ed , by others.; Mr. Spankler ia,.to : ate the exprogsion, 'of. ihrortnent, mak ing rhoney toind over fist it bis car pentry;work4 It seems be bee .daily his'settasksuf work, and cm ptoted;'is allciwed' all Le can make be side. Being's rapid and fine work mash.ble gets, bill bands. full , of extra jobs, and, allogethir, is doing mach better Toeunjarily than when doing the - earphnter work at Ford's theater. is ie a picture of good healtb;_as also are i ii.rnoldf andO'Laugblin. The twd latter kwe still at woik at their old ehiploy mord,' 'These, all well tw Spans &or, live in hope Of apeedy'pardoe, The, President . and Negro Suf- . [‘i .-: frage. , Waitionirros, _November 16; 1866 — ThO National Republican! to-day says tbilt President . lohnson 4s in laver ofl granting suffrage to all Ooloresi . mewl wherever the Constitution gives him the k)tower; to do so, who Oar. read and writ4or who served honorably in the Uninn arniyor who own poperty to theleitent,of two hundred'and filly dollar's and nifwards. The - iaitozalso sal-p: i .fll.O authorized us, in bebalf - Ot tbe Chief 'Executive of the natioi ' to I urge qualified shffrag suffrage, tor the colo red men-of this district in April laiit,l,nd at 'his suogesticn we renewed the proposition again injuly,-only. , 'about on Week before -Congress. adjourned. ,W4slithoioN,!liorimbet 18---It to stated hy parties authorized to speak lox.: the Republic of Mexico, that it is the arni intention of President-Juarez to order an electionin accordance with the Constitution tor a President, and rnembeis l of Congress as soon it shall ; be• practicable to do so. T hey further Debeitt, that President Juarez is l l 'not, as bikenemies rspresent him, an ambitious and unser i tipulous man; whose only object is to keep bimstlf in vOwey„ but that babas remained in offide, after tha,ezpiration'of bis ,term, lbeeause this :iwas the: Only way - in wh i chl he thought the* National. goy ; ernnlent of Mexico could be preserved: It sjdoubttnl"vrbether . . ha'. will allonr hie name to'be Usettlis &candidate for re lection,. oven should his friends ai l .' e,him to,da so.: , _ .. _ i ' ' ' .. Dixirlbutions. 4 " y. . , " . ' a would call attention to the ol:qii• la 9t ono of, the loading papers ‘of 0: bads on this subject : ilbst,of our readers have no; doubt re 'd sonie of • the, numerous advertise. ni tits of Gift Enterprises, Gilt Con. cc le, Ste., Which 'appear:lrotn time .to ti tkin tke public.prints, offering most c 9 pting bargains to those who wl,ll p, ltronize them. -In most gases thiSse "tir .genaine humbugs. :But there are 4 cw,inapectable firms who do 41i . trill:. 1 n 88 in this manlier, and they do it as a leans of inefeasing theistwholesale ,b siCess, ar.d not to make, money.r— ,Fiorn. such firms; it is true handiome # d'ialuible itrticles are ittocuied 'for a very small itam, and whSt . is 'more I d ti : v ery I P i t s iirre;aehateetsc:' person a nor t u: e : g a , 4 li :e t t s c: ar i :e t 1 ,:l a dv h i e i v : d v a i l eti tie s b r e ; t e : t oo rb f e a s t ot ee for his .;1 7 :7 i i t s t . . We' hive seen numbers of. pries i s nt out in this way by .SitsawiN, liadi:lN Sr; COMPANY , of lifteaktllStriML, 4. Y., and there Lace doubt thlet some ' L ' f' oz_ the articles are worth eight or tets Ines the money paid lot, tfriein; while re have not seen or beard of a Girlie wtiele which ,was ceot.lally worth he ir:Mir 'which- it cost. , Bit. this , is o ly one-cf the exceptions of this rule-, - or • as genetel thing tbp parties engaged :itribis business are Aot . biug Ent clever 7,vriridi ( l ._ rS i -- . V iB ay 6. Reader ; 1f0 n .4, real; -e. i ~ ' I ;.QUEENS WARE—Tea tette complete, Chant beg-sots, and a 'full assort • meat of plaia Ind figured Stone China. all of first !pal ityrtor sale by t tov2l firma, a - 811/11.4WSIMAGER. -- I ME ..• EX.ECUTOR'4, NOTICE. L". RS' te,stamentory on the testate ICT:".f limn BRADYN, 'Ste ..of ' Raccoon township, Deaver county; Pa., dec'd, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons, indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those havingclainte against the same will present them properly authenticated rof settlement. -SIitIANUR BRADSNOkeeuteit. • • n0v21'66 &Keogh tp. CEDAR . .8110KR7t- 7 -Patent aSd Toy Buck ; • ,ets,C:othesßaskets,'llar- - , itet and &boot Baskets,) . Buttar Bowls,Mop sticks, IBolling-pins, ac., dr.c., Smalls & Bitattnatszaases.; normal SAW MILI; AND BOAT YARD • I FOIL SALE. , , • THE undersigndd Offers • for sale his fie Mill end Boat Lard, in Indwstry, Beare cowify, Pa; The will is in good running o der;` and the Boat Yard is sufficiently large IC the building of all classes of boats. If .W 4 sold by the Ist' of April, 18(17, tho propert will be for rent. 4i0r21 7 W : WILLIAM. CAIRNS. 4 Eli gm* OICEPEL—Extrn No. I Shore, ja • s i barrols and kite, or the pound; also.--No. 2 and; 8. for sale by , 132riLics & SUALLSMIERCIEIL. rem ecutor , s Sale. EMI !•. will be sold at theists residence • Brittain, deed„ in Darlintositp., • • day, November 27th; 1886, IfiE - - s• nu; the following property, , d of btilch Caws, 6 , besot of you head of Sheepp, 2 Hop, 4 Hiveelol a in the esr, Hay in the Start, onCi on, 1 Mare and Harness, Farming Household,and Kitchen Fuinitufe, nthersticles too tedtone to men. JOSEPH BRITTAIN, ;6' ' Eseoutot MAO o'oh wit:! 7 11 10 Csttte 24 Bees, Cori horse Ws pteneibi. don. nov2l' 4. Young. liysn, ,oolong and "Japan Tea, select e d, - great care front the .chOic -,ltist brands imported,. and sold at ' lithe Price of ordioary teas, at (I :1_ STILLS B(SitALLZNIBIAGIZie;I. !NEE aoi2l; 'pm for , Slat ID2 2rRE stibicriber offers his Farro,l comas ing . of 460 lACRES OF LAND, for sal6.. sot e " ht acres of said farm is in Pulaski Townsblip, Ind the balance in Ner Sewfckly TownehiP. The whole farm is under fence, arid abont one.half of it cleared. There is a good frime house 'and also a good frame ham on the o.operty. together with all otherinec essety ont-buildings. The land is cell whter ekhas tiro gUod orchards upon it,is convenient to iohoo s and churches, andis only aboUt five miles f m Beaver, thtoohati seat. Th farm can be`-conveniently diiitted into allot% treats to suit purchasers. '1 . :' • `n0v21),'66. . , JAB. C. FERGIIS .I N. 'GLASS' DISHES—Best Flint Ware, j • ° blare, 'Goblets, Wine 0 • 1 ' sea, Ste., &a ,at fr, ric42l • . STILLS & auaLtosmeantl lea •, ti,„y , . " •Stred or Stole ill , • 1 . - . ' SSO'RENVA.R . . I --- 1 - i .- STRAYED or stolen frotni the; Ohio tOwnship,-on Fridey night, N 0.16 light bey horse with white ;hind feet, • a bilk spot ont one or both of thewa`ditn whi it a betweep the eyei, and a wh ' ite stripe bnw • the noltrils., His a large head, about' Sist hands high sod about five years, old. • Had when he broke away aidediellett saddlb a n 'bridle. The above reward will be paid by ,for the recovery Of th e borne. i :noraa'fii-7-3t. - RALPH E. HERBERT ~. • . Dr. Ei.' C,l Pruyn, i ELETI.O PilvsipLAN AND 1 , - r . 1 . • ..-, I.r 1 •• [ . ,• M - etdic al Ele'ciricia ; n, 1 - 1 - Oki.. over .; Ilannin's Drug • Altore," . - ' it; . . ' •- I - I.' ' 0 si . Steamboat Landing Flo pixi le • ' 1 , .. cheater, ;Pi., • , UCCESSFULLY tieats,all Chronic Diseas - S es, Palsy, Deafness, blindness, Ithetima tient, St.. Vitus' Dance,.Dyspopsia,Caticer, and al the old knotty diseases• that are the curse of the old school Physicians, as it prok', es their Inabbity to eradicate,„ ere by this ircienti6c meth " Comparatively eitey of cure. A , SPEC-. Ihib OF CAEER pie . “:,A.RGE 011OWTH. cl may e seen at I Dr. Hann`eri's Druf Store:by those interested, ands references grititt of the cure of other iChronic diseases. Particular I atten 10r1 ',ti ven to Female - Complaints and Priv to Diseases. H i ,; N. 11.-4.hloreury and Calomel are of used by th Doctor. . . , ' tn0v21'66:.1-BMos. i r la .CO M I F' S O'N d!L M - TU W R Wff a 121 116, FEDBILIL STR liol . , . . , . :- 1 • •, • i _:. .. -,. • - • i . kg- t- • - ; _ i 1 - -.-• ! ; _ i ~ )14LEGHE3INV ,IT ‘l,. P ' • , Are Dow receiving)", large and elegint !toe) ' . 'tt t i - • =I PLAIN FANCY fi • 1 ' SILK POPLA S, ri6S "614 ..N1. 1 .e Irt . ;. I.63I3ELA.ViT 113 1:10 They.also offer sti satire. No E: O,PETINGS & OIL Ait neliest avagns a .21 , '06.8nr . ALUABLE REAL ES TATE AT CO. PHANS' COURTS %LE. .. , . Y . virtuis of an order of trie Orphan', ... Court of Beaver counly,the uitdprsignui. pntsteesappoiuSed by said Contrt to ash) 4f the real estate of Rebecca Ilulvanntt.tlegid, under proceedings in partition of Laid real state. will expose to sale by pOlic vende. br out-cry, at tho late residence of the sail de 6eased. in Yanport, in said county, on. TII Ul2 SDA Y, , Deeember 'clOth, 1803, ru n o clock,A. NI:,all the following doacribut real estate. situate in said county of 11 0.04): - , State of Pennsylvania, viz: __ . . , . ~ No. I. Academy lot No. 28,in I.lOrongh tp,, containing a b ou t 8 yeas, bou • ndod by the itni of -tho'Haserve tract, lot N0..23, .or,o r i tat th, a • lane, &e. all cleared and ,unistr. ii:l2l. ea. w ‘ ltiob ILA erected the mansida lieu of de. - ceased i a large two story briek dwelling:lei4:- g orr goodand hill ; frame kitchen gtacfiel; o ' good cellar underneath the. whoa! - hums ; 4 geed cistern timderneath the kitchen m ac , 4 frame dwelling house (two stories) etteeio.4 , , with four rooms ; a large trains) bank bus, , • (stone basement) 60 by 43 feet, with stew ing . underneath—all well. finished; iti, brick multi house, coal house and house ; also, ' I , two story frame tenant house; a stable, el ltop polite,. and other outbuildings . The haildiat e and improvements in good order. 1 g ,,,, g . orchard on the premises; said premises being, .• designated se put part •".1" in the plot acconiz- ' partying the return of the intpaisttasskingp . tition as aforesaid., - sr ‘‘, • . No. 2. A tract of land in 13rjeaton taws.. - ship, bounded south by the Ohio ,river,-- leek •• , by land of Hugh Andereou, north ear, by Ili,', ' tract or parcel No. 8, next_ here;nifser de. ' scribed, containing 179 mires and 75.petches. About 90 acres cleared and in.& good state of .- cultivation. balance well timbored---premid ee • ve-$ll watered; designated as ,purpart ••41” i, . the return of the inquest aforesaid: , '` No. 3. A' tract of lan4 in the town e hi o 4 • - agresal a t botinded north by land'of 11 _ W --__ ' K enzie d tract l'io.• 4, hereinafter described, a east by e Xessietny lota, &c.. south by laud of Power and others, and wesyby par•el No ...4 5 above described. Containing 121 acres and 22 • 1 perches. ..Abinot 86 .acres cleared and is-S good state -of cultivation . ; bahinice well tin. ! g bered, well watered, a good bearing apple or. chard oa,tho premises!, and otirwhich it erect. I:0" in the plot and - return of the- inquest • aforesaid. 1 . .• , •- - - - 'No, 4. A 'parcel of land situate in tie towAship•sifaresazd, bounded north by * lands of Pfifer and Toy, east by 'ands of Jos. Mitch ell and L---'• Sickman, and west by tract -No 3 above desCribed; containing 138 acres aad • 70 perches !about _65 acres cle'are'd ; baLtac e . well timbered, arid pr emises well watered.-- - 'Pesignated 'as parpart "D" en (he-, plot and • return of the inquest-aforesaid. -. ,-- • No- 6. Part of .toaderny lot *. 29 in 'Der. ongh toivnahip,containing about 6 acres, Ili - bottom land, cleared and enclosed. Design:. - tea as pnrpart "E" on the plot and return of the inquest aforesaid. - ~ - , No. 6, - Lot No. 123, in the plan of cut.lote adjoining the - town of DeaVer, adjoini n g, h a iNo. 5, and parcel No. a ; abi r re' r. .decribed, r..- ' taining Graeres end 74 percliPs-:bottont-Imid cleared and enclosed.l Designated as puipsn - "F" in the plot and retetrn alures,aid. .i . NO. 7. ; Lot No. 122, ii - tbSytan of ott•les, stotesaid, adjoining lo's Ivey. :'1 and 6 - *eV' tracts Nos. 3 and 4, as lteeeitt hl.,ce described; • containing 6i acres, exclusiiie of two lentil - ed t ' ,A li f a o r w a n m e e d il h ay y - 4 W o e u tiv e c ; r a a e a s a ig. n i' 3 e t r e g d ui l,lB )}l t l' h u er rP ti ji a n i '. ra- all cleared and encloed, Mel •All Vallek ill ) plot and return aforesaid. 1.. ~. .. ~ . dots. NO: 9. * Lot No. 64, in the plan es Nositerisy. 1 aforesaid, adjoininglani - s of Patalck Mu - s . s ., ~; ka. erected b‘,L,Bi a iblag t, o teect n isiao, e l itlgtth e :: : exu a idaino r I.e y ; dn4lg.:,,,raeal brick 1::b ue.oiFrnsuuu. dwelling i s hau: i at l rarp l : i icit n i,:r g .ant. ria b i. tao: c .. f: m 7:: : :11: , nli i .i s i : I I 1, 12.:i 54.: -_ in 'Tartan on the' west, land of D.,Nliais, or Pub•• C ,ft• tic alley on the ESA, the Beaver and Varipor 'eL road on the north, and an:alley nu the evitr, pot - containing 8 acres and 27 parches, all cleared m r ti add enclose!—good bottom land. Dielgaated ten as purpart "I". iu t heplot. an sf tet urn sit oresaid. e zi No. lti. - Lot No. 15, in Ihe general plan of i tew lots 'of the Darcugh of Rcidgeeiat.te, hini.de4 "e by Walnut street, Water alley, :sprit ze,allry, &c.,being 180 by 4-.0 feet, ertelooed and tiesim ted as purport -X' ia theybot sal return sf_ii-- said-1 . . . The above embraces 'a large amount oz. -,..• colleuti•roperty in good cozolitiou: l yin g.seit. in. 2 miles of Deaver; and will be• sold Witt. lately as above described., or-two or n• - .re 1, 0• • eels will be sold- togethar.. • • . A:Naas—One-third of the porenseeworth to Le paid upon confirmation - of sale by, :to Court, one-'bird id-one "year; and theara'ants in tsvp years - from the date - of -coriii-FaCas t w !it :s i t e l h t n purchaser i t n u t t e a re tob f e r :s o m e c p u g 4e m d a . ;lo i t y i e h: p oi n d t I : l e ri o d l f e in a fe C o r ig j, ll stamps. .. - ' * -.* ?" ' 1 --- For further information ill:limp of t ile roe dersignsd. --, •., • - i • ' ;• ' • 4 3 ° 0 S li N C . J ( W il i t i NlT N Oti • ' . 1.4 ''..7 - '''' - , nov2l, '66...- .L. .l3eaver, Dcover county, pi. ~ ''3 EbINBORo, EIZ.I.l•: C 9., PA:. HlSpeltool o ff ers eiccellt:nt facilities far obtaining a thorough; pretlcal Estill! tication. ••The State assists aloe 14 02 ' tend to became, teachers. .t certificate tries i this institution' leood for life. in ell part a, ! ' Pennsylvania; an d exempts the holler fres eiamination by .Sobool officerr.., 'The Wilok' - Term will oplki December st-' ' T . . \ I For circular or catalogue; adOrs • ? octl9:6* - 1 'J. A. COOPER . . , ---------------: ..-- .. i ,11017 SE Mt LOT .FO3 SAO , :k of - , IN BEAVER. • / 33 , --------- • ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTR;.E . ' - B -4. t I .ir.TTERS oi,diniuistrithotien the Piste it, '- - ' 34.tailiA 31 Mg. lite dt Sew F.,ewictly 4:. c 0 ..; deed, having been 'td toil,: nn 4rsigned, all persons indebtrdtssall eel': are ro9uested to make immediate pajaro,l!'.. • - those- having elsime against said tart]es 10'-‘ i '4l present them to the 'subscriber propS*:, ). t itentiontect for settlement.. . • . JO4DON CA ,ME, Add v., • - . maioa I. MEI CARSED CUTS—A ,• fresfi, stock of P e e k:reonlages , Oreen Tomatoes, Black.berriee, iiliorrlc bee ties, Raspberries, 'Bits Apples. fur by STILES' 4t SUALLINBILIGS6. nov2l 131_,A.CIKM.On g 1 (At No. 24 St. Oak St., Petistoopi, Pa.) gats, caps and Ladies' Furs. Beaver Coti;ty , Trade Solicited. lioveniber 14; .1846r4m0e irATENORMit SCHOOL; El , A , Bovn Kiti,,D LOT r; , `. DEA., I/; r 4 L - (11l near the Female SeizinarZ. is 94' , . fir sale. The house is a.teio story trawl , e g l . 8 f !al ningilevAn • romps: There is also a , l' . town with a cistern hoiding 80 barrels of 0 , 1 . ter. The-lot is strenNghths of an 14 1 1 1,1 ' m different kinds of fruit. --. -_- - - ;19.../ityly to D. L. Inabrie, Neg. . . • - n05r.14'6,6:4w ,,: ~.- . , - u0,i4 , 66 ---------- ow- ix °tell BEAVER. i Pi. of , • I ri J. B. clizi..tiK, - Propr iefor. 111.00 D STABLING , attaebed, 44 1 .4 : 04, -,1! IMO