The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 31, 1866, Image 4
I ,-- i . Ell Ni W' G-0 ,01) S ! r II - . • WE have just rOloolied 'One s'of the - Larg and most Complo l totoek • . • ES'ARE GOODS, . • • Oaanimeres, lins Paints, Ginotiims, Checks,-&O., Ever offered to the , p4iio hi► this city. -Also. it splendid assortm e nt of "Ladiee',' Misses and Childrea'' SHAWLS 4 ."- loalliies, styles andiniCes, , si;:pest; ly reduced, retes. , ;:• • " CARPETS; OILI,CLCRHOAUOS4 •. • • The Largest Stobk ands bimi c Asporiment ,of Carpets, FlOor Hilt Cloths, Hearth,. Bugi, Matti, ao.,_i ever offered, • and 'at Persona in weAk,of„arsything aural ' • out& do well to'ilia as 'a. call. u we , are d • eartabled' to sell . etiristoek it prices which' atitoftieh all. r i ' • ' • aliritenientber the-placer • • - DIII4LAP, L A co., 186 144eral at, 4 do ge below.Blsiket.-honer; 711:6m] ' ALLEGHENY CITY. ' 111. letiaoT. irkiii2l I. ,w. • SIIA -DRr-tOODS , AT SEPTEMBER, .1866. 'WELROY; DICKSON - & Cp. rrco.' 54 wcocyr) RT. ___ • 1 PITTSBu RGII, PEESANT THETA FALL STOCK No* Coximrs, it'd invite the attention • . , Dealers to their Carefey Selcted issortent of ,Oi•y.. - Gipd NOTIQNS , OFFERED AT • POPULAR PRICES. The frequent ifocituuions in value of all de : acriptions of Merchandise, renders it a Init . ler of especial propriety thit. purchaser should be frequent and therefore the *sorest mark , F be comes the One best adipted to supplying tidal —dealers with Goods they sell. . j.. *; 7 Purchasers from Western Penn's., E -ter. :Ohio and West. Virginia. are invited to vial . Pittiburgh and inspect this . ' , • STOCK:- GOODS will•. be kept .full Ihtritig - the S TERMS, NET CASH P 1 c R #AIS 0 N B L ' - , MUROT,,BICKSOU No. 54 WOOD STREiT, . I:Xi7C i t i O933l:rl7 ll . 4 4 , BENCI • One Dbo} Below the Saitin '333musArErri., . • AS on hand, and offers for sal a carefully selected stock of TRIMNINGS, YARNS. EMBROIDERY-ND • YANCY GOO , Ribbons, plain and faneY Battikhiefs, ,Buckles,' Belts, uckleS, Hair Netts, Dress Trim- • rta - ming:l, Lace, Bngle Trimmings, and • Biles Buttons, Velvet 'Ribbons, . Corraeta, Balmoral and Hoop • Skirts; Embroid'd Edg- , . • ! inns, ladies Cellars '. and Cuffs, Tidies, Woolen Table-covers, Baskets, ' 11 isn't's, Malay] Gents and Children's sr; .. , P' ; of 'all kinds. • 3E40 . Silk, Mour ning, and. Strait, all the he latest • styles, cheap. i " . RIBB -0 5als, FLOWERS; i RVCRES AND ORNAMENTS! :, :,. , fAKI' ALSO, DRESSANG II ;iv 1! ‘RYSRANCII; - • 1. Ny'Re nave constantly i on ban Mat DemorestiS latest Fashion Patterns. Pat ' for aale. i . , We sell t , below o g!t t Alb ur i prices. Give us a call aild satisfy yoursol . -, SffirDo not forget the place, one oor the Seminary, Bofaver. sePI2:BM k . ~ GOOD GROCERIES' -4i:lx' EDWAROAZ4Eir 10-IZOOMM • , PRODUCE DEAL! E!1, 3ag291y1 .2Ve... 21 Diamond, 091111tLIN & WINANt - 1-1 - ARDWI RB; IMPLEMENTS, CiAP4NT - OtW .TOOLg, AGENTS FOR EXCELSIOR "SIOWER: AND REAPER, AND NEW BRIGHTON FIRE-BRICK WORKS. f Dec6,'65. . AND MCI J.. 11. :EN AND - -ii ''''' 4 :: . 4 1 1 A; I 4.-..a,1 '. .... Ce Z CialtZildlll ..„11. iiimine ' ._ •I NEW Bliitiiiicliii,..:PA4, .:,:i . . - ••• • - • - ; ; 201234111111• "; ; • ; ME 'IRO*, NAII.S,'„ AND i3LA.cKSDiITHS' TOOLS, • -MASONS' TOOLS, -; • KIOPIAI.O4.STOOLS; SAD.6LE.II4 I -TOOLS,' PLASTERERS' TOOLS, MINE SS' 'TOOLS. SADDLERY nAtip . w ARE. BENT N FELLOWS &)SHAFTS,` I.OOKS I, BOLTS& !Inform, PICKS.MATTOCKS&'HOES, COUNTER &PLATFORM SCALES, TABLE Si POCKET CUTLERY, HORSE. SHOES & NAILS, TIRE CARRIAGE VOLTS & NUTS, CORN 8 MIER'S, - .'STRAW CUTTERS. - • ALso, PAINTS, • I • OILS, VARNISHES, FILE Sill ARRIVAL 1 OF A NEW ei WELL SELECTED Stoc . l Of Goods, 1 - BRIDGE BAIDGE,W4TER, I 'VHS subscriber takes idensuri in inform ... ing ,the Publici that he now has, and keeps 'constantly on hand, the Most Extensive and Complete "As . aortmentloT BOOKS, j WRITING AND WALL PAPER, OIL CLOT RS; CAR,, - PETS, MATTING, WIN.. 14,0 W WADES, , AL BUMS; WILLOW: WARE, .M.ANTLEOEgAMENTS,TOYS,U., that have ever hoen bro e cicht to thl4 county.— In fact hi I keeps everything that is usually kept in a well 7 regulated and well supplied variety store. As I pa t rchase nearly all my Goods at NEW YORK, and pay cash for them, I am thus eaa abled to Bell, and do dispose. of my goods, cheaper than they can he bought at retail in Pittsburg.' Give me a call. B. MIILBEIM Briagewater, July 25, 1866-1 y piRIDGF,WATER Jffti rble Wor!ers. D. WOOIDRITHP, lIANEPACTUREIIt AND DIALCIL U • ~_: 1 . and American Marble. r - 1 A/ QM:MEETS, HEAD STONES, to., msde to order. •,P esso give. me a sll before purchasingelsewhere. - . Shop oppOsite Dr. Sm th's Drug Store,Bridge street, Bridge,tster , ' July,2s, 'o6:ly JAMES T. BRADY - & - .C0., S. • „ Successors to S. Jones & co., " Ie Cop"O' "Wood di Fourth Streets, • -LPITTSBtTRGi PA., j • slow aliketires iL 'prokei•s g , :maw It ALL ILIUM 07 • - ELECURI7M„ FOREIGN EXCHANGE, Gold. & Silver Coupons, .. ' IrgAue rate paid for Coraptina, IntiiLst Notes. CPO ! 'Li fa T irt:: U n ited S ti tes onL i Tessib u ts . Interest allowed on time depositsi fjpll:BEn "crkk.i.• - c•iimEez•-tei l . ' BEAvER.... PA.;: '.. J. B. CLARK, Proprir. : OOD STABLING attached 'to this Ur Rowe. April 4,lB6fi—ly ! 6:•Az ". Banker ant!. Biroiier, - asp Await nr WM iealratati v ii todiatiliavernnient 'bias, and athier. Se(. itlei mstmatircza clam AGENT, C.o4llMcfr*Rel,l4ollY4 THE subscriber having-opened an o ff ice at T, HE ' Rochester; On the room lately o c c u pied 'by F. A. Fortune) resegigally solicits the pa •tronage of his triendisiilLthe public in gen eral. ' ', - Particular attention given to the adjustnient of -Officers' accoraite, and au _claims arising 'out tl=arsu al rt — irs'' yeti' leW • • : Priso , ..Minsey,l • ~• 4c. . Being agent for T £tns Instigate (o. of • Hartford, et , the orth America of Phila. delphia,.assiLthe-214nr.rtureia'..,&lihsrahanbr of Pittibleg, I "ME 4sme i liollcies ist`•-eitlieri of the companies named. F- *". . Farms. 'houses and lots for - sale. 1 Shares in the oil lands'ot the celebrated Isl .• and Bun region for sale,iwhere every well has' proved; a wucceett. 1 OM slmres-inweb 151;e pro ducing • undei. way, and leases. • • I will also 'sell piy•residenlie in Rochester, beautifully situatedilind within a few minutes walk of the Ohio riler and Railway stations. fi: Terms liberal: -, • -., 7 . I •, , . ,• ; ',. , . " ... T !f I , Deedi drawn 4 nd jacksioirledged.• .-• '`• ' Fist Vika :takbn hi bat' ;lash Insuir*Wei" Companies. • • - , I • , Revenue stamps; ,aidrays on hand. . Refers to John A. CLighey, Joe. Plummer, Wm. H. Smith A Ct c , ) ,Pittsburg.... ), !? , ! ' ' ' :CRAB. IF.-11IIRSV: - :. Rochester, 'Nov. , ; 1 65 • •.• •- • ' I( :: ISTONE Rz Gria*Sq4 Pi : 4lA ',Tars SELF-SEALING. AIL COMMON TOP •: • TIN 'FRUIT .CANS: • Fruit jar Corks.; S SITGMkof VAxIOUS GRAD, A Choice Selection :of Tess: HE imbieriber invites those in want of T any of the above articles, to give , him a call. ti Motto.. ,:•Swalf Pro is and Quick Sales.'" g*.Tertns, stOctly CASH. • . A. H.•HARVEY, Bridge street, Bridgewater. GREAT INDUCEMENTS! augl:tf ', AND PUTTY-. Liberal. • 1 - 0 000 ACRES ,LAND FOR SALE. Situated in the fertile Valley ofthihanaivhs, i'Nest Virginia, unsurpassed for richness, or soil and , quality of timber. Coal and other minerals in great quantit Some of the tracts but a'short distance ftotn the great Kanawha and Gatiley Rivers. Sev )eral Farms; with Houses, ' Orchards, &c.. its good condition. 'Prices according to location and improvements. .:Timbered Land ;mini-. ,proved at the extremely low price of font. ;tel• tars per acre, , with privilege of Choosing ctt: l ot the above. number of acres. A large sei tic meat Las nlreadir been formed and,is daily increasing. ;.Clear. title Warranted. For fur. t her particulars, { address V'Nt. H. BRILL, Allegheny City, Ps..!" Or call at PARK* BRILL'S DRUG STORE, No. 37 Federal Street. ,Dy25'66-3m:' .._r et4rai:iti. Du - riiBeath , •& Co., 1 - • - DEAL'EItE', IN , i. . •i N 4 l.3ael , i7Vatcrii.eis ~. ~. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, S I ILVER-WAREi, - , - 1 . P.A.Tq d"i r. 0 3-00 - JD, .311JSICAL .110XiS, kc. • 56' FIFTH .STREET, 1 I= 2, l"titglc•laats,, , Pa. 1 ta..Agehis !for I.he AincricaulVatch Coni pany s Watches , 1 •_, • DylB'66:ly COAL t IWILL delivoito the,cittzens of Rocheater, Bridgewater, Beaver and vicinity, a good quality of Coil; nt.the shortest notice. Wag ons can. at any time, be supplied at the Bank, on MiCinley's; run, adjoining the bank of Wm. Porter, Esq. j Orders left with John A Frazie, Beaver, Stiles E., Shallenberger,Bridg water, M. Cinnp, jr., - Itoeliester, will receive prompt attention. r J. C. MOLTER; novB I Bridgewater. NOTICE 1 4 0 BRIDGE-BITILD.ERS. 'OBALED PROPOSALS will be' received by 0 the Comniiiiioneri of Bower coOnty until Saturday. Oct•• I 27th; init.. at one o'clock p m. for the' erection of I bridge across Brueb creek, in North Bewlokly tp.,Son the elttreceu:- pied by the bridge known as the Plersol or Thupholis Fembell bridge: Proposal to be forin irdn wooden structure. - -By order. 'Comniestosan's Orrice, Jxo. CAUGHLY, Buyer, Oct. Bth, 1868. f Clerk. 11111 EX.EOVTOR'S . NOTICE.; Ltestamen!Ary on the ,estate, sae Enoi.a, late of industry' T o f T. E r" ' township, DeiTcr county, Pa., deed, having been, granted,to the undersigned, allipersons. indebted to Mild estate are requested-Inmate' immediate payment, and those haring,claims against the•same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. e W4BiIINGTON Ent*, Executhr, sepet3VlJ I • Induetry tp, , - • D. WOODRUFF. I /4100 1 11 I - . . . . . . . . . • . . _ . ,-.•.,.,,,..„„:,- . .-..,-.i..... , - _ . ', , ,;•: - ,..,f , .......tL.,•.•,,....„.......„...,...,„...,...,.....:,-............i,.......... : ~..,„.....„....... . . . ==l to Settlers: env NE, of N. Aiiiorica, OR' The U. States Continent in 1900. MBE Most comprehensive and best Map ever published. Price $3.00. Clmtains maps of all the counties in the United-States. I WM. REED, - sepbrint i Sole Agent, for Beaver county. • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE . lI `; • V__B__ . • irREAB . lettershiestaniatarP estate of MILO DAUM!. ISle Of PITO, dom, B county, , deceased, having beep granted to the undersigned, alipersons knowingthemselvetk indebted to said estate - are reqnfated us", made immediate Payment, and those,Aaving,ebillas against the same will present tlihm properly authenticated; for -set tlement.. JNO. McFALL, Adak's., Glasgow Berough.l Starrtoll, Surgeon,Physioisn & Pension Surgeon, •---'NEW, BRIGHTON, PA. 701011 .fia at ky Broadway - j say24.'66:ly PURE CIDER VINEGAR, 2 YEARS OLD. Far sale by- : :A. S. R".ARVEY, . • anglitf qtridige street , Errdtewater: • • • :rt , • 10 t ",,r 1., •••( -at - .el -•*••'• 1%-or Gtr °Oen t ,ori I: 4 YR.?" _ _ - - mi 7, 1. != : ; - ; - I - 4 ' 11.• , ' 16,) i rit 17i? It , eft 4 . 94" - 41 fl•St t rf , 1. 71:11r.i..- . .11 - 4 . • • . . ~',..„., IMEI =I MEE 'NEW• ' f MILLII4IEII,Y -- .: ,- -:-.1 - :.: ' - ,•..- 4 ~ ..H :i., • - :.•,,,, MO ts: fi. =EI _ • - ' D m ro - it - • CORIUM BRIDgE & MARKET Sts., .41CLIAGEWATER. nailll-1.1.13 f eanr..• i ant now reoe ving t atipst and ilia SO' ' .110ttnitat Malinery Ater brought- . lr., Beaver Mutt ! Ladies' Velvet, Silks Mourning tilt Straw Bonnets; Ladies"; Mid and Childwebca 'rel., Frosted -Straw Aliatlr 4111111 Turhinig Silk .Teivetk Itlbons, 4 Flow *Wm. Muir, Or:te 'nants, Cords, , and *soda, ke. • WW I "*.l r e Al • Dress and Cloak linttons. rCordaland Ruf fles, Hair Netts, Embiolderies„ Baits and f i l v iteldes,;Bllk Infanl chiefs, .4= old Wks! Caps, BALMORAL & ILOOP SKIWTS; CORSET, DRESS 1 LININGS, MEN'S . RA.TS, , LINEN SHI RTS,'SHIRT It RON TS, MENS'.H.N IT COATS., LA DIES' C.I.OTTIB, FO SACQPte ... AND . CLOAKS, , . - "VerY 'cheap. ' , • • Cotton. Batting , Country Flannels, Mon's UnderOirts,' .land 1 - ipsiery & aloves, gtiiiECOMEL - Cheaper than , NU i 'TROUBLE to SHOW GOODS. . MILLINERY. Bonnets altcretVand cleaned; Stamping, Pinking and Cloak Cutting and making en short noose. Men's shirts made to order. Machine it itching. - CALL AND SEE MB I Remember. the Bridge and Market streets,Bridge water. -• 4 - 1 7. • RYA T C. C. AIJO-F4O, DrALER. IN - • ` Tliff.llll=l4 AND SWISS WAT9RES, 'Da . A.MOW3DS AND FINE. JEWELY, SPOO!TSAIM FORKS, FINE TABLE. KNIVES 1•• • SILVER PLATED - WARE; FRENCH . CLOCKS & BRONZES, AMERICAN CLOCKS, Fancy Goods, Jitc. ltint),..Special attention given to the repair ing of all kinds of Watches. . . No. 22, FIFTH. STgEEP, marl:4'66-71y] Pittltb#rg,.Pti PH. 11,::.M..Elir,VZ, 118 WOOD STREET, prinrsEruct-ii, - BANKER & 13R OKER I x •LL X.1,111r OF GOVERNMENT sEdtirt FOREIGN •EXCHANG Ei GOLD, SEVER & COUPONS :Mr Highest . price palefor COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES. , ratigl'66:ty .., „ . . - • i- 1 8 hereby given, that tee petition 'of the I[ .. . borough of Deaver (kr the Burgess and,' own Council) was. on the Bth day, of BepteinH ber, 18&i, presented to the Court of. Quarter Sessions of Beaver county. praying said court to make a. decree enabling said borough to be; come subject to . the erevisionsendrestrictions; and possess the powers and privileges sonfer: l red by the Act of Assembly of the Commoni wealth of Pennsylvania; approved the 3d day 'Of. ,April, . 1861': Which' petition basini been reed awl considered, the court direct notice to be given by publication that the ,mane hai been filed and .will • tie allosied, ', and decree made accordingly, on the- list day of, next term, if auflicleut cause to the centrary s be not then shorn. ...-', , JOHN A. FRAZiER, 00117 ' ':; :.!'' .; ..: . • Put? INSTITUTE OF PRACTICAL 1 ,DRAWING, SUR FEEING • " CAI KM AN' - MINING ENGI NEERIN 0,,81 Fifth Street, (over the Al 4-: gheny Balky Pitathargb.' - Opel frac' Octiiblr lei until April Ist, . "It caste about $25 to be i . pod Draught& Man; $25; a , practice! Surveyor ! and. $.60 good preclical 'Civil Engineer... _ l 2 - . For &circular address A.:lranian Nantes, Prininpai,_ or, W. S. Italian; earner. Wood aid 8d streets, 'Pittsburgh. ~ Laugls:6t • • Pittirr TELEMS: • rHE sublerit4 Weil regl r iett his Mende ' 1 to ciall tilaPtrult, and orna mental; trees, (iooludMg 4 shruberi), .before iirehasior, elsewhere. stAllt Eiiipeot Mona Nursery, 8 miles east of New Brighten. sept26'66--2mos. ELWOOD THOMAS, =ri!. 't; - -SAVE • • ; 41EILL Blr"BairiarGr ; . • = r Di "iiti n C. •1 . 7 Intt r ‘ ';" ~,o • • • • , • ,: ;4' i; f 44: t .i t t N: rt 9 l Silr • • • Rocnr.ii*Ta(i , .01 k . 1., •;, (One 4ene frank ye n tnsies. Re« Can . be foiiidit All assor.tnio 3DA:Cr MEDICRIES MEI GE lIIEI . orid; OHEM . FINE"LirqO"",2; ' ;• ent s ma hal :Aiirortm Auoi W.DTDOW GLASS,. 11. PURE AND `SECOND , QUALITY . '14.1E116331, - 4.50, PINE ,'TOILET SOAPS, ALL VARIETIESBRIiSHES, • THE BEST - PERFUMERY FANCY &TOILET ARTICLES,: T. AND POPULAR. PREPARATIONS :FOR THE HAIR, All kinds pf Paient liedininesilways ea load. • • Alain; CIGARS Sr. TOIIAC6IS, • ' • rkt • .EI :17 ME SEMI !..PAINTS; • .',LIN.BBLV. IiFiAT,III/ FOOT AE4Li SPE!Aitt =I AND • • , My e n tire stock hu ' hem.. purchased for .Casa and is offered. al i the very ; ' ' ' • , Pauses. , ' • . ,•. _ iboroughly edttesioa Apotk -1 I i t. physioisio! and :others can r • 116;;Aill SOLI easy and Chola ig their prescriptions iCNT3I.. rely upon hair yately Med wit Pure Medicine's only: , , tris BREHM NZ Aug. 29th, 1 r= S 14,111 t ! AN L,.-,8.14,14.A.Y,F1t 5M1.111.1 Ll T1 1 PETROL, UM COMPANY . r .... CAPITAL ST ,• .f Par Valiae of esc' 80, - 000 Sh;ares ....... .. . ... WORKING C I ing of the. stobkh+l3ers of [,.pany, held at their office. , f Rochester. ,Aprili29th, ' crowns- were eleOte its Office year: , . I . 1 . , 7' i Nies . 4 : ] -above c. t e.horough , the folloolitg ' for the casuist PR MO ISON DA RRAGII ME CM • TREASURER a SECRETARY: • CAMILES 1 8. AU DlttECTortit: Mattison ;Darragh; Milo itj . Adams, . Charles' Atone, Atfifde. Hurst, • James Daqagb, • John 4igger, = ' Levi Diennannin, .11obt. A. Cochran Ciarles F.:lkvpds4 . s erA limited number of genres of St. of the...above ComPabY mev beihed by;ap .1 ffi 'cation et, the oce of Ihefeomp ny. 14.0ffice in the Dittnond, Itckchester. •mi'B,l6fli Lill AS. 11.11UltST ' FE MOORE'S DRUG STOR Iv BEAvgli May be hound tfie beet asebriment of DRIVG6s I WE CIL Ics 1 e• as , Cir. MO 3Str 33 1 ' TT 141(ttr.oits,Isj 1 1 / E A.T/L4 Bran ien, , • • , • , DYE STU Fl4s TOILET AICTI.CLIts, SOA • • , . st ; u . - ,..:13.1Et Tj iii4:lE.S . . • ATE MEDICIN-E— -,•....r. • .. . , in area mikiity, all(of. the • oleelity. sold ph .teiter than can; be . ght at , 7 1 . other Drillifitoes in e eeentl. • ' ' DupoutleslexialePille '7 , Wall per ' Cheissema's; $1: Clark's, $l. • •. - , The Lafgest elOit of I Losipifancl Lamp Triasikf!igs,ka • lI t tatiofiery, Giaa and Putty. i' ever offered' ontiidoef, tke. at, Drug Store, and sold •Aksai • bought anywhire else., Le those who this call and see, and they ill dinibt no . DeelB,'66 - . _ - J. - MOO • • 2 i;dl . ! FOB t 7 , MEW ~i MI Del MEE is j 6.1 I.i •4. 11 . • yin ps . t ; , : ,..1 4:4; 164.. I; 0 , le NM IMS i • of C t -' A For ME DAY. GOOD*IST:ORK, .1 • • •' 1: . OiL ,•' BIM Our pricaa will ask - trash all • , who fay or rus with. a call. - - , Goods ofievery description sold Cheiper than over. •i - - rown Muslim; at 10 'cts Bicachod do ' 1.21=2 Ot;od Prints, 12 1-2 la 15. $BO, OM = ME • • • t .13717113e5; 7 ' - i A tT MEE { . ~ . . ~ .OTa~ ~~' " IX Ro'pgiorreit. MI II t i IN '/ Pants Stuffd, 1, Tickings, Checks,. ' Ginghams, Prints,_: - Canton Flannebe, - Rcd & Yellow Flannels, Barred &Striped dO Balmoral-Skirtsi . Hoop . do 'iliots and 'Shoes, , liats and - Gaps, Trimniings; Ribbons, 'j _ • M illinery Goods, Etc., etc ~ ~ Theprices of the a— bove Goods( we warrant less than 114.:aarnei class of Goods can,be hotight for west . of the mountains. f• fi=t--- ' Dreis: :Goods . ~,endless Freficht Merines, Col:4lrgs, . ( ,Del6ineti, I ' • C'aqhmeris, . - •• _ Etci, etc., etc., Pleabei than evtir, I .Blankets and - Blanhrt Shan*, Airetrgaint, •• - • L Remember the piece: FORTUNE'S r CHEAP STORE, ' ' • •.• • IN THE-,DIAR9ND, ItocoCEIEF I S'I'ETC, 1"44.. Come , every ye And: "see for ~.youreelves before purchasing N 0 TildpitiA" to SHOW _II GOODS. ROW 114 THE , TIME • TO: BUT czA .- j. . ~ . iirilL.*:Ott'?-;*.-',...t1:.'0"::1pt,y, " infte t. '3EIMEUL,. BM 000T.:::•*. : . .':'''6 IBM c. . .vsoa-c0xt0.731, ' 1 , 1117E•WOULD RESPEpTPULLY I NFpIt V the public that' we .4 , 41 . op,* • WHOLESALE W 6L,RETAIL ••• • • litLe S . . BOOT_ , AND :SHOE BsT, L Having .pureitaseit ir• 'hip s a d. Bicookat 114", Ladies', Gnarl; Boy's and Shoes ; Gaiters, Slippers , dia IMIBI (Cc)Ppei Tip Shoee direct. ?rein Chts . manufacturer's, we- we pared-to eell,as obel i ?, if not rh eip ,,, , any estAblithmentlini ittaburg or air co.,' As wi intend to ''re main-Permanent!! ill! basisees;' ire wilt - eitdesvor to . c le ar cheap,' koopMe peat a variety rind-ss - . Article as .the eastern mirker . affo r d,. -- Purchasers will, do well to call and 4, our goods and prices before. purchuisg where, _ At! pas rammed. 1 •I re2G*66.4ly --,. , Y virtue of a* Order of the Court et 4. y i Ce • *Won Pleas of Beaver county, thei gniid,lTrastee appointed by . said OSn a C ' • makelede of. the resistant, of di Joseph riv, late. of ;Moon township, in !aid count for the benefit of the Common Schools of Jai d ' h set towashits, will expose to public; 'endue of oa t cry, upon the premises, on - • SrAiI'URDAY, November 10Th; 1866 - at 1 o'clock P. Di.; A _._ll' the fallowing amp . i l a d., . Iraet - a land, lati t'Ut eitate of Joseph Alpi t te, deed„eittate in Moon towinedtr,. r inslid County of Beaver, State of P,enneyivania, to wit AU that tract; bounded on the north by the lbts It I„lieborough of. Freedom, on the east bylland formerly. of Henry Alcorn, on the south by lands of ,R. Aleornnn.l'othere, on wen by 4andi o f ft. Alnern,,Jactob Vogt and Jacob Wagner, containing about 247 acres, 0)1173 acres cleared and in a good. state. of eu ti n : • 'lion, the-balanke Well timbered; a log , house an d log barn en the premises. This isleery desirable farm—gently riffling, soil ere' lent, well watered, Sic. ' It in within I .mile of ths Ohio river,tof a mile of the BochesterSta i r tion,- ae_theinnotion of:the Pitts. F. W. .A c'. a i m. -. C. & P. Sailroade, , 2s miles from Pittsburgh; It will be sold as a whet or divjdell Windt' 11 purchasers into two pareele,bl• fiat runtime in it northern and southern direction *Anti - I it, mak i ng We. eastern division. to- itintain • about; lop acres and the westernilivisionidnut 147 acres.: Possession giren April l, 1867._ • ATE RMS—One-thirvfor the purchase money to be paid upon Confirinatlon of the tale by "the Court the balance in two iqual, emu instalments, with interest, and secured b);'1 bond and mortglige. • • , • .. .. . For ft rtherinfurmition inquire of ea tut. 7, dereigned, residing in Moon townshin Afore- sahl, or by letter at Water Ctire, Beaver ton ty, Pa. • . D.VNIEL lit SHO IT, octl7, • et 3.• .-•.' ',. Trion.. g ORPHANS' COUItT SAL :-.. 1 BY-eirtue.of en order of. the Orphans' Court . of Bearer county, the undrsignyl.l administrator gf the estate -of Agnes Posit dee'd.,l wit! expose to sale by public rind:. or out-cry,''oti the ptemista, on • • • Saturday; No . ivmber 10tA, 1b,1311, - . . 1 at. o'clock P. M., all the following deicribed 1 lot of ground; situate' in the boroeghf Fgt. toii, i n sai d county, later the gestate of said le chased; and bounded Lss,l'olldivs, to it: 1!• ginning en Front street,' thence by pub li c i t lal‘ey ,itentli 61 degrees vest. 6:1 pereestoths back street, thence :by. said street orth it degrees, west 2.9 perches tole D. !. !Co:* velar , rag to S. . Cooper; thence by said of No.: l it north 61 degrees, east 5.89 perches Ghat green, east 29 perches to place .of beiteral; Street, and thence bytsaid street so n 0• oh which is erected a good. borgerfeyt.eory brick dwelling house, with cellar underueut One end of the housc.finislied for stow root outbuildings, dc;ill in good order. 1 xaxe—One-third of the furch4 to be paid upon confirmation of sal! i Court; the ba &nee in two equal, awn •usenti r with interest from date of conft: to be secured by. bond anti niortgaget • For further information inquire efl lersigned at Beaver, Beaver rotutty eetl7.'66. ' .JOS. C. WILSON,'' ------ - ? Si OM IN:BRAYER, PA,. DI(NKEY /3 WILSON, j • 3 Doors Int Anderion't :Bearer Bale of Reel Fret3h *iriyal of Prime Cl• MOLASS 1 AND Lovering'o Extra SIRUP For sale by • „ le. 8: lIARtII , • • Bud stet„. ANDREW Niv - I, ...____.. 'ATTORNEY AT 'I.IW • MbIk.ACTICIN9 IN T Oat I- 'COURTS OF •BNAVER CO , 0, promptly attend to all kinds of hp 11_ in Otis or counties adjoining. ' I ' i i l i - • olleltions will be expeditiously ii i all mounts upon all sorts of elsin4,r th county and State or in more distal FT cal ties• - _' . 1 s' Conveystoingtite ,stai be given to , the driel_bei leases, articles of agrseMent , to the! of abstraetkpf title, and b- > the esrel ration of. all sorts of legal instreme .?Jortgages, judgments and other in all sums bought or sold. . ~ ' 1101.01 fine inbuildirV,Jos. t;. ri nearly, opposite -Moore's Drug SI 'Street; Dewier, Pa. . [sui •' . NEW BARBER-SEW , PO OING;: • . . TOBY B. WILLIAB. 13.441; r 3 IV shop from iiridgetrater to B ' es li:s inform his fotimer_ customer pubtio generally;that leis now tebt i I Room ' Adjoining .Altio National Ift.iere he - will carry au in his f i t and fashionable style. By,close s , bushaapi, he hcipes to,m'erit and ree al.abare of public patronage.Th d a clean, smooth share, :or hair CU toaable - style, just stop- innn i e rial; sad he feels satisfied ti st.h i hero. .. - , • L 2111 mil p 1• Iros'A EC co ar S, US Otion 111 Oa de►lf f o rsisbli i at prq' .ts. .. Kan!' bre 914 MI 0 ; s routia 1 1 HO E tenli I. ee a lit e a: - t : I ja i t ' live Job' to pit 1";