ENi= 77 ra -1 • - NEW II El WE have just' received one of the Urges* . •TY -Indsold Comple filtoCk of , 1 . t n , i rr ..,.. ... j 3 . • , . d Caelninerelir ) ,l4llreedij j MUS/M5 • ' , Poloto, Obighomo, Checks, &o. - • )) lyer Awed it lie p4lie in Oils • city,. • a 41101 did assortment of ladies ' , talkie" Chi l d reit;4 egAwLs, • , - 4 1 All eissiltlee; 2134eiezid reduced fi • I • -CU81ENT14.0,14,940 Laitedil3tOok and . -slew" Floor is p• 114 , •- sad a J t laktremeiy ;70tIons wiLat / of a would As Eire ars 0' • Seriiiined to sell our stoak I ,satanish .Renteii4ei the iktee: • . _.l , NL r, I ' , DUAP, LI/ E a .& CO., ~, 136 Federal st, tdoors Wow Markit-honse, 711:Gni] 1 .4k1?_3(1HEaY ,CIT.Y. 1 : : . , • . , I I 1.11. )11'EL1142." 41 . 117.8 1143 . ON. 3OaltT. BEANE .:, i. DRY, GOODS ATWiIoiIVASA. I4 SEIEMBER,IS66. M'ELROY, DICKSON •r, ' • I ' 4SIL CO woon I ST PritSBIJAGH, 1 *sesszwr, nism ; vi.ALL, TOO a. N„, f ..._ Coitntrit; and, invite the attentlott i ''' Pealora to their 1 1 il 1 .' . 1 CalVittili Selecte4 Assortment o f Dry D . oils . AN , OFFERED AT POPULAR PRIC ES. , The frequen t fluctuations in. value'of all 1 _ soriptions of Sierehandise,. renders 1 h i'ml ter of especial propriety that jntichases a 4111 be frequent and therefore the nearest market b , comes the one hest adapted tojeuppliing r t dealers with Gnods they-selL L, ". -= Purchasers 'lrons Western Penn's., E ti Oltio and West: Virginia, are' invited too v; Pittsburgh istil inspect this - : 1 1 STOOK OF GOODS , ,1 WhkA wit bs 'kept Full During the &as& TERMS, NET i CASH ' RICE It A I T O NA B - 11111* DICKSON & l No. _64 WOOD STREET , , wixeriramirri=t. J. 11. BEN C (One Z' or Below - the &Min , ry; ./ A l • 333 E .207-36;11, AS on hand, and offers for saki H s ear e f ally selected stock or • TRIMNINGS, • - YARNS, . ' • EMIMOIDERY ND • . FANCY GOO Ribbons, plain . and faii4 Handke i rchi Belts, Buckles, HSir Netts, Diesel Trim • wings,. Lace, Bugle Tritnmings, and • Bugle Buttons, Velvet. Ribborii, Cornets, Balmoral laid Hoop Bisires,.Entbrold'd Adg - . inns, Ladies Collars • • and Cuffs, Tidies, *Men ' Tablo•covers, -Baskets, trmbrel - Ladies, Gents Cad Children's Weir, . of all kindi: • 3301 - I\l - M I TS Silk, 'Mourning, and Straw, all the the latest styles, cheap. • RIBBONS.. FLOWERS, RUCHES • • - AND ORNAMENTS ? ALSO; DRESS-MAHING, IN EVE_ •RY BRANCH: . P .4111 We slave constant , yon anci I iel a ems Dentorest's latest Fashion Patteerui.! Patterna for sale. =, • • !' - We sell belpw Pittsburg prices. • I • Give us a call and Batley yourself 4 glii`Do a • forgat the place , one doorbelo tb •• • Bearer. I • seP ltant • ' . 1 1., 11. 'BENCE. - I - OOD GROCERIE 4;,3lEnElLat&.3E)'t •• • t EDWARD - G;*mo--me,. 1 , ,_ '.PRODUCE :DEALER, , . 1 1 flugigly] •3'o, 1 Diamond, .rit!eb 't 1 r Ii 1.444M051 - riess,;it great toe. • xAs, Itcr.G,S,o ME best Assortment I=El Ter. Offered, MEMI 'ything 41 :our call.. us - we &rout I st prioes Which!: ' Stock .of .;Good s , is 3E3. ai BRIDGE ST., tRIDG] em . Most' Extensive . and' omplote As . sorimel f_ : ' i ( . BOOKS, WRITIN G AND WALL • PAOER, OIL CLOTRB, CAR. .. ' PETS, MATTING,'' WIN. • DOW SH.A.DES, AL- . ~ , I ' .., • BUMS, WILLOW- WARE , , . ' . . I, . . , r. MANTLE °RNA MEN.TS, TOYS, &e. -I• .. . . , 1., • . a that have ever been brocAtlV to this eounty.L-- In fact he keeps everything ,that is usually kept in a vrell-regulated and well supplied variety awe. ..-* ' . , .. As I furchase niarly all my Goods at NEW andYORK, and pay cash for hem, I am thus ens ; abled to sell, and, do dispoie of my goods, cheaper than they min be bought , at retail in Pittsburg. Giieine a call. • • Bridgewater; Jul' 25, • , AND ME ==iiigiMEl Y°~ ht L., • . rmAiski HA ' ...7 RE , lIION, NAILS, GLASS, AND - it/GRICiiTU,Etit IMPLES.ENTS, CAIPS II , I tEBS!;T-P.C. 4 4 8 ,,, BLACKSMITHS', TOOLS, MOONS' TOOLS, SHOEMAKERS TOOLS,. I:I..ISDLTS' TOOLS, ,pkisTßuErti.‘..ioorls, 'salsitßs , TOOLS. SADDLERY IiARIA ARE: BENT FELLOWS Si SHAFTS, LOCKS, BOLTS d ;HINGES, ••`- - PiCES MATTOCEE't 110* COUNTER&PLATFOR.R.SCALES, TABLE & POPIcET cIITLBEY, ..- HORSE SHOES & NAILS, TIRE & CARRIAGE BOLTS & NU7,: CORN SHELLERS, STRAI4 CIJ.TIERS ALso,.PAINTS,' OILS, VARN,IBILES, AGENTS FOR EXCELSIOR MOWER AND REAPER, AND NEW MOUTON FIRE-PRICK WORKS. Decl l / 2 %5. . . FICES;111 OF A • /1 ; NEW act WELT., SELECTED rpHE .subscriber takes 1 ing the ipnblie that keeps constantly on hand, BRIDGE •Warble D. woo WMII7/ACI'IIILEIL Italian and . lease HE' wide ; to order. lease give, ale a c elsewhere. t - , Shop opposite Dr. Smi street, Bridgewiter. Jtair2s, '66:l* JAMES T % BRADY . & 'CO.' _ Successors to S. Jones & Co., Cor. o Toot 'l,4'oorth streets, PITTSBURG,' PA., itasskore Brokers; DZALIFOS 1x iLL LUIDS OF .. . - GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, 1 I FOREIGN' EXCIIANGE; Gold l , Silver C:ouponi;., IC,ghest nue ;41" ,fr or d i ontpotat - d litterest OLl'liO73 ' made on all eessible C ro i snt 4 uitssaad t u Interest allowed4n 4in* &posits. 0711:81n xi. cv't A• .; • . . . BEAVER. PA.' . J;. B. CLARIF.; . Proptietoi., GOOD STauft Moue. . . _ VAT' Banker 'and Broker, • ....... a. wiltakt. - • Alllll Real Zeta* Stiielti ) Ornament 13 rib; . and *her Semaitleie INSURAMIst CLAM AGENT, Cf3ll " l n ni t ei l li f en M TIME subscriber having opened m office at by F- R Z h F es rt t4r 4 n res th re e r a ll i'solitiirtre P pa- ie4 tronage of F o rtune)) f 0404 . 44 public in gen. oral. _ - • MN ` Particular siltation given to the adjustment of Officers' accounts, and ALL claims arising out of these resent war s snob is m re*doilri)r €4#o447:ifousfil4- .Arivaei.:4l. Zig _ Pigs Nottey_, Being agent for the Etna Instirsuce Co. by Hartford, Ct ,'the North America of Phila. delphh‘ and.the JdatutfisVrere,it Merchants' of Pittatinr&lirill hisna — polides_in'..either -of the companies nested. Farms. housebiand lots for sale. Shares in the oil lands or the celebrated Isl end Run region for sale, whero every well has iPro!ed . i i , Also shares lu l trolts pro ducing or nude = way, and leases.• . . I will also ' 11. my residen:ce in Rochester, beautifully situated, and within 'a few minutes walk of the Ohio river and Railway stations. Terreiliberek 7: 1 1, r • •:Ifiteili drawn tip and Actuoiwisilkted• znivirisks AiikehL hestLikal Insiranott Comp:lElles. i Revenue' stamps alorate on hand. . - - Refers to John A. .Canghey, Jos. Plmmer, Win. H. Smith & Co., Pittsburg. " . • - 1 1. • • • CHAN. B. HURST; Rochester, Nor. '29,435 • ' SPTCOI4 - 30...k. Fruit Jars • SELF-EiEALiNO & COMMON . TOP Ty N FRUIT CANS. Fruit Jar . Cork . SMATIaV-G-W.A.X. SUGARS of. VARIOUS GRADES. • A Clioico Selection of Teas. THE subscriber iniites those in 'want of any of the above articles; to give him call. • -' Motto, "Small Profile and Quick Salo." Tens, strictly CAM. r • A. 8. lIAUVBY, ; initial' 'triage street, pridgewater. GREAT INDUCEMENTS! Liberal Terms • to'._ Settlers: . '; . • r .iE BlA r AE. lo„oo,Situnte4 ine fertile Valley ofthe ' nawha, West Virginia, unsurpassed for richness of soil - and quality of timber. Coal and other minerals inJ great quantities. Some of the tracts but a short distance fi ore the great Kanawha and Gauley Rivers. :to , - eral Farms With Houses, Orehards, &c.. in goOd condition. Prices according to location and improvemente. Timbered Land unim proved at the extiemely low price of four dol. Tats per. acre; with privilege: of choosing Cut of din above number of acras. A large settle ment haft already been formed atcl, is daily increasing. Clear title warranted. For fur ther particulars, address ' If, DRILL, Allegbeny.City; Ps.. Or calla,. PARK & DR,II.L'S i i )RUG STORM, No. 77 Federal street. AND PUTTY I ~ I ILIVA. L IWOULD hereby rispectfuny announce to my friends and. customers, that hive re moved to My new Store Room, on Brighton street, nearly [ opposite my .old stand, where I am now prepared to do, all kinds of MILI r iNERY WORK , and hive jUst Opened 'a splincliil a4sinlment and great variety of Fall Itlillinery : -Good4 such as BONNETS, HATS. .RIBBONS, I FLOW ERS. pLINEs AN Di V.EI.4IYETS' . I am also-prepare to do all kinds_tif I"; ~~s: WATER, PAr ,leasuro in inform he . now has, 'and he . SE subicriber begs leave to inform his old T customers,- and the public generally, that he has remove his stock of Dry,'Goods, Clothag, Boots _and --- ,Shoes ) . Hats' and Caps; To l ike New Three Story Building,, on Oaßr CI. liztr a, p", :(Opposi!e.* tennedif%) N-EW BRIG lITON, PA . . ) MU.LHEIM. 11W..-47 " MEM Works. Having just arrived with a choice ifElectiou of goods . from the-Eastern market , lie is bet ter piepered-than ever to suit the wants of his customers with Goods at the lowest price& Dgy boons—Prints,leslin de taines, - Co- Alpacens,and all. new and de eirebje etAes of - Drees (foods. M?lrU D DEALER 111- Ciorniso- F. Coats, Pants, Tests, Shirts and Drawers. •- , • Boots and Shoes for Ladies and Children, Men and Boys. • Rats and Caps. ' Norton, of all descriptions, comprising Trimmings, Buttons, Hosiery, • •Qloies; &c., de. • Hall Marble. D. STONES, &c., before purchasing 'a Drug Store,Bri4ge . , . .. 1//iirOur stock is Nevi., etatAit and Pilsen', and We solicit an itispeetlen tg all, steeling aii;; mired that cat., rrioes are as low as the lowest, stipltlant . !, . ` JAMES H. STOKES. D. WOODRUFF Dungeath -- Co • • q• • DEALERS IN • FlaaeiWist , taki.es SILVER: - WARE. 3 , FAN C - Y; c+oons, MUSICAL 56. FIFTII4 : STIMET; . PONXrai W b et■ panAztaes,rt,the 4.lnorlcanaVyteltiseSoym- 'attached to this April 4,1886.=-1y I,EmoNr'AL. -NOEL STAIIPIN Pinking and Braiding, and to lend make CLOAKS AND- SAQ UPS. k and •Straw Bonnets and Hats altered sort notice also machine work done to Bias. A. E. KOOKEN; • ighton Street.; Rochester, Pa., just above )tamond. [Septl2,"66. RE4I I IO re6lL. AnOrD.ll-OIDBRIVINSGARit TEAR& OLD _LT • Po Bile by A. B. mum-4 aagla . Bridge street, Bridgewater. ILA/ LIBELER'S Improved Water Drawer V V Agire at - • . . July4:ly &B. ,DAIRAGIeII /Aaron., . . . . ..,x.. : j . 7 -, i c i ii„7 - 1 - 1 .I...kJ' .- 7 ` '' .il ..: -,..,,- •.,. i 4.ii . i. - ;', e1.1. , ! 1'...; ;f ' T .., - :..i , •..;,.., . ...i., . ...,.. . ._ ,i, '.,... tth , •:'.) . .) ':'7 - "-. ~ •4 !',-.!ii:;, Z ,: , :: - -:::f. ; 1 , ..,: , ;if,! f :f Os, Ar Lf , , , z-,---4-, , :: ::. ,. A p ii „tl-sii,lL,,,mL gurir- fileu ,,, :_litirpellisag •• -,. ... , , tr.; ....f ..gl,i-.i...'•, ..,:',...-:t. ;-...i1it." ?I , ' 1: • I.o ' • i -!. r•L ; 6 • ; (31-EA.T44-347798 NEW. =9. -31TILINEILY%-i MEI • • ,•• ' • t•= 7 . • }•/• : & suer estriia tum.i": go t iwp - ttaltor t 1141,111E-Baksiirk„ it - ItftqAw 11 . 11•N".' I amp ow receiving the_tleFgest and, beat . sortnient of acumen Ever brought , to . Beaver . County /4 Ladies Velvet, Silk, Mourning and Straw Bonnets; Ladies',: Misses. and Childreies Vet: vet, Silk, Frosted Strove Hats and ~ Turbarit; Bilk Tenrets, Itabozul,' Flqwes di Auos, Plumts,' OrnametiteiVords," 4E4' TO.bels, &e. .11.1±6.1M333.1.12.405.1 • ofati kindr — Pf: 1 3 4 0, and PA 'Woos; 4•Fda' and'tur tles, Hair Netts, Embroideries!, Belts and Buckles, Silk 'and _Bugle Gimps. Infants' Waists, Fancy 'and Plain Linen Handker chiefs, Collars, old Ladies' Caps, &c.; &c. •• BALMORAL' & — HOOP SKIRTS, CORSET, DRESS LININGS, • MEN'S 'HATS, • ;LINEN SHIRTS, SHIRT FRONTS, ' MENSArNIT 'COATS. • I LADIES' CLOTHS, FOE SACQUES AID CLOAK.% • , Nay *AP- , • Cot!ois Batt&g, Country Ftanhels, ' - ' • Underahirts ' and , I Hosiery 1. . .& 131.14)*08, • SMECCOE.M. , • - Chouper thaaucet: NO TIO.UBLE to . SRO, M GOODS XILLI 'ERY, ' Bonnets altered and cleaned, I Clump. Stamping, Pinking l an* Cloak Cutting and making ou.short notice., Ideals shirt 8 ins& to order) Machine stitalling. CALI, AIVD SEE ME • Remand:mi. the' . placccorneit' Bridgo and Alaiket atireeta,'Britlgihiateit t • , • WA TrGEALY. C. C.-A.EGEO, • ' DEALIi, !Ix AL 1 3C WIC PL P. 4.1.) 11, WASS WATCHES, D2AIIQON~S .! AND FINE JEWELY, SILVER SPOONS AND POEM; FINE TABLE:INIVES, SILVER PLATED WA RE,? FRENCH CLOCKS BBONZES t . AMERICAN. CLOCKS, Itoancy ''Grooc.lB, ' Ake. .. • IX23l.„Special attention slim to the repair ing of all kinds of Matches. ' ' No 22, FIFTrI STREET marl4'66--ly] • .Pittsburg, Pa CARD TO TliE - LADIES. Dr. jEliu.p;onvo's Golden Periodical : FOR FEMALES. '• • • Infallible inCorreeting Irregulartlea, Renier '-ing Obstruction's of the Monthly Tains, • . from Mbatever.Cauee, and. • • . ALWATBSURCESSUL,AB A PREVENTIVE. • i Lis nevi , Dial thirty yea since the ` above celebrated' Pills were "first discovered by .Dy.' DUPONCO, of Paris, durinewhith. time the, have been extensively and successfully used in most of the public institations, as well as in private practice,. of bath 'hemispheres, with unparalleled "success fiery case, and it is only; the "urgent requeserof the thousands of La ies who have used them, that he I - duck to make the Pills, public for.the'illevia lion of those Oufferine(rOm any Irregulari t ties whatever,. at well as to prevent.llll int crease of family,..wherebeilth will net permi Fenialei• plculisrly situated, .or those supposigg themselies so y are cautioned againt using , these pills While in that condition, at the proprietor assumes no res,ponsibilitles af ter the above fulmination, aithough• 'their mildness Would 'preventiaparnahiel to health. otherwisethe Pittlrare recomm'ded!"" " Price $l,OO per Box. :Six Boxes $5,00. .• Bold by 8. Sisrith - , - , Bridgewater, Noble I k,' 'Hamilton, Beaver; S. flanne,n, 'Rochester. Ladies Bisending 4 sl,oo - to either of the above agents, can haver the pills sent (confi dentially) by mail, to any part of the, coun ry, or address the ' Proprietor, • - •8. P. - BOWB, - oct . 25'65:1yr. - Nevi MERTZ, ' 118 WOOD STREET? - -ptexe - Rp . p. BANKER k BROKER, , • ;tt , ' l • • •'' ' DUZia. 'irsra ZINDII ° V u, • • , : : G o iniathriamv I • FOREIGN Excig.a.ptvg• , • GOLD, " GILV101; MYOPO'Nfi air Highest 'oiicte pail forCOSPOUN s 11 4 .1TEREMNOTEIL . taugV66:l3" SE2 ikVict 'I i. :,--1 tirgstirry G , • , • 1 111 t, ') • .1 . ..!;:17:-)i , , - rfJttvl•C;) rry:-.' l Ilreh,,f*** 2 . o } , i iii;e 4l .* l' . - 1 -- - rr .- r .0 ~.) , ..g: , ..mb,, t 7 ( : 1134 i . .,:ta: 41 •Alry,irl . - ,7-:;1•;:il'i 1 , { *BREtilti ' it i'' D , ' ' .i: ~,,.;-• y....,,,,...i.. ." . . ~,.., , *tit titiaitii,tik.-1 Epi.:. . • , ,;.....,i4k:,: - e l ieS l r, 4 5 N"?"n; 1 . 12 0 P; 7 a , 1 0 * . :,. Can befowerta fullaitsoetnien of 2 • 1;t17,3a..333..- pzetv. ls, cif ...,,..t,.,,,w,„4,i...;%::i 7.,:' • • : 04. ' •, I. • : v.uzima i LvAa'4o Ika .t" • ',. 1 7,5 .1 RE ~, A ;lig v .- =1 Mil BEM n ~_: Iffel : M101;'''Itl - lalr.' •:1•41-7,:foia_: ,-. "WW,DOIV.. GL AS S, PAIN'IB i i. .:1 -!;.LINSEED •t NLtT'S 'FOOT 01 IMMIIII • r -AND: , PlitiE :SECOND QUALITY ,r • : wur.r.P.,lmAPs A l ta i o, FI.NF. TOILET SOAPS, ALL VARIETIE SBit' trsiugs,. •,.),, 17. • I -:1 VIIIIrEEST jERFU I NERY, Ire. lt 1 .... , ' I U &TOILE r •A'Rl , loli D I!OITEAR . PR. 4 , I :BAE itlii. ri] Itil • ds of Patent Bledicine!iilw",ya Also, CIGARS. it Topacc . , y 'Alto stock has been lamb CA/11 and is offered' at tlieZT - • . Loyntrz ' Rams,. ', I dm sthoiobilily educo *cars snd Cbostst, physicians and upon hikrinz their preseripti rate', 'filled with Pars onio 1. " g Aug. *hti 1866- -ii: SMITH'S FERR LITTLE 1314.1AVE1 TROLEUM ..COM PITAL STOCK 000 Sharei of Far V i alue of I RKINO CAPITAL 1' a :mepting of the etockho , - above company, held at .th i 1 e borough. of Rochester, Ainti the following persons were electe, fnr tbe ensuing year: •' , ' , I PRESIDENT: MATTISON TREASURER t SECRET ca.tißLEs .11..11U Italtison Darragh,. Milo R. Adams, Chlt . rles Stone, Alfred p.. ilurst, Jamea Darragh,. j .John Bigger,, Drennarnan Robt. A. Cochran, Charles. E. Kendall! ' • Sari limited number of e ' Atres of St.' of the abor . o Company Inv" he had by app, 6ation at lite 'office of •the company.' weL.OfEce, In the' Dimond, Secbeater, 6 myrn4:6 (;lIAS. B. ItUBBT, Soul MOORE'S, DRUG May be found the heat ertort. DitTJGFS e.cll cr 1 • PITRM LA (ix And I3iraiici , I T OI E LET "LETT. 0LE., 1 . SCiA P; I S- - It IT IS .11 J ~ I PATENS: 31' EDICIN•E' ia.great variety, .ill of tha - beat quality, epld'cheaper than can . be bil.Lgtit at as • • other Dia4Setore la ili • comity.' , 1 Dupont:o'o remilet)ills -75 cents per • • Chessemansa, $1: :Cbirk's, $1';• , • The iiiriest ofoo)4 of) Inp.9 lut - Liin,kplTrimmt i qs. tan' Zit StatioOry,,lTfliutoto (Antis Retty.l ,erlir_offered o$ aide the:; cOy. More tAtut - Store.viLisilld 'efteiper_AhanAs I:Litt u tlyper,r ii ; , tll4., Le m t ril t i lmw t t i o o ,l: Deel3;6s. • • J. Moor. TriNglQ : "ANIMA • i'SßEltit r' it - LAO -o. IN C4M3os FUR HAIR, Loms BE:Bant DIdICTORS: ILlii IN. BEATER AND. DYE ST.TIFIVSt EIM= It tEirt.43....013.ei .1 ' l l 4 . • 44 1 . litti.:-;14 ai , 41,1 1 1',i;:4:,•1ft •1: • 1,11 3., ‘ I , drib, i IIE PL. • ..It , Prrr 7rf.' CS; L.; 1866_ .1 , Pr. I , Ea .: r 4r: Mil H ' :•••I'i . l . • is i->[3 ORS; t --of =9 'GOOD . 'STORS, 1111 ', 1.. I ', - . I-: l i • -. ~ . . ... - DEA ii9N ii, . it ap 4 istek , ; ~_ , • ~ r. . ..- i *, .-. j'l .(-- • 0 or. f prices wu i astorust. all . who favor us w i th a call. -• ' • ME ---'- Oods of every descrlption sold Che i Sper evtr. • - 1 _ - • •I $ I on band a furl • El Mil rowii Mus ins , at Cis leached ( t io , 12 1-2 oocl • Prints, 1. 12 1-2 al5 them cait :one .secs'; = . 1 .•'• Pants*tiff:4, ITickins, Citec,k.i Giaghams,. • Prints- i , • Canton f' Rcd Flannels, Barred & Striped do • • Balmoral Sivirts,' - HoOp j r ., ;do f B iots and - - qhoes,.. Hats and Caps, • Trimming:4,f • 1- Ribbons, 1 Millinery Gods, 1 - Etc., etc, CO. gEE ANY $BO,O !$l,OO ,a; ~~ !dere of t Lir once , 2911, 1)3. , its office DE! -The bove Goads thin the sa can. be bon mountains. R.Y: h , 1 I Dress French Coburg Delaine OR POplins . , • - Pants, ' eat of Casbm , Etc., Cheaptir. . I e =1 IS Mil laM ilk®► ( Blankets La, • t', • I , - Remember the , place: .„ P I ORTUNIOS OREA:P STORE, tI~T THB'DIAM')Ni?,. IRO CIIMISTER: come ever ybody , • and t t an ,for y•:nuaelfea - -befare purchasing IVO_ T.RO-UhL E' to 5.11911 . ' (7 0# .D S'. NOW IS THE TIME TO' ~d .. . ~ .. nig ' , li.-!! E .,,i1; ; ;( ! .j t i ,!l ti =EI t 4! !OA7 t • 1 1 QEIE,.P 4 1 I. MEM I I. IN Tlt4 =I •11 - ' ' *sh =I !MI price! 'of sth . e: a•-. 7 ‘sfe' -warrant, tie i class: of . Goods for west of the g • 1 - t. in • endless hlear os I .• - • : i 3 " EEO! • reEt, 64.. •• • • than ever E Ell - Plasskr.t Shawls, 4 At a eat bargains. El 1 BEI EU % CitrieAA.:olcitim: •** * 1-jrl * 4 isr 1 s 9 re ti 8 ~ ..r. --1 13MpOLN; t • BOOT :& - MEE d "~ , EZI-E ) 6l4u f " t " . t-K 7 • E rE R gaerFuLt.y No vit th , pubilcupit lig have ppeneda - , _ i_ .;rWHOLE,ALE r', 800 AND D :1 13 ROE 1 • ' IN BEIVER „ Hw t his iliirichased • e!, large • itl• • iti ottt4 • • Ladles'itGent si. boy and Children'i , • ShOes Galteri, slippers; ei c (cOpper- Tip Shoes & 'Boots) xlireckfrojn thi•inenitracturer' s , we er e pre i ,pared to sells* cheap, if not elleaper,l4bl any.estnblithinetit in t aburg or this ow l j As we paten& io remain permanently ina, busines4,§ we , will endeavor ,to always 4 2 1 chtaio,'lfeeto Ah *teat s yariety and as 'good ia article q,s' the eastiin Ittartef. affords: , PurelUieeriirill - do - ivelf to call and etraiat our, goods ant tiriOes•before purchasing . elk. where., Jelaryciocts ecarra r iged. - , • DICKEY 0:1111,SqN , 3 Doors . Enst A • •I ndorlou'e l Store, • ee26'06.,--1y • • Beaver, I'll • - Trustee's, Sale of Real Patate. Trkr.firtue Of a°nf ord.oftteCoirof;oni4tiea:il:iercountl :-:ner.sgn eT,rste sppiteibxaid4urt4. Nike snlelot the reale tate of-Joseph Alcor : lace of iltloon township. in said county , deea',.i. ttelnWntils:ilnievflitl*ekxrinl(l v et opu r ric S tr e e h riTu l e ° o f f 84 on i t .a . 1 , "try,uptoi the premises on - • • SA.TV I A'DAY; 1206F;itikt. 10711. , 38( ? 6 , { at to'Cleek. P. 11., nli t er,follo - Wingde s o tiaet t land, lode the' e ante of Joseph Alcoro r ued : ddreeSt v li er uilt ,Sla i t n e N o l° f ° P 4 e t nnisiv ils iv il ti lP ni i ii ii , luti t2 d wft o t • l . /441 ~v. i that tract, bonntled on the narth hy tie ieti o r ' the .boeongh , of Freedom, on the east bydind , formerly of :Henry Alcorn, on the south by lauds of ; R. .Alciin and , others, on the nest b r lands ef.,lt. Alcorn, Jacob Vogt aud Jadoto ' Wagner, containing about 237 acres, about B.; i ames Cleared 'end m a' good stab: , v r it ,,: !l ,,. , tion, the halauce well timbered; a YugeltoUse anildpg barn en . t he pretulies. This i , a toy 'desirable farm—gently rolling, s,,il'exuellent, I weHwaterett, &c. It is n ithin 1 mil e of Fh, I Ohio rdver,l of a-mile of the BochesterStatiOn. Int theljunetion . of the Pitds. Ft. W., ;i: c: and . IC. & ,P. Railroads, 25 miles *front- Pius:berib. It will behold, as a whole or . dirided to milt . tiara:lasers info, I wo parcely, bye line ruunidg • in a northern end soitite • rn direeti9a tLrtttilt it, making Cite eastern divisb.m. i ,, = r ill , 1 about}, IUU acres and the western division AO, t 147 acres. - d'ossessiou Ripen April 1. IK. 1' TERMS—One-third or the pfirchat,e mow i to. be :paid upon :confirmation of:. the sale ' l by 1 the Court the : hal:nice. in two -No!. annual instalments, , with .interest, and securedl by bond' nd mortgage. .-). For-further information iii.pilee of Ott:in• dersigned, residing in' Moon township,af,ge. said, or by latter at Water Cum Beave64::- - Iy, pa. ' DANI Ed. B FlloltTi " . oet 'IT', :66 e - 1 . Tonsiii.. . . - .p.RPHANS' COURT SALB.I ' BY virtue of an order of the O ~. 1 rphans' Court Of ,Beaver._.county, the undersizui administrator of the estate of. Agnes l'i)sei, itec'd., Iwill expose:to sale by Public vendue'l out-cry, on the premises, on' : 1 'I 4 Saturday, :Norendaii Oh, isd. - . at 2 o'Clock - P. AL, all the following' dcsciibel lot of ground,eituate in the borough'of FfiL4 ton. inlinid county, late , t he est at eof saiil dr ceased,:and bounded:as follows, tai nit lie s I ginning on Front street,' thence by a inbild I aPey south 64 degrees west. 6.1 perche.o at!! back street, thence .by-'said street nor V t degreei, west 2.9 perches t o lot \u.'! )Ion? ing.to It. D. Cooper,.t hence by said lot N .: ' north 6.1• degrees, east - 5.59 perches to f . tor. I street, . and thence by,sarld. strict south Is.de I gvees,,,east 29 perches to place of lc giaFki, on which is erected 'a good. large; to-e.,saif . brick dwelling house, with cellg t will:need. one end of the tionfie fibished for store Tio.:: out-building's ! &c; all'ii good order., .1 WEIMS—Onci-third o the "purchasecl . ltl to be paid. upon ' confil- iiiiri of sale , b`:• tt 1 Court,' the ba'anoo in - two equal; anuu.,l' p , q : merits, with interest from date of confirms. to be. secured by bond and mortgage. , For further inforrfiatidn inquire - of t 4 tl &reigned at Beaver, Beaver eounty,.P4 . - octlT.'66. '. I JOS. C. WILSON, Admr' .L-- __......—: Fresh Airtial.of P rim e',o loqr ,MOIJASLSEb; L v e.fi ng 'a Extra SYRUP For site 1)v ANDREW. 11 7 144 1- f • -i ATTORNEY' AT h%W, I ssr DR AC T.' C I Nl5l COWITS OF BEAVER COUIfV. promptly attend to all kinds of legit bannio in this or onntaties jorning. i • Collections wilr - 14.erpeilii ions!' eitheini all amounta_liparnalliiarts, of claims this county and State; or in mare dfirgit entities a In Conv,eyaradrig. age' :aim: 11 33 be given Ito the drawing of bon.li;.iiett`- leages,-aiticleaOritgieernent-, to the flanging of abstriicts of title, and to the careful Fel?' ration of all sorls of legal instruments. .; Moitgagei, judgments - and other see,utili-c in all sums bought or sold. ;:t rel Office in building of Jos. C. nearly oinpOsito Moore's .Drug Street, Beaver o -- Pa. • [wig "".•• - - • IVCittoe-- . i ; TS hereby _ given; ghat tbePetili" '' t II sr-I I ji borough of Beaver.` be file litier-.*ri I Town Council) was. on the Bth dafeflP t .., ° ' . “ .- ' ber,:lBo6, presented to tlie..Court, of 1.0:0, Sessions of:Beaver county , ssi' : t ,,', to make - a dee'ree.enablingasid borlq b l.t, u • come subject to the, proviSipris and fcAri3 It and pOssess the powers and privilege s red by titiv.Act of Assembly-of the. Col wealth-.rennsylvania, approved lkel iof April, 1851 : - which petition ill'i' n read and ecinaidered,- the court direcf in ' be. given 'by 'publication that the s* ibeen filed and will be allowed. -0 mitre accordingly, onithe firs,:t- (iny i tercti sll ufEntient caUse to. the.eontra r yi 1 h t en own. JCIIN A: 1' 11.W:1 1 . oea7 • - • 11 ;:: ,_r MEI 11111 ME AND S: likSVET. - . I.oidgews.ar n3ft . ott' I. •.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers