MI H d I 111 11 :.BENVEiik --‘, 1 ABC . TRE I -, , =: !• :.+ ••1 4 'WEVANV, 06tober 14th,186; A.,Corr'eatigri. ' ' ' Pf ricaetniatiod of Senitor and .Rwieseutativee.of)tio neat Lep ishitere, •we lastweell erroneongl}r gavfo the D . einotwate-ofic Senator too We therefore ppblish the re l • .`capi r tulittion again with the. mietaka corrected: Sennie Howe: ` Total:. Union ItepOlicani..... 21 68 84 " ITellitetats • 12 h 88 • 'l49' • • YtepublicaA mi.l/4) , , CmagresaionilMilaj9rily-OfIloia! , . Not - bdving recoived t r he official vote iiidreelie counii Co on ugrps lin tine -for our lest Paper. wet' heiewfttt give [ " Ole majorities in the several cohnti of the District 1• i '' i LAWRENCE. :I MONiCiIiIIERI 2124 . li , : 8135 : 1 1:76 lsence, eaver, n, Greetze, 8185' t 14,1 Lartrance's maj. 156-c - • !, Whither Shall I Ply ?" . - .4)ur „neighbor, Odell, gut . ltadly vililipad in this county at the limit else. tin; and if contrary to our . advice, his ' Pa' ty friends - request pin, to "vambse the. ranch," we do not see-just now to what point ho bad better' emigrate, to the end that :his pohti . e4 Ptospects may be improved. To , return front ' whence he came---Xoble k count - y, Ohio -would be madness; for 'not onlp did. thatcounty the trnion men o f e i eei their ticket on.thd 9th inst., but - they, like ourselves, .mode'!strong inroads upon the enemy, and gained 100, over their - majority of ,last. year: Rlainly, • 'then, if Odell mail Ault here, be can't i _, _ • , go there; and as -Abe i southern fieldx offer flatteritglittlueMbents to labor, enterprise and in'en of his . politieal faith,. we beg Lira .t 4. cast bis - eyei thltherward. ii 1 ' "A Star thsi.4, Braver Sete:" . , . "Little Carrearthe county . tve Ilv bd in while in •thA, slate of Ohlo, was , , ,; -i: • orgaeizkd about' thfrty-threo ,years :ago, and never, during its-existence as a - counts has it elected' a pernocritic ticket..' Frepiently bas tho Wbig, and Re - publican majority ;ebbed as. low an 75, but this near' approach - to diifeA al indomil able Republicans to aciditiunal Vigilance and taker:l4 anbsequent elec• tiOns. While 75 was the lowest, about 600 was the:highistbutjority given by the Unionists—;making a pcirmanent average majority of botwen Wand 400. Oil these figures did the result usually Itang on a vote of about 300 d, and so stubbornly , did both parttez always contest. the ground that but little change was ever made in '- them In the expressive language of Our 'neigh - bor Odell, they "pushed' , and pawed lard had each°tit - by the. twins," , vritbotat .. being ab o to make much , i t tiattiVtiy in either direction;lbut it al fonds us no little-1140bn to note that at the last eleetiOn our ' frlends out there got th,e enemy "on therun," and ~ worsted theft' 578 "votes—gaining 128 on their. majority 'of last year. Well -7 - done,.Unior. men of Little Carroll ! =' , 1 , .. ' . , - . ~,- ~,,,play_your zeal and energy never abate, :ltad your nudority- never again grow CM SIM Montgomery to the Rescued , "Our own Atontoomery? during his canvass fcir Congress, peddled ,a.pam. phlet in which it was asserted that the - (Nail Rights. Bill, passed by a Radical Congress, impdied a fine Of !me - thou - - sand 'dollars upon any white father who would net consent i,;.• his diugh , ter marrying e negro. In addition to: Montgoniery'sdistritinting this pam phlet throughout 'the District. he was prone to dwell, keg and. pathetically '.on its contents in , hiihswargaes before ) the people. It wasqlwaYirbis special% care, toe, to n 44 OS unless the people debt him to'Ccingreiis, this odious stet rite: Would be. enforced., .tbe election has 44-31e.and gone, thepeeple have beep' sti4-neeked 'and perverse, they have not voted Montgomery into .Congress; and!htece ive'snppose that the "marryinfiand gitiogin marriage " of w icb he eloquently declaimed, ie LO to Without delay. Come forth, tgatneiy ! and as you have the end we bavi)' it hot, tell us . how and when priesecutlons , under, it are to -be cotrimenced : ' Wei .iennr to I know.all atiput snd Wo beg yOti ;to giro us the desired , inrorm, j %chile - you afe 'at [ikon . kat,* too' .ijnat when I the "big strappicg nigger and the buxom :wench will .take the -front seats" in our churches, that you "talked so philosephically ahautdoring . your raids into Beaver sad tbo adjoin ing • - II I - I. I t I Coloviiislitg 'Voters. -. That voters were colonized into this State:' Previous to the Oil of Octobt, :with a view bf 'carryii,g the, elect' 1 . 1 in favor of , "my TolicY," there .i scarcely be ii, deubt: -in Rhiladel is 'we most assuredly lost Nichols, . , candidate for 'the Beriate,'by Rolm portntion of coppery Voters Into his District; and,. we are assured by the Wish iiigtini ' l'ii.parter r ". lee; WI .B ,l i loY i prixate_letters from , Vi r its.bingtoti4ll.. , 0 1 1 4 0. least..-t-4 h, WOO. (44:05,1Yff were cast against.the Union ticket in that eounty ; st, 'the re c entiilection. , — These'votes 'Wore in- ttie main import cd from West ,Virginia and were Judi.' eickislY dikrisiited'among the several townships of he county, so that sus, piciOn would_ be sivoided., 'l'o.preve I that. this is. so; it is. only necessary- to LbeOr to mind that this 'year , our ma. jcirity,in that county is on 265 for iGeary, while haat yean'oor friends beat their opponents' there 504. Novr, tide loss on oar part and -gain on theirs comes front tiO - dirrinutibri 'uf. our gtrengttf,sined lastycat, for the Union ' meri of 'that county, „p011i.525 more voles now 'than they did then, but from the.`extraordlriary increase ‘of L seven hundred and sixty thrce J)emoorat. to votes. Where these coppery votes, came tram, none, Iv'e.,sCippose, could tell better thin the ex-rebels of West Virginia. 1 - ' . , In the Twelf+ v h.fici - ikre ,l isionarD.is l . • . trie4 the same bold game . has beety plated ; and ) ite, have .scarcely any, doubt but what its complete ventila tiou will give i tds another 'member of Congress tronithis State in the'person of Mr. Archbald, who ; is represented to have , t been beaten by Mr. Dennison , ~ (Deni).' , The! Ifraudal in tbat District are thus publicly pointed out._ by the Swanton Republican •,, , : The table we publish elsewhere tells its - Own story. The TWelith ward, Scranton, with its' 216 votes !sit year, and its 728 this year; the north district of Wilkes .hurio townehipovith , its 122 Democratic nij, litst.year,_ and 867 this year; Carbondale, _ -Third ward, with its 118 Democratie.maj. last year, and it-. 285 tliiii year; Dunmore, with its,B9'Dernoeratio Maj.,last year, and its no .06; :the smith district of Pitts. top' ip.,, with its 143 taxables andlo9 Demoeralie niajoritY—these and nu merous similar districts show the per. petration of enormous (rands—which; this time, have been so.flagrant and wholesale asl to leave no:doubt' Of its being possiblolu expositAitem.. Tbe, most oriblOhing,! ot theb;frai,to_ulent schemes- wis tee issao; by „the.; td. dna.- and,' of -n aturalization .' papers in blank, bearing the:signature:sod official 'seals , of -Michael =Philein, . Prothonotary of , the county,!iiiid John E. Brown; Clerk ' of • the Mayor's court, of Carbondale - They.were issued so numerously that hundreds of , them have; come into the '• Loss of iheJ 6 Eivenizi,e Star ' " . Ono of the saddeit, _Odeon' disasters that have occurred within recent, times is that of I the sinking itifithe "Everting 'Star . ' on the'3(l of Oct(i', i •C by' which over two hundred _and i A ft y persons trete 105t..,' 'l*o vessel lett_New York on the . 2 9th of Sept., for New Orleans, under conitriend of Copt. inapp: , On' the morning Of the 12t1 of October, the Wind,began to blow quite.. hard, and continued; to increasegradually untill the molinieg of the 8d when it blew a perfect hurneane. After weathering the stormlfor ',fourteen hoes, theyea-; sel finiii;d,cred with 275 isii_ ftion board, i only bore' 1G or 20 of who:lf:are known to have been saved!, ''; ''• ,:_. ' ' A gm, at many of . %ie passengers were female's, and, some fortY or: fifty of whom were women ' i of ill-fame` ,. kinong these latter , its Mts. - Can. ninghain Burdett, who' i Will bo. gener- Ully remembered as having been tried foi the murder-.of Dr. Burden, in'New York some:years ago. I `She seemed to 'havecharge of many of these- disre putable Women, and was doubtless tn..' king them to New Orlcar.s, :there to pursue.their loathing avocation under , her management. Retributive justice, erviftand iterrible; has, overtaken' her Land_ l thera; When the 1 t dreamed o f as its coining., ' The officers of the Ivessel seem to have done sit iiktheir-'sower 'to ~ _ liiive the livtis' ofthe passengers; bat in vain. - "Ther_ . perished .witb them. ' Mal El 1.5 1621 Mil MI lig =I MI a : . Great Vire iIVQIiODBO . terriblo'firelbrolio,ont and raged in 4:tabec C c itnada, lailt iieelr, burning down 2,500 hou,gt; Land -renderirig •hotaelest; t.bout 1,8,00,0_ people: ; The fire origmnted early in the morning in a grocery . Store, and there' being - high iwind sbon after. it, spied rapid ty from building to 14aliding Ivor frOml street to street,until fi in the evening, when ceaaed from *ant of a nything, More to feed on. -Tb•3:loes is estimitcd , at $i,040,000 . and a' large, pr'opor'tion . 'of the ft,iafterers are in . a deplorable conditioe. • •• • , 1 gow. i Loom itott :I,B66—Connect. lout for the Unionlf:Ahedeliriand - for, the ljnioe 1" 'Vermont:tot tire It nieri Ii Marne foitheti iii*!'"tebraeks for. the Unieni:Oci . e . tor the Union p—; lndiana 0C.14 . u.i' Va.:in i; . Ohio for the Union . ; kenneilvania ihrAhoUnioal Grand a grefete majority, 175,4:031! Ili ...... - . Trouble in Maryland. Trouble of a political character is Ani l iripiivrild in tifilii lank - lie Polo onriii i nal; oC a 'ityiiof Ba - mor4i. vi intof-b he li i l l ator ' ti lie Slat andia.' g ic id . m l i uti•fa, - f all 44lfithtoilglifillio_ . .zir, hare now fallen underthe displesiiiire i t ot the rebel sympathizers of that, city, because they rehire.to appoint JUdies` ' tot' Elections whO ;Wig t , itticit, thel _vbjes of the ez-,ritbeliqsgistered-in defiance of tfie,C,dustitution:pild, la*.s, of; the _,„ T,he'GOverntir ,pflthe - S4te, There has been ippealed :to to re mos'e_these COMMissionero, and up peint others, who , h are already !nen dosignated_ aF the fit agents , of treason; and, as,ifie Governor is st!pportiA! of the,Presidenti t e:PClicY, it is feared that. he. Will mOce an effort to cora.ply . with this trettihnuble reireat, and "thus in.. iingurate.roVolitike in. that State." In tadittOrt,totibia,,,Gov.,Swat4 p.:lOhn see candidate for the U.. S., SeNital acd knows that, if the cx rebels ars net pertnittekto.vete , en the Zd of her, his frienda *ill not ioa,able to cat -~t ry, Abe ,LegialtAur; hence to remove the . loyal Comrnmstoners of Baltimore; and ,appoint disloyal 'Ones iti stead, would, give hiM political ad iiigege that he is not likely to forego., On Monday lait',khe Commissioners' were.cited 'to -appear , ,before.the Gov ern- or,.but , aa th e y dec li ne to acknowl: edge his authority in the matter, ,they refused to attend .'`. ; •Thie refusal on their part is sustained by - the Mayor. Or.i3altimori, the loyal rmeti of the city, and the S(ate; who declarethat thostreets- of' Baltirtiokieliall run - with blood before the Constitution'.and laws of the Stists shall bevioluted, or its loyal people ruled by its ex-rebel's.— If the Governor therefore atteMpts to carry Out , ,his, 'rovolutiueary pro -gramme, andis , sustained :in the cart by the President - Of the United States; bloodehea is not remote, but near at hand. --t-Later ews say at the couosol • for the Polka Commissioners appeared' before the Governor, and while ing tine juriadtction of theAorernor. expressed a willingness on the part of the CommissiOners , to ?iavo their offi- Oiul conduct )nqnired hit° and passed upon by the judicial authorities of the State, WI THE Local of lat.t.we• k oives the fit kind:ofis-tlying kick on the flag I.ifsir. , 'lt ha's our -ndvice, and coasea its fulsome' praise of - Capt. Gillis, and irselt squarely clown on this proposition : "The trues to which ,tha ; flat; ‘was tcup . ended are . -corporation property, ^ 4 ing,of.tlng!k to them. . • The heft of this ar qiment is readily t i • seen whoji.,it,is rem mbered that lot .l owners ackt-sinl) l pay tor• the trees re terred to e bit ! likewise. plant, box nut' cultivate_ therrif Or the express purpose. bestutfying ihkir property and rendering ,thbir homes more Comfort, able. The cOrp?rution,noither,invests money, time nor, attention in them: and when property owners see fit to `Asks the .t.redri • planted bY the mseircs • down, in front, t or, l. rear Of - thyii the - corporation enters no protest agair.st t t, as is %en in an in: , stance at the • up per 'end of town, where - Prof. Mercer. a few years ago relieved the, Seininary properiy of its front, shade trees -without 'objection or hindrance, froin any one.: This last position of the .Loeat Proves, there= cyt, be as rintenabls.its its previous ono taro ridiculous ; arid wo suspect that, "heavy- calibre its ;editor confessedly' he will.- never 'again (take as much stock in a isimilar enter prisit as he 'originally, took in this one. 4 Maryland PcMins-4km swan's : .l 2 rOoktmation. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, AtinsßoLis, 0ct.122, '66. W6ol'6ll' l, iti has' cc me , to tbi, knowl edge of the '.Exenutiire that military. and other - combination's are now , form ing for Abe purpotie of obetructing and -twisting the execution of the laws ofl this State; and , wherean, thorn is rea— son to betieve that simitaf combine tions are atteMpted tobe organized in other States, with the intention of in vading the Soil' of , the State of Mary : 'lard . ; - to deprive her citizens of their . just.righin ut.derj the laws, and cor.- trol t 'pepte of the! State' by vie. lerite au& intimidation; Noir,' therefore, I: Thomas - Swknn, Goverr.or2of ;the; State 'Of - Maryltitid, bY this , niy. roelarnatititi,.solernnly 'watn ihe'lletiders: of all" Such' illegal' and " revOlcitiOnaiy conittinititins a— gainsttfle peace and dignit y of .'tire `t in the '.event of riot Ignct. bloodshed: growink out rd these retje- Ititinnarifi yirdeeedings,' they will be held to the! strritestt accountability, and the tioirer of the' State will be eablittetea . to bring then' to . prompt and: Merited - punishment; • Given andermy hand and the great' • - sea' of the State of Maryland,' at i • the .citY-'6f Annapolis. ,thie, 22(1, 1 ' day:of Obtober,' A. D. 1866. ' iSignedl r - Ticrnes SwArm._ ny - thet tiovernot: ' Joan sy. CASTER, See'y of State, I . TEE - Official 4ettiros 61 - the efeatimi in Ohio foot op t a :Union majority of 44,000 7 asehing -a Maori-gain- of 12,- 000 slued list gear. Official Vota of:!enn' iirlytuaia• GEAA?StLTY~ 17,185. • `Vet' from elrewiiiiiiirAr, in 711 4 113,00101 Cept tba we het 661 j. the- effielfit4[ll3oritY• t" 1 e Allegheny ' mustripagt.% sesve,A. • Bedford, • Berko . • Blair ••• • - • . Bridfoi4.- • Snake ,• •, e • . ' . Cambria • Citbon • " - • Cent's* • " 't - Chester• • eeeeee ••• *4l Clearfield.. .......... .. L. Clinton ' •.... * •• t Co umbi& Orawfordi ' • • • I Coniberlanit . • Dauphin.. • • DEfila:Fire* ... ....... „..,. Erie .... ' • t• Fayette''' ~ . .... 1 Franklin - • ie••••• • • ••,••P;; Iton "... t .... Greene Huntingdon . - , Indiana 3 , ;r3" .3 1 ' Jefferson ........ . Juniata ' - • •333 ......... ..... .. Lawience.' ..... . . . Lebanon - Lehigh 9 1• Luserne Lycoming‘..l., IstaKems.....J. - Mercer ....... . ..... Mdffin .{; .33 . Monroe:. 3 , 3 . Montgomery .... ; . Northampton 3 . 3 • !!! ia!EM3!I .•t Nortbunitet r iend Perry ' - Philatielphin - Pike i• Potter • 3 - ••••- t3ohnylkill:;.,4.— •.. 4 Sprier I.rtsoie• Sometee • - •' • ''l • r •• Susiittekenna - Maio)). .. . . ''Ven ango Warren Waynei: • - i • NMN Weitmoretpad Viyotninr York. TO t abr . ;' • ' • This yi9tory' in Peiansylirapi, ADDRESS; OF UNION STATE COMMATEIt - • . • UNION STATE:CENTRAL OM. ROOMS,. Q... 1105 CREST.% UT STREET, PIIILADELPRIS, Octolicirl,''OGG'•,'- Un bebulf of ttio Conimktee, Loon • grattilino the people of Itho Stako,p didnte for Governer•by la . large,,Major,- its. ITo have:indorsed the Colistitti-: Lionel amoodments proposed by - CCIII: Kress: We have secured about two' thirds of both branclics,of,the Legis; lature, We have elected eighteen, m 4 of the twenty tour raunbera ofd Oon gress, a gain of two over our present Zelegation. ITlrose are l am substantial • results of ()lir comp'ete and magnifi cent. vic:ory ;avidtory achieved by the• patriotic efforte of a l o yal! peOple,- ir. I defiance of the basest betrayal on rec ord, and in spite of thu, most rcokleas abuse of Govettment patronage, -ever encountered ;by any party; a trilamph of right over vrroag, rind fairly won, in as dcaperate,a struggle and.against as unscrepulons incanS tIE ' were elrer {resorted td by aßfadverear3. - Thanks •to the Giver often vieteries. Thanks to all . our ec I - t'eta , and esPeciallylo my able, dov e _and efficient, Scor tailed,-, taoa, ,w fill r d. within° . moat faith- I fully for Nur . ; at,* / Without fee or i ll reward. Th it to, the pther ,mcrol beis of thl¢ mniittee, and to.thenn rional3calorpteizatiens. • Thanks to the gallant Ira la DIU e," who fought and won snot bc battle for their coon. try,,,and to thf ethic Apo ptii, otic prce9r throne:a:nit f.43,Biate. And, last, but not least, malty thanke' to the noble tlniou Leagui and, the patriotic:l4) . er. ality of our filen& iii 'the bhp ofybil adelphia. ' t . `.; ' , By arder ofAbe: Committee,; • l'. l / 2 - .lcawr, Chainitan.- alma • ' ash#lgtbzi; .WA.e INOTODi t October oft COWAN.' , Sonator Cu*. was granted an in terview for .ihoi . Limn o-dayt-' with the] President: .It, cor.e s uded by freqUent- ' era of the: Wli" ) flohtie that .she in, to heve f a poAitior. n.thii :pabin'et oh the • expiration-of b sonatoralli-erni,, , .„ . , i TaE MA E:, . aD DIFE;C 13 firr. ..It I s tolegraPiXii liege froth Anribr: polls that. Gov or 4Wat - lina f„t'ke,,i - a ac . decided ataqd;, '4l.;iii(eialS to: pcnOid with the - memo I .of the , Potion ' Coin= missioneie t - T B,will be resisteil vi et. ' (trines. A r age I-- toy ,thii - .Chkonick says that time thoualtr.d armed men huve - reported t the MaYipi"hl; Balti more and the. Olie.o Coramissiobera, limit' they:nyo n rigidirwas.al!.gymo mnnt'it notice.. .boald a collimion: oe cur it ia belies ere:that-13.8 : .troops will theii bo pu fOrward td= quell the disturbaope. ingiunery .Blair .had I t n interview vt • the;Presideritto•daY on the Mitrylan troubles,' Ir. • IT. _is :Yeas° .1 lout 20;000. • fóe hiestoe in Isoriisylvan Gesry'e ilcgort, FORTY guestkia altiout l real result, of in this 'Skate -I- I . 4 8.grIcitiltuntl. ' • . 'h - o-11 tad of Managers of the Bea• .Coapty `4'grietthurAttSoci y , mitt 17. • Coutf 1101180,g in W , Cedar, , CI let ' 1866. k:IIOMbE iesobt 1. jta - o ." „ oads, Tilird, B c y 'II. ..ipo f; obert.Ootter / ,'lO, Gib.i j 1 so '-`4,,Yr t, Patel!, TOM!, WileohLLlOr... brie, M i ilia and.BarelaY'Veg In the absenbe of the (President, Mr. 131noadetwas chosen to fill the'vacancy. Mr. J.,' C. •Wilscn t. Trizionnor, pre. wonted 'ii :partial repot, whioh Was "adopted; and it was further on motion agried t r bilk"the• • thanks; of 116 - Board ' be teideretfloMrAVAhien.for blei.atirs•• vices rendered Abe Society, at! that i competitors who have drawn . roan- 1 urns at thellirs. tc-Fair:,shall be notified 1 to call cia 4 MiY.Wihion, Ist. his- °flee, on g Saturifa` .aftiwoons,. an at. otber-times • g bis tiesineas may require : hini.ito be absent fkint `blame. Tho ITreasnrer was authorized to : pay. • the.balance,remaining, in his lolanda (after..payttig - awairds of prom i urns and expenseelet•the Fair,) on tha _ purchas . o money ..e,f the property of t h e *Society; , ' • 'h. The fallowing bills Wereon *lion passodi - .., I • 1, • J. Woyand, premium lists; &o , 867,50; J.. 11. Odell. premium lists, • . .60,00 •W. S. Haven,ticketk& !shay! bills 65,42 Thos. M,'.Kinley, ;semi, • 5,50 Wra. pavidson &Sor4.lumbor, .32,64 W..F.•Liiifferiy, carpenter w k, 18,00 I T. O. Ansbutx. , , • ,d 6. .% " I .. •9,00 John 13,arelay, nails, itc ; .• 14.11 . JanislAllison, • do l. - • • '1,60 o A..ltobinanii; reitiirs .io ground team.-&C.,_ . I • - Win, B. Alsxander, au - Win 'B, Alexander,• gate keep I: F. _Kennedy. i., - .do ,_ 7 Andrew Caruthers • db l• John Gribots .. - , da Jas. Fogg, 'boarding Judges. T. O. Anshutz, Assie.tant Sec% Expenses judges.on farms, Corresponthint riLt...lConainero Hugh M'Grure, ; Maishal. . A. 8. , lirolf, do • • Sainuel,Gibson, 2 tons hay. al , '2Q bushel. oats,. ' -, The tollowizg bills poised, not knoWn: . , ' H" /1 1 : Andeison, re : 'bill; Jo r sepl; Sutherland, 1 days Work; R. 'ilmore, day watch; Eli--Reed, nigh • watch' . ; 1 .--- T Secitt,night watch;•Chas French, hauling water; postage bill i .k.c. , i On motion , resolved Abet the receipts . and expenditures- of; all monies shall be published, showing .haw: reach his boon received and .fer what purpose .•• . • • .expeadeci. Adjourned to meet on Monday of.Xoyember Court. - • •• - ' ( • •,. %Vat. S B.iRCLAY, See y. ~ .- .. . ----------=---••• - •""" : " --- r'' I ' I THE `,' RouriDnzADa "--Pursuant to resolution -of the• Society of tLoloot , Regiment PCnna-Voluateer Infantry (Roundlictid,) I hereby call are-unto • of the surviving hanorably discharged knoinAer:, if S. ihit Itegi rt, ip asseir.±l ble apittew C 'aitidearalielbilk day 9 -' ' ." -• ' ' ! r'NOCOEOber. Ittle. St , 2 o . clock P. 31.;' ]•• I . ... •r,-• . • ~-. .[ And appoint.t/tfitas I.9bert Moffat i t . . .. and 11. W." Sin to, and Lieuienants 3- , 11,1Stover.son, John" Jay, Samuel- Montgomery and Billoiy Bay, a Co ' • i . irmi 8124 E 1846 1703 3 '3o6f '486 4429 .4791 • 1991 4461 2487 4977 2357 50461 . a 408 1 5896 306955 2,890% 390 4 36 EDE he. Ohjecta - of Vie to-union aro .• perpetuate - the fraternal fooling wbic grew tip betWeim the - rnombors of t Regiment, in sharing common danger toilsi , privations and i finfferingsi and a COminoa participation the e polio ' r histdry of the Comme.nd: RTeri honorably discharged Office und,!Soldier of the "Old Rouricthen4 Regiment" iii meet a warm weleolii , on the occasion. . ~ 1 believed that st 1 notes '; were polled, at' the bite election, This" 1&A makes , I ajority , rat nearly oilis.'.:'fi4re is no Apsisition Ott to. the. • lection. of 001/prior r. IN DA.N'L, LEASIIRE. Preb% 3ciurr W. MoßniF9x,.Cor. Se 'y.. 1 ' sEdatributiOrta. We would calFattention to theOpi I ion of one !of the leading papers Cantuis, on thie subject :. I - fiost of our readers lir_ve no do road Some of the nuitierous In adverti ( ertia of Gift 'Botorprises, Gilt - C r eei is,. 4 Atc.,hich',Oppear from tim e ,t time in ,tbe public . prtnts,- offering m E tempting bargains' to' those who il patronize the:.' ni In 'most eases th s are*ennine,hrimbirg,s,; But theie r , ti few rosPectable firms who de; bus ness in this manlier, and they do it lc a. means of. IncreaSing their wholeshh buSiness, at d not ,to , mal4; Mons:y. 7 h ear such fi rms,. it is , true, hinds° and'vainable artieles are . pi.ocuied o O Very:lsmail sum, find What iS 'id 't n, r impert4t. no 0n0,11,4 ever; cheated - 11',..7ery person gets g.c:Od! value for" dollar; because, as wo have stated is intended to act as Un advertise . I 'to' increase their Ordrnury business. . I .Wo - havi. .Been notribets of pr .sent, out in this '.* loy S*E ll3 l NI .W.. I iETEION & COMPAN'4 "Of IN assau Str et. N. Y., and there - iiima doubtthat/ me -of the aitichis itre - worth eig h t or or. times Lila =nay paid tor them, • sto ile w 8 barb hot eeen or heard:of a Fi r- le iMiile which ,was tot, fully.woil:h he, do tor whictr ft Cbst. _Mit I ttiis .111 ly one cf. the eicilitiona at thnsiale, for, 'isle gender thing the:parties cage ed idthis4mainess are nothing but el • Fur istliiniterp —'-(stityrday Reader, Id — 49a1; C. X., Jan, P, ,1866.) . ... 11 - 91 r —, Trotectiog t4e Wes ofebildr Shoos from wear 4%410 . 1,11' Tips, e proved 'a most tawpot teat 'rand ne ft inrchtion. But until lately -a gea k h matt! e as b eon Made in appl in ) dicta, ebiefly,to the coarser grad . shoee. ~ For the higher Abnoost of to shoe the more there is eared by rc • tecting the toes from' wear, which Cal only be done by Ge t mjeuil-Tipped- shoeti ate I now *ng made and•are worn , by tb qt " te r s in the city: , Nana fat:tutees - clinic!" 'ant' have conferred a' greater ptiblic faior,lllan., by inppliring this .4elit wallit.—BostonJoarnal. Licorksio• Notirce ZATINO 11011811.' • Warnerr ..... ...'.ltactlestet •-" bor. 4. ; 4 : l ' JOtts A. FRAZAEIteCTk. 17 - '01 1 IC E• e:ICV LNBfAMENT On the capital I I stodlE a tif • e ttlrland Run itailipsyr will =e RE the office of the Comps n New Brighton PI ,on tht Sig day of ember, 1866. Bs order of tbe Board. aw Batotrroft,l. -VIM: NEWELL, Oct. 15,1 • J. _Trews. pro. few. .' - *..XECtrittEt'S totiacki.lior:Ciusyugi,ilateOf Rf deed, havtr I 'granted to If tilidereterid; all persons ibtalE : to sill aitti, Lei rire reineaterttii•ftil6 l Witte payniteaft: aid those-having claim's net the mante.:l ,prseent, *hen properly watkated,for lemon. • DAVID KESSEDY, Rlttlmetn-4Pti,•' TAldEtti BOVD, HOolistown, , =,: • I Eiecutdm. • OM SALISEttifitBROTEOR & CO. iztensitie Mantifacteirirs iraporte#of , ,• •-• • /Obi; . & Orei e SOLID AND . mini lE3llTrete wc*:•istre, - r• - erioan,,EngliO "&. Sines Wa!ohetp BASED 0U1;5.44,YE5,; I - • ' An 4 • . J ' ' . t every desertptlon of .. • . - - Fancy Goods and .( aniee Notions,- . : specially adapted and designed for Boutliens ... ~ and Western Trade... .•, : < t Cireulartrsnd full desseriptitre r tssentlrt* Agents wanted everywbe're. Address .:, '-• t i 1 1 - 'SALISBURY ; Bill). CO:, .:' ,1 . ' • :51 'DCyu&tics Sysest, l; . . :: .:, '•.• : . Pravi "ri ce, R. I. SHERIFF'S. Sik , ES ~..., , . 63,50 86.50 , r, 6,00 4.100 12.00 12,00 45.00 , 7,50 oet'~lam 9,00 'al,, 5.00 6,00. 4,00 d . • T . virtue , of sundry *Atli of Fieri Facias. o T3 ' issued tint of the Court of Common Pletiii ' the county of Beaver, - andi td me directed,? I' will expose do public stile - a 'the Sheriff's 'office; lathe berOugh of Bearer, in the' riouri , .y !aforesaid, On ' - :., • _.. f! : . 1 . ' .. Saturrla,o, Ncrent4er 10th, 18GG, . i at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, i the following prOPertr, to 3vii: ._.'" - L . I - • '.. All the right, title, interest:, and claim of, de-1 feridant, of, in and to_ the. foll Owing Piece, or' pargel'of land, sit nate. in the -borough Of . New Brighton, Beaver county,! Pal, bounded an - the ' north by.NeW - Catale k New Brighton road,on ' the east by, ratite read,din (lac smith by Evau P: Townsend,and On the ;hest by ptiblic street, containing - 18 icies and 14 Perches... Alsp,lot No. 15; situate' in theboeough -of Sa Brigh ton, being about; y 69 by -180 feet -in length and breadth, bounded on the north by lot No. 14,' east by.public l tlleyi south by ,Ikla'rket street, and:West. by Bri dge itneet; on, which is erected' i . frame 'building used' as adWeiling houittaad earpeater .shop: i t , Also,•lot No.. N 1 , 4,, situata rut ' aforesaid, bounded north by lot o: 13,east by public alley, by lot. „N0i:.15 . and weit, by' Bridge street, 44 . iswef lotitickby 180 feet.".l . , ' Also: allthat etirrean piece-Or parcel of land in Big Beaver.tp.; bounded - on the north. by the track of theyittsjd. l'inynair C. litt„on the east.lrY landiof. Joe Smith and John Bent-'1 ,ty ori the south -by' land or. - Jos. Smih,andil on:the - went by land of Walter Beatty,contain-, ing about . sa *ea, about 60 act'es 'cleared,' and .eritlie farm under. fence, on which are -erected' a dOntde log house, tivolitories high, spring-house, 4ind • Old : log - building- I :The =above destiribed farm is underlaid with &three , -feet .vein of coil, one bank ripen; preniisea well Watered, with lit'. good drehttrd thereon,. !... - ........ ---- ---- ii0 r 1y......---- , t.... Jut ge reir erty ot. Jas. Ile m e itirtirlbe - surr - -aßsi- 'I" Wilson, Admirilstritter. of Thos. Cunningham,' i died. • •'- - '- I N - A ' ' ...' L . • I,• .n. ~. .. .: 1 LsO, •. - • : - ' At the' saran' time, and place, all right,. title, i. interest and , claint of defendant; of,: in find to I fie folloiring tract Of land situate in Big -ilea ver tp ;Beaver county, Pal, beginning at the 'tterth'-'west corner of tt . tract, of !Anil formerly willed bylThoriris .B. 'Clarke, :and running I thtrice by:land of..the heir.* of - Daniel - Clar k . ( south II- deg: east 150 perches to a post,thenced I ' by lantrofi Samuel and Robert Chapman, east 'ltd. peralies tr. a „pest:4ll4mo .by ; part- of the' 1 land lately Owned by , Robert Clarke, deed.,' north. 2 1 1 4 deg, .west „ , 94 perches:to a..post, ! thence worth 79tleg. east 45 7-10 - percliesde a ~ • Poat, thence north 17 . deg. West 74 Pereberi to a post; thence' north 73 "deg. east 36 perehes ' to a post, - thence north 2:14 deigiivcst.s9,per to. a post, thence by land ;Of.-}lobart t,inson, 1 south 89 deg. west '371 .pir, to a white 'oak, . , thenee by land of Wm. igillei„ south 2 1-4 deg ,il i east' 77 3=lo . per toa . ipost th ence ." north -89. deg 1 west' 99 per to" ths.pla, e Of"beginning—con taming 148 acres and 141, iterclieSi - strict Meas .. nre; about mires cleared; the entire farm t under fence; on-which is'arected a log house, •log barn,- and stone eking house; orchard 'Of . , r good fruit trees on; 'the premises ; the' whole 0 1 i c , ' farm well -Watered, and underlaid withe three It, %feet vein otrcoal. .i, - ' -- j ' , . . . Seised and taken -i n eiectition as the proper -1! ity of ` - James Fonibelle 'at; -the -suit of 0: R. I 0 Patterson: , , 4 - t! ...1 ' '' No §. . . - '.. 1 Alen, ll.' 40,06 mounts LEE . . . At the aunts timi and place, all right, title, LEI intermit, and ciaini of defendant of, in and to 6 the following hit or; piece iof land, innate in 1 Pulaski townshil., 'Beaver, county, Pa., being Lot No. 3, of Townsend'altsact, bounded as to ' follows : Ily a ,line commencing at a maple or tree and running east 110teet, ening bounded . o ;,.that 'distance byland of Kennedy; and thence T. south 22`2,Teet by land cef defendant, thencd T. west ill. feet by land cif '.'defendant, thence 1 ," north 2.2o 2 feet to place of:beginning; contain it "big One acre, more, or leiss, on whist there is it erected ,ti Clay Mill, with all the accessary . I L fiitnies for - grinding clay, embracing . a" me?.al ilatt(abont 8 feet: in diameter, which itr hung . a' on an upright shaft, revohing on a step. Sai‘t I.' pan contains l'Wo largecaStrironyollers.. • The , blinding ist which *Mid Clay Mill is erected iii to one story Trams, with half basement, Ilifett l• front by 35 , in . depth. 1 ' .-_-- • i Ile hod' and taken in e xecution as. the - Priop ertiy Of JtiOoteB..Priee, at the spit of Calvitat. 'Ant le., 1, Orrici, ' • ; • . , . i ' &liaises O 1 ' JOB..LEDLIE, - • t . . Oct. 25,4866. ' ' f ' , sheriff.-. 1 IN THE,Cbtr lIT OF COI NON , PLEAS OF DEAVEETOUNTY i ".. In the Analter. of _the • application of the . 4 1Presbyteriau , congregation of. Bethlehem" for a ebar,ter -of Incorporation And .now, Bspt: Bth, 4806, application presented,, where is un!at the ,Court haring 'perused - the accompa ,. eying instrument, and being of opinion that. : • ,it contains nothing contrary to law,. direct' D i I slid instrument to ba Bled in, the%Prollionota-' ry'a,office, aid order pulilication'aCcording to law, and unl4e' cense be!ahown to the contra• ,ff ry. the , aforesaid Charlet; of incoriiimation will '' be granted to* the.Cotireitt, the next term. , - Df • Octil'fAlilhas' 1 ' • :id' WETAND ,P. 1 . . 1 , ~ . ho • - , : i. , . , i i - TRIAL LIST NOV.. TERM ' 18 6 6 - n • (smck,ND . .oamnel Morrow Tbomas Greenlee Hearth Kinsey wye Tkos Poe & wife • Q. ander's hlw ye Jackson Charaberis it al 13. Malign's heirs Ye C. aP. a. Uo. MiOsel Main, Abr am flinger, Henry Bari I "'lra Geo - 1 1 1 Saii3lay, • . I PiannelTraaeltdn' ve treserten . •, Rft, c o' va John Beatty Bt's - !vitt •, , vs • Vm Jones octli'G6 •- ." :M. 3VEYAND Pro. '1 Great . 13istIL - I) .1 / tit f 1 4 1 , t,lRt t4 S ,NuE49 ll , ' c. .• 7 i : . ..! ' A b7tl,St:;sl 6r . W 4 Siteiiel o iiitioa - ititAllioZe oe '• 4- ism s ? - k train, tinge, Engravings,' Silver: Wa re • and Silver Watches; and Elei f id r , •GOl , l .. 4iiiisitling' of ViefeiontlPll4l.l1 des 4 ; k!' -• Binge, Gold Bracelets, Coral, Pls tri ren • ,•-"! • tine. Moittie44el,l444; and cg tn - 4" i,. ; Ladies' Salts,,Gol4peasogith•o,4' "" - . ••! elid r SilieftrXtension , lialtler s ;,'. s ' 1 . . ...... , ___Slaele. ,l - b.. -.Aebt -b.f.. • ' ! , ! Sttadet.-,'Yellt sad Nide --•-- -' ' ..-.. -Uhlibe,Plain end Cis-• -' ' •!: .. ; ! I .ed 04111Clialns, .ke ' • - '''. • I . •-•-' tke., valued eit ', • •• - - 1;0001000,108 . Op Dou j A k . which they ;need Wet pay 'until it l'! - "ksh.,.‘ *hails &avert intriTeielue. ' - ---";!•• •'Tor i4Ateßretal AfillrELFxs. 'As g f) :.. CIA r/O/Teils joisis'attention to the .4 - -;' its' being largest - 41 most Popular Je et. :'‘ Association, in the United Stat e i,•• vi e L el ; il tn' efi est! i , clieltidindi..w-lanYdi titin'boemenb;ei9linithianetnede-r.in7tif!.'..l: rapidly increasing trade is a sure guarsst e , - -• a! ' the fippreciation of intr•patrons feet his in' e ti,a -- ' of obtaining rich, elegant acid eestly " 1 - -7 . . The Sudden stagnation of trade in - "•- • • E !..''4 4 , owing to the late German War end *tat 11.-. ' • estrous financial crisie in England , - lis eg '-! I the' faillYte of ! ra - largo istimbr: or Jewelry Housies hi'Landoitsnd Pails, obliging th tt - i ' ! „. sell'llielf goodis 'at a, great sacrifice, in soli. initaiteisiensithatt erner r thirtt the emu of - al,: ufacturing. We have littely,p,urehas e d e rr , largely 'of .theie'Hankiiipt Goods, at itinh- e . . , trentely 'IOW :Prices, that tre,ean afford to sell awl,' fittei'Grods,.• and give better : chances t o m most • • d* the ose . +alitabhe prieel then any chi t • eittiblfidiMetit tioing - aisimilarhuitinest' ogg.. - AISI ,I§, TO ! ..PLEA#E, 'WI ,tee • respeetralli solteleyotarliatrotage, as it,e; are conifideidir giiinC „the At'..ittist eatisfaction."lltitinitk patitlear:We hit'ves ! ferWarded' a namber o r she nitetevalaiible prizes to all parts - of the country, Thole,who ps; troti4e us will receive• tlin ifull . itilite[of • theirimoney; its no &nide on our lint' is worth" less less than One. Dollar- re. tall, 191 d there , ari!nit blanks. Parties deal ing: With us may, `depend ax havingpre mpt retuins,•stid the tarttele'dratin will be imme diately _sent te_aity„adelress by return mail or ! eXpress, ". ••• , ' Ile following,parlies Eave•fecently drawn valtiable . ,prizes • from t lies, • American Jeweler,' Ainsociat ten; lad - have kindly allowed the use of! their names : 1 1- - . , Charles ""J.Alunter,Esti.,-Treasury Depart. meat; WashfligtoujD- ,, P.4 Piano, value smo ; Misp.. Anna G._Yatea, 52,5 t .! .)lark Place. N- F:, Sewing idaeltine, valtte s7s;tig. Oen L. L. Hanson; li.•13: - Voln.. liailfel le, Teas; :Hirer Tea Set, value'Slso; Miss Emm a Run- ter, 163 Front St., Harrisburg. Pa., sowin g -31achine, value $6O; Lieut. CoLalterChit. • 11 tendeu, Quartermaster,-.Bouisville Kentucky, - Gold, Watch, value - 150; I Wm. S. taines,247. Hing . St., Charlestor; 8.. C.. *Slyer - Watch, value $511;11 Alexander - Jahnson - , '%, Editor MtalkateUr rioneer, NlSaskateur, Minh., 'Ladies' Enameled Watelt, :9111ille $1502 Samuel Lee. Ea , President Colorado and Ited'Eank Mint ing Company, San Francisca. Cal , Melodeon, - ;take, .$2OO ; : Aaron St.. i .Long. Esti,: Prineip ti !Elkhart - collegiate Institute, Elkhart, N. .1. Diamond !pin, value $2OO, R. 31. Lingstreet, Mantgomery; Ala,' ' Music- Box., ra:ue, $7:1: -.Rev. Jetsam Nan Duzer,i'Alhany, N. t . oom • Lined Dining Set, value MD; Miss Clvs Lucuguer, 'Dayton, Ohio, Pianoforte,• ratite I $4OO, and Diamond Pin, taint Sl7-1. I Many name's Conk! he place ott The Her, ; but 'we publish no names Without "pertainiou': ! I Our . pitrons are desired to send United Stater ii curreney *hen it is ,coevettient. • , -. • .1 • r ' IIPARTIAL LIST i OFI -11;TICLES I' • • .TO DESOLD FOR $.4 EACH; t Without regard to value. and . n , :. tobe zild le 1 until you know what vett at . 10 rnetice: z I It, elegant posewootlinanos.troni $2 ut to PI Ito eleg ' t Nlelodeons.Rosew'd-cases 171 toro I 50 first class Sewing Machines • - "so It As ...7,&...tfine tut "'Ain:4l l6f ' ' 401;11it 150' fine Steel Engtarmas, framed._ ' 21 to ?+1?+1 50 Music boles • , 23 to It 150 Revolving Patent Casters: silver 211 to- 40 .50 Silver !Fruit and rake baskets... 20 fo', 400 Sets of Tea anti Table Spoons.- 20 to' ..0 150 Gold hunt ing ease Wat eltei,war,. :30 toll:o 100 Diam'd ring, clusters nieg stone.., 7510211 1 - 175 Gold Wat ch es ' .» .83 toll - o . i sod Ladien ,Watches 4 . - 69 Is l ! o 500 Silver 1W a i cli es 1 20 to P , . i ' Dianiond !Phis, Brooches and. Ear Dy-T, 'Ladies' Sets or Gold l and Cora:. Jet and Gotd. Florentine, Mosaic, Lava and Cameo; sit. K •Stilds, vest and neck Chains, plain and cLatri . gelid rings! ? gold thimbles,. "locked,; new :•tyie belt buckles, gold pens and pencil, fancy sari boxes, gold pens with gold and silver extra.la holders. and a large assortment'of fine airs, 1 ware and jewelry - of every description. 1 • 'MLA, Chntice io obtain any 'of the abon . . 1 Articles for ONE DOLLAR, hy,purcha:::; 3 ' I sealed envelope for -o cents. _ . • ! ' ;Fire sealedevelopes Will he sent f.!! I $1; t• liven for $2; tarty . for $:!: $;t1)- 11., 1 for $10; me Hundred , for 1:)• ••1 - ; .• . tts ,". ! • - ' 1 - , ',.'" :.114lliNTS, WANTED EVEUVRII^GE. . I.7nerpilled • inducements offeredtto bats and Genti who trill act-as tech. Oar deserif 1 tive circulars - will be sent on appiioLit'n• . Distributions are made in t he follT!.!Dgm, i ,!• , ItLnerr—Certificates naming, each article and r, I are ! plaied in sealed . envelopei. ithlo . are well mixed. One•of . these envelspe e tai t ning the Certificate or Order far solses t 7! , ! cle, will be delivered ad oltr office, or a i l! . b. .. ! mail to any address? without regardlOtaitt. on receipt of 25 cents. - - • , !! On receiving the certificate •the patchsi,- will seewhat articleit Iraws and ice TlMe • and can .then Send .ost DOLLAR, and rem: the article namad, or can choose any ot.ber,c article on our list of the same value. . ! 'Par:lasers of our Sx.ii.st) Evauets V_ , in:this' manner, obtain an-article: tv!?: 11 - ''','_ one to "five hunised dollars. • ! - I' ve , I li ! Long: letters are unnecessary 0,, kindness to write . _ i lain directioss. . choosing different ; asticles from thottr.d_,:•" ' ! mention the styli dis Sired. _ oi l ; . 4 * * Orders' for. piAtto Est-I:vulg.; _ .b. Otero! case be tic•companied` wi . ol . t . b_ .! .° 2 ., wi • th the name - of the Pcniol l . ! --e u '3' 4 l• ~ Vown, 'Ltre'aed Is tke N"' Letters should 'be - at s ,• 1 • -, , gers, :is follows:- .I' •• • . . _ •, '- - grEER3tAN, WATS N Lu,.! : County and State plainly written. _... co, a 7 &40 7.4..6.44V ST, iil6 ,, f)° 3 -._ ...... VALIJAI3.LEFA'BiI,F -0 1 1. 0. 1; ! ' ' , rs'lttglitisigned offers . for Sale, 1, 1,4. `" price and on.rlasonablo term , , 10 1 ' 11 of .A.nouv 200 Acnns. - situate a miles sotab'. , west,of Darlington, Beaver county , I' 3 ' 1. ,1 • arm ins, good one) about 110 (lOW Cktlta*. ! in a good stake of cultivation: lbe ! Sto i n r meats are s good, argi Two W o. r I lisp.. Bose . large,' Frame: Bank "Shed and cori Crib, :l, hag. Home, 0 . 1 , 4 s. F r '. r j ' Howe, ,re: The buildings are in Oa "P s i '; Plenty of good fruit trees on premise . . . further information il'qpirac of the unde ed, residing on the preinises; or . of 11..P'' 'Esq.. Beaver, r e .. 1 - BERTS , . . , RO • ~.. octl7-'66:tf , JOHN ~'' rs.f --", , . ' EXECUTOR SOTICE. •, . LETTEitS teldetieniary on tLe es.", } . , - of Sittaitote it 01t1;ON, hat .ur NiteSelic.. 1 Y v., Theaser-no.ideied.i, , holing been itti!l!. ed to the 'utiderldined, ail persons inaePte d , '. Iskitt esilte" era rdquestel to wake inimedire pityment,stn&thoio AteTipielaims aglinst,,,i properlye Btate i . ; u l .tht p i..t s si r . ,0 . the snbserto *demeDt• , %SOS. ts . T.— ' 1 octlrt;t;• • ‘;' Seiciettly 'I, 0