The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 24, 1866, Image 1

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    I I ,
I' ' 1 ... i t .._.. ...._... i
, li: ' il l
e i‘
i ll im pubuted
w .
tyy: 211 S IDLAZI ~
r . q
', '',, THIRD St. 4
1 t - -11 I 11
fat 112,00 pox "ill .i
t,,. . Ir. , . It ' c ,' ' • ',..: I;
ityloetters end :contributions, by "lan, ,
lull Pe prompt ittentiOn:, . ,
4 . .
t r 4 P ropr etor.
t '
R .EGISTR, t E .• S ,NO , . R : Ar Ti o R oA jrj 4 , . TICE.
i,• -„...-------
4 a, persons inrerested in th ' e follow is -h
. Athainiltrallma.fltd.S.uatd}aaweplit,ta, PITTS. • FT. W.. & i . C.- R. R..
. eh ,Int,' -been- ipassed•-itlid - illet7 11-4 he Oh and after July 29,1866, Trains will leaves
~. ~,,,e t. .,q,,fl ee. .e f l l esyer county, Pa., wi ll 'Stations - dally;lBandayi exarpted, art. fol.
take 'eg- - notice that ihei 04e.will, be presentedio, lows; (Train Leaving Chicago at , .5,&5 P. 41.
h 'Court I to. be held at , Beaver -in litotes daily. y 1 _ . ~ ~ • , .1 .
* t ory SIRS , t -
Ili . far; the cownly elf Denver, on Wednesday,
4the'l4th day of Ntivember, A. D., 1886, for
coofirmation nut allowance. Lp 0 . ,
First laud final ac ' cunt of Simnel Reed, ex,.
'teeter or thelart w 11 of Mary Boyd, dec'd.
yi n tiand,fival ac omit °flinty Ann Hood
lit.wipiata Ileod, texecutons'oi. the Intst :will
vi'llehert flood, deC'd. •
• First.snd Boat ac oust , el Christopherliar,
i t ia. adthinistrator_of the eatate of atbarine,
ittliu, 'dee d. 11 . 1 ~.. 1 1
•secolid and fined account of ! Samutdlfoung,,
executor of the Is'st ' 1 %1 , 111 of Wm. Calvin,deo'd.'
The Account of Abner p. I,acock,,adranna I_,
"Akar or th e estatt , of Alexander 11'1Einsie,
dee% , i ~ .4 , : , 1
The lict want of Wllliam-Patterson, executo r
of the list will 61 1 4.11w.abOth Miller, dec'd. ,
FiIattICCOLIEW of tiVillistel Duff, .executor of f ]
tde.llist will of IcihrtjDutT,•die'd. ,.
The account of Thomas Nicholion. enecuior
13the 4st will of,' l lt bn F6 l lll . D S•i ii.' " ; ' 4:
The account of . inargarrt Moody, admints-1
this' of Joseph Miody and ' Samuel MoOdy.,
administrators of. the estate of .Johli,Mootity,',
dec'ci., iiho was miff of the, excentora , of thel
lot wilVot Matthew Glass, deo 4 d. ' ., ,
The account, .A.
of ',;D-Gillihuid, adminletra,7 l `
I D r of the estato of !cid. Gilliland, deed:, whoi
~,o, apliointed Tr tee in Petition to„mske i ,
sale of, ;he real estate of, D., Gilliland, de0 ' , 41 41
The account of Jintes-Vbite, administrator
'cf the estate of Slito Cain, deo'd. I
First and final account of James Stevenseti,„
administrator of the estate of Thomas Steven -
ton, dec'd., who wart guardian.of . 'Thomail f ,'
I arability minor so4i of Thontas B. Abraham,
deed. . , , ,
' The accounts.of ,1 ; i1`. Stockditle, guardian •
„('Joseph, George a: ~ graitli ealhhon, minor .
Ai:dren of James •11; aTboott.,dec'd." , ,
The accouats'or A;dreve Swaney. guardian
cf...Tane Dawson art 3fatilda Dawson, minor ,
children of Henry Ilnwson i den'd.
'First and final account o f (high Martin, ex
ecutor of the last' will of; Maria A. W. Eakin,
dec'd. '.', -"j
Fires and final ar i eount of Andrew 'Wray,
- sthuinistrator de bonif 'lion of the estate ofJames
,t. M . Olll. dee d. _ ,I• ' '
' ' Firtt - idid final accounti of Hugh R. Anderson,
sank:lust aior coot teliantenlo eanszo of Rebecca
Caraphe 111 deed. ,' A. IL 'MOORE,
' Beal,',o4' , October 17, '66. ''' Register.
• i.lq . Partition ',
. Notieiii in in the Orphans'
' . tourt of peaver'Ooutey. -
, t.
\ ..,.
In the matter of the Partition' ettlie real
estate of Rebecca Alulvanottedited.
BEAVER COLINY, ss: • , , • -, ''
1 (;;;; ag . )l I PENN, tIFLVANIA; to , p 1...
It her Gerrell and Joseph &erten
Aertni4band of Wells county, Indiana, Joha
Mats, of Wells county, Indiana, Wm. Ohms,
of be Witt county; Texas, Ann 4 .M'ciaffiek,
' Beaver county, Pa., Impilids Garcia! , awl /as.
Itarelay het - husband, of Buchanan county,.
lows, tk'aralt '3.dvnttali and John Johnston her
busbanal, Brayer rOurni, Pa., Nancy • Law
rence and Joseph f / aivrence her 'husband,
nearer county. I's , Niney GIPS% .IridOW sr
,TstaeS MASS, der el, pod the children, of said
Janes Glas s , deed., to wit •; Joh 'H. Galas.
4 AWlnsznne" - I,euy, - Istre. hikirdef ' - " - 813' 4 9
lietteld. Mary Ann Sloss,,Andrew,Glass,John
Todd, sarriviiig husband of AbbeYTodd, for- 820 " '
ngrlv Abbey Glass,; dee'd., anil . , - ,"-:--- Todd, _ ____________ _ 1 930 " ,
tailor daughter of said. Abbey Todd. dee'd.; Erie and Pitt sborg ExpresST:iain leaves New I ,
aihrtha (Pass, intermarried Ivith Gem ge Bar_ Castls nt 4:05 p.m., arrives in Pittsburg at
ter, and ..ieora , e Maas, (fill of whom reside in 6;;;5 p.m. Ret tarning leaves Pittsburg at 5:51)
' Hells countylndiaaix, accept John B. Glass, a.m.), arrives in New Castle at S:5 a.m. ,
who rest ley in Ilealver !enemy, Pa.) heirs of New Castle and Pittsburg Accommodation 1
said Rebecca 31tilvanon,:deo'il., and all others Train.leaves New Castle A 7:00 a.m., arrives
i2tlerested , Greeting t , 1,"4 1 and ell_ eh et You ere, in Allegheny at 9:15 a.m. Returning leaves 1
hereby netified to b. and , 'app ear 'be fore the Allegheny at - ~ arrives ire W Castle i
Ilanorablp the Judges fit our said t,sourt at tat 6 : 15 p.m. t•
beaver, io said county. on the second Monday -. 7 _____ _ __ _ --
(1 ith ) of. November next,. to accept or refuse ' , 'F. R. MYERS, Gen. Ticket Ag't.
the real d.a ate of said de ceased, at. the value- ------- --- --'-------, -
lien thereof by (be inquest, vii: Purport; A,
'. CLEVE-l& PITTS- RR- ' l
eadetuyjot St. '3., With ! mansion & c '' house, On and after July 80,1866, trains : will Mn.Ma- 1
valued at $1.4.000; 11,conthining 179 acres and bona dailv Sundays excepted, as follows.
15 perches. Valued at,s:ll,per acre; C contain- _ .___ __!___ , ___ __________,_-_
in 4 124 acres nod 22 'perches, at $35 per acre; , ' 1 come/fount.
. , . , -
b 118 acres and 70 p‘rche's, at $34 per acre; ,
E. being part of leadeniyilot Nu. 29, at $1100; • I 111 . 1 1 1
~' 41 IA T.L. i Sam's, :qui. - 1 Accou,
Y, 'being out lot No. 1;!.3, 1.1 acres and 47 per- ; - ;1, il 4 - ;
ebes, at $.3-3 per acre ; G,l, being out lot No ""---
~.... :.....„...,-...- o _-...-. --.. -......-- ,
Cleveland..:. 1 810 Am 240 pm 340 Pm'
, contaming b i l, av - ei; at V.)O per acre; H, i
Elan - l'd streei li 821 " 251 " 353
tieing ,out lot No. 121, 0), acres, at sf 4 per _- ' - 1 ... , r „ • „
erre; I, g• cad‘imy Lit No. 01, at--$.250, )4, n i de,. on,,
~ 1 92.3 4 34.) 1 500
and J, being lot Nri. 15, in borough of Brid g e. g 1r 'l' '' '** 1 1 - I
water,alSlW; and iu the event of non-accept- 3°.littveirilseharg— 11 ,,, ri0 „ .416 " 1 5;3t3' s.
mice, to show cause why the same' should not
he sold. Witness the li on B.B.Chamberlin, l ' avennam ''' II"\..
V.retidelit of our said ,Churt at Beaver, the 4th - - , .-
deg of. September. 1666..1- , 8ayard....... 11 1127 4 ZooD i
' • JOllls A. FRAZIER, Clerk. We ll sville ....111051rx 4655 "1 ....-... ..... ...
The parties above named will take notice ' - - Goias xonsa.
accorifingly. JOSEPH LEDLIE, __________ _i_.-- , ________.--
°e'r 66 . ' 1 ' , Sheriff- \ 1 _
' Nisir.. EXT.'S,. Accow EXP'S ...
Wellerrille ....1 1 $. 45 4 4 sl ls rx
Bayard., ..... . 'AiM7 '' 685 ~
~1115 ~ 602 ~ 639a* ..... .....
R'avanna..... 1105 ~ 646 ~ 728 0, . .
Millersbeirg..ll 1 ,
Grrville ..... -..
Akron '
Hud50n.,...... 1243rx 721 44 812 4 4 ;
r ,
Euclid street 147." 819 " 021 4 ' • ,..
Cleveland. l .. 200 ", 830 4, 935 "
,-- ' •
' 00110 EAST. ',
gAIL. VW'S. Exr's• Accost
Gelairel...... 1.040 ax - 610.tx ' 405 PY
Bridgeport... 1050 " '625 " 41 . 5 "
Lagrange-- - 1139 " 721," 1 510 " , ,
Steubenville. i l )58 " 748" 5 4 8
Wellsville .... ,125 PM 845 4 . ! 710 ", 610,01
Smith's Ferry 1 147 `4 6 907 44 782....1 645 ..
Beaver ...... i 217 " ....,.... ..... " 733 "
' IRochester1 Rochester ... 225 41 950 4 4 , 805 " 745 • '
Pittsburgh .. , 340 4 , 1105 "1 915 " 900 "
---- , --.--------- - ' --=-------------- 7 '-
, ' ' GOIXO WEST. ' i '-
ll' II EXPS. l'EXes. I . IIAIL. .t CCOM
...---=----11-.. ..
---- --.--.. ....--- -..----
PliT3bifith ~ 1 , 1 156P1t 435rx 610 ax /150rx .
Rochester ... 300 44 545 4' 725 " 445 44
Beaver 1 ' 4-88 IL - 4655 G
SmitleaFerry 1;36 ." 628 " 505 ' 44 544 . 1
Wellsellte... ~ 420 ", 715 " 840 " 680 ,"
Steubenville. 528 " 813 "' 950 "
Lagrange..... II 543 "I 830 11010 4: '
Bridge Port... 637 4 917 4 4 1105 " •
Bellaire...:-. , 650 " 930 0, 1125 i‘
. - .- • • - 3• i .-•- J•l' ••••••.-•.:.:- - - - . r. 2 „-:- .1 ,- •,•,,,: . • •
.. -.• .
. .
• ••• 14 I ' • .•'',,, _ ...-:: ~ ':2 - NOTIot'TO ADVER MEN
. ..,-,...,..; f) ~ e - . : , . : :•......- -, t'?-i,ll. „ .
.. • ~..:!'inzi...:o7 'L!.:... - . •••:..; ' - '7''"lltk7 ...--•1L.4-- •••• I --- --- •li' - '. 'I -•- ••••'
. i - . t •
',-Ween4itity, ..
de,00,,,L,1L.; ...,
- .:, ; • .! r . •.-- • - , ~-
..... .Adeertisessenta t &Jai
• . -
81. 1 10 - jsft4iiii 4 ; j ' - ',' , -. .... . .
4 . __
1 '..... . .-. ; ...-
''';••--• .• " - :: .--
,• ••1.1•!:.• Jit (i- •-.- -it :,.. •-._
- 11 , •••rio .i.4: - .. -. :, .iii . '••l t. . )( 1
J.• :•••••,, .. -.00• 01 .J. • . .
. _
._ , .-.
4 4r . i i - , j j ---.1 .. .
I ~
...;1 J. , ff.: , ..... tf-:. , ~. .
I - , • •. •:-. - per „square each . entieecitte4.•
-.:10 cents:Wt:A-liberal °int Amide ti
;;J:, .i. -c..; .. - L • . , j -, i. 1 i '.) ( I ... - )
r .
~ . N ,.., ...;, , 1 . i„ 7 J / t .,1 •7! , , / i i -, H
~i(.• : a, :,- • •
i 11... f
k: •:,‘ •, f- : ', * .... 1
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1 • ' 1 : ere; and onion adterti omen'
- . Irt r-'4'.l' - ' '' '.jjj '.:'
, ~! - ,•./!•_ . . J..-- J. :•, -. 171 J! :••••• -,-;••••,..ji j • j •,,•,, - •:! k . ! j-- ' ''' 'r "• .-- ''. i6,,, T i s
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~. . , J-, A ace .e ;lents a line it 1
.i • , .., .
111. J.Ell '.4A/Vatlatill ' •,•‘r-; .:' -7t , ;'•• .: ••:' . 1 . :- . . - • , , , , ..
•' -,. -z' I • . .., • • 'l' .'
''' '' • l II' '' i •' ' '''
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~.. - '., .. OLT - rate& ...-. -.-; ... . .• .. '.- • ."
t .___-.. • • . • —' 4 t- - iitti' ,
•.. 1 ~ ; : -7-7--: .. 1 ~;;;. . Dasiness earde, 7 con a• a ejir ttip
_. ...
~. .
I_,._ . 2 ' l , .
_•-• • ~.,:-. 4 : 2 „,.. ,,,, !. ::L. , -, f ..: fl! •, , • ,•ilrf
.I.4 . 'ft-f'; , ?s:•:r A 43..,-..ii .!/..
.... •1., „i X ~ ..- . _ A . (-1-, '.Martinge 4 2 , (1 teethejteligione,j ' • , HP•4BgAt
• , • . ~ (: .: j ji ,
VOL' - 418 - ... -- X oi---- - 43-- --4: - - , I'i , i 4 . :Ile &Vete , `Wedne'sdily.l - ;00 - obc., r• .-:24 , 4 ! 1866 - ,-, .-; .•-L -•.-.-. Established-,18i: her .Notleee oY. s • nbize Cue .
1 ~:i 'i i 1 .•1/,..... ki.f'll ) :0-..1 • 1 - , ; - •,•';‘ , ;'..r.i:"1 , ...,;;17: - :....1r , s r ii ..i.'•.•ti; !f•-•_:•: , i ::.. • i •• ll ' - •
; -- •.. •1•_, • I ..'!• • !7•,1 .' ' ,!.!17 . ' ... • :1.• . •'•-:' 1-7'. til '-41: , ! 1 ~..'. t ll., ; :t... .. ,ey,..
.- . ~ ~.. "• ... ,I . . I ___.—.--'— - ' •
.iii at •• - - • -...-. '. ..,
PteY virtue of an order of the • Orphans'
Court Of
_Beaver county, the,Undersigne 1,
inistrator with the vitt annexed of Wit
liam Moore, late of 'Monroe coutitY, Ohio, de
i tided, will expose to sale by pblic •vendue
or oupery, upon the premioes, oft
- 110NDA Y, November f 2 h, 1866,
it 11 o'clock A. lit., all the following lots of
pound, late of said deceased, eitala
te in Fair.
'ley, Retie; county, Pennsylvania., to wit:
ho I, beginning apthe street; thence by lot
or R. D. Dimion, north 79i"degrebs, west 7.3
latches, south 124 degrees; aveseB.7 pet'ches
, ;lance by lilt late! ..of Thom io H. Scroggs,
- ,:. dth79lldegrecs, east li perOhes, south 67
degrees, east 2.5: perche s, South,79fgreet,
An I peroh to the street ; thence b . said
ideet, notch 12 It egress, east 95 pe rt es to
lie place crbeginnlpg; o& which is •erected a
iood belt dwelling ' house, one, and ii" half
otoriei sigh, with cellar. undern th, well of
saterat the door, ill, ' '' ' '
No. - at t e street thence by an
City POlitri t. fitil l (I egittics east7l4 f eet; , thence
1,! lend 4f, R. D. Ilia 'soil north 13 degrees.
1 ,
'Reel, 92 feet, thence •n rtli 831 degrees, West
. lei feet; ,thence by ISt cil Jainism) Elliott, south
12 dcgreeir, west 80Ifee i t; ilience nhrth Rai do.-
trees, Wed' lili feet; ihence by the ; public
meet tudli4l2 degrees;'Weit 63 feet. to the
Place of lieginnint, • * I C
~,' ; '
, N . o . 3 , ll ekiening, at the;corner ofiMrs. 9uay's
'? 1 . Peace by lot or Jarni4on Elliott ilortti•76
”greta, east.26l, }feet, thence bi lot owned
Junes Graham, north B * * degrees, we'ist 1011'.
d t,th etiee b y I, ll d t , , p pt . ; b. Davison,.north li..
Tett, east "330 'feet ; thence south 874 de
trees, west 204.6 feet, thence north lli_de-
Ftee,eist 93 feet,therice by an alley north 861
1 4, west 166 feet', thence southilli degrees,
I . Tt 366 feet , thence north 791. degrees. west
tar-T fa t. ,- thenceiouth 11 l- degrees, west 12
b~oQuake south y9t degrees, costl4B-6eand
ee south 3 degrees ; west • 214.5 feet to
lame ofteginnini
-Ems.,_ o T
N . 1,. _, , ne-third of the purchase money
co'u'ril onco . nirtnation , of ,the; sale by• the
tent balance 'n [two . equal, annual instal
fe.Avull inter* from that date,'to bb se ,
o..ed brboutY awl mortgage.
, al!? fnither info:l - motion - inquire
"tfogsuli4A 'Deafer Pi-' 'J.C,J
. 4 ; 11n ,,,. 1. • i
, grit!: wit
*-7-.--1 '
.- -• ,_,- ! '
!-} - x.Atlittl GOIRO 11411111'. :1"..
ti• : , i :Ijilti#ll o s, EXP'II. , :ExP'4. 7.P:11.
, . - .„..-
- -
Plitalmg ..... 0 210 rat •
,645 git .205 in I.loOrst
Rocheiter..... I - 820 " 820 " ,318 " 1210 an i
14.:Inighton.. - 1 830 ", 830 ~" 3t .!
,!.'-'..... '.l
E n ont, ,-, ":' , ..14Wiii.' 918 i+ , 3'50-6.4 loval
Coltinipiana--11 452 " 1008 " 427 " -- 6 4 1
Ealeni .., I'' 519 " 1045 •' :450 " 152 "
' Alliance 1 1_ 615 " 1150 ,‘4 588:
," 289
:Canton .•.;: - . - ...1 leek- 4, 19.42 en -.614 . ..." - 8111 , 8 0 ,
11ati5i11en:.....1 . 726.'" 1 102' " - an . .i? -. 888*..
orrsllle • ~., ' j -/8045 - " 1A5," :700:" 41.4.....4
liedistiil 'ask .1' - - 2 '.. - 723' - U 449 - "
Loudonville. 932 C! 328 " 802 " 647 u
lidanafield....... ,1102,5 -.4 '425 '" 842 .1 645 -u
crest. , i ; beli t t i, : iii l loo ss
. 44 64:v .29. I t 910 . 64 720 •441
, I,De 1 " o " ' 940 u 735 " I
Bucyrus ...:i: 11125 ms 650 " 1008 " . -B * - ',"l
U. flanduakyl 107, " ..780 " 1048 ;1614 2,• 4,
Fpreaf.F •', 140 " 801,6.11)9 44 , 901 ul
Lim , . 1
' 'BOO ‘‘ ' 920' 44 1234141( toM-1,1
Delphos • 1 'BB6 ‘‘ 955 * . “112 " 1036 "! t
Van \Vert --...- li 405 "1028 4.144. wain, a ,
Fort way . ne,.ll 545 " 1150 ," ...,1180 " 12135 rm j
C01uinbia......1, - .62.8, , .. 123%tx . 415' " 114 "1
Huntar r ille.”. it .... 1 r ; " , ...,.. 1 . 1 : 1 . ..... .A 1
Fierirtron:,.,;l i
..., , ,..: ,1
Warelatr '''.' l l , t7lt , " . "
130 as 507 -44 ' l5O 64
80urb0te...... I ...- a - •••• ..,_ ~
...-, "
P1ym,04111,.4. - ,, , '4119 ": 1 ; 285 - :44' . ! 009 ;Ai
,L 25 - 4,
liianatali I-- ..::. .." :.• ' 44 - '4
Valpit*is . o..i - 958 1 !_ , 05 : " , :158 'I .. 42- 44
Hoba r t. ' --....“ ' i 4•;• a.' a . , '.'
4 ,
Clirkei.-'..... . .. " -...-:" . . 1 4 . 'i - U
th e .., , E , B. c ros .. -....., .4
....... 4. if
Rlsl.ll/1 f in- ........" !....; " , . a i ' • •"-
ehiclaig9 ...-.... illBO, 4 ' GOO ''i 930 ' 't .600 "
, . ----
• : i' ' .l.- - ,r - initis °atria isi.r.. ' -1 -• .'" • '. -
- - ;.' i , 1 -it ! l?.vx.'s lE.r'tt. Eir'e Eir'a. I
.., :
I —,-- 1 ..„- .:_•......--... _.:..........
Mileage •• ,t'44olem -. 720 ax
_s3srx 10•20px I
R.l4lRa ji,i le it - - a . , .4I . .....;•41, . . ~ Oil
ni clAttcros id ' c ..1...,.. .. :: 'I ii
topirk .., 1 -. ir la, al .. a!` a i
Itobnre ' 0 ..- 1 , - ., "! - - 44 • • '44 : -tg i
1• ~
Valparaso..... ;: 638•:"r, 905 -." 7 718" " 1245 an
.1t:auatah•.....1:;..t.1.." . J 4 ; 44 ~... ti
Flyint; t itth, 838 " 1033 " 886 '" .•2435 "
Bourbon ' , '1,..:.!'. " -• ' " •;••••' , o , ' -, a.
Wariati...... ;1 917 "1 18 . 28'' 1 :928 " 1145 ' "
Pierae,ten .:: !':..i .. "I . . 64 ,-. 4 4 i.
Huntsville ... '' ' • " 1 . a ' " 1 ,.... • "
Colutobia,.... 11043 '" 1217111 1008 " "448'' 4
Fort 7 Waytie: 4 :lls9' " 120' " 1065' 4 * .'615 •."
Van Wirt :...: i:lo7ri 226 " 11 . 63 . i. .737 '"
. Delpsoi - • • i . -142 "I 255„i‘i 122f10t - , ,,814.".
Linnt.. '' '- ". F - 224 ..; .32.54 1252: " 848."
Forret `• ' ' 'l'B4B- " 1 ' 4334" 153 , i 1016l'i•
U:llandneltSli' 421 , " ' 459 . "1' 215 - ",-1048 "
Sucy,rti . ' ' ' - ii. - 51,2' , " - 638 -1 11 1249 - 't 11554.
aresoini,;l6'Ar A Ms •.';5 605- 4 . .810 . " 1 1230r1
T if k i.if 4 , 4 0 . iii -030 44 :320 . u 130. 44
Mansfield...;... 1! ' 615+'' 7o li " '347 " -4200 "
Londenrille -I, 732 "I 745 - a 125 --. '245 ."
Wooster ` :...... 1t e.O' .. -835 lc 508 J‘ 886 4. '
Orrvillei."...._ i. 900 " 903 " - 531." :400 "
Massillon.....',! , 946 v! 937 - a 558 ." 935 "
Cant0n1.......1100 "I 957 “ 615" 454-'.
!Albance ......:d i J1'5. 6 . 0 ,1950." 715 'e 555 , "
F.Saleni h 0200 "11125: •• 747 " 627 t
Colunibana - i'l23lrx i 1147 44 . :wa r 4 •44
1113nen .. 4 ...••• ...rrtn . .• - - 5 . 4,- ".• - „ -- -3:
ty.-Taigaintr. - : - 1 -r
! • ' 'tf22 , " '9 -
- ,
Rochester .... 1: 230 -, .1 110.," 935 '" Pittsburgh ... Y, 35') ", 220 1 ",1040 ""
of the "un-
ann•zed, .5e
i °
- Leaves Amtms •
N.-Philadel • • '8•1411113 /43 , 111'd, 9 . 5 5 _P m.
Bayard!, 11.45 'm, . N. rhiladel. 2.85 P. 31
F.,1t./SIYElt§, General .'ticket Agent
'J ..R. Ii & I R Afl-1
, s.
ATTORNEY , AT LiW.. •. _ 1 -
CIOLtECTION3 and other .business
eeiye l prompt attention. Also Wally
atttlidrised agent. for , the collection of back
pay, pensions, bciunty add all soldiers' claims.
• Nir Office, Dlistrict AttorneproiSee, Court.
House,' Betiver, Pa. [aug2iti'66—l y
, .
Ai - .-strill Eat ei!stilirte *is totftheitlaitefi
q. • • :dz.,: - •,r"Ellettstitnifi,--:!;; - .,o , ..1, +..:• , :4
- t,t '.,• 7 11 i'. I, ..! ~
, ..01..`" .1: I; il."..ii IV' :, •.. •
i ;Tit e .;Riditinoad -1- ilea,. ; a il reeler
Fir o 'mis
....., -
te; pi tides ; ' tli'filrfoll6witii i in;- 1
• tkitireteliini 'iin'tliii - Tis to - elkiatioilft.:'
i The''''R'it'At'etif 'tl'iiiiniii'il, i ' A;;."..i . i .
elsewhere reportetl,Wili surprnte.nonik
I but that chats of•wonderftilly eseguiper i
• ---- .
tSouttiefit• men .Who;•datitillie.dark"-.1
tft , i days 'Of .' the fate 'eitilf"iirtii;iword
alwjaye predicting fOreign interyetitrion,
nwitnallispensationn,. ‘ for..our
. It may now very :safely
iictid 'th'et''.llitle'tie'xi . Ctiitgreeiii
e , more- intensely f•tidiotil titan',
, Sittiti.'•:Ther eleotitincitif4htes
Ve no•dotibt'tfiat in tital i ritanie
.. 1 bet,eteeti"the ';-Executive, and
thel"Legislittive depittlinentier. of 'the
&ov•erntifent that , Congretia will' bd the,
victor in all of .'ihit Nortterit Stites.,
.. we think that full Wei:lion . re..•
turns will'ilemonetrate that wbert the.
enemies 1 of , the President hive:beim
moat: Radical, there their
have b 1 .40 the nrcistlviMpleto. - . ' -_.
In the! preient itemper'Or,•tbe.Radi
callperti, we cannot "entertaii...ll doubt
dongrese will clarnOrotisly 'de
r/land the ttnpeatm
ihent of ',the Presi=
deni, mainly for the - purpose of 1.0:;:
platting him , teintlemarily.with a•Sena
tiiklo of; extrethwititiffeal•vieXd. 'The
,of impeachment, as'itireshad ,
°Wed bY I . Btitler,:are. - -tou absurd. -and
trivial ROL deSerVe ta itiomer.tie +6erisid
aration,, but' they , will - anftwer - ire'ry
well th'ejternpot.ary • putpese' of . ' the
unprintipled Congressional conspira.i -
let*: ..rise result of the ISW election's
derisonstiate -_ that the Piestdont:'in
poseerletWto . ,inforee' his' policy: For
the•relit 1 -Iff:: tut term the rat° power
will be f•wielded in_ vain against the
overwhelming Radical majority in
Congresif, and that conservative feat
' urel of. l oar organic low is now ae val•
neless . asla protection :for an outraged
minority. as'a ."broken- breik."' is to
stop thirdown'-hill program of *coach.
Congress is now omnipotent, and can,
by the ingenionk . ,dence of Constitu
tional'aMendmeniii: bid defiance oven'
to the Judicial • Department, of -• the
GoVernreent.• •
. . .
~". There is muchprofitlessitpeculation
With refetiece to the pppular condem
natiGn 'oil the President's policy, upon
his 1 - fu rule ;course.- jA'S ho alas bedn,
thrOugh!tla,'intiariably the reflex of.
.i.he will of the peopfej and believes in
their infallibilit3 , ,•many tear that be
willlduceitinb 'to the avalanche of. Rid
icaliein. which is stveeping with such
reititless power over. • the Northern
States, and advise' the South()) n States
ta,,,4i.p i teALtit ', • .• ' , • • • ~, .. t •
generou; victroti Are Willing to grunt.
to t 1 'e va.r..quisited. Others, hOwever.
are, familiar ‘•itti• his indomitable
will, t believo. that lie will 'remain as
fit rr las algranite tll/11 and resist the ,
storm ~.filtudie.i Ytole nee, to the last,
I,raytng limpeacntnunt, rather tlifrtii
surrender to tlie useless clamor of
the Northern mob. , I are . not, equal
to t tic ty:ila t lot , of this pro em,although
the anie.bdents Of the President as a
"pe4l n pJee' l [niasi" lead us to appro i rend
some, modificatio of his often av med
plan iof r , econstraciion. The outside
pressure upon hint since the late'elee
1 tions will lbe very great,and especially
trom .Conservatives of 'the type of
Weed add itaymon4, and probably
such MatlDeinocrats As Dix, of New
Yorkl.! . • t
- The fate .of the South, t=o fur as
speedy representation in Congress is
cancer, red, 110,4 be e n sealed by the re.
stilt Ofttil late eleCtions. , Tbo fickle,
sliallOw l and unthinking people, ,'who
acctutrinlated a debt of three 'thousand
tniliifins of dollari.ana sacilficed , half
a million of lives to restore the 17nion.•
are, now, it seems. overWhelmingly in
favor ; of continuing indefinitely the
very state of things to prevent.which
they fimght for four years.
Congress being omnipitent, our con
"ditionl Di that.ofprisoneraof war upon
parole. ' The doe:Vine that our. rights
have been forfeited Meets the approval
of the North, and the triumph'of the
Radliials stamps the Northern pimple
as the least magnanimous and 'most
unforgiving people of modern tithes.
Tkvi are still war with a disarmed
roiopiA, who are honestly striving to
obey-; laws in the making of which
they,bare no voice.
•••Vigrith o e• -Isentati•
, 'theta t tiproL Acri
to defend oar interests, and another
resort to .arms being out of the qties e
tionove mate uothirg loft but to en
derolthe Kmalignity; insults and out
rages of: a gigantic arid merciless des—
potism with dignity, and manliness.—
tire have' new little left besides the
memory, and; traditions of our splendid
courage;andthat'bonot which passed
scatkless through the fornacis of civil
strife. By silent, dignified endurance
of our wrongs we may retain in the
midst or our unSfottuces -the respect
of mankind; - but by, slavish, servile
concessions we shall lose' all which ten
ders lite endurable.
A w MAN , CANDIDATE --51 rs.
abeth i Cady Stanton announces lierselt
as a k!anditiate for Congress in -the
Eighth ~ Distriet of:Now York. She
publiSbeS''aer nerd in the Anti Slzwy
Standard, declaring: bjrself to be in
tavoil,of "free' speech,' free press, free
tradci and free men." Sbe desires a
seat in the Fortieth ciongress in order
that...b? may liave. it - "voice and vote
for universal suffrage." • We believe
slaty ban 'not i yet 'received a nomina•
tion,kora any of tbo rognbir
. cortver..
- tions.l • .
iI , 1
T ie Goverzabl:Ehot,-
- Therenever..has hatala.maneteeted
Goi.rnor?,,' . 01.-4 Penneilvlinia — libtf ,tieit
tairry -eaentzd the - pbtiti - on•••and.-tno
hotioi. et Ole blind" .. 4r....,,0.p ~N9Plciji a ii
hi s s-jobr.,Vir. bicary....H.o.-,00.n0t p • e-.
tend to write-tato:Aber-men, hni
have filled the:•Gubernatorial-ebair.
were not ' - worttil , - ottitartnnois:nor
do - ':.w0 . .-10,esi re - Yr, : - . l ”,,ngtifa,aci l. as ; ,
writing , 1 that alf,.W4l..Jutave, reached
thitt; proud positibn re‘ectedcreditinni
the of ide." - Some t4efit'weite-ivbeiche:; .l
giticed 'the high •nffiuk•and• - soint - 0 0;
etilrlivir4ithoatl:lTlttLYl 'i',lvlico . YViff., ;0 .
I n
thepast four yenrt g• . 4 11u
, :i/f.41(. s i
tient tolwingtlisgrattl*well.aa• 0.---)
lat rip t ion -to : the- ettitatry'.• .13n0h.1 at
these, h o wever; -are i'=.- the' bagel
1 politictani .who haytf: ... :irp*der,‘)
1 and, who, 'being llottille e ver Morello :
!,plunge their arm ap•An.,:he atoulder
tide - thet,publio.treatitty v were -feed y
td.'pull''the • ove*tent ;to reebt;
, themselves fi
or ausist - .lto, Mr treason' 'Of•
others engaged' in Ihtlemel.Work:4
But Gen. Geary, until st ill. these, was
willing first to•peril,bls life indefente
idhis -native -State; - pacers Ve 'heetintel
a, ' , candidate 'for
. 'ttfir...pgverneriship' , i
thereof. The : herli` . .fit . tyro
. wars. he
fought tor . the.honoM;oar. flag in. ty
l foreign lanl, and•Partleitated next in'
the straggla to preserve the natienyil
liftifrointhe attnelia - :51: - it. , ifite,o6ol
foes Buell a Man iiillii4K worthy-of
his. . native State's highest:honors, as,
he will fairly. ntquitethe.conlldence
of the people,Just strenthoßlililieo,7'
eindidodin i htm ':l.le'is never" been
what, may be called d a poiiiician,:yet,
he possesses, in an ''eminent. ;egree ,
more of the essentialAualifigations of
Xstatesman thanl,3frADllyrner,; With
out intending t0,401i rob 'with a fal•=:,
len toe, it is peverthe 'as trite that of
all the public M en _ Ira Pennsylvania,
Hiester.Clymer ;is. t . mhst thalfote
and supericial. Nettie never intend
od him for a stateettlita: He might,
hitie made a go(4vonfectioner or
(lancing master, ut:4o lead ,in the
government of a Statai ke it as abso
lutely incompetent iie'id - W.;II. Wel
lace ineont potent' or - Unwilling to tell
- - ',1.110 truth; in a tatr, issue between. his
faction and any of its Apponents. On
;the contrary, John 111, •Gr'eary is en
4irely made of differefft stuff, has been
- differently edueated, and is 'a reedy
diffetent - -rnan. - He is ti-trutn of truth
and veracity,.xr4 his 'administqation
will prove hinitto' • be 'such. get, does
not understand donhle dealing sod
despisis thost trii&r , It:l:it. "Cot*-
pelted . .to , battle with' he World, from
his early youth, he kti
... s hbvi , • tb deal
with ite false preterliak'dispose If
thote,wito resdri. ;t 1 !-tiadatiti-rcir
I, s 6iv • • afar - TM 11111,-.--a--1.-..... -.- ,
chanan sent hill' ko Ktirstras, it'vras
this very determina!iO ~ to &e practical
whi'ch made him epetales among, the
sluveholders then concocting II mon
strouti wrong. •John' ‘ l 9l'. tieery, ,in
Kansas, implanted , that feeling In the
national heart which afterwards ena
bled the people of . the Uniteil States
to resist the slaveholderb rebellion: -
-He proved at that time that all genic
craft, were not &igh fees like James
1 )
Buchanufv;as he ;esta fished ort i the
battle field thatone'coothern man
could not whip'-two MtWo ora men.t+
This is shown by the.records of Grea.
rye's career io aidi,nit4.crush the re;
bsilion,,,wherein iirts clearly set forth
that in' the fights out of which. be
came vietorious, he isv i ariably led in
rumor forces, -as to. , numbers, when
compared to those a rinst; • which he:
fought. -' - 1
•It is well fbr . .,lN rpylvania that
John W. Geary was / Led' Governor
on the 91,11 4110;1 0 - election ill*
Itiester Clymer would • have entailed
dire calamity on the tate. But we
are saved from all that!, We will have
a-man st the bead cdr4the affairs of
State not only able telguard und ad- ' '
minis-ter them with iniegrity and ail '
ttp, but competent alsito"aid in matti,,
tabling ;the , national 1 ow, and ef l
creating with dortiosticia well is for- _
sign locit.—Bar. Tel. 11. ;
. .
• . . , .. * .
Statement of :-the'Publio Debt i .
The following is a - sletenent of the p ubli cb
debt of the United Bi.9.iis mithelsi , of Onto.;•
,! t - ; •
.1868. • !, . •
. ,
Fiye per cent. bond s $ 19 - ,0'31,850 00
Six per cent. boids off . '6'l-'6B . 18,823;591 00
'Six per cent ; bonds ofilBB l ..;h* 288,738:750 00
•Elx;per cent. 5 20 b0nd5...4..4.. 708,162,250 00
Nary pension fund 11,750,000
n in Cob
Total $1,81,0.065,941 00
MIST !MAILING cuaies!or iacissssr. -.
81* per cent.. bonds A . .1.9Z2,000"00
Temporary loan X 2,580,000 00
8 year compound interast *es 185,M2.1.10 00
;Three year 780 witesw..4.... 748,898,080 00
Total:— ' ' 1 - 4...:.5w 930,i?000
National debt - not primed ' ~ . ,
1 T
for payment 11 '....j.....$ 21,802.872 VI
. • 1
Dm. asiattia:p nitissor. , I
rafted States notes...i... ....$889,1165,292 00
Fraetioial eurreney,..... - • 27,029,278 83
Gold ceitifieateaof depo 1/ Mee 640 00
Total • •
Total debt
Ammar fit
Curronoy. i , - • :
.- • ,
As! debt leas cash in
The foregoing istt
public debt, as apposes
Treastirerit returns in
Ist of Odtober, 1866.
• L '!' iniitar. 414'110 4 • ii iiidiitt' '1
Tho De, ecratiqergikus . begin f.:(57t *-
Ake: that the respeilidliiiiti: l Of l 'ilie
President'. corduct will, rest op them.
COnsfidotly, tiisy:blivt set a, on in,
st'itii:tip . i.'idr: Joitiitiork.'
llard 3 i . ed ;W.
itlie threa(4ned"CSu j; d' i, ' tbe hive
FOae to 4- an#ionsi, lest be shoiddiri
411:alte ail ,ethingWhicih itrolild,itie . not'
Only'(star o.ic
t w
! : - cu : prove
- b u
s i
fii,thii".lse' ''`....4riiiie:Party. a rim t
rd ;dill
dknigigilig;' n ;flic;'Oriii:itiec.ered ' p : ,`'ciii l
tr i g 1 -- toe: , wiik. • 716nt,ii .Iy e ;4l d :the '
Wbrtd ex, ~,Staltith i4itti th e" #4.eit
dent - is Jollotis. - - I- l' " - • ,-;' '''l
, ._ _„. ; i ,
..,..•,,, :..: • sin - I
' I ijOngreSB ity Habig, at, eny : , a yr, l
161a : tined' tittitienal 2 aets; but. b oor
Irlegat qi sequence is hartli e'pai...•
Uvular :ac Are ,voidv •Tber: ',pot:
sPglt cPc, -i*C the list coritY-9 .- 1 091 1 --.
g t risii as
.11 . pgislatit.o . body. ',II ' its
other nett' IdrejuSt as . Valid as if le had
.not; 'in those, particular inistanecii Itititi.
si*endtid i conitit'itibmil; &hal Lions.
When an u conatitutittal -law i Pame.:
ed,,the Pr :plant, may . tfeddik Con-,
ititu clod: 1., " interpOsingl hit . Vet"; but
d ' his iuto, hi eatriplace ii, : - ob
atruution a .itiss! the path of tha 'body.
11- an "ui , natittitional
,i l v aw is passed
•;!-er•tliev, to, cipsens- : 110 au ,er' ig
i t c e n.test to validity i i the / i ourts
and'thciSu reme Court, as aut brity
to declar e` tnull and ; set it asido. ' .'a
""this independence : of :thi' two
louses,,this superiority -to all rvision
,other htafichos of;,the Gt•ver meta,
i i i
in a ll matters periainin oto the r or
gdniza. tun, is subject to Areal
, : buseo•
But for such abuses tb only • remedy
',rests in th i bands of thepeop el.. • If
file' peopl 'are detail or:. isled,
nothing cs be clone bit dtteinp their
lenlighteumput,and swat a tiirn n the
popular tide. Argumeni tir.di,ag tatioa
are the only resource in a clepti•" Bich
neither ;.executive or 'judicial ; etion
can reach. however groat an pro.
stoking may be the abuse - it belong s .
to a clase which: admitalo i f TlO:r4medy
eitestit thiciugh the baltrt box.ioi r we
trust that nobody is so wicked - or so
insane is - ttt court-revolationary real.
edics - lor evps 00Viaboolately is leri-'
"Preside t l iohnson as agar , and
' i mam reco nizen trio ompete ey i cf
the Rump . °agrees, b y
i every f , mof
ofOcial inte , course , and by appribving.
the greater portittn of the laws it halt
.pdsted.• ' T oSe who wee taken - - in by ,
'the Philade phis canaid have only to
'blame the selves' for '"their want of
Wariness in 'supposing that the: presi-i
dent4as ab at to atttl`fy birds if by,
, conclemniti `. his Olen o fficial all, and.
ddiftt'lo - ¢_ se en; s sKt.
ry redress to the just grievancesoftbe
ex hided States.' .. :'• i . ' ~-
be NewYor etas hats also been' '
gr , atly enlightar.ed, and now it sayEC:
•- " The Pre id l ent has . - right t 4! en!
Ideavor to i press his ' i iews. :on Con.
gross, and ake its actien confo ta to.
his ideas or ) , at is prudent 'weight;
it ,he can p ssibly ao'sn. If thi. tails.
hb tatty veto their election, but there
,his authoil t y • ends. The , rasp tive
powers and duties of .the exec tive,
the legislativ,e,•and the judicial branch
es of 'the (internment are atrialdes.
i ned by
. theiConstitutien,and n . one
pnihat any -right: to .encruach u , the
1 proVinee of. the other. .I'flie Pros‘dent .
I van veto an act of Congress if e,•re.,
gards it now,itleor improper, ICI the
cock! ts- may et it aside t . they' deem
it unconstit Lionel; beyond the n re
"PrictiOns C ngresa is tiapreme. i The
President., terelpte,ltatVg , exbnueted
' his power i, attemptin to iotft i rain
Radical legi lation, has no further du...
ties or . respo 'sibilities id the m a tt er.
:The people ave decided against him,
and fromt4 t decision there is. 6, ap-
Pear '' r • .•, ..' ., •
i - A New Yot)
al pot is beg
the wh
_its' 1r ON) Rearei
obtain a vercli
is to tio i In so]
the fiercest se
men.. Dodg
Eighth Distri ,
united Itadic
'ny liall adopt
alreadr . done
is running as
',beim MI
of flak get
friends are g 4
for her e.ti,th
week; Tim i
instil a mind'
nando Wood
which will pr
In the Four
friends say h
thing, but th
Koine. In th
jot the mu me
h is impossibt
who or what
inaount of mo
aii liround, s
once,. are reap
$43i,62,205 88
..$2,704,55.0,709 27
. I
....$ 8 1 3,259M 9
41,953,058 24
j i
i G. FacK i F.obas issued an rder
turning overj caioes in which ctvi ians
are concerned, t the courts in Senth
t o
qarolina,,and i i p viding ' for the' dis
continuance o th -
military court , ex
cepting at irt4n B.ead and tb Sea_
Islands. In as however, of , fa lure
of the civil itribitnals to pr3tect on.-
eons and prepori -,- the military shalt
inteifere. .. ' . .
.4.41V018,757 59
'y52 . .575,838,941
- .1 ststepent of the l i
In I the boolus and,
Department'on thei
• ~; MeCtrasocu,'
r the Treasury
York PolitiCts
.k letter says the palitic.
nning to boll fast heir& in
le throughout the ?State
tre making such exe ttbns
,ely ever made bet' e; to
Ott in their faors , here
the, of ,the city distrits,
art ota fight on Con ceps.
has decided to try t eon.
more with : Brooks Othe
Itct. The former has/ the
l support; I 4 ut if Tainima,
It Brooks, a Mosirt. has
.41, will bu a tough match.
,li , 'Cady.Stanton saiSithe
a candidate ttgainstiboth
mien in good faith. lfer
ttting up it'mass meiiing
Cooper Institute next
l 'any will, doubtle4, tom.
ate in opposition to F, l er.l
in . the' Ninth Dia , rict;,
bably insure his d eat.
h District, Horri ey't,
s nomination is 'a Isure
'arc, probably,. todssn•
other• districts things'
t i
't are so mixed
,up that
1 to say, as yet, w o
lie *hat. An tm ens'e
?tiny is changing h nds
and the • "strikers,' for
ling a bauuteous ha 1 est.
. I
Help ip *l3o4:mg Party Cizgitnii- -'- / i Lib i
. sr a. : , r.•.:.:,.;-,,4: 4 ..
-., •- , zation: •- • -A. • Black' M'o • ' " of 44 Black 8.....
. ,
.......irs •
- The Union lien of thaStitte . otPenn- - - -- , Vofildiji.tbikkif - G e ti;ttn`7 4 :, ~ 1• •11 , 1 9 • -:.
sylvapiti.„tieateconvinceil, have learn • ..n. IQ ,YAl l s - en 3-i. 'A enlat it eta - a
• :
ed a anlatOrYlettion . in the exPerierice '
•• ' • - '.i,. - ' - ''- -,!" °_, ' -- _ 1 ..
hs , of Onon•daigua;:'....V. T., wr . wits ede,-' .1 ,, 2-
ottliiii!. political campaign which
jam, so brilliantly :Closed. • That lesson cated as .a lawyer, aticrAncef! ins :ncr..' t - i
I.llehear WI that we must ItlWayS be mission to .he .bar . einigrat i etito Lilie-
Prepated for • ini. political lees. . We • ria, is writing h6me 'Weer re''SOfiettiiii
roost !make politics a. part of our busi- for publieation Voir. , tharskond .of
neasiithat•is, we mnstlesteem it ita- ,-, •,_ ,:- .• , ; _ ~
~ 1. 1
_. .
cred 4uty at all times to contribute to wmc.° - - -" rc. m um ! ' Oe TCH`ofqr(!g, e,tdoklti; . :
the s trength and efficiriney .of an - or- • "The: •Governtitett ,of- . Aibetia ',ls -
ganizatian on whose success the very'founded ye: y math'on.,theplan 0 I poi.
exiSteoce of the Governmetk depends; GOternoOra , of tbe , 1-TOitNI f ates lit.
To ShOw the danger in which the men America; Its' Constituttopii,i Veri .o '.
wbO 4 . aved-the4Governmene stood-bY- , much like thelbl i fed sfuf o St und'uftt :f
fore the-election, it is, only -nicessary er ,American COntititutionir.tAttrliwiti ''
to .remind all snob tliat; had we failed are *Will:lr to the :Enlist' Coinmon . •
o'oB ballot•box; it was Andie4Johti. law inethc keno* syaten !of ltkwein r ,--
e ne e i nt e n ti o n o , fa rce !n s i n a pos i t i on the United States,:sis far ti'll:ey'atiei;
qt; am t aen i n i sue b..„,„4„, u ld have,en „, snitablo to tho'condition of tits p,e4lity ' •
- ""if s" ,
abledtom .to treat us satchels. ._To de' and adapted I .C. "'elf' eicoff iffulo B - t n,
thislia still tho tilarling, 'objnot at . hi s .
,Thatis are two very importar.i'eiiiii4 -
•amhiticin.- Tc ;place the radical's' a tioi,.Pirst, the: people 1-stte diteetly, '
thoßtates which•prevented.a deStine.: for President and Vice President._-= , - .
tionl of the Goternment in an attitude Secondly, the torittOrpis icicle() Mu ..
of rebellion,-is what Johnson and Sew; eJunfies instead of Slate's. ! .Ttie juria!,
and have ' ' to both been plotting secom- dicton of the Government extCnies;be.r I_
plish. ' But they &steeled themselves. I mean six and seven hunired miles t
In-their baste to do' their-,! own • '-diely akin?, the- Coast:,• and to undefined Rm. ! ' !
wotki these deStgaing demagogues en. its in the interior. .. The iiolii;sition '..
tered Vie field trio soon Had they , re- 'consists of ahout.3o,ooo tAtiliied Ottni - • _
mained in Washington . with sealed lips, pie and 30D,000 natives,' WhO itt l ikaoltr- •
both tie Preili;lent and the Premier edge the jurisoietion of the Govekloi ; '.
'night-have otb'er results. than diatis- ment, and many . of whom (lady seek,
trous• defeats - to contemplate at this tQ have their wrongs redressed:ta ittt
hour; , but _their . _success would • have' cour ts of J ustice ' ' Man y of these and":
been the roinalfoa of , the nauntry,- friends in race,:and aliens iii ivist. , ' f ''''
"The gOvernment is' ditided :iftt.o.'
As RNA'S,' ' the Republicans
of PeionSylvaniii, Ohio ; Indiana aria three r departments : executive, legii.l4(..
`lows, triumph ed; and the 'Repeblic !s • fiv 6 and judie,ial!' -The executive Ile; -
eats, only so lung as , the Republican 1 Pertinent consist* of a President, Vito ,
party is in a conditiOn to make it safe i President ' fi nd tahimk:- Th e , t. g iiite,':
If there Wore no liepnbfican party Itive, of a Senatitond•House !of !Repro . ; . •
there would bo'ho Repel: o. This Is I'deafa f . v a a • , -ftl'*lollQr • f • ti''c l'egOifiti - --;
as certain as 4 is true :
.that Andrew . 1 4, 1 c°- 'The . : - jibijoial if(Tartirt o 4: 6 PP!! ' 'l.-:'
Johnson is noW!itionfified . with nn or • ststs of a. Supremo Court,- which ir, '. ;•
ganisation whoie object •is, either to composed , o`f ii Chief ;..ustieri and.lard
make niadiciator, or so 4evivO the old Judges' of the Court of o,oarteily Sea! • •
influeoets'of the Deinobratiepartyl, as shins and Qffillinon.Pleo, who sit, Wilts!
to plaee,in power tho very men who the Chief Justice :alternatelv.l This!'
fought, to d e stroy the Governmeni.---I'co uvf ' is held once a -year: - I It: t"Meets .
Thiacar, oak" ho prevented by tke.R.s. in January. lt has 0t&., ,, i.nal jOrisdiu.! .
publican party. 1• As lorg 88 that Par- lion in bitty •.ft few cases; Ad, appellate! •
ty inatitains ita 'present organization', jurisdiction in all' eases brloi4;lit Up tot
just,sci'tong will it be able . to , control appear from the uext iiig,csi,,cOurt,•bis.
and preserve theGovernment.for good I 1°`"•• , A •coli„rt. of inonthly t se,ssiens.;
Whitt lie w a nt ed , . then i s that our , , Cornpixied of one. Chairman a4A,:iir,
Youi;g.'And actiite iite, "h ' e encouraged I.lastiees.!of the Pettee of the eo*Oi-T-,
by their islderaltk-iitaintaining . their w . i h° sit altcr.O4ol3''• This i'touit - irts - •
, •
organisation. 'Wa want 'kept - rip ant !' fiver month, and ii very mu 11 like the
strengthened those k ieriette l eagnee, , -county courts in your St/11.r. , :There ._. .
.with :the aid of which we carried more .are, also, justice; and police Courts,: _ --
than one doubtfid diStriet on the 9th • aimi l °Lc's*" in .11nw Yericl The
of Ocfrober. Such organizations Were t ti nct 4" hold cifline during gait' beinivs, .
;haillittc,very city, borough, and town- 1 '`)" v They are mit. e l tected,: hut tip-
ship in, the Stat.?), before the' eleution 1 pciated by the Exec:nay°. I forgot to
ag di ti i t ie v el s2 , lo goo d L re a soo: ' .why : t h e i , say i 114 t i. lie, Pre.:sident, Viet; president' • ~
-I_l_so ! nt4 Qe mantitned;- 0 0'8 - .4188. ," ; 13 =" 4 ...," --'-‘ ----
L v..o„
PallParorganizatiod. Tim - )i, jaw - AA 1 . - * -44- J- - - - - -- •' ' . •
necessary that, ! - such an org ► anisation I " A ' i t ' l '''" O rem ' P r ° l°;°-41i'°tIt°r : 41C3
'should 'be 'kept !up toiprOtect outwit v Nil black ; man.l i ". 4 ea P aett Y 1. " 1.1 ,," r if . : -. eC . •
frOOdOmestic foes, as it is good policy l eramcm • —i '' 1 !°" .... ib, °jag olvoc InO- the - -
to! enptiort an army and navy for des 1 soihif A f r ica l. l • l'c PPooe Yonialict * riiit
fense.against foreign !fees. ViThatj the 1 r ' n4en ' ll " Anxi° "' t° know how acid'
army, ;and, Pavy, are i in intitnitlatiro. I with Vint: ability these dilerent do, '
foreign foes, The Re •
publican partparttnents of government are' fi lled by
eery 8 in holdilg in cheek domestic I y 1 entered men. ! i 'wig procrcd to tiltve,
brim s, political Conspiracies and armed j " Lb. "' trutii • '3.6 'whole troth ' "4 imtli• .)
4 1
but Ibit r truth," . tounded; upofi
tree on. Hence, wo iirge that it is our ! in g
dut henceforth! to 4iren g thon the:46 , i f„. l( .:ta w;f 110 Pllelf• oilif teen Ncrit. nis,o%v A G
or . nizations, that We may foreer be' "Y"' rbis ' will do With eat/ 49.' ''' at°l '
able at the proper tinie, to teseee the without' teii.i. or favor: In Ithe . firitt •..,
,plaw, they act exactly like . white me n , •
Eire -olive branch of the Government with- is ' •
front its 'present !corrupt' control, 'and an d - fil r i ' thei t " riMIS ffiee'l
mitch ability as . white, men do,!vihtua
.thu4'keep i it forever in pure hands.—
But al vigilanca is !the price of liberty. Plac e d in ilitoilisr cirettios tance.'s.7 when ..
itiunding . a neW governmeult tn:the
Con ! fent attentien to,-our political or. -
ation, the edudation of our child. 1 m u
iast ot an nbroken wilthr es.", stir.. -i '
, 'i e i•beit.
ten in the,l4now edge' of Republican—
istn, and the periamsinn of cur tieigh.—
,who have gone astray, from the
wrong, are the means by which *0
mas increase our elornents Orstrength.
Arid the *lt Y. to do this is , to keep up
out political organization, to:look atter
our IE/gaol+, to s•Uppoit oar tio*spaper
organs, to make', our 'ablest and best
men our leaders; and ?never to torget,
that the safety . of the . Government.,
our 'dearest object -lon, earth. the
young me& or, 'scent-, , eobriety, and
intelligence, aroall inclined to be Re—
publicans. It is itheir interest to be so,
if, *hen they become 'old men, thiiy
deeiro to have a Iblina and a country.
To bold these• yOung men, then, -*0
Wig keep up our.Or . ganization: - 1 1'ho el-t
dersol illepublicinibm must take !.lese ,
young men by , the hand; must not
constantly look &gen ;upon them, but' ,
Mast, accustom , theniselves to lorking , . aucb as these as possessing the
Vigor alwAYsi necessary for the,succeiti
of every good cdueo.. And if we yield
this ordinary 'at(e_atieu to our organ.,
iistion at all times, never
quire - an 'oxiiabrdiritiiir - exertion for
the Republican Partylo, whip an foe
it meets iti f its pattr.-4/arrisburg'
A mug has sent to the New YOrk
Farmer". , pub recently an account of
rile -experience in artificial 'chicken
hatching. labor ed
. zealously, most
Of the time; during two mcintbsi - ex -
lierimented on 1,609 egia lind ?retitle
ed chickens. i ,
IT. is itatid that Kr ? A. tr: Stewart
bas intimated his -readiness to' give
111,000,600 ,to .1:1614 tenement houses
for:the doServing pool in New York;
providell groundt would be‘ furnisbed.
daily porkers published in his town,
but there are , Indies' ; sewing-ciroles.
which insWer thisetne puTP3s9.
A tiaranzsa young , barrister Ave
that .ant lady wbb possesses one tbou
isnd actetrot lead, ,presents sufficient
grounds for an uttachinent
a .
1_ _ [
rounded with ,witd-and hostiletribe... 4
;mil with limitedr - tnennis ai ,heir'edi&.
posal to stintirkustor the atruirasf goy..
iletterdifin Davis- His
ton "
The VOrtress riioe to-thn ,
Herald'say - s: By what I de'eM 1114
reliable authoiity,, If km advised- that
Mr. limns etpeets to be 'tried' , neit'. I.
month ; that hie more- immediate' and !.
intimate friends look for theiiialfthen; .
and that his ribunsel Are lahorionsly!
preparing to enter on his defense.—:
The most' serious question -of , All at.
Dresent relates to the healtll 3 of , M.
avis; While all most' inter sol Iv`'.:
him hope for o'o best, 'the most: tells* .
Oita express the fear that his 'health
is at to o "low ar. ' ebb to bo' ,restored;
that the sands of his life are rapidly ;
running out, and that he will [ soon be.
beyond the reach of all\ earthly trilm i-
Asia. Mr. ,o',Connor spoke of .. iris;
dgrowing feebleness when heroJi • Every '
ay the , increasing Weaki:eirf of his
V3ice,, his unsteady and palf , -
the deepening hollow of his cheekt,
his eyes more• sunken, his : dirphing'
sight and failing appetite and
show it Witb palpable and nr.donbtir:g
certainty writs from , no sympathy
for Mr. Davis or . the "lost , cause," -of
which* ho wits the:offending head and
front. t write simply films
them and become convinced of; their
reliability, IViitle there may be doubt
aot Witte time of his ti inicantEWhilelt -
may be doubtful whether he tit tried~at. :
all, there is no doubt air to the Present '
State of his heilth. • Strangers who
see him unitein this statement.. ;B y te
friend's, many of whom: visit ails
see him every day, tell the sanie'story,
Southern. editors'obtaining
with him unite in the same - strisin.:-, -
Meantime' his wife and their youngest
child 'remain with. him.' Of food.
mediciinet, of attendanee he the
best. Betas no poisible greund
complaint Of his treatment.'. The -ono
ly fault 'ho ands is 'in thei
trial. • ° - • ' ' '
Irs the gatne of life; itert m
quently Taa l y the knavg 4;4_
the. duce-,
or,Sl ,
ineeitida , •
enter_ -k
' tllls typo' - .
P 7'
, 4 fro.