di [GOODS! EW WE barely*. Ooeived one of the Largest and Shoat Compli ntoiik of la 111 1,1 ORR imps, Ca,simere!i, Tweedsh Prinb, Gingham, Checks, &a., -Ever offered - to 'the public in; this city. Also, a,splatclitt assartnient,of Ladies', Misses and Children's • SHAWLS i'L . . An' cantle*, sty/es and prioes,,st gnat - ly reduced rates. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS* The ;Argue Stoll end .beet daiortment at Carpets,. ifloer am Clotha; . : Hearth Itags,.lfatte, 4e..; "fir offered,V and at intro:n.l7 low *loan Persons in want of anything in, onr, line, iroidsl do well to giro to a call. as we are de termined to selling stook at prioes,wkia will wawa& all. ri?et7wnbff'ithe ilaew DUNLAP, LUKER CO., 186 Federal et; 4 doors: below Market-hone, jyll:6m] , 'iIt.pLAGIIENY CITY. a.• Pars. rzawasl. s. L WUIQI. 1 WILSON & STEWART'S it.4ciEtzterrazie. Boot 00, eria. cue EI:UCPOIR,II73VC., ywon Risrlevitux niPoi the y . latto haw ! spoked s WHOLESALE *RETAIL' BOOT. AND: SHOE STORE, . IN BOCIIESTEIZ,PL traria; purohaaed a large sad wells Woad 84ock 1)f • Ladiss'; Ge,it's, , BOy's ancruhildren's Shoes, Gaiters Slippers, &0., . direct from the manufaetarer's, .:we are pre pared to sell as oheap,if not obi Per, than any aby establishment in Pittsburg 'or this county. • As we, iniandlo remain .permanently in the business, we will endeavor to always sell • cheap, keep as great a variety and as good an artiele as the eastern market affords. Purchasers will do well to call and examine our goods lied prices before purchesing else where. AR Goods Warranted. „ ISILSON, & STEWART, In the DiemonS, • ' Roctintsrsi, PL. . . , lasiSeneut CHAS IS: ICrRST Bap.ker and Broker, • LID .osAriiii ui • Baal Estate - , StacliaMavernineut Bonds, and other Securities VISGRAECEdg CLAIM AGENT, Conveyaneer & Cleneran*lent. ' THE stbsoriber having opened's-a office it •1- Rochester, (in the room lately .00mpied by F. A. ' , For um .) respectfully Solicits the pa tronage of his Mends and the publici in gen eral. . Particular attention , given to the adjustment of Offidirs' stoonnts,r and Ain :claims arising out of the present war, such SS 1 Pensions, Potato, ißotastia, *rim of Pay, Prim I ktie7, tc, 4v. / Iterni,sgent for the ..Etna Immrance Co. of llhrtford,.Ct , the, North America of Phila• • delphili; and the Manufacturers' & Merchants' Of Pittsburg, I will isSuc policies in ; either of the companies named. ' Farms. houses and' lots for sale., " ' Shares in the oil lands of_tho celebrated Isl and. Run region for Bale, ,where ' suit, well has proved a success. Also shares in wells pro ducing or under way, and lessee. I will also sell my residence in Itoohestar... beautifully situated, and within a few. minutes walk of the Ohio river and Railway stations. Terms , ; -Deeds - drawn up and aohnoWledged: Fird risks taken. in Sot 318 , EM Insurance ''Companies. I "Revenue stamps amiss on hand. Refers to John A. "Canghey, Jos. Plummer, Win. H.Rmith A Co., Pittsburg. = 011,A8. B. HURST, • Rochester, Nov. 29,'66; .RMIIROTON a son, -Mattutactiners _ ItivoLvEßs; RIFLES, MUSKETS k CAEBINE.S, Per the II: States Se:tie& Also. Pocket and Belt Revolvers, REPEATING PISTOLS, IFLE CANES, REVOLVING . RIFLES 11illfr and Shot,Guns, an 4 Oita idaterials, sold thy Gun Dealers mid theTrsde generally. In these days of Hovaebreaii‘o cad Robbery, every Now, Morey Bank, jrad 44e.e, 'should have one of - • REEIMOTONIS REVOLVERS; Parties desiring' to avail themselves of the bite improvements In PistoU, "- and superior workmanslup and form, will all combined in the Now- • • - mrA I M.T.IV6 TON .R.E;OL VERS. -- 1 'lt.eiroulars containing cuts d description of ear Acme will be furiushed pon application., E. REbillifiTOXlt BONS, Ilion, N.Y. • ' !dream 85 Nrcnor.s, ;Arabs, 4+fo .40 Courtiesd et; If. P. o f - i ESTUA.V - Er• - ' . ROM the subseriber. , in Btidgewster, on Friday. July , 27th, a BRIGHT RED . H COW. Any penon- haring taken up finch cow, or giving information in regard to the same, will be liberally rewarded. ... ' angl _ WM. -BARNES. in CUMULI NEW BRIGHTOR.P2., HARD'IcC' - , IRON, NAILS, GLASS," AGRICULTURAL IMPLIMEN TpOla4 . T l BLACKBMIT TOOLS ) , 1 111 MASON Lt °P S I , SHOEMAKERS TOOLS, EIADDLIIMS' TOOLS, TOO ,111, DLFitY I:WIDVr,:kRE, BBNT F LOCK PIC COUNTE TABLE HO) TIRE & CORN .BHE Ar.so, PAINTS, AGILVEI , I9II EXCELSIOR MOWER AND REAPER, NEW BRIGHTON BIRDDRICIC WOR De 08 , 966. ' 'HERIF}I'S_SALES.I „ . 100Y.virtne of mad& writs of Fled Facia JO) issued out of the Court of Commbn Pitt of the county of Beater, 1 will expose to publi c- and to me direct d sale at the Sheriff's office, in the borough' f Beaver, in. - the:comity ; . aforesaid, on_ . BATUIIDA 1, Sept. let, '1966, • at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the follow l itg property, to wit : i - 4 , All the right, title, interest and claim of o. fendaitt, of, in and tol the following piece : parcel of land, situate in the borough of N It Brighton, Beaver coanty, Pa., bounded an be north by New Castle 4. New Brighton road on the east-by public rotd,on the south by San 1 P. Townsend,and on he west by public str et, containing 13 acresa dl4 perches . Also lot 1 , 10. 15, situate in - thelborough of New Brigh= ton, being about 60 hy 180 feet in length and breadth, bounded on the north by Lot No.;14; — east by public alley,lsoitth by Market stlet and west by Bridge street.; on which is erec ed a,-frame building used as a dwelling house nd carpenter shop. Also, lot No. 14, situatil as aforesaid, bounded north "by lot No. 18,e - tisti by public alley, south ' lot N. 16 and wistiby Bridge street. ' Size pf lot 60 by-180 feet. Also. all that cert ain piece -or parcel of laid in Big Beaver tp., ho6ded on the north iby the track otthe Pitts!. Ft. Wayne & C. UK .on the east by land of Jen. Smith andlohn-BCat ty, on the south by land of Jos. Smith,"and on the west , by land 'bf Walter Beatty,cOnt ” in lig about 80 acres,•labout .00 acres elea ed, i and entire farm under fence, on 'which are erected a double to house, two stories high, spring -hone, and ld log building. The Above described fa is underlaid with a . three feet vein oF-coal, One auk open; premises well watered,with a g orchard thereon. .1 _ .. . -- Beisad and taken erty of Jas. Do Font Wilson, 4... . deed. ALSO All right, title,hit i ~., .light, . ~,. est and claim of defenu ant of, in and to tb following farm or tract of land, situate is oon tp., Beaver cowry, Pa., bounded on thelncrth by billet, on a l to the east by John iller and Mosel Winkle, on the south.by W and Jail Smith , andi on the west by land fo erly owned by Robert Nevin and Wm. Shrodes, containing about 10 i . acres, about 85 so cleared, the whole farm under fence: on ,w ich apt - erected a large frame dwelling h two L stories high, nfith cellar underneath, a frame barn Ind t... buildings. The e ntir e farm well wateredintid a good orobard of eh ice fruit on the premiies. . Seized and taken n execution as the proller ty of Wm. E. Br es , at th e suit of. Janus Stewart, now for- of Wm. C. Harbison: - • JOBS UMW, meg. -Sultan's Csinc r ) Beaver, aug15,41 i Mar bl D.l77oo3DP.frit; Italian, tutd:dian. Marb IifONIIMENTS, lIXAD STONE/4 Madi to order. Please give me a call before purohasm elsewhere. - , . Shop opposite Dr. Dmith'sDniglltere,Bri: street, Bridgewitter. July 25, !Wkly. ' D. WOODRUFF COAL.! -- .: IWILL deliver'to the citueee - id itiows4r, 'Bridgewateil Beaver and vicinity, a gOW quality of Coal, at the shortest notice. Wig pm can. it any time, birsnppliedat the Batik, J. lig on MlChalers run, adjolnhig de bank of Wm. Porter, Esq. Orders left'with John A Prezio, Beaver, Stiles & Shallenberger,B , -.: water, M. Camp, jr„ B.oohester,Ak i ll rear prompt att e ntion. - - C. MOLTER, :--. nut - . Bridgewate 5,09 B ea t i V y a of Com reapived and or J uly •ly •7. &-li. DAILLIGIt i Iif, ShllfoA^ ME DIMIXII.I AND MINERS' TOOL& SHAFTS; lIINGES, SS & ROI Y SCAM , lUTLITARY; &NIITU,' W CIITI'E OILS I VAIINWLES, I AND PUT n execution as the prop : , elle, at the suit of Jos e C. r Of Thos. Canninghe.m, NO. 2. set and ~ EWATER GRID Work ILAIVIALCITUNKIreXD D 111142 'II ,ILEGISTERtS .N O T IC E. LL 4 . iliaillget la the - TOI/oWhig • '7 : gration and Guardian ucounts,. w have been piduumil suedflied the Regietttr'irOffiele, of Barer county, •Bit.p. take tattoo , that tLe same will be presented to The-Orphan? court; to be held - Beason, in ilia fat the :otoott.T of Bearer, on ifedneadayi, the 6th day of September, 'X D.; •186 13 , 'poplin:tuition and - alloiraitoe: 1 " • Hest: at - Robert ; Patton; executor,of thelast will of Bawl. Pattanoleo'd. The account of M. J.- Ingram, administrator of the estate of Janies May, deed. . The real miste account of 'Robert B. Beryl, administrator 'sum tatamento essexo . of hnn Laughlin, deo"d. ..First and. final toiontit of CharlesJohniatin * administrator of thtlestate of Jamei Alcorn, dead. I" • • • __ • First and Anal &coon:it'd A. B. Wolf, ad-, ministrator of the estate of James W. c- Mahon, deted.l' First and final account of John Eakin, ad ministrator ofi , Jamota Eakin, dec'd. First and final account of , Wm. Rene and Martin Reno executors of 'the last wilrof Benjaminl Betio. doted.- • - , First account of (I. IC. Shannon, executor of the last will of rEancy,Maratta, dea'd. The account , of - Jilin Reeves, administrator of the...estate of Thoit. McAndrew. deckti." IP The sachunt of Buckli W. Martin, execu trix ofJosiiplt /A Martin, .who waa administra tor of the estate of James A.llllllll, deo'd. First and finial account of ',James Brittain, administrator bf, the . eqtate of Harvey !am ble, deo'd. • 1 First d fphf 0 0 0 ant of Cynthia Bryan; of es Bryan; deo'd. FirstAiid account of Peter B. Young ; adm'r. of the estate of Adam Gormly,_ deceit. The account of M. B. Welsh, administrator of the imitate Of Nathaniel Mitchell, deo'd., First. and 'Anal account of Martha A. Stock dale, executrix of the last Will of John H. 'Rockdale, dated. ' 1 - First and Bail account of Johnston Calhoon, administrator Of the estate of Wm. Davis;dec'd. First and final account of Samuel David son, executor of the last will of • Naney Hindsolesed. • First and final account of Margaret A. Col lins, administratrix of the estate of Edward Collins,deed. I I ' First and Said account of Eobert A.. Moon and Win. H. Glenn, executorial' the , last will of William Baff,. deo'd. The account of Ann Umstead. admlnlstra trix' of the estate of •TsCob Mislead, who was guardian of Caroline and -Emma Buechler, minor heirs of Peter Bizeohler,decir. The account' of Ben. Ewing, guardian of Jesse J. Ewing, minor eon of Jos. Ewing, deo'd. The account. of Elisha Thornsburg, guar dian of Henryle. Little, minor son of William Little. deed. . , , The account of Boss Taggart, guardian of. Ann , le Taggart, minor daughter of Mary Taggart, deo'd. The account of lichee. M ? .'ltriodes, guardian of Sarah Jane' Powell, heir' of Eleanor Powell, deoll.l Tho accook u t4f GelbSch; guardian of Christian B . .minor - - son of Philip _Blinn, deal. • - A. R. MOOSE, ' Beaver, August 8, '66. I :ItegistSe. BEAVER COUNTY, es: TurliwitiaT,EirTtou OF . heirs at law (children and grand children) of Archibald Cunningham, late of , Darlington township. said county, deed, Niz: Archibald Cunningham, Jana Cunningham, Clarissa intermairied with Thomai Russell ; Sarah interuild with GeOrge Dilworth ; tha-children of 'Thomas Cunningham, dio'cL', vim John B. Cuitningham,Archibald Cunning- . ham; Nancy intermarried with - Jsmes Madden; Eliza intermarried with C. Walter* Angeline intertnairied*ilh John Savers ; the children of Andrew Cunningham, t; _Archi bald Cunningham, Alexander Cunningham; Sarah* Jane Cimningham and Martha Gun niligham; the.elhildren of John Cunningham, r dec'd,vis Margaretta intermarried with James Ewing Josiah Guy Cunningham,. Mary Cunningham and Jokn P. Cunningham ; the children of Elisabethj!teed, dec'd., viz : John Iteed, Nancy Jane intermarried with Rob erqWilson • A. S. Reed, James I. Reed, Re be Eli . Reed, Samuel Reed, Samantha Reed, abetli Reed and Isabella intermarried with Aidrew Boyd a Greetinv—Sirtereas the said Jane Cunningham has•pi‘esented her petition to the Orphans' Court ofi.said County, praying the Court to decree a sale of a - tract of land of vrhich the said Archibald Cunningham deed: Belied, situate in Darlington township, Beaver cm i nty, (a portion theriof ;tieing in Little Retries township, Lawrence county,) bounded byliadds of Harvey McCowin, John Young and othefe; containing one hundred acres or there abente—tlie proceeds of sale to be applied to the paynient of debts. contracted by the pedi 'dotter and her 'mother ; 'for the payMent of certain legacies bequeat hed bY said Archibald Cunningham, dead„ to his diughterkand the comfortable support of the petitioner: And the said Court fixed the 8d day ofi September, A D. 11866, for . the hearing and investigation of the facts of the case,, Thee .are therifere to warn you, and each of you, to appearlin the , day above mentioned, at the court House,ln the borough of Beaver, to show cause, it any you have,why the prayer of the petition should not be granted, and you shall be heard. Witnesa the Hon. 8..8. Chainberlin, Presi dent Judge of our , said Courtlat Beaver, this 18th day of July, A. Et: 1866. JOHN A. FRAZIER, CPL IA true copy of rule anti citation. , Attest: . JOS. LEDLIE, WC. ,Snasurr's °inns, • Aug. 8, 1868. f f defend. Sumnions in Partition. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ' of Beaver county. No 1,1 June T. 1866. Joan BAILOW vi. WY. BAILLOW,ItT AL. 115ammons in Partition. To Wm 3 Barlow, Ann intermarried with JosePh Werhurstr Da vid Barlow, Thomas Berlow:alllate of Warren county, Pa; Esther intermarried with Samuel Kenyan, Rachel intermarried with Henry Jacksou,Serah intermarried with Ademßarnes,- Sidney Smith, Jonas Smith, Sarah intermar ried with . John Hatfield, Mai y Pullen inter married with Joseph ' hitehead, Esther Pullen nitermarried with Wm. Wolley, all of Lan cashire, England; John Barlow, late of Buste tawnOip, State of New York, Win. Smith, late of WHmingion, Delaware, John Smith,' late 'of Chicago, linois, William and James Pullen, late ar. . Samuel ParkiniOn, Lavine in .. . • 'ad with Wm. McAl l en, Jane lug _ tiln,iS. , w of Abraham In ;Rachel in ., 47 with Isaac F id, all late of If • ,•a e .r, England, •Wm. Smith and June thenlz - ith, places of residence unknown, and qg Jo, . . Schofield s—take notice, that an inqui sltionto make, partition or valuation of the real e mentioned in the above ' recited writ, biting Lot No. 248, situate in the borough of New Ilirighton, Beaver county, Pa., will be i n 144 ' n the premises on the 81st thy of August, 1866,, at which time and place you may attend 4 If yo think proper: , 1 ' , - L JOS. LEDLIE, Sh'ff. ~ 1 8 'a Orrics;_ 1 • ' , —, Ikalver, Aug 7, .66: f . L Lg & Ituta33., ATTORNEYS AT, LAW, LL attend to togs& .busuneas of all .v V kinds. Prompt attention given to col lections generally. LieensediAgents for col lection of Penelons,Bounty. arresre of Pay,, Prize hiciney, Pay, etc., of Prilonera of 'War, and .all kinds Of military Clainie against the Government. °Mee.— Coner 4 •of Markey Street mut the Dkonensel, (immeelately in the rear of Cotuillonse,) BEAVER ; PENN'A: Uao4 1 DOCTOR aiSkT,, Co. tlts raalromis Will Practice Surgery & Medicine. O F,PI6E adjoining the new Ding Store of: l.ePister Proudley, _Denlap'e corner, Dridgewatei, Pe. Tmayta VALUABLE FARM . FOR SALE, listipea Fze rx;r i • 2 relies of - on the ebrveland and Pittsburg Railroad. sad within one mile. of laland Mut, , the. oolitic:l4*d Oil Region. This Win is undirlaid with a four foot rein of coal of a superior - quai49 1 6 1 4 tabling an abundinee of Ibmgoo o l4 __,_ walked by mild Wever-filibtg Ruing ' 46 tgeellent. water. The iniprinaards" are' a comfortable dwelling,honee aqd 6U 6606. 1161 7 out-buildings; also fame bast and a fram eable. There is abio upon the farl6 Pull trees of all kinds:. ?beret' sikmt 130 weaver said' faim improved and i n.a good state of culars thin; the balance well 'timbered 'and enclosed, under fence. • A portion of the landls said to be good Oil Territory. This farm will low old cheap if a purchaser offers ma': Terms reasonable, and p6mellalon the FalL For further information dell on the subscriber, living on said farm. 3uly4:Bm • • 'ALFRED LYON. IV Pittsburgh Weekly Ommiercia! gmblish 8 months, and send bill to this oifiMP, C..C. ALGEOi DZALIa .121137 • ri.X C 5.411. 1V AND SWISS WATCHES, • 3D, I A. PLC o ri - x) 44 4 1 D FINE JEWEIX, • SAYER SPOONS AND POMDC VINE TABLE KRIM BLI YER PLATED WART,' FRENCH LOCK & BRONZES, AMERICAN CLUCKS, - Fancy Goods, Alcc. illaapeoial silo:Um gives to' the rep;ir ing of all kinds yr Watches. No. 22, FIFTH STREET, mar14 1 66-4-Iy] Attaburg, Pa. SPRING AND SUMMER c) co ro : IRAVE just received. new stook of Goode, of the t .? LATEST STYLES. Foa SPRING - & SUMMER WEAR Gentlemen's Furnishos -.Goods Constantly on bond. CLOTDING NIDE TO ORDER In all the -latest. stiles and st shortest notice REICH; Stewares Bow, Bridge Street, spr2s'66 J. M. I-1 on, DENTIST: OFFERS XIS SERVICES TO THE CIT ZENS OF BEAIT . EII. 144 D VICINITY, RTIFICIAL i TESTII PERFECTLY FIT AL TED, ARTICULATED, 811APED,,SIZED AND COLORED, to suit every individual, mounted on fine Gold,' Sliver, English and American vulcanite. All - the new kyles of combination work warranted to give perfect satisfaction. •No charge for eztrirting. when teeth are to be inserted. Teeth extracted without pain by .an entire. ly new process; no Ether, Chloroform, Nitrous bxide, or any other antesthetio used in connec t tion with the apparatus. Po.is not produce anaesthesia or unpleasant . feelings to .the pi tient. Persons thinking the T.aughing Gas an unsafe agent in the extraction of teeth, may do well to call and see for themselves our new method of extracting. as this is the only apparatus of 'the kind-in Western Penn'a. .Office on ;Third street.. 2d door east. of H. B. Anderson's store. tjuly4'6tBta. 13.A1-1,13E.11,, 11 AIR-DRES S.E ChisS - BRUIN is happy to announce to his old customers, that he has been die from the service of the United States,, I and opened a shop,Ln the frame building ad. , joining Orr's More. Ladles' bah. cut in the most approved' style. He frusta his old friends will renew their patronage: Having carried the flag of the .46th Bag. 11. 8..0. T. forllmost a year, in the battles around Pe-, terslrirg, he thinks himself entitled to • a fair skate of the public patronage. • He has also opened' s branch shop_ 'room in the north part of the Market: House, in Bridgewater, which will be kept ripen at all seasonable hours. . Ladies' and Gentlemen's' Hair-cutting Mid Shampooing promptly attended to,' and enticti tad in the most approved style. I rogEftKily 1722.1.c05i BEAVER PA. S. B. CLASS, GOOD STABLING attached to tbb House. • sprit 1.1868.—1,, ADMINISTRATOR'S.NOTIOg4 AB biters of adinaughtion XII • W 'll t il hrestate of Jos ifiesourOst• of FrinkAin. Berra county,, Pe, de= clunutd, having been duly granted to • the un persons -indebted to said estate are mailed to make immediate part eat, and those having claims againit the same `elapse sent them properly authenticated for settle ment without delay. - - isiiseis M. SCOTT, Lancaster tp., Butler county, _1 Administrator: jy26'6 SAVE YCUR HEALTH BY , BUYING -P..zt e, ei- ne I.' ROCHESTER; PA. 0114> door from Fortuas'ir Day Goode , ' 7 lal be i:Oli!# . 12 full' anortinplt of I MZ Ca . 42 : 20 , lattrEs ' , , • i 1 1 Also, a full Assortment WINDOW GLASS, R® PURE AND SECOND QUALI WELI F IW LE.A.-132 T • Auto, FINE Iit#LET SOAPS,' ALL,VABIETIES ShIISIIES, • THE; BEST FORFIIKER HI . _. FANCY &TOLLity'AIiTICLE.:9,.. f • • LI • • AIND.POrIII/Art rgEIPARe.TIO 'Alito& of Potent Medicine:o.llms oil Au*, CIOABB a TOBACCO, idy "tiro) siook)Ote been purehite4 easy and Is Offered at the vent Louse Palau; • is sah:s• mJ m i katia f , Mr. Loma Burly thoroughly e/inostfd Apothecary. andr . , ' 4 lit. plgsloimus mid ahem fa rely ape* 3 = Xediebees oa t . i. Rochester, March 14,: 1868-1y 'SMITH'S FERRY A~V'►i . . LITTLE BEAVER PETROLEUM COMPAN - • $ BO lOO 80000134 ares of,Par Vsinf ot. .... 41,00 e+h WORKING .6 1, ir. ' T a cetittg of, the stoCkboltiois of tl above company; held at their ; odic , I t orougic of Rochester, Apzil 29th, 1: the following persons were elected its offi w for the ensuing year 3 i • I BRIDGEWATER serA limited number of ectaies of• 8 • • of the above Company may be bad by a • cation' at the office of the company. se.,offioe in the!Diamond, Itoeheater, my3:6rn CHAS. B. HURST Notice in a the Orphaiusk Co , , [ The following appraise:Rents under the Act, of Assembly, of the lith of April,' 185 ,of ' ; or .allowed to bexetained by's' w dow children of a deeedont, ,to the vain of 'sBoo, have been filed in the Office of the lOrk. of ,-..."_._, the , O rp hans' Court, of Beaver 00 ty, and'approved nisi; to wit':. . !-, ' :' Personal property, to amount of [ $BOO , re !tallied by widow of, Thos,hl'Andrew, d 'd. 'John Reeves, Adm'r. • Personal property to amount ,of $BOO re [[ tallied; by widow of [Alexander. • , 84.34 'dec'd. John Slants; Adm'i.' • • , Personal property to amount of $ re. tamedby widow oil Samuel G il leland, 'd. John'M'Clure, Adzu'r.. • , _, ' Personal property' to *Mount of $8 , re- tamed by widow oflSocrate.s Small, •deed: Hugh Anderson, Adair. • _ . , • Personal fproperty, to amount of, $300,', r tained -by widow of . JaMei Wright, :Inc r.. a Francis Heoll,_Aliet. 1 , ' . . .: Notice is here* given to creditors. I: legatees, distributea,,ind all others int ~ ed, to appear at the! next term of.imid C and not later thin the third day, being th 6 daj. of Ileptember,lO chew cause, if any li have, agahist the Anal ioniirnutticino t: above appraiiusitentAi. ,' ' - ' sagla . , 3OHN A. FBAZIER,VI k. .i ~AT I V ailEt r PM4)II-MrS, ix Si! Duman, CHEMICALS, and FIN! Lp:4,UO PETS,' LINSEED 911, 7 , • litAT'S FOOT OIL, ~ - EPERN 9114 , LARDS CheRBON 0 E AND FOR: T I TER HAIR, lEZZI PESIDIENT: MATTISON DARRAGH. Tattstiiixiy. SECRETARY: CELA.II,LE.3 B. `II.U.IIT. DI4ECTORtit: Mattison Darraghr Milo B. Ads s; ., Charles Stone, . Alfred C. Basal, Judas Darragh, ; John Bigger, Lerilirearnaman, I BALA. C, • ChssieS F. Kendall 111 NEW WEIER-SHOP. SHAVINCI, 11.1.ig-CaTTltias• 001:NG. &a. • ; TRIM B . WILLW I B haring renew 1 0 `shop from Bridgewntercoer, es to • inform his forum ers an t public genearally,tibt he is tip to be Am b - Room ?At:doing, tho National H 1 where he will yam on in, his forme r and tasiiionable, style. By dose ittenti busines, he hopes to 'merit and 'nosh.' a ber al shire •of public patronage. Those orbiting ii.ehsan, smooth share, or hair, cut in a fa sh ionable style, .jnst., Mop In 'and give Jn s. trial, and he bell satisfied that he can genet them. , -. .t Eauil/5 , OB.PILOB' COURTA&LE. E l i purinance of am aria; of the (Watts' . - Court of Beaver *City, th e, undersigned sell at public vendue or IntorY, on the prendses, es , ' .1., • ; . • 110.1#DAT.. Septergler 10041866, ' at one o'cioisk P. AL, !ha pattoliiii . **cubed property, ;Mate in Chippewa tosrturhip;.Bea.. Ver, essunty'aforelikk b ein g the **l estate of ' :Home N. Kennedy, late of Iteeiver.tennty r deteMped :.Beginning at 1a , white oak, thence ,by lands ;o f . John sad James Mitchell, north . lAigrette, east 197 - perches !lye-tenths to a Culp pistons., thence by land of Ethan Thom :as, north 891 degrees,west 48 pees:herb) a post; thence by land of the) *rner't B /4.3teehanio's ;Beak, south' I degrees,iyest 1 perches to a poet; thence by land_of 'James Kennedyknorth 'BB4egrees, east 48 perches tole White_ oak; ,Plafte Of. hellhothiV oentitinittO 6 $ enrol end '9B , perches. strict ;,sneseure ;jof v ,which is erected, an excellent new frame ba*,r62 by 80 : feet, with threshing !icor. 80 byl2o feet, mows, 304 and three stabler underneath! ;: alto. & log asta-frime house TO a frame kitcheil, and a cellar under mirt Of .the.house ;1 also 'a certain ' other piece of.land ad j oihing the foregoing de . scribed tract of lend, situate ei aforesaid: Beginning at a White ciak, thence isj land of KichardiValton, south 202 perth* to a stake; thence by land 9f Jasnesi-Keruse#, south ,871. degrees, west 2.41 perches to 1 w white oak; 'thence by lend of John Alexiinder, north j degree, east 202 perches to a stone,and thence . by land of James Scott,. north • 874 degrees, . east 22}perohes to place of beiOnning ;;Con. Mining 29 acres 128 perches,, etript measure; on which is erected a frame barn 48 by 18 feet. The above described hinds ar s e ',well fenced except oboist two *era. i Sixty! sores are in a ° tine state. of cultivation; and the .. balance is ' wood land. . There ii aw excellent young or • chard bearing fruit on the premises;consisting pe 11 of about 160 apple tram,' 100 'h trees and some cherry trees. ' i „1 . , i ~ There are also three gciod spil; -of never -1 failing water, and a coal bank, o ned and in . working condition. •1 ' ' ' Beek Run passer through a portion it said lands, the north branch' of Bradyls ' Run,-and there are About -twenty lacres Sleng said run Which Iss oonsidered'excellent oil territory.— There ire two oil welli now being put 'down within half a mile of said rremiatia,and Prep arations are being made le put dol:i fourmore ; in the immediate vicinity. . 1 Testis.—One-half of] the pUrchase money is hand on the,con6xmation of tie Sale by the court, balance in two equil, annulil payments froin that date; with interest thereon from ! t ame time, to he scoured by bond and mort. PP- '• RAVUELIM'AGAW Adz's, of the estate of IL N. Kennedy, deed, i. sngl ,' 66. • -: • 11, ! =I MOORE'S DRUG . IN BEVEII I Vey be found the best essortinent DRITG;I WE eat ci cErmistr ic*tes PURE Ll4ltrous wt And , 4 lf , b• a. 1 n t. TOILET Alrl'laLEs, • B. Tr 1T St ; Pi,T,1 . 4 - 14:2! HIE DI in great variety,• all cif the best quality, sod bad 'ehoaper than ean.be bought at any nther Drug Story in the eo ty. Duponoo's Female Pills 75 Cheesenian's; Claikle, $1 ' • - The Largest stock o ' e .TA217408 and Lamp Trirnmin!sj Lanterns, . Stationery, IVind,oto Gass ' ' , - and Putty. 1.1 erez offered oukside of the ouyi. kit lioore's Drng Store, and sold cheaper than can be 'bought anywhere else. t 'Let thin's who doubt • this call and see, and they will ao bt no more Decl ,' 63; ' - • - MOORE. , /PIM Fall _Term of this 1 , Wigton,- will i commence on . i ' iY L, *, • . • . Monday, the 10th Of Sepieshber 86E 7 , t - i under the charge of • ' , l, • •'t.i ' ' • '-• ' 1 - . . PROFESSOFf , R.V. TA YLOR, AS PanicrOAL. - - . i < .In electing Prof. Tailor Pxinci L pal, under an 1 , arrangement by which] he will . ereag,er con; '' tinge his connection for a- term Of I years with thin 'institution, the Board of Trasteini 'feel li ' that itsis placed upon abetter and more. per manent basis than heretofore; While 'dal char acter, long praCtical experience; And reputw• tieiras a successful edecator, gire assurance Ahat 'under his Manageraent the ,school must prosper, and be, -What .tha Hoard aim to make it 4 a first-class Acadoray, wher e, Young men may obtain aAluirough English, Classical and Commercial education,i at Moderate expense. He will be aided by able ankefficilent assist ants. Everything reasonable 4111 be done. to make the school both . :pleasant and profitable to. - Ilia` student. For particularaand terms, addre the Principal at Beaver , Eisler co.,Pa. ' ' . , ' HENRY' RICE:, s i s • , , , 1 ' - Secretary; Board' ,of Trustees. emy, . Jesire ... assura—A pa. .... no eX pease Or labor will IA spared,t4 ?tinder. this a firsirelose institution in all res Pests.... . Young Wen will be. fitted for I any class' in College; and a .sclentific course marked out for those Who do'not desire to take thelaUgttages. For this purpose the fine.apparotus winbe brOnght into r e q uisition.. Ample arrangoments w ill be made for board in the Institution ' Mid it' l l town. Lit jthose who wish to Obtain *A education, or hare ions to educate, give us a Irbil. 1 Jtd,y 25,..66:2m ' ' : R. -Ti; TAYLOR. , • h Strayed (Sr Stblen. STRAYED orogtolen from the prounises of • be subscriber, in Rochester borough, on Sunday, the 2241 of Xuly, 1860,1 a 11119WN noßsz,!s yeireeld, 16 hands 116,0ne white hind foot, antrebenlderi galled. And ye . MOW returning said towne, giving:4*dt*, gifor • motion where he maybe feenxt,will be ly rewarded.: 1 J , JOHS[SHARP, liteeheater Borough. 1 , ' . . - •'} W i Critka 4014 : • - MHZ unileridgeed being duly', Itepatiged to . ' sot s i s l AUCTI:NIAS: v 'BilAiht=ritit at tend nc rtouiding ficentry., -/- i • . • 1 , - • ,augl:2t - . ' r• ;I ItOBERT IZLEioN.I ' • KEELER'e Witei Dz:s . wer, • • for side et ' • - • , ,41441:1y., J. a 114D.weJuou LARGE of-Diy flosidiLi and an ex ' oey,ent aosortmen,t of Shingles oionotant.- lon hand and for gold, at ! 11434:13.• J. k..lll.lD.tatiqcs, ~.j', t EXli 11.21 D ~ DYE STUF BEAVER ACRD lx octopting the PriaccipalEll or the Amid -. I des;- to assure;the pab o that - 41 1 1 I ' I ' 1 • q° AI • . JAMES T. BRADY C_ Co., i.Suecessors to S.:Joolos 1, Co.- Cor. of W9od & Foul Streeti, • ibtrrantito,-pA.; xianizer!*.'&- MIMI* IX ALL VIM' or GcH- • S t EClur pm. FOREIGN EXCHANGE, Gold & Silver . COURIII6, EghCBi Fo ld . paid for Covonact Im eren - 5 . 64 C inucTicv mad° on all , ~., point's ip. the United States and id ... 541° Interest 4116 veil on tittle deposits. tj a— ‘ 71116 m _ A, CARD 10 THE LADIEj , Dr. nicipc;r!.oo,R . . . Golden Periodical Pi li e , FOIL r,ESIALES. Infallible in Correcting li regolarties t , n e ing.Obstructions of the Monthly oe m, ; ;from Virhaterer Cause,tid iLweers SUCCESSFUL AS A raernertre, It is now over thirty years since the shin teleirated Pills were first discovered by ih - DUPOSqO, of Paris, during which time th t ; have been extensively and successfully In most of . the public institutions, as va s , in private practicer \of both 'hern.ispheret,th unparalleled success in every case, 114 3113 only at the "Urgent request" of thetheenoi , Of Ladies who have irser-t-hTua, that bets duced to, make the Pills publv for the alleris lion of those suffering from any' Irreguixi, ties whatever, as well as to prevent ss crease of family, wherehoalth will not p e t it. Yentales peculiarly t—situated, or tha t supposing themselves so, are cautioned spi n using these Pills while in that.conditionit the proprietor assumes no responsibilitie s 11. ter the above admonition, although. t ti ei , Mildnesewould prevent any mischief to health, otherwise the Pills are recommded. • • . Price $l,OO per Box: Bd.: 80xE51.5,00.. Bold by S.' 'Sinith, Bridge Water, Nog, Ilamiltoe, Beaver S. Barmen, Rochester. Ladies:! By sending Sl,OO to either of the above agents, can have the pills sent (cod. dentisan) by mail, to any part of the cen, ry; or address the Proprietor, • . S. It. lIONCE,' , 'New Tprk.- oat 25`65:1yr. .A.FLRIVAL TORE, Ning ar. WELL SELECTED) Stock_ of Goods, B: Effil DitiDGE pr., lIRpGEWITEII, Ps. e , I E3E1121 , . . • H 4 . TJ 'subscriber takes pleasure In !afore. l the . public. that he now has, and keeps coustatuitly on hand, the ' 1F 1. 52 Most 'Extensive aneComplete As., sortmentiof subro, fs.. IN E'S BOOKS,. WRITING': AND WALL • PAPER, oIL'CLOT.IIS, PETS, MATTING, WIN. • pow .SIiADES, AL BUgS,IVILLOWt. • •i • • -' • WARE. • • : MANTLEOKNAIIENTS,Tpi-Y-S*,! Pe, box; that have . ever been brocght to this ecianty.—i In fact he keeps everything that is nsually, kept in- a _Well-regulated and well sappliali variety.store. ' As I purchase nearly all' my Goods at YORK, and pay cashlor them, I am thus as tabled' to sell, and do dispose, of my - gook cheaper. than 'they can..be bought at retaili3l Pittsburg. Give me i call' • .'. • B. 3IULIIEDI • . Bridgewater, July 25, 1866-,ly :Farm fklr Sale; rip KB east end of 4the Farm known Andrew Glass property, situate in township, Beaver coilikty.; containing_ N Ifundred.arid.Forty Acres, abort one bunkti acres cleared and - under a good state of caitiff. [ Hoc, is offered for sale. A good orchard a the premises. It lays 'on the head wirer Beahler's Run, within two milei of the cell-; brated Island Run oil regionsi, and h !skits be good-, oil territory. For particulsw , ik quire of-John Johnston near the prerabo , 'of Joseph Lawrence, South Denser tp. • EJVIY. LAUGHING' gAS! AA • DMINISTER:ED p. 8.. %war t BILIIICISWATTRi PA.; in extracting (ell' 1 4iave added tony ninny facilitinfof the suceesiful prosecution of ins prorcom 1 this invaluable pain-killing agent.' Al hrsoc t " " °fl,PeuistrY pe.riorined in the ben &id T ll4 , modern style. AU 'Niork done as cheally, J s 22 fifty per cent. better, than at an 'other ISttx,.l Dental Establishnkent ilk the Stilt T . piy9!*ll . , • NATIONAL PLOW Caw . . 1 OCIiESTER4 PA.' 4RE M A NUFACTURIN xx, all the Variettha of. , • fiteelC and Cast Iron -PO. ' tad woida call theratterition of the - Fame" . Beaver cour4Y, wishing to purcl lo° rlowa or Plovirointsi to tho, ' Superior, Finish. anti ' - Quality of our Work. 1186:ALL WORK MARRANTEDIO„ - The points and .Landslides fit the *T i t pondingnumhers of Pittaburg „.I, castingsr,bouea- . [Blg.' Pr°6oo ant{ Compission Merco Waeshouts,, No. 2011 Lib.erty 5.1614 _ 'I - , WHOULIALLII, DNALER VI . Butter,' Bess, : Potatoes, . Cheese,' Boom,. -lionany, -1 Orris. r,! r Jeri, , Taitor, Dried.Firria4 mi.? , ,-:. -Feathers• &am do Thai! 6d; lireeki I .Broome, ', Oniost„- 1 7 0 .' ' i ' • Aid mass. and Poultry - • ,_. 1110.,Firtionlar . -attention Gi v en [ to pro',ll, 1"4, milalialants, • . -:6 1 . li , . j_______--- --- -; D RYFlooring and Weather hosidisk 1, ' uantities to suit-purchasers, for ssle JWY•I4Iy J. &LI, Dannands,, , Sharoa I . OF A rcl M'S. CHAS. S PA 11111