The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 29, 1866, Image 2

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    THE ~ 44BEAVER.-...:::.AfiGt
-AUgUST ) 29th, , iB6s..
.roa ooviiitrott,' !'"-;
-. 1E14. JOHN .W.. GEARY,_
-culdoty.LAsf) Ockuxiir.- ." '.•
Union County Nominations•
• T, -Congress.
GEO. V. 10A.WEENCE, Wati:Ongten.,
Presideni Judge.
- • AGNEW DIIF.F;; , egg-Brighton,
. ,
-Stetti -genate.• ,
Vitt: A. W. TAYLOR, Borough;
• ' Atgemby. ;
MATTHEW Si . QlJAY,Boaltei;:;
J. B. DAY; Muitriugtcirt dotintsl -
JOHN EWlNq:tWaut4ngtori cor .
S. LITTELL, Hiookotowit;
Register& Recorder.
VARltig SINGLETON, Ilactoort;
"Clerk of Cou r ts:.:'
40,11 N. A. FRAZIF.,II,
Commissioner: ' .
WI,ANOCK, North Sowiokly
•,• • •
Poor House Pirector:
J.OIfIS. POTTER ; Raccoon ;
Auditor. •
, • - J. FL. ;
- i'rustees of eleadentyi
JORg MURRAY, EfridgcrAtter
Die. DAVID STANTON;Isr, Brighton
Uriuon Meeting f
voTEsi OF BilAV,}lll
COUNTY-.ire requested .to meet at the
• -; • 1. , • . 01
Wednesday Eventnge Sept. sth,
'(Court week), at ii o'clock.. "The Hos. GEO.
V. T.AVVJtEIkicE, oar faithful an3,abls Repre
, [mutative:in Sougirs,l Bar. Ma. BAYNE,.
of Canonsburg, one . of .the most eloquent
-"dampers in Pennsylvania, and other distin
guished advocates of the cause, , have been in
. tod and are expected on the occasion.
• Ai this is - our opening *idly in this
• county, let there be en. overwhelming flern
onstriitionion the•psrt of our friends. r
By 'Prler 'of .
,The State Central. Com‘ittee 'have
appointed a Mass Meeting in' this
place On..
Some of f the best's peakers in the
Unionnre proznired: Let' ourlfriende
make preparations all 'through the
county to attend;it:
„ • •
.Convention' of r.!oPulStiiithern-'
z , i pre. •
Wo omitted fait weekto noticailiat
ihe Union State Central Committee
fiad invited tie people' Pemisythi
. nia to be present; and Meet with the
loyal Southerner's in their Convention
in Philadelphia on the 3d of _Septem
ber. This convention p„robably
--r be in session nesrly one week, and it
is the intention of haying a succession
'of meetings every night during the
occasion,to be addressed: by the ablest
Union men, , !North and §outh;
- 'Those of our friends - Who can should
' by all means attend,-as this
lion will be Composed Of men who !Ire
mot now and never were rebels; bat
en 'the contrary, of men whose ' Union
- ism - did not formic.° them at tha.clash
, of arms,and who 4ve Passed through
the fires of rebellion with patriotism
unquenched. It will he an abler eon.
von atioa of men than those who SOM.
t . oled in the name city on the 14th of
August, and in addition to this its
members will net have hands:dyed in
. Union , blood, nor sonlelblackened' with
the crime of.treason.,
couple' of weeks ago the editor of
the New PastleDemoe*, not knowing
how to answer something that we had '
said, alleged positively that.we
no btains." We think he and hiepar.
ty should the last, to complain on
- that word..., At about the essie time,
too, the Beaver local Sntlenly declared
j that ,we were. "damaging" our[party ;
s and why it should feel ruffled over an
event of thn3 kind, we; cannot for the
life of us teU ,But while the "cop—
parr element talks t hus, itis a source
of no little patificatina to ns to know
that the Union element actsv l ery dif4
ferotitly in relation to -our , ser*teas.
TamilE r it th i ese,acts: We have not been
ccinaeeted,jwith' the Argils qaiti - two
months: Daring this time We have
jest , one subscriber, al . that one =a
:Dealooll4llo widowed la y; and-within
thia:_time wehave,. ti 'be fided siztynine
new pre-paid: , Pabsg . rs,to our book,
- and j but twelvebf p:43B(i•b_elon i g to the
campaign class: an !average
- Moro than ono new eubacribar per
4 lay , Bl;nee we have had. charge of the
Argue; :,and ihts, too, without al:Ey per.
solicitation on Our , 'lied. The
part, y evidently thinks we are "daniit•
g in it, at a fearful rate!
-1_ , —7
A Bitter Pill.
It is said that the editor of Oct - Local
is sick at Heart over the phase her
military history qaeition besmear d.
Ilis..own , record is: what chafes 15,0
now; and - had his indiscretion "not.:girt
the better oi l his, judgment soer i
weeks'ago, he probably never would
have been pressed for its publication.
We heretOrre purposelY avoided irt:
reference to him iraveln a political,
shnse;' and thig, too,When we kneii id'
the white' that be was , the owner of a.
persottal cbaraoter of theinosC 'Dinh
ahle kind.
, Eciiprial:Onrte..y r pr9vrt4-,
434:Pl:PPI 4 usiati.tiki4Or*Jilla. 4 ..litOY
in Abn -Pmt , ;;lind , if be - seetr some wings
'in print now.and,tiatle
'worrld gladli have buried out of sight,.
he Mild blimp. J. IL pdell. Elq r and'
.his rash aciVisers for-it; not
,1 18. If,
howeifer, he' gets ' hiniself otit -45 f the
present serape 'cleverly; we know we
'shall feel-disposerfto "fet by 'oh him
iu, a . .personal sense, believing ',,rit, the ,
same - time that his,present e;perrence
will have jearnedbim the duty of die-.
cussir.g . Portieal questions , and the .
merits of political Candidates, end the
nicassity'or avoiding matters that,h,ave
only a perSonal significance, and bet.. l
long only, to private - individuals. At
all events. under .no circumstances is
it advisable for "persons who Hire in
glass bourses to throw stones." -. Their
own habitations usually , receive about,
the only damage that is done. Will i ,.
the_edp,or ',of the • Local please bear'
this in mind' ri. .1
Feats for Soldiers.
In the Seesion of 1864, on the'9th of
March, upon the joint resolutions pro
posing an, amendment t 2 the Constitu
Lion author izing , the soldiers to - vote;
Mr. Clymer- being present dodged;
and in the afternoon of the.same day,
having asked leave to record his vote,
the. Senate refased.—See Legislative
Record, 1864, 335-341.
And later in, the session, when a
bill was' introduced to carry this
amendment into effect, Mr. C.fyiner,
not - only ; '
spoke - against it, but with
his twelve Democratic colleagues voted
against , Zegislairve Record,
1864, pagel 509.
When - this amendment came
to bo acted . on by' the voters •of th
State, thefe werebut fifteen conntide
out of the whole sixty•sia that= gave r
majorities l against; it, and.these fifteen
Were all copperhead counties. The
sordier,'Urrefore t that looks upon Cly •
mer and his perky at that time as be—
his friends,.has a way of seeing
things th a t we know nothing abouti
and we . sspect that neither his intel,
ligence •tir his diecriminating power
will eitber give: the world an id. `i
,worth ; .entertaining; nor teach hire,toAstingaieh a friend fro
a foe. He is evidently - more to b
pitied thin censured. - I
Trouble, in the Mongrel Camp
The I
mongrel -ticket nominated r.
Allegher.Y countx, last week,is already
coming to grief. Mr. Ross i & Johnson
BepubliCan, was nominated for She
Iff,and he backs square ont;and says s
can't ;on; while quite a large nutabSr
or Democrats, who were in the county
convention as delegates, denounes the
selling out of thOir party on that da
and are; accordingly: taking steps to
reorganize their party in that, coon
r y.
The "trillion" movement in Allegheny
df ten' days ago, is in the Seri violist
confusion pow. There are instances
when: brihreri try to "dwell togettie,
in unity - rand can't/rand this is ono!
Treating Them Uziki,ndly.
The lireiv York Times - appearkto i bi
q e goingfor" the Democracy: It taunt
themno little, and keeps telling thin
tontinially that..their organisation has
i l
gone the way of all living, and it
members swallowed up by the cone ri
which met at Philadelphia on the 1 tI
ot AAgtist. In speaking of that, gii h
erint it tells them that it was "1
movement to give e ff ect to the pri ci
pies far which the Union party, a
organized ,at Baltimore, (*intended a c
cessfally." According to this h
Deinocratio party - bas "given up h
I ghost," sure enough; but the very Ten
Who `expect to make the most' out"
iticorpse should not be the firs
inaultits friends. ,
• Trtz news of Abe Philadelphia a cona
vention has already reached Arkansiiii,
:for a littor from 'Col: - Batlis says that
"two men were found hanging, aiday
'or two hgcyabout thirty miles from
here. : One was a member of the I last
Legislature, and bad been -guilty of
pitotitig_ the Federate through the
country:- Two More 'are missig,' '
Bands of rebel murderers are tra i e
in g the
,Bate in all directions,comn
ting idt Junta -of depredations." tT
talkie result of "My -Pdicy.7
Tan mongrel convention at flhil
dolphin crowed vociferously ver
dispatch said to have come fr? ; 0
crab, announcing . the _ ' election . , o
Runt, ttio'Yohneonbanaidati.ter Cr
grese. It now turns ont that Ht
was cot elected of all, but that hi
cott, the Union Republican can , id,
Yr -1
,•-s,wo promise , the Argus . to respond_
t'.' *he t eacirds et ire Pittsburgh d01e...
g , tes t _with those . et,. the_ Harrisburg
; • ' gate . ", weishidl :myretito es:t.,
neat welt-in .part'- if 1 nOOti
wi 1
blo,4Loed/. [ :ii
si; ___:.- ;, k;l\
e iintito 7l n tl H O - lAf ur.-. 1 .I''n- .rat'
' V 1 . 11-7 tired?
Skit OB • . ar ...t.. " ',
—nak ...o „ us Aotu . i
fish the military histories of the Zit . re:
+tee - to. the fittsburg Conivetition,.
and alleged that - yon . 101;if - reildY:LO
Ilepond with theinilitarAbistpriea. of;
t e Democratieta ( oleter c iAos4tie - dn ed 1 1
1 , I tiertHarrifibitrk - Vol~i . 0171c61*
.eeporid,iinOti niene*Witliikidikrecifi* '
.4, P ,i.0:04 : tm i ! 1 ?- I tr i ' i i i .r.i'M'R: i; 4 .:1T1 , . t 0 4 .:
.0.40 Pfitiij.loPQP.itiftk . :ttk.PikOilktt
An.°.partf..•!!and -it:..meani;:jistrAhie.r
Among4he eeyeri'delegtit*A "ut ;Went;
riU the ; HaiiiebkirgeenereritiCri - thlf4e l
:: .•:: 7.. three , :• - f :ii t - , i1 . :Ji.. , ),i;
,eto. l twoor 03 at : blyft 0.81p99,,,
i ,
'Military reeorda.,while ; the r meinder.
have either p 0:. tittii tory - -bilitori es, 4411;
.r elm they are of so.dubmus a cher* .
clig 'as to indlice their being viiihtold
roin'the - publie. The , objee of, the
ocal, then, is tio publish these "pass;
ble" hi stories; next .*tek,. and to , say
.othing about tbilitheril;ll*lng i thrit
, ither time - or , space is Wanting for
their nonappearance.
_, That game:
Cannot ba played l ; ' If •the ..t f ocai does
. not publish' alt of their histOries,4e
will do it for them, rind tbati too, free
of charge. - And, mOreover, as. the
. [
editor of the Local eeemed °frightfully.
_anxious Some twaitreeks ago to know
.our military history; and as, l he now
`has it; we insist that his shall be as
fully given aa was mini; • .If it does
'take "ono hendred and fifty : eight
lines," lot ' us have win' detail, so that
the public ma l T knovi - Wheth l er he, like
.., 1 ,
Oirsef, t
was never r ."rerimanded,
uourt•martialled, 'disobeyed . orders '
shirked - a battle, flinched during ono,
or failed to participate in every one
fought by hie regiment." "We court
the and prononaca you a
coward if yoU shirk".. , isny- or either a
these points .in your military Listory.
The New Or,leans,Massaere. ,
The President' mnst. bare had' a sc.
rions time , in withholdir.Cauthentic
news of the New.
,Orleans` Massacre
from the peoPle. First we were told
(tat tbeaegrioes incited the riet;thita
that the 'members of - the State Con—
,Amtion wore; the aggressors and fast.
ly ibat . .war a mere slice. fracas,
`and that it amounted to bat little after
all.. It now. turns out that about fifty
persons worn killed, and abont-one
h'undred anal fifty, all either oigiahl
traion• men o'r negroes, =were wound,ed:
and the subjoined dispatch : of Gen.
Sberkfh to j Washington city, .orily
three ditys sitor` ; the inawtere, shows
beyond a donbt thatProsident Johnion
not only knew who the, aggrps - sors
were, but sought to throwf the blame
on innocent parties. :Here is Sher-
idan'a telegram - • -
ITzw Oar Ns, August 2.—To V
. r. S.
'Grant: General: The more. inferm.
doe I obtain of the affair : of the am
o this city,ithc more revolting it , be.. ! ,
comae. It ; Was-fie rioti,it *as an ab
solute inass.rre!by the -.police,- 7tuch
Was: r.ot, exceecioa in murderous „cru
elty by that of, Fort. Pillow. It was
a murder which -tho - 31ayor and police
of .the s citY l perpetrated .without the
shadow of,it necessity; furthermore-I
believe - it-was premeditated, and every
itidication_polistsi to tt3is. L'4pqom
niend thO:fcmoving of this bad man.
I believe it t ,*oilld be / hailed with the ,
sincerest gratilicatioby two.thirds
the population - of the city. There has
been a feeling of insecurity On the
If part of tha people bore 3lk account of
this man, which is now so, much in
, crtased that the safety, of life and
property dOes not rest with _ the civil
e authority, bat.the military._
(Signed) P. H. SnEatDAN_,
- Msj . Gen. 'Com.
IWithout i
Out tbe WI
adelphm - 1
name of o
. acid fame
Bat , wh
rebels p
6am Line
o I is gratify
stained i
BLIT and
Lincoln ,
wirers i
real frie
this was
The at
t. port Mr.
prompt •
which h
s» Pitt4bur
a, .Statniii,
oi.who crn:
A• 'this_ f
, 1 ,
nt fought
11- ( wit ne
,t o would
t. Mentian His Xi
Did N
It, is •
singular fact, and one not
I . significance, 'that through
l ola proceed' ngs , of the 'Phil-
mongrel' convention,. the
r martyred President never
All mention Of t his name
waa Studiously. ignored --
fe renegido -Republicans,
opperheads -and red-banded
over the memory of Abra
. ,
.Iri in silence .or . conternit, it
ng to .know that ,it. is en—
the . hoorth of. all who tin:
f puipose, libeiastatestnon
Iced jmitriotiera. 'President
ad manifestly but lew
•' that convention and his
ds fool gratified that
~. . .
.rcpt-to manufacture a, ,con+
solllers!und . nbilOrs
,to sup.
Johnson's tooli3P T - has..been
i met by .the . Soldiertrarid
i l &sine of Araibington, ..j. 0:,
: I, / called'a, grand meeting at
!; On September 24. Every
le send its heroes.' The mun
!hod rebellion should . erniali in .
cannot t;e:mi§i f tken,th r , o u g h
• ention.., Tho veteratut who
i: font.. Years . for. ttie .Tinior;
i i •
ei ipprovea : policy: 'which
one-:316w turn all their vir.toi,
a 'defeat.' .
I •
Wzeir‘thange with that staunch and.
able paper, thi-Berkeleyi(Ta ) Union.
We presume bag noilifea the reeenti
"inill"f L betvreen the editor of the Lo ' 1
cal andinireeit,ibr Wine of An.;
gnat it lre find; the :folcaiing article.`
141relal . inc4 elfeti'peremiiihi . 4,47a pre y
not f:fip*rvicincto: fia4eiy;,;(ii4i
in adifltitiiii tify eii4l2sPectable
tiourmr-iram which this` 41071tpliftleata.
rY notice r eemes, mast he Our apnlegy
Yot t itiAtiveailtnce / Cnir j Aiii'goltiluili
the.Unab r ior_thmi4icd - oOrican,.-cro
icommend !whet. they any Ato
mit I "troivel•tailedl, nefg+bor , of the
Local, - 1 L • ,•
' •:(Frola tattielkeley (o r al ynionl
CAPTAiIt J.. WEYAND.--biany of Our
readers' citizen*" remember well
CaPc..l.lireyand;of the 126th Ohio
VoltinteerinfantrYorho nand as Pro.
*oat Marshal' at this-place daring"' the
spring-of 1868 lHe is Law editing
to BeaverArous, in - Beaver County,
Pa. As might' well be eipected, his
paper ,adrocates rprinciples he
&tight•for during the war. And it is
natural too, tha t copper'hetufs and reb.
elsevery whin should fi ght:him now
as they %lig him while 111 the *rink
battling for - the' preservation of the
Union 'and the - Utidn cane.
A recent number of a doppeihead
papei- publittli (id in . t be` Captain's coun
ty, charges him with torturing drafted
men while -Provost- Marshal. We
were.well acquainted with the Captaia
at the time he was Provost Marshal
at this place—knew nothing of. his
having 'anything to , - do 'with drafted
men. Of one thing, however, we i pan
speaki he -delighted in doing every—
thing•in his,powoutO advance the in—
terests of the llnion mewof this corm.
IT, and no man who anted in his ca.
pacity before or afterwards during the
war had more 4f the coraidenee and
respeet of the•Unioli men .of
minty than: Capt. Weyand. .On the
ether hund,bseauSe Would pot b'e
bought, by rebel money and rebel eriii 7 '
olio°, h& was tbesiihject of rebetabbse
and rebel hatred. -
Trowertiiiedjieiiver rebels Or no
other species of traitors can get their
mud to stick a patriot' who has
done his - whole duty for his 'cOuntry as
has Capt. We yand..
NEAR DAItthDiCITN. Aug. 20;
MR. J. WEymiD—Deay Sir - ; 3i
attention was recently called to, an
editorial article in the laitrArgus by a
Republican friencarhich dues injus
tice to me;'whethertntontional or. not
I cannot Low •saY; but this much I
will say,.that had yon taken thetroab
lo to inform yOuiself'correetiy. Si to
the number of Paupers supported 65 ,
the Poor and Rouse of Employment
durink my admtnistration for theyear
1'857,1 feel confident that you- would
not have made the statements yon
did, And was;:jl, not for the fact
am about Wimp my native county,
would : not con adder it necessary to,
make itiyitateMenVin justification of
my etowardsbiti4).MY fellow citizens
of ,Beaver conotyi4both Repitdican
and Democratic, for whol at wage. ex.
petit to cherish rocollootions of friend
ship and feelinks of the kindest re
gard. - •
You state in substance- "that the
avCrage number. 'of
. paupore •was only
20, and that the number -of • insane
paupers at Ilarrisbnrg and Diament,..
was so few as to:cost the County' hat
8414,00 for- the year 1857:' - Wonder
ful dik*very,iand where did • you get
your , informatieC from P- • Why, - eir; I
venture .the assertion :without fear of
successful cant ntliction,' thatihad you
enquired of many of the ,unfOrtyintite,
innuttea: of the, Poor Aims°, they •
would have told , yon - a different story.
In looking over thy memorandum book
I.find. 'that the . number of 'male pan!
pars supported in - the Poor House in
the.; year,amonnted to 19. within one
of :. what yew stated the : Whole 'nuMber;. females 16; - Insana' st Harris
burg and. Pittebarg. '7,, and , ont-dckir
paupers 10.• . The above-raid,-
ed were under the care, and -. wore sup
ported by the Directors of the . Poor
during . the year • 1857. With.. this
statement of lathe and figures, I sub
mit .the case to. the Consideration 61
yourself and readers:, .
. liethaining yours truly, &C., -
. •• • . - A..W.-DouTerrr. ,
' To all of Which the Arguerepljes as
follower • Oar calculation of .two weeks
ago was based on the average number of
paupere supported' duping the two
years referred to; while Mr Doutbiten
calculation includes all that obtained
relief from the county, in 1857; wheth
cr 'that:relief Was given fur six, three
or,•two Mr. Doutbitt,
therefore, paid some 'attention ta the
meaning Of •the word average; in bar,
• •.
rQiiier.erticle,.he Weald have seen ha
uncesaity .for writing thaalthve corn
'munioation: , :
, ' •
PpaCip Etirope , 4A, 4 lk4tey
n4lly Oond :
vises hays been received ta ! day. in offi . ,
cial•citelee :bore, announcing ; that' .a
treaty of peace between Prussia, Italy.,•
Austria and -Bavaria was concluded
.by the pienipotentithies ; in - :IRO/ion at
Prague, on Thersday. - The .tria
ty was
_officially . signed bY-..,tbe
poteritiarieenn behalf of their reapaot•!
ire government/you 0e same .day.- t =i
Athong the prOviaiene of the treaty
one that:th.e Amapa now at
',points ethall•evacuate• their. operritione
'and, retire to. .their 'bathes'
, •
" within three weeks. ; -•
Nitor 'Perialkne thrafigliyou- ,
co . 1 1-
rims to correct imistake thakhas been.eir l
onlated by, some one , thet D. A. Olssslakrii-;
tired frota.tlW auctioneer business. • 11. would
just say to my , old friends and,ther•public geni
aridly tbatit is a mistake; that I am,still,bs
- quit biplanes and being duly cinnnaissioned
as auctioneer far the county Of Beaver; "Will
Attendio aft sales or suctions of,
county wherever my services Mail* rbquiredj
OlverneW tall., •(% carry* papers.).
; . DAVID A. GLASS,.., ;
Drigitto3,Aug. 14;66. AnCtionisr.
"gates. • •
iolle - yriogrptee-- some of
inc+ti i Otedi#elegtiteain tbis'- at 1
. 1
;±' -;- tate --
C iiire t titio . ;,10511bee . e . t
,p 1 4a o
.. n. •, t en . a
while rifle* thetk *aye beitaritoip
43 0).* a., tra§lcring l',, esiaert, o el** ' * • l
tbliiii itryfit — tvearing gaiTneliteidie
in tinion
_blood. i Bow . any man '
ie Striotie l i• at heart * : conk! tit' -*it
thc++o 093111dreli.irkaj-Cenventiot, ' e,si
perforni'•pdlitibal tveric chalked oat liy
tirent is - mthetban . aro ; ban comprehend'
•r. i r . :, :.-.
, -
*l4 , Cr.floward, ~10eaol of polieo,An .
thurdOn of M.ass. - trucipa ,Baltintorts
in 1861:
,Rey, , urged secossioP -7of
Maryland. ,
.B. Carrniobel. arrested; by Vraut
for disloyalty.
Itiebard Evansor., - ,trisd to capture
Fort McHenry ip 1861:_
N. Steele; arrested.for disloyalty.
- • -
...W. C. Rives; a - rebel ,Senator. -
• Thos. S. Flournoy. rebel Colonel.
• Robert Sanders, rebel StateSenstor
'R. A.: Claybrooke i t libel Colonel. - -
Sohn B. Reny, signed ordinaoce . ,
socassion: . - •
, Wm. N. Treadway, did the name.,
A. H. H. Stuart, (Ed the same. '
W. R Staples, re bel Congtin
-W. RoEataon, rebel legislator.
, Nowrit OA,ROLINA..
'7m. A.,Graham, rebel Senator, any
elected U.
_Paryear, rebel Congress Man
James L. Orr, rebel Senator P . no'
,-B. F. Perry, noted rebel, elected 'II
S. Senator.
John L. Manning, the same...
S.'S. Campbell, a;rebel judge'.
A. J. Moses, a rebel judge
'S. , MlGowan, retie' Gen., elected
T L. n. Dawkins, 'lt rebel judge. •
James Farren, noted rebel, elepte.
to Congress. • -
.11. Stephens, r ohel Vice.Presid
Ifersehell Johnsdr, tebelSenatoi
.Totted ; "VS. Senator:
JOhri E l / 4 9Orden:+ebel Groner's&
Stephens; rebel Judgg,
A. B. Wright, tetra General. •
:Total 11. Christy, .noted rebel; oleo
d to Congress.
G. S. Hawkins, deserted Cangre
a - 1861. . ,
, . ,W. Call noted reel I • elected U.
• - nator. • . • ..,
'Leo. W. Scott, rebel Colonel.
F. W. Leod, toted rebel, electa
ongess. . ' - ' . •
W. Marvin, noted rebel, elected
.t Senator. .
_. • ,
_ , .
E. B. Poisons; original secessionisl
. S, Senator elect. • -
i Geo. a Houston, elected U. S. Sea
tor ;ivowed rebel:
John t r rebel commhision •
8. , Fitzpatrick, rebel Senator.
8.. B. Lindsay. rebel Colonel.
9. C. Liangdon., rebel Colonel, ad:.
land blank flag.
11V. H. Crenshavi,-rebel State Sen.
John G. ShOrter, rebel Governor'
C. A:.• Battle, rebel °anorak Co
• Batman' elect ' _
11. J. Bulger, rebel Colonel.
L. M. Stone; rebel State Senator
S. Foster, rebel,Juclge:, -
F. B. Mom, rebel legialator.
'W. S. Mudd, rebel Judge. ,
W. S. Featherstone, . rebel Gene
• • •LOUNIANA. ea
Dick Taylor, rebel General—bro
or Jeff.' Davis.
Votrhie . e, rebel Judge.
Geo. W Wamson. rebel ColoneL
D. S. Cage, speaker of rebel legi
ure.l • • • , ' '
E, Abell, rebel jatigp---leatier in 14
'• :mese. . • •
D:!Figenner, rebol Congress
A "0. P. Nielmilson, .deserted;
ESennte to join reblot. - . .
,Rah' P. ElinkeriOn,rbel judge.
atissot4,l,! • •
W. Shields, rebel Colonel. ,••
Col. iturpby;:convioted .of tnn
by _court,' martial; ; • ,
Hiram LightneOvan.the only d ,
gate elected; and he %Vie arrested
lent to the penitentiary, while on.
Way te the Convention,for,steali El _
bar of gold. ' - /-N
• - 'onto.
. Geo. H. Pendleton, voted aga
men end money 'for, the war.
yallaouigham, expelled
Union tines.
John R.:Ridge, *editor, adv.
Gen. Leo for 'President.
A. .Pike. rebel General, 100,M11111.
scalping .Indians.' • ,
H: Flanagar., ' robe' Colonel. •
J. C. Tappan. rtib'el
-' M. L. Bell; rebel General.
J.R. Fellows, rebel General.
J: J. Batson, rebel Congressina
Vailandigham and Feroandos " oo
coMpeiled to retire from the del .=
gong of theirresPective States:
rebele:doManded it and the suple
perliesoe. obeyed.:. Only fialplo,
traitors were in favor in the aescin .1
pr their more..cowerdly sympatbi o
in. tbe NOrth‘., lien,. who had -wheiettie,y all,believed, as did. 9.
and. Vallandigham, ,wereitbromi - • o
beard, as tiseless in this efforts to d
'salve betray the people.
I Oho Ufthe .prayers -with which t.
COD\7OIII.IOII Vils opened, thank.* e
ven.for'Andiew Johnson ; e
lingnake returned tb n.
for J 'Wilkes-1390th and his work
•„. •
, -
- Dear Argusl: 1 1 bi l itve met iwith ntow
diCiderairf 4loubtfol. I?yalty, who
, -
llhinkibe mendrnent to the Constitu
illoniiiroPpeed by the latisiloyal Con
.sa...;tio %the States Northi and 505),13
or their ittproval_Or ratification, an.
l ' , onstituttial or Unjust, inasmuch as
ift. l orthere.,...h.flions States were , un.
represented ;in .Corigresini I The same
objeeticaui Wild with , coltro--f9roO or
propriety be urged, against all' enact
inektof IX lawl 4 rstaied-dering7thelaiin
fivelyears,Pointing to orj pasaed, fi r
the+itippreasion — of -thrrietiellion, - or
sav !rig the life of the latiorn, in , sThuld
earry'with ii'llr'elfles that at any psi
riod daring the.r.eb'ellion:tiliheagtatios
iiiiiiit'oiebould - hatid .110 'their full
representation:4o - :have "tufted ;On-all 1
measures to :Isms; raising men ' anci
furnieihing means by:whieh they were '
to - be: defeated - or autojagated' Mr:
Davis 'might , hitve leiter.: 'subssrved . •
the interest of his nefaritnitienti bloody
schemes by claiming his, Seat in the
IT. S. Sedate:. (aa !his term- ;doss not,
expire i tintil Marchinext)' and inanag.
ing: the V - . S=. SSnate, and Alexander
: H. Stevens, 'the. Viers' President of the
ConfederacY,:couldhave managed and
run the rebel Government:
,Ttoe , propriety 'end= 'importance of
rejecting rebellious, and ;actilire partici
ants in the rebel - fßatet from seats in
Cpncress, is acknowledged by the late
convention held in Phillidelphia, ex:
pressly called for the avowed purpose
of condemoing the,actidn of Congress
in tejeeting file Southern members
from Congress, b their own acts, in
• rejecting regular y appointed and jeoo
gaily elected delegates to their [ cow•
vention from the north, Who were not
actin:: participanta- in - the - terrible
crime of imbuing their hands in the
blood of our brave sons' and biothere
whe went fOrward Ito defend and' save
the country; bat for merely opposing
the draft and denonneing; the ..war as
unconstitutional and a '•failure,"; that
1' and that. alone weir
,givenl as the roan
can for rogVik jectiliandigham Wood
& Co. 'froth. the convention. : .
Wow, it s convention %Ole • e acts
could not in any sense; be binclirig on
the people, could 'not, dare: not , admit
the les.3er traitor,,how Signi fi cant and
• -eminently!'proper that Congresishould'
-reject the bloody-handed ,traitor from
• the ' halls' 'of \ Ctingress,l whore ;they
would have a voices and vote in the
reconstruction -ofl a' cluntry they
themselves strovufor metre than , four
' years ,to overthoW i nnd destroy. ' One
moment's reflection is but sufficient
for true patriot to see his, duty.--
r Hence, lAsay the-ecnvention did vie..
trashy indorse Abojaction of Congreios
. by, their rejectiim :ot Vallandigham,
° when .Congress rejected the greater
rebela from a legiilative body. ~ '
1 ,: AC. i - too' ' rebels .from South Carolina
anCeopperheads from' Idessaehusotts
... embracing and walking arni in arm
into: the; convention, is no mere than
.I,lfiek,desired , to dO during allipe war.
• Simibir conventions were' suggested
7 .often by them to settle 'the contest,' as
tho "war, was a failtire;" 'and one was
- held by. the South and 147,clellan'a
friends, which ,proved', a filltire, as
r will this last 41*. Indeed, the most
successful meetings, or . conlreUtiolis
held by them wakthoiel i behli , tans.
da, when they resolied on t el, asses
Binsitiop of . the Trosirlemt:'Thus far
it hes promised mere to - .: their' party
... -..., ; l•
' tban.any other.,- !HOW far they may
have eacceeded+ in rendering patriot
_ kiie odious and-rehellion praiseworthy,
remalacfor the true men, 'of the na
tion todotermice at the' !reit election. ,
if with the. So'ut'hern niembers they
electra 'majority of DeMocrits, so as
I unitedly to-give thenl a; majo4ity,thev
will 'elect lempoiarily a •elerk; who
will swear them. in,)and Johnson will
sub - mit his'message to then i and dia
l:. parse the -"run t Congressr at .tbo ,
* point of the ,bayonet ? ,and 1 er' we!
, are controlled do
olled by. oun enornies, whOl
t - declare ,the wart on the part of the
Government undonstitntionl; '..and' if
so entertained bY, then!, then payment
- will be derrieuded. for eve yl negro,
„which will, amount io six thousand
millions of' - (Mari, and in addition
a .. damage claimed fOr',all raids commit,
ted in an' ,"anConstitutioUal warr
a • Iv bich . Will i amount ' to six thousand '
&Mien., more, which *ill amount. to
,' a repudiationdebt,!as our
' bonds held by oar people 'and abrcad
will ' not. be, worthi. ton • ceate l -on the
dollar,' LW', lay- the Copperhead, the
Democracy :will never vote With them.
• Don't deceive yoarself; here , ii• a bun
lr. -
ting t ho usand apiece for all 'who bes...
- . '
hate, out 'of that 1 large sum; once
passed, when Will it be repealed Y .
-- Then springs np a 'pause fora war
D . with foreign Gin - erne:tents, enconrag
id ed and broughtnbout; bythe South, in
i s the midst of whiohl they slip aside
.11 -and say to the.nertb.luovi , younud the
foreign country ern fight it , oat; we
• now aeclare oniiveik an independent
contederation. . t W e have nrkw,achiev
t ed by civil process; wat we 'jailed to
accomplish by :arena .:' `' i - _
e To avoid this Sad calamity; to'save
e sheddi g of bleod'of our _children,
the in
' one , int:Sated in Government
, bonds; let, very, true until loyal man
'a vote , for the, Union: ticket this fsll; and
if we ~.a re once ; :niers . antieessfel all
Will be well. Up and to the rescue
of our country once !morn.l 1 -• ‘
! `1 : A "Irmasx.
ElectiCritNis Ca.
. ,
• , STOCKHOLDERS of the eaver Conn
ty Oil Comp . anY - Will i malt 14 13 the office of
eorgo W. Hamilton, Beater,aiiikonday,Sep
.temb er leth, at 2 o'clock', M. for(' the'. pnr
- poim,of electing's. Bietcd trf Directors for the'
e gasping lean -
, - ctecretary pro. tem.
1)011D 1. EN P 1 +IOT
'' -
17 frz - 13T 011 KH*LAE.II3 of tlu BeaveiCouti
1 -
ty 011..bitopanyareAmiehy,noiified thet•
Leiden& of '2 per cent. haslheen deolered
,pkribli - iseideeilind.let thilidfice of the Teo!-
' l urerof sokleinnpaitY, Beaver' Ira...
'..+ .. -- .. ::-- 1 - 1 •'I 'E. 'p • -
.: •: :: - I : 1 ; - SecretirY•Pro• teak
e .
__,__. ,i •
90 tf MONTEI :—A9Nys wiFt
, for -etz eitureAt -sea arbeles, just
_' AilttresicQ. 1., 0211111 Y, City Building
I Pl4 O - 1 04 -My, • ; ( .1 -. i .-1
' maylVf.t6.
r•-rtre Medicinexi.
• .A.T
\ RocuEsTt ß , pA
. ,
(One,,dnor Fro* Fortune's ‘ Dry Geed 3 s tore
' -. 1 -,"
Cori he found . a lull ( i.ssortnient o f\ ,
PURE. XDIROCr . G. s i
full Assortment of
1 t.
1 1 .
, I
AU kinds of l'atent Medicines always on hui.
0. • .
blyentire stock lass...been purchased for
CIA . I3Ii and is offered' at the very
B As am ath oronghlyeduieted Apold
• •
eery and Chemist. physicists
,and o4ers ogt
relr_upcni theii presiriptioni Um-
, irat:el7-11* . witlxiure Haiti •75.
9th, 1-866:-.ty
-11. S. C 0 LLECtOlt,' BALE;* f.
'WILL be sold on the premines,
' outcry, Orctile
21st day of SEPTEMBER, 186
at 10 o'clock, A. M., all the right, title et •'• - z .,';
claim of 4. Marks & C 0.,. of, in and .to a re.
tail' . piece of land.'situate in Itarliogton tp.,
Beaver ounty. Pa., boudded as follows, Tic
On the - east and south bylantl of Jas. Dcbran't
teirs; - on the west by khe borough of Darling•
ton, and on the north by land lately the prop. :-);
arty of B. K. Kane & Co., .and by the birlies•
ton.R. B.r containing 3 Ares. more or less, on :•t,
which is' erect ed a Coal OliAtefinery,with
Engine, ;Boiler, Pipes, Pumps, Tanks, and el r
the apparatus usually employed in such an es. ;„ •
t tablishment ; also a Conper'Shop and
-1 ull in good: order. and to De sold by
. : - DAVID SA!lia:Y..
; -Collector 24th District of Petit's. •
4 ' '
43-12, 0 OVIR-
,ug29lYl ,370. Diani41, P;
!TIRE undersigned has been appoint A,
I- kir 4lje Acne Insurance Comp•PY.
Conta., and likewise for t he::diisr:
Insurance Company of New • York. svi
EnterrUiste Insurance Company of thilshiti o.
• Each of-these ComPanies insuredgellaP
out-buildings. Stores,• Manufactories, &e.,
for" ts.
against loss by fire, on favorable terms,
years or less. -
Losses equitably adjusted' and prosi d /
paid. when the insurance ie..,`frected. An S 2.
siness connected with eithei-of then emnPg'
nies attended to with dispateh.and fidelhf.
• ' JOS. DI'CLURE. Agent;
Bea,Veii Acadenlv
Students may rely upon finding able, ge w
Plisbed and faithful instructors.
A NORMAL, for Teachers, will be fotei!!._ [
. All the Advantages, of a .Commdcia l
lege obtained here at one-fturtb the
. e11 44* •
,Tnition , moderate. ' • • rts
Beatq in town or in the I\n:stiintion. en.
sonable.terms. Address Ar.
isugl:fiw . ' • B. T. TATLY
.Beaver SeiniparY
Qpi ~r ,
erioeineitnctien in every DeP ll4 / 1
,•Sharlend for catalogue to R. T: 11 013
"11- • dent Pres of Dint.:
,ff I Wt
Eg r l e l tir ' .oliw i l) m ki P n ao da r . s: P S E2ollSgeeYwnitnßsgellMerilitac:l:e!rejl
on trial. Warran'tUedndfievreatyideaurps.pertfebedoce
rY Or large commissions paid. The oar!
ehinee'eold in United Stites for boo than it
whieb.tare fully licensed by Ifoter, thie
o f: 1o t
'Filson, Grover 4—Baker, Singer rt •
Beschelder. All other cheap machines att tk ,
friagemeafr ard . the• sellerior user are hat& to
restjneand imprisonment.l illuctratedirreti;
"Miter. Addresi,or call upon Shy , ' •• (13 ' .
at Biddeford, Maine, or' Clucazo, 'DI.
151.' ,
maild,'66 1.
f[isaly .
FI-NE LlQroits.i
C 4 IR BUN Oth,