The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 15, 1866, Image 3
VIE. , BEAVER AAGgs.-A lii AUGUSTJSt, j866,' 1 ,7, 7 wait and MlEggaiiiikiMO US. ty xe Ee bardutiVe cola •.• e. j;enrcr: Weyaud,-, chairmaiiry. Rutan; p ro ugh tp: John Cuugy9o, J. R. liarro,h, ja l a s Lu'ragh; -!; . - : r ! triagewzner: Wm. Barnes; Chas, Stone; 'Fig B heater: C. I.r.lVOkteq Dac4l;,iir. Hcott;'.. 16: 1101,0 VP: Iferr9ll; ,•! •-•'*ton Dr. IV. - C: ShurloUlr'' Pai • 11,4, • • Economy: Genri• Neely; • Gporgd;N: Taylor;'..? Fon ki john H. AVH.sou ougi!: AY. W. ken; reedoT ! listrie J. Paul ;' Gleen: S NebsinW - YrAnki*l.: If. Frazer;' IP:tiic: John Nelson; • th r• • Robb; C. Scott ' jn,hl,try: John - gilsuN . • In,lepentlonce: Arthur Shields; Moon: D. B. ShOrt, Yew Br-fghton: 3laga*, John Boyle, E pops; s e wleivtekly.' IHenry Gcohrtng; r.*. North MOyitite„roiL obi.): :John Sletitz:" n it lersoit:,,JAu4S-PatterSOil:; Phillip burg: Robert Routh ; • . taoki: W/W.l:lrwin; A.4. l Shaiienbe . r - ger;' ' itock.iter.: Cfoss, ,p,deeuom James Smith;! F o wl Dowel: !John itokort, 17 - •, . , I.ixott.ami ht., 54 pitth..s.:Vitte-, t urif , is the muth9rizeil agertefor the, Attotri in that city,. • . -AouccutrutinA meeting of the Board of Mann;vrs of till Bearer Cotinfy Agricultural Fociety F ",el j lieltl at' e.. Court Ilouie in' Bearer, on Sat orday,..kug, 2.ith, at 1 a' eloet, . 31.1 attenioneo is requested,: li Tr.!S. 13*acia.12; B_342'y riLl.i.l:e Bounties nnder Act of dongress, EiprQ6.l .1 111 Y '' , 4t ll , 18.6 C; all Govert !tent. j cpilected. by_ Advertisementinext.. week. tisira agent B E ixr.p..--Tlie Argus came hap' beon're. n itelTP , tile otkl- "_4,gus building ," immedi. oppsite t)r"r's , store, where it will be L IFT :v. to :noel iLs friends on rtll,n-ecnsi.R-n.s. C I:S.—Chi Stuulaylait'we;liad, ayainiuthis i:,iniiy that continued throUghout the whole \ At night it, commenced Gaining ,'sin; :Ind kept it up 'till morning. • • 1:,••rr. T.m.i —David Saidcey,Eo(i.,the Col . !roar of hit er 'Tteventie.; Thaolay antl:Tueodarlast, w i nd waited nd was waiteo . I.y tax payera„of this viCinity,, , ••• tzEitryiair.:—On- Friday night: lait we were rtiviOent of a serenade by some of ,the gentlenten of this place. • Their , music was pied, and we iteki.)wiedge our indebted tv thim for their visiti.. • • 'Tut: Cony C . ttor'.--,The corn crop, not only is] vicinity,- but throughout the whole ises this yeair tri be the heaviest for tuauy - years 4 . bottent lane aB assiuul t lawl the stalkinire of fine growth, n.A. ar efti,leus:y 4t'lied out.. The 're fe,nt raja iho et op- its finishing Ouch: , .tw 1r 1)-D At the recent ilia of ill e p upils of the . ,Stl . 14ouhit High 'School, .I;43ls:tie and Liatta 'Wallace carried off the Iro pride, of ; the _tusitiatirin " - -Tnese—rmma sere fornier.l,y , resblyiti ,of this place, .14a - row residing at .IviiAsburg, : Their nu tiles,,u4 frieuji in this toes.lity will be.'pleased 1 hoar 'of their 'fortune • in - a Nytst ern' institution of fcarning. ; • CEMETERY:. Thotircixtus.-40nr feanere will act foil to bear in mind thaV, to-day the new l'oa,erery in this place Will be dedicated.. The exercises will be of a .chareeter the most sol while the well' knoWlii ability of Judge AgaeW tohandle any subj to which.2le turns .11entionwill warrant the githerintto : gulier of a large mass of: citir people. • " . . ar - - 7 W .; : ticn is directed to the law card vf .iliaew rejay. , ,a4V.; .'ittl ilia Week'i Aram!. a l Mr! Wray has pra icedlaw for several . years in this colnly; °alp a: young gentleman . of go:);llallirs,,clese tipplic at i cia and raretibility.. Ally business entrasted to his cure we ardsat kfied will - receiCe .prompt jattention, and be aanage4 in a competent and highly creditable • 111!illkT. eIuSTMAL 1S TIIE.NFM huiiid in the new Cemetery in this place czeurre,l on last Sunday. ; The remains of. Jas:es•btiniap, whose death is iinnon#ed in ' s_aothtr column of our parte% `wer°4143084,.:0" `thereat that time; and fhile his body .e frs . , to fintl ' its resting thii new itnrial • fi041,4 1- ,ii is tne knowledge 'Of mortal ettalo'knotd whose will hn.the second, or the regulir sucCession of the4housartds that will fitilbw. • 7" - . . ' Is THE - Wasr.—Tho :numerous frieritb of Robt. M'Creeri, Esq., and' his son T:-J. CreerY.,botii-of 'this ' be_ glad to . ' learn ;Li:4 tlicy are_ now engaged inA litcrativa busines. , , i Kaliia9 City, Milsoniit tTheyihale cpcno. l .that plaee an :eitensiioliooeand, sho, sore, and are likewis4e.tittoigept, ts of the • "Archer Oil Company of_.!, Poinsylvania4" - -- . The enior member of the i rmof litiCreer;Y & &al, is. lion- on a Thilt: to his Home, and iepotla l asiness in the westkas - rapullYreitei4;'''' . , fiv [Frani a Discourie on Pianos, by Heal Ward (Beecher, N. Y.; Independent.) .1 • ll tecneiio~,l'traos.=';~4e t iierer drealned uing higher.- To'ot . ezt . Chiekeiing Grand ieemea almost Me a•dretintillEtdt_ dr.eatnek do ..totml. to pa,.s sometimes! There standsorie of the aohle,:t of all PianoS 2 —o,Chiceiliiglir . and our raifer, and there . is but "onollong more that ft;rtune cout7.6zif9Mul'2ll"!., bicath! upon .ottie night the` power of playing uP°7 it.. - We wail up allaVossii%etote ha rPy,kaowing that sleeps Ifandels and Meiartti, I . l .etho'veris iteyerbe.eiii, 'Webers ; analWa Palosttirmes R°sBinla'"l ' , Aging to he sibused,.but to us is given no is eantation by which to call Aleut forth awkward to r inwe to' .borrow '7614• Playtt*:". _Lite bird-singing, the best; singing - 1! 'l l !ust'' vhieh co messpontaneou'sly,. and, in twilight from under 'the . - leaves; Europe ofrered It's a choice otinitri*, e T II IO we .1,1 nue chosen a Chieliering."" The SOlo6ents in Pittsbutih, for Guiehielc-,7 `ring pianos ; are C. w ereroents, No. 'Bl 'Wood street, complete 4stenteent canalways.lie found; : , ‘-sl-5 atiteytisetucht in another. column. THIEVIN6 INt r 'Xi irlt 0 I+ T 0 Wit -!-- . ,0n the nirOt -of kat., t Fowler, of Sidtorily 160 - filhatp, it county, had two Vtituitife horses a ' froqi atis i - preclif t ee t 95t i o n i ngi H chi to ` the., - directiofi l the - IHO thiefe-CVI4- like-ii,'lWThitiriefrit overtook ji i tism74t - ,Mgm l „ : .- thieves" were,..b „ t•oright r before a n iif tf 4- ed4 r ldrdi: _ . 4 01 ; 1 44; ittr: 4orees brought:',,w•thieldounty. flames of tliexcilty - parties ere tie be 01110;38*W: 1 1y' 'Ana Chaves St ga, and 74 , , ,i's •to be hi!peirthiy• WO ceivP ifi c ePq - k is urn° ll - - at*to eritne.:i. , l 1 M ...s . --, :Op' the sa e ii ight . t4cie . tiOr4.ii t lir,ei,o st'olen - ,_Dir.liiiill,.of Freedom, waiinet bftwo min a shortdistahce abode the town,-and his Money of his littede minded. ' .stir. 11.., consitleringthet the 'latter . wea' be; of.more c value to him t fernier, 'than the ferer, "foritcdoFer lais..pilef' after which- he' was permitted tOcle- : part in peace: These mei ';ver, dentlythe l i sittpc ones, that took Fowlershorses. It. is aiso sap_ now, that' these are the pactieti rebbed 'Capt.' Conway 'of his and motreiyi some time Ago. • - '', Capt. Shinn, and others, huve like--; Wise suirerOireeiintly 'irorn thee - ma: renders; mid if justice.'*.,its hetl duo it is 'highly prObablo that tte - T, will take up their-ledgingii for .a. e2n ider able .-lengtiri of Limo iu,..the.western pciniCentialiy, PM MEETING OF 'lit COUNTY ' CO-____ . . . - TEE.- Uri Saturdal ; lasi, _in Ban e,S ,1 • - of the'call of the C airman. the pion Exceptive l i Ctimmitibe Of ,this,cettinty met in the Court Ilouse. The misting, is said to bave beep one of thalttirgest of thirtkind bell in 'the county for a narnber",tof years; . and the members, without ,a [single exception, .:Werie en. thusiustic in the support of the *ens structipn policy. of, Congress, and-gave, itas . .theirlopinion . that the par s ii. was never more, tlioroughlyunlted . o' 'united any issue tand ;nevermore to eurnestin its eff , it'ts to. !got onti onr full vote. :The . people appear to ibe alive to, t e is sues sues pow 'before them; and they .have come to the conclusion tbat, aft Its. , f ing cOnquered arnied 'rebellion n the .field, Preaidential itreaultery - stal not 1 DOW band7their government' and, them over to the defeat; eaemy. -Gun CtonsTr-Fe,ifa,-- W r o -I ,aarn, egiettretry of7thar 4 Beavcr' q AgricUltural i'Soci l ety, `Mr. We Barclay, that the ' , prospect of It a suecessful Fair. on ithe . 2Bth;27tl 28th of Stliitenalinti,)isflattering i highest dbiree: - '"fie i-rust-tha anticipations of ,{,bo -Board of_ , rers Wlll IJO labrefirtrierl /OM fiarrta4 io-tikfiCA l24 : n6I, P, .4in ou.i ittiP3-erA our mechanics, ladies, anil4ll„.o` in the comity' Slaittla - pu'ilikdke dors 'to the Nebecl,;ao - that wesa , t able to boast, having the beti - 4 ricultaral. ai.-4- 'theehanieat bxlii hold in tilts -manly for A t putp, years. The riirmiums . '.diferred. embr, bout. sl.l3oo„an'd Inalutb3cawar nearly , every - species of Agrieu. and -I..ceeliameal•laboi.l DIED tii' Cnoity.. % &tr. Jatneo'Dun. hip, a 'inn of Patglutei. R.: Dunlap, Esq., of Bridge:water, this county. sled of Chplera, list, week, iiiAti• Loai., Mo.t His remai4s were . !naught hom:.ind interred t't this Ple7C - last Salhalh. ill for the ~..4 14 ' ' and He was ailiver;"l - early.dfl , now livirJ..amict on to his parents, 01-CCutittPiind ,. aister , dud likewise E l o a large. cirole 61 in ima,te ; acquaintances. His elder bro l thers, CaptZToseph, and Willia.M, wer? wltb hint whei. attacked with the. fat - I dii• ease. 'have' our 'have our w tmest , ... sympathy in their sore harem, merit. AD.7OIJ4NED -o63I3IITTEE lifE 11.,. 7 , - The' trqion 'Executive d,ainkattae, whiph ; met at, t his phicp en%Sa urday last, adjourned tl muet heti a ain on nelctS,atprdAy, at 1 o'clock : , P. L . .., As i ,businetisbt importance Will'Exili bugh . t before. Ibis •Cuinmitteo, it ikon needy, daited . that every member be oeenc at ibettime. j ~ - • " ' ~1 lIM Nottiii Sewto4.iir,.Pit i. - A‘gt:11 . .1.54.1 ...:;7..flerion. - • , .' Aidestt-atifir; Sr* ;-.' , :e . .. . .trae•pri4ehint in .ther;gi3eriti , „ i . 2 in 'Marion AO:itinehlry. ;hie' non lyi , .on lat'SfiOalii.:tbrie - welti4ige': ''After the - religious Oeri lege : were g enelnide4, d i , andrtiweor.gragatiOn dietnisee ;a 11.r._ Daniel , J,Bren Odr, • d :New AS wiekjr ic0m44. 1 4,. niet thent'atithel. . or and took al a. a. collection ; te.pit4>; tiff. he fine 40..cipt,ti-imposed hY - ii tearte d - jeq . eV LIN. Odot, the ohtor of. he Bea ye lOicat, - for`-libel . We ha e seen -anme-.:thiniiii. la ',our time tha gritted 1 nt@ti: r kint . feelitige; lint .thie' 40A oration i Of ,the:.ll4.4abb4ttii *hd . .4 18 4 :lie* ii.A' .oiitke,Oett.altiti, %to - -rifle' . money :o that a convicted libeller might go free, i . lin ado -akiinpreseionon - onr , m nd , that 1 -. ;wilt nbt:iiii•jn: bp atrsterid-:'"';'.. - X Y. - 7, - . ' : ,•Zditoit Anna 1* Permit me,throughl nrans - td,bortect 'a mistake that. h :1 mB4othdloy.soras one; that D.A. G • , 4-frem the suctionterbeeieeae, jest rtb &Nada inti . .t,ho eraliyAhat its Atniatake; :that • I , Atetjinaititeterend :being !dilly, ekimmticincer foiakisSecupti.of.,Bea! fkikt4 l 44 - - ( 411 1 .1* A 0 401111: county wherever my e!t:Tice.l RV 9F , Give we a 014_.,( H arry t 4 PAri , "DAVIDA. G • , row. Brighton, Aug. 14;66. Auc • • '• '; H. I ~Y t /..;.......‘ . . ;1.4 adjourned meet 4 ' el Am Beaver 'County, Idecileid% 4 o6l67 met at W 34 eilyitper, OA Tbarklbyi ,th":inat..,ia:,4C 1108 R, M. -D., President:Fin the chair,: and I. Winans - , 1d.0)., Oecrotary. The object ; of the - frieetmg'being to• gear and. 44 up4Nik,.tia 6.11 antfinal re ,part of -- tbo --- ebtrntitelf - 6thistrittrig ot, „Drs. Stanton 4 A4.on,y-a,nd Simpson, appointed btu previousemei3ting to re vise the . en iititgligri- , :itOd' 1003444 - , After- mature uliburatibri,.several impots* inicrid 47, ti4vtAbe Censti• Cation were adopted, 4 : # recommended -by tbe 'borinnittrie. . • - B ulf- avv.ihg to - th cilliftloulqt,... of - ar-.- r atigir. •- thndard, lirigee - ta suit - OA advane of ' markets and; -intedidMm,-It was th 4,,ht advisable Atter a lengthy', disclassiori Of .the. matt i for the Titus-,eat at - lean, to susp,..n4 the list of, "Oiarges c ri tirelY,lillowing each Pbysri.' i ciark. to value his own I services. It is IlOped;_bOxeier.Ltfuxt #63nember,Pwill ' -lake advantage of this .decisien, and &Abhor the profcsamp . by, cheap doe- ; iormg, to, gain patronage. San - disH crirnination ib cases! of , legitiMate 1 charity, excepted. 1 ail , 1 After the tplinsactiondrii6T6 other] , business 00 - nOccleTivilli Oils meeting, 1 'the societY adjourned - to' meet at 'EconomY on the sacerid ••Thmsday of September, 14 the, purpoie of-discuss -Inel. the 6a16616 g y and treatment - of Dysenteryf .after - whicli the simiety :will meet, every - tiviii months instead of monthly, - • 1 REP9EITED. • HIP. apt. this oleo otne or Airil The left Tho id to Übe— . L ovi 'apt. osed than atch , lßailroad -,:ra In. Pliilhpsbtrig on. tl AngiistllB66 , a' nnm bi dents oit, the louth aid of Ifiliet '-met,' and choosing A.l. Jolly C Le Gonligin Secretary On motion, it* was 'resolved to ap point coininittees coi - sistizig - evelt of t'tSr o,citizens Of the dlifliarent districts tlirectly concerned in a railki:id on-the south side of the County; fur the ; pure; pose of ascertainingoil the landowners on, the Tonto to tho hUe ofittlnhersy. con n tyll'eir intentio - 'and Opinions re .specti ng ilie givipg of he'lkgbt of way n) n free to atiSrrailioad co pany to build the :=Auld;.•-r:The. to owing persona worei apponted. as theso.committees : 'For the iiorotigh of Phillipsbarg, A. J.l ) ,ldlly and Ja, , :ob StrObecker ; noon triwnshipllohn It M'n'onaJd and• Allen Brooks; liopbwelt township, William Voile, Jas. C ltitehie,Nralentind Sohn. - !Adjourned to meet On Satnrday,the 25th day of Angast,at Ithe lower Logs toiin Public School cc . 'o'clock P. M. • - . • A. ..,I.J CiLLY, • - N 1 11 0 LE GOULL9 Sel:y. 4 • ' ' • Ch'n. 1., - (Pittsburg vipers leaseeopy.) EMI • • Tilblite; of 1 espeot. . - Wilzakits , in the inSurntable 'provi dence of God, tar. Jaiinea li. Dunlap, of, Bridgewater, a young man • well known and highly esteemed in this community, has:beeksuddetily strick-, en down, in the . city Of St. Louis, by that•Jelhidestroyer, the Cholera, there by plunging his.familY i into the deep ale. 014:U0U; AND Wi3EREA.B two of Antra mean- attenaing our.: .imi,t-In. -n..11t - etoicar.ed thenuter#es 17 11.44=193 1 . aro ny : the nutnber • of those whomad airliotienon this s' 'Will fall With crash , tag „weight; theretoroi ! That nal recognize the hand.l.f. Godin this a,uddea perehre tnent„, and reverently ,ticknowledgc that - tall his acts , aro done_in justice and . 11erey. - 4 :Resofv&l, That -.aaitlchuts we proffer our heart-felt 11.04a:thy to the:par ents, sisters, ind brotihers of the de'- ceasei, aid' will offer 1 our. prayers to _God that they may be sustained in this the time of their great ttorrnw. Resolved. `Xliat Dr. , J.,S. 'Marsh be requested to visit the Ifatnity .and fur nish them with a Coyy Of thcSe reao tutions; also that a copy of these res olutions be furnished both of the Bea ver;papers for. publieetaon. from linty Ding $ and ttle the una. 4:1111.11.4 but then oul. ty be Ag iitipn or of i C 0 a- - ; .43 fur IiTE The Attempt-to Assassinate the Present and - the Future Repub.. lioan Goirernor Of Penn'a. j It is horrible in contemplate the ,fact, and equally abbeireut to discuss rit, • but lit ie nevOrthelessi true, that theri! l l eCas a deliberate, organized and persiiitent attempt, at Irotic, yester— day,-tolassassinate the present, as: well as tae future pepubliatin qoyernor Pent,syl7anini: At leitst aP - ble and intelligent 'On itto orate 'each other z stating. that':a marderbus fire from revolvers in bands Of ,Copperheads, was .direited at the car odcapied esq and GoV. puol teptha train. earryin the . DaanbinfandAtitunberland delegais tions: from York; ' y esterday.= We :Oak& ne,eonuncrit .cn:- this fact; bat we :eubmie itto the people" of Pentigyiv# , 4 pia, and f salt :the gaeationvwhethet, .liknikliew.) . ,Orlearis; -the • - Tinie&wken State' ere to he Alo4;ft , Witrivald - eleitid, .wheiti • th6' inset for delifierittiOn In. a peaceable and Jaivfnl manner Y-4-. larriaburgh. Tel. le r 9th: t - • 'BEAVER • TS. - . ] •coan.k.timn a' l'iolir - Per bbt ''.- " - - ' .. : :812 . 76 Dri'e ti l d Peac he ser tbs.... ... . . ....-;.........•.v2,60 di) - "* ' " • ' '-' —' - -- 8 - 00 Wh '•- -- ' -.. && • "-. " -1 " -• 2.-00 CorECA- a . : ' a •..4,11A5ie4i • •••• • • • •• ' 4'...4, - . '46 Ostm.,t ..• • • -. && :.,..,.:..:&. ................. - 50 Flan Seed, && -.1".. m i 4' ' BeansiLi - . •• t-. " ".......:. ... ;.-... - 1 - 76 Potatolk• • 4 ' /1 ' ' ••• 4. ' " • .• •••".. 1'26 Onions,' .- ' ,': •& k r ...:4:: . • • ' 7:.1 60 Corn Meal,: -:. 2** '. '' • - - • 100 Eggs,' - : : - per dos .j, ' • ' -. 20 Butter, " - Li.- Ter• lb. • ' ' ' 1......... .85 Hama," ' -.- • :" ' ;...i " - - .28 Bhonbleara, ‘'.. : 0:' . .. 4 . .• •:.: . -.: . ' Vl ] Bides;;.- - - , 0 , - ., 18 -Tallow', : ..-. •.).) 4 ,-,„..4... •• • '-t t- - - - 16'; - Lard;-{ ,, - : ..: - - 6 • .-..,.. - ''• ' . ' - lik' Candles, , t ' .r., 44 i . 4 ' ' - '..4: ',: 20' Molasses, "- per 8all,..1; . • • • - 9pi Carben 011,1 . ..-. se . ..I - • .. /N 1..... . col-' , been eir: 1 his re- I I would blip gen dill in . I.' - , "--: 11 . .- 0 4 14 - , C*;• ; :'... - : - 1. j the °Soil: linfieen left -suilu:JuhAm 1;101inn,111,q., - 4100 . 61., can kt t had by nnll.- ' g al l the 41V. coca or John B.)Toung,'Esq., Beaver. - -- T. D.ITOUNG, - angl;2tl --:: _ - ..1 , Adner Begone& et, r will :hout the required. . 88, Lows*. BoronglirsHart-•Dartal vidgon,‘Br.o44 Dartilieh; ' Chippewa;: JolihAl. - Thirlitigt4e.: Zetneit ILarhisoa; '''. ' ., 1 -.. - Freedom born: Thoar Pranklin•-...4as:D'Obba; .. Greene': liiiltelkiCtint liiiiiaver:.‘BenjaiaikA Iterate; .. ' . , .11 swell : lamb Bak ' Independence :- Thos 1 Ree 4. RGht'ghannori• . 1 -.lndustry ; Mil,ton Dime 1 ' nation : Thos 151.'Dan • • Se* prightoq: 'Davit' Thornily; • - , 1 •,New Sewickley: ani I - - Plan% JURORS r Big Beaver. J P all BurGligh: Ralph. duke Wilvin, Jas At Brighton .:,: John e Chipriawn: Win Car .Darlington tp: Alta' . P. Martin; gconepiy:- Geo C ! erick3 ‘' . - -', Fat/149n : -R .1.) ji .lacksoh; '' ,l G.reeno : j as Brit! Craig;.• - 1 - ' ' - :Hanover: Robtßrie Boyd,; Henry Croo Mottos Think, jail Nic ; liarrnony: Michael • , 'lliipeivelt: jaPob !G eo Spaaldink, coGeo li . Allistei,l" ' - r- - Induetry: ,VirinskinklO ilfitson, Milli Reed; ~ Marion : Jeremiah • Hickey; 4 ..• . Atoonli Wna C Fisher, Geo Dobbs, Staey Eligle i ;i ' - Now I Brighton ; Davii _David Hoops, ,Jasl.l. Stoll Neixi: 2 seiviekley , . = SA Sherinirn Douglaos; Wi Little Ittiirgan, M.artin ll North &wield.): Edivii• • Samdel 1 Furkhouser, -Da l David Warnock; Ohio:; EptiraiM Christti iwcr 'Linnet .I.l.*Furisne ~ 1 ket ; eeting. c .11th cloy. 'of r of the' of the county 'organized by airman mod,F. Pulaski: .W'm Barton; Bauccion: Jas:, W B 'Campbell; Ruchstor bocci. ,Chui Itocbcster ,tp Jackson; •C - • SoutE Boai;or: I PP: bon , W Glasgow: Itolitilt`C;! SECOND WEE Big "leaser:• Janes S tt; Borough:: William ! Jo tistur i X . Bridgewater: John Kow ; Brighion:•ChayleaDe mgtd, David 'W Scott;' coort.i,u , "*. - -4=arrainm—r - tiOn# Darlington: `lfugb avfn, 3; ' James Economy: Samnelilii 3 Phithiy,'Tho • 13 Conway; FrOfflim Smith au' Stamm;, Oreene: Jacob ,13. De Lawrence; Iranover:- William' Et Hopewell: Ingram Patton;! In'ilependence: Simon S M'Etheny;,- . Industry: ,S B Briggs; Moon: Rohert Coopc '4‘iewjEttighton: Eman NOW ISewickly: Henry 'Nod* Seirickty: Sam' J Hazen; - Olii0; .111111Ca' Jobustoni Phillipsburg: limo!' A n Sett Jim . - Ritcc l oon: John Craig, Witite;l, - , _ Rocheet,* bor . J Powr; ' At'e: TriMble..• 1- EEM • - - - . . Bounties. ,. • - -,:-; . . ,Th_ateu) if:. Examooleserts '.tO .1(1:: ,- ,;.,.... ' , lced() of miere sentation • .-• .• iefeiiing- to, the io o 'oi Mr. LaWroace_Upoo the qa esti° go :beintiek.'..:T.he.editore 'ii in a inealkaad sneaking effort , :he the iinpreesion.-thathe oppos the _ late. , bounty bill . -paesed ;by- Con i 8. . IL . if, triad: that - caber.;", by the - 1 rt -of ,'a Coititnittee . :af.cor.fereoep, - bounty. bill-eame 'before 'the' .4e; coupled With ,a, frorreitiOri - to' acid. i thoi aelid :dellare perwinum to iitdaries of inafibort,li,n_ such a wa to Nip arateivoteeptild not be' he , . Law, ren*iete4 , *itinet, it: 4 '.. a done - Sttierriviso,'(l4 neihboriv:: = have: held:hiii. ' ' . de se rving 6old OP • I eat held ler voting tw odsand diellara.4 ; ' ' lito . tie -- ....'=oeket. i std 'zpie. - tnis4i6ie ii . ittirt f: one . horiared- &Pr* eaeh to,:-t; °idlers, , (.who had ecirved;'t*o years - fift,y - , Ldollar#lo.these:Who bad ~a d :one year.' The '' - recOrd will :,: —that wheneVer.tbe qUeetiOn - of gi bOuti , ties. te - : eoldjera Waii , befo , soilBB as fi - fippar,littitilliititiOt ' • 6,11 r. Ilawptiqe.Twas*llliaya.f ' . to 4a. Ver;end*VOtedi.ApOd " , fr high. or anins•thab are 'pre_. lAit , = :bill which pleacd. Thie.- - .* eh •• : how morel fully ' in oijk" 110 . , W:. Itt noton Bepoitm.,: - . • .. : ' i• .7 ~- ';' ---,' wx. TRIAL "I"- SEPT.: TERI itte , lynx. A - `yo Anise ' 13. *llloolo,i • . Aleifinder's here ill! Jitolim beW Jame Colliiii is 'lfni ,1! Ridll2oColeiniuspoys gem Birr • •virC6o: Nand Padie t t n , Ns Jos 1 SaatgolT *M V 3 ho Pottehorr mristetivo MI6 AidihtifsV*l3orm Y 0 Gec Aug- 6 1.'45, • M. WEI i4at I , -.o3oiiNcnif) = Awair , 4viwas atigion' a 4 o li . 0511. 611ie 6 cig . ge rere; v - II amreitbd, atiaSoldiers' OCht 4 4 4 .11 til , • .t t. B. TO. • 4. 1 . , • CHICKERIPO'S' -; - , 1800. IRE 12'4 'an); ~:, *till* ~~~,~_.,;pa =;, RELSOM FOIX‘ gun ,Yalt,ott -•-• , eti.jtobt, === • - yeats4yperi§nce. -„ ' r cliickagite Pianos artMadelisf they _ _ semiotic' Material:, ~ •., • . - , Chickettig's gtfanakfassOss a en modern im,l - r '' Prevenient Ont . is taluab e. " Chick o erinw Flues ale ma e by the be' ste'rkraiti . Ufa t' I. an be : fe d. • . ChickerinekPlimoi areitnad in the largest! ' • Piano.rectory in the *orl* • ' . I Citickeringis Pianos are all•teSted beforbleat-U itig . the'Fictery. `j'l , , - _._.: I I phickernietr• Plapoi- have . tlie best musical , •and meolianical skill to did ,im their con :: ', ." ' ception.%... - i I_ ..-- 1 hickerbies PleitoS are appitelbythe. great: est artists of the age, i 1 Chlckering's: - Pianos ire. e,xpertcil to all part . of; the world..'.: ~ ~ ' .. j. Cliickerine,a Pianos list to er than any , otk. • • eiPiano Made. . ' '.. . Chickering's Plates can't bye excelled forth ' - beauty of` their ftlimitur • Chiclaorlues l'ianos'are the Lust pleasant pi— , !mos to play eti. • 1 ~ Chrckering's . Pianos are the. Begot to accent '. puny the ioice in:singing. . ; '.; • j ,Chickering'S PiarviS being the best,' are the . ' Cheapest in theend.,, " , T "'" •.' : _ j aty, John S agave, lis renner; SEX. :11; • 11, ktumgt nderaon Jas Henry Em dr, Andre* , -David Sr., Thos as ittoo*; . • ;- nger, ; Wrn trims, 11, Jae 11'-- NM NO ONE SHOULD BIM a PIAN without. first hOhig examined • rigte,- Thos ,nor, The ." Chiekrings," 11146 can • always b founcl in tier Out .variety at",the niaroroOma of • tr4O, oubscri or. ' A m Shrpads, •Critchlow ; iief Hearn, G .Irwin; es; Coleman; I _Lines, Alex Dor. I tic? C ;.-.-,.*);t•tc - : . en, JoFeph •Cash bl 6 '1.1)1&,..4. • • 1 • • Every Piano atiante, MAO MEL' suglenlin, 81 Wood. dsliiw i 8011• ' ' DunBeathl , • L 3ffilrio7wiK77, 7 "tel 3 me i CLOcKS I - JkWELRY, SILVER—WAR— . • PAN -4 1 0" 400 D ktiSIOA.L .130XES, Sce. John C 4r..jamin ; yd, David • 56 ',FIFTH. ITRteT i f ~ ittlE6bl.ll.7C•g", OS° 4 . ... IM:AgenioOr the Amprican Watch. C pang's Wate4s, ' [jylB'66:l utler,' Job . . PIT.' XI. HART. 143 !WOOD S REST, . i Pi r i u rSii U .h-o;:31-1-1, BROKEN . BANKEAt & O r DLALEt IS At HiSDS OT ' - ,' ........ 1,. . . GOVERNMENT S ECURITIE S, 1 .1 ' '.l' t FOR.F4GN E i CHANGE dOldir, nix= 1 & COUPO. E D...." - 'lligbest price pa l for C 0411 1 30 N INTEREST NOTES. [augl'664' 'germs; -; cedor; `other; Jag as; %, Arthur vp,in, las " '7; j'Ob,n CoNIE IG-14A. Frig .S ' SELF-SEALINI Tirse ~ •• - i -.V . ',:ti)i. t '` - ..t . oxii i • Cork' SUGARS of VARIOUS GRAD •• • :.Choice. of' 1 1, -: • • - • . ~ 4. iIE .nbactibet Moto ora.t anylof the above • a#ide.s, •to give }- a call.. • .111 -Otto, , -Small Pro fi ts' • d Quick Sa ki " -, , Vaaerins, • shictly 0 Ml.' ~ „„,.• & , „,' .-.'„, ,-, , . A3.i KARES 3 ;.i - .47 , .?nzb i t*. . , --AMdgewatlkr: I I E ii,,, ) , I.iit 1' City: - Hot 3 - - .1 LEE' • • ~LCidELT'D-4N CI -:', lnututiintelyeilkii:ie thi _Mouth . 'o ito I P ..4 - • Ran on - the island: . :t. A i4E:k : . • _ . . _ ~ 1. .o 411, t, r. (Formerly o 4 Ilko g010ri..11041.0. Bea rd). Ltriatt. . , THE TABLE. ; will at titbits. be found 'den the best estaMen the't the l'ltteburt aai 'het &Ards. ' • • . M in connection Afrith. this bone la a good LIVERY' STAUB,- attd Stabling and , Feed , for.harses: . \ ';irteCO CitatOtneraliiiiiie at 'le Union Hotel inlicaver;And 7rbo' —l a ke conyeatapt,lisitolicited. divanle and judge fot yotteivea of ray evpatiot! izatnodations. sy3e: en;:.ALEX. -:I et it ;Welton, 03Ouders Bradshaw lANOS•t MEIN ~.-... -: (~iz L.; =a M iQA Ch ISM .;~ fi l o test or 421 And, extra. inducej Ern Cur' oxners:, for MO yeiirtsk OR & Co:; -Pittourg; ir • • • . ' yT.*:".W.r On'aid"after-luly 10 - • 6,- Stations daily,. Sund4s exlepted, as I'ol - lOws: (Train leaving chicagn ati 5,85 P. U. leaves daily.) Pittsburg .4.4 Itooheatitr-dil IL Drightori4 Enon .. . ... oluinltian Wear.- •;41ellitince s ;Canton • 09itilkr Lonaorrill• 'Mansfield ..Crestline Nue , Bucyrus . U. Sandusky Forest Lima.. - Delphos ' DI Van Wert -- Part Wayne- Colionbia Pierceton'..;.. Bourbon Plyinouth Wanatah.• • Valparaiso;.. Hobart Clarke 111C.RR:Cros it Isl . Rli J'n. Chicago R.lslll,RJune 11l dila Cros Clarke Hobart --I Valperusol..; tranatah Plymouth 1 .;.: Hourboa - Warsaw Huntsville ... Cojuinbia Fort 'Wayne.. Van }Vert. Delphop Lima. ' " ... Forest U Sandualcy.. Buo,yrue' • Creatlir!e"liDe :ISlansfield. w, I.ouctoniille oost Canton,„:..... Alliance ...... Salem Columbiana - Enott- ; N. Brighton.. Uochester ..„ Pittsburgh Erie and Pittsburg Ezpre4Taain leaves New Castls` et, 4105' Pitts b urg at .6:05 Pau.: Returaing-leaves Pittsburg:Atli:so •a.m., arrives it, ,New Ctustioint 'New iCastle 8;04 Pittsburg 00 Accommodation TptinleivesiFew Castle' "ati7: a.m., arrives ma Allegheny 9444' IlEeturning leaves, Allegheny at New Castle at 6:15 . p4n. IT; I; •I r , rrrs - zikrr. 0•M 1)L setkitr 43. On aud after July 3q,lS6a , ttaius %4411 leave eta; Lions daily, Sundays exefpted, as ' - - a. I 0011 SCI sours. i , " • 1 ' • 1 - . 1:1.1 1 xt 1 Simi., Ext.'s. ill An.. 1 Accost _- • - . I I- •- [ 1 Accost - ! . --,_......- I ,_,_____ ......____ _ Cleveland.... 810lut p.4ov r ai ,I 0 rst _____ . - Euclid street,- - 821 H "451 :"' 853 " • • Hudson, 925; "1-845 1 " i5OO " Akion ' i. j Orrville- - '' --' ! • , r i ~' • - Millersburg.:.l ' I l Itivenna......- 11.009 ! " 415 i 4 q C 536 " Alliance 11051" 590 jai [BO `` sit • Bayard .. ~ . . 1127 I 535 4. ' . ... r Wellsville ....- 105 :J( , 055 ..i L.,:..; .:. --- A i 0 , - . , ••,. :40 25'010.1.1. 1 "f , - i • .... t t i • 7 7 - 7 -7- ---' 1 i 1 1 ' ;• j .: . t • KUL. l l ar's. , ACCOI4 Ear's. , ~ , ~ - 4 Wellsville,.. . 8450 • 415r.0 i'' • ' Bayard ' ' 10171" - 1 .535'." J . - ..L.-.. i, ' , Reianna ' iinee ••••••• 1106 " '646 . 11151" ' 1 602 :" ;6 28 " 89Ast ....4:- 1"7 ". 1 Millersburg.. - • 1, ' 1 Orrvilli ....... ! :I ' ' L . • , Akron -... ..... t 1 1 ; • l' 110 sou ....... 12431 4 ( 3t rat i,'" 4312 <' .....,.,... Euclid street 147 ," •019 his 1921' " _Cleveland... i 200 !" 830 " "935 - A • 1 ., . ,• , . GOING 4' 'A - qT. -1 •. 1 2 , '1 : • 1 • . MAzz,- Ear'p. fExr's. Accost 'r - . l .l 1 i 1 11 • , : ' ,•----• 7-- 8e1aire.i......t0401x 1610'43t 1405rst i ----- ' I P Bridgeport... 1 - 10501" 16251 I" 415 " 1...:.4... Lagrange....: 11391" 172111 a - 510 - " 1„., L ~ Steubenville, 111581 , ", , , 7431, " 528, s " 1 , 10 Wellsville..,. ,125 • ra,i 1 845, a 710 . ." 610 Am ,' ,BmitlfsFerry ' 147 - 45. , 9071" 1782 * " 645 " Beaver, ~..... 217 k • 1 • I * " ' 83 , 0 ~.. Rochester'.... 22.511 , 95011" t 1805 " 745 4' ‘ r Pittsburgh .. 8401" 110511"11915 " 900"" • i ~ , ,—.__.. -- - --- ----, - , 'atitsfi MEsi,._ .'; ~. ; 1 ..' , 'Exrir EXP''4 4 1,A11.. I Accins . • , „! : _____ t __ t_____i_ H -.2. „-._...-• ' Pittsburgh ~ 155isr 1:435pm 610 Am 4350 pm - ,Rochester ... 8001" 1 545! '.. , 'l2s " . .445 " - - . l ' Beaver_ ' ,Lk.ilJ.L . . i 783 ss ' 455 ". 0 ' Onlith'sferiy , 336 1 . 4 ' B'`os a ' 544 '., as Wellsville .- .4201 7151" 840 .. 630 . 4 ' . Steubetiville., 52,81 ,, lea! a ,350'" , ig, Logratski..... 11 54311 LS ' 3 6 r ' ' ipio .: ' . Bridgeport... 6371" 917 0 i r.. 1105 " or 1te11a10:3..... 950 ,I a 93 'f 1i25 . a ! :.3 . :-... ,1 ON - TeSCAR.A.V.r.A.S Leaves • I L • *I • N. Philadelphia 6.60 a in Bayard; 11.4.515 din, F• MYER?fI 03 *eri4, T i cket. Agent.' „ , , ~. . , , „ .- - :. .496 1 .1 11 3E1 1 31W ' iiCiaNti ! T AVE :oonataatly on b id a 'sun:drat the . j - Putaara' (lion lEraine ' Mathes. - Wringer, , and would ',call attention O the lisau&etur z ini idTektiaitheiit tort the . ] yniveraal , Clothea Wringer, W4l..Weif, lAgemt. „Ili. W. having removed; from the ottyte I'6l t t iansferred- his mtt.414140i1 tome, I igillikeei a chasten,. tiopplit 'Alp - 1i; 'et/10May iiin pug, Cilide ' ” - OT= 'anti Ar'ldwaY- $ A 4 . ,lii I ler Ilif :7GENTS want ;--jki id flog iur Sufirskr mini me' les, just o t:- . .Addessit' 0. ' T. - IGARII:Y, ility Building, Biddetird,Me.. l, • I I ' • I :-- yanyl6,'66. .'; - ~. s i .. ,. ' _ 1 -. [iswly. itR CIDER Ift*toi , • For sale, hi ;i ; '• Anglar Dridlest: 1•; ' _ = ME ESP'S 210 em 820-"' 830 st 413 61 452_" filo. 64 615 ‘, 105 726 4 . 805 gi 8 - 35 4. ,1025 'llOO " 1155 " 11/25AU ;.107 140" 800 g , 836 " 1 - 405 as 545'5 , 628,,. EIZI 720 ~ EMI 60 .. 7 3 ,. 414. 819.' ME 958 .4 NEE f .. Li 9 1 30 44 4 t, Imo ..? THAL': 8,091 N E l P'S I ROO EXP'II. 1 - 7. 1--- I 201 x 1 1.. •' . r .. 44a~ ' J i lt id .1. 638 M Its la .1.. ," ISO f • 28 I It 905 II: bOAB I - l it 1328 i - , .8 Ji ••-• 1` 947 •+' Cs Armes j . p m. 2.85 h i P. i• esidonle.isti lower end of t • 41anY 24 * q6:IY • R..2,YEATuicoLD . ll'AßvEri- , Bzidgewateis . S; '4 lll. - : ROSING-0111All V MEE _,` ,‘• , „'• 01 Sprwri.g&Suramer - t Exr s. --1.'.- - -- - 1100px 1210im li6i , 4, Goo=~iss~; 162;.. 230 " 316 .g 383 410 443.“ 547‘ig 646 720 a , 735 800 884 gg 801 *. 1005 1038.4• 1103 “ 1236 pm 114 GrEALiY 'S NENVI, muEzilicivrTa- 155 a i N ry j;il-O ^ g ..cliiiiu I u Bt, ELI 254 '1 426 4‘ IBRIDGEWATER .'.i. it .14 . e r get . 1 1 1 • / Mopi*inginaj3triw;ftlit,ie Ititeit -cVeaP.• 600 "• EMI 1020rx '.. r i 1i r13:33. • * • 3alicB i G T ' ll ' Ribbons A , Flo3vers;,. 'affihes,...,_or*X4eV Cords, . an d. tissebh? Plain and Fancy ll Einlirdideries, Infants' Waistif,Zcirie ;' Fancy and Plain )Linen Handkerchiefs, dies' Collars, old Ladies' Caps, &ci s DRESS 1 7 All kinds. 1.70rY theapt ' ,7cirests. 40.-c)6o*. An Invoice just.receired of_Figprens- • dines, and-oeßing • at; _LOw-frices.; ,BALMORAL & 1100 P KILLTSi • SUMMER 5H...1,1V1A5.• SUN UK - BRELLAS, MEN'S DRESS LININQS, .AND • , • $1.1.,1RT FRONTS. 1 - 1 1 - 10 1 iierr3i tqaciii2sy. :LADIES' LADIES"' • 1 CLOTH SACQUES. • ~.%•Cheaper. than ever'. Call; and sec. ND TRoUBLE t¢ sriolV - GrVtis.:l • • I EMI 66 EEO 1245;ukt CI 235 ", at 845 ,4 M/11133erWe : , "13Craw Bonnets and Hate altered and 'leantaii otCshoft;notice, 'Staff ping,.Pinking nd talking on 's110:',1, - nollc3. lien's shirts made to order. Machine atitiiirkiv. _ Jarrtai:§loo t12.1..Vnt.,,00r,ner _ *: - " . • . 71- . Yr G Y , • • - Not ace. - -kroTrop is hereby given that: the nraler signed,-.Porantissioners appointed ,hy the Court. or Quarter Sessions of the county of . .aseertain and' cstablish..° Ike' Unfit between the - ittwnships kof - Dsrl:nmton snit South 11,earer, in said county., wail nteet . 4 enughey's Milt, near tho_barough of Darling:. ton,.. on Tuzstloy, August .tilst, -10; o'clock, A. hi., and frozn thence proceed' to discharge the duties"Of their aPpointssent. " - ' . oAtIIES DA ' , :ABOIiIISALD„ROBERTSON, AND.REW 4 .IL-I . l:Tt RSOSf. - - _1 'OOO YEAR. 5 want" Agents every 7 ,ere 10. sell our Iturnorr.o*s,2o. Sewing Machines.-4 Three flea' kinds. Under and upper feedi Sesit on' trial: yarranted ,ftve years.. , Abnee sale !ry 3r.large commissions paid. The oft:it-ma chines sold in United States for less thin $4O, . 'which ; are fully licensed by IYowe, lrb&ler.,t }Filson, Grover j Baker,' Singer -4. cot, and. Bachelder. All other cheap machines "firo ; fringentints atd the seller or ale-Faro cir rest,fineand imprisonment, - lipi,strated circulars _ ,sentfree. Address;or chit on Shaw &Clark, at Biddeford;llaine, or Ch cago, 111. " • . mayl6,'6ll. • Listlf. • Tiitice to C ( oritraci - co 0 PALED . PROPOSALS for the excavation of the cellar and fdundation,andlorthe stone work Of the Beaver Falls. Presbyterian Gliure,h p f New Brighton, will be received by: Ike .building comnittect until the 16th inst. : LEntire building to .be of stone: Designs, splaificpr tions, &e., can be seen atofqcie.o,p D. 11, Brad. fordi.Esq , is New Brighten:, z.By:.orderi of Committee. - JAMES 11. STOKES, • • , Kt Tilt COVET OF COMMON ,I , Lgo • BNIVER COUNT •1 n thereat ter of the Lunacy, of..John-Neeiy. Notice hereby given that:the - ACeonnt of .Jantes Committee, of ,aforesaid Neely, has been filed in - the Preiholiciterft, office, and that the same-wilt he cinittrnied the first day of the imitierni; unless cause tot the contrary: betheti shown:: . . • f J. augB,'6o:3w . • 111.'WEPAII . D, TFo ) - OFFICE OP Tut DE 'SOTO OIL COMPistr,l , • --'• • i•RoensTElit.r ► ..PAY: I ,V,V 3 C4 I I: - . , .. ,\ , yin Board of • Directors ol.tha ha 'SatraNl - r . Contpany, have' this - day deelared'*.f!liii end of FIGUR C 4 -) PER CENT. on the . ezipiti atoolt, , payable the- - '2Bth inst ., at the . rEen , P\ A.. 1. PETIT, Glasgow. -•— -. ''t - '• ';''... jy25",66. - :CHO; B. RITEST,••Treas. 13eaver Seinin.qr' , ANFI m . O9IICAL . INSTITUT opris OTE ilTa in? BHP Suporior instrugtion in evory. Itlenu4ntent. Sir Send foA l catalogue to TAYLOR D. AGNEW, President of Dowd. - 13:E1 1 " undersigned being - - 410 - deputised to. — act as AUCTIONEER, isprepsred hi tend to all Bares in N ew - Brighton and' rounding country. . tiug42tROBERTNELBON. • • S e rrt4ll(F..)D , EMI the isubsoriber,lii 'Bridgewiter, on Friday; July 27th';, 'a ;BRIGHT RED II COW.' Ani lietsou having tilitm - tip' inchOw„ .. ox. hitorrnatlen, in- rej ;BOA to the same, will be libeiellireWaideil..t.l- • - 4 • 'mitt.- ' • , .. ..... .... 59 Ifßushels of than-:reoeived :salb by ' - ~_ :. _.; l .• Yi:/Y J. 8 ; g• P43IMM%, II 113 "MUM ERY, =I IN , ;•-for WEI II IN