II BEAVER< ARGUS , THE .WENAFDi 4 '' I " 416 , 4 . • • , •.--T • 'I '•'• JULY •, • 701 aoviaiNto •• • • • ' GEN. JOHN W. ,GEikrtY , EIUMBEIELLAND.,tOIINTI"..- 1;011:01i - COVTOBB. • Wier. V. W Elic,H, 'Washington; Preeident Jacks.. . . . B. B.ICELAMBERLIN, New Brighton ; I ,'Assoeiate Judge.- AONEW DUFF, New Brtghton; ' , ' State Semite! - VG& W. TAYLOR, Borough; Aile.nib/J. • • ILATTREW S. QUAY, Beaver; 4. R. DAY, Washington county; OHN EWING, Washington co; - • Shertff. J (.)11N LITTEL IJ, Hoqkatown; • .12igister & Becoider. f DAItIOS SINGLETON; Raccoon; 1 4 1 Clerk of Coil*. JOHN A. FRAZIER, Beaver. - • Commissioner. JAS. - WARNOCII, ,Ni;irth &wickly ' • ; Poor Rouse Diredor: f JOHN b. POTTER; Racocon • • . Auditor. !.. F. M'MILLIN Bcavez,-; . Trustees of Aatlenty, - Da s ' J UREA Y. Bridgewater; Da. - DAVID STANTON,N. B 1 igh too; :.;:That Nitional Cciairention. 'Most of the readers ,of this. paper, .we presume ; know that Messrel Ran- doll, Cowan, Doolittle, and• two or thiecs• others who' still claim to be Union men, have published a call fora National Convention, to be held at ,Philadelph!a, on. the 14th of August: is generally undersitCod that this 'call is issued in ptiriniance of the *filbes of liresident doliesnn, and that the intlunnce of- , his administration will be brought to bearnpon making it a success, The Democratic Senators Representatives in Congress have silmostunitedly (ndorsed this move meat, and the. - "copper?! element will . Iheryore preponderate largely. in the contemplated gatberine , Viewing tbis• project' from., almost ;eiverTs conceivable standpoint, ' we can nor to no 'other conclusion than that is is'the deliberate design of -President John on; Cowan, Doolittle & Co., to make an effort to break up the Union' 4eptiblican patty; and against an at • tarupt - of this riind • eVery loys.l man in the nOtintry should sti.6-dily set face. The Union party• as at prese bt organzed, was' the Snit and only one -that raised its arm in defence of au d nation;• ' niperi e it carried the coun— try succossintly though a bloody four' years' wail , aid whatever of honor or fame is no w attached that country, .c.ither at lionio abroadile wholly i ;due to theenion partY, whose devo. Lion to principle, undying patriotism, and unfaltering, courage, braught us. ,vietor id. hp peace, an s • a character every ;where that is 11,.insayed by none. To .abundon its organization, then, would be criminally f9olish, and the idea cif 'de m.' so should not be entertained by any, loyal enc.. ' • Tho past 'Wooing and recent mar.' riage of the Copperhead and Johnson :cluUs in-Washington city, lead to the lieticf that the intention ndwiste-drep the' name of Democrat en tiirelYL-aban don that organizatior.--and at the Philadelphia convention adopt that. .of' the "National Union Parity." -1.13 y , this arrangement, President ;Johnson will supply the name, while digham, Wood, . Rogersck Dot i will fur ti sh the men. to compose the new or. ganization, if such it can be "I called.— The consummation of Wei scheme; then, will bring the president in a new Ammeter before' the People,— Heretofore be has be regarded a loyal man. and his- associates were i r loyal people. las sew role, he can rem4ided jet charatter ot his sew fri ads; without iMpuling direct I disloyal y to him:• They will consti ; tut° ev ry marlthat bore arms against .;*.the_llni n d_unng the war, every man - that sympathized with treason. - every man that shrieked "tyranny!' avail efforts to put the rebellion down, eve.' !ty "Son of Libeity"-that tried to in cite re s istance. to drafts, every man 'Abet laughed when -Calamities betel our arms, every man that wept when 1. rebel armieswere finslied to the waif, every beauty jumper, every deserter, and eve! y coward- wholeneaked away from a draft. If t4i'President now hires and prefers such company as this ; we prejintue he wAI have it ; but ire wiU find, and that, too,' perhaps. to his inortiUsation, that an over.. whelming inajbrity of .the voters of the United States neither dosire to be 'mustered into that character of ser vice nor to trait with that chits of 'men. Tss war between :Prusehi,„ e ltaly and AuStria appears to ' be conetotecl with a vast amount Of euergy.',..l3o Tar ; .tb• Pressianahare the better of it. The T.: o_Calla.. delegates were authorised to be selected in this county to atteria' the Soldiers' Conrention,st Pitte*rfh . on the sth of June, the followitigol wee issued to the public ; - , - SOLDIERS, ATtENTION "There will , be _2l, meetin g of: the. soldiors of Beaver 000nty, a the Cotirt lions% in Beaver, Pat..on Thum day ervening, tbn 31st f icir porpos:9 of selecting 461egittes to the Coriveb:. tion- that- trieela In -Pittebnrg-on-tho fith of . Jane., A fall attendsno9 -is desired."' It will be aeon from tie wordineof thiss , all,, that aLt. ot tbe soldiers -ot Beaver county were, invited to attend, and participate in the selection o delegates. 'The soldiers were trusted and allowed to follow the bent of their own inclinations. No effort was made to pack either the meetinglield at the Court loupe or the Convention at_ Pittsburgh and under the terms of the call, if . irmajOrity of: the sof:- diem", Of-, Beaver COuntyhad been 41 favor of ,Clymer tor Governor, they !could have selected delegates favorable to him; and [kid "diem vote for that candidate in the Pittsburg convention, But the, truth is Ahem, are but few l Clymer - soldiers in the county; and that few knowing that they compris i i ed but a . "cairporars guaril," chose td stay 'away from tle meeting entirelyl, But that they received 'the same ecri. dial invitation to ittend as all (Mei! soldiers did, is' vident frofivthe terms 1 of the call, as aove NoW look" at the broad and magnanimous (6 call for i a soldiers' meeting, published in the .Local of last week. It read thus.: - . . • "The''honorably discharged soldiers; of Beaver county, wtio endorse the Admioiatration of President:Johnson —who believe that our late Wit • wa's waged for the, purpose - Of inaintaining the sapremew of the Constitution afifi to preserve the Union. and notlor tbe purpose of their overthrow—and whin are in favcr of the election of Hick+ Clymer for . Governor of Pennsylvania, are requested to meet in Conventien ,at the . Court House, in ,the town ,i 1 Beaver, on - Wednesday, July 25t , 1866, atone o'clock ix ru , for tire purpose of selecting Seven Delega te to represent them in the Johnson- Clymer State Conveption, to be he'd at Harrisburg, Pa:, on the Lit day .3f August next." None but Clymer !soldiers are then invited to attend at the Court Houe on the'2sth of July. In view of th {is it fact, - we have' very little doubt b t what Clymer delegates will be- tortet t ed ; and it . the calls throughout tbe ; State Are similar to this one, we su posa Clymer will hardly fail to be e .4 1 dorsed by 'the Harrisburg eenveriti On the' let of. August. . But why w as ' not theoull made to embrace all sol diers, as was •The answer is easily. giver.. Had such a call hero ( 1, issued.: everywhere,. the Qlyrneri es' would have been routed "horse, f of and dragooo" in - every county of the State, Geary, delegates selected, tJud 'the leader of the Eight at 400 k t ilt Mountain would have been the no nee of of al Soldiers' 6tate Convention, held - under bemoeratie auspioes. • Wh so blind as not to se e, a "packed c , iVention" in thts.one? acted with the Democratic . patty be fore, were present as delegates in the Convention; and among 'the :Specie- Lori, who heartily applauded the pro. ceethutis and will vote the ticket tom inated, were teen who-hut ax.yester 7 day stood at the bead of from rank of the. Republicanparty.: - ! Having been absent from tSe county forisome time,and therefore not as well posted in home politics as we desire to be,, we respectfully-ask the editor of the Local-to give us the Millie.; of those menr"who tint .as yesterday stood at thelhead of the iron; rank of Jilt; jimpubliban party," and "applaud i ed the proceedings " , lf a Democratic 'Convention held in` this : place on ;the 18th of June. , if the Laical will; do this, we will, i - h '- return, endeavor to show that all lie puhlicansw ho' "applauded" in the 1 faurnoeratic _Conventior., had either A Significant Pact: them§elves, or their ft iends, been can I Following closely upon the ilea! of; dilates recently in the' Union party the surrender of Lee's army at A pa- fur l -nominations; and not - being sac mattnxiCourt Mouse, nearly every eessful in getiing what they wanted . prominent traitor in the South 'Fain ht in lour ranks, weni; over to the enemy to getout of the country as ,quic,ly to try their luck, there. If - we can as podsible. Settie of these wen to . shr this, we apprehend principies hadd South America, - others weni. to'll xi- a great deal to do with their being' i ice, and still otheri of thorn' took up fotind in a Democratic Convention abodes in Canada and gri g latni. They aril .`applauding its -proceedings" ! knew that they bid committed a ter : At alrevents we beg thelt - o - ea(to give rible crime; and, eonsegiently, to ave, us the names, MY thutl we. too may their ~ n acks, they ) chose to flee Cho Ileurn "who but aa.yeaterday stood at country.: But ho is it now ? A ' ter the head' of the fronterank of the Re staying awhile in ()nth Atnerica,liett. publican party'' in thni counlY. We . 1 1 -. ..1- bobbing a few Moths in Mexico, and watt to know. rusticating a - abort time in Cif a and England, - they- have returne. their old homes ,in this conhtry4an insolently asettmeto dictate the !arm Of their own restoration to cid!! ship . ! : . The tauof this. ehan::: of programme on their - part is re:: ily :semi-' When lthey left the: country, its poliey: wee to punish traitor s and to_ make treason odious. This i rder • of things being reversed by. the Lorca" . . ett President; in , patting. traitor on 1 tlie,baek,and :giving thein'.eomf ,, rta- We oillees,.-:,tbus , making their c ime i . respectable, they would• have le fooliih, indeed, to have stayed I tone day longer than:they did. Tha 'rebels themselves; then, the judges, no sensible man can - lai that Johnson's policy is the -ea .e : Lincoln's; pr that the former, in 3 construction sense, is -following i`' t footsteps of the latter: _ IT is just ascertained tbat- the de falcations .of A. P. Stone, Internal Revenue Collector at Columbus, Ohio, who cotimitted ,suieide a few mouths 1 2, age, amounts to 14;400.0ccil =L When the Local can -.prove . our satisfaction that* P. - Stone eve held the of of Internal Revenue [lei, toy at C?lumbus, Ohio, we will irOvii . to 'us away that As figures . are far aw ay from the truth. . , ■ ere Piles the Local Stan 4 As wsalwaye leer willity and ire aniisiei . anyrtgi s lsiioneArf a kips! clisfactei4 . ol4 trid, be pkif t to ue we:ltike.;oo gifOri*d that ipe Lao a u4iallif,' in -ittielisibe land.... i thet it ** o the... Woo iumweet. We therefore insist upon its giving us diroct answers' upon the following questions, which we will so shape that, s simple yea or uay. will suffiebftriztve ite Alkenecessary inforuiation. The prt posed.- sonendinent t 7tO, the Coneti. tltiotr contains four , siotions,end upon thee.) seetions -separately we wish to kniritv where th© "Aped standA: The first ;prescribes,. substantially, • "Thokall persons, native or natuts• alize4, white or colored, shall be eqUal before the law; that is, no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or'property without due process, ko! - • 'What does the Local say ; Yea or nay to - this ,proposition ? - The second section specifies "That all'male persona . free of crime, over, twenty- - one years of age,who are not allowed to vote, shall be excltried from the number coinprieiug the basis 'of represenlation." What does the Local say : yea or nay to this measuro t Y , - Thu third sectio&says "That all perlion?a who pricr to the rebellion hail takenlan-oath to support the Constitution; and afterwards par ticipatedin the insurrection, shall not , tie tompeteatirto fiWany public office " , What does the LOcal say: yea or nay proposition The fourth and list one . •' "kfaranteee the ir . ipay;ment, of the Federal, and bars ;the:assumption of the !rebel deht." What does the Local say : yes, or paylorcthis point?: k • As tha ocal no , doubt elaiins that, it is neither sailine under 441se colors nor latte'inpiing to 'Mislead itati.eaders, we" earnestly ask l it to make answer to these interrogatories in a plain, di- recta, unequivocal I manner; These qtreettons imply all that is now before the people on the I suttject of recon strainion; and - If the L - ocal fails to meet them as they preSent theinaelves, its I editor will be but, doing ,in a political, what his party did in,a military sense duriagthe war, to-4h: shOw the white feather. i Tint Local , a few days after' the 15etnocratie County Cor.vention, in ioferring to the praeeedings, bail: Dien who were bever knowo to have Gov , Dennison , Resigrs. [Hon. William. D.nuison, tho Post 'master General, bas resigned his posi Lion, on political grounds. It s is said that Secretary Harlan, Secretary Stan. ton, and Attorney General speed,.are all on the eve of doing the same thing, and for the same cause. In, one :sal.. poet .„cif the. case, - Gov. Denni., scin's resignation is a public 'calamity; fair no man ever filled the position with more honor to himself and, service •to the counfrY. In another sense it. was &Wig that he should withdraw from an Administration whose head eras conniving with traitors to make lop. ally Moms and treason respectable, Ex—Gov. Randall, the Assistant Poe— master General has been nominated to the Senate for the vacant place: I.P. S. Later news brings ns the re-, aigr i ation of Attorney Getieral-Spe'ed. ;hairy Stansbury will be 'nominated in his plaea-.. Nebraska tr. S. Senators- The Legislatnroof Nebraeka, on the 11th inst., elected Major General John M. Thayer and F. W. Tipton to the United State Senate. Both of these gentlemen aie Union men—belong to I,he 'Minn Republican party, and, in additioti, are represented as men of Markseability. • • '• 1111 E .?1 , -lia;.,-1. =HZ Liii2l 4iiii'Atitvi iv Mx _ ~!!•:. , agging and, banterinc . .litilli4ii4eiOusly fot the pain fesi—Sii,l46 1e4.10i ifalleging al 1 the 7. 1 . 1 4 8 1thr:, 4 44 0 4, -601 . l itr eV.,, thus iittij!ttikvi#Aittihii4its,- i ssa thts , they . 1 6 , c*igotng..p):;,..i.rc0 , 04 Dernci t cra t i n . iiehilt4tthelgotO4r. f ateati i kr . , " 1 / 4-00 aldn't lisalii in. ibattighl,")ind accordingly, ,after making death and wounds in.battletlitristandard of true 9°1 4' 1 07, 44litie*:liet T ri vPu k itha l / 4 :. for 'miry Arai that th e Local woulti, POli",b; Wit: were either ..kilted - __Or .worinded‘iii;brittle, from,-this °coot'', situ; had.voted o;lwonld voter the'Dein ocratiC 'ticket, we would 4 spu Wish !the naineii , of . FIVA . iiiiii; who never 1 1 who do notrinw,. arid probably never 1 rill act with or belong to that party." Ta' t!lia proposition' the Local- made this reply: ' ] ; ' ''' : ' 1 ,io . . Such a publicatn would ma ke ;a fine army record 'fur the new edfice:s party. Gloating over the casualties of Democratic soldiers and the conse. Tient enbanceracn . t of the strength of an opposing pliticel party , i 8 a sit ject we bad hopedi never to see ma de the foundation_for a newspaper arti cle . What next, 4i. Argus ? Nothingf Unless ;it be to 'say thakin all our; newuter4Erriesce, wo noir. er saw a nlbre - complete suirender of a, position, vaultingly : - . assumed, than thiii one of theloceri's;_and we there— fore ask hs editcir,l i abio4,' and deicisiO'e as the "hairier witsito credit us with at least two' Maria in the game ot .•trip up" . l which belie playing witi; us As i the irekid of !est week' declined, to aci. l l .ept,norchuil - nge,to pahlish the names' . orthe "title soldiers", ot4:gett:- - • cO • .• • • ver unty, and thewrerpectiv.atio , Mica! afflpities k we this week ba' eF it to .t,tyit.s burtk-on such, soldieisof thefctilinty•is Manifestly had ."no stow= soh for the, fight," Our proposition, henct, is this: - Forl every twq dese l t t .. ere from - the service, or for ever y . two that sneaked away) white a , draft Was pending, whe..helo ged to this con / n—, ty,_ and to the Union party, ptiblished by, the Local, tu:iielf- in ie4d•• Ines to Pnblish 'the mes of . .E 4 IITE such who are known.) as Democrats; • and who generally , voted , that' ticket: Now here another opporitinity for a. "trip up," and we-coldially invite the Local to in 7 h "Carried oS thpbpaiii..? Lust. week we inquired of It he Load w SSnafor,Repi•esentative; membei of L l pgislature or Pri cite individual of the l•dominunt party" it, wan tbatvver atoierted that. Puegro, soldiers carried off the palm. The Local 'repliec, by snyi l ug that Ben Batter,' Chas. Sumner, 'lliad Stec:elk 13)ii Now York Tribune, • the Chinago Repiyietin, and Pitts - bark Gazette, all -have said : so. Now . - we deky that all ofihern, or'any of thorn, have said any s i 6ch thing, , , and we challenge . the v Lac i al potnt the particular spee.o or precise edittial, in which such a fr'entence ()mai: Ilyo wan ! .. to See it; We de. - ' 1 —.. -- -r - 7' .---- •T - 7 — . .1 ' . , liAinisßoo,-.J uly .13th 1868. Mr. iVeyand;j 1 ,I .ar , n pleasea. to? find yen again at. yilur fold . post. N;ever , was the need oWF.4a mon in, ail. pOhi., ti tioe. greater tfla . #l. at prescintil We can rely: on thidlin.j.s in blue t 7•thimgh prating, politiCii.bl! may . go..'Whete . -thrift may fO,tioy!."' 'Let them! go. The .masser are': . .:t.rue , and' fai.iliftit to the great realisli - Pr•ii4mnn rights: T. buy will again - siie our country;! ; i ti - , r Those ctigageTht the . treasonable 'effort to traiisfq :our Government I.°). the irelll4, hare intimated their plan I of operatiohs; :Wherever+ theyl can I .1 get a _tool to USQ..I . they will! run' him utruinst the reg icandidate for Congress. In L'hitadelpttia two or •three,t ,per— haps more, of the 'Union candidates, are thus to' Inv defeated 'if posSible. TEo. B. Franylin „lit named as'the one to run against. Stevens; -Mackey agaiost•Wilson; Leasureagainst Law rence.: The 88the'game is to be . tried with the State Legislature. :Nor is yoar little county Orgotten or Over looked. is,! with all other Union counties,. to be operated on by, the Joh'nsoni:es. ' The c‘mpsign for this I purPose,l think,has already commenced. The re. cent raid it to your county. Was not an accidental affair. • It ,was part taf the system. The piograme is not, yetplay. ed out. • If youishould deem it of sufli cient importance to notice fee* t.t.. tempts in the same line; yon will "be convinced, Ijthink, that caber ,heads amtpther ptitstits than Johnson's' or Cowan's areat work. Grost anxietY isManifested by a few professed Union men to have your, candid Ate to: the House deli:sited If money or miinimaries can effect. that Object, both will be forthcoming. Some riot "men 'aspire to positions which would not otherwise beconnect, ed 'Wi% their names. Raving' tried the use of mosey. with .more or less success, the baba of using it , grows strungen.by renetitiot ti:l often all Sense. t of propriety seems !esti Yoh Would do well toy watch all .ats tachi which may be made eonj your, gallant little connty. She has a name for patriotism of which, she may well be proud., ' But, pet haply the • poor riuso , of tbefirtit raid may iono the :plotters to refrain and - tap their money and rimisionarievliewhere. I I . The ieeather ff+r the past fest days balk heenexesOrely hot, sad the roads and streets - nilenusquentiy beecnalog very dusty.; EIIII E ■ I lIIIIM liffedioal. The Beviircßgra t iliedikkalikic ItiVd iFin linens fterly nifeketin tik., theiDfni r Mona/ in Rotitkest,e c`o'• f, ' ursday,, 2tli last _ S.. IP: .Eoss. ak i 'itinittie t siii., aa G._ *....,,, .Igita fi ~ ') igeerptsky, pp. tern).4 1 •••4 ii ' -A - 41-elltbeaprOtkenP--Dniat-3i , .-Eile*- B. Feicht, L. Itiiunir.brink,P; hi...listli' D. 'Stanton; J, M. Cumniiins, A. ;C. Barlow, WilT.lLang fi tt...0.. Ctiniting4 •ham7l. Elliott,'- r -- Morrow. D... 'Margeiii;a4f / i Laugfitt, G. Y. Bold and J, E,Jachson...... ~.,... . ~.,......., J.... The;'mina* eV the last "Meeting 'were, read and adcpted,'after . which thei.ieveral - cOmmtttees ' were 'ntilop upiiivto ; inport. Theltoird of'ct?tbOrs reported that Drs. Elliott and Monne hal presented, themselvea for adiiiiik. shin, and were examined iloY-Dns: Mai (leis ...- Batter/yr arid Lineinbrink . mid, passed recommended recommended for' member/. Dr. Boil was.also befote the bo at ; but owinglo.the want' of 'colifirred ,y in a single point to the Brat set tiMi_f: the by-lawe, could not be fully c admi s t . tetd; but ttieuens•Jretnarcling him-. s wcirthy, was.en; their,reeommendatin unanimously admitted to the,meetir.iti i... and benefits of the' Society anti: he would have an Opportunity to Arno, e the disability. - . Dr..; p. M. lierr, -- whose name; eila previous...meeting. bad. been stricken out, for non attendanee, appeared be foie the p o:duty and.gave reasons fi'ir. his at:mimeo that were entirely, Satis factory, and wm cordial a titian linons and,' very cordial vcite;restor4d -again to meinbei ship. v, .- ' I A matter of impeachment 'having been for some time pending in.the So ciety against Dr. S. S: Winans, for contravenin i g, the setiond section, first pang/kph orthe by lawe,the Charges' remai ing l dnanswered, and talking to give . tistatition 'at the; preper time, was pelled by a vete of the Societ y . ~. .. ''• Thee u e report of -oases eing i next to il order, Dr. 'W. J. Lisegeitt reported an exti ewe case of, Pneumonia and treat ..itantrecovered. - . • , - , 1 ,T)4 Stanton ;reported ' two eases-- etas vereinteresting Casv of .Pseurnis- Anis, arlititig tom costa: injury---iatai; the othera' dislocation of the thigh joint, *bich be reduced by Reiclis plan- Dr :10m reported a very 4kt:d ealt • dislOseitio:n of the thigh. joint. wilich was inteesstully reJueed by Sinittei plains manijmiluting, .f ' - • Dr. Li ri ni nbrinic r eported kin lirgent• case of Rheiinudism and treatment in fOII--recovbred. The; roper% of , ihese uses elicited , lengthy; and interestilig discussions; especially , on Id islocations of' the likige joiets, nearly - all the meth- b . ers par‘ticipatink, ~. • _ . 'The etiology,pathtlogY and treat-, meet of epidemic sholera b4ing-•nestin I order, Dr • MarqUis, by 'sppnintinent of the chair, opened . the discussidn, .which was :continued iiitil the hoar ot, adjournment:awl was hoth.iptereet tog 'lliiii profitable, elielLing many ii7l - ideas 'con neuted with their()l. [WM ot'his much dreaded disease. ' 4 J the Members not, havilizanOpportlisilly to'spe - aii, the subject was tiontied tp, the next itieeLipg. Tli43 .n ex t. ._, is easethat will virile befor,e tliii Soei9l.y as 'a subject for dr' cession well he:that of Inyfentery : Dr. D ill'Kilinkiy - iiiks contidued regular EsAaYiet. 1. fur's * `he next twit quarterly meeting, ilakd `Dr. A. l C. Barlow altemate. , -,- ' r• .On motion . n...v - ote aT thtink+ - •• tendered to , the prtiprieCor of tke D caster Huse for in which ho oniertaiiied WOS oCio After Ab o: tiansactiOn' of eolOO fort: 4sitfcss, the •Cociety: edjontlied nieet at 'the sante place on the . Nee Thursday . of Atigust;nt cr'e' REivaal. . Political 'Correlpondentse .' . . i • The tollowriag correspondence 'as 1 ~ . . , i jait been promulgated 'l'- 1 . . VtasitErNoroN, D. C., Jffily 11th.184 .• , . • Sltt:=4. ilav,3 the her:Or to , ' 'tender youlherewith i my . •resigoation. or he office of t i nstmasterCr'eneral,.. to :t.. Ice .effect .apori,yoUr nottfYing,, - me of its acceptance. -'• „In thu's ' withdrawr.g• from yoUr Cabinet, it is proper to ,ay. 0 - 40. , no. so chiefly 1 because . of he 'l.iiflerence.cii i opinion 'between us tra,,re god to the' proposed] iimendinentl r of the . t:enstitution, whieh I approve, and the toovemint, for ,the - Cousrelttioo to be held. atl Phiindelphia on We 'four. ' teerth'ptoidto i , to which Lam oppoled : ISly confidence an -t • patriotism of the Union Rorigli4 n 3 A o rty,, and - convict. tiOn.that upon its control of :the- Gey.- erinnent, :depend in a ..larg6. meastare the.ht,ppiness.f the . conntry,•.wali not permit Of ,iny lao!tiio4l.fran equivocal; at titude, id - regar l to it.• 1 ),...----- • AssUring yon of my_Perennal regard: and. appreciation • of the uniibrni etiur 7 tesy I I have received .frdrn you, I ism, very•ropeetfuliy, yehrs, tieL, ..'. (Signed) -•.- 1 :, W. Dsertirtsog: .- , To the PreSident.,' : • lExEcuirva MANsioN, • WAsturcartm,,b. 14 1 . I.BOG Sis:—YJor remigOation of the o of Por4imaster (ienoal, tendered pint letter of the'elerentli feet. ie ly accepted. ' 1- Follrappi•eciatini your kind to ranee of personal 'regard,. , l. am truly : and respeelfully yours,' Vote non.m: igned.) I ~ 'ANDRECIT 1011:1804, h WDeinnison, W4eh ingten, p.• u. The Freedinan'et Bureau Bi; ~,,, ±o 1 a 300 : j ! , iTASHINGTON , ,y Illy ; 16'. aou . '. The, Po esident sent his mgq"utgepre • ton% the Freedrnari's Bureau_ b.II to i t Congrhas to , day at two o'cloeg. ip At five o'clock it had passed broL l h sea by more than a two-tthird vote, 'rod 'thus became the law of the land. -d There was :no ebate, in Abe House Pind p ig R but little oi the Senate, where it rits confined'', enators Saulsbury,tud ricka an. Johnston. In the House three Ranublicans, Raymolad,lof -New york,' ICuykendall, of 'lllinois, and Wasbbarno; of I.ndiana,ivoteci,:to 1.614" tain the veto. IP iheßetoste Viu ' ia, kle voted With -the Dentoorats.., .. Lurnatxi, the preacher who w ped hie. child to death; has eec fromjail and gone tECanada. \ 'rho' Proposed Climer..o o /iiterle ' - Convention. ' ~ 1 . • • ..'" - W - tie tiOid in the Pesti:llJuly 10th,1 ea ',for* State Ctiovention of honor., l ' id officers soldiers stn.& bIY IC 1 riin'n 'Permsyliania-7-to be held t lalrris rg On the • lefilay. of ,Aa.' rii zt. -l k may' be the, prime trotters in-chis affair, we know not and cure as' little. But it isla singular fact that a, alai for-1-a - -convention, - profeeisidly, origipated to represeet ouch ~rti.-larite bOdy...of b oairrobleWird iiiittnitaliA ult.!. zets g pf . this Cprnmouvrealth 4 _ehoul4 beim appiinited such: a.Ve - fyitave ( - Fla, joritY of signers, who are sfittile'd! ;no coneld.eyatioe; either is, military, jepolitical or eocral life Itaitvowedcitt t is to , meet and adopt:,irerolutkuis ,(to be endmeed' by the' 0 7 :thinking military), a u priort.i ng Hexer= Ce*mvt, democratiocandidato for Governor of thirißtate, - ..yire; have no' Objectione to, this call for' e. Corivention. l ,-, Bir,i Why , is it that nonle of-eur renowriedmtlita 'ry leaders„froin.thie State--and we Im l v.elmarry af them—.have ' 'signed jtr 1 There is not, the narne . of lone 111,a for General to thle call, not one, Brigadier General,, and but five . Br e vets; hitt i there are%fbriyime,sergearits and eor- 1 psials arid one hundred and eleven privatesf, 'whether even these. have', honotably Served in the army we have' ;meths records to. show. We l ciurt, a 1 hasty glance ut.the call and by refer- 1 en6e,to the Adjutant-General's Report are able "to inform the public,.' - as to whether,these,men are protierlyto 4ti, called the 4ghiing representativis M.' our grand old army's, : The following are soma of the ()Incept Widow 'records , we examidett.' i . ..'•I ut . , Capta T. McDonough,' (Plarket! . Ottait7's old regiment) in,seryioe from July .4th, 1881. to November, 1861, ' • • 1 , -• .Lieutenant Alfred Itebertskiri, - (marked_ same) in service from July 28thi , 1861; to Feb rUary, 1882. ' .1 /, - i' , 1 ' • Cola W.l Wo•Chrbet, in service from; July to October, 1861—,two nionthe. 1' I i ' 1 1 , - Captain B. ff.' Johnston, in iserrice'trom Oc lobert 1801, to July, .1862—ten inont 111. • i' Lieutenant. Augdattis F. Bartlow, resigned August, 11th, 1861. - 1 1 • 1 Captain David V..," Feaster, in service from ApriL 1861. to October, 1862 !resigned.. • Francis It Genger nerved (with distinction) I ae hospitil stewatd aWhile. 1 • 1' 1 .. A. N. Light, went intOl the army in 1864 as 1 negligent ( surgeon. ' • ' :• , 1 " ( 1 Captain W. W. Murray, mustered out Of the' service in 1862. , • 'I '-1 1 Colonel John B. Emblish, not on reoord, but commanded hundred.day•mei. 1 - ii Second Lieutenant N. D. Bennett, in service! from • November, 1862,t0 A p ril, IB63—cis 1 i Imoaths -- T resigned. 1 blojor James B. Treadwel. (Published Fre well) ittsPriAje from June, 1862 ' t0 September,, ' 1862. 1 "Maj.,r l S . ' dimenton, discharged:from tb' service in lune, 1868, after serving seven mouths. ,i L ' - ' ' , ' -••• -- L , Liente ant McLeam thorn, th 'se icefrem. August .0, 186230 Septentber,llB63=resigned 1 Colonell3 Lieutenant. McDerinit, resigned in ' Janunry, 1-86,3-,:was not in the service one year. 1, Mayorlß t . E: Taylor, resign' in-Jul Y., 1862 —was ''l. service ten months: Adjutini W..-H. Powers. service - ham Aug ust; 186 ,to July, 186 - 2. 1 1 - , • Captain W. Aughiubaugh, discharged front the : service in July, 11M1.'._ . 1 1 I Major, James Ellis.can't be found in reports, i (must,' be it_ itexOltitionary hero.), 1 . ColOnel Joseph Jack, drnfte;l man. Captain Lewis A. Johnston,lin service from September, 1862, to September 1863. . ; • Lieutenant Archibild Doug lass, ;in service from September,, 862, toJait . unry, 1863-4hree and-a heir mouths., We arc sorry we had ran , through 4:ho whole think toongli:hr.s been s what {milt ary inalerial ti wIII br co mpol .-1„"0 Min ,' tn Au,. ery , 9 I= -' 1.111: 1 1Se;at St,i' Co., - k,,;,_ , DEALERS F' ize "Virast - oheits CLOCKS; JEW EL • 3 -1 .14.1 N C "Z' C 3-0 0D S, ! M.USICAL BOXES,.•(tr. r I I 56, FIFTH Sri' EET, , X: 1 1. - ttlEft11.1.1"fig g r a. Mlk4Aentis for Ore Amerman . , I . S'atcti Com iany:s! %I stab ea I [jylB'6:ly BEAKE.COUNTY,. es: H : R ' .i , 1 1 - N the Orphans' Court . in andlfer the coun-* I tY tat Beaver, and State of Pennsylvania. CD. In the matter ,Of thC petition for partition of the real estate . I of. Adam. Graliant,• e late :of the boron , h-of Freedom, Beaver county, dec'd. 1 And now, to' wit:. Junel 14th„ 1866, the Court grant a- [title on the heirs-end legal-rep resentitives of said dee'd.. t. 6 wit: Emily, in termStrricd "with lames- Il9oper,l residing , in buernsey county, llo.; Aflarer 6 reham,r resid ing ini Padugah,l Ky., and allicth era interested, to alias: cause, if any theylhare)„ why an in quest Ito make partition of the real estate' of said ;Awed., should not be awarded at in Or phans" Court, to ha-held it ..Beaver, in and for the county of Beaver, - on the first Monday -a. Berember . next.' , - IOS. IIEDLIB. IBe Ter, July 18,'66:85 1. .j . Sheriff. `pit COUitT.SAL.E. t - • ; . B'il virtue ,q 1 an order of Orphans" Court, :of the countylof Beaver, the undersign—' gnardian of Rebecca Shires, minor child of Chas.! P. Shiraa, dee'd. trill eipoee to sale by PUblic Vendue 6r out-Cry, 'on theiPremt.' sea, ea. ". : i • Saturday; August. 1866; at 2 1 o'clock; m.; the following describe d,. real estate, elitism in the betotigh of Phillips- 1 btirg,l BeaTer County. Pa , bounded as fellows:: On the south'..,by Ohio...street, treating .ms street forty.two feet or thereabouts,..and ex tezidleg • north Ito ;the Ohio ririir; on east by , property now owned by C. F. Kaerlber, and on the lest by' picperty of- hire. Mary J. Booking; on; whichl to erected . one good two storYiframe &welling house,kritli 'Ciller under; nesth, and all undertgooctfence. - TERMS—One-third of .the pure money on confirmation of sale by' the Conn. Wane* in iwo equal ananallpaymeSits fteno that dote, with interest from slime time, to , boisecoredby bond and • mostgagO. 1 1 • E - • JANE EITTRA2I.. issrdiateof :aid Minor. OEM 3E), 'LI. 13 ILI 4 _ IN BEA' 'I'IIE FINE LOT foetus, ■ i tiguara, and running, M Alloy to' Few* !street, Bet public 10(4.441, et, preu gril PPM lOW MEE lAF l'a `.. x.. ..: MI e M r . i . AND B '4 Silk, Mol R:bboi Cords, S Netts,E i Fancy atoll dies' Co Dr dines; and • BALM ',SUM St Er:CloSi! LADIES' csLOTE LAMES' - CLOTH- SA COUFs I:I7aES. LEtTi NO TR Straw on short Stamp' Min's Ai Ur' and Mar E Iliotl tirile.to list. buy Ave , e ri to show of ‘3 66iiieutiOn G.T.idte.. Mill INST, FINE BEll INAS I These lo the-thin. Noll. T 1 in trig .of Piano perfect the ret C/ limited J • Thees BrzP4r: Norms. sUbecrib. desiroui jh of witting into the hands 1)41:43"..14 ether intending, purchase gun or 16ot, .copy . of the„Cabiset Circuital,” Which- oontaink s Salt ' intares ' ngt utnelioal information , .41 pees nu Who,ro.td this roast t 4 rilad"sa d they will forecardthet s : I{ticttt`a ail post pa,id. lam g; Commerce Rouse Commerce 1,111 be seta on Wednei ellasokirokt thy_' 10, .ir 5 0 31 ,L0t& CHAS. spc illeutytwtttes:,66_4thiut2.t. met _D;;.:104:, MEN . :R:~,~~j souTlstlip Tig&S MEM lletCo ; • EE EALI'S r ''. MtL.plititt f = ~~N - ~ sCrE Empokigit, , BRIDGEWAT:EIi. IV . ruing.andiStraw,Ml 14i lated i tk Very,_chemp. • Flowersl..l3).xturkse; Michas, O• 6nd Tasiele, Plain ant Panel roideries, Infanta'• Waists.; , c , .d Plain ] Linen Hand erchie ira, oldlohlief Capi, , c . c. . 1 • 11 ; MS TRIM SIIN06: All kind s , Veiy..che4. l ice just received of Pipit selliag at Low Prices. RA L - HOOP SKI,. SILAWL§. SUN Cy. EILLAS, .11‘11:8, HESS I;rNIIVQS, 1 , 11. gN SHIRT: 4 , - AND SHIRT FRONTS.; rY & Glovo er than cur. Gall itnier. O'U BL E. to SHOW Gam/] A. 1 11133/7 7 Sr • .01111etsii.d Hits altorcif and clei C116.1P: . t ig, Pinking atpl' l Cioak Cuti Anti nott,ct. Irt A made to order. ItOtliitestit ern - co:aver tbs pl.l64. 4 coriker Dr ire; streets. itridgeorster. 11' - W , G. - G-REAT 11 FOlt lIMENT . f ! • I IMO roiz ill,' DURA 4\, BLE, In i • • 5- .. . .0.11 ANP:OIIE,4O 11l - 1 I N & HAMLIN bRGANi = ill =II ME ituitrumonte are eupplyilig, g felt in the community, and that shout& be fiend in em hey are admirable for stipp. , 2 rthe voice. are better thy,' Intent for xaorra music. 11Intio eria biployed oo tbet pear. Their pribe brings tbe. of all, eren Ivrea., of it! iesas. . rem P 1064 00 4 , ery one fe = - _ l arrooted for Fivo :)rows,. El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers