• `L.' 'UM lITZWAIT...- r'. - IL.A". 111rILSO7. 1 7 f- /)• ! , .: - . 1, ' - r WI - I) • & STIVIArg i ll ... ".zt-,. ~...•,,,,-,...;:, 0....,k,.... ito"otagsmit, - - - MN : 0 CO ZLcoe 111 ,- 93**-7 - )c)itilaU. ".. e- A t ilt W 0111.4.; RESPECPijiIY v the public that we have opened e. • ' WHO LEBALERETAIL-' . . 1300 1 1" ' AND' . SHOE 'STOHH, 1 1 . '.. ' '- ' l'i.P: ' '.. ' ,--1 1, .11V "ROCII.4'S ,'A; - , Having parchated,'a large and wells 'selected .:-. , Stoek of ' • ' , -..‘-• . • ' . Aidfaa', Gent' s and Children's' c - Shoes,. ' - Gaiters Slippers, 1. - ._ oes,. *4 '. 1 treat-from tae mannfaetarer's, we ar pre. pared. to; sell as cheap, if not cheaper , th p any isny establishment in Pittsburg or this (meaty. 'AA W e intend to remain permanently in-the uSiness„ we ,will .endeavor, to always sell dun, keep as great a variety and as- good an article as the eastern market stfoi'ds. -.. rurehasers will do well to cad and examine our.goods. and prices' before - . purchasing else t l • Where. AU Goods WanFaate.d. .... .4... - WILSON, Sr. _STEWAitT, In the Diamond, Bocuasrzu, PA lituiy3o:6m :CHAS B • VAST ttriiker. ant!: - Broker; AND IN • ' Real Estate, Stocks, Government 'Bona, and other Securities; INSURANCE& CLATM Aozirr t Co4eyanc,er & tienerai Agent.' i• • • rrtiiE subscribee hairing Opened an off t ce at, • LI nocheSter, On the. room: lately occupied A.. Fortune yrespectfully solieiti the pa ,tronage; of his friends and - the public in. gen eral.... ~.gsrticular attention giveri,to the adjustment Officers'aeconnis, and ALL claims twilit% eld&' fif_the present war, .suoli Per4ions, - Pay, • ."Prize Money, Being agent for the yEtna.lnsurance Co. of tiaatford; , the Nertk , Ainerioa of • delphin And the Manunicturera' & Merchants' of Pii.tiiiißrit e iesue polities in either of thelcompanies ifetned. • . ~. . foitrms. houSes and , lots fotaale: • , ' Shares itithe nil Lands of thelielebratedlsl sad 4fun regittn for sale, where every well has proved : a success. Also sharps in went pro, Onactienr.usider why, .tind .I wilt , also sell my ; residence in Hochesier, beantifullil Situated, and within n fewininutes • Walk of the Ohio river and Railway stations. •)!erOis ' . I,,eads.dinwn up and acknolvledged:‘: Fire risk's taken in first; Muss 'lnsurance Companies. ' I...Rave/We stamps &leafs on hand. Refers : to John A. CLaghey4 Jos. Plummer, *nil. H. Smith g0., - P ittsburg.; CHAS. B. HURST itechester, Nof. 20,'65. • . •• , iiPORTAgr a. FEMALES - 1 !..,.: .... --,.....„, v.E . 5z . .--. 7 .. \ -..„...._ . ..1 tr'.3" - -. (-,.. - 4 ---- -; 1 " o\' -ti. i,.,•. v•• • . • , .•. 4 - -) 1 : PILLS V • - kW : lmmediately relieve, vigilant pain, all disturbanees arthe periodic dischargeoyheth -1 • . ~,. • . , ,er nrolng from relaxation or suppression.— I They ' - et like a charm. in removing the pains atilt accompany difficult or Immoderate meit- IstrUation, and are the only! safe and reliable I:remedyfor Flushes, Sick Headache, Parts in ithelLiains, Back and-Si les. Palpitation of the filenri, Nervous Tremors,; Hysterics, Spasms, !Broken Sleep, 'end other unpleasant anti dart ' ;gerells effects of au unnatural- . condition of I theaiinal functions. Ili the - worst cases of Fincr:.:l/bui,oryLites,they effect speedy cure. Dr. I cheessmares Female Pills HaVe' been used offn A CiRTARTEIt OP A etinru- ICY, ;They are offered as the only safe means Lai :renewing .interrupted menstruation, but 1 Lndi4s must bear in Mind that there is one' lcOnliition of the female system ih which the Pilial cannot : be taken wit bout - producing a IFecullar 'rectal. The Condition referred to is ilote:qnnney—ths result, 'iniii:arriage. Such is 1 the inesistible - tendency. of the medicine to restore the neicual . functions to a normal con i <titian, that-'even the reprodnettre power of nature cannot. resist it.. Vicy cannot do harm in any other way: I . Dr. Chewman , Female Pills Arc the only ' medicine that married and single " Wier have relied.upotriar many years, or can rely upon now. Beware of imitations ! These , Pills form the Fine4Preparation ever puffer . traiii,l with immediate, and lierakent success.— tiON'T ,IrE DUCE IVIID. Take thisitdvertise- I meat to your Druggist, and tell him that you, ,1 want the best and most reliable Femdle. Medicine • in, the world, which is comprised in Dr. Cheeseman!s: Female Pills !! They bailie received, and are now receiving ing them:Let...fon of 4he inOst;entinenf Phys.iciana in Atperica. - ..1 , Explieg. Directibtet with each Box,--the price; Ottn.Da/.ratie per "rboi, containing from 50 to 60 pille: - , . 1 : -.. . , , • i Pills, . sent by matt, mptly, by remitting I'the price r ,to the Props t ora, or any nuthorf:. zed Age ' ,-in current - titt. : 'Sold by Drug. . stall - generi By. ~ . • - kl,,- : - , . . HUTCHINGS & HILLIER, Proprietors, . 81 Cedar street, New York. I/M..861d Wholesale and Retail by Dr. S. Smith, Bridgewater; Dr. Marquis and J. H. HAMM, Rochester- ' John Moore, Beaver, and \by all Druggists at New Brighton.. • f nov2R: i r `- - ~~ - • I t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. -- TurllEßEAS,letteis testamentary ' having V y been grtinted 'to the Undoraiined, on. the estate of DAN IN DANIEL DERRGER, late of Ohio , Beaver county, Pa, deceased,' all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are 'requested, to Mahe - payment immediately tand'ihiri+e hut , cliiinssagainsv-the same will ireserie,thetaith t he' sntlicrlber tialy authenti ed Or settlement; • • • . „• '',loll-N'pENT4', Executor, • zneY9'66.- . Ohio tp: Gt/TOB'4 - 140 T 1t1CA . • 4:ITMI •teatainentary L the': ft 4 Li tate, of. .11kric,. : Ewmoi late. of -.Baseball Beairei co: dee'ihharing- been' grant, od-te Aurimilersigued,.4lll ,Oersoas indebtef to . salci,,eitintp. are requested to= make, immediate 0 11 iliaw0i. 1 .t.lioaft having claims against the tati.4tillf present, them "to :the,:subscriber ..ppoily...pithenticated for Settlement: - DAVIb twin; l • Executors, • . . Ka _ - • eaoo P. • ~ • ~~'t~i~~r ~ ti ~ i A 7i 1.1 f (4 1 , - ;G t i 01: 011 Mal #l3 ::` Lia~'ssr ~ .~" 11A.11.DWAIkE IRON,: NAILS, GLASS. -t AND, A6RICtrLTURAi; IMPidiMENT CARPENTERS': TOOLS; BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, " "MASONS?, TOOLS, ,• n SHOEMAKBHS TOOLS,, • SADDLE:RS' TOOIiS, PLASTERERS' TOOLS, MIN RS' TOOLS SADDLERY 117A.Rp,INN BENT FELLOWS 3i SHAFTS, LogEs, BOLTS & HINGES, PICKSTIATTOCKSA ROE COIINTEB &PLATF'ORM SCALE TABLE & POCKET: cumEßt, HORSE SHOES di NAILS, TIRE & CARRIAGE BOLTS & NUTS,' • CORN SHELLER'S, STRAW CUTTER ALso, l . ( l' A, IN TS; .- OILS, ' VAIINISTES, • AND .PUTT ISM AGENTS FOR EXCELSIOR MOWER . AND REAPER, AN NEIX BRIORTON.FIRE-BRICKWORKS. Dec6,'6s. N %V A. It It IV A. Of Goods, SAT P. MT" 33311.1 1 mums BitpDGEWATtlit.; rii HE subscriber respectfully inform% th 1 r public that he is now receiving 'NEI GOODS consisting of . , WALL PAPER, WINDOW BLIND VARIETY GOODS, WILLOW WARE., ;BOOKS, PERIOD'. CALS, STATIONERY, 4c. .. Having thoroughly refitted my Store•Roon and in daily receipt of Goods frog New York pity, I offer to the public cheaper than can be bought in Pittsburg, Or any neighboring vi - loge. An examinationiof my large and rani stock will convince, all that what I publish strictly true. .- . • tel...ltetueMber the place. 'ape .1'66 Woolen - . F4ctor • IN — NEW BRIGHTON, PA. THE subscriber hang thoroughly rent d and prepared the property known as .Tub Factory, directly opposite the Post Offic , in New Brighton, Pa., is 'notv 'prepared" to du all the work generally --done in a first-cla4s Factory, such MANUFACTURING BLANK ETS, FLANNELS, r;LOTIIS,CASSIJIBRES SATINETS, 4-c, SPINNING YARN, GARt ... ROLLS, FULLING 4- CLOTH 1/.ISHLVG. .1 ,Employing none but ,the best workmen, at using .first-class machinery, the Public may rest assured that their ii=',afrk will be well dente and promptly delivered:4 1 . Give us a- call and examine our goods am prices before going elsewhere. All work WA! c4l ranted. • JOS. PONTEFRACT. New Brighton, Apr. 8, '66:Bm: Mee • & •Ru - tan , ;ATTORNEYS AT LAW, INILL attenf to. legit& business .of ; ail ." kinds. Prompt attention given to Co - motions . gentrallY. License 4 Agents for 001- • lection of Pensions, Bounty. arrears of PAY, Prize Money, Pay, eto., of , Prisonees of and' alt kinds of military clatirus against the Governmegt cav- • . - Conir• of , MatAt' Stfiet and the Diamon , ..(itumeeiately in the rear of Court House,) 1 BEAVER,' PENN'A. . fjanct THE GREAT SECRET ! rANGLERS AND-OTHERS—Upon the receipt of 80 t centi I will send the "Se cret art of catching faill with the hook and line," giiingfull and ample direetions how to succeed wellia eatebing ail the different spa, ciegf fish that inhabit the waters of the DC ted States. Alsik "The celebrated fish charm, or Clii*se art. of catching fish." This means of taking fish and. the manner o doing kt, has heretofore.been: known to but few The value of such . knowledge admits of n. queStioxr, and is really worth' more than thousand times the price asked. - Send 80 e enclosed in a letter and you will receive th seerc.ty by return - mail. ' Address' E, ERNEST, York Springs, Adams co.; P • laaj , pat A:DMI:I‘.TISTRATOR'S • VHERBAH letters of administration_' the estate of SAXIIII. 'GILLILAND, /at of Darlington twp., Beaver county, twin& deeemed, having been duly granted to the ton. dersigned, all persons indebted ter add estifit a* notified to make-immediaterent, thosihasing elaiuur against the same *Mini ; sent them yrtyperly.atithentipsted for sattl; inentwithontdelaY.- ••- • -•- • HAMA% TiAIItRHOS; JOHN MCCLURE, ••' • . naty3oll6. r i Adminiatrafori. ' k l' 'T_ATIf . ! ; spy ;_. , ~. County - -.. . will • ..• • hi . . 1 V: ii i- oPerlf all -:- l'atee soil at ' = and .. '. algid below, .vii - • l• . ~.: -Phillipsburg', , May' 1 , Ri!ebefett li . ' I Ir tef, .0213 . , „.,,.. -, r. . / ikcia /ex 1 . .l BO*, • -.-. .'" -• ." litrclieste e i b.O , 1)&ti r; ..-- ''ll . tiastaii - -:k --, -- lothester tp., IS do '1 0 Beaver, 1 . clifleet.; 4. 'Bridgewater, •. • 21, Prinidlefe Phlistitrt - . ..- .- -, -:.'". 22. Tollhouse; -, N ew" Brighton, '26 ,o.24,.Hiron'Vetta ~., nate:sorb, ' 26, Store; Beaver,-. - Office; Georgetown, . .. 28 Hotel; • ~ Glasgow and Ohio tp , , ' Jesse' SMith'i Island Run, - ‘Bll, Darragh's ell Industry, ' 24,,, Aber's Store '. Pulaski, June 1 , R. Wallace's Economy, _ 1 , G. , Neely's ; Franklin,, ',- :- : Il Antenreith' I, - Marion, ' )1 , GAlertSell's ' North .Sewickly,', ' -10, N. Hazen's; 1 • New Serviekly, ,'2 , 1 G. Itauscher Darlington'bore; ' l 2 AJ J: Cook' -Darlington tp, - - —, , J..P:Dilmo B. Beaver. Galilee, ,2,, Griebing's 11 - 18. Beaver,llomewood, 4 , Jobristou's h . (Chippewa, - 2 , Mrs.Cunnirt ' 'Beaver,, -. .: -- ' ' ' 7 -' SO,. Wee; ' Brighton, ' ''ltilyli - R: Ea kin's. S. Beaver, . 6, Jos. Lawren do ' and Ohio, d, - Kerr's store; Ohio; - - .' - • ; 71, M. R. Bering HookstoWir, - - . i, Sweitringen'i dti . and Greene, 1 , do Hanover and Greene, 1. , H. Hutchinsc Frankfort, ll , Adams' stor ti , 11.M.M'Cutcl. i Hanover, . ; Beaver, -,.., : • -, 1 , Office; • Raccoon, " 1 , ` 16, D. Ewing's; Independence,..,. . IT, John Holmes ;, Hopervell&ludepen"eelS, Johnston's at re; Hopewell, 11/, R. Seotetti . Moon, ~P-, . . .21 1 :1, Wm Elliot's. Payments can . be made in the djoin ing districts. All lice4es must be_p4d be , IME The Dime Savings , histituth 67 POURT:II STREET, illy, .opposite ;the Bank _of ,Pittsbu 1 Chartered in 1862. - ' Open daily from ~.9 toj4 o'clock,- and of neaday'and Saturday elpeninvr,, from -M to Nor. Ist, 7 to 9 &clock; and from N to ilay lat, 6 tio'fl o'clock. ' Boos.. or •BY-Laws, Ike:, furnished office gratis.. : ~ i - • -: • 'This Institution especially udffers to whoSe earplugs arciimited, the opportu acctimulefe, bramall deposits, easily al sum; which will be a resource , when n andlbearing interest instead of reuniiitir prodictive. . ' i' - 's ' •- - ' • Board Of Managers: Prestdent— GEO. AIBERRY. The Prest's—S. 0. IbiIiTXAN,JAIN. Pitl Secretary and Tece,slurer—D. N.l..rd'Eli .A: Bradley, , r i . Wm: :IC.' Nimie AL S. Boll; F. F. Rahm, i Jelin S. Dilworth, 1 Joshua Rhodes; CF. Follansbee, 1 John Scott, IL - IL 11. Graham,. • . i Robert C. Sao • 1 1 Christopher Zug. Solicitorsi-D. W. anii.i..S. Bell. : (m: NE /anted - ter oOr Nevi Beautisl work , • ' TUB PICT6RtAL - 111;01E . 0i ANECDOTES . and -iticrDE: OF 4 1 .11E REBELLION: Heride j Patqodc, .gonaantie, 1114 •;; - and 1 4 ,fra,gital,. Splendidly Illustrated' witb over 300 fit traits) and beautiful Engravings. Wa This work for genial hiimor, tender pathos, staitlingjntereet,and kt tractive beaut xstands peerless :and alone anxong all ihspomp titors. The ViliantC and Drive Hearted, the, Pictur esque and Dramatic,the Witty 'and Mar i ellous, the lender and Pathetic. The Roll'ofLFame andAtory, Camp,Picket, Spy, Scout, Bi (mac, sad. Siege ; Startlirig Surprises ; Winklerful Escapes. Famous Words and Deeds ofd i omen, and the whole Panorama of the War +ere thrillingly and startlingly portrayed ink Mas terly manner, at once historical and romantic. rendering it the most ample, brilliakt'and readable bduk* that the war has called forth; Disabled Officers arid soldiers, teachers, en ergetic young meu, and alt in want Of wrofita - bleemployreent, wilb,find this.the best;hance to make money vier', yet .offered. 8 d for circulars and see-our;ierms. Address ;NATIONAL, PUBLISHING CO, 1 10. 04;111121dr Street. • I • PittLADELpitu,i PJC. auxyBo:lm_ 1 •BRUSWV - ACT,ORY r EM9VED. MHE SUBSCRIBER - WOULD INIFORSI all Nyho•deal in or use BRUSHES bat he ha removed his 13RUSH MASUFACTORY from. No. 2ti Fifth street to No, 120 Woodl street, two doors above Fifth, wheNA he willi.beiable to offer the most complete 'stock of bruslis ever offered in Pittsburg, and aeprices that will ac fy competition, and of a quality unsur r easSed in ; point . of ;style and durability. ; ,Wolesule dealers wall find it greatly, tot.heiradvantage ot;.111 at our'new establishment aud - , examine our stock and prices before going East io pur dbitse. We willvery, willingly duplica'te any eastern bili t Of goods...- , D., STEWART I. • 129 WOOD STREET, yICOO6. i lm. • „TvrEaktois above Fiftb ME .A_l4 S .iviLTENT' SELF-AC-T 3 Wagon. Brake. HE subscriber will. Canvass Beaver coutt 1, ty,vn the order iof Townships; 40 Sell the right-to.use, make and vend, I 'l • • . • . Healy's Pt. Self-acting Wagon,-, rake, snlinvetition perfect;in every respect, o r the use of all kinds of Wagons, Carriages nn`Bug gies. It is a perfc,etlregulatiOn to every' vehi cle to which it is attached, actingalike proMpt and•certain under all circumstances ; lon all, kinds of roads, by night as • well as by day, -with the greatest safety, ease and comfort to horse passenger * " without. any attention whatever from the driver. I will sell individ ual rights to use this, patent brake,..or Town ship and Borough t, Mechanics: •j I• Nov 2'G5 C. LUDIAVIL TEMA,. V- _WIZ idi34saLy -• 411._7:›M"14 75E'r An English,. Classical *and cial • Schol, for Young • • • Nen •Ond Boys, . At BEAVER, PEN.N'A. lIIHE Spring session of this Inetit titian will open on Wednesday, Apri/.411a, 186 G, and 'close on Wednesday, 27th June, - .18611. ger For circular and other 1441(141er, od dities the Principal, hl.Crawrz, New Brighton, Pti., or H Uses, Betey- Bard of .Trustees, Beaver, Ts. • . • • mar2t'64:2fic EL. AON,E, -doNvEyANcER, *O. 41D$ and - other inetriunints'ctitien.— Office with Olerk:of C ourts, , woes..lag oewt *owe. rmsY/072a ; - 1-. . 1 1 1 % 1 4 .0allelli• /APIA ••• :!I , • , si • 1 If 11,4 P' : 1"01;1 ill , • .1•1•;i,1 ",+' '• • ••' :o Ptints - iiiiiibariis Checks' -6.04' dill ' offered -la - the 'publla ln Ole 'silty:: •••• • silendid asSortOtoot of -- of mow: Blows , and Chil 's • • - SHAWLS, Alf miles and prices, at great % .. • J kyr - iodated - . , • - CARPETS,'OL CLOTHS, RUGS r to. • The Largest Stock best Assortment. of Carfets, Floor 9111 * -91nths, Heargi r a betel; re; E=2 tel; .tel; ham's; • • Bugs, offered, j L ees; hotel. do n's; eon's; and ateitremely IoW prices., . - Periainefirt .waat of - anyt'kiair ottr would do-wellto.iive ea a call. se we arelde, terzaiaed to sell our stock at price. which *ill a4 03 } 15 4 &IL ' • •r. the i pkice: . • DUALAP, LUKER & 186 Federal at, 4 doors below Market-hoiue, eforB:7ml .ALLEGHENY CITY. . • C. C.. ALGBo A..I]RI~7.B`N AND swiss WATCHES, ES • t• _ AND F I TNE JEW.ELY, I ULM, SPOONSAND FORtS, Wed sy lat r. Ist t the FINE TABLE KNIVES. those .ity to 'ved, a eded, un- SILVER I PLAYED WAHE • ,• . ' 0, • ° PRISMS cipcics & tRONZES ' AMERICAN CLOCKS, , Fa,racy 1 1 Groods,, is 'et; • IMSpeeial".attention given to the repair ing of all kinds of Wataties. NO. 22, FIFT.4. STREET, marl4'66-Iy3l_ PiCpbuiy. Pa, g, jr %Mit I= ,16:1m and SPRING' a r" .t = • G.O O D'!s~ .±: ' e por- . - IHAVE just . reeeiied s new IstockJ . Of Goods,of the.v"• • , • ' f . LATEST STYLES, Fon SPRINO t & SUMMER WEAR ) , 11 Gentlemei's Purnishing Go o d s! • Constantly-on hand. "1 - CLOTHING IDE T3tORDER In all the , latest 11 ~ styles, and at shortest • - -oF3xcx-i, ,Stet; art's l l? to , Biidge-Stre;et,'' • ; apr2s'66 r • BRIDqEWATER BgA VElt . : , ‘t .i jll,.s - A, leY . MUWAIII. INSTITUTE; :,.- NG Rev.R. T. TAYLOR, A. M., ,President. T HE next Term opcins AprP.- 5, 1866. _ Every opportunity For instruction in aril" branch- of science or on any musical instru ment; also vocal music, private or in daises, is afforded here at reasonable rates. Lads rectived in the Primary Departfent; also small girls of any' degree 4 proficiency. .Drawing and !painting of every style , will receive"the special attention of a . first-class artist. • .. • . Tuition: $5,50, WO, and sX2,64laecord lug to. 'department.. . None but thoroughly qualified and expert ensed Teachers 'are.employed.in any depixt ment. , For further information address II; marlB'6s. . ' TAYLOR, , • :1 • 'lnane - for Sale. - 1 1 1 .. HF =derail* kit has received from the fiotory of 'Chlokering g Bon; - NEW ANO, perfect ere ri respect, wldoli he Will 411 at a low titan.' Phrase onli and examine , . , rAIIIBIIIII 4 , .Muskat - Institute. • ADMINISTfiATOWS NOTICE: ETTERB'ot !administration •ow the estate 1.4 of WILLIAM. T. hfoalow, lite; ht: - Bo rough tp., Ileitrwr 4rowity,deo'd., haring been granted tar the !undersigned, all. persons in-' debted to-said estate are -requeitted to.roake nunediate par:tent, and those haring clahnii against said estate will present then to 'the Juba/Abet:properly ! autbgaticateir for set= tientent J. C. WlDlVEi•Adueri J147'66. : Bearer. Trion 'Want to bay rue Drugs, bledistus I. and Choi:dials, go to Moon's Ding &Ica ,41 • ; 11 ? :D w ry' . 1 144,44 , •-,, S. • - Er D• EALER IN r I AND SUMMER ' ME 1!EMI ~,~ 111 lcinflortritsw-tg • i ;14 =)l.q.f. r6.:211(fe-43:koltiii Iti.PARDEV at ROCHESTER; PA. einb door fr,#i Fi7tin2o!l' be I,rii4 a fulidsioit i nt* • _ ... - 1?,,t M IR4 CHEMICALS, : And is F IN:F6 IMMO . . W D4bOW Gi4S,S; • it VIVINSEED OIL, FOOT 01. SPEpT, OTL., 1 1 1: 1 • • PURE AND .SECOND' WHITE LEA. Axso,' FINE TOILET SOAPS;I ALL VAR IRTIES RIMS 1 THE FANCY a; TOI 'AND POPUL FQR All kinds of Patent ALSO; Cici My entire stock 'cAsti and is • !Low - 116,..At my siiis I • a thori.ugbly edues . , 4 Ist. physicifins And ling their preeeript Medicine's only Rochester, Moro BOOTS AND SHOE ' 1 r • THE PLACE TO GET, •T El lEN =I Cheap and I)nra Fr • % '. = T irr FAIL TO, f:61: LOUIS F. WEINM MANUFACTURER of ana Retnll.ll Boots-and Shires, Bride-acre-et; 13RIDGi*ATER He kdepS an excellent supply, of read) • ' work, constantly on tia bd. Boots and shoes rnalie:to , order on shor ' • . tine and'most renscinntite:tern4s. lie has 'good worktrien, and esti , ' be by any other estribUshment l in Wesd Alen, women and children will find it advantage to give itint!a call.. For the hest and cheapest article- go LOUIS F. WEINMAIki! Bridge st.,-Brid,gewo eetlV66 NeNv]Barbei--Sko MIL , V": i : ( HAIR f citiii SHAMPOOING, JOAN B. WILLIAMS having .just r 4 turned from. the army; where 'he. has served for atutost t hree-years, years, wishes to:inform hie form-• itr customers and the , public - gekerallY, that he has opened his shop in thwnoieh end of the MARKET HOUSE,. RIDGEWATER, where he 'willcarry on in hise..foriner good and fisLioaable style. By cline attention to butanes; he hopes to merit and receive.nfiber;, el share of public patronage.? ..Tikoso yriehirkt. a clean,, smooth share, • or hair cut in' hi fasl: ionable style, just stop in and. dive hohh~ and he feels•satisfied that he cad lease them. • ' Edecl 2m , , , Q ! lAMI AM PrepareS• to .deliver Coal of i i he b - quality on, shortest notice. Or ersiof at I. N Atkins'. Clothilit Store, Bearei p .Stilee aShalleoliergiee Sri:leery, Sridgewater,:A. 3. rose St Co.'s Dry Good Store, Rochestiir„irgl Coeivepronipt attention. redee2o'6s.--Bm. , DOCTOR • 4= l .:!ta3vri.E3 5 Will Praoticie Sitmkey*'Madielffle. pdi v eriCE,_sdjaining "the new *re of Leif: & Proxidley. ion*, water, Ps.' _ ' ;.•L it -6 •'S • 111 i ~,~,, i," -,, ME •cucrA) • r: ME ORS; t of IMMO , OI OIL, • CAftBOA. Apt`p UM : . 121 EST PERFU =M LIONSI [ ..; PAZEPAR4 TIE 1141 R, !. hand redicinee*Vo94 o RS & TOBACQO, S~ as been, Purchase offered at the :04 ST Palen: I _ t, Mr. Z,:oz!ts,ta 1:1211111 • al Apotheoari and It!!!S • theirscan fekyl upon hay- d with 'Oils' sccarately fill • .1. 1 I zcznm ME I RV. PORTER. . , . ~,,. .. ...-: ... 2 .... .. . 1 .•.-• .. 1 • .5111111..111.1417-RPFERRYANI i 1 . . ,;I•o.' iii '. -, I 1 .1 . 1. --. i t y l I'd 4 ; , 4 „ :,-; . 1 1 t .S at i i J E - ~ i Ei -x t PE RHOi• it odf,:i i , i ii -4i iii i t i,.,---c.' Tl 4 ,i., DirAIILI - I . %a , . ~ ... r : "...1 2 '-'. 1 ..-,4., • :..,7 , '"!:••••1••••.;: . h , ', ~.;`, 1 , ; . „1, ~;.1 : .- . •.- 7I , ' ' : .1 . 7 , I ‘,. ....t,.. r.. 'L .^' ciptriti iroct - ~.-.+.., ... f a so cad SU rii or raritens .ac.-„.. !;00.r,1i, • !'.., 'I • , ': -. 1 , — ,i, -, ',• '. . WOIKINCI CAPITAL ! ' "I.: . :".. ,! '.."-$lB,OBO. . . 1, .1 . , 1 - • _---,:•- '.. , l*"'.' . i‘ ', ' '' ` . . .)' '1 - ' l l ----- • , ----• . ' ~ 1! 4 . ~.` Ao. T , A meet ing t of tte'elooktioldere"or "the • elpove. company, held , ailthelr offieo 'in • rOggh, 'oF Boa heater, 4-pr il .1,29t,k, 1866, die folleiviAxpereons were elecle ! ica ofaors C for tkeeneuing.yeer:. --. 1 : ..• „, ..• ~ ' , •- . :4',. "" ":11 I' • " , t . ' , •' _ 1 PRESIDEN: i .. ' '3IA i I i TI.SON DA 4PtAbil. ' I , •,, - I , 1 d ' , .• ,-, d • , - • !' TIIISABII4ER,* BEcltrrAll . ': •.. . CELARLES I. B. : .pRi ....,‘, ,••- 1 • 1 . t - c Dfazoß , ' 4 Mattison Do i rregh, , Milo R.:All VharAes Btaide, , .. 1 Alfred C. l ' /amok Darriikh, • ,-. John Big! • Levi BronAinnen, •Robt, A. Clutrlee F., lieoctiall. , ~ , . . . „ sir limited number of mare of the, bove .Company may be ha , cation 44 theofficelof 'the cOmp.ni, 34*Officel is t e .Roe iny:66x C S. B: HURST , - • . AT. E'S IRU S I . - IN BEAVER . May be fotin•l the best assorti 1.1 7 DR,ITGS, _ ;- • - 411.1: lir'. I LIAU,O RS, AIT-IIITES And J3ran - die, 'Paints; , f E 33 -~ ; DYE S T ITE.F S: TOILET. ARTiqLt6, SOAPS , • • • • u. . PATENT 3IEDICINES I , • in great. variety, alt : of the nest quality, - and sold chez4per than can be bough t at any.',' other • Drug Store the county.. . BE pbponco's female Pi115:475 cents .* box: Chwisemin'N $l.l • ..I I,c, . • * • i 'The Largest stoe of - •- ..i v , .. . . LompsandLavp Tranattngs. - Lanterns, • 1 I r-ttrtiOne y, Wmihizq ,Giss 1, '• ' I ,`,.; and. Putty, ever offered . . outside of the clip, at' Moore's Drug St'orC; and sold elleapsr than can he bonght, l anywhere else. Let thosejtrho doubt this ealband see, attd•ther will doubt 11Ornote Deelii,'6s. • •IL. - 7 .! 13. .100 RE.. , I G-C:0 'MC) • ' • • - T ROCIIESTER irm Marble fro' i i l 1 , NV. p r iVfai. •-• •. • - •1 LI 4 . - 4 ,'EX.ECUTtS I.Lt KIN , (Ind Ornamehtal, %ler in a - yORUMENTS, Read and 'Foet.lgtones,..cf the best. Italian and.Anicrican Marble, at the shortest notice,.itnil at ei west prices ; I have on: hands over- Oue Hundred sets of. and Ornaruentnl - Ilead.etoncii, which I' am offering at 10 per cent less 'than eity.prtees. All those; wishing anything !. in my line, call eatVand examine my stotlk.l I. • i • Also, t best quality ofOrind gtcines on hands. . Rochester; Mar. 2lst, '66-4m. • -made est no- I :celled Pa. o their 'LT 31. ori 3E310 1.7' BEAVER; I= J.. 11. CLARK, ,roin setor. S, dater.- F - , ry OOD STABLI!Id att,ltched'. to this lor House-. 1ft66.41y' EU ,-' Select; School.:'' • rimiE• DARLINGTO".I SELECT SCHOOL T will Open on . • - Workday, June 3.asq.. 10;l . For particulars call on or, adOresim J,,BRADFORD 11110 DES, Prin., ' D ' •Or v.. 8. M.O ROSS, ' .• • I . • jei:?t, , • Dirllog!on, PZTTS BUi .G NATIONAL PLOW CO' - • - ROCHESTER, I • ' , • 'Alin AN UFACTITitING: -al t arletios of Steel 'and :Quit Iron `Plowa~` and would call the.attention of the Farmers of Beaver eearliY;ltwishing to putihsee • , • ; Flom! or-Plow Points, to tip . SuperiOr . Finish and . • -• '• . 1 4tialityl our • ' vieLALL W A RRAAN Tee' Points 2nd Landslides' fit the caries: pandits numbers of Pittsburg plows. ' yiptOid plow castings bought._ [speil?.:ly is'o;oou El rams, i Hurst; :ger, ookran: ',of Stock by snit-, ester, Pa: Set'y ORE, 2 I j onL of B,s El AND 1 1 rs rks i ~ t~~ hall S OF Work. 4 '„:.9. r: ,:i g • — T A 1 6 - ri..rhs.el Alec. -lEriai lit ) . 1 Dlit*-CLOCIVS -vicElslol--liAlit'iftliTOglit • _EA beet ifei Cdererto the pc - bn e on/rent , Off Malan*, ehatei If visions giciy 1 0 i t , ilutz 64 Auk..., 0,-.64„--A Uhl Nettie - when i t i i ; disease; reililtieettcruff.andruket:: itsjo ll 4lo Pi or sooty Pal; cur ls a f: i ache and; tairch'iediia..of the 4A esu virfiliiiil4:l beelitile 1104,• pliable,: IllaltaylloB3y. It ill tiCgaillapperfiaw hiss sft.ise Idestred- fon..a dressi c l ,, , taint neeitiai cf lead or Other 11,6 0 , 4 1' " 1 Om to die h ea d and hair, and of loiti prepa.retions now la use are cos ipas . l , purely vegetable compound. WI ei t4 l7 •wons,n to produce ate.iustance itherst:s, etorer has failed Alien 'used aecordln ' rections. Among the thousand s ill. g it we b atiel yet to. learn. of one wh o i s ! . satisfied witlsits reside. 11,,,,.:04 it.pruti„,„,brauty-,by 115 title. h it ital. ; but by supplying the secretions of be C I aa fec ow tly is 1,,i41 marvidous ri oi.v restored 1,,. I Ty glaneth acts .15 a restorer. Slotliell, children's hair is harzh, wiry, or ti.Za a s i l will find by using- the Restorer it will ' way improve and mol l y be dreseedin any cd.fortn, 0 9', / aYing the foundation to; th e ad Of hair, so desirable in after life. ,proprietor i s . aware of ,•,..",1 0. „,,, y It, been disnpponsted by (be M i gh se udin tense _of . 0!C , 1121tnerpus prE:par3ti,i,sie whi c h the market has beeq fill e d fi r , , 1 ? years pa,t, bu,t sueli ,enzi4,cor,:iie44 that 1 place in the merio of his- Reetsrer that he i fent, in all casei, to vtlp. , l i,e r,ne if. n h il thorough trio , o.f: itFo 6 qac••• it•:•:,il,, t o- i g. e , feet satisfaction. .I. -tulle tri %'d l- e l the most akiptiraf.e;-, "'l•rdl.• lt up le 'bottles and hold by all driiggisted ti I . tt P. • , - • Int. F. L. CLOCK, Prop. 4. J. ikloo ,E, bruggist,, Lea.ver s t , t t ,Rocbester, Bridge,svat!ir htttl Litict? Ni.,41. ren• & mcKenittatf, W.,41e..a1e Ag eik , .., . - r ,. , t, , r..ti. i i burg, Ta• '-clau4N-:,;11 ---- - -- ', 1.-- - - - --- ' - ' 7---- ----..,.. IA. tARD rTa THE 'LIIDIt . . 1, . . ' 1 EOttlicne' o's dolden "Periodical \ pi FOR FEsuLts. Infallible inqo'rreciing Irregularties, g E ine Obstructions of the MonthlT froth Whatever Cause, and notiva ant: s uns:in:l. AS A Pt•YPYS7Iry; ; It - is now over thirpn years since tie/. celebrated Pills Were first diseoverd bUPONCP, of Paris, ./lairitig whichtise have been-•estensivey and .successfall, inmost of the puhiicitotitations, irk private pgebtice, of both h6tisßlavt, unparalleled success ,itt every cis:, udi 'only the."urgent, requesty tlietioisa of - Ladies AvLo have used ...them, Co al 1 67 diced to make•the Pills public foithece, Lion of, those • suffernig from any : h. reg4 . l ties Whatever, is well as to. prevc att , crease cif fatuil,v, vj;j note it: Females' peculiarly: situated, o r .sUpposieg themselves tio,arc cautioned! using these Pills' while*. ithat condition the proprietor hss dllteS .n 0 ibt.ptinsibi!is, t , ,Iter• the aboveeyhartition, ;although t h t iilditess would keicet any In ief tot/odd ot.l4rWlee the Pilra are reconmded. i • • Price sl,q3 per .lids. Six Cokes . $5,,00; sbla by' S'. thoth, liridzewater,-Nov„ /laitiltun. Beyer, Reel/ester., Ladies By titAuntih. 1 above a=gents. ban have thelaUtiint lton‘ dentially) by Mail, to- any ' paVt of *A tote:l ty, 'or . 'sddr ess, -the Proprietor, . • . I • , HOVE, oct "5'61:134. • • 1 New roe HOI, EVE BEAVER 'BOOT AND S , . - c • EXpLWI: DI N A •; . , TO PC;WILIISE4S.: p r AyiNG ju,ll •.ecolvo .a Ilargc Lit DIES'. G •57 5 80Y';..& • • DR EN'S ' 'BOOTS: . . 1 • GPI EIN - .• • • IN For !4nd_. Summer Iff - - •• • 'FROM PIi . ILADELtI I I. I , 1. am pit .Pared to ancommodate avers rind the pablio• l`-' ?e beka seicetyed stock ever otferetfinilfwer.i l• chased atetlact , l -prices. ar..ll : :7 4 c'd i .. rates ,••••t) low t hat . 11niehai6•;. Will ir:ll2k l4 .R of old tames. lf.any of the scock..6th* l rip; 1 will cepair it free of.eharge. TJA, for pasl still claim a public patronage,' Itowr. TALI ; , •" • Pia asd. : • .apr.,n ... • - ANTED, -AGENTS-4.75 to S;.AiD \to. Tll f)i- ;,,:entlernen, and s3;tl l for ~adigs,' orerywherc: t.; intro lacelLe orated COmmou. Sense Family irdpruved and perfCeted:- . stitch, quilt; ',dad, bra id' and, ciabroilez. taftilly.' Price only. S2O, makiaz the look „s,titolt, and fully warria:ed tIA yFf . tr4.. s ili pay the'ah , lre wag6. - 1 , : . $ A n, from which twiet; Oi•It-o*""" ti: 1 "( 16 ; iddress, - with stamp, or rail BOWERS & CO., SaiesrOoras. No. '2 55. '°„ FIFTH street; Philatlel 13 ' .I'a•Al i . 144 ' I answered,promptly, with c.:yeeels` aol Fni•irt 1: g 1 , or a_ e. • - ... . ~ f;HE east .end 'of _the Farm knntre t!....' . . I:lnlivew Glass rroperty..itatte is RA towttellip, Beaver . count: : :Centaisitg (.4.1 Ilugared and Ilirt.V.Acres,ll"il one 1'1321. tiareslCleared rind under a goodstate of tuliitir tion, is offered for sal, h. :‘ , mod oleb` 4 2,t the, pttemisea. It 10-14 on the head 0 1 7" nehhicr's Ron, Within two .nnles of theme tirateg Islr.ad Run l.oil region :. Sad 1J 5 ,be •good oil territory. ' For .particalim If ir quirel of John Johnston near-the prtsis4 of Jugeph Lawrenee, South Beaver —I-,t ip --- -- --,_ _ ------ -- ,01 ALI.. . Mrjl l X o 7; -I AN constftntly , on hand s'iupp. l i !It - Pcana.st (Iron Frame) Glotlies , Par' er Wringer,'S Svrt W. is e a rn! rt vi t o f l o f, , r and , would call attention to the M i sad iett t ilr• 4 . oigg al C i ll: removed from the Stati:L and trinifenot , .machhses to me, I will keep a consteat atk , Alas, Censtantlx.orrhand, Crude-01h barrel'. and crude - 1 burners. tn. , , 3 co. , °c-5 - JOS IL'CLUBE Ag t• es . ..I. I II I . -. :13Arit 8.F4-ki:a :- I r . ' i # AI R•D RI S S E R. i 'T - Ao.llners is happy tOanneuteeol, tj It s old ;customers:. that I. ill , hn tte t t att4 . oharg d fron the service of the Um ' ~ A. and.o erred a Shop in the frame. baikl is J°W.l,lll:Virm..Orr's &ore. -.l;a hair c ul as the ,3110 St. approved style. Be troll:At friend! *HI renew , their iistrbtAP . 0 7 *tied thelhig of the 45th Be& 11. f.,,, fOrTalinoist a year, in Ole - battles erses°,lo; tirsbtirg, be thinks hitspeg eatided to Athgeent! ui.vem., sliare.o tOipublis *rani! , ; , 4DI 1 EMI
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