. . . . . ~. . tliE ttiVER A' GI PS .:1 Will be Published_Evary . , , I• .... ilt ;MIN IS' - W r I I IIPOIN US ic" '- ' -1 Truity.tikm-llikvit.trekki 7 \ s-::: .. -, .. . , , . . kt 11240Par 1 4 111 440 1 kAdvaliqs .; ;.t • - '' . iii , !,r.:' -, , ' . !te" , ,. w - Letcorti awl' contr i butions,. by.mill, • t ~.., . • . • r,,, :- . ...7 ,[1:1,"1777, -- +liar 11 . 1140 VOLIIIIf Irtiliiiii rje i. - --- wEYANIVIdIfor i ;' 11 . '4'i i op' Vietor. . . - • '. RATE ROAD S. • . . , `.FITTS. FT. . W. & - C. R. R. . oiead ifteritiayll2lB6s,4ll.l4g 0 , 07 lemii .- •,' Station; daily, . Stindays excepted; as AA 'lows: (Train leaving phicego at 5,50 P. -M. leaves daily.). !, ..... ~ • • • : I -- • • TRAINS 1710/314 1 1RIST: , - • ' . . ~ ..- • . llExr's.. 31A4 Ear's., Sar i s: ~--..---- ----, „ s- Pittsburg ..... m 21.01. A. 645. , 4x 210 Am 1201 ix ' lechester.....!). 320 ..I 820 .1 1 320 .. .715 44 N. Brighton..;; 33t1 " 880329 44 :,..... Enon. ........ .... II 413 . . ..1 4 a ~ ' 4 • 0 410 ~ 200 .. Columbiana. II 452 ... , ... 444 44 n?, 44 Saleal .... ...... '1.540 ... 1045 " 510 .. 258 .. Alliance - ..... .. i .615 . 1 1160 44 605 44 385 .4 Canton' / I 705 .4.4242i.ur r 657 " 419 ..- Massillon-- II 726 6..102 •• 718 " 427 .6 Orrville \'- 11.1805 4, 1457" 757 ~ 512 0 -Wooster .... :- i i r 5 !' 422 .. 828 " . 638 66 Loudonville .. I 32 .. • 828 " 922 44 628 ... . ' Mansfield."... , 1025 .4 •425.4. 1010 ... 715 41 ' ~. ' l''Ar I ' lllo 9 . • .600 4, 1045 '" . 740 44 ' .. :,., 3 : e3" 7 .e IjDe :11155... 620 .. 1115 e , 800' 44. DICYTT. LS . , .... .;1125au 65U '. 1145 .. 830 II L. Sandusky :I 107 " 1 7.30-.. 1224rst 912 ... ' . F0re5t......... •I, 140 ."1 801 .. 1235 .. 647 .. Linta. ..........I' am , 300 ...t,92.0 .. ,213 •" 1106 .• • i , - '• 955" .. 255 " 114' De11,11;;0 ....... i • 1 • • 0 .. van w er ,t ..... ••• 405 "11023 4: 324 14 12/7pil 1 • . Fort, Wayne..l 545 '.11150' 4 : . 500 . ta • 205.66 r c t a„, , ,,,bi.,...,.. 1 52811 1 . 2355. m 543 ..' • 240 .. it a ntsville.... ' .i.:. 4 . 1 . 1 ; - .T . ' ; ..„. • , Piereeton ..... . .._ .4 .41 , , „ ..... War.qw .. 1 !t 7: 2 0'." 1-1 - 80 ~.0 7146 4 . .840 •• t ', I . - -•-• . P1 5 in0uth....11,8 1 9....51 '2,15.. 78ii , f. ,44j 64 ...;..... 44 l i I.4ttstis;t„..iiilool3l..; ~, •• . 4 ,0 41 915 .. 616 44 lial;ir; .f..... . . It ..,x.. 1 .1 .... 41 1 . .... i, . 61 1 iarke ....... -A _. "I -•••• • ••1 . " ...--.: t! i11e.1if1.Cr051....;..- - : -. 4 1. I.:- .... ' • . 1 ..:..42...'„ C. Riqi.lln.i'li.ll . ...-,. __ ..,4 . -„ i - I . 4 ~ ---C1.::ag0.........111150 •.:i .020 .4;1120.- 1 820 4, • 1 . ' ./13.iLliill GOING 5.13?.'' . , , , _____ • - ; \ . -,i.,MA.11...,.1.14.10'3.1,k,N0t'5. E ar 's . . \____:.--: • I • ' .4 . .; Owego . - i 4-I.o.Ast; 720_tm 35 0 rst 102Ormi li.islitlJunt.:l• •-. 1 ''...1 • • ... .. -; .. - •.. 111 0.1111 - Cron . • ..I .. .. 16 . .ClArke ~ . ..! - 16 St /4 • !lobar'. - - ..i.1. ' •.. I <4 4. • . Valpaoso.... , p5l) ..I 905 "1.753 ... 12454.5 t . Wsnatalt ..:,.: 11 . ... t ... ..I .1 - .. ...... 7.. fa Plynt4latlx .... 1 838 "'1033 4 ,41 933, ..I 235 .. , bourbon ..... " : ~. 4 .1 •Warsew...._ II 947 4 . 1328 "11036." 343 .. Piet-et:Lou.- ';1•; .. . "I - - -'"11-' 4. . ' .. , _lhntsviiie .. '' .. J. "I 1"1 - '4 6, 71 • 1 - 10111111 bin ....,- ' 1043;.1121 . 71.34 • 1123 " 438 .. Fort Wayne.... 1 11,225A5t ' . Van . Wert ..... :1 130 pail. 22.11 . .. 1 138 " 721 H . Delploo - . 210 ..1, '2-3:i,•..•,.-209 . .6 756 ~ I . .I.itun. • ; : 25 0 '.:1 . :''825 "j '240 " ' 830 .. • Foiest . ' 413 1433 ..407 .. 917 .. U Paudtisky..l: 444 "I 459 . "I 440 ... 1021... --lineyrtts ' I; 523 "4 - 538 .1 . 526 -. ". 1112 .. , -.; Ar' 600 " 605 .. 600," 1145 .. ...4est -me - • •.., 0 ' nUe `' .40ast - ..,.. " 640 .. 12431.36 : 31an5t161 . ..,.. , 822 ...I .701 .. 7154.1 117 *- 6, Loislonville c ...; 02.; '.l •746 " 800 -. 1 201 .. _ W00...ter.... I 1025 ..1 835 '.. 850.4. ..258 " 0rrvi11e..'...... 'llOll ..; 903 _" I 820 " 317 .. . • ain55m0n......•444.5 .st ' U6ii' 4, 1 956. 44 .11, ) -v. ", .'esnwn ' ' 1'2:X . ...pm t 957 .. 1017 ...1, _413 f.! 1 Aft...nee • ' 120 ~4 . 11030- . . 1130 525 .. 821ito • : 260 4. 1 1125 " 1205rst 1 600 . f • Cpluml,lana . 1 . 230 . "11147 "11231 . 4 1 6211." Enon ' -' 1 320 4. 1222 Am - 112 .. 704 ... 3.-lirighton..\ r. 410 ~ ..i......, . 148 ""I 1 '747 ". Vont! est er .... I t i 430 .. 11-o.;<' 200 - .1 800 ... Pittsburgh .., tt 600 "1 220 1 .., 310."1 910 .. Erie and Pit tsbilrg Express Train leaves New Castle 414:05 p.m., .arrives' in Pittsburg at - G:25 p.m. t 'Returning Icm-ea Pittsburg at3:3o a.m , art-Tts in Nov -- Castle at 8:4 a.m. - nor Castle and' eittsbuit Accommodation Train leaves N'cr.; Cnstlo at 7:00 a.tn:, arrives in .4.llegbe.ny et 9:46 a.m. Returning leaves 411eTheuy at 2:23 p.1i1,..; arrives in Nov Castle et i;113 p.m:. • .. ' , - •-._ _ . • „..._____,_ __: ...___. _____,.„_ ____. F. 11..mvERs, ben.'TiCket Ag't. 1 ' •CILE V, F.:- &PITTS. RR. - 0i !Ind after 31;iy 20,1866,1raine .willl env's; sta . tions daily; Sotitiesa excepted, as follows. - 7t -- • - --.----- . • ,-, . GOINGFOOTIf." r . I tilatt.ilExt.'s.• 31 six. Accost • • • .I • - 7 Cleveland ._ : l 800s.m i 240rst 340,r5t 1 - 7....e1id strict it 811 "1 251 .. 353 .. I . liudson. . ;11 915 ..1.345 "I 500 "I . • Akron. '' .1 .„ 1 '1"." 1 111111 Orr Ville I' . • 1 I - s 'V ._ I IllilerAurg... ,1 .. . .... ... . i Raventia...... II 950 ~ .I 413 ..1 536 1 .. Alliance ...... 1 11045 ~.I 500 ..I 610 .. '; liayard .......,11127 ".1 535 "I 1 .... ... Wellsville .... 1105 P4' 6r.;5 . ',l ..... ... . • . , , .• - . , GOING NORTH. • -t' • , ,____, --7 __:__ . I, -. • 1 • . ..- ' •I I MAIL. ! EXP'S. I ACOO.II 1 EXP'S _-_ _..-......- - --. ireljmville . .... 900 Am 415imi' i . lityara-, ' ..1010. " 6 1 . 535 "; •••• Mtianc,e ...... .1125 H 610 ~ 630Asir ' Exchnua...-.- ;I:i:lsn.u. 700. ",/ 723 "-- ,•••• Millsrstmtr,i... i! - ' ''.• .' d i - , qtrcillo .....-..7i . • Ilutls,cii... . 4 1 9 -Ormi 7:17. ", 800 " Euclid - ....tr . e . e . i.;i 15'2 ••)'824,"1' ° 916 " ClevelauA....'il 205 "1: B;.:s'"i , 030 " . bori 1 10.10A3if '6lOAm liritlgtport,,,.l2)32l'G2s ~0 1 13 9 "1 721 "j Eteubenl:lc" i • 743 " '125 'rm! ;845 -" - S..tiath'sFerti 11 147 307 " ... ml 7 " "r ..r. RO CheSker '22 i 5 0511 . 1105 `RUING WEST ME Pittsbergli , 15,5rwl itclehee.er ; 30 t ) illty4fr• ... . .. Rmith'sFerry :• , , 36 et . 11 • - e ; , ,420 " S te•-benville r` 52R . 543 637 ~ U s ° " • • T 'CSCALLAIVAS ,Lesvzii Arrives Philaierhia 6.50 a m 11.4ard, .9:55 'p m. EvArd 11.4• i a m Philadel. 2.85 P.M. F. R• NY Tjakei.Akent^ . Dr. D. --8-tanto#, surpon,Physician &Pension , Suitek . n, NEW BRIGHTON, PA. WE 4-9-40;; ..":•.. • FROM 'T /MOLD • Potais, June 15 ' 1866. • • • . . - Sta-=Tha game is 'up. 'Tti ! e. Bind of Frankfoit his - voted, by "al majority of nine yiltes' against sOi", tl4i federal execution agalust Prussia: Mended by Austria on'the 11th instal her side,- ha's declared that she , would ca as eneuilea that .shoild take'i Atistria. •'"' • - 'So the:word of cousin:it'd , be Ansrell - : . 00 the•slaughte the Itriabipel -of 'vfllP. -- wives' ers prepare yout—rnournin the greater 'glory of.l3ianiarli barred. . '' • , • But let the good be codiforl is a justi , Je superior ,to that the crimes of tlio Prussian j merit will not rernain,uppenil :CLEVERNESS• OF .A.UsTR A! * . 1. 1 ' i _.• • , , .. , . The ability shown by, theViennese* i•abinet in the ;present situation' bus, been very great. _ It ha,. ,stfow itltifil . nite art - jinn . patience ir, its' treaties,: as you ivill. see. : :It has• sue - Feuded' in, gaining over, all the German "coned.: eratioli, - arid:in . forcing the esbioet,,Of trio Tuilleries. to" assume a reserved. and most friendly atiitatude r zall this Autitria has done. within, fifteen days., ' -I thiiik I' need not recall to yoUt themo'ry "that 'on the: Ist inst.. Austria gave up all ita_riglits . in:thetielty 'of of - Holstein; in - favor of 'An Gerraan i ) Rend at:, Frankfertion-the : Main .arid that •it had - further - ttonvog;ued the . Stifles ,of Holstein "st; I tzehee - 1 Prussia;on,,learning this move of her - friendly enemy, declared that 'the treaties of Gasecii . and Vie nip Were thereby violated, and General Man. , 4 , tentel received' the order . - 1 oppose tha Ineeting of the Holstein. states at ~ 1 . I Itze 10,0 even by force of arms. 1- - -- lewasAliought that - I.ltzehe, 'would be the casus (will.. An Austrian bri gade., conimanded by General VOn Goblenz; was in possession of Alton - a Amilizticie. - • The . question was, wouln . .bCallow' the Prussians to "l'arn hiin mil• without firing a shot?) '. , - .0n the pith of June the, ruseiaits 'entered Itzehoe, arrested-, the - uetrian Commissionersesser, sent t e.depti . ties to the right"t about; and the.Aus'H trianislosid quietly .by and lonkcd on. ,The . Austrian General .d i 'd = even more, 11e...t01d Ins soldiers that is they could be . of I'M more se they . ii i eig li t; at tim !: 47P k % Met ail Ver.' on, return.home by way of Ilan the 12th inst.. . There- ward A' e/kuir serlich white-coat left !n the'DuChies„ As the .game of . Austria Ewes • t,i) screen himself behind the Hued, his tactic was a. wise one It is row int. ling, and Prussia will, .therefore ; .- Li t e obliged .to force not only theustriao army, which i 9 formidable,. b t Bava ria.tt Saxony, Hanover, and'allythe sec • ondary States, who will knw, that victory for 'B?sipark.will be the user,- pation of, all Germany by I3is!mark. -..,. . . . THE , POSITION or f FIE PBXS§ N GOV , ERNMENT, . UM ME A ccom I® ISOM 415 ,• 510 "MI Mil 715 610.31 72.5 "11.45 ." 83" 8154 745." ‘330"" 900 Acrox ME MAXI. 610 Am V-5 .' 35rm 515 4' 85Orm 445 ~ 45r. - 544 " 620 • X 33 " 628 805 1 ‘ 715 "j 840 " 813 •• 050 " 830 "11010 91;.••,1115 930-'4l/20 " FIRE ME ME s ~':~: .• • r;" 11111 OEM Miscelldiib Which was really exOen , months agO, is considerably . Not only is public opinion it) aouinst, Coat 1-Esmaric, but nct be able to reckon on ; the.p The Democratic party, whir months ago 'committed the backing - the violent Tq lie ) haughty Premier, have no out, their mistake. Ilundre( titiona have been. sent to t. praying ho Will maintirrs pe4 most every day the troops al out to repress the ,mobs NW. or for work. - - is certain that:the Kai - Chamber of Deputies, which ly- to be elected.; is still -n.or than the preceding one to t of Bismark, and we. should surprised to hear that a revolL taken 'place in - Berlin, and tl the Premier and all the pad 'herzollern have. been senh,,to aborly r Dtcannot be doubted that ti ' firat„shot has - been• fired, A.le, triotisra will shoW; itself i glory. - But. .- WIiAT•iVILVIIICANCE - 4) TO , this question, whi:th his been in everybody's month for th © ~ last six weeks; an answer, was given on the 12th inst., by the Sphynx of ,he' Tuit 7 teries, to a letter written to t e ter of Statte,Monsieur Rattier, and which was read in the Gorki Pgislatt,f, or Legislative -body, to titunders of applause. „;,. I . r THIS IMPERIAL MESSA Is as usual a riddle, and ts way binding comme tonjours. 13 says to 11.-Droura de Lhuys, "if the confer. ence had.been held, you were to have declated in - my name ' that 1' rejected all ideaof territorial aggrandizemeht as long, as the balance of Po%trerin Ff uropo should ,omain anbro;cen." The message of the Eihperor,,7.vhich iti - rtr vapors will bring yOu in extensit, though Of a - pacitie, charac,er, does not premise that France_will not en. ter tbalists, should the -wo k begun in`ltily be in any' way inter opted*, The Imperial speeeb ,may se ball?d paciflitc - - belliecse , , 041 we sav Fiance—in chair in poisson, • itafique, insitie-raisin.- - I , 'PRE CORPS LZOISLATI As flail& before; receivod tb al ,uviitage with trine& a"411 was slisinclined to buvo 133 ±"pretier4 ~. . 1.1-.. .. . ' ~ , _ - - • '-! :.:...?•;;', ;-:-.-.,':-/- ;-6'''.741;.:1:.:-: -....•.-.,,..:', 3 ..., • ; 1.. ', ,Ai • ''A!. !-..: i 7. , ' A •.: ~ A - -. '-' 3 ‘: ~ ' t .7 . - 1-',,1. .r. , i , „ :: "•• • L 1 ..; z i , 1 zji v .7 1-.r.1 3 ' , ! b :;'`="q I -!!.!i. !l l ', (... ....: ',. !..., ri: •:: •,:,-.: .i i• '4 . k::, .A: •••'. i , - ; - V,A " ! • i • . - - 1121 TITI quoition:deba Fame and,lito =I ed. down Wa feer'2 words ;lb, tetTatir.g to I,ent:moment: WAR. POPULAR N AIIIIITN - AND ,ITAiit. ;... .A war whi;.i, .:: lisare in Prillibilt . or Frande arid .13 gland,is owever* seen With . dellght is Austria tind Italy.: In Vieentr,veagece to Prassia, is vowed front / the :pal ea to, the hovel. In. Florenee,tbe e v is. AiertOat : recksee in 7. Death to:the "erad. IThe Italians are:prepared t meet:every sacrifice to get rid. of the rcuigSr-ar_id the -pneot. a - The 1 eac does fiat. ty, and . the Boar, .. boas are, , tali ng i!i.vatitage : of,, the movement to ise i tileiti beads, _ Tile' Itaiian Gotiinment is , taking the,,m6st- Vigo Otaa ateastral. to creel. the.part!zans of , thegil,on 'house, and, almost iecalls' i lie reign lot .t!irror -iiv France. The jangeip3's , are lull ) (if prisoners,"an,d even th,el convents and barraeke , are nined in ,o - prisonii 'foi ,eor.spirators. _ -H - . t: • formally eider all art-wlth will now `y—sound Ind - moth tor • theltb. ed; there al4n 7 - 7 . govern. :heck. •Garibaldi ha of c N , f irera. • bandri of-volun as if bitipten'd , the, Tyroi.. N' sue the .The , eh olera at Nantes and seems to resist medical men; Ai.!vices fro mach fsver rei . now on the bor tonk - pl'ace a fe the Ptiri,‘.,,,rail whO was found datonatory bat eh - nil:le to thos This, is , whispe canard. . It was yebte l Emperor Maxi throwing up Diexieo , hut • w confirmation bonds are now at 349. will take 'plat: Tho knOwing o it breiik ont, - it less indeed the put hie finger: PAR! z ..TW%"• 6 greilt tiosit# to kind with the hanging over o Thetis *ore ago -at the' Elys just bon ros.to a residence-for 1 The Empero to the - Grauo who la' !Atte* talking of the the gurdeni lit whirh , tient. i brune'ies of ti. Used to! elude t taking his eon' Rossi, the, g is still within ; sensation, in • Other Shaks'p shortly . leave. t and the United! Poor Batty, 4 bit by the lion: . the wound infra 1., S—Who , - my letter, I ' h diapateh, whiff; munietited. • T that- the Pit any more atter entered into St tarily certain an enemy ou i eoMpetent . in 1 that after thre may bc'maste nt tWo ,hanged. Europe ho will 'russians. eh a few fault of of the toned of pe— Jo King, ice. Al= yre culled elarn ter, or is sboil- hostile, he policy navAr, be tiOn` has toch Ali of Ho the right when the rman pa n all ;its RE: =MI l ed;•- , The e. Thera they nt.iho ma' • - ,e coantr at lag e `sera and • d rAteeki HOg orte oa w 's t Rotter all tt.;,6 I Italy - in orm ne that riS anloll,;St tho irlope era of the_Po. ' BTANT A. REST' v, v.days al o, t.t one of ay statiqs, ..of a man to be ea: 'plug several a in his ov i ereoat pocket Mode use of by Orsini. - - ed, but seems to bo a AN 1.11 ~ i . day - reported, that the 'rnilian had decideOlpon he" Ipiperial erown '7 OS `, are ri . :.'i yet without the Am ie. Mexican 37; thoy 'ore ipaued THE UNI,V I4AL EX with or 108 afylri •'ill not" Czar'eh the pie. AMUSES( t#ke ;sword c r heads. AT TU ELYSEES. GRAND FE coat doings a lew days ee Ecourbo, which hai' 'Ad on aand scalo.ae thi3 Prince gr Imperial. • gsvp a ilpleudid fete uchess,Al4ty of Russia, to him. All Paris is airy•like 4ppearanee of up by theld4lectric light, .s rays through the beautifuli trees which le first Etitperor while eat Ita li ,116 has. MEM =WM s fora to , States Ivhb was t o Other day I is - atilt s 'Tering 4rom eted 'on hi . 1 on the pint of closing :vo .reeei.ed al priVato has not et been com is diipat h anisounees ssians, wi, host paying tion to' tl o Diet, have xony and occupy mili efiles diffi ult to drive of. Thiel) who are lilitaty, atters assert : battles he Austrians as of Berl n. 0!MI LE 4eAsz A REMARKA bia,is usually, nicated from , t' the glands at t of a mbid deg! , man at Maniy day with'very I drophobia, phi with the disco cat. Ile Was a! smith, whole .Nforrie streets the shop wile] some three ' ‘ sprang at him meet in Ws let 1 and the poor h the oecerrence eight of water ' spasms.. Ile s ony until Sun mercifully guy adelphiq Anteri ! iiferred ti e`saliva Ib root 1 - IThere: nk who iolent-sy.t ptoms of hp hud be- r, inotAlatod 1 ,0 from ho• bite of a n uppront cc to a black. shop is t Fi‘ont .and There was a eat. -in n he we t to open iti eeks a , o. The cat and ma o her teeth 1 1 . • The , Ound healed, y halal 'est forgotten . On Su arday, at the he wit seized with iffured unutterable ag [Ay s.n'oon, wuen, death o hita a elease.—Pkii- A. , Herald is .responaible ing : Mr. John Heffiet• ,ted Suptrittendeot of hoofs il this county a appear d before the endent t 4 he examined t ) S fcr the ositinn. • We 1 med the according to West Po nt is situated and ' acdording' to his 1 al .faeltsOn fought the °Owls' during the ..Of cou e, Superin— i _refused to issue the I him. Tin Carl!ele for the folio floger was cle our .comioon because he w. LAW week State Saperinl as to his fitnel have been.info, hie geograph in Kentnekyd history - Gene battle of. Ne' Mexican wUr. teodent Cobu commiasion to MEM ,vesm, MI :fore both' IL were cosigh=: *ed to say! 'a tars most • at - . the . press g piblican; diincribei.t .:: is .1.. A - l it,t.ibi meeting as 144*g1 : . - 44-7)( Ondeltstin tOreet frfn :thilo','Fitell'"thattl.i'•incit Of eistiPertields 'attn . ' ntrol the Ad . - sII- 'Oka - I prOciedinga,,atut- -;the, a tone of apprims(' of - 00144ttlnidleirt.:-iglhe.; 1 ranee' tti'l:aii) tects% t'l4ts i sitieU't, and supPOrt Isf .'the';' , ters' l l4dertszc ely T i s sir: I''Th in • f r a ii4Pidiertt I drove - the:Cope fro iheilebiti hottee;l aid then, after b , g' - several I patais otic ' - speeehee,lidopth!! ow ..the 'folling .; I „ . etnpbatieriiainblottliind resoltitiona: • ", • Wailails,t This ii t•Cohveiition nf I snhliers, Leaped togelher .tc•-.!'isadore our' Prestdc,nt, -Andritiw '.T.nhnson. an 4 annul the.,steticisis_ of*, raw {,!) suldiers of this confit:y,,Wligin tit delegates that misrepr4sented - It' r , a 'disunion'(!) Corventionzit4'itt nrgi on the 541 of June, laat; 1 , 1 4 4040V3, '1,,, ~ ~.. l e . ik, Bo /red, That snort, heartily np. pr6yo of l theliate end met* to our, ConbtitutiStfoubmi 4l_l)p jOint reso- Intj,on.ofthoib hOn* -- - e - f.:Congress tp the snretial 'Slated Viiifit r sii i . appinial; so thatirt ihp•sidngtigile 'of our .Preei-' t denir- 1 51,hibisoitint 1,,s ih_',thia disor dered state ancl,•we .1.13 ,seeking ' fIOCU. I ity,.lot its "fix the , iindations ,nt the Govern Mont on ' therki pleb' t oter.. nal jthattee, which , 11. , endure for all time." I• ' I 'I 44" left his Island 1 ' 2 ' rantaing - his, (r t, would sewn' ng hustria, , erdorti soon IN I ;etli of Spain, , .turi, where it . ono of *the ilite Resolved, That n tore, ,ilangisagef out Presiden--- t"Only .. l men sbiiil - rule the- Republic, and. Ahpiiiid =take a back futit. We *tt..not Itbose who brought !all this,•Misery ttpori us to control °Cr destanie4 t4t all the glo. tio flow. victories won by; anti:noble art mies go for ring, : 4no the battle fields sown Witk - 4 _ bodies .matle. memorable in varb.7 : I . pia .Resolved, tluit ' . *hinge of our President-"a•triit , ceased to be a citizen, land lt. j tttog the rebellion has become b. publiCh enemy Be forfeited' [his right4b , trate with loYal men when he' ren. - ed -bit citizen. ship and Sought , ' .litroy our Gov.. ernmeni. I Before-/. '`• r repenting reb els can bq trust !i; - .ebohld bring, forth fruits of re =,,-- 4 , 0 6 117 . 1 .quolve4 The ,;,,,,:' , ik, .sorry --_--- ,- - • of ipperbeade, in preferer.Ce to Gen. John W. 1 Geary; the ''Hero, of Wan . batchie," and that. we :k‘cOte as we th, IBITION (without war.' that should At long—un• old wish la uv.♦ • a ure or - .any .Damocles Resolved, That we endorse, . pr, ings of . the Sordiers'. Convention held in Waynesburg; on the /di of . June, 1866,-and that .we. ratify, thelresolut ions passed of 'the Union State Convention held WO "National Union of the Boys in Bhte," at 'Pittsburg on the sth inst. RiAsolved, That We have no l respect for a soldier. Whose conscience will not per mit hint tol sit in convention With citizen, soldiers irrespective of Party. —There is.- the light ring , in. - the foregoing i.c.solutions t It is the'Aem , per ot - the soldier. frankly ,expressed. ' Will the' Copperheads continue to, claim the boys ; in blue as,stipporting Clymer, after snob a demonstration? t n - ttagediaii, made, quite a amlet) and IN. o He - will 1 r in England The Pop 's Loart The Pope, has. called for Ia - twenty • years' loan, araOunting,to $t2,000,000, at five percent. intereet, paYablesemi annaally.jon the Ist of April and Ist of October. Tho ; American Tiortien'. of this issue amounts to $4.Q09,000, and the first 9oupeaS wilrfail dap April Ist, 1867. The bolds are payable to soir ee, are of five hundred, frances, or one huadred gold) ancl \ thelcou• pons are Made payable in Otris, .New York, Philadelphia and New Orleans,' at the currant rate of exchange. The bonds are offered at sixty-six 4tents on the dollar •in gold, and willlyield; ever, seven and a halt per cent s interest.— The bonds are _neatly executed 2,in Italian on one side•and Ftench on'the other;ana unde:r the seal of the Pope. The agent. for Americais , Mr. Robert Murphy. He is, at present iq :Now York= making direct . appeals to the Catholic clergy 'of the 13010.1 States.l Wand Canada,. and' :for _the r few days,' which he has rthus far occupied in bri nging l i this map before the American. public hey Las been quite. successfal. • Virhattrer'inay be the result. of 'pros. ont complications in Eur9o6,it it confi dently at:eetteZl that, the Catholics. of this country, as well as those of the rest of the worid, will freely come to the aid of the Pope. . ' HydroWlo • be commu•. ecreted• from • the teeth of Was a young ied op Sun a TOE DEM,6CIDIT6 ' 11Se the' , game amottht of vituperation in' regard to the Siildiet te Convention which assern; bled in. Pittsburgh on theil. : 6, that theyldid with regard to, kivitig the soldiers a vote •vittle in the Sertfiett. It, le the same old bile The soldiers have been their deadly enemies: whenever they have been at a tesp44S l 3lo3 tance. I Tbe 'Rebels and:-Peintrerats agree most, siugutarly, . • I - Nor many years' ago. t h e town of Galena, Illinois, contained in - a single street, the business signs of six prom inent citizens, who have sitioe become emint the , public service. They -- areßrigadier ) General J. 'A. Msithy. Major General A. .I.J, L Cheat4in, Major' General John A. Eawlir.gis, the Eon. Elihn A. ' ,rWashburne - MajOr General John 'E. Smith; and Lienteint Getter!? al U. S. Granti ' i -.: - -:,..:,_'''' . 'r, , , -: i.n - ' -',..: .• - is — .- ~-...,_,..- -_--- i.• : ' • 1 - t'r7, -...1:- . • : -- : - ;:-7 - .. 4 . ..-- 3 2.:;•:1:- •.: .:. • ..t_ 2 •• ,-.. ..,. • w ..!- 1 • - . ~---..:..,-.:- ...,. - . :....•.- _ , t. IZI ',• . 2 : i hi z : 0 .:3. , :z1.1.? ilCArt,'.::;:.- 7- 4 iii-Adr4:';'; , .;.. J . N..,..: : :. cl. J t ..,-t „, !,. ti.t.‘,..;:v • ..- • ... / l l".it . '..'. I . J-- , . , 4; . ..!i 4 , ...'i - ir.:ir• ..1,:t.. i..,.:44 ;-ti,......4--..:-fl-- . ..'1i',...,1:1:, ._.. ~\ ,. i ! - ~. 1.. v.. LT .T.-:1 -4.• 2-r yea .: r. , iti.1.:',:e..5. , .1 . .. 4 -r• .), frl 1 . ti: if . .•.- ;; i ~, t , 1.--: '. - - A . il.-..-4( ''' '''''' ''; in . ''. 'L'.- 'P 'f ' ''' • . , •.. ', • '' i tt . , . 1., ~ .i . .! , .s: 1 ':: $!. ;il •1' " i.. ..- ,; - ',. :,!C., - 1 ' . PI 't • . ' ' • .0 ~, ! :' ' ' '' , l i ' ' '• ' :i '.. • ; i . - i , . 1 •: f :. '', • .*F" ..., ..., - .i."... ..t : • . 1C.;.. '' • - ' ' -. :1•1 ' ' . P . , 1 ' . - ."'''ir: :t ;11 .t . ..1 ;.. , ---;:, '......--", .• - • ;- ; ~...;\•--:#: .. nr V, - -7- • .-,; ; ',:-. 1 :" ,'.- •, , .. . . • - • —..-• ,•..• 1,, , ,, >. ~ - f :-.11. -51tt- , ...'7.'.:,t ' . .r...:' •,! .-;. ' :'....: ".., L. ..:*; ..; ..-:, , ;!' ''''' • • ''.! -. '; . , - , ..i. - .. • ~ ..-1 I" , 'J. `..,..- • , '.-i 4 , - ,, f'' ' $..• !IT' , tf.,',' ,' l '.." f ~ f ..,.; ' • ~,, -::- [..:' .1 ': ~• ..; ..:: .' '-', ;.' '• .;.' -I ' ' - ' .'' ff' .. .? . .i ' .• . r .''.• ....11 , 1i. , ,.. ; ..,','-'', :......!%,.. ', 1 .:-.7.1„. • :-ip. - -:; 3 .. iiiiai - 4 • ' -'. .. '•:T, . , tak e i r.l - .„- • sold . erd.4ll'::Yt= - „ tC ' Anty iciltionlisi.. ' .r.` ii.:;'firitliiii4l-:.'r •,,-. , . L4.18* 6. MIII :liigi#rteiit of 61NkoitOs'auJisizis.4 " • +~TS='IPAL"OP 'Ali OLD litOIDINT. • r , . • - — if •.. 1 r i 4t,'!,hif ',Union - Slitto -ConYfyition t or' , 1 - ses it resolution -. 4 , aki'licioteci ,bY ike=- elaniation• declaring' tilat'the leader's aid eindidates of the DeniiiiiciatiAa/izi CoPPerbeal 4artY stood ,arraigned!, before the peOple of • PennsylYida 'for . 660st/intik obstructing . the .efforts of • , 1 ~ die Constituticitial Authorities to main.. ‘ tern' the life of the'rinitiOn. • • 'No . t e' . now , rePeat 'thi' •Odunta' in thA ladietritunt" . ttet - preferred; 'di , 'declaring 'that'ia• l . 1 1_ . Copperhiapt liiiderti did liiiii- , : , . - "i 3 '.' "ti+i 'eh passions „ l' yin a, ng .. e, of their ignorant followers against ;be 'legally elected officers of- the' Federal - Gov arntribnC,Arid refraining. from all re.. preach. against treason orarmed trait. ors. , • •• _. By', firoeuring: a 'decision froin the .D.Jmorrati•O judges ' . •of -• • buil Supreme Courts,- denying the right-of the Goe..il err anent. to the tervices.of•the •citizens or' this State, for the defence of ,the fuiperilleci country ' 2 ' b•-• ' _ By discos tens:from i7olun - teering i nto .th e . armies of the -Union ; thus rendering it necessary : to succumb to' treason, pr .to pay large - bounties end se burdening ev•in•-yrrd, town. ship and borough it. )the ; 'tate' witl debt to fill the ranks of :ours armies: • fit opposing the etilist.ment• of; ne• groee - for . our ',defense, alt6ougli one white' man less Was require& for every black One 'who : could be enlisted, and this at the very moinent Whadthe bat. I tie or 'Gettysburg was raging on the soil of,' Pennsylvania, and that devi.. 14 8 battle was unceitain. .• By denying to our soldiers the right to vote wh j i a fighting for tire flag of onr fatherw,on the plea that such rights were not allowed by our ponstitution, and by opposing an amendment,Which. removed their objections and relieved Ourbrave„lioldiprs from'tbis disability. By exaggerating the public indebt edness, denying the public credit, and teaching ,that the. financial ri.sources Of the north. wore unequal to the sups preaSion of the rebellion. .• . • By a shameful opposition "".to. inne urea for extenditg relief to the fami lies-of Union soldiers,' and by a;malig-, dant effort by these Means to secure the success of ,the rebels in the field, arAoch a protraetibn of thel war as would exhaust. the natiOniid its effo_rt to, sutatup their friend!. -. • '• ' - ... n .. 11 :.'cV - ;': - ra7:ibik - o - ft . the relsase - of leading trai frowning down• all attempts t ..to pusistunent the fiende_who our soldierei and.. by assurin ihat r neither' in ,person 'or p ,ahall they be punished for heir • , 'And, if anything Were 'war, complete their infarnyovi3 hAy their 'determined - opposition labor, and to a tariff. which, -1 would make labor .profitable 1 Letting the'wotking-men of PI Varna from British cOninet.itio ' largely increase the revenue to the maintenance of the pa ' and credit. roceed- Let tbia indictment be kept the people of. our 'State.rtz. are as - inning to -day .as they year. ago, and in their, name again Win a great victory.- tin Editor Sold. it hi said that editors ba.ve-ft-pecu liar way ; of prying kto cther eople's business, and we •are' comp , lied, to confess to a sell. While in bieago, we bad ti, desire-to see,Joliet, nd got on the' cars for thlit purpose:-:kassing; throngb the middle car. we ei".4lld see no VACaRt seat, and, were' obliged ,t 4:!, put up * ; with' a part of one, witia feifow passenger near the sto e..! e was apparently about thirty ciirsliff age, and had a large soldiers ..b . itinlsSt' thrown i offer his shoulders. i On the opposite stdesat a stout,rubuetfelloW, with dark ihair, tirid:quick, int4iligefit _eyes, who turned t - upon tik forlia l moment„and seem - 1 ! 'to read ottr vejlv ttioughte, then awl back .uPon ins , I, ,ins ''seat; and forget the past and; future in' what appeared to be a sodnd sleeP We then turned to our .ricighber ald, asked how jar he was going doWn t.te road. He replied: " 1 ,"To Joliet. "Have' you any friends therel" , II . "No; out I have some strong recoti inendation from a prominent Man to Chiintgo.Y .l ' , , i 11 , i.Ah!",we exclaimed;."from vihoml" "Recorder Van , Buren." i , 1; 4, lndeedt giaci to bear it," we 'co 7 tinned 4 ,Wisbing to find some frien at Jeliet, you, perhaps, wilt be of se ~. vice." - • • ."4-uything I can do for you, I, will 1 , he replied, with a quiet strafe. We Cid not, like'that'smile. • ' . ii ? I 'I "Hew Jong dO you intend io vernal at Pinot?" ivelnervously asked.l• "Well, the recorder, taking, k coneideratio • my youth. 8011 i tpi3 fo' n two yeare'and a half to learn the lap' idary's, tradi, and as you are;lie t .those . prying Yankees, "pokin yard; nese i ll:it° everybody's busin-es-g,Aarici yard; Iyou, I had• got • your . just. deserts yoi.i. would bane been there long agc l i" ' Tito:sheriff woke from feigned sleep and ,buret into a roar of laughter, ib which be was joined by,t.ilei oth rpm, Isengers.• -We wale front oar Mint ?posture; cast °fie bewilflcrede on the fantilcirirainai,thet at the arieg Pasaengers,and, like a Sweet pp . euecn vat isbad from the scene: :j ~ . 1 1 l i Yr IM • r . T I , , • ,1.1 . 1, . 1- - The Ckicid Old en in England. •••• A pretty Olin gilt - dwelling; With' her widowed mother near the village of WYobtnbe, loved and - wee beloved by , -'a 1 ybOng - farmer, whciiie 'Croft ad . — joined her itrotht4eit fittle field. The young_ yid, happy ! pair lonked forward, to tbeiwiadinek at'po distant date,Wheii' one :evil', 'daY—a kiiy,i tin, of titadeli 1 storm and.-', raiu T t e e eagle • et 'I• 'hi ' i o o' mothiere , door....livealiby saitor; , who I placed 's money bags Yid -' elation : in' 'mother', rivalrY_ gainst the youth and Inlaid*: beitity. b,l - the •. fOcstaprgin. ".. 'Tiles Justice Parr. an aged it d' ; unrjgbi.nnzi BINIZi ' holpid,sceo .61e. Ruth - item:dog iti his wiheatfielct and resolved to win : herb) hie wife. "1:-• I' . '... -:' ." '' T.he inother;:toMpted, 04 - golden PrtisPeeil tient the. old Pula' to-49r daughter,who wii i ti simple:eartiestnesu told idni. :: the star , of, • her lore for the young ' farmer, and besought him to think of her no piitii,e, - ,,Tbia would have melted many ,a h r eart;' it bardn4 his;l ed his ; poriderin in his winked brain,lihatehed'a scheme of revenge. Half 11 1 31 is of witithersft in the :town ) turnip; l adrift so' Cunningly. 'upon the ME _,...g a.„.19111 bieezar !of -- gossifi, tbrit I, :limo. knew whetice.ithey came; began ,to make the timid tiale. , 1 1, :, ; 4 ' ‘Atliill fell ill with'S pining disease, and tbe maiden' wraknowly to have sat long.hpiire by the i)ed ortlib flush ed, and. teseing.. ufferer, sanibir.g, its ',fever' anjAholirig lite fry lips with a 'grateful jacid. This at i onetwas ground for suspicion -- ; _for M oat - Childish ail:-' ments 1 were, then ligndrantly ascribed 'to Witehelaft; ;Su Spicibil became cer-, tain - truihen a witch-finder—notlthe infamous' HopkinS .who flourished a year or! , two later, *r f t- ft wretch . el l similar king, brocight *raft the 'village and fed! with a !good round sum by " I the , relentless juetictdiscovered in 1 the &mar indubitable arks of witch craft. ' 1 '. .' • ' He said there was something so. perhuman in her l beacity. (Had she been.a•bag of eig ty he would have drawn Abe same c,nnulbsion from her, ugliness) She bad a mole on the left, cheek. Her, mother kept a cat, w_bieh was known' to wand er i 1' abroad at 'night. tri.on these and equally /his-, erable Preseits, 'the ,- poor girl was i seized and,- carried, F.l*lo4cing, 0 . the !Witch Lake; that 4he iniAt there un dergo the _usual, !ordeal. , - With her *nabs 'and great otoell - tiiid together, 'She Was talcim In 104 to i the;,eentre Of - a• pool, and fluff pit r ilessly in. :it .-"apta;hr-4'. shrrek or tWo, qUench-_- ~ i_a- buhbling apaeins; a7troablin* of I and then all 'ma Stilt. -- 1 -- zzliri- 1.1.t...,..z--... i !was pro Ted; but tif, what ,price., ~ Next d'ily Owl white I,gariiileCti l l and whiter face a l the dead • girl floated up amid the Watbr lilies, lin . whose / trailing Stalks her wet black hair-Was al! en. twined. i The corn' 'w*ci , loose—snap ped ,in the Straggle ;1 -but 1 alas 1 . too I late! 1 , - I l, .. . The equity of tragic . Segirenee would seem to idemecti the i nstant , death of X'arr at. her fariona lover'S bands; bat '—ab! for the weakness of hunianity ' ' b t't . :enthralled by sup rs 1 1 ion 7 -that very - lover', convinced c i f her guilt by the unanswerable reasoning of be Witch finder; siocid ' among the crowd that saw her committed; to the lake, Will thanked Heaven for having delveree hiln from wedlock , witba sorceress. bit OiTs, 7 l by bring tariled rebels operty erimc.s. ling to e it in lto free bile it, 'y pro- OnsylL ..would r .seent j ial 'bef re truths' !were a we can . 1 • ,- '- I Counting .all, t;h . eiri are tbtrty-sx. States in .the Untem,.. and I the concurs, lrence of; twenty —s'even of them in.the. new Constitutional ,; Amendment Will be requ isite to its .due ratification.-- Twentyione Rill doubtless .ratify as soon as opportunity 'shall; shall; beoffered. These are, Callfornia, Connecticut, ii- 114mi:3, Indiann, Idwa,. 'Kansas, Mame, INlassichribet , liiiebtian., 'Mincesota, , Nevada, Ne liarepehire, Missouri, S ir New York, `aio, toreon,. Pennsylva nia, tithed° Islan'd, - Vermont,, West `Pirginia,, : __Wiscgnsin. Virginia,__Wiscqnsin. New Jersey did no 4 ratify ['the Anti-Slavery tAmendmentt. until 'be F • vote was, 40 1C tigir I neeessal.s , ';.iqd tier present ate...' titude le e)ne of diioubt. Ot the, other States aLfeasonab e dependence -may be plkeed on, Aigaiisas, Maryland, ;North Carolina and,-Tennessee. Tkis 'Will intik° twenti l -fiiiei. ,If New Jer. rsey and', Delewar nan be• added to :hese, ate fail number I will be obtain.. -- ad,-Pittsburg Galxite. l '. . 11 1 No REPTILES . Iff 'XEWFOUNDLA2ID.— . -- , AS natural and somewhat curious. 'feature, it is mentioned that the island of NewtoutidlanclJ_ tbcugh, abounding lir. game; nat infeeted with "reptiles. captain pharlei ditearfney- writes( I n iNcwfoundlana theiv is not n 'snake, toad, frbg or 'retilt-ot any sort...— There ..ts not asq I (mottle Island, "no porcupine, mouse-cT minx; ,N , vtieres thei aceptiOn of the porcu pine wanting in -9a - pel Breton; Nova Scotia, allt these'cr,eatires arefound t in the neighboring FiroVinees- The Ar. Jbare i is Immo hare in Newfound !anil, but, neither in Cape Breton or -Nova 'Scotia." One Captain Hardy 'calls attention to other deficiencies. as visited the island, in tnitisumroer, iand coald not: 431 p remarking th'e i tact that firedies Were not to be seen hero, while inNoya Sothis they swarm edby scintillations ad ding,beaqty.ta :013 pall of, r quietnight. !The island is fall of bcga and swamps f!which render itivery 'difficult,, to ao 'count fo the totsi absence of reptiles Fos Marie 1 . • • '1,,: •, .11 1 • , -i - ..f~_ .. 1 . C•, !!! 1 4818. The RAW° tion. T.FEL tiONV 'tot file .11 OHN Yoa i.Wn; Dr- it • Audit3r of St. .Lonie and dent' f tbe.St.Loiiin.Rail ny: Re pas reg'arie businee inari sett kad'ae( tuner _ed .-,'Swig; Si OMO. spiritualists , began to =ins atrange and fascinating tber env, Col. Blood i eari,,_, convert, and . beeams 'President '4 1 . - Atie Spirilnalista in : St. 14;u:iii.' 'Sci.nliffi' e, r t ago he becarns acquainted. with Ma atuliollaud, ii eliarvojittit, wild Orb.. leased. to ;effect wonderful cures of die. ease pertaining t'o women. :The _wife of CoCilloOd, ii - Illassaabilseild laciil" was an invalid and -lie took 'her to - Madam Holland for. medical;:treiiii.2., wont. ' ,- ' . . -.' ~ 1 Some tirrie after : 3l)in witch'of Washington aventie - ,'Polirmel,- .11lood'a friends inviting uneasylon count of his frequent visits to t.le and - remonstrated with- him iLbout; extravagant gi ft s.' of moneyi'to be, They representeffttrat-the•wbintiq of bud character, whose only: 'objict, Was ko draw rponci fro'M Willi: hut tie insisted that she was' it good . wonniiti, • "I ar.cl iprornised to retrdnch his laVitm. - expenditures, , rejtdily. a,diattitc that' his Conduct, at a. husbaficityas very wrong, and - diegticotly , pro 1 5e4 , ,, „ to reforinb in ut, 'the moent into the prosencebf the encliaritkeis;h4 ierned-te 'hive no. will of his-dVi!ir,'-sitt i ii• yielded to ker . corn in arida. li May" t or 'a child :1 His-wile returned tr ' visit to i.fiehesta :fist 'Mummer, :and bearing - of the conduct of !her bu'sba;tid; called on .I"iladitaAoll . apd to.Porsitade bar to break o ff her conr.cetien her husbanil. The] shameletsiPaniali , iolOyined the virtuous wife that She )- had a claim upon her husband 'as'ihis ' :wife, and .satiiified her that she !yea*, actually Married to hint! :11.Ipon Making this diScovcry,,ltirk Brood refused to lyre with her ld:usband; and prepikrid fo Wee tbe'nceiiiiik steps for obtaining ; a divorce.'. '!Her _frier.ds-disSuaded rho, hopiiig that matters might be :I•econciledir ThCY succeeded; in inducing the irii - dani letieb the'citY,:hut riot until banlinipted her victim' and Ihiah r ted the, happinesa - Of a virtuous 'forr !aver ; She, was- a.very .cormorikr.s, and continually. domanded Money She, sometimes; receiVe4 ras much its ttf,9ol) at 'a time,- and ) was Ain unsatisfied'..i't COi.' Bloid !also became acqnainted tied frame, Oki*: to , • On rieerinnt of these irre larittes ~Colonel ,Bfood lost • his poriition,- is - President - of the.l{,aitroad o,)n.panit - The 'clair'vo'yant held the . rnarrtam'f certificate in terrorem'over ivis hena, aii4,the fate of -a toigernifit Etta'red in the face.' There vas no 'bopojfor him to redeem his scluandered 'ifortane, for if he escaped the Scylla orlironoli. lyti l he would be sure to, ihe Wr• on the Charybdis of Alfristiltigloao,i 7 nee. He- ; therefore Conel,tided; that' the only codise left for hire Witslto,leave i the country; and /start anew n Sairth` Au erica._ Aceordiagly he • Tirocniedl from the Meyer a leave of absence fait • ,twenty days, and on Mondayliast lett " the city lie left !his resignationl4n. i the hands,Of,a friend, to be handed n , after, a certain _ • Hie accoaat as Auditor is v. it , con ec ti' All the money hesquandegcff was; ttiQ o W .I- I. EI. HERE •N the sto ry of Prince CWrist-i lan's courtship: 'Prince-Christian IS the youth who is to' marry' Prinnise . Helena on July sth.- Quena,„rcteriaj at;the iriiiuguration of istlittie fo Prince Llontort, saw a Oentleatait vApi his ,eyes And hioking very mach affected', and asked-. who :he preyed to,t , !bo 'Prince, Christian' o Fkoni that hour! the. Queen took the'llrnost unknoWn i l , unnoticed,and penniletisrung Prince' into favor; and ginat t iy: Stowed =him the .hands of danghter.: howe'ver, without, the hearty'', cousent'L of thii young Princiess heiself„ *ho , Minces her tatit her's nnthusjastio ration . for? this tender-lieu : hid Prinee,i, whil,..lkke , some hero of a fi . liry won i.-royal ley ao appropriate. droppetii tear, • GOVERNOR CtUR.T . IN, I ~np poi a' te,d Col.ii_rnucl Thonip to the ppsition '3( Stiitl : iti!4torian, in ticeordance With, the' act'of Isse - rnbly •of 4865'i nnthor izing the,appointinent and apptopriti ting fist-o,thpesand dollars to tpewink o f snd writing a coati - dote' history of the Pen aby Iv ania Xteo mOti!.§ in iho serviee of, the:United §tfite's daring the , Col. thotuali ie entinentlY, odiiptedqo the pottorttiante of this Wer)s, an , 4 his.gcleeticia,Wilj give gerieralsatistaetnati. t . ' • T, kyr President 'his parclonedLA. T." Blecis96,4ho for about ien months iri the early Iriart Of the - rebellion' beeti pied the ,positilin, Of-Assist:int - Sirrelt Lary of War in . the late Confederate Goverlardelt. ‘ - • DO pot` ,say, Femarkek_ _ .1;1, 'that Boned hi a thief but- t: that illfia;tartutjoined mine`; *big - J .. t try to keep 'u • " " ` 4"' • StNNTOR LANI Of 'ItaPSEPPiS 78p01 4 1 bd danger usly ill EN d Mr. Brow
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers