:. 4 tritli* .4t** -- - ii l 4 4 1 ,0 kf' ri DR: - MOCK'S - 3.... lIIXOPOSOLIMB RE r, ;ht sit ever. ..ofered.to-the,peblie aril rho orgy Al 4, .oAl4:osi;essiisi all.the tatiritickiiriedfor /Weston% prdisilairta its oriel: di .esior,'stakti , t.at, haii-g. ckts, on bold7headi when, failng.bff rein' disensecjientsiezruffi'l.tandruff, eten a ' to , its kilo or-- t anotpgranottrist sift h d ache -and wit disegrikn.of the.actipl Atatutes.li a ' i 4 .witYlutir.to.ticcome :soft. pliable - 81141-Iti uri , antl3i tlessy,:c , qtls-ekienstly perldnut4,4u all • ths.t ;can 1W ;tleati'cd . ..far .-a dressing., .+' : n.. t ainis . reo-serpai. , rf, kud or taker sunteraizso:.iejqii.; , oilier-tAs.head,and..iair,- and. of which. Most preparations now in use araiomposed,btit is a purely. *petablecoinund.„glt byIiLLSINIE flit WiiltLll ti producean instance cohere "Re storer hew failed when uiell'it'nedrilirig't 'di rettbiniAtti - Ong the thansands;Who have sed it Ve hn.ie yci to learn of aiie who is not per 1 • feelly'aitisffed - with itiresulii. Hair wit as an,iitoss with marrqoarrapidify restored t, ' all !tn.pristine beauty - by its - ttse. _lt is not dye, but by supplying the secretions - of the ce Rig riglattets uctit as a Teitorer. - Mothers, hose I s children'w hair is harsh,' wiry, Or thin and ' cant, *RI fin 4 by using the Restorer it will im edi eta§ 4inprove•tind May be dressed - it any esir: ed:fainr,” thus laying thalOundation fee mood . held of hair, so dtvirtible'.in attar life.' The prt . prieior is ilviire -451-tlie emny. who have beekt-dififippOintedl7 - :;the !high Sounding pre- . tense. of Abel' numerous I preparations with ;which the market %has been I filled for a feTr yestrit est,' but such _entire confidence .. does he plifed'in the -merits:Of his 'Restorer that he.of fe'tt,- in sir eas'es, to refund the r 'neerney if, after a th'prangiCtiial 'illtoti bottles . it Nile to p Pee per ~s atisfrictitra. -A sin;ie trial - ivill•convince the most akeptiCal of its merits_. - Put up in large battletismd'sold.by all druigi its at $1 pr bottle. -DR'; F. CLOCK, Proprietor, ; ' `:- 1 - = r'' -..- , ilanehester; N. ff.' , - • IL . 11001t£,;ITiruggist, -Beaver Agent fox ' Rrasheiter; Bridgewater and Beaver.. Meek?. rein , * IlicKitnnap; .Wholeisale Agents, Pitts- Vure-Pa. -T- - - ' ~ UanBl'6B-6m. 1(;CARD::TO T'ilt..-f..ADIkS. RIM i3DupoilLeco's 1: 41deit Periodical • Pills, r I—', - ; F9 ll lE-444t s. • :.. inCor'repting irregntaittei, Remo ' linipbstructtons:of the Monihly Turks, from WtititeverVenst;.end-- • - ItilfATll IiCCESSFUL AS'A ' .Xtds''norr over thirty yeatLs since the - abnie, ; eelitTratectPills'ivere- first discovdred- by Dr. DUP t ONCO, bf 'Paris, dfiritigiwhich time they' hairel'heen, exteusliely and succeisfully , used tn'triostj' of the public institutions,, as as In'priv4tepraciiee, of both hemispheres; with onp4..tileled success in every case, - and'it is "urgent request" of the thousands . of:r..lib;i who h,ave used them', thatle is in . diteett 111 make the Pills public for the allevia ' aito s titVflu.ie 'suffering from any Irregulari , ties 'w.htteirdir, ai well as to prevent an . in ereasn'of fami4. where health will not permit Voffiales peculiarly situated, or those saop,osi..3gthernseives 54, are cautioned agains usioq , these Pills 'while in that condition, as the`ii:•eprietoriassames no responsibilities stt ter, tho &bor., s' i dnaonition, although ;voila prevent aitiy mischief to b l eaithr. etiLeralse the Pills are ream:eluded.. Pricd4;l,o) per Sir: Boxes $5,00.. So; S. Smith, Dridiew,ifer, Noble Beaver, S. llannee, Rochester. - 1•41 , fie,,V! , sending $.1,09, to eithir of. the above .tigents, - tax sea' "(confi dentiallyj by ail, to any part Of the coun ry, or at.idreis the Proprietor, 1 11'039E;',, 'New:York. oot.'2.s'6J:lyr - f ' . a I I. R.. T tCH I i.S b . ti S ~t , - 1 'l3oiTiker. . and - 13.t.0.1.cex , ti, , . .AND...)ZAT.F.II Real'Estate, Stocks r Govermneut • - Ar- • . i •• - •.', - .• '.r.o; 11 1 , e, , and . other Securities:, , - i• • • INS' A,ITOE& C LAIM AGENT, " ,•,5,4 . 4inveyancer ,& ( ienerau Agent. ' ' . 1 . . .i , r 1141'i subscriber having s ppencd.an - oflice at l' icOchester, tin the rpont lately occupied by, F.r, Fortune) respectfoily solidits tbe pa trons, - il,, of his friends and the public in gen. ara11,,.t,; - . Particular attention give to the adjustment of, Ofllaers' accounts; and LL claims arising .ouL oibihb present war, su has t • , - Pinsiinfi Patents, Bounties Arrears of fly, Prize Money,' n i ~ tc.' . • 13 girt agent for the -Et Insurance Co.. of Hal tford, Ct , the. North, America of Phila: delphia, and the Manufacturers' k -tercliants' oftrigt i targ, I will issue policies in either of .t t the cp yanies named. F l y*, houses and lots for sale. ' itimirei in the oil lands of the celebrated Isl and Itnaregton for sale, where every w_ell has pi:ovist4li II success. Also shares in wells pro citicirk I pr under way, and leases. ,Ilvill also sell my residenee-in7Hochester, biatttifttlly situated, and within a few minutes walk;or the Ohio river and Railway stations. Tartris,Rieral._ . . petp4st drawn .up and acknowledged. „ -+ I Fire . k.isks taken in Prat llassr Insurance Compatilee... ' • • . 1/I.ettnitue stampti . alorays on hand.: .. ' Beef to Jahn A. 61.4ghey, Jos. Plummer, ii*., mith & CD.,:Pittshurg. t .._ • Beef • CHAS. B. HURST -4 HoPhister, Nov. 2:11,'65 , i tu HING tAs 11.7I8TERED 13T DR. MURRAY; llanosiekraa, PA., in, extracting teeth. Ay r ode,' to my many otter facilities for • the Oil cessful prosecution, of my krofession,. ~.tilitanituable pain-killing agent! AU branch., eq nistry performed in tl,lO best and Most: mode . inistyle. AU wor s t done aiichetiplY;'and fittzipieeent. better, than at any other /Ream.' De . ISt 4 Est ablishment in the State. Liny,9l66: . . ;EXECUTOR'S NOTICE: ..TtirlEatAs letters :testamentary hating )0.1...hem graatedto the undersigned, On the ~estatQ I ' C basist. DERAINGER, late otOhiotp., .T.tiartrjl county, Pa, ;deceased,. allpersons I •themselves , indebted 'laid efifiste are r filtested to make payment immediately and:Aimee haTingelaintsagainat the same will '''Pensentlt t hein to the subscriber duly'authenti. ~.coked teri'settlement.- • • • •- •!,,," ' JOHN-SLENTk_Exeetttor, • 1111 3 6 4 ; 1 6 y : • Ohio tp. , ECUTOR'S NOTICE. L ritT ER§ 'test amentary on the es kJ -LA. of , ,lorts-Ewtse, 0,911 I vril4'nfaYet - oti. bwring ben "'grant eete urft^.-:sizited, all persons indebte4 to said estate are requested to Make immediate -.pviloilf,and those having claims against the , estatitielwill present them to the subscriber - ptoptrli authenticated for settlement. MAYID EWING, 1 •Executore, .A.LELVIVING, f 01 44410.`• ' RacCoOti t T ' EIAAEL lESE.EZ., • ft A T-RI-DI - ES. Slit: L a' C. • • - .•• ptils'pr.uor.i.sltappy to.anhoungeta hie Li "eiisfiniors, that ha : Lae. b.aon 'eurirgettfroll service of the :United States, iiiikopeqeda akOp;,itt the frame bui/dingad ! . joihingliroa.,o*'s •.I,adiele, 44! vut.4a cLe ;I'4* . appsoved, Tie; ; jig; (NSA, his