The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 30, 1866, Image 2

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    - • "- ANUS .
THE ` ;
•AR O. IfTiar •r• • j. J. I...AZILUSISX.
109. IEtUVAAW -arr.: CO.,
'loa•iscorzatioz; •
, •
County - Nom inatioxis
Ciliti#teSs. •
. •
VEO:. V. LAWRENCE, Washington;
President Judge.
43:8. CRAMBERLlN,.Newdrighton•
Assircidte Judge. .
.'! ,AGNEW ,D11F'F,..N . ,7 BriatiOn;
State Senate
pot, ;ALA. 7. , TAIthqR, Borough;
" Assemblg.
M..S QUAY, Beaver;
1 • . Sheriff.
40$N S. I,,ATTELL, Hci ,
Register 4.lZecor4es;
Clerk "of Courts. • ,
:4314.N A. P . RAZIER, Beaver.
WA.POCK., North &wickly;
Toby. flow Director:
401 W K. POI? 4acccon
aleaver ;
Tru;tees of Academy.
DE. JOHN MURRA.Y. Bridgewater;
Da. *DAVID BTANT9I7,N. Biighton;
11 the proceedings of the
Conventionheldnn .Iktonday; itt anoth
er co:urne, and have not 'spice to com
ment at length; The Convention was
and great interest was taken in
• .ike* proceedings. We have, never
known a more harmonioui Conve ration,
,or less dissatisfaction with the result.
'The ticket nominated , is a strong .one,
timexceptionabk, and will be elected
by a large; majority. We haven good'
ticket, and
,with' the good feel rag
'Which prevails, certainly give a
larger Colon majority in this county
than ever before.' Qur friends. must
go to work itt'occe,howeVer, to secure
this result. The resolutionaepassed
meet with general approval,and Deino.
crate; who hoped to see disatisfaction,
:.were themselvee greatly dissatisfied
and disiappointed.' The Uni . On ; party
of Beaver county is':stronger to—day
tbaserer,as Deinocrati trill lehrnibe
fore Vile campaignis over. ,
, day, ir.strudfedn favor of a General
Rail Road Law, and the candidates
e - .A - _ ....-..... i j ....... ...woo ••••• ....11,1.11a W . Slut II
pledged thcm'selves to advocate and
vox. fur SuOi..a law. We are glad the
party in this County has taken such
decided a ion, acid hope o th er coup- .
ties wili ft) oI
w . the exam . Pte. The Dam
°ratio-7par y has not thus far declared
either wit,y,;but we suppose, since we
have taken the lead, Democrats herea
, bouts Will be compelleeto follow.—
, One thing is eertaii., nonelut friends
of this laWiban succeed in this county,
and the tiue , friends are those who
first talie fiction, not those wbo are
forced inttrthe'vneasure 'by the acti on
of °amis. ,:-. - • , (I,
Tux President and members of his -
Cabtrict were called upon last week by
a4erenadibg crowd,and all responded.
The lipeettb of Sec.; Stanton attracted
more att4ition than any of the ctbers.
There was a wide-spread desire to
know how the great Seeratary of War
stood upokthe question of restoration.
It was known that be had always
sided wit b the radicals, and was still
claimed by them, notwithstanding the
published,btatetnent of his views as
expressed in Cabinet to the contrary
The f!peech of Mr. Stanton was doubt
less purefiilly prepared, and is-frank
and very 1 sole.. We, gather from it
'that he hi opposed to the plan. of re.
oonstettothin now before Congres, and
approtek, he President's, , policy. fie
favlied* the Freedmen's :Bureau Bill
and ; the ,Civil Rights Bill, bat se" the
- first was vetOed and lost,and the . latter
vetoed. het passed, and is now &law,
he thinks they are not now subjeete
of disetiision. He ales admitathat he
tarred lit first negrosuffrege, but,
that his judgment was finally convinc
ed that iit was impracticable, The
Presidentip t he believes, is right in his
PPlic.l", 41:i,d that k itmuit ultimately be
apeep . Led iby all', 'As Secretary —, Stanton
is justly i.egartled as 'Oho of the purest
and ablest men of the cation, his views
musts ave great weight with the peo-r
pie,' - . SeCietalles M'Cullough, Wells,-
Detinisoii ;and Seward'alremphaticallY
endorsei the, President 'See. Seward
made ii i speech a few' days since at
Atibnrni l ltew York, his hoMe,in which
_ he declaied • that the Pirsident_ would
notrleav:O• tile :Onion party or seek . to,
destroy t, but- th at believing. Milo&
cy right, he sought arid' Iltlinafely
would have the
_endorboment of - his
policy y the _ party:, ,, So'long, iur no
effort I m
s aile`lu-destroy th e partjr,we 1
are can ent to ,toleratCdikerence of,
• lliaidilleitaitir - Conir r it •
The Delegates elected t the Unioi.
Convention,. in pursuance to the. *al
or the County Committee ! atisenibli
wt nl3 •
the Con ,I, 011$0, ineaves con
liondity ! ski t , 1 n'cloph, and organized , ,
,by 'electing ;John Y. Merit's, Esif:,-of
Bconom• toivr,ship, IPresident; James:
Imbriv:Bmi., of Big Beaver, and
Jan 9T Ohio, Vice rrtiikl
felisnie;. Boa Brof 1 '
- •
ton.:John- Cuugbey, of Beaver, .
and .Samuel' iitagaw, • - ofz , -Blew
Brighton, Sect etaries.- ' The districts,
:were ther• called over andltbe follow.'
• •
ing persons presented their credeliilalk
and were admitted 'to seats in '
Conventiomi •
- Borough itames S. Ilutan,' James
Darragh, Job Caughey, J. R. Harrah: - '
Bridgewater: Chas. Stone, Win. Barnes!
Big Beaver .r. J. MarshaU, 'C. P. Walla's,
J. M. Imbrie, John Chapman. , I
• •Iliighton TO: A. Wittterson, Dsvll W. Scott; 1
John G. Hunter.
Chippewa: Samuel Walton. - John W. Welsh,
Wilson Cunningham, Itsbt. Bradshaw.
Darlington:l G. W. PowelL'J.lP. Martin, W.
C. Sherlock, Areby Cunainghaul. !
Economy: John 1: Marks,Lec
George Neely; James IL Dunga
Felton:" Jialui Tlidinily, G.
0. W. Taylor _ •
Franklin: Henry Musser,.J.
Freedom boio - Kerr
Alfred '
Freedom : Jea. Park
Green: Edward Spence, Jr.,
Thomas Todd' James H. Trimb
Frankfort:l David Anderson;
James M'Corubs, - Wm., BeaL,
M'Guirt's Jelin Neleas
Ingen.- H. W:.llelson, George L
Hopewell: Joe. A. Fleming,D;
James Irons; Robt. W. Scott.
, Industry: P. 11. Hays, Bum
omon Dellinger.
Irgependence: David Reed,
blirion: G. W. Boots„ Sherld
Moon: -T. W.' Ziminerly, We
Springer, Jak. S. pilot.
New Brighton: Samuel Magi
nedy, Benj. Wilde, John Reeve
New Sewi4kly : Henry Goeh
' Edwin Reeder, John. Beason.
' North Sealeklys J. Cunt
Thompson, .1. Witherow.
Ohio: A. J. I
Hunter, R. g. Barclay. .
Patterson, Jas. Patterson, / 4
- ortolan.
Phillipahrirg: Rob e . Routh,
' Pulaski: Thomas Hays, And
Rochester, boro: Thomas J.l
Pendleton,. T., L. Darragh, Jul
Rochest# tp: J. J. Foster,
Raccoon,:, Janie, Smith, Jo
George Rambo, S. G. Gormly.
South Beaver : Samuel G.
Lawrence, Jas. A. Johnston,
On motion a i commi tee or three
were apPOintad Ito draf and , report
resolutions. The - Chair, anftbpoint;,
ed J. a , Rutin, James Patterson and
A. J. Pettft said Com l
mittee, after,
which ‘ Ulf Convention eld'orirneCuritill
1 o'clock. -
The COnrention re-assembled 'at 1
o'clock, and, on motion,- the following
persons, and ,
,no op osition, wore
nominate 3 by,acelamati n: For Con-,
gress, lidn George V. awrene; Pre- 1
/ i
sident Juldge; Hon. 13-. 13 Chamberlin;
AssemblY,,Hon. H. S. 4:,' uay; Clerk of
On‘motion, the t 0 !Mention proceed=
ed to ballot/for candidates for the dif.
ferent ofticts, with t i bc following re
sult: 1; i f ;
[ lat imi. 2d
Benj. Todd ' 20 20 1
Agnew Dill' 142 42
Thomas G Kerr... 05 --
..Thenarge of Benjamin Toi
drawn, 'and-the 7th 'ballot re.
Duff, 1
Herr, ;
Alex.', I*. Taylor
Previous to he ballot for
of Spene4.ll. Briggs and.
withdrawn, and the•vote at.'
John S. I.Littell '
James iot„. Anderson
David Johnston
Darius Singleton
'Samuel! Hamilton .
Sharp Hemphill - I
J. B. Blazer
- -
James Vrarnock
• 1 .
William Ch aney ,
J. F. $' Millin
Roti•ert j : Cooper '
John Ir. :Pbtter"
Daiid Ewing
Dr. l'ilrr'rey . • •
Dr. Stanton
On inotion the ean.
ident .todge;'State Sei
big were anttlorized•
own COrifeteee, with
any v4stnelee Oat 111.4
Honi. Liatren
and Henry Rice,
i lls
by lirf
ThelSenatoriar Co
Sballenberier, - Dr.
[pi l e Assembly Foci)
yet bOn named,] j I
nanied • because , it
• • I
cessary,:the nomi
ed to (1
on.' Geo. V.
oat t e District.
tesolti:ione made t
which was nniniin
out dtbate:i!
Resolved, That this
the nomination of the,
soldierOfejor Gtineral ,
error, in beh
Whom' Iwo. represent
suPPorie - •
liaorfia,..That it t
Viqtbmi 'Qua the unity
• • r ';;: •.1
a. W. We 15141
t Bob!. Skiles..
Samuel Nelson,
• Wm. ,Ewuag;
Basil ISweir4
Hilo. I I
e. C. A- Wendt;
lel Gandy, 13o1J.
. irthur Shields
Douds, Wm
W, IL T. Ket* r .
8. • ;*
C. Alack#
etit i f Clark A.i
rotdbold Bob.
' enry Bimber.
'Power, Gilbert
.11 W. Hart; .
. B. Young,
seph - Campbell,
aughey, A. J.
no. B.
2d 4th sth 6th
20 20 20 20
142 42 42 42
35 35 35 85
td was then with
ulted as follows:
k .
• 47.
Fzheriff, bo names
bnor Morton were
od thus:
... 54
... 27
W bal. 24
• 18. (18
' 48 49
88 82
...... 72
idatee for Pres
lisle and Aseiini4.
i tcr appoint then
leave. ;to euPply .
key occur.
e, Benj. Wilde
N., were selected
, his Conferees.
ferees are=Dk.
Shurlock t , 40d
nferees have not
Ifereee were not
to thought unne.
ion:teing eoneed
ewrencei through
, he cohunittee on
bel folio w i ng . report,
'oast)/ Adopted with.'
Mention tiny endorse
-- . li
ed.Tatriot and brave
' W. Geary,for Oov
the. Union voters
edge hint ii litaity.
0 sense', of Able . con
end • haring:lay 'Of the
maintitht , vt, *edam
mere differencel iff *Midi fh lambda hint
frOtoile,p.aiti 004,11itela ta ti,uti, on 4, 4 .tite
,pa 4, rant:Aid/it itiea:twe thillutue l .
s' l 4: 4 + Till(t it. is+: k!i• upAted da~ip of
the: Lo 7 tialeft —Pat*, citß4ad 44410 , 4 4
tap o f spirl4f the beet and licit Patedulo
,of 4l ttto old
~.p artY''organiza#onsi that we
`owe - PreierraiiOn of Oa Gaierfutufhiluid
the aupprealloWi of thereat tebelhan, saa
all the now reci# bright anQ slippy . 04104
Of a
united Courrs,pesee and ,conc4w4umong
Our Whole peopl; but which tin in:ly c !ibe
linadmacdilyrealawkilitiecOntinued union _
and al.rnioniiim i i,a,i4ftli of all , parts sad mem
bers the .a triton party.
I 'That :4J. insiruct whoilierinay be
elected to represent this District in thl l l Glener
allsietobly Of this State, to rote for,,and nsi
all honorable Mewls to. pus a; General Rail
Road Law, . and that ‘nondcbutiriendiof
measure will Fcceir l e our impport, ' ,
After ;vg of tbe resolutions
lottars ;were' Lead from W
Taylorandj Mon. M. S. (inay,pledging
thosuPeles ffi' l vete for a Oeneriii : Rail.
road' Law; ! which gave grata', Baths.
faction. I
I •
On motion; the - -conyention .ad
journed. i.i
Col. Sameled I,itlielvey, of Pittsburg,
was rejected int the Beata. , on Fridayi
Marshal for Western Pennsylvania; ,
by 'a party Vote. None of the rvmatn
ing Pittsbufg appointments have been
acted on. ~ 1 . '
Gen Ferry ‘vas on Wednesday, last
elected to 'the; United. States Beast°
from Connce,tic i ut. foithe full term of
six years. 1 The vote was a strict par
ty one. -, He; Foster wtthdrew' his pre=
tensions. ~:
, . .
Hont Henry-S. Lane, United States
Senator"' frOml Indiana, peremptorily
declines being a candidate for re elec.
iion. Increasing years and failing
health one 'given as the reasons for, this I
retirement ; . ' - - ~,
The Repu blican State Committee
organized on Wednesday . ; 'Hr. WM.
1 H. Hembte was simulated Treasurer,''
and George, W. Hammersly,,: A. W.
I,Benediet and J. Ik. Dunglison / S.ecre-
I taries. Tpe ' usual sub Committees'
were designated.
General' Rich:Aid Coulter, of West
- moieland eounty, declines to run as , a
third part ' can diclate' fur Governor.—
He saysil '"not to be taken for a
foo: ': ' .•• , . -.°
Geh R I R Raley of Carroll. Suing
W. Clark and: Gen.
_James W. Reilly
of Cqlsfnbiatia, and •Ger.. aeries F.
Ha,ndersoa and. Capt. John F. Oliver
of. Stark, are announced as the Union
,candidate forl nomination in the 17th .
Congressiimall districi!ot Obio. - Gen.
Samuel Reattl, of tassillon; is talk
ed of as the Pemoerutic candidate - in
the same district The:Salem Repub
lican /kin thinks he Will be a badly flanked
1 General about; the 9th of October next.
. .......1 . I ...----..._____L. ,-_
a Ei/• . . I.VIESCIt6i, Ulla VI LucPColoBi pa--
,- I .
pers in the country, in a lengthy ,arti.
Cie • or. IteConstructiOn, Closes it as
i i " -
follows :'J '
1 C • , i ! -
~ The
um e nt again t filet, then, that there is not a
single arg negro suffrage
which is not based on prejsdiee,is oue
of the grandest import it. our states,
, manship. The ignor4ntm ofthe negro
'-is remediable; and thetreniedy may be
con trol:ed hr 'Congress. The popular
dislike t'o him will doubtless last, long
'alter he has Wiped, off from. himselt
the. liiit traces ofi „the degradation
wrought by slavery, and the dread of
having thee i general Government atida %
, Ey strengthened by ita efforts to bettor'
his condition in reality i generally
I mines from men who are never troub
led b,3 . - any assumption of authority if
lonly the!"nigger' is not' the object of
it. All ilese argaments'againat it are
based 'on thlings temporary, fleeting,
and evanescent. Some of them peo
ple are already ashamed to use.
"On the'other hand, our theory of .
Goveriiiiient; the popular conception
t f the Mission of the Repuhlita ref ,
uge for Meal of all races and all creeds,
in Whicb.artificial dititinctions should
count I fcr. nothing ; and in-which the
poorest and)meanest should enjoy the .
same legal rights as the richest and
best—born—the popular love of princi..
ples, the "popular loveof fair play; tho
national i 'pritle . in its - republicanism, in.
its eduality,l are 'all fighAng in -Liver of
the - very-. thing which C?iigresiimen
are so afraid to touch. Ne#ro suffrage
maY* . he -a thing; an inexpedient
thing,*thing:that, if cstablishod,will
prime 'the rain-of the country: , -Many
people 'have the same feeling about
• democracy. itsoif but, nothitigean be
'more- cottain than:that we- Minh yet
soo.:every, Man this - - 'country; black,
white, yellOW, red, and brown, voting.
no matter• What the , consetintince:: may
be. • Everylinflaentie by which society
is - affected) is helping. to bring this
about. Tbe,whole cuirent or progress,
physical and. mental , and:' tioral and
teligions,ru.r.s in this direution,and the
shrewd politiciats are those who count
on it; look I ; for it. and proclaim ile
coming, and not those wito . gra afraid
to trierSion •
ROBT. DALE °WIN, in a lngthy own
munieStion t to the Now Lork Post, ad.
vomit**a an amendment to the Const&
tution, prOviding, first; equality civil
rights;` second; 'a just 'bees of reOre4
sentition; prohibitron to as
4time Ao rebel di3btor to pay for slaves.
' , Tax prOpesed amendment to , the
Tax bill, which looked t;o' a prohibi-w
Lion of fcrtaaer publication by the
newspaper preis of the Income re.
tat LB, was agreed to by the Ways and
Means :Coinmitteb , on - In
. •
no event is,soy r j9ortial, or'individtt
al to be allowed to. make .a:eopy of
thiivoreturtis. • 's
sit.. i . sop ft, ':..lbiltxtula Into,
1 ilVaddasioni
An.l * edteketige r * ....att-. while Vii `
Wtoe. 0f:0;444 in:l4centlicli
18 ht We , lir' r:eiilleil l ihe '-Presi...:
din!: . b '114; Arn old, e nt'em§eit
it bp i nktia's`4 , om .C.biliiiiii,lO4 iii W.'
I, inceleit inetit tryni *il lPeW9Wiiifilends•
We found bite . ' alone, ' ' .the morn
; in e
wherein,-iooCgdnote meetings are;
141 d I(in - iiiis Whit ( tlf - oust.) . nihnan
~ windows overlook-- this +Rotoniao 4MI
the , Washington „montoltient4 .-At the
request of tbe , writ r,!ihiProsident
related the trimmest' Os of his Oen.. .
destine journey betw en .P.biladelptiiit
'and ;Wenlay f gton, he earretive is
boreigivOn etatientillY in : his own
wercia, as iollowai .. '
1 il . '
"I*,arriyetil at . Ph i ade p 10 - 0 n _t h e
21st.. c I agreed. to atop over eight,and
or! 'the follOwiegmorning hoist , the
flag over lidepinderi el Ha 11. ., In the
evening there'web' :I *Oat orowd
where I reeivef m .r i. eb'ds, at the
Continental Hotel ., M . Jedd. warm
'penning( friend Mini .Qhicago, sent -for.
me to-ctimecto his r n4int. twent, and.
found thererm,.Pinkerton, it 'skillful
police deteclivekalso !from. ChicaV i
who bud been employee for some :clays
in. Baltimore watching or searching
forsMipiefotiri poisons there, ' Pinker :
'ton informed me that al plan. had _been
laid, for myi assessinetion, the exact
time' when I.lexpectd to 'go through
Baltimore.hemg pub itily_known: He
was well inftormed as !.o•the.plah. brit
did ( not know that toe conspirators
would have pluek enough te execute{
it. ':He urged me Loge right through I
with him .to 1 Vireetlington that night.
I didn't like that. II bad made er.—
gagemonte,,t;iodliilt Harrisburg end go
from there t - Biltitriere, ited .I.reirolv•
ed to do so. ! I I could , not lielisve that
there was , a plot to murder Me I ,
made arrangements, boirever,. with
Mr. - Judd for-my return tO Philadel—
We the next eight,' if I should be
cont . -limed 'that the re wits clanger in
goin g through Balt imore. '1
told 'him
that d I nhonld meet at I llerriebeig,
us .1' had at other jAricei . .. a delegation
to ge with line toj the riext place (then
Baltimore,) I should feel safe, and, go
. ,
on:, CI , ,
i i . - 1 l',
“Wben I w a s ma k ing my way back
to my rown,throngh crowds ot people,
I met Frederick : Seward. We weht
together to! my loin, when; he .told 1 )
inc that -bei bad'b en sent, at.the in-- 1
siiince of biefathertitridtGeneral Scott, t
to inform Me %hilt their detectives in I
Baltimorefiad diecov'pred a plot there •
to assessinate me. They knew nail:.
ing of Pinkertou r 'e i not-melds. 1 now
believed geol. a plot to be in existence.
"The next iiiorting I raised the
flag over Inclepeisd nee hall, and then
went to Ilit c rabi with IC ( ..Buinner,
Major -OM gel
ial) Hunter, 31.1..!
Judd, UT. - linisiocr and . 9 therfl; There
I niet - tbe'lLbgialath r te and people, din
ed, l and weitedentil the time appointed
ad for me to leave.l 'ln the ineantithe,l
Mr. Judd bad SO, secured the *graph!
that co crimiinicittiOn c Id pass to
Baltimore : a cr d .giVe.l the . or.opirstors
k n '15 1 "1 - 4# , rOtteilaifiti gulill'llati
t t
, . , . .
given me a nevicbeaver , bid, in i box,,
and in it- bad placled a soft wool hat,
I bud never worn one .of the latter in
my life. I had ,tliis,nox in my room.
flaring irifermed
,a.Very few friends of,
the secret Of mY ; 'new - thovementsL
and the cause, Lput on an old over
coat' I bad with tee, and putting the
bat in my pnick', iivalked'ont ot the'.
house ati a b ;door,' borolieuded '-
without exc iting y special curiosity."
Then I pet on th „kat hat and "joined
my.triends Lwithrikt being tecognized
hy stranger s , for,ll;Was not the mole i
man: Sumnerfnori.HuirtCr wished . to
accompany Inie, 4' siud ;no; You are
k eown, ond youkl-kesence Imight bel I
trey me. I wicl Only - tiike[..l,,a m o r ,l
(now marshal o f this ctistrietl), whore
nobody know, nrd I Mr. Judo, Sumner
and. Hunter felt lat. .
"We Went becittet.Philacielphia,rind
found a message ibeke from PinkertoO
(who bud returns ta. lialtithore),that
tiro contipliatclrs. bad held their anal
meeting , ittit. lei:ening, and it WAS'
iiiillbLitil,iWi ethei,v)ey. hail the nerve
to attempt rbeles*tition of their per.
pose. I ,irebtonlici l weveri as the ar..
rangement ; bad ,n, made, in. a sper
vial train .. j i We
' ere a ~"long .time
in the stetion Int allimore. I beardi
people talking .a ed, but no one per
timilartyl observit me. At an early
hour, 0 ~Seterd Morning, at about
the titnel was e edted to leave l Har.
risberg, arrive' i; Washington."
i .
- 1
1 hi than confer ee, whickdonerals'
teadinan 4nd,
.: lletn
io are holding
with the' O
lored ople in their Lour
throtighthe Sout,'Oere is a uniform
desire e
! pesied l rtlie latter -for th
retention of the *nil, whose ufficei
are generi4lyj a cited as well-mean.
ing . and !lapilli I :At Wilmington
When General $1 e
ijrnauasked whetk
er they *juld Oft* that the Burta
!or" the! til•isocito4shonkl be witdrawn
they answered slllrilonsly,the'troope
Arne* the '1 ions reasons for thi
choice,•the•tiii egelof schooling w
4 41,
nut thelleast.! t Norfolk, l one of Lb
Selected for co fence as spokesmen
was asked by , Same General: ."Th
duties Of the j eau must be turrie
Over to-the•c", urte; bad(this heti
ter-bedoneWb he militaryfreniain?
Ho rep:lied• . i& it beet to get th
lozi five are usual'
IVirginla 6our On habit of doin
1 1
us justice toiri ile the military ar
:here ; l !then i iI be intioh easier fo '
them after t ilitury are • with :' ;An 'tiers! Steadman sal :
"I think Yei Osition a vory ten
Bible• one.l i 1 I
. .
a recent l tte
patt in p
Atka' vote ei
he is Peelptil
say# itt'oorial
I can tenollor
ber.efit of m ;
propiriea -
and a prant4.
cur", of Virginia, i
title that he takes n
andt hat CUE a pa
. i iBBl. He sake that
rained, and is coml.
hies_profeindon. Hb
"The only servie l .
trietinintry th
'mole,- In ehoit.ig
p thelaws efthe Isnot,
edhinee liiieeto. `'. I.
' - 13a4ktliPt gin" : l3illoPili -0 •
it. Provisions. `,
. ,
'- ' rrd4abYs 7. 1 .24 ti obi' n'
,O rd i I to . 'it ) - u 4 riso itt it le '7tsAntriesdi o fots t i
aLciwithedebtislifrer inn,
b odred' dollen, filing •e . lititition o
i ay to ; pay. an d .willingnesett ,
surrender 'hie estate,. shall' be adjudged
alhantfript, and a warrant issued f u
the sheriff _to possels until in issig l' e
isdappeinted. The .dutieei of :assignee
'stilt defined:' ; It' Praiidesi.jar exanaLo
..sitlau..bef 4 r,eCourt of,thellistributitmi
of the estate,,Crefiitors • tp OW% Pro
rate: witlintit - preference; s w_„so'e
~to Olerks fend operators lunderlls9 '
ninntil:, I- - t- , • 1
. 1
' '' • 1
he order ,in the divictend is, - first
i t 0 oisterof the Court ; 'second, debt
the • thiited - States and t tate :metie r
(i r '
peats; thirds wages, fiftyidebtti ha Tag
riority ty law. • :at
,ppeules alelbt
e discharge.from all aebts after mi
t i a
th r •
piiance,-and provides a ; pur.ish eat
for fraud 4 'Seven days confermen't of
judgment' and Ob e
fdr commercial
per Bbill be sn, 'act of .bankruptcy.
he ,act( takki effect' for officers atter
th mul
e progatrau: o
N petition" to
lied be
,rte the fitit.ot Nctvember neIT.
From' Nashville: ! . .
—4 . '
._ „ _ a,
KAMHVILLE, may 25 ohn Portert
Lold heti-been paroled by3thr!Prisident
o report to Gen. Tbomis. ' 1
,`l'Atecfrew Johnson, jr., nephew of th 4,
?reSident, has been removed frotn thell
'Liimicy lof the State Pe6itentierY,
he 'Coinini.isionere - of that institution,
mid J.•B'. Wail appointed warden: • •
'The Le K isle:tore adjodrued 011 1104:
day. till :October Bth.l
t ' - -
A peat - Fenian meeting to-night.
Was addressed by J. Br'innan, jr.,,.. of
New York..' . ' I
I News, from the interior of Georgia 1
tepresenta agricultural iirodupta nes l l i
ly ruined - by . the late hiravy rains.. 1
i .
ofwheat'erop' is a failure on 'upon t
of rust: Grurit ,destitution prevails . ,
rilundriida of familia are .destitirte•eif
ood.. 1
.. { . . I
I ,
The icropii_ in .Tenneseee are
_bac r
*ward. ''l , About bait* a crop' of wheat
hi fintieipated. Corriand cotton protir
isirig.. , , ' •r I ' ! I
. ,
Great Fire at Oil On*,
1 -1
OIL C'rrir,-3tlcky 26.—The most cf.. -
strlctive fire ever in. the oili Tie .8
1 oceurreit 'at . , Oil City to da y . lie
'whale cast side of the creek, cot prix.
iug, half the business portion o4' the 'in ashcsf,eoneisting of 75 Stores,'
.8 hoteis, 40 dwelling btnises, 1 rurbh
aid seminary.. The 104 is 81,0 6,0 1 0.
Lusureil ler 8100,000. • lino followi g
are among the ;principle mallet.), :
Gordon & Whitt, riierzitiltile Imlding,
$40,000; insured 85,000.1 Fox, Full er
& Co., lumber . , 870,000; insurance $1",1,-
(.100.. Uobaoo • Bil Co , pi pe works, 140-
000; insured 8000.1 . Alfred Wright,
tools acid tubing, 1618 heavy . ilishop
k Dawson, dry 'gm*. fk10,000; insured
85,006., Berohfield. Eneterline & go.,
hardware, 330,000 ;Iroturetl 12 0001—
Wiliiol6l & Co. $40,000; insured for
820,000. ' The oil ebipPing por ion of
the city sustained no toes. Over 175
_ , ,
1 ____.........--
~.. 1
Kidnapping Bill *, ,
, . i
1 • : WASIIIN TON, Mai ; 23 1
- The President has approve l d
hill to i prevent acd pu isle kidneippii
It proritles that if' a y 'pergola si
'lidliaP . or carry aWayiany otter p!
bon;,vilother negro, mulatto or oth
;wine, ;with the , intent That such ott
penman shall be -closed tor carried ri
itivtiNntary servitude! cr bell ,eis
„edavi),j l l or- if any L,persim shall onti
peisnide or knowially • inatiee a
other l i person to go on boarfrtny vi
sel, -or to any other! place, With the!
L ..
tent that , e or slier shall, in au w
wi i
. L
knongly• aid ip l caiiging any bt
Person to be - held, sold or carried
way, to ,bo held as, a eilave, he ,!or -
iiheal be punished, or. c'cinviction the
of, by s fineuf nut lei: ,than $500:1
mere'l i than $5,000; or b inaprisoninl
notteeeeding dye yeirs, or by bi
of said punishments. I 1 - -
' Hiasink Affair.,
The atraginus insult, Offered' the Na.
the portrait of. Washing.
ton, and a, national ajr , , by a- numer
'of .'rebels-in the old . ttiestre, op Satan.
day. night, bas exeitell deep indigoes
lion ainong the most ,moderate Union,
men, as well as among the
,more• ultra
ones.--.I Several gentleteen have, deelar4
ed that they were done with conseirv
atisin,i after ttiat display of
-A stern policy is ,t,he 'only one to m_
ploy in dealing with i lthe rato'd haters
of the Government nd all its hoetir
ed ineignias, aymbole‘ and emblemti.-1
Vira-as i snre the personi, engaged in the I
,hissing 'business that
.the Amenestril
people are-determined that every manri
who ;Hies _under the; United Steles'
Flag shall eitherilove it or flat it, I If
they not the good sense to love
-it, the soldiers who inn, flown :the're.l
hafe the po* er to mettle them
dread it. • God turbid that ever an k
vadiniartny should eater territa.
ry again; for - 'fain would we spire the
people eve' y w ore the treribleecourge
of -.war, hut an army will come at n,
.if speeeseary, to crush the hisaing r.
kant l oti treason.—Yrsh'ville Tales foid'
f ff
7 II Da - wis.
4 1 , il
! . F, otraisa Sforta . os f
,ay 25.-1 , ne roe.
itone teem Watebin‘;toil were received
this morning' by Gee. Miles to iiive
Jeff. plotia, on Lie , fierdle. the fteeoom,
of the fort, confining him to Ibis r' m'
at Nrioll Hall at night.- i -
Misers. Shea and Ciirener, his e uti-.1,
eel,. have been ellowed ' access', to the
fort, and , i)rivitte interviews -_ with bi n
l i
et any time .: ' - • ''
• ' 1 .. p , --.. ,
A Jirnot in New 'York hiii Wiiely
decided' that public roads and meets
belong as mnob ' to, pedeetriens els td
.tes&C "' He mys it is as much - the do
-04.th0 vithiold to, keep oat elks
~ .Of the pedestrian as it is - forth.;
liittei to escape being run Over by 'the
former. I , . • 1, . 1
, • i .
. ,
1 ) • • 1- •
1 ,
_, 1.. .
1 -
tir Morton ..Poto. - 1 / 4
__Th9 eorresixondentot the
.t ,, ' • iser, sealting of the TO*
I, rip in 'London, says that
e failure: 2 ff Pato, Betts k ,, c0., - was.
Xot tinexed, and adds: "When .
Mel liffirtioawas starring in the 'United
State, ai'it-rn itlionsire,many of us
tie;; the dangers he was running and
ho,' peat he had been , to brr.kruptcy,,
lie,and is firm more than any others
hid raisecillipan'edificeoferedit ‘ a , ,hioli
frightened: the, - ordinary speCialor.—
Byer on,, those dizzy heig , hts, - wherie
their work of doing and .undoing was
ine,esiOt, they have • trcd the edge o
preciPines like Alpine goats, with on-
Irit hair betwgetr theni and destrite.
00,09 and IfOw the hair seems to give
gone; .I think, however, the firm; will
rally. Thiky have iie.b friends in 'the
diSeoonting_iriterest, to,whom p few .
.money_is not Much . . and
these , will enable him, at all events, to
pr bib home and foreign eon
tracts. • •
IT will be recollected. sayithe Pitts.,
borg Copkmercial, dna the'cixoinnati
tCbamber of ; Cominerce. on' the I.Bth of
july, 180, ,on. account of iesindations
4de qiie4ioning the loyalty of cer.,
tryiu of its Members, and to put them':
selves in a limper position regarding
their loyalty as a body andasiindi.,
viduals. passed a, resolution that each
and all of them take the oath of
gianee to the United States, and that`
arty member 'whO declined should be r l
reported • by ihe, Board of, ofiloesie = tol
the Chamber for expulsion. The oath
was then administeied to a large n.ani
ber of :the , members. One of the
Members, named Richard blathers,'
protested against this action, denykng
She authority to either demand or re-
Oire it - of him.- TAt meeting,' July
29th, 1863, a rescihation of expulsion
was passed and ho bas ever. o,ince been
denied the privileges of a *tuber.—
blathers then made an applistation in
'the Hamilton county court, for an -al
ternative -writ of, mandainue Ito corn.
Pei the Chainber of. Commerce to re- L 1
titore- the relator, Hatters, to , the
rights of iiiembersbip.- . The , 'case
ices beard on. Wednesday last
Judge Hea'dingtop, and the applica
tion-fur mandamus denied, upon the
groand. that at'sneh a'time of
public peril: the Chamber • Lad the
I to choose loyal company i ,'• that
no loyal mac (mild have reason to
,ornplain of the rule, nod no disloyal
friars had aright to. '
JUDGE ABELL, of Louisiana, has de
bided the Civil Rights Bill to he un—
';(intitituti...mal, on the ground that the
two-thirds vote by which it was . pass•
ed over the veto nf the President Was'
• ' t
not the vote of twn-thirds of the Sens'
ate, the members from the Stilithein
States being abeent. He also objecte ,
Ito it on the general ground that it is
an exercise of power not;dotiferred on:
;the general GovOrninenti by the. Con:,
Istitution. ' He adds that he also reit:ta
rps to be bound .by it. as' an aet;!of
to his State." considerabliYportion
of the decision Is in . the nature of 4 a
stumn speech. It is valusble,lholwev
er, as Snowing the:course..things will
run in the South until th,e act Nits been
passed upon by the Suprenie Court of
the United States. • '
DENT.—Sotnebody •mends a brick, as
follows, after the lovers of the tir
dent, as gentle reminder of what
may be. They will "rdesse take heed
or nob, atii shall seem best unto thorn.
haVe.'done our duty when we send
the i brick ;along for their benefit and
}- " - his not generally understood in
r4ediesi eirelesltiat pereons who are
'not:addicted:to - strong drinks are the
only ones that can reckon on. , escape
ling the cholera.. Drunkirda are
'men attacked; they never recover.—
Tiflis.Georgia (Asiii,) every ,drunk.
tird iS , dead. During the last yisita—
Linn of oboleru in New York, out of
two hundred and four cases, only six
r •
were 'temperate people: In
ir peny,
l out of five thousand temper e men,
poly two are known to have been at
tacked during the' last visitation lof
the cholera."
. l el i
' SPEAKING of air. ISeward'e tecent
Irtpeech at Alibirrn, the Philadelphia
;iGazette saiya: "Under the eirclain,stas.
' Oeil this speech affords encouragement
hope that' before the termination of
Ithe present_ session of Congress the
*hole matter 'may be. harmoniously
lurran,ged, and the Administration Once
' l ltncre, placed in. fidi necuid with Con
egress and tiith.the wreat'Union party .
6f ..toe: Country: Muell will depend
upon the, action
i of the Senate on. the
'Constitul.ional amendment; but we feel
;confident that all is now drifting in the
'right direction." .1: -
, I ' 1
i - none, nerem IfiIANCE.—A recenties
Imre or the Boston ,Bullefiri :says that.
Faye or six cargoes of French flour are
cow on ,the way to this,' 'country—
sent out, not because it is particularly
l ineeded here, but as a spewilative ad
' cirintuie. This Trench 'flour,lit itriinid
, —being. of a' grade cnfielip4ding to
medium and goOd werittien--wilt-read
ily command $lO .per barrel, iir up
liward, in the ,Ainerican ' market, at
r . -Whieh figure it Will net 4 profit of 5s
iterling, or about $1,25 per barrel to
the impoiter, after paying the custom
house duty of 20 per neat., gold pre•
mium, freight charges, - &c. - -
' f'
T '
_ pritieet n *arming an • ndepen •
dent State of East Tennessee his been
eninmatily knocked in the hes& The
special committee of the Tennefiss.Li
waste" to 'which the matter had
been refereed, reported against the
Projeit; and the report wet . adopted
by a vpte l in the Senate of .13 to 8.
G ZIL LONGIMUSZT, iA , a Melia! 111 ea.
Rio held recently st-Galveston, Texas,
said, in'reply to a toast' to GOO. IL It
Lee, that vlangoage failed to' °sprees
hii adratration for 'Gen. Lee, bat be
would fa pleased if the General Oinfld
be sio/sittimai %bat be email sive the
command: Ilyitattone.rightesheel.**
' has ti 1----77., 1
11 gm*, it , atter eeft erzwij,,
In litobOeiPit4oseATlPne.e,Ordep
- *Oiseisivitl recently IrTft Washingtort
Iftethe attivit' 6N.proftiiftet4ll4
Ai l be Treistary , Agpto's Deparimeil
;Tcif Shat.**; - Tee. tftiftkii,:a n d p ltpers
in d er
,bi e we have ibeen seised 64xte.
ant~ itla thought that
,severat tithe
prominentj individuatts will tile to'
awe Ap e to avoid arrest'. It is ea! th m
fratids on the govern:nom,- anbiunting.
io o,ne:
initted Itt mill Oat. Pion
.dir.c6. .ollars,
have' besaledit.
- ' r
i _ : ,1.: .l
Ex—PaOtnarrt Bucitasex contrit
tad $2OO to 'the Southernnt.
'fttßaltimore. Did iany one'lirte
of Ili: Buchanan contributing,
ihit4 4,0 the various fairs higd
North is ai.d of the trnioii
Tyr'Tz' be eeld OA t ill p re m is e o, 8. g„.
Yr Katie ar• Co. , " Dathigtoe, a_
county, at p biic out-c 7, on . 7 0
.F'rtdgy, the Ettk day .oflitgie.l46
. ,
,--rwn, iftills. one Stesm Engine sad Iteg o. mut
the Pumps and Pipes in the Coal ()jig &
' - ary:Ol' said: frm. .
,_,. r ,
1 ~ Bali, to emus:once at I, e Ir p. t , t _ tt , a ' id -
'., da.
, , i. • : D.AI ID SANCET 1.
; my2o , 1 Ca 24th pistn ot o f peu'li.
wHERiMiI letters ,ot actunutstratt ,
the estate Of 'fiaituzi os
twp.,, Beater county; t ,
'dece i ased, haTing been tluly granted to tu tu
deregned, person!l r ittdehted to said, og La
are notified to make itunkediite payment,l4
'theme having dilute against the same
ient them propaily, authenticated forw s ,
mentwithout delay. j•
• Arr. SAM EL PA
• I
josyBo'.66. ( "Adminiiiritat
t[]ANTED, AGENTS--$75 - ki? - sJes pßit
• • MONTir.‘f3r gentlemen, acid ps to m
•for ladies, eveTwh'ere, to introdetc, the Celt.
I:tirsted cOntmere Benne FaMily Sewitfisfg e hi n.
Omproied an .11 will hem, fell,
l i stitch, ttuilt. bind , braid'-and embroider bell.
tifully.- 'Price only CP, making the shells
!Jock stitch, and-- fully Warranted 1
,for nce l
leave. We', pay they abOtre mages; or it eon.
'mission, 'from which twice that - amenat etas
' mad. . Address, with thinp, or call ea C.
,Co.,Salekrooms, No. 255 Pun
FIFTH idrcet, Phijadelpilia. Ts. All e
answered- promptly, with'oirculturo and t,;
Lee City Hotel;
i . iil. , _ _ • ,_
hmediatel 9opposite t4e Mouth of Itlaa
- ' -un on I thellsiand.
, • .
A. - 1.4 E. X., - C La R
i •
(Formerly. Of the Futon if ete4a Rester.)
THE TABLE will , at all tixes 5 e 6,:al
dec. the best eatable, that the Pitt‘burg g am ' affords. '
;In connection w
tivgxr . BtABLE,i
for holies. '
Tho r •
patronage of
the Union Hotel in ';
to tbia bailee in, peed
and stibling and Feed
psyzol , ai customers viails ac
Beaver, and ,"11 otbers Vine
ient.. is soliiit.ed. Give co
yourselves of my suptiia
can make it cotaen
a' call 'eLad judge fcr
Wantecil for, our Nei and
-Beautiful work,
'PIC-1)911.1AL .139.0 K
POletical, .163:nantie,
and Traffral. -
Splentlidyilllustrai'etl with over :1•0c.1 poz• 1
, triiies and btat.tti.itf .. t
. •
• .
• This work for getpal humor, - tder psdkt
t artlitig- int erest,and attractive eauty,studi
peerless and'alone among all its competitors.
The ValiAnt Braveilearted, the Nom
• esque and DrAmitia,the Witty and Slarrellont
the Tendorland Pathetic. The Sell of F.
Story Camp, Picket, Spy, hicout,,Biuon
and Siege; - Startliktg Surprises ;,Woairkl•
Facartes2' Famous N• ords.and'Deeds of Wax.
Ind the whole 'Panorania of the War Ire let
hrillitiglY and Ataril ingly I portrayed in ism
terly Mariner, at Mice- histhricil and rookutit.
rendering it the !most 'aatple, brilliant ud
readable book - that the war has - callsii boa
,Disabled - officers land' soldiers, t es."
Orgetic young men, I aid All is wsat of rota.
,ble'entployment, Will find this the hestslato
to make inoney ever yet offered. SO tft
eirculari and'see our t'Frois; Address ,4
No. 607 Minor Street. -
I_ Pon.Aosuiria:PL
may . lo:lm
co t dcet Shoe
E t . h vir e ci pu uj ii t
t ßE ilat iP w E e o b FU sTe L4T fil t ei 7 l oll .
. .
. ,
• [,
t .
~,, <.l'
_.] -- - --- - A - 01 4
-. 4 •92Fpurohikso4 . 6 l. large and wells,sw
t 1 ' - i 3took of
,-- , 4
lidieni, Gent's - Boy!a and uhilq °t,
7 -
'Shoes, Caitlin. Slippers, 4 °. ,
, 1 ..
. ....,.
direc from the man ufacturer'', we
pared to sell as cheap, if not cbesper ; th'''"'
any- s establieliment in Pittsburg orthtinowcp
-.4m we 'remain permanently in 12 !
buiinees .we wild endeavor to always g . t .
oilest...heep as gre t a variety and as 1 004 !.
artic ess tbe'eaatern market affords. _.-
Puiebaseri will to well to WI estletsw'''
our ,kifikods and prices before purchssini
whers; ,4U Goods Warranted. • .
. WILSOS i' STE'ipAlit '
10 tbtipillla i o
ii - ' Scpalllnalt! ... ..,, o i.
.1.- ,---,,---". .-.-7- ---.
1 71 Punt tor „Sale. 4,
/gs .nadersigned has received trot,/
lector, of Zhickering * &A a `ln,
WO, pietas in • d iary ' ,weft. whieb t 4 i
IQ 4;614* Plisse aall and ez"'" '
.• 1r ' r• , Si-Vaa l " . '
- iitgavoi; Sfeir2S:Ri 7 ! , ',.llasteit 1141/1 . 4.
~ .
I "611.8°,/4