The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 23, 1866, Image 3
II II KV. HAVER 1866. LOCAL ml MISCW 42I33 O#*' sori9o: Boom:, 3z4 'b4 Fittlist., to g, is the. authorized agent fee tie, Axe that city. irden. Knipe, recently appointed P. ‘st Nerrislatrg, is i delegate to the sol di er s' Convention, to be held in Pitts burg itbe Eak - Godfrey GainfornotWentlitiddle )lercer coimity,d, ied Monday ereiiins l i st week, fronks done of - oil Ofbitter abattifiti, administered either by drip or,sacident. sorTbe *coin ptersry_ Society, of DIT.: ligtojk, cril4ive an Exhibition in that pla e `VIUMISY , evening, .2ith' inst. The pet, f o gainces 'consist of otations, colloquies; music, &o, , ; At s logrolling. frolic held a few days joi n Aleppo township, Oreege county. a min ied Oliver. Keener, was killed by being wight under one of the: heavy logs -the men, rere engeged in rolling down p piece of sid-, iigg ground. • '3l.ts KILLin.--On Friday, 11th Inst., a mitt tithe name of Jefferson, Graham, a - resident of !.:cor Castle, while attemiding to, get d ie a xe of the Cleveland and kahoning rlOl. vo id, at Hubbard; Ohio; fell between the tail' and wat instantlY - • • MISTING Or Wont:, finowsns..—We ark. quested to state' that there will be a meeting d t he Wool. Growers, of_ Beaver ~County 114 De li ng ton,"on the 29th of 31,0, for the spur: pose ); fortaing an associaticiri for the co.untr. Those interested in this matter are earnestly ineitedtoittend . j . Cuksot Tins.—Theaceoinm- Win leave! Beaver Stah going East t 111 i st, 6 , m., ana going Went leaves at 5 05 train going West leaves the station nt 7'1.; A. m. We have not as yet received a .time -fable. but trill endeavi* next week o Ore thr change 9 entire. • traramaa.-=-On Tuesday of last week the I honking firm of Kramer Kahm, •3f Pittsbur g, euspenclel. It has long beenregarded as - one cf the most reliable and substantial houses in the city; and the opinion is confidently ex-, premed that no one with whom they gad trans action-8 will suffer in the long run. ; The snit peisioja_cess caused by that of WoriclibleCouldh , Co., of Philadelphia.' I - RAMIE , INVESTIOATZONS. The Meadville . , Journarsays, receivers have been appointed ty the comptroller of tire currency to tak charge of , the Vonango Natiorrgl- , Bank and Crawford County National, Bank. The ac counts of these two institutions will be rigid_ ly investigated and perhaps the public nay be enlightened upon certain points connected with tbeir "management. ' •, _ ST sent 1 'Acme Cf. Search.—The "Medidal Sciolety et the State of peaneyiinnitt" will bola its ,snnusl ineetint at Wilkesbarre. Lit :erne osonty, on Wednesday. the '.13t1;,_ day of "so. The comniittse of i f reception eltp, round at the Wyoming liotel, where lelegslea arerequ'ested to report, upon their :C . rFf It FLAG FinIZNTATIO4.--The PEGAVITIL. cis Railroad Company generously offer to trapiport,: free of charge, to and from the fig prinentation - at Philadelphia. on the next Fourth of July, all surviving col o r-bearers .14 color guards of Pennsylvania sigiments., It isdesir:ed that lists of such soldiers, want ing tickets, sboilld"be in the hands of General Nogley, of Pittsburg, or of General Tyndyle, of Philadelphia, on or heforo - ,the 26th of the present month:: Fort) er, that such soldiers Mould assemhlo at II risbucg by the•first of July. . • •Loos: Our Fua. •Tztprt:—,Counterfeit twenty dollar bills nkthe First. National Batik of Port ilia. Conn., ve in circulation throughout the country. It probable they will soon be in circulation in this section, and our business nen would do well to. keep a sharp look out for them. Counterfeits on the new postal cwrrenoy, 'of the denomination of fifty cents, ire also in .circulation. The eaptiring and general ap iesrance of the new counterfeit is tolerably trod, but the face is soinewhat grayer in ap vesrance, and the green on the back of a lighter shade. INTiLLSTING LETTER.- ‘To me and my fam ily, the Cabinet Organ. I purchased of you hail 'teen I constant source of unalloyed pleasure : , Tie sweetness, purity; and power.of its tones, • laibeen it subject of•froquent remark among r es „virsts and friendii For sacred music, and ' t!facially fcr Übe' at family worship, it seems **happily adapted. Ii regard the introdus• tan of such: instrumente into families as .!ti )nblic ;bonefit,refining.lpurifying ant elevs4- titto, and in every wavy n bleksing.— terel the pasfar of a congregatiba, ahorild tom it r. duty as well as a , privilege, one cer tain to result in goni—to use my • 'utmost ea- TIOPF to introduce one into every family itf s cighborhood'ivhere there are young peo- P it " REV. 'JOS. t 3.., TRAVELLI, Rea s ickleyville, ,Pa. set advertisement in ariotker columni DEAD.—A correspondent informs us ' 4 u c.a the eveningof the 15th inst., Turner Ne. "aged about 201 years, 'son 'of :Samuel (.0 % of Independence township, was found isid about half a l Mile from his father's house. lit was diseovei,ed late b the evening, by a szakboy. lying On hts face, with his arms cider his bead. rile Ind that evening -started / 40 to his aunt's in company wi, th two young tezel.his aeguiiiitinee, and was found only stet, rods Mon the' place where they stated te/ had separated from him, be being at. the time of separation perfaCtly welt. to all op llarance. - A jury waS summoned by Jas. Irotity't l a lcinq ttiere might have been foril'plit)' in atter, the jury thought it expedient to: ue a_ post iniitent eiatnination of the bodY: the examination was pa'rforrited by Dr: G. W. 41gfitti, assisted by 'Dr. John Brian. • Dr{ di. Thoir.pson•wii - also present at _Ate- ex !tiastin.. No exterk - were founon t ab body, except thr na eeli sn armall s 'marine.= the sot extending heneatit, the 'integument: 75,_,r4bably cense(' by his falling. •On exam -1:mof the brain, it was found thatalloodl in 6 ll 4ld given w ay , - allotritig the. blopd to trL._ • thin the meninges and ventricle, of eal/47,11,1,1_.0.11tottetiaing his death elry-p res 7 -!' lit s ta 7 -48 lIdoved a virdiat**ll com aamil abowiilltta. :"."" ME -----.- ---- k "... . :(< ki r. ZS e Xiatiii 'ir elk ',' Ule of your colmita - tor. the ,ptir e. of 0.050044040 w relVieilithe 01 1 ilms of the' r . l ßeaver Female Seminary and' , 4 Institatii. ,- i Pkltrlnsti itiemliiidittil4 igiri iitia - eit air acli - Otiteggietinkes: sits for inproved. A autsges 'for fe, male k.ducation. Tho:ractical, idea was .first suggested by • Rev. Bishop Simplon, of the M . church! The project was at once `received With fa. vor, aid in vie* of the fact that was thin 11o:10i:tool of High gradelbr the education' oflyoling . ladies within many W.iles'of Beaver, add iti vletv of the many . - adtaptageS which the !wi llow, presented; Its' - . eaie of access,; its - IfealiNk. atinosplidiel and . beauties 'of scenery- ina ,tbei high Total Tend,intel • lect ual tone if the 1 inhabitants, . the idea seemed both feasible and attrae... tive. I 4. .. u; - ~ I A subsciiption paper sr' ' ld t -14 _..script on paps ; .as prepareo, and .upon, its presentation to the peo-; ple the_prolect •met•ivith mitch eneour agerneint, many . liberal inibscriptioue being:made. .SeverApublic were also - b elcl,•in which Rev. J. Mono.roe,,so long 'known akd so, , highly re. , spected by air Who knevi . bini,', Rai , . -W. G. Taylor, 'peator ;of the Presbyte rian Chtirch, Mom Don't Agnew, R. P. Roberts, Esq.!H.figh .Andersod, lion: Wrillienry, And others, took an ac tive leading part. The requisite thuds were „loon raised, and a chatter of_in wiper:talon applied for and cili ] grant ed, .ana. a Board of - .Trader) elected under; its provisions: The charter as amended, and under Which the; insti tutieni is now controlled, besides the usual f provisions . contains a Clause to the egect that the Princ ipal, Iwho is elected - by the Board of Trustees,. is to' be "al - regula i r Member, of in gond etandibi.of tk a M. - - •R. chureb.7 Thal ITrustees are elected h i ythe Stockhold. ' I ere, and I. are - ti ft eii,d,'T iii &tip other, of which; fife constitutes qucirum i The Institution, thong,denominational; has never been sectarian, and filt, pres ent a Majority .of the I pirpeof instrue. tore are attached , too:Aber denb-minit tions than that to which it is provided the Principal shall belong. :The Board of Trustees also are elected frata !va— rious denomintitiOnKl IT The reasons which, led to - this, de -1 nominational relation which the in. stitution sustains .Were, first. that the DI E,lChureh . had ao schools - of this kind in the ,vicinty; and second, from its itiaerency and frequent•chtliiges of, ' its.cnfaistry, it had amplafacilities for brir.ging the school into wide, spread, notici A ve r y large and' judicio us. I ? commiLtes was en g a g ed it) the Selec• qi tio,n of a location, which, with great. nnahimity, fixed upoo,the present site Tie . i 'wisdom , df the choice has been amply vindicated. nut only by all' those; who have been connected in any' , way With th e schools, but- by visitois i'and sirankers,from abroad.. From its openfpg, May 7, 18 1 56, until the prea cot irme,it has steadily grown; in - fli• I I vor With the public, waif durink, the • I last year there we ' re enrfilled 3 . 1-1 pa. pits upon , its Catalogue while its fro uity•ntimbered 13 -teach ers in all - the departments. About - 46. year sines, throe h, the energy' of the preaent el ficient Principal, R - T. 'Taylor; ii• new baildi t ug was completed, and; the one occupied -as a FeMale - emnraryl unaer the recent-centre! of Prof. S. B. Her ; cet, ‘iiii 4 purchased: The latter is one lof °an finest school , lidding in the "I,countiT. This.- con olidatio has greatly Increased the number of pa 01 , 4 ip attendance, "and has .secured the employment-of a puller and more efficient faculty,, while it has brongh l t , to the • school, many decided advanta ges.a4 betoreenjoyed. •The I l tattita- 1 tutionf appealisliitroligly to th&ilitizelis of Beaver slid theliarroudding towns for their patronage, encouragement and support: Since the, establiSh merit of this school and largely attributable to itti icfitience, arid, to that Of 'a deservedly highly esteemed Academy and Mien School, 'the ratioof in crease of our, population, a id of the valuation of property hee' beeol 'very - large. - l i t, 1855 the number .of 1 taxables was 156, in 1860 it.was 191,,) and in 1.1.865 it had reached 239, ,Itin in : ' creasci . uf more than 50 pet cent. • ' In 1855ithe 'Val uation of our Borough was 8107,602; in 1860 It was 8135,344;1 .while in-' 1865 it' reached the Sum of I 8201,790,beingin increase in ten; years of 894,188, or more; than eighty per , cent. I These facts ' need only to be ' recounted to present. an unanswerable at guirient to our eiti?,ens for their *no- Itaining and maintaining our schools. I INay, more; 'they appeal by iniontro.i . r yertallle logic to• the pockets of ou ; I I people to. enlarge ocir , p ockets Semina l -, ry, and make it , more r efficientj more I worthy, and more in keeping with the progress of the age, and ahead ? of all rivals' or'support in its suporior ap— ' pointifienfa and facilities . ,The educa tionalatilities of our 'quiet - , beautiful old to wn, Itio -- ,,are .iiitraciine lii.beiNt large !god very desirable iii ciesie Of , citizens, who come tbat thtiY l may enjoy 'Oily advantage's ; and in conse quenck, a:spirit of enterprise and im. prove4Pti is everywhere 'visible. It ' beconiet us as citizens to foster thi g emigra ion_ ' and this spirit, and .wel boldly4A rm that' in no other way can it be ale easily, so cheaply. and , so effir cientlY • done r as by liberally endorsing and . os-tering tiur wtiii•ationalinstiti; .tions.l And this same-appeal ctiri , : with aimed equal krte to thntinhabl. tantii,lof - our surrounding Beilough* and 'v icinity. They have all 4e ad-1 vantages of home soh osi l s oil) WI grade; Sod save the risks and 'expense of send ing their hived ones - a irdm the, Pareniio : goof : They may educate their daughters, in all that is tieedful ' ever tb: meet the advanced reiluire -mentslot the: times, and still haVe the charm ; ,of home .and the nn roken : ,' 1 • Be t, th e r argu igen teappliei - :as . It to 1 L the 'Ci ci tizens orthe entire,edunt and ; the : : - S i mi - coediting:: iegiiine. Your dm:4ol4ra While in-Bisave'r are not far from home, are or eitiyinore'lsiyitia MO see thigh frettientlyatitiflingexpstyie., and +sit have:Mani WltAloit at thit firmly. fireindli: Weed; very Imo)* !WIT airyine .psimusisethe istiklaittono sdistii*Cse -- _onilettly emesiiiri)f :tat i MI - ---.......'.- --^- .LiN" , :wc.. -- r --,- t .-- • er - - -' ,4 34 , 7 --- - t- t , tailwit •Ahoiltdeii:; i: ienjlir c 4 -their ilingiitOrs I - will:10mm irktbe morning and returning= to- it a. evening. We fe°l , 06 4dir4.$ ', t* ITPIYW-PsliiPg Ali iiitentiot to ' superior ann. . . ..,., tages r oil '„ in appuling to you in rally as One Milli-for tbe *import of our' ovro,hOraq school „Let us inquire into Ole wants etilfmeneseltlee - *it this noble Institution and meet them all with a' liberal liiii:d. Nett week,with yourpermlesieei -11te i ~ Editors, we will hive more t oday up3 n this sub ject.- -. I ' 1 • '• 1 -:Ctritatt. 7 ' Ax Acrr,ielatie to radios:sot ltelinsettiltni ler, Lawrence, Adam,, Beaver . O 0 I,l*k ..lra 0 611 , tit# `.'-': ', ID: '. -. 1._ ',..., '_.:. Stto..ll. ,Be it enacted ,by the Senate find Rouse '. lof 1- Repreeciiitativetot‘ the CommOnwealtb, of i Pennsyliania in General AiieeinblY iniit; iind it, is here. by •enacted by; the aiiihnrity - of the same, Thit the CoOrt Cf Quarter Ses sions atonojof thct, cou f ctiea of Batler, , Liiwrecire; - #lll,4ll;tßedierrana Frank lin; shill 'be authorized Ito krant lieen» 1 ~ ses to keepirestaurants r inatead of the County Treasurers cif Isaid Counties, and the same notice shall ho requited i, as is new 'required for application to keep an In or Tavorni Provided said lleenssii ma be granted at any regu lar term of court; ind ail lawe or parts of-lams inconsistent I , herewith are hereby repealed . .. f- 1, , - 1 • - _ f - I lIIIIEECit. KELLEY. : • Speaker of House of Representatwes. • i I D. r LaMINO. .1{ • Speaker 'of the. Semite. • Approved the thirteenth day of April- 4: I..i', one thimsand eight hun dred- and aixty-eix. •i 1 , ,I , , A . G. CURTIN. - , 131 7-7- Oti : tore gto owners. The OW Woolen FectorY*Tilr.-Jos. Ponte fract is no* riesdy to . do &11l kinds of _custom work, ae willibe seen by his advertilement in another leolumn,to which atientionis directed. Those of our 'eaders in the' l ionntri who have wool to Work up, would. do Well to give him a call. Vr. P. !is a wool maiiiifsoturer of long• experience in!the business, and is determined that the wort turned out at 'his Factory shall be second to none in the r country, and , further that it ;shall be done on -shertlnotice and res t sonablei termii. RemcmberJ the plaae.' nearly opposite Gilliland's , Store, New Brighton, I" a. gier:A.tteittior. is direeteite - the vertioement of the Bank for Savings ; (formerly D i hne Savingsristittitioli) of Pittsburg. 1. For _ persona. or, limited means; and,who wish to: make email _deposts, sins is the boSt inslitution in the Deposits orany Sum over one' 0 1 011er 1 1 can be mailein thi s bank. and will draw interestlNom ;the time of makingjdeposit. The'men;aonnebt , ed with tti,is bank are among the boot in the eityr,of 6 867-w0 cull attention ' Co th card of Dr. JOn C whiCli will be fcund ' • in nat . advertising ;c,olumns. •Dr. Levis! has; recently I tosaine.l the practice, of medicine and surgery In Bridgewater. Heerved two ot three years in- 'hi) army, and! wit 6 consider:. ed a vCry , fine surkents:l • 'office is in the i t-onni adjoining the new. Drug Store of Levis I Proudiey.. C r siarT, di' If the -..0 ine editor of tlyS Mercer Press, the Democratic organ of tint: county, . annonnees - that the paper Oust be. suspen4ed for lack of support, unless pecuOtry. hi at once tbrtk;eoming. "The. vsflyl. of ;i the transgressor .is bar:.l."6: - ; : • I i . Tuf . t b rg Gazette "I,tabltsh. ment has been sold to. P l enturnan;.Reed & Ce.,:by whom it will hereafter be conducted. f The editor, klir. Ptm - niman, is an Ole writer,and litive!no doubt underibis c ontrol the Gazette Will grow in 'white favor. The . Gazettel is now b leading paper in the W'ett.-Ji ° _ _ ~ .. OEA3Mit[MARKETS. i • . 1 Cl:tlißar Et, 11 , 1! WA 2. b as: ut& -, r --•. • - Flour Per bbl ' ' ll $lO 75 `Dried Npples per 2 50 do Peaches " ' ' 1 800 I Wheat 1, , r, el - .1 200 Corn . -I .. i ' '1 -• 75 Oats i 1 " - ' 1 ' 45 Flax Semi, i " ' • - .2 25 Beans; 1 '- • " - -- ' :/:• 1. 75 PotatoeS, - i . " -•1 • I"2b I Onions; ; V " . - I 15 0 Corn Meal, . ' , ".' r L:.:...., -, 1 . . .80 Eggs, i.. • [perlos • ' . 1 • .20 Butter . 1 'D lb 1 f 1 l. or ,1 ~ 20 , 1 Hams, - - ; .. ; 25 Shouldeis, .'. " ' • d 1., . 16 Sides, / •le lB Tallow, - is • " 15 i Lard, 1 f - ..' 1 . 18 (_Candles; 5 . " ' . -. 1 i •••• ,20 Molasses, • I:Per gall' - •', • I- 'I .90 Carbon oil , V .. ' 1 70 , "PiTTSBURG MARKETS. "MONDAY, May 211866. BAcoa—Shoulders-7,000 lbs; 141 c. Sides-LSales 8,000 Ilse ribbed, 17®170. S C. Hams—Sales 5,000.-1bi,12116.-- Salei 6,000 lbs do, canvassed, 230. , 'Lawn bble Na. 1 at -81 85 V gallon. - 'LARD—SaIes 15 bbls leaf, 28c,. - . Buriza-ales of 12 'packages 'roll, 20®21p. . t l iaoczarts -- Coffee-- Rio, ?fair to good, 25®26, prime . 28®29 ij Sugars -Cubs, 12®131; Porto ißieo, 121® 141; l coffee, 16e, A do. 161; Crushed, granii4ted[and pulVerized. 17}.- laqsl44-Potjw Rico, 75®84; Xew Or.; 10®1 14 per gallon: . GRA i iN—Wheat--Sales of 2,000: bu" bliehi,en, at; $2 28. Nothm zidone in other. idesCripttops. Onic—We note;' salts of 5 ear . loads. estern lon .the , track, ;at' 52e. Sales or 'so''4o - froin atore, • 1.,0rn was. in moderate .demand_; sales were made from store at-85tgi90n, and front first hands, 80e. Rye—We note- Odes 4011500 bn Pennsylvania,-at' 95e. PorATt.:Es-Salei 1 car - Peach blows' on traek,4o.7s; - 1, do, - $81.85; and 150. liblet.frOm storees4 25 , --- Fr.o#R7-Ratrkfamily.winter wheat,. 125 bhlii air 81-2 56®18 00000 bbls do fany• pt , $lB 00; Spring irbeat 75 bbhutt4lo 85(x311 00; 190 -bbla do at $lO I'llair-LTWelve loads Weie,ilislipsed tif Atrs2o" 00(423- 00,,p9r;10n. ?.- ~i 611!" batik. I • ' ' 7177,1 1b4 741 /4 1 1 - •;:' • 4 M Obi 1- ~ , , COld/ILTSO 116. lei MIoNDET. , .. 1. I, ....;.:1-7 , : -',.* P4MleOzi 4 . • '.„ __ Industry :•-C *Ai} .40 1 701 Rn s i x man,) George - ptlitrt.. • I Itaisover •:•-t I fluss -Adanis i , ad Keel' r,..••%„ : ... "*.---- i • -', •., •7. i 1 •,,r -!:. . Ph thliebitirgi SiniciA-Binkeia B dgewater WHljin• Barn's& . ' Keel'*, ; hinny: Jo 'ti - C , ocl , ir_ an ,.. .:,• - ••• . 11i Beaver: a cres IC Cilboud• Falistoni fir.: : Laved; 1 • NO/ . Brighto, : C Li.Thamberlin Boith'Beitii ,Itobt Eakir., And JohnSton, Sam el, Lawrence, 814 MitchellC ' , r L i ' '', MO I 9O t. Da ni llP.O c als' l Fasbing ,-•-- -•-•. -- 4 -0 o: Yampa Littell; '•. - . I, Rochester Til:'Daniel‘Mitchell; Sipe:well; William . McDonald; , ' Paski: Jecriee:Oldlutni, Freedom i lk4o : °B., F Birkinsen , No l ith 'Bewickly. • Johnf'lS . ariCtc; • Rochester Boirughi Lewis l i Snyd 'Gr ene: Wasbinglatd ed; • _rill: J 1711. 1 1, 9ND AT . iI en I : John Andrets . V:l,,- Thom 1 'Brun on; Jas. Campbell,lOhn Swint Isaac ' Eakin, Jeinies Latham; • 1 Moon: I Allen Brooke, John Steiva C0r41:04 Wey4antft; -'-' 1 BAnOver : Joseph Bac anan, • Cale,' Henry ~ti nee, Wm Miller;: Ne i l s , Sew iekl :•• Geo: Budio, !a e ,, •Enieeick, Josiii Majors. I, • ' ~ FALtnomy: thrv-A.:•Bi•yan. MIT Ebr sn;lirrn • liarkins,Alex. Forsyth - Bridgewater.l . ThosnasC ,t, ampbehl, JohalS. Dickey, Cbas."StOne• • .Rd coon . : Anthony Chleder; Bei Barn 8, James Ono. ' • I Da lingtc.)tt: ' nci.ll4. Crawford, J. Yea: g; I : '-'• ' . - i So thißeave : Samuel IG. Caugh -Fa leion : George Dologlas, Au Hen( etieon; 1 -• 1 1 Ohio: Noble Graham; i, 1 Now . Brighton: R E. Hoops; -E. hterrpck; JoSeph r. Pugh; • t - • Roblies' rl Boro :• J. R.[ - MCClella john Stiled, Jnsepb Vandev,or, 1J McGrol , ' LI a , . ontk f . , I. .Itioun, 14, intmitn; Independence: W.m..Kennedyi Priogiom.:Boi•ougt. ; lavid Lb% Brfghtoti Township . : Jtip'.i.lll.Sh Somers. , ' 1 13:e Bonier: Om. 'Patterson, dot/ Cra‘vtord, Hugh - 1. Marst;all; Rdrirester TO: Robert Itannsel'; t Ph,dliPsbut g: John 'ld shrodtt; Bettye! B l oro• hicoses*SoOtt,,John ; Purvis; j . ttl:itiou: Austin Tbomaie Indust i ry: Santuel Tod 4 Ilurtr.Ony: I) U niel Card, 'GhisgOw:' Buret Cann; Nfirtb;;Sewle 'ly: Nail) HOokritown: lohn S. Li .Prankrni li my J .1121 ; Pulaski; j ood Thom :Bo i rouih John Wri , 1 SZC BD -'1"-'iii.*BD 31 Rucheater b ro: J. J.l .ontioegiqer; • 1 Botinorny; J noting) 13! 'tirri,'.l3,enj ' Beighley; : 1 j) ilricikaiown: - 'ho's Biail L Witliersipao .. i . • - .. ,: f ,, - Pli!iliesourg : Henry. Jolly; i 1 I 110, 1 peoielll Rai.:coon: Da y .l,inktol Agicr, .T(Ply P Birtiber, %lithium Cal pert; I inir•Christr, 'rho GUrr Hugh Mitrion: '1 Ingerndi :'Cane, jr, J 1r cinf,4[3 - i Brighton: ho' French:.[ •-• is : LeanderHohnen, • oh Kerr. Thn Wither Knight; Lester; ' tpt A. P. Lacoek: Bridgeiwaterl Joba I.4ntton; Harmony: David Lenz;! S. S. TenVer: Jas M7Elty,:iTohn Franklin: .` S,aTopson MeQl.lBtot FreetlOni: 1 Robert iireaskey; " • North 'Sewieltly: - .llugh Marshal Williun':Portel l 4 . , ' 1 il I F i pilifort "bOro: Tbo. ' Nieholi Hugh il.!enteheon; , • MoIon:1 J asePh Nevin; ~ ' Ne!wlSewiekly: Robert: Porter; NOv (Brighto n: C. W. Taylor. .1L . icense Notice. .1 1 - 1 IST cif appticants for License at• June ; i Moab; .1866: I f J I worsi..s, sc. " , --. James P.- Parrish ~- ' Brighl9n l p: t- John' Alleband .J. 1 ... Darlington born' Adain Jcihnston. ,Rochester bop; Richard. Doneaser do •do -. David Magaw . , New Brighton!) , John Davis -- • I :.• Darhngton bor. R.Z. Baker (TrMitee)...llartnov tp; Michael Camp, j Rochester boro Bamhel Wallace. j ' •--,....New BeiviCklyt : John Jl.j Camp.. .... ..... Rochester bor?; Andrew Bwittioyi Greene tp; :Nicholas But l er. Phillipsburg bo ; David Johnston. ' ...Big Beaver tp; i Toeril liquorip quantities not less tha . nart, with gods, wares and merchandis I Win., Breitenitein ' Economy; I , C., F. Kearcher. l - Phillipsburg be .Petsr Angel l r .; ; . 1 1. , .. ..... Bridgewatertor • .R. L. Baker cr. tee)...llinaony tp, ' o.'o. Speyerer .4 - ...Rochesterboro. Jn0, 1 •13. Dickey . l ~..B ridgewater: '-.• I ' ZAT4IIO Hones. ' ; • Francis Blount .. L ... .....'..New Brighton b. ii W. & J. , ,Breliens in Etionomy. tp; Henry Wagner ' -New Brighton John Aber - .J..... 1 Intinstry tp; Elisabeth • Ripper Freedom .Distri • . mayll'66 - JIBS A: FRAZIRsb; Cl' i a 1 11"W.. ,O II 1 - I dis . , , ¶ECOND WEEK.. m Elates Eer ' vs Henri Jordan & Ashhnrst & Co. = ir ve C Bradshaw; mee r t ollins, et al vs IV M Shirts, et at atte on & Davidson vs Martha Soudirs; 1 bare ThonC •"vs Margaret Rigby, Rsi_r4en's heirs is . John T , Holmes; John Wintsman, . - vs Athos Bond. . Michael - Main , '43,Ahrahsin Minitel' C k i ß: ,RA Co. ". - vs win JaPeg . ' , same I : -. .1 . ' vs John Beatty's_Ea'r, iiiid Beatty, 1 .is Alex..Robinion.. ~ . . m 7916 6, ! .. .M. WEYXND, Pr _ gIECUTbit'S' NOTICE., 1 .l . REAB le hers testamentary _bang i . been grime . to the undersigned.oe the kistate':ot 'DAMS'. isiusass, late ot Ohis p., 4htiyee- coiiiiti. ,- a, deceased; all. Ve oss know themselves indebted. to said es 'a, ,iire diked :to: iiiske, Isliiiislit iininidi OY 1,,,at And those haviig oltimemainst theism. 11 iireset& - Iliein to *or imbibritier ditT,t intik liti. i ten lltifi4it . , .rttliiimest.:. - ' -,- - • • • ':. ~. ' it-i ; ‘-:-' , JCIIN BLBSTZ.:Esseirtar . fal.7 °l' i I . 91as 0 E. TERM, 18 ME I • - i ! ~.t • ...., S ::144.1...',.:$ . .., .:. •_.. _r_. i:-- - ----. '' • : *.r .:. : - , „....) •-.-4- :. ..,..,-!,..,. .:.:•....,,,-.....,,,,,,,,-,-;...:.:-_,,. t ::.• : „,,p . Ik3i2e•a-cost.i•G4cio s - ,,,-- -. ' • ~„......„....,,:,.,......,, ~...,,,-,....,,,„ -.: .._.,., ...._:., q • •-' • - •1 -,. A r mA 1 ~. F .. : GEA-liY" .iv k .......!. ~- . .: ..:.,,.:: ..\ -, lY ... LL IIN -..- 1 , 1 -. ,-i • EMI --- - r • - -!' . • - ; .. ti , AIDi iiii*I..E.IIPOI • -.1 - I. • , '- •BRII)GitWATER' 3Et 0-IV,,'N' .35:1. ILI , ' Silk 1 . 1E4 Straw !all the latest styles. ,1 / 4 I.4#,die SI i.l Misses, • I fkl ~.4Cliiiildi.E?ii7gi. Eiiiiit;, Large stook , 4d i fertS_tyles. all cheap. 1 7 ` ''..l i sil i b ±/111.31: j a . * I . + ' • very' , .".. • i AU kuici2s,' iheap. - .Itlhbonsi .F l Banittes, Plinea„ i Ornaments,. f!in'eY midi Mixed Cords and Tassels, Dairltol Nets, Fancy doMbs,'.Fancy and 4,11 Co , rs, Embroidefries, all kin4s, Shirt Lin '¢n liandlterchtefs, Corsets, Dress 13 Braids, Cords and Raffles, old' Ladies C • 1 i - '' I . . ' . 1 19 ME 41.. , i7ir .T. f 1., 1 .. 'F'sry, _cheap. ..i c l f LADLES' LINE BAS . Hosiery .4k •'. E1.1,r .I,r- I• `: I --- . "RitACK..,ii-• *RITE BA - KIRTS. MEN $z BOYS' I:100P !SKIRTS. I _____ I 'ry; op, II DILL' CLOTAS. 1131M3C<>0.; iastibtand, K Gaiters. cheatthi 142 These goods will be sold re e .1711) TROUB ,E to SBOITIG( ttlerS . L ' 2 Ingham; iArt B.ste z; • I :1! Straw Bonnets ak.d Hats altered Veer Cutup. • Staapi Pitilting'Anit fto 4- an/ Hiaki/g Go short shirt; made to order; ioachi — par .flemetisberl the I place.— store of A.. C. Ilu I, corner Brid • kethtreete, Bridg Water. • . 1 • 4• 1 I '4 WATI. ' GE EMI I ' on; Ander ddle if . Ckamore }10 . 1: EVERYBODY( ,1, f• . ' 'l-.-• : • - : --.:.:, : : - .I -{:. ••• - bl - •. .-.. •-•.'. V* BOOT .. AND - i 1. • , , i _ .. .. .- • - •,. . 1 1 - .-f j ,I ~". ',.. . - i ' - is :EM 014.41.7144 . ji ''' .d* - .•..- !.: 1 ,i ... '. • '.• ";. - : .' - - •- 1 ... 1 „EXTICAORDI 'AEI' . Rit#lTO ~ • 1 1 • - : - ,- 1 . . • '1" . 7'. 1 To PII• ' CHASERS • il AVlNG:just I reciived a‘ 1 ,:lai I ' • • ' 1 LEB", GE N T'S lt,(lrrs , • i• Dic,EN'S. SHOES 80. GAITERS, SLIP-I • • : PEES, PiliT Spring iad Saltine!!! Wear, • tRODIAIIILADELPHI* I I atn prepared to accoMmodate my. old lulls and the public .generally. 'have the best selected stook lever offered inßeever. pnr ch4ed at reducedLinices; and will be sold at rate:trio tow that,p ram ient•will be ; etaind - ed of old times. If any . of the.stOck:sold should rip - 4 I will repair itlfree of charge. ; Thankful for east favors, 1-stai Claim i liberal share of public patronage. • ROBT 1 . 41L10N, 1 •' (At Old Sta.rid,) , aprlB - Bsivati, Pa..' I I:'.IErTTSEU R. 1 I . ' i 1 1 NATIONAL ''.A , OW_ i . If , 1 - , "I.- 'ROCHESTER, PA..", ' A" 11 A N IJFA CTURING * all the Varieties of 1 [ ; St, and . Cut ; Iron I Prowl(' a id , 1 .. an would call the tittention of the Fanners of Beaver i counly, wishin g to, parch", -I' - Plows or Plow •Pointi, to rim Superior Finish and, Quality of, our .1 Wo r k'. r 1 ' ... itg r ALL Dati.'i W A RRA X TE,1,108 i The Points and, Landslides fa the -corres poding numbers of Pittsburg plows. 1 It i er Old plow cuatings bought. '[aprltitly Pkuditcet• 9 6 , cotide. IIF the Orphans' Court of Beaver county.' In i the matter of the account :of- Henry', atupinistrater of the estate of Jimiti Ness, sr., ' decd.; account cordamed- ~ ', i And now, to wit:l April' 26, 1866, -:.n motion. of John B. Young, Ettcy!, the court• appoint t*tt` nel Magary Esq., 'an Auditor-to hear the) several parties elailaaut, Und repot. the mour OP hi the hiunis of said; administrutqr belong itigito the said estate. for 'distribution, etud.dis e tribute the pier td the partiskentitled to the sanie, 'accoittling to law. 1 l' = .'"4l Atrue hxtritct from the BeiA . ;ed. i 'Attest- JOHN A. FitAZIER, Cl'ii '- Vie Auditor will attend to the duties of the above appointment At the Clerks Office, in Bee t ver, on Thursdiy, Zitli of -3.18 7 , 1866, at 10 o'dlock, i. ni., ta whiCh time aad place par tie!in interest m* y attend if they. see proper. 4) 7 2'66. I 8. -41A0A1Y, Auditor.] [ , • I:txxioxk 33C tit (3 3.. . ,- t , ... • 1 BEAVER; , `PA.' ''- ;, [ • 1 e ' r.l ft.— r -, , . .1• : )- , J. B..CLARK,I. Propiifter. ' . 1 - 1 [GO i r P.T.U3T I INCI: It i t:4l , l Bl ; ek ti . .11/4 I N. 1 1 —4 7 1 , Ell i -11 A ~' 1m M hest ' IPPa • • 1- • go a l. toe Sr. O ' -40,4: •jt IU •: • 4.* ni f!ir/ U Bt S t• ' f al • • v‘gi tt • e-i 14:4 , • ..• Handel and Haydn- Hall ; 41Aghth and Siring Garden swede, . . . - THOMAS MAY PtIRCE; A.M., ' Prudent. and Coswitini .. Amigagoal Extraordinary - , Indiloemento ! . - Hovel and Permaitene At rongentent of r fr I.follesre Prom t to -oOtObeir 1, INA , ?O.ItID SUCCZILDIAGI • List SesoLtasstis, including Bookikeeptug. BligneS 3 COrreSPOiaelteP. •Foritsus ,toms, .Curnmercidl Arithmetic, "highness • Penmanshih Detecting Connterteit and COMmeiciali Leaf, - '. • • - DOLLARS Scitinassuiss,_ i lhe same SObjecris, as ibstre: risie i lini . tsdi to thr i cs tf4o(ttitth TWENTY DOLLArts: 'l'envianship, Three months - m S 7 . _ Penmanship and Arithmetic; three os ' - 10 The saving of coal and gas in the summer months is an advantage:Of such importance as enables the Sianagement of this college to make s , considerable reducticki"iii thSsummer rates From October 1. 1066; April 1, 1867, Anti succeedin g years, as.before, Life Scholarships, ' ' • $35 Scholoirshipss 3 mouths • ; - 25 PenmarishiP;4 i mOntlis r I ' 10 Penmahship and Arithmetic; 3 months 12 itil . a CB Special terms/or Clubs, Sob Vert, and for tite:aotte • I :- Mini . sters • And Tenehere. , ••1 ; _ Day and evening instructionpi Yea ISeXei,all ages, In banking, ,storekeeping; bookkeeping, pen triaiibip,- pen •dristsing,:phoneigraphy, arith. metic, mensuration, algebra, , geothetry, the Calculus, navigation, surveying, hngineering, gaugin'gi mining, mechanical drawing, t eta mehial law , ,German* telegrap'aingi' and the English branches, at moderate pekes.. ' ' Endorsed' by the public as the, most successful Business College. of the dountrY, ns as eridenced by the fact, that. Foyr .iltouired anc( TwolSodents: haie entered in the ' • ' Fuzzy Six Morras ITS EXISTEFCII. • i Ores, 131Inei s, Ilsiir urniag Fronts;. ut, cods,- aps,io. Principe's of pepartments. - • THOMAS MAT PEIRCE, A. M. George B. Snyder, R. SI, Barnes; ;;•.. • C. N. Farr, - J. T, Reynolds, I . .Henry Kelm,. A.CRogerson A M.,C.E. Supported by an able Corps of Assistants. - lareall! or send for 9 catalogue, College Curency. and,Pierce's Practical Educator. OFFICE--531 North Eighth Street. aplB:2ln • T,1105. -31: PEIRCE, I I es, RAL TS,I 1:k eTOT. gap.. 1 OW. New 13atber-Shop • SHAPING :HAIR- t; rum , AitpooiNG, &e. - roHN 13[ WILLIAMS having just returned ty from the army, • Where' he has served, for almeit three years, wishes to info'rm his form er 'customers and the Publie generally i -liSt he has opened his shop in the north end of the MARKET HOUSE,: :RID GEWATER, 1 where be: . will carry on l in his former good and: fashionable style. Bylclose attention ',to buiines, he , hopes to merit and receive a,liber al share of public patronage. Those wilhing cleati,smeoth shave,or . hair cut in a fash ionable style , just stop in and give John's trial. end he feels satisfied that he can please theni. m .-• - - - • HIM EIM tett'. It i e 1 . d M' IR 14., 4.12 . Y PATENT SE ,F-AC TING NlTa.gsCvn. .lEgrake. . - . . THE subscriber will canvass. penVer- eottn , ty, in l ti9 order of Townsitips; to sell the right to use, make and vendi - - Healy's Pt. Self-acting Wagon-Brake, an invention perfect in every respect, for Ike use of all kinds or Wagona, Carriages and B g-: giei.: It is a per,fcet regnlation to every vehi cle to 'which itis- r attachled, acting alike prouipt andicertairk under allkeironmstances, 4:M. all kinds of roads ; by nig, to as well as by day; with the greatest safety,:ease and comfort - to horie and -igni.senger, without any attention , whaever fronilhe driver: - I. will sellindivid nal:rights to use this patent brake, or Town ship and Borough iiliechanics. - .Beaver,lNov22 - 66 C. LIIDWICK. HOE I TIoN ii . 1 ' , I. Fa,rm. for. Sale. • ' 9 I HE east end of the ,farm known as the I. I:Andi.ew Glass property, situate-in Ohip township,' !Beaver, Oou ey ; containing 0* Hundred and Forty Acres shout., one hundred acres cleared and.under gobditate of cultiva tion; is offered for sale: ; A l good orchard _on the pretnises. It lays , On% theLhead waters, of Beshier's l ßun, within two miles otthe cele brated Island Run oil regiontri'and- is said to be good oil territory. '1 for particulars, in quire of John Johnoton'near - the premises, or of leseph Lawrence, South Beayeet .. • • NOTbIE. ETTERS of administration on the estate 'of JACOB Wastssz, late of Indtuitryltio. Bearer; • Bearer c 0.,. deo'd, ha.iiin.- eeik granted to undersigned" ill persons indebted to said estate. are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims siiiinst the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. EMI CO:, t . nirl4'66, testatoeitaty - on the earns , of, Salton. Mows, late of Hancrrer township, Beaver County; Pa., deold, been granted to the undersigned,'all periens indebted to said estate are requested•te mike' immediate paYment, 'and those having:oil* againbt the same will prisent them' properly authenticated for settlement'. W. H. FBA2Elt,tieentor, •.mar7 • Hanover tp . ~ - - 1 f , . , co AL ! , , I, _._ yymt, deliver to-the citizens of Itioshesisr, Ilridgewter, 'Beaver W11:11 iiglniti,;, task quality of Co 1, a t the shortest notice. Wag- CM cam. at y time, be supplied at the Bank,' on !infante)? s run, adjoining- the bank of W,m: ; Fortin'. Esq. Orders left with John -A. Yrs:le; Beaver, Stiles.& Ehallenberger,Bridg water, M. 'tiunp, jr.,, Rochester. - Will receive pronipt attention. ' J. C. MOLTER; ' I n• 18 • - i'• ,r .- ,'i - . ',Eridgawater.:- 1 .. EXP.CIIICiR'I 4 IOI'IOE.', bpETTERS I . teetattie tiff' 6d - 1:1)e, 'is tate. of .Joust , Eft n,,141.6,,if Reeeion , .; Beaver 4 iie elii been -grant.: 141ito the undersigned ' , 1 persons indebted to d'estate, are request Ito make immediate Payitent,and those havingelainia against Abe hate .will present. them 'to the subteriber properly authenticated. for settlement. .., ...--.: DA.VIIi EWINGI4 il •,,,,' • _-, ''• - ALEX. gwiNo i • , i z..!ey401".., • 1 apr4 go. •_.. . , . ~: p l'' c, Raeoool* tp. El COAL' ~,ot.r e ppeiv,4 o :y3ii, boil of the.l, - - 17 • :7,7 clitelitp_ saottest girders lit st .Atkiateicbithing Store, Beaver, Stites 99tialietthergo's Groeeri, Bridgewater, rose 9 ga:e , Dry Goal Store, I Iteitheiterortll Cestre katbeatiaiwi 1 I • • .11 POSTOR. 74 , ' ; - 1 ' • J: C. WILSON, Adm'r:, - I Bauer bare Ititekteret Vi Ins - ' --- ' -............., . •-. .t • -.'-='. 7. '' -''`' .11.. ~- Van riot pain= !bailee for ceitailee, filled ChureVi:Pfaittie, -, and, eitthedrawitb MI . colossal t harst oidstiCds'*eressitalf"'dan7-4 162 i . valued. , and appreciated I*i-religion* lissesa-; ,blies,:and'ita elinestitsliarsallitriadeettleis*, . to' the diarrhea Of oar Cedritryiksijikelar, '- venitistinly-Vitti'grest coati.:: TAU ' ' ilk now;remoTed by the proem, cUineviticith, I. - pruvement and PertectiOn. at applied to the . Melodeon and+, Minium, and. *chars lii.n - result .in en la transient which; poi:Mamie*. s las itsbulk and cb i is . --- ~ ..- --. 7, -, - ... -, -- t. : it .4 - t .-: A:3ltt S! l .l. a:l7Wondev...:l- • :Pio C4iiiii:i f iii4i..l)eiteciOi --44 - ,.'paisiic ed ,by.,3lasiti ~itl gp.i,Tdin, ; of Dostan,.has no*. . , been befOre,the the. public...but tiiii. yeari; and : yet such are - itsjimequaled ;qualities,. 1114. 2 0 f i -has fetena , inCe_heh.ikeeh, eche91.,ied,..f42,-41i all parts of ant, tionntry. l :- Thei 4./t Critic-of. ... - the Nee York 12;iiVent-, says •of 'at in Jiia.44- ~ partineatz. It has been. bloe-sa by 'the' aiid . g..; . • gemoe success fete Bestow to - San Frentior;. .. ~1 •z. ;: That . 11,- At. H. have succeeded, in -making . - -a-hettir "small tnetriunent,_ thus .. ~ .any,either- r frona little handboi like tialogiha• -• those *hiCti.,t - hbtigb portsibleand not *got thaw a :pteno„ can make. themselves -folk in s churoh, r ss the'ardiersal opinion of . the sausi4, cal Profession. 1 They agree chat,' as snob mel' r . ,chenical,worke 1 14". the kind can be held lay % 004 perflction Etwotte.-_ The , tenable:to, : '7 ; . and .full,„and wi ,an immense body .fort . ma n s . provoiat ve meohanical force.. force.... 1 stand rough tra elling, bad usage.", and.,seilk. live in cliniates, Lich kill Amerman mileissa.h cries.": - ,: ''.• ' • 1 ~. ...t .. .. \ l' . 1 .The Rev . Dr. 'RIME, the well-koeffikila-r tor of the New!York Observer, - in,his eaditeriail i$ cerrspondence, peaking of. the insufficient:4 - t la the Melode to take the-placc'ef4the•Pipa : ' , Organ, says: : .i.• ut the. iyant,is is fulir.snec •-• by the CabineC ilea. Witts.youle.'sYes shall. you :cannot dis aguish its , sound. item that or ~ the Pipe Organ ritself. j•it is‘ndinirably- sil daptiiii:tii the perfiirmance - of ' sacred musics' '. psaltini; tunes, anthetrucchants, 6 - . O:," mad It -- ilii • , A grand accompaniment *hen the . ...,cougrega-1 ; tion singe , a nd - is' just . the instrument that r 1 ought to be used it all y church - es where tie; 1 _ tie', - all li - is/kiln ha ' - theiltrivilegli of :his r.l ; hag a part in-the prase.t.! . ;I. , _ ' ! , i • 1 1 4 - ' • 1. 200. , eirganists a nd. P ianists . -...- the Most eminent of their-ifrofeission, jay ,ther country, have giVen written teminiony to the - superiority of these instrumeuts civer,.alteth l - - 1 ers of their class. The Cabinet 'Organ is, - * . brio; commending-itself to , Ft:main:2ns and ,to the PeeP l o everywhere. Its •Sli.eatc Pe; 1 1 1 /7.. it* purity sand siveetnesa 4r. tonn an 4 its-agopeetz expression, -added to its 4110'0:ally , ~, - ' -pieta construeln, cannot- fail to make, it it . i ; - • universal _favori e.' aieeli - igt - ihp degree , of l , i Perfection' tni . * jell these instruments have: been brought 4 that it . ii . .ali)te Suited to. the , - purpoies of .chtirches, halls; Atiliells, 'and prk. I • , rate parlors, aid is adniiialikyidapted i tO . both ' sacred and secular 'Music, and it lehelievodl- ' that it *ill befit- Mo- unimportant part is .edii- - 1 • ' Cation and . popular a abi eatalAing musical isitel . '. 1.. . . whereverit goesi, i . • 1 ~ ..v ,„ ../' The Subscribers arc the exclusive svpolesars i 7 ... Agents for the Mason & liaralin Cabinet Orgel I t for Western Penii,ylvania; and furnish !.fie a 1 • 7 at exactly the same : price as .'charged' at t he 1 . Factory.. , ~. if , : i ; The subscribers, are 'anxious to. Send, to 1 every person, .*hether intending to , purMasse i an instrument or not, a copy, ot I the : Oihifiet I . Organ,Circular,*hich contains a iresattunouittl, , 4-4 very interestin information . V . 1i10..t • I pa id to any addres . .' . ..,.;•"' ' ' CHAS. C.ttolt..Br. CO:,. -1 • LE 1 1 .I. 0.1. • :•.-- 81 Woodttreet , .. -.1 .; Beiwe4C4th Si. l and Diamond - Alley. , 11„ . maylti;'6B 7 =lM. • Pjktshint, Pa.: ''• - -,SHERIFFS:-SALES. , . . ~ :__._-.. - ,--r , - • I , ~, • Y Tine _ of isundry write 1 1;4 Piefi',Fielts-, , MO' add Venditioni Exponu, iitsned4tut of the CoUrt of Common Fleas of the -'4antitofi _ Beaver,: and t co' ine direct ed, I 'will: e*pose,• to! pablic,eale al3# the 8l Office 1 ' in the.htire'l . of Beaver; .- :1 the ctlunty -iforeSsld;' on ''- 1 :. . ' Sat7llllllY,j..lllle 2d ; 48136,f.f . .- : 1 1 u l .1 , at 10 o'cloc' !in the , forenoon, the teliortnir ,property, to wit f -. ; j , • , . • ! , All the`ght.;•titic, interest and claim:of-46 11 . '• fondant, o iniandito the following detieribedi houie and tOf gr4tied,sit tint en:tate. borough [ . Of Prankfo t Springs, Beaver co.,th.".,bontidedi, on the north 1c,) , 1 the Betgier-sand Ttithifiii-f - 3 road, on the esisti and south by; land of .Johiq - 4., Carothers, and ont he west by 'Ma:in stretct,con-L taining one-foUrth• of an acre, Mere or less . .l - ortwhich is ereeted afratuo house, one 'arid it , half-istimie.s i higli;' a nuMber . of fruit .trees . ota*,-_ . the lat.. ' Seized_ and fa „ , en in eiecution_ as thti. prop-. 1 erty ' of Leivis*ron, at;, ' tire I sun, of fi . 11:; . 1/ Frazier &. Co. 14. 1 ' t ' • ..• . - .1 - No. '2. 1 . • I -ALSO; ... ..-. ... t . Alt the ti ght, title,_ interest and:, OtaUln of defendlin,' of in and to' that_OeiXain pietto 1 . or parcel of bind,. situate -in Oluo 4 .townit ti pt„ Beaver Co., pa,l bounded and describe as 1 follews, to woi Beginning it a hickorY on Mil; bank of the Oliiii river,' thence b,yjnipi of Dan--1 11 - 4 Oloud;noithl 2 degrees,. west 45 perches Id, At ; . stone ; til l etteo south ; •, 88 "destr6s, .West ,28'. Perches to ' I stone; thence by lon - ,of Teen. Smith's - helissont); one and one-fen h dtgroei • coat 45 I stone en the,bi k .of ate 1 Ohio river; . thene,o north 88 degree ~e ast' 28i... 1 percheirto laCtOf beginning ; con !lining .. 11 - ~ acres, min or, less, being the tut' pijet.Of 1 land cone ed by Conrad Schad' an wAfeN 1 4 1 ) Robert NI r Henry Cappell - :'an en - . 1 - Hill, by in entoo t re, dated,the 11th - di!: f.4,aa- 1 , nary, 186”, and res.prded . in Beed,B 4 Ook A.A.. 1 in page '547, • &c., 4 ..T e ttercifearectedcon the above, describedPrenilieit Oro finite imildings—onis 'a 1 ware-roOth, the otb4r,nsed for a pottery:l .ate a steam. gina:aird boiler suitletle for btriittg an oil W 1,-with , derrick and 11 tires.. : . There, vr ;i are oil silent; the premises, in. - one of whic h Oil has been obtained.. , .• . Seized and taken in, execution; ea - theirOpi rty ef Robert .Newtoan,tilettry-.Capjf i and . u ea Hill, lit l the suit of ponradEeh . ~. , IlliirTernis,csalu ' .--' -- ' ',` i JOC_LEDLIE B her4.- - i .eavor , Mat 18' 1886. ' 1 ' '- • ' ", 1 .1 - SUMMONS.IN git.wrilrxo t f, BgAirra edimri, F-th. -. • •- - • 1 'I - Z. - EE COMMONWEALTH Or; V ENA , _ 'IM To ins Snanyr.or. iAtnCorrrit,•Gnszi.. not' Ifjohn Marino' , make you !entire of-prti ecutingi his claim,: then we that you summon, byl good and.lnTifill:Enthroonors, William Barlow, I Ann; Warhnrat,,Daiiti Bar. low, Thomas Barlow, pqber.lecaPpn. Barbel •Jachson,Rarah Barnes;: John ) ,Barlow, Thos. .Smith, William, _John, Sidney_ and. Jonas - Smith; Sankileifield, William Pullen, .Tantes. Pullen, 1 . Mazy!. Whitehead,- „Esther Woolltry; Samuel Parkinatin, Latina Nor - ensile; - .Tana Ingham, RacheliDarb-yshire,_ William .Smithi Jonathan Smith , and Jonas"SchOfield, so that thoy be and appear before' our Judges at Bes=. vet, atone county .court of Ctingnott,Tleni; there to: be held, oti the-first Monday of Initts nekt: to show l a•herefere, 7 "Wheretis4he' the slid John Barlow.intrite 'said defendant togeth er ands undivided do, bob' s•-certain Ouse sad lot roun, situate-in the lioroilli 4 . 10 Brighten, - Bes.verconnty ; Pa.,liticrit , aid, it='.. soribod 'op the iplot• of said - tOiftilis lot .194 298, bOundeil . :nostlk bY' lot NO. '247, east, y Bridge !Yer.wit,•, l tenth' 'by lot No.. 2494 shkt I* t by, Canal - .street,- or towing ptijit:, of vr h they thn.eaitl dehndentaliiktiyi titian-. made between theme .ftecording te the fortit of Act,of Amenity hi such Mtn _ int./Tweet ded, and...ualostly. permit not the Salmi to_bis dOne,4contrary CO the laws-and ou tionnot thOt -Commonwealth (as it is , Add; Scc4 . Aid hatis 1 you then there _ the 'rtasnot - .of t •I'stuntnett.. en, and thierrit,- .. .. 7 -;.• . • -_ , - !.)1! - = , Witness the Haa."ll.: II; Cha sliii Salt.' dent of our said -Velum.' atlleiiier; ' this Slat day of...Mateli._ A. D. 186 8.. - • ! .' s f- ....._ . S. 9 .C HAEL - ifETAN.D.',Pteta'7. • ' in * e if o l s 7l,clinaltiiniii published bier. der of L 1.; • J4:18. LEDLIB. llesiesrmayrta • *wilt I II