The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 23, 1866, Image 2

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- a 8: MAN ' ' a. Exasieses.'
Ilk Eturr..&N - Ai. co.,
. 18184811.1 LID .
MAY 23d,1866.
rot Govialloi,
General Rail Road Law
A uumbor of the Eastern parts
afediScassing the necessity of a Gen
, terafltail Road Law; and we think the ,
time has come for every friend of each
'a law to speak out. We are in favor
of such ItJaw for this State, and so
fp; As carinformation - goes, it hi the
prevailing ventinzo'nt in' this county.--- -
The .time has come when the State
'must simile off the growing monopo
lies that zootrel it, end pass laws that
will eripple their influence and develop
the ^resources of the State. /f any
part - of - t, , ,bsS,tates requires a tailload
to.` devel op its. wealth and resources,
the people of, that section should be
permitted to build - one, without being
compelled first to secure' a
from charter'
'the legislature ; run the, risk ' '
of being refused a charter because it
Might interfere with some other pet
road. Unless 'such 'a law is passed,
this State will , soon be so completely
under tho control *of the monopolt i es
that it will, be : utterly impossible to
emancipate it. We are glad, then, to
see this A after agitated , throughout
the State, and-h Ope to see each a law
passed next Winter-, We. see by the
record Lb t our Representatives voted
for a Grc)uiral Rail Road law in the
Ho - tiOe la , st wintei, in the shape Which
it was o ered,eco . we knew Mr. "Quay
. furore t -measure, and stands
•ed to vote for_it,'. It was la the Sett
- ate tho'bill Wee killed, and the people'
mast see to it'that,such an expression
of Oublio ()Pinion is give as will an
. mistakably' show to SeOators elected
itod be elected,that unless they vote
for 'Mich a law, they are_ i forever doom.
ed to political . cleath. Geti.:Geary s our
candidate for Governor, heti pliced
.himself on reeord in favor of the law,_
and we intend to see, and all who fa
nor the law- 'should join with us, that
those wit) support are right on this
subject I.We are ashamed of the rep
,. utation of the good old Coni - inon wealth
abroad und at home. If We are' to
believe reports, oiir State Goverrithent
is but . the tool of monopolies, and
almost all of Our public man are cor
rapt. 'Po' run forl l the -legislature is
thought b* Many tti t be only the man
cfestatientif a desire bigot rich sud
denly off Lof slime rail road monopoly.
No me.tteir - how Vure may \be, Mem.
ixed.mot:iirea,, or' how, honest, if he
rotes in favor of any rail road scheme.
his enemietiety correption,dislionesty,
sold; Sce., and if he votes against them,
he, is equally denounced by others.—
Often two' roads are found opposing
'each other,-as was the case last wir.-
,ter, end let "a man - vote as he-will, he
is sure to be denounced, and thus the
goes abroad that all arecorrupt.
We bane nolidea there is halt as math
corruption as there 'is charged; but]
yet : have no-doubt some are corrupt. ;
We were talking the other day ; with a
gentleman of this piece about corrup,:l
tion in the. Legislature, and we stated:
the fact that no :matter bow pure .a. matt
might ,be, b would at times Ifitie to
vote for some bill that his enemiee
could take advantage nf,and denounce
him as corrupt. That to make the!
charge was all that 'woe necessary,--',
Re' rupiled that there wore.somb men'
against whom the charge hid never
been made, and among others, named!
a gentleman from a neighboring count
ty, and at- the same time denounced
other• gentlemen, against whom we
knew he entertained other than kindly
feelinga. After leaving him we , ex=
amined the record, and found that on'
all (locations, relating to monopolies;
• the gentlemen referred to all voted
together, and yet, one was t pure and
the others corrupt. We refer to thie-,
to show how easy it is to ruin the
character of members; and that Men
feel themselves licensed to slander, an
enemy in the person 'of a member d i f .
• the Legislature at pleasure: It any
one escapes, it is because his enemies
are generous. In behalf of the repu
tation of the State, of the Legislature,
of-the Execatiie and - officers of-the
fitate, Government, and .more especial;
ly of the whole people of the State,
let us have a. General Rail Road Law
We - have been disgraced long enough
in the eyes of citizens of other States.
and ;a thelight of the past, we must
isy.isit4 'too, much reason, all these
considerations urge upon us the ne
. oessity of such ft wo.are advo
cating . 'When each . a law is pissed,
we will hear nnmore cf the influence
of monopolies, • atid the: bribery of
members of the Legislature aud,ofii
eire of the State Government. •
Jogs MiNoaßorrs, of Virginia, pro.
posts to settle all' the difficulties in
the way of reConstruction by provid
ing that no person hereafter shall be
- capable of bolding any office, ity,ila. !
iive,,executive or judicial, in the Fel-
Ora! or State Governments, fUr ton
years from tbe passage of an Acton
the subject, who; - .was over the age of
twenty-five at tbe - breiking out;of the
rebellion, without taking the oath, in
additkur to rthef
s poir requiied jor
Officers by the -Constitution of 'the
,United States. -
It is annetessafy for ..tra Ursa,' that
- Mr. Botts is an linconditip,mil Viiion
iirsifk,i9d.tas Ihritifirflont
• the - wit. - -
.A.. i
weir elan* Wait •Ijahoiditg,,Ralf:
1 1 iota Compatiy. .` • L
, i. • I -
i The Legislature of - this State , s t ale
session of 1853, anth'orized the clevp
land and iiiationing .Railrciad CornliS,
ny, I incorporated by the Legiel4ure
,of the State of Ohio, to- extead their.
road into Plennsylvanie 'and constrain ,
a 1 ,
branch fikint the, main stem of s aid
road to the:bor4ugh of New Castle,' in
Lawrence*ouut;V. 1 The•iiteilLiod 6 1
the Icorptiretare.:of_this _road wits.,...i r ol
build a• Rittsburg through thel
cioudtiesWl ny.
Laiirince, •Beaver; Butler,
end Alleghe In the eastern, part
Of this county , and - especially' in But.,
let and Lawrence - coianties, thip read
Yalgreatly needed, iinil' those ,liviag
in ti ateecion of this county ands ltd
those counties aimed, Were conee.J
quently very anxious tor the road. It .
Would have enriched the townships of
Stsb Se i lvicitlY, Franklin,' Marion '
NewSevrtekly in this county, and' id
these tewtiships there was a deep in
tertiiitfa t s. tthe road. At the gestapo.
t b ri)e yenta ago (visv . lB64). wittiOni,
any conct4vgibler cause; '.except-that
the' New. Castle & Beater Valley IIR.•
an the Pittsburg *Ft. Wayne & Chi.-
ca o Railway asked it, the Legielntarp
upitnitno - ii4 repealed the .charterloi
this road. 1 At the lait_sessioo an OIL
fort ; was made to.repeal the ;act repesi. 1
141 the da rter of said 'road, whi•zh
1 • j
Was defea ted, by . the combination ;dr
railroad irlteresta against it. ' i 11
'r As our friends in that section ofthe
i`nty. who -were so 'deeply interested
rl' , ,
in thie matter, desire to know hu
Were for and who akaiest this bill, we
givle - belo+ an extract i from the Legu!'
lativa Recir4,./ It will loe semi that Mr.
Quay, ourirdomber,"uot oaly voted for
but labored to patili "the bill, and re-, 1
-, i i
tluire,the•road to run up Brash cree k ,
in hie cauaty, but on finding that that
, 1 _
Se tio_n *mild' eu danger the bill, he
1 th - 'o
I vii arew it.- ur rea ers,can see,by
thyeas rind nays, who were for and
w ; -
a .against Ulla bill ,- and' had. bettor
lay c aside . ltheir paperlfor reference; us
; some of these men may at no
- distant
day seek theii support for some pOsi
'ti.dri in thle - Suit . 1 1 , t '
In the Ilouse, on' i the Passa , ge of the
bill to repeal the act pea ling the
ieh l arter of the Cleveland - A Maboning
,Railroad, - Ithel,yeas and nays wore re
iq Trod byj lir. Mann and Mr. McKee.
1 ,
ifiessralAtiottrong, Bari, Barring
-IBoyle, Derika, Early, Freeborn. Glasp,
'Grinnell, l'Herron, -Sainby. KinneY,
,Kurtz, McElroy, McKee,McPhrerrin,
'Mann, Meahling, Melly, Ilyers, Neg.
,ley, PtiloW,, Quay, Ross. •Rothrock,
i Reddi man, Satteithwait, Shaffer,St(i i r•
recut,;, Slack, Smith, Stumbaugh,Val
la'ce,- Wiagard, Woodward, Kelley,
Speaker; ! - 1 -
11 : ;&GAllisT THE BILL. . . •
ker, Bre‘, Calvin, Casmeron, - (Sas,
quichanna): Camerm, ( - Ycork) Craig,
Dellaven;• Donnelly, Eldred, Grady,'
.11,00 d, Houck, Humphrey, I
Josephs . , kuon, Lawrence, Long mg,-
Mee, MeCreary, M'Kinley, Missinter.
04er ho 4 Rhoads; Robinson, Seybert,
Shenk, Shirk ; Sterner','Sabers, Thom,.
Watt. 4
Mr. Quay ;mored to amend by strik•
ing out cit the'sixth line the'words "by
the most laii,v,antageoue and practica
ble route; and inserting in lieu t tem- .
of the wards "by the "rallies of Brush.
and Mel creeeks, in Beaver countYl"
Mr Nfgley.: I hope the amendment
Will• not he adopted. I 'cannot think
that the gentleman is serious w offev
ing it. He, is doubtless aware that*
adoptionlwould embarrase this bill and
defeat it.l ,
Mr. Qaay. Since I offered the a
mendment, 'Mr, ~Speaker; I, have been
assured by the Senator frouf Alleghe
ny that ;the effect . of it ; wbuld be to
deprive t'be bill of:some- votes in the
Senate: 11 therefore withdraw it.
The :notion to suspend .he rule and
head the bill a.third time was lost,
two thirde not voting for it. Thus the
bill. was 'lost. , '
, i
THE; Olieore of the pennsylvane
i r
Rail Road, as will 'be- se n •by a'notioe
in our local column, hay given notice'
that OA icolor hearers and ibe color
guard' f all Pennsylvania" regiments
Will iipoi
betftnted tei Philadelphia. to
1 _, . ,
attend the ceremonies attending n the
returning of the, tags o l n tno 4th of
July• next, freel of charge. Notwith—
standing there is so much , cry against
this road, we must say it is the most
generouily managed toad in the Vni-,
Led States. The amount contribated
during i_ap war by this road, the free.
dom with! wlich • they Contributed in
every Way to aid the IState and : , the
jGoverninent,:entitles the ;toad, its ea
leers - and managers, to our lasting grat
itude. ' i t ' wilt be remembered also
that to he generosity Of the Penrisyl
vatia Road we are indebted for the
'establishment. of 'the 'schools for sol
diers' pr bane. ' Thel, Pennsylvania
Rail Road has done groat things for
the State, but nevertheless we are op.
*posed tn,permitting the Road to ov—.
erc the !State, and are in favr I
of *a
general Rail Road Law,. as t a my
I ,J way to o.event 'it. . • !
Tns !Committee appointed by the
Legislature to ascertain what Berton
Kerr di ll with the money , paid him, by
the LiquorLeagnanf Allegheny coun
ty, to ipurchase legislation, meen lin
PittOurg on , the, 29th inst. 'Benton
delivnred himself yirinons
birangne upon the corruption of the
Bi3publican party before the last Dio3-
ocratic:Conventiun in this. county,—
P.r.essing dinar TROD Will probabl y
putvent his attentions* at the next one.
" . I
The • Peestdee__ ( . )f the Bo h
* •
t iiitiAi
following lenifery
notice of Geiteralt iti r a. W.' It wife; of
thiis catintir.„2-fropii ttitt- -Harrishurg
Telegraph, and eaft freely :endo* , 1
: that 'Beard of , bid Gen ie
weft -a,nd favorablY 'the pen-
pie of Beaver cnunty,that it Would be
,annecesear3r i
us to r.dd anything
• ,
'further in tint praiite. - '
Witb. r tb ,progress__oL..the:War,•_ it.
became oecesearrfor the' State" to or
ganize si. - hoard
.the dimes of elfose
memberidotiid "b,e 'toadjudicsile and
settle . ' all clainut growing out of the
military operations to crush
. the slave
holders' rebellion. -7 This' board !Arai
coMposed . 1 .1 the . Adjutant l er ! e,noritt,
QuartermtutterGenertd and Cormissa:
ry General! At Om. time cl ite'brgani
zaticin Gen.lttitfe, Quartermaster Gen. ,
eral,was disabled and shortly after died
from tbe.effeets of hiii injuries: , Fol
lowing the death cifG en, Hale came the
immense military' _ operations which'
absorbed the attention of the people
and the State GoVerornent,sti that the
official business of the Board of Claims, -
from its organizatior.' down- trio its dis
solutior: bran 'eel of the lastlegisla•
ture,deaolved upon Gen. W. 14r. Irwin.
When the :United States took pos
session of, the caMps in this Biate and
assumed• the reaponsibility_of; subsist
ing•all itie:trocop . s. Gen. Irwin's duties
as Commissary, in a memoirs, ceased,
and he - wail left to devote his entire
time to the settlement of
fact, the adjudicaion of these claim '
was! left
! it), the Vr i esident of the Board',
the State ',authorities relying on his
jatigmeut, integrity and impartiality
for just settlements,,and colleagues
in the Board
. approving hih decisions.
Aow well tbro feptifidenek Was verifi
ed, is shown by the fact that Genera!
teas saved to, the ; State many thous..
ands 2f dollars, 1 while - the detection'
l and rejection of fraudulent claims pre
vented a robbery, of the of the Corn
monwealth which • would' li've gone
fail to deplete the treas u ry.
We refer to these facts in general
terms, merely tof show that 'Gen, Ir
win has been anti:mg the most faith.
ful offieerel coehected with the State
- Government, at that he will 'retire
from• position wall the satisfaction of
having petiorinedl his duty, and ren
de'red a service of the most ! beneficial
character ,to oi3 Sato. So weil, in
is his iervilie apprei•iated in the
locality where' he is best personally
known that the friends of ,Gear ,
win, in the weittern part of tie State,
I are determined to push his claims fbr
State Treasurer; believing that - the
west is,entitled to the politiqn. and
that Gen.. Irwin ! has shown himself
'possessed of th e highest: qualities to
assume its reeiliotanbilities and dis
charge its I dutier.
I•' - '"'''"'
Tim ,Union men
.. tif Faye tte county
will hold their COnvention on Tuesday
the sth daY.of• :lime. '1
Hon. S. P. brCalmont is announced
as, a candidate' for CongresS, subject
to the usages ofithe Republican party
in Venango county) l' 1
D. dii..Finney,' of Crawford county,
. .l
le conceded a.B likely to tie the succes
sor of Culver iii!Con'gress; , .
In the 21st Congressional - District
Mr. . Wilson Tai for and Dr. Thos.
St Clair, both of Indiana eOutity, are
meal as Candid ates i for Congress; sub
jeet to the! 4epi l biicari conference.
-(The Union State Convention of Ohio
will be held 'at Columbus' on the
20th 'day tif JuOenext. to Put, iirnom
s iitation 'candidiiites for Sebiletary of
State, Judge Of the Supreriie Court,
and Members Of the Board ,uf Public
,i - I , '
.- Cowan; who.'i was taken on trust; byl
the Reptahlienest as a U., S.lSenator, id
now operating: with the copperheads
for a -e-election. The Larteaster ; In
tetoiencer; the borne organ of BuChan
an. adiocates Cowan's plaints for re—
election i . •I• _ I
TbePittsburg Gazette s . ays a cull
fora third party nominating convens
tior, ha's been issued in .Somerset - cri.—
It bears the names of several hundred
citizena, including all thel.prornitient
cbppertiead democrats of ;the county.
It pledges an earnest support' to. Press
ident Johnsoti. The question now is,
What hati'become of the second party
in Somerset ? (;‘,. - ,
110[1: jarnesiCery and E M'lnn)cin,
Esq.; are rantinunced in — ;the Butler
'.ll-stericati as candidates forpngreits in
the_ 23d distriet, subject to the decision
of the Republtean 'Conv:eittrori.. This .
is Hon.: Thais Williams' diitf.riet, The
Sittanniei I'l;o:Press states, that Mr.
Phelps declines being a candidate for
Coogress, and,Otat it, knows of no per
son' ih.Armstipng" who is: at present
i aspiring jo that position. 1 This seems
to put M. Wiiliams' re-nomination be
iyond probable question. 1 '
1 ______
Tux charga made in the Pittsburg
Commercial, that twenty-five thonsand
dollars wall asseaspd off thabhambers.
burg su ff erers who were ben fitted by.
the appropriation of the Legislature,to
defray ;the expense of p.sising the
bill, turns out to be a mistake., The
Franklin RsPository and Harrisburg
Tclegrao both flatly coati /diet the
statement, and give facts and figures
that 'leaireß 110 doubt of the - truth of
their statement. The Cominercull im
mediateiy explained and withdrew the
tharge.l There seems toi be altogeth
er toc much anxiety to disgrace mem
bens of ;'the legislature, and it is only
necessaiy . for some malicious persoi.
to start m rumor charging ia member
with corruption, to insure Sit _circula
tion and credence:-
iIIaIRDIATIELT after our pounty Con
ventioclis over, and oar . .County and,
Distrielicket made'np, we will urge,
and . our friends must. prepare to or.
gams! for : the c.ampaigu,,, must
wait eandidates_and their
friends Sr. fife to turn their attention
tti this matter.
kaia. -Irseints : - iissiiiiste.
No tra,14.718. - - ; 61:Evening News
publis , ecthtfilltorni`arder:— ' ~..;?
, .
Saps s { vz p Tor ALABAMA, 1 I
•'i. 0: May 17, 1866.. - 1
r llitr ne !kith ;catenation's from
the - Presido t of .11i, L ,IIiiited2_telelliji
is - h e reby -. 1 dieetee ' that . Raphael
Seiniiiiis - be' tot-permitted 46 bold or
exerei e the , flinctio of ludge of the
Ptalm eo cepitLef obile scanty, or,
illy f! ere eauit 'tit- pc.litiell Office of
.trustLrfijkil he remains Iln-Par-4°04-oY
the geoeiff,ent. , . , , , •
• BV - oraer of R.rev4l,
t,Mat. Gen. `4,bits.
R. Woods. i rsi i gned,l . ; '•-.. •
!A. RtMsxr Mtrifirtasa.' A. A'. G. ,
Judge Bend wili,pertorm the dittioli
of th'iloffiee inibitneamtime. - 1
. ' 14 ?
1E°14111 5 T ribune saYs Maj.
Gen 4
: Mee! inard - i of 11.1.,: did not , win
2 _,
quite icv much lima in lur, late War
as 'did Gens. , Grint4 Bberinan, Sheri
den, BM., t l ough be had •m good a
chant a asst ey;l Indhe did not inc.!
ceefllia, ete tins w !ellen President,
though be id his best. In shor,t the
1 1
said Mujoi l -Generill has - not
,been --'so
fortunate and iit not so distinguished
as he 'vidently thin s he should hlve
been; . once t il e ar2;xtety for a new .
deal; " hich i pallad him to ! write
i p
to a late .71h naon' meeting at Macon,
Illiaoi l ,a .s
follows. :*
, "(;lanc ing at the resident's reimn-
I strueton pots' je at rttmains : to be
i saidl f. it'? lie has officially: and
for:111y ar.nuaneed the tertGination
of tb Rebellianotijd the facL that
each nd all of the iStiites are equally
- e ut.i el 41' to , eze else and 'enjoy the same
it Oliti ne' to the tioatirif[l.4overnment
What ihoultl the disfranchised 'States
do? l As an huiablelicidividual,,rever
ing the o.mstitution and respeiiting
the rights 'of all. "( say let tliose States
elect ;their Seniors and Representatives,
and those Sena ors and; IRepre'sentatmes•
repair to Washingttin, l 'and fa/4 :their
entitled seats in thou i bodies. peaceably if
they, can. foreiOt'y -if • hey.,, and-let
ne'ces -take Oare of ',them
selvlo*.'"‘ r 1 • I ,
V —T'
Evora, he .tresident. -as ye
-1 . 1 .
turned'the Colored bilfto the'Senate
with his lobjectionts . Re does not
consider t i e estabrriment of a State
goVernme t i't Co orado' at present
necessary for I the' welfare of the.peo,
ple,there The population is small.—
Si:me estiMate it las low as 25,000,
while the advocatett of the bill reckon
the riuntbeir at frofa 3,3,000 to 40,000.
Re Says it is'not stitistaetorily '!estab•L
lished, that a Onjor i ,ity or the citizens
desire or s e prepated for the-ch a nge of
i r
a Territo ial tior's 'tate Goveri.mcot
The final ~ ejection is that the . , l udmitt
sion of (Colorado t thi s . time i 'as a
State to the Voisin, appears to
,h . iM to I
be ineomPitibio tii h the public toter- ,
edt of the - ceantr . • Iridtead'lnf , inv 1
. 4
inereasin { g, Calor o Ibis_ diminished
in populatiOn.l :-.; r'• ii . •
i _I
Ws° Taital
stett.—This • quiet oil , bait been.,
i !
quently-asked dale,. the adjournment
of • the liegit:laine: , 'ln - itesWer 'lre
'repeat t l e eci - n+ to, be th ose pe,r
sone' aud thir p . ofiert,y, *ho' have
Served in the array fOr a peiiad not
less than nine months) those persons ,
who-have been disOarged on
of wood& orf physical disability re-,
ceived or con.ract4d in the firK, :ands
the• ivitteivit rind oi•phans, theirprop 7
eily, of deceased isOldie'rt of this class,
shall be eianipt friin the paynient l of
all bounty' aii'd per ' aptta tax x - levied to
pay bounties Ito vol. meets. The same
persons .'re also e etnpt froinlpayipz
.7 - _
militi -- '- inipora
tent; lest from
tax li
Mit A. Wise
made, Jkendrirt,
Vat, to at i large , audience ---;whom he
joclsely, eased , several,
_times as
"my deal. traitors' and "fellow trait
ors"--in which he — defiantly denied
'that those who bad 'fought in thet
hellion hal been guilty of treason,and,
in which he isignitarktly warned hi;:,
uudience to hews of the National'
greenback currene y ; "t h e last
of this I wDrthlesa trash,' roar' od he ,
%if rl
Se natol
no tori ou
him ixty
forth sh
'Joh unie
Ay' come
10n. 4 e bt
A st* rAr die ) ) tch front •Willierrk
port,- the arrisburg Tetegraph)
base ilia Mej. . Mrcioda, - tlio Uniorl
eandidste-for May,or, was 'on Wedni
day'lastieleete4b)‘ a„int,jority . orabou
1.50—a Union Vera orisearly three htin
dreit. Repub)iestis also elected 1
out of the 24 Cosecilmeo. Heretofa
'the oopPertieact i s had a =dont) , of th'
officers. 'in4 entire control of the'
faire of the toisti?. •
..I _
Ws a e sorry to learn thst the pros.
pacts 'iOr' the erOps in thisl'coonty is
far front flattering. The w'heat. clop
in a great measure is a ftulnre. FrOnt
what wo can Je an, the amount rtiised
in BeaVercounty this year will hard
Iv fora' .
the sa e 'Complaint is made•both et
and weit. anti we are, likely to have t
pay we l for Emir for' some
,time 't
come.-: .1
Gov, ' Om, of South: Carolina, h
exprestied his L eiinion regarding th
teaching of free d !
!people. , He belies , .
it tik go l ud for them acid-good_fer t
State. , He says the teacbare Shall
protected in their duties, and that t
prejndie - againntl them.and . theii occ
pation dieeppearing„:
- Tits Inominatimi of TV m. G. 'hr Cane
leas. ait Coileotnr of kterael Raven se
- at PittOurz.wait /tont to the? Sena e
on Friday and re i f ened io ; the Finan e
Committee. ' - ' • ' , -'. .‘•
, 1 .
• Tat: Roy. W!lmer has
eteoto4 tobeeo tbe enei3eseor of
lat. Blatilop Po io Laaisians.'
~ I
,1 1 1
.'":=Ota071711- a.—
eal ‘ i ''
ALivir [ ,
16rioni memor ials, ad
ierses,priSests .and petitions wer '
aid before-16e Setni..t e. A',-billl it Id
asaectii3 appoint Assistant Sucre -1
Airy ori L Ler:Navy ' for' six- montki. .
:kA i.
bill was passed:•to change the tugs i
and place of ' boldi n g the 11 , ited:
tates t iNitirts ii-, ' Virgl ma. Mr: ber
an reported back from, the C 4 mit T,
1 ii
ce ,on rifianee . hi s kill to tan l the i
ebi- , -it d-: reduce the interest. , MAI
L .
•holera, esolution ca a up, and, fll9.
100 i 0 ' ulmtittito the Senate 4501 M.
imi, to ,d( of ,the i ktohise w' 1(4
7to 1 The House resolution' was
hen a , ended and pa e;1 27 to 12.;;
bill as introduced ito apportion the'
Nation I curreopy. lA. Message was
t i
Iva ive from . the .Presid e nt returning
the Co l orado bill witheut kis sigtifit4.
to ..-. he bill to prevent smuggling ,
wai,pa sed,. sad after An" Executive,
seillionlbe Senate adjourned.
I / I
i acusz. 1 i
Mr. Wilson offered an. amenameo
•• the tiecenatreetion Report, WO
•• AA ordered to be printed The S e
;resolution in aid' otilthe Sol d iers
ni, Sailors' Orphan !Miele was pal
. (Ls The Senate iiiie,ndinents t i ti
mitiofflce Appropriation • bill wee t
, oneuried in. The
,Seeietaiy of W
as directed to, communieste'a Jai
revet :intimotions in ; the Regular A
y' : , A resolution relatiVe to 'appoif
elate to the Military Academy v
passed., The two 'Ale oji Re,conlitr
tion were madespecial Mere fo - r
9th and 30th of May. The kill
• mend ithe organic lac of vrj
erritories was pasised 7 -a moti i
-trika •Aint the: 9th iseclaon, to u
equalrights,to '
alt citizens bei i
iected46 to 75. 1 1 d
The Tax bill 'was considered
As Ithe444tii page. ', Several me
Iwei•e received from the !residen
'the Hailer acijou'raed l 6 •i ' - • i•
1 . I , ' • '
.1 • 11 ,
' Max i16.-4he i , Veto
laid onythe table and
rintsid. A 'iesolutiOn
for It-: board to i exam in,
frellh,, water basin, tor
Portlatid. Me. - Pills' wel
t 6 !tianitfer the Indian p
War O h epartment, and te
tary,place egiablishmenti,
bill repealing: an act cont
poets was pasied e . tar wast
attion to suspend the will ,
es in *et Virgimatill lit
'Ttie Canstilar
. appr6priai
debated and amended, an
cobsidtration the Senate(
'i.• - ' .flours. 1
'k bill Ai, secure' the . afetv
sengers I;qr , proltibiiink li,lte - ea
of Initip glyeerine r ic:, was pari
Various patent bill, wort) :Conti
and flassed. , 4 In gommittee OI
Whole'the tax-, bill] ivas j takeM
An aineadmentl to inereass the;
4 3 ,' : lre, frOtp 8 1 00, to si,oci
rejee . • Twelve Ipagea of' t
were disposed of. 1 , Nimerou
were - read twice and referred,il,
, • ,
were and introvm , eeu. at 41 (.., , ,i , ,
IlousJ adjourned. !
, 1 1 l• ,
' 1 . 1 VE N A.TIS. .
• i r
la A. .1 7. --Air. Wade liiiibmi
atite - htliment to the Reconstructi
olution., The hill' to prohibit th
riagirid - nitro=glycerine
, ras re l y
, from nm
omittee and prised. 'xi
, °intim') AO eitamitre i a eite . for.o
water ll basin tor %iron-el:ads, an
bill to'aid tire Central; Pacific .1-f
bk- lal?d . grants, - were passed ., ,
Diplomatic Approptiatiotr bill tv
ken up , debuted, amended andi l
A Seefond Assistant Suertitar,yl
,created, and . the - cold
ship R I tie;! State
out: The West. Baum Aeaderi
was timended by PrObibitinp,H,
Pointinent of luny cadet , who - has
4S(I in lhe Nebel" 1
- sonar' army, and 'pat
Adjeqrried.l - ' I , -
4:• -li
, ... i .
~ i
',' ' -
- 7-•• :,--:'- ,- , , ~..
A. bill ,to: authorize the use ' f mat—'
rip - welghtsi and , measures was assed,.
.ftlso uljointiresolaiMn ttr furni h*th
State fvrithl standardmeasures altel a
bill td i authbri e the use in
. po t-office
of weight of the . dehomtna ,
iOn lof
grarqmes. ' A res'olutior.. wa • , then
poised, to anti prize -the apPol ,tment
of :a tipecial e minissilrt" to nti , otiate,
With,foreign ovarnmenti - for a 'eorn.';
men unit of °neg. The Bankraptl'
bill' as repot. ed b uck from t e 'vont-'1
• tnittea With mendnnents, an - after
debate' werit Over till Tuesday,. eixt t L-
.Senate bill.coheerning re ortl ofi
decisions iti the ;. Supreme Co rti was;
passed. After nunnerOusp,etitipptiL
bad been, presented, the' Tax bill wasl;
; considered' in Committee . ''4f , the'
,Whoi l l e, and several 'itmendminti; is-:
doptTl. '
A. message was 'recei l ved
from itbe President, covering ,a letter,
frotr.,` Gen. ~ Granti on legislation „foil
the Army. ' Adjourned-1 ~ '. ': 0,
~ 1 ,
I r i 1), - ', , ,a,xislevx.
• I - 1 • , , I,
1 4:412,,,. x l 18.—A' number 'of ,petithins
Apnt hr
lry, of Delaware.
t rebel,followp,
liwerl which 11114
applanee from-tli
were f presented, and ;a number of bills,
repo led: A resolution , to distribute;
rred4ls to , Ohio Soidiers ;waif piieed.--i
The ,Pen - ste' receded
,from ita.ramepd..
,mendinept to the coneeriling,the
bolithig of - courts in Virginia. The
pension bill was jakcnl up, amended,
and I,l:iassed. - and ;after
,an- EXtelltiVe,
Session the Senate adjoutned.
• '7
Ineosz...-. ', f'
A resigution` .was adoAed for, the
1 d
l i eneopragement of planting in regions'
deer tute of titn4r. , The Senate pills
to .prevent'; kidnapping, ana , eon.
earning the ,I I Lake . Champlain,
Rail' oad Bridge were . passed.—
A bil I* was passed to establish in_the I
Diet, let of Columbia 'a Reform School.
A, WI to incorPoratel the I Istatipnai
Sate): Deposit - Ccimpaq of . I Watil4i
ton was debated! and . .teferred• 11The
reeolutioo dee:aring.Al.r. DeltinO enti,
tledilto his seat was adopted 1 wii.hatii,
debate: , A bill,aas reported ti etiall
LTA bounties. . The--tai hill is,i(Mcil,.
eideied in Committee the hillso.:.
[ - I I
1 •
.I • i : ,
petittons were received,
and' Wel Honee adjourned.
IgifAill - 21 - en s tito not in session.
Housz.l , i
tpe ppe n kor ptesented a , message
AtmVresident tifanemitting- in
'the[reitonile to the House resolu
tion Tth , tnst. being : reports
'f'rom secretary 'of 'the NaVy, the
Seeretar4 Ot' the
. Interior and Post
master' ePeral, as to ,the , employees
of the Departments and!..whether any
I#tVe served in the rebel army:: Laid'
on 'Aim table. Mr, Morris; ' - of - Sew .
york, lliri Patiereon of New liamp
shire, and 4thers,`addressed the lionse
1- itt length :cm thitPubj4ct ofi Recon
County iclan*eimition.
. ~
, HE Union voters of Beaver County are
requested to meet at the j
nival places. for
holding elections, in the ae7eral Boroughs and 1
Townships, 9n Saturday, he 26th. of 'Mayow& ;
appoint; delegates to a equity, Convention, to 1
be held on' i
... , ? , ,f, ~I - • I
. j
41onday, : tit; 28th of ..If9y 1 , o f-11,A..N.L!
for, the purpose of nominating itiCouisty ticket, 1
and to nominate one candidate,for Congress,'l
one candidate. for President Judge, One cari
didate for State Senate, and one candidate for,
inthe . townsh i ps ' r The primary me ting will
be held between e hours of 4 'and . 7 o'clock
P:14., and , in the oroughs between tliu ,
of 7 and 9, P tiw
, M. ; 1 , j
~ . -
I n
obedience to a resolution of County Cott
Tendon, the voting for candidates in the dif
ferent electidn districts Isbell be }by 'ballot. ;
.1, By ordexlof Committee. : •
1 • 1 D. L. mann, Ch'n.
1 - The several eleetion dietricts ire entitled
te delegates hs follows, to wit: ' '••• • ,
Borough .... i . ...... .. 4 - Industry 8
Bridgewater . 1 0 Independence :2
Big Bekier .La- I 4, _Marion '2
Brightare...l.... ' B'' Mewlr::4
Chipp.ewh t . 4 New Brighton... ..... 4
tar1ingt0rt..1.....;..:-.4 New Se wickly 4
ionomy ... 4..4 4 North Sewichly...,..3
Fallsten ! , ” 8 Ohio ' ~ ' 4
Franklin . • 2 Patterion . 2
Freedom bor 3 Phillipaburg ..1........2
Freedom dist . . 2 Pulaski • 0
1 Greene.:: .Jr i..i.., i 4 Rochester bor , 4
' Frankfort . ..,-' -4 . Rochester. ip ' 2
hrGuire '- 4 Raccoon '4
Hopewell' 1 ' 4 South ilesier 4
a fa
to w be .
de ti
uded,n the
l rdered
I• as re f
We are r.uthorized to announce the
flames of. the following. gentiemen se
Candidates for the offices named. sub—
lieeL,to thet,(locirion of the Union Coun.l
ty Conyeaion: •
a al
iron el..
o intro,
fix 0
I The
1 st .
nt .
la join
ee.t.i on
' nu.i
f is*.4
L . GEO. V. LAW RENQE. Yir!tothipgton;
}'resident Judae. •
B. B:CIII3IBFRLES - , New Brighton;
lion bi;
d pend
BENJAMIN TODD, liidaatry; ~
V“.4NEW .DUFF, Nevi Brighton;
THOS. (4. KERR, FriAdom;
State Senate. • -
Cot, ALEX. W. TAYLW Borough;
WM. lIENRY ; Failson;
' 7 4.ssenrblg.,
• ,
S QUAY, Beaver;
I I ' Sheri •'. • ,
ISP'ENC ER B. BRIGGS 'lndustry;
IJOHN'S. "LITTEL Ho'iluitown;
F rABNEII MORTON,' Brigtann;
;0, tvltg
'oche 0,
ek the
Register d(Recorderi
DAR: I,IS SIN (3-1, ETON, 'Raccoon;
LT. DAT! I) D.lO !ANSON, ' r Beafe '
SHARP HEMPHILL; ;Bridkawat ' er;
t Clerk Of Ccur,ts.
JOjIN A, FRAZIER, Beaver.-
Commissioner. •
T. S. BLAZER. Economy; , .
IJAS, . IWA RN OCK, 'North 1, Sewiekjy;
JOHN 'GA RR A.RD: New Sewickly; -
ROB"I'. F. 11'ILVAIN, Rochester;
Poor House Director.-
P()TTER, Raeot On;
DAVID EWING. R:iccoon•
.1 Anditor,
*lii - LIAM. CH AIiEY, ; Ohio;
I J . : I P. S. Heave';
Trustees of.Acadenty,.
Da. JOHN RRAY:LBridgewater;
Da. DAVID STANTO.Is.‘, ,N. Blightoti;
Ray. lIENR RECK., :Rochester tp.;
} to
;hip L lof
I I 11 tru6k
the op
§OrV •
• Edr.• :Argui: I tatt tenet! Ifidebted to my
friends who desired that my name Should be
presented to the 'people of Beaver cohnty,as
a candidate for: the Assembly, subject to a
choice;ofj the Union COtinty convention. yet
permit me to,sny' that whilst appreciate the
motive and good wishes of nay friends, I feet
it a duty, and cheerfully withdraw, my name
for the preieit,tie fitvor of . Mr." cittay; Who is
according to Piece , ent, doubly entitled to she
itomination. Your obd't servant;"
I.pls;:;ellrgus 11111M0 was l announced - is
candidate for perk of Courts before I under
Stood that it was the usage : of the intrty to
.give the incunthent,two term".
Although disabled from my wound, And tin;
able to engage in •
Atny attire employmenkre
quiring lab or , yet i'do net neigh to break in
usage of , 1 this party'. I • therifore
tdeolitifibeing a candi date' at this tinie,- arid
will Waite till some futUre time to l sol icit the
publio favor. Thanking my, friends for their
'generous treatment and offer of support. I
withdraw from the canvass., _ •
13. At. ELDER. •
Mum: li'ditOrs : 1 ' awing to the. peculiar cir
cumstrces that bas arisen at this time, in the
announcement of ,my name ton candidate for
State Senator in; this ) district, 1
be 'Hint. It:would have afforded Me ranch
gratificatir to haVe appeared before my.fel
low44l2ra while others lia i se been suassidn 7
ously , occupied in canvassing their respective
°lain's. but it - has been iMpossible for me to
Nive l folloived their example; and therifore,it
may be deemed proper to withdraw nay Awns
fromthe eanniss,loping that at some futarti.
ilia. 1 Jima . ) be able to gratify my friends and
fellow-citisens byl)eing their Representative.
Uovirever, pennit *lO to add that I feel Myself
more than highly honored ' , by, the remits of
the unknown writers of the respective articles
alum* published, and to them and my' politic
cal friends in this diatrict„ . l tender •my MOO
sincere thanks, wishing thhm and tender . '
patty, every'. recess. the Coming' cimpaigu,
that Will prove of such vital 4portano,
14 our beimid gantry.
Rena Ihumpao.
mu' 2/, MS;
t ; •
2-71- Fiio‘ 0 144Ette:Ti
rut $3l: r:!ceeitite 6(‘igt
factoey- of
.(l_lijclicring &
43c00, nv--
ott "proorat4444.resPer4l4 a
"sell at 's flgure. Isa ersil
ile call cm tualas. ,
, •
iteavef. 34728:2t Yti ei cajt~s~ inatitto
I po9rtoß
cii - t - 43 3 A rzia
Will prootios Suipvery.&
adjohAlug: the new . Dreg, tWe
f'Levie` PtoueloY, ,;,Dtaalq 8
tweer,, . of '
Bridgewater,' P. ' • -tettrat,••l
IS bereby even - that there liiii ba , 00
jug of . the ,lienver Coun t Oil i t . -
t aU. B. ;Revenue ?fine, on ,the, 16111.474
June.. at 2 o'clock us ~tbe afternoon,' for A l
purpose of org anizing, under the-Gen
~..i .
trillo . .
~.• i D. ..lIIIIRIE,Preet
8. DavanPert Seb'Y. ay2t
. . .
• iNato lErk. f VVA. - Et to
jßS.above tweirard will be paid for sof
formation that. will lead to the em it
conviction of anyprsfau who shell huh. l i l y
trees or shall o2mniitidepredatioshreithirif
.the 'Water tots. or .injure n ay
Ornamental or. Forest! Trees, growing, w i tki l k ,
the borough. Byjorder of Cooncil.
my23:llt , 8.
1110 ANGLERS AND OTIIERW-..tpon'elo.
1 receipt of 80 cents I will send •the lig,,
oret art "of cateldne fish . with , i the hoolt:10 i
line," giving full and ample directions licip,, i_
succeed well" catching ail thd tliffeteatelt,l
ties of, fish t at inhabit the waters of 'the
ted States. lso; 4.• The celebrated Indite
c o,
fish charm, or chin* art of catching te10.,,
This means of • fleking fish and the mune et
doing it, has heretofore been known to bta tee,
The value of such knowledge admits 'of l e
iluestipn; and is really' .worth bore du n ,
thoussnii,times the price asked. Seal ei
; encloshd ins letter end you will reeeiie de
! adieu by return mail. • Address °a
I, i! • i . , V E. - E RNEST,
Imay23; iti Yori Springs, Adams so., Ps
.iniCH 9 D - 7, A.- AGNEIT,
TNEEDS and other instrument's ,writtsa.—
JU OtEce with Clerk oT COurts, West 1614
of Cowtt House. - [imayl6:4%
1 500,111 R
Agents elselwitese r t i s
sell our esststoian' $ 4 O Sewing Machines'.
Three near kinds.. Un er. and• upper feed. • Sci
on "trial. • Warranted fire yeartt._ A.boire *b.
ry or large' commiseri ns paid. n.
, The o? ms.
chines Sold int United States fot'lshs thin Pk
which are fully liven ed by, Host* Whed
Wilson, Graver .g.' B' kir, ,Singer .' .5 . '4., a id '
c l.,
Baehelder.' Alrothe cheap machines ail a., fringementisit d the se l 17. or tiler tie liable ion%
rese„fina and insplu'ronne nt. • l'iltistrdred ciitilsis
sent free: Addkess,or call upon *taw Visa,
at Biddeford, Maine' or Chicago; 111. '
may lti",'Gt3: -• . i , :i -, i s il y ....
imik) Tkilill 1 -- kaFl'q ;rant:
‘0 U ed - -,tor ..sin entirely, new lartieu Ass
out. Addresir 0..1 4 . •GAREY. City Thai*
• Biidefikitk ibis: . • . • . ' : '
Str.BStltriEß romp INFORM
all who. deal in pr use BRUMES that he
has removed liis BRCSJ:I,IIOI3I'4'IOPa
from N. 2ti- Fifth street to,So.l%Woadistieet,'
two , doore.'ebovp Fifth, where he will be Olete
offer the moat komplete stock of luttslus err
offered in prices that will"
fy competition., and uf a quality unsuipaei
in' point; of style and durability. nolees,
dealers will find' it 'greatly to their advantage
to call at-our new, eitablishment. and sink.
our stock aid pricealbefore going Malt toper.
chase: Wei.' will very willingly duplicate. UI
eastern bill of goods. •
. P.I STEW - ART,-
, - !120 WOOD STREET.
Two Doors aboVeriftlr
. .
• • TOZOLLIALT- ... '
, 1
i'' ,
• ' The Dime' Savifigs Instituti!n,
_ . ,l' - ' • -
, .
Near posite • the Bank ofittsborilt.-
I L l'.. Chartered in .1962 ' • ;
Open daily from' r 9, to 4 o'clock and allti•
nesday and SaturdaY evenints;! • from , qll
to Nov. lst, 7 to 91 o'clock; and fop:No. l i
to •May Ist, 6 to B.o'clock.l;
g K ra o ti r s. B7l.l. , we, ~c.,..'fiff;nibed litho
1 "This - tristitutionl especially offers to this
whose earnings are limited, the opperino7 o
vitecumulitei by iinall deposits, easily sots'
Sinn which will fie a resource whin nodal
and-bearing interest instead of remsiaiqw
i productive..-• i '.' -.: ~ !,- • ,
'Board of Manalaeri:if ---,
•President, GEO.A. BERRY.
Vi ..:1- Preste H
—S, . Haranam, J. 4: Ptak
..: Secretary' and Tressurer—D. :11.41'Euti t
A. - Bradley, 71..1 Wm.'.R. Shtick ,; •
A. S. 8011, , .:.- I F. Rehm! : •
John S. Bilwtnili, - Joshua llite'leA
G. Follansbee, ; t 'Johrr Scott;
H. H.-Graheitn,l' ' Robert C, 9entot6
... • - Christopher Zug.. , ' ' ,
Solicitors—D.; W. and-A 8:Bell. [me °
.. . ,
E.' REET4 4TON it PA
, .l
-kg) M an u facturer 'a ul
. . ,
' , .'. ..,itillf,
REWOLVERS, stm••7:
• .; ; eIPS
ItiIISKET'S' & ;CAR 8D.8.,,
. ' • l i a
For the tr.' S al
toa Service.l
•I • •
Pocket aid' Belt, Eevolvei,
' ~
OL ,
.. REVOLVING l i i .ri
Rife 'and Shot Gun's,,ind Gun Mateo
by Gun Dealer's and the Trade g0n.. 1 - 31. ! -
, in jhead. tikyil of iir ouse t,,vaking mid '
every Howe : ftdre; Borth end VP,' - •
hare one' of ' t - ___., et ti
' • •
Parties detiring to avail theraselvr .
late:improiements in Pistols, - sod :' l lt r i ii .
workmanship and forth, will find all itra
in the New. - :; . - .
.RE MTN G.l'Q.# ADYOb - , • ' d i
. .' Circulars ul CircularsCirculars eontainlng cuts and deseri ~P i i
..„ ;
our Arms will be furbished upon - sPP,', .
E. RE6IINGTO_N k•SONS, pion, b..
hic.oll . 4
Nrcnoi.s , AseDL r.
: 1171°ur !Linisi. : .
LA. ~, , -L. g ot
-iiiiiDMINIITTERED BY Dll,_. • ,.. t ot
• Barnoswaris, PA., in einl i ° ll l,uffit .
1 ave added i
...; tolmy many- oth r P i t i :Z i o — st
-the] successful ,proseoution of my
ibikinvaluable pail,killingtillota, tt"_..700
itieit-Denistry peiformed in the be, r...,,,i
- Modern tote.. , donikofbegp
i Per oefil.-betterithen-al sit ° t 6 if
Dental zatablisionentiri thetßle ga • 1.7.";
J9Ris Y. ISlAiss