The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 16, 1866, Image 3

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    lOW 11111111
. - 1 li F.- . flOy
MAY 16th, 1866.
LOCAL 441=ONLIWirattl.
Dixon**, J Pitts
batg, is be authorised agent for the Audis
la that city. 1
-TDe Alliance 4fo
lion of Alliance, pacerini
taken, is 3,2E,•7. '
wi,Tbe Idelistosb , rompany- atm* aik
unusually fine' show, of oil last Ironk at . s
depth of 580 feet. The stack of thlOsonspn
sy is owned exclusi7iely :by eittsenifof this ,
p r i ce. ft, is on the' laid ownedby the Beaver
County Oil Company.
. . • t—A. G. Henry, Esq., editor' pf
the Kittanning Republican has' been in town
for the past taw dixyn. Ills 'appearanneindi,
cites that the climate. ot.grmitrong e - otpty
igtees with. 4r. ry pu ee au e
"— . -1 11 .1 f I n •
lint Nition paper; and we are glad to hear that
it it in a prosperous, condition. J ; , -
'lgirthir friends in Fnmkfort Springs and
vicinity'avpilCd 'sikitie time, since to the Post
office Bepartment, throu t ich Hon. George V.-
Liot esce, for 'a. daily mail from Burgettetown
tip Koolistown. We are pletesed - to learn he
Sax succeeded in obtaining it Vit. 'theta. - The
incressed service commenced on the 4th inst.
7b ere is now a daily mait from West Middle
'jou. IVSsitington county. via Burgettettown,
Florence, Frankfort,. Kendall, ifiiisketown,
Georgetown. to Bmith:s Fe4ry, Bekver county.
iggi.We have been. presented with three
pi t ies 9f instrumental ,musto, composed by
p r a, F,,- Ambubi, Principal of the Musical
liepirtment af the - Bessier , Seminary. and,
rtblisbed by C. C; Mellor,i of Pittsburg. 'The'
erreral pieces are entitled i t , intpromptu Polka,"
..roa4 ionic," and •iflondolise." We are not
'tbe hem judges of music fin the world, but
)3 , 0 , a0 d o ubt. that, like eierything fit' Prof.
kt b u brscomposing, these pieces are a not in-
Iferioito .hose of our best artists. • reef Am
tih.l-hag few .superiors as,ti perfcitliner of the
g4.There are now four Producing wells on -:
territory owned by the 3eisier•Coninty Oil !
lotopany, and nine others going down. If all
. strike, as we have no doubt they will, the coat-
piny will he enabled • to . de, Tare large divit= '
T i ,
/elide out of the royalty. ' e understand at
lesstycomorestlikaa are ex eeted this week.
there are now so many ne strikes at Island I
Run that We cannot keep, an account of the
one-half, and outside of thoil'immediptely in- 1
terested, a new, strike is lithe heeded. It. is
gr 4
atifyiug to know that thus far -all are more'
or less successful, and the increase of wells
does not [affect the flew of any.
Prtiin room 1111. STING Or A For .-31 r. •
John Vyers, residing near New Oxford,),Adams
county, died en Wednesday of last tirre c k from
" look-jaW, produced by .a wound from the sting 1
'• of a fish. , it appears, that some four r or five I
wt , eloirevio Mr. M. ; had purchased n lot of I
fish, and in handling them one of his fingers ;
receir r ed a slight prick or wound from the fin i
4 one of the fish. Although painful at the i
time. he distnot pay minch attention to the 1
wound. Thinking it. was if Mere trifle, but in a
, feer•ilsysafterwatds the wound . became very
MI hand and' arm swelling fearfully,
ceasing him the most intense agony! He suf
ferred 4,r.esevcral weeks in the greatest misery,
when mortification set-in and ideath cams- to
his relief.{:
stirl'be New York rribuite,iiim speaking of
%Son & Hamlin Cabinet Orgrissiya:
.These 'instruments have pen Alma by
Wind of genuine success fromalOSton to Sah
Ywicisco.: That Alessi's. Mason .*
-hare succeeded in making a 'superior small
itistr i untend from little bandbox-like things, to
ibO36 which, tbniigh portable, and not.larger
than a piaid, can make theinselves felt in a
church, is the univensal opinion of •the . musi
tai phifessibm. They agiiiihat no such me
.woris o( the kin& Can be found in
Entopa, The tone is
_pure and full; and with.
animatenscdiddy for so small a prey:6011BI/
ineclionicall (ores. i t heY stand rough travel
ing, had usage, and will live in climates
•Bich kill American missionniise."'
Fee advertisement in another column.
EViaY Weekly is, in otli
tphion. precisely what if claims to. s be,—S
j•urnal ,f Cynics reading- selected from cur
rectliterattire. - The ;editor has the- o r4ge of
ill the Englisb - and Continental ReviewsiMag-
Wats, the 'first-class Weeklies, which press
{otq their service the ableit. wisest, and wit
lint writers of Eur . ope. From this almost
it men 4 eterehouse, he selects that which be
'Ad;es best adapted to sail the taste and,in,
nlligence of the American people. The Be ,
tefions in th# numbers already issued have
nakaced a ,wide variety oftopics,—all of ins
Itrievto cultivated minds, and nearly all of af
thinner to. be, highly attritctiie to the Int
Nority of American readers. - " Each num
ht. tie complete in itself.
iflaccrer wishes the freshest and choic
ta-;7oseign '- 'periodical literature, must
i o: E'very Saturday." • It is published by
Minor & Fields, Boston.
118..te wore authorited coma mouths since=
to ttni the argue to I.n indivdual (we cannot
! 1 7 t Pt/denten) residing in thii county, as we
"et itformed, add no doubtat his re
ditt So, and-after some week's re.
4ted the.klotiirtg :riot6 with his name 'at
lted, yhieh we publielY berbatiin'ei
tDe time we forwarded our paper we en
/elttorailice-"was a Republican, tint we subse
ltettly learned he ism in the employ or . Up
iwbead Justice of the Patice, and iiai himself'
I copperhead. the note, we sr informed,
' 4l written by the aforesaid Justice. it is
ito rich to be lest. We have only in say that
it e Aire .4 desire to send. our paper to any
%lit . wile. The place for 'theta is in the
of the y, as
they De mocracwo uld not
horse among deEent or fiatelligent voters
Seed %last a Democratic justicawritetc
u rat
. ;858
an ireecred'a paper tdi hist2ond
, Post ofice the betietr A thl ttie teeing
eoer 1% this . is the . Erstilfer - d'owect and i
IT a Wooed fori Over seal fcirit ag e d
if you
ten ) it
rdir: one flak for
Zitllmuaut.d..for aciaro'd wooly head iwift let you
lelloy t t ` "la flu+ eltt the goddamd biteli or
IN 'to ts ch th a tt Olallata:thati wonugllon tit
tad # Traltan gllitdatadstioot sow stop
tis spir anddrithle tow
final' lime livw " nr—nouns ' Am' I
, , ,
Ostia) srai;.— We are Evan nallo
i ; 1 !-
upon to record a railroad . accident by
'lit *la German• 1 r
wb?oh an ge lady and her
danghter, worn . instantly ; killed. It
seems that about ball past iiine o'clock
yesterday, when the Neu/ (Brighton '.
GCommodatilin - train had reached
endale it, met the Wellsville aeconi.
nitulatiOn, train of the` Clevefarid arid
Pi l i tsburgi road, coming east! Atlthis
point_ Mra Mara Steifet, , aged about
fiti: years, and her 'dailghter,, ,. of , the
se e 'limit), aged -- flye years, were seer.
'willing nn ithe t i fficit, having - left
their Kilns a shrt ilisfittee .f helow
,Glendale _elation ni the ','PArpolie of
'taking pasiiii - ge-:e ..the cars tq . Yisit a
il i
sick trelativel in t
'ilegil'eny City.--•
Vital engneer of th Wellsrillelaccom•
irculation trai'.i, sii soon as lie sive the
wirnarrand 'child ii the4istek—,llYlibi c
ilea" .
etr down ; bieitk ?",, The, little girt,
- instead of e going to' ,
the side of the
triikk, ran alnug i , followed by - her
met bar , and befo the speed' of the
kriiin could he 'et( eked, .the locomo•
!live overtouk 'and' rain over them.--,
The little girl l hsci oth - legs: tettrilily i
crushed and Itye.d 1 at Kir an _hour On'
lan linsensiblii tate !Tho iiibiber *es i
tierribly manl,led end mutilated, and,
,died ,inselintly., i • T ere was a steep
libink on either s ide of the irek,whicht
i ,
1 1
triaLs 4 account for th it., not getting off
the track. • Witne see testified that i
Itly had amble ti 0 lo sate' them-I
lielkei;and that the accident! Was una-1
1 . 1
1 youiable. ' Aln inquest Wild held and;
r a erdlet in accorilit' i nce .vitli the teem
rendered. The . SteiNi's liveti in this'
_City for it ,number 0 3, , ears,l and then,
i.ernoVeil to Ohio, from whence they!
1 ac,eistly returiied. A family sit six!
1 children are left to mourn their lois.
I—A . tts f_'Uz'ett , ) , .. 9th to fit. _
1I r 1
, r says 'the perils
ed by aienaua just
I 1 1
• stii,"The-Ilarrishurg Telegraph asp'
1 •
that we were tri'errOr'ln • paying that'
i i
the Ilaw - rel#n r ,6• tolliking li.oesea,k..,
1 . au ehangt . .4 aa iO, require the Court
.ot Quarter. Se4•HiOnw to - license; that
the!bill passed the Rouse, but was lost
in the Sena& We were inforMed that
thelgenerid bil was' !oat', bet - that it bill, embracing Bearer and ot.e
or two ather - eOunties, passe(' and be—
eanie 4 - law. At present We: are, una
ble Ito t late e)rreetli' •how the matter
, - f
st.Ltput' t , .
itg r Vic return , our thanks to t`le
Ut LiteiltrY Society of HOoksfown
for the honor 'conferred in electin'g us
-Honorary. Ambers' of said. Sdcioty,
of which factwo„hare just ;been nth :
cull) ttifiirtned. May the Union. Lit.
erary Society ectr prosper tend s 'Joni=
',ish, and the int'lmbers.therebt contrib
.nte largely to the difftision of correct
andl the&fired of ?ItOtt)
krrJwledge. e are, gentlernen,„grad
to bo recognized as Honorary glom=
bers of your SOctety.
REMOyED.— W I e would‘call sttention
to an aavertisernent in another
Um& announcing the removal oti'D.
Stewart's 13ruFih Manufactory trom
26 Filth street, to
. No. 120 1 -Woad
S: a
fitte(l Up handsorne store,
and the usAortte r ent ie ail- that a pnr
;Chaser can, desire The salesrooms,
!as wail as the man u rut:tory,. are under
his Npeciiil sup i ervision; and,'being . a .
FPI:I:11ot great e l nterErise, end 'enemy; .
We would inviteour _readers to visit
t•- •
i him', and we are sure' they will, ket
ext,:ier;t• atikle and' a - good bargain.
t L
AccibENT.---iQuite al seriouaaccident
occurred' dit SiiiidaY last frOm the
riinn'ing'otr of a horse attached to a
bug**, in Rochester, which resulted
in serious ii.jary to Henry Bence and
wifti'of this place. It appears they
were out riding when the boi+se took
fright and rau i'ff breaking the, buggy
to pieces '
and threw Mr. Bence and
Iltly both out, breaking several -of his
ribs othervose 'injuring hiir., ; and
biaiiiing Mrs. Ber.ce, but. we believe
brealc l ing no bones 1
• •
LEE • —A meeting of.
the '.Soldiers of • Washington county
will be held Ist Washington ,on the
18th of this month, for the purpose of
organizink3 . a Soldiers' League, ,for the
prom tioh of hil.,i.thony -4110 good will
amongst themsolveii, and for the mu.
tual benefit and beat interests , of tbo
common. country;
" -
WORTH i sa id jtuutql,
smalll9antity of sassafras bark mig.
ed with diied fruit will keep it free
from worms ifor, years. The kmedy
is easily obtained in many localities,
Arid is,welf worth an experimeil, and
it will lint injurci the fruit in anYtman
ner, if it does not, prevent the nig;
sauce. • •
.WirThe Rt. Rev. John Barrett Kee ?
foot, P.D., Bjeb l op of the DioCese of
Pittsburg. will administer the Rite of
Confirrnation, -Trinity Church
cheater; on Sunday morning next, 20th,
inst. The Rev. )'os. t`. Taylor, A. M.,
rector Of the Parish, and the, Rev.
John T. Protheroe, the assistant, will
also aid in condncting the servico.—
The public are cordially invited ,to
tend. SerViceiCommenee at 10i,
Tifi ITederal tro ops hiving recently
'been; withilravvn from' StantOli and
Atlgueti in Virginia; th •Icyal itihab.
:itanteFoi - those towns h ve petitioned
to ..have, thenli 4' it back again, as in=
diiiiensabie iii tbiiir sectirity.
k I . .
GEAaY's Posrrtsx.--:-'he position of
Gen. vary on tbefkreat issue is °lair
and emphatic. llEte , declares 'Old the,
Replan° fesetted‘by loyal blood aid
loyal sacfiPices Must bel Hied 6.4 e4ai
men; thjit treason is a crime that, must .
be rhtide OdiousL-ronst have an ado.
grate pen.altr and .eeas to be known
in our, land: save,iii its crimsoned kisto.
ry. It is the tr i ue, position, ;ands the
loyal rnillilns who saVed the nation
whin ItrettAon w*S.attieltirik its lite
are Nigh biro. 0.110, tool Are the' men
w ith,f i hy who opposed and at home
kept libivn - the Cipperheicla who l *ere
dentifik the powe r of the Geireiininent
to preserve Its ealiiiteiiir
1,;f40f jurors f June i T.,
i 4
. I 0
r • I
I Glum) iinkosi. ,I
, Intittlift7 ; dill:l4'l4 ' U. -Biqa (Fos
suit's,) 9-eorge,Eltosiart.
Hanover ; Thisnias Adams, H.'
Keefe.: .•,. i,- -- ' ' ,
Philliriesbarg• Samuel Bicirerlsta ff .
. , •
Itrulgewateg : Willian Barnes.
EconOmy: John Cochran: ''
Big Beaver: James K ,Calhoun;'
Fallston: R.„lP. , COvert.; Z\ '
eW -Brighten: C K CheMberlih;,
•S' F Otithßeaver: koht Eakir., Am:fru
-Johnston, Smarm!' LaWeenne, Sanatii
Mi 401101 ; i
. i: I, ' c
Mdfi'n : Daiel ri.04 , , Vashingt
I • . I ' I ..
Reed). • . : l , t. • •
Vhiti:liimeelLitt; Iti. „ ' ~
Scx:lenster Tn' ns
: Del Mitt:Veil;
..,gopeyiellt*Williani,Mcltonalct; i
j . p,npoti, Olikant,i i•_i .--
'Fiendoni io*: , B. F 'Parkinson; ,
- •.yorta.Sewick . l . Y . •1 1 1! fohn Srviek; ~
Rochester Borougb: LOW'S Snyder
Greene:: WaNhington Reed;
_..:( 11
'Pail! .irtrivll.4—rillaT 1101DAr.
t.,freen : Yolin Andrews, Thorns's
Ersinton,..Tas.eimpliellJohn Swaney
Isaac Eakin, JamealLstbam;
Moon: Allen Brooks, John Stewart,
Cos',neltus Weygandt;
• Hanover : Josepli4ichanan, W.
Cain, Henry Lance, II rn• Miller;
Now Sewickly : Qeo. Bunzo, Jaco
Emeriek, 'Joseph Mn or s. ,
Ec:onomy: Henry . Bryan, Ditmn
Ehrinan,Wm Larkira;Alex. Forsythe;
•„, Bridgewater: Tho l masCauspbeil, er.
Joh6 S. Dickey, Chas. Stone; ' r .
Raccoon: AnthonYCh e cistler, Regir
Barnes, - J ames Orr; 1 & i ' ' -
Darlington: Jno. M. Crawford, Jas .
Yiing; , i iii
Sn'uth Beaver: Samuel G. Caughey,
Fallstori : ‘Georgj i Douglas, _Hugh
Henderson; , . 1 ,
If Ohio: Noble Grab l iim;''
Ii New Brighton: ft !E. Hoops, E. D
,'liter j rick, Joseph r. Pligb; '
R i nehesti,r Bero : J. l -R. MOClellamt
John Stiles, Joseph ii yarrdsii , vOr,. John
McGoun, L.- H. Datinan; , ; ; ' 1
Independence: Win). Kennedy; . _ 1
Freedom Borougli; • David Lowry;
' RHO:ton Township:'Jno..ll'Mabon,
Cjr..M.ito Somers' f;, ' .
Big Bea v er : . Jas. Patterson ; Rdbert
Crawford, 'Hugh J. Marshall;
ROvhester Tp:, Robert .li'arnsey;•
Phil lipshu i g: I John' M. Sbrodee;
Beaver Boro: I Mosea Scott, John H.
. Purvis; • i .'ii H .
: - MatiOnt 'Austin T homas;. •I ,- .
Industry: SarnuelTod.ll
Harmony: Daniel par q thers ;
Glasgow': Samuel Onnuirs#liam;
North Sewiekly: Nithatt,Hasen;
Flookstown: John . Littelli
Frankrni Henry .T Nets;
Btilaski ; Elwcaid Tbcomasi;
OroughTii: Johni W'eaver.
i • isacsiiiib XOND I AT. *:
nocester hero: 51, J. 1 Andereon,
Monroe Miller; • II . i:-.•,..,
I Economy: Jonathan [Biddle, L. -- J.
I Berry,.Benj. K. Beighley;
Hookstowni--ThO'a \ Biackamoie, S.
II •Witherspoon; • i, -
Pliillipsnurghi Henry Bintbei, A.
B-Jolly; i. ' • iL ' • i
Hopewell:. William I 'alvert;i •
- :
Raecan:J no Christy, This G-iii'mly;,
DOington: Hugh Liciwortii, I. A. Wrl
Edgar, John DAvlp; I{ , I L ' --'''
Mu l lion: l, -1110% Fren •,h;
Independnuce . :
° Leander Holiiies,Wm
M'Cague,-jr;. i ... II - : ' •
Greene: John Kerr, The Witket.ow;
inifustr y: Riett,'d Knight; , ' •• '
Brighton:' Willitam, Lester;
Roclsesteritp: A. P.lliaenek;'
Bridgewater: John linttors; ,
Harmony:' David Lenz . ; ' i•
, S. BeaVer:',Jati tfrl'Elroy. John Reed;
Franklin: Sampson Mc:Quist/it.;
Freedom: (Robert Ill' l Caskey; . 1
Nortls Se vil,scic lY: Hugh Marshall, ji'..,
William Porter; ie - I rij , • -
Frankfort; borO: Tfia. ' Nicholson,
Hugh M'Cutcheon; ii I
Moot: Joiscrill .Neili&
•Ncw Sewiekly: Robc l
New, Brighton: C. V
burg Telegraph says that at the list
session 011ie Leg's:aint° tk bill Was
rept rted in, end passed l ithe House of
Representatit , es; providing that here
after licensee to restaurants and eat.
ing hoises shall not be ranted by the
county trt:asnrer of - any j county, but
~.uch liccn-se, if granted,lihall be issued
icon the ' , A:1114 of (patter sessions of
, he stv j eral cOlinties,otihd tame terms
•nd under the same rdstrietions and
regulations ah are applii'd to Ines and
1 ,
taverns.. When this bl ll feached the
Senate l it Whit streauee IY 8 3 pfrosed by
the interest ii.volved a d *defeated
We see, however, that everal of our
coteibpdraries indulge the statement
that the bill passed hot douses, was
-.signed I hy the Governor and is now a
'law. But "
such is not , he fact.' The
measure was defeated its we hate
staked, 'rind we make this'explatfatfori
that our cotemporariesll May - 'bhiteht
theirovi , n misitatdmente!
.. 1 _,;
Ex-tioyartiiort JOHNSVeB APPOiNi-
MEN? -4Tho Senate Fin nee Commit=
'tee, it, executive session kit the Senate
on Friday,, reported back:the pominti
tion of IBi.Goveinor Johnston SA col.
'leant. of Internal Revenue, at Pitts
berg, with the recommeiridation that
- he be donlirmed. lls ' was laid
I , r
aside for future action ' H ' -
Ttta Commercial's speCiel says ; 7 -The
Presidhnt ha's signed ihe amended
iltshelts 'Corpus abt, .The , act is in
tended to peotnct civil 'Sod military
officers of the Governdidnt front tna•
licioul prosecution for ac4'comatitted
during the civil wat, in ',liectlaige of
duty, orift obldience to ;order.'
Ts; &Ay or Hon. Preston fling,
ivbo comb itted eniCide in November
last, by drowning, A NeW York;
recovered on , Monday. The. remsine
are not tiftich jbloated, arid,are lees de
cOmposett ,fha'n; Oilght, have been ex.
peeted, cOnsidetrg the fact . that they
were in the Waterjnat six' Menthe'.
. 'Hos. Allptofi W.. ?Mai
it a ,Vniion candidate foi
the Twen(leiti.Penneyiv.
id. .
, •
• ..
• • •• • sow •
al : . liejliparri
I Ce?" I4CITSD i tT Ingi, OM
'loctr per bb! • . 1 ..../.), . .
Dtind Appleelner bar ' '''''
Wheat Paschen 4, .....1.:4 'I ' i•
''' Wheat . • “ I 7' ' r•-•
" ....,....1 r• - •
• . 24. 84.4.
I - , II ~....., .I, j• V
ans,imm'4 aa T • i
Ofirona, 1 ''
Corn Meal,'
B tler,
/110111,_ ,'
Sides, .
I 1,# ( 1,
• z iks lenses,
. 'Carbon oil,
..1 1,
\ - Pit u rOMIRG MARNE s Olii
+1- , MONDAY s . Mir 14, 1866,
'1,., ,„ .., ,
, i ,, i.
uffent—ivata—Oats of .2 cars west
orn AC 52c,'4 decline; sales of /360 l'.lu
Netts) lvania at 54®55c. `orn—
.Sales of - 11. cars,
,ahelled at ®Bsc;
B ].,
'I I4 TI stur! 3 ; Ou 'wag' defo . ip : ded i ;,Rye
i—§earce an Wanted: 'W ego e noni
inelly at , 1,00. 13arley—Seiiice!--
I ,Pi,iee* n k oiTnal. - 82 7 2 h wa catr 7 8 140 abi i a o u t i l,2 i
car* o f c u oiee et
'FLeui—Vire - note, among the ifdea 1
440:tollowink: "Extra. l'ailp..Winierl
heat;' tale* 175.bbid at 12 50t,- aales.
16po, do very,i choice; 1113 tilo®'l.3 25®
'top fancy the' ferm i s Aweri) w4hbeld
Spring Wheat., fl3nt %viol leo ctite:
Awes)l 125 •, 3 48
_Atilt, bl.l®l 25. 1 ed sol i d at Val ions rl'
31 )
As-•:- . fii,c,eB;
16Pse sold the scales ati.s2o®26 00
1, 1 t i iiWnst. ales 45 „tpoi l
.t.loanen 'fat
i23®284; *AI a of s Weiteffn Re erVe)
19(20.1 ll' - 1 •1 '
t ,
i ' Eons —Speetilation has been t e or.
{-de'r ot i 'the, day; former prite3' wAre
i at4adili maintainetr and t ales of 22
I bid* in lot* at 16®17c pa dole .
1 BUTTER i ! , c . leclilang uniker , ler a ko•
o .l pta; iih'ilnote nominalliat,Bo al32c;
;infericr 'inld it lower pridei. I
BACON—Earns,. *ales of i t,O,
Ipliiirt et 201,e; 15,00 a :ha ;sugar
at '1220; 'so(Ytiecea , caniaaand st
3.000 'The'rib ed sides at 170'7,4
I aheeldera atll4iu. ' ' I'l
i LARD Oft,— Saks of 25, • bbla - :
,at ,1t 85 "ie -gallon- ,' : I 1
1 ., t , i
orAToss- r Sales eV' 2 n av e lm
' the depot ai r 83 40@3 50 VI lilt
bbla from attire at 83 75. II
LAin+-83 1 1,es of 1 i bbl ** leaf a'
1 '
~. ,
On the Bth-inst., by Rev. A. is .
DANIEL ?faurpe,
.of B . riaol..ate.
i Miss BiINERVA. diAtlAlcf Of .19Ch
1 I li I - . . I I
iVA liinille Vann f. 'lOll .. , 1
1 vi - r ILI.", lie cffere - Faiii.i .'l, l
Iyy .!s.rst I DAY 07 "Trig, 1866, ; •,1
' bout 28$ !sere of land, , lying4n ,eith r aide
Ipf the road l e ading from pc ow's ifill to
1 Holkstown, being in the - townsh i
pi of lode
feeeinteenerp,lei B e e ee nv e coult i .p . P . enn i sg e en e la nta Ttui
j ,
ing, respective about 156 and 12i a eel
-1 The , first; has good Sprint Witer;' about 75
acres of cleared) land, with'. IjWelling House
and Horse HarnOini also tmeae fruititt•re upon
I it.- j The balance Of'this traetis wilithliered.
ft i in pretty good repiioe;;`,l! i L . ) ` ' , ',,
e i
1 The other fa' (0r 127 'adieS) b ' about 10p
acres cleared, w it h two .Dweljteg. Ho .s, a
faern and other o t buildings; has. an or bard 1
f about 81) - or we apple tires of lark size, '
nd good beare rs; also , a noticiber'nf, pas and
IChe#y trees. It has likeitlieezeellent S ring
Water. ll• • . '• 1 1
1 Theaboie land was the property of the late
il4iiin Obney,•deceased, vile. resided upon
,t h e same . ! It. wil be sold on the premises, Iv
t 7 :
e &gent of the heirs, to the, highest and best
bider; 'one 7 thir .of the ipurchaie. money to
remain choirge.i o the premises (biting th l e lipi d
cl it
1.4) the widow of be deceased, tbii , interein on 1
It, 6 Said i tbird to be Raid to her &initially; and
lift death the tr ( t i nt,ipitl r fn be . iiiiid„triJ.he
h l
j o l t a th r e i rt 4i s(l .o th t i oLh s ol r th i e g p li u l :tase es m n t a ne i y l t e 'it s o *
by Jill . as followa:_pne-third of ',the ii o tit I
iiieti) in hand, sii# one - third in on e , and ii ii 1.
th two, years. All deferred I,Payine til te.l
I h
psecured y mortgage o n the premises. mad 1
tale'lt° be made to purchaser on receip t ,of i
i piret payment. The band .Will be offered *z t,..1
'though adjoining, iii I two separdto ' trs?tii i f.
a ore described..l . .• ... .„ • :,1,,..,.,•„"- .
• p
e F ete ir further
u in p f e r int
1 Agent. on snd t o 171 miu the
Se, enty-Sis P. ~ IndependenCe!Tp., I
ver Co., Pa.l
.. • T 514 4, 186 1
I,A.Udito 1
i .1 '
.rt Porter;
'l. l Tay tor.
of f
Ctmgresa in
trig Didtiiin.
'l 1 ". . '
.7•. ..
44 • 1
t i •
pe .t r diobz.
cc .
• V I, "...
1 t
.0 -.... ....... .. . 1 ... ... ..
.._ ,
1_• i 1 ,
the Orphani
in . ihe matter
corn; deed.
Aqd sow, to wit
) mbt
rks Not:fee.
Court of tt.iea L er , co,ulkt:
iof the istite or ,
1, •
April 27;t186 ltheColtirt
- - ' - r •
ori Motion of S. B.lWi l son , Eski. i , appotntlien—
Tit lieo, Fsl., an! Auditor,, tri - distritiute;the'
Jrb 'lance in the hands of JamoiJohnstoo, F.i'r4,l
of th l o last ; trill and testament- of I Said 'JaMetil
A co;, , dect'd., as shown by his account, (ion-,
among the legatees End parthis inter
es ed. [From the R ecord.] ' I I -
Attest: . , JINO.'A. FRAZI. R, Clic.
I 1., • i . 1 '
1 "
1 r- 1 I
S'clice is l lhereby 'given that • I still Meet the'
i t
lei:files, and all p riles interacted in the die-''
l4bu ion of the s re mentioned i balance or:
et in hands of aidExeenta, at my office, .
in II borough of eaver, on ' : Tlitireday, Iday
31ist, 1866, at 1 o'clock, p. ni.; for I t tlie , purpniser
i n
of 41 'barging the duties of his appointment.
. yp'66 I , HENRY HICE; Auditor'.
• - .1 I •- I )1
rN 1 . 1
r C i t3,li,T.Pli. COMIStON P1:8.40 , , !F
11 T$ C9II I ,ITI,' Nfi, 139, 1,
'e ~ 1361.1, ,
~, '. ,
In his'sriiiter or Ile Truet Aselinment Of ,
Nil Oil IR. Bimodal, in belialt 'of the 4ste Arai
tifil irli.k. Rhodes, a the firm simete:,l 1
, r . i bli
es is retritiren that , the third 1 1
IlUi.l Accouitqf Thhs. J. Power, Gee. lir.' (ill
iiioie land Brown B. Chamberlin, Assigneegi of
thei Tina lifiiresaid, has been filled in tliii 7-
fica and that the same will be ConfingOd riti • e
4 11
fi trs/r t y 'd t y e the en 4e ,th t d l it sv : . lia . issi.eli tl a ii9 l4l R.
rI - •
ta sea' 66. 1 , M. WETANT.'
I,- 1 ,
F 1
TRIAL: telig4i l
{ JU.PTE TERM, 18,6
1 ' , nEci;IND WEEK.. H i j.... 4
I t
Wnk ,Bakin's Nit'r . . vs Henry Jtirdandt w o
B. 41shburst & Ca. vs. 0 C Bradahaw; .
Jamie Collins, et al vs W, I& Bhirti, et al: i
Pa rson & Dayillso .Ti Maple Pooidlli f
Chries Thorn is Margaret Rigby;
L avn's' heirs vs John T Hohnesp
I s
John T'intstnart ,va Amos'Ekrnd.
Mi4sel Main • to Abrahsio linter:
i i f
N¢&l 0V R E Co. vs rraJonein I
m t .'..
a' vs John Beatty's EZ
Da, idi Beatty 'vs Alex.' Robinson.
..M. WEYAND; Pro:
trr 4 2:11.18E COto 1
J. .11. CtASt.. Proprietor. ,
OoD @ attached l. th
April 4, 1913fi:—Ip
•• Y•
whichA. croons interested in the following
• • tine and Gnardian accounts,
have been passed ;Mid An, the'
Register's Ofilite,l'of Beaver countY, Pa 4 will
take notiee-that the samemill be presented to
the Orphans' Conit, to be held at Dexter, , :itt •
arid for the county of Beaver on 'Wednesday,
the 6th ',day of ',June, .A. D.y 1566;-:foil con
firmation and allowance:
First and Snell eceountof S oid C. Gormly
And Dr. P. M. Orr, administ tors of the
tate of John Goody, deed. •• I i I
First and Said bocount of vid Alexander,
administrator of ibe estate of snit,' Criewsll#
4 01 - k••I i •
'The tepanntslßeal and Perscinal) of .Pran
nib Fmk-ell and SiltrauelJ.Criadtolnistrittors
oT•the estate of Silks Powell, eed. •,
~,Ae account (1441 ciliate) f Joint' !d'Car
rell„;dministrator of the eels of Rev. I Jas.
, ,
1111*Carrsil, deed.' f
%s ecomet, (P,Cul estate) f John' Monts,
adiedisiatrator of- pa -estate o Rithert i
deed. 1 . ..#
The final account oc,Jmii
. IDit Folibelle;
administratoroftheistate oT uelenFolibleslle,
deed.' " s, • ,1
Final account f Samuel N . lan
of l
Jamesuckley, thinor son-of antes BackleY,
dec'd.., • I / •"_
Final account of James Amu eppguardian of
IDeborsh Jane Stevenson. Minor daughter of
Jonathan Stevenion, • dio'd
1 ".l.l•
1 Final account of Wm.: Dupl.
ITlohi hl. 4uhlap, Minor son Of
, 1
dec'd. ' p., . . •
__' Finil account of Wm. Dula Jeinei A. Lookhara,. minor son (
;hart, deo'd. .
yinal account of Win H. Fral
jUargaret '3. FOrner, minor bah
ILeeper;deo'd. .1 . ..
1 The partial aceountii :of . I
giardianOtedirild:. and Pa;
'minor Children of James M'Gil
i• This outs ( I and Pere
ennett, adtentstater- of the
obert Cuimingh m,deol. • .
Flail , keemini iof James 81
Mn Duftan, (forMerly •Marj Ai
It - el:MO of, the eet ,I te o r Samuel
1 1 1 - ~' 1 A: R
I Bei , ier.. Bray 9, '66.„
- ' Notice
ReAvsa 'COUNTY, iis :
•.; :1 • , , -• . , ,- • I
said 1 1 , .
I N the Orphan." Court in and fo rk i co on:
1 ty, before the idon: ltidigte; If iaid.lleurt:
n the matter of the petition4prli'artition of
,tie teal estate oil Rebecca Mitlyanon, deed.
And how,,to Wit: 'H arch 26th:.166•3, theCoart
rant a Rule-on the helis Ind legalrepreieet
itives- of said intestate", viz: tether Gorse%
formerly Either Glass, mterme V ied with Jos.
Gone% and sist4 of said de eased, (whose
' Maiden name watt Glass,) 'resi ink in .Wells
county, Indiana; John t.' Gies 'a brotherj i. re 7
:biding in' Wells icountY; lad ' nal.; Witham
Giese, a brother. , ri i siding in De Witt county, •
State of Texas; tin . 141cGalri0t, s - sister of,
l'itaid intestate, (wi ow of Andrew McGaffiek,
aeed, ) residing irtßeaver ccuMtyl i aforesaid;
' Lucinda Barclay! a sister of intestile,lin-.
.termarried with Jame* Ilarel4, rlpsiding in
Buchanan ' county, !Iowa; /Arab I•lithpson lo sis
teeof intestate, intermarried wilih'JohnJohn
ston, and vrhe.arel two : Ofl the.petitioneri,l re
-Siding, in ['fever I county; aforesaid;
ri: N a *cy
Lawrence, later of laid iittestal.e, i nto ri;
ed With Josiph :Lawrence. whoiarealsO 1114-
tioners. residing iti Beaver county aforesaid;
James Glass;- a ',brother of said Anteliete,
.who died before the death of ;null intestete,
I but leaving a - widow, Nancy; nd 'issu, Iris;
1 John IL Glass, Wil l son Glass; - Terry interwar.
tied wile Datliel Hatfield; 'Mt A n Blies,
intermarried with - iJamerjoh ston; William
Glass, Andrew Glass; Abbey Glass,lintermar.
Tied with John Todd, said, Abbey being !dead
also prior to , the death of said . Rebecca ..Mal
i;ietton. attid,intestate, and Itevtingi o?to &tigh
ter, a minor', withoOt guardian;; Martha Weil
1 iiito.rmirried.witi George Hart r, and. George
I Glass a son•of said James, • all ul children of
Hart r ,
residing in Wells count.
1 Bans,. except johiiH, - Oast' hci br Wylie ia
New Galilee, Beiripr county aforreitl: &Udall
gigers interested, to shety cause if , any they
1 base. why an inquestinquest rti4sti of the
' fiat- estate Of `said. , diceased slionld not be
awarded atl au • Orphansi Court; k to e.heldlet
Beaver, Beaver county, Pa,, on the ' rst )ion
day -
of June mext. ' Il' 1 J
~ - ,; A true cspY of Iltzle.l
`i., ' 1 , • JOS.-LE LIE, WE
~ • ; , 1'
onsaireslvrOCll. l , 1 *; • , i
Beaver, May,2; 'q6. j i • ', i ) •
9 lbw
1 8fei
(la at
b; 50
, sod
M 1
ou the
, • . •
" Till ,
m foi a nu ' ta lotu , . .
re c • of
I . .. :• 1 . ! • 1 1 - !
'RE*oLvExis,. u . rx...tis,
. . Fer 'the U. Statee Seriiae. Alain •
. 1
Pocket and - IBelt It wirvoni,
j.' - ' REPEATII:No: P,TsT L§,,.
RIFLE `'CANES, '. a P . O I;i'lN iI.FLES,,
Rifle and,Sbot Guns,lund gilt id erials, said
by Gun Dealers and tlie,Tride ge e rilly. :,
In these days') . " filiiissebreahing 1- berjf,
ereryi Haute, Sioi,4, Bank, and o et • should
I,laitone of'. '-'..`, 1 , . I 1
R, MiNiaTobrE• RENO ~ RS.'
parties desiring:
.svail -theme iris of th i n
late impreorentnti in. Pistols, add ',superior
Workmanslu,p .and fotst, will find nll asimbinod
in the New 1 . ' 1 ( ,
li'Ellf/NG.:TOV: I BST r Qtl 7 ERS.
dirculira contiininx cuts . faid description of
ouriArms will be furiiished upon Spplicatien.
• . BEItIgiGTON it SONS, /Zion, l'ot. T., -t
i - - 'Wont & I limner" 1 1 A nth, , —
Not 40 yurilandst, li
i f. 77
- . I
I ea, , ,
, B.
LIBEL .I[l4 l DlVOlte •
I i
- rzi the Co"urt of Coninir Pleas of
i Beaver
1 . County., No. 149' - lkt reh Ternse l 861.--
'Atlas Subpoena in I DivOrce.
• •
1 . .
Ma=nna Spivs', by her next friend,.A t . T.ISJ
' l' i lluciansic; vs.• {Oman T. NORTON. i r
TO Oilier , T. Noreon, the &boy named re
lito!identi you are liiirat:yr do id o I›e and
appetil; tit the iiitzt.ter r in of said 'it-,, to be'
heck at Duvet:, bn thS, first Monda of Juns,ll
t i c
1866, then and there to answer the complaint,
of the libellant, , and 4 tO show ,eause, if i t or ychti
havei ! why her [prayer for divoro , it`lenteul'el
6tirmonid should nbt be granted. .1 .1) ''
1 1 .• ' 08. LEDL .
finsatsr's Optics, 11
Beaver,ltnay2:B6. If
- .
I~atxgliin •
• ,
HAT,eigliE XLI• HAT, HA'
edffetitit the untold.miseriest •
ache i t6idr of Eitr.action, an!
sifd die Dr. Plfandlsi Bon ar,e
l iSeliere you by thii i _use! l uf the Great
I' stroysr,•Ltaughiv 41.4 and make i
I of Pleasure rather, than Plitt t
AliDentsl (*orations perfornied •
posaihle mariner, Sind at as i remionabt
,iny iood* Dentist:in the county.
i s r office in 1 1 0040.ter Beaver
My 1.416 I T. J. ¶HANDLES
' 'I v ni f i .Si 1 '• '
, ' ,ar icor a r-... 1
) 1 ; 1 r
. riIKE jag endpf thet, Farm kno , the
' ' _IL . ituirpii Giese. property, site hi Ohig'
,townothip;) Bearer eoutty ~• con ' , Lie Orie l
f i Handis, d anti F:Orti ?ler+, about one dred
ger.' Cleared and under a good state p etilties T i
lion, iis Offered doir sale A good o harcl.,ort
the OS:nisei. It ,lir on' the heed eters of
Beithtiir'siltun,' within wo infies of o'ol eele- 1
• ' hratedlidsad Run . .. oil egion", snd is laid to
1 'be good , ,''olf territory'. For partielais. in -1
I '[quire of John Johhsto neer the pre isles, or i
051' Jesi.pli'Lakirienee, Sputh Beers? t ,
i,l 1 •
p; ' nirdiait -of
Ro ert Dunlap,
I., o ; I gn 4 '
o a h r n d . i loc eii
Sr,' guardian of
of lEliti.i&DO
Lil .
ta s: Hoops:
feivii it.. w9in,
1, d' e*d. .-
aiii) of E agli
cle, ale of Dr.
~. .-6 .', 1 1 ,
irta and:Mary
a Taeker)l ea.
I Tacker, dic'd.
14,00RE, 1
1 , i ,
n Parttion: I
1~~ 1
.12 will
dy to
One rd
1 "'-4
4. I
0 3
Amu! saa
. hiuul
1 :14 ig - 01 4 ' A ,
. 1 ,01 / utast styles. -
1-stidies'„, Missets and
--dexps ' I-I,nts 9 ,
. • 1 -
1 Large itocit, . faun Styles) , nit cheap.
1, . .
a r i l e liMinailligew
„ ..
All,kincis, very eke_ap. Ribbons, Flowers,
Ruches, . Plumes, Qraaments; Pitney Silver
and Mixed Cords suit Taestile, Hair Roth& Hair
Nette,. s Fe l De* Combs,Piracy and: Mourning
Colla,th , it milroideries, all ltinsis, , Shirtgronts,
Linea Ibiticikerchiefi, Cora ts. Dress Hutton',
Braidit, ords and 'Dillies,d Ladies't4s,&e.
' 'SIM
Et N
Silk and Straw a
- gm'
& Gl-to7rres,
I ; vet.
' -
• I i €II3C<>MgEL
Listing and Kid gaiters,-sheaper than ever.
.4614 These goods will be sold very elle*
1 1
tt ' •
- r •
Stri4 Bonnets and - Hats altered and cleaned,
Viii CELik?. •
StamOing, Pinking Anil Cloak Cutting
• —l,,and making On short notice.
Men't Shiets made to order; machine stitchink.
Remember the plac's opposite 'dip
F.ore of A. C: •corner Bridge and Mir
e struts, .Bridgewater. ,
4125,1 THE j 825.
IJnion' - Business College!
• -
Handel and Haydn
Eighth' and. ;* Garden streets,
11 rUILADEtPffIA 3 PA ; ' •
• t. ripident!and Coa4ulalng Accaicilant.
ExtiOidini !
ALly :a138)
Noietliltild Permanent A; rangentent of
: Business CO,llege
_Terms, '
Prom:APrii; it to ' October 1, 1866,.
dqfD t SIICCBICD ISO 174113 I
Lan i3cmitrainirs, including Bookkeeping,.
Business Correspondence, Forais . 4ll. - 4 Ppas
tome, Commercidl Arithmetic k ,;.llnatheisi
Peninant'thii. ' Detecting Counterfeit Money,
and Commercial Law; - -
Bcaossasint.s, including the same Elubjeets,
as 'strove: Time Jim ted to three months, -
Petintalthip, s navignffit.4”e $7
Penintlitillip and Arithmetic, three mos 10
-The,firtring of coal and gas 'in the sumnter •
Month, le an advantagel of such
enablesit he mansgemen of this college to make
a considerable reduoticn lathy summer rates
From Wctober 1, 1866, to April 1; 1867, '
And 'succeeding years, as before, ' •
Life Sclicriarships L 485
Scholamdtipss 8 months I • 25
Pe'nmanship, 4 months - , 10
Penmanship and Arithmetic. 8 months .;.- 12
I: ' , •
Special terms for Clubs, Soldiers, and for the sons .
• of Ministers and Teacher.. '
Day and in.raing inatrurnonAr both lexes,an ages,
In banking, storekeeping, - bookkeeping,; pen
manship, I pen drawing,. piiimography, arith
metic, Menstiratiou,' [algebra, geometry, Ithe
calculus, navigation, surveying, engineering,
gauging; ;mining, 'mechanical 'drawing, tem
mercial telegrap4ing, and the
English branchei, at moderate. peices.
Endorsed ;trifle public as the most successfiii
Amines' College of the country, as is
evidenced by the fact, tha t' .
, Four. LELundred and Two Students
hare entered 4ri the T . ' "
Fiat* Six lqoallify?! EXISTIXOi.
- Pri 1
r int •
m:4)41 , 0f epmelds. '
Tnosas hirifi'inica, A. 'M.
George E, Snyder, R. 8, Barnes, •
C. N. Pafi, . J. T. Reynolds,
Henry Kim, A.E.Rogerson A' M.,C.E.
Supported by an able Corp* ; of Assistants.
pirf,lillor send. fora catalogue, ,College
.6' and P; Practical Educator.:
. 111 Eighth Street.
I — ETTEItEI te stamentary on. the •;es
j j tate, Of JOits., Ewiso, tato of . Raccoon
twp:, Dewier co: aied., laving been grant n
ed to the undersigned, all'persons ind t ehtsiOnl
-*a estate ire requested:to nuiliioo . mediato
paynientoind those haring aninis•against the
!state will present t)ient to the subseriber
properly entbentioattd for settlement.
A X. "EWING Execu!.oirs,
ipiC66.l .
cEcoibra .gToort
( ttel it )o' s tnt t r . l4" : 1 " tw° welk° hum:l.
A Two , -Yetir 0141 Btat
;Must be 'lOOl to be ipillyrecpsted. Apply to
my9'6& 1'
ti - Aws‘e ii;;LArecoi..4 s Virgo steak if
iik,s . r ; § BOYS' it 0111
. - ..
DIIK,V6 15,ii6E,4' BOOTS. _
' - iiAtTIdRS,
-1 - t i B slae-
rg ;sx -- -i . ....•
For BFinf .and Sunfter Wpor,
.rttoat pnuarlst.tat ,
I am ~.,;,,•:•„,.,,
prepared to ac,eommodattkmy aid .atii(at.."
niers and the public generslty. I haro=thit
,best selected' stock ever offered in Beaser..plket
f 'chased at reduced prices, and will be sold at
limes d 4 low. that purchasers will be reminded
lof old tinies. If any of the 'at'oek sold shoal&
rip; 1 Will repair it free of charge. Thankful
i for pass! favors, I still claim a liberal share' of
! public patronagos ROST TAllA:ffii -
1 - .:
1 •• • (At Old• Stand.) •
1 . . • .
~, 1 aprln 7 1 -. , • %AVIS, Pi.
vY, -
Alg he tit.attl f rA CT Ula.llllD
8414 k and: . . Coat ! , irt..* . Plows *
and Would call the attentiownfgewlsimeire
•peivef• county; wish-jug toflpunehate "'
Plows or Plow Points, -14,tito
, I I!lUperior Finish and
Quality of, our
t • .1. Votk , . t;
~. 3
.* OR 11, IAN
The Pointsi sod Landst des corm
ponding numbirs of Pittsburg plows.
sir Old plow . castings-booed. ispslikly
'L • .
IN the Orptisnir Court in-and for slid
ty„ beforeithe Mon:lodges of said court ;
ft-tketzektiei Of the sicoOt of Thos. Pow
er:and 'Joseph R. Witsiiii"; administratoss of
the estate of David Boles, dec'd.; so..
count: confirmed Apiil 26th, 1886. • - •
And now, tOlwit: APril 26, 1866, on motloq
S. II! Wilsoit p :Req.i.she'Cliort appoint,/ .111.
Harrili! Esq.; le,s 'Auditor to.,lnarshall-thelus
setsamongst ereditors and snake 'report Ae: .
court; rce.ordinigly [Fronk the Record.]
Attest: • UNO. A. FRAZIER, Cl'k.
1 . ETTER5,.....4 administration on the
. estatet .
of JACOB IVAairsa, late'of Industry tp.,
Beaver, Beavei co., -Pa., . dee'd, : having
been )granted to' „he undersigned, all persons,.
indebted to said' estate are e requested to Make •
immediate payment, and , those hrging
.eAsimi .
apahist the ',mime will trcatent them properi,Y4
authenticated kir Settletient. .. • ," - ~.
i ', J. C. WILSON;'r., •
i . -marl-P6..6. .J... • . Beaver hero ... . _
} m•r••
• ; ,, r
1100 T AN - D
tDcoitrum •
, - •
• The r•
Auditor above named will meet , the •
parties intereatid for the purpose ,of his ifig
poiritment, . sty his office in the borough - of •
Bearer; on Monday, tha 21st day of bl1y;18O8' . '
at 'Which time:' , and place
. all persona 41011
claims againet the estate of the said Dim • i
Boles, dec'd.,l - re hereby notified to attend.
aprlrGi •
• 3. 11:HARRAII, Ailditor..• •
. ••••••• ' :
HE S fOCIC11141 1 )./Eft8 "bESOTO •
'OIL CO.!' we -hereby notified that
meeting of said company will be' held at the '
OFV.P.M. OF , AI J. PETAL Esq., Sa l thel.boti • c
htigh of Glasgow,
4eaver• county . , Penna., on.
Thursday thel7,thday of Nay, 1866, at 'lO o'cllt;-',
a. m., for the Purpose of organizing . said com—
pany under' the act af July . 18th, 1883, *and
transactitt&anCh other business, as maybe r,. •
quisite in order to obtain Letters Patent. nu.
der said act; and the ;Supplement, - approved
April 29th, •1884.
cuTo •
. .
WWEREAS lettars testataentasy basing
been vented to the undeitOgned, on the
estate of Damit. Pasant - cgs, late of Ohio tp.,
Beaver 1 county, Pa, deceased; n air persons
knowing, themselves indebted -to. said estate
are requested to, nuilis,poym . ent hpmpl i katedst
and those having olefins starlit the sante. will
pitssent Subscriber duly autheati.
eaten for settietiett. , •
JOHN SLENTZ, Esecutoi,
majr9'66.t . • I. Ohio. tp. '
11 • , .
Beinoxwarzni Pa., .in, extracting teeth.
have added to toy litany of her lacilitiestor
the successful prosecution of my profession,'
this invaluable pain-killing agent. All branch
es of 'ilnistry4nirformed in the hest and moat
model* style. /All work done "as obeaply.-and
fifty percent. better. than at any_ other Steam'
13pntal ritablistunent in the State. [my4436:ly
- F ,
EXEdurron's • NOTICE.'
jETTERB testamentary on the - estate+
a•of ' SmariaLlr MOolla, late of /111110elfrl
township, Bearer County, Pa., dee'd, having . .
been granted to the uridersigned, all, persona
indebted to iaid estate are-requested to Make,
immediate payment; arid those baring - claim*
against the same l wilt present them prapero
authenticated for settlement. •
. , gaecuter,.. ,
mar?. • !lit:mese tp.
WHEREAS letters of adunattratton as
VV , the estate ,of Renacca•Marsiono let!
of ; boro to anship,..lleamer county.- 4-enni.-;•
deceesed,,liiiving been duly granted to the ism
dersigned, perilous • indebted to; said . estatq.
are notified to mike immediatapayment,
those haring claba - against the serneiwillprv,
sat them properly authenticated' for settle
mat without delay. -.' • - . , •
'j JOSEPH c.f WILSON,. Muer., •-•
;014'66. Beater bore:
• ‘, NVA.Nr.rEn.
EROPOfiitiS:tire 'for the w} or
part1,41245‘000 feet °tent% StOnt six (6) ,
niches face; .twe (2) feet ttepfhi slap for fifty
thousind4fl,ooo) square7srds of good river ,
paving stone. Address . ' - •
sfrlB:st . 115.297 Allegheny City. Pe.
A l- 14! r •
. ,
preparedto delle'er • c. 0 .) 0fe . .1 )
Iquality, on shortest - notlee.- Order s ler
at I. N Atkins' ClOthing Stost;:llisn'rer, Stiles
& Shallenberger'sGrogery„ B, `c
roes & Cinedi Store, Rochester, will
Cease prompt attnetiiiM, • • -
4111.013046.-!elO. . 1 # i 4 • PO iMR ,- ..
• I •
• ,[spr2s:Bt,