=2 Pa El El 11 R a. lily le• is le 47* - aro XIPVItAIiNT .41e C . OOl . Bertolllll Aill-Pactritz*a. MAY Hith, tB6B.'s 10Z GOYMINOZ. GEN.. - JOHN - GEARY ! -t -r - OD ctilll3lliLAND Comm. 7 ii , CONoxxsa IE4 week reltenled the tax on evade 511, to take effect iin ediate ly. bile aptior. of Coitgreis 13 given A ftewiatimulas to producers attic those 'engaged in developing ml territory. *The tax of one dollar per barrel was oppre'ssive,and in many cases ruinus- A 'volt pmdueing — ten barrels per day' which requires to bo punilieii would not pay expenses and the t,13.x at the preen losi price of oil.' -1 4:t present prices, tho tax amounted to twenty 'Ave per Oa, sufficient almost to ruin sty,tusiness. While 'we believed the !its too heavy, owe certainty did not 1 - expect Congress weild.relie ' e it alto gether. It seems =tolls that it would bare been better to have le Laced the biz to abou t five per eent. l , and not , . repeal . absolfitely. , So long as it is tmeessary to raise revenue for th e Government- by taxation; Congress ought to impose the fax, upon every.. thing that can bear it, earl especially to &loose tewhere it will be the least berdensome. If any class of men can afford to pay tax, c ertainly ' oil efrodiu. core car.. Th'ercs is no kiatioess more profitable. - Men engage in it to make money, and it it. all l seecessful, they do make Monty rapidly. If a Man or a l company of teen own a well preduc. iug from thirty to one thousand bar— rels of oil per .clay; a tax -of -five per cent. would not be felt, and -would: be paid oheerfully,'beeause that man or that con.pany would derive, from the well an incorne l large enough to justify, the Government in asking, and be or, them in „paying. 111 j-that ease, there would be' no hardships, and no one ','could' complain of the bufden. The amount of income derived from the capital invested would be so large that a small tax would be paid cheer.. * fully: The tax, we think, should save been educed, but lint repesled. Per haps it should have heeh proportioned to: the asteaut produced, so' as to re. move tihe objection that it prevented snide cases productior. .tax :manufactures as , they - are now -_taxed, and in (Sot every branch. of business, and remove the ta l k - eh crude oil • altogether, was 1. mistake. The producer of oil pays 'his tax. far are ioadily ardeasily than the pianufae. _ turet. ter :.instanee, the shoe maker, wbo pup six per tent. - upon the. amount be manufactures, and compare his" ability to pay, and the incibme derived from his bilsiness,wlth th e owpo r of ai au-wire piud, and we Rre~tn laver •of any trade; profession and business contributing in propor• Can to l their ability, income lad profit derived -upon capitil iiivested.‘ • If, as weir° told, Congress will , so - revise tile revenue law as to impose the tax only upon a few articles that can best hear taxation; and fir_ the same time diffuse the burden the most.equally and generally, we have no objections to their action in this instance. But _if the 'law is ,to T remain as it is. then we think the T,!peal was a ;mistake. and that a tax Of five per cent. - upon 01l , where the well produces twenty or : tia,ra' barrels per day, should; be imposed. its our article last r we ft' on the County. Convention we 'were in error in stating that in 4ome cases mei , nation !night be made by se . Ciamation. ' t • • . moo frteno in wbom we bavegreat confidence, called upon us and pointed out the error, and we hasten to cot sect: Under ther.syetem adopted at the last Convention, there not 'n3eeting at which a nomination by ac: Clamation could be made. Itivill he the duty of the several . disiticts to on ; ganize• by selecting a board of election officers to be composed, so far as possi, ble, of the regulaiofficers of tbe board of the 'districts, and vacancies Co be auppliei by' elections. The officers having peon selected, they will pro— ceed to bold the election in.the usual way, and determine who is the'choice el the people, by the votes•regularly polled: As there can 144.9`meeting ot the'vptere, they will ba - Vi ncrpow ei to nominate by acclimation, and , the only safe way, in any case to ballot for all, whether-theft -aye 'opposition or not, lest the charge .should afterward be made that the nomination was not regular : end there. fore not binding. It will be well for 'districts to see to it that the call is strictly , cotnplied :with, an t h eta may fits trouble. Oar object in giving this . warning is to avoid trouble and die. satisfaction. *eying adopted a rule we must abide by it. Tun. Union paffi of Lawrence eounty will hold flirt: pripary meet— ings on Saturday, May %Wand their. Coucty: vonvention on the Monda y following.' IMII Tux report of the Comtnitteo of Fifteen on ReconstruCtion ttise aciept.: , , Ilia in the hill re lute week, aria la how before the Berible. 1 Is retierted tbit. a majority tf kte test ] gl e el) *ere in favor of striking oat the thirdjsee• tion, ~,disfranchising rebels for I I flmr years, but were corn fled to rotes„ for ! the whole-report under the eall of the 1 ]] - previous questions, 'and th at the Sen -ate will striko out the, section. It 1 . 115 Blaine,,a dorigressman, states this section was in direct , 'Aen= flint withanlesty proclamatiso of President Lincoln and ether offieial acts and proclatnitiobe of , the Goviern. inent, it , should - not be adopted. We have not examined with sufficient tare to give an opinion as to how this is, but have no heiltatiob in , saying that there should be no step taken that can ] be entstrued into an act of bad - !faith on the pars of the Government; 1 If ciLiZells' break faith-with the Gorein.- ment, yet the Goverchreht milatj no' break faith any.' IT° disc= certain ,leading _rebels, would c a punishment to : which 'none cou rea4 sonably object; Witt to pass 4 Weenie act would not be so popul r. There ] are thousands who eigaged in rebel— , lion who are now acting in good faith ] toward the Goveinmelit, and all such should be generously pardoned: ` No Government, loses by, Manifestin f g a spirit of forgiver.ess. IPanisb the le'ad ers, but; forgive they' masses. Weiore content, however, to abide by dial de eimion .of those who Have .this matter ] ] in' charge. Gus. TIIE TAX ON -CRUD • The immense taxation' t rhich crude petroleum has been aubjected, WAS of course the result of exagg e rated state ments concerning the fabulous profits of this ` production- This 1 illation. was too heavy to enable the produeers of oil to continue their operatiOns,l and the result was the almostentite depret(sien of the busi'nesii. "Congress. has been - appealed td on ibis' subject, but for a lonk time no ditiposition.was manifested .0 reduce ilia -tax. .j - We see now that:4W, Houi.e thee passedl an amendment to the taxi bill; entirely ' exempting envie petreleam from tax. ation. This-will operate I t o`revive the Work 'at ninny 'abandoned Wells; ;and serve to stimulate the-exertiondl , of many oil Operators WhO had a:Most given up the busiiteEvinidespair.. Pawls; ihes(murdeaJer Of the rI ' Deer ing family, .vlso has,been r entenced to be bung on the Bth of [June, has made I 1 1 I a. coafession, from which it cippeari thathe 'devised `and committed' the , several murder?. alone and unaided; 1 .. and that mon e y, was tha only obj ect . and season.' The . confession,.like the , 1 . .1 , deed, is alorsible evidence of deisrav t , 1 , ity and iii,tar ,want ofjleeling. There 1 is not th slightest Oidatite of feeling or regre ir.knifested, andlwhen be re ceived bps sentence hawas the moat in different man in the court room. Mils _man, wbo murdered;eight. persons;in eluding his,' kind citpOoyer, bis wife, twice, a hired boy; and four children, all young In years, and "One an inno cent babe recitea -..a.smitun; and at --...5-mmesibresks out into loud laugh ter over its details. ri lb wondmful to what-fearfal depths : .human nature will sink. ' ' . I , GEN. 0. l o FERMI teak nonitnatid on the 9th inst. in a-”uctis of the, Re—' publican Members of the Connecticut Legialturei for :the seat in . tlie p. S. Senate whi f ch' the Hon. jJafayetle S. Foster now occupies. On the early ballots y liri Foster le l both Gore'inor ( 1 BuOttigham and General Ferry. 10n the- seventy ,ballot %r Govi,. Bucking ham's ch 1 name_ was withurawn, and thethe ote' stood, Ferry, 79; Fost4r,•46; Bucking. ham, 1. The nor was subiw., quectiy ma d e atm Lion fixed for Wedi H--41.11 WE are coalpelli fication of Lbe-ab7 George V. Idawrel Live in Congress, copperbead member froi phis, until nest week. • Tux Cnors.—The.o eveland Reiatd 1 ........ 1 --- 7 , says: The latest a4ices-represent the wheat fields in' Easicirn Ohio, as in better condition thaniaany part of the country betWeent his section arid Id ich. igan. There are so no _ good fields in the central part cif the State, but they are eabepttons. In Many places, as in Trunibull count*: Much of the whim, did not get su ffi cient startito enable it - to withstand {,he scold. Some slight benefit from the late favora ble weather is perceptible. ~} The Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Tri burie:saYs:-4,We .have i Made considera ble inquiry; and learn that the prott peas of at least an average wheat crop in Cambria Somerset, and Blair counties is good. In Westmoreland the indications aro not so favorable!, , 1 Head Centre Stephens in N. Yor . - Yoga., 1 . NEW May 11. 7 Mr. Stephens, 4 Head Centre of the Fenians, who ar rived here yesterday, , jraslmet on his 1 arrival by a committee ;ofr i the Feniaii Brotherhood, and by' 'thousands - et Irishmen who were inziouely waiting for his arrival. He tin:weeded from the wharf to the Metropolitan Hotel, followed by the croird; where he will remain for; the preserit F Mr. Stephens remained la his room ponversing with the committee r end ice lying the call of such friehda 1119 be •hobse to meet meet. In familiar Convereation with the reporter of the imp's, Mr. Ste.. 1 phens gave l ' few hints oethe °bp* of his miampn y and eonileittly'assort. ed Abet the Irish army jcvoald fight oil their own .eoil Irre the expiration Of the present rear.!s 1' 1 - 1 1 .0 . 1 7 I 1 11=111 I= PsraoLEuai the eiee. 6th ieet.l !r the p l ub. :8 of 114. w. ,npreserita to Randall; • We fhtlish bele!' the address of l • op. Jutted ILLlCelley,ftp el' »f the l flOnse of Itepresentst7es, to that' boa) , at the close of the session. ‘. We mislaid the A i tiAress at thel time, dud,a friend seeds it, to tut=ivith a requaitt-to publish. llt is Sloqtieut and beautiful. -.. _..anon au. ,e r. , r, - You have sukiorted mero ery. ‘ one of you—with &generosity anparalleled. Yon have - been indulgent !Mb my, er— r-tire, and I doubt they were many.— You have been forbearing with 'my faults and frailties, and- I . lldo not ' be— I live that in all the king line; of presid- mg oHleets of this Irdy. ' l eap one of, them has r,eceis4xl.more cordisl kind. , ness,. More generous aid pympathy 1 and co-operation than him I who now returns you his heartfelt thanks and gratitude before bidding 1 you fare. well '- 1' • , _ iI , fio not mean this in tiiii ordinary acceptation of C formal toprtesy I and stereotyped ph, ases of politeness.— Bly heart is ciyerflowingi with' Ithe recollections olyour kindness, which in this moment `crowd upon me. . Al though younger; by many ye ars than any other mlniber of this body, inert. rierienced a*na,- untutored lin- the sci; lencsy of administration, ithout any I elairri--imci 'you, - and less •,worthy by liar than many, or any, of ply associ• , atos, you chose me to p etude over you, and throughout theentire sett. 1 sion have treated me wi th:.constant' kindness, forbelirtinte and ;respect.; 5 - . I part from - you; gentlemeu.okith genuine s o rrow and regret. Oar as sociation here has been very pleariant and- the frier.dshiis ,formed 'during this session will, I trust, hist through out life. It is scarcely poSsible—eery tarokc not probable—that iwe shag all meet. in this world; yet, speaking for myself, and I trust and believ4, , t utter ing the leeings Of all, I can eayihat the recollections of this iileastint and harmonious motion, and , its agreeable , associations, will 'often OPO in 'my breast as' hallowirl memories, and while life remains I Anil iiot forget one or: '5•5u., - And, gentlemen if 'we never meet again on eari, if duty and destiny separate our paths here after, let us endeavor 'to meet in that world where there are col partings- 7 that happy haven of rest and cult% , ' , Where tempests tlO - er hest, ' 1 ItOr billows roar." s ' I cannot close without alluding tor amoment, to our national affairs.— We have accomplished a great work perhaps the greatest Abet hielPY.il baa ever chronicled , ord ever,' w.fili chronicle.'- A_tabolliftrreter `seen, bus' court - Orris - bid and subduedl andfa free Government *has proied its inherent power to overcome its greatest danger and severest trial, and to protectlit self from " every assault,.",Let us guard with a constant care and jeel. ons watchfulness the restilts of the war for freedom and the rights of man, and let nothing be done' or iiermitted that Will, in the slightest-degree, mil. itate against the great 'prpneiPle's for which .we fought - and. suffered,; Oh! let the bleed dyed Hehls, ttitet, uniluried slain,,the' desolate households, the sundered ties and broken Ilan-illy cir cles, the habiliments of ninOrning, tire ;:days of anxiety and nights of I watch ,•ing be ever betbre us. - rtto..iio stiniu- I late blood thirsty hatred against the 1 criminals. but to inspire us ,with con. stunt horror of the erimei;i and', to (nerve our lands arid strengthen our !harts to maintain atwaysl the 'great principle uirderlyin l g this' Govein ment of the people, and for which we ,struggled .and suffered through mere than four years of darkness and blood. . I ' 1 , . . `The lands upon the dial plate warn 'me tLat 1_ must Mese. Again return ing you my sincere andi heartfelt thanks and gratitude for uel- honor you conferred upon me' in P:tiding me in this position, and foe th 6 constant kindness ; • fotbearance anrespcct with which- you have alwa s treated Me,,witti a full heart,l bid oti Fare well, and. pray earnestly tba dod will .blegis each one of you, keep you iu .13.islcare, and enable . you to perform , whatever ' dutieb may devolve' upon you in snob a manner that) when the A - no/parting shall arrive - notihatiowl of regret tiball fall upon it. '3" The' hour of • twelve o'clo ck having arrived, in. obedience to a joint 'resolu tion of this Legislature, I declare this, Rouse adjourned without day 4 " : 'rue. Constitutional Areendnint Which passed the House on Thursday WM ;evolved in' the Senate On Friday, and on motion of Mr: Fessendeu was placed on the calendar for future cussion. When it comes up, Senator Stewart-will offer bib universal am nesty for universal suffrago las a Buh— -1 stitute for it/ 1 I There was an Informal meeting of a good many Republican Senators and members on[ Friday, to seal if some :gothic' would not be hid in the Senate to=strike out! the thircl seotioo of the amendynent,Which disfrinchisoe rebels from voting for Fedora! officers. Via saki there lare . a large number of members who will vote for . it in the Ronne if it can be .brought : beck there.' Thursday, Jefferson D indicted for ' l trebson by thi Jury of the !Jailed Statesl Court,' now, in session at Neil the trial 'oil - the prisoner Nt i l place, it is Opposed, in June.l I= Wia ' bingtOn • to rediginize thi3 Pay tie*irtment i oi t h e Navy;.rePealing .tho i city charters of Washingtob &O.; to ificorpoiate- the N tional Theo'lefg ical 1 Iriatitute srf the District -Of_ Co- I himbis, and to rest re Commodore Huller le hi 4 rank (palmed). I A bill 3 was introduced t 3 re I , ulate they trunti4 por4stion ot nitio-glYcerine: I A bill to gulate appointmerts.to office was introduced, madtwlice, and ordered to b 'printed. The inouse refi*ooll to ap point a Commission to Bele:tit*, site, for COlirt Hints'?, hy Ne W , York Cit ; 1 /, was passed wth amendinehts. Va oui petitiche w re pretien--- ted. A solution was adcpted hist, acting the Pinance Committee to consider, the exiii.idiency of prohibiting, depesits.of public funds except inn sub-treasuries. The IreSolutior. to Nlevent. the intro ducgoo of clolera "as debated, and laid ovor, and the Post-Of ;apfice pro. priation bill was tiikn np, l and idebat-:' I ed daying the rent inder te't the :Res lion.. tio vote was reached, and the Ser. tel adjourned:l I • 1 1 ' 1 - - Bemis. i - ~ A biilrto allow Vi a -AdmiraliFarra gut Secretary wit rar.;lc," pay; *c., of Lieutenant Ot- the navy, was re= ! ported, land passed ur.animouily.— 8, A bill 1! was passed to repeal the re peahng section of tbe act relating to passports for. portions liable to mifita4 ry duty. The reeontructier. Amend meat-was thed taken up, and , debated i i 'bylesa i rs. DrOinall-_,,Raymond,McKee; Boi woll, and - otbeis. Mr. -Stevens gave notice he wouldl a move tholpteVi ous question to day t 3 'o'clobk. A number,of bills were introduced' and petione presented, land 'the 'House too . a' recess till 71 o'clock: 11. t vonling sessiOn the tax bill' was ''con sidered by seetions ; Bind 'afterdispos ing Of ',16 pages of the, bill the House adjourned. • • 1 1 1 cons read Mes: othe A Mouse was no i t !a aessioui Y 12.—Neitber branch of) C in session , t,o-d y. • , SE ,il NA ~ MAI , ' 1 Y 14—A . join resolution was passi3d for the erection of building for theetNational Soldiers' and Sailors' FairMr Stewart proposed to amend the let section of the article amend ing the constitution so :as to define the ord "titivate e also proposed P to 8 rike out the third section disfran• ehisi l i ng rebels, and' make iit the diet sicti n of the law, wllich he proposed ass übstitnie for the ...gencral bill re-. part cl; then;make thi bin ieportCd" , by ! the iummittee, ex , elti l `ding r rre . bels7 : m offic the second sectioni and require each State to consent; to the proposed excl s ign from o ffi ce bid. disfran chise menu: 1 31 gre§i . i solid. •1 Bi Is' were introduced for the relief of th • representative of-Gen Wright; to a , end the agrion: oral bill; for the construction of a tel gr4l3 i line 'front the Missouri river to the 'Pacifto.— eo .Reso utiocs were int ' uced,to inianire into the expediency of altering Ithe laws so as to abroga e the tenure of ffic at the pleasure of the'oappoint mg 3wir, and offie al trusts - to be termiested at, I certaie times, subject , only to thecondition of good behavior; to inrstigate into 611 -matters :Fon necte with the recei t bloody-ri•ss at; - em hie and Cbatteueogs. Mt .- 7Chandler • offered. repetitions 1 ? endor ing the President to using) the vetopower to protect the righte cif the p : le, and cleclaring the Freed men' ' ill unnecessary and 'unconeti. tutio si, . which were ruled mit of order, Mr. Davis, a Iresolution to ;in quire into the expedi .noy of repesolng the ter on circulatin : notes of pate BAC, after. July 11, 1866. ' i . 1 ftlll3iviiiGias wai t : a tri n k e d D e t folk, and E tit) ~ . .c" • - iS EtifL'. =et ~., , , eseti it. . 1 Ai -$3: Tike'keioutiOn of chn r t i 1g ' pi 11 nintlion . the Bm ror it Russia' on the - ape -trom 11isiassination 'wee ad. .ted.- A sabstit. te for the HOIIIIO 'r dilution to = prevect the introdno..i of the . cholera 'was' reported and lied. The Post „Office 'Appropis!, L bill was taken and , debated at Stiff; but withou t, - king aUy - vote Senate adjonrnel. ' .t . „ 1 . I HOU. '; 1 the motion to post ne: h Apocial l r, the constitutional ,amendment s lost, 51.;,t0 82. A r‘solntion of in- i Auto Abe Merchants' 11ationat I failure was opted, and tbe su then proceed to the consider. 6of the , special, rder ' and. I dPbat- L 1,43 the Teem' l or tt the , evening ?I io.n die tax bill • 1 delnitn4N.and 'to• de. Lib the JeecncliTtlellnaffe zdOiink I • ISOiAT; tic I • AT —Bills wer .repnrtem in. 1 Irate . the Academy ot..l4usio in , i litikil " i . Li: LG.—hills • were passed tu b ' mi me, the Viee•Adirul lb( emphv a,. )turyi to cola `fiv-cent pieces,yand sy' a duty - of 20 percent. on,,im e,d Cattle: ~:.„The choler's- jointlt•os- onitai* 4 / 1 .04 - 01914prfenbrrinn taken . tip. , Mrl. Trumbull's A l , - kl Hi en t mbar deb Lod .by *elor's.. l and :Doolittle, mid , withoht a , Usti Senate adjourned. ' 1. HOUSE. . -• 1 1 e Ildeonstruction amendmen t dered immedititely after L. Ing - of the joutnal,. debated r.. Inandall, Brinks, Dawes rt.,,a l nd parsed by- 128 to 37 1 . . 1 [ SEN'ATC. , AY ,11.- ,, Varinctii - peltior.h 1 istelice resoluti;ls were; pr l ed# Al resolutiore as itt:rodukei i i bit the suppression et altera pedehei in The .late.:; ThO j ution to reorganize the 'Pay; iuent of the Navylwais amended l cl, The Chole .resolutin et et', and went o er, and thd 1 1 . te Appropriatio bill was It 31. r. Tin mbull's ,ametylment, ng -the' a 'l - 1" - - • • P.P9inLing owe- r, . r, ,or rejjeted.4-t The bill was hen mate Adjourned,. '• MI likoliaVltnitovit t s' -Tx P . - : 4- • , ' ,Tbere,are Onle tri.enty tbonnind poet Insulters; in- the United dtatee.ot boim bit eght lor nine hundred re nice , Onfirmatioi) .by the Senate. a bare are to i bei vigorOun removals ang the, rebt,iiibn are denouncing th ;id irnetration. 1 Their dierniesali are reg-taid. , out at the Pnetotlice,.Pe , artmerit - 1 . - - . - - i i .I', - - 1 ' 1 •- 1 • . , ' : County Ccrnirenticfn. im Union voter! of BeaverCo4 are " - Isquested to meet at the usual p for ho dill steeions.• in the several Boroughs ane wnahips, on Saturdayfthe 26tli:of Iday,ini i Point delegates to a County .Cohvgitioin. b bold on :I • r :: • ' .-." .' ondaN the 28th of Lifoy, fit 11,41 f r the purpose of nominating a County t: d - to noitiinite one candidate-for -Conk 1 viie. candidate I for. Pre: Merit Jiidge; oda tdate for :State Seriatq andloWe candida Aitsembly,l ! :1 - ' .: , I The primary. meetiVit in'the ,townshitu % heKbeVineen the Willi of 4 and 7 Cel P. N., and in ,the hording% between the ] of 7,and 9P. AL . . ' I ' • , In obedienc e to itesolutibli of County vention, the voting forcandidates in. tiu Parent eleCtion i districts shall be by ballot . I '. I' By order of Committee • • = l• ! ":- 1;0. L..tinnus, CI ,The several election districts are mu t? delegsfSs iSS, follows, to - it : .. Borough ', 4, ;Industry ßi l lidllewatier '2 • Independence... g; Beaver . righton • • ' • Darlington ' 3 'Moon 4' Marion • • .4 !few Brighton... Darlington • ' ..4 I INeWSewickly... Bconom.y : - • 4 Borth :13ewickly k`,l.llstNit ' 8 .obito _ Piiikith I. 1 •2. T'atiersoir i. reedom tor 'Aphillipsburg ..... reedom, diet - • 2 Pidi5ki............ 'iiine... ' -4 ' 4Otheafer bor... snkfort' ! 4 A _ Rochester ip.... t 11 7 Giure ' ' ' • 4 .8acc00n....iv..... i opewell ! ' ' 4 'Bonth Beaver.- , . . , • ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1 . I ---,- Worfrice atitbonzed to'' annonnet nameit.of a r e , following gentlemi• cnndidaieslOr the ofres named: jet to the i dmision o ft he Union C t l y COntrintion: ,-.t '•• 1... .; -, . Congress. • _, gEo. ' I I , ..LAWRE,TCE. W - askini 1 . i j President; Judge. _ , B. C RA Di B.ERLIN, New Brigi ' 1 AisociatelJadge. • • ' ENJ , A MIN' TODD;rlndiistry; GNEW 'DUFF, .Nnw Brighton; ' HOS, (i..j S.ERR,* l readom; •' ~, State Senate.. 4of p c ot, ALEX. W. TAYLOR, .Boro I NJ. R.BRADFO.RD, N. Brigt WM. fIENRY,IpaiISon; , I . Assembly: tt.ts• titt s Y; teaNer; - ' . , JOHN. Y.3IARKS- JEonomy• ' - ,i . , 2 , i . She d:' •I 1 . SPENCER B. BRId,GS Industr3 JOHN S. - LITTELU, Ho4kstOicr ABNER MORTONj Itrigiitoin l .ItAMESIAn ANDERSON, Big Be, DA VIDIJOHNSTON, Falistois; lcl. Register & Recorder.: • AItI.US SINGLETON, Itacclio AM TEL HAMILTON, o,hio; tr. DAVI,D LI:JOHNSON, licaci SHARP HEMPHILL ' 'Bridge* i - I • 1 , Cleik of cures. .§:it. ELDER, Di;unglini, , , Conintiss,ioner. i ' '.1 . .:5. BLAZER. Econonly; " ' • JAS 'WARNOCK, ;North Sewi4 ~, OHN GARRARD. Ne* Sawicki Ofi'T.! F. Iii'ILVAIN, t i oeheatl •, , , I Poor House { { Direct o r: ROBERT D. • COOPER, Moon; 491-1 - 14 I. POTTER I , Racth on; r- VIII EiWING, knetiooii) f- ~• , . Audd l or. • : WILLIAM CRANEY, Obio; .• .'F. MI T MILLIN, S, Beavei• I I, . Trustees of Academy. a. JOHN MURRAY. Bridge* t- - -, DAVID STANTON,N. , IIIO i ci V: HENRY RECK, ;Roithest 1 MEI Tram the by mid nrd • nt— , . , Deoliriations;,,. We arereqtiested to state that Thos. o son, Esc'. ; is not ts , candidate - tor'oAss 'ibis • I. . , I *,e, are !requested to withdraw the na , ktidit( Mitt t e a:. of lone more des, Jerving of success; or ) ' -- 7 - • , , • tinently ; qualified for the position_ than the ion. Beni. RUsh Bradford, of. New Brigitte'''. if candidates tire to be' selected on aceount of . .. f4netts, and the .Presentafion of , "claims, open the peoplt„ where,) Messrs. Bditors, is there' a gentleman in the entire county, who, canicon • mand'ihe attention of the people ii, in °ult. this rd spelt - inert; than Mr. Bradroid ! bur h i terrible:struggle for the perpetuity of o r it.. stittl tions,l his influence was everYwhero I !VA T I' Thal ecildieii, who suffered -land bled upon the '- field! of battle, cannot' :woo l forget !his sv l mpa 7 - ..,i -thy, hie Substantial comforts, his pecuniary ahl; distrihued from hisl`own f - -pzivate p l ane; Besidett this, his munificent Idontions t the { • '. J., . many charitable institutionsithat were e tali halted fOr the soldicin' and country's go are . I 'l' t too th ' huln't 1 fact so .pe eti e coin . i y that they 'needionly be mentioned to 'call 1 forth ‘praiiit I • . i • . I fro& every tongue. ' Mr . Bradford's: great I o. I. L familiarity with, the routine of legislative' dui. ties, (together with his extensive acquaintance and populakty among the leading mint% of the &ate, would be oficreat.aavantage to this in . tekea, ta of our county. Th erearem any cif hia feiloWscitiSeni who wouldihelratified to Lava his Claims inittii the favors IOT the ion*'rel.:. ofinied in inch a way as not only 'to,"-red and y i to hil honor , { but abio , wet feel eatifiden to *0 ho'' ' 4 air — 'Ow - CM i honor antA, ignity of tile tounTty; b; nomination and election to ibtroffice. Of 1 • 1 t Vsz IT) • • • ..... lialitsis Jiver i *hits meny ,are •selicittni • . , 1 the fSvor of their friends, I too present, myself before the People as s candidate for Clerk, oei • • .. , the emus* gond consider myself comptent:or would nmt awl: yonesupport, I was a p °Tate I addier fir the Union army, 'served in the Oth I 1% Pa. Reseries,till the ttle af Fredericks nrg4 where 1 wee severely - Itycnuided In ;the • gh,C, iniessi.,'Whfoh renders me ;'nude for 1 ;01..1' :. '.. ,' -• , .„.. 1 • 'T I now ask all true friestds•of L. the Onion 4 justies. ' I wi ll leave it :a. my trialid s , 1 1I• , 1 0 el*Tesing• i •, • f : °I IL ' '• 1 I ' 1 - .fr •• ' 1 • • ME CONVEYANCLiti 4“). 1 _ m NED!end other Instretisents written:a— -1 CISCO with Clerk -of Ciinrte, west Veirqg ri Coin. gbaae.. Dr.;.` D. Stanton; -• u rg oo k hoollin &f•nsion Agt, NEW, BRIGHTO N, ; PA. • 02;"11 arel Residence at lower end of roadway,. • , Dwain:44:ly. o rrti psl,soapi se„“ our 3301 . 10 YRD S2A Sewing .11ftebinea,-- Three neirkiada. .traderind upperiCed. Sent cogi trial. > Wamoteci fire yeare-_-Ahoire Bali tonunbnainii .paid. The w W wax aid . chines sold United fitateilfor lase than $4O, which are •fidly lieetised by ,1 Whrekr 4. Wale* Greyer t Baker; Singer • Il k CO., sad 411. other Cheap i machiata are in; fiblieinettat milehe Nair:or seer are liable to ar rayons and thsprieelaara4 Illustrated circulars sent/rte. Addrese,or.call upon Shaw *Clark . • at. Biadeterd, Maine; `or Chicago, 111. ithyl6,'6B. - • [iewly. • ckel, ours is9o 'A MoSTu s•-4GRNTsiniat, , • 116 for nz Wifely On/ artir*, Oust lout. Address 0. T. GABBY, pity Buddina, Middeford, me, pens ' ctif- I' M i ,it 1 . . • • BR Utifi !FACTORY ;REMOVED. Tall• II • I • SUBSCRIBER WOULD- INFORM who deal intir nee BRUSHES tha he a ß ll has; removed 'his BRUSH IiIIANUFACTOR T titan No. 20 Fifth street to No. 12A Wood street, Ate,o doors above Fifth, wher(Z, he will be able to 'dffer the moat ;,' complete stock of brushes ever offered ip Pitt Sburg, and at prides that *ill tie iCompetition, and of a quality. unsurpassed Val point of style and durability. Wholesale kkeiters will find it . greatly to their advantage teeall at our new establishment and examine our stock and priceS i before p geing East to ur -4 chase. We will ,very ,dupliotte any eniteni bill of goods.: _ • - • ,1 D. ST E WARD • 120 WOOD STREET, Two DoOris above Fifth: I- • 1 ill 31.6% 6.71 m. I'TTSBURGH 41i$-• .11 l AN .k c 0 11 SAV I N i . 1 __l 1 1 d FORsiCRI,T; • E. . 11 i 1 1 I The Dime Saving!) . 1 Inshtyhon, ;_1 : ; ii 6rFOURT.II ;StREET,- 7 • 1 •• Nearly oPposite the Batik of ' Pittsburgh.— 1 ' ll' Chartered in 11862. -, Open daily from 9 to ! . .1 cocloCk, and on Wed- , I ' 1 t i t l e e , s o a r Y . Bll l a d t , rl 4 t t o u r id 9 ay o':i v o e c ki kT L and ge' f f r ro om en N M o a r y . LI , M ay 1 5t,,6 t 918 o'clock. { • tooK 0r...13T-LAws, j&c:, furnished at the ! • I offiCe gratis. • I - l'; . 1 '' . i 1 ,This Institution espeCitilly: offer s to those 1 whtse earnings are limitedcsthe - opportunity to. : 1 ; tiec mulate, by small deposits, easily sawed, a 1 taunt which . will be a resoece' when needed, , I and bearing interest instead of remaining nit ' productive.. 1 /, 1 . , ! ! ileard„of"Mansigers: • , 'lresitlent—StEo. A. BBRRT,. -. : Vim Prest'e—S. if. HARTMAN, JkB: PARSE, jr. ,Recretary ,aid Treasurer—D. M. Nl'limar. A. Bradley,.. , Wra K. Nimick, r . ! A. fi. Bell,, , -. l; , Fi Rehm, • . • John S. Dilworth, ! Joshua Rhodes, iG. Follansbee, I Jt:ihn!Scott, I '.H. H. Graham, '• 4obeit C. Schmertz,. ' 1 - dhtstophee Zug—, • ,Rolicitors-- . =D?W. and A 8. Bell. Emylffilm lEZ En El II Notice In the Otputiiis' Court. r; ter .the following appraisements under the 'Act of ;Assembly,:of - the 14th. of April, 1851, of property allowad to be retained by a widow or decedent, to the .value of of.the! Orphans' Court, or BeaTer county; and approved nisi ; to wit :i •- Tersoaal prioPerty t 0 amount 'of $800; re t ainedlly widow of JaltiCliLyon , troc'd. Ann .adailx. iP,erlonal.propertyto amount of Is3od, re tained by.widow of Jaines! Jameson, dic'd.— Eliiabeth Jamison, adin'x Personal prompriito amount of $300, • re . tained by .wird - titir of Jacob Londas; deed. Al , eliander Temple, adm'r. [ personal property to amount of . $299 95, retained by, itid?w . of James M urra y, decd. N'athan Eakin, adin'r.i IPersonal propertiwith claim of $278 25 - on Henry Ilrigge, amounting in all to $890,. re tallied by widow of Jadob Warner, deed. ..J. C: Wiltims; aditer. , • . • •• , Petlinial property, 'amount di' $16095. retained by widow of John Walton, dati'd.— Andrew Watterson, adm'r.! - Lkersonal 'property to iirnaulit cif 1492 50..re-1 tanied by widow of Jacob Umstead, dec'd.— Ann Umatessl;, '4l) to ; Con, tp.; I • mbly Notice is hereby given: to creditors, legatees, disiiibutees, and all others . interest ed, to appeseat the nest term of said Court, and -not later than the third day, being the 6th 'day' 'of 4tine,; t o. skew rause, if,.; any they hive, against 'the final confirmation - of the atioie appraiit i onents. • ' 'may,l6 • • JOHN A. PRA4IER;:elerk. ates 1 -, I me.- nor moie SHERIFF'S SALES. • - Ma virtue of sundry . writs • of Fieri, Faeias JEW add Venditioni Exponas, issued , out• of Te e s ( I ' e ° uft r, , and of to me Common Pleas f w 111 e county Ise to I ptiblic sale at .the Sheriff's o ffice, in the boro' of Beaver,. in • the county aforesaid, on r! • i --- , I 1 Satuiday, Julie 2d, asp, , at 10 ! o'clock s l in the forenoon, theLfoltowini property, to wit : e All the right, title, interest and claim of de fendant, of,: in to the following described house and lot of ground,situate in the borough of frankfort Springs, Beavereo., Pa.,bonnded en' the north :by the Beaver and Frankfort romiti, on the east and south bii land of John J. .Ctrothers, and on the west by*ain street, con ta nitirone-fotuth 'of an acre, more .or lest'. on Which is erected & frame house, one and 'a ha fl stories high; a number of frule,trees On th let. . ;'. 1 ' - ' ; 1 eised and takeit in execution sit the pinft tintthereee sui . t n e d f W el . ai li m . , .Fr tier at .90. a No 2. t. , ALSO, • e ' I l i ef th Le ed w 'ri le g ! :7 t t e i n tle, a of efendants,E:of; in and to that cei taro _piece or parcel: of bind, situate in Ohio' township, Be rer co.; Pii., bOunded and described as lets, to wit:,', _Beginning it .a hickory on the ban of the Ohio river ti thenoe by land of Dag, eel :Pond, north 2 degrees, west' 45 perches to 'n *tine ; thenhe south 88 degrees; west 28 perishes to a stkne; thence by land of Jane -Smith's heirs south( 6tie and one-fourth degreei i east #5 perohea to ii stone on the bank of • the Ohio river;Lithence north 88 4! . grees, east 281 perches to Place of beginning; containing Ti acres, more or less, being the game tract of land Conveyed by Conrad re ,fichad and wife to Robert Nrihn . Henry OapPell and .Henry Hill, Iby indent , dined the llth day ofJan uary, 1805, a reooraed 'in Deed Book N 0.47. ' w i pagels47, &e. i They tee erected on the above described prendt es tWe frame buildings—one a ware; roost;, the!othet feted for a pottery ; also a steam engine, and boiler, suitable for _boring an oil well, with derrick d, fixtures. There J are Oil wellimil the preliktds. in one of which 1 oil his been oltain.' •,-! , ' 3 I Seised and taken in axedttant, ail the_PinP erty of Rebore New Man, Retry CaPpth and Henry 11.1% at the suit of C;dairad Schad. Basle ma - Peak. 11 - - . I - -. I , I jOlk idirlYlitE, Sherd'. lidatedy Ifay:18, 1888. rln . ) his s. 1 1 I venocoenl7llo.:;ll6',lgittilhoun.hr:o. drinhoyiooiPidnatigiace;r:_tee,lllliii":c.tb'dhelierithl4:ll4l"T" ► 'l7elr"lflohetitici:lll4:4.ll. rIPH E CAB ix Rnt A- , . A\ ORG AI '-41 0712. 1 4gti . i . ' ' ~ , !rall4d appreciated ,by alli rei r e ,c ',) bliair,,ihd•ita il lmeerrtnivers a - 1 .-4u ' to the ittlirches Cr ens'. co n - - intr ldnetl now eutorsta by the process of in i - 4 proetioied itittl pet - teeth:i t; as ii 0 i..),. 7,t44 , ja. Melodeon and..lini,n‘siiuni, sue; ; Ins Ins reel ili-.4 ail seat ligt whisk -- " Ifts balk site emit, "4dgiag ' , - 1 • • -1, I. - 'Ailk• IKlll,iell tWelist - - . , ep The. CABHIST 014ASi TlOTNeted- sae 41 ed by Illason Hamlin , of n,i, 50 - I . __Pslext. been before th Public but t* -"al /41 'fro 7 e .... _ ifSt such are kin unecitialed gasiiiie,:-'l2 lige jf_iiUtid into chiren; school and f -- ti ' " parttilhiteilliN:teewneto:Yorlcurltt hrrib:::scs:ll:trab-.ll4:.nboarb_Aittrt..:Clitlefilf. eueceett.frosi Bogen to Sa d Fres • • - 7. . '. , . Tlitit: !C , tt IL h s ' --e llet in liskit4, , tetysr *mall Ittotn ua -- ,., .P 4 17 aillh - i:, 6 4 :‘ Mils . lAtidbcia lik e .--.: those whiCh; t4otilth f t ertuttle_ised nectr i ii than a p cad Oaks nii. ' s l og church—ie so uteliekatil Ina ,1 [est fientite r ill' Pitik s ' that ne 4 ehanical - ' 'ig Itte d ca ll b e , }lntuit pe action ii,Eilk o. Th e bode is, ant full„ and with 'an . o esd i- body . 6 ;7 4 11041 us peovocative ' standsnib a i f „ . , rough tiavellld , ad 4r • mi . 11 2 4:l' lire in climates which' • l_Anten • wilt. 7 cries."- - ' e l l "Maa. the Rev. Dr. PRIME, be wel.k oo ,, e , tor of the New York 96 1 ,•in hide d-;correspondence; "speakin Of the insus - ZI of the Melodeon to take i place of,thsyT i t !Organ, says: a•But the• antis is folly 4 ; by the Cabinet Orgast.l. With your,eye s k you cannot distinguish s sound trot:lllaq the "Pipe - Organ itself. It is admirabiy t . dapted to the performs of sacred mosii psalmi; tunes, enthem hunts, &. - c., sad hi s a grand accompardine -_when the eos ino , lion sings; 'and is 1 ,1 the instrument th t I ought to be used in 11 churches wherea s people all Trish to her the privilege 'Of him I ing a part in the pr ', ''' - .• .• I ' 200 'Organ' .s and Pianists, . 1 , the most eminent of their yrofesaion io di tonntry, .hare given written testimony to di' superiority of theseSts4truments. over all ott. era of their .class. - The,Cabinet Organ is, a. brie*, commending itself to musicians an4t s the people. everywhere.) its `great. power, is 'purity and sweetness of tone, and its SCOp i lif expression, added to': its ' durability and eos. p t e t e construction, cannot fail to , make it i universal fat rite. Such is the. dere, if -perfection .t which" . tliese 'instruments ha t been broug at it..is alike suited to th e .Purposes to churches, halls e schools, gado-. rate parlefe, and is adeitettlyladspted to bat i sacred and secular mntic, nd it . i, !And that it will bear no unTtport t part is N i p • cation and establishing sipopular oiusiesl tide I\ zi wherever it.goes. ..; I V , , . ,The Subscribers are the exclusive wirolesolo 'Agents for the 3lenstn & Hamlin CithinetOrp s for Western Pennfflestnits, and furnish thee at-exactly he slice ,prick as charged it-the ~„ .. tact ory. - .4, - . - , . . The stsbneriberil:nle anxious to seed t o every person, whether intending to psids lf . an instrument or.npt,-# copy, ist the elbiset Organ Circular, which dental n. s great snout of very interesting iriformatisn. 'lent pen. pail to any addresi: . ..- . - . CHAS. C.- M LIAR & CO.,-. •. . . .1 hi trood Street, ' 'Between 4th Sr. , and Diamond Alley, ' . znii16,"66.;--Im. 1 k Pittsburg, Pa.. I-, • - r Dewly. ORPH.A . 6OI3R'i 11 pursuance of -an order of the Cirpheaf I:Court of. Beaver county, the undersipi - will, sell at , public residue or - outcry, on is premises, on - • SA TURDA Y June 9th; 15t16;i 2 : , . - !MS o'clock P. M., the following descriti4 - property, situate in Chippewa township, ver county aforesaid, lbeiog the real estsO or 'Horace ti: Kennedy, late of Beaver coal; deceased : Beginning pi a r while oak, thepes Ety,laritis of John And James 3litehell, ports. degrees, east 107 perchty five-tenths toe heap of stones, thencelby landef Ethan Then as.north SO!? degrees.; West 43 perches to spa; thence by bind of thelFarmer's & Mechanic; Bank, South degrees, west 198 perches toe post; thence by bid of Jaines Kennedy,nora 88 degrees, east 4:1 Pei-ches to a whiteAl place of beginning; --zontainiag a acres sod 98 perches, strict measure; oh hit k erected an excellent new frame barn. 52 by El feet,with threshing floor 30 by 20 feet, mow &a: .and three stables underneath' ; - also slog and frame house with a frame kitchetq and s lcellar iiuder - part of -the Mle; a:so a certsis other piece of land adjoining the foregoingle Scribed, tract of • land, Situate L as aforesaid: Begindifig at white oak, iencis by lattli Richard Itialtil.ft, etiuth '202 perches to a stekt, thence by-land of James. Kennedy. south-11f degrees, West 24 per Ches to : white oak; thence by land of 'JOhn Alex wter. north{ degreer, east 202 perches to a stone.and dities_ by land of James Scutt, north 87/ del* . east :12i perches to place of beginning, ego tahaitig 29 acres 123 perches, _strict meanie; re on which there is erected , frau:4 ban 4111 18 tett. • . . I Tbb above deseribed lambi are well feed exce p t about-tivottereS. Sixty sores ire iss fine late of cultivation, and the balance is wood land. There is an excellent pull or 'chard bearing fruit on the premise-34 0 - 15 1 lot', about 100 apple trees , IX) pea& trees }some cherry trees, I • t I 'There are also three good springs of Dent' failtag water, and a -coal bank opened anlis !-iror ing conditlea.,l I Back hun pluties•through .a portion of .aid ands, the north branch of Brady's Run, al' there are about twenty , titres along sail si Which ie. considered eicellent 2, otl Jet ritgl" There are two oil wells now belng poi i 411 1 .. within half a - mile of said premises, And F i r arationa are being made to . put &in f 0 'more in the immediate lvicinity. - • ' TERMS.=-One-balf of the purchase mall in hand on the confitmati_n of the,sale by ' Court, and the remainder in two equal soul instalments, from that date, with Woe s ! from the same time, to he secured by bonding moitgage. • .SAMULY; MAGAW. Adger of.the estate of 'II. N. Kennedh 64 ' ifloYl o ,'6 6 : I IA • • cerise Notice" dfdeplicants foit LicensA Juno l j .B e. sions, ,1866: acrttte, Ac. James P. Parrish Brighton tp; John Alleband ... ... ............. bor°;' Adam Johnston Rochester born; .Richard ,Doncaster do •_ do David Migaii; NEW Brigitholge t h . John Davis Darlington !Jahr R. L. Baker. (Tiustee)...Hermotiy, It; Michael Camp, jr • -Rochester bcre; - Samuel Wallace [ New dew - ickly John H. Camp , Rochester. boo; Andrew . Swaney ' Greene tr LNicholita 1:41114 David Johnston Big Deaver tp; To sell' liquor id Quantities not lees 0 quart, with goods, wares and merchandise : - Wm. Breitenstein ..... ...Economy tp;: C. F. Hearelter4.".: .. hero; Peter Angell Bridgewater b 4.1%. R. L. Biker (Trustee)...Harmony tp. ; .0. C: Speyerer :.Rochester hots,. •goilista 11010111. Francis Rimini, • New BrightonDT' .W. &J. Breitenstein = eonomy tp.;: Henry -Wagner .. New Brighton hs; John- Aber f Indasny tp; Alisaboth.:Rippor DOT!' =II ,~, 1 • 111 1