The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 09, 1866, Image 1
0 IntIe.MWATTL OCK -4 411 i t irtiiig BUILiDIitGSti..I. . ° 1 • , •• - • • ; It•-• ie. if- . tht , ti o per 0,0 innuminAtivtiztoo. 0 0 o r Letters and ccia nt ributions;A prampt attt : e. aoo2a . - j 4 S.,RUTAN & Edi.4lo:riiiiti;.- ,p. o ET. p A.T.J .. • An f.t1.1,0g.0.ty;.; • L DT JOBS A. SAXE , . )64 1 14 V/ItlT3! 4 Micl 4 lig ta • WWI their sister:REPUTATION, 1'11.6A -once through foreign conn.t.ries, cla a tour of ,observation; the3 i started, OEISIO hinted_. That by some unlucky blunder While they journeyed , hltro' the kin gdomi,i ; They might chance to get asunder;' ` .14 ~and,,. site Sabi «ie seem bu Frudent, Should we break our pteasalitAetlier, ! ome deviso,shatild be suggelted That soy bricg the throe together. • - Ail for me—if from my sisters' . lisetorad bhonee to prove a roamer, ilee,ktae it,tilp tomb of • Or.tefort the sirritte bf Homer'', gold, '_•lf I 4M missing.• : . Awl you dcein me wgrtfi the troub le, fleet tee initi e neurti of• tnouTtfclis; . 01:1!:?, dwelling, of the nablc., , amor4ttel4Y,an4ln444llii y,„ s h w a . tail to Saet-nte prettertt, Tna zny meet wit h bet :hrttine ' • In the cottage of the ptasin it,' • • "811!!' sighing; 1 i 3 easy of diseerriiiii ' Ecil if you laty freely IVA a protc.peec of returniPg! . , . Dut, pti,:guard. qusely, Far, detipite_yottr best "e6,leavor, ll yaFrinial me - fur a tionietit, I am log- 2 -d4.1 t , GOTFRIEDi.KINKtL. . INS liisToth - -Iftvw CAR!: SE - .IID lilM raou Ausrgixx Pineci Ipe.l:lllt,tritatii,..Germap• (soOlet• titi ianutriot, Gotrried Jiitr el, •3)h the Paris dorrosponcietroo:'of ttie t f.,r ;La - purposo t.),‘f!oto t(nth!, :FiTtriAdi in `+.t !!! - a acr.ies.Qf„artiltic N• iw tv i . r.k -9,r : v., lltc (_ialieries-tr:Llie LOur,re.. rcititnvic:o; •,•otry writ :the eXCiticitt l ?..lit Mac ; ulittriig,: . 1110 /u illf ei),11,11 of t , 133% . a 1 3 0; Litt, Gprn - an i rat, wiiettl.i.delivered tviirt, them. an ..improMpttt-:ucaress _, ilikli'i'qii - trets`Cy7F . 4146(1 . *ft:%.ll:Fil*, F-r lc( In littTratAre.of - i Ge.onary aqui; . P.,71,00t - ittlr i d•ll, Whoci',,RevohtLioo of be wna-h"proftaoti •at • '" d ,iAe I.,Ti;tfc'l:s;ty 17, L., .n,ati ~. strong tie (-I;iri ions . 1 11,itiuctiii to bt:uriiin.s•nt 'part in the strucz pi. ole.. cup h•t, wcts llat act !h•orities, Egntetice .. Cl' Eirikerrethapanihns'at this :mot .yet mint ve,t;•.; S. of Carl, wtio was . also - i tatptulled,':tfiial rlmt. TriOre fortnriaie ;Lan irr Profeisor, J snr•creeded in es— caping ae.ra:Ess ; the yt.e tsccin tsar safe. tit r.or. 1,ri, , 0n, placed ,itinolig erizylinals vi.test sort, - awl 'set: to wc,rk .Young Germany, stilt :Tuthill% :with the .exeitements of recent - - IlevujuLiPo, learned with .4 - .ruil';cm the .treattnent- inflieted . ! Lyon the etuinent - pout and scholar, ntd nunierou petitions. were" ik3 - nt; to' tcQ sPruz.sian, Governfaent, praTir.g that iffs situation might fie- ameliora ud. To all this-the attOorities paid to , tittention'i r w hatever.,. - t he :protesta.., Lops eensod,and Kinkel,seemed. is he abandoned by -his friends. -There, rcal•one. however, who didl-na desert Lim Carl Shutz ltsft PdriS, disguised zsif in tags, and, derythg the tzaiTeLl . • te.-entered - ,Prussiii;vilth an O t rgan on . baek._ In the day, be 4r,rd his bread On_the high road; tkt tvit, he lui h aside his organ, and halted the' abodes-or leis forrher coin. l 4 hirtns - tthd the 'Mends* of German r4a(nriear to re-awaken . " - •=r . intere'at In CO fate of 'the :irtit 4)med.,palriot; way -14416,1 hundred leagues of, fot, plityinkr,:the organ through Many 1 61 1't4 and villages; carefully maturing. and sleeping bitifis or w , er. hecigeS: On one. - Oceasiort he. !is stopped by two Prussian gold. i t r aes, who 'inquired where •he was * • • • J. ; • ,• 111:1'',E0 ' neigl - Ib2ring town," replied . } - on' like to earn a flandful ,--pearie's?" asked the othera. Certaittly." • - "Very well ; come with' tia to. our u t 4 "itqs• We intend-JO give a darite ureniug, and , the , Of four organ huh, our purpoae:exactiY.," 'Arm* .inowstilile to ..declino, ofrogef the sofdiere withcut.excittng gr ua 'pieijoi -s Sliurz aceept . .o, with a t ihow gi during th e nd e whore:night ground onf . 'wtilt.:ze alquadrilies for a batallion gap' t'lr Leaving untlieovered Lito keeiety of the rßiiitary .p - "ot, young. Siturz' continued 'bin JOUr • !'%'l • khort time subsecittehtlY, 'rilormati6n reatlled hina`thatKrilk§ijA 4 tui; been clainid. 40,1 ivas ----Ibeatirnita and " • • ';`-- II ..1:11J1.:! . ;.1) , - . r ..',i i . P4 ' ,..); , ,,,;',1%;i`;tf.:', .h;f4 . • vie. ,- i:-1-,..;;!1J1 v.,-‘;; - .1 , 114,.9;(i}' i i.. 14., ~, n ,b , •:•...,,a a 4 .tir,w ,:,....11,,F.:!...;.c,,z.; I. -f 1.10.; ~,.--, sz . : 1:. .7 :•0;71 . /. 1 :c!d r: 1 .0 , : rr.1 . ..!: , 1: dx,i:l,•; , . /. .'. .i :' ..;•-'llil,i, -r 1-_-- • !.11 . • • ••it• - 7 pl" -,.. ' ......• % ' '', l' I t.ii• 1::i---,..,i1 -,,,: iteed nnaer toe personal a l uperpeton 0-I,,oo,..4littijOalreater,''r- 1" '' , liiite''ioiiii c. iiiithi',""ii.hOil Ilie "Itre ts` NIT litedhie`• treseited; . tt:piAt' bittite; i3sVortedibre gr•uti'djof • Irene- drake° ' s; , drove vvaltialy- -thrtiligh -thV.t . ovrn' of 1 leanklait; mid 1 11 7 afted 'before atie priori.; of: 1 A•:, ',Meet, itythe hnifarprof-li:Col . el ?i Alio lbayat .Gtiartl,,ati ' E . :tad (torn! ha vehicl er, , - i atid lorgs• spot,: i 'the prese ce , ; of the Director, intai-*v .. (Ise. hands Ile] Iplaced - a letter from the, Minister of the. InteriO4 Cf Berliri, awl hearig the ofticial.seal. ' Receiving the pac et, with the rOgpeet due to;tivomnuari a , Lion- front the Minister, the Diree or opened,theiraporthnt.ruibtive acid r ad als . follos;78 : , • -..' ' ,- . 1 " • • ': "A deep laid plot has been orgati iz . ..' ed .at:. Bergin, the object Of iihiell ij'to effect' the forcible releaiiii bf the C h—.' 1 vicCkinkel train , tlie barids of.: he ,ta,nt.horitio,,s. We ,are ,- now 'is:web:l:i .the - mbieutenarnt:;:,the :kOileplihttica.;, , and , i,tre priparingltb:ariest - thei:lifi• order, Liewever, to: proveot-Che, polsi biti!,3i. ot a surprise; the bearer of the present letter, ColL:,,,is-connittid. ! ed to• take charge of your prisoner; I ivhom he,.‘Vililnuntediately condOet. to 'i the citadel. a Magdehchrg, and plate ' him in the hands tif : the Govern of 1 that fOrtress."• - ,: ~1 -- , '''.--.1 =NJ ' ~,,ll.,pen ' rcultug • this, ministerial in-, -jUlletion, lerferdttebtar cfl.lbe Spandau prison at , c .olice• • :' ad, 'tfifi': iiillortuft.te 'Kinkle awakened; caused him to .be I`4‘eireiy ironed and Pladea in the post I 'Chaise, whichsct-.-Off.oril the. ' road.; to' 1 tit - ilidtibiier: , ';'i aceotiwaiiied by-- t,Wei! .Colevel ited'tottr ilragiienii,- who redo:: I with -ciratfi • sabret All night long 1 tidy i t.i.aeltf'd• at 'rapid speed ; I were I horses ere instantly furnished . a ( , 4bl ' reluy i the Colcirel's demand being .' 1 compar l ied by the' magical expression, 1 'the Icit . .g's ,service." - 1 The unhappy 1 priSoner o eronehed in a corriei . oflie vehiele,..cared len• what, might be-his 1 fa—L teGiumany .tiled forgotten h m,, ~, and tiottine• - buld be worse' ;than 'the noi,otne du ii,:;e • . Spandau. ,' SI rn ; 1 ing t.:aine . -. ..13, lasyt grai winter's.daw a, and the C:1- I trviRge'stoppei, . The' Coley:' net iiitaselt .eipened tile door, and.bade the prisoner,aliglit 1 ithout 'a word rigor iii.ell'er ob(yed,' nil fou'rof liiii-, self- "standing on the sea shore , ' a •bldat I al *log' a ' : feet friim the' snot i I w ere, lid. t . C0(.1, and 'it . ' ship,. with ilia I ki glishflui , „ ; her rnast,headlyi4i'tti within , sight,. I'lle -prisoner uttered t cry •of-infogied hope-at d:despair.i I', •' ' - •' 4 Do . ye;tl notkriow 'me, my-dear ?".'.sobbed the pS'en'Flo Telenet.' te ring.,4 Ibis' fals:e e i stache,land ; , clasping - Midis' in his rms. "Iktm; yothr frien '.l,t 4 id pupil., carlfilit-1,--, i? 4et ill enkbraee mtell'ot er, once4iterei . 4---r- 41 ---...2. , -.. ,?/ . -e1i.,.,4t. way...ifor ?,thgland r i , - • ~.,1, , - 1 ~ 1 liiti'liel toeld not rePIY, but ,hurst; ; ' t ufo tearS'. -./ii a 'few moments raorl3, l ; they Werei!iri., the: boat, and rowing, Ilesiiiy_toward the vessel to the offing i . • which. had how' htiisted the' Geri - nail Republicar. flag, in token ,01., - reo • ogiii 7 ' i Lien "Una ' Weiceute";• As theY,reached ; am.; slitp's...side; ,lilinkel, pale and I, trembling, leaned Upon Shuri's shout.: der, , and.. inntifin red : ".Sly . wife ; my 1 1 ebildren .. - 7 -where are they'!'_' . 1 1 ! .. I['e had tune to.'say 'no morejor, in another Momenine.. Xtr inel was; in Moment 'St ! her liusband - .4,:arins; and his child en I 1 %vete clinging about,iiis. !mess. , 1 • '''Afy -)nission is aeChtliplistied," 8 id iyonne• Shurz, "I had scorn, (ear ynaSt - er, to_ restore; yeu to . . liberty, and 1 ',yourfa_inilY.';My duty is -dome:;,, I 1- •'U pen their. arrival- in • Lorelop, 'the 1 [ prat iots were received 1%,.it1i transpvs ; of on thusinsM. The : rich German I i residents• of 'the British metropolis ;look Upon themselvef_-_pr9vide for.', , the bravo yo - ung ...falroirs . who, in the ; disguise of Prusaiait•- dragoons, had i aided Shurz, in successfully carrying t, out his !Roble projeet,:and Prof. Dinkel ; ; himself commenced givinglecturesio'n; :German literature, Which Met With 1 iinntense 4itieeess.• ; Cat L. Shtirz : "Sobri latterward parted -from lhis oh precep ltor, and, si)t, out to seek his fortune in the pro - fraSed land . across the broad 'lAtlantio: Ills career in the United i States is well known,lle had left in Germany ad aged father,. who tonked to see again his,lfavorite son; . .but it isl I ROt easy fOr a man, to ' l iris4, a; couniTy i where .-certain death ' livraits him if, detected:- Still forttine Smiled] on, Shurz. Risen' high `'in favor' 'with ' f'retlident. Lincoln, theGerman-A.riter -1 ican Gei . .eral was . api.ointed, 2evoy 'F;xtraordinary to the oDourt of Madrid, anti fifteen yeii,rB after4his flight with Xinkki, 'he quietly tie-visited..his birth- Wade . Ncc r Pinssian gendarme 'dared .to lay .a finger upon rthc condeinned lelOtr,now a diplomatie.r.epreserstaitiVe of Oite-ofthe most •poiverttil• nations on tihe globe. -• ', ; _,,. - 2. -;,....._____,.........---., . Tun SECRET. — . `l% 'nottee4V same Franklim• 'a mechanic, among - a ntiir.- ber of 'others at Work _on a - house et etic - ig'- . 14a1,- a little,way,tron Ry.oi. flee, `who always appeared to be - i n .. it -merry\liunuir, who had .a ' kind. word and a-cheerful smile for"every one he met. ;.Let the day be ever 66 cold, - gloomy or .. sunless, a „happy s , prOe danced like a suebearit on his , cheerful -countenance:' lgeeting him One Morn ir.g, Lasked,him to i tell -me thnseeiet of . h - 1,:; - constant..ll4o •Ilevi,or sprits 'A -,.i5ee5"et:14 . 240i:,."1 replied, II have got, one,:of,,.tkie 'fbest, 'of wtves and wben II gd?to work, she alwayg • , atlia kind:W - 0A Of . oricouragernent. fci , me, ind7Wlie4_ 1. - go. bonr; A. 4 :17 1 teet#'pte I..wEth a Smile add a kiss ;:; and. ' teen ttis lis.atire to:baTeady,,and.sfin lifts !done 86 Manylitthrtlaings ithiough th day t 6 iittifitVpi(Oihitq. clin - Aicit ,- • flild it In ;tree} :AO ?aFfelde go,:;' , Tl i f in l i. ; ° f.d it. Lily' y:oods , !-.:. , • i ' • )1: :::,/ ::: . , . . . • - I ,-• • - = ,•.1.,...... , i.,. •' • ,• ' ' 51=t=1".1.1•=..- \ t . -;•••,,•, -,+•- • • ' ",, ' - , , , •"" ..'''''' , ,rmt.. , ••••__•••' • -"' —,•— t ' 4. • - ' '- " 'AO; ' ; gager '-••':'..: 11- raittite 1' n . .d.-' ~ --. L4rt- d .tA- ' no - .rertricit.)ll: .•-,. :- ... ~,A.F.,, , ,,v f1e,i1! ~,,,,,,p !., • , -raw, 4 , -,- ; ,,,„ - t r - 1 -- 4 .,-,.r0.,.. _ 1 i ... .• ,- 1 - 0 ,,, , ' 44 ,2 . ' ..,- , ~.., ! ., - 4,cl - - 4 , - t,.7.2.. *=......--• 4..... .v.S. =i - '------ =iy vy - ' - ' ... -; .= . !". l' - `ll , ,tied f . IT t./..1t. -!) et ~- • nt,... ~......: .z:) 1 t1i..,/ , tn +I ti !•".'," I t• •t" ITli if. ...„ . , 1 . „.„.,J... ,0 7 .,, , ,_._ , . Ai ``.l - • ••,- 41. .. , _.• ~,., , . . 1 1 , ..... - 1 T.i 4 . .1t. i t, lii ~. f : 1 ' -' it %trty.l4 .ral. I: lt .;*? i•7l I ...:.,,:‘ , 7 (3 . II :1.2 7 . . 7.... 1, ...''',l. ~,, Ar . h.....,t, . •, i 1 , f 4 ••", S ~1 .11t 95 , 4 --, `-':' • • „ • ' i I';-zi" strii . ~ 7 ! .•-•, Pl' r 1.if9r.,0 4.,,:: , 9I.I; t.v % 1: n z,3113. ••• .1 , ,%-). ttoi 'it9 :, t __ j , .; • • , ,r'• ,, PA , :,1,,,:,..„, ,:tp;.., i„..,,,17-7„,,,i; ...,,,.• .. 7 1 ::: ,,,,,,_-_,.., , ti 4 .._77- r ,......„,•. ,.„ 1 1 ,1 i-. ~ , ,:, ini,.:. 1,:,,, ,:.,...iri„ ,r- I_ •.• -•-, • , •i • 1.. k .1 . . r •-• :: 'lc r, ii 7 ,1 . 1! ~... " z 7 .:. :1 . 1 r . ' :. 0 -..., t r. . 14 : IT . -'• - .. . - ;13 . ;; : 4:47:::>w- . ..irz ; , -ice ..._, _ ~ , d i , 0.1fj4 ,;i 11 :1 ~ , . ,6 ... ~ ~... ..._ .. : c 1 ~. i t 'l9 '''' "-t .' - • .s. - , ~,,...-;` . 1 - — ..'4"7 - •,,,,..A:i . ~: i• _.. 1.0 t I ," ' - ". -- ‘4= 4.; _' ' ..,A, .., :' `-'''''. '''`'t - iI. O - ! ,) • ryrs I-, , 1'f . ..."' 4 : •,. 't i - `4fi, ...; .II :,1 ;lulu; a*i ', : „ i , ~f , 70 , 4 ...1,%, "Iv , , .3- " • _ , sr = 9 ,-`• • ' 1 ' •'.'' '- .; .' .c,,iii;; - 111. •• Pt. 1 -' .. „ . -1 ' i•- • '' -''' • ' vorrue 7. - • C.-- ,, 1,-, l• r ' o.' 1.• .••• • : . ' '-; ;f' r• '', i' l • ;.-1 '- v, 1 ! .. .•'.- -• • --,, -. .1 .:. , . ~r 1 ..... Api ~ _ ....., jr .... 4 4.,=.1 It 1 7: 3 r i • ,-- ~.. 3 , -1 i •., -, -,- ,•. • tr•l • ' f - lii PL -...-i--- .f..-1 . 4 : n .„ , ; - • : , ;f1 . , ,• :.-gat :' ;,:-,:-1, ~ , .„. ...,;1 • .•, i : .t-- -- --- ,-,, I- ....htz k /‘, ..;" .. '.•,'„,--,,„•,,. ' -THEI ' FIEND' PROBST; . "'in - the crtininaTbdiiit sci' I'4ififladii phiaron Tuesday,. Ist•inst.- i the'-mo tion of counsel lei :a new trial 'of 4-: wing• Pxabst; convicted.. of the massa cre-Grit:hp Deerlng familY,..wati refos •tom ed, arm bistriet Attorney Mann asked 1 for. the judgment of the Co urt..' Judge' Allison - direeted the .clork to l direef tf , prix finer pr'isoner. to & _atm up and. inquire if. he hrid.rinything to say why sentence of daitli should ;not be, pronounced.' The interpreter eiar.ding by the dock .in.. farined Frobet Of the,order; • Tbe Pr's , °nor. shook hie bead in. the negative in •to thenquiry wbether, h dha reely i o _ :sniping to say.. Judge Allison then . proceeded to. pass sentence; , . Antoine Probst—You stand 'at the bar of' this Court, convicted of' mon. der of the fir4t degree. A Pry pf your own selection pronounced you, after a patient N4rial; guilty of 4 crime, the punishment of which fie death. Without cause and with malice pre=' meditated, you took the life Of Chrie t'oplier Deerlog. This, the verdict, re. corded against you, establishes as a fact, judiciallY,aseertained 3 after a sot. amp and impat 41 trilal, in; which Your every right was most carefully guard ed. No one,of the , formst which the law has declared to be of1;1‘i substance of such it~ trial, in the j ealous Watch and care which it• keeper. over the life of the citizen and the alien Alike, ;has i been negteutod in your case. IA strati. ger to aetrange land; alone bat) not friendiesk for the law itself' became your friend; provided , you . with able and conscientious counsel; shielded' you from popular violeute; watched over and guarded 'yOur lite with`steep:' ic's vigilance; and by the direct inter position of its might and its poiver, obtained;for you a,. trial, ; to the forms of the Coretitutina - All this was secured to you bti notrifiother ' but by legulevic;ence, noi.; in the. least degree by your own,confession, bat by evi t dence fro • m which tbereiweo,no es. cape, most conclusive in it's character,. ;you have Geeu found guilty of the corn, mission oflone of the most • appalling crimes of which the records of civili zed jurisprudence*maKe arlY mention, A felony' of murder tinparalleteff, your heart coeceived.and your hands executed; In plan momi cemprehensive; io'ininutcriess ot detail., 01 E1 ( 111 % 1 1cl ; 40, execution, relentless, bru,lll, savage beyond precedent. 11 ' r ' , 4 husbarid Anti a fatties ' ; reteruirto to Lis hemo,,,, io. 'all , th , ks.l.ri.--V i o '& l 4-t t i c 'tflih s ; g rWi -ki 't t liMden i o ' v - ed ones, whoni God had - given to br- - toiling at her domestic altar—her Jitimble fireside; n companion - of ' , mar '.ditily labor, who With you sbarel yr .-- Mi• bed; who, almost slept in your arms; at 1 peace with you; the very breath of whose life you breathed) 'your fourth victim,- an inoffensive visitor, whose sex en t uld. have - net in vain appealed to your compassion, if cornpaseion you i p069C1:41, had yeti but thought of the Imother who, (fa4e you bir th. , Apo four , helpless chiltrreo of these Slaughtered parents; four little ,open ; : who.had DO- I ter dons you harm; of thijeo of' these, in innocent arat happy childhood, you had` been the daily witness; listened to i their • young Fend merry 'voices, ana l Perhaps have-.bail thiiin plriy in vonfi- i 1 dente and trust anout you; and the; fourth a smiling, mantle, 1 ten der babe, I who had , not yet learned to lisp your name, ' o r v) know . 1-.111 LIS a Stranger in Wet boujsehold, whose, tiny, -bloody 1 glirment ~ lirotwht here by other , -lirind4 here testirnony most crushing aeainet the ?nrinster , in l the shape of man, who mit and hacked its young life away.: ' 1 1 j 1 W' ,all :who gathered beueath ; the hurrible roof of Christoplrr Deering, but pLO reniaind, • a little, lonely, soli. i Lary boy, saved not by your mercy, 1 for-mercy you had .pant but by an in , terposing Provideocer„ Protected from I your murderous , arm, and uplifted axe, with.whichyou Bought to kill them all. All this you performed alone, or ,aided by andther, it matte - r i b not•which, so far as the legal arid moral guilt of all ' th ese maiden committed. by yoa I is_ :concerned , , and .much, more that thamar. eye r bath not seen. ou iltd,with • 1 malice intionbeivable. I 1 .Alinost Without motive } You went at your• work self - imposed ,, and eignOn. I nocent victims you slew; not suddenr Ily, not in a temper of resistless pas. sion, but in the coolness of a premed litated design—one by One, at inter !vals, With solemn pause; with calm de liberatiou,and with a qtfenchless thirst for•bldod, you seased not itintil all that 1 you set out to do was frilly ended; and you found 'yourself alone with the dead. Your triumph was thee complete. This is a poor picture of your work, and-of this ,I. here remind • yob, 'that you may even now, ht this dread hour for you, realize if it indeed bo poisible ,for you to , a - 0 ac,„ k tu, epormity of your deeds of blood,- and before God seek for pardon 'for your crime.',. , No one may limit His,Power to - for-, give, but you can find_rnerey, only in redeeming;'loye. Man :cannot., l will not, dare not, pass by unavenged, a crime so fearful, as id be simnel. nameless. Society demands protec tion and violated la-4 iti vindication. • ,But the Omnipotent . Giid 'hathi said, tWhosoever will, let.hiM come." To 'hia.meri:y I'commenti yda. • f Y •But what you bate to Ao,'do,speed- V rQr. thd . night _of, (Utah ! ,Crids its .. AI- - .., i . r ahadtiors alreridy.,moun4 • you. JO ..!".. ~.. : .!. ~..i 1. .....:: , ' 1 , ®~I EMS •i - Beaver;-;) '.zavv.:.eanes( • F,14-4 v4ij tp-j, 1-; , r:- ~,, .. - ; hat 0:43' ~....t. „ , .., WM00'3 1 094 ,kiNq . 4' At*qhfiN, lviftor,,yOlt s , ink'. ,knit V.V., = '.c.R4i - . 4 ,1h i he.niOlip,,th...i.iiJOeike -, ' ' • Aiii;ig 4 tY . Ow n 64 LZt;iirPu:Litt . q/K141;13 inii;si and Itielies on OkktfkaAqu At& its wib... And:. ihat;ilyilelle MUMS.: tO be. lore, shall , not . long lNdoi4,yecr„ Toil hatfrour - o? Ciiiiin tiliv i tWi4t:4 l , ait,4 , ,Atir:f i elf-P - urP l'...''' I l ilAt l ig n 4 4 4lk iii}. triurripl; noW, o tbo:44etilop.; 0* p'oBikr o' , 6ony.ictia l ~s 0 4 - piiiiiv .. .i . §, - t,;ii nit ; , ,'verest 4innishTnt!ofAltk! iltn!nnk w'. ~,'' hif5 . .d.6.4 n ikfOli . e#, IXl:fAti ,I 1 n1 1 474 9'0 , lied utriged,f 4tis i tiOi r hler symputhies`,ol4 mlturc.,l,,,i. It; 90 iy. ren4ilia:for_ me tb,334514 ,9 , 1,. you i the. judgmo in.. iff, the,4,ir„, iti s liltik, ill,: o,Lit-----I.ilerk,,tha - . :iiii i .gFilg. 4 4 !, arUetl, - and_aio!4. brolilitedlit rsop,-, I eluded the siarttotic,Farito ifitig o: the prianher ,at tb*tiar, be r i. s mi,,frop l hence,;” to the la a il:..0f ; I:13?„ „tit:y . i,94. PhilatTelPhja, fro .74 13 9 P. i i ..d4PIN ancl i tht!iee 'to th "'" Mace Or, 11014. and that li s e;therpl_loii hail ,r l v..tti# neck until he ,isdincL . in - flti,..VA haVe 'Mercy on' h . f 4 iicsiil, I . I' , lil r., , ,'. Dtii lug the tim ;the awl;' , is :•itfitAi the crimes comiliiitiid by, NON* falling from the lips'ot .1"11,4 , .itliiiioi; t : and *hen ilia:terrible *o i? Ofifi l * that .cOneigriea :he Mari:4l: ,r I it. iiie; gallOWii4ind demanded blood ..xbioc r ere, being uttered, the . kiii•, qm , l 11 , 604 in' 1. lie clock ii 9 impassive , risa.. tatiie." , At:no point dicti4 evidee,#AiliVOtiloa , . tn. give.. Way to iv feeling ofpip?'tien, aticl he resumed . 'his seat ail .j iltiritela apparent indiffeithice as tiiii kilo' hit 4 merely heciisent iceil", tOdip . ..,yealo'c,. t la the cauaty pre • pa ter , *rilWagAlia. necks ;of a few of the' , inrOitili of ftiraiii, fartneee. chickebloop., ~. ,--- . - _, • -- 77 — r. .:4 - 11 - , c4 ., NC:p I.BILITIES I C0:464M; (4.74:,,00,cr. 1 . respondent }of . a westewfillpor, 'de., scribes'. Mr. Bal win, ot ittireaster,i Mass. District. llthe 'there' -1,-,itian in congrees, ph - ,scall,Y, ;l ii;!'T;44tiii: guiehed some of he i pthitysi';. ..- `, LI ' , The ,weialthies 'man . is faido.'iltleN' !of Maigichusett 7 , the isiiii4:apOl& [and shovel inanlicturexiiitAbntalzor J.I 1 Tbe meet; exten iv.e houtiAkttlid ! manufacturer, itt , F , B -Ail,tof Di e . sacbusetts. . Theheaviissli - plsziti , pac. .r., er is Benjamin ;• gglestonoc.4244 . Theinost extensive-iron liiii4fatitat . 4. er is .1. A. .Gribmuld, of.Ai ,Ilkop_iotic : ' / The riollei,t•bapker,is,Sm Itanper; iof M.lissachusiittThe-. loritt4. : on' • the . Derener tfol:;eide; 1 member., D. Wl-; [oiihr' .‘;.. The host speake .on for . tile galleries, is, Vir I Pennsylvania. , .Dhe, speaker (by :the. .Ein Illo7,tr..MalN ir and .ntost. Bundle' off hail- 13 ( ) - la'. the SpealiCr, 11..0. :Schuyler. coltax. I The hest-voice • fu -declamation Ili that lof N. P. 'Bonita of Mussaciatiiietts t clr. i Tho. host lcultiv ted • head'--of lhair T 1 is that of. 4.6dre ' Jackson Beget-N - 1r a t 1 New Jersey,' the: leader of the .peuir craticparl.. - i . . You& TEETH. -M ROW/TOl SAVE Beecher, .40. sician,'asvfell as lecturer,and says: I "Otie tettb breath; tip l seerra eect-masticittion something ofpb:,4 %.tbeologist, ftuth.o fefo - rmi" geOertlll acuY; Hen .ba month, and Every body iedrets bt it. What ii the t i cause? It is a Want r . cleanliness! Aci can t3oth'ileor de cays. The mouth its', a wartn place- .ninety r eiglat degrees. Partieles .Of mita 'between the. teeth decomPose.4-, Ghnleriand teeth . must'strifer. - Cleanli.l ness will preserve • the teeth 'to old i ago. Uscia qnill,piek and rinse - thej mouth, after•eatlrig; brush with, - c5-1 tile soap every horning; brush ~.wil b pure water On r tiring. Bestow this trifling card on our precioti44eeth, you will keep tpua• and ruitrithe deia tists: Neglect' at arid you, will be an sorrow all ;your lilies: - • • • Children foricet. Watchthem-f-- :rho fist teeth deterinino tbeebarse ter of' the seentid `set.._ 'Ot) them equal care."; • I Sagui,'acids; •• are_nothingepth, posed between tl loesen thel teeth, out, bitt . 'keep,t, will never dee l 1 worth more thl th eVery boy a beim written 0,1 brief 'articleto sential. • pt,dpnks,l ;aied with t,egi!,ll; usa;May heti-, clean This , thoixsaud: ' d girl: n the silt teine 'all I , .I.YEPENO ON YOOKNELPi--- Ofit yonng men consider it a great pi sfortunn to be; born poor, or not live eamtai enough to eptablish then:l6cl ee at their outset in life, it a good,buliness. This is a- mistaken 'potion.... So far as pOvi. erty being a inisfor.tnne to heiri , ifivre may judge. from w bat . w every daY behold, it isl really a bl seingr Ithe chance is :morel thin ten to onnagainat .bin't WhOltarter with lifent - of motley. ,Let any one to ' k 'back. twenty years and see who egan' busitiels iit . that time with ebtinditut . mrianfi,' Mt& tillOO them down io ' the. priMoriti - day. -,- How' many -of ' 'them' now- lionSt .Of li t , Worth and . stit ding'? On''thnOtiritrit. ry,.h9w :many ' ave. becOme ifortr;rlilit their plaeen in ociety, and nre.iiiiitiil by the i r own - iboon eornparunns Wit',h a' look 'Which plainly'"saysi "I ,know you not !" '' I. . i ''l - gi.nizz . ony'fisii that .!.Kiq.! toct't.hc!,!3Pd of a:mates name, in inadyi instiiiinen, it i liko th e* %nick 'ins piestiil--Oloi4fOr in o'rnamenit, an•for link Priotical nee: .• • it •I , , Tema 00.10i0Nrcisali I R , oastruation. , . i 'd6i4det Si . keti.o4Oryiteitsiii, iollia l :, ~,,.,,,,,-,. , I s a 1.• i.. ~.,- . L . , ..,,; 1.,,... 2 „ ; wAo.ilgsg4. 'Pit , g? I flP / A L Mq`ii .aryv , meotrwhioh„.i4f; good:Aoryiee bkfkly •truio* army and mho. isonenotlithe mililt'Of I angres i s r electa bi'sho Ils-'lite4; detente i ' 6l 9 tl ? l ' °f:,ii l , ' .,t 14 4 i ' ,3 .7 , 1 Q,, rceelnstrn woo as. , will 6 ill lay ~ , ,,,, ~? . , . , , , 't ' the' follo.vfltag extract from r a ,eFteethl recentli delivlerttdi by trim: . ?, , , ;1 ''`Bit'`it, ie I said 'a, radical' C ngrfiss willtb , ,,iitithil. Unin men of tb, Solth. ,t, l'afti Tine of lhoOet men, find a ' aPPh 4 cunt ler* ; l ie - 4 *Congress. I believe , It'itiijhe iii•dmltrne`eono ogres* will 4o ttfi°#nty ih re,gard . to Tiandift: tielittinfit ny.ol her State tbattakeb the , same c poklitioa, W-Ily is 1 ft,;hoti'dhpei I riort i We hare hatlh warr for fon'''. ol five' 'earn; ' " 1111 cannot expe tiCon gresst9 heal all these differenc 8 iti, it . ! leo+ l date. lib Wire `ltheir dat hi ex-'I athit4theccirrditie`o of the gov`urtniento 3 / , nt'llkisit Statesf , tojoaarnine their con -V stitu Ong 'ilnd. ln rit.; l ' and Who rt' their loyal tzovernment,•inproperly estab-- 'Malted to regognizot.44l„amilthen one . I ppint: is settled. ,Attex, that , coM OS the ift6l+ tlilitliie d 4 'to - the 'lnalllNti' i tima o mn:l)j '''cobn , '"rtiiii' had a rrgbt tool iiii 64 ciibe the,.lo oath; an i T say here th'at I would sit in my seat untitil frozi to dedth before ;I would ever Tote &repeal Ittie Oth uktd tlie' SoUthern freople an it 'Keir,papAri4l4`ow a different tons 'manta 174 Untotilnea of the 'Soil& Xow tke I Presi'deht,fide`iiiiti himself the,, Con.; grad; 'Millie lle1:14td tee state ovirri m -, eoti tirOy' egtabliAb hd ' it 11; 1 e -- ao --..beehme vend ' Why.; ttibn i iiire tfiese Statki not; admittedl - r - ,:witl 1 t - etryoti. • Ciangressaiked for e ` donee as tetbase'Siat:eft. it asked or the. firtactaniations, honstittittoans; ''do n 't rattan; laws. 'The' Pieeidlin j rneltei' ,r, lekt them to Cotigrese . until,larch:— But mean while it'had'heeteg th:3,nk. ii,roots ' from' other jut Old` at' fetikttli 'lr *as just, 'read,i , t 4 'fidniie Tefitidixiii.".'...Then One' brankh of !tti'e, LegVilittati*va r s disorg,nized, atidl the rhlael 1 , 141114(r not 'beifig *flllire'to shbritit t'ii the tole or , the tritiority; 660414' tti breakup, and `-deaf O , • 1 the - • 'They, ' left', ;OA c 'frontle witbbist a lia t o l lith 'n'tni Tf'is oti :iv th 4 cifit i,,qaorniF,: t -- And I sa,f'thlt while' tbe_garprothent was in i ttpatcoOrdltfotil • they ill iiiot,'h M. an of_ .oit' wlii , iibutd lialaratu A, dd deo+ : l t re4r,impY `Qiir land ajsicii 1 is 0( 'lt 11168 1 wits :This Ithit js MIER lIM 1 1 ii NEU • ;„;:,;.."!1,-;11; „ .•- ;7 row a fi.'freli . s .dee . a. .._ is ' iii . ii' . 1 1 toward the 1117 . niou . men 'Of the'South, as there ever was in 1860 or 1801,—; 1 14, - the faefs - havU proved t at 'COn uress it; itS cool and crelibert' 4 trtiat -110 Mont of ttie . thatier, closer . di , the thanks , p1,._a11. - IJniott' : mon';: giving otipOrtunityl, IcirilitisS, rebels o Show, thei,lrabdii. irne will sb w that Congress - Was right. - Brit' II these things will be settled wisely 'rid liafe.' IY, and 'wfea,loyaj men, get c ntr)l cif . , those overninsti'ts, thee will. then b'el nri clifticulty, and all t i "Cie q estiims will I bo„ sntibladtorilysettl d.'.'lp Tenciesiee Two Bliall e E 'bt ne - erilifn.4 bers:, to' make _a f ffrtOrinn, ..t en :the' franchise bill , securint , contro toi ley- ril rhea will 'pass; -and then] I have, no .'ilotiht Ithat Congress WO act promptly and rightly:" 1 - ---- -- tt .„. . ‘ ..i ~,._'' q_, now . sta...."Atlvcotrt • zIGICED THE 1 NO9LA.IIATION.—Thb - Roßieg.ter Ex-- press relatoti the follow.jug„toti the'.cir. li eumi,taticoti attenditir - .: . triettln'd sigoatut a, te the Etnsixiipati n` Po laination;,anci- says ;it hasr e rio ..before horn pu.bliithed. .The large lt ieon... tainibg•that document *as taken to nr..,;Lincoln it noon on the 11.t3t day: ofAanuaryk 1863, by Secretary. Sew az& and his son Trederiek, 1 , 48 it_, lay. Unrolled befo+,hirn,he tookrtripen, I dipped at in ink, moved .his ,haud,t6 I t i t the !place ,fur.- signature, •held it ft i rnoe.. l rn erit'and. then removed his, andrand droPped'th4 pen. After a ii_t Ea Lest tatien he, again' tonk up theipekand went, tb,rcingb . 'the same, 'overeient as before. I.Mr:Lincoin turn d' i te Mr. SeWard.arid ss,id: "I have b e n shak.B , ingl i , handi-, Since nine o'cl ck , this morning-and mi ti right arm r 'almost paralyzed.. ilf y name . ever ;nes latnifistary it ill be for .this act, and myi whole. spat is in it. If, any band trembles when 1., sign the proclama tion, all who.' eiamine, the : document hereafter' will ~ say 'he :hesitated: "-- Me' then tureed-to the tattle', took up I -the ,pe4 ag0ip....404 o.loFlyos+oteft ',bat "4 1 11RAFIAM LiNctue will Which:the. whole . world As .tlbw fainiliar. I He look 4 up,"smiled _;and .sii4l; !ghat will:do " ThatproclainsttiO9'.oser4cl that . the 4 .E•icutive., Govern, tueiat "Or the.ll,nited Suter, inclidlno the juili=l tftry ,and mi t vak anib4rities, thereof:, will rzcognize ; .and fnaialuidlthe . f.iii 7 do g of zaoh. peFsons.' l - 1 ' i , Art Eogbeh -Fae er recently re marked that "he fed tits !add before it wae' hungry, retit'ect itl before it was ieeers; ,and " weeded iti before" ft+' Was foal:" Sefdcm, +if ' was so:mach tegrioultnial wisdom- 1 Conde ea in-:I eiagje ienteace. • -, • + th 4. entire Oseto of ro rapt Weiri DiGO to .aotEti soalpiiSoisnou'Ai biin..itiOp them.. . l(711” IA! • -"talalighedolBlB I. , iZe iiiiiit,;i' _ i Ofiii.etii6i4-iia !,...', 4 ,,i, taa - swhiu - i*,''6l3 1) 410 1 t k "ff li. Li 'i stn 'fl 'l. .+- •Z. • i 'J a .a . 1 2 t Scsitt4n,t he Senate. ~. Ijr,. :..:: stf ~ .. ..N ..:,:.... .-..-.7-r.t...,e; 01 1 Ti.. l i.:i.; 'lie, ifu3st,ela tuat'...aec,calva wile .n ot ,t.easi..:tri-. i • . , „ 1 - .-f!lla i tleblita 3 tliiit iroerch&ri 6r. arrnikfa i aimallibritveipigittecoailitttl4.nali . •' :::: ~,! H Re ,‘tylid2 Velem, ,e ife(414.4c1 o• t.louutAtt,,q, t4pilid9gq!,b)cp.K4g,,' - 3 tilinorir,,,' ...i4, , , 'eandiarles ' and ei)lgtiqiers '' ; . - 1i,. - iiiialkiib,f dii!i' Vi'(!e;iii;agb /I - 4 'flie' liPthe it,ii.. Of ithlroti Aol \lii,.^C•. ..Ho pmelairned; by ii - 4' pligatipr i . that ; 1 1 J . - 01 E;p4rie -NF:if a ipmq.rll).4ol l V ; t l ka-hil ) ./9/Pha.ri l, -E-Ai1t9,(4.4, ..-.- —:: - •;,,,--. ..,, , 1 , W'_ fif., l iirihir,t.! t G'ti raiiiiiig, wr iir' .mieti tiy t6n4CAotioii.' ' ' -i ',- , ' ''' <r I :kte , s'e)pesed 'aii'l• eire'ktrittod-lievers' ' 'eaaare by zif bieb Orll4 lilt ,waitgliNgo : 'l,4ech-C9'W:44iA 3 4 A hr4hum.,4i?icolk * d" 1 ,4 , 9 a "typtli , -usuriir; , 4 Duri Tiha ., ,, L 4 a 4ii" ,, ;4 .iJ ; , -.11„,...; t: ,, ,wiu.,'/ . 1 '1 - l''lt'e ri'diefil&P' A h4tr4iv-Johiiiiidifius , •ii ieert in q". blielf.-b hp iti,'f, f i Oebriate'':l ia'act -"ativen tu •-ri" ' I , .• : ...... 1, -. 4: • Il i ' ;;.!..!I'' ( i 11 ,Llie qvies - 01 tbp, ex : teneiol of .. tke e ec,t;vo fiat - jails:3'6 : Ole 'rgen in the [field loerit4ig th:eir:li yea' • tir ' defe,nee;:of Jtliel'Uniii.4;, , utidr wheil •thCrAid -7 v4e,. I:ie efiaried: t!utt such use, of, itbejtalip,t. l'..7aalklegAil.ald 4 fraad:.; - .; r,.'• - „- I t ' I -4 1) °PrOi4 l :tihe do f4rlatiegthe iii ; o(' deaettera. - 111itt ' i tiiatkie'd ' 'Within the legal Toitetirlo ;p tibt-efite. theiiiiniihine et of. boitiioy-jampitif . ..: ....i: ./: ~ , .., ', ; e • • 0, lie pAulij,iiftt4pOlinic heknous in the a.driftofflpgr oi,tbu of 'en .11p "dethirtici and ineisied tbtit it'ought•to 449 whgio 1-he dd.fiiinafed theAldetion 'to the Pre,46 env oto playedfiqtt•milltarypAubsiat.; Tre „ tei?/Fec l cit)'cl IP 6 • 0 1,/u 1 4 1 'Thillril• ea itt't tnion kqeibtA;.. , I ''. l l'ltty'OpPelaed tlid estahliahnient of a ,!Tatitnahntrreneys....: ,-, ...I -..1,• cl •-,.'i fate iritiSted '9h Pennkylviatda Ray-ing or Znglish ereditors,o geld, lftbo - ,releff 41 fitnn - pinl liesilinia . ' the 1 • , rate blllfif 4Y . bib" likked lo' Pay in eiirrntieyl , •The phyblentln - gold'etal the -GosninonWetilth ,taidk. Ain:unhand* de: doll ars, I* WO, „pen i: kit ! the ti itii: tO, fill the pocke4, p i t EngliAatan who, were then erigagediti affording aid l an ~,, 'ennifort i toc . the repels', figh t tifrefili the - destineitOn Of 416,-Gtwerntaint 1 - ''' , - 1- ;L lT h ode litre. affew4lf -the , d iatitvAisbed 'acti perfnilited- fry-Meister -Clymer , . 1 , !lido helwan•a•atateAelLator: Re is now a ,Oariditiate for„Goiernar, and wai tiorifiunte'd'b his' party because . - ' '9oi , ,lill the . ' Ayse a CAA?. :with A re= ;tilt of -,the ,thy answer: -=-11, IS just QaUSe.forlitMentatiOti tho sticLeases as the following shoula..he --;•- 00 ,rat oas to seem...woes:l66ll:7 , , ' The , 'Most loving ' tenderness nisi blend with the loftiest eipurage. ' The recent' spilt - ma of our: own- eamp's 'and hospitals attest this Limply: , • "Sail. gems;"' 6 id one of our generals, after the battle.of 'Gettysl3urg, "I, give my friend, Captain -,.----,-, into your- es pecial care. I would I were , wounded instead of fhirn." , •.•! - - ,i 1 I Arid this- eapi•xiin, who lay 'there t3tif -1 foringG,baid to the surgeon, "When', I was brought in here,. wounded, before 1 our toblv general. mounted his horse for 1 the pursuit, he: came 'here, be ,put. his arm around !fie, read those hlcssed.ver- Sea, 'Let not your heart be troubled,' Lit.e.,„ arid, kneeling dowii, offered a I brief prayer for my recovery.", I ' And this, was t-he man whoSe fight ing at Omni:lieu. Hill, the first_ day, i l befere Meade-'came 'ep,•tia,vil the day for iiSl ' Howard' is his m ns.e ! ' "T THE Weatbot•o' correspond . entof_the Worcester BAT writes: • Ar, - old tidy, Ruggles, , O. now ., living to .this town, at the v,enerable age of ninety three years, With faculties -who, .ti 'teacher, in Qumc bridge,. bumbered.among • her pupils a fair-haired boy. mimed Robert E. Leo, 'afterwards known to infamy •as the 'commander-in-chief of.the rebel artki." Perhaps a, mo re iigorous - aitplication of the - birch. in his boyhood's days 'would have ,savSd him the necessity laterperiod by , schoolmaster. tr. S. 1 IGrant. , . . , , Tit Mobile Regglef' at - the head of itti columns -the name of Gem; era! Robert E. Leo as candidateFfor President of the United States in 1868 and renlai•kit that there is a concerted organiistion now. in progress to.. put forward,fithe"nindel hero of the .oon federac?! as the State Rights .pemo cratio.cAndidate in the next Presidenr tiaLcanpaign.. A BABY convention -,held at Huseat:ine, 101vf,7 4- rireend-y; - Fifteea mothbra.. with theW ones;. were preient; and voted' - on the Auestioir . of the,. prettiest. Each baby.. gob. f. One ioL'e and no rndre.,i Every tTiother ed. for. her plan. Offs pri So . prittmAN;putting op: as'lnti, was 'talked 'in , the %rnortif,hg' hii* 'tee". , Alirrinh;`mati;" ha rapl , lo; 411;6 vir vera eel; eitherrbilt bettei'at thsim'tlie atiti 6' thetri arie'S'iffts 'WS 'nigh : f. 4 !.: \ _ - Ir is-,stated that Abo:Algrmoris Utah are-rebellioas.- ITheyi have' 're-7 ccntizeassissinated.eight,Gentiles, and poined! up placards warning all Goptilaa'to leave the Territor7; ,6 , nt Lie eredi..- • • .1110.1 lqt ff• ;,aOItiL4VITOP . A 3 _ 3 C.1 . 1 I' Illr;tUr t;1 ttrirr . - 11:t ti`Jt;i. yc iti ' IM=II=4M=MMEM - • Tar't AdTertik*:- . ltrakirtree. snbiequenWriiteitti kiksilAt) Watuf adreitiiseie~aj~gle } Snte.. , x _: li. A space sun:skin ywErxklines- - crf • •- • nenisnesa a 9 a . 6Bllfirep.i ) VAM ' • : A rntesaitiggAiigaa4o l4,ll 4. 4 4atC - , Business. bills, D . ceni4ii" tinei per yass Vi r gairgitlTh ‘ )4 1 Ws , g. t i l l' , 4Y r t*Or - - ana other,:N n ticeq V"•pptill. Ant.eivi 1 ~f 1 1 / 3 ;;411,:i • • T l / 4 4 1 liti'Vkstfifii / 011. 4 ',l-1 .. airtuikeis.-YElS'SOkfads?=- 4 4otrifirsi, tail;tiattett,;ofinranbrit;fvellen Pyosi Ph , niv;i4l4lo-leri ettf4 ,rlSt)Pkft. _ 1 0 ,91 1 t ho l, t;‘.4t l 1 P? • 'ra f t gq& - if,ir . once, — The ;nor. urn • ;11164 forrudatition stiO bihettille 4 iktilos4 7, tit& tiffifcifibits;-)Zt`e . enfirPosn'til , prorierties. , But , ,aftfoots.p ocanpylbg4:: • PfsTi. d>, l ! ) , §Qil Year4tAcr,!"x4A!, THRti.l4: OP ,;bitrelis i tf b. ,ef _4lO mionr,e;:-. 7 th, M, part coming 'tbellidt* - 2 -1411 'lid szettrit-4t;:dease several -tir'opo-=.1.6 gee I,i:sain{); , :licoefit it - of : % :.41141111rf:# plOyfift u ndef,l- : - ' 'r?orOn!illps - 11:ti f ie efftio ,• benef( ,the 7 thipte•bht;fshnie'dfotte l itretig,is . i 4, upf l . l nit de hart: to ot her rhea dal int reefliSte., - 11 ,148:, Oa! Yi t al t Y'iltk ) i ,preferable„ ;atm or, rt(p r gitOqtll-60111}i. It litl4 et!•very'elEitiely : add - Ado; asd thoionkh • rotten,' if the.etren4h 411: • 4go ground. -‘ • ''. ;•r;--); 911; .For even top ` Or'3 s Vl Ottlylor yel: at shgbilk::: for.more,- sOin r clwbst opo6 the quantitylaPplris4 wad, 'the nature .of,,,,the, plpiyod in ' the ' good effeets, ; rill, seen nionk, tile; grass for yelrs— and ' t ogg egato e lV bet • sr b • gfea er than+ , itlionliapplied to -tho (Hose ,observatione upon experiments seam -1- Y).-44Ye the ground ',ben t it i lt your, / roughma n urn; arof fet felinent'antt h'in i follet'hl3`Siritafit'St, the grAik'orbp; theca- the oti. 'dertvo - --morti, botefitititecaer 'yo..p.,derife At 411. •cok co_u f Sq v Whprp raititlg t .• tppi d r,essi n g "alone can -he. "rcisprted 'reheated' 'c'ditts .; iftn tin IS" fiticvbeit itiii•apPlfy - is , tidvisab,lB.l tiWhei~ ' umbihy ;: or the i etkailp* - -,rnoting' ..,:graseles,.- s art t ygrow : 34 o manure rnfin, ,he:tkpr - ougly,,wc t r,ls . ed Lth the'serfaen. fly Cultivator ifid.'harrol att'fh. graiK*llll . 2cignit VUt'6llp 4 s44P ,0114t'ln:ro,r- USEPII,LNEsSI OF TEM k ty • tywit-thai no fa t me • . mil' . trer.destro;Vetl:- cfr -Sell6 7 the 0114 any deinage ; svhilo ,the are .-cKf sfrest , 4.9rikee against, the dehre4ations of .-aticq 294 nog tu r nal ' i'nseets t l' he watnitd . i r Ili fells' h 6 To 110 term,: ; Ili: , • hp fe64 l - 4 dills consists ttltalk6" eifiebly tt.' 7 %,ll4' l o'iiti4 a6l - if thftte. Ratly•ot the 'arcialler 'speefes taultitadeal•of ) • 't•slient.=,, and =SE .neniti'ttiacuie nrieist; 'diurnal pArtike . l ioni'whAtt ' ;of" the tir . 4witti, • And 101 which -pursue nd- Cap tura, while oq. the:llll4k But &co; tik 16 1 5 ,611 hut boinpared with the , ber:Cfiig theY:are• ethistafeily (Ming by deettroying tioxicturs'ininfal4.wilieli; as: •we have el ; coniititUtci thti:oreater poi.tion tit tbkeir. food 'AVe all know that Ini_ce'd§ - ,innoile mischief LI uri the : : Wintiir • sca- - ,On in:- inrdling trees,' hedges,- etc., and -: nu 0 merous inventionsandappliannes , havo been - recommended •foritie protection= of tr,sesigaint• ,their ravages, nearly all of which are found •to be impracti : , cablii ''writei. recent: number of at:mos- tilat'-it ge t ntleman'• tvb,o' bad r ; l:iveral.lhundred pear trees ; jest;:. - eorning : into ; bearing, had, them natirly a 11,. : ., destroyed_ by .15fow,;' should nettle owl; which assists the farmer.' in' by dCsitrOyinglranimals whick e are structive ,toi 1 ie.inteceets:,prpteeteti and-. rpgurde,d. 'ag i f'riea„4:/" .11 • Diaaityi ing of - ,00 .4 1 iiieilatjii r lits.itßtct. Yar mere' Club s ii inemVer related ei piniunce in - this tasiter Irishman • in• his 4niplOyitlent,• i n.order to. ascertain: Where , Int', , dig to obtain. .water_liounest, got-al_atcine t and , over night in_iie granct; next t haidpari.; - 1:n th'e'rnernllig he four:Alt quite nioist; tio:aefflT eiently' so to ' ' suit his-.taney7 : '' meat night-tie tried it in another spot, rind it mus_ found very -wet„on..,the ing Morn : mgt. I ."Ther . , o :l'' said Patrick, Cita water not many ;feet; b .nd pientl4,l Siii,iitiough e in a - few; days' digging',' confirmed his predietinn, nottiitlistatiding ;the jeerel dt Abe miorkrnen7-11 , vein which., eilled. , t4e, melt to ,overflowing t and- renderedlt ti4ceedingly bail- out. the w:lit"erio a o stone it.— philpileidby of the o; ''ration seems. to: be that as teit eViticidiation takes place -front tbe i sarfacer :the earth during the night; tbe.,Mikter,i-is es up from the depth below Slippy. -the loss, andis;ceuinulates,-.A.tii the -vi. einity, _of tae . stens, „Often : making quittra puddlp,, , . • 7 - PACTS WitiiiTit-.RumEVFnutimotin 'Werth , white !fet..! all far In dr Ft;liFery. to • culture is better-than three t'uor . ,,two ges on their,tarna.-...._ ..... ! ; 'Tlfat ae,offensivic wasAga,inst, Wteds tubes eNpen4Q3,i l :4l?‘ l .ft de. fengovecohe. - ' " J, , l'hat' , .good c * feneeil. Thi2yof fetter' `thou inwsuits with oisig bora: , ; . .. : That. bay. is ligr:citti• littlit:,( . lW4l3oo ) in adit .sut i piner, that, .._purchti:lted•i,n "wiriter.. That ,more stock perfAti tioraltif, ins than founder; : • = - , .Thesciktuping the reed -- Of fattening togs is a WuSto or grain, - ovoi-fect idwis• OE =I MMI II 11