The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 02, 1866, Image 2
tifri..SEAVßAkfii . ',AftOUSi. what ' • AitIPIMI: itrollAw4 co.i ! me w ass isorgottilia. MAY 2d, nee. NOS 13011111M011, -4EN: JOHN W. TEARY, Of 13171111311141 ND {MUFTI'. s , 'Tye fresicleht has! ; removes W est -Ittrdock, Eeq.,-litariAial of ttie itiiDilititet of Penneylvinix,Wrid 'eV-% *kited 06f. gainuel 3eiceivps , ‘n his hisrid. the'Sdnatelitis not 'confirmed lepPetintiiient, . and Murdock *tifl . continue in office until 'the confirt mitiod of his. successor.; We regret 'this change, and, so far ae w,e, know there was no necessity for making it. There was tic% more , effiqeut, capable and worthy; officer tbeigrkliiivdock. He attended and to the business of his aloe won for himeelfhosta of friends throughout the -District' by his Ourtetirus, gentlemanly Veariiig,and by the honesty, iiiipavtikility and firmness With which he discharged the duties of the office. IG iwould be well if the, Government bed just such men iv ally placesdf trust and profit • The removal of Mr. yon B3nherst,' , thePostmester at Pittsburg. and tsp._ poiritment of Wade Hampton, caused great excitement in the city, and good .met of all parties were 'alike grieved at the chenge. ' We fear the Ptesidenti has not been tairty dealt with by his friends and that, representations have been made' to him to induce these changes, that' Will not . bear investigations Such changes as those we have referred to, will do afore to weaken than strength sn his course Beaver County. Oil Interests. The excitement in and around Island Run,'in this county, still' continue . uhabated. We bear of new strike `very- day or two. Indeed, we be line that every well which has' been i • bored,to a sufficient depth, (about 635 meet,) has proved , remunerative, and proved to be al' flowing well: Thee groat. Value of the oil interest on Is land Rirn and at Smith's Ferry lies in the' fact, as yet bin little understood -abroad, that the oil as it comes from .the - ground is - ready for 'hurning,with. oat the necessity of heiiig subjected to the process' of refining. 1 . The crude oil, which is - o 4 a beanti. ful - straw 'or amber color„has very little odor, *led when battled in a .-iituir provided with .a crude oil burner, gives alight equal in steadiness and brilliancy to the best No. 1 refined ' carbon oil. Such being the case, we - arri,..eurpriSed tbatsteriehave4okima_ AtilaleariAs i- briining laid iti..:the Eastern markets. - We have 'no 'doubt that were arraUgemente: made for .... supplying the public in New'' York,- Philadelphia, Boston, &c., that there • would . soon be a'deynrind for more than . :' all that the combined productions of the. Veritotis wells on Island Run how 1 afford, for ilttiMingting ffurpeSes.,l 'As it, no'* is, the principal part.of the; oil is sold to the refiners, who' ive their 1 own price for it, and it scar ly brings. ; ,more than the crude oil of the Venan. go regions, which iti totally unfit - tor illuminating purposes till fined. We loam that the leadin operattis r; in oil Wand around Smith's Perry, having lately litid their atteetion' call- ed to ; thiS matter, have begun to -agi • fits the matter, with a view to having theinerits of' the Smith's :Ferry` oil fairly tested in' the Eastern markets. , In order to tringaboht this inattcr, we would suggest that it meotink of those most interested in the matter Se Balled at sui early day, to take irto cofilideration , the.propriety of a cons cart of action, with a view thplacingi the quality of this oil Wore the public ' in its true light: It is'said, wilh 'how :milli% truth We know not, that the re , .:- Seers of ml, •*hose, interests would. be ' considerably emelt'. itie pate 3 hostile to* tile 'project, an it ii alai stated Mkt' they have alrilidy taken • ipettiftlireif to secure in leieral stated ;legislation ripOir this subjeet. It'is :also said that they gave secured to a great degree tfici'doiitral of the Mantl% faoturers of Isiiiips and bUrners, so ttlat there is'at the present time but a al bgio establishment in Pennsylvania , eilitir &ado oil burners can be pro. cured. ' ' , If thesethings are so, it- is • high time that our. oil men 'were waking np tolheir interests Heretofore they have been principally devoted to the' production 'of oil, and the ineidentat - matter's concerning •the pit:tearing of engines, boring wells, securing leases, &e, &e., have engrossed them atten tion; bat now that those have in a great measure been shtisfactorily, eet.s tied, and the oil flowing from the vai. riaus wells, it is time to look rt . little Into she . question of the value of the treasure thus obtained: , '. - Let us then, -if no other plan can be, deiistd, have aconvention or meeting, of those'in. terestod, and . a full,,free discussion - of the - subjectland let - ne, see whether iome'meant canhOthe devised where ` .by the oil shall be set ' free from the' ~-. mely of the refineva and placed :„ rTon ta true basis. - What do our oil w i Plo• l ay to.these suggesting ? no 1 r I Tom' onitifititlon. t 4. Wirshingtor: diepitch . to c‘ontninfrial,ditted ington,•*ptil Bcb,= istiye Etr Oiiitaittee held a very i*". iortnnt ` meeting 1 tti-day, durintw 'eh 'they definitely t nireedlOn . etiWnitted to Congress ; and the... Con- try- for the reconstrietion of tae 111 Thy itr. SOntbern States of the nion. Btl*xral isictims iti oil ti,rnidli by tuat4ol • „ bark of the, CodirOtte`o4;aiir '&644ridt tu a oonstitationtrl Wifikidicitint,ti,hieh ' *.iii, to iditlY: l reportedl to the Ilfonee 'on 11 bi day ~ Thereart considerable' e satisfaction expressedi in; the Commit= ! tee r, lfiat they hid corn toaeonelusion.l Thefolloteing is uncletoorl td be thel consittniidnal 'imendment proposed :1 !Anita SECTION I. No• State hill make or enforce any hi* which I shrill abridge the privi ages or,-immu- 1 pities of citizens of the United - States; riot shall any State' deprive any per-.j son of,life; liberty or propertywit out' , due process of law,_ nor deny to any P, erson within its jurisdiction the' quit protection of tke laws. l ', • SZO. ;2; Representatives shill be appointed .among .the . several;'S ;atei which ,may. be. Included within tkiie Union, tecording, to their respective itumbernrcounting the whole number of Persons in each ptatp, oxdudink In. diens not taxed. ~-) But whenev li, In any 'State, the eleOtive• franchise hall e lz, be denied i to any Portion of its male ' - oltizenitinett less than, twenty-one years of age,Ainin any was' abridged, except 'for Participation in rebellion or Other lertme. the'bruns or representation in such State shaltl? - st. reduced in the pro. portion which thenumber of suchl male citizens shall bear to the 'whole Oum ber of Male citizens, not less than 21 years of. age. - ' 1 .... SEc. '3. t Until the 4th day of IJuly,‘ 1870; all' persons who,ioluntarily ad. bend to the late insurrection, giving it l aid and comfoit, shall be exc tided from the 'right to vote for month TS of Ctingress, and, for eleetore for resi.. dent 'and Vice President of the United States. ,' ° ' - WE Szo, 4. , ' Neither the United ' nol. any State shall tglininAd to pa debt or obligation already incurr , which may hereaftei be imam.: aid of Insurkeetion or war a 'LIM United States or any clainil compensation - for loss:of invOtu (4 , seivice t or labor. A I SM .5. The • • Congr j es .- shall, OWer to enforce, by a proilla' gislati,M, tho provisions of Ulla& 1 bill to provide,for the rent° of.the ' States'lately in rebellio their full political rights; by adm delegations to Congress; and a a bill debarring. leadiG i g 'rebels . holding (Ange l rsiorted, i log the follosiini clauSea: First.' Th 6 President and Vice, ident of the'Confederate State aalled, , and the heads 'of Depart.' thereof. • ..- -1 / 4 1 Se..:ond. Those whci in other tries acted as - agents Of the Con ate Stites. . 1 • I ' _' Thicfilu-gcrcitti-dh ere . 4'illyt.ilny t 13,0140 of the United States, amtall persons - edneated in I the military or naval academy of the,. United, Judges of the courttil of the U. Ma .es, and Members 'of 'either house ef 'le. 36th! Congress of the United States, Who „give aid or •comfort to the late rebejlion.; • I IForavn. Those who acted as 6ffl cers of- the Confederate States, 'so call: sit, above the grade of Colleli or Master iri the 'navy, or any on who, as Governor of any ; of the Confeder ate States gave aid 'or comfort to 'the late rebelllon'. - I. 1 I Fifth. Those who hoio,Veatel* • cers' or soldiers, or sailors, of the or navy of the UnTted States, ci ed during the late was, othar'Aviiii lawfully as prisoners of, war. It is undefepod that the l c-ote upon them yvaatetellve against three. 1 As it 'is known that Senator Johnson, and Reptesentatives Grider and Rogers only doted in the negative, the i t tlti m ., ative ',must by 'Senators Fessenden, l l grimes, Harris, Howard and, Wil liams, and 'Representatives Stevens, Washbnrne; Morrill. Bingham i Conk ling,'Boutwell and Blow. ' : -• 1 . WASHINGTON CITY, Apri '2 . 9: ...- The report of the Rec:o•nstr iction Cocarniittl will be reported, to both Houses oVongress t o o-morraw. It is intended- to press at to an early vote, though a reasonable amount of debate will be allowed. *Should it be, passed ky the requisite two-thirds .Vote, a resolution will , be pOtiented requet 7 in-the GoVeznore to Convene 0 State L - egislatures in extra sesoion 1 r, thjs purpose of iatifying the amen Ment. , A Demoeratic member of ' th • idorn . mittoo; yesterday submitted' th , plan ' as agreed on, to the President I Mr. Johnson thought‘there was a pr etieal abandonmenti or th p., negre s Oreg.(' issue, while, Pn - the Other hand ft vir. tinily asstinied the nneciestitnti nality of tio - --bivil rights bill, by 'pre kitting i ) to koccitpOrafe it' in the Cousti ration. . Tear& was a bill before'the , 41.u143, at its recent , session, r ablritOar cent: the legal rate of est in Penusylvania,'whie an clefer4el is the,House, then reaonsici ered and passed, but defeated in":ho Senate.' The law remains as tii*as, and allows drily silperreent. an , the taxes. We i think thuTsUfileientl,l i FIC .... , . k 1 1 I 1 4. 01 0 . - .. GEORGE F. UMPORT, -o 4.lle ghtony College; ‘eadville,r re awed lest weeks the diploma of Corre pond; ing Member of the Arthinological Sbciety of Rollie. Mar is thb fi t hOnor .of the• kind ever otinferred upo aoitiier.''oflthe United . fliatesF;; it.i therefore peCuliarly gratifyiug to the Professor. The Arobieological ElOciety was foundedlA. D. 1.829, by i thoKlCing of Prusaik and is obndlicted by. the' chief 'archleblOgisis of 'Ger tidy; Frenee, filly; aild'Prneeiar.• • I' r ' . , • ... i ' .. . .• . ,' .. ..C . w ,INT.Clll 7 l.Effigi. r. . ,' • I , ~.-Ij. sau t t , rs. i 1 ' :• . I ' 'flail*, 24.. it '1)111 0 1 ; irktreasel..,the clerical iforoe - 'of „ the .Ipartineo_k.of the .Intkrini'vess refeire .to.aiStieolal .Cetrimt4ee:r.Billaireiaretiorted !Cali mg Consider:and Pipliiintio ailibist jt .trenta; autherizing theno nage - *. 9(11y cent., pieces; !and to suppl dello. memo in the Printing' apprOprisitions Z3s. - olationicv!ere adoptedAtiquestinit' the gedifitirria :die Rao ,re;brt on e Icavy orders forbidding.; „ tiers - to go to Washingtbri without lea • e and calling on, the Secretary ,of _ ' sr for information4s to ibie'reerards" in. the capture of l'etf. 'Davis and ot. ere. ' .A resolution for, the relief. Offloy .1. ,citi— zens .Of tweeeunties Of est ' irginia , wwreferred. The 01.11 . . roll:ye cer. I tain Wave' tentracteris. - mended '.and vootponed- till te,..d .- - he bill for, theauntisston of C. 03 'ado .arse np. as itie . special orderosnd was debated R... Without takibg a ;Die the 1 Senate tent4. gi. adjourned. I.J . I ' . . 1 nous& 1 - Tho bill for a* shi•l , anal Niagara Falls was debate d. , substitute offered , to chnnter . ny to construct the canal. - went ovei,till to-day. be S meadmenta to the /10eas bill, were ; non-6nourreo ! in Commitiee of . Conferenes lw for. Numerous Senate! bills ferred to cbrtunittees. ' Al bill *troduceci to prohibit Territor islatures from' passin_g !specie! incorporation. ,The llOttse t up the Army bill, and , . the ri i ii postpone sv as wttlitliti?vii. the :debate' on the PrOrist section, a d efy lively personal, versroccurred between \ilessr, ling and Blaine in respept to i its of the Provost Marshall 1 and l'is Bureau. The e l ection thine the ißureau was ;iltric and its existencolimited,tosi. Atter the presentation Ot i va monstrances, petitions,c., t m ~ took a mesa till 7}, and the 451 bear reports from the Pacific Committee. The bill 0 . eit 1 time for tompleting certum la 'railroads in lowa, Ste., *as .1 ted. The' bill granting !fend: and Missouri for • the State I was reported back wittilLrn ae which were agreed to. liThe - referred to the Committee . Lands. The Northern!lPaei , rea.l bill was repotted! bac ~ mitted, again reported, and I siderable skirmishing. the m tion was ordered to, be take and the House adjourned. ' SEKATZ. 'Avair; l 2o.—Petitions • i tvere ed for inter-State insurance compensation to . loyal i eh' Florida.. A resolution io pri copies of the - report of !It: e sioner of Agriculture w a Bills i were introduced to gr to the , Kansas and - Neosb Railroad; , and' to autherine bridge lier the MississiPpi a 111. Th ; bill tc l admit! l Col then taken up, and, after a bate, tbei motion to i l •ecom vote rejecting the bill i 1 was 10to 'l3. Ark !amendment _ - - tates any d, or in i d,, sinst 6 for tary have e le i • , twit.. ation 30 sting , coed 1 from , clad- Pres so4 , ents conn ,odor giViens - iias, rejected, 7'to 27 bill then - passed, 19 to;t3. - uousz.l ; Bills were :r.tredueelf to a rmpost Duties Collection i corporate the Wasp of Music. , •A joint kesolutio fered autborizing the of war, &e and refer, ed. explanatier.s we're haade b) 1 Blaine aliTheonkling. i The Pacificßailroad, bill WO and a sharp, andi rathe bate followed. I.llr. gee tice he would 1 movoli the question ',to-dayirand the journed. ' • • • K 1 aft ' : 111 e al 3trtiar3'n: SENATE. Ain't. 26.—A bill wa introduced to provide for p4,iner.t of elairns' on ac count of Quarterr,nasters' +res, (ic , which Was referred. A !petition Was presented for the ,expuf ion f Garret Davis. A resolution ai)pr priatiog. i 82.100,000 for "expense 'Or ollecting, the euEittlnii was passed JT e bill to facilitate postal and m litar commu nication, was taken up cid debated.— Without , taking a votio , th e Senate went into ExecutivirSeesion 'and then aliijburritiel'.. , v nOUSE. I .., Ora . Were , passed. ti ' dut! facilitate ': - the t.ll ' U. S. Treasurer's; eh rter the West ilndi C ~ with ainqiiilments; o l i of Ipayinaster43; qind to C, risdiotion of Abet Cotrt A bill was reported 825,000 kilebninitie W 4, The Ist`Oiklierti Pacific! was taken up and debt b utt o vote was reach} ety . iig sundry pe titi on plishing some routine! House adjourned. - . - r ' ORNATE. APRIL 27.—,-The Ho to the !West Indies Tele t wore non-conenrred ii 4 and enco Committee askiiidl for. for relief:, of certain naval c was palmed, a motion to having ine*ously been l reje 1 25, and to recommit, la: to caution was offered by'lflr. N the amendment of the Col and the , ; Sonata adjourned day- . ' iuteri z' first muss. A resolution was - 44. plea ing the Presidbnt toldonnnu laws, &c ., of the lilentbilrn S corning the irsedmen. Ala ber of privatti bills were , p otherwise 'dispesed of. The Pacific / bill jwas taken up l ,an at length, and. amensirsents (erred. :Tlitio . previtios sittestt by Mr. iryide; who was to itiebhCe,*heh Mr. Spanldir 6-10: de 'bin and imeridine tale. which was carried,76 another .to eciesiclere Was al the table l ' Adjoriraed • 40. El 7:t::-.-•#1, 174 --;'-; 1 APRIL Bfis=litr " . l! r.linitiey offered a I petition, foe,,,- the#lief,"cit thel poor Of Alabama,„Which ly 't e!) referre d .to t in hie , CoulatoiCAn Clamil.l - '.;,, . 1 ' l• I Mr I z.,,Triusibull Called tip . the bill to , authorttii•the cotinctioti of eertait bridgesioi the M ' iimippi l at'Quincy . Illinois; for rail#Verpoeol'il , , Thu, bill _MOW* -tippropriatkina for the au'pport' of the Penh: ice 1 Depurtl.• merit for the ens log; year Tyne c"!lv ii i ti .iiir. '''. T rimbull o ifereil .tbe;, , folio ini as in iiMiiii4 ect to , the bill: IsTO I person exorcism or performing t e dsies of any o ee wLiob bylaw, a required to . b e S t ecl, by the advice an i bi d *went ;of the enete, .8601 hefor,e confirmation,. by the' Senate,l reeeiVii any salary or confirmation tot:, hie ser vices. Urileaa he lbe commissi oned . by the President to fill up a;vacaney I , whieh ,bia, l dnriiig the races of thn Se'nate, aiideince its lest , adjournmei.,t , happened by death, reeigdatioti or ezr piratiorinf•term I• • i I - "I , • . . 4 .. • moues,. itr. Rica, of Maine, !introduced a bill giving further tiraeland faciliti for the , couversioc of theltiste Ban 13, which was read wise aril referred to the Committee on Banks !' ' • Mr. Knykendzil,: of lllinoiip...intro duced a joint resplution, declaring We Coti riiiatitutional ridatio of the State - of Tennastiee restored to tbeirpracticil relations with iithe United Statile, which was ;read twice and referred to the Judiciary' CoMmitteiPk' t - I Mr Stevens ftom-the Retioiistruh.., tiun Coir.mittee,leubmitted..a - report, alreiady,l published. It.reply to a I. question, Mr. Stivens said this rept) t did (sot supercsde the one mincer:if g• Telitiessee,subm4ted some dais ai tide; that the latter could be called ,up It any, time: • Mr. Conkling presented' ix,petitid i n of sixty.flye fdassachusetto 1 wometi„ a asking kamendment of ,thei Consti tution prohibiting Stites ftom die- ,franchising on aucount.lof sex. Referred. 1 . 1• 1 n 11. -'-------- -"---,..,-----' I ' . I Heavy lc obbeiya '1 ' B i n WHEELING, Val.,;-April' 29---Abotit 3 o'cicek on s l unday morbing, si x burglars ' entered 'the residende of ttie Cashier - of th'ed Harri Son ;Nation l Bank of Cadiz,•Ohio, btickedland ga . god the CashieiL, and dempilled hi i s wife - to deliver up the keys , of • the bank and safe. proceeding thence ix) - the bank; they effected • fin ',entrance without much oPposition,'arid iebbiid the safe .of thi'se hundred ' ,thousand dollarivin bonds kind about fiftyilions ancl dollars in dePostts. After lockiqg the watehniani in' the sate, they made .good their estape on a hind . r ear, cut, ting the titlegtaPh Wired in t' o'placcis. The robbers abir.doned. the and-cir il l at a station, tiSai Alexandrh .l , on ,ttie Pittsburg, Cul mime & Cincinna ti Railroad, and ' took to the 4 itoods.L., The - surrotiadilg eiNotty "hail bon ainused,ind4 large force is ii•,puregit. Twenty, thouistl dollars 'r,43 ward lis offered fir ,the a teat of they robbers. t . . • ,--- 1 , LATER. 11. • ' , ip.. WitaiLisp, WEST WA., 4.41yr . il 30 The lu.----" -- -" --- - ---- ' ---- 1 " • - • r . t h ik ,"ffer iso, n Natiotal t Bank Oadiz, Ohio'," Were overtaken ab two miles.. lotri Lairang - i; Ohio, .t afternoonJ harp encounter t place. in, whi hLipe of ' the burgl/ was, alo tinded nd three, - ciptured, Oiiii sriceeedeld in making his dfled closely pursoe. • ''he amount money recovere prcibatily ()act one hundred 1. housaild doll pri.sent ,snd for 'zens of L t .10;000 omrms opted.— Ilapds V/4110 ado was lolg, de Ider- the adopted,. b,t Mr : and the joerned. end the , and to • oidemy wait of. vessels Personal- Messrs orihern ken up, !mad de . !ave no. previous pe use ad- AN the Sts, Ali otv n in , on Lions issued yi, the IFreedrnen's . zi ) reap t'Whitti and .Blacks` respect) ly, during dui Brat qnarter,of .t,be , c rent year,;'was follows: ' Month. I.' To lE,,tiitue. To lilacki its January, j 1866:: ..... 47,836 . 1! 11,695 February J 4 - ..' i ... 84;044 .....1..- 9,817 .;. March ... I ' . 1 102;204 li - 11,442 Total l or nearly eight .Blacks, . I --Yet the journals Ilzill i these fapti, at to believe th that Bureau I Blacks 'silent).- 1 Tuz.othef ea ed the Inifianiti ti, just befoee and.laid down Nasty and corning haut4 charge of their Ot the bundle; Opening ;it sh , six month; 0 shawl, arUl been took tbo cbil first in her fa i t,. cerlkin ersilent of ante; elegraph be relief rem set aec ieB for , xtenl of our . . the jw-: :hum rpriate to C ity. 610', bill shie 'Au [ ted !I A CORRAP6NDENC4' between the Secretary of ; the Treasury..and •Mr. Wells, ot I thS 4 ?,elnitine Commission, 'relative wan e ualizatiOn - of the sot. diers', bounty;' has been pahlished.- 7 . .M Mr. cCullucli annouucesi that the Measure t ill A:fd greatly to the'publis. debt andnquired whit difference it will makelin Mlle report of the CC.m miision. lair. r lWells responds that if the debt is int eased -any further no redactionl in ,+e taxis I ctt be made with safety.- ] —I - ATTOBVIEY , .I i West' to Ire° al somawhatim si 'remitting; ap ~ I' the detSimi A place of the Itii not be made to - 'Washingtc n, cuta"w - ViCh bi r o' the itidniinistrf , 1 1 ftei ie 4c-com neee, the . • 8. a „ bus , ndments isrib . bill Contor t The bill ntractora , i fe motpot.e 4 11 to ileon for outtaton L I ill, mon- 311 j request.. irate the tee von= go nom- Seed - and orthern ; debated were of• n moved '.loSe- the 'moved ts ion the: , 58, and I Igid on A PRoP9BITi . EppoBl% in :the Mem: , phis .4ifidun'e4e for d grand COmr . Anfion of the pOpla . of the Souttiefn ' and Northefni Ste ,to he ttthrh3 Cincin , nati on the Fiohrth of . .Tttly nett "for I 1 1 • , i ~ ~ the purpciee of comierto tidencate i dß. derstanding aii td . titielolitical st a te which the States and peoPlb of Ithe S,3uth are to occupy in the futare.r 1 .. , 1 ' . f , . , kansas—as • '033,084 , I 82;954 to Whites, Irto one -aders cf Demob* , • er be allowed to k will parpogely be the epeoditure, 're for the benefi Tribune. a young 'My er. oli a s depot WlC:mein' e detarture.f 'a tri bundle rat her cai pea Oat agairu, the woman hail nom went totalce cj nd found,it i found a child, about , wrapped j up, in a .reeently married she orrie to;, adopt as the IY• L . 11 2 , T --. SFE ' ZBAL" ED has gone it bis beltltb which is $ it i trod by closo and un lication".to business.— . 'lion of thei l time and al ofd Jeff. Davis iivill til,Mr. Speed ret urns unless sotnetbiri4, , 1 00 7 t now anticipated; by, it lon ' 'l ' .! , , , _ 'Gm • ivitt, 6.iof th ' . 'e l4 O, leaflet% hi Ipeeoh i a few d ay Glace,. 4ectiatewt-Thai. it-7,month of. .11.0' ersint (by without:a low !mini atrafilt,j f e lia,veuld tee ap t ii- cause of lost.}—it lie' had II disappointed, foi he fip_ 1011. Oahe _ago to be ciii the -Oa 101 l Itolong ago is Jaauttrib . Ikopitd .t4cseii . thellith oat 00, rising , . fir the he expectathin haul, tot beery, aline& A viper called .e' 'lrish ' i - nbitehed Sin 11%neiseo, ontirply in green k. ' • • . „ ._ . . 1 SIX,C=O' Count . c.i,o*kypiti 1031. 1 _ _ . 1 : • : Ft fiIEQIE tr,nion votentlpf Beaver linty nre - tequested to meet atthe 11,111111 sees Ifor o ding eleetionit, in th 'several issaishi ownahips, on SitirdaY, the 26th. , ay, and pPoint delegatea to *County con Wien., to .held.-cS , ,_ l • . 1 01 /4 4 .Yil the ,28th o :May; at , l , for-tke purpose of' nom inating is Con and' lo nominate one chndidata for 'lsms candidate' for Pre#ldent Judge, didita for State Senate; and onecill ' I .4sably, • : I.' ' I - The primary:meeting' in the town be.held between the.hcnui:of 4, and r. Mi, ,and in the boronghs between of 1 and 9P. it: •, I 1 In 'obedience to a renolitti on uf Cc ventieni the voting for kiindidates . i tyrant elections I districui shall be by I 1 ' I f By oedei of Comm '1 ! -.I '. ID. I. istmul 1 ,T4U sevioral • ilectioil distracts - el fo delegatis as folllweto 'wit : .. • . llorongb ' ' . 4 Industry .. 7 j Big. ' 2 Independu Big Beaver '-. • - 4 Marion Brighton . a Moon Chippewa ' 4. New 800 Darlington : - 4 New Sewie Ikonomy 4 North. Sol Filtsion .1 . ' 8 Ohio ' ' /tesalilin 2 Patterson ... I rredom bor 8 Phillipabnrl reidom diet ....,.... 2 Pulaski ... 4fne 4 - Rochester V i i : ankfort ' 4 Rocheiter lirOthre 4 ! ilopswelf 4 ANNOLTNP , EMEIC •, We are authonzed to aCin6 names a! the'follotving Oral candidates for the ~ :effices nam .3 , jper, io the 'decision of the trrio ty Conveolion: , Congress. d 80. V. LAWRtNcE, WfUi , I Preside t Judql. I .4 3.,B.ca44UßfajlsT, New Aesoeiate Judge. BENJAMIN TODD, Indust AGNEW DUFF, New- Brigl THOS. G. KERR, Freedom; State ,Senate. ALEX. W. TAYLOR, Barr 8.ENJ.,13. BR.A.DFORD; RENR,Y, AssP r ntb/g. THOS., NICHOLSON, Fl M. SP:eaver I • I- • -`B4eriff. ER B. BRIGGS , I SPENCER .b. 4,IGGS , Int JOHN. S c . LITTELb; Hci , ,ln ABNER MORTON, Brikbt4 AMES A. ANDIRSI?I Bi .I)*VID.JOHNSON,,FiIIai I'Register lEf• Recorder Ty A.:vinll. 0111 vrrnw_l R" SA3tUEL ,HASI T ILTON; Olj i'Ll. DAVID D. JOHNSON, I' ,e/erk -pf Couris.. 'JOHN A. FRAZIER.,Bear t •- ' 1 „ Commissioned.' • • 1 LS. - BLAZER. Economy,. JAS WARN °Mid North JOHN GARRARD. Newi Sc [ RPII'.T.' F. WILVAIN, I R° 1 1 ' Poor louse Director 1 1.10BETtT D.. CO6PEEL Mo IjOHN IK. POT T ER, Racci IDA VID EWING. Raccoon. ~ . 1, - . Auditor.. A. j. LAWRENCE, South 1 1 . 'Trustees {of Aceidemh DR,C JOHN MURRAY. Bel Da. DAVID STANTON,N '~. i .at ditori Aryue : i hile "mady ' i re coffering 1 heir claims to tho'offices which arr tdbia filled. 1 n tbi.4 county , next fall, allow nge to !say a If bid in behalf of my friend' arid neighbor, i arius Singleton, whom; I believie, le being il ffered by his' friend! as a candidate 'tor Reg star and Recarder. • • IF. ,1 3lr.7Singlet 01. was born and rail d ini3eaver flontity, and has always been true o hiSparty; the is a man in 'moderate circiimaneell plian;• • 'I 'nd ii ": 1 Y, 1{ has a,wife dud famil yto 'support — . lii August, , lB62, he cntisteiV a 'private °ldler in the. 140th(COL Roberts );Regt. P. :' . 7., in. which he sereed.ilmost three/year; its , . . e ile an enlisted man; w with hii regietit in si t '..- I , meal all its marches and' engage en up to ri , iii , , .heclisige of the lid.lC?rps at Sp Atsylvapia, hero, he was serideely •weunded, I thereby , i•eridcring uselesshis heft aim. 1 '3ir. - SinoOeton bee+ three honor . and is reputed by . his comrades a I . I .deer,. As to :his cempeteney to 1! 'duties of Register and Recorder, t t no . Re is L graduate of 4 pantile Collegerof Pitt, sburg,.Pa.,:s firsi class letters front that institdt indwii to be an hiinoluble, moral iins)›erate . gentleman. Hellas neitl _asked for'office in this county; - net he at this time 7ereihe able by nl, • 1 with one hand td support his wifi I Gentlemen, Repi4can . voters coli#ty, lit us dd. emir duty and el lessl 1 some one mor, competent, . - • wko has superior clangs to offer, • ' Aeon Tp., April leth, 18116, -. . , Eorroas Audosi4ciri tie req fisted to sn it; - • . ' incnince the name of Saniiielliani ton, of Ohid township, as a candidate for Re ter. it lie. ~ I, ‘ , • corder. In presenting the Dante I'l , lr, Ham., iltan we - preeent a meat at cam ra ral, intelli -1)04, and well qualified for ciff!ce 4 . .tbLiajoiang i tai4l was amongst flu fuut to offer hiS liervices iht%ehalf of his country. He • barged thq . ;duties. of ,a a soldier well; and 'gat is rig - Mitt:a. '• . . in the bloody battle of Fredericks nig, where 1 1 so 7 tbany of our patribtie young . eien offered lup their livisiind linrs in behalf or ',our good I :d' Sag. -st . .. / ... 1 ',ie.' Himiltdn'bas since the losi 'taiga etlierough senile in Dar 'College, Old' acquired the use of - '. , I ibis left heed: • , •. • 'tic S OW ed ' of of MU ME I'ci - doirtractoi•s. , r a uirD 'EOPOSAS ara' selhdUpd- till . WED : 4 -i AT, May 9th, for dm erection b • • tke NatOnal Bank of Bawer Connt*At • • Brighton. Pa.; according to •tns and - rificatfOks now ready ,for exam ' ion i tit ir.oMoe of *ABA & MOSER, 4 1 1 - Draistek Buiblisih, Pittsburgh, and . May lbil sigma - nod stile Banking holm in New_ißrightom on end after Esturday the -- 6th of 1 11 47.' ma72,'66. 11:1111 - COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF IIRAVRICCOUNTY,;No.27O, Mar. T, 1858, the Matter of the Yolusary of i Thos. M'Xinley to R. P, Roberta. • -. Notice -it hereby given that a Supplimental and Final Account haubeen sled in the dice,- by William Henry,.. Executor of the laat will and testament, of R. P, Roberts, .dec''d., and that the saine will be eonfirmed on the first 'day of June term unless cause to the contrary be then shown: . epic, is Oriniedl • A.ll ticket, • ty Congress, •,; one i'didstel for hipS will ! . 7 o'oloolt, the hours Lintz Cod 1. the ;dif 1 ; allot. !Wee; Cli'n: euift.lid I 1 8 l ee * * J. 12 . 14 • ....r 1.2 P.,. . . , • Raccocin... South Iles • t 1 emen ed, But )n Cdlni El rigtl i to l pi `I ton; right, foil; ELM etrY3 town;.`! n; Beav EIS ; to, 1 : eaver; r.. 4 i Sewlek;ly;, wieldy, luister;. =I il Be~se~~ • gewatar; Bqghton; blf wounds; tnodel sol erform the ere esti be Is I's ?dor ndbe beers on. Ile is [and striedy 1 . et: held nor *the F r 'would anusl labor slid little 12112= oiFthy, sad "piesented. of chit. arm le!ortiantile 45 'pen with j oie or tioto , Tdwssate mai2,'66:Bw LIBEL IN DIVORCE• N the Court of Common-rkis of Beaver I COunty. No. 149, March Term, 1866.—. kliasibibpcena in Divorce. MATILDA. Nossun, by hei next friend,. A. T. M. . BUCEANAX,. vs. OLIVIIIIL T NORTON. • To Oliver T. Norton, the , above named spondent: Yon 'are hereby notified to be and. the nestaterni of said 'Court, to be held at Nearer, on the first Monday of June, 1866, thin and there to answer the Complaint of :the libellant, ad , to iihOw cause, if any you have, why her ;er for :diVorse, sminnas mania/Ca, should Ot. be , granted. JOS. 'ILEDLIS, Sh'ff. Sus ire's Ohio ; 1 • • ' may2'66._ f 14OM ALL T kj suffering the ache, and Dread o find that Dr. 'Cha Relievelou by the stroyer; Laughing of Pleasure rather g Gas I ! THATI HAVE .' BEEN ntold miseries of Tooth- Extraction, and you will dlrr =& Son are ready to se of the Great Pain De r I land make it a source ban Pain! 'one performed in the but d at as reasonable terms as the county. • All Dental Opera, possible manner a any goad 'bestial i . 1 larPfriee in Ito j myl'66 T. haster,Beaver Station. IJ. CHANDLER & SON. Audito TN the:Orphana' Ci the; matter of tt , adniinistr,ator of di , ,deed.; account coy 7s Notice. ,ourt of Beaver cognty. In .e account of Henry - Naas, e estate of Jaeob,Noss, dr., firmed; And now, to wit: of John E.' Young Samuel ,hlagaw, -. E several yartier clsi ey in thilamis of ing, to the said ests • , tribute the same to came, according to ) A true Eit ..Attest: ' I . J The Auditor will sboye• dppoiiitment Beaver; on Thursd 10 o'clock, iCtit., tie/ in interest ms, .may2,'6B April 26; 1866, on motion E B q., the court appoint an Auditor to-itear the cant, and report the mon t4id administrator, belong * for distribution, and die- . the parties entitled. to-the - from the Recohl. N A. ,FgAZIS,It, crk_ t-Fato the duties of the. I the : Clerk's 'Office, in 24th of flay, 1866, at !t which time and place par , trend if they -atm prover. I 8. MAGAW, . Auditor. BEAVER lINTY• SS:, ,'urt in and for•said coon ; p.. Judges of said 'court. ie . account of Thos. J. Pow- Wilson, administrator's of David Boies, dec'd.; SA iil 26th, 1866. 1 461'26, 1866, on motion qJ, the Court appointi R. d l itor to marshall the as r 'tors and mike report to I • [From the Record.] . O. A. FRAZIER, crk. TN the Orphans' I 1-ty, ibefore the ' In'the matter of t er and Joseph H. the estate of Col count confirmed A And,' now, to 'wit: of S4l. Wilson, Ei Harrah, Esq., as A', sets amongst the Isrp COurt recordingly:_l Attest: 411 ThW Auditor a parties interested tc et which time and claims' against the dec'd'., are hi apy2'6s. J 11 • ive Darned will meet the .r the purpose of his ap ffiee in the borough of • e Z1.114•7 , ,4t 140.7, &woo; .lace all persons having es, tate of the said David !eby notified to attend. HARRAH, Auditor. VALUABLE 1• AL ESTATE FO. SALE. . THE .unde l pirgn ~ wing been duly an tborized, offer t rivate sale l i!.be follow ing described real: sta e, situate m Raccoon township, Beiver. nu y,, Pi., late the prop erty of John B. ': . 11, deed., bounded north by Inman's, east: Alexander ;klcltibben.. south by Kennedy d Morrow, West by-Jas. Ewing; con'tainingt bonti two hundred ind two acres, oiler one undred and twenty acres cleared, under a goOd state of cultivation.— Well Watered -and an excellent. orchard. I t A large two sto 4 ry franie bOise, barn, and good' out,bifildingef on the premises. , Will be sold . in one body or divided to snit',puroliasers: 1. For`terms and furtherparticulars, inquire of ' ROBERT S. HALL, 1 , Near Induntri or --' . JAMES ORR I (near premises.) 1 - township. 1 , . i___ my2'66 ORPH'AN'S' COURT SALE. , . 11 N pursuonee of an order' of the Orphans' Court of Beaver county, the :undersigned tinraell at public vendue 'or outcry,-on the premises, on.“--• • ; ' ; , • . . TRURtDit Y, 211ak 31 5t,1566 ' 1 at one: o'clock • . M., the following *described iirop,erty,..sittiste in Chippewa township, Bea rer county aforesaid, being the real estate of Helmet; N. Xennedy, late of ,Beaver ccunty, deceased: IBef it inning at a 'white oak, thence' briands •ot 'John . and .ratues Mitchell,. north f degrees, :emit 197 , perobes fire-tenths 'l6 a heap of sieves, thence by land of Ethan ThOm 7 . se. north - 891 degrees, west ip perches to a post; thence i by land of the Pertner's & .Mechanic's Bank,-south 4 degrees; wilFit .198 perches to it pest; thence by land of JaMes Kennedyl,north 88 degrees; east 43 perchesr to . a white tisk, place Of beginning; _containing 53 acres and 98 .perches, ~strict meastire ;. on *hick . - is erected an excellent new frame barn, 52 .by- 80 feet, withl three:dui floor 30 by 20 feel, mows, &e. and three stables underneath -' allow leg `and-frame house* with a frame kitc hen, antf!ti cellar under part of the house; • alsO a certain other peon of land adjoinitig the foregoingdti-4 scribed. tract' . of land, Situate as eforeiain : Beginning at a 'white oak, thencisby rand of Richard Walton, south 202 perches to a stake: . thenceby loader James Rennedy; south 'B7l degree:, wese-24- perches to s white oak ; thence by. land of" !John 'Aleianaei, north j. ,degree, east 202 perehes to's stone,and thence .by' land' of Jame! Acta, north 871 degrees ; east 221 'perciest,i 4 .place of beginning, con taining 29 'sores 123 perches, strict measure ; on which there hi, erected a frame barn 4814 , 18' feet.' , 'l' ' • -- ' • ; ' ' - - • 'The above described lands are well fenced except about two- acres. Sixty sores are in it fine state of cultivation, and -the ,balance. is wood land. • Therein an excellent ,young or chard'hearing fruit on the premises,consisting et .about 160 apple trees, 1)0 peach trees, nd some jiherry trees. .'. • .1 ' • There, are also three good springs of never- ', failiiiovater, and a coal bank opened and in ' working'. condition. , • -; , •,- I - I Book 41tut pima through a portion .of said ' lands,. : the.norilt branch of ;Brady's •Ittin and there are about,twenty acres along sai d run Whieh fie Considered excellent oil tetritey.— There are two nil wells now. being put down iikrtalf smile of said premises, t and prep, 1 .1111)04usg - . ire 1 being -made, to put down four more. in the immediate vicinity, • 1:i 7 . . TERMS.- half of : tite - pniclivise money in hand, on the cOrtfirnietiat of thesale by the COrtcsi4thi-reinllbuder inlwo squid swniud instalnienti i . from. diet date.' with'.. *Veld from' the•siuste , tinte, ttCbe secured by.kre and' 11mortgage,,• ' ...:,. 413411111 EL ..MAQAk a .. ,:- f Muer 9r,ge....ettate - at tt. ?7:. (enleHfilee'd. • i- may2;7oo. • .. ' I . , . • sithiltolcs'ig BEAyan.Vou n . ri i • is : • .. WCOMKOMPICALTIf OP ' W‘lllXBkßa Pt ri Or otr a y t int: '' If John IterlO4 euike SAID c ; yon e ta *, nesting Monist', then *Comment, pfd,. by good sod liitfoPQ,' ,ottow; Atint W erhatiti Dinin k ,_ - w, ThOmaii Berlowaotherienyon, g""'L, Jackson, flittah Itaintn; •Jahn 'Barlow --- n.7 smith,- Winiati,., Job;'-i Sida•Y Smith, 'Sarah Hatfield..Willie:re panwhili poen, Mary • Wh i4h l Q: • lOW. IN Elwood York/aeon.. .. LiTiolt lietn, I ' hightmlo.Rsat4 In nrywhiPP. Wi ' • ' 1,,,A , Jonathescguntkiod -Jones Behotitioer',L, they. P be ad opPeer before env Jwisinn7".. Ter, 41, ilk oenett wenn ef ! e esunol p r . , there to bi bold. on:thW first liondel,iir_i 'nest, to show wherefoin, whefets„lninZ! Jain Bailees Wad the Ng defeeden a ;,7: 11 :,t ei and Oadieldid do loita sistiiihi h ....1‘c _ .."Na lot of ground shoats - 0 . the, ho tembh a' 7 Brighton, Beaver councy t Pa., hi ll ; "4;7 i lar ib e d on, thel' . plot of said town „,„ (r ., 2-48. bounded ;north . by .lot - tie. :201'4.a - Bridle '," tooot, south by lot No. Zikand - 41 bi I einal: i street...or towing folk, Of , iith said intendants deny path* te t m h a e d i ti al . be e t Ween them., necordingts thefoot-4 Act of .tatsenettli in frech' ease ieeli - ia mit . ded,.and tieinte/P permit not the lamesdd'gontratytolleawlillcilt°sl feiti Commonwealth(tisit Lptid,e) Al3otheLthere,the l nttte : f th e w 4aniswnt. o ___-_"i. Witness t he Hon. B. B t ch i, h. p... 4 1 ' d ci a e y tit l (i n c f our mi ,, ,, ,, , ,, - c id t.A ,c 1) : 741 rt. 14: ., 61, -, ;:z. ,• hil y , ~. . , :: . -,--- M. WEYAND, A Inn 'copy. of au!i"on4;publisibila der'of Court'. • . JOS. LEput BeaTer;play2'o6 • . r . • het : Notice in Perftion. BEAVER CutlfTT, OA : N the Orphans' in- end for saitictiettLli, fore the Honorable Judges of said • the matter of the petition for paniti j n _ the real' estate;of Rebecca Idadvanon,, And now, to wit: March 26th, 186tii s tht grant a Rape on the heirs and legal*• atives of said intestate, via: Esther formirly.Bether Glass, intermarried Gorrell, and sister of - 111d deceased, maiden name was Glass,) residing is county, Indiana; John T. Glass. 'a brotlu siding in Wells county, Indiana; - y Glass, a brother. 'residing in De Witt State- of Texas; . Arin- -31eGaffielt, a said intestate, .(idow of Andrew Me dec'd,) residing in BeaVer county f Lucinda: Barclay * !deter of link termarried with James Barclay, reek Buchanan county, Joie; Sarah lobneoll ter it intestate, intermarried with JOlui sten, and who are two of the petitior siding in Beaver 'county aforesaid; Lawrence, sister of said intestate,lar ed with osepti Lawrence. who are tionere, residing , in Beaver county.' James 'Glass, a brother of laid who -died before the death of Bard but leaving a widow, Nancy, Ind leak ' John H. Glase,lWilson Glass; Terry Wen tried With Daniel Bathed; i Ma rv i i , GI. ' intermarried with James IJOhistaa ; tali Glass, Andrew .Glass; Abbey Glass i ttenw . tied with - John Todd, sail Abbey-bdog dead also prior-to thaddeath Of elid Wens ilal vanon, said intestate, .and hard , : one iltv- ter, a minor, without gnarti4to: Minter intermarried with George Bertn..lied damp IGlies a eon of said James, 4 leti e.ktiVattiat ' James 'Mash, dec'd., residing belittle toasty Indiana, except John li. Mateo who residts New. alilee; Beaver county aforesaid; an others interested, to show cause if' any have; why an inquiet to paiepaititieat real. estate of said - deceased shaild net awarded at an . Orphans' Court; to be hat Beaver, Beavericounty, Ps., (antis drills day of June next. - • . -.,, .. • ? .A true copy of Rule: JOS. LEDLIE, Al $. wean; r's - Oilic - g• • l • 7 . Rimy.% Mar; 2 :ltd. j O. R.:clutigniaL;x CHAMBERLIN &111 NEW BRIGHTON.V., I t . isALsits R ' IRON, NAILS, AND —.. 1 c AGRICULTURAL IMPLEIT 'CA R PEN T ER§:TOOLS, ' 13LACKSMITHS' T06.1:9 I t ItASC)NS' POOLS, - SHOEMAKERS TOOLS, SADDLERS' TOOL 3, PLASTERERS' T 001.9. MINE RS' TOOII SADDLERi ARE. 'BENT FE,L Lb WS & SBA ;,4 „, to LOCKS,' BOLTS LaNu, , PICKS MATTOCKS COUNTER f• I PLATFOI{ 3I' S CiLA - 1 ,,E481JE &°rOCEtaiTI,ERY,. HORSE SHOES & AIL& TIRE 4 CARRIAG 4 E 'BOLTS & 210.18.. CORN 811iLLERS, BTRA4-1 OVT ALs6,- PAI.I4'TS, OILS, t PA~R'.~I9~~i AOVITS /Olt 2XCEL4IOIt 'MOWER AND BEAN. ICEW BruarrottFlßE-BRIO WO) • Dec6,,66. ArromiEy AT l tAit, No. 85 Fii:ru Sr., Rtrrestria. vir iu. GIVE PROMPT ATTila .G ..ollectiOthr, sad the istiais d ltd 4:1844 pasts': And will sloe Attir tsadassfothii fisfeadce is Borrffei: U 513ZZ I 1 AND PIT