The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 25, 1866, Image 2
Tat i , ;,: ergy,pt .11•ANGIJS.. 2. 1 '81 4 110! ; . i ks • 4.1 t. 'f b,C; • 111111,0115. AND PIOPRIRTOES. I- i • . -- APRIL 25'h 1801 • ros olovEssor. *. W. EkRY, - aoutrrs :01Ir 0 • . ~.. THE Legiiitti Eire, at: its:, recen t sea sioH, passed an act rcijuil,lng:all.keep• era of Restaurants, Hating Houses and Ale't Houses,' to be liceTnsel by the . Ciitirt - of - Quarter Scasicias, the apeli .. cation to be filed Withithe,Clerk of Coirts, and advertised fin,, the memo manner ,as Tavern Licenses arc....• • This law, we think, is . al:good . one.— „Heretofore Yating tiouset, Ale Hou-r sea, ite , were -licensed the Treasu. ter on application, his bond being ap. preyed by the Diitriet Attorney. • No discretio,a , wati n giVen to tile Treasurer in greeting these licepieli, and all who complied - With , the pro isions' of the law could obtain license. , The cox?. (Plane° was that many ibad men ob tained"' license, and lacing tionsea be: eame; in some ituitc.cCes, 'greater 'eels , . as than Taverns. .I,aristiiptioif - is now given,to the Cour t, l of Ruarler Ses ebtlft, and they heye thelright to heat remonstre#ces and exorcise proper -discretitin 6 the premises. . This Change will meets with generr,i_ 'favor in, this county, anti with roper- . "ions mom than with the Treasurer, Dietriet. Attorney and cietkicf Courts, whO bpi' ec often bad iectision to re. gret, belt want of discretiqn in grant ing li eases. . -II j-- • , , 1 • Soirit of the Democratic newspa . , pesedf the State are makir.g quite an ado over a speech made in The , State, Senate in 1864, tY - ' Cl 3 Mar, the Dem-1 ocratie candidatefor_GOvernor, in fa vor of 'instructing the , Senators and. 'Representatives in . Congress to sup ., port a bill requiring.s4lc len to be paid in coin, or its equivale t. Clymer is ___reprelented is the pee liar friend of ! 1 the soldier, and th iaspeech published as enflicient preof of the fact. It is somewhat strange to i find editors of. 'Democratic ifpwsiiiipers l , who through out.thq Nur cor.tributeci in every fray possible to embarrass the government, prevent enlistment, and cast alproach opon:our tirmOiy declaring tge War a , failure, and sold ieml a _band of rob ben, 4.c., Unw using tbils triument.— .1 • Sut we are fist becuming accuPtomed :11 to, their attertdisregarai of truth and consieteney. Let us look , fora moment ' at Clymer's' right ,to th b c lai m of,the soldier's friend: In 1863 he wawa cam - ination fur Governor, an . an cure • it himself,_ nom Wood ward, 'and, suppc.i'l a great deal of ardor. ward decided n i soldier l , vote, and Clymer decle . Lin • right. Was thaty . friend ? ' - ' l l Clymer opppsed the amendment to • the.Constition giving the soldier in ' the field, wh'O had been-disfranchised • N. • by' a Democrit ,, ito Judge, the' right - fe - I ~,,f • - vote. Was that the aet of a friend ? Clymer in 1863 publicly expilessed t • I p his s,yrnpathy with Vallandrgham, who • , • was then in banishment for treason, and who boXsted he never had and never would, vote a Man or a dollar to carr yon tlie war, and ir. 1864 Cly . *nor declared' the war a failure: Is - il • there any particular friendship mani, 1 lested.f4r the soldier inthese acts and expressions ? Clymer in las place l in the Senate - voted against every measure tending to strengthen: the, goVernment, and consistently meted:for levery measure • that promised to weaken the army and encourage the enemy! 'Was that the part of a feiend ?-, II , , 4 Suppose Clymer did' make a speech in favor of paying our 'soldiers in coin, what•was his mot ive ,?;•; Simply tg em barrass ' the govern - Meat. Gold was then a large prernium,jand the gov ernment,. struggling Irn maintain its credit.c , The object Gf !Clymer and his friends was to create; a feeling of dis eontent in the army, and distrinit at house and abroad in ;oar finances. It was only a bebeme to weaken the government. Our readers • will, re:. .mumber holf, the DeMocrats rdfused to,invest irovernment securities, and bOw they•t:sljoiced when f t e premium , on gold-advanced. II W remember. When th e , announeentent to - a Demo. i - •r erstie meetiogii - Beaver' county that I, gold bad advanced Ito 25Q, called forth -, fond cheers trorn the Democracy. Was WI triendship for the soldier that 'prompted this? I , I . ,When Belmont, the hired emissary • of the Confederacy, and Chairman of 1 , the National Democratic ComMittee -tin 1864; used his own and foreign cap ' .4tal to keep up the , premium on gola, 1 Trah) it friendship forihe soldier that L' prompted - the act.? , lie and Clymer -*ern actuated by ttin same motive, viz: • - hatred of ou r sairse I and our 'defend • ere. It was this that prompted the speech now construed linto a , declare. Lion 'of , friendship far the soldier.— Thia is' not ; the ' kind of l a friend the soldiers appreciate. I - -Gen.:John W. Geary is , the kind ~ o friend the sol-. diem appreciate. -/ - -- - - -1 • 1 -.10 corn- 1 Cep tre, .Venira -,,, - i` irkinCeir, Peteoleul so,totoitf, Unto for mint • • d failing to se-, itnated • Judge aim with .f_tkdge Wood,- had no right to tired the dedis the Toiee of a MI Ws., Publiehl below tle sinter. , id boarly-bill liaised by tbe LegiSiiitare of' i this I Siato at the lido seseidio • 1 secure veteriu. volunteer.' local' a 4 , to which they are sptitled. t i be'' act providis that al l , veteran volln4cre belonging 'lto 'orginisiilous EA .this State. 'who icier° regularly re l entisti , ltd re•mustcred and creditCd to iotalit i ne 'within!: lo3 .l - .9° l o"lqt!'" YkiAbikl i tl i lt ) ce Pald'tfirei tiundiid WOW' rs Ideal llon i ty. l to - tisi aSi ssaand - ittl tutid -its- t i proper autborithii: of ,--`" lotial i tty _ _ . - whfelf the-Credit was gi ha ty eulnm nation of th that thi lifispishms moot the.casss oI many an vohinteeM. In this cially 4i the ho re-onlibtad ware n any ,OCh i y. Laing und‘r the itn r-s -'i" i t ii • - ' P 'sion atilte tithe tbat th• State puii a I i local tioronty, and in other cases - ho county,, I. Row far tins' billrintyi co' er such cases remains to he detertpin d., It is urged that duaticts and count es that actually received , the credit of these veterans. ,are entitled 'to l ay therefor, and ithat it w.uld be 'unj ust to compel any district . pay a ;vetr an whpee credit the. d strict did not 1 receive. In view of th contracted . by the se , diStricts in securing v additional harden nnekt but we hope the time w every veteran, wheth any special 'locality oin shall receive the 1111111., . - was - paid to other volUnteers.; 4 iti objected to'again beca u se the Gruvern-r ment paid these - men four huniiired dollari for re•enliAting,. and 'that they have no claim for !mai boluity,'haying re , -enlisted to secure • th ,• bounty offer ed by the: 4431)ernmet .1 We Ifail to 'see 01 force' of this a gument, since it wet a consequence o the reLentist...' ment -.veterans tha the country ve , not k required to fu nish a much larger number of 'rect. its, and k hat. the re-enliStment of the:e Vetereina did; more-theta - anything els = to hasten the , overthrow , of the r , bellion. The_ 1 • country owes ` the Vete' .no a 'debt of - gratitude that can.nev 'r be fully re.: paid. If .. ibere - are at. who'may . net 'be proVided Jor under t i is bill, we lave only to icy to them to wait* little longer, until the distr cts shall 'have paid off the debt.alre dy couiracted, and we are satisfied p .visiofis! will be made to meet your eta me.. Ei'erY n egated veteran has .a ust claim upon. the people . for lualler kelt, and that claim must at some; time be iprid.--- The Government of the United States mast U? attigna a's abi l e equalize the bount'iel4 and those , who remained eit,„ i borne mrust pay tha ve4rans who took ~ 1110 . paces in the'fieldi. i - ; The, theL amen4ed ill: 1 - WU6IE4s, At the b4siquin of' the i late Itebellion,, certain Volunteers 'en tend the Military ser9ceof the,,tni- ILed Sates,; without receiving local bounty; 1 . 1 1 1 _ = 1., 1 .' 1 An 4l lV7terels, lituiy of said vOlan- , rteers, l while yet in said service, re-en -1 listed for three -yea{ s more, undir Geneful Orders No: I ,current seties; 1 Wari Department, Wa hingtory l). C , idated Jur4 25, 1863, a ..I its i.upple i rnentS; I I. - ' , . And Whereas, Many vfoluntecra, ',trough a i„ng of an Act of the • titled Act relating of bounties to, volunt the 25th ,4ay of March been !able to secure luc the proper authorities wtoch.th4 have given! therefore,' SECTIO!fr 1. Be it ' shed, (O f ., , That a l l veteran volunteera . belonging to organizoions of this State, wbo have been- regehtrly re-enlistetk and 're rnristeYed under Ordefa' No. 191 frem the War ;Department; dated June'? 25,,1863, - and exending' .to, April 1, 1864, and whO ba;e not. received any 1 local , , bounty , n r 'given 'their credit to loce.fitiesputside of the State, shall' be paida , local bounty of three hundred dollars, which shall be paid by , the proper antbilrities of such Countich,Gthiee; - Ntraro, Boroughs and' Townships' as received the credit of hitch voters & volucteers, Provided, Tbat in ease such credit be given to loealities orplaceh the l uded ;in - the ) 1 limits of, any Towne, tp, such'TOwn ship, cr the proper ant orities atereof,. shall pay said bounty' , 1 [ 1 - , SEartort 2. ' Tiitnecripta• ,from ,the recordslin the Adjutant Geueral'a al,- fiec ;ot this State, certified to by' the Adjutant General, as [wet! os' Geocial Orders from the %Vox DePartinent alien be received in evidence, and the . place 'Of 'residence nettled in, the re- I enfistment and mneier:in rolls ball, in the abitenee of other evidenc,e, 'be', considered the . place Of credit. ' '• 1 , It SECtION 3. That A School ,Direc tors of.-,each ;' -, and, ery Tpwnehip, Ward, in .Boroggh,_ in which Hiugh credits for cetera) v etiteers - was re. ceiveli_and wanted in'i filling Abe Iltto tab ~ under : the govern! .calle of the Presidefit of the United States fot ttoopsi ere hereby eau thorized- to levy and collect a sufficien La; to; pay said Veteran volunteers, or their 'heirs, or Itlat representatives ; Provided, That said tat. shall not' be'. collected from officers and aOldiera now in the seriice t 6f the United Ste Boor iivho"have been in each service, and have been honorably; -discharge ; therefrom,t or widows' , and orphans or !widowed mothers' nt each officers and soldiers whai trey-have died trom wounds re. ceiTietrarAimeeite - -noetrected while in reriize - [ 1 ,-, , . 1111 =Mr Tim nomination Hon : Henry Staesbny to the vittint place in the SuTieueßenitcc tbettUecl Stat s es, tOo ola, 7 be e ll 446 it 'raifi,:anderatoolll he a resideit Of Ohionavittg.irfictiOed wit On, tintiatlid forrttAny yeirs.p,Ohitriar tWo'cif the Supremo JUdges and MO meukti4rs of - the Cabinet, and' it we: thought that ,itt tut nutlicient for one State. ?True, the Noir Yeili Tribinte states, Obio hos furnished more 'grettV • ebetterdelegittiOnin Con 'grass :for years than' any ether State in the 'Union'. Yet etber . 'Statee are not' concede everything to our sistret, State. It appear:Ch.:waver, that i Stsnstiury renides talentucky, having` moved over to .Newport,s,:r.e year since: He is one of I the' ablest lawyers, in the; United States, and we know' Of • no ' Xentuckian iwboto we would Prefer for the position. He has ever bah , identi6el with the Mhig 'and Republican pert s. It+s,said he is now annpperter of the President's poliey.and that he furnished the legal points to Mr. J4linson, in his veto of the Civil Eights Dill It remains to be seen whether he will b ' ei confirmed 1 1 by the Senate. 1 . - 4 111,e -reof will of our jce :iment v . ;Tait t credited , The A ssassination.s i ,J 1, A Washington special dispa tch to the Pittottur i g pommerciai says: f [ 'The House Judiciary pommittee, having the invektigation of thn evi dence relating to Jeff. Davis'' alleged the assassination orPres idnnt Lincoln tinder consideration to day, (20th) eiamingd Dr. James Mer edith, of Indianapolis, who- testiffed that he was in Montreal:in Fetiruary, 1865, at a meeting ot 'L prnittintrt Southerners, among whom; wereßaun ders, Thompsqn, Tucker, andlaltrum bet. of othehs nclally well .knowri,'ind that theiquestlon of assassinating Lin. coin, Stanton and Grant was discuseed; that it Was declared that it vraslgciing to take place at an early day, and that Booth was going to perform the act, He testi fi es that at the sametime i letter from Jefferson Davit. was.recuiv. ed on the same" subject, and, hatl he, the witness, was atterwarcis told' by . Clement- C. Clay that he (Clai) knew also all about it. in repli t a tikes tion by the witness he said e went from Newpoit, Kentucky', to panada , • in 1864. 1 , 1 r 1 1 _. I 1 heavy debts • eral • mill try ihinteep4, this be oppreak i ye ? 11 come' when' r -cre'filted it pso credited, bciantY that a. ---. Fratricide in Nentaiolc Depperado Tenth Locisvtx,rE,- April 22. At ensburg, on Friday , afternoo altercation bettteen tro ---,,, mimed Kendrick and Alien Btarqield, I respecting I no - old 'partnership, the, latter braving drawn_a ; pitol, Ives killed instantly by ,the tot me -,. I 'On 'Friday , on the Cbrisnburg 1 i and Shelbyville pike, Terrill,. ithera. and a number ot• their . old c Onsides, were seen, moving _towards: Shelby— ville; COnsiderable excite era lwas occasioned, iti Terrill said he ;was watching for the -partieS vs! co; being sworn forexaminution :as jur . ri4 at his 'recent trial for , murder at Shelbyville, ,statedthey were &tad eitTerrill shim i il e liiing. lie says,he will kill l th e-last t, le of theia.l, - 7 Terrifiio Explosiorx rd Loss of Life. - S'cw ThuK, At The steam tug Arizonn. has arriceil., IShci $82%000 in spode. , A. terrible d!easter oedurr piwall 0,. the 3d inst. The fearful explosion boar i d t ship - turopean, d4tro'ytng and four hundred feet of her The pause of '1,6 exploliOn i• ed to be nitro glyeerinel on About fifty 1 rersons wore mong .ttie!n the captain and 1 the-ship. of haid veteran oli:vrderstind-1 l'Jegtehtture:en-:, itto_ the Pay cent eras." approved 1864,,hav4, not. I bounties from pf the plac l ea to their ' credit ; . . ..,1 THE FRENCH TROPE, 70 BE . VI , FITI- 1 kRAWN.—The French Minister had un I interview with, the Secretary ;)f State on S,atnrday: It, hi said,prO-' sented the formal 'adnesionkof I . the French government,to the Athertcnn principle of Inon.intervention. as; liiiex plained by the , Secretary ; . of' State = T The Emper 'kindly and cordially replies to the Ignited States, nd agrees to withdraw his, troops in tbreu do tltehtnents., :Oa Of them ext No vember, and tbe others! in May, and . liovember,4B67. The full and : fi nal correspondOee between the two:GeV ernments which led to this imporfant result will, it is . expected, be sent to the House of 'ilepresontatives I this Week,.in .answer 4 to a call r ecently made on the Department of State or. - motion of Mr. IlicKee, : of lier k tacky. __...........___ , WHAT 'THR WAR COSTHI'RR 4:)1D111.- Matthew F. l Maury, ex-director of the National Observatory at( Washington, ex-rebel,andrpresent colOnizbr in. Mex . is now in Parts,"Cogagea ~in :intl. tioning the, rebel syMpothiiers in England and Fnuiee kir itbe 100 of aeittitnte Southerners., lie has written a three - column lettei', l , l in w hich he estimates the lose of thelSoi v tit, by the war at 87,000,000.0001(eeve thou sand millions.) In this het ; in littletbe Value r of thnslaves, war ex epee „de struction of private property„and 4faleral'taintion.,. - , 0 .1•11.0.- ~..... "Nor a single man Oat serve' 'an• der Geary, in Mexico," Aye , the liielle haute .. Wald/man, "will vote for hint." To which' the editor of the Ebenaburg Alleghenian i replies by Asserting that if __, , were tothe editor of the wok/L i man were to come up here Co Cambr ia county, where Geary raised:the company 1 Which he led to Mexidn i ttn make the .foregoing assertion, he would hav e i the lie crammed down his throat, not by a n "'tingle 4an,lu by s c ores. ' , I ' "-bt, 1 1. Supremo,' Court 'of Maissachn setts.,in a mute tried heforei th i n full beach on -demurrers, his decidad as folltme: revenue stamp is n o part of the note and need not be copied; nor is the validity of a'pote affect:od by the want of a tamp unless it if aid ulCntiv othitted. r 11 111 : e' 5 1M" ) 771 EmpEL- 1 -- , ~ --1,- .....'t • i ; ,;"' -- :•: 11, ..•-•- . ,- I. Amur „ - Writes . tttrok A»: &med. to rayiiitarliii‘proof buildings. 1 at the -.. y lt i liArsenal,(Nforred):, to print ,000 co es Ittf4be,Aeport o r the Pat t Cairubiwtiorher'lttdopted);, WO- dt tieg 4belniitwe ler loAtil eitiled' after Bit ' it to WI changed (referred). Bills AN re Introduced to punish the making- ' use of :feign Intnds,stamps, &c...(refetteda and to . regttlata:the numbeirluid appOintmen't et officers , .1d the ' Navy (referred) .- - A - Ciihreil ence •Catimitte*wt. - appointed or the liquor res l ointion. 1 -Mr, Connesa made apersonal explanation. The inotior. to reconsider the tvote- or. 'the 'admix.. Moe of Colorado was called up for and went .Over. ; The lbill:for the relief .of . certain -:naval, - contractors was debit ed, ak4 pending iticonsid-. eratian, the Semite adjourned.' ! i *husk. • . . A bill riot reported from the; Conti mime on Commerce, making appro.. pria&tons 1 for the] repair, Sto., of pabi lie works, and raerred. A number of Pension bills were repotted and pend ing debate on one of .therii, the . More= ll* hour; *Attired. The house took .' .up the the Army bill, and discuesed . the Vetetan Beserve Corps section .=-- A mo iod to strike it 'out-;--abeliabing the et rail ` , Reserve— w as. lest, : yeas c 30, d - 84. A motion tit as. voted i t acts iautborizingl colored r gtmentir waft. rejected, 23 to 85. i, It - as voted to dispense for the present Withthe ebening sessions. Aftet ' some per ebnal explanatted -the Reuse ad d journed., , 1 ~ i i - APRIL 18.—The House s bill to reor.: gantse the Pay 'Department pf tho Navy was reported with an atnenci- 1 mspt.' • Reaolatio,na were adopted ,cai ling for information as, to tbo board lately in session at St. Louis on brevet appointments;. and asppropriatj ng 085 to inifil eeruiin The bill for relief. of ?cert ain' contractors was taken up awl 'post poned till The resolution_ cd shanks to Gen.lienenek,and a ?resolu 7 tion appointing Managirs for - the Na tional Asylum for. Disabled Soldiers were passed', The Post Office Al)pro priatio'n bill was - iiebated and pestpon. ed till . to-day. Tho House bill to *- Mend the Habeatt Corpus' irtivas ta ken up, debtOed and raMended, .and ponding its cnnsideration, tlie!Senate, went into Executive Session, and then adjnerno,d. I ''The t brtind , it i l an roqkerg, -•- A bill was pasOd appropriating $6,- 483 96 for the relief of I. G. Clark..-- Bills' were introduced for' the relief ' of .Coin.C. Carter; to hid a Hipoesota Railroad, and tolamend the Agrieultn• i9tl College net: Tlke bill to increase the salary 'or tbo - Cominisstener of Pensiocs WSW rejected, 56 t0:63. Va . . nous Memorials,and resolutions were inesented. An invitati•in to the mernhers of ,the - 1.0n4e to be pticsont . it the Eniancrpaton celebrationil of the colored citizens of the'. District was received and 'teed. She bill , was then :i.akenl' up, and the vote, a- 4 dopting the Veteran Reset vb.sention was reconsiderei. and an amt - irdment mustcrfng out the Veteran Reserve . Reserve officers not actuallS - . employ- ied was,adopted, 59' t 0•43. Adjourned: - ff - , sEs.vrz. 1= ril 20 APRIL 19 —.sle. McDiigsll.mide an apolosy for his lidng'.uage the'Seriato on 4 recent occasion. a Various poll- 7 .tiona were presorted :4 billl was re. ported 'to issue' American registers to certain British-built vessels. ' A repo., lotion was adolitedlo print 6,000 eq. iek of the 'eulogieli 4n Setiaterl F00t; 77 - Tim- Colorado bill . was takenc up,,dc4 bated, and made•the special. ertlef for Tue:iday next. j- The bill to amend Ehe habeas corpus act came with=ia question pending en Edmundre aniendment;,of S•esterday, but;without further,.preetiej.iings • the Striate itt? c• journed. 7. ' • - ' 7.7 k . • Korn• As. brigs - • • 0 WSS steam , I I : aupt)o427l illoq; a- jft..:oi•s of Bills ;were. re .orted to regUlato the i terms of. tire 'United Suites Courts inl the Eastern DiStrict of New York; to piovide military instruction in the Agricultural °lieges; a bill.making' apprppriation to supply deficieecies; and a bill to e yistruct a- ship canal a round 'the Paps of Niagara. The latter was debated and laid:over till -next Tuesday.' The army bill was ta,' ken up. -. An 'amendment to :increase the itifaritry companies troin 50 to -100 privates,as rejected, 45 to 65. 1 -- An araindmeal to make the, term of enlistment five - years instead of three, was rejected, 40 to 61. Sections from the shill) -to t'be thirteenth inclusive were considered, and lifter allolig de bute'the bill was - laid aside Oar other busitiess. Resolutions were introduc. ad tokint 50;000 copies of - Stephen's -, testimony; and authorizing afl 'exami.' nation of. a bill for afresh water basin , for iron cladi:' Two; bills, concerning the Itistriet of Columbia , were intro- duced, and stl)hate bills were ',referred. Mr. Smith introduced a bill'to, provide A Ur.iform milithi. Various petition, were presented. 'Adjlarnett. issArr.'. ' i s Aram 20.-The Neill° . Railroad , Comtattee Wits , dis Charged from the further consideration or the' bill to aid the Sonthern Scifie.Railroud. 'Reso. Intion's • were passed to extend the time for .ari yleting, the , first 20 milae! of tbel 'Western , Pacific Rail. road to luturiry 1, 1867; and appro priatinsr 1150,000 to tillable the Presio dent to •reward the crewlof tLe Bali Francisco. The bill to, amend the - ha belie Uorpas-,,ict _Was taken tip. Mr. Editiond'sameadrien,t !halting the set to 'States ih-rebe‘lion was rejected; 10, 1.4129.''. Varlohs amendments were re. je.ited ;- one by •Mr. lieSdricks. was adopted, and Oe bill pissed; Yeas; 80; 1 4 1,SyS, 4. Adjourned to itondaY. , • ' - 1.1, 1 . . , • ' / . '-_'.. moues. The bill - totnt *pension of $421. 50 to'lshmiel pay was. passed—Yeas; 106; Itaya, 18: -Resolutions were. a. dopted remitling part of a contract ; permity to ohn Wiles & Sone; and i ', , ME= HOME. MAE -,, cing fo r a report on the Soot . -West, .P , .11 jhe !donate bill to leen - bonds 4 -11.ErgtiriiiirTIVIW - sse! , %V -ll' asp atm ;went 'lnto. Com ~, tee of ,_lll ..ilh l idiflitsd considered . t . ~:Army ,:fill i ,irotes were take - on sal* , see tl, Alf „ i When l the lion e rod ,‘ ~ 'and,is ny ber'lg,,,_,bil la we" repoft, d 4frotit t ., I --- u 4 A C m 4to ltie eloc esi k a t n h d e H Pe o li titte tli Tdj :P o r n n e O nt l ell. Path 21.--Senate not in - Se stbn. , ~ i, • n the Moyse, aanenalpn Sat rdaye, e eral debate- was litte• 'cord() of. the 4 „ ~which .was -partinitiated in ~by M sere. Miller, Thomas, Smithe, Soho, lie dMhallabergir; Randall and flit-, ter. IF :.: .."1 ~ _ 7 ' , . I 1,'..' ! ' 81:11 - A7 1 ,... •i - 1 I ' 1 - APRIL ;11.•;•-•The bill to reg . ulate-com merne ai4 postal communication toe tuitiO the Statea was called u ; also a bill to repeal the act to'cede t e euttn. tyi . 1 1 3 i; Alexandria iti the • • Dis ticti lk Coln : hie. to Virginia. - ; 1 ; 1' 1 1 uottix. • ' • Irri • IA. iiisolution .was offered tnit i rue gag theicomiliittee on Eipenditnr,es to in: ' . vcstegate alleged .frauds in the reveft nn tu Boston , and. New Yo' k; Mr: •liiiihsm offend a resolution hat tho r i Vointnittee on EecoOstractio be re-I li'ved from further , consider Lion of all,mXtters pertaining, to tbe• presel ti4top frOm Tsu i /memo, and bat the i i i i credentials be referred to A oCOm.! M ttee on Elections * with lost etiOne tpreport as sooty', as p cticable ;:, n on the cleetiori-Oturns a d qttlif 7 i cations of ' said j , repress intim!. be judiciary coinmittee a verse report on the positto of the P lident to :modifylthe tent alb .; n in enage was , received from tb .Presi'- deinkrespecting the leollectio of the re sloe of our soldiers ki ed and b rigid about Atlanta; a bill to aIIOW u p. Reventie Assessors to appoint . . , d pities. • • ' '1 ' From Mexicio. O r . - , AK RANISCO, 'April .13 • D i lspatchge, dated March ceived to-day frbrn Mazatlan ,e site !ranch army, 1.100 . st enfn ced from Tepicoittack Q)rliana Rubi, three mi Mazatlan. . feßer a severe battle th• wer'so entirely defeated, with 0 7OO killed and wounded; 3 • tare d , and the remainder ret latatlan. , 4 , i , 11 the 'itieets in Mazat barricadad k ard tberb was dOutat that 21 the . 11,43publican' s..a occupy the plaice. • ple ORM: PEABOD?r, the merlean banker doing businesk in En: land, 10 ter lhaving amassed an - iinMense for. ! Orilla' in that ceuntry, and estowed Tirineely same to pet misnent y relisire the: , indigent poor of Londois , about to: le ave the Old World to re am s his cul. . ll:unship in the United Stater...l.- 1 The Queen of England recently , indi- I eared her, de - sire to recognize Mx Pea . bo4,y's worth' arid virtues by i pliii:ingia tlii.46 at . lics disposal He graifully 1 1 AelcnOwledges' Victoria'A IcirPl uppre iaiion, but firmtpleelthed be hono r, ,rpAtlie reason that he is an Antericc'in ,r f feei.,born citizen• which ho cppeiders the itiigheat earthly honor any I man t &in i.. 1 Try. .We wonder, )low tna!iy of f,tie. r itiney snobs livio? now in' this coti , i . --.. ___,....„...... 4 Y (*Mild have g rer•iiitea 'Obi ofiCr of a 1 ' , title: I GE! - lERRI; GRANT in ii reeer - riallon with licir. George 11 of IBcHton, said of !General ‘•Sherman is aulan to be pr Hsi, is impetuous ' he .is fan' knOWs his own fault as so rent." And, of Sheridakhe the best. man it; 'America nolpeei /Re can wield any 1 1 3 pure-hearted, eimple.iman 4 truly noble mail." And, , 11'10' said: - "Lll7here Were a l si,tlier.s who could have done !3, ? Fil:,well as I. lam l ilhankf thfit bibelped mo to do the had I not been living, or ha k, , e l romeut passed over die,; qer Olen who would litiv l _ ii 'tory Jor you." Fax Richmond Examiner; • trig the cisitlE Rights Bilk, 'enthern 'people to "pre • tholera; may .decidei the qu i teen our adversaries. land That is. not ati amiehle .for 144 as tho'times go'. we awe tat it iti no worse, It will, hoped that the rebels •feeting game'' daring the aileC . 7 ." fTat New yin* Tiiben rom Eastport says therei, Cliement, AM(' the presenel 'renians ,orgattizlg leinndation forgonei wird!, T 'epeeist froni Calera Spur i Cltement is immense over, seyenteen Fenian ; compos,4 Wing of the, grand, army, 0 4ain darnier. The left reit' pert, under Captain Doyle/I PRESENT/ITION Oi "SAE SIIA. Ti :F4as. -kPhiladelphia has been• he plaee where the tattered and torn age of the 'PermsylvanOtiregimeets ,'salt be formally ret.urn;:d to the' - keeping of the Commonwealth. 'The Committee of the Legislatere having , the matter in 'chirp, hat made•Xr- Tiingeinents,for the " carom ny, which, mto take place in Independence the 4th of -`Julyl' next, j'Of tho .216 State'flaga carried darieg . :the i , war, bat font_ were lost .i . - battle— tr his is aprond record for the 'Penn , a Ivania, 'soldiers. , ' . 1 _ , - ; ,‘• p°Pn,tmcrilote et Booim'a l l CA one-- Edward P. - Doherty, tb es tor; of flood), was Isn't week pea aka a &mood Lieutenant in .`tba Aeg. Cavalry 1. BRICK, are three dallani anill lower irk New :r9ek, I#Etclined - 10:sm ex to -lea ousand,•a i nd li!ip has d'. Iwo dollars So a ddlla* and ' l ents per barrel. '• . - . ••, 1 I , MEI 'i ,' . 'llo7gurtnewApril, 14, 1866., nEsnweti A iti r ' - lineroniAtdain—A. few daya since I reeeiv. I'v I` 7 0 'VALI ' " ' C ,:1 Teajt7te4 I l ea,' a protaliest citizen of the valifiLig ''' ' - ------ ,• .. um , 1. rootßo.iiDEßl3 - ...., coriaty, ri tt e7B m: g meths!. certain parties were OIL •cpet al.,- b...... 4 ? 7 THE 4 . oOrgiag 'Noa 8. Littell with taking r i fhi,l3 et iabl,Ctivai7T i ttt 4 tedik misit to trilunpOennison, Ohio, mad selling i 0urb ":4 6 214,: A . •kfirri t . tl. l l§l4; thaw, espies me to investigate the I 2 , 4 m i. b‘ it' w 4 Peale"- tenni .' b 4 lw ipany under he act o f 3,fill e, titesii; 1 ,A, lira ips, o f m Y , ho t , fritter. 'lt•welir well aware of the falsehood I- se, for die Piirp ose of 0 7 0 1436 6,75 t le t of the Atoll% -Imam. I was familiar with the eireapitatenees that led Gen. Littell to go trk : mash . i i i fh l :li other burio esel i 18 4, Camp Dennison at the time he did.,(1861), but i i der said sell a critt e "6 l'ittert out Al.- 'PETTIT' i to is* the denial Mora cuitaitt And iatisfice. 4 pril 29th, )1864 2 .--1 - T'Preemn, 1 tory to the imiiie, :I altdreesedi note to par. . ‘ ,. , 4 . 7 ._ ~. l u ,' ties that mud ktioa , • • ell' about the conduct of AS. '!. h Uans-Se "atarjr. '' 'r li w d oe. General Litten,atilie 'tivii. referred to. You.. CURB .0 D I p7i7l ----: - t iri NG e _ m_ May, if , you think it nvessary to vindicate the 1 _ , )I,77.. i tiv in . i ,..„....- ' 0 Will i character ef' a brave and windy; mei from a --- . ; - ! - ' - - 41 -9. ' a;foul charge, publish the riorrespoudende. Your„ &c., :. - . M. I.:maxims. iftits.stitsi., 0, 40.i1 . lgth, 1866. f 4 1. pi. hi. Leinutscs, proakisiori t Pa.:* Ds :jilt In ibnewerTtil yOurs cif lyeaterday, say that lune, 1861, the 8d Regiment, . 0 Y. 1 1. was msstating, or rather re organrsing, at Cainp'. Detinisoit, Chio.. Coitipany 0 Of the regiment- refused to _be' mustartvi into the ser.: vice for three years, and was detached. .Rev, Dallas, then of East Liverpool, 0.; obtained permission to recruit a company for the regi ment, to supply the place of theene detached,, upon the 13th of June,- 7 I think lam correct in the date,-1861, 1 he and J. 8. Litton came to Camp Dennison '-with a company, for the purpose of filling the vacancy-which lad ex existed, but through some misunderstanding, or•bad faith upon the part of the Colonel of the regiment,, the vacancy had been filled up the day previous by another Company. Upon ascertaining these factsi,a'number of the men who had Come with Dallas and Llttell return ed bums f a few welt into. Co. R, 31 Ohio, then commanded by Myself; some went Into Co. F, and one or two int* Co. 0, of the same regiment., s To My . certain knowledge no sale was made, of any man by- Mr. Littell,.. nor, was there any propositions looting to that end made or': received. The men who r enlisted there were determined to go into the - service, and I know ,that Mr. Littell neither encciutag ed ortliseOuraged theta in so doing: lacked t few ,men to • fill my Company; and after I learned that Dallas and 'Littell could not get in as e l Company, I went among.the boys' aril recruited as many men as I:.ivanted... Other *facets did tke same., done l it without consulting. Mr. Littell tjrely• On our own responsibility. Fours • .L. 186E1 23, re— atn thnt in g, re— Geoff. Its from French the Niel 0 , ethtt - - rn° l ? i j sn were it; little would Editire ..lrytui: Permit me through the sot umiss of y our paper to state to the citiiens of Beaver county that' I was atl:Camp Dennison ' to 1881 '_ when Gen. Midi arrived there with his meni,iand I know that the story now in sit culatien in Tier 'county accusing him of 'selling its' men to 8U up the 8d 0. V. 1., : 0r ,'any other Regim'ent." io be a base fabrics ' tion. • . . The, facts othe ease are these: Gen. Littell I watt "fondled "f he raised a full company that tt shOnld.have a p!aes. (Co. Grin the 3d 0. V. I. Through unexplained. interference of the Colonel. the vacancy was filled by. a company from another regiment. Gen. Litt ell thus having bcen intt d,. gave his men the priiiiegi of returning home. or:entering any organisation they ;night choose. Many Id • thorn enlisted in our regi ment, 340. V. I.; and in every case of their enlistment the iact-wais voluntarily. • Du i ring Gen: Littellts stay in Camp Denni son he quartered' with me. ) - .I . never saw any thing exceptionable in his ieriortment; on the contrary; ? recognised in him r a gentleman, a._ patriot; and e t ! • ' JAMES I‘l. IMBRIE, ' • . Late. Captaiti, 34: O. V. I. t dopyer epwOrtiii, Sheiman: 4.tid y, bathe n ae.any dree..4 e Arad, •'a i nti h.irrsOf onsan' I c thething (workl to Gtd 1) , b. t 4 the Gnv !there' are won_ t e NirB.l[; • - -• ATTOBNEY AT LAW,: No: 85 FIFTH ST., PtTT3RURr.. „, , . WILL GIVE PROMPTATT ; EIsITIGN TO Collections,' and tile I...uroliase. and eale of Zeal 'Estate. And will also attend to the hindttess of hie'Profeeeion in Beal* Co. [ap2s • 'Lost: ..• riommisslONEßg' REC E I PTl_ forlinsest k ed Lands in the borchigh of Bridge Water, for the years 5 , 861. and 1862, - . allowed on set tlement witlii J.. M. .IBarbour, Collector of Thies, 4:111. 2, 1862, tor $42,28.1 Any person finding the same will pleaie return to THOS. ALLISON, TreasOer of School Board: Bridgeiritee. [apr2s in disc - BEAVER COUNTY OIL COMPANY. asksio 1 that tile estion of - pie . y; .be thank s renem ! "tho ar, bULI it 111\TDTICE is hereby given that there will be ' a . meeting of the Stockholders of the above-nsmrd coMpany, .on• the 19th day of May next, at tbe V. S. Serf . lll2UB offtee r ßeaver. A full attenileatee is requested, as business of importance is to be transacted. D. L. IMBRU!, President.' S. PATIXIPOit Sitcretair .1 [api2N • 1‘ SPRING AN6 • SUMMER, /'s iipe;l is no x ,, of a w es is , the he Mrtcrs Is the ex notiti tLeriight nder Cap. at Baste • C: 0 1= 0 tEh I 1. I [I , ,• • • • •1 ' , tHAKE .juit received .11 new stock of ,j. Ocrods, of the LITEST 'STTLES. Fos SPRING ;dr SUMMER WEAR. 4' • I • , • Firalsblng Goods , conicsnety 7 !1 hand 1,, I imminto NON Te. ORM Ii all , *6 Wen styles iiaa at sii9rtast 1 ; ' peri Am*. 146.14 ire dollars '1)43 - e Ircl!tirfivfr Steivairaßow, Iltritlge'Sfreet, - • + - - r sir26s ' .13ttlbc;LWATZ8-: M!EM =1!!:2 A. g. 8.14114 7xiit.sim6, April 13, 1366 MI MEM IMIEMI I= 1- • pROPOSALS_Are invited' foe' ti e ir k part. of. 25,000 feet ofturb Stott sit, _chew fail; two (2) feet 'depth; alto fr 17housand (50.000)!square yards ,of vint . stons. Address - 111 / 11 AGliAti & Skil( apr18:5t.134), Allegheny eitt RA. 'FITTS. On and.altai lows: (Ti ileavei dal IL R O A - Ds. FT, 3,11, & ai . R. R. Noy.: ID, 1865, Train will tem, landays etee ed. a , ft kain 'mirth % Chicagoa 6,50 Pittsburg 41. Rochester. 4... 'N. Brightoh..ll Enon- ' !", 442 ..1 Colniabiana 517 H Salem •1 1, 540 " 1 Alliance .4. 11 830 H Canton 1 "1„. 705 .. Massillon 730 Orrville- '1 !I 802 Wooster 830 0. 1 Loudonville -:1 922 Mansfieldl .l olo ' . Crestline !I • " 1,De111115, Bucyrus ...L 111145 17,•,Saadusky Forest. 1 '1255 ..1 Lima.......... 213 ...1 253 Van Wert ;1 824 " Fort Wayne- 500 Columbia ?; fluntsvillei.f.. 4.4 - Piereeton Warsaw 6io Bourbon .... ..1 Plymoutb.....‘li :741 Wanstah..4.:. ..1 Valparaiso-. 1 922 " Hobart jI • Clarke 11 111C.RR.Cros R Chicago 250 Am 400 “ MEI :BRAINS 1191.30 14T " .11 :MAIL Chic a go I -11 449aul 620.utl 4,s4nrii R.IsARRJUnc '' 1 . “1 • ..i -. 11l C.BRPros ''• ' 'I; .. ......... ..i .. .. Clarke - ' ' L; ii itl b ppra - so l : ... :': 6;30 ;tBH V 03.:741.::= Wisnatah .. e 1 ..1_,.. ' -',.. h . , -j• Plymout... :.' $44. "' 940 •'. 9.14...\ tit Bourbon J. ' Warsaw I 1002 '•'l Piercetoa -... : '• -.': Huntsiille ... I '' ` 4 ' Columbit - ' 1,101 " Fort Wayne.. 1233 em 1 1 Van {serf,..,. - 211 , Delphos • 2'33 •"‘ , LiMa............. $33 “, rOrest 1 443 I -: D BaliduSky.. - 623 '••1 1 Bucyrus • 609 "I ;!•,Ar 640 "!1 Cfesillue . 1) 1 , 1 e _ ioUsis il Mansfield..... 1 , 10." 4 . , Loudonville __ ~22. ••-:; Woosier.l ..... ... 1025 -•,1 f (irryille-1....- 1100 .."! I Mll assion...,.. 114; , ' Catiton.- . '...::-.. 1205i'm 1 Alliance ,L' .... . l2O '• Salem ' '2 , )0 t• l•Coluinbillna _ !•;2:30 " 1 Enon; 1 i` ;. :326 -1 N. Brightool..'! ,410 ..: RocliestOr .... !; '.43 1 ) • 1 I'ittdburgh ... •' i6o)0 ' 'For •New - Castle and Erie. 6.40 , A• iu comniodation' thins leave Allegheny tr - Briglitoty9 001 a. in; 11.50 a Itht in; 5.40 P. in. For Economy, If, rn.• Fori New Castle, Greenville' ant town, Ya , 3.50:p rn. . •- - _ • F. it. MYRA'S, Gen. Pekei C,ILEVE. & P.ITTS9I II ' On and after Dec. 11,18135. traini sill leiTt • L ions daily, Sundays eicepted, as folr apiNG SOrTil. ! Ear's Mtn , i‘ i 1 ' . „ Clevelarid 800poii 22.5eN . Euclid street 811 •." 1 2G "! Hudson' !I .915 . ..I 3:1:1 Akion Millersburg...;l.... Ravenna.;...... p5O. ~; Alliance 8ayard..:..... 1;1125. 4 .! !!1255rul -Toopm NoRTII 4 . I Ekv . s.'; Aceot gin, 840 Am I. 515 m: ~.. ,"1 6i3 ...t • ...... !1.100 ": GOAN .r• !1150"817 ~;;723."::•• I,• ......... Wellsville .... Bayard:...; .. . Alliance .....: Millersburg:. Orrville Akron ... .. Hudsoni....... Euclid street Cleveland.... • ,1 . I * '...- **** L; *** : .... • 1227rx Mlt•iisooa" : 1,132' •• 949 "i•' 9l ,. 14E.,'"1,1000 ••,,93 0 • 1 gotrta agranke.,... teubenv.llle. Wellsville .... Srnith'ererry . 1040 Ax 1050 " 1 1139 1"158px r 2 '° ls F 1.87 011. " 21 5 4.1 1 1 330 " Racibesier Pitt!blirgh Pittsburgh Rocheiter Beaver --... iiimith'sFerry Wellsville ... Steubenville. Lagrange-- 1 . . Brtdgerprt; Be AirticA . - Lewres Nt'PhWielph Bs . .rird; j L 4 IMI 843 "i 315 w. r11048:4:187103°404' . 1. . i.1ii - ; r 1 13447 6 5 0 4°1 1 7 3 '551 5 1‘. 5 '1 , 11: : :74 r1: 1 ' 4 ‘"4 : 1 1242ix i 703 • . 102".., 730 1 1 14:5'"! 810 • 122 815 0, 328"1 945 .90,5, 5 425 500": . 1110 ..640Am, 709.01'124, 710,•• 733 ..i 1 . 25 750 •,! 8',23 825 "1 B §7. "1 24 943 "i1020..{) :1025.•.;110:.'; 100 12351111 145;m 1t 122...1. '285 215 ~ 1 333•'• 322 ..1 .ito al 458','•1 630 at pL_.. 1141 "i ...... "' 840 _ , xeos... E x pC; • Ez , 03 ,S ",1035 321 124 " 230rm , 1227mil 143 214 .214 '4" • 04' Z 57 - 4.25 ": 4.10 -503::,• ":11: 53l ticio 609 ••• 7.15 11 718 - ••' „, ..,2S 83S ••! •,; 1.34-• •••101f 103 •t-11.40 -: 10:5•5 •••'121"V8r1: 11•11•• , •111 " es' 115'2_ 1225 An: 449 " 7.4 f4 O ? '2IV • io ..; . loy lIM ME 450 " 1 52.0." 1; (355 . NEM lEEE ;AST. 600Axi 4 05 r i s 615 415 H. „ o 711 73a "1••„.'•; •‘ 1715 $4O "1 •. ii" . 75/ ;.1.:.d•• • 905 sla .9-10 .. 551 1000- Mak , 00 1115 , aouto REF' Efes• ? .11 - ; 12'030rx 5 05 ! . 4 340 i 620 ' 715 •-23 10111 . . .. .. .720 ,! 0.0 0 „1 • 819 94 0 838 rl lO 2 930. ”1110a ~11120,'' 426 1 520 " 626," ,648 .. " 187 , 7 50, SG iiAWAS BRAPII Airites 7.10 s m Goners! II II IS