II x " ri dr M I 11 . ' 0 M =_ innd;ffi~~ ~CS~.I.~BSOUB` ~~ _ . ,; Illsottem. AL. 64 - , Fifth bog, it the egthorited • sweat for the 4 Aitittet 41 that city. • - •: • , se-See Gendy's \ vim tisement-M an ottw column.' 14.Th* attention offti.rtictiOcrts dirard-: 'of to theadvertisement at.-.&Asot rfallos# in s oothe, column. It.obait !haajust .•recaivad . 4 ,opiendidsiods of botita' intrshoesi, , irliqb;l4 proposes to sell at prices sp'prikachin,t the standard. Be further ,piopswees to repair. or , Sew up ail rips in the stock sold by him:Which is quite an item. lit is at: honest man, and: on; readers can plies ail confidence in , what i t s rays or proposes.; ; . ppira pap!' Persosf.- 7 alias Iltarthsken zme k, o f ..linhoningtown,-- in this . county, aged about 16 years. ditd on Friday morning freni the 'effects of poisoti. . It gip p ei ies she, !some aberration 'of, took a portion of red lead paint, whiah csueA her death. Iles were-commit' ted to the tomb on Saturday. The parents , and friends hers our- sympathies in their sad • herearement.—Neto Cainie Journal. • j EpIGNATIag 01 Btri . z6Eo.4 G irsstAL Paw. .urs.,-11)r. Joseph A. Phillips. has • resigne,d the port uf. Surgeon General, of 'Pennsylvania, sad 'that post has been closed... Colonel ;lips lito,been :ounce:tett with the Pennsylvania 400i.p id the field and this office since the `rieinctencetarat a the war, ind be retires ;WI lie:fnal confidenee- and esteerti of the eiheishi-there. Ile returns to Pittsburg ore the practice of 'his professienrt Tlll NM/pi:lW N' 71.01eCOMPANY.—i= e belted on Saturday last the Pittsburg 1,0ov.! Plow lanufictory.and spent artljtour their works. machinery, ' 76u nosifactory located in the old Car rectal, 4,,cliebter;istd has been in operation fur sone ' Rodgers ileucts 'Sons. and:Graff, Bennett di Co., `4 fistsbarg.-os , sartiiel tbakeonipany, d. purohase" she Car Fas.wsry, tied it, and - furnished the isecessary capital lo'start the work in success , , ful'operstion; ; The building has. a front on thel %to river of I two, hundred an 4 forty feeii a depth of t Wo. hundred and three feet, and la ihitaXteri4s.higli. It Las also in addition to the main.building, ;stone , foUndry, sixty .by ninety-three feet. The company hal a side track. entmectiag with the Pittsburg, i'Fort and chicago,.and•gleveland and Pitts= , 'berg. end , the Pittsburg and Erie Ptailrohtle; siting - them facilities for ehippi g seldoni .7 *quailed and nowhere excelled. The cesspit 11y, we were informed; has the best machiriery in the :world. having, secured in every depart meat the latett-and roost improved, regardless of expeuse.. has'e not now time or space te atttniip t's C.et tit. n - of the to wil try at.no distant day. o.gire our readers sonic idea of the .machinoty employed and rnod4 of ~ip wa in g in the vstriotis departments .. of this. • eitsunce inane story., About seventy-five isautis are now etoployCtii. and the number of • 4110‘711 turned oir shout live hundred - pet week. - Notwitinitandit.g the amount of work thrown. / *Stitch vraek,the den i4ln greater than theii capacity 117 supply. the, company mariufac- L i tore shout on, huudred . i different slats and varieties' of plows. adapted to .every variety of soil, and are prepai cal at all dross to make Lao-vier any special Tuere ate , buttwo l'It! Establishments t United States that ! Le capacity superier to the,Pittsburg Plow -Company.. and 'iu a few yvare we anticipate that ours will eurpits others, both in the ' amount and Quality their work : Woi; A. Rodgers,Esq.: La. Prasident of the Company, land ten - energetie and acquittal°. kiating , %indent:in, under' whose management company must, prosper. Jas It. Wright 'lel:restorer, and C. French Superiniend-:' ,ant French Lao hid more than fifteen' ...veers experience as a plow tnanufaeturer, - anti v ii-} skilitul Fontana. it is greatly owing to ,I his!tkilll energy - and opiaions that the coreptt-- i lies a ready - achieved the success it has. Citizens of ,13eaver' county weleume i thelte , -eatlemen to our midst, and are .proud so kb ' sy ttianufattory belongs to sue. Coililly. Certainly they should and will re. • sere every encouragement and meet with' that favor to which may are justly entitled. 0.. Tna,fati:itarPic Plitsto ix Etrasra:—Perlops! ..113e of the greatest triunvhs of tLe Chieber iag Piano is recorded in the following letter : from) nor Consul General nt Florenei. We fully agree witb Lawrence that these 1 pianos hare only to be known in Italy to be in ..3. i2;./NSL'I ATI GI:NIECAL /OIL ITALi, ) - li.oziaict: ' , .July' 31, 1866: ; Gentlameti—lt has been ray intention fat iii eral weeks past to write pia respecting the pi ,uo•forte pfirchased .of ,'you lastryear, but toy' official duties during Abe present season tare been so constant anti : unremitting as to lima me but little time for-uther correspond- IZI3 Owing to several delays both in America;l before leaving New York, and in Italy, after.' reaching Geneva, the instrument did not resell I here until tatobeF,, although it. left Boston- in.! Iprii, beitig, consequently, some six months:l hi iranal:.. Notwithstanding the frequent! , 'hauling to > which it -was subjected through these numerous. changes,it arrived in excellent] older; tbe.os.y damage being the breaking oil I et' a fee ; itches of the. moulding from the lid„ l i whicli.erkkbasily repaired.' Ile i'....iterioi wart in perfect order During 1 the wintir it Islas used by, severalof the best , prokssihriol acted-amateur artists here, (scirce- ii li °lie Jof whim had.' ever previously seen an American piano-forte) and met withmost un -In4ifted praise both for the clearness, full—, Lies: and richness of its tone. The greatest ' tirkise has been. manifested that such an iit strutner.t could be Made in America, scarcely • ;'dissenting voicnb`eing raisect againstits an.• periorit) over the instruments of Erard, Broad.: wood and the most celebrated European mi lers. . • , line of the last performers upon it eras sig= i tor - Seatibati, the favorite pupil of Lists, now I i gnite a young man, but who, in the opinion at i the hest kudge:i, finis fair to rival, if hot to. Steel, his fanicus master. He played at my house upon ecreral occasions, and could not e unseal his pleasure, telling me several Aimee 1 that be had never played upon a Piann4hich •es en eezpecti hn - considered its equal, and ars... tired nil 'that- he felt confident that Lats. , ' it mild ' ully agree in all that he said if he, could .1 but try it. • I.; . . lto far es I sin aw 4 'the' '- e, mine . is oul; "Ciliekering" piano -forte In Italy; tnd it.: Elves roe unfeigned gratification to send yott . ;. this most satisfactory report; audio announcer to you how highly it is esteemed by : the belt' Judges in ibis kingdom. With the increasing eliontuttiezzion between the United States and Italy, I trust before long to see, or isthiti 'lei 1 bums many of your admirable =pianos in this rturiett land, and I feet confident' that they j t nlyeequire to be known to .have s l lnrge d.. %rind etched for them hers. . .—.- -' .. W ith laY, comp li ments-mut -kind" vegaras."li amd)friami aid.abadigetssennit: '' "''' B IG ELOWLAVESYGE:t - - V 044, ES3MEM PI--r-..- - ' Its ttaxastanee.oi, regular- , Aler t : tie' Beater County ..IttedikaP Soeiety -beld 4 1" drS 4tirigb ' itil t a l iiii ila ' in Rolhestei, on Thurs d ay , ll2th inst., S. hi Rose, M. - - thri're s ident. in the. chair, and 'ease Whine, MI D). Seery; ':'=Mettbera. presefit-4EfrafB. if.' . .Rists l , D. Stanton,. B. Fetiebe, A. , " Berlow,• 17Ligiiiiibriiiir3 1 . 4- Wfifi t titi; : P thIP -4,, mins,Ar. J,. Langfift, V ',Kinney, tt.'' 8: Xittlitis;*Vt%' vr: si iii 0' iiii; II 8 Winatis, J M. Cuilittiitis,;-0. S. Con ninghain,(f. W. Langfitt.j. 4. Jackson. ,Thel,,miiiiites .. rot •,tizeoitat meeting , ,werti.resid.And itiiiipied'. , -. . '..* Drslo. S. guttriingbati,fl W. Laing fin" acid J. , iii-Cummit.s presented themsidves as candidates; for idinisii - ron to thel.Sothety, and were examined by . Drs iiitarquis,flar,JewAntil.anninbrink, passed and neon:mend:red fortnember ; ship,w,herenpon they were unanimous.. 1 9 rec e ived -a6,, wed ab meraliteragf the Society. After Ithe report', of the censtrs, the committee to whom was reerred at a previ us meeting , to - ir.v efigatii a f matte of.- diemplipe, pent no - before cf r 1 the Society, was called upob, and re- I ported • threugh • the eliairmak,, Dr, 'ffsatitOn; which report ;wait received and the committee discharged, bat the !deliberation' and 'final action 'of ' the Society -in , the' case was Lpostputied until ilic next regular Meeting t)a roorion, the name' of P. M.' Kerr .was 1 ' , s'rieken from :the A - AL - having . forfeited his menibership, aeeurililng to tl.o fifth section,of tire te.laws, Dr. l W. W. Si - rnpson, regtlar es4ay ist, belpg called upon; read a -lengthy t ot ipe l i,' discessing ,soine interesting poitit in pa:bolo:4.y. ,rid bxposir.g some) of:. the preVailing , Nystems of quaeliery. -,.. I i By' at...established - ruto - o , ' the Snel -1 ety, it bait, r. the tirst`:b7iness after iece4, Dr. S. p. CUITIMIIIS, he re=tiring Presidelit.'p,ruceeded to. deliver : Ilia valetheiory'addrese. in , whicli' he ad. vertCil _to ~ the_ many benefits arising 1 froidlttie attrition of- mind and- pro fciwi tear intercourse. 'and ,letailed -Aone l i'd• tt;e-iiiiperialiteharaCteristics l iiiit Shoutd identify. ihe truephyskifin 1 tOn mention', a vote of !Routes loss ten.' dered to Dr: etttnnuliß for; his excellent and inf. cresting% iidkii.esii,land / .- riposted oil ferrii-b, a copy to -he filed. with -the 1 liter:try Coilti•ibtitiriiii of '9141._ Sot:iety I Oii motion, i.e-olved lisit , the senile i I ry eMiiMittee be enn . stittitedA rompil-1 in,j,a!i :werll as ronspusiey[leoliAmittee ; with ; fullpower lo prciiarel'ti.le annual 1 report to' th i State Meilical Society, witiv i Att reference,' and ala.i . l ~ o have a .l . cert• Lii (1 . iSeretionary power lir regziril Ito rtiporti of medical'expe.lence sub-' 'pitied by 11101111 be, of 4.11 d Is. iCief.y. Di.. -'D. 31'.1iiiiney • l was apriointd deleg;..te to the State 31.ediraf Sociefy,,l ' r ipply in %money ,whit•h ckuurred butremoval of .Dr . Moran(' to -a hit lOcidity. erMseqaciutiv his,refa. Kith'- i .• iaitli" the Society lisiving ceased. 1. liome Winans 1wa...4 appoioted ,ate ?o the American 4iedicit As- 1 ?inn.vbiuti 'noel; i;tl Baffin:ore on t 1 f..s.st, of Mar. 0 , -' j 1 ii 1 a motion, '..Puelperal Feverl;) was :tell as the subject; for debate ati ',next molithly _ineeling,• and tlie s i r upplinted Dr.: WJ ..t. LangOtt,(o[l i •`-the fist:till-410i , 1 1 ' .ion, vi rote of 'lsanks %vitsl i 9 the proprietor aird , la,dy off . - 'ter ;13 orise,fOr t e excellent 1 ilguiihed mann r i iii which rtzuned the Sei* . Lion. 4 lie Soc,set' 'Adjourned, at the Nationalltotel, in the. second 'Thursday . in - i 1 seiia•ran i I -sate!.rt-ex,fi" 0 N 4 1 . -A . lb be given in the St. E. ( hut c h, on the evening, o l i l Thursday , , I, eommenving at 7,{o:cloCk, I the benefit lix Lille Freedom ichool. The exl ibition will ' literary -p rformsnees. &c.. &e., and wi I be inter • iih ' both, vdcal rid instru issic. Admissi, :, f 0 'cents. by t , dista tion ae} 0t. . 61.1 t t!tt Pi 011 t•elet: the chair Or! fetid , ilt l e i aria fllr Or 10 mo red time (164 elite eel et, of 1 rea r Miry 1 _Ex itio IBtT will doni ' 1 9 611 fur F ree l Ai)ii, I' A M. E. S MMI 82111 hpe mei, MEI ed w al• it, and Walton,.; ol township.] apd 'Samuel - ' Jarne l A- Ke tiedy, of Clii pp thip',l co i , oilday: 'last..t yOti:ig, koa l as ou l t of One lid, 'the inotber. If iiiiibody over beattiii, l i.we, would li 1 front the . Can slily, ple with! Cliirpewa, townt•hip DM Ge 3 -has . :11l the styles of ,IBonnets and 111 01:T004G SENATAFIS•II • I Jour; men}, lof the Legitls, ~t9riten!,..us .....- , ~., . oeenrr - 04 im Thuri(dakliiii offs [ Fe c ven , Reptiblican . anand,,- i eratr Senatoti will, expir la las i foll f ams: 1 1 1 ' I. -1 17 .feremiab Nichols, U.; ; Phila. , sf. Wihri l rWortbingtOrt, U., Chester. .10'. U. B. Beardsiee, AW,., .ayne.• . - 15. i D. B. Montgomery;l.) l ., -- Northind: l 16. Davi Fleming, U 4 .D upbin. 17. Benj. CbannpneynX,, Laneaqter. : . M DUnlap, C 'do , do 26. '.'llr ii-iusehbldOr, ~1 Bedford. ii 24.J0b FLat.ta, D, Wpm; ufcland; 26. Wm. !liopkioa, D.,AVaishilngion. 28. Tboinas Hoge; IJ.,,Yeria.ngo. l -,,,, 1 -._ 1 ,-, • .i I i q ... , • Wasulsiqes, April 16,11866. I '1 1 T e Roi) natruction Co • mittie this rfiprifingll;ad , : 4 nieetipg arid beard' Seruilor Stewart, 4 ,:if liieva, a, In 6 t ifiaif of his prOpoAed c.stm§ll.6iiOnal mewl. fiento 4ttle the quehtiOn of yestora til:insl whieb - he presente4 in. the Senate o!l.4'huraiday last.. The 'aniendiateet p!•oliinit.s all (discrimination' in %civil ..tfgh l ie, - on political antragfi, aid.:l4o-: vineter the ierseclist*l:44 the7retel dibt, :-Whi 4 l ttiA ar4 044Eien I is:rati; Red by: tiii, Son th er aStitesii t; invindes , fdr.qierr adaiisiOnfll l tipeogress i vid ittie gfriiiitftliofigtneiall . l niiiity: - Vhi; feen7o44 d 4 -ItAkßei?tA- 1 41 3 0 1 7 8 ,gi0 , piopantioN , Vois Tti rcifal)l.,.. - , .„. --,:::' . - 1 ' Ml= 1_..1... ..._, iii l anna• ..., , , -4. b... 1, • •a- 1.1...''. PBmOsseau 6 &mil a ll.- T A tett/0 ) ! V I I*41 " .in t Aftiq . )o 4 ) el"'ttickteci iii ' tee city will discovritedibis ibitternoon. . family of se j . #arsons bad been purdeijed—Chri toOber. Deering, his Iwife,..imLvicrim raabilthlifiXO Mr 'Deerin 'si farm, at the Pain House road a el James; lariejixit is supposed ti T o the mu ere w e .e iroipmitt . 9o last Fri ti.d day by its:Gsvinr iAioier on. Ihe farm. TAP r.l , net• W# l i'..iPciTgridAhis,Ailer• 7 noon' by`fiiidlng the boclieri of Deering and Wif Wire - in helbitra6 - • Orie.ortbo victims was a b by)ten morothlifold.— WlindiY 'keg - 30)4. L 4LII a iii=l,:iiiii.. art', - ihili 1 object. t The b riti#, and cotle in, the stable ware fou, d it) tifarntebinecon• dition.l.. 1 i ' - 1-.3- .- i PIM:ADEL iti4;Xpril 12 180,6. 1 :, • .Full Imports; f 'the Deering family , murder show hi. t 4 have been one. of the tneist 'her' Mei b4taberies of ho n g e. i i -4, • I The Press. r priritersisayi•thaVilfa , body o the m Cher and t tho,se of her four children am elfouniti iiii4irie•• con. net of the barn, near. a •small out bouse„w, hich Ocitirmueiriatect .ioy a hole, throuo whit: the remains of the murdered .vie'mai worst; brought to view. , • It'seems'its hotigh . the bodies bad been thrown i to, one heap pell.mell, and then cove od lover with dirt and hay. The up ortnnatcis were rnoet tgrribir luting! 134 and about their heads:- 1 . A nolv axe, - and bloody, was found lie the rear of the dwelling„, which hadibeel used; to do the bloody work. All of -the victims ,iseeirt to have b i en , ran cli l on the left. iiide of the fOre, ts4ad;',)ast tibure t li e l eye; with the heel of the axe and thea t withithe blade'ef the murderous weapon. ;The demon finished fibs horrible twirl,: by cuttini, th, tliripat., one'of the little i boys has Posh% rrilil l ls' E b n4bat. hishew dropp . r otr w ens . 113 ()(3 w•ii.. , lifted • • i up. , he oth it :N whop di,-covered, had hi right arm crooked and pally. tuisedas thrus4li t atteinnting to lend off th . blow that 3en.t, horn into .titer e l rims •• Theitobtfter vits 'defending her ba by froin the attneli of the infuriated demon! when she war, merciless)). fttruelcidown. rtie babe; had rocepved an .awful blotvon the upper part Of the• b east near the • soulder, alttiost severi9e on, of its tirm4; and al.() air other trlarp ekt HI Illti ei:fi; of • the head. I I , I Probably .Lb 4 Most ,cOrrei4. of. the theriris put Jortil i i is that -, pi - 1' this, .dreadful _Work m, AV s do6e on Saturday I , morning da - 'Ole A11)8010. of Hr. tieetirig. His body and that, of Atka Keatinz,his ei u s n, were fo4d along !;sili'l 00 the bar,i, zo•ft far tli4tant from IWhere the otlic,rs,were disetveri-. Tire bodies.of irf t I)tieriow :iced' .Miss Keatit g Were syV, .red over - With hay, with one of his cet' partly istitking out. -t . , •1 - - .: •, A little bo),, aged 14, a - to !lived ivitl.,the lamilY,and worked- npon 06 , farm, ie rnissi'W It isi.belieted .. h e wa3 also . murtleTed and: hie • body. th re wi r i iit o. a de_ep well,,nr...orie • 01.. il a many tittolies iip. abound in ilmt• tiee rp."'ft of eonntr ~ 1 • •:," • 1 - L/A rpit.—An additional, Vi L tun tO ' kli) horrible' { agedy waedi4overad . 11 r 11 tIOs trtriiing. !The body. of ' i eurneli. i tis Curry toun ui.de r u hay sr,: i teic.-- Ifflifiliettri was rOlied with tt-liairmier an,l his thrit Ott. • The - eicitheS of the •stinpoee'd nitOderer• were -fOa kid, and are b tali tii: i 7;Vii tli blood: ~ ' 4 " 1 • i • cis ~ • ITITAin ',Nip:, -Apri! 13,,!.18 - 66.- • A. man way Twenty...third forenoon; •viir goinint;ted•titc farnii. -He . s i i , s'isted by a cdl dpscribed toir.t ,*(irch i+ heir, . i)lioe. _Time tol via police stet jhe . rnan arr G:alf.te. - , lie fo Fifth Pennayi prisoner'etates 12 a'clOck,,•.he' us Corry, while stack, but that name .of ~TaPo the - Eevonth lOW the rest. nouncement 'd Gantt; i treatedi throughout the of 'the' Bulletin sued, giving th refit. : ' ; This. new and.. vengeanite l nay u i tered on tnensii crowd Cot lice - station at'l threatened. to 11 .. , cousin. of the ml ed I to, take : sup - 1r titiol . :.The` prise red;in Safety to•t Inthistry ,Valton and •wa 'town— ook eleveti' le:- and titiot aroane, has bear , k 4 cloriva' re 'for raining test Spring I' Ith .he ad ivLich :the terms `'o tit; The, list -- y - - 7 - • ---- rli -- : -------- 7 — , ---- . -- 1. , 51 - Apf i RIED: IA 7 Tuesday eveilng, April iOtb,. by l ' Rev. J..S Braclen,:ll.r. iVis!usavoT : D: TILLoN to lailis 'NANNtr . A. REED;.' 'l3 all. o f ,Be3ver, a.l I • • ' . '''' ' 's l" .1 i AeComplinYin;r:the above . :was. an 1 ' I l i exvellent'sliee DC cake , for which -all 1 -huods: return thii ks. An 011 i" friend 1 . Wash: and lay remember ed the printerove wishlthern along and hap. py life and liki k its of iins:ll friendn throughut: W l eh. hue now, tris-tre T l ward forhis Oelity . to his Country, and we heartiiyi wish nll bin:brave companions a li'fre late. .P H I f On ,Lthe 10i,h;Ar.et., by : : Asti' LE. .11; Wood; 3(r; - 13.Esi.tpurr K. -Inii BruinT....rt io. ,____,:-- , Mies leintroanat I:E. - DAytei, , ui- 0/ .1111400, Boloor 00 4 Pik. ' ' 1; 11 ~ tighn - c l e lo ung, ,Airro ; VAT 'LAW-,.; ~ ' -,-- ---,1-11-4 sin g • ... , O i'icEl. f:47.• the lin tr ieettpted by. the V. late Rott,Til M.A.13:-C NilifkitAM.— Lefektnaiiineee of td o ao ;:s uo o ds . to Ifineasfoiiid - al.iii**.-c.. .41- , ~ --' it ii hi F YOU I . ' ll* t 4- rS i " rtugs. 1 si•dietti• It satilengeals; '. es Wei Druck More I t I 7 , '4t 7 'r . 10=== IM=E ( - 7 Apt ,crested . tit- the.eoroer of and riLarket streets, this ilml confesses , to, having .ur of . the pearl ritt • ,rita,tde :-. r t h at he wag aBS 4npuniof., 10ioni he ha's itelY to ihti4tithorities. made tor his iiecom: soiter is noi't at 'the een st i ed is r.anied .Antnin . on • : , - 1 , , , thry b e longedog to 04 , vtail a ' Oval ry. The that on Sat arduv.ahoue ill&I the boy,',.COitilli 1 he was, on the hay another mans by the o Yonder,. formerly of e,nnsylvisnia Cavalry, if the family.. l'rhe an the arrest of Antoine .4 ;intense excitement city, • Extra ledutionk nlk Telegraph were 147l illerticulars of the a. s'pread like NYild fire, JI aFaipst, the prisener_, i ,Wither side. • 1 An im. l Octed around the po 'lln .State I.lnUse,"and ticli the prisciner , A pr ll dered family want ri•iiry venusatice upon 1! • '.' . 1 , pier wits tinnily remov- . Jai prison'.- • 1,, :i 1-‘ 4. •!' i ' Buomio•-•Trai Too )36.41..t: i 1 Kiel • Captain if''Pfstibifrg vas is, Ivas tota 4l!k lly qt .. 9 . 0 %:,1 6 .0.16 dhfilktiiir,alitile II luster . , in. t illie 4iZ - Ilitte bs' ll '", ----- Nei 41 0 6,i`iNst. hbost. , had_propeele t kai far st . l43;g; 11, ab o de eighteen ' mileiebiilow .he elty,. ‘ arbeo re. $O , littchilfle, a pees n 4 geri, cede to lbO'r[stitereniindeitir with, a TighWtAll[rEP;! - Tk a '4,hami)cinitiiif I lift etniediber tffit it ! N i iiiiii - 'boiltillitfuttit 1 the rules oftpe,b4tiit i flr,Ratssonger ii, tc base lamps tilltielltat'tf rooms ..' es_ H. ealacited i, ttifitithPrtlwag , r'..q9 , lit.g.' go a ri' and in : o t de r, cr'der, in j c orroborate i tx ri . eta emer.t cceireimeee shaking her la p.., In atAll4tant, an .explosioW esc, pi red,iind the( I niifortunate itidy:!-waa ei, eloped in .the„hurning fluirV L.A . nu ber (if perilous ran to her tueilat. an e in order•to extinguish the-tattles, hu before (they could reach her she ha entered the atate•room, whin 'the. he clothing totkfire from her - barti-, it.g,urinents,and , rae,soon init blaze: Through the eXerttens or t hose present th' a fire abogt h,ei'clothing was eztinZ ka shed,, hut; Dot until 'he was'fright:: bit y burned ithoutA face,_ I,y neck and fac;_ i3ll this tire the fire in the istate ro 1 had g 'fled eueb headway I that it kas impossible to staY its progress, 4n, immediate measure*, were 'taken 1 by the officers of the ,bat to eeure t'h eseape of the passengers frtim the ' 6 rible death - Which ti r,eaten edit bent. he iboat wee oppoitite Croves Island,' 9 ere tisci4 is iationi ten ',feet ; water in the eh:l4nel, and the pilots wer* di ected to runAne 4014 ashoro.' eing heavily lackmeAl, the bolt k unded qienne dist:let:a from ,'the 1 - sh re, atd iis this pilowWere4oiced I r in their positun by, theintense ie t, other ineastireti %Vero re4orted to. 1 e mber `4l,4!aging . ! was launched, and e I t mber of passengers placed, ton it. I u it soon swamped? There; were' hirteen regular passe' ngers besides 'the Copt:ani daughter, s wife and and , 1 t h e L engineCr's wife 'l'o4 Persons I • w. ere drowned, viz: Alr. B. nothchilcie, 'vi e ' and' t4;ro young children i • gr) Captain John Darragh - and daughier; a pantry mac (euhred) lamed Thomas Bonder; two i.i ee l k t h i i n t ti ‘ ls a t i t r d b a e btioretrnl.vatt; fin, a 1 ; es r n tt ot , i1 j 4 2,0 . 00. lusuratui 825,000, i in Prietstg offic3s. Cargo instil il- fur 619,3 O. 1 - ___t 1 r .__....i....,_ - ; • - 'l.4griouiturr' d The Boar of Sianag 1 • 7et County Agricultwil r. r rt the Cour mouse, on , f A`pril. li o' c a ul ds b , e ‘ rg Vils P o r i c i, le P n , t a l ter ben. Baielay. R H. ii telt, Wolf, Gibson, i i he Board was orgl ction 'of-46680 Irop ~ a',nd 'WTiii . .... 8,, Bar 110 , follo } vitro person. to revise[tiod i:orreel t and tree tor gove report tthe June aril, viz: I Messrs. 31( i , '., Littell 13-irclay;, i -. W. ,§. I 1 . ' ' 1 i ;B;4H.- IMbrte, ;Wilk :,. el. y, W. S Jwett'appoia to on Property, and w to receive ropositioi,s, rim t (21st 'net-;.) forAh, f pqii-of the air Ground On motto , Resoiced, kriniial Pair he held of Tli u r4day and Friday, Sc 2ith.and 28th, 1866. •' Adjourne'd, to meet_ r ltir;" at , 1 o'cl6ek: ti.‘ni., JOSEPH IR , ~, K. o..IOIAR'OGAY, Sep ' .-....4.__.............- NoMoe to, Te i arsons desirous of.teieb Pr. rivate - sCh l ooLs ':n Beare I - " • I tu coming summer, are Veg l n; ereigned a l t . tiielmost eon oiling :places:. :,' • h ppewa Dist,,• Apr. 19, M' Bough. •do. Apr.2o, U. Ohio - do: Apr. 23, .„ H H over - ci. Apr. 24, r , M on. '' do. Aprs26, D' U lington do. • Apr. 28,; t Ne Brighton bol. May 26; 11l • he above eiathinA 44 tions a. m.,• and are epeally ea. to for euniniersotiOle. t' i or/lap:in, kilar.'3l,'66. • ' '7" -- • , A am to rt vANDIDATEIII.—••• MIMI ha t S'slresuly iiinded in thei an inn: As t 1 trbounty, Co 4IL ly be calledfoi. some ;iv; *Publish the:nsines st:r fot pth... t"inserting slinsen willbci as 'fbiloyis: 1 i i • A enal,e,,Assembly, and Akdge 4 4 1, • t e m r m 1 A Viie t r e rn s d t e Ct s ei l k te o ° C d otr r t s .... 3. nor Ho Director and Auditor .... . 1,00 .1 • t ) 4l ,i i name ,wi be pnlslished;,,tutless &coo pat Icl with thei oney. Candidates, or . tbein 1 h c, g : s r in ie at : ons t: t :,til se t t a des ii i ra re : t ir b i,i, tic u. 7 b, m e. p ch an a y ri t i lt .e,l;fi itz i - 4iil l l L i lii le its per line', which half our usual a ier,l,l pitportl'ukt to HOuselgeoperiu . . heisteady:reduction:of the preraum on gol. , 1 !sensibly affected every; branch of buciisCas t ; elcoet of merchandise in general, is trbsst; • ; !-1 • g 1013 . t0 the connunier.e'tery day. ;Stiles it F4hallenberge 4intointee. Co thepublici, +hai their customers hive isiteltay .disSOTerlit * heaTy.relnction in.ihe price of. drocfri mThey give n 'quotations, as • prices sr4.. i lla oat daily. changing, and: with', dimniratil tendency. .Thi4 'lnch: hoirnrisr, s they Will day: With isfidl knowledge of the' dro l ejsrY basintai; th ylini,Che bifit - in:silty' 'or gVods I ' ' ii'a to be found in the e'hest niarkets,. at the lo t e , .cf.ah rites,. Iticihave" . resolved to ecU . them) a t' i a .uniusnallY ansall,profst. -; .'i ..• I•• • • I ! 1 j Goods for distant points ,' Ars ; isrs'Oi 141 , ckid, phiiiniinniiked, and delivered fro. • o arge ? lat, eithsit:_ergie railessid statiot4oir , ,_ el en . r ite t. o (maid th ''intini, f wit oin - zit in 4 ' r .71: , i triiii3CiiiiitiOnil - ' filitiiiii' I I ' l ,l _. .Dealsni twernostibi.lll4.4244,siniiikli. •*r.: .'"''' . - r--,,- :: - lyidgerwater. Pa. i zi;:: •• 1 1 i • EMEN 11) the Silio4PrectOrs 71,..:Quiisse.4.6suhi;;, mad Hatton of the het' of MN -id during the •, press* yezir t '...; iZetified,ta' *et. ht Cenrentil - oa ses: Belted; on the firs.' 1.D.4866, beiwthe first • i•loi'oleekin , the , afternoin • by Atrosjoeity of - the",‘ Pireotore'preresit, ) ons peroon ileientilloriequirenents,_ and c rience in $ ,ths art;of; tesshini erintendent,for. the ;three • eterntine the amount of COI zutzei, , Sad .oertify the-insult kerzetendent,-at -H arrisburg. pi• • thirty-ninth and fortieth ~ *et ; ,: Q.T. LtESED,..Cii,I3III 1 , Parliatton, Ps.; April 6th,!l : . BEAVER m. vs ... 41 . itl - . • • - epatzersp st irx. asy:, ' .• • ~ • .1- .. • , . . tour. per MA ~.. .... •,-. ...... :-.:.. , '' $ tied Apples per beep.: . ' . • 1 240 i r• 6 .Peaplies. t. . ' ''• 4..1.. 4-00 Wheat . .! -:. - ' 1 ''• ' i.. 200 gorri : , .../...,.i.• 75. p ath '••• .. - / S t , •- / - 1 i 4 0 IFlsx'Seed; means,, , 2 means,, , •4. I r l .1 LI io, ptatoon, 'l 44 I. ' ' ... 100 Onions, ... e. ' • - t ! ...... ..... L .. 1 .50 Vern Alleal. '', .. ' • ' ;., • pp ' Butter, 'per lb• . '5O 'lllama, " ,:25 • i+ .. 18 8141O$ .. iT low, s: • 15 - '- 1 IS 22 !',ltelseies, per gall. . . .... ... ... ..4.. iOO ,thbrlion - ' .70 - .' Co-Partgephip itotice 1 ~ .•, HE undersigned have elite ed luta-Part -onerskip- under the fills of . Wilde,. Shields 71 i • Co., Air the purpose of •Illisunfacturning [Woolen - Goode. . . .',!'' !BENJ. WILDE, : • JOIIN,REEVES, ;THOS. L: SHIELDS, WILLIAINIIII3II, W; F. FUEDENB,URG;•'SJ.D. 7.4IiELEDY, i•.' ''''.- HOB . ATIOIr. ',WILDE. ... I, • -.: v ,NewDriglitoo, April 2(1,.'fAl --4 t. • 1 • , Notice to- StoCkholders and Little Beaver Pet THE Stockholders of tbs will meet at.their offieel Monday, April 80th, 1866, be of 2 'and 4 o'clock P. fe electing President, Directors, urei4or the ensuing year, eta of 4ilier ,By order • , • .. 'llll. DARRAGH, CLI.Jk I B.• ft; BUR jo.N .Th.B 'COURT OF .COMMON of Beiver county. No 43,.June •T. 'reign Attachment. ,' - • • Ci .1, aiirr,:Bamterr & Co. vs jno. Tuon7orr. Jan. 9, •1848,•.Narr being filed, the Court givejudgment against defendant, in favor .of plaintiff. • Aff. of claim -tiled, ,for S2P7B 77, i with : •, interest from 14th Red:, 1858,' with $37 90. costs. Rule on Prothonot ry to liquidate the damages, at his offic o on t • ellth Of May, 18C6', at 10 A. M. ' IM.rETAND.- aprli.,'666w, ' - .iothonotary, 1 , IN •THE *COURT OF - CO •of_Beaver couUty;'No.• #;.3- • -Foreign ,Att!lchment.•,. .• Ls HuitAY `era of the Bea, i-,S , ;eiety met IS2it'urday, 14th' • Jan'. 9, 18GG, 'Nam filed ? , a judgment against defendant, i , ti 7. 1 Aff. of claini filed for; $ terest..from Dec. 14, 1858. to. 45 e este. Rule "on Protheino the damages, 4 his office,en 18tifi, at lu )4. • 11 apr11,'.66-9w.' feasts, !wipe, • 3. K , Potter. lm brie, Short, parclay, W. S. triild by the E 'Preai'. qlay S - E.eretary. were alipoiet the Pr4tnium Bwning the Fuir, fleeting, of the q(liare, Potter, ricotice*St ono - tiivert. 1 , A. . ; / , 1.. Ci EALED prupD'sals will De received' by thi 13 County Commisisiunerji, ht their office in Beaver, from the date of t Isiotice to the Bth day'of May n'ext4for the Wilding Vile perch of a stone arch.culvert-over ' All rourS' Run, at.Baderaconoiny township, o be 12.6 ..span, 10 'ft. high, with Wing wa lsC.attached, the i length of the Wing wills atid*Dight of parapets to bo mada known at. the tDDS of letting; all subject to.ths dire ctory of thiComMissioners. • -J. 11: Milli! EV, I JOSEI4I RONB, . . • I. 3011.NirILSON , •• , 1 -11esvar, apr9,'66. I •gommissiotters... 5 1 H., -and 13 at-1 otJ, And IP , V-11 tied n yi)tninit-Ii • ere iiistruo;ted Rtil refit and re-,1 1 .% That tile neat: n -Werbiesdayi .I)tetni4t.26tli,!; A DMINISI'RA NOTAJE. • L• ETTERS of athnitustratOn on the i l estate :of .411taa.Nlesairlate of Artin g ton town ship., Beavefr co., deed., b ving been Lean ed to- the undersigned, all persons indebted are required to inake imndilte,pmymetit, and the baring olefins will present them trip ; orly authentiented for ' settleinent: 1 . .. • NAV - IAV EAKIN, idlninistretOr. air4.'.66. 1 . •. ~.._.1,. Darlington tp. 1 Monday,. Jun NS, Pre :.'t. chess. EXICVTOWS N 4,11 Q E. In • T ETTERS 1 , testamentai , : on i the sa l ! lii ij tate of ',lons • Ewtsa,[ lice of RiLeocron twp.., Beater co, ,dee'd., hating belen grant , sd to the lundersigned, all pesos indehted to I said estate are requested tti make innitediatej i;payment,and those having el time 'against the; estate will present them to; the subeeriber , properly authentidated for seCtlement. I , , • , DAVID !EWING, ii 1 • • , Fi • _ ALEX. EWING, f ! iEsseutors, ' • ! • apr4'GG. ! . I• I Rareoon tp. ing eit,hur public during ) .15t14 tio.hteet the eniont of, the fol- 9.4ouse;, Lon, " 'JO irview •do Bees do . do rlington do ' iiou do 7 fill commence at 9 iisigne4 for appli-1,1 J. 4. Ittio, ' !II ire] • A.Notri.pE..; , TH'u" t ! DIRECTORS OF r . o °UGH. OWN - SHIP Union School.Diptiict desire to en, gage two Principal and lout. Assistant-!teach. era to-take charge of the: SolMols! in said dis trict for a term of seven,,M t oitba from the first Monday of May! next. . I. 1 , ,' • Applications will be ,recni•ced until Friday, the 20th day 6f April neit,ati9 o'clock,ls. N., when. an examination of midi - applicants its! may desire certificates will i re made by the! County Super'inttndent, at .1t e Union iiohnol, House; in thelboreugh of Bea ter. • 1• .:- si.rd,'-2t. ! By orde r` of the Beard. L i r____,____ , ..: EECTI9 r 1 • . 1 T • 1 - - , t• I'll HE STOCKPOLDERS of "the Company' foi erecting - A' ridge! Ter •Big•l3eaier i Creek, at or hear Wolf Lail ; in the COunty of Beaver," ire heieby noti l fi d that an Elec tion for one - presidedc, six; Inagers and. ii Treasurer, will i lia held ' in It e Toll Henna of i i said Company, on the last MMilt'', (the 80th day) of April next , cot-menn cng at 10 o'clock, A. M. . . , 1 'JAMES A!.. ISON, Treas. , marl9'6o!. •! . ' ! ! ! 1 grii.QVill SEED line; i I L ) ! LOUISVILLE LIFE; •!! WHITEWASHTOSE_ SELV-RISII 4 ra P OUR; • Per sale st ! __ ..... ___ ___., • i tr of 'otittlitte!i i , names for phbli tvontiori wilt not OA , Yet, we, will; , it. Okirge,; NNE W.M. 1 , reg 4 qtr ANT fgrA.x Loa , • k l B.I3.?GEWATItit, PA. = I 1 erl all the, latest C st;les,L sol d s e hrrest ri l l oties ifebi'er Dr: NEW Eigil o rrulr 1s wit t . lqnr -aten4est.6f ? if mlth'EciFerry teurtt Co. , b we Company Ithcheater, on ween:the hours the purpose I Jerk end Treasi lshe transaction President, -T, See'y. 'IIION' f Jane T', Of /10;;;El l IPISON. • SONS, v 3. JOLIN Tuo • d the court give, favor-of plain -132,50, with in their-with ary to liquidate he 17{th of May,i .WCYAN'D, rothonoiary. • -- l ei T ~ _ STILES & SHAL ENBERO PA. litNiCEDIPB „ , Mil FEE , D DI A g 'ff IL TE D.'S. = T... • crt a . * - 44nktifiii)iii** w 411. ', A A ;of an act 'o i Assemmy Or thisiuonition wealth, passed - the 18th day of March, 1815, `idled an aot-to amend an set-directing the tis of Selling unseated land for tax* &C., 1 the seyernl • sutrooquent i .,24a pupplepient Iraq pd the,eredral mittirirg and directing the sale et I,nsdated lands for County, State, Borough, h4l and Road taxes, and the 41st section of !sot of April 26th. 184-1.-authorizing and e'cting tho return and salp,of al * l Real Ea as naseatedlatidiitifi bow sold in sada- hat of the taxes due utipahl by ,the Lora thereof, also,the acts : authorizi4 the Balk pf enitseatlsd Tatyir,Weibiprolighl of is'll_ l ,i il3fialkeister.vffilefresier" borough taxes,: the following lots and tracts of unteafed land,&c., in the county of Bearer, or at neb ta. (*of **ill PifY tsl4.Wairsges of te'leiacerued theretm . ,f9r the year 1863 and 11364, and so taxes,cf ,previous years as remain unpaid, *ill be eximsad to public sale at the Court Itouse r in the Borough of.iteaver, •• I Nerd .% Melilla of :Ilene nix!, continuing the aamE by adjournment 'if neeest " 1 7.. apr4,'lBl3. "; Tivisurerl of Beaver Co • " ' Personsn erols b paying % the ties due on any lot or tract thi.followbig list, are otifia4 4.6 .do. eo , before :iiiii..,ef'iale, as no ',property 'will be withhold' frozn sala on a promise of payment. ; • , ••!; ' • BOW row*hie• Blackburn's heirs, - New Galffee* Carson James, adjoining • ~I tai ' brie on thiyeast, Carion James, , adjoining lan d ( :• . brie on the east; Hall & Co.,land adj Walinen* Blackburn's li:gt.tidjl.-Hudsonli Wilson Job n, sdj M. 'Shari)* 'l'l Bill Thompson & CIA ; Beaocr Boiough . 4 'Craig Neville B* Bolan Alexander* Marks Isaac* ' Thoinpson Wm. A* do As. • 'Barringer Geo;-part of lot* . ode. do stio Mario Isaac, lot* , • Borough Township. , CrickmoreFrancizAcadstnyloi* Leonard Margaret,part out:lot* Reisinger Vca, kiln of part out .ilot* , • do do [Wray Burl, Ifoldship's plait* Whitmore Jas,house and 2 lota* IlannenJanc, part out- lot*._• do do - do •-• * ";' It Boiesllavid, heirs of,t.'ncrrtkiby - land of J. Barclay* - ?' • • HenrE ilVtn, or • Carlton,, house LEAS 1865. 'and lot, Sharon*. Baker Ben,)audn,tiou.S and lot, Hose plan* I • • - • Morton Jacob C, house and lot, Noss plan* Withiow Win,h and lot,Sharou* Gordon Jas . , Tot,lslbss B 'rwillota 210crahip McElduff.Jas, A.cady . do' t do i! do , - * Purvis Samuel„ out lot*. 'LEAS J 865. Bridyprater, - 13ougli . , Hartdott Ilitenut4. -- D4(vidsort • - do do do *, do d ' do_ •' do d do * do d do * Mendenhall H, Meattehall'a pl* Baker Andrew :ray's plan* Dundap Jae s then, Menden . hatle do d 0 do. lot* -Porter Wm.. a, atla and .2,•leta* Small Jno, Homphill'a , plan* KetopM sail) or J no,Porter'e pi* do do do do. itowdon Frlieenviu, do . dO• do do - :4- do ' do !do 'do do 'do ' - do , do do I do .do 'do -'do do do ' do 'do 'do - do do do pt lot,Verai pl liThield's David heirs, house&lot Barker Wm, lot Hannett Jane, 2 shoPs I lot do • do brick II an a l lOt do do Huse and lot* Sissors'a H lira,- Hamilton's pl* • do do do Chippewa Totcas24. - 13eaTer "Manufacturing Co,* Dartingon.TounsAir. c Hardy AA* . . M'Caskey Elizabeth, adj Joseph' Murray on west;* Witherspoon WM, grist s s mill* Hardy A .k,' bounded.oa west by J. P. 41 - artin, Dorruigion ..fferough. • Hayttltiona Marshall, h.& 2 lota* Economy Townihip. Pitts. Ft. iCr..lt C. RR*' do • do lot in Roden* do • , do, do Phillips' Wm heirs, do Fatlrton Borough. Owner unknOwn, Welch Naboy, , Ramsey's Milton heirs " Meanor • Grorgelogra Bovough.' Hems Johri, lot* 011ie:tore Heirs, lot* Gliggew Borough. ' Lippencott, lot*" Phillips' Wm heirs, house a WO Hanover Township. . Sanders Wm, hot*and lot* . t Industry Township, ,Huff Adam, lot in Industry* . Peterson& Cuddy, land* C. & P. It. R. co.* Poor R'se Directors Beaver co* Wells lames 8, at Rivez Lotl _do t i do - • do' do• • Neu Sescialy Toiniship. Mace • ' NSW Brigh ton Borotwh. Chainhers, Mark* _ • dq do * Fombelle,J = shops and 2 lots* do do land* Fitz Patrick; Edward* • , Leslie;Elisa—School plan Pander, James—part lot • do do • do • .Harril, Oliver-4 lot ' do 'do lot .-- MiGotran, Jr.,—land MarqV, J.- l ot • ' No h Sewickly Township. • Hudson, Richard*• Mitchell'sJheirs; stone kuarry* Ramsey David* •Matheny E,house and lot,* . ' Ohio Township: . RoSt Olasgo4* Staly Wm, h and I,ll,otikport* Pidashi Township. ' Phillips Wm P,land* • .dodo -do - , , Robinstiii4,lnnd adjoining . `! . • M Kelly and David Hoops* . do' • land adjoining do.ami Farrow, Oscar . , land* IRaecon ;owns*, Nerile,'Fhomas,* . Sterlini William,* • _ • .'.RoShisser Township. Linton 'John, land* 11'Si n F;-li and lan4, 4 _! Bentle,Arbuckla as Co,* -_ flarisaG;l'Onat Ickhettidedby as 45. 45 1 . 20 42 -1-07 38 24 . 121, 1071 138: 4 89 1 35 1 62 78 , . ..t 73 &I 16 ' 16 .64 31. ' . 81' 65 4 05 5 00 '6-49 92 1 VG BM .2 05 . 1 40 1 36 2 35 1 10 66 RBI 1 97 2 02 2 (:11. 2 99 1 02 1 MD ME 85' 86 9,10' 40 do do do E 11111 40 16 G. 40 60 2 GO 44 44 10 98 4 2,5 18 10 60 2 06 18 20 EZIO 1 92 • _ 96 96 06 36 1 20 42 22 29 [ i 1 35 1 35 2 09 36 . 62 66 1 04 • 26 . 62 1 46 1 47' 161 1621 876: 878 ) 40 8 44 1 01 68 d $ 2 66 11 - 80 6,10 2 16 4 79 150. !'SS 9 60 5 70 Mil i . . RIPMBEI . 12 ";ter IP. (CV144140.1 •I'Vithil.4o.* El!jos, Ik* ,-! Htio , r ,1;'...,. - I'.. . --,1 Logan Rabert; ttleTra - I, " ~. Porter 'William , -'--17 • ,•'- aolddIMMID, l 44i K W**:, Caitlin:le,, l'' lo t - 4 .... PlersitllBaraptieth, , r .'do-'s, - - 7 2.... ,- 14.. Hannan' Tames ' l ' do — ; ',, ' Bothaterßoiem*'" t , Uhl t 406010 pled* ' ' , I- P Ft- - /.43 - ikw.co, land,' --- -; 1 Warri I J,Pinnity'tsplaa*. • ' 7 1 Hoixi* o,l*. :,- : : , - - :;:4:.'.-? ! 5.. - :, , t. i 01677,. iir " •.: -..,* ..:4".... 4.• ..'!," I ilarilai B;Piniteis plat* ri r ',` . ".1 aunt - 11.11ehdenhatPreplabla :::1 - . fi lots . , : Nicholson 31 El._ oaufd.b.pianier. -. %, dcr:::: ?.do , •,.-7 do. .- do.ti, - .da.• '-.)110.- •-•• do ,: .do AL i I , - _ d4 ': ' 1 do. . Ao '- dn ..1 1 - Porter J. Reno's plartilanel DieksonJotteph Dr. Xrie Canal Co, ,- „ litteptSatinet I' ~' , ,: •,, ..::,., Maranon. Patrick: Neil Letris,,, ~ .;.1... Wassen John, ! . Mendenhall H.lttendaahlltspl " tots, • 1 71:7, i 4; n ?i,7.‘, ttA Seihealin... .. ;; •- . ' &alio C,Gen,lo'l l plan '''' ':: do . I Dorsey J DP, klots , Itorner's Iv,heirs,Stewartsplar. Stillivenllieltail • • • *-• , •, Gras B F, Gould's-plan- •-: ' do- do'o - do.. do • ..I • - ',.), Freedom Borough. ' .. ' Sebnoel, Zeno. hounded by - il f - itintlaSiCHolisne .". _ - 1 , ifoon ums/lip. . • . Rutnlio 111. house and lend : 11 Rendrision A, z r ,:. ;do ••r ."..,,..1 All ;property-marked. arith:an. nsl returned - bider the 41sf . tieetllni of Aitil l l9 1814.• - - FM STATE,& COUNTY TAL MAR County Treestirer - will -attend in the' X- everal- Townships ancl.Borougltt,' for the Phrpese of reeeiving tbi GAtity ILO arati !razes for 1866, tit the Ocoee - end" plicesiesig-, nitted..below, - • 14, • Ilimber's hotel; Freedom; - l5, 111'Caiktfs; '• • L : 16, tore ;1 ;At • ' BleheSter'bor, Dtificasteitnrisei• Rochester . _' • IS, do- i- A sip Bea,'Ter,- `t.'• q 9, OfFeer'l • Bridgeeater, ' 21, PrOudley'kkete4 • , 01; Te 4, New Brighton,.: 23 a 24, Hiiron hones; Patterson, '25, -Store; -• • • Bezt*er, • ' . Office:: ' - ..9eogetowa, Hetet; '• Glasgow.and Ohio tp, - 29, Jesse Smith'. betel:, 191+4 Itbn, . 30, Darregh'iltrorm - 'l.deStry, - .I -31, -Aber's store; Pultakg' • _ • Ecebomy., • 15, G. lieelfsf. • -* Fraatlini. „ • ,18, Antenteitlt's 'Jlet ton, . • 19, G.'llartsell's;-; • North. Sewickly, 20, N. _lisamet; • • Nov! Sewiekry, 21, G-Ranscher'sc parlin g tou horo; • , 25, A. . = arliugtcin tp, - • , 26, J. P, Bilworth,s;'• B. Bearer,Galilee,• 27, Gushing's hot4l; - - B. Beaver,lleme!ood,2B, „johnstoWs hotel; t Chippewa. 29, Nlft.Conninghini'le - 1 Bear,er, - 30, ./ffice;', ..*.. Bright;nt, - July Ealcin'S • • - S. Boiver.. 5, Jos. I..awrene*la i• - • do -. and Ohio,' - ,6, Keretistore, • , , 7, M. R. Ddringei's,.• - Hookstowit i '• 9, Sweatingen's : hotel:•;- do inch oreena, :to, do , do 7. ):fistai - erjandOroon'e,ll, A. ilutchinson's; Frankfori,_ - ,.. 12, 1-I.ll.M'Cutiiheon'ii: Hafiover, - ,atoro; ' 14, Office; • • !RaCOoon, IE, D. Ewing's; :'• : ** l;, Ixidependence, 1 17, John Uolmes7;• Heists hulepen' t oo 18, Jolumton'a stare; - 7F .DoPewell, - . 19, R. Rcott's; Mere * 4O, Wm gm& .Ppmeiste can be made in the adjl inioDidnele; All Demme, Insist be paid forethejet of . U: - ALDAIda, •' J,Lpril9'66:2tn. • - Treaturei. , rs.til • aziwrireTelt. tl4=4 Ma faCtutc c pf_ ' . REINILVERS, 14.,V4M5, MUSK -TS & p.AA-Buri Es: ' ''-' 1.. For titell. §latestietvee, so, , Pocket.and ', liel,t ReitigvAmr.' 1 1 , ' grAtEkt i li4G rirT4:sris, -:-. .:,'; RI LA' 6:AXES, RETTOBY4To ; R1F:143 1 ,, Si 4; and Shot ' Guns, and'Oun - itisteriali..sold'• f by pun Dealers and Abe. Trade igenersily. • ' ", 3 Yn thriO, day4of Hoyiebitali4 -lie Robbeii,' evt 110se,riore, Bank, . nnd ?.210., !kci u ld , a IWMING I I7ON'S REVOLVERS.-,,, 1 ..f -I;arties. desiring .to avail tbinuielves , of tbil• Ist Limprovenients is Pfitole, ant - superior ! workmanship.ind torn', willlind 111 iinnbhied in.ibe New ' i . : ', ' v , .EII.I2VGTOY RET . P.OLtTERS..' r*, ireulars containing,euts.sakdeseription of ourrArms *ill be furnished upiin ' E. itEMINGTON 4c.SISNS;IIioUrNFt 400sa 1410xovili'Aidite, .241 i. 40 ; Ceuribuid St; 4V- EN ' 1 ,. .;.. - V'Clat , *i:ilkl-MEN• ~ FFli at private sale a gent and Well ill* :, -.' - liished rie*hollie; anct, lot; sittusied oil I Nag- I I e ,Striet,lik-Bridgeivater. ffiebiniii totttiiiiit o l , ' four ',- }looms, Kikchon,APantry acid Priftb: - •I% is llyeated its a' desirable"w part of the to)s,.iimi • , . *il be SOLI low for. caith, , ' - ' "- • Also,. 85 TOWICLOTS litlfito lic6koabiiiiii" and , Bridgewater'. 'Soine Of the* iro.Ver3r - ' sulisbly located Tor 'business loter dll, of liquolre; _will be 'Fold at nioderatoPribikapd easy F e rmi: A4drisi lie stibetriberlO,Persorioiby'maih - •- VL - PORTER: -.'• ' • ,„':— i . ',, , taar2l:o6:- Roeroistsr,-BeaverOo., Ps._ ;•, : , GOAL 7 • ..,. :I TlW.lLL'diir liv to the citizens Of Rocheiter; . ; [Biidgewater, Beaver and vioinity; s good quelity of Coal; at the shortest notice. Viag.:.l milieu. at aity.tinte,be supplied at the 8ank. , ... on'lM'Kinleyte lltkn, adjoining the bitsklift litte4 Porter..Beq. t ,adjoining left with, John .;.4.; Prezio, Beaver. Stiles di.Shallinherger.Bridg-, wa,cr, M. ItOolwitir. in reoeivt 1 prompt attention. ri - I. C. MOLTBB." - :2 Britigitietek. 117 - 3131. 41:2,11 3Ei C) e s I . BEAVER, PA. ri P e ° 00D; - S TABLING Nonse- - .." • • Queensvc-tre TEA zETTs CONELETE.-ress b•to*- _ , 4,1 ISBNS arAZI,E74VDS;' i f k4alP4 I t LAMP CHIMNEYS; bola by . , STILES •ek SHALIMBERGEL isscilution':of • Partapratiip. HE firm of Dairtgla & ECbg haTing 447 salsed - parthership oaths Ist day of Oes.;-1 1: all persons ltidstSed to theist" dratAt ; reested , to 4 1 1 1 1,4114 -"lr. &crowd." without tertiler iA4II -s - , ::..- t lhh2l 'B6- 'DAllls EOPE: I El 41 I.:‘ FM 41,.. -.7 ~.... io - . )... ....-. i. :-. ~.,, i 4 Oi. 80 80 40 80 26 86 1`06! ,29 0 I) I DM 49 49 . 4* - ft 60 ft° .12£4 115 MEI c:, `.•~I 1 la .„ 2 .14 10 1491 6 14€1 147. 11E3 .10 Ii 1 78_,/- 1 so 25 tio ge4 __