ME i w i t umnwm • . ~. • ARILS. .... ARAIIIIIIOII. ' INS ARACIWA:N:4r,.I Co ...I M===l MARCH 28'ki8ee: X lo lTuf Eti.-JOHN W'.•GEARY ,3vt UMBItittuOID bOrtiTY. , Tilt LtegislattTe hits 'agkiin 'Passedi the:, PhiladOphia ii,,farie Rail Road/ bilt,vittoed last - A:OA by the Gov - Arent.; Amended , t? Meetx, the _cioNirs of the' Pi:tremor. 'MtVittsbnrg press made 'A terrible, .OEIOB I I 4IA on this bill, for no other reason that we ban conceive excep t • the . fear that Pittsburg ;might, !offer in/ the developMent of other 9f. the State., .As the' tlirtions of .the state to afientedthi; : bill . „ , did notonppose its passage, we see no rtasoit Wby Pittabarg.ahould interfere. We do ! ' not believe that pingi4liii yotedf r'th 1111 ,were trflnenced by • corrupt motives. , Gov. Curtin said therli..tveg..nd green(' for sueh a charge. 4n looking : over the liSt find many the/ hest and" Purest Men of. both Rouses 'land of bah partiis. - When men oppose a mctieure,it is easy foi, therm tr re.isc thie cry 1 As Senator Lowry, of :Erie, red OX' in this Cry, :when he was almosi alone in the. Son. etc in opposing the bill, find , his -re— cord is to say the feßtst no better that. . other men, it is fair to pastime the majority were in the right. The case at Ilar . risburg stands about tbus : two . Rail Road Companies, the Penn vivant& Central and . Atlantic and Great Western, are both -fighting for, certain privileges. JMembers are ,bound to vote ono way.,or the other,. eild let him v6te as he will, he will be accusok:ofl doing so from improper -motives: What we want is to see the t • • resourees of :the State developed, and We dor.% etro ranch who does it... If it . is, necessary to give a companypve years lease to develop certain sections,_ it is bettor to do it. • • Tnn following is the new e lec t , law, passed it'', tbo H . ouse . on Friday reg u lating the'node of .. voting at al electiona in the several counties of titi, - ' Commonwealth : SY.O4 1. B it, enacted, &c, That th • gnalifiad voters of the several coudtie. of this Cmnmonwealth, at all genera ,' - township, borough and special eke , fictna r are hereby hereafter suthoriz. follows :-On'e'ffeicle lifliekets Pil: . ~.. ~. ''"'an • oiate - otricers vote .1 for, and to ec : •:labefied "State;" One ticket shall ern .lirace the mimes of all Ounty offic rf voted for; including office of Senat i and membtfrs of the General Apse - Illy, if :voted for, and members o . Congress, if voted, for-, and be iaholl c "county;," ~one ticket eba . ii embracc the nameafof all township officers o• Ladder, arid be "townshit ;'' 1 one ticket shall embrace the names oi all borough o ffi cers voted for, and o . - labelled "borough ;" and each ss . shall be deposited in ballot' :bOxes. }. • - Sae. 2. That , it shall 'be the, dm, of the Sheriffs in the several •c6untie of this Commonwealth, to insert in th ( eir election pwclitmations hereafter isittA - . old Os Unit section of this act, • • • ' • • Tax following is the bill , introduced , and. passed on motion of - Mr: gu l ay. '.exempting soldiers from taxatioulfor county parposes :- • • ~.....,,. . i I 1• : ) who, ha ve An Act to exempt personswho, have 1-.. been in the military service' of ).he 'United !Rates, and beep honorably diseted• therefrom, from the payment f. county and per capiia -tax, and militia fines. Teat " all I , - -• Re lee - ftercted„ tt-c, rent all pergons who hitve .beep! Mustered into the ipil - :it,arY service-of the:United States, it d have} serfted':therein' for a perio of i v not less , thin nine months ; in the ar to sappress rebellion, and - their . t. 'pp.' , erty,and thatie parsor.g.Whe have been i dischgrge4 from said tiervice,'or. -ac— count of WOunds or phYooril disabi ity ' Contracted. in sach.gervice, and t ?Sri property,and the widows and apf; pl t of such arsons and tbetr•prope ty, ' shall 'be exempt from .the payinen I.of all- bbanty and per eapitsy4x; lo;ned onto, be loaoed, for Intyjag: boa ties to volunteerli in the lit eral eon ties e t) of- this Commonw.ujA and ouch' Jer sons • shall also be exempt &eta the payment of militia•fineg. . , • ' Iteax-YE:T.—A gentleman Brighton, who is. celebrated"fori .extenstva readink :and' tt.ei Ift ie eTarp 'taste, informs••us that the Thon s. ypi .. Henry article in Ins, Beaver •Counij .Local,, signed `"Vitkx," was stel,en : entirely,: from Vie oelebrtte 'fetters of k4unius." Qii examine , we find our informant ileorreet4iii article is almost a verbatim .cfripY throughout> This' ie. decidedly rich. To.complete basenees,We have added that of theft; imd:conseqneptly any merit there - might be fr. the orig, in l aliv ity fit taken , from tko,., writer, ani t :f.hi his article we .find nOthing recl,n'l Inerid; but everything. to eordema. • Tsa. .ftepublicin .Staie' r Co - ,r;ve or Rhode /Maud _oliAnnated„(4 Barneide fc)r Governer. EIREMEMIM , . 1' Ten (editor" of the Local charges,in histlast issue that the Distrltt Attor., try m de ri- proposition to' corn rb. mice i e prosecution for Libel, on, hi reirteirig. As tht, District Atte bas a ready der.ied making any Ormli 'propo ition, it is unnecessary OW rerpeei ' what was , written'tast Week; It is 4 i ...., Li • . _-_, matter of great a rprise to the wn. I tenthat i jili. Odell 'wOn1(1, be'•gellty 0. stiA-Wikisr.ciA'.le... , i fbe Difitiiet - At.. tomsew-the-editor of. the_ Local shortylefter kis. ar4est i; baying 'mil ped to epcak to liim.iiii reference to,an other Matter. Ilia wrest ,was spoken of_ bb the writer, wbo said - be bad just been informed by - EA, Wilson be had been aril:sited - for ILibed." Mr. Odell repli ' by atiyiegithat ‘Beighley • bed give cut:ed him for libel, aod' that he was informed it . aras• the praetice-ef Rep 'blicans in tine countY to try and ski e Dernociatie - .ieditere by prOseco. ti‘ a.„ '. The writer. . replied .that but prosecation !had • ever- been• coin• reed in the °Minty since became to aid that - Was/ ekaiiistlteltong,d- Of the Star; :for a gross libel on , ;ICurtin. . `l l 'e B l'' said bit'. Od(41, 3. d o e , p 3 :r e r o s. .v o li e n d o :a a g l i all . : I ii doubt, ti o r!) e u . trbal informed a d d li g n d ri :,fr t h e h l al: :o ° n o u n t l g o 4 1) rim." 'The iwiriter asked 'bile achy 1 rig bad retracted then, if ,be could r 'ye it; that the statemtint- was Urt- I a ",, I publicly iaCknciwledgeq• the 'fact. 1 Odell said 110 bould prove that what h I had published .ot Beighley was t ne; he couldf prOve all the charges,; he had made, - and he would be able to! s 'ow Beiglite,i bad no character to, - l se, by:his Owe neighbors., Therwri.' er then said that so far as' he had at acked his private character, the truth Ould not bejgiven in evidence without Me. Beighlayt permitted {it, bet. tilt 'be had, when a. candidate, disprov'ed all his statements; and before Odpil repliedl the writer said, "As I will be against.; you on the trial of your ease, you, must net_say anything I can take advantage of, and' I don't wish te'saY , ,aa,,ythip,g you can take advantage or, 'so we will drop the suhjer i • ,The abov.eis a, fall and andid rote ! , , merit of what was said .hy both par 1 ties, and if Mr, Odell remomb i 7s coi ;. reedy, and will . only - state what he r i members, his staternentlwill, not hill" in any respect from the one given. be could inter, from what was sai we were making a pt•opositioe ti: con „! promise, be infers- what' on i e elst. can; and wbat - was reibeintended- i why'dld mit Mr. Odell, whence oath, At to wlie •had made propositions to e. staterrimitir:-.--Izirt- . ...„, s '" - nh. , - that , the'DistriCt "Attorney said lie -- h - lia * not Seen 'kr,r. consulted Witlil,Belighley r since the prosecution was cemnienced, , f arici althehgh be bad heard it Spoken d of, did not know,' until informed by e Eaq. Wiieoti, that -:a prosedutiOn- had been commenced .. As the Writer was d leaving, the editor of the LOcal laid he , wifthed'he had continued hie gociti•offl cat toward him—that ,be had stated in the Argue:that he was instriimental- in preventing two prosecu:iems, a nd he• wished he bed prevented anotlier., In' reply, he - was eseured we nothing to do with -the bringing of the pros ecution, did not eounsel it, but thought too much bed been said, and felt when - we first saw c'irindex's" article, like pioseenting not him so tend; as the wrlterrr.that the . using of a newspa. per lict ribose men was wrone Odell ! said. he . would 'riot have: pablisbed! "Viedek's" article had it net come from a:Republic:an, ar.d ! that sod long; as could produce the - doeuments he sup..! pesed - ivesvould let halone' i- t , . ", 11 ' This i, in i9!:;..*tittieft,-. what"occurred, and we ask ilkir. Oitell;,ll*.aiir statement ist not aorrent. 14 ~ wasporisiO4tilY ex-1 cited, bat declared he WAS potiklatmod[ as to' the result: Not: hivingi talkedl with' Mr.' - Beighley after eolnmencingi the prosecution,, and tethag Odell of tbe fact, he could riot eappeie that tbAo . wiles any •intention offlexing terms of 'co iripro rni e se.' Thie at 'Nolen ' 1, in reference". fo ' a comproiniSe, we' 3 ; lugged, in to effect the ease, and as ihe I cannot reach Mrßeighley,tbeY charge it , upon the District Attorney,beciiusi he converse witl the ed itor of the i .LiocaUthe 'same day. ' We have been informed that the editor o; 'the Loc a l ' and :his b wire mre ierr busy circulating. tbrittterms of ComJ proraisObad been Offered. Th' ey care' . little for the truth of the statemen' ' t r enema; and took gcfod care when: o oath td avoid' ansetril r a . 'fi_' ti ti rit es vr t e t ia r i , that'Wa i - aslied to determ ine Metter , one me ito Go; • • As ~we stated ' last week, w, e ,•hay - never atteeked e 'single bere'oetut .I,n the county siffee our 4.•:.ouneetion • with the - Argus,- and' in 'editor ietioriermite / v his cob* to, flt - - used - fbr t a t pal* pose; iiil uii lOrthy .of pubilu fhior.4 There-are - ertain,DevriP9rats,lbowtivi• er who, it is bilieied4reirdelorer the editor Pf A1e: 1 .404 • ,ised' are :reaiky ettarge A blo - wiiti . his, fahlii.Jartd his Malice, wbp Are Zipt 1 0Y 1400 4. 1 40, lino who 'J.11147'444- Atm.)? vaPail, ahraYfl . Abield,-.theniselies behind lopther.-7 When (We heat:inlet) well; 1 4:upset like treatmetit an return. ,*. ;•,- : bon =I CIID*OrtESS• - ; • . , . . , B A X. xiltstilt; 21 z4 -11 l iv ? ' tV:iiatrodivid a iit it, stiif the ' ilitenetion (Otte miturand,...Ne tt f 'Valley Rairtoid ' toad 'caiiifeeti, ittio Great Lake* and the' GulEbf 711fexleo.;11dembrials vreier-presentk;4rouiAlre Minnortal Legislature for in !apPropriation tol improie the 'Labe Superior harbkwa• Petitions were Presented trtira color -cd citizens of Ittik~ih ila FOE? sylvriniaoor eciitid- rightti . for a !Ili•d teethe lariffi. stidliVom 'assistant, •140-1 lessors forinerease pf pey., A resolu- , Lion was adaiited :authorizing a gen.' tract with Ltttie, Prowb & Co.' r for publishing •the 1:1. , S. Statutes; ; Bills were passed . to to Kansas itt idd of the'-Nputbero Kansas Rail road; and , to punish . the alteration, I forgeiy &0., of Pelial bonds ant oth. et papers.' Bilis! tore reported from the .Jadiciary Ooramitttie concerning appeals, - &e.;_ and to . provide tor re perting the decleicins of the Spprerne Court. ; The:lf 'est' Indies Telegraph hill was, taken tip. Mr. SherMan'au mendrnent' autiforizint Congress to fix the rate of: charges was 'rejected 17 t0.,19. Thtf tlinelor completimrot , the - *Orli' was limited to. three"years; :sod the bill wits .passed. The blouse resolution\•atitnorizing. the Secretary of the. .41avyr to supply vesielii for quarantine patposes..was passed with an amendmenkliMiting It to ore year. A bill' utitliorizi L eg, tbe Seeretary , - of the Treastiry4o issue bonds in place of others lost wiasi passed. The bill to incorporate the National MUtual Pro tective lionse t atead Compar.y was cal led.up, debated end pestptined till to day. Atter' some routine business and An exect4iVe session, the Senate adjourned. i 4 •/ ;.• t 1 A bill trOaid the.Northbrn Pacific Railroad wa i4orte6 baolqrom Coin nrates *Hs( were ' . introduced 'to equalize boluttes, and, to aid the loWa Centr6l Rai:frond. ResolutinnB of the, Legiilaturas of Oregon and lowa were presented. Tt e Diplomatic apprcpri , ation bill was sonended hy authoral:. ing a Solicitor 'to the State Deptirt- ! trient at- $B,OOO a year, and passed.-- 1 -1 The bill toi fa4ilt tato commercial, pos-; tal, find rrhlit4ry communication (. be.' tweet? the States was passed, 7,9 to 46 SGme- agrlpultaral matters were' re- , ported nal :adversely, and the lii,:mc.e accepted Ole( reports. A resolution was adlp ' d (to inquire aq to making, appropri: ipn to complete cemetcricii , , fro thell ion soldiers. A resohition , 1 ie 'r-{Was adop,ed Ito print lo,poo copies for( the Hous e avid 5.00 h for 1 the. Commis re- 1 stoner of '',tbe A nnual;Report on •'P'ats fur ents. Allerisome matters of nO,gen• If eral interbstibad been disposed of,the. Rouse wiint into Committee of Whole, id, And coroildered the bill -to reimburse 1 " Penogyifiani:a for war expetwes.,' . Af ter a Wok debate, the COmmittee rose without ;ft if, ote, and the House ad ud. 1 I ' ' journo . • 1 BENATE. I !k ir 6 e !Y liri or tu t, i le n h r.i nA i lbcal w n f r r e ' ;6 a . gr d e o : ii ee t irn- e 8 4.1 1:1-51 t ar o il l icPrt-1 tax. 5.000 •copias of i4pecial report , of the Revenue Commission and directina ; an ingtory i as tO the expediency of re,- .inittanw, the 'peddler ' s'license 'tax to d'isabled sOldiersf A bill to transfer the Smithannian )ibrar,y to the libra ry of Congresi alas •reported and laid over. Bills were passed to erect Lea r Isiah& and lalifernia into each ; a judis Olaf district and- to authorize the eon bridg across the Mis. sthsippi atiSt. Louis. IA protest was presented agniosi, the pending ,resole lion for_enforeenient of quarantine a gainst nhOlera. Air. Trumbull called up the Paso of John P. , StOekton, Sen. ateifrom New Jersey, which'oce_upi ad tbe:reMainder of the session, and was not Concluded when: the' .Senate adjourned j ' nuusal • • A memorial f m-the lowa Legisla. • bige. tor ahl to the l ow, branch of t h e cinion: and ! Pacific Railroad was , pre 'stinted!: mid referred. were io. trodlicid to establish a pint of deliv ery at Council Bluff:4; i and for the ban efit of: certain The, reioluz Lion to arnend the- act , of July 2, '18(32 graOting hods it; aid Of college's! was . ; discusie . di and finally; recommitted.-- .The IlOnse non.eoneurred in tliejSor, ate aineridment tOttit; bill for the sale of :name. Ilosritals and referred to coininqtee 'the amer.dments to tJlie 'Aprropriation bill. The Sen ate ainetidments tof fhe quarantine resolution . ;_stiere conbnrred TIPO West Indies'Telograph bill, iinssed on Wedneiday by the Senate, was taken (torn the fable, read (wice, debated at length,arid finally referred io the !Com; mitt:eq. on Commerce. A'message; :from the iPresidetit and aCconipanying doeunion4i relating . ta the Republic of Maxie° !nrere reeeive; referred, and ordereki to hoprinted: A bill was in. treduccd persons who! have oilircOsed• on the . sibject ;matter of trials to serve on !jures.— The igenete smendm,ent to the iDefi.. nieney til)t for - expenses of the .. I Toint Comtnisaion ,ntider 'the: Reciprocity Treati-*Olating to the &bell+ surd vey—Waii concurred in. .; The aMencl. meat Striking oat the proviso that no portrait. is';/iving poison 'shall bp , placed on-any 11Sitad!States enirancy, was. nont•coneurred in, and. a P.Onfero.' once ;Committee ; was. asked; or:- . - A . t reselntion was adopted direetiag inquiryiti3 to plaeingdisabled leer pincers on the retired raMlation was introduced,request. icg tbe appointrnent,of a-Conimielsion otr!tba cholera to visit-Constantinople. A foil; wittiatrodueed to amend an act granting land to - iiiichigan for. wagon roadsl-and at 4143 1 4;510ck the House ad joarand..l - !. - SATE. • I • 3/40/eq ' 2B , - - , 4otitionti*Pre:pteseet. ed flit an equalikation of bi/iptibti; a modifitatiorfoi the rsVenip liwa~ at i 1 , i 1 'J anal nnusE , t • zee :Sift.' i .• , NEw Yoni { ,` Ater:sh- 2 2.4Portress itonrbe dispatebesi teport that Clew. etit Clay has been - elp'erititted, 'on his p role of boner, to efijo the.lib: oily of tho grounds within [the ;wails 1:4 9 the Portreas drying; 'day time.— k l Jeff. Davis' health ;continues good;and he keeps - up the safne hatitts to which 1 he has been accitsterncidTor owe tin.° Put, including his daily outdoor ex. I tt erciect. Re reels f' migh t ! a d - keeps well posted on passing ley nts'. An - .whoofficar • recently . ; and rtook to draWihim * out On Fentanisra wet with aet niplete failure.' Tbougb a Igreat portiinv of hie titua dilposedi,to'ite ea. vial Sind eonversat ional,he is 'frequnt.: ly elite(' with fitsof. . loftiness and retieqnio!. ' ife soldent siludel to his Olaf.: ' . -J. . I - • Famicus ./ORDAN, Oft 'Bedford county,. hawbeitn s,ppointeit oft of Centr al "q6mrnikee.' 11-ia• appotntinebt 'gives - keneral tion. I ito itcon honeat',--rnani and will' daetthe ty, 9fiergy and spice/38.J, • . 7 11 tuencPsTRI.Kis i 8894 noteil Wittelittel thed , et , hic - :.Nutidenee Lock , Raver;.ott the 19th th3t: ; :attar a' protracted and iierere 111neas. • - • • ' I I `,. ~'~~ ~~~.~ HEM NEM et g s feCiing breseSi ' -iii _ .for_ the eCittiree• went of- ICON: If -In` the 'Rebel States. iTbe ' _ : irisistAid oo its a> : itiendeneoti to ' , ~ *RAppropnatiosi bill, giid r . itilivii t - =4. Conpi4tee: of 64 1 %144. - A ' fit - resolution to,se;•l Ore tir - eolored, . lieriathe, tiotinti* to which duly. titlid, 'wan Intirt*:,) dueed' - iiiid TAN • '''-' , 'The refoltitithi tit die :Mission " Islatire to tai; of paying dama tA to thottni.veraityl sot that, kitate fu ' omba by wit alira 13rOnlbt*. 1 jug 1 *Red. -_- 4: rqsorli iron% the See . i - of War WO Pre . suutetin - refer P .`troths Ohigvweid .llocit-leland. ;. ~ which. I*l6 re i ferred :to the . iliteiry:Comitittbe.. 7 - 7 The case of'' ,( ...Eltoekton'4 1 1 (CW / Iv Senior -was tak - up and debated Ili length: The r ution that Mt StociF-1 a ; ,, ton was duly eted and : o n tot his seat was fi Ily adapted by 22 tof 21—Mr. Slot: 'n voting Yea.' The - Senate.'then rnisd till Icoliday. I i t ' ones: I ' 1 ~ f _, ... 1 A bill to aid, e Kansas and Neosh i l .• , Valley , ItailrO was rep orted, 4 1 .12, room initted-1 , " Antionsi went! si_,‘ 1 11' dopted ea mg or report of expend-I itures under 4 ." Indian AppriVrlas' I Lion bill of 18 allowing .full pay{ to', officers not 111 , red , in byt reason - Of Capture, &c. kennsylvania Reini-i bursement bit pAssed by tB6 tcoo.l iu t t. r lir. Ilhiloo !. , i rawiLg his amend- Tani. A r ion ,to pay, o fi lera land, soldiers' Aye withheldbk `Contte-marlial as reported. on i 0- , versely. A :l'ill Supplementary t 4 te to-.the.pension note was .passed. "The ,Seeate sesoriniei goncerrang thePribt Heath:in of the 114 i tad Stateslaw iyas ilaSsed. The ',L/an bi! illui reitorted batikfrom ICominittee , w the siniend merits and , 'a , proviso, tin , the 110 se. went into ponisnittee ofl the Ay& le. After svoting, dawn several: nine do mints and R. Ffpoper's substitute; the Cornmitteel rotiet and reported ti e thin and it ivasTassad by 441t0 -54, 1 he itou3o then adjcarned. _i 1 f ' Maiten 24 7 -§enate not e in session,. The House to-day was devote to F. peechea on reit:ista aetion:, At 1 SENATE:.; 1 Maaca 26 The Senate devote all its sessmnf to day to tbeitonsider. thin of the Casa of .Sedatoi Stookt , a of view Jersey. ' i. iJ. ' t - f . • 110IIS;.. c i - ~ • . Mr. Moorehe ad preseatod the joist vesolutioti,of the Legb. , latiiie of eau izylvan ia. ;urging-9e- reteatof ( tbe tali on cririe lail or petrole in. . Re tied 't6 the CeinmAtee on Vraysand Iteapi. Mr. Stevens introauUed a bill o nil. thOrize the building of u nOlit'ary end pocal railroad: from Cumbe'rittind on the. riVe 4 r, o Potomac, in the IS:Late ot Moryland t , the , eity of Pitt,sh re,)in i the Stiike of Penneylvunti.' The . t;estim - iir.y in the eletin case c i of. Dodgo Rialast Brooks' was Topott ea fron“he POrninittee on i Electioas, vrith a tiesolution that 4lttes BioulFs is not entitled,to a seat in this lifedisci. andtha!,_,Williara E. Dodge is Untitled' to a seat . will be take on the ease onj'rburidiiki 'Twit. - The .ll.emit.adjourned:, j ; .': ibre.hith wio - t - q to,: Cho 1 ilon..L M. Secnel, of Newl..fers l ii; as follow • - - • - , , st: 1 :- • I , • , 1* 'DEAR. SIR : The c:asr , lreftrred to is Luther vs. Borden,;7 lloivard, S. C limp., 1: - 1 I did not say that the - Sta -- es Were out of the Union in iw-I:iy tieb Ilion or in Emit by the' resultof artini. On' the' i cor.trurv,l said the tate gOvoi.ninentb ceased ;to exist in law by reniounei ng the Constitution slid ilt-filq .by bang expelled by arms. I,• '- ' ' , Notti theAiverbity , l The•' ;U S cites are ;in the ,Union; or else We are mind. to guarantee them.repti lioan ginveirnments. They have nni re iiblitian !govern. means;'and that 'alone give's gongrossif the right ta contirol i the restoration -- under 'the power to ( guarante oint. ; t , Sumner is getting ,right lOa! this p • • I. 1 i I , Con rasa looksfipni but it4must be ' wise tili well as flrml - If we go before the •pOople next , EMI! oo• a negative isaue,)eaving ` , lohn i soti'tt goter n men t in posisession of thn, Sfatee, and Isim ply refuse to admitltheitalto 7dongress 1 , , be be attn. 'ong we wild inevitably ress nit annul JohnsOn'i 1 gover,Rments, formajly prescribe ] unweritsll suffrage, as thelconlition sin s 9•l4rnon bf t c rog-: nition, - .and propoSe 'to 'anieri •• the Cbinititution, making it .the appreinu law of the land forlail .State , and go to theleountry . on these uteisores„or the pciciple will accept .fohnscfn's:gov. ernments as a soluti - m'ands nil f rep.- resentativerto arirnit their re reaen ta tiven. I ' 'L .:. -.. • ;Sit4elety yonrs, • - 11, IV. 4rts Baltimore hid. ee.-21, 1 f 3. 5 1. l• '' 1 ~ I. • • * : - 4 B • MEI MO I IniAiriist . ' stoitzwrs. -: , - - ' ' Eli Ws ilk. ' : il .. , CO!lititelito _ , ~ - 0 — 'l)ii,d Alipies t ror bult: , ..f , 4•••—i•-•#:. %,... ' t. d„, - p# li i i b it 14 , i 1........,...:ii k . vu, illitai_ t, 1 -5 ,4. t. i ''. 0:f -it ••••••• , ••tfiA 2 .- ::, ; .„_`•-: : '. 4 .1•;.•,9 . t'--Pr^ 4 ,•••• 1 Infix .8444, 1:_-i, I, • ,;,' :::::....:. .... .'... 1 4... i 4.... $25 l' i !ea* ': - "--;"• - ' , 1- •'? •' ' 4 ' 11.-1rii.447. - 1;4& otalosa, I I' 4 , . - ' 1 OW' Lpions, . :, -. i .1,, - ' I ' 1 50; ont Meg : ;,- , . . . - 1:::.:::.-4.......; . :, f ... : us. 1 Pi'r . doi ' . , ' 1 psi? -' -,- 'Pet 1 ,Y; , 1 30 Hams, N-' `: i 1, '' • - , 1 -. , i • . 1441111, • V ' r -'(---;••;,—,,—....—:-- , ,2a iffidee, ; l' 4 ":- ~, , Tilltni,' ; j lia ' ' - '-' '''' 15 Imird. '•ro . i' it ,- 4 • ;11 -- 1 ' -' I. CAttaler; , • I / 1 1 1 , San 1 00 Cirbbn 't ;.. f;•;,••••-;•• .•. • . To 71131RIAG, MARitili'9. , -i- ; ~.,:ittozinsir,,darith p,llm*.; Itasii-4 1 3a14 of 85 barrels at 28024iiplei i . 4o B EL J• ' P . - ' j' .i ,I •• , - ', i ~. • Birriin-44iles160ibe ICA at' 20 - 41 i; 55 . 0; ,4 do, 62e; sales'Glibbi i "46eL . . ' i, ..Ptoiia-4xtra Family, froti winter' -, WhOit, sales c 100, bbls, at;, $lO 80 @10 stk .76 bbls, $lO 2ogio 40: 130 do, $1.tt60610. GG. I • 13scos-Bales of 8;000 Ms , ribbed - sidiii,it. 16}c; . sales of 3,ooo'lbs intgai cuitd hiuni it . 220. ,•• , ~. - 4._,.- I . , -Limo Oit,- i 4lsles of 86 khan Nut 1, at 'Sill& Lanu--Bales.of.lo bblii, at 18ie. ' ~ I ... 43itsms- 1 4941eit of• 20 bushels fiat at s2' 50. Clbver, Salmi 26 .bushels, at $5 50. , T 1132 4/7* isles 15 bushels at $3. 25@T 60 per bushel. . , Csassiv-Raniburg,