The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 28, 1866, Image 1
ri( ur , 4 THE -- B AVERiA • • Will be Publiihtd - wednesd IN MINIS?" . -11MLDIAt THIRD 15TirrIMAY.ER. I,t sop perwinuai, 40.,414v, I , , . n.. 1 • . , L.463•Le.ifprei ismPeantebutionk. by in ;hall tisTe frty,Hppi._ iittent,. N . uf L-S:RUT4ft THE: GENIUS Or 'What ie tieat,ht. ! No more leve'nfhokor fear;' ' To jetn the greai - All, all alike are hymbled:therii .'the iitigh graviii:i • I . Wraps lord awl, shave; 1 Nor pride f nor'' poverty tiaehrioniti;:: Within ttai refuge,lllouee-'4114•*31 , . Spirit wifh the dr4Ong yring t . 4nd the ertr4eeitingidik • Thou :of4l ottrtle.elqnga ar t King! 'Empires at thy fo'otsteool'lre, I ' the Theirrouttitivie Iss'je.l upon the "Lore; , 13, L0 r:a7 hull never rouse. Alen' more: • . • . • What[ the grandeur of the earth To the grandeur ronna thy throne? gi c i l v...a)ry, 'beauty; h44.h t • To thy kingdom all: have gone 1 • Before thee stand . The wondrous hand - 2 = 114rds, het oes t; sages,side by side, Who darken'd ratiops wharf they-1460: EtatVans hosts, 4it thoi r aCiat*show bay a million for her:one; I narugh thy? . gates the' mortal ow Hu for conntless years rolled oh; tack from the tomb '• I tis step has come; There fix'd till the list Liam/der:sound Foal thy pria ner.a be unboOtil , BE ITCHY D To EACH ;,0 1 EHE • (II • • 'Re kind to <teal other The.night's coming 'oil, Vilen , friend and vrben brotber l'erchance may be gone! Then midst our dejection, - now swe e t to - have earned . ••• The best raoulleation- 7 Of 'kindness returned r Iyhen. day huth departed. And Memory kcips Tier watch, broken-hearted, • vilkorealLsho loves eleeps I Let falsehood assail not, .; Nor anvi'dipprovis-- I.vt_ trifles prevail n e t •. Against those yonlove ;tor change -with 0-morrow,. simrll4 fhrtune, ; :take . tei IVO the steeper tife The tee: .till cling! Uhl' be kind to eacVethifi, • : 'fhe night'm cohnin on - P E r .l, l f ri 4t . l4‘..i 4 ° 7.4 ?.1 - A Gentle Hint It was recently stated, editing the', news from the Seuthern kittitvAlohat the Legisialure of ;.\1( rth Carolitth had aide' tct the , hill ;;ranting civil rights to the emancipated slakes and free colored peepie of 'that comiykonwealth ►prn7i ,r , , o,deelari rig that. the act should Vigo (rect. -until the tata t ishitll haTe been relieved of;the peratione and agent's tif the .Freed men's liureau This tae rot, in accordance witlt , 1 - I,litiors required of North ,Caroli tia by Preeldeot:Jolinson, in his au tholization of the micasureS untie) shish the State was. reconstructed, hit the parties in poSsession - of the State goverimkent appear to have lost tight of this fzierentirely, aid tolhave imagined tliat-they 'AVerk: flee to do as! they tnigliCelinose. We see tOiatr, that the.Presidept, dissatiated with this, has telegraphed to,liovern .er Worth..of North -. o,aroltutt;retnirA. Ivg him that tho proviso . , , preventing ihotegroei from ohtaining- etvihriFhts aotil rho Freedmen's Bureau ISI nil, hare been removed from - the State, IS 'mitt accordance:with the - stipitiations he had madeinreorcaniing,the` . s , :ate,i atil 'urging that the bill pught•topassl Rithous too prorino. ,. The ciVit ,r? - ghts to be granted to negroes under this bill are merely those of tastifyinglin (Gaits of justice, of holding property, al suing and being stied, of:pleading Intl being impleaded,_ l E4,.and 'from jtese safeguards-to.--li 41 to till) preseil'ation: 'oCe*eii Wel to 6 telenientary - freedom. the"',serikt et ralinaLcgislatnre hangs nacki with Ittach. reluctance as, though., some concession were asked.: We glad to find ,'the - President ' is ' big i2ietier and•ientience to bring w ttereettiant States to their' senses, ;!_i,learinot doubt that. the hest results l anßQe, tole bas" been.:so success. previeus attempts in .that alt, in their d'etianilli'for•fullificOi• tius these States ali depend eo much 1 1 1 P" the support afforded them by h 0 President, that if were to . - -giyer i,.."tt . te . understand, plainly', that urt-1 the rid their organizattoni °Via Q biiatiou bl a 0 features - lie Woula refps un to theieteixlgnition - all bb uitc t 70411,4 be. at once ranted; re h i .,:td n re a quest g as . mad . e ort. looks in:that way; and . l%v -, up lZ. b . trust that-lie Mciy_ ie fplj.ow i ta ro i tha ° m ( i n dril,r B ‘ßP ll l . , igsistuppii T in to—lido Vorth Anierican • , . - ' -, I- 4 t2o iionrivr . CArti, .ti Efootebr.'llT 1.4 !as it &trend boy in 166 Prill!: IN Office- of - Benjlinun Pranklit, a rhiledelphis, sod sp,,beegoientfr: t'Lar„ 1 '1;14 the tkrt ot printing,•die4 :Jo nil! 4 , Ph i s l a s ;: t ot ra ireele, at age of Qifft! MIMI E . 3 iIC:k R .AIIS11:311 1 ‘l, , • , -t ::!•7/-;: - .1. ' ':t -Cr; • 7 7 4:1 I r Eil 1 Ng= t .- .......,•.11,..„..1- -! ~. f , ~ _: i...1,i. .... . ... e . 4,„4,,,,..,1;;,.,.-,..., ,-..-fi .... .,..'-i---.. ...,;.; .11 I '. L . , .„,iil,' .-„,,--.-,. :,.. I , - 1 t.:." -,,...N7.9.•:,,,,!- --....,-, . '44' ' ' ' -,„... •••" ;.! , - .• lIIN El PMAII airzter '3 11 ' ' ' '' I. ---kv A ,; ~., ...,, 1. , , on r o noon; . , ,11 , .. ine t rt. tlelatlp. .... .. hen di- Aod4a; .7.,- -- t-., - he rilea'wc ratie'Siati ' 6,,ii - t4 l l•o : l4itio ' Ur, ' 1 3 ° 1 1, 1 4 4 : 4 1 do 41-public act from motives; r i , waieh,met - at. , . - .llarrislinig, m a d e i n of .pplf?•-daet us-knew all abouttit.' • cilipleciau,'riinide, of ,:ai mit , at i on , .. int , JOlina . ohl . iti Wow - Proside,tif,'and if Sir. I P4ivid:ll,2l,„!).ohetron: The meth berti Cl Y n i e i t i qd - th'4s .lt t ith , _t he cbil4fitiee'''' s e en oa ,, e6 1: 4 3 1 4. 1 4 y op ii4i n i sed wltb r oe tion : Doints gii . tiA agiy.„. of _tbittit it. i.eight,„ of Oen:7l9re for him. Tbev It l lir* J I CtY44M" '4ell4ll6iliiit'ii--a • lid now now mach Ito-,, .14•otietince_ in' ' dirocll" t km' 'Ai? v o n ed ni, ery b n i fy ti i k ,. , fefitses 4,6 splairi,' Weliakro re publia the • ' thOglit rof him. I They could 4- hlr !Y :6 l- 6 11,.6flOikilt8 for jor 'trier h'i. ii•nc',4,lccigl 7 1 1 . iila ''' N ? " 1- lAmerilit ‘P fl i .„I ienrinittaltiOri l l ; Ilia' policty, la. ii gm ~„ — 777 - 7• 7 '7'el k n 7----7, i 7 - 1 1- -, '- sent.iments, „bislbeld vindicatiofi l of the " Te44 11,7! 7 '! 44 1 1111 1 4: 1 ,, T. 14,44 rte*-14,441037. eon'atitatiian;,his /splendid stritesniarid. `' llll P,'GMeria, (Illinai9-14;qtY,. Go.t.itt iihig, &c T. 4 ' AcCrordin,glyiTA , 6ltirevent of 14114 ' 3.4'1k 16tent.aayirthe Pittribdig itheir tie'cci,, devotion to President I ,c'oin*frcigt' has an ,rittiel.,-Videntki• ' joli,soti, , romiitrilcirig in and proving , written by Alen. Griint'a immediate late t o their . copperheadlsm, tiley,!filetill•celle`d •forth . 'by • r the-. - feet :that nominatei lot Glovt.rnot •of Penney!, 1 ,`hom,l3 tripe since a Reptibl can 'and ;rani :Senator Relater Clymer, who is :, niolyne_efink . in the' citY'Of.illochesj, I 1 1, cu record in regard t 6 the Piesiden't ... 4. ; Igew - IYork, ban ,notninakeld*.Lieui ,g i, , ,in t lip fashitin : tenant.. General Grant willti.Ueion, Andrew: J o h n ,„A 1,„, , carKlicluie for the Presidenor la 1868."; ..I know, ' sir, that lone far Its the, farthest; and is, ready - to go I ,It is: ery Islgetficant: ' Whileithe•at.! h i, (atilt stiller, to destroy and uproot .every (.tempt ' tot n t o .d m a i r n a itt L e er t ii h e p d G dst ir l e .p ie ro lforl l princi lo lion , 'which this greagjand good ;;that `ol:o,;„i ii i. „ :. ,_ %cover ment'of Quin is founded. I know fhat i •' ' • ~ i_ • turo agitation, the writer sta l es that ,he ha bent! with "Suppliant knee; before the ' throneof po w er. - 4 know Mat for pe if ;". for i e his fri,ends i look forward with pride I_come of her co, flesatio n he has succumbed to toe, - j end hope to the time when c shall i try measure presented to him." . • i receive the highest °Mee which can ! i Note, it' the ( peat() wing - hf thepar. ;.60 bestowed upon him y a grateful fty, Which I still feels such , poifnant people* tt Tew.4rd rer the inestimable sorre v lbst the,- untimely ' fate Of ,i.he 1 , services he has rendered' to his' &Jun , • , 1 , f:,‘ster statestniM" and his confedera- ', try!' The emelt) says that "ho take :) !take umbre , re at the plat:'no par t - Witlf the President as a rain4t i r f e f ,,e r % o n s r i 1 !o f the ,6 c ic o u n b r e e rr n ia ti t o r' o n ri , a h i e c r i e nd is ida te i as o jz o g g u i eina;,t.titrilie I.. no re p bi a d r e t ir w t.,, i , t It H ing ,,o r m esi : i l i i t n o g i ectonettil)e he o h o trio o i • g t n h a a n t t s m . I s. . PAe; m u n e i r . i , c , 'la lcbscrti.)\',l,Bsini? rtetigsaporestoertfthie)lanetfoo,brzry Andrewdocs,ies tileoishanisdo,;),"mkeaoyw li whethet the said Andrew will not ' el l e recorded. r;ce C • ' 'd' - ' ri '‘ ' ‘ ' v ' e all no th t is asl f I I °kiee`p4ihriegftheeettl pf„ . 4H , 8 i in, ab the(r, t e dt a r t e t ritst , it t i t s d ra t tt h ic: e se 1 make! - eepecial haste and take partip- I protoctieniof Diiibil men in the outb; I i . . 1 I • lular paint; to sec, that the said Clymer i his stippfession\f disloyal, papers in is drily eleeted Governor ..of - Penneyl- 1 the South, •aud ink opinion of :disloyal 1 I venial? , IC)w• can he refuse to, do o, I papers( in the North, are also en re whenl elyreer i endorses- r :btit pray, let ; cord." j "tits - Written , noclatation, us ask, whet. does. Clymer endorse i nearly three; months. in 'advance of ILI eau _ha i dly have the aesuraucc, Mr. Lit: o . ) n's immortal proclamation; a ft er Isech declarations as•the above, that alitt'ery :should be wiped out be- Itol goF through the farce of pretending fore the War ended, is well known to to evilol.;iee and sustain this very_ man I all hftelligent! men." • This important I again t' whom ,he wal so malignant !declaration i . ,;. succeeded by au iii.ell - I•Le, it inquire of 31e. Clymer whether I eised pas i sat,oe; j Which is as folloxv's : \ ; he' nowthinks he tohi the truth, the "We khow ;tifitt. All General Gtant';, , E)'•'01. truth pipd nothing but, the truth;' hopes sad s' II are with the rwhen be niltle use of the above lan-1 great and . patriotic Union party of guage ;•atid if so, what he base'! his 1 this country:'! In reefing and- lel sen- , teharges. upon.. If. he did ipeak the; timent he is strongly •identified with !truth, then 'he ough.t not now to be! the milliens t of loyal people, who, in ashamed to explai n himself., bet Mr, i Elic long year's .of tsar and carnage Ovine Mimi!, what-fundamental prin. :and blood,lgli've theirs--hearts, their. ciiCle o the republic Andrt - 4 - Johnson !, blood, and itlieir treasure to their' sough to uPrOot, and on .what gcca:- j country. WehaVe neither' sviripatl. Mon h ~iheri; -the. suppliant-'l4tee for l'nor,l;qlcrat c jor. for any I,ttrty, nor al pelf, : - i l l .. 1 ,' ' 1844 - of Tho trete • It , t will hi: perceived that:the tiboe-e4relle` ( f cilkilM ic 4AB444e.K. - 4 , ait4o l4lll - tr.tegiity,fif;.Ftesident Johnson' -Let us sen - ni•ato their, and'esk attenkion• to 1 to 1 .: them : I; .1 • , 1. , Clymer, charges _Ulla Andrea! Johnson WeCt. fiEt far las "th,e farthest, and was ready to go sti ll :farther ke destroy and Uproot ever3' , principle dponhicli this government, is found.. ild. T is isl riot only run attack upon his zee ,rd, t) 1G assumes that he was tir:sernpulous in character anti a fitting toet for tiny `usurpation whatever.-- The assertion is 9f the broadest and most sWeepit.g kind, and'refer4 110Vto one . or-n Aaw principles as haying bnlen uprootdd by, but to "every prifi= ciplo upon wt ieh this gre,at and good governmontlis founded.z' ' There can ho no mistake here-i.the orator went the whole her gth; and left no room for qualification.: Nor`dia lie rest his , attack• upon any record. Ile Said he I knew ~ttil -this. ,1 1 :tal , „ ill, b,( 3 0 Heit'eer cry 4, ot , lig ~ ownpersonallcogni-1 6- Z:i.n , knew,l hat Andrew Johnson 'Wig inch' a gu ilty iwretli :al , he hero . ortred him'; • ; 2 :4 ~Hr.. (littler's: assertjon of his ; wonderful ainOtint otlit ! oWlecigaelebt I further, and ,led say that An- I dre - vi Johnscinlhad ' bentwith i suppli. ; I ant knees before the threne of power: 1 When ? ,:For ifif hat purpose ? The breaking out of' the ; rebellion found him a membe r of the United States I Seeste. The t‘throne of power" could I appplot him Ito pe,higher (Afire than that, and the lone • it did gii.e, him— (.4oVernor oft,Tenryeasep---he had pre vionsly held by . popular election.--, WhaVtieed, theta oCl4Oaltig tbpi_enp plEant twee'? i But - 311: - Plyrnet tayfil lielctitiViS that 4fifilio' 4 ' Jehneeh did Cho o rnmnancl_eith'ut'llfaldilliyin, told er truth or he did„nat. , ; If, Its 'dicts-thell - Andrew Joh:ti,ion stands arraigned bt, him 'air a dishonorable 'mar; ' If be did I,riet tell theitilith;what, is Mr. qy.l 1 mer's positi on? .15 'it not', rather an) [Awkward :co!nd for, a , candidate f ', GOvernor ? Vile)- afford him an op) i I.- triniti,of es - Ceplug fr omrtnii this dil m. ir ' weiespectfelly invite him to Ray . when . Andrew JohnOoo bent thsuppliant kiieUttO tliolthiroue. pr ,L) . P I:I And for s,ii rs/ what object!. -- 1 v ;, .- • . 3 -- lifr. Clytherls ,teat charge is"• 11 bolder One - thin eithicrift - other s, the land . mental More - serious concident--., Agn• "It ,atnOnntS to nothing less-than i - ft%' -arraignment of - Atidre* Johnson for coreuptien. ,' We defy . Mr. Clymer for any:of bisirienda tO ;.ovc ahy other explanation t , l such a declaretion as 'this 4 44.1 knOwthai for Ref! or- some other e;nsiieler,afionTite has ,sacerlietile everk, .metttierh • liietotted to viim. - -This is no irargue or ir.rif/fiulte tdiNtitten. ;It 18 1 ciear, ejcplisif,,pbeAtii7;•iicei.. It c march-.1 es righk,equare, up t'o,",t,lte ; lige, rind sayi/mYgmi Andrew . Johnson, hare acted from, cetruptnfid improppr meg - oiviiiit,f6ttePtibliCtOnrse dieing this giP.4t,wat;.irid . ;are tftifit to ba traste , lodger." , , -As no;~tnjneticd, it i woild„.4o Mr. Clymer lnjustice, we respectfully ask him, its - -le i , *aid be knew them...things of big - `riStr. 'iitiksonal Lel EEC Ea MM EMI II -...- •=-; , ;.= 7.,f:r..w3- j -,, ~ . .=l ,- - ;, = =.= ,' • 1 ,-,1 - 1 . r. : . 1 .- ' 1 I ',. - fT - 17 ~..C= ='-i:=l7'„ ' , •i I , ' f ' • 1 '1 1 i -.' . i' '''..• 1 , ' i 1 I- • " It :. - 4 11,7 . s . •_. :, --, ' . = 4- 1 ; ' 1 . =/ - t- , .L'..• , . ' 1 - , . . .-I ‘ t - i.-'': -F - 1 . ,i, • ; ,1 I • - ..- -,, - ' ' i . - ."-: .. ,-, , . __________________ -- I . :; aia rA3G - 1 . rc, : x - a, i Lalyt /I ~ , a qs j . k a d. 1 , :, ~ .; 4 - v - rtiltz . :=:'77 ---- 1 ---- 7 ---- --, .. ---- -- `,. --- q-- - - --- -------- : tAk.-- - f ; i• r ~.. .. . i - itl" - , ;7 - 4 +l -Ti't :I -- 1 —••-•1 = : .2:i: :z1- ,-, )+ ' 1 01 , 1.1. t +:l4 t 5 1-4110 ti.. i , ' --- - - - • •'-=-, ..-2., -Jr-2 7 ir .IP' Pr& .) '',:.) ''' ' - i . /-- -1 .- I - `.` • 4,.....*(1 L4l x , .„ ....,.. .... lff' ,/ ' • ~,.. t •1,..> . N . , - : ...... .....ity -' 's . i'l".• 4 - ' . . " ( T : it : ,1 1, T ; : 4::( . 1: :.. ; ..: 1 ...; : ::: . j . r i.l . • .. .. ;.. . .: :: ," .. . 7 . i ; ; : T 1. '' . 1 •• 44:17 ., f i rr i: 4 ; IT -1:5:ii:'::1!..•1•17:1:17.:::---)71..411...411."-;I' ';::::-::...::.:-: :111.7.[:'::::::jar:t;:jrif3:11,1,'IT:ir):: . 1:'- :.: 7:.'.:. - 1 , 17. 1f t .':17 : 4.1 . -', . .'' 41 '-. . ;th 1::::14/1;1;a:741' .1 ' 1 :1- 1 - ...." $4. .1 -:,I. 1 j4' ..: -:1 :: : ' '1.1- : ‘'.'l: . -.1.;. ' :: - .: * . tll 7' • . '-' ' ' ;' ' :111' . 1::: ' ' .! ! !:::1: :17: . 4'll .:"::''' ''C' :' 4- 1..-. ;:'':: .- ''''' ' lar-::ertla— -I*-' :C911:11 14.Piil---1-411143114- the na4 i '47 ,Lt .... 1 .-".• ..” ' ... _ . ... . ' , , i;:' i.:: , J Nt ....1"J . t °: ; 1 • , t ,dy, frr • - .i . , " - r ........ - . •-i, . ,7 '' ;= Ji 1, :.....5.. ..2 . ~,,,_ . „ fr . . r . •c• v- n i =Lk." .r l , 1 4 - ,. .....1'• , • i' • ) ....,0/ ~ , J . itt ii.54:7:. " ,• 1, i c , .), 1 ' • •+,. - • ,•• ll -. •:. / 176u1-Nii...4. Pt `, 1• ' •s. ,- - • ••-• .. • . •1 ". --• • ,_ l' [ ? . .:11W111 ' , ;tr.. 1 1 ° '•. - " ( . I .' r ....I. .. :.. . ........ .: ... I - - ' - ..&44. ' *11037 1, 1 t , : , :.i. 1 ,- 1 i d ,, I 1 .- • ......1..0, , f . 3 ~, - . • ~....1 . .• .J-:- , , -••_.-- —. ., . Tv ,y , T -7 - •-f.•.. ...... .. ........ , , • . . ______L_____________ .; ... ,„. ; -, ..• -;',. 37,k7. ,.. -t 4, A'' .1 4 11 "i;4 1 7.411.4.-.4;4”Jj , ' 4 ' ; ''l'" -. 5 ! :Or': '.- '. .' .., .; • 1 ., ,:',. I ...; ,3 , -...- (d i i. • - '• - - ";tli4.l(' ... - . ti e ›,.. ' .o*. - '4l4i 't- •,• • ; e_et Cfj 3 4' , ! '' ' i 1 . . .; n, Vi e : hil , ii • 't • ' • . i.',l• - •1 'Rik' , 3 h 4 Pk.. 8 gr 8 le 0 WI/ ~. tir h t Noit. . . Wit , dr'', =,. f .:1 t :il l , . s. `r= l - I . : tr . 111 i ,0 . - A - ,1 .fa °l, ' l . 711 11,' te.. v. ! • hi-; ..., ~ ..,•,;;; ~ l'fli •,. 4 • • . g il Pliiii : , i -• , c t • ...i.-.!, Ba - 7. " 4 INC - : gi,"t lost:1' ; t er 'tif . iiii. , sti ei ; ~.41': ; ! -I I f , ee i df . ' vi.... 4. . 4 .,. 1 1 F I I ' ' t , i t 7 . i a' ij ) „ , 1 ri„ .. r t j, . , 1 Or \:'t , stitt 4 f al.. . n i ,-, , t ,, i ~...-, , 1 • fit. t . i i: * U ‘ Al ' ik r ESE ,- I 1 ; 1 : f yet , 'The - couns'el :for Smith 'Brothers oft • New - Orleitiim, in- the suit against Gen ; etal . .1312 tier tor the recovery Of .$56:1,... rooo,in gold seiied -by him a l t. New 18fi i 2,!as money stolen 'from 1 the United. 'States Mint, tias written Gen. 13utler, that the .plaintiff's in 'the case were satiSfied tlini he (Geh...llints ler) hail good making . the seizure, and that if lee , Ivould - aSsure them that the". money had' been held inthet, and would .deliVer the same hover, to thern, they would. 'giv,e; a re ceipt therefor; in full,l.Jin,d .inak6 no cluim for interest or cost - S. ' 'Gen. But ' ler replied.; tliut -be hod ;held tbe :gold for :the liovorngnentotrid that it'had as yet coninin t no decision in, the inat ter, and ;fiat; as he s r is: now a civil. .ian; ho' did ndi feel disposed, tO dwdit. their actin He . also 'stated that the .riloney haa bt;e..n - used or speculaied-wit4 in any way, bat:wa's deposited the. vaults of a Boston Bank., Smith Brethers,: thrift gh their counsel, replied 'that. the eiplit. nation was satisfactory, and GonAnt. 1 ier a 4 Once gaNr , nit.c.anek on the Bos ton: bank for 'On ninney-.; Afterthis was done, "fup'receipts wore . g,kvetvftri'd !the mattersettled. l l ll EUItOpEAN 110:4E A writer inl Blackwood thin des ii; , . ... ~ . .i • A] iruniat ; narimiliuti a paler ; • Adriatic: ; .I ....; "On a ',gi.friti s'boltt .I;urr over the Adriati ik tit n4s ' one,of • the ninstpiC t,urentie 'fibeteaci;/1. ever beheld, al- Incistscovbri um*, ,re Pfiteau, save Where a -I:itle spar" ' s stolen , fioni bet Veen projecting a, raa of the building o Tor a tlower'knet orvi leant aiti..", ItAiSylays ; al, th can !be ac'cOmpliSli,edl7 irre g. -1 'ulilf : iitliiie ut;id varied coior3; Tower' a -- minaret kind • butress;piojectir.g , window au'd deep sbadaw' i irig cornice,' with orbaalen'ted .aiellitrave and:stain. ed 'glhas", havedone Ilibit' ver y best, aed.„tnade otle . lei the ,inost,,_delihtfut bodges .. lo ,ii vej in' and: rie,RE:.the land siitheet - to look at, in .Eu rope.: Spier:— did - criidcins, Ile i te the rearit,bneked by a t.ol:4lefOreill:- staw; to" the lbOt 'of . ,rs.tehirrg ; ay", a :moan - fain. ; This - itleXanEfietabllahnient was . hailthPlaxnilian,;iin,laviehad up on it all tb4l-resobrae- - wbkh-l'wealth and reanadl tams ecUld_ einnaland.lo make it, an, earthly ..puradiee; yet be' has - left this Beene of- peaceful enjoy-, meta*. CIO` Carat' acid, dangers of i mp 'perlat liiu Innen a hostiluLpeople. It lt la on!yl,po. - thei- pf . , the , reeilemnpi3s of Wien , whp! ever is but .ble t sC;_ undl vao: ,Matter Lci - 13a,t_ ki*,colidtkiOn I n....'schievementa,! •thatlnuaily Juni& for: ocuethiag - .be. , ynad - reaent ipdaseasionf:H • f- • I ( 7 , GXMBLIN4 i is said to 'prevail 'to' tt ,t‘r t iettitkiixt._ent atAlbsoy, ttoravtitOr; 'Among ttie irhfortimite onesies'lnelo; berlkit theft:Nisi - la& York if.e wbol e tt, reported Ito Ive 4oet over. t44o l ooo4larteg the past month; - ' 1I • • ' •*'fWe . :'~ el --- 4...,....• •,- ~,•,- 4-1 • 1 •.. p!, , :, ..11 pclocAß A , giiikith Arp,kdi4A7; 414.4i4irik00 trAlf•i: t•,,..(if, . 4 .,, t ,, 14#14-ei,,, Retail : Xenia lilAi 'Ott.; ,of -thry int' Gen r 1 dishes gua 1 I i facility • ' ineles bliatictel Iliefs h ii Stibeit - 4tirfi''' 'l3 rn bat; Wfie> 'eilchiiivi quanta' s " wore; tfitin;•'t oke - Cff a s ile6tfai u l izia 'll4ll.4. tell. 'Si lifte fib It' as "it IlifoPlie on lift ill Olt is SaW captain of _:title rnsde';G tiara 1 ts• - sinc. f" the be, • artily,-1 t a Oiler . 4 a Captain, ar.d 4 major 'general.. , i out of ,theltnidsi, , - whicli be hadi even r l manill Ws cavalry' lie setae cc! Sohn. Itis ftlittant'getif p, eap, nit in the'l jute see him -Hi the posit on Of. & the reku ar arr days of Fort brigadie gen! titled to ne'im eater! IP ivata in tvada, he _ln Liei 'mlli tkefterw, 'tintmisf:e , to be .1 or chic clerk to,' No soo l ei had ht Ito • rank !than, he chief of Staff acid adjutrint generif prow a iiriviite it ,a colonel in l.he . i4 Colonel' Bow is a lois, to: any buy° ho l ,nored sr and' in pja tipeci in Abe. service. gonnleiniin: Ow ways gOntieZni thorinigkly E 44 in 'all - .. diA,' wham Inbor T ve 4 1 4 16 n 1 106 s': Rofnuiro ,W . R ) hfti.e4tri4 l . 4 lr* 4- EMI ad, a request or, far, young, and life tmtd e. 01 ... alluring ihoposAirTnises of , me: lie had, !ntieed, already_ 't .aue ease, andi nothing, more i rmained for, him bUt Ito' treat his obltishing himore thick upon him;" when ht lia.auddenly eta off ;ia. the hortibhi"manriei wei have dea6rihed. lie .hiii:s9Pg . . 11 ;,een ini General IGritnt'a ennfOetite, arid 'the: General loved him "as ii,ioi. , Wiihin aimonthliiiti. he introdOei c l thia colo nel into i his own famiTY,,hud ,: made him,as far iiA he eouldA meinber of it. 1 Colont powers "tratt:froili in. 'Mount Clarmet, "10 t lllinois, in ..' Int" 'early life bele rned.-tbe triage' or 'he Printer," aid wheii , the ,%rar brolii,oitt-7'aa tin. gaged i . : puhliatiing 'fi' 'pep'er,' in' 'this native pace: " He was !tt i oilie temethe beat eimilmaitor,iii the . • Vasetirt Re-t Il publican! office. ,"e wall "biigh l iallir. a pti,vate.•iin •one -,of the -jitilioi-4'regi "*ate. ' !Ilisilast 'Prembpoti. boil date 314treh:J4.'18q.5,. 431(1 1 4 - 't i reyet i reie.itthOjit,OStor.erThit, gre Bdw- T ' era, 'United States arm " g teeohinel ii y. h, biiiyet,!for'filithfUl 4a • narttortode a i!' rviecsdu-ing ' • the war ' "; "' ' ' 1 1,- .. •] ...: ~ 1 - 1 . . The :Mill Itiihie'llin • 1 The stinendments to thettivd i ltiklitA pill, as. ii, cwrre from the liouse;. u?orle clic opted by the U. S. Senate .Without,' i• , . .attempt i ether oppeNtion Chun af41,16 1 41 Mr. Davis of K§ntuckY to phit r pone 1 action tndefinitely. 'T.6el - ' bi;li , .110 w, ' nerds of the signatate of the; 1 3 ,tei. - - ide t 4 .1 become :the la* of •p laud',: a l - and to /weer° ' to' . all porsime' l?orr- in. Ut.itild iates, not alienl . , and . ,xtlept, ing ind i ris not taxed,therigh 'of co!, , f; ti ZeashiP., The _pro'iloli; n'aipf ho bill' aft , ample , to,protecl..tbecitizen. in his r *li ! .*, so farliFahl.try tin be, seenr-. Id lay=sgeneral% law,andiit is o f Corollary to:tbe act. ef , 'Elnaimtpation. it . ifi a. gnfat. and important ai.. t.l.gain. 4(t•, 'altd ; ltviii'gcl farther uoivard a true , teconek ,nciioßaf-the'lat44 - .reheltion? ,1 St rites -(h an , any meaiintie , ,i, yetlistsi n p l . I r3d upon( I lib statute book of • i ibelJr., ton. The'to.uptry atilt look.l blinds ._ Fy for the annoonbfaent' thiti''4l; has, received the •signittire• of) tbdi Preis dent.--N. 1' ,. .;• Triburiej 7' , • 'lt' zm Oti the f: IT is.itated that to :dominate ver,= rnio front' any animal it is:onlji.needsli "'try to t cover him cpmpletel i p ,witlA. grease or 1011. Any kill* ,Ot oil will do. It;'.appears th*t the ,tvermin. lisreathe! through:, small lboles cell in -•itarious 'partalot. , theirllbOiellv which the oil or greaie . oloseslOpi l and I,ley inimediatelychei 1, 1 L I 4 011 E 'ot those:boreci, 411;1 1 a., 8 81 !gge4 distwreeftPleiithlo . a . spyin ,! T !Orest eaters never liftejtMe. 4 ,_.:rh,aV gppd . . stime Ivne 4 1114 4 tar • "('; 'l, "isiioirso,4lcliAtge Mating mono- ttux,y s t, ittetei i itt,!! ! dbeoellbi both fbo !sn id er, anil,borrowpc #4. •Itc , Al.. pto ape min; bemeitily.44so l .o;haßPi n least, tit herksh ere.tht4t , 4P.PirOt r -; ,r 1 ; , . , L . • - - r l 1 . TEtti Rettalhitilti c,.: ' - • ,c• ; ,' , Ali 4 i il , .01, otty .1 -Thz; folk) w,Lpk:,48.4 , ,. Nyi,lrc!i•o J .O'curr?4 • 1434 41 1 - in Rentucky,.shoW S tl4t "ii "§lement S' ll-1 4 failetaet itersOiritAit'lk lir • all 'tie l ist, .. ..., , : 1 ea•itil 1 :9 "ix tu _.l2 fie`oelisli malignity: ,- ' eh , o:s ~ .....t .- ./. ‘... ' - ' i ' . s i l , s i,Ntelklien, /darns I ; vea the ilitie l tit prools - i.,11 ilaapitucker 'whd lived in, Ly9:3 ei,,,,si v . , the sin. : t. 1.9 hecly . eee die Cumberland ineretp he reads! fi e tiseP fircPrg: 1 iChnut a yeatitgo Rea -1 'and ;6- ' Pll Pt'l4e4 tho;,"Jhtitlq itnliesliß ;bi er ; where' two eohipanies, di ;het 25 tli objected Jentuelcy rebel' regiMent"*ere 7 hid iirlatitnt i - is the wilderness Tard,dr; tile Sons apr eyeiS 9c iia " 6 1161totill'ItirD ontoere'lli 46 become L Es l , l vVtiy_E 4 - `Bllid' regiment'. Ll i iiii. el Sew. skid Tiny .tsiken t iiiiseinerg by on iii'My.--''' i i i 7 let t lard" e t i , isaue i through tear",,tled. T'd stares, a , matiti 11.4 the adCiceriit ,enr, ioldie , istill 11- 1. 1 el : . wh en I bode bn1.1:4 ihaittatkii,tifli ( worked it. t p taleat e d It:41 the Ilth day Of January, Ruc.ner , r4 i i,,,,. n a iu j ini his ,ilitd elins reitirnedltd be plan - r e li eg - d j ye l l 1 taiion. Vrpori lituld . itj , iron 'd' tho AA", id ilia' found tint Ite+m - repprtect n theM, 1 7 lien littly ibY ihtehJ meads they *ere 't fret +,',.::; 'to be a 1 Isaac Rucker Wen took ile lien, hie eted heridan 1 for:vier slave, stripped nd tied first I attic:in ;him liP' by . wriat" to a }el?, be-- ", , earn :. , tween r tiro trees, just E.O thitlibm toes Pdtamae_.L' c(!nild.. tou6li the grdancl. Nlie ;then t ia ',, o t b e ' with his own hunds '; , bipireditivr,- ~, 0 -‘. . , 1 , ~hei bei eerfZvii .oiee,and, ern Ilene ' iki 1 1 — :-',Inciral in I'4l* An the , 1 when; vs L , , l i . sva z'c'n'Y Pl 3 -'1 ''lrn i he se, a powers,' the gash him 'diL tt 818ilt 44 poor . I. 4th re9uis- Vl B w ! . [!gs his . Boivers big I v 61 in rise 14 ears to•bip ;,,,.. I Pi • 1 . i.i.:111, :•! l arain!,, „rt ilvould 1: t 'ainly, U:oitifierioi i ~ -t, :nil° id ul— timo 'feel live` ps ,„ .. t. turn,and continued to whip him i fer ipp tialars, fro 4nontly Saying that, he .wouqqcut bitn, In. two . ~ ttia ,‘4 , l;e : . : anci lam) y . were : pres 4:. groliMing,. in agenyj at the I,6oeftaults. .T,lie, ten turned and I atrtick'•the wife ten blowa, ;and' told I 1303.j:t0p) off and mind 1343 r, ..VV.II ;ins. ~.ittess. One . of. tbe black 6333413 Spas j he •Made bring Ihim (the rehel).tibis j_liY Several times while be was apjilyL . - ; I ,ris'it.he, cruel i4i t 6" bi (*en ;In ' r_air l , did the prior sufferer ',cry . for mercy. - !'Did,you report on us?" wall' staked. ~'I beverlold you alio, inissa, i i k Ithidlnaver *4. .j.I . did report on you [Welt_ .t wilt : whip you I,J 'esth.'-7 1 And', he : 'Aid whip en till , t a. whole body .a.rounil' was cut up n 3 at bon i lily. ', J.Prom 11, A. M. till\ su : sot° the martyrdom , woO, on . . Thin Was : Tbiktesday ilie,Li. The , poor! Sufferer lingered in agety,.tiltScir.daY morn. ink; jw bsr death ,releuaed hire from ',earthly ; sorreirs. ; .; I should adjctieierJ at !irliite Man stiioil aremmi wttnessie,,,, 03011:egging, anil!enentiraged it,on. - r 'The deveholaing t brute 030eatemed ;3111.theTaniily ..tith 'Oeatio , They lied to rii4ticatt by rtight,ertlise".l the. 0.1316, .6;?,/,-F,ail! 66 . 14 fi 1 1 in O L 'l'cf;illir l 'I Raij, road and ..94 r M:d9 1 4';:clitea he viidbwee wife 'he'd iiiiir h'eti .i' the • tie le- WA! ti,n, °n it statement of • faets like tiia. just - .Vhe men who asli4, l :l • thdi this Spirit of titrocitY should be!erh4 . l4 • arc called "(anodes," 9riSu - o?urtied with being in tebelliori; such, at least; is - t 1,14• copperhead .position: • Surely, It NO 4 . yet 'require !the . pondero us .i i blow ola strong _turn before the iiripecl -rebels of the .south will'ackTledge eithet: the authority Ot, the govern merit`; or the rights of hum-aity.—J ' ilak }Tel: Pus yet, any, I Tl*. heading :4ourrial, pnhlished at the' home of - lleister the *Ye:neeratio' dri oen i no : e for GO verr.or, 'says „ • - , "Aainht kr. dlymei,Verimmlly,.t we havo nothing to sap. ; agmnat him politically,, w e , will have mucbl to say in tills - coul d of tiie_campaigns recciei, fortdaately' : for the poelpli, is poPlic one,.and he cannot. hine et.— .lle•Was the Vailandighain Of Pennsyl• vatha throupOtit. lbe, War, at Whep bis Votes, his speeches, bieracts , :re , thovO:tighly 'ventilated; and - the::peoplo and especially.the retnrnecifeto" Idlers to know his political' statue,: he: Will : mot with conderimatioO scattely loss overwhelming than was" that :which hefel.Vallandighetint,'when : lOW si'mileir office' two ,years agbon the Buckeye State." ' " ' " t 1 ' -1- - 7 - : 'i • • , •lIIMAIONS By-14,Ei. OP iiis;Postr Dilfq-- s.Thi religions belief Of, ihe dii.. 09'644 Presidents of the vn i t oil Stetes o : ssi indicated, by , their attenoence„en , public 'werehip, i and evidencs. ;afforded ial ttidir writinks, inay be- siiitiniell up, 55491 . 19 , ir5:-Wnshingine, liindiiioq,Mon; rpL . ,klairiOn, Tyler esol 'Raylor, - ,tt'ere ..Eigidt 6 Puliiitiz3; feffe,rion; SCihil AdUrail and - Aohn QUiae.y; Adams . ,'lvere nUnita aiiii; Jackson, Yolk and I.,inenln, *me Piesbyterians; -Van Buren was of • the Vlach Ro l feruled Chuich,, Tbti soiviv 44,Fresidentii are Fillmore, tnitari-, an; Pieree,an,Episeopalien; Buchanan, - a p. rO's by te ria n; and the'.present,Chief Magistrate; Johnson, ,who .is 1 Pres: bymti ter: ...±. ,- ' ' 1 ' EioNV. MEN' SHOULD . ' Tazii Yr OilE2i.. •t• l - +'=A Pe r s i a n poet, gives thl , f4lkiwing inattUet i hn. upon !this important s' b• ii j'eet: "When thou art , married, seei to I ftemo'lliy-:srife;. Lott. listed. not-to all ebb 'lliayg..„ iFrem man' .nigh Aide. A rib' .*as-taken'ti) form ar Sporn „and Bever'fyrie !there seen ti,..,ki -'ilnia 'etisight:.....lAnd Wohlilia. , thon:b ., Il ight. - r.cli eni ft ler 'ft: breaks,. bat bends ot:4 1 .Sinee, , theti, 'tie plain ,that on oked ki' Ylaraikro's . tomptiti , !forgiye, he . faulti, slid bttirriti 'tier not; rA i r-let her,: tinair' " theel - ntif polifeion aee,i as all .Iviiiri4i , 'et4ighFen sitar; is tturvb4.: -.. 1 '—A l 1 MATRON: in the neighbor" 1 Corry, proposca tp:eall her in • , ~.I`..4l:ogUrn. I Stil3,ll9Sigrid4lB' hei ' i ll .111.0 r! 'fat ''strike Ile! i .i 14 ' 8i - E3 * - • • , -' H' i lifiriiiillatio ta.Vii Thin*: ' ' ' .A St. Joseph, itissouri, correspond.L int' Of 'the : St: rioiiiii Reihi - bfictih;says that *,irondelial' cave:his- beerrfoqiid in , :thei bluffs;,hbouti it mile ,above .8t; J . 94e P h rr hi °o h a s been i f 'XPASF e ct by. sereepf the ,leaajps citiseui of the piece': 'Provided' with elf thin I rie4 cilearY, they •ii - 4ered . tt e`.cavern-., ' , ; . boat3Oosaist.i'iirhen they ratarneid Auer r re A 4 Plii- , 4 6 AP eite ati - w9Paq,ADd r *Ong par i vels toe . strange almost: _,l . it fea7ll9huenye,...4! iti .- B e et t nr o ".l l ' ' i p a ' Ne st a c e lin sp g iend Vera Ichainber, where ceilings • and , aides were tidorneti with 1711140115 atalactiLoii of ivory fernyand hue, and transpar.. ent in their brightness. Fish • and §eas).ii and humitn i l . forms word repro-. incited -by this brilliant aettOktion,.enti misfire curtains of it,. brilliant in litte , are pendant front thectillink and hung heavily Around tbe 'walls. , Pitzlirig throigh, this vast. Chambei, 'the foto& their sakes in q 'euit, ,, tit 'grot - whVie, sides , were formed :of, 'cryat I colurbus r.d whose arc - bed, ceiling r - j l , l • ' .sulny ,i , 4g a gorgectus bow of diamonds: lEmerging thence, they beheld anoth er lin:f viiste:r than the first one and I far" n t ioic gorgebus in ill its , appoint., manta. Hero • we re niches, columns. 1 recisses,'fOnntaios, all arranged. as it by the.hand of florae great artist; ar.d what vras StrAngeistill, a sort'' , of low melody seemed, to fill irli the spilee. -- .The last they 'attribtitea to the mile mtir af a crystal: stniamilatt; 11...0. hi h 'inspect from a portion of the,wall, and ran into a recess over glittering pith= bles. On one side was a raised'prat form of pure white Marble, extending the entire length of the room, and on I this platform thi3y •disccivered a' hu man skoletiiii at gigkritie aim), and in •e,xcellent" preservation It s - length; from' beiid to - 'foot , , wits tiility-eight feet- six 1 inches.' IThey 'could not, meaegte the eirciumference•ot.the bead; hilt if was immense they should imag. ino astint six feet. Two of the teeth were dislocated', and' these they bro't to town, and t•have l seen. They ire now on the c zi ounte,r - of the' ogee. of 4lie l'aCjfic 11' tel, for goneral inspec tions 'Qiii3 of thein is tic inches in ell camferonCe, :Oil I tlis Other abltit six. Itrie almost ,iinPossibic 'to imag ine . an i animal- large enough •to use such ditisticators. _ - fy t 1 fir boor in jeGthat eeshri half an;. in, and Livia Way mat egmenteliniOntedto eigliteelt cents. „. • — "ls, teat'' you'rT got . ' ~ o Eveti l cont.'!! %;nd rt ta °i : n72*n B ad b9xP°aed : : anitvYighteeneltB but at d9r eto b 7 a tY ,bodf Idiom" it.- " M A .dENTLE. HINT.—At a - - concert 'which iooki place- lately, a , gebileman in the laudiende r r6iie 'op lust ai the third *cell the programme had been :performed,' and sald:111r. Condnete!, will.yoit oblige ine,,,bir,,hy,requeating ,your vilicaliAts either tp f eingloeder . , or to.singAn . whispe're, an there ie a Coif vorioxibtri goine by where that conditeted ih:mich a load tone tasO l to hinder my tiejayMent of the musie.. I preleteertai elf to h?4t., the concern but if cannot. be. ged, I desire to.bear the &itiviiirstiticin!'; !There ictis tin 'extreniely ejuiet , and at= lettive!andienee in the bill during . the rest of lbe i ereoing..•: . : ;. TuElgohnson" party is in the'ati eendani at Nabane lAt thorsoont town ' meeting the . fo llowing - officers, wore )31ected": litoilerator Johns(*) , Town • Cler k —A . John .son. sl4eptmon and Asse `if :Jolt E. 131ohnesoti. Harvey Tregiatzfei an Colleotor- - 7 . W.' ii%Johnsoir.: Mool :Oosntnittea -m-Fraaklin B. .fohnfiOn, Welter John son. GeOrge L. Joblusin was ::.also •appoirstoi Cpnstitble. • ' AarOho than upon'' whom the- world hag bestowed , henors,:ho3.l7,he gained ,tlla6 i eic•ic!oce,a9d hp w , iil tellycku that it was - in of 'experience., The training which - he received at thiti , bandwof perenti, and restrainte. Or'a 14.014 1 3 irdieence ,wer,e,- a part pi', plii►o, which hal brought _him to place of honor 'arid. , hp hie not reached it Witherit-gteat trialri,`i ; bitter ,:eiverioneo and, •hard-, learned lescifinB . • Luc* • AND, -- tadlt:-"Lyek is '43V817 ; waiting foi eoniathingito‘turn up. • La- bor, With keen. eye& and strong will; will turn-up iomething. Luok,liesin bed and wielhes ,the ,postmau would bring ,bi!a newt bL' d.legaey::: 'Labor. turns oat at six . o'clOdk; and With busy, tikringitiOin ,balner,• tboSibitu l 'thition4:ft a.cciinp9t e nde: Luck 4 Whitieft.- Latiiirr,wbialrea. Luelciel)4ie cee. Labei- on doWn !aid fc, indige' nee:: LibU(`#oldeft 1 gpliaed i - andto s iudepende*Otf. e n, • - . ;`, ttieVeitteetWollbevlatio- OP ilik;rcit Breton, just. bekri he'didd, that no'[lloWare t iiboattt aioond '-bleu.:;7" , ttevoite od ilreY*6c!trtie'Aulpotuary )itftti'Pre ;104' tat V6l nab ntinglm tam?,: - hood Of excuse aka Win i r. Adlrea pee' 466; eidli—abse4to !enter' AtiititglAijoitiTce":, idiertiser4ll4 . - 441, 1 144 . to, ram. laitiolto4l). ensured se•,‘ le ...44iiPg4 / 1 9 tiett*Ser.ePii4r. 4ifaz ritee; - • • 4 : !I s a stir s s 31:4- IffiiteAtTed piio.rettepo6,. ind °Ma:Notices of 0 pnl4lo.ooioni, - 404;-thfrieNPlity,-,-- ~ ~- -, i- ' 4.7:''' , . -"A `t vin teeptititletit ''.'iSt'":thd4.wegnif.ti* `lYolt atinO)ithinita'.thitmliherth,thit4 OlOgy;" is..noglikoly ! to ovorti , . . §944.. bttt tl f 4t i Ap. ,L ctu j ill ~ guiaxi and' Baliitridit - aril) %fia, tile I Arei'n I oi-.posf q : of ,tho-doiiiitinliagii:rtorh! Eustis,he write's, liaitarian ferlook4 dd at ,tiot only ;lilt a . Lisiorthipea ; !OA ,s'i AtatostebusetititiemAnd thatsi4,P7l4l' / Li t aitarians,,he„ll l nka„„ha' ii ka. p elree tnr flnch. itiinAditlitichialititirtdes!Z Von' may gtt-Ifti 'iiiiidiristieit Ofisrla I restfl; WI t 'Antler. trim -11 4J,Ehiglidg• ' - I man; , but ',hot Tif-iCconuflfrogvilliArme) , • 'l ing l ailder• !...ITis : .7. ;4:..; :0 j- c 4 .• L i 44k - ,' tit ' ! I: 17 h r e , i f Y ito, o v us i ni.ktp l 0 i p e et c u t ei '.a 8:3 0 sa b ,, :i ne e tti t h 4 1 4 9 , o * ir. tiv r t;a ;#. . kiiin',,' xIK. th*P.AlUttil le 'lsti r idide,7 in:.tta .:- Bethel CiitibeE - Itiliclitig: , in' : that= elt9 hir for, t benefitipf working ., mak', Pa; five cents, a man. ea tr. tirocut a. tilatfi— uf..crackereat'4,t Fop 0,1 oofff k or, if 4 .. pieferred, a liirge- .0116' of' iscuip,* • . era:Otero wi Il•• 1 Lo given- fir l ',OW saina - hibeiiiit. The i object of. the; , Aletbil - rhora, •is to supply a place_ 2f 1 1401thfu! rest and recreation, !,40 the .rol rkin . men•without the leiuptatton to:4140 and' dissißation, ' - . ', ' 'f - '' ---' 1 1 1., .-,•. :-.. A number of influontialand, wutt,tkr men in New York Vi i ty,..., • Who 'are stanoeh' . sipportera, of i Hencyr 174 Buechur in his, preitifht cpiierVatiterat; titbde; havegiven• bitn'a `call : ir fibot ccinsicier him too- brilliant's tight.for ...Booklyn, and I.,offer to raise 0180,000 for. the purOinf of setting,np a r ralSer: 7 r. acre hand parscinage ' 'fo r biml O'Neil , YOrk. It is ant, probable,:briviriver, that 'Mr. Beecher will accept tiis o ar. ;He. is too •oloseli wikided to acoo ‘, .9, . where he bite labored litith.bitt ' r twenty years. ! . il . "''...7:::: i gnite an ,e. xt,unsit:a revlialii,revai in the Rev.`' Tbsoduli .I.L'.. ;Vu let's church, Bronklin, and the itltbUr tnbr k i usual§ fact ' exists ,. - that' theirervivhLor , religion 44-- tionneeted-irith- the i' rev' vat r Of! temperancil.i This church,' 1 which installed its firs , pastor six years.aga, min , ' mini bera eight liundred,,Mlßaidri3, I I and ona . otthe',f,ar - geitt; caiig o iti,g46iiii in, the land. . ''.ll- .'''''": '.-'-` .1 .- '' . 74 1 . T . 4, Secrete ry Asl' the ''.Ani r ricati o Oniregutiottitinofitices that Alta.-cori itilliutionS' thuslitr ' iisetlkiailtt 4toii 'Pointitt.b6rir Sunda' ;' , tOr•-•the ,8200 • 000 Buil'dineVitx - . , • -4- tholiarii-t--=-4: - 741! - T, e '3. ~,..t,. thair.blile Idea to the ..' ni ln)l 4lgro PArt, ' I i - be' e - ' H. -..,tery annoying . , - that iii constautlymoundlii - g his fore ;shims I.' with hie hind ones: It is clieli,l'eliek . I 1 . all tile time. - • We have bad. a ' number of horses with Ibis-it:11111k but , le t tierly . I have been able . to cure them : itc Isrent l lv • beneflti - - them' 11% - a ',TieonlinF,Ltk• of 1 shoeing. Make I high s heel-caelkai on the fore' feet and vel4lCiiv .toe-caulks,. standing a little • under•lnd t' its .ithoo. , !. setting well 4:lucky:std.!' he rq e'fo fi l 'tuffs managed' lsvill..ridt...ciTier: a nit be - 'sooner_oat- Of the '...,waylor tilt)] hind foot. On the hind-foot.maket, i e heel 1 nattik. low :and' the ti e. bighi,prof j ecti Fig - hrward. „If ; than,. dirictioni are followed; _the 11in:se iqlllstravel Clenii;'aLd the habii' 'Will :iiikiti - 1 . 41'13r0.t ken up.--Rural Works:: •I: ::: r :'-' ' , I ArFriVrAsirr--Whitc-leliceshrid but,- buildings:lac/teat° Lbe. thrifty, ifarmer • and a tidy beUseinolii. i Puthatfii bush- - 1 el of unelacked lime in :a cittami tight berrel,-iiourt over it .boiling water uti. til ,it is coveie& five inehes . .*ll...rbnsk: .Iy. until the lime is thoroughly is, laok l * ed.Lhen . addiniere, watei.,untipt ;is ae thin ; .es'-`desiredi neit lidd two Jponnds :, :of sulphate of ainO.ol.o onOof:0.0M -000 qlgt:i . h 6 O' , apply with . a 100 m.. mini .W 1) IviiiilLkirigih; giving # 'good coat in Nprit and October - Or' of:feast' once .a, year.•„ ~, t ill ' Punsamioslef • ANimatia....+Va I) the • i groat veterinary surgeon,nf iliirconti z . nent,-sat& that the rate - of Rideation - :of the different -domestic: ininials' of the' tarns: : is airfollowit: The :horse, 32 1 . 1 , •to , 38 'pulsation, per_minntet a -.ox or -, i Itow, 261t0 42; , a,siteerri70Ao.79; the ass”' 48'to 54 ; . gnat,. 72 4o 76;1he.. bg, 90 r to .1.00;•the cat ! HO , to 1244 the,Fabbit,;, 120; and guinea.pig, 140;•of fo7l O , the . hen, 140, the-duck, ip. - 7 - - ,i-.,,.. i• ' ' • __." ____-.. :RASTURigte' . A Niiir` t s -=.ociii , eight . 6ciers hare_beeri' in a imeture; and no - ,i. longer obtain nOurishthentitsr '.horsea . Will do very :well;: theta fors. e. days, and .wflen thettria ;nothing .Icftiftir the horses, four; sheep ,ivirtllAiiooksin "iti; , this not „csilly proceeds ' front tbeir dif- , faring in' the ebnice'tifidantii; ) ittfroM _ 1 l ie 4bn - formations of, their':firouth ' . .whicli. are iint-oquallyiadapted to lay:hold of the -grasii.. , ~ „, ~,,i, , -.-. -1.,.. 4' -,Ponoliz.-r-Wheil poalLrii.-40. fed Avith grain 0- ea01d . . 641 Y, -9i 1, 1• 1 ' d aY; let, it nteWarda eskiningi. rat ei than, Mairiliig,"lii indtipe z thetn tie's eek a ft er their' bwn living, and thi4yr-111 thed iioniiime , inote insecti..atidlgrapi: `-''Aiiiiii-IPArs are'rnitch better than t4egetablest Oil ' fbr Ail- kinds of *gileul= titial Machinery.-- - i 1 l , •. ' • 1 1. ..r 1 • . " Cogai Xtiti . oliottl, biever - b . ~groulid fine- It inkirei its - tilldhheitia;.l , : 1. &a.