The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 21, 1866, Image 2
CM •..i.ffit'''itit',77-4i,ti's .- . •• i i4mpuoi. -14 .1 4- In-r---•••••••• • """ • MEM =MZ:=II • ' aoirallon, ' , •4.,• \ ''n' '- " • • 4011 PUN - GEAR,Yi .• •. • .0131111.1MAND . COUNTY - . :t d 4 ; • ~..-. :. Mimi; Henry. Vbelierson s ieferred to list 'sreel4 t its the"cdieptiblicau , who' bad' ? used 'the. Draintieritic ; paper to abase. Republf;= 4tili, is Thomas Hen i ry.' - We do 'nest intend to follow his example, and -,-id.) . atilge in interinieratti , abuse -,either •of bim'oriis motives. • BeYond• a state. taient-of factaziie will , say nothing, ins ehdutple statement is suilleietit ionW deranatioc`. 'Up to"the hour 1 &scow tirod: - •the treactiery, - 1 verily believed affinities 'Henry wati'iny friend, and ..I 'etifteinstions .of. no •word•or!aet on my . dart at Variainct-with my 'Professions, lof friendship for'him That stioald - 2 , `lid tfia author - jot aikariAle - com'posed' of such low, base and contemptible Irlkitiil attatke not:only upon myeelf, tui - a * leO•Pairenpart, QuaY.andlinbrie. —4l)l:ll).re:fkic'hflg77l never co u ld have , F4P3iNftioin,d- wns.)oore - than Liston., -kiwi to itatisit..;..fxic;nd and foe alike ,cande4ned and itenouncsd the article, 'ii did Tiontai3 l lienry --up to'clie time - ihi l ar4horship discovered, and- tblit,veiy time was ,iiisting the blame :iipii au-innocent nsan.. l 'Our ,readers • wlr PrAiiblf . romentber'•licivi ' often during tly k elast two , or . :threoyearethe ;Beaver Argsps has contained flattering . - . notices'of Thlmaer.Renry, - kir. lm-• brie and myself took everylocaasion -. to speak well : of him; Turn to .the . Beaver - Argtut . of Juno 2:12, 1864 - , and read what Imbrie says.of ThOtlllig `Henry. Read Abet article,, and 'then, read' but "Pinder." of the Local, ' sayi two, weeks'since ofilfr. Imbrie. When you reed it, reraembir,also,that) ~ Mr: 'adorns wrote • many•such, 'and `that lie presented to .Thomas Henry the sword he carried through the-war. Bead 'what he Says of Quay, ande • member that it was Quay , who. ad . i. - bite promotedto the•'3lajorshiP of his :regiment, Read what he says of potenport; and rem ember 'w- iteryon read, Ms written a, man Who has' ever' bean a friend, of his family,‘ Irba i never did and 'never' will injure any buin designedly: \ Read the entice iti the ;Beaver Argus of Karat:3.lBo e ' written Lby ' . myself, rememberir.g, I .wrote many ;such nthirn,'and then • rend -the column of abuser he heaps Upon personal even - holding up mY choreh re. litmus as a matte of reProach. Wltien you read it, remember also, ar.of her fact-known to the committee—that,i 4 in connection with-the com;inittree pointed.' to superintenirthe soldiers , dinner last Fourth 'of Juliy; was in strumental in. - preventing Thomas • Henry being publicly denounced by ono jot his company:s9r ?deeds of in-; oppression and ceivardiee,"j ' and ridden 'on aas was 'threateu! • . • edlby,i men of• his old remitneot. member; further. that ThcimiS Henry, at the bind, the authorship -was die s .; • covered, was alleging that another was the author, and thus endeavoring to involve n knoAnt, man in diffieul ty. folig as wehelieved.thO arti.' cle,Was'writiten,hy an enemy, a Dom; ocrat, w,e treated it with contempt-- as Unworthy of notice. Corning from , AL Republica:l,li friend •of, all attacked, as was!enppoiaed, through the eh4nel • ' - of the - Beater Coanty Local, it is _proper. the 'Republicans; of Beaver county should know of the treachery and Ilte,traiter.j If there are o9nr , men who hivie particularly befriended they !had bettei .prepare , for 4 eimilar atack.-r*hat I have written, have written it. sorrnw.,. From the 'day almost I came to Beaver connty,' a friendless stranger, I-: have known Thomas Henry, and thought we were friends. I would not , now injure him,hat ',cannot forget, ho sought to injure, if possible, me. The i)harges he makes are grOundless, but • yet nud i iiione. Coming; to Bearer county toi eirsingerisltreapi anfitientll4 - telopres - ta aid me -Of dependents - fintfrely upon my .olin re. .ntti,aen;loaiOriepntation ,to - effecit this Thounis Henryfoontrio. lite& whet be could, I. was Onoo - de•- 63atO for, Di c trict 'Attorney in thia` 'county, beinupeOf.a,lleged preference for aam , lof„.Xhamas ty'a for the" .pegidature.. • Had it not been forliny debts itutCmy. pciverty, I should then have been :compelled to leave the, county: To the :citizens. of "Beaver Copnty.l owe ibat - Ihaire,and, thO,L Only 70r i Can nianifeet my gran r: it 14(14- faithfully : dieertierkleg my duty sit an_otllcer and citizen. • Ask , ing pardon of nti.iendore for intro. dttonig, so much' of personal 4 • ri I Waite them ti) decide who, 14,0141.,ittui g. l . ) Who Black .George, ar.d' .whetber, a - blending Of ‘'pharles‘ the3lii‘st ;In& 'adirles the Becontrs - L chititiit make a Worse one.ibitti.*AliVeilea:Lil .J. S. IC' ,•• FM 10111=E1 Is‘the ediVer Of the rLoc i ot, , aftsr lie was, arrested torlittel, had conned; himselfto•tbs truth In rekerring tlfhe")) fact, we 'eh, Id-, have; said ; nothingi' l leaving the 1 ne with the 'Court/aid jury, without comment:. .He !itetrinig-.: rePreeented,,t a facts, hoviever, arkdA e fiir datyt correct him' He etateit that within - 4' tkisottio after his arrest,' '' ' B ro . "' c if l him.ta tositip, ..c ,Ti. made !A) .. • i 401;i140i4Se 1 a *niter; p a ovidine ha i t woithkrelittet -.‘,..7-We are gm/ bc;tized-bY- , Alr,' , l3e4gltley. to, state, 4,a, the oeifer=i Lids; to Tar he is eonterried,ill !Pm. lialifiedly- fa se:- . -thit'nci path' a pit* 'positiOtt", was ever 'made ;With ` his' kioWledgo .or - approval. -. The 'seater / editor 'xittitisipaper sapa,andfoorivers 'eq with hfr.lo i dell 'shortly: after...his trielliti:*iiti:nottiii*, was - said - hi , Mr: 0401 'about such a proposition hiving '''' ' ' did 1.6 . wr ite r - be,cl4 .mode hilP.i PoF 9 _. • itt; ad; ' WaY, intimate s word Itbaut coMproinisei ' and:•yorY little , was said attotitlt by' 'sheer iiiitty,owiog to the relation - 1;6 . 0Y .•p•otild`triecupy. to eat 1p other on.,thd t ial." No ,, one else had, ' any aiithorit .1' P - r 1) ermisiioato . Maki 71 - any •offers, if stay-wait made.'' We disl : sot advise.oretinsel the prosecution, 'nor do We believe did ary of the gee- ttimen ;about :tile Court Efouse„; Mr, .13aighley. -act ed : , ,in, -WA *atterras Ile 4 ,41)000! tdoesi, t forlpilimelf,ttred ,* per. fectly compeont to take care, trip of his ;own ' interest . as' e:editor of the Local `Will ''find before he' is through ' with hirtf. That he has been outrage.. .1 ' Ousli libelled for weeks is ~ i pOterions, and that be finallyk'Proeocate'd its not to be .wondered at. ' It is not true that it has' been-th l e'Pratipir hers,to intim 'fish,- Demmeratic , prosecu.! tiona tOr:libtl. There has been but One prosecution of the kind since • we Came to. the county, and then the of fence was so 4itgraiit th*t it.conld not Oh passed over; and wainettled by the, e . d;tor publickt retracting The gen leman'earixity for,fear ;an': effort will . be made in' his cesotbiomprOmitte, we judge w il l prove not well founded. ], It has been t e effort of outsetsTs and others' : to prkzent prosecutions,, butt men are at last driven to, it afte r being I basely Itbellesl for ..weeks, - atid it is; very likely their ticker miriatiee mono! _e.o.mpro'ntise. Neither Mr. Beighley nor any Republican o ff ice-holder in' l lie county fear. anything the ed' 'tore' the.- rocat e'an; &Wish_ , 'cOnetitrning \ liirn or ~always.' them. We I have -treated ~ Mr. ^c).loit with respect, and • sought, to ,eultivata kindly feel-; lige, simply - because ho tame I here a I ; \ • I , . . stranger, was,introduced to ett.iby 'it friend," and was engaged Ttr 16 gurni+ business w' II our%ires. - It' wa4 C o l'ar of 1 - him, however, or ~ ' what he; ni'.Y' i ‘ - ight litithat I prompted . it,bceSiise he'' . .has klready 'said all 'that ; he can - say, and If; he .so understailds our treatment o f d him. we ask his pardon, and wil l , at once change - our 1 , Re has ri0.1 . , issued a ' nutnber l of, his paper since., e Name here that did not contain, a 1 bel on - some - *I. .one 6 ; iQuay, 1 I.mbrie, noore, Wilson,lrons,Beighley,,i, .1 , ________ Tl _____ i • ; ; Rattan, Teets, Beltver Acadeney,Publici 1 ' i Ccpineotiout _, School'. in Beaver; Methodis Church;. rillet .14put;li j orin • Majority in our of Olin Place', and Minititers - i f resident + l + sister State ran g es from 2,000 to 5,000; I•here,are ' a few •of the Perseus and Lret Gov. IBuciriniz s hstn wits ;re-elected Institutioitsj attacked.: ts• eyery_per-ligst year•by, 1;1 1 035: The Tl'ort.rtlms iruthfUll., i v explains that remarkable i son, every elation. in • lite, every oh- i result ; 1 , ..' .; -, jeCt.,: , every Institution to be followed i "They el4tion last yeat`s, when Beekin,gbany in this way. Since we hare. conduct- , rolled up a paajority of 11,000, may be said to 1 have gone tiy default. On the veil/ day lof the , ed-the Beaver Argus, we have never 1,4,c/ion, 'senses t'eere'firing over the tell . ohs Stale spolfen ditiresPectfully of "- a single !fell the fatir WtOlhahti and for . Lee's surrender: . We hilx i ) l s it t r t = o t t e s. iasie o - u a s ib au ei de th o u r n , Dertrocrwr the Con r.ty. utnisroecrkra-dtsiteyvn not stepper" aside to slander Ithe' Dem- I, at, 'home." I .1 , I.• . °eroticJettilers; although .;eve could IjolidaYs naturally bring outDent bare Bono sowith 'equal propriety.- 7 nernt „ ini, ma i. mn, b ut; not a . .h o rid ay We regre having to say, ;anything' - ceased b y i Riihmontl'a recovery to, the about this matter, but the wholesale Union-and Lee'ti.tnirrenddr. "Demo charge mat in the last . Local corn-. crate," oft iheponnecticut stripe,didn't pels us to s y this to bq seen in the streets on such Man Occaslen:l, tour true Copperbeid Election in New Hampshire.. 1 New •H mpehire elected . State , otft-i corn Mr th‘ Oath inst. Smttb, the Rod r publicancitr.didate ,for , Governor, was elected ; byl .5000 majority. Ihe Re publiiana have about one' hundred ma , ! joritY in the-House, and ` elected nine to three i:the Senate: eV. Smyth's majority s larger than that of Presi dent Lin c o ln in 1864. Thie is the first State :election of 1866, and is a fair index of Popular feeling. • ' Democrats tion't seem to-gain much, notwithstanding 'their concessions to tiaßresicluat.. .The Republicans will .._„.4 . . and will catry ; all the, I . 2??,t.'9lern . $ , 4 , withlporeased MS f Fit*. , ear s , s is a settler WV*: fiolowcirit , irittetecy. , All halt to j tjiiiiild, G ' rate State ! • i - 'lttriply to the artieleoffMr. Henry, . _ in wither column is i proper' for , the geni4 editcr-to , Make an explanatimn It ia--tries he bad time-to consult Mr. ii.ent, about •the'. same before the artiele_in: knestion was published, but to it•',.ant . ovally,' tree he'Much timkto cm sal t th 6; senior editOr,. which heqdtd noa r -11t i 15 , 194 Pwiii . **fit)mi' Pratoke4:attuck,,through4betolumps , ithe . /iarOttioUnty.,teettf,:on it's CIO; 1., - idittor, - ;llini ; :litber : gentlemen, ' - , r ieiiii - th* ! s i, Wits trr`jadiii so i' tit ' - lit") , alt:to thetotheffirsa i - ,r,,hf.' ;..., '-", , • 3saiiiit_it vliettai 'ft tllsll'` ' l' dObiliiiiiito City. ' I. f ieo'utd do li Mk"iMenry no injustice, 'ilia' lie ,iwitififotplace me in a false light. - When ;bet'lS athiekeirtbrough a' Demo; eiratic orkan by efie.of my . household;l - as I 'tvali by . uric br,bile.;• bo will tor6ba- ,1 1 bly, act ljust as I did. , .r. s. n: I % • ' I MM .' 1 ..:".•'''''-i' Crl L 'l!* .tbe'' Alin& F, ';',','. **tilt 'Pcitdlo •,- . _ l- ., L s - 'lti" ' TI ' ioktiiiti tart sees i'" • • i - =.‘, - . r • 1 to .of 1063:::,'f , 4-ientiPes i ols, t o sr claim, JO , .i, arts-breadestiti . d. -nor, suit : kiiiisl4o ofZ s br pbbrticfplittitit finis ciettain:srlide sign itViailene4 In stboi2eartii‘Cirliatit i leeit - of.'ci-1 date; and had I .been consulted, eve ..ia JUL. lelat.Aleg t re9, would ....cortatal hive insisted opiltsauppression:=. Fur. tber, I think I eihnOld have bad ott , .... tunity, fOr.,Which'tiliere Vracrabitn. DC -simer.,-thon-to - iiinchum - anyvisspocilibli•' ty.,ici..thilliattar„,,l before the very „ni l generous - : 'sod.atijost • allusion. in .t.hei last 4u:ta t * . Winch perhaps 0 213 .0 0 0 1 iiii editotMay think he.lind scant:fent jitstifigationahiti..coarteity, tins.lns. tics, is'al*ityn. dho even to. afi l nci Oppo ,nt,:—iither,...ccians _so. it strikes me, .to-one Whoif,cii;„„t o vientyltaur years has: presided •Overlt4eite colamns. „ My . afircifle4ayci.noi,been,in,.l3ea ver...caunt.Y.iiifsttorenty Year; and 1' AMY: 4A' -Plarmillcd -it° sav,.they have bad something to do wit - h • its devel.. apment from , al,,Wilderdem,--,-;.he.aci vanectinenfor,lte material interests, its Icier* and. ita . Pofiticts—and ' if, in the ,rnage,:of tw*".nty•five to 'fifty ;revs 'bee... , sOine.-pli,them . long .in tlifilir graves, hava= . been the objects of the people's favor, that is a matter rather of sitisizetion 'than (Ahern/job', espe : - daily, aathat:tayl was free, .geper- 1 .. . , . slip, a nd in lator t ,riadnknown to me to hakil.been. nnsidiia l iaq With' the .old'citiZens nf. tlio.eounty,• they need no defence. ;If any of:later inept:lite ` i?,n think' diffee,itatly, 1 am ready to take hp the gap. .. - • . It is no' -trou b le for :some men to sneak.el theinselves; yet if 1_ bad any difficulty-on itbi'point, it is now ane cessity: I will say I was at the or-- ganization* the Whig party, thirty four yetirs ago, land' at the , organiza tion of ths.Repablican party, and nes' .er like siamti others, proposed to leave either 4f. - thernfl I have always voted the tickets of 'each; without any all iationhateverlwith the ipposition in any w or degree. , I I. think may ;, :claim t, have been a .working -party man' for near - fifty yoars,.repeatedly refusing office when an editor, and in all that . . period have perhaps haftless l of official favorLthan some have re. cetved within the range of tiev.en or (riot yea'ts., I have occupied at comity office for two years, when its compen cation for eountY_service was less than Lone.t.trird the present allowance; and ihat.l then rendered the_ceunty some i servirei full,testi witty has been borne immodisie by mv succeitsor in the ed- I iforial - chair., t-have al , so been fir the regular' terms a member of, the Penn Legislature, coming' out' no better off than when I went, in; with. it conscious icctitude that ,onables me to lirok any;, mita in .the & i ce withput .fear of reproach. I have written and voluntary - .testimony on this subject from several persons, directly observ ant and , compcitent to judge, ,that is certainly satisfactoly. It is some in the .pahlic judgment to have passel', thrPugh tl:e Legislature .for tbree - • - k,esstVms won, creen- -- naticii; in these latter tinieron view of past andi , present action Of that body.. Finally. , I-have, liveil arid labored in din party !always, and I expect thus to ive :061 and labor fin. Whatevei remain 4 of ac.:- , , I•tive r life, I deny utterly the riglitori poker of any •inan to place me in any lather position.l With the,boilt,.= of the „ - I People this -explanation may be re gardect as tinn4cessary; but not so per j.hatr by all.llEritcr• l 'ollstonf March • 19, 1896. ,'• 5 preferred the;chill and slime of his deg to the tight and iwarmth Of tho public exultatir;.n. you' see, .'"thous ands of Dornocrats staged at home," and ..let i the election to by default rathei7. than' meet their neithbors' joyful Salutalion "Yon told, its th& War never end if Lincoln should ; reelected ~ What ;do you think /tow ?"L • I! ; Neu; ZorkTribtine. ' 1 WE reciintinerid Democra ts hares. who 1 1 ..-., . „ bouts, .ate , claiming that .Presi. , . , dent .T.O neon:i. , bas gone over , to.-thenil to read s etrhistinr -V: Nusby's ' views I • k On that qeelitlnn published in soothe! • column. What Democrat tid ,l e 16e I . 1 appninted to, office ? - liew Many coon ' pled pOsto;Offices.are in possession o that :party? , :The last ,appointmenl made by tit l e President . was .a Xi niate t.c tcrßqn4lorl, a n ti the appointment is a Ohio Itidical ; • Wait; gentlernen,.unt a Dem oc rat . is appointed poet-inst. 1 •before roe pegin to boa 4 ot: your a qtneition. I ', -•' ' '. : - - laet* says Ole , ptstriet Attor nay std l 14 ,a .st l ine, ii this, 1 - nagger, eciitlA . .be eleetied iti Beays Cqunty 'ofet a pss7ur9it:..; 'Elii , , r. nark wati ,in atjaC itt 4 , store; in this town, rt tba presence: of the* Metric t ff Attortaey'4...outlitot?;.himt.• . But , '''' , loilo' fi thai4ditkit of the. lidial we rt l )sity;:iOugger:**l4, bosiisaaiin,t is .glostriti. elitooerat; . by. eip, t Undr i eiiiinajditty s ibrovidingithe , publir{ans IWoulfrsilllrote for hini. Does,the .Lacal intend to.tualtii n t p a tioir 4I: t: ' p4bliehitig .private'. c v a. Itionfl If iez, oar eitispna bad :bet r ' not t.illF *hero the editor or his d= reporters ate about , ` , l 12, . ',. PAM ~~ H .7 ti ILI- rgl=m ;; ' i s- 'l: l )klara'Alßdiaa r. that 0 'latg*i. Stlita.)Efiinater elected X ithialtiettletiliiiit) alp* me toartiti#l44.4 - 00.' ' Icipel A. vr. Tiiikotf* - 041:60r 4 4 lilith ir i i for: Ola,fitiitioii Vol .'l; - ,)`lar, P vit °46ta - tlyiliretiltijiigi;oninf the. rebeliil 1: il:Lwas.* -tie-Ht . r,. ,t; 'i,trali j itlitiiiiltii thousands • of othei r . _ migpers he -felt it ko bi last - ra - a tr r.' o , a GovaranieCti,49ll, he 44 "_ p. Vaiitaieed- "ti ' company, and PM, - ' 7 - 41 , :i.-Wileroies-_ 'regiment, (the i i tei , t.,l,!,efk xlv,atiie,)in the radi i of_lB6l. i ll r 3 - ,:, , ailk . camiianY he served all ,* 'l4 h tbe.ktininsila camPilig97 was 4 iii iiii ii,l'Fait'Oalis, Where he, he liik'4l ,biNielt.... ite • *SS- afte;wallt piiiinoteillii . t.4i_Lie4tenani.Colcineic3r of ,',4 - ii reigi6iiik.onsi, immnukrided it at o,' - -111 - ihtg . ,',af - Kingston'; Gelds oro, ili . iii Pisibtith, where he , w cep ; io to ~ivitti 'hid whole regiment. He W ' lii thit - baipe of. ili v - rebehi.froni. Afirit,; : Pet;iiiiii,:the spring, 186 6 , and 'suffered ' everything Southern cru elty ,cOn.l iuffiet. ' Ho was ,one of the' 'officer!,' i tfke ti - to Charleston, end pine : - edlatin .the fire Of ' our guns, where 4 reiniXed'exttosed , to instant death _fet, ii.iiii, lis.'l' On his eatiharige he re= .I.l4bed, ' '' , .e, shattered in health, and I S ti j i) upiable : restitne f his 'plaeti in tile infiltst :o r` bract engage in' any b - . siness. e was ii,popular officer, and is' an . .'' lit'christian gentle n.- 7 - As to . ca aeity 'for the positi n co . one earl _coubt,. and . lio will, if no 'ina ted ( aiiil'.. elected,i e ff ect credit upon the count t y,.and represent uslip estly and faittitully.'- &Leh- men should be in amend' for positions , of that !kind. Hp ill' o, 4odier, among 'the : ' ; first' to entfrl r ikikoilvice, and the last toleaVe. He - iti. ired all' that mail could suffer and liva,/d, his health is impaired nowl so Oa hit-is unable to return. tc his profekitian."; When he entered the se vice, it was proclaimed all over the co ntry' bt,,the tTnien party that so diers,,v- ta they returned me', shuld lift the o ffi ces. County,' State,, ; ...,, National t biiventions, and Congretis,' by: r e so l ution, declared the (same 1. t . ing. • Have these - pledges bee* for- g tten ? Will Union men .now'• turn their backinpqn soldiers ? ThO wri te ~a spidier , is not and never expects t be a pont:Wan or o ffi ce sucker, but; r iiiiwihersflhe . Pledges, and lia, tin- d 'Makes 't6'.,bay to the Voters of the - ilion. r ii....? it' they are disregarded e party *ill. find' the soldier will • memhei-I.lj'elact whet . it 'Conies to tin: _ Ncii3Obe can deuy Coll.tray r's, capacity; honesty or fitness for . .-i e positics i ii., No ,one suffereilf more r his coutAyy, and the Unionlveicr -18 of Beat* county ;.will nominate Id elect him. . • JUSTICE. ',, . :• ' • ItOnsm. . . --•. Mr., , Wilson f ( Town), from the Judi ciary; Committee, reported beck the Senate . ' bill in',...reference to the Court ef.'clairas, - Wiih.aineridinent as all ad d i ditional.i sear:ion.' - The amendment . , ... . was agreed to.' an d bill'passed.--i- Mr. Spalding; c l bfainir. g leave to make a personal explanatiOn, - rernarked.thet the :taxation of , national .- earreney; proposed by, bile kmilast Monday, di s til not apply to the intereat-nearingbonds• of. the . 9overnment,l and that, there , fore, M.r..Steven'S charge of "rank tire ' pudiation" - was Uncalled - for. Mr. Stg vens-Sconfrissedthat • . he misunderstoOd' Mr: Spolding,n,ed that his Terns* was , inatiplii4tble. Mi. Pike offered a rea °lotion that tile Secretary . of the Na- Vy. be requested to send a• naval force I 1 to the fishing grOanda to protect our Citizens' in the enjoyment of their rigLts Siti recognized by the reaty of '1793 . ... Objection being roide,ithe re'il, '", 'elution I was withdrawn 'tor he pea- e,nt: Aftergoin ,, e into Com m ittee ittee of the'. Whole. the liOurin - , resumed Ore, consideration of, the' join t resolution 'in refereitee. to the Paris Ex " nbition. . .. , _- 1 6 .E.N.A:rE.• •• • , L.: • 1 • '‘' 1.1A.T04 - 15, -:Mr. Sumner from the Committee on .Foreigh.:Affairs., re. ported : f a resolution pr otesting :against tiro shipping. of lo •eign 'eriMinals'te •the United States; and requesting the President of the United . States to eaus : e a. copy of- ~.this protest _to.'bel ..„ com m unicated to the representatives - D 11 t, Do 4: . . - it the United l States in - f irei ii count-. , ..! . ig • . f „, . -The -Denfeoratiel . State `,Cenvei.tioer ries. with inetructions - -to present 4.1 pin'tiiidormi Andrew JohOoni r -• I 'ti; i r e .the. GoVeremenp , where they are i linsten .to tire "held .eriiheiatioLr..s'.' in accredited ;respectively, and. to insist • • - '',.iv . , I 1 , 1 !that no such acts•rdiall. tinder any oil.- e '' Pr esl4. '` ll ' Oage W ° .'! ,d ." . •" - , ;'eunirttances, .be repeated, The reso- i ' 4er0•18,41. ..,- ...` , that, pArOtularly lo tio n was • laid on the - table and 'or .l -"' ' : . 7** ' ' ..1. I ' d i • '' ' • i • incJsl.PeLD.e..rti ,' 3 ?ft iSongrega'. et t re, 9be printed. ~ Mr. i fteldle ,from kiLlitir - ukal...:, ' :,., - , -tied -tinit; t - a . Mitts.. -o‘xriniiiinfocns - t e a ' . A . , • , 17, : . ! -- "1" ; • , solution i .to print -- OA 00 e.opies . : of 1 .e-rnii.g. t e •• • - i - for this irernarka- . . , ' - :;. - I 1 l. - the ; :feint, Committee , ileeonstruc.: i Ulu slivlit, V.3trOttuin V. Was h • istlie -t , - ,t :- tioti • Wit h. the accimpanyi' • rie, , teatime. t •ue oracle.* Say that indi s id al:: • ny,. ' fer the, use .0 the' - Senate. - . .gn 1 . , "Androo Johnson may poslibly he : l Ameadruent to sestitute . : 6,000_ for - rt the high road ,to ll,ernecrisy,' hat 11Q.130 1, •was lost, - iiiM • the . ,rtviolutioti rt.l Z. yet NV liatsatioprence hey , wo?' Am greed to j z- • , Mr. Ti nmbull 'culled l'up 5 datin my,- letters ,from. IVost, OirtiS,. the : Til Itights bill, the • question be- ICX 'fl , sonfudrioods?' ilez there bin. ing , i u - -:eoneurre,Y l tee :in 1 the noose s yit, any. Well Authenticated Icase 'TM Amen nignt,s. • .The :am e ndments were 1 lhereinotnt uv a Ahliahr;ist, Ind':the j.iigre d to and thelbi:l.will be present- 1 . l apintriei4 uv a : . ednstoushnel berrio- :ed to the Presideriti for his •sigrit.trirb.• 1 1 •rat ~to his . feud ? • Not . thiit ,I . Mr. 'rnmhtill .gave notice that, he 1 ea heiird - 43 ; Per contrary, 06; A 1). woe! I cult iii) the contested - New Jer-. 1 ishiiists-Fthe 'ex wuz opiate& by • sey . .ari • einext M - 9kiday, Mr. Feseen.' inkin7-urstill on et Cam, ez a - den • ailed up the Deficiency . bill.Tend: Bummer moinitrilwithont any apparent ing the . consideration of ',which, the ! ear uv any change affectini them." . ISenato ndjourned!." 1 1 'lt is not impossible that the -, Con- 11 cention,:ind 'Uri Kerr (who i t trOdne ; r • ,(:d the icsoluticins) in partiehlarl, had; I . , I been reading the . "fait PaStor iv the '1 Church tie the, -lion --Dispenisaib.un," . . , 1 more especially ,the folloiringl .• , , I I ' 1 ,"I am Diniokivit uy thir i ty years, standiu, ;and u- course heri bin on' both 'sides uy every politiicle fente—i, e 1, the seatsliivjny potitikle pat ter D34'11111 ay slivertilßut before I take , down tLese ihinga - ./ icqntlto knorf_uti r itl I am gob tt ;/0 git for itt Et , Ai.lrlo otinaon goes .bitek cikiiispaiLtyrind'Pie4lo,ges,l he tiv e ursp,asks MC tO .03 ,ba,?!k On; - ours. I.l`. sleli transaction. I, ' Mahere f both:. padE, by heir. engage in it at ..13 all, cont . !) theinselyes_ tui.liqr a low grade of sifolindrels,'l thilill it , ,, -well enuft to; heir hhe 'considerat en paid down'. I j " •.I '; -. ' "Ef 4ndro o Mon wanam rme e 1 0 . b * i knows the winos.. lham his, to ice - , Mend, Air a.• bsideiatiod, le, much j'ez is ithe'tho nds tir Demo refs w io' hey bin /for e...past weeklgittin up Demonstrate , . But I..ivrant autbin togo on..- vf 'n r hey his permiiiiiiin nnotar, the lir ..peel Ur the P• 341,.! Or!, fib departnie t i :i write'iT. H." after my illuetrion . 'ine,l shall 'e prepa; 4 , - ed to'.*Ode edit I hey 14n untin tip seyral ireasous. Jor supporti him. , •4 hei -am all - ,riiildy—l. only ant th; additional: , one'. and then I fling re, • banner. to the', trine. Faith is sed ;to be the sun. ut all religious syst'emil-, Posr 0221t3 . it( ii:cientrall fl get in ap / 11 DemOkratie, 'e edis—the] t eme. liir conversation* 'day, and ' ;step% !al uv die - eras by ilglt!' ~; ', .1 Bad ibex.° b win the Co vention a single individ • itto pOss6sed - eyen 1 030 of 'the cola attl "five-reasons"-, at 'the botiom of t ,ion Of ii,:t Stich pa- 1 i itriote-,-in 'Oh wdrds, had, a -single i "Pp*Dirfiiier, ol U 4 to ihave beer. treniferrtd .to ii stiO bands, the Convection,it ' unliii'ely, would' ticre,iyarip:34 1 wards Andrew liiliilo'ilill 4 6 4 i 0 pledge of tbat sort, or : t Edo oti o , tile Do, mocracy, _hut ! w days ao , so;i . lov. 7 ing,-,maintaihs ' ; , frigici', oldness.-- 4Pidi6urg Coilor cid. ~ ! • 1 IThe rapipl Btenttprst, •E q;; has ARien oontamtli El citzoN-GatEss. executive sesctoo,,and re, aft ealtiATXl - i journed till Monday . • ~' ----'- 1 ..,-, ,-, • lissict --.-tifr. anyohisr riAoried a = ' ,, M.r.l'ricei asked leave to o ff er a res joibt resititition autborliiii dose Wrii:Jtadforit t 0 Jsccept:a . ,decor- me g.- - , cnni°l.."--ilation:for-a,eounittee to investigate skim tfriniV,the ',lcisig . of 'ltaly. .oti, . dtfileolly ' between Ithe Secretary oi theTrdirany and the. Ontroller of . ..Matioit of-,'''. Mr. 31,0rr111, $21.500 wke tbectiriennyi but it *an Objected to. appropriTsfellor the relief orthe Plitt: , fella hy the late explosion of the:l:fair,' Bills ware introduc'ed for, a mail steam ted States Artsenal In , Waabington.--;. shipline between Charletitor..S C„and Objection. being made, the bill_ has to'LivorpoOl; to esttsblish -is ;post route and :c reate olio officoof.SurVeyor Gen tle °VEIT: ,Vr. llatvit offered a resolution ~,,,./ in , _ ldaho . that t,tict, ;Joint • Committee on Recon. l `'"` and cortaisruing% .the• i sirrictionlitight to take the testimony! Colorado tand'District.! Resolutions of a iewionabli niimberlof ',persons Were adopted directing , hei,Secreta,ry , of War to 4 - ctiort• the facts concern wnose names may beauggestedlty, the . . ing the .'purchase of the Steamship:ll! Senators and Representativeafrom this Southern; st ates . :objection' be i ng linois; and Concerning the i Dakots In. -made, the ?etiolation goes , over. c I A diars. ' Joint resolutioeS of the Ore. Motion of- Mr., Trumbull, the Sena Legislature' - *lens matters l .Senate ,gon on v .r: , concurred in' the Rouse 'ainer.dynent relating to that State were present e d I to the bill in relation' to the Court of a ce ri r d t ' a r i :fe c t i r a cd s . o , B A of res o o fyi li e i , ti r on to entitle. Claims. Mr:, Wilson called lup e, s to three bill to increase and . fix the, militatbry months' extra aiwas - read tale° nod ref rred. The p :Loan (bill cwas taken •peace establishment of the Un i te d- 9 ~A a . States. The bill , provides , that the up and debated'. at great k engtn, an d As 'my ofi the United States shall coot, finally.lOst , by aroteol . 6l t0:76. .. 1 silt of 5 regiments 'of_ artillery, 12 - - Mmt."l7f--Tha Senate was not in ' reginscr:ts nt cavalry, and ,50 regi. ! session,, to-day: ... Il , media . -•of infantry; '2 regiments Of, The,:proecedings of' the oas3 were ca v alry and 6 regiments of intantrf, confined to general debate: 1 to consist of, colored' men. The bil l - :. '.i SENATE. :, I was passed by a vote of 20 to 5. ' I - 1din.'119. 1 7 -Mr. Wilson intiroduceci a bill to provide for the equalisation of ;'bounties to soldiers in thellate war. . 1 " Mr. Spragne -introduced' a ;resolu tion for' the"printing of 5000 copies of certain branches of the late report of ' the 'Revenue - .Commissioner. gr. Doolittle, ot, Wisconsin, called up 'the - Senate . bill , to , provide for an annual Inspection of In'sliatii aflafns.• .' , HOUSE. 1 , ; Mr. Miller; of Pennsylvania l offered , a resolution in reference' to printing 25.,000', cOpies of the, Ag'r'icultural of 1804. ' ' • - • Mr Einndy-intrbdaced a resolution, which was adopted, 1 dir'ecting the Conamittae of Pensions' to inquire into the expediency and jatsticmd* provill- Ingby law for si tor the casesfio ffi cers and soldiers 'who have dilsappeared. and who are supposed to have' been !cur &zed byrehels, &c. 1 1 1 Kr. Coffroth, of Pennsylvania, in- trodueedaresolltion,which was adopt. ed,instrietinfi the Conimittee on Mili tary Affairs' to report at an early day a bill to ; equalize the l bounties of all soldiers and sailors who were rangter cad into :the service pt. the United States: ~" • ' - -1.- ; , • .ey F. Fan, I , P4teburgi: •Stiqes Rier;- 1. • .: i t of ! 81 Pastmasieor t 6• llnita NMI I ' , I • - HOUSE. 1 014 motion' of Mr. 'Rigby, the Sen.. ate acts grantir.glaid in 'the - eonstruc:l lion .of a railroad. and telegraphic linel from ilia town ofl Folsom to the, tow t n of Pisterville. in lthe State of Califor= I nia, i lna..a:Ao for a railroad and tele.: { graph line fromllPlacerville -to tb& I'm - pl. feasible peint of it)tersection with the Pacific Railroad, 40 the State .of IN'evadii, were ,taken. from the, I Speaker's table, real.' twicetiand refer rcd AO the Committee, on the Pac,lfi;, Railroad. The Indian ,Apßropriation Uul Was reed-twice and referred to rho ommitteo of the Whole on the. State' of the Union ; and made the, special order for Thursday neat.] The House resamed, during" tho - .morning hour, the cOnsideration of .the bill to amend the :act relating the Habeas Corpus, and , regulating indicter proceedings •in certain eases, approvhd March,llB63. The 'Morning hour having expirOil fore the close of the debate. the bill • went over to the. next , morning'hoUr. Mr.: .Trowbridge was appointed va third member of the ; Committee on Enrolted Bills. IThe Rotise then pro; ceeded, as : a special order, to the 'con— sideration of , t MEI6I 16.---Paitions were present ed ,for equal rightsy for • me election of President.. by the people; :from drisg. mikers in NoW-York and!-BrOoklyn lot' a reductioulof "taxes; !and a -Memo rial for a modification of the -tax on railroad iron. .'4%. claim for Services of. the Kentucky. ,Rorrie-Giarits was re. foired. Resoletions were ihtroduced alnerding the !pension ect ! of • liarch 3,11865, so as to preserve existing rights; and to appropriate 850,000 for the puhlicatiou of the Ifeclieal and Urgiesl Ristory of the War. The bill to reorganize the Judiciary Of ,the United States, was ••reported baCk from Comiiiittee with amendinents.— bill to fix salaries of District,' udges Of the , ,Uoited!States - wits introduced anti refei red. !Resolutions on.tain. 'r stritetiOn Were ititroduced by' !Mr. Stuart' f 'andl after considerable debate, were', referrech! ' The tieficteti93r' bill - was taken no, 4178,007 adifed the , Naval ,Academy,, anti the bill wi4408.8-1 liedL 'The Naval appropriaticin • bill! was consideied, and ! number auleudments were,offered,•but pot act oe-ou..,,after, whiell the bill wail ;Olt. pined : ' Tte . Senate th l en Tont into t ! 1 . o ~.. ELECTION. , ~ y .., TIE STOCETTOT 4 DEASI of ""the Company , for erecting a.'Bridge ever Big Beaver reek, at or near Wolf Lane, In the County 'of Beaver,' are hereby notified that an iElec t ion„ for one Piesident, six Managers and: a Treasurer., will be held in, the Toll Bowie of said Company, on the lastltindi,ly, (the 30th, Jay). of Aril next, cor..-menci4 it. 10 o'Clok;- A. M. 1 - ' JAMES ALLISON, Treas.' marl9stlß. ' 1 ' - -- G - S -r 11 . OFFntat private sa tranl well n isbeewotscandotot2teaonwr- ket stteetiinJlrflgewater The house contains: 'four - .Rooms, try?and Porch.' It te _lo % ll:Lied:hi desirile liart .of ' the tovrti,l4ini will be loaf TOT' cash.. • Also; S 3 TOWN LOTS !innate in Rochester 1 . and' Bridgewater. :Some of, them are . trery suitably lbcated for business lets; all of which will be eold moderatertrices and easy terms. Address the etthscriber in persOrt or by mail. • r Lw It. PORTE'R; Rdahesi, ri Seaver c 0.., Pa. milr 4 2l;fl l 3 VERMONT SHEEP! gj AM .flow - siiilip . iieg at t e Union • hotel, -I;earr, with a. 'choice lot: of . • :!TIRE PRED 7.11 FA?, I INT S V. -Et' —., ..13UCKS - AN,I) KWES. • ; elite - Lest quality. I invite: all to call !and ematalnefor thentsolves.; 1! . I ' 1.a1 . 50, offer "for ,!sale a siilendid.MOßGAlNl HORSE from Ver#tont.;''. ' I shall not remain her but a few days . . . mar2F •.. ''' jc W. FOOTS" . ? I_ Y, rAn Eitglth, Classical <il44. Com Me- 5c1061, for Young aien and Boys; At Bkilirkl:, I'EX.S A . • • • , MIIP, Spring session of this institution will • 40 , on . _ Wednesday, April 4th.; 1866,. and close 'on. Wednesday, trial June,. 1866. 'tarter circular eantotber particulars, WC Principal, M r . GANTZ; New Brighton, Pa., or it Mos, Seo'y. B'sord of Tnaineee, Messer ; !pa. 1 rear2l,'67;4,m • El CEO: WC) iiiil3ll ;‘. • ;, ROdHpSTER El .11,1 r b I 1 1 *I • •• • . Marshall ,• ••,: , • . . • • - • EXECUTES. TJI,4 - OF , •-• Plain and 6,-nari!'e pta : TV r, k ME MON1311114T8; Head and Foot Stones, cf ,the beet Italien - and American llfirble, at the'shortsit notice, and the letvest;priers., I :hare on hands crrer One ftundlod nets of Plain end. ,OrnaMentn,l Ilead-stMme; . which I Cm offering at 10 per cent lees than eity Ptlien• ,All •thoeri wiehtng inything in I my. line, calf 'early Stet etandqe my stook. '• • " Abso,th eltest qlutlity of OrindAtones *l:aside Rochester, -Mil. 21st, 'l36—ftm, • • or, ad- . ; , ,-, , ,..-;4*l-. , Orand MBE • - ' NEV„,':MILLI. Eiti , • I - • • TIZIAT ” G. tHOE E.lllPOttlti corn e r of Britkeirtilklifarket streeig, 1 Biidgewater. C.**00 4 1 4 ,The largest and meet complete et at t brought' to Beater county: - Having p ed place the late deeli* inprieee, I ea prni r d to jell . eheaper than anj other hi ttite in A " em Pennsylvania. Missed :4'1411 i Chilaresi 2 s Of the LciteitS'Wei s 'incluging" the DA TI L Norintt; Dewdrtip; 011,e d, Marguerite,teg , B Co - I\l7. s Silk, Mourning and Strait, kounets, of the latest styles. Wielzrujailags.l All kintis, verY cheap. 11:bbons, • Floati Ruches, , Plumes, Ornaments, Fancy* Sil and Miied Cord; and Tassels, Hair Rolls, Netts, Fancy - Combs Fancy and !dour Collars, Embroideries, all kinds, Shirt Frt Linen Handkerchiefs,: Corsets. Dfets, Butt Braids, Cords and Ruffles, old Ladies'Saps, , r • LADIES' VINE BASKETS, A large 'stock ale , ays on lknili—titap • vrolli t ur. • • - 3E3ta,134?..bra 600i1 at xo An wool,. ' ' _ 3:75 .1100 P INA'fIOrORTIqN. . • . . 14Clusidir4p!..*40 Cll,, Rigo...pleaee. colt F..trkexamir.e the believing, • , 1 111312: e--rya' . Straw Bonnets ai.l 11 t s altered aud on short notice—cheap. Stamping; Piniihig an; Mak tut and makingon short notice.i ItE9,-Cloakine Clot he of MI rinds tiny hand. 'Machine stitching to order. TROU to S:11011" Co 1 t 1= , rks NM ==l I= - _ w-vertiv:,! fitly 111 : f r' • MEI El is 3E3r CD3MEII.• Vir,Rerriembgr . tile . plate —iop . p.ahi.t store.of .4. : , C. Hurst, Ifridgewater. Gl 4 ].A I PROFR4Y. FOR HAN7ING purebascd from Jesse Sat , teen acre. , _uf valUable on ter situated just above the Statier, Fer•ty, we: offer the' same -for sale-ml suit purchasers, Ott_ at moderate priii number of producing: wells adjbin LCzpt i ty, and it . is. all that can now he pats Smith's Ferry. IThe advaat; . ige in in renders it much • more 'desirable datt Ruek territory. A.. W. Taylor orCapt. Reno may be found at the Fetr7. lo purchasers at :to referred. Apply to 1' • I ' • ' K. MOOF4I • ; • A. W. T.X11 , 0 1 '• R. lIICE. j • ' REtisJ rtie.r14, 1 46. • :[ Beer Farris for I Sale , ri'HE east end Of the , Farin knot Antly•eir Glass property, thane township, tearer county ; contsioit Hundrid and Forty 'Acres; about one acres cleared and under a goodstaiT et e Corr, is offered, for &do. goo , l orr: the premise& \ It laysonthe halm Beahler's Run, within_ two miles Of ti prated Islsud Run oil regiata, be good. oil territory. • Far Yerlie all quire ofJohn Johnston near the pre' of Joseph Lawrence; Senth ti6Ter 1. : , Proposga 1 A LLbe received by eitl • signed, committee 30 intend the building of a PI M. E.i Church in Beavei;lor - the same. Carpenters are rebut i l oi salt on any member of the cok Izexamine.the plan agreed upot,.ani , ' posalvfor the Thole or part of tbe)...., • • • ~ ' • J. 6..R11T-0 . A. R. MOORE. I. 11. ATRIS, _R, • J. !. lOW , It. T.ITATI,O, I Car' ill ak5r14, 1 66 A DMINIST-_ • • LETTERS of', administration. , ef, JACOB WAILIZZ, late Of Is. Bearer, • Beaver . co., Pa., •dee'di been , granted to .he undersigned. Indebted to,eiid estate - aye tgles te .! immediate Payment, ancitheee hartpl apainst the same will present thew, , authenticated for settlement; I ; • J. C. WILSON , iA°, lla rer marl4'66. LETTERS of, idministritton oflJaseta;Tatesios, irate of,' Borough, Beaver county, dec'd.,t , deed to the tinderaigned, all dedged to Mild tistatei are vequefil =mediate Payment, ind those.hsr i egainet eaid estate will lO-1 subscriber properly au lenticated tIemeaELIZAB TA •. • • 4.IMBSON , meet VAR. I. rtgeffT • - ' - • 1. WI No El 1 7_,