~.==~=~EA~ER - A~R~US~' .~~ H ~ F' ' Maithlfth,z lB 6( l6 . , ; L oco aOItITSCELLANEOUS. .- , , pyrOn: &trues S. - N, cite"' is'prominently ken o f ad At esodidtite .for Congress 'from Fp° . et. • " tbr Allegbenyt coi m t y fir Col, l34lrard Simpson, Art old slid', well citiles' of Pittsburg{ die): on the - 6th roil; l ifer an illness of is - vier/a MOnthi, 86Y. & Co., Bankers; of S pit to F re robbed aboufitYear since of btlr , ,eolatierabie amount .of railway Onda,stlid and o ther- eecurities. . The . property ; has: re `rattly beet recovered . from parteeia,panada.. DisrooT ilieuos'-Caxrnn.t..--Thedeath of I Bishdpltlexanderlttimphell took place on the, instot Bethany; West yirginia, in the lEeh year-of his ge.. Bishop Campbell was the founder of the: religious bed - called 'opipciplet of: 207 is the , only ttale,/thiks l itiehrhich has actually assumed the care of the children of her dead soldiers; and 2000 of +,l f ' arc are now in school in the s tate. The , ea t iter pupil is,about . $150: per innurn. ex_ elusive of clothing. •. '4GEZeratIOLL.—The limbere QE the Be.:i s o County' Agricultural Societyl are re gliestea to meet at the Court lioaite ; on Mon,: dell evening, March 19th, a,t 7 o'clock, for the 'pare of ele c ting officers fora the ensuing BOBT. H. BARCLAY, I . . _ r''':kstrlll;.t CH lIRCLI.—The Beaver I,'l a ella /For p r e gaye: The Presbyterian of 'Nei,' Drigh i f l e u nre abut to effect a costly . houpe of wor;- ' l liip. Two of, our tveCklthiest citizens—Mr.s i t , IT. P. Townpcnd and Benj.,Rusli BradfgrA—' i ik ve e'ech given' $71.100 toiVard it. I 'AyTIAR STRI6II.-A company operating on rLni I:nown eel the "Tree Derrick lease,T. . - . 131 a sp,e.t.flow of oil on. Saturday, at a depth of 1 46.:: 6(4) feet. From the indications it Ili. pre,ire a. fifteen or twenty barb :el freil • • r , • I call the attention of our enderts of atiTortiaem:ent of Jarnes K. Pardee, suc t r i tefecirto H. K. - Chamberlin, another ; col! urnu: ;Those who have'purcitased at his Drug • • Stori.!say he keeps the very best of • articles l 7 . iised sets Int the lowest prices.. Ilis - ',asslatant l ,• lir. Louts Drehni i , is Undoubtedly l one of the test PiuggiEts and Chetuiste in •Western Penn's ' • ofivania. t • 1S„ Potter county mu it be ft i:Ceond Para-% disci there is not a tavern or drinking bonne in the 'Cot:lily: Their February term of court, wag a failure, so faris trials were concerned,' and rue jury Srcre of nojeerviCe at all. The Marion Attorney expressed his disgust at the I r criminal record—onls' oNE indiCtmeot, no/prov teutor anti no vVitneusev.- I litisOmn.—The bouseof ifetiry Vmbring, of Obi? to . yrnship, was destroied by tire ori . Ve6sesday last. the fire cluight from the rind befori• it wig ailicov - ered Was too fit g4ire to subdue. Mrs.. Seebring was the c vertrin td- home, and tbsi fire, spread so - ropidly buceeekled in saving but: few arti • • ees. The less is estimated at .one thousand crtitnrr. Lar• pot 'totalled theifart iculats. /Or The ' , citizens of Allegheny township, Artnet!rong cour.ty, are much excited over the discorery of f , a suhstan ce c s lesely i•esendling g;.141. 5 ' It Istound in'a flinty bluish; fock, said .:to he a species of quartv.The .diseoyery 'AAP made on Pipe run, otn(ferm belonging to Mr, Gorman: It is stated that specimens, of the ore hare been - forwarded to the assay. office In Philadelphia to have it tested.. ' Da„..114 oldest inan in the State i? claitfled Ilalfthoon town:ship. .Centrecouity. tame, iaChristley Vampool, and - was . horn 111' 1 . 754. 11e retakes all his faculties, ,land work: in - the harvest field last autumn. Centre 'county also boasts of a colored Woman .one lanitiretl'anii six yearS old. touth of eighep - or ninetyore said to he Common tare. and to look with grent,respect upon the "old folks?. - , noted mheTe. . . - • 20$ The hill prohibiting the Fele of liquor in Ohio township; passed tlfe.lfouse last 'week through ib e instrutientalitY of Mr. Quay.an rte believe' has also-passed the Senate: This is 'll good move so far as it goes, but those wild, .1.14 Te the interests of eitize,us„and'those tercets in the oil region at ,heirt, should seo ton that like:legislation to had in Ohio. Ta thiveliquor sellers out of Ohio - tovensltip,Bett•l ' veconnty.O.ill not avail much' soslong as they ten go across the 'creek into Ohio, and sell al pleasure. Unless proper steps, are taken -t4 • ! ontrol, the traffici Island Run oil region wi \be burned up some day. . ft . InfainouP. .i• . • ! TL. i.enier editor is eredibly.in form ''il that `he writer of the, most sour: 7 riliclis, bas. and contempt:lbl° article, that ever art;eared in print:, in this , (Tansy, po Wished two weeks since ,in the oea%er tit.) LI I/ Ly .L,o/fAI C., nno i lb 44.t , - Plibliean, w hose family ~ias lived span the party of this ,cunty since of organization. We are f(' rther credibey informed-that the wriler of, that arti *cl'siiiisfor months pelt acted tto part Of a iepy, and betrayed to the bemoo• Tavy the secrets of the party; , and INT . 00 know that the writer was profess.z : [ rig 'great friendship _for _ tho persons' attacked in that article, that we have ttmoy, Many ti ies defended hint. . P at tedhim,suppressed art' l les written la injure :him, and tkeite him as a i friend, and that he attemP ed to place the blame ow' an innoeiTe man; and denounced the baseness/VI tilt 'attack. Sash treachery is without! it 'parallel. • Stlth a man is dangerous i,n the; corn. !flatrity: -., When a Iteptiblican gces into the Democratic party tbtadvocate / - bic interests, or that .)r . ilia rriettdi, -I.and a t ta cks&Republicans, it • . iA. , high time they:were driven into that party; And lie are'inistaken 'if the, iterobli— r'ailt of Bea'er county . do not do it. 1 1 Teacarts that will be iittisfactor,y :I all cair readets wo iiithheld tbis i .tetk the tame of the writet''.. ‘..." I ---; E47lllCii4. 3. ;%;!l"ifft7il6t. , .‘ o ltt ifixiOksi3Own Select *Atioel- . name -oit on Vi r ed,ne,eday tth ; And roptwithetandi!ig the, iiielerAenq} atmosphere- and:•:roughneet) Of •tle • • -- roads 'our - ixpentAti4or.s were far, n4o thla t - peive , liberallyoapplied • wit pets one; ; we lon n d the lionise crimmcd • In foot!, the tiniltlirig Was ; erk•Wded to its utnoet capacity. Some-Owe esti mated , the crowd at' one tbousand,'and . , we think Abe number would not fall far,sburti -any, f of that' amoiint.. A i' i'. -.. I' , --•- • , - - 1 , incire:cirirotiy and Itt:tentivii. audience. we.lhave never seer 'in the village ufl ~ . 1 Ilook4oWn.' It is it tie Bacchtiat one time 'madnlis appear - 611re in a distanti corner{ Of'the building. but the pret4-1 epee t:f our Worthy canstytblel in that viciiitY had:the desired,effect 1 4 st!ort., restoring matters to an - elluilibrie M k __, Tlielexhisition Was a grand acccess —ti4 !good . if' not 'better than any we 1 { have 1 eVer:,' xiitnessed in 'the i 'plitee.---1 Thep rloi• t rrfirm; cdesidaring - their age 1 an 4 i nexperience, think, Would :be hard to excel, With. many,' if not all, it was their first attempt,to "speak in public ion. the stage. '' .rlie performan ces se eeted jfer the liecasiop,Were in gook , itaste, and calculated tOlplease the ear and • eye of gall the itutlienee.-i 'We w ill not extend our remarks far-1 therjhati to say all, witbent rasolitary exception, acquitted. I themseivea cred., itablyi - No teacher has,ever gained a greatcr Pepularity le thni place , than Prof. Clivert.° ' Darin(' the :Past-year • • • 0 l. he has hmonght togcther' l i'a . sc,lMel, iril •regard to no Inlacts..Kitatei; '.t i litie Wny . ...,1 that has •existed Since r i thetdays of Moore and' Jeffry:, We are *eery hit 4 i • 1 -t , . S.,pi Imps c l an no longer be re(ainetl . in • tlioplace, ' .lIC .is ,going' to O s t a br r ,,ji, We itederStend, ii: similar, School at l'New Sheffield, in this County,' the press - ent stimmer, and' wa bespeekl for him a liberal Tittrotisige. S PECTATOR. flookstoirn, liatcb 8, 1566. k- : • I. -I . - -_'..: • 1 :1. 1.. ': us ' ~• : 1 . ~- .. .. •SoLvte N •1. s i.CoNvimrte,.—.4 concen tion -of soldiers was held - at, Itarria. 'i burg On the ' , Stli inst.AmO ' ng '01)60 I i - distiniguished Pers i onages present were 10 , Generals White, -, Owen!, . Collis . and .1 . I -, l, Collier. ky.e*. Joahtia. T. Direr tuited 1 1 . .1 '4 i ! • • as chairman, and Col..l;ogerS, - Of - Eric; - as secretary.' Ge.h. miry - Vint° of fered thfe •,' res 'O . l . mion • s, .li l .th were u . nan Imoully : adopted: ; i WHEIiAR, • Tv3Pe.tililteiis w , ) . have borne arms in dei v qe of the lifeof-the •; : nat;On, ;have peculiar sntarests •and feelings in the 'preSent..posttire of the political 'affairs ..of 601: country., and are desjsons of riecur,ing.proper 're sultaLef the.-late civil war, 'AO of as:- Anringthe future and liareclny of the tnio"ct;;And whereas, .An expre - ssion of the dc,sit;cs -and fetilings of the late so!. tlierstof the country cannot fail to have a saltitar): l --effect I upon' : the 1 political sentiment of. Pennsylvania; therefore. -;.ReSotred;; Tliat,Major Genotal • J. 'F. , flartranft, late of the United! States tirtnv. : . and, now . a - ' l _citiz( l in of ; Norris,. town 'is hereby eequested and author- 'ized. to issue to tliedi.q.hargeii . toldiers'l of Pcinnsylvatiia a call 'for a Setiters' I Convii:t . ion, to be heldlin the eit. 'Of; MI tsbilk.g, on s. (fay not latetthan May 1 Nth, 1866, Ao he. deSigHated l in said. call; Said Convention to Ibe composed o f of -nclt. - ?t i ore.,, than tire delegates -from . each; reprcn'entative! erktriel.. 'of. - the I I ;State; the rtiiir.nerot.selection of such 1 i delegatca in the different.diStricts to Ibe designated in 'raid ._!all. I ' . • 1 1 I Land Ho I . ~' .:• . . 1 , Gold trtoP>ed: at 4 t , ....m.,, yesterday ut. 130 i 11 :The premium; therefor - 0, is just one 1 sh:oof what.'-lt, w4s.in tile dark.. daysA ' .i l est t nhm, ally of "our great War. In othervoi dm., wo harcitlready tray. et sed five -81'1111s: of the- Wa.y from our AvOral.'esiate hark_to " pet feet Solvency. - Are ,we each cowards that,V.ie shall noW. ;shrink 'back 'into hopyless iniaol-i l vency, when it is but a l i ttle may for- i ward to qßesuroptida 1 . • AV kw h l as suffered unjnitlyj,.by` the progresslye. buYe.made t r %That db.' , paritnenCot - ,useflil indwitry, has been:; , crippled t - What laudable; business bds been Iparalyzed ? What laborei-• has been 'deprived ..of work and breads?—l ; What, yaluti.ble product had been BO reduced .ini Trice that it can no longer be produced without 1280 'W.herein has the Oirrency beer..nnduly, perni • cit,usly contracted.,'Spoak:,ont 1: , Give tie Secretary ample power to fund, his demand and s4ort-timo'obli . - gations,Land'wc can move - tlght.on.to Spycie Ilayments. And, then every greenback and bank : note , will be i worth. ite face n.gold„-and ,gold-kan4 I'Wing. nli I be one of the lost arts. ' Ant! Cher. Our Two llundred Millions and ___.„. -. 4 ,. r... ie ',et ee :v - urge, ~ , Whered . s, it now is-not. !Nobody 'Will .board . gtld for duties Ipt fcmspetttla. tion, • bec Use -there will. bi2i!no motive to do Si.; Our 'bar ! lia inusi, !keep . a on importation, 80 as-not to ined of tbeir-eoin to !pay bald inst las in Europe. o, friends! tbere "is land- a. . Y. Tribune,* Sciturd. tight rei be be dr antics ag Copra. head.--/ it Springs, Chronicle; of Ca I says that , an extraordinary has just been discovered in It yielded on the 21st of 2,259 gallons of oil in on ich was ,at the; rate of 1,692 thirty-two gallons -'each a 1 Ti# da' West, ail, well Cainacla. Fe bruar hoar, w barrels o day. . . I in_ long the pissengeve by the, City of Hew YOT ° from Liirergool, is Governor btor toM" of Indiana, who went ont - fir thebene dt of bis health. He returns fwithout Much d-. itopro'reatent. 'lt is said h Buffering se: is • ierely nov; from paralysis. the Governor is' elisions, to' reach home as soon as Tiossibie. r tort Tri2ians,is of the opin e Party that hehl,a Scala Coition ,niitilfrents when Lee was on the ihitod eall 'on the pep= to difeit end expel hit; isn't go, • 11 tA e i fon thst tIo tiara in Pe. toff of l ib e'• I pt t 9 rally lot to win: PIM ffffl . ' • q ' - 'l* • liciehestVe l tO man) lvoi7. Pulaski: • sin 45 1 kir 9nsi : l Lag, Wm. Et. ef t. ,]Economyg Ligi 'OVeleuec' w r3 — DrDinalk'l ' i , Ohio: Be itt ' Independene New Brigh . , Beaver bOvii .Geargetorm . . Nridgew4ter: Philipstnirgli Barmoni.7l North, Sevfla 1 PIT r , i Soutifßekt l e .der,.James*(i Ereedoml B . , Chippewl 11 4 ningham, '': ; Bcrough' James Wail 1 Fallston: sa Mi. - i Rochester Itios. L. Darrn'sh,Davi Taylor, Darlingtaa: m. B. Dtit. . • ~ i Brithluri' 3 lin A. Eakin, Thoth Stokes. Franklin,,. L H wisallagher, John M'Casky , John IL Wilsn . New . geilribily: Samuel Minter:, Alan , Whipple. I , - - I • Raccoon; p rile Hariey, /Inca B. Hall. Ohio - ¶1 ion Hunter, Mitthew Jelinsten • Pnlas s ici i. Ja es Jackson.:; -1; - . Hanover; 1) Hip Langfitt, Jaineb Minviso • North StiWie ley: Wm. ISl'Cretiry:! • . Phillipsbui : Watv M'Clintack. 11 • Bridgewiitii : fiugh vetationgtif , . Big Beater R. N. Nl•Eird. 1 ••• Patterson:i fish W. Parkinven,4ohn Sim . New Bright ti :.Milo -A. ToWnsehil; The. 0: Waddle ;I W W. Willis. - '• i i _ Findley Muh l Soulli'F.AeAr. ;Jas. M'Miflh • New Brik lit Alex; Fom1)41 AndrewGillil - Ohio: Lii4l New Obwi Skyles. - 1 Darlingtlon i . lem. I_ll Beighton:l otitt Gibson, Wm. Mate. Georget4w :•• Ayers Sutherlsnd. 1 'Raccoon; 1 ames:KnOwls, Wm. N. Robe. , Rochesteri !Charles Lukins,W. - 11, Marsha!, J. A.'Shofe4.l • ' ' . ,' 1 - 1 Iranover: .144. It Leepei, Jos.: likihathe. - •• North s 4 wickly: 'Smith McDaniel, - Sr. ,'", Bridgevinier: John Wi Moore. Freedoni: 14:. J. NosS. f I '• • 4 i ' *Chippeu , a: .Jonah Plitt, Macall White, Pulaskii'; ..1 lin W. D. Smith. 1 PattersOn:lthos: B. Wells. • .4 • 1 • ', .f• rci • • - ' GEN. Gk - rYr in hiS report', said: ". eonie•fotim l :4':the l- Freedinen's f ißurcait l an. absolut e npc.cssity until Civil law.i 'establisli!ed :hill enforced; securing t 4 - tlie freedrnen their rightslat.4 Tull p to faction.:; 1 * * It can- not be . .x. peeted. that-the opino:Ms held - by 'l,l men at 'Abe , south for years can 114 changed' in a day, and therefore, tb , freedmen require, for a few years,: o only • laArtg! to protect tbcro, but lu fostering eure of iliose who Will r.; v , ) them '.good counsel, and on wb .n they canlril,y." . _- -, • • ' ~. - i. ~. .. - • • in.A.ARIEI): . f On Old Atb Big.; Iln i . l, Wm. "H. I;TlBLocii to liise NANCYBRAI - PHAW all of Chippeiva tp. BeatiOr t county -- ;77 • Itt Flour per! Dried App, • do Pea Wheat ' C4:fru Oats Flax Ekted Beans,' Potatoes, Onions, Corn Meal Eggs, Butter,. /fa ms, Shoulders. Side, Lard, Candles, Molasses. Carbon MI 1 PoTX . r . depot ittl ® 6.0.1 FLou wheal ,2 bbl. SEEDS. ® 6 691 at.B3 75 quality. Gum , 4Wheat —Sales 2QO - bti, white, a ' the Elevator, at 82 00; Icli liv. ! sh re( at $l9O for whiter; bpriN *heat Ohl it .81 65@170.1,•0at5+. Sales 00 fi:lbush, fi rst babda, at . 4 9 e ri i .. l sales trtqh torei ih a retail way at - ' 5 ®46. 066--Aales 400 bash 'at 66e.• Spring 'VI ' 'final at 75c; fall, 85Q90e. ' Rye can be . purtbase at T3(7,1e. 'Bac() ; bouiders---Sales of 4,3 0 fibs at 14 ' 1.41 c. Sides—Salei'of 4,Q C bls, MAI O at 1.7 e. Sugar Cured Hams --Su - s of 3,000 ;beat 23®23 , V0 Soasztt ' . 7 --,Sales of - 40 barrels arid half • bar 'elis at 70®75e. ' 1 ing, tom ; sure. at h get sampl mr7:lm 6381_ 1 trio, spx 1 TOWS li 11=1 Leigtht Tuition! higher b snr7:3t j I, • • - O FFR 10 6 ,0 IL 84 And 4 • slorliesarolk T 4864: !MO 21) IIdOtV.DAY: 11 1 'tliii iliuou. : - ' r•' , 1 , _ 1 ,, . ‘: . llllbert: - f. endietoi, . TForet T'o.--ITriret,Biinl linnunond, .. - Birratt-I ' ' PotdiStErilic ;At Sillildin. -.I- • L , :' , •' - ':ic. 2 ,l;' 1 on dOttili. -, . _: , • •,,,' s''Oisig."Diiiii - rt/le* 'TO hn Daw4 &, Ennittat ttainiltOn. • WmJ Johlkatori E Wm.:Reed; : M. T 'Kennitity, Benj. Wilde . ocepb WChare. . ' _ • Ad aa Poe: . ' . . Enoch Bwilgger. ', ' .. . Jacob StrawkaCker, ir. •ob Walgtunntli.t ly: John Welker. . • , aosi-rn' inn xosnimi Robt. I Bradahaw, T. F. El • ler. • ' ' 1 • ilip Bentel., '• . ' . obert Bradshaw,. Wilion Cur _l - I r.q • 1 M. Donehoo, Robt. M'Cabe; ra. n, ar.. 8. A. Did*. ; 1 ' •I .1 - aineal M. Duncan; ; Bavid Joh* I . •.. 1 1 . . __ I , ollEfli DIONDAT. I • Rain Caughey.:josiah Barnes son s /turns Doutt. •r: Hugh J. Cole,A. W.. Douthi !on: Daniel Cooper, eles:Cole ; I e, John.Morto , land, George. Graham! • Mitt Elll2o,l"fery.:ffolinston. ckly _Jatiries Fesiel, nobC John Gil'more,. A. ;11. I WiiißM,i RKETS. • . 1 - t Foate c tri,ry BY ini. oni. • 1 ° ,bliri • • .wiper brie, 1.... s ~ i. .... ` f s 4 p i i e l r r d l b o z. En EMI II er gall BURG MARKETS. March ;12, 1866. Saler 1 ear load at d 56i sales' 200.bbls at $3 bt. • •-• 1 xtra family - troth Wint bls in lots at $lO 50@t0 • • tilefi 10 bbl 4 elver et SO. I sh, Timothy—grOall sale Flax, .$2, 75 ®2 SO, as I?' WANtED"'" , OOI, 5,000, 10,000 Agents, male r female •of respectable etas - m $:,0 00 to $2,500 per amnia, or,abroad.. Send 25 emits, aild d full particulars. Address—' J. R. KENNEDY & Co., 1. 44 & 49 Fifth'st.., Pittsburg. I . CT gi3c,b.oo ci TEAM OR THE HOOK - 13dH001. iileommence n AT,..APIML 2av, 1866. fourtimi Weeki. • , ommoa brsatobes $0 50; for ; $B. Teittlher—: , - I • B. T. 31.'CRRA, A.-B. H a r t ENTIST: , IS Agitticza TO THE CIT HICA.VER Arsto, VICINITY. err Third !itreei l 2d do. rea. 's store. [novlinBFa 1:)P eP 4TH 1 MEI pußlit a l s. l Ax • E , -- OF Aitrii* REAL EST fiz I .- 8. .. , ... AND, `P . ttsOnali , lißo El#27. i l TILTIII, e offered'at*klii sale, lithelate • IT -• its' ekes oftSAlffpELMOOßP,dee'd., in Hanoi t p., Bea*ei•eohnty, abdtd ;Fee bales'naith` west 'air-IliiiiilObri gp r i ngp . • • . • THU DAY: ..itarch 224 1866,. , • aiio.bldoc i A. M. , tkiAlle"rine' •ProPertY; via:- A iv al 1)10 fad '49tltsblingl litiokit • 1 7 0 acres Isom" St; lesittran :Which are `erected a goo d frau! '-div'ellnit boineAaral and 'lather out-buildiri . -It is eitiatad is 'd gdod neigh and, in 1 i g oo d- to et. eultiiiiiiih. i Alio borhoodeuie ' 4 4 Horses,llC' we, Ho 11•Wagon,i I, _C A - 4.4a. to clittibtSeig-41410b1,Ae.; Farmiagt , tenSils;l Household . and'.Kitchen fnrnitare;* grain in tbe'ground .snd grain in the bushe l, hay - iWltheetsok, andlother arti, clesioo'te and to men;n:: ' 1.. - I gegjerms mad 4 k ow n -oi &pot sale. .• : 1 1 , IC 11. ERASE% 1 1, Executor. *-. Valuable 7 For 113 ale. THE snbecrille, center of the - esytte of N.J; Judyriee' 4 will offer for Salo at. at the 'Coign Howeis the Boroug 4 of Beaver, Filtl‘ AY. arch - Itth,, I 66. - ONE Hu HUN DRED A f SIXTEEN salts of good iarmi g land in righton tornehip,i3es ver county about lee from said borough. This land Is well Lim and watered; over 50 acres of whichls cleared din A good state of a tiration. Said farm alio. bor dering o n t eswatars f Brady'a- Da ,: which 111 11 is SUptip : to be lin lorrilory, . - • i , J. C. WILSON, It' 1 . • Executor. IMO marT6o fibiGt) b&Tiel ,. r_o LETT% 't; uncalled Item, remain ing i the Post ~ se, at Roehester, Pa.; el/A.84 1866. '1 W B. Bright, (lei:R.lo Bei fer,,- Anne . train; j. 'is E. M. Sow er , mi ss Attalida J. Cook, A: a M. Deader, Maria L. Muds, Miss Suzan .. gtie, Joseph !Gardner, l - iss Jennie Renders., David Jones, Thomas Joites,.Johti Lavelle,, dm Lilly,-Mat McMil len.i Miss Em McD . 'ld, Thomas Mcßride,- David IC. - I larslq'S . E.' Morgan; Charles I I Mathews, Andrew 19 , ,' JOhn Morrisey, T. 3. Nawling,•Aibe Ny, Rohert Porter, C. T. Prifton,l Jameptile . n, Milliard „Ransom, -N. &lifer, Vm. 'Save , . mes Sharper, Thom. as Sheaks, Frederic IS er,. SHIA! BollThomp• lon, *is. Sar a h l'en t ,j. . wiTab* P T . TATLOR,..P. M. - ' 1 Fat . e., ONE-BRICIC HOUS iid lots Of qicporl.:lßesif Co., Ps from . the Boronghj of Barier on th station co 4ettient ; a lie 'perichl apple ,or h ard , ;: ] hoasi well Si 'skiltahle fr a large ferny. , ' A farm containing:l9 Sara township, ,Beaver ,coudy., it else rent. 800 'cres or ; .whic,ie 'cleare For inf imatien . app ..o the s Beaver, o of Jelin Joh ton,Chit , *I : ?J.C. IV he Estate RtAla Mytreil 1..2 t , 1 MI -Idris' r of feb7 6tl NTS VASTIII.I HIS, o te ß s y s - a rt , n o d s :vAl rr b Erm e Fiead w y . ' Sio:n . t . A. rE roi - E+9s 1 I 1 CGMPI IiTE iu two blumes. , ALS6 1,:c., 1:1 ' ' St' li CONPETLIN •ONE VOL L'lp, The. BEAT CHCAI*ST, 1 *IT INTEREATLNG, POPrit [MAU and Vithoi/,41/isfar of del Rebellion pub-. lithed,l , wh ich isi fully : stested t i)ythl4. twos- . NOUS ILLi it hai rosehecif32 and is, now selling withhcre sed rapidity. i.ooo'. Vols. Sold only by SubsCiiiiOn. Esblusive •• terri..,. tory given. For 1111 paAmilars bend fOr Cir.. cular. Address • •' 1 - . ' . 4NERIOANTLISHIA' 711 . 1 - i .lr Asylum Ilaraflrd, COriii.: , . . Scisaty x- &Bea& guts. • [inar7:4i. .. • TELTA. - LIST' . _ FOR ' is • / .. .1 it WEEK--rlittli MNDAY. J o hn Biri k - irs ilichld Barton;. ~ Willis* ays . vs C. Sill; 1 Maria' Da is es . A M'Millip, et al; John ste art • ." Ps dLitleandwife,et ali - A]vah Ny 1 Jautet ?o.d, c , David Sc tt's heirs i Arch'd • 1 obertson; ' . do.. 1 ' • 1 vs sam ,' et al; , Sinitiel Morrow .1 —vs ThoinasiGreenlce; Ifamilt;oniKinseyl& v•rs Thos P e• it wife; CathartereMarker'etrvis Cleve &{Pitts RR Co; Michael .ifs l is Abraham Hunter. -.:. , s. ' . 1 • - 1 _, a Dff WEEKS—FURTLI MONDAY. Wurtz,Atistie & Mc- , Sharer Veigh, l U ' se' t di ; OsbOrn; ,' Pattersonl& LI avids' ors - Mart ha Bauders; 1 Wm laltih's Ex'r. ctli Henry JOidan & wife. Boro' of Beaver 1 vs Wm G Wolf; • Jamci Collins, et il to, W M Shirts,.et al: • 1 Charlbs Thorn 1 . ars ' Margaret liigby . - John Tinsman i 0 Amo'N Bond. L RaWder heirs ti John T Holmes; . _Henry B rr ' -1 Is Geo W. Barclay.. feb2o' , ! = 1 ,M. WEICAND, Pro. , 3 AG Noiw a n .• 2,5 ing ME I AD . NT.STR4rOR'S - ;11 . 012ICE. ' lettes of admintistratton en vT t a estate of isiscalturvsson, late of boro township, layer county, fertna.,- deceaised, havingbee' duly granted to the un dersigned, all persor i indebted to said estate are netifiedi to mekenmediste payment" and those having claims ;Oast the, same will pre sent them preperly athenticated for settle ment Without • JOSEPH WIP3ON. I Adm'r., iebl4' C. . •• I Bcaier boro F,XEcuticws NOTICE, , • . :1 A T ETTIALS testa nary on l the estate _j_d of SAntirdC Mit ,'a, late of Hanover townebig; Bearer emity, Pa., 4eo'd, having been granted to ' he idereigned, all persona • indebted Ito laid leetatere .requated to make ; :immedis e payment, aid those eying elhime 5 : 4 .1 n g i inh in a e t s : t l t - i t at: ;d a In w fo e j r H 7e . i t' l t ' 1 A e r st ie t tn i, t . t , tim I properly y_ 4 : CUTOR:i No t rieg, ' EAS" I tettei .:titstementoty 0 4 the Rue of Nssiiss. .J. Jurtt, Iste of I tp, Beever. aunty; dee'd.,, having Tted to thedersigiiedi all persons hetaselies i ebted• 4', said estate sled t t6 ' ma d, immediate payment;. l it haville els' against the,ssme will etirproperls thentioitid Idt sat , , i i Jatii ' I,,*ltsr. -- IN. H: W e • trighton been gra knewing are requ and thee present t tlementJ L deaf& SE t L t ItiA eGg #I-A&0, continue Ito do sq sons wishing to pnrei l er than ever offqr All do well to call sock Beare4Feb.2B'66 - i f itHEERE l'AtLi)N.; . ROCEST - ER. 2 pßgirtierr • , -F.04 EA.L.E.I . .... r , H ; E undersigned,. offer!' . sale a NEW ir Fit - se ME HOUSE, and about half anre o grou p , "United on Pinbey et !, in tlej &or ough of . ochestir. • Thi,house eontsins.fopr rooms a d s.kitolien,. and is plensant4 Sit 4 , - tad, 1' furtheipartietklars, Call on. ~ :feb2B '., :: • HEOESE HEIDSGEtEn. .. 0 1 6 • ' i , Bridgewater, IF" you I want to buy.ritio_ D mid bomioalc go to gbbtAi: lIMM '„ H • in ;he village two miles & P. It; irchaiq and . sashed. and in Bright on offered for .abscriber in 0 0. IESON,• xeCntor, aticiver.tp. ..m s taioie Drily stoic ~ •.l GRiNI--MMINO L -3EO _ '• id it)r, ',itoo - 17, SPBmG & Stheadv Titijo* ,•- ' . , GEAL'Y'S T NEW 3.IILIANEItY; Ili 1 1 .1 D SHOE - EXPORIfit,' I ; . , Corner of Pridgq and_ Market . stra44, . •• Briggewater, • - • - • • ' 4:::0 M y Velvet, Silk, 'and Mourning- Bonnet , latest styles; selling at leas than cost.% I'leoe, cell and examine before Purcliagitig eliew ere. Xi3.132.1g An kiwis, very amp. Ribbons, Ruches, /Plumes, Ornaments, Iglinb Mourning Collars, ,Embiiiiderles all Corsets, Eike Baskets, &a.; 4,64 Woolen :(foods, Nubian, §ontsgs, Zephyr• Knit Talmos,;ka., kid thcits cost: Hosiery. & ' Crloy •- ' ai. low Priees. , .1 • 'l3 - CP • Good it $1,76 worth' $2,75 All-wool, . • 8,76 i worth'; 6;60 VERY LOW. - • 1 lariEtC>lll6. Closing se LESS ;THAN COST • 11 ',lfcn'4, Under ,shirtsklnd Draw j, . ()nil 11'incly Cents," BEINV DETERMINED. to oot say stocit,, 114 wine sold czar CIIIIIAP. • MILLINERY. • Milliniiy. Voioik,if sll kinds, 01111 AP.. Stamping, Piikiag nun , Cioak fatting • and alkiag 44 short notice. ..Cloaking Clothi of itt•tittas altrip ;al hula, Ikfichine stitching to oi,do: , NO TROUBLE to SHOW GOODS sisfßoilembei. the plaes.--400ta formoi)i occdpied by MRS. REES? (oppasiti. Ate steno of, A. Bridgewater; . , . . . VV'Airlul i , CFR, A. T!,7ye SMITH'S y • ERRY-4MD 141TTLE BVAAVER,.I ,1 _ • PETROLEU! CAPITAL STOCK. I • IVallie of 80,009 Shares dr ' I WORKING CAPITAL' , . 1 . ti . a. meeting of the stockhatiars of the above company, held at their ;cage :in e borough of Rochester, Aril 2.90,.,190, the fdllowing persona were elected its logical* for the etiSiting year: ' -: Li . t. 1 • ' H - ' 1 I PRE6IbENT: . MATTLSON DARRAGH.I • . , ~ . TREASURER a SECRETARY:' . 1 CHARLES B. .HURST•I' DIAECTORS: - • Mattison Darragh, Milo R. Adams.' Cheirles Stone, ' Alfred C..fiurst, •JaMes Darragh, • John Bigger, I '. Levi Brenneman, Robt. A.Mochiii; Charlei F. Kendall.: • '• i sifirA limited , number' of snares of , FStbelt 'of the above Compiny may be had by, bOli gatipn at the dais Of the comany. 1 f •Illgl..office in the Diamond,lßocheater, P.a. my3:.6m CHAS. B. HtUIST, Sec y. . , BEATER : . SiM AND . • • MUSICAL. INSTITUTE., -• . , _ _ , . riey.R..T4 TAYLOR, r, President. ricllE Terms open respect velySept. 12, '65, - January 2, and April 1866. . I - very opportunity for ir:struetion in any braneh of, scieneelbr on any musical Instru ment; also ideal music, private or in elegies, is affordled here at resisonable rates: , Lads reneived in the Piimary Deiserthient; also small girls of tiny degree of prorkiency. Drawing and painting of every stile will receive the, epeeist attention of a . firit-blass artist. ' • . . • 1.1 . 'MU* $ 5 , 60 , , 11 • 80 , and $ 12 ; 50 /unnidi ing to dePartment. I'l . Notelbut thoroughly qualified 'wad ',ripen ended Tealhers are employed in any depart, medt. For thither information address! . • aug2'6s 11.1. T, TAYLOR , President. ' 'Notice - T ofneplicanta forLieeme atMatnh sionp, 1866: 1 ti Jahn *Ornibing J. Big Bearer . Gedtgi Prondley :::.....Bridgewater. beta. To•aelijicilar in ,iintiiiiitielnotrless than en quO, with goode,iwarei and merchandise: . Mary Aleranderl. • Ititelseetar barn. feb2B'4ll '301 , 114 kRAZIER, =I =I It 1:14%0AD-til; Slid , I#4, dlc C : . sad7 l - Nov. 190 T te4(p.l. RALO Btati tally; 8.4 a 01 li m. Iowa: (Train leariiig hicago at 6,50 P. M. 1d vs daily.) ~. , Pittab Rashest* N. Brigiitim.. Salem Alliance Canton ; 1 . Wooster, • LondoWle Maustteld Crest tie • Pe BnoyrztO • U. Sandusky Forest , Delpho4 l Van•Wert Fort Wayne_ Columbia ..... Huntseipo... Pierceton BourbOti Plymouth _. VAnstall aiVaraise... MAO. '‘• -• • • CiL lIIMI R IeI.RR J'n. • • =aria 06iitts gAet • • • A! ,E3P'B. EXT.'S Exp'a. Chieag . 1 . ' . . 440,11 7----' 1 620,tx - 650ra 1020Px 11 • i• .4, 11 111 C.R4CtOI3II " " Clarke " 11 • ", " llobartl, • , -11 ‘, 11 050' " 'lBO5 " 741 1248 44 Wanati4l fof 111 041 • 41 . Plymouth Ettt " 1940 1 ''940 44 225 Bourboil 1 ! ••• . Its Wareali ',1002 , 1 1 1038 ' l4 1035 4. • 337 44 Pier"ceeOrL-... 44 14 Huntaiille '44 " • " " 1126 " 1123 482 41 Fort Wayne-111285PN 123d1 ' x 1225 ax 556 jad Variirelt.,..:l `6 2ll 1 4 I 148" .146 44 721 '46. Delphos *.; 253 " - 1214 41 214 4 .4 ' 750 4 " Lima-4 835 '1247 " 245 " 830 FOTeSO 445 " '857 ", 407 44 950.44 II alanditaky,A. 525 4 1 425 441 440 ". 1023 ." Bueyruq • 1! 609 . " 1 503 626 " 1112 4 ' I l t r '640 '• ' 530. " 600 g 1145 26 • ti Z:,.., - 730Am 600 , 6 640 1246PN Mani34lll;./4 810 .4 , ..033 71e1 4 ; 118 " 1.4011140n4ine . ! 922 718 44 SOO " 204 '4 W005ter..:...: 1025.441 811, " 'B5O " 265 • % .... E.llOO " I'B3B 4. 920 , 44 828 4. Maaslll§2l.:::.l . 1145 '• 914'41 960-66 859. 61 Cantolit4;.:,..l:l2ospm 1 932 - " 1017 420 4. A1hanC"....:..41' .120 " 1 11029 ",1130 =4 4 525 I . SaleM 11 , 200 "11055 " 1120*111 000 i ; 280 , 0117-6611281 6i 620 - , t 9 .8 4 0 .162 1 ;1'112 11 i .G 66 ' ers, and ads, • 4wli, EIZI 111 I®l COMPANY 1 • .r` $BO l OOO • i , $l,OO eidh H • ; $13,000 NAItY 111E1 3 TaAnti,hotici WM Extol. .100ets! 830 ;* 848.0 086 0. 1017 •• 1048 . 1 1160. 41 12421 x 102;' •• 145 ig 828 426 600 .. I 640 AM 71a .. 750 .4 825 r• 948' 425 025 41 190 44 235P* 122 BE EU 639 ~ BEE 1822« 741 i• EOM ICIM 922 ~ BEE ENE lEEE MEI MEI 1 1120 t • 700•• 1.50 a in; 2:05. Fqr Econon7„' 10;30,p. Jainea- Brighton-9,00 a. m; 4.20 . p.*; 5.4(i p. m. m. For New Castle, town,lll,a p m. •F. MYERS, Gen. Ticket Ag't CIL EVE- & 'PFIVS• RR On an 4:;s ft er Dec. 11,1884i:rains *ill *vire tions daily, Eitindayi eitepted; as aoixo MAIL Era Cleveland Euclid !street Hut MiUersbUrg .I. ItaYetuia..:... All9auce... - ... BilYard:'••••••• Wellsville .... 1 800 Ax 811 *, 915 "1 ME 950'° 1049 " 1125 " 1255px' 1 • I' '001.1411 NORTH ' • i .. 1 ... .!! Matt. Ear's. A 6 . Es te'ir - ---- -......- -.:-........- L..... Wellsville ...., 840 an E l srm "• l• 8ayard:....... 'lO l 2 " 653 " • 1 ,Allialicii:..... 11100 " 728 " 60ax• ...I . .... Bavanna...... 1 1150 ~ 817 ~ 723 ,‘• ! . Millersburg.. I ~...;:- -.. ;::: .4 - 1 • Orrvilled Akron „....... , 1 ... . • • 1 , 1 Huditowk......' 1227rx 851 ": 800" " ...L....: Euclid street 132 " 949 " 916 . ".. .... Cleveland , .... , 145 " .., 1000 " 930 " .. 1 . ..... ' i . (mina l l war. • I Matt, • Sir's.' EXP'S. ACCOM 1...........--.....-,................-- --L-- 8e1airfi........ j1040.0t, 000 ax 405rM ...1 ' Bridgeport... 11060 " 615." 415," . ...I ... . Lagrange...-. 1189 ,". 711 .0 510 " Steubenville. 1168rti 733 " 628 ~ ..:. ..... Wellsville .... 115 0 840 " 716 " t Oax Smith's Ferry I 137 4, 906 " 7 & . 4 Beaver .. ..... 2v7 ~ 940 I , • 86 '. Bocheseer .... 215 1 11000 " I 815.5 x , 8 •,. Pittsburgh .. 330 " 1115 " I 980 %, 1 gi 'I - . - d 00Y1C0 WEST. 3( 1 ' I' ` Eire Bar's. Matt. Aden)! —,---.. ---. Pittsburgh ~ I 2fOrx 505rx 'MOAN 850 r, x Bitbheiter ... 840 ~ 620' ,* 715 ~ 66 4 , Beaver 1 - 728 it 5 it Strlith'sPerry 426 ~ '' 755 " •60 " 14111eville ... 520 ~ 1 720 " -880 " 94" .“ fillnterftlll6; 62Q " 819 6 , 946>" :.... Lagriiiiit3...:. .6•13. ,, 'BB f i 1000 s: ~8 •••• .... 1 1 i Bridgeport... 797 ' I 930 I , 1105 " ...• ..... 8it11aire....... 150 ~ 94(01 , 1120 ~ -•-• _...1.:,-,, 4 .t. AS BRANCH. TIISCARA . Leaves N. Philadelphia 7.10 a l Bayard,' 11.4 a la, I nt 8.4 N. Ph 'IIYERI3,.(I I WAL-REICH.` • . ritzitoa*NT TAlLtik BWEGEWATER, PA. = c o ty, fianz i i d iiv i lt o o order no l o all OtoltaAt 14:4 0.1 T.. 'S OTIcE. ~ E 4 :2 131.0 iestaineirdary ' the es, _ ,tate „Of 'Mut= 11.111aLTON, lato of boro T o Deliver od.deo'd.,haring beefi rant ed to the nidersigned, all persons indebted to said isdatO ire requeited to mike , immediate paymtait;ind those hiving claims against the efiate Taill present. ihem to the. mabseriber properblauthentleatid for settleMbna, GEORGE' W. HAMILTON.- Xer, Bearer, Pa. FE klatietr',:in. di ,/ 9!‘p e.,. TM folloirai:i4priiisisients '..tlio, . of Amiably, of Itheldth of A 40 t fiper ty . allowed' to* ; !ii retain lir t ; , -, .„ildiklron of a 1 deoodont, to Abo.,Tig .. isa` 4 80001ifty. boondllid loi tboollko if dwell* of", k, ' 14dnin .e' court, of * IliminJ.'antatie• andubravodidat, to!wit s• ~-.. -4.-,: . . -...,:-, -1 - . • iiiraib_inii pad if paynnatinn Voila 'MO slortgagiitja . favor of the _ estate of Jain*: WGidltingli,. &NM., dialed to be retained by. Elisabeth MiCtillongb; wid ow '" - of sold deird:. Joseph F . Wilscni, Adner. -= • - -,_ ....,- ,'' . Persoad Property: to Went 14 - 01100,4 tabilii by within, of William Obitoy,i dooll.-+-; - • A: ..ThOmeoni Adni'r. - ... -_,. - -..., '-.1,.• -.; :.P - ' MPirtY illignio;.et.billiiilki re - it tv taine • .41dthrof..Telillfendinieei-dee4.-• ! .. Adam Bendeiltot,"'lolo, -* ' - * ::, : -.-_:. '. j" - .r:4 , :, Oar;, lot of ground lathe borough of Bodnar:. tor, valued at $275,00, ret,10414 4 , iiiiir if Robt. Plirris, doe'd. . . -•-- .. , :., .... • 1 % .,f - : _., .Personal property, and beak notop.tOinfit, of $3OO, Wien and retained by widow:of:4C . ~ IL Gould, dined.' A. W. ftratton;Atha'r.L.; 4 "2 , , . ' Personal property.l4s amount of .1100,,takei and retained by - widow of John Cithliertina:.: . doted. Elisabeth Cotabertson.Adaeo• :: • - Zit's. Bar's - . Personal property to amount of $68,25,4 rey , • • , tained by . *widow , of I Thomas MlEnany,filiiii`d: E.B. Daagherty,. Adm'r. - 1.. . 1 , .i• -.. II j ni Personal popertyluidcash in bands of U . .- - - Rice, Esq., tcl amount of. $BOO.- retain by 1., kildow. of. H.' N.' Kennedy; -- deed . . 1 el Magi*, Adner. l - f • • • , ' .L ... ~ Personal property to amount of 10 100 ;i" 11 . 11 \l ed biorldcit of Bon. Thos. _CoinnbiglismiiiiiiiW:.: Joseph C. WilaeOli Alpf.e. ' 1 -1' ; 1 ... - ' Personal propirrty tdgiitber with the fie on 'a note against S. }G I ~.It.A: s..iqiiipsilY to , amount of SBO0 1 reulinch. tit ..,''''. l4 Samuel McConnell, dec'd: ' P . t fl fliewr- Adner. . • 1 • 'T:l7?"' 7; j . .: EU EL U sas " 820 ~ HMI EC •. 440 ~ ti2o 4 t 4 630 ~ 1052 ~ NM • Personal property to vim:mg of.!$ 8 0 0 .1 . 1m; twined by widow., of Thomas Stevenson; tlee'd.? Stevenson,Jas. f Adair. ' . ! '2 -- Personal' propertyito' amount of $300;. rev,- - lained'by widow of,, Aaron Hood, deed. Gib son iiiitd; Adm'r, • - •! ' !--!! MI ~ .:.. di 810 a 1250rx , Notice hereby giwen to creditors., beta; legatees, dilifrilinstees, and all Others interest. ed, to appear at; the nazi, term of saillgoinc. '.- end not later than the third day,beingtha 21e, day of March, to slew canoe, -:a1BY11167. have, against ,the 841 Sisk. above'appraisements.. • 31: . VARIETIES,' 33. 7 1E17L H P., Imo',. ; ' • • • 1 - • • 1• •• I,i BRIDGE ST. BRIDGEWATZIL •- - t. • ' Frp,:,Bl 3 l;iir i Ther. re,soteifully . informs .1:hIV I - s pliblio. 4 t he Is now reettivietit. 2 , lrff ti t GODS i tWi liiie-o all' the Intricate-TOYS iliiil VAA TY i3OOD§ for-the ' Fall sad COQ; ING 'II.OL BAYS.: „:Haring ptirehtito. , Ilk, , tkte )3 . ttlitekit cities ' at low . Prices, ha out sell,oltaiipt er g thin any house in Pittsburg, - I :1^ .- 1 i 9 ln connection with his collection cif.Vatiety Goods, he keeps Stationery of ell Midi, 1141 Cloths - of nil patterns, Soliool Books of ,alldo. soriptibas and price ,.- Albums, LOoking fills* ses, Blank BoOki of all sisoft, Dity4loolta,,A l edg.i . lii,,Pens Pei:kepi: in short everything usual- 1; L• ' pt lt't 4 "Zitriely store. 1 [ , ncar274y. • •- • - SHAVING:, HAnt,:eIIMNG, SEIAM.POOibW. • TWIN' E. LLIAIIS eying just retur n ed J from the' army, Where be. has served:foe almost three years, wishes to inferm his rani' ercustomeis aid the &acridly, thlt he has opened his shop in the north end of the MARKETHOUSE, BRIDGEWA.TER.,,.., where he wi ll carry on in his Iformer lgoOd and fashionable gtl , le;, clpse' attention to Insines, he hopes to merit and receive a libetz al share 'of public patronage.: 'those wiehing a clean, smooth shave, or hair cut iii. wash. ionahle siyle, just - stop in snit' give J4tut a trial; and he.fiels 'satisfied that lie can plea* , them: . • 1 - [declllehtt- Accox MAIL PSPM 236. x• 883 " 340px 353 ‘‘ 500 " 6 .4 I .. 586 " Oho " 405 4 , 450 520 655 t • A. ;BARLOW M . D., • SURGEON AND •PHTSICIAN; •• 1! "RAVING Permanently located% BEAVER tenders, his profission4l, sertiees to t. 40 , of Beii , er and adjoining,iillageitaill country. its:idng hid twenty yeirs epee (over iiitiryesiis4ts an arruyfft.iirgeon feels competent to .conUiipd;tbetl . nnfujenee si those.who mar wish his services.l .1 Calls day. Or night. proinfitlyi !di ended ' - gs,„;Coffice in the NationalHoti.l Where he may' be found . at ail hours, day or night, when not professioniliy engaged. •-• • sep2o'6s. I . . ABLD SOLDIEELLS:gI-.. ' B;F:BRO, , Lt al tla m gent 11. c :S..Sanitary Commission, has establish vd an office at No. 67 Fourth st.,l2nd Pittsburg, Pa. - He will pay strict • allied= to. collectinf , Pensions , as they j doe, (March 4th and Sept. 4th,) and remit.tha same. to Pensioners living at a diatanos,lsat 7 itig them the 'oxpense and trouble of viliting the City. Ale:0, .glaims for Panslotta,:Boulf.. ties and arrears of pay, promptly collaeted. N. B. For particulars, address. mr. Terms .moderate. •. [feb2Bll6-41.-----q - 7 • ATTORNEYS AT LAWi. 14 . i.egai -' .tudiross• 41.4 ill I Promit - sitintlon gircn - *dons generally. Licensed Ikgonts .forrea- • !cation of Pensions, Bounty. arrears-,of ,- Nze volley, Pay, etc., of Prisoners of, Ilfar, and all: kinds: of military claims against Governpient. Ofdar;-- • L - • - Caner of Maria -Suva and 4.10 - ( I thlneeistelOkttitrealtirtflonOlkall!;) • - BEAVER; Din 4 era ; ' 0,60 p el; 2.26 P.M ere Tic QM F r or TruAT- excellent property - known asithw . UNION HOTEL, slinatea in . burg,' Bearer: oirunty„' toget,her *Aihk two story frame' dwelling .bowie, hnd Ito* splendid building lots. The ptoixintok W b V ' In delicate health ; desires to retire Stow, bless; and will dell the report" freely; er to- e ,r on very liberal tor i osb nquirretthe iirdprilior it the ; Rotel, Phillinig; Ph, , • . A leb2B'6B—T4t% 15' sta. .. Yl fp 3 kEW, BRIGHTON, PA. - TYIQi Tr. WM. LINSIDIII - UNgt you wan to boy the ..best, POPO* • - l ir PT Wolk s• to 1(0We Piet El CZ/ • - JOHN EiHAZIEH; feb2B. . - -J• • - TOYS - AND BOOKS, illi __ ~. New,S: rbe3'=ShoplS TO PENSION.NRS . AND DIS.. :Dimolutiort of. PartUroMP. • 't` /11HE 'FIRM - or & (A. - I been this . daydissolrvi by mutual ~• o 0 sent, John Cortina having sold his inteseit io A. D..ClilliiandjNyin F. Read , and F. Mincik• who will carry on tlie booineos wider animo of • LID. De.; and who - wilLinfAltiliki biLeluoso•of • - I A. D. GlLitialtpthi.. • - JOIIISCORBUS I • • Int._lP-.:REED,•• I • • 1 - 3.4! MINER .. ' • Newlirighton t rell.2;'66. - EfebleoB.4A • T Ii 03 11 ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers