The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 14, 1866, Image 1

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    - -------- ic iffl o -- T -- ; - 7477,7 - • — : -- •
i t • , -. T s. j!... P,r,
- --- fr - LI c ..2iitritvp - fix • ~,,,, r ~ ... ~, .
I r.
I ph: mim4r , ..," e,••••77 . .. - i ci.91!,4 / J ig E A,,,,,,,, i.,,,!
PubiishedEvery3 *retina . x; ;! _ __ fr Et, , 70 r
/111, 'CIS' ~ B uicoirrGs,l_4 - . 7:wt.!
IN ` . - 1 f r 1 .. , -..17z4l .-, rte ', , vu 1
4.11/ 11 / 5 ST•J BEL&VapjaV;i , ii , s, lo 1.1 :,lioil.ti
-, , . i ~,;.,..,,.. r i h,, r rff.s,litr.-2.:
SSZOO'PPralanUM'inAlbrailetti, :, ci...`
-_, _
;• .. r titters and t cantributiona, by, mail
oksiiliitapramo 9itention.
J. S. initAN...&,oo-EdS.-410A1.1-14r_
- • • • • 1-% ; -
- '•I ' ' - if'-r I
- , pOETICrEZ , L 1,
4 3
'•• ..-THERE,i9.:NO,litit9fil., -
. ,:,,,i
c .,,,..
lbers is so dcl 6oll- ' ,- Th l o 3 tMig dOwa sr.'i
' , To , ise ulvon trotue fairer *lore; L. , 't; •.! . ur:
. A l id trithf,iii "ne.aven'sjewelleti. crpyrn
• "4:::.•.:
' TIOy, chine forevermore; - •- ' '
• _ . . , ,- . • .
Tb f e, top° ue . g,14..,,T,4,11u.5t; . w9 ?.t44,
Qfiili tango tienPaila
Tvollizolgtain;' orjaellow-frait;,-:741;...,,ja;
• ' L• 1 •
the granite rocki dikord6•llfiiir'. • - . lo‘. •
•Fa feeilthei'littgl
'inosg ; they . ti gi
Ifoixi 64;1:It ,
no oteat -- -.;ll7l,eay,ps
a may all ; --1
i . 4',flolversayii'di - !Ncl
They, only wolt.iliii;uolk •
.r. P.
Ile coming of.,l4ier . I
1 • dealt" A ''''' l f ''' i ''''' T ` . " l
oThare Ito ;to - t . • ri ango2, corm . .- 4
Warm o'er the sarkh ,wit.ll,Bgeni. 4414
~ ,,T 1
rt,t bran oulteostrved - thin:sB:myst; 00, :,
` And then •e, cli 1 qtiorti ilVact:" '4l f'nj
lie lesm on , lie tt altdestitufol: ri t 0.4. ,4 1 .
Ile:ploieki at : `'fliiti'sl, Viiotei.' ittiVe . 4,-
'irc:ntria nt co, iSt;;:oi!tyy,ijyyjn..):37,: :_, :,_
Ir. j
.. Alcorn im • ortal bctWelYi•Lt , o - -... -..,'• • '
'll...hita-lik N.44C . 2 . 11. . 1 ?1' °1 .4 Y . .. ;; 1# i " I
Yule goti thi B .o9eite.Qc.' eiwasta 4yrife,
rot ia everlasting Ong
Lea sueie he seessdsnilloCO-olarrglit!
Vrltcart.i;:to pure.for taint dm] vice,
ire Ciars ii to that v;tirltlof_light.
fodweil in Pardaine.' ,
Pcralnif: dint uricliing life, - '
:1 - .,ey.lance'traFtraVirt CrAltrujii:ttir
Iritilljey . sce weliemelicerrl-,
' I 17
i•i•fq• oon.i' us, though ith3cen,
licar irrrnli6rtOrislitAfits 4&.alt" (77
r ca the i;Oundloss Uniyerso •
‘Is•LI1O- 1 —thOrC aic no fiend. 1 ' ;
TOrisy_tvatatt;t+-01±,616f. i
Vy'r ao not 'often iqtre . ti:•shr.ncegtiys
116 ',Ct . e iv . York -- Tribtii., to.. -I.)l'.'ais - e'' t Ito
ttwern.ti3 party--of i i kmtisylvaniti; .
.4,1 t -I V,e(tirvglr . li . pvf3,-,cetiat-,v .- }ar - 144:Ati j s
awl 1'. 4 6 itrp. ri_Ofir' e Katlic A - 1 4 .1tifjr.
61r na' s ural-- incli4?,apoil - ; ..wit . .1, good
;..oniii:leric.e,:: . 'f'f!t..tri - htitiiiAltThn of,
llelstert:lyta . Q,l, (:,r. U over nitt •
ti'.t. A . ,, 7.:ti - Cra\lfi.jllj-13:tiVilt, ihey;
.;11,d11,: , ,6Q. 1.T,•, 14 th.C. firtit via,ee t il
i!! a .
-g09(1 citizen., 'or. vei...i . ,tiiit "Abil. 11
.....,,-•-.r...1..:,.,-..,-,,..----i.rv-z-b.,. -si
~. • Itte.l . fit
.13 44-44 , eci#slty, L ty')/ish itatz-.)
•:::;;;:f•ttfly ,
~ 'g i y 43 n l I at g', , , , D'e troerat,ip 1
4oriiies, and has. r,epeateLny, ;
.o,tia-vora t trrt.p9r-.i.ibte1 , 14.4; , ',.,e , !- . 1.,
~..'dctt.,:rani4 it .y° Mite just: to -giver n c r
;;;;;;I!Jer..t..liatke,.- .. 'V,itetilbe-w as a isrhigj
l , ltherl.l-•:, I thaiti,ri4,l.--lit:q• 11;:11.,
.e unity vilii . cli I, as fur:ll,3 l - 1 d 0 iiie'
I, iroeracy (.4 Pt..!,i) ,, ,:)rvz." 11 8., , la rgli
.-I;arv - of .P.s lu - 5..i,;::. sl-' lll.l (!eca,ion
.o.'o. hare the 1,.,..0, ii'. ho tte r.; awl it
, I, .at) tyti"liirth.
~ ,o,vs a protrr ...i t) ~.
~. i .. ,,.„
i . memb i et•;;'' . ' • 2-(- '•• ' , t.' Dll ,i'
il:siv /tic; i , ' ..111 .Y 1 4 F* C J i . Y r n" W 44
' ~. .toot, ungti•ilitiecl t,`otmer.,
•... • , .
I ~ I t. 1 .. 'g l .'`' u : t hE'i t 'rar,it . : l 4 did nht.
. 1 t! .. h
e. 6:nytiliv s , erso: °He
[. A1c , .1 this 0.:::*(:-.1'si(.;:i'ot tire' Demo.
noijorit'y of the b.'n . prern4 . Court
which prolion need
:1 5 n , !, voi -th regp
;n g ••r,,. .-
taut tho
•ich,•:had if not le'en ove . rf•u:ed,
uld Lev laid trio republic! pi ni:lratO
' h efeott . l ; ,, .l : t../3:iilion. and egeet.,
Cho Union., We'
rv . .t . lcri.)' w that he afl'ectot to.
:re' the: t
know nll* hts'
and utteranceA -ecti'dtcf••ll6',Per'ithkr'
et' the rebels. Jli
was iv. all things in•rict fc;t
•1 ninr-lsutiti of.h is part . :io's their
(Ter yeirieseritafk!," rink ir,tll Toll.
fell re fs •c'hent in
whi . dli'nialies.nagnrtro,
issire. If hezr,,fs•beale'lli.i!.;will
..bieanse-t 'pr - !.'vle s are fno.t:'. of _ his
..01. het tiid
t '
Rt 1. 7 11 - .?Ntsm -Z-We eanOti con=
•:.t that the live' and living • t,rait9rs
th.e.tilintty ;shalt' eVei ( e-nitly tinly
-1.). of Towei4niveh less
'they shall' ecr i htl refec da to a
t 1 (AIN!. The 'true anti: proper
" , treat of treit§"t;n ;/-/-, rz tit' if
..40v; 'and:10)631y to those who.
tr , itql r endeavore'd cger.
r.le zover,n my two 4,0 that
tear hu ma ni could u:re, and
fetision :We
the f ' )l lowinc t y . : '• •
fi etit-tho-real - Union seen of
t4raa,- 31L ,- ,issippi, and
Bou thei . a•Stake ..N flow ix.ta Wtteb•
•C':".n. e ntreating_ that 'they may not
• `' e lnived of the iniiiiettoti of the
ttaStLtds ids-authorities
th ere'arl ! 'once
i More Settled, End,
•sri no nat',,
baq tirnej to• l e•::pe n t (1 2 itse w
lf, Thc n iu
'ile3l.-dreadjmore thin the
l innists
1144 original traitors apt,se—l
lte F 6
tr!) fir m
is cl
er, - either :in'the
over:, .:Coal
ewes it toral. the Unilntentsdn men of the
1 7:n,ca the amnestied—. Ora' ea";
Taken and legislation so shap.._
, t() 4eep these men who ever .
' t' 3 VY pav e -li e
ei •- • • alb I ) A r liPirt'giNi:a
) ase ingratqs,
q inau g ,rj c er• ..Ay other, !rut an d
lt state of affairs cont.
L: runny wase the tit'oism
' Ji'
1 . 1177 , “ r•r t i , o , collcri
7;11/t,A.: ri
VTArr ` , !)• i _.‘it.,...clyr
links likifirjtatifikeerituiriv4tihkitiibeitnie" ra - tiklob co — - 4. - .-
~,:I')LlieiyelA itimillt zlit,l l;:l_ 2.iwi tt. , ~• ,; „ l il t .. • 0 Pg- 7 - 1. - ,%'ll a blreol,aggotiptro ll
~i,,, , e f , loi,
.L E ,5 . .., v, i . , „ 16 1 , _ isiNv.!..).Wer iiisublititideliatattiptehmati4l
' 4•. : ;'.1•1 1,t ig4F.4.1 1 4,4 1 0.0.1t.59f liiiPS-' ' "g b liq hit IT-le P tit iP -B °N; -.444114 „,": 1
ippziv - ofiNetay .a thiti.x.ispimli agq, ) 4 tilly fain Ileit•them.:NrsroelkninittOti,
4 4 1 9 1 14 ,eppt . ,.. , p h
o li o L
.3v4+0). .) ,t b ind w deditr.etts rtial . ,ll v .:threngetionlriA' l t
-Sl';?.l l Pgi•iil l 4 o, :94.nrlf ) .4o4 l 94,Dl?4siegi k4 F /81 ''''f i i i. Ihesi,thelitc ‘ :. P .6 tticft : Or
t x
111' 61 0q 21(1 ( , • 03 Rf ie fi l vtlh,43g 6 W:9.4itiAti "14X ,etilw 'ldernMidlid !hrifl'atr•viiiaf-tif 1
1 , in mations; of any,Atittym„iikny , N,4 l 4 ,otaii.'muo iljteo!tratiolAms fflekatty tain'd.
If 4t
f i attvif,444nt.tqpi.',...;ll,,el4, r _t IV/it:kits-11 :•jeTbiltiiiiidiVt tvfirroeynrstide,
fg4 ii y.,ci,lll4;, , f t vms;,p q 4,.. , .. l3 , ol ,ii ci d it ko i i k ,: : rftwoeliiii ei)nenripliiiiisttr• • ri7l ,t:: , • 1 ,
`I-0 C l 9 : a PP.4. l . i g °,o t:lF . iiilo4 l ali9 ' larr °tl A,,P / Wilti' 44 ga t 'th 6 gdytiß'ln,ioa'Sii:
1; 1 11.
niensions ,niAlle,s9at - h!wri1r1,, 5 01,.,.1,4 0 , 114 , 13ier.eyiii sly't etifesliergne iti t pi'e- ,
county of: WersFlLl,.,eppe*.twenty milegfitt•titlittkie bjititt•it ttiTriarisy' , nil t . ''.kii;
( fAint t• IV? ail• '4 4 14 iv if t iiiisisiTm l yvtorlpy he' court arr i)inted - - r the in9qu tii
t kßlc°tlk s ta!", V : I ',.e/04,9a:ifi1, , ,eqr . u1i4 1 .:11 1 ,9 9lividilli ti l lith i lF; ; n'd ~,1 41i i, tf,MltVict' l o
htif,c34l,o F 11384 4 ,0, 9f..,114e 'l ? ;,ol,nf9dsrttA9 . 7, WiE,;',lii* r ftliliiin . tiii'r •of ' them 4erineOr . iii';
iglasps.. „ ir ,1 7 ,•" . i„.„(1 ,: i i 0 . le, ;:, , . t.l. 101114814iii'liftlitl he - ittibtwigneV' t iti-i 1
Aii .% );).11F . 4i,-,4q5i• 43 • Api;114}plqql*t# ItiloWlbtle4 in khis ?favictrfeikortiWhOfs-1•[
4P44!9 OF: rB9 ; ,x ic i f . c.Si i iiftliT f .: 4 h o .• l t.rti?;l 444 " 4*l*-t ° ll / 4 1144 'a'''' , ..h 6 :•Idtitr•'' . 40 i
I nhmit.94Tilkn44,lFAcw'laniigti i i4):e„.:T A Fllistitirtiiettixtdait.ti,•Witid: wayri?iiifo ) :l
..44•11 3 ff4!ph 1 1.,,h!3y )( 14 , 4 •it:.,l,it!lt.pi.plang- 0 6 .0 1 - 6 it i lllek r ih.4ei-jit' fr Tx 4 rr 6 .tti ll4 fil i •Welf:
i (id: as was atter Wdrd frniikt. ~signiwt‘'llni b lihnilt.',"hj;.alit lib' iilkr OVliit4L. , l
4A!t: , iiliii , ,4„,y.p4figy•t/kintim . liftFArigne,,!Lrd li a nil ty •Aii,e lif Ty, tin -that' . i 'a; rid' rqdr.t, , l
Akr ° Ei t 'l' al Ai.9.t.lofe;ooP-f.rwial 007. 14 ° 11 "It'o kt IVOciA .6 7kifililig'itiO
4p* kL:l'l:ll,ey- 4i41'in4i,‘4i.5i5134k4 figd * lh r i ti l l tl f ga 1 ' 0114u ti,,i l i i ithli . '• l ` e Als';!
:14at I. e eg.ilftipt would, e,ngimm,..l - 66, # :1:rtiali '.'seized'ilrlioln- airthil r e'titit'litqlF
I, t w,tivo--rnoutli, arid=, - : Wore Were' . ev en .we !Cot her I pril tiffs; 'fbi :l vi•tiletitte . " ii' 'g' 1 '
,Fiji,..1,4g4 ,to e4lettiap, most . , con fid eintly I;(a ' ' Wt . .' ''h l k-. ll lP. P fit' ,4+11,, r"blirriartlBsll4,*
.10 4 i! . x. i nl.k . I Z t o r A er ip . i ii , ii i. . , 6 1,10,. iip is , yttit di t edi ' l l - iti l l,:e; 'Jail (1 .- e:kriiiiiiitett'itl
~ n0.3v., W.ell litioi,vp. tkege rig - v,iir., l yi la Lh e i third 1)0 . 11 on'tbltfneff . puifosiiii 'Si - ,h'e !I
~c4l . 4,t;pi,.4baliiity.. of. o,4,ttp.sps,,,..e .l. yi j i g . ; !2ptetisiidi . it. ••d rilef,fies vie rd so eFlOtiZi
albeit ? - ' - ,,.o.,esicierit.: i 2 ipr cel,4l . fpvor a i 1 tadus . "•iri " 'Oa nsati 'tliat, 'it - bedarne:it'W;
l c
,tithe,iii,..7oiiojefetto,rs . tii - .4p, i pikv i i,ih a pe r ,l4lttfoqfiat , • 'Siiiiheitldi•lchtaittiffero 1ii,.,;i, ,
' r recetiliy,sp, 9 ,f,hp L . , ;i g i A t i; l,, 4 4 : oi,, 3 4. 4l , l . B , tf r ;...i. tvq.. 1 1 •,_,,:! .1!; ,r•- . 1 ':i ' i , '•q:7, , ,
:e.6tipdLqg pers9page !i• 4 , 1i-secre4 - ,pro int- ' '' t .'‘ ' ''itig,VO.l 'A's . ~i .' , iii., s , ,ii . ,- .P. - id,'" , ,‘i
. aup . post; upor: -; w hichl, , ; Ie heift '-i.• ", - ' o, :t I P i - -. •• . : I 'l- , ,•, •.• :-... ' i ..1/:r.". 1
I:Audi! ye ti4ity, , Dtvia: retain'ed 'llll4l,
irPJ 1 1 ,1)t. 1 . 1 Li , - 1 0 0 6.9 , 5*: cue - , dfiri'l.*liildi rig'
44_ 1 1 + Hr4°erioi'su oPici:: • ' ~ ; ...5 11 40=i 111 ;thh*O i lli i , feilitl•nea,,retity'Of' ki4fi,l,l
, i
f.. , 4 s
; . 4 , 11.14e) i ii L.cfpo i t i p o ro , iprei i n amid i con tiinaftl-i n dicetidii slot ItOptilatfl
w , 04 , rity4. ,. iad . igna ticia.fen d.: it reg net, •fiotit nOttilli 11
..1 powers in )Jelialf of the new
,IState,s or -the 1,5i3m. : 1)", though
,thanv• llo'in " a l in • 61(1171 IY "P IW' ' 'E'ai . ; l4 i 6l 'l,
- ( lee:ci!!9, l ;i.aks , l 9oi nc CT, weip xec , flv „If ICrtould; h a , hr b te; l beeiti•-at . Ihit:esei.ti I lib,'
1 1 6 1 1 .11, , lirdad - a 0 i iw irvit:bin t4u s r 4 1 im , iva ciao 'the. , cial -posit ioni - Cwhiaitlie l l
1 4° nfd i . ,,
,ii o' 6344 cil - sO? nifi l at.e I I 6'4 u i. I :had , ',isti, tong : I 'deeply: :diiihn`nor'etl:"-tiftt ,1
i i'lt ijerp. IC/1y 14' tiNTA6'4 ' Oat eitlier'lh?lior .0 - ell urden.ifiltile. fact fiadi ail: 1
Hrisneti or J•',riglish •Gofer.ia'netit .t.ii:er ! ree,FIY.-cha fi.dtillitii'lpiip rbdorded tos-i
1 , =A• , , 4 it i.;1 .) ,. , t h o i 4g4!,.
,o( on b l i o iiiii o ,li,ii ! ipliiinotiv.+4 iit . t, ,is- to
,lii:,r, Aipev. the: Ail . - !:
fil" n' j.i•ansac al iii c; . e ,i-i o rf o l u , d 7 -, 1 . 1 ,., idences r au plJed.l3_,r•lthe . booltit ~ of: hip{
_.-,Di . 6,s•i , ke;ed 'nto r . e, Lu te'lit ii ring ttib ',''''' 4:,°P" I P ent ''''' tCil ' al ' in e thuisr . ed ''t. '" )
islioi.f..-p`r`pitisiiiiiat' vi , iiime % . liiiiii art. fiii; i'' - ' B 'P'"-t° , .'ithlolii y-iiiiitiowntoftiaiat'l
l! ri rd s i detiv. , b t. t hkl . tr n i tc ; d: - s t a te - i , , it i 11-tliatirilina e*zforty dollari.per'b,nsii . el:
to, ~,01.iitiGr,ilinif_Wast i,i,r,kt,o A .l ,,,c o . ti o a r g i n • Icon bia. wl iiik oroptcf,'-siheat for :the.
i nc hi s i yo• lin4 p,':i
. s.ttdri ii i i , c o ic i . o ;_ s 1,, i year 180, while. he ;31tior; b - y tho!in , :i
~i 13,10 bill ove.r . hi 4 bead' , , . ~, 1 a trunientu itiy l, Or for l ,t'bto irt)r)reserrietit,.
1 -, - .... _ .: ••. ;,..., ,Was , es • er- . . . 1 , i ' .
r ti1a' , 9., , , - -
1 „ ' ii, A vi, 3 , .6 A : 11 rg l ,, r 'l cline, Geo • , li i .,a, anj ot h er- Stalls ;: tof f
i. 1
. ... T.4 , r0 wre
n a y t,,1 . , , ,,.01
ti 6 4)..fur ; ct I yield up •tiileir. wheat 'to the gov_ern.:
1.110.aa44 , 0,
. tyboed, omoiliriv i ziii . 4 , 44o3 ; -meta Of/ 1 9141 lit , the- rmadecinute'irice-,
,ix ,, e ..,,, re t...
i,, even ui.. . r ,, R I,
u s
a p .e . c i t:a : b , 1 , e ,, , 1 t 1 11 .. 0 ,, :j 1,.. t t. Q.. T ; ap ., yi I .nf , fsiorn str i ven to ninedollers in :con-1 1
letkirate papei. ~ Il • tirade th is expoi,i-L•
g 7 14 ,Z• 4 1 ' 1, 1Z 4 . V e 14 ,„:_"_ 41 1 , 1 .ti0tt in the feat , iplet.:lr which . ;l 4 del iv
•f " ‘ ",."1 .ered ia Eh' confedertte ebrigiress. -.
a, , Tex, ak..: • , Thp ,s?..,9_:eutry , ci ny ft r,...111',4 •
1.J.! i-
ii • '''' • b •-• ti l i. • •ti •- li, •
. ,apjancon, • op!
. ea is,lnn, ,iLy,to.ime.e.i
Al)et,..ati!itatly..p.xige,ncies Wb,Jeli C1P,11461,
beea en9pun teritig,.aik :well . 41.. s 4atnare, ,
kiPriO4A' uj'l4o.4A•PM.4'filtle4it.getiflle
_i_;...,.....„-,.--•• ..!-• . • ! - 1.
-fr ' fiv , i). c;abitret , pgaii.tor.,Axt - F , tile r
re'ag.p./,, i an,ditno§t.:tritakil.turaciier . .., 7 • l i
IIitLYeP,'I4t.ROPP kAijlicki:ri,ty 44 ,1 1 ,136. Y-1
I , 'er beeagoiid., wad lata.yearo
. 4.- . bad
t .„„..4ii., - cic,iily : •I tarrislted Or, tija
I known, p . ar,ticipany jii Et 011.),!ne,. of „no•
rtoriou3 eoo;ul)ti.on, both . in', te State
. of I,6nisidria, ; i tn d in WasiitngtOn-City.
ti' ' - • - t: itiorat,,Od4 atjtiin4 frOtn
l i Thy.! JO consl --.
the eelebia,ted A..fcitiniti - s.On.ud . ; one. o't
~ lie . filo:ft.! itill.,Jusiiitig,.and 'profligate.
li?itilatfive:,transaaior i s, ,t Ini L., b, (1 ever
disgpaced tllA..aiin . alo.of'.a•fino • L peopla,
ti.had ' • apixed. stiell' - , , ii.` 8 1.1 ,, n1a;' , upow-the
• ,e , .-
11reptitation 1.),1th of • It.: Benjaniia and
['his ft iend •,and patron, ;fir',; John' A.
SHllell,-as , it„, 3Va3,1,-Ilot,,posaibi . e that
faceany lapso• pf:tlitie could' oritlri.dyref—
.'••-.I- ', ' ' - Id
.: -1 . ~' , '
'`.rile career of: Slr;• SedldDrA t '4"c'e;
rattily Of :war iviill long b;alrdmeinbei
;oil by ' i >zill who ;ever , entered' tato.; war,
departweeiT,while- he: tqlt. etithroned
therein' with. luomlitled , regret - awl
IP dig.tietion: -: 'k4 .may- be attlely.ssiicrt
oci that.lie Oa not pe4ess'.oilia 'Of }4O
.' qualities' needful to. a; erodit i able, -and
1---.*fal, perforrnitneeortbe dattes b ill;
ovece - eow devolie Oil' kiln. ,51.1.4 w
never ableto learn'eve ail:
n. oidinary
i,F ffi
onfino of • Oeildli '4ineasi:and erica
d \u
i : a eorefullY , ileclined,• . ttendande to Mat
•ters Of tho most, M gent
flo *as as arrogart uncl
thOso whoapproaph d hirrLial, his cif
del) itinetunt os ha, was, notoriously "seiV,ii6'au'alfit‘Vairig,td, !Ifs oviricexec- :
tiffve - eh ief. ' lie evireecl,frOri,filli'viy.
l'ett tra s h ce. into 6 fEee.a:ri utter disrega'r
I drtill'ean'fiiiitional'ab!i4atia'r.;an;
Lill 'fhb ezar . oia of the fitahorityiclia - ii
-irlitfid Iblhiin ;he( p'rol=dd hiniii'eirtd be
tlie niiiik beitrOass aiiil' raffi Citify 't..f. 1 7
i'tin f * ll 9iii'lei.r.fet'ia * ViP in the pc'Si ,
`seamen' 9 r offteialtotOit:': Theifeh'ta
;bad: al . sc+ay - 1-' Ilea n 'a ti ardeh'i,'St a ee- ,
right' rtra .
' - " " h iii : pr`tifesiori'''up t 6 th e
breaking (Mt of 'the war, it ..,tAt,
30: tgo4
_came evident that he had n'ftr s
c e rllF ehe - r,TS:hed 'ill; . tirrialrest: "regard
for 60 , iiririaiplei iinliodieo itl the
. 4 1 eir kifirovitri State i rights- ereedia,Ml be:
,fiabitu'all: :trampled under foot',
y,CAtlicipt. a . Nash _ upon liis; tiv i ld and
at2'ri4llk,ua• visaga.,'-tal , Atie: aueiolitly..
Tedogtrized muniments' of State4sovz:l
eteli,pi y , --. 1 ... '
,;. , . , 1 . L.- ;
.9PaNR4I.:ILIND.NAN ONE PP ri , i'v.fs4ETs
:•1 . . .
--- Greirfefil"ilihdmiin '• of 'Arlttits,
'when .a.:yery y9,ur , g,*aa;,had'ip :t e
Stateaf - Mistssippi been a-most noisy
andlthisellf/prileni§MY.?eato ',of; iteffer. /
son Davis And secession, at• 141' time
propeandeT—hati` after wa hi: '. gtM e 4,0
1 Ar.kpipia, whprillao - hart levlLfol' ni aAy
1 Yeti - rij tilveiy.Xiirbillefil Ana - didttiiiit4-
,bio;io ,i
,;bAt . 4."kirt!`fs',ist.'ilo,y,;746ll-
iii 4 l'iititt , sent, der. a,,:tear 4 r l -4'o . i,V, 4,4
tfie , .FederALVontoess—irvihan eta:war
tiak4 oat,- *aafalltidec, t.iitiiiediktely,
• k: N •hi:`'sv. - tiritly - .s4 ll t#y,:e s dnitPiioEtilijitl:
gm. r rAgniP'Arri9tpd• lip oli ,o
rti?Ai. 0
general o lte_,Ny l as Eigrit:.l,4l th. 04440411
his rliiiidottolthe purpose itlf had-
iti - eiiiti;_leki,or nt position the'ro.- 1
l a
finis mlta!lisilil ' own formal report to ,
i4e.,iatdifinaritrient evitlencml,firding, , ,
aft, ht . , said, com
that the very. prehen4
. .. i
'° " 14''''.. . .' C . - -.-"•
' i -- ' ' '''
- ,,, , P;1:it:,......„,,,,„,,-.1.1.,,.,,ii,.....- H 4 , 01
•Irr,rbik.).;'l ,_;01 , i , ,
,-„f -i 4• . ; ,... ; ,, r , 1„i . ~ .. e.r.i.;t:ls II t -.,,,f
, i .
li-::, , o,r; a ?hi) Mitt
5 Cr. ,'..r.31.1i . ; xq , 4 v •
,), I, i 0 . .' . c. - Tr. fi I;",yti, ... It• 1 ,1
~ zrt *rt 0..) ' I c.,tis c - , fvoi• , itib If 'li 71 '
iri . J r i
•-i ;):11 (I , l t f.p . l' o :'',' ( •e's • ~ -.1 . : J. .
~., _ .., -,_, " •• 1
—• .1.i,„ ; -•,. ) „L! , ./...iiati g 3 st .31 41 441i - Ebti.:24l:4; Ill* •Itti .-Ti.r,t t l 't
11 , -
- 41.0 .
i 7 ...7."......'"- 7, - ----7
. 14 ,
~14, ....
tdi:e i ,44 i
, J... ",.. ,
.. ,...., ..i..) ,, :).1 6 3411 ,..1 4..... ,. .i"....) ,
.77 nitat,t l `,.—' l, " -A - ' l 't
. Ftni : zej.4.;*
-i - ' ••"('I •- • -:•,.-/ ; • • limad i e,.anel...thls,,
r , `fir ed'uitti esignel the' tlepar f 'non t tsho: ireitkovidio,
'- ‘ , 5/ L Velti•ifib '•iJk,y tie;t'ilt . ill,,' ;Aitchali4:l,y em i g Mentretis r
man br'' 1 i .' 2 41 1 ' 616176 • 61 9 1 "rtitt 60 . of :0 0 '1 eime , lt,tte• kiiithr
l'4iflieroi.ixlt,cir.7ol:iift!-spoiliro-iii=o..ii Is. t,14: 1 ~,,
r Iftiti4 ifE lal 0 1.33,0 s 417,11e.0 04 - rikiyiA.,
1 -tifi,ft - I• .6viiii rbillAt - 6 '.4uPeila l ,!
I titi'Affit.'" i' 11 ' i''§' 'lid ''' r '' ' P•''' '' '1 •
c t
L o-T. p i op- tte in ••ea- s h e e a , w same
-'ll.l")erric,A_,'•iffidel• jt he . (Ali , cial . sanction of i'the . h e bi e 5p.... - k o. frkg° WitS . Sivqd from
. t 'of 'WO, itse!f, a grim I,lb e i ng i r 0 ,-anguished, and •an ,enii-
Itti_d . Shot..kin e ,b - eatalcigliTe 'of _ , •ever:tl ban -.I ;,,, cn t ii i i.4fior .0 nd i:onsistent. yhrtstian
4red •piisicindis then in cdrifinetnefit) &., the' world. • ;
' - - • ;1) 3 " - , •
tb'erein ni',)t d e'df 'whom %., , as char..; r 'An 'IV , st when achild, was on
, 1 .. . - ,:,1,-I r , e...V.1',
ed...with anyt ins hnt.stispeeted.po.-„ , ty. jpst,preseeved. from fir c e..L'Al nest
litie - al infidblit ..; and this, too;riot•uri the dlothent, after ho was resclied ~ t he
. cih : oath in al nf,4, - 16'instance. ' 11.4. 1) ,1'e i;roof Ibl the bowie where`.'he had,- een,
'l' could take', proper'steps to - ,.rl7 : )eut'e ',,fel I in: : Of Philip Henry a siniilarin.,
he,diSehare; f 'these tfiihriel).Y Men, star,ee'is recorded.. • l.'. .; 1
Ilhe Ser.pnd toi9pi•nsien O P the.. writ
;liberty' oc l l...uri. ci; and rpreSume that.,
or 1.1 Jol4k:Kr.os,the renow, Red r Seetch re
f6rmer',l was. alway.s iv ant tc, sl i t at the
t'siieb of ' ol 4 lll 'l 4 ' did nr'"i° in Jail re- head, of Abw. , tithle..tittlt: his ' ack 'lO
I Iti ) inef , l iliilrl- 0,9 Allt P f- Il i oliincm l- into
.the window. Op
1 tbe hands Of .fee Ftkleral forces. .qing,Lwithotit, however, being,able tc",'
one• Partica ar" - eve,,
• , TR 24 * . -I.NG.It LOA V, aecoUnt fen it, howctuld neither him.-
" ' • i, -• . [ - .60f
~lit, tn Ole thair, nor perm i t any
-,rite eeie rat' d 'l:clinger loan, the One .el.4e .to.' occupy. hiS Pittaol:Tbit•
{ Propbgitien, iule list.4ll 137 . 1 - lit:II:aun:: to very ,nl . O t 4,..bu11et. was 5 1 i1Ot in, at the
IZichnuinfi t pile ; the sinister atil . )ices' . ; Wind9WpUrppsely.t•P kill,,him.; it graz
oi', Air.% Joh ~.0 ...Slide,ll,.seenlecl. to 41-0 th , ehak in which ,lo sat' , wad mad°
1 ,
ebiP , i:leral.4 :PP'. nh-r . .,1 ,the ufouthers 1:1:h614 in 'the loot Of a eandle-sitick on.
fi • •••• . .
i)f. :the co.ufetlei t‘e: - e no ress to be a tho table. , - - 1 1 ,. •
slieeitlative . ' pl.. ' -!.:, I Set on 1 4 Afany, , ear.s have now elapse, since'
Foot :ehiefly for the benefit ef ~..I.tessrs. rihree stibalterps nalght have: be('
Olden, Benjanii i.,!;!. Co., thp ir . eiders rStraggling la 4,4 - iiwaier ofL i St.
and abetterel lit he, •United :States aftd ' :pa; one'. of ;'them; peculiarly, h.
) foreign 'eounti'l s, and . therefore Ive l Was fast stictiinhing.' IT o was
'atruggled inOSt, arne'stlitp.. defeat ,it ,lo live as.ArChur , Welit;aley;
by . everY 94 , edi n't !e l m) w a .to : 1 parl iit -,1 4 ell ing ton. The'. life of' JOhn
mean, .tacti'e '. .By *the aid of the I ton -: 14 but the hiptory of iniirVel
celebrated• ten i inutes rtile,,and•the ! liertinces: .As a'yonth he hO,
sittlnl.; with cloyil tic i Lors,i, it- ,Was eak• I_ to'abconipani , same fi . iends on
tied by 'a-soine'what ineairer thjority let a ' Man.of.war''., lie ' arrisi
plthe bo r ase. - ; -,- . , ' late; theboat in which his &ten
.1 t . , I 4 , " •1. , r
I .
one, waS 'eppSizeil earl all 4
: rORErGg
pants •cti•c;wh'ed. " ,Oti another
•sion, wh - cri,, e.ille.f;tfiV,E;yor.,u .-th
;Of f4lvel..Pbol,"'some business 'ha
fiiine'ti, fifth"; so that' he carne n,ii,
er', usutil,' to tte,g;reat'sttrpi
those who `were' . 10 ,the . habit I
i3i . ng - ;tlifi . ',utidny iating priticti
11,e 'We'niP out in ltbs !beat sts' h
foe° . to InSpeet a 'ahif),. which bli
before tie readied' her. ; I liad; h
tfin 'shore' a; few 'futjments Scion
tru"s"t bave,periihid ', With' t4b . ri
Vorvia .'.• • ' .l '.., - I
, vibe i fact %va l. ; ver ,2 well'lco l o;.vii•to,
ni' Nit . 3 r. I ,:tis; aiyl), his ,frierids'
tveed doilit , 14;111,1 .lOOkimi fOr foreiiii
iilo, Odd 'fro , i ? ..' dyurial Nuakerd,. - It
vrtis stateki Iri'lii -'hed,rin 4 repeitodly' i
' ' "1 -Le 'l'l I '
Lund . b3t severalpeetd fr rids p . Vhe
• eOrifociiito IPr'e, id'e , tif ,•thiit• bile Oun r
itie4:_l:2.thAusaint( • ieneh sOldleia - rifee6
'lN.pkietdit' td` it:rfc•ewlihin therliraies
id the onferierafe States by' the•-**
f •fglekieb;li,tdii 6 ii.•llias. - inere fban
Once t‘iinpred lii,nt . a s'ecret 'oo'irfpaei;
•yh46l,k'•tithtiri l ed - ps, fha 064feder,
- •tegidnstitiat 164,, iefth cei‘taiii. 'Polish
coinrithis.t.end i rs v:i.
, b had been laielY,on
i yjAft to Ittelipi§nd,had, Licar i effeeted,,
1 ti:,inea - ris 6t' tvti . i,ifi 3h :'Dtiyis';ietriitd
hoot: be hi l ppli
.(I; t itli "i 614.3 itliiiti
' -- thiitts - tiiid• ad i clitio ' al trdepA,
,then 1 o'fa.
1 .1
ifees filial' . Ppla'p ~ a nd qojolii;•nlngl la
te ,7 eral'Etirei,eaii . StaS,4s . ; vhiehilatter •
fore'd,*te'E`' id . ), 6 ' ro i riye,n of; bef i t%
lecied rtifife coilgiedifOnif tinifiofi
i fy,'
eirin Id .6d '766tlipt . brt,elf t. :at:t'he corn id and
'Of 64! f i rd6d'ent'`loi.' any' piikeke
1 : Pups, eck:/4
set, fire "to 11' ,
* 94 AOE44 :1
a4.t. iti,4lo
TI/PFig4 liar
d ¬ appe'
:1,11..4.i wit trso-71
.1 ) ;-,V:1
' •
lq of
1 6 : , ... )99das.1who , b0
lii?'cc"F l 'i!i..g ilNil , ne;)qt 4 lY
rfrbrO , ...9 o *an,d-lottio,
r c clink in iiEtr4rAbe,
I `, ! . , tte f!lf ; l i r! . tlea,v.Ew,polpti
bF,S). 61 9144 cli?frki R'Rl:lff 3
4 "ing-ilito:brrl 1 9 1 .1 43
fiikt i. Pv.P!PPEA, ill:. 4 1 kill4P,
."..1 - i: 1:s epr.9444i4g; i ! ip 4:
pop- • ,;' Aittr,r,...f.,414
44 ;
pa rt
U „ba r ked br.g*,,91.3
• 1
r to
1 1
.-.. Lints iftialyAft .. • - i .- ly
idea of buieiderer , -, ' '.. sotrie.t.fitie;
~..e ti c aul „H a d ;b i i e k, •; ,;,.., tithsts.ini..bis
PI, 1 . , ,
'irught•fl. , . 4 ,lnuttri i:i'l3 'triad ~ .,aftei
eritrd beitaa)entitirti l'We•!:i 9,1. 'i
l w ity onbretheits merit Or 'ace tichasiott
'1 Hang togel,hel f ; , Will -11. - 1 . iriOleinli
il.ittontletifitgtunat tro d ' "`ffifigiaver4;
Itotik•ttiient i - ....6t10 . 1424fr' ,?, des& eli
1- - Liiii s` pnt; 4110 , ',Atlkiiit . ' ..,, ~
twodtd Iheinsitiffo ‘t • Ireformaj
1'er,,L..5114..iiif ' .LOl, beer ..-uri
;, , .
ilkticiTeltotentudiiiit I •.‘i.: .: .., 1,,
Bueor. the scull i' a tnndok
- 1?4,y4 , f,lvo yinth , toi ito‘tho;-pit,
.of I 14olip -Warps* . have pee.
iabraiiiiind.hoti isr jest ,enter._
.. ink the.ryard,„ei • top ;tit . his
,heiid , dnd-deliv; ,I;,:, ; ,
~: ;Wh v
2. en (Aer 01 ", ttas . ,l3.n in -.
..1 . 1 , 1
i funt. a p l ionaey An. lin. froth, his
Imi•tile;.,,.lFsped. , iiitithi- :through ay .
,k i iiiai, mieilow l ;.,atie .ilozig • ;the'
leikla ;of tikb• - • house.utatost: a -t,
; lit2 4 driv'es expited: ia"intritstos,'
, i ,
aiiil vurioutkvAre , lees used. to
iTesofie .16es:child. rt gliardiatt.
I - shitp:of.' , .hisT' Jiro toeirie.--
didtlorteie 1.0 nacsulio would-he
~. • i
, rt3sL %era had lost 'r.o, and' leen,'
In . i l tiespair ufl:overi• the: baby
-altye apiii.. when thi ;.'ey quietly
I-retraced his steps , .. ,posited.,lte
litiOlon safely pa:thi, 'On a stib--
seifient eeensidn tile 'hail - well.:
1 e igh quen died Ails ..nbitioe.
'lie; felt ,intoairli3etil le.4fown
ing..irt,. whit:h.:4u, ,n itturied
t.Jokation,Litypl , thp..• ,rittnent- of
his l'eaCtle::•l'° ~ I s . ~: i*fl '.
, a .
A t.; the iieige!of- '
;soldier,: atitrat Set
ire of Ug4?,
cval;4ril7inloilttfoi a!,3 , : ;Ope l
-of- bas errraderdlo7 x.xious 16.
itakt Ails - ,plactfri- ,ion ,' mat-
recent trip .;
91' ; ope i•
nom river packets--Might, .dr4ft, 1 ,904--
the passengers sv-re startled 'by
cry .-;a.-" mom i; . ?. 1 / 1 0 kkard 417.4 i
4: 0
_ ail 11,re 8 Pti9 1—
tame matte to T eavei,4uo. Wlien Lu.l,tore.
• • - ,• 4
"us- , herd"t.To fteofta
1 IL virllr
Along, • •
• •: •
A r tylook over
ing the eitaloAtte
, . , , .
Of', ' - 'profiirlitional'Ontenien:of the' bar,
with•hitepenett wrot;e , againet th : j nettle
ofirone 'id" ttie!i haat : ling' order; "II 'a M
ft en aineeed., of Itioesepeing-talent ."
Anotherlibeing li,linimediately: rfor f
under :-_" Has lleeti tried and a quit
1... Z fr Yr lT.4#F4t-P rXe ...R. •
* ~ F4 06 °4: 11441kY.P4:-.01411°.5;,0ti
-4°1?! 'FI IO, ,P°V; iele' 4413 1410:kg...C0r
-1.11!, norwl , ogt: ',with Afi itnagi. 1 .4t*
-inAGeehd 6 Al§ 'MHO ,f i l l`M- 1 0 g t *P n t , '
tbil biggir. - ife gro;elole.,liettar *fti like,
'eth." `
I: -: • • i
-. .
• "
Orr; .:irt•ffoia.:l; :qv n-•
• -Joii ?, I, C. LI : ITYZ4;`
I:n4s • - T 7i7
'R • •:11.! * ;: • 4
11 (.59 I 4.;
;a ba {.. aitz 4 :1 ~• •
4i I; #l .> T
ac 0.1 - h-y 7.41144,3 1•104.L.,_`^)%.„if;;;:),
it; It' 11i. 3 arr.•
CT f •
4‘,1 ilir&46 r : le^. f . .:3 , J 0 j .f` ' lg ra ' '.. l"'? i"'
... '-'.'1 1.1 ,' ,. ... 4 ' 1 .; ~.....r . ' . " . .6: 4 gip_
iri.Xll ll o/ 1 11QPiiilit;Z9riff .
.'1 . i, , !•:•3"all.: IStM. •Wari.3ll,FUL-J...A:1:2-v-P`m
tall 1111 ....'i.ll it lIT vii- 1t:44: - G . `,'..? flit rfP) . 1 .,,, ,. Pf 4.; :POI MO" ; ' l, ',?:`,'","/ ril-%' P.,h-TA,0".171-j
:41\, 4:ls, 1 :
4 41 1 htorwAtnif 4 1 , 44441744i30!:0 ,
.- i . .nato•FOOntlioti4,Elvery Redskin
f 711..3• 1 11.1r iT
I UM 0 P.
1,1,4 A
---..f: • ol : S 0 • ,2 • rAtet 4,o4t)l94,ll4efiChaNnii 107
One, of dint , esit br•Ogiiti, yet -recorded
nincti:the.,indianS on one >Ter thern , bor,
hiaLrelminekteri nag bat
nladc-meitrOtherennfhtenalot Quaen!li
• triveviand Fialkerpuk listr4veak.
litaheicrtiinastu4 betnmo Lac; daring
tistd 4.rou blase m, e.o • :late that , apiiiin4-.
-Itici4Lio;)•: - .hetweettr_Dgni Giett and - ;Carap
:Jrd.Yeirnit ',maw- 'inside.. ' , The,::Que . nutil
thzer :region: wa idangerots.i -.Captain
G. Ardlinradi deteruu tied. on:a •natd 4 a !
iiptiatit: - thirNuttranderlr. e k AU •Oefiftra.4
tinanirtatlik%thitt spiirthand:stikottit4ont
0011 - Githicopthelm;ternire i g;chei tint) atb• •
finii*--for '!:Znantit is jiver.. Abe scri m
larenmanitonatitOici t fiftyrsizttiqrsons.
4/I.etilnttriturdi ffer i pg • ifr nth
44 , e antlFa Actigt.marph ;of :three
dny!t y ttuiyitat-lehgth .arriiicd upon the-
Itidthns, nand . ..,intinediately ;:the ; fight
:begarrin' : Theo Indians; hurl
:nct , iantage et the Ig `d'he
gli t over Wan along Iwo , tniles
•sguarei! , and a-fargeopo peon :of it was
: - ve ,in dolt eat ep , ari4l ightliestlridTa•
- and borer also-a; grMt rinimity
-hf Spardsh3.brnotni. , Thakr.dians
net. liave selectetLn fieid•bettne •adapt
;tri, their Style - of, Warfare;
. d i9oot ere& : Lae _Agree
.dashing , f:dawn
-theta mil e.tiont,' a • rail& dtstant;,:and,
thary•theyideuldbrAistinetly Seen pre
paring .:for. bh t tte4-divici ing tin to
-squads of taut with-six, and selecting
their;plaies for bat•whereit Weald
ibernost difficult t 6 nnintehvre eavairy
~. Earch warrior had from fifty tofsevetr-:
ty-five poisoned arrows, , eaeh
squad front• two b i nadred and: fifty to
Akre() hundred and :fifty . ibots.
nintnent before tlinbat t tlo cOrninceeed.
°Wing to the .eitreme, cold , • .denso
-cloud,-of frost •ente manned 'flying•sh
thick rttiat.. , hcireernita enald-.trot; be
distinctly seen river a hundred. yards.
This gave chef Indians a great 'ad-.
vantage, as it- compelled the fOlgierS
to Elgin at. , siwrt:':ranaii, 135 ,, .thit the
bow and. arrow . oi-smirk %e :used, spcl s .4
-also .tnereased the einturesA)f eseate
-frir the Indians.., giid the, froat
.rnaneed flying earlier, no,doubt I
of thorn would ..0-bave . escaped.: Tha
,plan oflattle *as "stkett' that th e. rt gh t
anti:Jett-. coltichrielilank ed the •IndianE;
and 1.-boon, karrottniled: thew. They,
iongtit 4dtaperialOn,=. 114,
Itantle warribra
!: arrows: be t ee
J. =; .The
charged with 4.1 s much bravery as tiny
soldiers in-the-world. The exciteinent
was .inte,bse:, Soldiers, citizers • And
the 'savages - cht, ging - 46c1 yelling,
ehch straining all ibis -powers to
litroy tbe other,tlM ringing.war
hoop, the rapid firing 61 'eighty ,dits
eiplinell inen,the thunder of wcavalryi
charge,. altogethr created a scene
that.bpggars cidseriptiOn.
The' battle continued" in full forCe,
for .two and a half hOurs, Whew the
conflict was rod ueed, to pin ts,at which
several warriors had . - selected deep,
elkort gulltes,•und were making - what
thby knoW Co be their last, fight. •
* *• • *
The battle; •with the exception •of a
_few straggfng she.s, was 'ocrer: The
Indianp 1.441 'fought' with a - heroism
tut' astonished every- one. who :had
witnessed it. They made no offer to
surrenfier; ' tfound but Yells
of deli:4ll9c, and continued to fire their
poisoned, arrows wail they, were .so
weak. that they coald,,throw them bat
a few Teot; - and some of themdying
would shoot an arrow straight uplift()
the air, in tho •hope.that-the deadly
- missile, Would full .on the hated ',and
victorious foe., . . t
'n seen
uke o
Us de
At the
.cioffe of !the battlerthirtp
five dead Indians lay on the field with
their bows , and quivers - still clutched
iir thou' hands. All -of" .them we r e
large:powerful men—a picked coeva
ny of ,braves prepared for - battle. Bat
-five quaws •meni, 4n the band, and
they. were,acting the•capacity . 'a
pack. train.. ~ Two• Of them:were
in - bittlelbyAnistake .the other. three .
were'furnished, with ' some proelirniii,
and leficuarnolested.-,. •
-.t•Sceirting paitieS ;made entire
circuit of the;field, and, foand,.. that
livinglivingthing-had escaped us thelinow
was ?hive inches . deep, , and-tbere were
nolracks leading from the. otonpw, . 1 1
Union I side :seirew! were
•woundedi • 1 Ftc t`
The (Indian curial* iiereali.destroy
ed,ithe-Wopnded 'all - eared aud:tHe
eonimand.. marched fort Fish mieek,
w here ilvater; cionkl-, be - obtained, and
ciitape4i the:.-train . having-%arrived
there 'before them. .1 • n.f
d ido
8 tt4d
'n • •
, • „ •
• A eEttTAIN ddaeon ethg tiedukteitied
. inorek aileit, in elittreh'; 416 ,
reodivd'- the' following politer nose:
"Deaton is reqiiested - not. tt
, tOinitiesed• sh4iing 46.4tioniti4 unlit
the sermon is begun,
,a.q soineirierSocii
hei . giihoihoOd'ot 'kis port would
like to'hesgwthe't*P!
dark4:ll , ,hnval sen' jaiyl
Toennitrying`twei wirei lekendes hunt
self 'hy snying'that When' 'he hltdiene
, ehe feught him; taut - when he h's4ll;ro
' A 3tiNnialick"tiddieteir inoring .
reniiiikeC ktle
ritornibg 4- I that li i .hind
.!) slept like atop. ,
"I l ow
- 2
7, 'Y
Odinnel Hefei Tkat
.139rehe,:ti , i4O'iii
~ 1 .1 .- - , s:-.1--..1,. l ; - i.r. ‘ 1 7 .. 1 -
liti,tll4: , 9r ,I. l3 iitesp r oolsl . . tnentory A!
has ifitientlifine r tis aiiiltollie,relrlGiYA'
! -- .7 If I .i+ 1 1. .
ern.l.Stiititr AO! g the
~viii,l 114 tl?e
41 O1Wwliiki`stairyi'lii4:.b1;inil itt illa
.4. ~, , . ~,,,.. 4 Lt. .i‘ . '
'p W CI , e,xpensenisprobithlytrdni . . ,
~ ,
.' `o6.3ii 'or iniy'ti t tilet.', - obleers, b'n, as
J---ivishltar ' ltifoilitaa - , - iiiEr.the olorm.
tvo vintinierit.thitt i b treeted :its .earattpa
Irdtu 4.Llarper'e; Eerrfrvitpd.itaritekett
,ff clittvttion„ by IllaLgaltantt.y, and tke
'exeelreat diliOopitio, s.liiHnta,iia of
. )48.
.7,1.6;10'1 ` - T . ' .3air'' lii hi ':4(tati '.gaf 9 ,ll)tn g
''very,--, , etii ,. i]J''cii.. ~ iv.' hands° la ki , :g;ray
-bovinity:deftly.. dieedierini our weak,
'itOutlity a!td: p:Oilink( An 0 - .. iii§ii i iKting ,
• I FTRA*rdiP47. ')
Af4er. ii4F.ifp - ;Jl,ft
-hint.- undislatbed-: r i tir . . mime. ttate; '
a t c liboWe le 'tii'dtega.4oAo"tiliVitt'ktl i tV
tithliWeedlltaitivo:l4lktiatA - i•otip-.
le ;ol)46.3rf:ihiaTitrymerii_ vithO. had" been'
mig.o oak P.'-orsti Lgs.A l4 ,43l4gl.!liiPtV•
F f il%?l,4g 3 :l_ B ;. t. h ( l.°o ll §Pi9°lP POO'
Of .put nes 'aii?aily,fttiwzir'd'l.lth.-t
lIId ti riegiii vikV . it i tlii n ' riqtinri ii bib 'dig . -
' tkitien,l,k ordered Thylatiarititioniirk - to
lire,. 4:Abe:daring . polunblAqoe: 'Was',
ittorinig i nkipig Ai.a..R.,4, segtisi-yrigyi
opt..t.dvip,,,, wadi rapt I. i!.ttlig ti!a.t4it-4]
' fe,atit.thi" - MIO I - 86661' 'bullies, had
•kikl‘dzr gait° I, clii i 4 to' hiii,•he kind--
dentrhalSedvhiith tlirolag- at oupdi'ad
rance4,l4 few • nOl4l And Amide]; lAA a
.*d p lte. ,t1?A ? pie r 4t, g 414 ,, e f ,if i
niitiiea' . r)ori6iEol€:` Then eallingput to
bicii- lor‘hig "ifivth 'foliiiid - Ilan 'lsi: ear.,
titoti; hei raised tholWedraiii i td6 k..a,4-
liberate_ Ai at. a b..tite . ancl:aeit Vidal' bttil
abplosie,to ni;y:heaill.x4at I thoOght.4
lied caitied ,away Ai lock - 91 : , Lai- . holy.
1* tuffqed 'irlin Ino%ll.'On ray,
.011, and
whelllit,T . 'rouria . qTROtlk; both cif tia
rode ,bask to odr respeetlinilides:
:-. -• •.' . The Cattle • Wig ue. ,
The-4 Qemruittou on. Vpranrieroo,,of
theßouse:. .f. . 1 11epr!sseritativesi- ,liiacti
•i - -, 1 -
I renorted,a bill;:: yr hill* bits-.passed the
1. House;; amending :the:bill:prohibiting
theimportittion of , ,eattle i -"Jay. giving
,the Seciretary: OC.theArcasury , power
f to -sus:peud ~its..; operations '..lq.egoes
I.whire4it,..will. Innt:Attud,l9,,int4oduee
e diseasei among, eattle.. Pee
President also autheArnetl:.him . : to. cw t .,.
dare, the Act inopera tive his
Pict one II t 'a es u r e d . th e'iinifkbrtation• of
oattin , nett-, to be inxiitotts.-\l'anisW
. Ilion t '6' also provtdetWer'eirents,ar
..gaieso this i,htiv.."- :Pm: Secretary - of
theareasury bas:deeVl ~in response
...t0,.. an i! appiicatio,,.f.# l lt
. - . 0
no fierril
pecitnit],ear, tie,gziokr4 uilykKiri!' 3. 6 a
fili-I*C; Oi.A.;l4#°-I!AtV,-0:'14
OPTilk,'Cr.. 9, 4::#.4 l oeLlgt,r-fift Must ',lid produtte : itt :t '
male that have died - from the e
of the Ottle.sedurge. . 1 •
' This, all seems very well. ,
, we 'arei .. iinpressed, that-gentlemen at 1
I W,amhineon do ttot appreciate the ins-1
:fnittince ,and. the, immensitT ;cif ; gel
thiiigerl l that threatens us... The cattle i
plague is "
ono.. !of the most dreadful
'scourges:that ever desolated the earth.
i It is malignant and litfeetieus, almost
:J;)e,yoridlbellef.. A single diseases! ':bal- .
lock, orlihide, imported 'front' En g laun
now, might kindle ilib- flames
.. of the
plague in nttr eattile,.ood sweep them,
'away . .y the million, intlictitig . upon.
the nation a, calarnitY only
.infertor. te
that Of, •ii„ - :war. • The only. thoreeghl
,is in,Jforhi4ding absolutely •
,;importation, of . Cattle, or hides .
F 1 '9lll urope, until : the plague passes I.
a Way. it ii'mielesS to adopt anysafe....l
guards. ;Unless 'they .lare:so icomPlete .F.
as to he )nintistakabla by any. blunder-'
ing otHeials. - There is only„ folly. in
exclusiveness in this ,matter, UnlesS
* - .'..cut - Off the chances of. infection.
A bet
' 4
Tb:e Fruits of Liberty. .--
1 - '
, t • - '
'ln his speech on. Saturday. nigh t ,
Gimerai !toward reportetC,that 4,e, bad
official nOtice of seventy thottsand i ne
-1 gro chitilren attending., school id the
Southern States, land .he kne.wi of
'many self-supporting schools beside.
Ho mentioned six colored schools One
I town, Tallahalaiee; ini Lynchburg he
i found aswo!' taught by a Coloredlinan.
1 The Fredmen's Bureau bad secured
I school - -,privileges in ,the labor .Con'..
I,tracts,-1 elided. ,' The :Macon Jour.
I nal reports_ that more than four. theus
.colored people, of( both- sexes !and
alringes, are attending schools..ia -s',hat
(~ty .. .. ~- v,
at hole -riments :of •eolered
_people ' have ; learned ; to , rea„d," said
Goneral- Award, "and -.1-•should Ina surprised. to beat 1 that'-on ec j .,ery .
;at: • the Soutb, , some of [the
people knowyto read:l :. I
Six years age, men were hanged and
_women imprisafied for color : ,
ad children to read; ' . Six years hence
p great part :of these veiy:eoloyed
pgo . plo will , ,ba, ,in.,the.exercise of, th.e .
j ektctive franehise„, with the voluntary
c4Usen t Of. the- communitiesid which
iit, s ‘.and as the natliral t:esult: of
tbeiritelligence,enterpriee,und good'
hdemitt4t.- 2 -N..y -Post ' -1, ---, • '• •
: • ---..- , .z I .
...1)ili , tearniug wilt • mak& you ac,*
eeplable,l9 the. leitineil;, but it Is only
an easy and obliging '4ebayior and en.
tertainin* .conyersation that Will
make you , greeable in all companies.
A Itbumisiii; four' Yetirtis Ohl !:Itifog
Oka& This ,parents ' if' ho
3iayors oight ddririg "fhiiii - aUsonce
`from tiorio"
ed 41.fiubdrear-
,A roirrafAN hkring learned frourhis
proloos bleatit "but
of 'placo;'t .mebting - a brtithor footman
irholuid Jess he'exclafni
ed; are' sorry:for you; you
-dialit.propos." ' I, • 'l
i 0
I 1
1 l'- -j ,
. 4: L e'J i.
o:''3''l.:A - i t( , :!°; t-!:!',),
1.• • .
• 'CC(
!.1 - '''-'llrooligloWrti.t*.
~,. • .-,,-• - --. I
r..4.71rt a ik"1 1
........... , • • „ ~
1 11 V415ML,41111310.5 2 .99 ital
'PP larial ii t .
_ I
6 0 leent*A:l4l ... ..faikosirtoiulik te yearly
w iT e iisum•. l 4 l 4 22 ll;ag - virertlonients: i l
IA 9,of.iiikatlitiOliiiigaiii4f it& typi
‘ , ir r ',
U ~>fr
._•,-, ./.....
:13PICK nei c i l ,2 # 4l P, l "k"diti" t ° "It
%M. iTa . fi l s
t% 04 4r) I l itMVl4ll4
lidarrolMl.ll9l4 PA S AkisilkOW 01 ,ffit TOlitiOr•L
and:Other IN.LlAiliiitk
r ---- - -- - --, or- `-.P,° >
~.; 11 fr, -, Ivnzir s tAof4lVP#Rtivi" ' '
.„,----.-*-: ~,
'4l#l"Zioke, -4 t.tal . Oita 'Basal*
Vis • iTiiiife itiptiiiie6- Ilimatiol9 l 46'(ThAb
et P , °mkt, itclitcli.:4l4 l ,4
. 11 4 4 *,,,irAJORY*
C 44.9 16 'fi'egF 04 0 . P. 11,l iitT9*OrtF I rl f i
urreadbw - uiont,..of Leonel', wino mi l '
make-the wb - Mb i tiiiti c attihrfiltilif tn 9556„
000,' on d'onditiiin 'lbitij,l. th4lKettolt
'Anti be.ttankifistriitt..tixiblite.plaelltnE"..-:11 ,
'' Matti an eiieeetvo — r l tiviient4P - " s 'ret4l4" : : .1 .
6 :l l, reve.ilis'inl-. - Idearlye.4l l 4biaSeirel t
di4 g1ii5P41 )211 .9 1 3441P1V:4 • illtAilkilliti'
.tii.ibilf,,,opp b.untlret %. a . ea-lt -.
s:(4snii baViVbeep, iiiiid4lo tl4, Et ,6116 T-;-=
`''er 7- iiiiribb'"Ovei'lliniti'•fitinda. ' i l ib t- '.,
, :tiviTls 4- 11vbvtd - iPcimidintkrebsiOli4
4, /
IA lig Or IWO kr W /hal W19241(11PC44141101
i i hal . -- iti r ii " if' l rlre
, I ) ” let;iig. eg on .._ me , •e • . 0 -
ty‘sitvr-ew nteiOvere,,tais beim Iret titf:
ty (mg auized. ' ixt:olievr:l o 44e.rf f ir<Aige•Y
.04L P t ufg bm eall i no.•)tlYc'en 14, ?"r9 t h'lP‘tf
nail kneettnig:hbUse or ,024'.) 00: j e
Ciirigregittioniti" - rnmitils . 34:46figit.t4
urliiiilirribeitkilitk''T -. I ;I: , •••* , fs os
.. ' • -.; -•.,..,, I:
~k 4 ,^ -, -4i ...."-- -,,,,- ;, - =•,0..
' - it is, taper te'd h
,:t. 9aue9y,, }t: _
l'iiiidtin etniChlfo,l ,ilif'tfiatt . ` it" Vey?
is/i i
"-Ocingregatiolfki! 'ilinieli:' edit! eteoil:k
:Gebrkethwtr i i-bjBs.:, , tv seennibtodittu
Abosewize.iarAppposbil4n,tht 9 uwi4j
vi ni ty i ntri/tfil, there, by_ : 1 1'tev . . p4§ -
.piNe h er. ?'. - ' : - " '. '
-. '.2 .. , i
„. - ”. ,1 - ~ , t .. . • . : '' r„' -P - 71. -
~.i. pro4'9,et. is .. on, leek- to estapast A
"Illiptik Irdmi,' in rbtra.fiipti,;,,, , b To
- Bapti'io, ifivnisw r if miti'kviiiciw.-aiiid'Hiad.
furrasVonsiiiteo,' in'ernbre, rifi t •Bupol
tehure , hesiengr i ally, may, tintiq.u. ) lakkiiel
w . ett • oyprtiriten ,withi,pnverf'y t ,agb,l
an. 'sjek,ness.l
...Tor nik 4 f 11 : 4,fiv e 7411 Peq 8 SiVaY,irSuge
.litiiraylan 31 isiienarkShifi has
,a'n 0 til voyage front hurnpe - to 'We
- shores of Greenland - mid Is'abradchc%- .
Thu. ...e, t. .. • -.-, ~.... tr"
4 Rev. Tor! .I'. 'VV":,Cti.rniiiinki; t* :
ter of 'Bt. Ste v en's' Cutholie l OhilFtli,
'Now ;York • eky,'whoi„citeti'reoentlit,
WEK PivbablY 4 1 fi' iiko•lt accollaPAshl4;
le: iped au4 suceessful, minister, of ,the
'.florean ii ,Ctifireh tn.' tbat elfy.
The Flee P:egbyleriaas, ebUrelf_at -
-Srew dastle, .Va Rev[A B. Ilt:uafoiii;
'ltc ,- D.; pastp.ti ...l t v ,': t heir''it.4itin, ii 'i411:14.,
ina - airriously r • ' ect...inw tlit ; s 'Pre& .
by ter-Y ,',(N,ew.`• s‘liout,Pres,b'y teria4y.inf
Pittsbur‘ , 1' - ~. '. • -- 7 , ~./ 1 -
...-• - The Larayetio 'street N. 13- Petisb - ym
terian vnurch 31.` 14 uffitio, NoW , Tveici 1 -
-ktf's recoiril4Y,9x e94e4 It- 1 - 4 iCti . .ln.'4, i i9
_reseaiim, and 1. provir4 ibe,galterres J.
ii , f 'their neW'h Otli . Cf, Wdeliiitl e aj,t itil4i
y'etAlie ,4tiiii`tirt,iunable:`to":iiaiitiiiiqi
464k.sivrigaig u,rld4.z-44veilre,itreaPi.41_
. trii,,,reikte4,l ati .inesletartk.Wata f jai i t
- .;,..- - ,--, c -- isawaso-
.4.411.?nj........3:. ' .....4ps.'f,--;-•,-... - •
It6llSE3' FEE; AND;LEq.—JrT were •
askekto-acciiuilt for is - -lOFsi3s 7 ie•Ps!.
and Ireet, - "her!) , I;in heater order 'fli.iw
. , . , -
'those*6.r „.. ray , ni l ittlibiir::: 'I .
kh(ii - ild ' 4,'.
tribule it ti:i tOo• •leur f leviin;- , cie-1
cumsto,fi ß es: ! - i... , •- .
~ ;•
- :- , ,•.- .. -•-; , . =.:!,,,, ~, ii.,,,, .
, First; they iiiie nil Fkod w.t.ii,a•fefi -
nails, so plaetid !in t,Jie'shose . ati l t° 'Pec l t T i r
mit - thin • feet - 0 :c•ipartri ererV, iiiiielti
moves;serad,•l that 'they-all' lire 'itil
boxes. instead •o ; stalls', .anclican move!
.4 .
*heaercr theyt - ple,nse; ;',, third-, they.t•
spec d' two . hour. dilly. in, valking_ex•p - i
ercfsti when they aeo• not at Work; midi -
fotirth,• that I h4re".riifit 'a- I headitalriirl
:.track F E ; Chain in . Inly stall: . ; !ffieso•:lop t 1
.0401)01:m0A thk,wiiole . l .
mystery of keei ) ing . hor4g , !. - 4.g, 44 1 9,1
.and their feet - 14 f sound 'working con-,
di t inn lup to old tgefL:-:j•fl,irgi.r • ' ' • .- I,
; .. ~-•:',- •,. ,- •••.::::••:::-.::....i - - •, :
ABOO ' Jii1i.,9.1: . -- EXpqrl9 P.C9 has do.
s i
tern - lined!
. .thnt . to thirty I.
feet .apart,'; ibr eDirilifidtfor . elnyek'FioilS.
and th l irtyw,five' te fatty: for liklit, and.. l
( porous' „atesoll,i l proper : distunnes Icl.
I aceoroplishing speedy
.: and „ effeetual i
• drainni•e. TLree feet' isi the most 1
econcimteal • "depth:- When'.'draining •
1 waii first: introduced • iiito:.:;soriiii'Verts
.of Brit:ain;_t he dfrainii• wore made,:ono I
and a half ori*cfeel deepi sn,d-43iklt.
teen. 'feat * apert.l . ,. After, thous.
arid miles. mere ,"laid, they',beehine 'iltic.• ,
fectirell: -They 'Were'lhen . .inede-Atiotit .1
three.lfect deepi-a'cd..twiee aslar•apart. i
This•fxigt - less, and was more • offeitiot .
A glair
depth; r , 04. clist4nce - wes - „a:•
g l ainleitiid u.nferbi . ahli:--,-:.. ‘ frinOTAeg.- I
isteK ' I, •` ! I !- --•• ' I " -'.' --.- '' • , I
.. •
, i, „i•-• , , • : i
`-' liritcs IN 1193 . 544:-;:l. si rtgt.iti ;
ot carrots pci• - ds il'•thc'hestjprei'en* '
t Lye, -of lleaves.i ci• herSeiii 4 : (edtie6'• the,
' gaup tity ef:grain: one ,thirizi -andsubsti.
kale_ Atas- i'vr.iv.s.!.ia.,..tits,place,;nini•yoar
horses .will enjoy
filic - iptrits:'lObselludesyaini fife Ibbil-
Ity to perform - .I ifir.Work.Eiiltitifge:
. rics.E9F..-4t: Appiiirs by the„n--
ceediegs at ii 'late ineetingint -ari,itgri
caltnralt'speiety, lie •Piiiiice;;thiit!ctii
taro learned:, cnitivittott . v't.liereitharo :
met, witn:gri:iat .Success; in ,: tbeiittildi lof
coni`,,tararid•iiherle „aieid.l4.po4,4iPg
plants . 4fid vegetables frominSlNV!,---.
•Three - •per of ;cent ilia' 'tar' inix'ett
with ••;earth i 'and placed about fr,rape
at j
vinds;, had4;Ca il ; , apandant -.: crops,,
.wheilWiihOuit it,t i lre fruit-WasTberfanw
ly,destrOyeti.,:, 1.. :::, •• • -`•
VAlCaltrA•iiN a GA Trti .—t L'i 4 iffirrt
in Enghind '.ttnitl one ilaiiinieil;ttritli i
i rs
ti7eilik.sevili .. .en ;bn4 . cr.iirely 'es- s ii,
,itiVeti bits tw'tfo 6tiql . e. fri,altiS,ty,bire
"tboid"of his neig bois' linire . peon p,a,k-,-+-
i s b, i bt , si m ply :by :vaCcinti ting: t ItCni as i
childree-fitdcitierg 16r e tnnll 0,01: .
..-Ifyr 'sin b.l,li)g , And )tehelteitng ti,oet• 1
stock threngit thil*lnterf-, 4, sating; of
nip = the foi:iid . nip ,- lie L affected;',
that, i; , c . one-fourtb 'le ' % feed' will ' an 1
sweellaty when , : t ee a,' k. - is cm:rased 1
io the in clenie - ncy'i of t evs eatiier :- .. '
. 7 I r