The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 24, 1866, Image 4
I I , . r IEM o I -- 4 . t . 1 'i • k c API' A.BII7.47IdFORTNIII : Amp. i 'MN, Mat AND TRNAT.; -r Jr • , , Ll' g,.211 . i'a : rr , ! till IT lE,lii 0 • 1 .-, .41$ !, 4 m ;. z • .11 •ER , . I 4 1 . - ..A.11. COVitter , r vo4-o i na .Chronio - Miaow:ls. -.EXCLIISVFELY 'IVOR PEMALES. 1 : . lIIS Inltittition is now opn fOr th;-re-oep cusition,4os.upro#,,tiluiendts t w rea ho ttli ar tittoc u t li zhe ticnundepender inents/V•deraisgement ; or other, nervous and dbronll - 6411111 .71rrpatturlir hupstionlf nerribe aid WilnifiloAdhe ItrotaJthe fait - Viet neve/134410 of 'the female Talents that are our pnblic, Asylijms, to. be treated, for !diisordered =intik art reduced to, that lamentsb e condition through previous physical disti;dor„ m Ult,,s3elk tizniiii and judi mons treatm ee dis eases,. all physical disorders ; in ,the majority *Of cases may be retnoled ;and thua the mind, i having suffered through the methof the ri body mill len free from 'the exciting physical cans t4 ' , throw--off the she kles tbs... _ "has bound it Ito worse than midnight darkness, and reason will, once more, resum its sway, clothed in itt its primitivabeautiVand wonted excellence. .Iclence tits nece,fisity of allthose, , wlip are hiluirinetilider ztliir- prid4ptibtg* iir ettifith Vaaeti," calculated in the end to im pair the mind to resort ' to an 'party and judicious couraiiferefieditat !ngiontal sags e,.. . 4 11 tel flistitiiten is a large brick building with a stone basement—four. ,storiehigh and well ventilated: :elt:is situated "on: Ways4ed tahlsuiand IMO commands 'ra vie ' of entire town---adjacent bills--grovea and n ighboring streams; I,cif . which,are calculated to prod dinalfgATlrit ekmpressions'upon the dii`Orderl: ed mind. { I 1 1 -1212§titntiefi . itecomplete in allot' its ap pots ' e it.' `klavipg been tastefully fitted up at greet expense: in order that. ' ay., meet the approbation and views of t Bres t fastitli- . ` ens. 1 .- 1 _ - I . I The water, Closet; and ,ba ing apparatus lime, A RT f ,p,th A, u p tip.oi,the moat approved modern scietifilicprinciple4. ' Tills' d iinrtment embraces not' my the ordinary laths but, adsp, the mediated, warm air and scending d r 11j4ctindin ':douche fat the and effeetnal j) and .success treatment of cutaneous and otter &Teti/lons - diseases. 1 -' • . I. - ' f We beg letvoo say to all those who may be disposed , to, commit _the interests a:tf a' dear wife, sister 'er.daughter, to our charge4n}ay bitassnreji..ih, i. no, means spared' or efforts want n ;rn our Tart, to ameliorate then condition onto effect s restoration to their ao wtoAed heal and vigor of +mind. . . i ! ti FOr thriller 'articular)/ send fora circuli'r: los : ohoniti-be'addrfis§pd to. All comniiiiiie* E. KENDRICK, M. D. Nent`Briglitcin Retres4 ; • • . -Nen 'Brighton :-; • " : , Beiter • ctupt4'p LOSSES AID IN 46 YEARS .l` 'r I : OVER - :U . $ 171, )0(); 00 O. ,6.0 r INSURANCE: COMPANY I toRTFORD, (.`i. 1 ! I _ 'II;ET4BSETS, SAN., 1865, , 64 , -2 : - ::› ls . 1 ._.' _ = 3 '. 67 - r 3'6 2 :i 1 9 - : 9 : j ' 1_ 1 1 . N FIRE .1.;•D Ik.IAN.I)I‘ • \ !Nlq 8.A." j: EL t s. .'• 2 6r Agolici!s in all the 'prineipa Cities` • sad Towns in the United Ilt4est • Appligal.kmator ilkci;witee '7:i_11.23•4 promptly fattejtdelyr k tfiji:—il j l 1 - _ UtIAS . WILE. 'Agent:, dec6'6s4hoi .New Brighton, lEEE Allails.T 'SRATOR'S ETTERS of administration on the es .J tate of Tnog. - Cthisl:loll l AM, late of bozo': of Beaver, f:1 etiver co.dg_ed:, htixin g teen gyant ed to thefundrsigned, all persons indebted to said estate'-"are requestedi to 'make; immediate ppyment l andithose having claims against the estate le,ill - ;,, present them to the! subscriber progertytitOcnlicated forAeitlemetk. 44 .1 :".-; • aostrMtt-wIL ird novmspio • 4 .. 1 Admi4istrator. • tv, EXE. UTOR'S- NOTICE. • yHEßßAßletteri fds'Ettea' entary been !granted to the underg,i gned,im the stater of Jauss Fratousos, late of Pulaskitp., , Beaver county, Pa, • deceased, all: persons' knowing tmselves indebted tor said estate are requested to mate-piyment immediately and. ba y ing ing claims against the same will present tlititel to the subscriber duly authenti sated for int lenieut. --- - :ti.,, TBW-ABlillOOPS' , tiete JAS: C VE1211(1813M, ....4.I3II4.IISTRATOR'S.NOTICE. ;iii t il . . , llK ii , , ;. 1; . Bvietiere ol..adniininirLign. an .. . 44, est ate of,Apintc.H . oon,;,* late .of eeße2.. - .l,ortaittp, .. /leaver granted, :,1. ennao deceased, }living Italy grinted to the uri-- '.,:. deisigned 4 ;) all persons indebted to said' estate 1. , sre notified% 0 !sake in - mediate payment, and 'those haying claims' against' the same will pre i,, assetahecalroperir autfientiested. for sett s * I mentwithontdelay,„ - I_, 4. - • . , • 1 1, G 186 0 1 . 41 HO , • Adm'r ' , -` : so vl6'66 '" • - - 1 ' Greene tp. EX • CIITRIX',S. NOTICRi / j 'Et tee , esiate of Joan dee'd/, late of ,gew wickly, twp., Beaver — cOunty, having, been granted toile undersigned; all, persons in debteiita kaSdtestati...are- requeited: tell:take immediate payment, and,those having claims against the l same .present them properly authenticated for settlement. • cIORISTISA .C. TEETS Ex'rx.. • , • , 4 „ 1 !" -. Nthir'Siitidlay • "ADMINISTEATOR'S NOTI ' ' .. !-• lAE T TEII.B of administration on the 'estate of Siticirsi M'Colutsit,late of South Beaver :‘. , townehip,i,Beaver county; deo'd., !miring been , granted tli, the • undersigned, all, persons in debted to 'Said estate are requested to make • mmediato'payment, and•-those having claims againafaikhLesiatii lirlll4iiiecti4tlieseto tLe properly : snbscriberT giuthenticated for set tlement 1.1; \ - i t • .• . , . i 'r, PETSB , OP.OWL, Ada'''. - .1, -i. ideeMll6. , ' kouth Bearer tip . .! ,-- 3 A I ` OIIIIpI = PROPE.R I FIfFdI) --- EIALE:' , T" property nineiandforintrly occupied by ClAptClhartelAC,.-:Msr,,ion Market St., eonsisting i of, one good two_stor frame . hones 116 6 4 lyrsitZts "q a f tva. sal' .• ed for ~ Persons desiring t o purchase de. ' . sirablivi " Y, Aid hittiticalkablifi:pn Capt. • ' Jona Max' who liTuthiiiiiia:lSarThi suns( . ' Valuable 'Property poi Sale. o - int e-the Imola whichnow - iikft lei' 1' '' - ~ : I , resideysndthree lots belonging to the same. e houssi.itil glad:tit° lair Oahe contain - iuro.d.ilxi rnuc 'Ott opee 'Neuss p Wat tled. "A' kkilistiiblViinike:lnik,*-1i 4 - 'Poi #inksii4.;ii . 4 iniiiS $1 - * f. ...i. i . p . , .. N. : .., . s •• i ..7 ....'...- ..—/ g den liky..e- • , ' ' Ili Ise* radii . __ -. !th,., _ ;hilarates but stscnithens, and iii rpa ly akin ivaluatblebielieine especlilli filo ataBe 4- iitho ,have ,beenr!educed to a conditio4 of servility, self abuse, mi s fortune ; or or • ary sickness. !No Matter What the Cause of th im btency of ;any' 'human r organ,,thia Amp, ..p! ration :ivill tenibAi the *MAL id tnce4l &I ver. ' 1 Ac , , OlTha f e • - --- ttoraecneyi l neraV-De '' !r • erv ous ll:teepee - Ay, .Dyspepsia, r Depres ion, Loss of il glifs e ! t O i rlite!sfitt it i s m ; bte e lit f , - I - ti 7.-. ttal the lence,r4maid ion, .Ennui. 4 as a. Most, df lighifq-,- diiii•ableasitt novel effect ti the , ner 'cons szsteni; • and all whoare in ny ay pros-. tie:oA •-byliervtiiis diioillities' ire' tiatnitlir advisett'to•!•Beek a'cuie irkthli l ' 'OSt etiellint and uneiiiiellid'Priiiiiition.:: !'. • '',.. • - , Persons who, by,imPitidence, ..avelost their notuiat-rimin; - *ill. find ' a, !pee irinktle!ins -nent cure in the ''.' _-, "' V .• . - ' ' l.4COS■mr - ~ ' • The - Feeble, the anguia l the. OlfshintldtivelthlhValuable'dis it will be.founditutallYdifferent, • articles forqhelsamnpurPoies. TO FEMALES. •=-Tiiis prepare liable' In nervinis)wealineps - -of iil will 'restore Ile !wits* strength ful pirtnanOci.- ," • '.! ', "•' 'lt is alsp4 grand tottio, - I,iid' to IfyipePsiti wi-h the first dos, sistence in iti - use will renova to a degree ,of perfect health • pepsia fore i ver: . i - Otte dotrar peer Bottle" in, q 17 ., Soldi'bi t!)-40,0t genet4yi : p • • • .Bent-by ewpress anylvheretti • HUTC 1111 , 148 & HILLIER, ' 4.r: 81 CEDAR STREET, 116 6 81)11 :at .MarqUis' Drug 4 ter, -one door below Poet O ffi cl sale and evitalAyi•Dr,, , :,-pg#o,. BeavVi,c'otinty. .- - 1 - -- - • I . • IMPORTANTro Fl 1. 1 . , ...... ): „..... (as.IE .. :-.....<-• . st 4 AG 1 ' 'AL!' 1. , ' , , ( fC- P I i.wiii :inimecliatel,y r.liere. , wit' ou pain, ail l)disturanoes;ot the periodietilsg: ar e, wheth ler Arising from relaxatjon or sup ression.-- They act likh a cliarin lin remo7in the pains i O i at tccompiny difficult or immod rate men-. -struatioi. ancl "tire the only .safr . a 'reliable .remedy'Dif F'tisl'ic:SiCtilletilii h" ' Pains in ;the 'loins, Daek and Slips, Palpita ion of the lArilearl,'Nervvini-•Tremors, Ilyst-iri 1, 'Spasms, I.Brokbn Sleep, and other unpletizau -end 41:1A gro4.1kelnete 'slf 'pi: ininittura' condition. of the sexual functions. .In thn ' Joist cases *et fienoit All,u , or ly.hites the `An'e speedy cure. .Dr. Cheesdmaife—Pe ale Pills . 1 have been Used ovta A QUAY. It r A cr.svii lies, I They 'are offerediss the 4nly Tare mean's, of renewing interrupted menttr •stion, - but ; Ladies'• Must, bear Do! mind th t here is one t eontlition of the female system itg which the Pills! 0,4 - tinot be taken withoit -p educing 'a pecidiar ~r`esidt.' 'The condition' re erred to is pre,atlancy--ths reshlt, ',lir:arr.' g : Such is ttits - iriesistiffle tendency. Of the , acdicitia to. restore the — sexual functions to',la t ormal con-:1 diiion that .event, the reprodti e power of ; Allure cannot resist it, They ; a not do harm ' iiii any other wag. 1 :. . Dr.! - Clieeseman's - Perhalp Pills Are ;the ony "meciieinc, that nictirri, e land e iny 1 e bidie's hav&relied upon - for manfy. DAT, or can rely upon; s now. • Beware of iraitario A ! These Pills form' the :Finest- Prvprtraif orb er iit . for ward, with immediate and pens to 1 ZW,Ttn.--• DON."'P.BP, , ,,DECEIV.ED. , Take thi tiiklvertise v meat to your Druggist, and tt him that you want the beat and moat, reliable enoidel .Vedieine in the world, which is conthris ' In 1)r: Cheeseman's Fern +.Pills I ! : They , hie redeived; and are no receiving. ,itig the:ta,tction of 'the inosient' ni Physicians in'Ameri6l 4 ' "' t - , i Eitplit i ) Directions with cacti price, -O. inuAe. pee 'box; cry 5416 4) oills. . «. -- --, i Pills, - Stilt - 6!, Mail, piomptl; the price Ito4lo, proprietors, zed Agent,l in !elk-4;mA, funds. gists; generoltY-, . , ' IRE MI - ItILIJEft, .• • r I Gedar'st ' BOLSoId -Nholesale and R • Smith, Bridgewater, ; Dr, Mar Hannen, Rochester; Jolni.Moci • I 7 SHAVING HAIR - G , , — SIIAtIPOOTNeI' i ' c. '-. --;:-- Toilti-R,:youctillB.;:briii ',just returned 0 from the stymy,- whero he big served for &Most three years, wisbesto,ir m his form er eustomers And the Ogle eierally; fleet he has opened his shop in the , orkh end of the MARKET 'ROUSE,' . lIRID, EWATER, .! where -be will carry on in b s fernier good and.rashionableikyle. -. 4y . clo a attention- t•il 6nsirres; Ili tallies t'osizi*t ah'd ti eivii, - a - Mitt ! . al share`of.public patronage, T ose wishing a clean, smooth shave , "or - hal e tin • A fash ionable stYle, just stop in a d , giie John a Le.eaa please [decl3:2ln trim , sf them. . . A.C. BARLOW; D., SURGEON SICIAN, peiznabeitlyloo ' in BEAVER $' tenders his.prOfessionat s ' ices to the citizens of iteaver apd Adjoin 'villages and country. ,Raving.hc4 ( v , fept , rg experi iii.(ovq top? yeat.ll,tAtt Sprgeop) ha Nal pt'APWeitf,,to.copttrtnA: • ~,Cont4encej. thole wito,p4 - wieh: scrri 'ACtillti i do-or itiglGFC,rota, vattended. - ipinXffice in the ,Ntytionsti trio,cel haildipt where hem Yolla at all ;hours ; day or nitht, When pot professiopalli i.pgaged. • . 2TOTICE..I 11..ETTEASiof achnunstratt... ' t on the estate LA of Cnaterxii4l,l./Bactsg tm of Borough twp., Beiveri.eo. ung been jean. ed• to iiiir'undetaiiniC ; all indebitsd are recitiieed to, make inundie e g.oynnitit; add -there haying" °Lame wit; .t dent; ricip -WY authenticated. for , -• • 4 • • 4`... ,JrUliblif eigelret • r' HAM 60.." )11—IVATCREE4.- . INg Liseintir l' - 1 • Nevi garb r—. ED Ali AsS. L - LISEEti 4 ' t '• Also, WIN BIE , g, the ' overt ktriah I fratiz all other f . I* , a:irD ANO '8404 'I., - Ag s "- .TE , 'TO L E; 11111 PIIII it ticto is inval-. I' ds", as it:. wit . viondeiz MEI ii{ give relief • A rief per. • the stomach d'tta isli Dys for ; ss l I. I ressang Your. Rothes id whole ge?rater 'tnov2:3: qtt e saare 1 opiq N w tote. ati II P:IiN AND All or 11211 LES Eml MI Bchwho 6 ME pound Etl .1 ) q►o sTpR Next clopr Oct2i:ly UM .! I -- ll renta wing aogn , .; • ieinitiing ,ny authori d by Dru - • ors;; loi4c ,i 1 by Dr. Er s and J. 11. neav!r, and r.irgB:lY fifth Ih9P = Which 111 nolt • •# I i D • alt ------ TW, - C 1 ' - 1 1 1 • .:- . - Bil.tro.t oh:14011de „ I .*.wOka rill . ::WILL (MSS THE IT , LSO. route A : SALT t lIILSLA INS,. an Tilk. SKlii4: - ,Pkice 60 ic i c -1.- Druggistal,.. i ' ,_ By;Selniin 60 rents t Sole '.gentif, 70 Wash ' Masi.; it twill lie •fcrrwn postage anyjpart of 5ep44,X65 4 -6ros - .. • EB ir ,A ners ° on's ator • e• ..c,l, .. , , , -1... Cat , PLILON 1 TOBE ci pc135111 .;, knanatite . • ,14,4eiria&.*:c §;7 7 aie 119 . ° =7 . 4 .! .. 1 • MAL a MEE dITYS tdiii CY`TI ~~~C =Me J.:. ~~Li"~,:::t~ .„ (ISSOrtMIVAt. MEE IC+ . 8; t Lil aa,,i LIQI7( • EMI H MIC irtmfil Z. E I • I ; • c; ft FoorolL NEALT'S I en/ N:v(i'dtA: "AD:, SQAPS, VOglffttl Tait 'S BRUS PRFUM, LS; TOILET I . 1 P11,10A:R. RTiCLES MBE tiAlt, • 70,13. TII.B 1 ir • ' ,offertd t low pricey; g liktq idvane a 'Pirs:s clartS is also c riptione will b• 11 / 11'ours. ' • il I IN TH DIA M t)llFtrttfu,t.-: 0-oi , 4- CALL, O.V.r N MI y Crc 01)8 1 1 ! NZ !;* E,....:0,1 IB ;,... Fcri [;3B • r aitetitiott4f- II 4 It I • - Dyers t • t of • G SILAVLS, CLOAKS, 6 4 " , A55114K ABLE I" • • F.IjAN NE' rg;:tlW/4-Z4! °DS' IR rIM iHE SE 5 0/lilik • .:). : ..... laUni NE ';5, Fifth 1 !7-7-"&:)-fti7,7:71 !_t-qp .F ii,to , !! , : onsidrmg* WIN . 48,110IIRS: , • ' Ritilkit, 10 1 10ER114 i t 4 all 8i1131 3 T On Of ntu, -.fa* ' ely, all .i • 1 • WEEKS„ *,_ , #R; ' gton atieeti Boatslll, ded V, ma I, trt,' of e United 3tk 68' . ' -1 4, I. -.: , .• ~'. If, 1- ISTa , I. C 4 . 14; x! ONtST;t: • . 4 ; TM-ROT; 4i 4 hand! ol 4ir w! 1')1 ,gojk_s_v_ egybr I i=2ll IME22 .. .. ::;. _:. rverk* .... 44 141. 6 # l.4. ( * a lit V. .'t th: ii 3.61,..4.r1ixif,:ni IT , twi - H A R;PER ! SINS 1 it. ii L SPX , EZP.V ...DIT .. ti tli tti,...,d -...5.4.-. , 1 - ... rO. . r • _.e -4.4. i &Wet 41f.ijkiipp .•, • . • -"The best-,FarnilFa 1i ' • , ' United fltatikt'La Leseit•iter ' .•';e l ;' mein itewiwiria,„et eini. e "ctaipletetrall the ditti t aents if- aartlie " . dati."--Paintlys Paper: l 4. Pfeil , SWUM' 'll, 'earned or itself a ilia to hi'. ti le4 4 eviotqa. NAL OF•CITILIZATHOL,',•,'L-N. • EliT Pot: -: ' i!" 4 •,. tlfr 1•• O.: -. . ~ 1 .- :.‘ '...Thia•Paa SfinithA r a4 tte Seat • Pligfratr • 3 ,Our future Itittiirlathtiirtli •eiftlohl Abet:tee_ 1 oht e 'irf Ikarptios WeettlrlOte after • ivrift*r* 'tied rpithrties,-(aad 0 h are. turned ti chalL."•:=Ntiii 'kWh#ainsfask! fihi . / c , .. 1, ~ • ' ctAlieeait'ty TA iiTiry hoheolohl- 1 411/ottol fraiiiiiot ''•: =- = - •I;;9 1.. • 2 I .' 1 4' i:. . att • isiat'oityp ovietelieg Voittittel an d hl tortoil atnialiet. of, the istioitef-=-Defia. PON ' "The beet of ita t . er . ata , iti Ikmeitiew."-:-Bos ton' Tratfellit. - • , r -, E - 121 EIME gliZ i:.l Eng r-~ PS; • 1` ;0f ' • I -: - i . 1 - •L . 1 ~. ..' ' , :441,8 1 0111.!TONI:2-- ,. ry. ; 1 .......;,- : iiio r: 1. 11. " ' t me Piiiiiistierii have perfected it - 4414 - 1 !nailing - which they earcattpplY the - it' GA ta-NZ and Witn.tri.i prowler/ t.el, thos 'Whe " - lie fer; trilreeive Aileperibaiatils , directly - fedi, the•Oftee:. of Publication. - i'ostniasteri t aiii titliiirii desitioits fif igettiiis ' tip Chibsi - will: ii I'alopiiectivitire. liatit4oine Itketill - f3hi2l-1:41 tin applicatibil. -.-. L ' -. ' .'' " ''. ''''' '' ' ' ' • ' The- postage : one Efittirn'w , W MIX' is • " cents a year. which Inuit: be' paid! st . tini.' 'scriber's postoffice.‘ i • II ... - i " '' ' '''' ' -. ' I T ' MS': liannsurs WEnsuitme year..... J... -2n Extra 'Coil; -of 1 eights the NlAoeragi'vill be thpplied drofie o) of PIPE / SITSCRILtaIeat Sl' et, ea Wailette4 ' ...Or'. Six fu:phi/0i lid Oh ... 11121 . i? if ME Hi Back kuinbere'calrhei aupplicA,.{t'fany'tiT, The Annpal Volamei,.OT-HAltriit's IS: erakt.T, iti treat "cloth taidirte will be lent by I exiirem Tree of hlT,letise,fOr sq . eaeli." Al coripleteicer, coint)rithigVight irolrimei seta on rticeip •; 61 cash at the rate of 4 s6 '25 .Ar viA:., ire7,o 1. i'i expense if petrollal'er i .' l Aildreii l'' '' .1 ~ i' •• • ' , LIARPEIi & BROTHERS, i •. - . •', pith,xrAf t Siat..tari,NerrlYor 1. INS "UnTestionably- the best.;, Stptai en • , ivoik'of pie :kind InAhe Woild." i . NEW iNI.ONTELLY 411.kGA71 Li' ': .: . . ' ; 1 Ciiletal No,ideir of the Piesir.. !Cis libel:, foreinest Magnisine of thi. d • .. The- fire!ide.necer lard In more lelightfallir panioth kith" the . milliia si: snore enterm:i i l• . friend. than 11-ai per's : . Magaz the, r jdOttrifi:. Prote.itale't Ilnltimcfei.; ! 2 • ' 1 ! I'" 'll .; The not ... popular Monthly in the Wor d • ry; rotic 06irrifer. ' H ' - 1 1 1 • I :. We laclaLiefer In terns of eiqogy to ! Xgh tr;he . .sritif Narietreellent of klAr.r. u., Ansr'"4:---st journall ith a inoilthly•dir I li ;fon 'Of iihenti'l7o,4oo c,opiez—iii 't,who.we •pgi ire to be , fOund some of the eholetst light It . o general reagiug of ththday. 11" c !ipeiik cif to' bark:as•an'irideilce of the Anierieatt 'Peo ' le End the polkularity it :bag acquiredis !ther ted, ach' number captains fully 144 Page i 6 i'ending 'natter. apprOpriately illustr• teiifit good. wOodzeutth lindlit combines in p self 11 e t racy twilit-it - 1y- anti the more iih 4 ilesop is ,ttuarterty r hlentiel. -wit h the best' relater i 4 tbe-ibrilY.7ideliti, gre r ntpower in di ti-cu i v o pt inittien of -11 hve '' ; 4sf rrir,. , lit eraetire t a '..i Nril';‘Gdictiv4 .irci•!....lll*lvintil ‘' - The \-91 , uni yipi.!wit*st,li i itto;of . t' c'nf 1 1 1 A ri, t litt . rtiry i'lepd i tOpoti'. - reitclih" so h t cannot-bei fiat - li. 6 atone eomPaii 't in ail abet pnllli_ . , 1 11k4iihail-cothiCtlntla 6w notice.-13641iii.:• it •' ' ,-.'d . •.] •• . .-i l r - -SUIBBOR/PTIONEV-' •-•'• ! is ' i - , 4.; " ... I: • '. I, - 4 ' ' l- r - 1866 s ' 1 '-. . .., ,_. • The - l'uldl43leiis liayo perfeeleci a IP" in tuailingibiiitich they can stipply the \ Au us.}: and lirxxxii_primiptiy- -to those : l l 3Al pr for to reeelve--1 heir Periodical!! directly -frr the oftico.ofjOhideation; j - • - . 1 , i t • The - pmcage on 11tEerit's 3lAcaztint. is' cent:" a year writieh athathespaid iat the -R: icri4er . 4o•3t..-office: . .. ~ . 1 ,. ,• 7 , I • ! ...-.•••.• Terms : 1- •• - ] , , iiAstrEn,',s . g.misil:it one_ , rdar..L...,..1.5- „ - ‘f ei not- Ell ES rE2 EFB 1329 Ell L EiztitnopY ai ytitifer the. 31.1%4Att ti for Ve Club.of . ni-s444:lie'keti Ulm -rh emittrin'dm)vrttilt Oipies 5.20 001. • ' kack ntinibers camlie - suiipliedialt any tim A CoMpleti Set, now compris ll ing Alan tOluttin: in' neat cloth "bii ding, ill 1 l ona by otp'rese,jfheieht- at esponse reltaser. Ar 4.2 26• Li per volume. .Bingle -vc umee, iottpaid. $3 00. „Clothlcris for binding, 68 eenta;:by mail, post paial :1A • • '; 4. • .. I . 11.3.RPER• &•BROTIIE4B, . I c - Fr.a:LKyLm TcTE. thei ME 3 I I- .. .. r .. r --- .. r ...- 0 - • •y 4 ' 1 . it - ii - 3-- - ? , xi. ATENT SELr-A ,TIN , i • i ' 1 * 1 NS, .stg, dn. _Eira. ' e.. . ll 1 i .. ' "'atibseribei itill - Cativas Beer CO! 1 T ty; in.the Order of Townships; to s 11 - right - tetiiie, inike'rind vend, . 1• is '• r I -- . 1. -- .'-''' 1' ,i, ; •-• . , 7 - - I• Healri PL - Self clingst Wagon= ' oi an inientiosperteet. - In evity reißiect, o 'th Vise Of ailitindsof W i agone, Cariin keg fill Buggy giii:*;l4. ;Cape . rfeet regal:WO' to ever vehC l 'elite Whibliiite at i nehed,iibtinialike apt and etirta4i , inder all eirenmstCnces,, on' all kinds er roads[, by i lfgat as well' as b iday i 'with the glicateet safety, esie., add comfort to Morse itici.." l o ! tenier,; withiont‘ day littiiation Nvhatever 'Pala the !driver. I wilt I dividi tud righti tciuise t4is; patent brake, or . 'pvejai. ii ; Ship.and,Borgegh t 1) Ilechicies. I „i' .. 1 Beave_d, iceiv,l2,'6s L C. LXITIWI IC. 1 • , - __—_—_ 1 , 4 • 'at. prices Ea "Ex=ulott's SALE 4..4 _RE:A. - ,IL.A Vi Wl' AL 1 r) 'TEL lisiber,'„Obet., Dsecutiir efLthe •lat will .. g• - aU t irtestitnent of Naraissa 'Jane Jo 4 dei cesaed,ieffera for sale one hundtied and{ seven (10:7 . 1iiejle:ii ‘ of t land,:eituute in_Drighto I Tph . Beamfaaunt.3l l ,'Pa. ' and /ping ioithin t ' mind a haltnallek-ac the ' borough of Easier. 'I. The farm is. jn a.i.good !Mate of vultivitio and well !,iibeseeijiii4i . d {watered; bordering_ . - the araterilettiak's Ault. If not sold'at p ' veto sate .f.etorp #l;firat.o, f•FebruarY, 1866, I will es,pbtiait 'a "efde iby . pnblid: oUtLtfiY, 't the Court' Hoime,.ea the. first day lef,,Feb arY, 18660 a atie;a4tol:4l 7 Terms made no ' 'n u i dot at , i. : ,. . i .1. C. WII,BO ,L, Di . VI i„*l. of IC .1. 4tld,f- d crtil = 'GUT • . . -- ,..4,..„......,,1i0, tt'§ . l l l•PT, Tot:t., l' j .. 1 9..: • t • AA,' tet term - testantentery on the ik ~.:.,testate.,Nri,actio,o, j; .„7 1:1D 'i, t i, ro , Brights4,itp;l Denier county, deed., 'nil" betel) vented; 4( the undersign d, all . 'r, hue** tliontaitfee' indebted o"; Otid at I ik Fetgleed , lift. i i.niader ii!gagdfatt4 Ilk - 1 Ft . hone **Onion against . :the . .. ~, ~_ i t k*Etaerty . ..!.l4oelityilii,i'a i f ..tVirk..:1911,1,;:-,-' _ .__!.. --, , t .. ,,.....ti r eia.l :AR*, l'Aft,.*lL.:ols , ,in r,', •••1Pri!!'.1 111 . 41 -1 . : , :i.f is r , ::. - -it .11).;, et r 0 I r east ,158 m " 1-- ' . 1 In )1' •;:til t lr y L t — ortke, - n* I; ;:ifittiik est t, il ir'' ;13eitei-and ' 9iritty, 00, lE,. c : :01ittai, the shortest otte: Vnit '''' ' ' 'ah4itie,'ffis sniT o,:tl. ! xisloe, .., • • erg ,rtm, stdjoill nsi tills . ,ln k cot, Tt c 1/144 rri m ,, g . S: J. c• im R, :•• — °T•••iwit•', ; - •i" ;1 - ' 1"11 1" I T I16 --i.. ii. i ••••! ; - , 1 • 1 1.1 . . ....• ,1 - , . .- : r I : t ; i . • 1 1 gr .: :‘ i ,- '1 .- , • `I -} ilifnbatieat ;4- ffi 4 r. . I W*l bp.a '~~*'~. i ne; Vob. . IZZi A „ • .1 •S . 1 every ] •fn on • r —• ' !MI OAI I - OW4I , N=WiI 7 ; 4 1-,,e,- 'OO,, .g.,•ili.z4i;!i e. oi : ."-., 04 - ' If, '_:- i• :,..': : ''). i 4 •-•••' 41 0 : e r :' . ...O . A . ' ll' '-• ,'^ - 1 !, I .i Lill ..-i till c) I . ; .;i • ~.,,i': : ,..; . t',l ;II; r . 1 ' . . , , ,•,,,... , ,J. 1 iti ~, p, 1 i.0.. 7 .. ..5.1-„...,p t : f , 1 . ill 'iti , 1t. , -1 t , t;ll :it: 1.;,!:.!.,1-1!. 's ~, ~ - - :1 1 I- •••. .. -. :. - - I , i. i ,1 %, 1 III , : JI.-4f ;%Bgalr:elliSi:„l :,,-,- •.',..,,, if ' r?, - 1 , ; t..,1.... :!--, :'. -". i 1.4 "r ' iii t,ttt,f;T •' . . 3 ' " t ?,;;; ...II }.i~ r. ZEE EMS ti 1 , 1 1 , I 4 12141 V ( XTEIti .t e 441141 r, ,r.vt r ISSIE ;; f. '•.; =MEI $ .• 4 1' '• GKDO3Veg, ''' • ; .lf., . 1:: • H ' • ••H` n ' Or • ••: &WINTERIPLIOTIIIICO! f.) , 7 , ;, dila 1 FoifF s'• MIMI .11 l'OcifiTe4' :a irt.,aok, of ' ' - 1-r.q% ME I hare &TEST STTLES It Of .overa Cais re . l for Bosittese, seitnilissorinaoat Ito:Maps.. ; . • S • ef na3=rs Futnisilice Goods Gen Const ait.tly vik ~. ~ ,I . ..„1'.,1 ~.i . ,r. fI.DUC.I all t.?uatersnits i - . . . ii! - . . ;. • ...': • ~. T.lntt'sind Woolen Overshlrs. ~ '„ ~ •,: ,: : Collais, I, , ..'.. ': .• , - i Neck tle,i, cAt arty I . Aid t,oi *,Gehtit artiCles Pi zueuticP r i..lq 1 • ! : ~ • Ii; 1 t ''.- .-' 1' • ; 1, '" - - r . - .'• 1 ~•-• ea , id r. , al l IINGII2IOII Te ORDEA - I lit s,l7leit•iiidil-liborteit Ratite -4:t4-1 ti I,n AR . ) et:1 1 • . I .'" t. F• P. 7. .;•• t?!. • •:` ••/•t 1 . 7 ""• •• • • • 1. "m,.~R.~ZCFI~, /I rt's Row: Pridge•STrert, ' , • ' DAIDGEWAyErt. octr6s 13 0.01 TS ANI),SI-10ES! 111 or . ne I MEM 0! ' ' 1 "T TEE PLACR-O GE - 1,1 111 Clio V alid 13 -- _ h n e I " • •I, ' 4l I: . ° all' T~'~FAtU T#f ,: "• " i • •1. •:..; • • : f ' F‘ WEI . `•1 : t;rl -LO IT MABB ""Bdot I- AciiiitEtt of and' !aid 'Shces, Bridge BRItiGE*ATE' He keeps Boots and Ice He has 01 by sur wint, at - 11 efcelleYii trittiply 'o ready-mode ork obnistantlypoliOnck . , .; • Cots made;to prderisxy shiprt no and most xeasonasle terms. ' •-• ood norktr.en,'and can't. athoVestablishmentlfriVist; I . n and . children will And', it to tie vantage to give him itoall.• • For tie o;t11 1 . i best and ehaipest artiele `go, to -` ILI Bridgewater-, Tl4Oft laixs. -ago... -4**-.., , : •i r d 1, !: 2 .76 ~rpgAn,..,7-, . .,,, 1 ~j ~. ..,1.,:, :-..-•!--• ---- , i_ . .1 , , ,, PEAcrt, -' '' On'Atilhlift§ BERRY i §T ...._..g4 1. .- . __... P LAINTS, f.:,•• • - 1:-.., ~..... :::, I: i• sr- . ~/.- • , ., - . And SMALL FRUITS; -I , ': 4, ' ''', '._ ' 2N•71:71151S t STOOK I n gr - n i :....,:. „, t 1 ....--i'.,.. ! ~..-..., ~...z...--:f . : i i ..:,,. -,....: .. .-- -1_ t ,Taiintz from the 24EuTa e4:07:- • ' „., - ..‘ • ....I , • '4, ...), .1- ..;..,....„ -....-", !RS'L '.l : .'ooo64l,,A2teobwor or-vw 211 1 " ' k c e - ; 111MIM Iffl=l ii'~~~-w ._. WM IE9 :, . h ■ OM tilmilme• . • • NE= ; rj-o:nr • 1 ME I •• • 1 . - Etble. HE Mil !I • ' is r r • rr. • IMIN OMAN ' taitDeitilcr,in triet, OM 11. =MEM FEMMES =EI OE MEE ' kit VPFERRYitkM„ 1 I; , 1.,-,..,i,.,,,_...?• ; f....;:11f I , 1 ~ .ci' ' '.'l '4ll 4 '4. 1 1 i tilT l, ciIL;P,-BiKA-„v-aEltil .4: 1 I •et i L.- liZ/....V;iditeAiri‘lliii;a4. .. , uutum,,,:-.Luiwrimpt4r. ; I,,ti 1 ,....:13,:,,,., ir.t . i . p .. 5 :;.,1: : , , ,, r f-,,tr.i,,;...f..,...J-r I n i ~, v T . 1..,.. T., l'lr--1 , - , re , it ver; I 0101 ithirt.. ~•., .tp , i;?i, - r( ff,. ! .ii7t . df '. .i1.157/ JPII it _ . ,4 1 r.:.. 41 /Twat, 0cic....;;;.... - 4....,4.,.1;; 440,990,1 1 IQ-,i --- ,,-, ,- ' . :;,; ;1 4 -- : 'lO " , (flill , irl 4 ,l3,M,F . F,i t ' ai lif i l a lt.lti: " ( . l'.4bVflatiti i o "......._ ._. . 1. i 4 ,"" :: is , ,i ielq,ii• .1,1,2 10 liivo - 11, 14: . 14 1 4' 4 ,1 tr , il I:..ii ..t2L-i.l Iv.: 1 1: It t- 0 , 1 ;4 r . t ..; : i t .1. ; .L. \‘ l l l ' IA l'ingretini i;rtlii" eitieltilOrs 10 6 iiii ' "abbire entrptini; l hi/hit-int :thrifir•eiseallnt congittoVitechester 4 Airtit)29ttri 4131354 Potting lieri,eViwgicitelencedl •Itit s4 , l'ira ,vl s , -,r l • , ~ .1 ; r ... , vls,-iii ,,- -,i. , :i. , • , :0.., 0 ,,.. , I, ,_ , , , , . 1 -4 : - t. , , ii i grrlv A 4 - i.: , +,l:, • 01 1 18 :1 9 ::: D ia l4:l l r 1.;: t. ...).111:7 , ;: n :: 4 , : , a :1 w t.: 4 ;.11 . -: hslle::ttire 742: : ::: 'T)i',trre :lr d cj7 e:Rrttrol'" i n ie t i,D yrxi i . :l, = t: 1 (44„), view er ~, ._--;:o i 'Ft' Etrennantak % !It i ftiht; Ay Ceelitsiii• ; ;'. ; ~..,' ': . 11 1 7 , 4.11 2:::: '.. . °: 4: 4 :1: 111: :: : : :11 .:.,:1:' r'L . : : : ! : : , i 1 . - ! , . i itt k, A., 4tl33lfid*ll .ert fot anAcett lif4Acicik i ._, r. a ih l)°° a OPIFO 'rnflY., ll .! ha O; ' ;VP I I it OA nt itt‘ifoth j des of th'e eotiirekti,i. - ' , diftee in the Dieniond, Retsbilier,,Ts. 43:6fri -Cll - 11: - B;11.U.RST qee'r .1 . •• - • the I! :..I I ETT , E;Sci • hi • - .•,- • ti,,;;• I j; J• _ • ,-t :;.: • BOQICS, . , , '..1 ..."7 , ~ i +:l 1, , . , i i. ,_ -...1••••,i, .. . , Cry:t. ,AT fit 1 ;. :,i t. 1. - ! T.•'.: +•-• II .-f ~ - t••'-; i' i;:°. :.•- !•1::•i• - • • t-- - •L... i• 't -• •••••;'• -, •%,7, .•..,, :,:....,'.i. , i' , :. i. -‘• 4Wtria , 3ci.T,ls t tr,t.s ,I - f ..1- . - .•;, .• :... 1 ' l l ". 1..' d,'..::: ,_,- - !,...•.1-i, ,-'; • •-.. :',.,. i :! . .: 1 ~..h•,•;:,, ; MEM BE' iespee'tfullY" loforrtia 'the - ,publia, , s thittt he, is nasr.'re6eivingii NEW is ova in the line, of j the variousOs VARIETY (4,0,0DS for the tall t BOLIDAYO. Baying purchased in the eta ,citles atioturie,l, he can-s All ea.; huts any house tv Connection With his collection of Variety Citi;ds, :he keeps Stationery of, all Itit . i'i; CI this of all put terni„School Books of .alFtle-, to iptions and Prices'''. Altineds, LOokineGl.tVi .eS Blank Book 4 of sizes,. Day Books, !Let.llo , Eons; n short:everything inmal , i.-ept in a Vartvly, store. ' titoy4tify 11 s t "' SPAIIN k V EU! • • i N IRTSICAL' INSTITUTE I • ' •! v.11: - T 1 ." TA, YLO R, A M.'. fres!crent. ,flit tei•iniki'lie‘n icepecifvely 5egf1 . 1 . 4.t.6p; , Ja . nuary, 2,1 and' Agri: 5, 1866.. ,„, veiy. opeenurriti Ism infitreltiOnArany, r nob of Eel coca' or on any eausicoliastru ti ti alio voteiantolie t lptlinte-ei in tiaii4eB, 4 ITOrtIA 1 1, qtt at oll 4 l itle4lo4,. :•-•• iii.: ~ :fl os - 'received in the Fruittnetieparttnent; 1> ii "iiiiiiii Ifni' o'f itis• .deefee' of' -13tiitiOWn'eY! 9., ..r'i , ', w4iglanill pg,inthlgi, ol ,-eltrY;sti.k4 !ti)/.' .e etre the, opeetal attention: of a, firsti-elass ' irirk. :: • ,- : i: :-.!' -• ' • -• r . ''',- -'•;- , 1•:': .. uitviii: 45;40,.4504 „and sta*),Toocc.r4. ii •io de.p9,rtrten,t. • .., i- , 4,, ; . On7"tatit - earottihty.inalifiett 'arid eTperi d, ell'Teachers!:"•are • employed in 'illy; ilOps?l, 7 n tit.", , Foe futithee information euldreit ~ , r B 4; T: TAICLOR,: PTesiOtit . . --*-.,'. —,. a i d . IA -,, . wh I ,, ii --. ilies, quors,-: , oes e. . ,G roceries • tzt IRetatior by 'Pad - cage.- 1 • OUR; • ' I GRAIN '-111IED • &C. •:; •1_ ..., . , ,J - . • • • • • , At Psiter Angers; 13eirdgeivatar, I t ligibllTT4R, . Egg's, ands all kind!' of] country O. produce .tlakett ,in ttichange,Jak;ivhie4 ihkii higheSt niarliet price will be paid. In co'netticin Wiolll.te GrOceii rind LiquOt; store, ,th')'BakerY anil.donfeatioaary' fa Still carried orilwitera,'niay :b t e fatietil a•fiest alisti; assert= tn 4 of • cakes 4 eanfeetionaries,aanned.fruits, pikle, sPiceil„pyTt ri.t, :&..e'. ,A. fLi,e,stock of to 'sepia anir eiXarls of all fancy, brxiaile;;: . ;,-13'. X lane I art iele .orwineS, * -I tsc4;,' for I ( medicinal andisacraniental pnrposes atinstriat-'. Jhand!, Do 'not4 forget,. the - placle, Peter Angel's olt;.: stand,; Bridge' et, Britlfewiter ' • [ang2:3m A - 1' NIOT'E L via sA.r.. - Er..! . . HE iiAITE - THREE-,STOHT BRICK witir:tiket ;•adjoinink„ltiod lac on! _which they axe !Oied, 11 . 1 ittO town' of inoivii as the 1- • I t . • , . 1 •- 1 • .li. l ion at 11-1 7 • •• ' lelred f?;'l4r • tOr pnitieulars inquire of l i zely or G [novi Atit , #,DlßE r.:F4ll.' 1 r -.-- . 4 )1 11 lett B. c a u l t i o l'i ree ls ret, la ti SP ert 7 , Si tie l l: R ia " :L "' ea t- e t° di Ch r: . . , g 4 te 6 l:kl th e seiffigit.of th - g IT, 1,3 4e d' , gt a t ea; all . opeOed ft 'ship, in ther'; - fram` s o'builclinead. 'Jo eing'Whi.:Oree Steve.: •liedleier hiii.eut in th most :approvedt:style:z Ile - truetwhie old •fr vied their Patrtage:!..lllaving 'c ried ihe flag of the ,46th $eg.....U. ;IA, C. T. to,. fci' :almOst" a 3Faar,ln 'the be; tree 'around Pi keteherg, _he . thiehe :liiin'oelf.pktitlrli le. a fair ti . • reof'the iodate iiiiiroliiiie. F . . ..-ier6P,.-.:',ir ii ItttJw,ti.. .: ATrORNVEIC Air''''!Vit. i ' - ' 7 1, ' ILL "i‘i l i ailit iCi? iii'dil - liiiiitia);i l of` an. ' - liads... Pionifft.ttfteletiorefiliiii ta Col le tioas 'genrally.... -Ileeasett Agents- forccil-' 11 Ig don of Peasioas.: uatY. , •arreara of Pay, P ize money;Pay, ete p of Prisonert of. War, ti d all .kiada of mill t y -claims against the 0 yernatemt..l Office-1., ~ .: : ..1.,,L1:- ..,,' .:., ';of ' Ma'rkit : Stieet coil "Mi . ..1" Diantind,. ' lately in the 4 -- Court ' , . . . (immee teas of liouse,)••.- --.. I..PEA.VER,• , RE A. NN',4';' , ljan4 • ___,_ : _- .1 -1 , • , , 1 - • *iv - ALTI _......a4z FAII,ki. 'OR I SALE. ,IlitAtleitelituilit.l.t4ii6 atediii toilet trktir kl:ilutLlatt,or BesS46, adJoinin the pro#- ji.ty of iA. B. .Wolf„ containing:44 acrep,.fs ) era forCiale." It' it 1011 'idarita to' Nein ' g; or . gardening Purimees:"l'lle ~ i -liii, r rre ntents;nre ; 0 trapa ,hopaeAnd,:other ut-,buiß t aiga. .A godd iipri - orchard:find ot'hei• ' knits ' the . pretniaok Alscq 0 good atiatit 'quarry. oi'price ilttfletms a pply t . I; , J, 1,.: ' • , s - .' ,,,: i - 'l! v°Rt o9foi.' 7 n 0,,.., .. —,_ tiihes O ii. 1 4 1, , bed, gew, soro, s inds .Itid i lpi4 ; Brushes gral,iires and" k 6 Ibe Isd kt - :Diut:afortC s cOtte Of i thlri lokßitiklvAllorliester' Pst - e. • 611111 h**"ftlift . . • • l• ; • : -1,. • ' VC . vongt„,t o wanotilb ati tz , 4 kd,' the 04" Ibtxes, di:die., ii e Ltil li they, are donsll4' ttAlkei-+ P * l 4 1 %c ,z v -- i , roxiseb. - . .7„.. i , , II For. 6;IY ° l i e P' Rer'B"--•• ziamp4,2) / Oktinastll.l.. Ih,Cl) Lreir any three. , to Review s ! .. ... i .")'" FOr all faosr,s4 . i., , ,,!.ii,... c. ,...: . ,:: .. ':. 300 For Blackwood 5 l'lag zine.t.l. ..... . ' .... FIR AtitIIONFPR4 Itloo . Orvisiv 4 .3 4 ,:::"*. i For Blackwood Ifvo Ilerielti77" --e-Itevtaii '"'"- ' FiiilFilik — wico tuirt lidifillitakw. Tavatitkelauititerßito .„Tho_worka, It)Natoutiakan Vrea/ci„ / erltattegitY 1 ,4 Of °Vs Aliel Swavii.,,, , Ataertiali let tlfcala I#o,elietatty.,,•7 pli'&l l oFfidu'c' ,lis liae4- . ai'a ye r i.... i vi both—ctrop_bill coatiwafttrett cnithirill93 -drall:tifevalet re l inistatited ° at ti'`a ,editions.' Aid . VoklifPrisetitirifea4l *sand Ilkake tt°r:thort'W"glitstatteraA sashed. as,tho eof aLthemit,o4 iodicals kith' coult,_ . /ha towjatror *th t. ir,t oft kiritirisin itr,-AsT Ara"' The resent - pr4h ii i t .., vniukitertids eSice'.l%44artliees-A, j . 4mizeff4vfm - "; ___49,iitthe;.tievihst WI nnate 4 lV , 14'4% t ax a e °lt6 0 ,14 Saha Pabtlilters f or early s eeti ind Ni n . 6) - i 7 ,644,14.1 eb- s 1 iistat` thin dint klviirltS t pearly . 0,50 i 0 1 111412 , P Y -4 : ll 't w i t tyym ytilanotniali Issia adOPtelfini Itittil t ireks - *lart by seta "filb"l444l* sgl44fig,io .. 4 z., : ,,, z. The tiaterFa of the!? Perii_dieob, n o Alt i lt. cari"reiders rather *increaled flint di4 lobed by the articles They cant ainj on csr a War, lied though sometittres'Vinged ezti pre.thdift; -4,11.4 j tatty st ill. I cons, doting the? meat abilility and- the different alim..f, o i ti fr9lo,lFllieh ibeY I rr l , Pe rottl sli gtuaecrwilh,advani a e hy thepgoyls of 14 Coiitry,• - of trierrcre' d intdioN • 1 -i ,:-J• • ''.. ' ' " '''''l 1 - ' TIE PO - - toi,lB4 L ~,.,i ~.,...,1 1 f e ew coptas of tl.o Aove respNa oth arid 'Will Ie sald . :ifs4 for,' the triple, four, I t , 111, $2 tar any on. We also publish the • ' 1. ''F Rit_rEF I A By l iiiiiry stephens, lito•J: P. 1 4 fort•in, of 1 Royal Octaiti-1600p gro.l lugs.. . , c'eleir Kit per nearly ete.i ler- Manna ' .1. • El t-4 To-) PRIOE.V ,Sor tu.• PosL' pnid;'sßi A CAR DI , •Pr: °EI. i'Gold Pe: ..., ~ . ,- . • ~ -.....,;•:. :1.., • .-',"-: 7 , • . . . tatitlible- ip.Coiree.ti g iti.eittlii ln, , ,riniil ~..ili Olotraotioutit ha hlisat ly Amt? ! ...., ~ , ~ .frotti-Al9}le srC4iika. t aro/ .1. 1 : - t'!' ./lr .i *F- 1 :# 11 1sltt:i. fi'3 A -P4 l l' bin .:.- 1 N . . , • • ••-•, ;•• t ~4 .I. As. pow ;Fer , thuity, years satliatkMo v i dt elehratpaßilLs:vier first .dis &tea tn IL litr P"Ct; i 5- f!X.'lq . .. d410,g, iihich this 4(aie beeia e ,! . .ertsivi y and euciesstalty .Iml ixt. ines,t :ortAll pttbli astituifons r atttell t.iivittdrietice, ! both. - Vftacsieriti; I Vapkittlterfe "stiefei_ • in'ti7rttaii - i 'lni only at:lite - -.argent •ei4isibt?-nt tit/rth ttf,fouliets,st o.kive, setil,tept, - that luciir io.94te, the 111* puhli,c,forthA •ii4r iit'oll3afi suirring . , frpm any Jr Pitt,: iffhata , :sl i er i as trell-as to prayeal 'croserot faintly, witetehesdth.taiit xi' S it,:cfetaal •,. pc'eultirly „sittitthi supposing.t r,,,,;,ttra sapiitlit . it'shig IlleSe ills. , "o'irila l in thiit• ;mit the 'p'ropriet i:ass at Sa.tio iteslitiriSititli 1 t ei;-..tb (.I.' shire ' 'ad loni l tioir: ailliough akilt:lness w a. 44. prer attrazTalief:l - - the 'rills . re 'teem:ldea - - Price $l,OO per 11 A.l Six' Ipses ss,t 'Bold by ~.q. Str,it ~.A- - i- d ietvater,,,?iol7l, ittinthltia, - .l4O.itier', l B ,-liatin'eri;iltda s estet: at" : : Ladies I :,-By".-se" - g 0;00 ti eitbir of „Tpove agen4,,stan T ' th o n ( fleittially) by"- mail,' t . atty., pail 4,4 to, I tfi',,or addreSS the r'orietor, I.'l 'l. - D.' liplir_E, act 25'.6511yr.0 ,' .--, 41.. :I ''-1 . Vett MI , rl-..,, ...: .•.--!]? 114. 12.P4 - 4.T„'L. .1 . - . ' • .' :. I .1. .- • • ..- '' S rxwm - iiV.797:4 A l,, =.,'' - ,•;,*:, ~.:::- —I 4- '' T The mast t 4 IL t fi .::i: t . - - Precis,, c Fi•ib : l , - i :CAN .tSlis , r - ONLYO mom • ' 'EBEI , . 122 WOOD,- J S IYettFriiittm-Pps),Ylgi I:venn' : -3PlOning - - SASHleic DOOR - IfAcT- Olt . • 47.ka. A: SNOLIS '''-',". ant* nir _SI, A. K:r&i.s - :. l , i Cor;.Pe 413,4. - ~ r i i , t ltrYt Streit: l f .: . T,Blllitryt Pik 1 Vie. OP . * rding! "' 1 . NivEs , ";: th emti4 , lfoldu, lillla in. 4 de to order, (01 Flool*ig; i DOOt~~' slwsr on .144) . mgclAsTa;Toirs.worpr. ! ' 1 I . ETTERS , of , ~,. . strftioo ott PI 4 m . . 4 of COVAiIES C• AIRS RSQI4 .. PO ' BOrie. qtß ' ier,Beores co.; Po., 442, 1 ion'graitted to Ait un'derogied;i: Indebted tolialtitatil ,. are requested , IztusodiateiscOlie and those bolsi P'_ry i nstlt Wm, w .preseptit _'"..:TM: O 4 I ' 'ecl fib ilemeitt. 7 . liluary 4 . o4p3i.aa' , ig itt "1/611 Drs.:::, . . . 11 r4t '-'7IIIaKINIT i & • ' 11 . .1 ergo.. : sr., „„,. A.,..p..rtz, ,T,,. M• ra ct .i os , p fuoierki,s sod 5y..1.,., ender their prileset nal" eii):l6o ,o,)F'. tiit - tif.' 7 l , :it ttll..c :...i.... , - ,)” ~-+-. .:1111....1 :.-° . '1ag0 .... 0173 ep . t:1 . bi. 026 . 41 1 H ).. :r i e ' ! , i 3 ~: • S I,IIG (TIDE f Pii•Wanigh, 1.4 N 2 , 0 7 ght 'A b . 144 '" 1 I.ll y [ ovr THE LAl — lff locuo ! ar pins, LEOti 11:0 88 li TO MI PIT'TSBITRa r _T-.11e1;m11' 4 0 1419 is, - . 1 . impo'6s, 0 E