The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, December 13, 1865, Image 2
" /THE -SfeAjVgß - ARCUS^ ' / ,'j. *■ fc. astminr. / >w S. & Co., I - I.'. ' iiro ntcfrirroia, {• V■■■•.• ■■ ! ■ * - December t3!h, weyi' I>iMral Inducements to Agents _, Jjbr ta£S Argus. ■ .’J -■ ■ I i ' j , ■ The jeer is drawing ti • dole, ui we art anxioustcr increase ourlist of nhsclribezafor neil .jear. ; [!Xn order to do this w!e propose tUstjiall new. Buhactjfters now paying for 1866 ihap raceis t, (be papor for the totalise of the tbiaytar IKa of charge. ' We will alsi> send the Argut for one yesf ito a club ef five ormore bew’subßOri.lj'ers, 'leone address, at SI,VS in advance. 'Any person acting as Agent and raising a ctub of ten, we will in addSion.give him the pttper irefi Any one senfflng. as a club of twenty new subscribers, with pay m advance, welwill give them, in additito to a ,oopy of IbeJlrfiw fcw-. ode year, “Raymbnd’s Lifaof Lincoln,” cdutamingovrr 800 pages, 1 ' and Well pognd. i.A doUarbnd acrventy-fivj, (Seats for mir papergivea os a Very small profit, yct we are extend our ctrcnlation, j and will furnish ill. at that price to | clubs of five or moro imw subscribers. *.j ! . Every person should take a county paper . and there are hundreds in the county who will Idblorihe df, solicited. "We hope Agents will JO to wbrk in. every township,: We win do' •Ur tost tb maieljhb Aryus a good paper, and nnly ksk in return a liberal ; Old sub?cribers j&ho have must do so oefops the end of the fifty cents, additional will be|charged. It costs us about . One Hundredf ; an|d Fifty Dollars a month to ' conduct the pspey, and that amount has to be paid in cash punctually. : We dislDte to refer to' this- matter j» often, but necessity re quires it.‘ ; ! \| .. I i President’s Message- ProbH bly n;o p’tiblio document wgs ever morej anxionsjy looked fo|r,or gey® more- tiniyersal satisfaction, tbe ~ first Annual I Message,of _ Presidents Johnson. Every line*bf thejMessage stamps its author with greatness. — The unusnnl I frankness of the Presi i ’ j : j d* ' he do deni, -iscusalng as iccjs,' every great national question, and stating unreservedly and pointedly and eoDclusiotrSjisto our mind,s|thefnost satisfactory ijaatnre of the Message, and most certain evidence Of the an*- thpr’s correctness of pu'rpqjie, inde* pendenbel-an^ r statesman The, ability |with tfhich ho great quosliprtS.of internal and intfernatiqn al policy, and! the force ,ad d let ear ness of his compand the respect of alls| if if should fail to meet the views and salisfythe expecta tions pf-iforac.' President Johnson stands higheij since, in thoregard and confidence of the American people, than Over before.; We are glad to chrcnicloithdjfaet. In common with, others, we.- Wore not a little f trou,bled.j , lest be might yield soraew.hit to the seductive]influence of; old party; asso, I “ciates, and bb induced either to take I , y-- if. | I apositidn that wfflrld separate him - from his friends, or cause hint 10' owe j »uu/ tfwtu an uiDpuiou quesuons. JTijo result proyesfwo were mistaken In the man, And our fOarsjitterly' groundless. Andrew. Johnson remains true to bis Jy | > f ;; . • I friends, h|ifl pj-iociplea and and is worthy of the honor I bestowed upon him. We dd cot intend to go into an analysis of .his Mosskgo. ,> Ev .j cry <ii|o pusi road it*ferf themselves, ! Upoiifhb .reconstruction, he pay differ with some of our.friends, fie i* I * • , - , - , bnt(. Vfhile Arguing with great ability andj icdppiehcnsiyeness, he throws the' decision entirely neon 'Con gross, where it belongs.- Certainly : no friend| can take exception to sueh a •disposition of the subject! Having referred [the .matter to Congress, the President bias done all tbai-wotild be required of him, and he and! all citi zens pf this : great Kopu.blicj may con fidently wait.for a wise anil satisfac tory solution of the issues involved.— - I’ha President urges contraction of the * ’..enfrepey limitation of public and pri vate expenditures, a 1 gradual reduos lion of tlio Hational debt, scouts ■ the idea of repudiation, rejoiceslovQr jthe. adppfionof the Constitutional Araend- slavery,and advocates free labor. His conderrjnatio.n of . ' railroad -monopoly,and urging legisla tion to'oohtrol its extent and defeat i t,- 'is worthy of praise. Our idifficulties . ■ wy,| England are treated pith mod ‘ eiptionj yet the President is firm and decided! in his expression ol’idisappro . bation.of’British poilicy, in relation to the fittingTand re-fitting i>ffvhe Ala bama, | Shenandoah and other rebel corsairsiin hor ports. The Monroe doctrine is re-affirmed, and Prance and - Spaip-will take warning that their in terference in American pjolitiW will rot hereafter bej permitted! We have not space to give even' a synopsis of , .othei> topics discussed in the Message; and the reader must mob to it for knowledge of . what they are. 'While approving of the Message, without ’ dissent ourselves, wa_are nit ignorant f tjip fact that some of snr friends d Q 'I? P»rt their J, h *!® triads true, we are glad to say ' j the difference amounts to nothing, and - ' will; pot I prevent perfect liarmony a* , Jhoijfg all frionds of the Adi I We heyor know the Hewi ftynelo beso extravagant in ah j : public document i .the Tribune is a leading pi 'the radicals. , - ’Thur the divisions in our pitted by Democratic editi •flko.. place. Alas tclr Dei Presiden t Johnson could n< abd after all Ibis froneeMidn*, plead— fogs, and: barnifiatione of the party, i>otoocraey jis as "far from power a* ffver. Tile Local , wh icb (h as 11! professed',- :.o be par exceflence; thejl fiiend of the President. gives Htr»tbe go by at lost- " The message if' not sat isfai'toryj, Jlts trankr.ess w Bttpieasanti , Bat; i beii tij-e iocßfdon r f exact! y know] what its opinion; will. be. It the .been .read,, i perusal mbit be bad a&dtrme bear from Itlbe great lights of mocraey,tleforetl« Xoeof cai ilaelf to give an opinion. -T| lights rnofet only reflect the b of the greater. When tbe| have" conferred together, an their orders, then; and not ai will we *be -Zojf of the rnefsage. It may ap disapprove 1 , being in a poeitp either. If we were permitt# a it wcytld be that Devcr Wiiljnppreve of Presid son's message. . ' ■ j ■| ABSTRACT OF REP' Tbiasuber’s Report , The Report of the Secret! Treasury jis able and satisfae was expected, he reiterates t cibly ihari ever the sentimeDl ed in his Fort Way neap e believes the legal tender »] warranted only by the e r the limes! and hot by 1 the tionj and yrhile ho would no peak the acts or'red ace the i -the currency by violent mea urges UiaV we consider t temporal'p, work of the notes | issued under .1-1 commenced xfrilhout delay, fully and perilslently contii they are withdrawn from jc This hejproposes to do'byf entire, indebtedness of tlie. The amount the Secretary nebossaryj to retire in ordt the currency within prop} between three and lour ht!i lions. T he, l[otal in I is estiniated at 701,218,033. mates tpjjpubji.c debt when at three billiohs of dollars coipts trim Revenue;/! as t '200,464j 215 25. Ho estinui ceipta forjthis year at 372 J Ho - rocc rnmemls the apf 200,000|CC)0 annually}: which iwo’uld pay it off in a years.! i ijie . Secretary . j whole ajinount of the Na can be; landed at about .. cent, interest. About 13| the dobt has been paid sin lait. There is nothing fo i but everything to encopra this showing. At the prei taxation! we will bo out tlUttT'tfW ao^TTdl'Talte time thatjour.Government, j returnjgraduairy to specie uCbxTnoLLF.u or GcrAenc j The njulnber of organized is ICO 1, of wliic have failed. The Control 8120,000,000/will be real! from th 9 tariff,§loo.oo(3,ooo and other liquors,Bls,ooo,o( co 7 §l2s}ooo,Ooo_on cotton J .on stamp's,,ooo on I; 810,00j0.p00 prom sale }of s malting; iiffall 8405.000,00( favor of restricting cles, and lthe dismissal of li Assesiorji and collectors Royonuoi ' i, ; Report op Secretary of Secretary,Welles, in hi attention 1 to the immonsil of organizing the. Kavy. j 218 sixain vessels were ;s Npvyi land 45,800 men purchased, on sale jot whi of 8121700,000. The ' eitii of prize* captured and si 000,000.- : The-, resources partmeht for the year/ju* 8141,009,112,599,and the! 5116,751]675 r | The War Report. Sec.; l3j;auton cilia . attention to es, timatpd oxpenses of the | coining year as. compared With, the last. The ex penses;; cTf the lust yeaij'of the {war tho!first'of peace, by estimate, $33,814,41 l|ks. He pro poses tbfkeep a stand ingkrmy of 'fifty thousand,'which he deems, sufficient. The Government has nbw on hands more tfian a; million of; small arms, three yeafs’ supply of clothing and Quartermaster’s arms This is cer tainly a ip view of future necessities 296,442 men were mus tered monthly after the close of the war The Provopt Marshal General’s statistics show that men were put |nto service. The Paymas ,ter General- disbursed■ ?!-,029,239,000, at an Expense of 86,426.600. The Sur geon General stales ■ there were 204 (General Hospitals and in them alone br.e million fifty-seven thousand font hundred! and iwcnty-thrjeo cases of sick and! wounded were treated. The rate of mortality was eight per cent.’ The Quartermaster Genefars Depart- supplied during 23,000,- 000 bushels of corn, 78,000,000 of bats 1,800,000 tons of hay, 550[000 cords of w,ood ; and 16,000,000 tbiis of ;ooai.— 141,632 cavalry horses wore purchased during the last year. 178,975 colored troops were enlisted, aid their (loss amounted. ,t0 r 68,178. | 7 ; ‘Gen Grant’s Hi ; The Report of Lieut.' the :inost interesting, written |public| military has ever been bur priv! •, j'■ .. 'f~ iiinistrctipu. ' York 3Vi i itSpraiseof jefore, jet aper among ranks, pre irs; will not nocracy IL-- it be wooed, lle*beicbe» iransactious. yearl preced fit bellioft. bsfekgi tract: ; olbere cet tbi oltijni ibe nr ned anddirea to him the gib lOngs. fle ext termanand. oil ily reflects on Jit Pne oriwo otbc REPoay. J|. {■tea that during; year O' a! hallmillions Jaeree disposed of - i .. estinii •••ffltte hod mep , poothe^poblic main. vilhio par boutw Vieej al ‘ Indians, most whom .micable. . 629' \rb granted dmii l thb lF' l. w I b' f .j :ce Repobt. , r ' Thi fcjenerjsl in Ms Re-- port, i enue of :the| [>£m par|tm' ! ,158,70,and the ex pend 1 slb, '2s, showing rie irly a'niil. .i of surj..- j This is indie sdja flne showing ,ap the Department;here tofore was wont to bje in arrearJniore thajn that aisotmt. One Iper cphlj pf all letters CMrfed go to the Dead lisp ter office, an It uo money received from same amou ilpi; to $244,372 97. J Tlje receipts pf this Department daring Jthe last ycar in th|r North alpne wjasj tjver sixjmillions greaterl than frPrii the wbple Uoion previons to the rebellion- This speaks (well for the cducatjon and social development, oftbe coun ,ry. He U svery of dui Mcado Geben fer> R( ' ' ; ‘f f» trn» ut ft re- J’TOD'ttt »intrant ie teaser •rilliance leaders, 1i issued til theft, I thinks prove lor On to po 1 1 to give 1 : m Lo'ecd ipt JonnV (RTS, % fy of lb<s ;ory. As io re for 5 - express* ech. He Hiii were .1 I -t. igoncy of ConstittU t now ref olnmo - of [ Mr. COlfkx’s Speech, j. [ The fol.towitig; is the adless dt orejd l.y i:r||| Colfax on taking Speaker’s G in. thlo National Hu ofilcpresentaXives : . , | ■ Gentleman of the Mouse of Jlepre, atlvis: Tbe :'e|aßSQmbling'of Congi marking as A does tbe pi.ocessio ont national li|3tory,is ahyays rdgi edf with . interest by ' tbe people whom it is ip legislate.. But it is unsafe to sayjlhat millions more t ever'; before] j Jfbr.tli, 1 South, East West, are loijkinW |to the Cong whjieb opens ! its, fi|sl session , to with an earriystiiess and solicitude equalled on' lliii,hilar occasions in, pak The'3:SiV.llith | ed its conplttiilionkl osUiencoj 1 the sVorm«Qlc| ill of'war stiHloif'c oyer us; anil, \fter si nine months set ce, Congkchi. resumes its legi.-iU an ;horiiy" in ; these- council-balls, joining thadfr,itn shcjre to ( shore jr land .there ip peace. ; Its tliniekk. obvious as the sun’s pathway in Ihcaycns Representing ]in itaj branches tbe] Slates and the Pie its! first and 1 highest obligation guaranty to every State a repub form of government. The r.ebt haying ovortilrtnvn the cpristituti State goverr.richts in.many S.tiit js yours tk ti ritiirciand enact leg I lion which with flu- chncurrer. : . '-p*- - ■ l Ml r * -H .-i-b .will guaranty-all necessary safegi |to the pecplejiahd tjo afford wbh magna cbartit,;lhe Declaration o ,dt is | the chic jen of gcvorrinieiuj' protection jli men- in thpirinulioriablc rights.-i-i; plauso) J ,j-, j, 1 ;|i i. |i'ho vroWdl should witness .in j great work the irrdst'inflexible'lfi | tj|,,lhe mopt.fjarncst devotion lc: principles 1 of| liberty and hnmV the truest ka rlolistn and the v. stjatesmanahi h- Men by the huh 1 olj thousands have!died that tti public.might live ~Tho 1 cniblep mourning fmye darkened the } House ivm the cabin alike'.,. Bri fires of civil war have melted i fetter in thejland,' and proved U neral pyre of slavery. t lt iis for representatives, to ido 'year, vk faithfully and i as well asldlcf the : less savior t jof thej Union on moredangjefptis arknas of duty.' j we may pope to see the vacati ' once abandoned seals around us Ijisvlly fillingjup, until this Hall i contain Representatives ' S|ate and district, their hearts! ( tefcl to the Union for which the ;td legislatejcalohs otj the honor.; fof its giorytwatclif'ul of Us right hpstile tjo ijt4,onemies; .arid the sir: our banner that paled when the :S they represented arrayed thonii in arms against the nation, will; i yyith a. morb brilliant light of lo; ! than ever before. (Applause.) vpking |tWof; guidance of Him djestiny of nations l ir hollow of rts band.! enter again the.duties oj: this trying position a] heart |fi lkd : with gratitude ,t( for thp un ifjrially flattering man wbichdt |ha? been bestowed.audit ed by top hhpo that it betokens cordial support and assistance. Us grave yebponsibilities.l , I air ready to lake the oath of officl s'eribed by la w. ms, yet l)b ;hom on|y 1 returning tie acts to intT card- I. ! ; hoed until lirculaticip. nidingtjhje nation.|-i -believos ft t to'bring r limits,| is id red rarl jirculation fie esjti f nil y paid, Tins ro- i ■ i year was tes the be -558.515 ; of mblic debt-, bout thirty hinftn the tionaldebt, j or 5J - pe,r 0(10,001) j of be October discourage, age ns from lent rale-of jot' debt in islfTii** #vT» warning in S; going I to payments. irs REPoftr. I ■ Banks-now. i ‘ but two ei; belieyes ized yearly i on whisk} - i 0 oii tobac sls,ooo,ooo cbnsl-?, and trpliis gold. He is in a-fow artu ho army of of. Internal the Navy report, calls y of tho task n (onrj’ears ddbd to, the 418 were eh wap a loss mated .value nk, is $31,-' •of the Do it closed "was expenditures ||-r—-r—i— ..Death)p| ; a Patriot;—W'rn fay, a uativ<j of Cjamdoo", Mo., 1 the M&valT&Oipilai in tfew Yc tjLe 30th ult!, in’ his 63d year, he was a Bailor ih pur navy, i ®°rved overiforty years as an ei plan. In April, 1.56.1, he[ was st ed at the >V}vrrenton (Pensacola' Ration, Florida, and was the whom tht }E. B.iilensbii the old navy,, ordered 'to lower [( 3; flag op the B’ecession of the Conway, in .reply to hia ord swered that he “Couldn’t doit.’ p.rder was Ijrepeatjsd more poaj “Lieutenant,’,’ answered the old £ i‘l have served utjder that flag i }y , years. and I jwon’t jdo it.’’ rebel lien tenant did not insist. ;,! Jy alter ilr. Conway was sent and remained during ihe war. Jj Reived -fre rri tbe citizens Pf Sari ; pisco a gddrnedal commends! his gallantmotion bn the oeeas ferred to, And this .ho had on h: | son at the Unio ofj|his| death, to | lettsri: froni Secretary 1 and Gan. Halleclr praising biml devotion flag. j j PORT. ren. Crrant is ninute, well document it lege to read. iWy »Klh« mililsj offllbe eoontry forjti •> the eollapsofof the ipisg salt >d| u Id, if possible*® ✓ jnerue, sod fci J*jP‘ \igfaer,ia the. sci idv stamps hitn Own of the [si '■ -From Washington. l]j Spsdal Duj *tcb to tEo PBtetrergCooDoeniUL • Wasmsotsi*, Beee'mjbeel 11. i The announcement of • the [House SUndrng Comtmtlem was the prisci pie feaiare'of .to-day’s session of the Bouse. .w; I»tbe House this aflersoon, Mr, Wentworth. of Illinois, introdaeea « bill prohibiting tbeimpqrttttiopdf cat 110 until all danger Irom eattlej diseas es bad ceased, and notice giveobythe President by proclaraattoa. Ji! ; . . , Tlie Eepubliean Senatorial ! Caucus reconvened to day ip one r of the rooms adjoining ibe Senate ebnmbor,|io con* aider Stevens’Hoose jqfnt resolution for raising a committeevol fifteen on reconstruction: • er The Prvajdent’n reconstruction poli cy- waft severely commented bri by ] Sumner, Ghastlier, % ade itnd: W»lBORj and defended by Senator in a spsetl* of considerable force; Tbodat ter was sustained by Dixt>n,Trnmbnir r Harris, Morgan and Spraguefyinally .ft motion was made td strikej Ojttt fbe r words ‘Moint committee;” an<jl ; insert Hhe woid “concnrrcnlJ’Wias to reljcve the resolution of certain parliamentary objections, butt bat was lost. J| Consid erable debate was then bad on the statement tbal the latter part of! the House resolution 'assumed to decide on the elections ot Senators, -ttwasurged that it-waS therefore both unparliamentary [and unconst lutional,and should be] change od to neet those A vote was the i taken, and by 16 tp 14 that feature was stricken out The reso lution was / then adopted by ibq same vote, and ne modified reqds as follows: ..Resolved, By the Senate.and House in Congress assembled,tbal a Commit tee of fifteen; members, shalli be ap . pointed,| nino-ol whom shall lie mefs,- befs of the,House and six of the ate,whojshall inquire into the condition of the Slateg which formed 'the, §o called Cpnfcd’dratc.Statos of America, and report whether any. *>f them : are entitled |to bo represented in either ” House o|f Congress, with, leave to re port at any bill or otherwise. ■Representative Wilson, of; I6wp,’ ■ ir.troduc]ed a bill in the Hotiso to-day to reorganize the judicial system of the United Slates. The objedtoflbh bill is toj pet feet arrangements for, the trial of jj-eflerson Davis in the United States Circuit Court, at Richmond, 1 Virginia. ■. .'Jr; i ' f, A bilij presented in the lipase to,day by Julian, of Indiana, proposes to so amend the confiscation law' a.'jt to lor-' toil real estate beyond the lifetime, qf ■ the owner; incases of, troasonj; ' jj : 1 . :J j Both J the Senate and; Hobsq'vvpre “(flooded ;to-day wikh vigorotjs rcsdlu yKi on's for the enforcement-of the Mon ted Ibr of the >use roo Docjlrine. There' were ihroe dif- i, nre \ K tyro )p!e, rs to ican fieretu sets presented in this Senate and t'w separata ones iii the House. No action was taken on them, nor |s any likely to bo at present, jl; j The Committee oh ; Elections;have been vailed to meet on Wednesday’, to take nji the contest case ofl CoiTrptb anti Koontz./of I’a., and 'd&cula vyliich ia •* ,v ' o tno “CM. j i\Oimor oi then arc 011 the rolls of the Hbvfsoi the Cleric hayjntf nafnaei) to pince them there on the ground that neither- had the Gorerndi’s j f l> Late Southern Items. . 1 New Orleans, Dec. ;'. M.-w i cor,. Gi , Jojiriuil has it letter of-the | 8d ins;., from—dliHedgevillel savin;; i that Provisional Governor I J ohnston j received orders,' from Wash;!niton to retail his position m,mil fhrlhcr In structions yAiso, that ho lias orders' not to issdeeortificatcs of ejection to Georgia Congressmen elect!| k Provisional Governor , Pajrsons, of ,-Alabama, has received a'.dispatch 1 of the 6th inst, from Secretary Sevyard, congratulating him, the Government and country, in the President's narah; on Ibe [acceptance by Alabama of the constitutional amendment, which com pletes the number of required to mak-B tlLe SmcndmentAho organized law of tiie' % '< - The Mississippi Legislature dedin ; ed passing the constitutional am'er.fl-! ment, because of the second clause; ! The following resolution i was 1 laid j qpon th£ table in the Soqatejof Louis iana,'add a number of .calls to take it, up Imvje been promptly voted down: .WfiitjßEAs,. in the opinioh .(if i this body, 'ho Government'of. the United Stoles jis tlie best government oh ‘the’ face of the oarjlh; and jwherias : , the flag of paid' Government's, worthy c f all respect, therefore, bo it • sj Resolved, That the Sergeant nt-iafms of the. Senate be directed to procure a large United Stale* flag,,and to have, the,same properly and tastefully ar ranged over the President’s!chair. , , t this idcli- : ;tbo nily, i is “M Ireiis ‘I-hsn L !and T'rad- Hhhll <;very (ievo» y | aro j ircmd rand, :rs on.i tales; elvcsi shine i yaity! ln who -tbo upon yQn mep in cfesej-f. f . in all i n6w e pro* ’ From Mexico.! "New York, December IQ. —A'gbn* llemari who lately visited IMonterey; writes] from Drownsvillei that the Ffcncfi forces hav* built strong fortifi cations around Monterey, particularly on the] roads used by Gencjral Taylor at the! his assault/ The Fr ench officers and soldiers expressed much dissatisfaction at remaining; in Mexico, and were hopeful of going bomb bo* fore long. Executions of persons ad. hering to the. Liberal Causs'are of fre*. quent ocenrrbbeo. Foop|o in j the Northern portion of Mexico are al most in sympathy With the Republic,, but ihere is .so much quarreling;between the Liberal lead ers, that be accomplished.— Th ( cre| is a great-scarcity of arras; and ambujnitiop. . j j ‘ Gon lied at rk, or. In '6l laying ilisted alien - naval rhani iw, of he U. Stale. 3r, an-- The, ively. I jA- body io| Now York .{physicians ! have agreed that the cholera is a Coin ; muhicabloand cohtrolable disease; thbt jitsjianse is riot in the atmosphere, kwr /communicable except by lit near ap-; proaca;. that it accompanies human travel undhamnn traffic; that it .pro gresses -only at the - rate'l of.vessels across the ocean, butnovef precedes them; that it is transmissible by cloth• iing arid effects; that it r.eyer appears, in a nsw locality without communica j tiou, £ nd that itmay bo arrested by lar, I absolute quarantine of short duration. sailor, 1 br for-! The; Short- j northh He ro ■Fran- ory of bn re b per jother i Velles i for his j ME ■;; 1 From WlbhmenA ;; j I Tobk, December. 10.—The HeraltC* Richmond correspondent says lh e;m i B t'aryj'polfoe blf'that city wjH be withdrawin, and a civil pfjUce tab' l lstji iesi. J f The. npnMera of M>e legislator* setmj-tobayo decided that devotion tO the-rebeL cause during the warliato Be the measure- of merit, and they bare j therotore resolved to remove all Un ionist Statej officers save the State B A editor, bolding office under appoint- b merit from! Governor Riorpoot,! and: f appointed, next; Tuesday' for erecting successors to them, . They have' also! adopted an iaineudmeEt to their State; coD£titntk>bi which not onlydeee | : away with all disabilities tor holding j office od ;.aCcosnt of partieipalipri in the rebellion, but] does; not require the oath of allegiance to the National Government to be. taken, A joint committee has been''appointed by the IWo Housed td confer, with the.rmfita'* and urge the immedi ate removal of: the National , troops Item the Slate, one member remark* ing during the discussion oyer the matter, that be thought they bad modeled i|w{ the" - Government I long .enough,’.' Joint' Res ' The loll) ohu|oTi, | ol Bingham, ij reading on propositioi which will deserve, ll Congress. Wing important. Joint res* jTefod by, lion John A. of .Ohio, passed, to a second «. Wednesday. It contains Oa of great general- interest, I doubtless receive, a& they lie careful consideration ojf,| r by Ike Senate and House of i 'ices, of the United States of, it ;». Congress assembled ] (two- .t both bouses concurring,) lolloping articles be;propos i Wgislatures Of the seyeral i mepdijusnts to the coiislitu s United Stales, all or any articles, ■when, ratified by i tlap of , said' Legislatnresj olid to all intents and pur uu of the said Constitution,; Resolved Representa Ametica i i. (birds, of That the i ed to i tire restates as i tion of lb of Which three font sluili bo vi poses as p viz:, The fin 'section of stitation.l be laid on State,” -is dared of . , No part I rated in i ! wbicK' ma aid of anj trd State; paid by l any. ; Slat thereof.: The C 6 ejake all,’] secure all iti every pfolociipi criy aud When iscrye, the liairisburg i, th&t several of our cotem- Hi's under th.e impression ilrat ur Judge (.successor to Jsis- : idward) -mpst be elected in electron for that high office place until 1567.- The term n ; Woodward will expire In term of J udge Strong and -1 , •ri in. 1872, of Judge Ueetl in -1 Judge A’gnew in nlgea Stropg'and Thompson'; : bench Judge Wood-f :nn of Chief Justice expires! they, will hayo'to draw lots: J.iof Justiceship. It rosy be 1 - 1 as premature to refer, to tbef insult of election, but if! aH likely, i liat the JhemocraJ 3 able to ; elect a successor to 'd. . None but those who lie to 1 country and the human freedom can again be i) a Stale office in this cpir- Itli. ■ Tlnbj debars professing its of tUi.s_|and a'.future’ getf from enjoying 'such honors, give, at the proper dime, thb ion of Pennsylvania another Judge oh fife Supremo bench, If jJiat Justice .Who'was in lotting traitors;:proceed, in of [destroying the Union l . ■ We 6b Telegraph jioriirius : jv Supreni tico Woo lSt;6; no wil.l take of Jnrigi i>5!57, the Tlumipso ISIS; *n. Should;,! bo, on the ward’d tt in ISUT; I for.the !C regarded possible i is not at tiy will :b Wobdwa woio In .cause of l' in on weal D'emobiia eratioh i and will Union ini upright! . in place favor of the work r. ' i Fast land: i list ()f; f vessiilse, 1 stroyeil | war. Tl timalod | of the oijl This is: bi governin' The moi the Alat much mo England just and not she. coraponii settled'. iOF ( ouk Bill Auainst Esof it Now Bedford paper gives h forty-six AmericaV whaling* with 10,252 barrels of oil, do by. rebel i pirater’duripg the ie value of, the vessels isesf -4l 81,150,000, and the value of I 1 at half a million' of dollars;, at a portion of ‘.ho claims bur. ent is urging upon England, re ha at,. vessels destroyed 'by )arala sr.d Shenandoah were Ao valuable.than th.b-whalers, may never- directly pay .these lawfulfclaims, but if she does will pay it indirectly, .wild d interest. The bill must be Restoration of frnb ’Habeas Cop;- ■pus. —The, President’s proclamation of restoring the wm,r)t Habeas Corpus is important' in'itself; bat the”” most important parts isitKat Which excepts all the, so-called .{ seceded States, ic-' eluding /Kentucky apd Missouri. Thb ipterpre lation, it seems to us, is that the- President does not deem those Statcssnfficiently [restored or Brecon, struntedtp be i-worthy of-this boob. •.. ■ * Mississippi Legislature, has ho _ hi(l ( over .tbo f’s veto. It exempts from ex of judgment $3,000 worth pf '■-belonging'! to the head of[a. hild,.otc.iTae Governor also stay law,, but the Legislature to' pass i i.jovor his veto! .The passed j Governc ecution. properts family, t vetoed ;* declined ia h«s J ratified the,' . the Constitution abolishing This is the twenty-eighth atj has ratified the Amund d- is a sufficient l number': to J ratification perfect Georc 'ment to slavery. Stale jtli ment, ar make ill elution to Amend the Constitution- I : ARTICf.E —I], i paragraph? of the .ninth the first {article of the Con- i ; wit: “No tax or dntyj shajl i articles exported from any j ■ hereby repealed -and" do* so! effect. _ , ’ . |;‘ | ARTICLE—i |. ■!' ' of any debt or debts eon- i lid of the 'late rebellion, or hereafter be contracted do ; rebellion against the Unit-; shall ever tie assumed or ! 0 ; UnUedStates, not - shall. , t assume or pay any part}; j AliyiCLl!:—. , t.". f r.gressf .shall have power. to aws necessary and proper to' persons, without disllinctipn,. Slate ' of I the Union, equal i jn''thcir ! rights pf life, iib« )rpperty.| ; ■ . rill we'lElact a Jtidg.e of b supreme tourt , i if'TSKATpr-- MDIES;, -! - r ■ fi : GEKTS, and ' 1 ' , ' [f ; r OHILDEIS’S SKATES; For riteitCHAHBIRUN 4 WINANB? Hori- Store,' Now Brighton | [deoUfUt f EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. J BEREA3. Tetters testamentary onthe estate of N/tseissa J. Jour, late- of trifehton tpv Bearer county, dco’d., haring ten granted to the , onderaigaed, afl persons noaring themeetren indebted to said estate are requested to made immediate payment,. nndthoashaTittg ei&ims against the same wilT pwjaent then* properly authenticated for g*V ‘leme’k. .... ...•/I. . ' : JOSEPH C. WILSON, Ex’r,' . ! . ■; . ■ Bearer. iec33 ! • - I ADMINIBTRStOR'S NOTICE" 1 ETTEKB of admiufS)tra tn» on the estate efCtutusM. Kelis, Kite of Borough Iwp.J Bearer 00., doo'.d ,jha»jng been isso-, sd toihe undersigned. Am person# indebted tr r required to make payment, and tb »e haring claims will present there, prop er t authenticated for settlement. j | ’ JOHN - KELIN, Admr,' i declares 1 j. Mew Brighton, j t I SHAVING, HAm-CUTTING, SHAMPOOING, &c. ; L rOHJI D. WILLIAMS returned (I from the army, where he has served for a moat three years, 1 wisheako inform his form er customers end the public generally, that, h i has openedhia shop in toe north end of the r MARKET HOUSE, BRIDGEWATER, where he will carry on id bis former good kid fashionable style. By dloseattention to hisinca, be hopes to merit and receive a liber al stare of public patronage. Those wishing it clean, ijmooth shave, or jhair cut in a f ash vo»ahle f style, just stop in and; give John a trial, and,he leelsJ satisfied that ho dan, please them. ' i . . | ‘ [deol3:2m H—~ 1 " . BEAYEB 1 r> EMV imriE Winter Terra of this' Institution will' : I commence . ; S' :l T . Tuesday, January 2d, 'lB6 ii,J noder th« charge of v-y ' • ' , < H.. Ml GANTZ ■> da Principlil. i ill It is the desire, and will the aim, to make | this a thorough English, Classical and Com iutrcSaVSchool, and to sustain the high char. aqlcr it has heretofore maintained. - Good opportunities will lie afforded to young j men and boys who desire tiobtain.a thorough i E uglish and Business Education, and to alt] who may desire a Classical Education, or t* fi • themselves.for entering the higher College c asses .• 1 ~ .'• / " ~ : For rates of tuition, &c., send for • circular. ,: Address'-the Principal at New Brigbtoa, I caver county. Pa., or the undersigned. . I , H. HICK d 1 See., lioai*d of Trustees, Heaver,'Pa*. ADMIN IST RAT 'Law J3ooks,- &c. ITT HE subscriber. Administrator ofthe Es-l |l tale of the HON. THOMAS CUNNING-/ HAM;.late of the Borough of j Beaver, deed.; Will expose to sale by public out-cry,. on I - , Tuesday, December 19 th, ,1865/ a, .woidciiae ofsaltoT de»’d., his j LIBRARY OF LAW BOOKS. Comprising, Story's Harrison’s Itigcst; Call as’. Yates’, Bimeya’, Sergeant’s., and Rawlc's,' Wharton’s, Rawle - ?, Penrose and Waft’s, Watt’s, and Watt’, ‘and Sergeant’s Kc p«r!Pennsylvania State Reports by Barr; same bydpncs, Harris, and Wright, al go Reports of the U. S. Circuit Court, and Massachusetts Reports by various authors, aud Urge variety of elementary works and miscellaneous Books. Being an old Practi • ilioner, he bad a largo’ and wc-ll assorted li brary. j I ■ ' ’ • Also, will bo offered sale at the same time and-plaoe, two Mon's saddles/'one set of Car-1 riage Harness, one I Horae Sleigh, two Riding flridles, and ,a number of other articles not numerated. ’ I r * knowfa’on day of sale. deo'lS'6s. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE: T>V virtue of an order issued of the Orphans' 8> Court the county of I! caver, the under signed Executor of the lust will and testament jf Matthew Elder, dec’d,| late of Beaver obun ■?, will, expose to s'ale by public vendue or put-cry, on the premises, on ? : Wednesday, Jan 10fA, 1860. lit - 1 p. tn., the fo Bowing described piece or tareel of.laud, situate in Darlington tp., Bea ver county, bounded on the west by la'nd of frm. Harvey Knight, ontho north by land of Selah Chamberlin, gn tfae-cast,by other lands of said Tcstaler, and on the south by the tail ritc'c-of the Woolen Manufactory or other lands bf-Said Testator;. eoiTtaihing about ioO acres, more or'less, about SO acres . pleat cd and un derlaid with a good vein of coal: i n which is erected a hewed log barn, with fnimejsheds;' fruit trees on the promises. The ifarin |is well watpred, and public schools, mills and church es convenient;-about four miles frdni Darling ton. ■ • , I- ' i • • ■ , Terms.— One-third of the purohass ijioney ■on'the confirmation of the-sale by lbe court, balance iu twjo equal, annual payments, troirt the date of the confirmation of the-sale by the Court; back payments to be secured by bond and : morl gage. ’’ ■ j 1 For further particulars inquire of the un dersigned at Elder’s Mills, Bearer’co., Pa. (REUBEN WATT, „ ' r clllhtw Elder, de.'d. <leol4’f*. LOSSES PAID 16 YEARS $ 1^7,0 jETTNA - INSURANCE COMPANY I HARTFORD, Ct. . ! ; NET ASSETS, JAN., 1865, $3,677,|362, ; 7:1 _•i ' f FIRE AND INLAND N a.v iga tionßi s k s. ■9* Agencies -in all the principal Cities and Towns inthe United States. Applications for Insurance will Ue promptly attended to. ! . . H-1: CHAS. COALE. Agent: > dec6'6o—3mtis ’i j. \". New Brighton. IF you want .to fiuy. and OhtmUali, go .-j: I I j_; _[ It'S SALE J. C. WILSOA', Administrator. Jfc-r. OVfiR I ire Drags, Medicine Moors’* ;Dnig Store -t «oom drug sroat '; - ? IN-BiiAyEfj ; .. » a r & M ,^ { _ £ \ ■' : :P7re! ;; j : : UQ RST, \riy ßB Lift nd Qu g^ '.tfo . t Pa 1 - IB IiTTTIp-pgj. • SOAP^j TOIL] ■ % ' B sai: 8( % PA OA medicines in freat fa fold ehi othe »rrtty, a] tapertUi jr l ' Drug I eta Ure iii tk»2wi ’ Bunco’s FetnalJ Pills Its ' . Cbeeiema »% £l;C' ark’s, $l. w fb] life g?st stock of - ■ Lamps and Lamp Trimmings. Unfa. ' Stmionefy, ’ Oils. Paints ’ ■i ■ ' and Dyt Stuffs \ ercr offered' outside; of the. city, at Drug store, and Isold cheaper tbaa'eall bought anywhere else. |Let thosertojJu *«&» se «- H to? will foot* now, DeclS, f j M00&I, T*s. ' i ! ' I . . ■ c. s f- ••■ntsiii. WINIIV, ; - -, - ■ ;j NEW BR ' '1 CHTOX.PA., EMI I.KIIS IS 1! ' r \vL\ HE, ELAJR . . ■ I- 1 il ' ; Its, GRASS, IRON, XA \ND AGUICUI/TU RAL IMPLEKVJSj GAIiPENTEEI >’ TOOLS, jj BLACKS Ml' US’ TOOLS, MASONS TOOLS,' KERS TOOLS. i : SU'OEi LEIIS’ TOOIjS, S.AD l ; 'Api. STERERS’TOOLS; INERS’ T.OOIA ardware! SADDLERY' LjL 0W S' A' SHIA FT?, BENT FE LOCip.*. HOLTS A HINGES. I PICK® iIATTOCKSji HOI LATFOIiiIbCAL& COUNTER & I TABIJE* pi , •’ , - - • i I 'CKF;T CUIjLEHY HOU^E SIIOJS S NAILS, iljtlXoE •BOLTS- i SplS.' TIRE & C'A i-r: ■ 6 .IS, ST (TAW CORN SH.EL =I -J.ENTSroR •■=■ „ WER AND RKA,TE\T/ ON riKK-BEICS'VOEii EXCELSIORI M<) ■ NEW BRIGHT 1 Deed,’Go.' ■ij (ioons: DRY| !F CLOAKS r : “r '• 4; shawls: EAT;: -cheap' cheap': c ■ ' !‘i 1 ■ : ,1 the' lakcest .stock/; ■ ; DR Y GOODS OUT TO TM'-'^ EVER'BRO si hseortment The i ibs A Children’s^ Ladies’, Misi | erer offered! •bis sid® S& SHAWLS; CL.QA ■: 1 -ji An excellent stock, an>l c^c * Also, a good as j.CARPETS.C 3or,tnient of .-• • • L CLOTHS. BCG* . nil bought to seU-’at very l P' , ? a M' ’ if. wholesale .Bib* 511 ; our; stock. [ , :all and bo OontmcM- ,i- • These good we MsnUfaeturersv jbi whichenables us I , Theatteation ers le'directci! f 5 J^'GiTeusiit f.■ ‘ I I - dcm 186 Federal et r 4 dao6:6m] AiL! at, doort (below ,M»r LEGHENT CiTV;. ' TOWN PROPERTY FOB SALj^ rrinE »T<i consisting of one good two siori >a d and,» one stoi jf house, two lots. " jjiff cellcnt well,’of Iwkter that ° cvcr l,,„' r AiSf ed for Bale. IPerions jjfif sirable property, had belter J* 1 JOD Hu, who in* _ II 'i I JjßS.f.