The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 29, 1865, Image 4
Vi BRITISH P|ffIODICALS, Thb tosuos EmsßtrMß HEYiiW (W^-L^jv tSb%kw^»«P : Bkvmw^- TublHomh DttttiHt Bbvbbw (free-Church.) . - BHD ... .'V.,. ■_ - < T(wy ' i ir immoa P ub }“ be r a vs o ? t^ e l *° ( . ihg irii-i th a above-named periodicals, but as tie of orlotinK has doMid, the price of pa lir ner?W treSfcdjfnd taws, duties, Keeper, Advance tbeir terois. as follows. : - TERMS F0R1865. ; . 0Q Fpr'aay one oftjie Bevicwa— — Vqq s POr any two.of tto Reviews.•••• 10,00 Per any ifcOd ;aSseswsK=s3;.#B «fg .spS^iaaajEsac'SS p£i&* « ithcr advanced , tmon£ m v^io^ n^fzhh^ e ■ ; , i ...../.j. itia amount of matter fur* S?r« a™ f »'w rf 111 “*‘ !1 “ li sgsasssssaty lllons/ which at the present P reml "”^ n ,|?r‘! would be about $lOO a yea r ,ou r pncea ($lo) f iut.’- Add to tbU the •• fact that our ShnhaV-payments to, the Bnlisb Publishers for early sheets a? Gold— Si costing us at thistime (Jau. 18 > nearly 52.60 Ift purreuoy—and we trust that fl in the stile wa have adopted wo shall be-en *' tUeVjdsUfieil l>y our subscribers and the "feSS^these'Periodicals to Ameri -5 cw reaSra is wther increased than d.tmn- i -35; ished by the articles they contain-on onrC.c iJ.-TTar, and though sometimes tinged ' prejudice, they may still, considering their IwaUbiUUty and the different stand-pomU ; from which th<?> are .written, ■ bc-rcad and atudied with advantage by the peoplemf this i country* of every preod and parly. #E r6tm REVIEWS for 1863. {•' A.fewcopiesof the H aijdwill bo aoW jat $5 for the whole four, or , $2/or anyjoM-U; - r We also publish the . ; . late J; P. Nortbl, of Yale Cdllege. 2 vols. . Royal Octavo! |jßoo pages and numerous En * gra p T Rl g ck.s7 for tie- two volumes—by Mail. ppst scoLT & CO., Publishers, I I ; .. A"o, £3 Walter Street, Kea York. ADMINISTRATOR'S notice "« ETTEUS of administration on the estate Ii of Col; James Andebsos, late of the Boro’ ofßeaverißoaS^rc'o., Pa., dec d, basing been granted ft the undersigned, - all persons indebted to paid estate are requested to make payment, and those basing claims kgaOTl the same will present them .properly authenticated for settlement. ‘ Ti- HUGH ANDERSON, Adm’r., . 1 noslb’6s f . ! '' : Bcaver 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE -CXTHEREAS letters of - administration an v'lyV the estate of Aabo.v Hoop, late of Greene township, Beaver county, Fenna., deceased, having been duly granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate jdrenotified to make immediate payment, add those having claims against the same will pre 'eent them phoperly authenticated for settle meat without delay. . , . I ; ; GIB SOX HOOD, Adm’r., ,-,nov 16165 ’'II I ■ Greenetpi ;T notice/ ’ ETTEUS of administration on the estate of I . Jab Tl. MiCitEEdti laie of Beaver boro', ■ Beayerxo.j deo’d, having been granted to «l undersigned, 911 persons indebted to said estate 1 are requestid termake immediate payment, and j those having jeiaims against said estate- will ■'-present them to the -subscriber 1 property an* r : thentioated for settjement. ' /-;• ! BOBT. M’CEEEBy, Admr., ietlS’O.y Beaver. EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE, LETTEHSI Testamentary onthc estate of I Joum'Tbets, :atc|d., late -Aeiekly Avrfc.v ißeayef bounty,, baying been granted to [be undersign cd[, all. persons in debted, te-said'-estate are Requested 'UMriftke immediate payment, and tbfae baring claims against, the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement., CHRISTINA Cl Ex'rx. . j 1 - . - NewjScwicEly tp. hoy 15 ; ; .JSXEt, . .. LETTERS iof admin»slmtion on the estate Thomas Stevenson. late, of Hanover township, Beaver County, Pa., dec’d, haying - been to the undersigncd, all persons indebted- tq said estate are requested, tomake immediate -and those having claims V against thqsatao “will present them properly 1 suthenticated for settlement. ’ i !I ? . JAMES 0et11’65.; 1 | ! Administrator. EXEGUTQII’S NOTICE. *: f XTETHEBE AS Utters testamentary haring - W been granted to the undersigned, on the stain of JijtES Feeouson, late of Pulaski tp.. Bearer county, Pa, deceased, all persons knowing. themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make" payment immediately and those.haring claims against the same will present jthpm to,the subscriber duly authentL cated for settlement. kEtfWABD HOOPS. \ F _r_, | JAS. CrFEBOUSOH, f i novS EXECUTOR’S NOTICE/ letters testamentary'on the estate? of AuceDeax, ISste of New Sewicily ip,/Beaver'county, dec’d., baying Been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate arerequested to made immediate payment, and, those haying claims against the same will present them: properly .authenticated for set tlement. - ! REUBEN HENDRICKSON, Ex’r., ■ftovl’6s ; Economy tg. COAL 1 iWILL deliver to the citizens of-Rochester, Bridgewater, Beaver and vicinity, a good quality of Coal, at the shortest notice. Wag- can. at ainy time, be supplied at) the Bank, , h ,on M'Kinley’a run, adjoining the'.bank of, ’ Wn. PorterJ Esq. ' ' ■ J. C. MOLTEB, ■ j . i \ . *PvS,,, Bridgewater, ;: FOB SALE: TTTHBELBirs Patent Water Drawers YY Extra Chain for do - dp . do I; Buckets for do : do '.l Weights andiron Wheels;-. / I Dry lumber of all kinds; . Flooring, Siding, .Shingles and Lath pon ; btautly 'jkepl on hand. • 1 Building timber sawed to torder without ■ delay, v JAS. &R. DAREAQH? atig3o*Bo:Bt ' Sharon Mills. JF. M. H art on, • M , i > -- • ..1: 121 iiigil.:l-- N ,,, -. ,- Offers; his services to the On SENS OF, BEAVER Aim I) VICINITY. on 'Third street* 2ddoor oast i ,S. H. Ahderßoir’s'store. . " ;[novX6:Bm. IF your Want to buy l‘ure pi)rugs., Medicine go'to-Moore's Drug Store CHAMBEELDTSDETTG -- f-.. V ■ rPtflß/El CP^TJO ; j: Ifine liqu< . ‘ r ' i 5 . !'' *i , Also,. a full Assortment i\P WINJpW GLASS, pure and secon d qua: TICE. TOE’S E -A.T IK ROCBTESTBB, i i'V- - /■- , : ■ ' j Can be Jiund a fuU assortment oj MEDICINES, qHEMI(6AIJS, and EjilHTB, LINSEED OIL, b, NEAT’S FOOT 6IL iv i ! SPERM OIL, , AND "WHITE LEAD i r . • ■ • ■ . Also; FINE TOILET SOAPS, • ALL VARIETIES BRUSH: T|lB BEST PBRFUII’ FANCY&TOIBET ARTICLE AND POPULAR PREPARAiT I I ! | | PORJTHB HMEJ All of which is - offered at low price; withstanding, late advances, BST Attention of. also ' " 1 ‘ , 1 ‘ ~V A> : whose prescriptions will be accurate ■I ’ [,v ' ; ’j ■.. .pounded at all hours*. • 4 - I, ',l STORE IN THE DLAMQ, 'Mx( door to Fortune's Dn/Good give me A CALL, ONE -IXi ■ oCt2s:ly . ; I NEW' S'l’Oß UK. s; SII.U.LEXD! jons stiles.. stiles & shallenb; ! T DLAI.EKS IN FAMILY GROCERIES, CJoiiiitvy Produce, h!u iisT’S oil) -sty N ‘I V intWGK\VATER, PA. HAYING refitted the large brick stm, room formerly occupied by ,A; C. Hurpt wbera wo have i full a* sortmentr of such articles as are uai ally k^ : in-a first-class Grocery, we respectfully in’ all purchasing Goods in our line t< examine; out stock. Wo are deteij*.- "keep.everything of the .best quality the in tcctls. will afford, and to sell ,at pHdcs at le as low as the same character of Goods can bought for' ifi this vicinity , Our stock Quecnswaro is Isxgc and well selected, will be sold low, * . I .FLOUR AND FEBS 1 constantly- on hand; also a fine lot .of CANNED FRUITS'' & UIGKL ! ■■. , . ■ t i _. ■ ; g i ■ Nails, . Winitiqp- Glass, t «c-,. together tvitti .a variety of - toilet Articles and i.Notions Ail.kinds produce winted, which the highest market pribes will be j ini cash; or goods., Rememberthe pjice— STILES & SIIALLENBEUGE : ' . Family. Grocery, (Hurst't Oldeland,) oet 10:3m BRIDG ENUAT-Eli Kew Shoe S’ :oi* IN BEAVEFI • . 1 -T \ ' ■ _ Robert gallon would \ kespi FULLY /innohncc-lo his bn'turners friends generally, that-heL_has Jue t open New Shoe Store in Bfca> and is now j nblio the ses*' assortment of - ; ; < i MEN’S.. , ;v ■ BOYS’. LADIES' and ' CHILDREN’ W iiM ■s. .[ ever brought to this county. La lies she all kinds and best qualities. ■ .They bought on advantageous terms,' «nd wi sold at reduced rates. I-, i ! and see, one and all. We ;ci be undersold." | ‘ B®-Store One door East of l. N. Al Clothing Store. . "o : ITCH. 1 ITCH I! ITjOHI! Scratch.!. Scratch!! Sei atol WHEATON’S OINTMENT •WILL CURE THE ITCH IN ‘jifcj HOC I ■ 1 LSO cures SALT RHEI3SI, TIL and all EEDPTIO THE SKIN. Price 50 cents'. For sale Druggists. • .J I By-sending CO cents {oWEEKSj&PO Sole Agents, .170 Washington 'street,! Mass., it .will be forwarded iby (mail, postage, toany part of the UnilcdEtate sept2o’os—Gmoa. A. i>EcAtt: TOBACCQNIS'! COR. DIAMOND & T|li ItOBACCO & SNUFF alwaVq V Cigars -inanufaptured .and ret nil 6TB ijj Or ■ ’ ! : - -M.x till. ~t>3 «?•{•»■] i : i f ■ • -b'j- b; HanWiift X I* =I ■ ■.!! •- ik-s ich al •i loci t "'V CM IRS; - do of LARD o: ITT " is, o 1 IUY I s ONE not'- called y com star i ALL, tU'.ER. >6£Si 4 nvi! call alt lined Broadway, Jfad >y nil ] ".'-T;:' i j f • TViANOS, Melodious,, and a choi fTER.! \ lion of;Musical instruments, ket *9.ston,j , -Also, Music and Stationery. | , jjsShln9t rumentnl music taught. it.. io. tuj! the best Pt -———-I jJt Pye Sluffa, go to Moore’s Drug ME *■' j i T>t)Sa BROTHER,’& Co’s.Eitn •?; 7 hjQj WriUhgFlma.'thebestinthe.w ,• ’ - Drug Store!’ Try it u RD ST. Cinded. Manufactured by tho Ame ' ou hand- Company'!' M..-j_ I'arnighqd to TEyonwaut to buytho bestClga ) X lb ilem'i Bnqfctore nip tef i Ws|f .r&l\ \ j ll ■' ‘X 'Jplese M oT; *. \ ' '' : V • j • J T -' . | chines j make th ?ke on.. ! ■ ■ ■] r u Siab r than half the thread! use less . at the single or dou ;' : -V J , I u jop-stitch Machine! -kks'tlM thread 1 ■■ ip ; • * will Stitch,; Hern, ‘Ffell, p'-; ki 1 Plait, Gather i •N.v-i;;.:; " r i 1, etc., all wilhou I Alt. Tu ircj, Bral ting; arid are bi^tte •evious ba Sl'j '*‘ ii any other : Sewin' [anted tha : U--.-; aoume in f.. . ; larges an use to |the frequeh great; variety red in a farnilyp c wing reqv ey will,si \y from pne ito tweii -1 ' I ■ i. i / esof Marseilles \vitU- thick nesi at -stopping, ar><ii make- every ; I 1 i '■= !• ’. •" I litoh perfect; or from the finest I' | ■"!■. . i . i auze to the heaviest beaver I | ,| . 4 I I blhj without changing the fetid I •$ • |'’ 1 i , | eedle or tension, or making arty H- ■ . j, I• , .I , : 3jusl of waioh ine what eve r •It has thc follovring advanlu es overallother rnaclirnes: j Ijar greater, variety of jworjli icinty land excellence of stile i w 4 ii i- . -■ 'Hi ■peed andj (fmctmls; limplicity of const! iud manugcuietU- "I - 1 > , | is|gi» ■■jin.ish.j_ i '? T hese arc ngcuji ! ■ h ii.ii. . r i w ill -go far to de J• 3 ! 7 choice of an ..intelligent bujfc ,: j 1_ Please U and examine )I'•■ 'j • M‘‘ ;• 1 .‘i !• ' _ |b^avi-:h, : Jpa., • lain *l7l Siilq Ag Weaver Q<l| I - ; .j — : «j Karine, Inland &Fire Ihsura: CO; | OFj JS'.Ol of!, ' ■ • {• .SJ, ■:■ d l . PHILADELPHIA: I, 1*794 • Perp. The Oldest: Co. in Up U. Stat Ovcf $17,01)0,001) Losses p iiJ in.l; ash, ; ,]' Orgaujwumo® ~]. Casli* Capilai Jan. 1,18 J. . &±J7X&M?± VI- Buildings,, Merchandise and Fiivnitu f sured agaiiisit Loss jit Damage by FU i ■, on this most Liberal Terms. Brick and Slant Dwellings [lnsured Perp, llisks;taken on the most; liberal ten CIIAS. B. BURST, Age i '| t Rochester, J 1 1 i mySl’Co ' Hico <& Rut , ATTOBHEXB AT LAS V\/ to ;iegm business >V kinds! Prompt attention given lections generally. Licensed Agents ' lection, of Pensions, Bounty, arrears .< Prize money,-Pay, etc.;, of Prisoners o UCT- and all: Kinds: of TniUt ! aryj i clttiws agai j and T ernment.!: Office—j [ ' ’--I ed n Jloner* o/ Market. Street‘and the U 1 * (irnricemtely in tlie rear of Court Ho’ i ;l BEWEII, | PBNN’iAr, ver, ji _ i , n- ; ’■ t b_ 1 widh Manufacturers’ ! & Merc) i J- .f INSURANCE COMPAS |,' | : OP PITTSBURG* i 6fficetspWater si/\Hagaley's h ; r r I, BENNETT, President v i i I - ;J.. W. Vise ! EAR W*'P. Joses, Bcc’y. Insures Against IjLoss by CCS of i, [ Inturei Steamboat! and Cargoes, were d n d on property injransit against t ■illjbel r l ;■ >J : 0 f Ai'njTigation. i ■ I Dißectokr.—James II Bcnhett, J airnot Schwirtz,.’Robert LeC, Tl C. Ptrsbin ' , Watson, L, R. 3lcAboy',A. E. Vf. Pi KlbSi w. Cbalfatit, Isaiah Dickey, ffm. W G. BushnclV, John WiUon, Henry A. 1 Bisks taken on the most liberal, t . » CHAS. B. HGRST, Aj mySTCS : : ■ Rocbest ME F. A. WINTER’ MtfSIC STO Br(idH^ r "‘ ’ r “" Br :ers, ss OF ' r i'r ' ! l 1... p ! 7 k " 'i ■ DRUGSTORE]! | ' ; . ■ - 77;;.": -,.; : (Two doors west of Post Qffux i . f|«HB undersigned are just receirbig JL large and well selected of p \ ! I)RTirQiS; : . ; ]||': • M odio OHEMIO A-XiS, [bo ides ! * BRUSHES 'I. ' .I" ’. . ot every vaMety, and oil oiher. article! . ,ly%.ept in & first-class Drug stoi WIJfES .|•■Jj ' ■ I' ‘ ;r ■ ‘ j'i ■ Brandies, , VOW M&OICAL PURPOSES ONLT 1 i The proprietors Laving tad tin eilcnSir* experience in .the prescription businc&j flatter themselves that they can give entire satisfac tion to all who may favor them with their pa tronage. j-■ ■! i - sep‘20 r O5 K£BLE fi HAMILTON CHAS &-'HUiMr|. r i j F "Banker find ,!i asd'u'caj.eb' IS I'/’ Beal Estate, Stacks, GoVoranjent Bonds, and other Seofoities; L TNSTIRAiNCE& CLAIM £uSNT, 1 j 1 Conveyancer & General Agent. ■ j ;' - ! -i—; llii ■ J j.r I illK:.uul)Scriber. barilla dpoacJ’lin Offica at | i Kdchcster, (in tlic Ut.clyjoocupicd <• 1 by F. A. Fortune) reiipectfujly kolicijsdho fa ’ ! tronage'of his fm-mk and theiputiUclln gen eral. . ' j 1 i,‘ ■. ■ |. J . ~! 1J Tavticuhir aitcntion.givcn £o the at justment of Obicers’ accounts) and A Li. claims- arising ... ! out of the present «jar, such as ■ jV > l r ei.!iC‘iis,-.J’alea;t, A‘our/iV.«. . 1 .--i-./jr., ' j , ‘ Prm? il-iiy'A i liDecds drawn up add rcku'.'Wt't' ‘i ' Fire, risks, taken lia tlfcss 1 Cinspatties. |' • ' o( j ) Keren tie 'stamps iiffays on hart ■i i .' J’effva to .loh.a i\> Jj r i \Vui. H ;■-Smith X t'ot. Pittabuj-gi.; ■ 1 dloobcstor, MtivnFfio ' ‘-'-On . j t . ’ ‘i - - 6f rrioli uetioii; e elegance i 1. i 1 ; » BjSA, vQEI_ _,a.o-a. :o.3gjs.:£ e ' r|7U:; Fail T&va>| of this - I commence i ! ■ ' *■ ' '•■ 1 » • ’ 'm ' i . I'nes'h^',- '. 1 i://*,. 1 under illc cbnrgb of .1 u ; -, •t?as I’rin-jiiuil. ; .It w tue dest:or w r :in , 4 T .v.U bathe j!lU;a re thorough English’,. -b 1 iuercnl tbhooi, an'ijto • l _ )'! deter it, but !s'.'!vl.,r.!>ic niiiintjrhicdJ ‘ . i . G (Hi I.opjjoA u nil iis! br;;.ffoiill M 1 o vonnfl Pier; aii'i Ir.fVS whu uoiiv-.* - t English and Uiisiitisa .i-;uiic;a>'iuti.| .)u,d to alt' who iaiv dofirq'a pbitsici.l EducjUton; -ft ti tit thi-tn'-elvcb tbf .entering,tba b’t Jp l ' '"'-'liege h'U ')■ For rates of tuition. fW circular.. * ( : Address the,. Principal’at! iXtt'.v jllrigUtoa, * ; Bbi ,olr county. Pal or tlie'undqrrijjr.od. ;• ■ -UV■■ ! 11. ITICE,. it- \ See. Board of Trustees; Dcjayer. 1 a.' . iUtll .-J i— ; ir: fads, r Ujrrnme [I |CU. ■ce. • iaiUCO rc in^ lualltf. tu, by 11l ;of. all i ;to col 'or.col- (if Pay, iiist the iammd, use,) ; [jan4 ants’ >\iilding, •es’t. [ 1 5 | Fire | ie peril:! | I ncob - L. l) S, M. W. i inter, J. liter, B. : Wearer, terms, by i; ent . •; I ■ ipr. Pa. 1 Pa. 1 ice coUeci t for sale; II fsepOji ints, OH* tore, j I U. Ohemica prld at the id be cob rican Ink 'and Xo ' i .1 j ... ; \ - r - Oils, AND. DYE : STIJF>'St ; Also, a full issort meat of errtimerl !: FANCY SOAPS.' THE 1 GREAT i & ■£■ OSS 2d KT' JfiL ■'ST r ; ]pi i' i ’ • .. j. . -.- _ » The most perfect Piano Fortes jin. the world, CAN lii; lIAD ONLY ! ’-I i- T at >-j.l ■ KLEBER & BRO’S., it i i 'H* 122 WOOD St., PITTS iURG. B@,Sole Agents for Steinyriiyls Pianos for 'Veatern Pennsylvania. ■ [roylO’o3 . | SASH & ROQR i'^TOUIT j!aS. a 7 SUOLEB.L • CI~*CK. SLACK &SJIOI-KS. Cor. Penn A Murbiiry Sheets, ; , PITT.SBUiUi, PA. Flooring, Weatherbosrdhg', Sash, • Boors Bracket# <£• Moulding Always on hand OR made tp'orjir. [tnyl~:ly A. C. BARLOW, M; d:, | | SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, HAVING permanently located in BEARER tender's his services to the citizens of Beaver and adjoining yillagps and country. Having bad twenty years! eapen cnoo (over four years as anarroySurgeon) he feels competent to command «i;e jconfidenca of tHdsc who may wish liis services, Calls, day or higbt, promptly altcnded_, , in the National jHotel building, wlierd be may lie found a!;. nIV hours, day or jiight. when notprofessionally engaged^, ■ (iep2o’6s ‘|_ ; I I- : j ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE, i XT ETTEBS of administration on the‘ estate l i of Wa OdSkt, late o| Independence 1 township, Bcaycr county, deo’d., having been granted to the undersigned, all, persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thosehamng clajmj against said estate will presenl them to the subscriber properly authenticated for : set 11ment : ALES. R. THOMSON, Admri' luovVOS., - J Independence tip, H J EftSET SWEET POTATO! AND_ CRA»- . DEBBIES, received j !_■; Bnu* fc Bb*m>w b«o««! Bridge****- < .CliQ TIP- t r in EMPO i- L-'-i ; i’ riV ~y- , “ • •! , it : ’'iv.-i-'t-'l lj’ WM. EiBICH’S. i--; ; | brisg i, iwArraat /• •j. 1 -.-0.- 1 i. , i ft 7" GKK ! N t jwI&TER’C II I" , ' V". i ■S, Fob FSLL & \ ! I !] • USUftl* I bare just rtcoij 11 i■- ' 1 f ■1 • .i ; '-I ; i Of Overcoatings. ;• Cassimcrea for'l And a gcn< i i I 1 I■, ,1 i,j. s; !' : ,VU kinds of 1 !..'i i Gcailpineu's j - !*j ! ■ ConSt; Sncli aS jCndersliiri j | Djaiw.ers,'|ctc.,! • Linen and i ’ 'ill ’ 1 ! ! . 1 ;; I • ■ 1 ■ i Aniljtoo many ol H' UOTHISC Sr.DC 1 ,! T ' * ■' i .* ■ ■I ; ’-V '(/ Fay, ;pllj *, ' ' UMirhnce ■ li.' 'i , ■ iii .tll AIKS latest styles and |V.unin?t, :^r. itW will i ; "Wiri. U-E. ;1 s :i ;1' ' Stewart s j/ioic, . oct i'G'i ' * " IVOOTS" AN D :• ? 1 . Ji MI -0,.. : . 4 1 E ! t p maka rsnil Com ligli char. I, ' /I THE PLA' i I ’’ ; ]■{;■' Olieap ; ■ 1 1.-'i DOX’p •1 • ! El I il I LOUIS ti : lli ,[ ' mi ■ -! -aifASUFAt Boots ii.h I BI : 'i■ . 1 He k?eps au Boots and sh 11 1 ,j • tiie an He has , good i j‘ by any ,0t ii Men, women !, i-, 1 ndv: v For the h octll’6s, 1 1 ft".-I*4 I : I ' j ; “ ' i STRAWS t -4s Ingrc o«t‘ m wrm [ '.‘i ; v , ' 1 '■ ' Y 1111111 m DM j-P:'- OS,. UO-THING \ iv’ 1 El V.r. : •lock of tho J li tew iES* I ! business S' al assort ti iuits, ' "-i ■ J lent of Yestin g im;E ng Goods Furnish •,t , ,i 1 | i{ \ find, ntly on b vcrsbin*rt,' j 1 i Collars, 1 ! ‘ i r.Kcclc ties, 13 to mention. Woolen C her articli i ' . f. ,1 '• ! i 1 : ; 0 OSDEa it! slib test notice. •- : • r 3:1- ; i.'r ft. I. - !' U ‘• ! - |St ; rcii. .tDGEWATr.iI., ; SfcO’KS! I IN 1 ’• K- 1 i I Ml IT THEM* IE TO j l ' I ■‘ : ' i •■■■'!■ Ii •'■ • 1 il Diirabiel ' H )• . . i i v'>- and- \ i ■ i ro cail. ■■ : !H. i Alt. MN SINMIaK ■li’.- ■ -ij.l - F. W ndjfeetail D satcr in Uijfq strcej, P . ijTEu. !: : i,• ■ ■ :s> T~ ''l ’ i 'fTDBEK ofWi ifl Shoe?, l|ri ;IDGE^ -.-I-.: :m'>. ply | of ready-made pn; hand [\'i ' '-i i*-1 rdcr on short esf noi iablc terms. ■ silent supj 'istantly, & 1 ' -L ss made to, 6 Id most reaspj ] cin't he excelled, eat in West . Pa, an :r cetabUslin find it! tn tlkir Hini acaU. L' Uj- ' . f-.-L ,'i-'!-!] 1 !' est-article; go ito WPI> T MAN-S,}|-. !■ st„ Bridgewater.' i&4 • ihd children., tage to gjye t and chpll LOUIS F. fridge iiasa ■ &c., ■ M t PEACiI, ,t ■:!■! li ,' ! - APE VINES, ANTS,V- i-Vli ” • i; r - i- •; 'll SMALL 'FRUITS, il '■ ■ ”-| t j.‘ ‘i’ . '< I' ! "'T l‘ NURSERY sty from the Nuraery of . ](' . T. li SHIELDS & Cp.ii ' Se-rttkly, AUegfrwy ■op* 1 * . ... . i ! -':U IRBY EL. ill? tari SMITHS FKRKY AM. - . J _. CAiEITAt .• r' t . ~ j B^koi’BP*T«s • <trf • y 00 •• •tr r •••••••• arm.. i T a meeting of the stockholders Of th* A iboto company, held ati trough of Rochester; Apr.l29th, he'foUowing persons were elected its for’ the ensuing year; : | ■ ■ . ‘ K pUEfeIDENT; ; MATTISON DARRAGH. - ■i TREASURER * SECRETARY! . { I ■ CHARLES B. HURST, > r ,j' • • i* •* . s | ji- ; DIftKCTORSii j MsltlsonUarragh, Mild Charles Slone, . AlfredC. Hurst James • ; John Bigger,. I tlieri Brennaman, ] Robt. .A,Cochran, |7[ ... • Charles*. K»nd^|j. J jajg-A limited nlunber of snares of fjti oHbe aliore Company may be had by app cation at the office of the company. 'WaiOffioe in the Diamond, Rochester J Ea niJgT6m Oil Ag:' B. HU RST, Scc’y.r JEATER SEMINA K 3 .• j-_ ‘ f. ■ • i|'; Hev.Ri T. A.|m , President. open respectively, Sept. 13, ’Go, § January 2, and Apri'. 5, 1866. ’ , •Bvery-opportunity for instruction it,, any ,ranch of sciemicjir ..on any musical instru- Snent; also rocal tnnsTc,"private or in classes, Js atiijrdcd here at reasonable rates. 1 Lada received in | the Primary Depart nenl; also small girls of any degree of proficiency. ;l. Drawing and painting of every style will ieceive the' special attention of a~firat -Class rtist. i. -r ’ ; _ i Tuition: So.fiO, 5|8,60, and Si 2,so,t{a< cardr ng Jo department. j ‘Ntjne but thoroncbly'qaalified and eupen snsed Teaiihers are| emplpyod in any iluetil. I’or fuitbefiuformalion address ; ■ E Jl. |T. TAYLOR, Preside . \ -~v ■ ;| '>cg2’6-> Wined and Liquors, Wholesale! ' 1 ‘ Jj .. J, - • f. . £ 1 at lletafl.of by P^chafjc. TLOTJR, 4 FEED, f i[ -jvAf Refer Bridgewatiir ij'fJß.Tl’Elti Eggs, tiisX] kinds -of, country: ;! ; J 3 produce lakeii'iiu for wbi'- - ! ltne ’ highest market price j will be paid.:- [connection vritf: the, Grocery and Liquor slot !tllc Bakery hud fioufectionary ;ia still carri ion, where may bo, found.kiirst'class assei Itueqt of■ciike^, 1 con-foci ipnarieS, cahwcr. Trail I’ptcklcs,* Spiced oysters. Sic. : A Sue y tu\h •jccojainl cigarfof all‘riucypirandsl N. B. A pure article of wine.', kc-. 'medicinal andsacraintniillpuTposqs consti ly ,ou hand. i'/ - I \'■ i . 053**l>, forget ihe place, IJeter Ange. old stjrad,-Bridge.'»t, Bridgewater , [ajUg2:-li M^'lpTOr rjpH'E belrsj.of the lute Jo;iF.'r •* !_/ [• Wtiii.s,iU«c <J;, offqr fit public Si Wednesday; xoV. 'I ~ ■!. alj 1! o'clock, in.,, at'jiljo Court flioaseln the Boro’ of Boy ami well imi>r ived KIGH i-A coa*; itiijniunig tjic boro’ of; Bejavcrl on rosyf l»-admg.t6 %s<lpcwa]ter-. . ! : .[.lJmse jjlcslymgUp will ta iaeWdjtfplyl, ji , •'' . ' . , 'matte .known on day of n»l«/ •; -- jjAMES-WILSO3 ON AL HOT E I 1 ! PPRSALE mtlE LARGE THREE-STORY BUI i I BUILDING; with the Frame 3uildi ings ndjoining.-: and lot on, winch they erected, in the town of BcaVer, ikno rcn as ati onal II oi;e ■ “ : is bffercd for sale;: I particulars inquire df "Thomas CEESnv'SrttJ W. Hamil'Tos, Rented: [m : J"babber, 4 •f AMIES BRUIN, is happy to announce to .. .1 liy old cuslpmers;. that he lhas| : been dis charged from the service ofthoUnited States, and opened a shop in the frame building ad ioinine-Wm. Orr’s, Store;. Ladies’ hair cut; in the aogt approved stylo. -'*ll6l trusts his qllL friends will renew their patronage. Havjng flag! of the -45th Reg.. S. Q. r. for almost iv year, in the battles wound j]o -t<£sliUrg, jhc tl}inks hiihself entitled to a fair share-gf the j- I IPulolic ISToticeX miUJ STOCKHOLUEKS OF jTIIE MONO’ I GAIIELA VALLEY TELEG iAPU 0r« . hereby notified that a meeting 01 Stockholders will be hold in Mpnongahei fy, bn Satubday, DfioriOth, 1885, At p.raL at tire hdusi! of Ci Harvey,' for th« pose, amongst other things, ofjincreask capital stock ,of said Company 1 , toj an ai equal to the estimate cost of makmg suc tension to the said line as may, bo pro; and! agreed upon at said meeting. 1 b jj 8 . I JAMES L. SHAW, Secy MonongaheU City, Nov.lO'Co | .yJ, j ' i 'i i : * il' ' ' VALUABLE FABM FOR SAXE. I A i FATIM pleasantly situated, J mile' from I ■/V! lihe town of Beaver, adjoining theprpp- Jjtylof A; B. Wolf, containing 42 acres, is offered for sale. ‘ltiswell. adapted to fann ing or .gardening purposes L The improve ments are'a frame house andothf r put-btuld ings. A good apple orchard And other jftuils on the premises.- Also,-a good stone quarry, for price and terms apply to ! . j., . “ ■ ; IVOUY COLE, Koch ester, ;!>. '! N' ■IV i nofis’6s. I ADiimism ■J ' ETTEKS of actm\ I j of Cam. Jons C\ Brighton, Beaver co., ed to tho unJersignew. arts rcqtlired tb make., those havingclaitna vr! erly anlh>nt' ELIZABET’ 1 '' 00t25’65 T F you Wa, JLjmd.Toikt. JUStv fcOOK T'f 'pj-p ■' PAtSIS. OBSERVE r l "l|' i ! ' . j| i ; - . ' '■ "j. I • .!. i ■ V-.‘ ■ '-rM ’U- - L-« ; “A Thing; of Beauty took Ac'U 1] 1-0. V ire. ]S •ifcil | assartj- j ■M- f nock tif: 22si>, IS ;c uoi TOKSNOTIQK. | luistrationo i • Ibo jMtart | bthhebtsox late of |New | \locM.,Uavinj, bcen.issu-- i xll persins indited Inmulia.te p *yni6i»t| and \U present them,'; rrop etllemenli : ' t | ■”rSOS,Adm , ‘tJ . - r ’-’jHtoa., turneries ’■ft"* 1.- ■ ! it' « tHRi W : REPLKpf . jV ' •8 a Joy Forev er^i t' M; f r." j:-'i M)EE hundred peilceat al Dr.'G.W.SPENCEIVS 25s Pena strefi.'ti,, j anfl ohly Steam Dental in the State.- 1 - - Dnl'y $5,00 for.a scjt if teeth worth JijV Only $B,OO jftir a sot of teeth wokih $2O oq . jbnly slo,tioT6r a spl faf teeth worth $3O Oo ifpr a get br teeth wrath $5O m ’OnIyS2QiOD fer a set of t'eeth worth Ssp’.di- Only, sBSjior a double set of teeth worttliw ■1 Take!notice! at Pittafe. Steam Denial Establishment, artificial tee'etl V ire hotwarranted for a month.or i few moatke 1 i tut jforlone year,‘■anil if not entirely , tory when made,need not be taken away. ju thomachinery and appliances tn tne kton, fory, and, the latheain the are runU a six hOrsVpower.stiei m engine lit a pen Ting of both, time ai d labor. iDr. Spencit i haring: at .the present time nine first class M . t sisthnts, graduates pi the best Dental College, in tilie States,- lady to receive ay as sist; in jwaiting on lati res and children,! Hit Enabled to make from 100 to. 125 sets of arti. {cial teeth per week,|so that persons troa» istnnee need only stay in the citiyifrbm diy iwelTolhours inlbJrdfcij to bp supplied with a superior set of artificial teeth,warranted «*. portable audio renjdergood satisfaction, thu getting teetlfhnd to our ciiy all ferity money than they would cost yon at hone- Natural teeth carefully treated atyd jlleilrid; heniitiful mnd permanent gold filljugs; | . Remember the i place, No. ■ 254, ?j4 c 2i) PENN STREET, where you will be. aij. t perfectly at home : through the cordial any. tions of-the proprietor, his assistants audit. '. iendants.. i' 1 . M •• :* 'C • ■. -C I >N. ■ Ur. SPENCER’S PCREit t .VEGETABLE CELEURATED| TOOTII POIVDEBi Sold by.all Drugpjti ' 1 . ' i ..r . . : ,; p octll.f. “HI -ik. -'-n -■ -TTTASHEU. IVUINGli'.’v anlltsTAh *'■ >Wi Combined 1 ; Silver and Bronte 11. alfi., Diplomas,' ljrcniums, »u :, Xdstu&ouiafc. bayc been received tr-*us ouri sources, both'P üblic and iW?'e. . ifls j 'Self-Adjitsling- nM .»» Wringer with->fcb Patent t-ofeWaeel In I I tor.lbr turning hull? r»Ja together r,ai ; t positively prevent,! the rolls irjna hrtat.., j twisting on the 'sin.ft. l s'!^R 'i ! T t,u s ; >P*» fldct AVringeig-V.nt I he-Cog- P|* ‘ ribwer Mac*. w.t« «-a tf<f« nfj ■JKfll Washer. pressing and * liic .thc - dirt • With the .-water frootUtte uctt ■: i IbaVingVheffl drver, whiter, and ‘ wlieu by diunv . i‘ lC j ,;j ■ ' pftiss- riTfroßi jUtg4 *»;) ■} V. 'lincher, and -mcjre thoroughly Sk -dinary, old-J'asWfne^ac^-*ya^- straining, arid ptyhe* ■; J.-.j UII ? L The Orig-vvhoSla prevent ail •. •V; 1 - “ ■ of clothes by the {notion t.i >. ; J iiig of stitche's byltwisting- . m I; Without Cog-wheels, the wheh i ; 'forcing thi.clothporoiigh e,. • -ICK upon {he lower roll, apd sw ings act in the place j)f 4°2', rC J,L r straf rite -upper roll,- causing a.nuwh * - _ • ej .v the 'on the lower roll than when |l( i: piiri Patent Reg.d|torare tra strain upon I the clo, h .v> ; dtlcel wanted in every town. ( offered, and excb s.vo sal () g -i j 1 -T'B47 Nc" 1 '’ 1 • W-M- G- WO®'. 4F*‘ . .| - boron?] 1 toeariT Ul> >s n the Toi*n»ipM‘ endence,, Kaceooßj- r i -f- May 11;-MU f-#ggrJ; ■ K. jTO . Clothes'Wringer Hopewell, Indcp< lus A CARD i-VV : i>r- Golden ■U'- Infallible in Costing Jrrega•» i irig Obstructions of tb.c | .from Vpatbvet Law 1, .ttwAYSsucc Essrui. :* s . jy*|i 1 It is now, eve" th^^ d r |f o ve«J fc -', Celebrated Pills Wjere/tirst .Cg, ,inii DUPONCO, ofTja?i#dunnH“l fj , hl ij Save ano ' V o!l 5i ,t in-rihsl. of tile pfibjic insj'* In private practice, of both ~ sti s jl unparalleled success m only at the ■ ‘ urgent re d“ c “ 1 ,bst| of ladies who have used- * ..f for ibe ‘ duccd to make7he:Pill® P ‘ m HoWqfl those 1 ptiren*« lies whatever, as.W' el V£LuS'will not crease of family, whereh iwie J..;or It. 1 Femalea , kupposingthemseives so, «r . ( : cos jto l using these Pills, wh, -^ n r jriqns' l »?® the proprietor assume*-®? " 3p flUhQ#? i ter the. above . admo “, l j* c ' nJ^htcfi 0 * Oldness wpAld[ ? ar^ otherwise the Pills ate r - . o je! rlPrice st,fo Sold by -A.: Smith, W Hamilton, Beaver, S. Hann fi: bei ii \£adits !&S gending. * au , abpve agentk,'«.an ave _j ar t Sentially) by mail, try, or. address the Fropn -Jrjj .d#®" ?. j' ■ -i j ; . j K»« 1 .1 hot 25’65;1 yf. • lender their professional ser. sens of ; i "17 „A-oii< aSD CO^ 1 ' BEAVEBBOBO *■?■■ , hi j' .orri° s: , n. Two doooTS Mow Moot' 4 -. Beaver,|Sep-2o:tin j. ■ ••• ; # r ; .■!*;>. Cio. ' said ia'jCi :lock. !#r ignite nount idjicd U v • I ; » * El 1 -- o-theS® I- '-■ . . 3uponco Periodical-^' r females. i