The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 29, 1865, Image 1

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    '1 'f--
- W iH be Published Every Wednesday
' 'vIBIKD-St.,
it oo per annum in Adyax ice
and contributions, bj
hate prompt attention.
its RUTAN &Co. Eds. i Prb'n
-'r * ? .i / -
: fBB AVT&Mtf RAIN. .
, p ear to ine the constant splashing
I Of the rain drops falling fast.
And the'dripping leafless branches |
i in the autumn blast.
> when the withered summer flowers
Dead and. cold arc stiWn around,
JWhen the-autumn leaves,are lying -
. pdackand wet'npoh thbground,
Jhcn I wander through the forest,' "
' Then I haunt each daricibetreat,;.
lcafy carpet nerer !
' ’ . Start an echo from my fee^.
| . rharc'listcncd to themumcr
/ rtf the tjUiot autumn rain,i ; : , •,-! >.
As it feli with ceaseless patted ) .
On the tinkling window pane.sTl •
■ [ hare stood to hear the music ?■ i
■ t. . ’ , of this, quietnutnmn rain,
; ■ At upon tliojspeotral darknesd ' 1
. . floated liy the sweet refrainj.
'Aud i-live the gentle whisper
] Of the putter on tfaepanej ?
y cr J fell the spirit near me^T ;
i When I- hear the autumn rain,
1 • i •• • >s.. i ■ h -
• —-Tip
■ iv.r'j sl.aU up take the name of the Lord
-for the Lord willi not hold
t f,a. ■ pnidtsi that taketh His name in vain.—
•, f •• ... ■ 1 .
j I a/!3t-ipout to discourse upon pro
that tlio theme is a p|ea*.
jerr mu-; ;n|o'. to'_de'moTiß,tratQ'; tlic|dc
oijinan; nor yet to
• c?ii«>rid'JS iuc'iiriation'of fjelt". ; Tlie
i -prJjjiji't Jer. 23:. 10, said in-'liis .;d:iy
i’ 'lk'Ca'i'f o! swearing the land mppr,B|
,11 s words-nre stjH applicable.-
J.Unv. prevalent ibis vtceJ, As a naffTs-
a p (ilaritbropist. and a citizen,il
j> ,jny'-di.iy, calmly but earnestly, to
i.j». ceils, te.-ost its Encroach-’
at d -implore and exhortl the'
■ndlly to i repentance. - God- bal.nol
only proclaimed bis law against pr.o
4ri.ity. biti i is one of -vim two com -
laaiidmetijis accompanied 'withHhreal*
tnijig. Prcq-ucnl rvfe-renco is malic to
Hip bollil OKI pnd New Testament
Suiplal-ep: One instance of God’s
liu!)i?hmj>|at.w. recorded; nud , alarijr
llueatehihgs occur. \ /I
■/.-' it vlic iangipig® of piofar.ity were
confined, Vo the brothel, the
'dniTvV.e y.ataVAVn;; table, \ye might cx«
fcVe' owvstdvcs Irom the ’unpleasant
-rjtflsk pf Ji'ni'iiiadvcrfiioh._ But ,its ilan*
f‘o- ,w 'e‘i our busiSness pleces-H
resoi/ijiisi oh tall our lhorou sh-fare*4.
Iwiikd in. hutu-ied ••diSCWrt'Trptrnj-w
htfial, and- prvate ways, respecting;,
uol tjie gentleness of woman nor I 10
)ia| triti t inuucencc oT child hood. |Nfe}\
.Ki fear bits coarse Voice obtrudes the
,ci'y phico at Id hour of devotion
Auojheijjilaimiiiyy feature is its terrible
increase; Wor is alwaysdemoriilibini»;
and of all vices:- in Lb a ranks jof the
inijilicT; orobauly riime is more.'j'feva
linjl ihiiri tius. Ami the boys at homo,
:i(iiniiihj> the lieruijc, jtlieli*
suh i i e v■. iji r at Iters lb ifj
and swear iollilV and curse' 1
!i u'ii v 1 ' •* . • !. ’•
Jiiii few attempt,to justify this sin. guilty' of the practice generally
acknowledge its moral obliquity, it's
uscleSsn •»*,■ and even, faolishneifS;
Many, uf Tor -no plea jr. justification!—’
Some plead in excuse. the power*of
habit,- ( (plough this" is only confession
of iyhpl|iia!e guilt:) Sq’mo eiaun it &
phvilogq tq slwcar when they please,
lorgeUul qlih-o of both right andj law.
iionio iptietoj.regard! it as a source of
: f cjovment—a vent to towering rage—
■•i .kind of safety-valve to pent up sip-
God's law we have already
riitifed, aiUf pur i Savior. confirms the
■ti>»i,t'l>ii;i; Matt.,s: 34,. 35—$weai’ not
: at aJiqpcillier by Ileavcn not by the
i:.n!i. '. 1 r i ■,-.! ■
lii orderlosco'\yith proper farce the
vioWip-rf/p this law, wo notice,'
li lldit Go'i requires his name to he
rcqqrpj.,-' : .■ ■ ' '
']■ A’l'V IValmifit (P.s. 33: 8)j
■ icar ’the Lord; lei!
fcil..theduhsbitnnt.s of the world istand]
i>. awe of hi in.” Agai nJt is said ' ‘Th e j
f'ar <*|ihc Lord is the 'beginning of:
v.isdonV ; This fear arises, not-from
wrviiity; nor guilty dread, but from a‘
irnper.j ja|iprcliensiqn of His liatafe.
“ -by reading His word, and by
tciHcinpjaiing His power, wisdom-,
;mth aii|
grace; It is also produced}
'jf f-g our relation to Gjbd.—
■de i.s our creator; we'are his Mihjccts;
? l J, u r st render'an account to’ h’tnV
[‘Wording to his law—gracious yoij
• l i s } jnwj holy. Therefore (Prov. ;23:; .
• ‘ hht thine Hearten vy hiiincrs;
■ouilio-thou in the fqut of tbo Lord all
the day Jong,” ‘4 ■ ■
, djnrtiier, our Savior has taught}
es to B;iyp “Hallowied be thy namq.’l
l h>S—is .meant tthat Ilia name be
rcatedj! wiili due reverence as befits
t 0 , f’&- lb the Heavenly yisioti
saiah'faw the. attendant anjrels re 4
ip each other' in sacred rap
jnre, ‘-Holy, Holy, IJoly i 8 tbejLoid
. i o^ 3 - ' bii antienipeopio God
:L r fi t’Vhimself “the.holy one piJ
iKi-n’i A; 1 * 1 ! the appellation, if tlie'
iiiio .person iu the Trinity is not the
nlnnn^ nt LH ie ' w f* Sft spirkrnor-theomi
hnrtho nolf
Word ot" 8 t °- t ' J 0 L prd,’i ■
God v ane ' ent Israel. - -Thtfs 1 ,
to'raJ^ U l r tt.” 3 .^°/ ear before Him-r
-uwo V ® l3 T, amo with reverential
; 'neffahly holy. , .. ,p
Ihisjaw r vs ttfJW ntiwe the violations of
i9^ an ger even in tbo pro!
aw fh ! of yiolalingrtlsis
ihoa c h'ti PQ C ? dlns iho ' word! of Gfiid
1 v ’■
>T- vii'yzzf.
.*. - - .
' T-fi* ■- jr-,' i-.
:i i i
■f.-l n.
1 ~"t
ig . jheTTore ,Go'd with ;roer ali p'gefcV
The. world has ; so ; strong an
eppn ns thatnot only’are worldly,
’ hw wngested; while,ipcrforrriing
ivbtions.but wo must bo guarded
: rldly thoughtswill occupy; our
i l , leaving nothing for God bnt
mor words, c , . JV-;,,, f
thp law inj' nnnebes
; using the divino name in state'
•j[r| nhrralion^-cspeoially'inf re.-
nglhTei balks!. U others. Stain
wsjjibt haelprbfano language on
ovirn credit, frequently do 'it by
g currency Jo that of others; by,
| ling. U. jit Jin poor lexcusol for
conduct tb say it is unollieFs
age. Who to illustrate murder
d-think of giving an’exaniple by
ig the life of pis, jfellow ? J Or to
an illustration of stealing would
elf] become a thief?- Yet how
f are accustomed to ie-produca
horrid' oaths, and still account
isfilves innocent! ' Another cau
vo. will hero itoly
f ■ maj* be .used reveiently/.aud
idj-quofed profanely by : biing
ed drrevorontly. ,< '
Still more palpable J is life viola*
ii using the Great. name on inn-,
irtuhtoccasions. Frequently we
it as mere ; exclamations of sur
-1 ,or y/orider :iif tire most trivial
irtation, Itoprovo those, thus
ly using the Holy name/iud they
irpbably. answer, that• what they
s. and (dfat they meant’iit in.
sayiiest. Itrmay be‘;lhoy hud all.
:n neatness ihctcase.would admit
t. trivial the occasion! How
the deportment, anil ,1116 tone!
ap» a matter of more merriment!
Id.johe of these same persona" "per
he riamo of one . of their domes
much loss lliiir dtafest friend", to
iun trivially bainlicd about? How
arable then thus lb use the name.
ie most liigh-Gfld ! ■ y
Profanity is more obvious, and
i.xious in its .more common foi-iuof
[•larding common conversation
i the names :of HcUyi. Our Sa
viors Icnramand, “Swear ndt at
plai aly instructs us that pef jury is not
necessary ip the viojatiop of this 1 law.
He Forbids swearing l by any,creature.
.Mar y suppose themselves innceent bo
bause they aboid ; the ..iiarab of ;God.
and sifbar “by heaven,” 1 by my soul,”
&c. ; those I tiling) itie'God or
they.are not, If |they" ii re. the viola
tion id pii,ljiublo, if iho\- are not.jlhen
they swear bj that r w,bicK isinot'God,
[They' transfer bis honor lei that which
is no God. For iii nine lifferent pla
ces in scripture (as ia Psalms 03111“)
swearing Toy Ilfs. ha-itie urosieuitieu as
bn .act of,idevotiob when dune-in rov-
jßul jWilh rinipij - , tlie more
jlrifling Or false the assevtioigthc more
itcrriblc the profanity. |J* would re
lieve .of this guilty
jjiraelicejif llie guilty wore but the
iidle loafers, bhr rbiim sji:pporterS| and (
jvagi'ahl.ignoriinuises. , (Hut these char ' 1
aelersj havo the fellowship of many; of
oar,educated and Iwcaltlj.y youngmicn,
and pyeii men oh maturin' years., They
itorr|i the; public sei.timejnt and school
lull l-tlloy.' influence. And they jhavc
many i.achblurs liiTtheir jsehooi. ;Bev
ies Id’ boys, yet too cowardly to sweat
,by daylight* meet upon;:the commons
for regular itssnns in this, tho grum
mar of hell.' Christian parent, is your
boyiiji! that school?- 11s ho aj night
wanderer ? ; r : ’ .
. 5. Again wo-notice lllcrft are those
’ j D i j | . 1 j ;
who may be -termed pioneers in pro
fanity: ! ‘j.Thcy reduce swearing iifnot
li ijt science at- least to a method.—
Coiimig oaths :l])poar to be their pro
fession. ; Profanity afid blasphemy
revjel jwithin their hcarlsfill tlWyiaro
teeming with'strange",'horrid combi
nations ;of oaths: and cursing."’ The:
devotjsdisaint sortibtirnes so prajjs and
speaks,'that you feel ibe has
cofumunion with God. Bo these grad
ualesjia profanity make j - ou fbel that
lhey|iold direct communion vyilh the,
infernal.- '| ; ; t '
,'(J) I’hen the ewbarci swears often
wijcr bo moans apinetlilig byut. Hcf
forms a -union Of wrath ind profanity.,
An impotent effort of,a poorlfecblej
wbrnv,.to give his ninlice and wrath by I
iallii g to his aid, the ni mo of the ter- '
i-iljlp' Joliovah, before whom heaven |
worships and hell, trembles. Is not
,lliß . liiurderous principle of hate_ to-I
ward tbi’ fellows, and the foolish onio-J
(ions of anger rational, amdj
bvenj inanimate creatures sin enough?
Mast there beTho adjdHiqnal moral
and Intellectual humiliation —the guilt
ar.d foolishness of.| blasphemy? . Here
.thje.swearer pram’s— hoijprays God to ;
‘•blafjst your eyess/’-r-to ‘ damn your
souls,” lie calls for> the burse; of the;
thjreb persons of the Godhead; to fall;
übon soul- and body. flVould ho have
God j. answer his prayers ? -lii -his
tiknsport of rag<| it ro[ay bo; his do,;
sire.| But abandoned,;pa evdn a bias
phemer’s heart may br—it is pot hist
tfhnd-id desire—he woumnol Have Gbdf
wnswer his players, iijll this is but tot
vent|,to his rag® 1 -O wretched
fojr shameful guilt! Wrath is cruel
but blaspbomy is devilish. t
. |7. jAs cursing is tho iinion of wralhfe
aad prbfanity, so puygbry is the uniorl
bt profanity and lyittg. l Wo do pot in-?
tend now to disensp this sin. But wp
ihust at this place .notice the tertdonoy;
of profanity to produce it; When i
hear! a mac swear, I hear the hTssing
of a| slimy viper within bis heart—j
abfl such an one as is never found a'j
Ipney ,It is ; one ,of a j horrid byobd.7-|.
though this is nop the oply one;
that is ronsed to hiss ' and stingy-yofi
each'in his l tarn ‘is rouped to bo 1 fouj
fjhflshn \hra;possessor.. Profanity,
kn<| fear
hold i
i thong
our d
or wc
our jw
be ll
of t!
X t -'ote&idl&'- '
i-V kr;>V l sr - : vf ; .^-7-lv ; .•■£>;
■ i-~?:l .-■; !ii£ : ~*ll ■ * p:-.;';.T;t> : ':;>i ?;■■;,!?!■ -tii:
Na 4'7, : ’ Beaver, ~\sTedn
i-':' "• I- ; .IC.V* -j ■■ . . iUM. '•■>■ U~T
4 ' *l. ,} - , , .i . ■ | ,
jnvtfijjecir ratio, ! rbvei^noe} : J aad
of Ir-utli, ; aiid b tboi efprp[lhe
ursbrijjf perjury/ 1 ; neverj Know:
i oar er ,'wboao vent si ty or bath 1'
fd rolyi;on. ; as I cpuld, if be took
‘tbo/n&mo of trndtih vain 'j | >
I. Wc|roigbt fibre closoOupdla-
Lbn aud : test th|a rbasobabfejdofts! of
aw nport tb’e fpet that it Is'Gfoa's
■ Asßttrcd r that Ho w|io ’ calls :tb
innt’ Idle -word and l thpirglri
not fufrtp puiiisl)i every’paili and
s, , - , Ai||l to the pious and rovei
nlytlicmrjsngooi reason that c|ari be
iced' to ’dgter profanity j iB4—God
ds U--S* W hbld tiiuplgriiTt,
that (Mketb b|a name in-vainly—
irii Wliowill take irit6'tb6| account
iturnalj world [there need bo no
her ihqdjry. God’s sovereignty,
ice andholtnok'Vgive' potency Ito
command like-the thunderings of
il. But,in thisyas in moot] of ’the
inc lawplfieroare reasons' obvious
coge ot foir its cn reful observance i n
iioetionj With ibis life. : Ljet['UB cn-.
■o tb'cn'j! ■ | .- '| ■•■[]»> ‘
Wbpt [iis ■ the effect jofj pro
a<> swearing upon the: intellect-
I ,tharackr and reputation 9 .- The
■ul y ’ reverences truly
rent. TUwns exemplified ill tbo lives
if sli g-eilt men. We assimilate', In
punl and bedri, nrjfo that whiph. en
gages or cfliploys mind or beaf|t ICul
livatc’ ibplj.beautiful, and wb become
chin cions of intellectual refinoraieriti—
lynow ir,iimatelj& great m’eir; and
tjiore reauits i me!! ectn a lo x pans ic n.
But all. bnrban, greatnesa' is derived
fton God Jdireclly ior Indirectly. But
profanity blinds the, perception j of' liis
infinite, excellence- Pblileratbs 1 rever
end) for ijhia, eternal greatness, and
■'soeiates jbisj name with things, 1 : meati
irivikl. j Therefore, jprpfanity
res at fitho very foundation! of a! 1
i grealnessi And is uitiSjlectual
riaHoij it? [Cam that
d be -great thdtTfiuls to pbroeivo
grealcjess ol its creator?) ■Neither
it be| considered bold,-, because it
foolhardy enollgh to d arc the
itli of- Omnipotence ; ' nor witty
filling|discourse witn unexpected
lis. Profane expletives are like the
ed wdoden guns of Mantissas—
y make a show; but totbodeno wing,
y omy.levidencg a want oflhohglit.
per expreesioniof thought'is good '
mgh without oaibs; and fiiiipy ex-1
■s§iqn is never mended by; them.
1. Still Ihofc obvioqs are .jtlib inju*
ns effects' of profanity upon the
•n! character. ‘True 'morality-is
idod 'iipon the observance i|of the
‘-of.Golh'Tßut let any one of God's
jn 'XTT7 -riSlVruft-w.-V -,4 : »Vu' * .
re can hot be proper reverence for
i othertil y.Bm profanity a'ooye any
ii.r violation, destroys regal'd (or
dj and,-; therefore',' i» fatal to 11.0
■y foundations of morality. ;;If the
igiver jk hot respected, neither arc
j laws, [f a man profane the Great
mu to embellish; his slo
-6r bis 1 song,'wiiat nisiirlinbo can
. havej iliat he 1 - wilhhave a|propci
■egard for. truth nr justice—for the
jivcaP”br rlivoc of his -.neighbor? .He
|ihat- vaifiitingly violates ttfp : third
fommand) cannot properly respect
,he fourth or fifth, or any othek And
lienee God holds hjip. tlfat vio
itlates anyfono-of his command|..- One
ipiii destrbysl the moral codtohr. ar.d
brings thb: oispluaslire of God,upon the
•guilty, ill i ; !. ; ' ! ‘ j' li'
3. But If the cviljf of profanity ex
tend lieyond the guilty. ' Ilj.y.b’u liavo
ho conoofn for .personal, intellectual
and mo raj character and reputation,
considerii-iibigrcali ir.jnrj’. j'oui; inflict
upon society. Jer|omiah 23; Ilf, as al*
ready quilled, exclaimed, •‘Because of
swcaiingll the land! mourncih.'i’.. And
When thej Imrd proclaimed: his judg
ments-AgairiStl tho people by the preph
el Hoseal-he said; <l ßy s\vekripg, and
lying, ana killing, and. Btcjalijng, and
Icommittwig adullry, they preiik out;
[and blood touchcth blood. Here
first Vho'lfoundalions of mofahly -,aro
taken ivtyay by removing! reverence
for God.ijj And lying follows ks a so
} qnonce;,)|or it is often to. you" !
diate sej| interest to !jo. Ahi
there is mo begaril .for God,Jthi
be none[fbr,truth., Falsehood
hate ana malice and those: r
inurder. : l In '.be French -re
the word God ■ was made ay no
with d f .t\ng superstition} and I
reason was Ueifiedi, And thus
was opened to complete Ho
lure And in thb late repel
man slavery was deified in pc
God’s wprd and the universal
To 1
ft Pth
tue ■
of humilnity; and this forfae
gfo4ndjjmfficienUy ‘ dark to
gain' Uo'soa’s picture with ;ter
feeblood louchcth btppc
to accomplish universal. det
tion I'would know no surer
er way, than to’ form school
fanity. [Familiarize the pop
to cursing and profanity—|-sc
young in it. Let it become
to the e'ar of wbmaii—and
remain a righteous man, that 1
dlmsay,jeklclaim|,(Pß.. VJr 3.)
foundations be destroyed,: w
the righteous dp?” -V ,H-
Look again at that paslpage
sea, HW dark is tbatcaU
crimes; headed .by profanity
are some sins, which in thei
exclude j-other si: But profan
pares jfpr i others, and baste
commission. ' And the darker
lower ip the catalogue of! d
crime, ypu go, the siircrj nr,
find profanity, prominent.!
servatoijaof public welljkhc
effortsrlpng ago] and attache
ty accordingly. ThSy*punii
as a moral wrong, bet as a pub
Yhted' by-' tho'faeti
ly; tip' oxdusl. ' The »ay pl&iid
bis poverty or the watUpofhis Itihlil
dren., The tnurderer\a|»gravatcd {p-p
-vocation.' Tpe ; dp
cation of 'h is sense*. j | Softf'She biopsy’
path Pf the cli iefkicifflS-E tfa l&rohe- :
But what car. ‘ thV hyc&Nii* plead?- 1 —
DO&9, it,; enhance piastre character, !
reputation, wealth Npl,h
iugof the kiud.j It
salt to God.. It is cornplift
inent to the Devil.” lias well
said:' . : - pisfiv''C.-. ; ' '
'•Take not his name,. whe’daSt'. thy mbjoth,.
in T#in,' , I.'. ■
, II gets theo nothing an&mlh ho excuse;
Pride and lust plead aTatice gain;
But the cheap , swejWergthroUgh'his Open
. I sluice, '
Lets his soul- run; for nsitehlj and nothing
fearing '!' ••'!,( ¥' ;j'■ '■ •
Were 1 an infidel, 1 weal* hate .swearing.”
.15. Finally—sity nOtSfi your! impie-
I ty; •'•hoiv doth God knw.”' - “Neither
doth the God of IsraCTlregard it
Remember “God isifot mocked.’’—
[‘.‘Ho; will yet .for your
sins and setlhemin 6|jer before j’ou.”
We will not now rocilittba many well
authenticated ihr t a n o f ls n in mar y
yengeanco upon 1 the pftrfano; wherein
God has answered ittigidus prayers;
smiling down'while tho outli or curst
was trembling tin theWi,lips. PbOba
abiy.mpro instances jdf ycjngeanco up-,
pa sinpeis in 4.h0 verylact of sinning,
have Ween Wreaked upon the 1 profane,
than any other. Hjlf-jhiay 'so pirate
you! Why , tempt djyS. God?- Why
learn the •vocabulary (of idevils. while
on earth? Why court! the thunderbolts
of Divine wrath?. Why harden your
heart by such sin, lapd debase. yogr;
intellect, and shock ibs phi e and good? I
Abandon a habit so yrte-j-sp debasiplg
.—-so bootless in its results, t ! ■ !
“You woulMot swear upon a bed of death;
Reflect! your maker haw caiistop youi-breat h.”
[! A Ipw thoughts toYLose who with
me deplore . the oviliip(nd provalen(*e
of profanity. Havel I.We not -ill a du
ty to perforin iu refptS»>|c.' id this snh-i
ject?. ■ . l hi-. •; t
Let the christiaajflnjinistor declare
the whole’counsel dPitJod pri the sub
ject., Sin does by/heing let
alone. . Let thg~tt!ltthvw>o- urged from
f’XTfJ rtftmn* wl>» f’ J*.- i-w ) ai
and the results jof Jib violation ; the
law of the land; and the penalty 1 at
tached to its violation;! the dujty-of
parents, magistrates ana Ileacherg.—
'Oitiscns, as you valve [public justice
and public,’-'.virtue,' J’ou : should oppose
the aide of; profanity w|ith steadfast
ftdo'ity.. be Itnpwniat our pub
lic meetings, our- bu|siaesf?'; places., acid
[upon; our .xail-^oads|and [rivers, that
■; llicre is taX- hpOu profanity, and a tax
j that must Ini paid. Let public sent!-
| directed agaisl| it; and magis
trates lake cpgnir.auco of the 'viola
tion of this liw with! as ranch cphsci,-
iciitiousncss its hny other; i
Parents and inslrn'ct with
"all diligence in the reverence' and- fear
with Which diould be re
garded. Set youhgjtho
| magnitude of]ihe civil ar d vilencss of
] vts results, and resist | its encroach
ments with, ijll j-our moral, parohthl
or delegated auihorjityi 1
■ Chicken in His Hat.
A country friend sends us the fpl-r
losing : « I'■ [' I.• ■ '- '•
Nat; a friend of oars, is very poor;
rather light-ficgorvd,;aiid, it' is said, •;
r nbt so brightj as jhisparonts could
wish. . i •'■'! ’ ‘h , ll ’
“Tho other day, while passing a
neighbor’s, Nat saw ah rood ol chicks
ens, and immediately-' caught a jfino
one to carry honio.l Ho had hot gone
far, however, before h’o ; j6ajv tho’own
or.coming op ihc road; hrid notkopW'
ing what to !do \yith|llic chicken, tp
conceal it, at last succeeded in crowd*
it; into his hat, which he again placed
upon hia heiidi But tbe'chicken hav
ing a "longing foil liberty, and being
pressed for air. managed; to thrust bis
head through jan- opening in Nat’s : 6|d
straw hat. ; presently accept
ed with '/I.C ?!. 1 ‘ '
s‘Wiiat have yon got ip your hat??
“Nothing hut rny head,’’ said Npt
“But I sqcia chicken’s bead sticking,
through tbfeltop of it,i'Nat.”'
“Nat; taking off his ■ hat, and look-'
ing at it itefcigped astonishment, ex
claimed •" ' : ■; j' '} ’■
“Wal, how d’ye 'S’ppsothai critter
come 5 nr'there? - I. aware! he must
have crawled 1 up mV trpwser’s leg! V-
Norristown, Pa. Herald.
ilprn'.' can
i begets
•suit in
my mo ns
,be word
the way
i sea •• pic
iioii, hu
i iiance ol
I a back
ir.isli a
•iblo ef-
f of pro-
Ur ear
bool the
is music
if there
ie will Id
liee, it iia 'said,, has ar
ranged with .Richardson, the New
York’publisher, for the publication "of
his history- of the rebellion.* The book
is now in preparation* arid will not b.e
complete lorsevoral months to. coma.,
Ih tho 'nrtielesf of Agreement ■it is
stipulated that | no alterations shall
be made . by tho publisher after the
manuscript .comes into his hands.—
Loo is positive on this point, and will
brook no change to-suit the. Northern
palate. This is what we prefer. It
is better that the stateraentsin the
book.should'bo all tbdaefof Gen. Leo,
looking tlirough his confederato eyes,
rather thaufthose of,some Northern
editor who will nitempt to gloss over
treason ' and apologize for -an attempt
at the.Northorn life..;; |‘-.K * *:, ! i
i “If. the
bat cab
|in Ho
loguo of
; nature,!
lity pro
i its ' their
' and the
‘ you ; to!
Tbe oOn-|
rits v|lo|
(d penal
eh. it, not!
t icwrong.
■J ' v i , •; i i L* ■ . : : ; ' • • t '. • ? . ~U • ' ..- yr! -,' ■' *-* :* Mil ifXjra, >: .?i»~\r ~-gT;uu: t.Mvfr.
■®<>(!D T iitait|.’ :: 7.
:'•:•■ I ht^’Ofl;-
, , M'pArtimtojs, Esq;of Patldr
■e| i4a ns l'he fo lowing: Memorial,
f.request ; to give .If., aplapein
oar coiarana, rwbich weekeerfulljp do ]
: V - j.j N-- Y.'ijTeaing Pos‘^‘*
Whoever may undervalue efforts for
.the;jiWHtjbrifdf slaycry^. in anylconji
t. $ is£ T& ;wo may [jib
descendant of. Africa ; Will
noi v The Spanish Abo!iUon l Spcibty
basilKon greetedv in the outset of its
1 b 7 h remarkable 'address
from 'the men of African decent! hi
Madrid. ' Their number is very com.
aider able, many pfSthom -In: good icti’-'
cumstanccs, a =
very bigb degreo'of iri tollectnal' power
•id,-, <^liivalio;t^plobg ! them.
.have been bonrhuch interested id it,
that wo deairk oiir - readers to share
tliesatisfaclion, jand\haye , therefore
procured, a translation of spine of! tho
mpat Striking pdttions, hoping tbit
the whole may' be! ailowedtb comp be
fore thdAm<hl(mn-public to
mod inm letS-Straightened,! lor n
than ; a daily raUstibe'at
busy the year. f'
“Ifr i
Illastrioua and tooblol Cavaliers:
The descendants |of race
residing; at Madrid w|buo
men, tb'eir brethren] in the. gospelfand
religions veneration. . . ' ! ! ;
: Wprthy sons pfSpain! Generous
protectors of . the jnegrocs! Founders
Ofj a netjr charity jof love to tho slave !
Prophet to AlVijcanow despised;—
Wjp love yOp, admire you, and joyfully
you; .Blessed be. God! BlAssod
! be Sped e l The i|ed andyollOw colors
of the. Spanish national flagno longer
signify to ua wlmt they signified, to
tbp ■' mulatto Plahido and too negro
Munzanb, poets oftbo Isle of Cubifr
‘Two: streams' of hloodi to conquer one j
of: gpld}' ; , No i' !Tbe banner of Spain;
now'Showaj to ! .ag* tbo briHiant colors
and smiling hopes of the; ra,inbo'w,
arid liketlie iris arches over the wbojo
sky of• Africa, protects oa.r continent
under jits shade, and seals a covonant
ofj ele.rudl friendship -and religious
brotherhood .with* the wretched chil
.|drepdf ■ ,i
heaven,,, and night and dity pn*':tUoji
carlb, Libc'ria sb in the cornfields;
of| Cuba, pn Europe, in Asia, iu Africa |
add in America, first [white trjen j
■in Spain. wb<yhave protested' against,
the horrid murder of body and | soul
to which bajo been condemned j for
many Centuricstlio youngest,;brdlh
era:of Jesus lha eternal Joseph of hii
manily !.. •;! , ' | ,[! ij
% : j*i * “We join our prayers ;tp
yours, our sharp land piercing cries So
your pitying and comforting suppli
cations;! to ; protest, before ! tipdj I and
men against the crime, whicb is cla
nforing to the God of Abel and pain,
•for justice. ■■’■ !\ •. ; . i . i| j
.!.*■: ■ : -■ ~j. - : ■ ■ ;r:- V■; j ■,
\- f'TTout -voice, [your choice phrase,s.
your wi sely-mcd it a t e ct discourse! and
writings, represent the, sweet and ten
der inblody, the I expressive, loingutigo
I of, this chorus of captive |nogrpes : .-4
! And our prolbnged lamentdtions, the;
I shrieks of terror to which the rmost
oppressive-slavety has aCcuslo'rned Us;
shall bd the accompaniment lof that
melody, shall adapt itself to that-pious
song as the rough harmony for all the
outraged honor;| the negro grief, the
[ boundless porrow f the anticipated hjell,
which wo ha.Vo suffered only lor being
ignorant and for being the last, iij j
| ■ “Wo protest| most'
with.all the freedom, tbat Spain j now
! grants us—Spain, ibis native [country
of ihoso nnfbrgptfen religious redeem
ers 'oi captives-r-wh protest with onr
'might; against the slavery of onr
brothers in the islands of Caba and
Porto Pico. ; ■ '■ ' |-i i' ’ ’
j ‘Tjjet ndt be sold any’ more tire bipod
whreir still courses through the veins
cf men ! , [V • V-i.. : |, ■.jV’'-
“Let not tiro hearts hftsold which
fltill beat in tho bosoma of men !• .
. I‘,‘jiiet'hot .B pfjee be set ppon a||hbad
tbat th'inkflj neither let be bought or
sold a.soul thats loves! [V '[ij j.
. i “Alas! ■.there still jive ihjtbq of
America men witbbut hearts, whppp
press and d;efor|ra the sacred imago of
God in the. unprotected negroes, who,
in return, cultivate the fields
crease the, riches, and raakosoft and
luxurious the liyeskir the whites^!;
"] “Alas! to this day the accursedjasb,
S averted into a poisohoijs serpept. in
e Hand of a man changedinto a de
mon,' resounds |in both islands Jupon
the shoulders of .the laborer! j The
lash ii thq jonly: token, of the hrlji lo
mah that is, seen, with Pur[ eyps, or
hoard with ,our ehrs, the only thing |
that tbachos oar naked Utqbpl., There
is A German story told % Grimm, pi
a sword-brandished by the, fencer in
sneh a masterly way aboyehisfath
or’s head, and- with such marvelous
swiftness, that it kept the drops of a
hoavyrain fromlfalling [on | the old
naan’s head. IniliSe maDnpr.tbeAlpaef
ican oveMoer'sljashjperpetnally wbiak
-1 iiig and winding s^ent-likpjarid with
astonishing swiftness over the heads
and.sbonldprs of the unhappy slaves,
hroventa eyjMt p®e drop Of life divine
*1 -il ■ :% .| ■ t’V
pi^’irftmf^]lirrg^w?tbcm I :«ndaliUio
fermg whlcii tha victims Aer.dnpr to*
wards heaven/ tbkriour pun|
ishthen t and bar pkyf itballa us to Hvbra
and to rest* it is -that which
CaVanditislhnt whicbbids us pr*y|
ItiSonrlot,oiir oniyhdpe;onr' erne!
bnrdenj-our, daily bread. ’■ [
“Alnpl to this dayin the Tillages
pf-tbe'cblohies thesun each morning;
ini greStlng tbo beauty of . the fields
surprises intbbmtral world aleirible
spectacle: tfiq constant reproduction
Of the', borrows of the mother- in it he
Street of Bitterness. --A * womani of
color, young .and 'heart broken, goes
about the streets and squares, ‘kitooki j
irigat every door and kneeling at the
feet of every white man. She carries
an Infant hanging-apon her bosom, of
which she takes j leave' /at; : avi
;ery iraoment.becauso she is (looking
for her- innocent child. The] •• pres-t
ent owner of that littleJesuS and
that Mater .Dolorosa' wants : a- ?slave
-woman with s no hp!y tios,\ without a
mother’s heart, 'and reody\ Only for
servile labors or carpal; uses? 'And for
this bo bus given the horrible order,
theabomir.ablo absurdity; which thb
pen ear. .hardly repeat: ‘Woman. get
ajmasler fbivthy child,, get rid of that
encumbrance,’ - Aida! thrice, alas! . !
“Alas!tbatlherojare yet' inmany
sugar works and coffee plantations ojf
we. Spanish colonies shocking; crowds
fp Ije met of men destitute of women,
men without mothers, withoat sisters,
without daughters 5 ;. without wives,
Without female companions,' .without
living love, without the feminine ideal,
Without connubial; beds, without I a
duplicated life ; ‘single; men, with no
God, with no country, with no woman;
single men with all the horror,with all
the degrading and disgusting scifisp
,ncss of the one exclusive solitary. And
from this violation;' or thc'primat|y
law of Genesis, Slid from haired to
j the] man who by his 1 arbitrary iadU has
j abolished the Divine command,' we
I See. these rational; beings, dobasipg
themselves arid self-ab a ndo ned, sir|k
to. the, level: of tile bbeasts; and,-,pB
their only Solace or iheirpnly.reven] *e,
Iproiane nature,and.extinguish human
conscience ihmonstrous and/disgust
ing] vices, in seas of crimes, numb;i
less and nameless, such alarp] scarce*
ly known"in the most barbarous ages.
■ ,( And will the children :of men be
lieve that the life giving, sltar .of Übeif:
ty can shineupon the whites, leaving
the negroes in the diukteSs of an eteji‘-|
hat night ?- Ah, no;- na! Liberty |is]
not like the luminary pf [the natural
.day, that hides itself to! bnp homis
j UCtiii iri) (rtmi nH-n -
l.souls, as the sun does in tho childrep
jof Adam, 'll, shines as the luminary
fof leiernity.; as the Divipe Jesus; ps
tbe ’yvhito mun nailed on the black and
disfiguered tree of the -cross, which
spreads its fays of] love land justice
wilh-.equal intensity of heat-and light;
as on the heights and in the depths ;
as op and the rnyste4
t-idus; on'the nogrp as onj the White ;(
as’in lilo so in death. There will be!
nojibet ty enjoyed Upon the earth,jUf
meii do not.long for the'day when all
—alii Chat live-—ai I—all—all—shall be
free, and brothers, as (tons.of the samel
hepvoniy father. \'j - • . y- ’• j |
| ‘ The great injustice which is still
perpetuated against our poor race;
bas ils influence, perhaps,on the swpet
des|gns of Providence* so] that in pun-|
ishpient. divine liberty jimay still) he
more-bitter, than sweet; fa weakness,
rather than an exuberance, of life;* a
myth, a Utopia, ajjstumbling block, a
punishment of Sodom in the conn tries
fof Europe, placed;,! in the forefront of
;Ci vilization.. For this long while, lib
erty , will be for the decaying nations
of Europe what the Holy Code of. je
sus Christ, expounded by Pharisees;
has long been for the hated African
tribes, a shadow .of justice, a sacrile
gious he, apretence, a, snare, themost
shocking hypocrisy,' a i baptismal the
cost of-freedom and of (country; the
slaypry of men instead of the slavery
of sin, a horrid sinning transformed,-
erected into a. legalized system jof
commerce. V • _' j h I
*(' *> * “Ob whites! bo at last
oar brothers. Only Ihpsl shall liberty
that is divine become human, accord*,
ingto tho idea pfjGod, the -primary
truth' of the world. I'fj you. would
(gain that ]so coveted end, begin by
granting nft!clothing forj our naked
ness, mothers for onr orphanage,mod
esty lor pari, women. Let as not hoar
any more; the sound bfj the owner's
lash, which lacerates oqr skin, and
even strips the naked, tearing |off
from the victim that aeamless',robh
with which] the heavenly father covers'
our flesh and bones;' Lot] it no lodgdg,
bo lawful to strip naked a
woJnan of color,{in tbo- presence of
men, that she.raay be whipped,'amid
threats of death or. shouts of savage
mcrritochti; Let us nptisco. ip Chrisf'
tian] ‘lownsi Chnstian moihera selling
off tbeir children liko Jiidaa the inno
cout Qhrlstf, Let ho more the nogrpqs
dip blasphemingl N 6 more morderd!
Njo.mbre suicides I (No;pore brutali
ties, fb .produce sugar, and cigaim apd
cpffeol Let ns end that cursed taunt,
which forces the victim to doubt
whether to] bless God or( (the devil! j O,
cense ! ceaael enough 1 pnodgh l ! f -
: “Oh, whites ! Truth niust ho longer
be subjected to the difierenoes of me
ridiahs, as in the time of Pascaljl—
What, is truth herb, must ba troth
therp, because it js eterhal truth. .Bp
atrlast tho brolhera of, the children of
Africa! So also shall ‘ divine liberty
become thv right of the buman raco,
’ ■ ■■ ■ ! 1 -
5omo ;
; ’■>
I v j-'-S-’ ■ IT‘;1 T ‘; :V- r r » ; - —*■, J c > Vi“ ‘
IW e* <JeBf fcrti ‘bf God.*i- - ;
1 ;. 1
ii•[.sV'Ka a i>s -itsit jj»»Vr>X • '■'l*''
-:it(«yNi>M^4r i Hi *s•
f tkA,' Afrfetf.' 1 J ' ‘* ■;-
: !‘M*t*o MostoTi;«f ProtoßlW If w
i ! ’ "VAsrn ' J V'’
;■ Mijnsiß^AfHemn..
■| •; CA+ißip, Afifnm wpmim, i'-'i *"'., -
r- •• *‘MAKtnßt' of 1 Fcntsitde TNl f ! -
i VJwnr Sotia,' oftPortdßico.
i ABllTOßciE,df Porto Rite
| ■ native of England.
“Elasa S., of Porto Ried; 1 " ..
t ••MahcVC M*BT»»*ita«UTeotAflrre»!
1 ■
«,ffltpiPiftniA MoStamo, Bitlre of ;4,
■■ : r-f:
L ffS. AfflAiiAAio^meßdMa^PdtWßlMf. 4 }. |4l
! ■J'Pjo PaXlbak.native of Porto-Rieei.- :< ’ !
- - ” ' ■lya' g ..,
I»-'-ffDowiroi ibit ~fcs} »’’
'r- n THtqttt
. Break its,when; -i!
their da rc.pftep' ;
tjpuhiet ipepjaly ; ; :
w«enjtra»». v _ . . i
thcj- are liablpdo mcpt^bther : hor»esU i
It is cbtninoii tosoea young) colt run
dt.cefelly away Voni-its dam, \yheh oil I
the road, and, becpmipgi bp>yildered; ;
hoiHttie trpuhi 3is Veqnli^d 1 J io hrinif ,
it back; ' To ai’oidall annoyance from |
this source,make a soft halter, suitable
for ibd. obit’s- head; and bitch it to »]:■ i,
sttjong fence. Or | abme other ,placo*
where li '• ctln sot* rho apoupd.; i •
and wind thoibpo up. ,ityhiH£;pSu,
fpipdryeral jhbtrrs] bdt .Will soon ledfii: 7
to stand. ; ;f f t .7 ;. 7':i t ;
As soon.; aa aocaslaipei tothohal
tcr,,the colt tun<>ht,lo be ied;
byj placing ;iho daibra fdip.rqds distant
from whoredt is
itjtOwhr'lß; l h«r, '-It ’will t o impossible '
to lead a colt s,way from is dam until _
ip; has become, well accustomed to the
-halter. By spendinga iu .ie tirao wit,!*
a colp andircaiihg-it'wil b thie.grenU: ’ '
est, may bp taught to I
travolhy the iide of its darhwherover • ■'
siiis gocs 'Tib the colt’s halterto::*be 7.
back band of ina dam’s har negß,sQ thpt .
it can' Japt riach her udder. This
length ofjihallet* will prepenirthe colt ,7
running forward of the-maid when -
f In; a ifew-;days it 1
will become-sor.gentle that «ny;onep ! .
liandlp|p: .;
; Whcn Colts , arp not lpi' '
the halter until they or’ mbftj
j ydars'pld] they ara -fredhehtip-very 7.
[difficul t to, lasjnagdi J ;iBuV iaaght 40 ;
olterT'bo dn an god" nmn- : 7--
adothpr.-withyiittto diffiehtiy. hnd WIU t,
bd much more mlinagcshie;' ,' ;
' - ii 7 - i'-;- -7)
Calvje’s Head Soup —Boil the.hpad; ;■
until quite tender ‘id salt 5 and; water.|
Tike the nieat from .the bone and /cut;
it‘ in stnall pieces. Strain thp~ wMor,f
ado, then put in the meat .witha- tea- 1
spoonful qf;cloves, pounded, nut*!.
megs, a iltjtlJ black'V pepper, and. Mj ;
will, lay on a fi-ve-'cont piedpV Add it '•
piece *of butthr the-siie Of ah7eggho
arid one pint of browned! flonr/rubbed j
up in cold water. :Boil' , aU.; together,
for, half ad hour, then add ; two chops] %
ped' eggs- A! whole head, liver ini
lights make {about. three'; galldhs ot,
sotib. The Ityejr should pnly bbil half ;
ad hour.A skinned head f.With, tfadi :
bp|aes, pi hdeg of i.
asj mucHt This soup,. if welL piado» ;
capnbt be idrpasseJ; but' any ’ sbiiji'
poiot ly made, bf which’ there - is mubhp V
is tho least palatable of all dishes. ;
! Mince PiEsj— The follpwihg recipe
fob mince; pies is recorhmended, iftpi .:
pjsmg fop many years:j .'i"/-'’?' V.|
Boil a fresh beef tangad tenffei , let
it get cold, thhn chop it fine, With odd
ppund of hiieV, bne.half pofck of appleej
two pounds of currants,, picked :a&q
Wished one ppund. of : citfpnj
sliced; half apbshce
ed cloves, allspice, cinnaih6n,;ahd; glfai
gcr; three pints of sweet
orio pinl pT JkjLadeira.wiho, half a pint >
bfj brandy, with . ertopgh . !
sweefoii itbypor taste, k Thia 1 Willmake; “
a largo jar full' ' J 7| : '
,-i j®*Mri Green eued a ladyiforljrodctf; i
of-! promise, -Her fr i o nddffprod - fo&tWj)bundrjß|
ijf*Whatl?|’ erled; Mr/t G,repn/ ‘ > ‘tjwa ;
itrdndrcd: dpllara-' for ruined': bolptofl'‘J
bleated lifQ.ajnd a bleeding-'heartd-r-i '
Two * hubdred jdpllars/jfor all thie!-f*
Never! never! rover l i dfa/*?. ’
fiiindted tow ifs ' ‘
Mi ■ 1 - '■' i ■ MM ’■ ' • ■<- ■ M'
: r msrf!.n& centuries ago, not ono jn a .
burred wore stocking.; Fifty year* ! ;
aoQ. not one boy. ire a. thousand waSs } |
aflovred tot4d at larg.e at bight;— l I !
Fifty ago, not one girl- in a ;
thousand: made a Waiting maid of Bof
mother. 1 i Wonderful iniprovernorit id .
this age,; 1 ■ :,, Kv jrjJ
■ j j[ ■ r ■* - I- i
T *OuA- married man who was out at 'f'l |
& whial parly, when be proposed go* ;
ing’Uomej wits, urged to slay a litUO,
rOtfgef. I' "] V ! •'
H“ WeU.f' he replicd, “perhapB I may ,
as well—-fray We prohjAly is already ■
as mod ab aha can be.”i o;br; [
t: —T! —m .
thirtg? |
, namely :; Something .tfc,
g to love, ana epmetnltljf :
drops 'oft f afp, brigiifeh '
«; and Tittle acts l of kind* j
i the world "
td happiness
dot Romothta
to 0 ope for.
| :tlio :taoacipw
ness bnghtoi
1 i
r >;i"' ?• '■ '\
1, '
1- 'I.
> ti :
i/ *