The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 22, 1865, Image 1
if THE BEAVeS ARGUS wi ,l te Published Every Wedneeday amfis* BWLWirGs, ! r ST., BEAVJSB, PA., it $2 00perannum in,Advance ijg-Letters. and contribution*. by liallhate prompt attention. •- i ij. S. BUTAN 4 Co. Eds. A ProVe. foETIOAL. rfrorn Iverson's Ladies’ National Magazine.]' \' 1 : j ! by d.w. teller. I i T. r ' _ / tile pillows from; thecradle, .1 Where (belittle sufferer lay; jjraw the curtain, close the shutter— • ~i sEut out every beam of day. ’ Spread'he pall ujion the table;. ; i place the UfeleSs body therm Ipacik/ron, off'the marine features, i Lay ilfaiutam curls with care. "i t ' » • • Vuii its little fingers - upon its sinless breast, •t'reejrroiu'iare, and pain, and anguish— I the infant'cherub rest. . iSapokhiw Uulfl shroud about it; "pjci-iw toy* from off the floor; kbey, " itli-all their sparltlmg beauty, I' • >^- tr can cham their owner more. i! ijslic siic JittW sfioe and stocking , the -doting mother's sigit; ft«.9°'*9 r « will hcedj'them, | 1 : V.-ii6nß i“ ttarWMrcf light. f ivtiils, JatiifaSid worn with walching ; | ikW the long dark night of ''gfrief, | I iwyVou; tears,' and soothe your sig.hmgS, : i : Ba& j resile of, relief. ; ij/udi.T. tire no more ia needed ' ’ ; Vu allay ihc rising moan,] ,• ibongli you now mayileave it, alone. ; f_ ■. * bright .fririjWatjh beside it, ' ’ fin iisvjiiit:, UpVy slumber •■(tjhlie'ta'oruing, then awake it 1 Tu a place among their number. ■t- r ;■ ,Tiic<!). gulden j ! ild the chain of eal-tiily blies; ■ ■ j j' ]l.iis the making, j ' , j ■ the brighter world ani lias. i ■ i tnagn vjm rt ~ Witprial., Oor: Bf-'Ch aa. be rs b u rg'-Il ep osil o ry. AiiJHoUr With And re V/ J oHnsop? i ? iQeli 31. 18ti5;' 1 was (‘if Uiosu, » an hurablb. way, Aaitpcw Jobrisoii into i&aidenl at Bi^iuiorc—hav-! «„ ... . , T t- - T , ? u, : ., > that won.him the ‘highest!' 4 "t ~ “fH Jlf icrtmos j horioj-s'bf the Nation! through a -flood' :pla[tfof-u»y'6.wi. work, and rcron;<;efully;Jof .dß!Q;quy .; but if, it! does, I infer that! jer after ( the*- icauguriaibn, been : fred! ' ll >wii|atlon_, of Unillijqine jofj he frill; accept jhe. situation. He civis' .WiL grave .opprchensior.irius to ihei Diquirition of Spain «JenMy imeans apove fill-, othoi' t'hlnSgsJ- Ivisdoiq Of that" choice. ' aki, !S 11,15w i*j° ton '„tp Joivpass of thcSoufU i i. . , ; w|Ui ea to p'tC/pw life -government, \ orrUruombere aud tbepompleto rcstcjra • luth'uiosi men wool besiege lht> txca--| stringers; to anil its. citizen-1 iio#|o-power; of thoSiir Stales, ami if nil;vo ! (irpai intent in this very import-, j dhjP- and 'films through life Ibpjmoiiu* jMa|sachusottB and Squlh-Curolina tjanl unit that ;ihe ,:u%miistra- I ft 1 ' 0 . power, Jhe rjustldo and i t strikp bands over Hid. same iadminis•! Vioii.has no honor* i aspire to. I may ' of i the' j tratSfrii',* then, will wo| have oL faithful! liitllr will) most of' them also alike in ; " a s on ,° i l i e e ‘ A ' Ltl - J' l * o EHisident | PreidJontand a harmonious r country. , tile! IratikiKss with which-1 eounitcl.v' —T,- I". f'W the mcabiiro Aif if iMt—l leave the future to tell the wlulii invited,.to do so. awd-in-thd con- 1 P^‘ 18l, J nen *; had pardotjud but;story. , Whereto all ithis record soph yiep_oi|s- MHi.icli- rusuit from contact , h °; ,l"\ ould como t»»uer| iwicli a| to b’d made dp 'the Nation, shall see v.i'.b ruiof4. * . / - I ru [fi> * V-~ er 9 aro excepting to all ; time, ‘treason is tbo greatest of oriqicß ■■■'lftowid-.uiy-sclf ‘hero on Friday lor 1 ! : . U V ? . a ?' :d li h , ore * were ( both j an <lfbiist bo punished ”ia not to ipy ..ttH!srsi'liibc wbco Fcbrasrrylasti-and .|'° n | s ? a m d might ' j a. K. m:| M«* iho.afternoon *»f the »ainc ; (lav,.. J*, 8 !j a , p^-( l W**?. ;fl? •«* f - - ■' 1 hailed at the White House to see Pick 1 lba ; 5 ® N<l 101 >' et ,w ,U M. "■[ b,a 1 I' ■ -- !«onl Jdjn.soiu I found the halls, the ' “i” “‘. lher « eDt5 I ral PT-W 3 > ;a ! ! msmhamber and all other available jLincolo proposed He explained , i-utas aro.imd. the Executive room,' v . ha ; l ,8 ' not W°P e f :l| }ji kncnvi.i that *' ru ivdeikwjtii.a-ni'o ll’ey niass of inen hm . ere, ma.ifly of business I •>'«!>- IH. anxious female face here and : m '’ n ;f ma '^^' v^ ,ofn ' va f o ™f»,\ r fiviiiv J . V arietv‘to tbe “Hi hav ? i Da H ,e V and some; front day to day. th T lo f U . «r lheii; lands,! bin au‘interview with theHreaU . or -*5? tbe.r op-; *M uua plead for'restoration of c.IU ; ! 0,, % “TI U^ d -jj' at !"' “^l and property., - Sooh the door i ««ch ! “l-‘!Kd ; and: a lady Merged r , ect ' i «'4i room wilbitluTge | of.that plass. ( ivnilfenvelipe .clutched ncfvously in ' spokScpfroply 1 of; tho proposed •• '«lliamJ, aud a benignity of' couiitc- ir # ot Bavjsj and sard that as yet the aiiw mtjrc plainly than : not taken any steps j ’fds .that another dlizcnihud blei; 1 ln u;aUer - If he is lo bo dried in j iiaai n ,10 the Kepublic. Sobniaf- Hicii.inond, fhc trmli must necessarily I f’ linotljer and then another chine ; be Jipstporifld unijl thb civil authority j ! l Vlil;c trophies of success, ar.d;as I‘s1 ‘ s I HH.V restored; and then it wUi;jbe|a.! '•'••}>one passed out the mass .wojilri 1 question cobsidurutiou under; tbe; ; .l v ' i-'-.vard'i ihe door to catch ! tho j e° n of affajrs which may at;] that | 4- of p lO ilcxt called,- liuaj Mw exist; As. yjirginiiii is still prac*‘ >u ". tl '.«e I gained admission,and had , tixsally under in^rtidl, law,; certainly , .\nr.n iiitervimv with Andrew John -1 wholly under, military j rale, 11 jadger V' S Preside;,nt.. ; j that many moonsimay waxiabcf ryaho -c are, few men who could make i before wo cain have a great'Statb trial. 'fc favorable impfessiou upbh question; the vdsdom ,pr]lhis 4vr .on first acquaintance, than delay.for it (is certainly better., fori the ‘■•-'sideut. He differs from llr. S ov f rnraen . t to tho , dartger of m '.i.Ost external charactefie- i defeat in Mtemplttog to cdhvfetj-. dfj ’•« ctni J trastsiavoiabW.l^ n^ rttetiv ? treason inj Wasbinglon, Mr. l.incoln’s Jolly iiuin&i f] thai.| to jbrcu a trial wbich-migbt af- U jKIII j,j s ungainly Ways! eifcape tor Davis ,|and «*vre dipldraatic, and wears a! leayefhognmtqacslidnsuhdeierriiihed. aud quiet dignity that wduld H I wore going gueSs on the/sub ;*!’■ ’ v 4i shockingly out .of p|aee- ' iirij uct would say that Divis is nioro J ‘awented pre jectssoc,lbut which likely, to, hd paroled during thei iiest this Chief Executive of a 3 ; earjthan tpjbe tried, and if ho is of "•'•--Valion, _Uu | B _ about five foet or hijnged, he must do itj himself; + S , p .‘ r . iV.'-obt,; rather sym- - Tlfe President is clearly iedverSp to .ti r— bdift, has long hair Well eocfepttiohj and thal qqestion ispjrac by the frosts of- timS,’ rather tical'y ‘ settled. Whalofer b P* , r SVvy cjfo that looks as if i« its the yiews of is ; t r'-’glances there slumbers'behind notDossible with an ISzcjcative ao’te?«i.f ‘Ji‘ P l^'“ a gb to quicken itj a finely minejdly hostile to it and . with jthei usually sad !|n |.pßrdppiDg;‘pdwer ; 'jo;-.hiBj bantf.-j.Jjlni primes-relieved by age4!'f er pdwov,pr,:thtttjoft this, point Con e^j' 115 ,’ u !‘df in manner and dressigr® BB harmonize with the fr'if. la Pli.knd unaffected. fSuch Hive; |a» a number of Won the iadical w.iT ’ a P"‘ tiaiL of Andrew! loaders, such as Grcoley andFSamneri ,};eata-ago tbo d ei- oponfy oppbse lt;i :If onr crcdiijcan iiL Wii, ' , } ed i ol traitors: tho'mau be sustained otherwise !am content! ■‘oviatW. lea f fu *l ttieir fiercest F‘ r e years hence we shad all bo wiser N ? lsa “SSainstwhow were on thpt point4bnii-nbw. ; | 1 : ; Miiu* a . I bcliovoLlbui. the President| States witi ?.. r<i!, 'd eil t of the wield all his power to effect the d’eatin c hi - * « fo ° 8 at his feet mission of tbo representatives of hiaiielr i ,-° n ’ Bnd charged rebellious States Into Congress K '«ve^i m lLg- “i ,es a ?d responsi- ting IthV next,aesaion. - ; .Tho So t *« oa utortal man, thb 'qiteation -cati - Sr' ■'l ' ■ ! I r \ *t. i 1 ! •■v ..*]• It?,- --w.- f.■ ,V: ‘l.i >. "Vr '.'i' 'N,i r'?r j v --v" lEEE K Ql* |4:i--]SPck |46, 1 , '■!■■' *■■ - i- - - I,.rH*. I -V. ’•| Ho mectk the'ylsUor eorUjallj’y and speaks ini thesbftest tote and’. In well measured sentences' There was litlle formality-—-the usual greetings and tbeiicewe passed to questions of gra-' yer momeni. Howmyiir [reticent bo may bo Vn rsomb fegea| bp | agents to | have no reserve as" to; the policy he cpnceives ip bo the ttua oob [Jtnbring baclf the, insurgent Stines. iHe dis missed |tbe \ position of those States { and theijt people with gfoutiinterest j and occasional with -a | f|7U)kneka that left no, doubtjas to his j purpose.' He bolds that, (hey were never out of tbe Union; that secSssion, however- accomplished as a facl, qan- ; not be accomplished in law; that the supreme aulhori ty of the govern meet in those States was not overthrown by but aimply in iibeyauee, • and of course it logically follows bis I premises that, since rebellion has | erased, the States resume; their prop er place in the Union and restoration I isj accomplished. This, iti.* brief, was tpe stand point from whidh the Pros, j ident dismissed. the question of recon struction fori more than an hour, and answered' suggestive objections at times with hb earnestness! j that •de monstrated how ardently be is work ing to give success to, his policy 1 . I cuuld uot but,reraiud lum j that [bis ttjoory stripped Sail traitors of the pro tection they; might.claim Ws public enemies; ihatitwonld stamp, asguilty of treason within'lho law, every man who aided the and of neces sity demand at bis hands commensur ate puiijshraeDt for what ho mast hold aej unmitigated crime—as . appalling murder and dbsolation lor which there isj no extenuation to be plead. “You have,’’;! addotlf “given aa hh. every i ,“tiundthe JJationV’ monuments of “Morcy—i-where will be us monuments “of'Jußtibo.?!i Davis Is.a proclaimed ''assassin]«s welfas traitor—uikagenlh i“bavo died, another qWi’rzJ will fol ! -ipw—ho ware the principals! to atone j “to a people doubly .bereaved in their I‘■homes and In their chief sanctuary j “of power.?’' ;:Io: tCis the .president ! answered witlh ranch,“aniniallion [that j the unashre of,and the timel'pf,atqne- I men t wore yet for the, future itodeter ndtio. l shall not Won forget the emphasis 1 , with]which] liedeclared that' the South must, come; hack nhd be a part of uj),| and “it fhust ’ednfe," be adpod, “with all its manbebd-Wldp” t want it to come eviscerated Idf- .its manhood l!’’ To this, propos: ab stijactly: there (could bo, no| * -want the Soulf v; ‘1 i ■ tfi r- / ■?;; * * ! . r : I 4 •i r-v [•-■4 11151 j ' '' r liojne tip thorp anijl i tisbrough tup in i order; but' there wilt be W Strong prpsatjre tojforce the admiaaion pf the Southern members by placingtheii; Mmpff on the ‘toll when the) House ni«eis| . This Mr. MnPheraoawillnpt /lnU..t| OD yotoVof 'inattucitbns be 11 only iboae wbo flro rataroed fates clearly entitled' to jropra- Son. . The ‘ law - forbidS‘ ! bim to' . erwiae, andi he will’ be“f«Ubful fh Sfc ..Tbo question of ill • then agitate; the 1 -fear make a sad breach betweentbo president and Congress. ThejSouth id eiicparaged by the position cl the administration, taibe importunate in ; its i demand for admission, and | it. is. i npt improbable that it will in tbo end jbp admitted- 1 bavp ■ seldom) seen Chrigrifess straggle,against power and hoi 1 out to the end. »The hiStiry of sab'll 'conflicts it always dotted with fr|iil ones who fall by the | way 1 1 |liavi4 ever felt that the reyoltpd StAtes .should lake no partiin the goy r i eraimept they vainly sought to de- 1 strejy untill all issues arising froin the -wttr. and all its logical results, should bd jsM.led by faithful men.,, T ; o tlio viptorS, not,to the vanquished—-to jibe I trends, the floes ol the goyei-n-, ment does this duty belong, aria i! shall bo otherwise, ..there are; 1 mar.y who W,ill tremble forthe salety of \l»c ,r„ ■ • ';• 1 ■ Mu ihe faturh ot | the freed men thoj | President, talks well. He displays | more; Scusovthan sentiment on| the! question, and means to solve j l|ie | fairly as demanded by civili 1 burr unity. Of their abiji- j tyltp win a position) that will enable them Ip be incorporated into oar jsyp* turn of government as citizens,ho is not; omipently hopeful; (but fools tlntt it ttiiisi be . fairly tried with an Open , flejp) fojr' it’d | pogro.j That- faU|pg,.hc lopks; Upon colonization as the poly I alternative. 1 •' ;.j - 1 1 be toolish to idisgitise ! the I fact) that the; Piesidpnt, both, by word | unpriced, disclaims jthe position pf‘ a I piwtizin .Executive, Land that he is) not jJni+oi.sribia to [the flattering n'ppfoval Of ; hiWadmioistrauonby the Hembcratic pakty. ) I dp put mehu by this that hie •is |rf sympathy and feltovysbip wit|i them; )but Ldo-meap: that he is jnot wholly: against. ihpm; an| W Will, i feel Warranted iq dayf iugJadherc to the political fortunes of Slue a<S tales without regard to pplitical-eohscqaences.- Tan* ipay or'ifevor hi m from the party him) in will ad the duJ Dale; mot I.' f ■-■y ■ y V / i Jt ' !’ V f R jiLn.' ME V-, f*,/ : t .vt - ~-! ‘‘Row Qn. 11 (lie first f fivc jjSeara of iny'prq--' Ifoaidpnal'life,” once saida geoileindn |to ,p 4 j“I bad .-ty row against winjl, i.andr stream and tidel” 'And whtit • did wbix do ?” was ourquestibn. •• Do?” ■ rcpljb'd.ho, “do ?• why. J. rowed bn to Ibo sore;” and so 'lie idid row uttt~an|d I !to a fijoiod purpose loo; until ho eanib! ;to Open sea, took • favorable breezi),! and jjbfought J bis . voyage -to ti 'most I successful lormipalionl leaving behind’! him la: most enviable” reputation tori wisdom, and • impressing the mark bf bis strong rnind and cxcellcitt clinfr 1 actetl deep and clear on the commti tiity4 n' .livetd, and lan immortality .woijlh more than a • monarch’s crown id the memory 6f (thousands. His remnvk deserves tjo be remembered as a motto. (The greal business of all ill to “rowemf’ with| unflinching courage and steady perabvcraueeV All trades and prolosj sionsjhavo ibair difficuUies.and aiihost every individual imeets with diocour agemeUls. The * only jtvay, Lbeieforo,. lo go ahead is to “sooTon.” Decision lof cKarncter,! of will, the r&soiutibn to presslon, wben ,sur|e wo are on tbo right track, or in puV r suit of a good |aud honorable end, this is lbe|aecreu'or living so as to conic out a| last-safi aiidsouind. , «t JIA: good story la told of la fail i-oad jiaceidera, on IbeiNew'JLondO.ri railroM, rather a ludicrous ending.: A halfdnloxicatedlrishman waasitting on;' ihora’l.vrhun ibe en- 7 gine of. tb&train to Norwich struck him apder lhe liaunchea and tossed him id.owo an embankment.- The | train Swas sloppedand tarhedback it) pick deadihody. Paddy was fonnd]|alira, : but somewhat b(uiaea,and tikep ; to Norwich, the kindly offered to send the man; to hiahomo.a few miles away; ?n a hdek, but Paddy insisted oh his ability tia walk, and refused to bo sent;] homel|h! a “korKdge.” | The tor prjessed the matter, when the Mi-i leaiaDijfWho atdodlhe butting of tllej cow-edtchpi so well, bristled up with;; “So sjwayr with yopr.kerridge. I’l Ij go heme myself; an’ ii I’ve done any] damage toybur old ingino, bedad I'Ul tne'spbt.” - ! ' , . ■ \ ■ I. ■ .-1-\L •',■//{* * • tet-a..- *r.-» r-.l EDI .f.; .~_ . !` ~ '~;; .;~:'; _ _ Mr v Naalaiya\ Meetinguq ■ The eelebratediEe> appears tohave madi attempt at >' speech cratib'-iioeting Jn gives the fol lowing periepe:;:W■ ■■ •; ■ ’' ■ X'comments deiivi gll ‘ over aboosio ' thc.Chadrraau iiitorin i^WelK^seAl, y .angrily ,'\ for II ; git-• sweatin'!* ancfl r don' ruplod. ! 'h_ : ". “Why,” Bed he, “oai allow* a lugger. Who ' [ and most qy ’em,hey make it a pltft to eei j. .■•’* , Xhe , t!W>a.;'r-^-: : '8i ! most-uv n» White B Gerscy,” retorted X, i nigger add Johnson. | ••Slop,” whispered ? i “onr platform; indorses, I ‘•Thunder! ,, >: f« in #r kiejdui 1, di*ppih Preside n tJob fison' flnd : si(fiqg easily. iiiito ! a .vigorous denungfoddoj -ihoi war. - 1 ,’,••• ..' •’ • \~sjki’'' ■ ; I I “Gppd, Heavens!’’ maf., ‘ , Btoi)! ■ Our platfidStn endorses the war.” , Vv ,. I Bed nothin this time! hatyommpDst denoMosin the debt: ■? ■ K “Hold,” sod the ?‘eaisy— easy-easy-—our bacfcs upS the debt.”*. . ;f ■ -n.--* j “ Welij iflon,” sed I ih*W rilge. t‘wby fa blazis didn’t you a copy ,uvi yoor platform whew y otfWaV.ted me to [address yob"/ Go make' j yoor own aiulXstalked off the . ; '••• [4"TiihC/wuzievon wun speqcli.wood do d’tdan awl-over the Norlh|;now jfoo j hev.a diffefeiit wun lor Slait,' I With niitkk it impossiblS; ißjjr-me ?to travail, for one effort pfer' season is enuff for me. (■■ : . ; ■ '.“Petroleum” is a p^l&ppher 1 and has an original muthddibf deriving consolaflon; - - r : : 1 ' ■ Alas I the fact that we eiivj failed ip everytbiirglwe hev- undetltik fpr iore years is gotlin : th f op,ihtfi»uf ofithou sands. and they look asbim'at us. r ; J Be it; ez it may, it*lmdjlbß.dmt' little difference to me. . Aat: fur! tbqrsl, and |I- shall gojadifck^Bi-tb * Bible is troo, I. L Will find a. bavy Djmokrati^^majorily slj if^Xwlr^TlT^l - Son a [ey.eKwitb. tlie best. j j : ‘ j ‘‘So let the wide world wag cz it will,” I’ll keep on Ithe even tenoruviny way, takin iny nips ez often |ezX k;in find a ddnfidin* solo who has more muncy than diskreshun. ' : t j>, t »lfs Petholeum V. Nasby, - Miit Pasture of the Church nvthe 1 M:p.o Dispcnsashun, > ' ; ! I Facts A%out Water; . ; j.j Wafer it. at once yielding and t;o* jsisiing. It gives why, when.permit led to’ do so, with marvelous 'facility. The slightest ami lightest substance; drbppeti upon it is admitted to its i embrace, in strict accordance and pro; I pbrtiOL to itsdeserts anil its density. ! lii grain of sacdjteadily finds its nat-j jiural at thqjbpupra. .A! hydros;}’ I taticjor water-bed is the easiest, of ■ 1 !- : ’. , ; ‘ *, : !-1 ! ’• , t ■ coaches, so easy in fact that some-i.n’tj yalids cannot, be;v.r its excessive plian-' 'ey- and, complete adaptation -fto’ the form of the sleeper. Hence the no tion of Descartes, and others,,that to explain thopheuomena of water, its intimate particles must' bo oblong, smooth and flexible, lying one upon adptherjliko eels in a tub ' But water ifj given a temperature,' confined, r is of astonishing hatfincss, it is almost in* compressible at that temperature; for ,what is a reduction from forty-four to Ifo'rty eight million parts of Us volume luiidor a pressure equal to tliat ot at mosphere '! Muny solid matters—' wood, for bo squeezed iiilo a much smaller than their prigjrt albulk. Thp packer’s art has attain ed wonderful perfection in fenclosing much in littlospace, but alljqnpen’s horses and all queen’s men cannot put;a quart of .I water into a pihi hot* lie * You : could sooner drive.a nail into a solid cube of steel - tpati you could’drive one into a cube of I water, enclosed in a perfectly unyielding box.' It is the unsqueczaltilUy of water that gives Us .enormous strength: to tho byidralic press,! The hardness 1 , of wa ter may be felt by .striking its: surface emhitly with the open hand; thuqual ity is also . known to unfortunate swimmers whointcoding to pitch into iibp water: headforemost' fall fiat bn .their stomachs! ifillead’.. t ■ , ! | * \ j ’! • ••••-' j' ~, r ', 1 ' ' About “Maebyikq NigOEas."Vl'ho L o a i »\j i lleJ/) u ni aHt as a correct e?ti luale of tbe anxicty of certain politicians to im protected from i‘‘nig ger equality.” | That paper says live “ahli-amendmoht pedple seem terribly apprehensive that unless restrained by the Constitution they .will, inevitably; marry. niggers.! Wo Wvq.h'einiprd pf the fellow, who gettingTntoa quarrel ccied pat io those around hi,m,; ‘Hold mo, gentlemen, ior I shall strikp jhiita.* Each anti-amendment mail seetnscall ingiadpud in a similar spirit, ‘Hbld mej dcarConstitution, or I shall'marry a digger, ns surous yoanre born-’Bat we fpropose that the , Constitution stand off andsee fair play." [ i I BE MEI 1C nr- RN m&Ss&i .# ■•; «te *i„ 4P~ts£==2^ M- i£* m /-v rsw ■■ j ■••(--[-, .-'*-i- t\ .-‘"-j-''-.■'i 4r 1 •'-'•■•■i-ir -i ■'}•*■' 7* ■ f • who basbeen dnv gAgejh for s long U skein ids profession, intthehcb $f *’'4^!^ -jjj^rioa"ibemlndti 'Of». children, sprites as follows. ■ :; , ■'.tillavOjfoand- the universal fitot;vrilboatexcepUou. scholars of both's&tea andall;agd», who:, have access/.'th;•newspapers. at bomb, woencdmparod those .who tbive^tiiawr^ ; i -s : 1. Better. leaders!; excellent in pro | AnnciatioK)'. read■ v- wv: ■•iS.' de? flop- wj»id* and aoonraoy. >'; ?U- of geography l& ahho»£balf the j time! I‘itr requires others,* Mt: the newspaper I iouaiipnof tte tboir and I doings globe, p*l- : ' t-.. -C: DoUetgramnaarianSifor paying become ad'familiar with every? variety;: jof ; nev^paij»er, f to the finished andclAssignl She eUi.teamao, they inoidLreadiJycpin prebend the meaningof th.e text, and ootscquonttyaualyss its construction .’with Accuracy. is f .]• j I I.- jL :l 5. TboyjWrtto betjter cbinpoaUionß, using better language, containing-more thoughts, iwrp oonno.ctad ly expressed. /-vpi-V.: .... 6. These who-have for years bdonlreideraSdf .the newspaper are always iakibg the lead in the de» bating societies, exhibiting a moree** tensive knowledge upop.a greater va iriety of id^^ r 4h4K<^v«B6io^ : :views ;wlth greater fluency, .clearness* And corrcctnesain tbe aso of iangoage lj- ■■ r•. '•■ ■ 1 *■ ! , : 1,1 A -fiXf lh.l m ,*wfaett rithof Ihtwpi .jM ndwe chad Sop §■ PvrgVftnd vep' Wiob*i|o£ { Always remeoi borjtoJeibaibfatpe'QK pie alone at firj to' sot ijtheip, sra>r iheia but ry effort of, dr' house./ a'[ W'-jg ’■ v'jjtading ibe «;daug«pU9.'b: j'isuiear yo‘unbe Miston well- If —and Always sure,’. ird.Diattor'iWhtti blunders <jjr sole* cisin oihcrb iday cbjninJt., j Heniem her that it is a very ifoolish proceed - ling- lo jliintcpt ; that you cannot! offer your gpcsta a -better '.bouse, pi furni* lure, or viaiids. j,i u i. V Vlfl ? .It is iiiir to presume that,their visit, is to you,|not to; these surroundings.--- Giyc people a pleasant impression- of themselves, and. they] will be pretty sura to go away! with") a pleasant .tnv. pressidn .jOf your qualities. : On just such slpndqr .wheels" hs iheSa|lholwide, labnc of society turns] It is oiiir i T>n!-, siness, t hen, to keep them- in perfect Revolving orderU-JEocAanj/e. ; i. <:J i 'A Churph Bells. j-;.. , There,is; something beautiful,in ibo church bolls^—beautifujl and liopefuH 1 they talk to biglj and! low, rjch ' atid poor, with the' sdme voice; there is a | sound in them ibat should scare piidp j and envy and ipoanno6is of.uU_ 80rtS | frcim - the hoart of roahj lhat should ' inate dhie earth seem to him, at let-st | lor a tide, a holy place.; j There is ai preachetj in every; belfry, [that cries] “JPoor, fighltingi dreatqreS—poor human things I take rest: bequiet. forget your vanities,- your follies, your, weekday, craft, your heartburnings! And you j ye; human vesscls.vgilt. and paintedjbe-! Hovo the iron tongue that tells you ye 1 ap6 of the j sipnei Adam’s earth jwittij the, beggar at dour' gales. Gome away, com si’' crids tho r bell, ‘•utia loam to| fcjoi^humble—learning that howovcr: daubed and. stained.; stuckj f about with jewels, you are but;grave clay; . Como; Dives, and? bo taught that all your glory, as you, wear it,ds not half so beautiful m the .eye of Heaven d 3 the sores 'of the unepfo* plaining 'Lazarus! And |y«*> creatures] livid and faint,-; —tinted ahd enusbed by the pride and hbrdness of the! world,] —come, 'come,*’, -cries the; bell, withtUe vpico of an angel, {< como and learn *« hat > laid up for you ; and, learhiljg, &ko heart, and ; walk among theiwickctlnesses, thecruelties; of thAvotld, calmly as Daniel walked lipong lhjp lions.’’; -y; -y! r ; ",! i | Mir Tor Rail ; tbe ten years ago there came an old, Qjno armed, biokly look!ngimah to thislaty (Montgomery, Ala;,) who folloyycd.the avocation' Of .peddling knives aryl scissors through the, city. It is said: afiatl he offered ,Vo; s|U a ktiifO ( to the* iBLonV Win. 1 li- Yancey, onco upon a time, and the Hon,.' Vim: h. i struck him ;ii. the face tot having thd pre sumption to, speak to him. To-day, this man, ; Wreford by name, has the largest dry-goods and tar.oy sloreiin Monti? ornery, and the of the Honl | \Vm, h- Yancey ie behind bis counters dealing ont tape* etc.—; Quite a Ohatlge.-r-Cof. Chicago ~Tribh.. [ ’i 1 ■; r ' ' • I tiite r 1."'• 7'l ' 11 • EIR i . 'i.S . - A Touching Tribute to the Mem* '| •; \k tiie Chicago ZVi 6«nr,wriliD|g from lM|yj h V Among the firstincidents which mjpl my.eyes as.l entered Italy were one or two which are perhaps oota|Wotb' er oawortby of being, read, ana one ot whjcjb ip particular may baye a pjL collar interest for American, readers. I Was walking through the Streets-of the’ littlpi town of |lWgabo, ?i when mr ■ eyes • ware jsttracteirbya w ell-known ? r in front <of a sp>ay The por- traitwaa jjjpcoli|j, andyou-wilt that;thp; sight; alone grrostod one's lootstejpaas they bang tfi#WAy pl ace, I tokwgroand ipon a ißceneJ ryhp))w., to Vtbisil oM ; aovi vidly the pertbnidcation. ; I wept hp. by|y6. jpi impulse of respect t]b look at’ it, ahd irwae glad l did ieoj for I found bfenealh it inscnptiob. Iwlach showed; ihataho had ih iactj ; been;. tdlhjfibouso by r the at' ohce^al 'testiinohy Qt; bis own t faith ings acid an appeal to those fellow-citizens. “TljidV? said; the Jn-j 5 seriptiob, ‘|is a portra|t^£ Lincoln, abdisd long; as ttfe sun shines on men, so long shall the name of him who redeemed foar miUibua ot tcom cajjliyiiyj of bimWhq, clulchJtig lb his .strong breast the fasces of the American uoion, fell a; victim to.the horribl e aasassination-rfso long shall his hariie resound great, venerated, and blessed tbrongho'U the world." j pS* ‘'Ar Ward’s | Biography'' give» jia th6:ftii Ing biography of himself: ; ,‘*X airifilty-Bix {56) yeapsot a Tim&>]th ralaßtlessjscytbeM busy.. The Old. Sextor. : gaxbepa ! h>| I kpep this year:; • , ,**l was; ip; thenlate of * if • -■ " v ' infant : 1 #Ui director in my lite. .i ( ■'•'Altho, inearly life laid not inva riably j confine, myself; to - truth] in my small ‘bills, I '•! have < beep; ’ grade jaly growing respcctabler,bv’ry year. » I luv, my i children, and> never mifc l ake knother man’s wife for my own. I’m not-a member of any. meetin’-houso, btiv firmly brieve in nieeiing’-ho\u>e8, and shouldn’t feel safo to take a dose of laudanum end lay down in [the | a village that padu’t any, with a thousand dollars m* my vest: pockets. - X;[;-| . “My: temperament. is bilious, jal-j tho’ I dpn’t. owe a j dollar In the ’world. " , | ■. 1 '• ' ■ . I , -“I am a (harly riser, X j may add that I am also baldheaded. I keep tw!o cows.” 'i 1 v *■; ■! ;j :J._ 1 r _ , Education 1 : in’, Tennessee. ,-rr ,The Teachers’[Association of the State] of |Tennessee published some, facts; with | »egard ti> education, which are both i deplorable and alarming. Thdwtn'.o papulation of; the Slale-iMthbut 840,* 000.- Of .lic adulta there are 83, who are unable-to, read aiVtl For the ed ucation of, 300,000 children i vhere is no public provision.? It seems almost incredible that such, a cohdi- Itio.n of JlffipgS should inlaty, pait of ; our country, bjiitfibe, state ■ ments, coma ffirom the State itself, and from persons in it who Shave the best opportunity Jof knowing their cor rectness.: Their first internal’ efforts at recooslruction should'bo rncdeio embrace a system of common school eduealion for the intellectual and mbr al benefit of the .white population as Well as fprilthe two huudred and tbi •« iy thousand blacks who are st 1! more needy.; ;y*.. i, I], ~ I Couldn’t Go.—Unclo John Morris Was a chronic toper. i-One day, while ; Returningfrom ,the tavern.hc lottnd locomotion impossibly, and brought up, in the corner of- W' worm fenqe, Where be remained :lstanding. Be had been there only I few minutes, when the minister came along. 1 j “Dccle John" Laid jhe, “whore do you suppose ybu wills go wbei> you borne to die?” , |T. , ; f i. ‘-If I can’t go any.??bptter than 1 qan now, I shan’t go anywhere,” plied Uhcle John. : . .7.', 1 , :'ierA. cat caught a sparrow and Wap jkbont; lb devour it, sparrow said.: “So gentleman eats until l{o Washes his face." The |.oat, attack |at this remark, r sot’ the sparrow dowWl, and j began to wash his face with bits | paw| bat th 3 sparrow flew away. Tbip yjaiad pups extremely, and' ho “lAsj ldng .ap t live I will eatifirst and wash,my fate afterwards,” which a|l cats do to| this doy„ . m —r— —r —. 1 ; i *e- A young man being joked on tbo slow' growth of his.beard, gave, as an'exouae that Hheavy bodies movjs Slowly.” ‘ i ! _; ■i- T ‘-k' I hi—rUd -:>t. : V:. 60wU.-AUb«r»l dlsootml mid*t# y**«y .■, advertiser*, «ind4>alang 6^-;* 7-s}^ r^MsdnA'i^i | Business p*rd», j 6 andjotter a inan Bible Onion - ttabag/tp#. } Appointment *&“££?*:, ApdiForefgn ;*S some amicafirtf iybymbloh - Df.Cbna n£, tlfahalatbr. and &HwMnf V. oM&ew.'''. Union that tfaiei nbw - _ _•. an -; ~„>• .j. btvrtTfiiJUißn jw&s./ 5 •»> *---v pioal app«il,” n ‘ djSiiflb. Tbb itp^CKwi;. Jto pf ; -:• tb& bf . ; Iffiifiy ferroDeobanes»'OtStatb CH ureSfcnir UK Pariy advdoatea tbb Cburcjh and - .- |;~ Ittia'argaed tiy awnter Jntb« dan World that! the SomiMJ t of the i Immaculate Cor.ceptiorti* Of . - übhlmmOdab origin. According to wntiog and:ttadHi.o.ns, only are exempt fibmtbo- Uint.ol^original, sin, namely, Ji&rj* : A; rebel;. mlftistor .of ;Gh_arcU ' i sooth ( ittJtfisßOb rj jvjrh o lefu ae d- to lakh, iRe test. b{jth to enable him topreach the GospeiV firsi read a chaptered fbo Old then' in the New 'and • Khct preached ; j,.Ho;Was bronghtils'‘ .1 / lore a who deeided as up,,text was nsmedj lhojcase miist bo edi and!it “t-- : '; i I ’V,’>•■•- *1 v ' - , i Thepolilion4,blCbe td- ; - allow! tbeuaamage of rather bx-ppiestB,'Wai]regretted : . ■ £>*>• iho opposition tib l -will increase the udmbori of tboap ■ Vbo. -demand the separation oi Chmob and 1 _LTV rur;■;.'^- ;:j •;::| ; ; .! The pioposiuoh to alter the?Oo istji*. iu|iuiivpf luo |fcjrpA»^^b^bb.Cbt iron; Tao as't'b allbV thgprofasaofs tb become fnehibere' of the ec'clo si as tical brabrs, ‘ h the 'speclive ihow' [T ,ge.T -i! ever j,hcin ( baa T . oject is lo reri'fJorilbre paws ofchurches Open allcomers, instead of having thehi appropriated by gala. ; Farm. House, &o* , • -"4 ; 1- .r^' : ■ ■! i-'i Obtaining Eggs.— Thera is much in breed egg laying qualitiesj jßiji : thic most ia in good treatment— riiak- the iiien at homo.' A crbw.ded * place will ’ nbtdo. Toomany hbnito* . gather is bad. Why T in teifere’fa with tranquility The psiitft’ of success are: Warm quarters, roomy; ‘ clean and unmolested; plenty of food; a varioty Vof feed, Varied dailjj tfcith animal-food of some kind, it matters' little what;, the wafer changed |often; crushed hopes, either burned or other wise; pulverized earth or spentj.ashes to waUowin; plenty of .light, find as;; muchcheorlulnessas possible.. Select;. - ;;-, good breeds. Thb middtb-sizcdiDbmi*!' ni<pie, single comlis and| yelibwi Ibgs,. j ,’areiJpofh aps; The Spanish , arojgood lasers; so- are the Creels.—- AVjbid all higl-bredds; and especially [ ’ thd East Ihdisf fowls. f’f. ; i . | Soap- Suds.—Tie Scottkh Farmer; ' 1 says] that-.soap sudk, although gebei aU [ly deemed only fit for being in - l tuel easiest and most ospedittbusnian- t, x ■ nbr possible; flre highly benefleiafveg*::v‘ 1 elablo feeders, as well os useful insect! ► preventives. Hence’ they.should hev- j I- er ibe wasted by pdrtifes. haviDg.garM dons,, as, their; application tb the i s gron ml ,wh e thoc irl winter or summer, i •> will show beneficially, hot only bn or -1 dtnaty vegetable drops, bat also oh ; Kerry bushes, shrubs, etc.; "while, if pbured or syringed'over rosea, cabbaf ■ t~ gesl etc,, they will mitigate the inis- ; cbicvbuß doings otj the green fly and j caterpillars. *. , ' ; .-1-' y l ; Joining An Ox.--In a f i«g 6x wo? want to see tbe following qualities: LetHbim have, large noitiile;, ■ a I long fade a) bright jbazel eye,- ir which will ahd Intel*'; ligonce; ’ a hoof rather long, and not ) turned outward very ;much; a straight |. back; a broad breast, wide gambrel > ' snvall tail and horns pf mpdium size. *: When you find such an ox as that* he | Vrill be a good worker;- L -. . b jsinu*llams —rTo every slxtbeh. pounds of ham latch ohe pint of Opra salt and one ouneb of saltpetre. rack In |ajcleanoak cask, sprinklinglhe Balt between the-layersof meat. Wsetilve the saltpetre and : pour it over the whole, adding Huffijsieht pure watet; to coyer. sbft wateil is best. Let the bahis lie urtder thjo Wine, six wcbks, and lben smbko. I] • . i; - . ■■■■*ssif- JjV. \ gJsEP.f- Steparate those sheep do* signTd ftSr mutlon. aud feed,well *Uh ; grain. Let all kinds . hay® access to good, feed; salt, water,.; and, shelter from cold rains.' j-...- ■ 1 3-\ Mi . ME l/l MIN i&ry It-