The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 18, 1865, Image 1

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tWW be Published Bitty,
- ft MINIS’ , Bill!
Ithibd BT..,beaVjb:
per annum
-. • “
,■ and oontribti
•htU bare prompt attention. !
IN memor:
b'eVv j- 1- O rBYi»,AGED X\V
i-TChat I dp. tbou knoweelnot
lislt tnotv hereafter.” —Biblb
iSroiigh sacred aides thereTrii(
sound,' n
As still and hoariljrthe d*rk pi
S jplcmber sunshine Softly fr
'OteT » sleeper hashed in calm repose,4
wy*l bright brow wears the immort!i
f of Heaven ’ 1 .
Land whose g1017.n0 *■
A youthful servant of the Imny
Callcji early home, from all life’
Earth’s labors .;cnded, and earll
v , .down, ■
Oh, meekly bowing to the Lord’i
gjr, mall we mourn .hint"; 8h
I for Mm j ’
Tfliose feet are walking by the ,
c - -S'
Ofiiiithc sacred chsncel ehall v
la fancy's dreain. ngain his ligh
).lnd nailing, hush; to listen for ;
.IHat, answers only ang
Y,l (Jon hath done it, surely Goi
' lad loving wisdom overshadows
Heism as Humbly Tak a little
Tiisbee like aglcaai; of eutfa
i'lasifd and was gone, ph, levin
11> cannot ibiak him.dead; we b
Buu(ie tears blind us, and wo o
Ttcsijedo'v of bis new-made gri
aisles thjere ri
■ rfglfiil iiouod, 2
Arfriii'and heavily the dark-pa
And (varm September sunshine
(her asleepur hushed in calm n
Vililisc! bright brow wears the
of Heaved, , . j s
In the far J.Mnd wb6soglo'ry> a
I ’ r
RocUmtf, Vn. 1 -
‘'Eiiv#k»l I found i
*.a»T eiiVevod it© hoUfec,
IT* -»
, v'V'oauA v.h»'.?" queried
>-*'J'he lifUSL I , 1 my dear
ira'ivant ”
"OW. IjaV.o you?"
k.iiV .rith ah intensity,
itial nil’icienlly cxplaiiVoV
f-Ustii.Ttt of the horror* of
%. am »c gUdl.' ili
rijii-d pt more atvjtioly thai
James,. Where in it?” ’
"ITo re. in. the paper.”
And I ifTdlled ‘ho mb
itvmmy packet, where J ’
it*ai! day, aiidaUuck it op
uiitiy with oho sweep of
ri^'lil fiand. : ’
}'t)h! Junich!” '
. ,1 despair of cdnvoyitig
dear idea of the expressio
■puVinio jtiro utterance of
'■'"brds. It, vvas the cry of
ami - wounded
la:o looked almost ghjpity
asif the-light was all strm
I lie crash
i“'Y e? ) ,in tho; paper,” I
'fiignipg not io.porceive - tl
had created iu, tlio'Sene-iti v
wpmup. “An
iitow. 1 Wljara blessed ins
■aavertibutg system is."
f "Well road it.*', -s "
■T]l read it; .
. -Fo‘- Kent—A snug, co
tlig liiiburbs, bandy to a li
wj. , Will b e - i e i to il ca
lU fifteen dollars per raoti
:M No; 25 That-slroot. .-Til
■v.reet cur.” . . 1
tfujTh;**"! ci-ioj], eis
"Ridiculous!” said Mraid
I “Ridiculous, Susan'SNo
1 believe that house t(|be 1
nee andjsee. it.- T]
-Hired applicants for it.'
% l)abb smiled iticred
“Afld so cheap, too,’*' sa,
lten dollais a mouth: Di
• tap of such a’thi-ng?”
. l)obb was by 11
drably n
l ® r ririefi. Si, e arguedj the
'''4 earnestly with me, re
V H cheap tilings were in'
: rcsth. the end; and at
■[ r . 0f discussion. I did
*i §* ' r~r'.'
agreed with J£fs. Dob
fdJ'" 8 tbo hoaae I bad
kljj* p , rove OTery w& y
larii, releaBe her-in toi
trouble regarding
_ woald do the housed!
■ ® myself. • ; ; -
•^:may ; say briefly ifba,
my promise.
And it*! 8 »<Wh!
hunt 1 :^ad t 0 8° ont
•fcrr" :
*| K
i -
. FA., ;
i Advance
iou, mtil
• f .k
A Pro’ra.
bpi j have only.tocxpress tfiekindly
hppe that tlioy never will. I had
doom binged i n ray faeja by irascible
who declared their car
pels-were being ruined; ,1 was asked
my name was; what my business
was; howmany children I had; whore
Ijliyed;-in factjT never had *6: many
questions asked .mo in the.sdme nudi
b|6r hours belojre since I was examin
ed by a life-insurance physician. One
man even me to lend him .-five
dollahj, bdi he! had ino house to rep t.
At nighf I camp homo wearied and
vt-orn, : *and no nearer my object than
When I begarfi - -• ' .
i‘'This la an[ ? unprofitable business,
Susam” said I| , “I shall pursue it no
longer." |' V| i ’ .. ■ f ■.. '
’[{■ ‘ But what iwill .you do, Jaftmis?—
S lay hero?”.
| “No; wo-can’t stay here at the ad
vanced rent ”j i,
“.Then, what will you do
j ‘•T|l gd to adiouae agef.t. -j Ifolighl
to have thought of that in. the first
place ” ! 1
lut thou
■>»■■■ •
al light
■[ ■
; tumul
:lt free,
I - • •
■pss laid
is decrj
i|a]l tvc
•ee; ,
0 grieve
; step,
he Voh
[els, cal
I IB' gO
I I called on an agontltlio next .day,
and had. somb’conversation with him
,! “It you about you.
wish-to pay for a .bouse, Stir.--”
r “Dobb Is my .pame.” ’ f "
! Mr; I)obb, 1, have | no doubt I can.
;sim you to 1 a T|.” i . j.
! | I nairrod a stim a ill tie .in advance of
Iwhat I bad j the jfor the
bouse J nov| occupy, and the agent
replied— '• .’ X j 1
! “There is,*k‘ bouse,in one of the most
genteel tuid"agreeable neighborhoods
in the city, which is to be vacated in a
few days, vmijieh 1 can let yon have at
ithe price yoit name-, and is really 'a
jtreasdro at {that figure, jft has ten
rooms, »h enclosed piazza in! front,
'overrun jvvith flowering vinesin .the
(summer, nnd is two stories'high T
can recommend it in every respect
sir The conveniences are such as to
Jj|dmit of no criticism, and 1 promise
you, and ?tak|q ray.repatatioq on the
e-vonti that y?Ou will find it quite to
jjonr liking. ; The rent is not low, to
he sure, a* Things gof „,; 0 k :
bjorhood is oiih of the choicest in the
lifly. l-t has been occupied the past
year by a very careful tenant, to
j whom no objection as entertained,that
can lear-n, except' that he has child
! ren.”, | ’ i‘ ■ . - - v ! i' : I
i’er our
id pray,
meel ail
nly ae|
re to-(
ngs a
ill flows,
■oftly falls'
•ispose, j
pimortal light
c man knows,
at M. Esso.
t!”.I cried,
irs. - I)bbb.
The very
(1 my
; hunt
t fis my
' Lbi nk.
f ei
rclie s
1 y °l i
; “So have I; children,” I Eifd, very
tend that they shall, occupy thesame
house- with me,during the next twelve
mbfcths atall hazards. So, if that'is
l! 10 objection) I‘ believe* ve cari drop
t jo Subject where it is.”,
!;’ ;‘‘Ah i yos/lsays the agent, blandly,
only ati objictiou dl principle,-
however. owner is ■■opposed Ho
■■onting hig.:honses to families with
children an'fjrioaiple; and the I hpuso
to which 1 refer' forms the only ex
ioeptidri to this rule.- , I have no-doubt
ihe cdQTd bo induced to make the same
lexception iij your favor, sir.’* r*
“But if,foe mo, why not fop his
present"tenant I asked.
line! -gan ied
ien triumph-'
in print .a i
in ray wife i
■ lli'JliC two
a •dejccivcd
rs. Dobb’s
. Il|6ecins
ik out of it
t , went on,
he : havoc I
•e breast of
e raent, you
titution the
rl‘Ob! he .Would for his present ten*
ahybe toldmop'but the gentleman
refoees to pay the : increased rent, I
abi informed; and baa found|anotber
bouse.” ' _ jf' ;■ . ’ r j
Some|farllior conversation followed.
I was shown a plan of the offered
bouse,| apdjitsvarious excellence's were
explaujeld tome. I wAs fully convinc
ed it jjvas bp excellent residence; andi
alfior my Weary experience in house*
bunting, I felt quite a glow of satis
faction at the prospect of release .on
such reasonable terms
I engaged life house at once. ;
>sy house Tti
lire ofJ horse
ireful tenant
nth Apply
ike a Blank
)obb. !
ijt a bit of it.
a prize. I’ll
'here’ll bo a-
;“Haye a lease prepared,”eaid
I, to the agent, “and to-morrow 1
WHiSeail and sign it.”
!■ Mrn. Bobb wad overjoyed’ when It
her all abont| it that day at dinner. It
was plain to see that we haJ/secured
a good home for the future. './■ -i : -x
I ja.mesj” said my wife, “you
haven't told me wbeie the( house is
situated,” i’f , ' . ’
. “Well, tbit’s a good joke
“tlpjOn nr.y word, I never tl
ask. I’ll do so after dinner. 1
| I did so. j The agent said.
iaously. ■
jid.L “Fif
it you ever
10 means fa
ny new en
poiut long
minding me
rariably the
lastf! in the
a very rash
} that if, on
in view, it
- *
o from all.
“Is it t’.'eaid I. “Well;th
ant. We shaVt have far
a house—
anting this
then-, probably; for I live
street i riow,| and* a Relight
it is; j'i flTbatdid yon sa;
number?” •••.:.
“The nunibor is seventeen
“Seventeen S” 1 cried, ic
mem. v
' “Yes, sir.? i ■%l
You knotr boase, pe*.
tisp*?” '
I. bitterly
ess-, affair.—
3n~a honse-
J' sorrowfhl
who j know
: «mW -toll
.: :, ;;:-v-kir; .■: •; ;l ■•■,;- :;. ;*.. ■•- x . ■■ ■•;- p 5" :jr.'S.! -.s ~ ~? -if;-. - ;-v - VX -X ;'U-.-li:-:-.-;:-:-:.-j. ; : x - v '-;l ■'.>•' re. >
: ®iatfeijppffi :s|Wfef : K| •;fy»r«r g*
: H I /let - i,■ " M -a W**k
"■ ,; : 5 s ■:te:Httji l , ■'" '’" " "
'i - :
VW'l .1
T ; r rj :;1 fX
} - : "J
01= ~~:--1~T
! i i i. . ■! \ j l . j -
•»! should think I qugbi io/' ifu»
lesppnae- in a hysterical /tone;
“I’v®! IwJ'i.ttt-ji'
* T“* ; : Y M rer ted | dWhouse
»t aCOml qrtable at Indee onlasityt*r’«
figure.-; When! tiiid. S&n.itabb about
it she lai ghed till she cried. H , : L
_fi i ! ' 4* * * | ' '• T ’ *w, j I.* 5 1 -V* ’ t*
I went roaming over ihe.hodte^ex
amining jit's merits critically; abdscrq
timzing alt the rooms with
a ne[w ai^d ‘peculiar inletest. - r-\, : ,V.
.... “It. is a, goqd bouse; Susan, I#s, any
rate)-; jThat wb know.” ! i|_• ,|
' “It 't, James. 1 Uni vbry >at-;
-iffiedj T’o be .sure, the kitchen is ra
ther win 1, iUd there is more room up
fllairs; t Ki n 1 we really need; buii, taken
altogether,, I don't believe wpvcauld
bo better euited.” i ! , I?' :
“And th6n, my dear wife, 1 ’ cried I,\
in a tqner-jof- exultation, “thinti what
an- escape from the liorrorsof moving,'
No exoj'rtiitant charge® to carman—no
broken mirrors and scratched iurni
lore—j-nrt deeping on the parlor fioor—
no going to a restaurant for dinner lor
the family. Hero we'eah be a|happjr
as tbe shepherds of Arcadia;"'| ;•
. An I ] NUIItENT op thk RBBE«,k6T.|4
In the month of May, 1861. Mr H A.
Chaujberß. -t>f Carbondale. forwarded !
to the. Secretary of War a mope I apd
plans of a new projectile which he felt,
confident would prove Of Sigha! stir*
vice in the- conflict just begun. But
bearing |riothing from the} V7«r De
dartmeirtr his patience, likellhat of
many other inventors, became eg-'
huastrdJatid he tventrrintb other busi
ness jn | 1 . ;
Soon after the fat! ot Richiftond
Mr. Chambers visited that scejion qf
the country on business. While walk
ing near Petersburg huge
pile jof rebel material Reeurpiilared
there, a sqldipr friend ncsosted him
yvilh |ttte remark—“Theri,’Chambers,
is at the panic time pick
ing from lhe v rebel heap a sheij of the
identical plan of Mr. Ctiiinibers > .
It p•( ved to ‘be kind
thrown f-oni the defences) of Peters
burg, 1 and known to our/sol Jh-rs
“Whistling Dick, 'V and up to ilikl time
This - incident onlj’ serves to show
the trcacher’gphat pervaded jail i de
partments at -the-beginning jof the
tvur.'for ijome
\Var Office must have sent thii Yan
kee oorlrivancei off to Jeffdqm for
oxporimejnlal use on thd detested
“Yanks.’! > I j‘- i i
! —4—i- \ ,\
*@“Tbe following;i® ariold obitua
ry' notice of Aiiob Johnston—tb,e
father qfj President JohnsonH-ta ten
from an old fijt Of tile Raleigh (|n. C.)
iSfnr, dalid January lOtli, 1812, “Died,
in this (city, on, Saturday last] Jacob
JbhnsWi,iw|in had for soiirs bepupipd
an humble but useful station in npci 0 ty.
lie vim®, city' copstabVo, sextoi.. iind'
porter to the State Bank. I iast
illness he was visited by the prib;eipal>
inhabitants of the city, by all qf ;wh|bra
ho was pfileemed for j honesty, Indus
try and humailb and friendly: disposi
tion.; jAiraohg all to whomKhb was
knowq and esteemed, nhre lamoiued
him more (except perhaps, bis! rela
tives)! th|an the jjalilisher of tbis pa
per; for fia. eyres ins life, oh a! particu
lar occasion, to the boldness] anil hu
inanity olf Jojinson,.” ; .)• • ! - |
A Wonderful Tree.—ln iho'biidh
woddrpfiJCullodon, Scotjandj|*?horbj is
a remarkable tree, well worthy of note
Somewhere about thirty years ago a
little j'gjant of the forest was’ blown
dojvn in a storm, and fell right atiross
a deep gijily or ravine, wlnckitleom
pfetely spanned, and the top; branches j
took root bin the .other side.; Prom
the parentstem no less than fifteen
1 grew[ up ;perpendicularly, Sail in
a row; and there they still flourish in
all, their splendor, While Ihh pjareni
Stem | evinces no token of decay
Severalof the trees arornol less; than
'thirty .feet high. The.. tree | is a
large fir." . r! [ p : \. t
■ ’ |- J ,j ' : «>4—' j .
VAtuABLE Information .—A gentle
man sawja notice of valuable infhirma
lion sent to anyaddress pn tijore
cejpt jof th'ii cents, andthoughthojmnst
have ten: cents’ woilh ipoie khowl
edge, file sent his dime, and received
In answer the following: '‘Frleii|l, f>r
your ton cents, postage," etc;, please
find enclosed advicewhich*may jbo of
great vatab to you. As many persons
are injured for weeks, months and
yearg: byjthp oaroleavuso oil- a knife,
always whittle from yoo.” . ■;
said the negro,
dowaydown Wll#
rt '•••'- ' i 'h.'r:
” said I.
ought to
o^ t j ■' I
it was ic
! I i--
it’s pleas
to' move,
n Sutcha
al street
r «iii the
jyl _ ;
*-' !-•. ■[
m thokotnraon| iSkh
load of stones ikiujup
. brand, nl infajuji;;'
■ret, In who«e offeree
illa d ed ir verence
I'ten Hhiilingafor/a
before beremovjed'
any in which fae|w»
a cost of twenty abllfifes Idlersi :
g whpra were/especla
m man! coaBterS,nnp’fOf ihle' fdwti|'
id tobacco-taker*. exp od them
i W,lhp holi«e of *cprr ;lidn.: It
mhishable by a fine of ive *hil
iip Jaihee, or; uspjtl game of
I-bonid,or bnwjliW oi my other/
ir abopt a house ofintertain
or-lo playhgiirimirmoney
mey’a worth; or 1 1 to dpotTe any
day 1 as Christina/ atJ the like;
hebringingor kfcpifc of. ckrdt
ire within the jHjaafio ijnWjijcct]
it offender to a find of' ’e pounds
I ttempt to draw|awa the’affec-i
f any maid, under nonce of
iage.jbefore obtaining iepty anct
; nice' from her
or fc i,n absence of put, of Ithc
<i;magi»ir#fle was/ppipbed ty)
• failure of; five' pooh). For 4
lion of the attempt/
nod ten pounds sii|
er into a recngnzarfb
ior. lf Btill iiiirpb
oh r bjC’t
committed to prison!
onlif the. court/4^
/see cause to relsf
whose wife or it
io Tive abfoadi^
if; h<
or. ■<,
a for
re pelt I
was ffli
to cnf,i
ood I
|iid .not ttxc*< Wft| |'Jte n ponildb!
|s offence. or put*,
nt ns theodnnty.conrt short!
■. ■/;
rhe Heart) and Wiin| / j\
joiro of :bo ilowi ‘ tyjos fno
|f 4 nervous; mcc4 ti«m Un be
?reM. A. dittle her i,, the.
bo mechanism is W slijnt and
I Still high«r i b ortiJ cora
id important; I lini/atea in
Cdmtpiin.nriftWi ilp scale
plexityhi the'/hu livb , )ife.r-i
tjrp risii jn/im] Inhee they
tlie'HCrtlc’iofj dclpe; uce.;Tli|)s
or|a[iiiion iWill 1 after
linj in ; lave kept,
<r Mevera! mot their
snr.h B
for 6ni
iiefci (i
BCttltl i!
})k-x an
of con
Aa tin
rwe in
a Iron
ii»f bri
fi oj-s I
brains, apd
head*. ,Redi* the
natura ba, kepi | aj. turli
niuruhn after tho reraovil
Now it is needless to Bay
er animals death would
the losj of tho brain.
similar parallelism iase
movnl of the heart,
higher atfii mala cap Ban
injury to the
may bo reir.bvcb frorii
the animslxvillcrawl k
as lively as ever A'
several hours without
bop,ja!wiin and stirp
injured. Stilling.oliicoi
viscera from a whi
contiui ed (m- onehonr
lined, pud lir. various Svj
: ; i
cap Submission!
Va.;) Jtepuhhcai
niilieJ “lo the.
quiesce ip jibe
i distiiictlyjnui
ah jioti
'unenlal piji
idi aud
>if}a of aims
■*n*f iiimaetf
burg (
bait sut:
and jh
dons hi
and fa id
Be pro el
el- aa i« rt
•he advei
iif and : |gj l i
f'l Ofainoibc
|-|i rV
my i«;j>e«
try lie}
>y,l6.i 'cbu n
fimM i
f>l th* thlifnb
ire more fro
r -,- •,
aD^du|ofHmao-'Ws^ib(^U)teatT ;
ened 4b, »n MsaafelLhlMO Ui-
* . ‘
f .-i'
tbejri. rdle; sloti.. ! -
f.4to ibeyT £r]?“L ? — •’TO®* '*ll»elr -diwjussidii betwb/r.i the two
[ piano.' Andf whWff thJtfdrJ i^M*f 1 ?5.-.^- ,, - PB ! ,, ? r ‘ T*> person 8 ’outside of
t opbravfeoi' Sir “ wT d >,b "fi-“ ,hl * « t)mt >»ub»on i ii i>; somewhat diffi- 1
.body who i T ie °^ r f’^. re party
* n £T* «T< l whole controversy fad# i
filfi! in ihfera^
fenwiillniSl tffl !f iL J P Selves, vi« ; >Tho real presence,' an'd
•Baptismal Eegene.alien.* f Hide tho
inactive • sillvjfvir- ,i, J» , 'ssueas *vcr may, hero thfe'
i lisesi 'laVilmlkltelien Iti il her ty . ; a j‘ <l unless- there «an;bo an
i carem>rn,an<ilior feet to dEilk “ nder **" n^ '"g effected ontbeseppinld.
j °" r aseldW . «nd would *sJsbd: they
I thing td have fob? mr|, ter s kht' "Ll * ,tt r m t?' ,K, ! n.m.t
loneofj whom isfwilliriir tu* os^! ou ?' be idea/of [liturgical ct
;?»n4&&Si irt i^harchest
employ mentc h«n? Jn r , w °. u ! d faHl ° the/£ronnd,a;onco,a» if
|to t«4 *m JS legitimate capsf (or! dispute, it once
Deeleaa cumbered of ate Tun?** 1 9 tt * B *i°\ were ®‘‘ Uled - Tlio
they,, and jnnbodi' would nifW f‘? lfleran pf other party, we bef
were their !<ooliahl unrekabnable comments err the above para;
to be cut“olP to-iriorrow, I ThW nirc- *® tyservd stalt^fhd
tend can till prohibit Q ue * t,on : , wjell enough; but
that’London i 9 the metropolis of BiiJ 1 he com f B i te the he(
land,- and France is! a eJrinv- kiitni 7 blunder* greatly. There:isfhardly ah
liui j the best■ of jk.ll! : *'k'*K •° f ‘* he u gsbnrgh[Jeonfessioni
practical com sense; rh^^(Vo" bt br *®!f Evolved ifi|
rear ’bar Q“ eBt, on ol par Church in thr
Wi with *
!p the grave
po profane j
jras'not 6n>
oWanjl .6od r
.person, for
put of the
he a Wot
w L °. u f' l maka theu bldsb
f or t M ,r >"•*!«, ; tbVse
fonr idle daughters lack. At is hoi
gcnlee l to.wash for them ielves-ft is
not ladyhke to .sweep * room, except
for those >’eoarae] commr nVplace per-
who haya Jbyfon- brought tipiio
vr * 7h * ro tR °>’?
T c l b, M ren J” oopimon-iplace people
" 1,0 a^ r > a * God meat s every »dn
and daughter of Aiam shnald labdr.or
pay the penalty of■; idleness. Sow
they are four aniii.uls.ieedihti,
and afoeping They will
/V llrcr respected or beloved
L-by anybody whose love or respect is
•, wo f. ll ‘ » ! As 1 ipng as their
foolish ipother livtfs shej'‘fill slaveifor
Uionij hnnip'r_Uipni, and julease herself
with the iraaglhiiK* belifef that thW
are ladies; lor "they never did as'iitah
of work.” I When she diea.'hQwnisli-
Ciously oio Iflukorfi ori will suv;
i ■r’*. 6 f VV. r Kirls l)aTo got.lowork;l ; m
I « , »‘l ofJ.e. Jvill I never :|a;nii
half the, sympathy or, | respect tjiey
halve| looked for, 1 if they pqS- \
eessed enough to Mil- 1
;P*°3j , V)|«.nwelveti, ] Idleilona \a the i
•.nurse of Sm, and i), is hoij possible fu’r
™ en pure and yirltd
< 1- of laziness ami
four idler daughters
i w,t “ forne rle' 1b rj . hard
1 8 * n,l ‘ lt e troth, that'*strict put
; rity; ia incompatible with l«sin«»&l
I M*ny a fair-browed girl, with spark
ohg engaging smile,: is sadly
panting in mental
the deportment of the daughters y<h
know.- If: at homothey are thinisteK.
ing angels, lightening the cares 16f
the over-taxed mothers, not ashamed
to ba leen with uprolled sleeves and
splidfingers; if they are: hi ways bowjii
at some’sweet, agreeable task, even in
what they deem , their'* idleness; ♦hfe
.out wars beauty of me shadow of .the.
son), pare, quia; gentle? womanlyi-i- !
Marry one ol them. . : j-I,
6 culprit!
for better
imecf x he
r County
o remain
An Unromantfo Courtship'
‘Several VeSr« ».j'^,|a young-niarricci
man left- jKrlfnarnocjk, with hts wife
and family, ar.djsoitled m ! America!—l
Flo prospored .in hisnewhome, up • p
a recent J peribd, when his Wife took
ill and His family . being niico'
increased, bo saw hccobld notgot; phi
well | without! a ho\fi«d[i
.neither time nor incKnatipji.for a reg 4
alar courtship So he [wrote 1 a letter!
to One of ijia youthful comrades here.l
asking whether any • of; ,the vlasies,!
who used to be in the ‘‘squad.’’
yet unmarried. A reply to this quo
ry 'T a 8 du, y fprwardedi which infoira
d|3 him .that one. whom' he had known]
if old,wasj still
same sbouso—a which she!
had kept for some fifteen years! fTHfe j
nekt mailjWonght aieUer to this -de
serving womanjftvho must, long kg'o,
have given! np all hope of [marriage,,
ifjoldmaiqs Lave no such expecta
tions. - In the letter ■. was ao offer of.
marriage, off band, which he begged 1
her to imcept t uiid that Vo warmly that
refusal ; was found to;be impossible.— !
She, accordingly, gave up her place,
sad has just, as a matter of fact,; sail,
ed to meet .'her destined husband.—
sot. 1 their
is Italian
ilive five
' Ha brain;
it in jbigh
«h ttio ro.
o of the
- a serious
at organ
will, live
i.eart, and
as if an
ted,all the
ip, defend
lunifest its
I 1.
ic Lynoh
'8 1 that it
of : arm's,
Jit,” bnt Jt
bod that it
Itaesla great,
is of strict
;hts Which
One’s Own ’ people
of tboEostmeaiUre- lime by the
length of ibeir shadow. •. Heiieo,l(
ydu ijak a mjan what o’clock it ii«] be
immediately goesinto the Bur., litiinda
ereotj then, lookingwherp hin ehndow
terminates, boiuejearesihe '|ength
with bisfe it,«nd lellshoßrly- the
lime; Tbes the . workiijon’earestly
desire the shadow #h!eb indicates the
time for leavingtheir dfiiifft.' A por
eoßwishing |to leave, bis toil May*;
“flow long my sbadow j* in coming!”
‘‘Why did yioa; not! come sooter?”—.
' ‘ißwause;^
’lo'j j of';
find l( written—-dAs avwrvaot earn*
I, it woold
I this rebel,
r awaiting
iricb'tb pdt
J-l; -■ .
ijgo coremo
the coaple
n tnU coao
tly pat to*
» ;J ! }. .i s' ■
. 17 —-The clrimis ofreliginns worship
K Great Britain, taken in 1851, snoits
jtlial forty.eight per .cent, of the wor-
population ot England and
[Wales | ivere'.connected with f'cee
Churches. It was also,;;ascertained
jlhat in Scotland onlyonelthird of the
peopje. attended the services of the
EsinWisjied Church of that, countriy.
In Ireland, oat of every one: hundred
of_ jthd population | only twelve .are
members of l|be Established Church !
I? —-A Congregational paper;(at
vie as t rated ope.) referring to the rales
I the Presbyterian Chart h reejniri ng
ministers joining' a Presbytery to sup
port its system‘nf polity, wonders tin
I h ll 't that seven;' out of ninul ministers
having pastoral charge, in ihe (O S )
| Presbytery of Londonderry, ire pus.
fctjors ot Congregational ehc rehes. F
}.'TT7j? r ‘when prii lonted wit!
l|io gift of £3.330, by (50,0 mibs.nfibersV
partly to fhukejfor the Idas ofEpieco
pal iiieome. aW partly to testify to’
h| services 1 in. =tii« cause of tree ex«
I^i9i. r of^nion v jyji biiit lie; Church
j w t he orgarl the iihporiabcd
Ihf never slantkoohig in resistance’ toj
| tpc spirit Ot sjicredoialiSiri. j |■,!, -' •j.
J -r 7T^ h f ' ,: *P ol Winchester, in
ha* decided that Jlighla.
cause, and eudiarisiic vestments may
hii used r n the ehiiichea of hi* ifioUeHo
lhis ;deolsi<.n will , not be relisKeU by
‘^%^iwelida|lpbMidn: off the; fhinisi
lhe but it will
deliiht the Puseyites. ': L T
tamed that ou t .of two hundred and
twenty flva j-'jyan£eljeftl uharohea lu
Tprlc n dnp {.hundred.
Jhlj to the la*tSabbktb Ip
, |iKj' J
■ '
, 131010 , - 1•
i• .1;I , J •=7
..'.5 ;;r I:'; . ‘ 1-,
i Genera) &ipt At A^ocia-i
t ' on Virginia | invited i the colored'
churchles, to. bold a conference with
tl»em to eee whit tei nis they coahf
make with ■►hem for a basis of co-opJ
ertuion. ‘Notwithstanding the ofti
repeated assertion of the j organs of
the Southern chinches, [tjiat
groes have : more confidence in t|»aW
than in the Notthefti,. churches. the
colored churches refused [id eo-opordte
uole»n they haroi equal rights in ihtti
General Association. and] could* have
fraternal relations to tbi! Northern'
Churches. Thesorcque i|ts! the while!
Bapdsis were biiwtllir tt) grunt,
-«■- , s i»9 «wnt, anu
the colored chdrqheH will ihereforeef!
feci anindepcndent orgnp&pUon {.
, —ylt was asserted at ithe latW
mealing of the General Assembly of
that more than IOO.qoD Ichpies of the
P’Uay Bible had been sold by a single 1
publisher, Mr. Puffy,! whojis aliomad
Catholic. | The N. Y. Observer refer,-I
lingto the libei »y allowed to 1 theEb-|
inian Cal holies i i Ireland loreadthe
Bible saysil thp priests’would allow
the reading, even of this adthoriiied
yfcr*ion,_copies drodld be.auripUod-ffra;
ipi lonslif i'n t ho:»
ho population of New York city 1
within less than a twelve month. ■
j. ~ fsdhddght that considerable
diacDHsion will take place at the nexl
: "*® B,on of; the General Sj-nod of the
Lutheran. Church, relative to the ob
ligatory character ofthe Atigsbtirgh
confession. VVl.onthoFrankeanSrn
od of New York was admitted to the
General Synod, quite ariacimated dis-|
eussion occupied between •• the High
and the LwwGhurch Lutherans At 1
the recent tfessidlb of the Frankean
Sypod, it was very strongly protested
aga-pst an -‘unqualified recognitiorlof
ihe entire eonfeasion." ! I r
i’ ■ . ; - |-j ’• , .-** i
- New York State Sunday
School Association held iis annual aes
?'°h hi Syracuse, N. Y . recently. It
was a grand affair, and the attendance
sit! great that no church in the city
was large enough to .accommodate
them AYeiting 'Hall was crammed
all : the time, It| is supposed that
twenty-five hundred men: were in at
4ehdance. Why can’t the Keystone
State have,their annual gathering?—
The last Convention hdldJat PiiU;
burg over two years ago, was a great
success. >
i .' " •
***** ■
... r „J®3^©S^‘
prico, inst(init of the best it i« high
;prjco.■ -V, r '. •.. iv ~.-• r;„, “
v.?* v^ a * lt L of * iij a|l
pianos whore *s>!s*. v--
u»i>jftrted,ab(i dianore loilbyaddrpldS
dt water;:!? :;!^!&1v : .‘ ‘
3; In e ffl efa n tfen ees ’ admj*,ijngdeD- ! .
redatota to.;do.4tfoy crops; aud/doraa- ’
■ ging, fiirm|)rdof. ;l : ; -'vyy
i ’ i r "^% n g^'o?fc a -':■
and allowlbg them to’.become diluiaU
dated. :. -.-1 Iv.v:, .-I -yK ■. f
; 5, Wintering catUe.aheep.and.coU# -
al staoks jji oppn fields. 1 . v . k‘ivj ! ‘
|K 6. Plowing badly, on Ibelsbtfjow, ♦ '.!
cut-andcoveE> System, instead ' of
throwing up the'soil into a Hhd: «1m»;
even, mol low'bed of earth. : ; vf
||[; 7. Covering aeod imperfeotlw, : in
'consequer.tfe of such badplowing.aod '
llmsi allowing weeds and grass * jotnt ■
occupancy joftbe land; '“.y; t
® Pjanting and 80w!ng ' ioo>laie;
thu« diminishingthocrop to an a.
mount egual to what would bei tbe > f
whcle ,neti profit; that, is,
awny tbe eiitire ava^i: v :
! -9.; Allowing corn fields to bo filled'
with a dense undergrowth of weeds, I H
and potatoes arid turnipa wiihVa dense
overgrowth tit the Same, , >
■ I<> ; PrWjuring cheap implements, /'
if rtd |o»'ng many times the cost dt good
1P">? by the slow and imperfect work
tbby perform. ‘‘ • ' . *■
: II Leaving impiemerits exposed to
weather, to crack, warp, and, decay,
scattering -them in fields, about. the
barnyard, or along the aide of- the
public h s ghway‘.' \ .
12, Throwing brush rubbish, £o‘ ■
along, the fences and highways, thus
prornoVng tho growth ,ot mullius,this-'
■ties, burdojdka, and nettles; instead of
desttoylngisudh . by "bro. dnd
ijeaving neat and clean borders to ifcid'
Gelds. ' 1' y
Planting the Batue orop year 'kf. ’
ter year in; the same field, thus dimin- ;
jahing the product,and filling the lan<F
with y*> ! v :> ;
.to. spread mahureyat
.. * Vdiei and then Beliiiigyor s"
giving it nway<lo got rid of, it,. sj.;, •' "
, 15- RaWng hump-baejt ca,«io- and 1
lan It pike hogs, that 1 will consume ’ ,'y
monthly their entire yaltie inteedjjiu
Stead, of the'best animals, whic’i I bl—
ton easily op little, and . sell quick ly
J6r (H|hK Jfttj high pvloea, -V- - V *'
editor of the Genesee Farmer I '
haa / ; that bo ithoiighi was
nearly a dead level, and .eras afraid it, ’ &
could not be drained. Ho had U Vnpi P
voved, and found, a fall of no less than ,
ten feet A little . exultant over the'i 11,I 1 ,
d ; bu says: 1 \■■ j.
fora big ditch, and thdn for :
[ % >fer.-p!tentjr
of mannre-iO enrich the upland pop,
(tion of the farm. | The low land has >
been reneivihg matter from the hi-^IL:
- grounu tL ßnd.iiow I : bcipb fo'Ka ij;
g ot >t back again.; This ,U the
.cheapest; way of getting manure,—'
1. . a j ■*; | draw the muck on your v. ,
|aild I j ]Yes ' blit I prefer to get'it in '■<’*
fl mor ® ! concentrated ■ form! Grbw 1
ori your low land, and those *
wili mako miinore tor youp high !an^^=:
and; at‘ ; considerable less, expense.--.' ■
There,is nothing Tit's plenty of alluvpSsl,
al raeadow: laud to enrich a ferml'i" ;
—Tim excellence of buckwheat flour
depends chiefly on the management of ' .
the gram between the time of ripen',
ibg and grinding. The-common wav '
dt,treating buckwheat effrctnailv nfo
v|eniB making good flour, it being tU '|/
lijrwed to .Teknfcitf ft the,swatji for; ’
several weeks, when it should
be to lie longer than a day
op two, arid it, is decidedly belterifor '
the_'gr«mtto rtke it and J sot iton end -3
“r f ? 81 “ , 5t w cradled: lluch Jess
gram will be {wasted by shelling but '■
the straw will; curp and dry ,
e £,f ?. d ma !'o better fodder; the crop-’
will be «ady for. threshing or housing '
ii lees time; ,*be. grain will yield .
a much better quality of flodr. It id
especially injurious to tbo grain to bo
exposed to Morme .before it |« set up, '
fpi idirtm;spaitered art,over thegrain
by |he fHilmg.of largo, rain
llnp dark colored aifd ».
8 • lt . T * Wetting and drying the grain - -7
several times destroys tfte 'dife’/ of. iho‘7-
“W• It will, neve?: be as white ncfp
niake ap good cakes,but wilfho sticky," :
apd[the cakes, clammy, like ! t|io flour 7
“‘-.spfoiited wheat.—American Aqri
/■; Uollo in Horses.;
|The following is a pertain anro fof
coliy in hones. Wo bareAeon itiried
iimeß; and dl w*y B witfrWo.'
nr « i* *ilf «s»o anv
borxejf rie directions i-ara followed':
ppe in a pint of
not water; tlien udd a qiiart ot tood
vmegar, and poor half the mixture ’
! -9°.\ v .h.the .IwweVfbfoat; Jf the bone
V. W '‘W>iSr give hiiri
the remain dory and jtmwill soonfind
aim *ll right. . ‘i ■ -
(V ; r • siwep: v..,-:;.
„ °^ ho of thrf
* w?Sh P* «m*w» the| no«f
I ; l‘k
) r -'.
Unprofitable Farming;
ting SwSihps
& '- r 'l