171:tri 3£
\i r ' - i -
BetiyerCo. Agriteultit
*\ntL BE rHBT*D J
Wednesday, Thursday
Oct. 4th* sth and <
V U*f('ont}'etifio n not confim
'Htiie €ouii»y. ’• n *
New Advertise
' |Wc -ctiii. attention,\to
ueW .. advertisoinonls, wl
found iu tiift proper colui
Audi ton’s riotiqj, i esta
living,.dco’d;' Win 11 '
, v I ’
i .gliomas McCroery;, X.;
• Walt Goaty; Lalies’ ■ i
Trimming Binpotiumi .I
JSVblo & iliwiiiitoii;
Store,!; Beaver. i ;
A, c; Barlow, M-. 0., !
X>Ly,'jouui, Beaver. -
i'. A, Fortune; Nov Gi
4 , \Vm;S!entz; iostjpoeke
A'iiiiiMisCiatoi’b jSTotic,
' f -S’evin, dcc-’ii.
r' Airi.;iiiislt i aior’ , s Noiici
I *
fSs;.iut 1 fihillflo, dec’d.
f. IT. 0“ War lis;' Ivolk-o
v • •, ( ' ‘[‘‘l t
i>.ihnissiuners - - Of Bei
j)isi-BB'.?n uance of-. lie 1 i e
Winter In
,u a 'pi pf line Arnerif
lo£'otht*r with a 1 general-;
clioio .1 ewcli y,, wlik-li lit
iv prtc’ls' Cali at bis s
' Brig in u ii.and osaaiijiclii
bOyii.g elsewhere. I •
- t - ' -
£grjEsq. llj ilu.aii-ofi)
ciiiy.enj nf ’ Wir.t .ember
C'liD’y,/!ropped Jlead
f |tas is • very ' stron
viUior.s'mv llieorajile.
Ben fo
‘ Fail and Winter
Domestic goods fal
Merino, Cbburgi
and Del:
S ' a P d Children’s bo.
A- Bonneu and «rin
p . goods to anmeW.
Ink.*" e 8t ® bllshmont 'ia
; . end wiahingad
■ist ad*, earl y and- sad
- in anol
piRGUS 1
j•' . ■ ■ i * •
'.'jouThi Local is in agony orerthe
increase of pi opr public officers,
Itjis most grievous to ita sympathetic
“taxcd/'tbiriy. per cect.moro .than
, remainder oif tbo Stale for the support
ofi which the
, occupy, andj it wishes 10 knew why
-eueba stale of tilings exists
hive every disposition ,10.
Local in its |auJable'. ifiiVst
motion. Its editor was in another
Stoic ■ when | tholaw referred ■to • was
yt familiar with iis hi/Uory as arooiir
>wn J ;e ' apprise
1 e Local that the Legislature gave
the people pf-Beniver county the
w for .whicli theyaslted In petitions.
1865; ;
T - ' L--. J
&; Frld«y,. :S.
’65.5; ■ : [eV
idtfjj cituctis if | '$
meiEtSi"- p : !i
|lg ;
I rich wilt bo*
i tins;
lus.-nof ■ |lary j
w Goods, L
lillinery : nd
t ■
'soda, f i(K'he*’
“ ' I- li
o; Estate ofji
e;. Estate j ofi|
• j '!
■to Tax-pay-1|
ver Comity,
.a just rcciiv- j
an Watches, |
of .
i otters at ti- {|
lore, ii. New !|
a stock before
nut respected
g, Lawrence
from liia scat 1
hutl arrived I
and Lis death
rai decay of!
oil was si
ewoflat I
shnrg, at-
J and eig
hvfo'ur j:
y, whdiiit
nd the ini
all in Bn
one thorn
d of oil sli
-II is but
.iViil the
* r. : . The
llcnd at (
i own ship
the list c:
lubi'uan v
diiiicul! r,
i re-apses
‘III" upon
new as.-
'!• before
r ■ I
.b.o .raid
y of a nt:
thief. It
n bi
> of
b 10
rirlh wbil
1 1 nre of Pin n
Just sue t a
and tli a I the
3ur- ; Eastoni
was clnlj e«'
ordihg l
of that
- HE Derhpcracy of Allegheny.coan»
met In convention on tholSlh. A
mi solt'ipr’s'ticket was placed in
ninuliOn i Allegheny county is
nd tor :JjOOO to- 10,000 .Republican
jority. i-i . j
•bo Dentocrats of Bucks comity
■ I on and
uncis Heddman \veio .re-nominated
-A&sctnbfyf and not a single soldier
Hid a placp upon the ticket.' Bucks
'Bs (00 to'Boo Democratic majority.
We- not noticed the nom’uia
iitibd of a soldier ns yet by the Demo
crats in. a| solitary county- whjub
|jdbt|ea decidedly with them. There
jnay be exceptional instances,' but
I lliey have noticomo under our obser
| vat|on, On tile other band wo believe
thojre is nbjt a fiepublicaa county
lie let in ;tbo State upon which they
arej nbji reprjesentod. . . ' .
S> its
ted ius
■l ho
our Eeri
Uem potj'
o was n
best arn
k; «'
e count 1
I F.' A. j
ic twq a n
mon'g t>ie
ts store
always :t
nodating i;
ng (be
is list, u i
idone to'
I -i-j: r . Beavkb, Sopi. 12 r .’ 1805,
Mr, Editor} The undersigned,.pupils
of Unioo: School, ■ have Blood “very
('ood/' for the week ending Sept. 15ili:
No.A—(Teacher, Miss Moore), Ag
nib (Sui-ner, |LreziorMbore r Jns. _ JDavis,
Root. Morton, Hughßiddlo.', , f i
.No. 2-—(/Teacher, Miss Savage), An
sa‘Stoke, J)onehoo, Ella,' Crail,
Killy Alcorii. Add MeKlbben.Nunnie
|jA , i)afis,
EdWib Habi. Jdseph Reed. , ! , ~.
, -1 Miss Harper),-Ada
May’, Bereheba Dillon, Laarai UcKiilih
1 iem
Aogekoo A-ndsfson, Mary L.Jjafferty.
i[| i Jt Gv W’oop r Pria. .
irt 1 to tl
goods, ci
every kind,
, Bara tk oar,
nos; irons’;
its.and at oes
r»A k»ts. and.
imi.igS, 7 und
too mqnti oil;
a cl edit to
K. and we ife*
ytkmg iniis
irebaiga na.
ugolysigneyl by both Democrats and
lepnbHcans.j Amongst the; names
'hu:h occur; to oar memory Jis np-j
ended to petitions are those
f jtiavidson, Sr,.and WiU
im Wallace, both upon' the Deru
cVitic/.'libket J.iiis ftiirjVK;'F. ‘Ktihn,
no Democratic eandidatefor lAssem-
y; E. B. Dougherty, liohert Potter,
ugh B. Aijdorsori,, Josep'h Mitchell,
iobert M’Cauly, John Shively. AC
LrsonS.'Eobert Oil more. Price Bry
p.iEplirainij Jones, Joseph Branfi, S.-
I. Peirscd, PrankCWilsonr; John Cain,
f ergns-M’C|elland, Daniel J. Camp
c i.yHugh &c.
Those, gentlemen are. all Democrats
nd, highly respectable citizens, and
,i o generally supposed to boas well.ac
tfainted with the interests and the
iants of thy people ns is the Local
[hoy said Ip the Legislature that.ow
rg to the increased prices-of the; na
nssarios of lile,tlis9o offices hadeeased
obe'reinunhrative,und asked , that a
cniporary increase of filly per centum
o their jfiues . should be allowed, and
tici Legislaljurn, not having the ioenl
o;enirght«n[it, granted the prayer of
lie petitioners.'. .
Wo are cnjripus to kruyv the precise
mount ,(.o which the Lojsfs has "been
ilscd nnderj'this hill,. L.\ :
The Southern Programme.
Duvid,ilifior in a.tfandidale for Cor.
g-ess in th'o Eigb|li Congressional
Ilialinct A» Duvid is in
to beXectod. and
lias'a keen Jyjerceptionof the sort of
doctrine which will most readily catch
atca in that locality,,ho announces:
s view.j certain grave ques
ions to tiheipeopio of. the District as.
jllows. through the iLynclibur-'h Its
. • ( , - • • - O
üblican:' i *1 ■
“I arid opposed (o the Stiiithorn
jtucs beincf taxed at sill loi* the fc
qniplion|of>-thiS;,(the'lfatiotia1 1 j debt,
i.lior directly., or ind.iieelly, and if
heted to "eqr.gressi willoppose-nll
cal' al l hrxys which have heretofore
ceti ]niss ;>d r fdr that purposp. Arid in
f irig so L do not consider that-f vio
uo any ibligalion to which, the South
ta party- (I)' Wo . have ; never
lighted dur faith for the redemption
i, the war, j.l,ebt. The people will he
*. tne do’rr.; with faxes for five years
> come-, enin if. the war debt is repii
iited. I t will iio.thp duty bf tho-Go
criitr.ent to' support the, maimed and !
iuibied noljdiors,’ and this will be a
rent exp and il the. United Slates
overnm ;nt. requires the South to bo 1
need foij- Hip-- support of the Union';
jld tor's; we; shouid insist (hat all dis- j
led |-»iiiil;ei-s Hnovild bo 'maintained!
tlio "J|J cited States. Government,'
llvoiu regard to th.c aide, they >ucb,
toil in thq war.” .
[lere wo bare, iho programme of the 1
Utliern leaders.' Their ndunib ag
f” finds hxprepsion in si olitijn -1 hut
t vi ar d tbi.slmll bo repudiated arid
t rebeljsijluiors' shall, be placed on
pe:isii|n|list—as 'a reward for their
viccs'iii|Uilling 6ur people. With
so ttifli ri« epnecssLons in their fa
i they;! ijiir consent uV boii ccon
aeted: ni jd ■ to -“forgive us for a!
alln’ uy Jem.” ■ ', :
on ;
! sr::,:h,
>?uA| pood.Bt«ry‘«» told of tt
/lain DißiTiel: ' i> ]>
°* c " , J* |
T^e,'»n^ J fwwlti
tie Qb
bwtdiJcA ktffi i ' '*
hi*fwt. ' ;i v o| 'ji?Si-| ::;
tW; jrtdi«V, ■'At:a»«»v> ; U^y'
"■ : ' ,v^rs
irterod 3 lli.o- lawyer,;L' U ih« ; ! Qdftiirpotii
i 1/i'-* \S‘ ' t *' : »- ■•: '~J*J i.’JSLX iitii-' :!
;we a *n a[;?t§tQ |ry!
this to; dajrfAtbe GomhidqW‘4&rtl£
|- ;l^: tf c-|iv!-T-
jj? *rf*. •• - -.: * jf.vv'Di*;
Publlo r
: arc
,|D'§de 6y > exunii--
riation oi 1 applicants’for leaeiiing
itao'itScb obis ih : Beavrr c*>lint t,
Brighton j jlist Sept H, 1 Ealtin’s ■" ,-j-' do 1 .
Moott'l do do ’’IS/Daris’ ; jf do o
Patterson ' : do do‘ 18fe*>. Brighton -do j
J ewScwic l ’y do ;do 19;*Boggs , . : ; i ’ dd:'': :
Komomy ,i do do -20,iBoded - j 'do :
•Hopewell i- do ■!& 21 ,'N. Scoltsvilie do
■ Independ’od do do- 22,rKsrden : Kuei do
Pulaski ‘ j do ‘do 28,-KottleWood's do'
Pmoklini do do 29, Furnace ‘ r do-' :
,N. Sovrickly do do 30, IVaraock’a : dd : -
1 • ExkniinaUjns, jvillj commence at 9
o’clock, a. in. Teachers arereqttoslcjd
■ to. apply! for; examination ifi.lhodii
tricts where they expect to tench,-ex
cept thofo lijf Big Beaver and .Marion,
who-wilt apply at the most convenient
piaCe. No private examinations, ex
cept in (jaao of sickness or necessary
absence from borne at the time Of hold
u>g public’fxaminaiion, and then only
at the ''tauten request of School Direc
tors Djaroius, School Directors and.
Clergymen-are requested to.be present
at our examinations' ! | j l "
. J. I; REED, Co. i Su_p’t. .
parUnqfon,iPa ,sAng.T.l, „ 4
' I; -
Sept. 7th, 1805,thy the; : B
C. J(Trite|ilo>v, i ut tbo .l
bride’s father. Mr, John ; Coke
Miss Elsie A: .Wjx-ass, both at
; BijightoiiyPu,
}Oii 5, 1865,' by tho I{
D. "forth; ,Mr ; John Sj{ art Ito
Eleanor Black, both of 'Beaver
4**-\ .- ,' U. r
iOn Sdpt. 5, ISGS. h_v Rev. J.
ray, Mr!.Thomas S. Kinsey to
Mary fi Bryant both of-Beavcr
lyyPaLj-. . %
By the same, alid at lhe sumo
Mr. lluou .McOclloikhi to Mies
oy; Jane Newman, B
county, Pa. - . ■ - * ,
• ■-I J J;'.. BIEDS; ;■,. .
If* Freedom, Nov. 27ib,188i. ilrs.
Mlrv rA., wifi of W, 6. Neill, and
duiigbil-r «f-J, J. Noss,.Eiij., aged 27
years 1 ud four months. : i >
0f Dysentery; A'ugi 2Sib, 1805. WT'ii
lie N.. son of jvy. C and Mary A.Nuill,
■ Bgtd tiino riuinihsani eighl fluyS
, lVoticb.
J-’ tbi?-Orji.linn.r Court of Beaver county.—■
iln tliogjiatter of the account 6f Francis
le j Goulhm/ administrator. of the estate of
; Harriet Cprlcss. dcc'd., for distribution of the
balfiu.ee in tin; hands of the administrator.
M,d no v,.to win Sept. 9th,lBtis. on motion 1 .
Of If. iucc; Fs/pr the -CourtVappoint W. S.
Mot-tynjan Auditor ,io distribute the balance
m the hauls of thcaduiinist 1 ,
. -,i\; !, • . - .-s '&■:
• The A«4ifor above-named, trill attend to the
duOee of 1 i&Sipp.Untment, nt t ho Court House,
in Mistf, oh, Saturdayi Sept. 30, 11565, at 3
o clock,, pj ni., which time and-place all
parties juierOstcUi may^r.ttend.
j \ I , WM. S. MOULA.V, .
peptl‘B Co\' x , v t .-j Auditor.
JAMES BRUIJT is happy to announce to hisj
| his.old, customer*,-that ho has .been dis
charged fro n the service of the United States,
and| opened a shop inl the frame buildingnd
joirvmg IVm. Orr’s Store. Ladies hiir cut in
thejiiiost approved style'. . ife trusts his, old
fricpds will renew tbeir -patronage, having
carried the flag of the 45th Reg -U. S C T
for Moms a yeah, in I the battles around P e .
tershurg, he thinks iliimaelf entitled to : a fair
.share of the public ■pjuronage', ■ ! ■_ -\ ■
°Tr :
r flo .Bucket* for do- : do
Weights and Iron (Wheels;
Dry dumber of all kinds; '
Siding. Shingles and Latji con
. atantly, kept on handlW .
Boilding- Umber (sawed ‘lo, order without !
I I ' jA P- *H. DARRAOH.
aug3o 0.-a Gt. v . •• . Sharon. Mills.
Jlrued so ns to preveuiauy military; officer or
borough officer , fijbm service •agiyaige,'-'ln
spector or Clerk sit any goiierel or special elec
tion m this Common, wcaldi. ' i f . ■ . J
' And the said; act if Assembly, entitled “An
Act relating to thbeleciiona of this ;Oommon
wealtb," pass'cdjyjy, 2d, 1839,>||arovide8 as
.follows:. J • r.
That the Judge And Inspectors chosen as
'aforesaid,'shall thbet at their respective places
appointed for holding the election its the- dis
-1 trioW to jwhich they .respectively belong, i be
fore J) 0: clock; on the morning of the; second
. Tuesday| of.Oclober, IStlo. and each of said ln
speotora |shaU appoint one clerk, who shall he
a qualified vottr |c' said district, : -j-f,: i . I
- In case the persona who shall hevelroceiv
ed the second jbighest nuntber of votes for In
spector shall not attend on the day ofian elee
liqn, then 1 the jpersoh wboshall httve received
the second highest number of; votes forjudge
at the.nezt preceding election shallket as In
.■specter in his place; andin oasc'tiiapsrtbn
; who shall have received the l highhtt fnamher.
of voles for Inspector shall noti attend, the
present elected Judge shall appoint An Insole,
r -i* r “‘ bis placer and in cau tbe {tarson;Meot
.ed Judge shall%6t attend,'then the lluspeotor
who rccaived’the highest number of votes 1
:shall appoint aJudgeln hi»plach> i*hd if any:
vacancy shall continue in tfaei Boardfor the
space of tme hour after,the tifiie fiiodbylww
•| for ;he opening of t\t election, the qualified
d v voters of ihe townshipjuvort, or district for
■f 5 *s.' w * llc i 1 such., officers .shallj’have bcenieleoted,
BEAVER, ‘ PA, - ']'■ 'V^w^,^tbe^^V^sti^!dia)ljitMkAiih
1 U (Of thoir nuinberth'Ell gmclat'vaeawev'i t
,'.;iAlliEX.' CI/A: K, Proprietor. :
G-^Tr- -SXABIWCt . attached to ' this r BSl?k- JBISSSS?;
! Houser- fJ ", feepterbbec 18, *05.! *P^;lj»)yhep»ri
X»amplilot Law*. ;|!
WEYAyP. Preth-y. t3p * h “ J ;
'" _ I ;
Broadway, 1
BIANOS, Melod<
tioh if Musical
_ Also, Aiusio and S
K&* Instrumental
EETTEUS of administration on the estate
of WitUAJi A. Rain, late offlanover
township* Beaver county, deo’d., kaHng been
|r«tttea to the f undersigned, sR persons tn
debted tosald estate are requested to make
Immediate-payment!, mu! those having - claims'
against shfd esfate Will present them totte
sabmeber properly" authenticated for set
tlemefle- f - ; - j
C ATSeHIBALD B 2 .LSTOJI. Hanover tp., r
sept6'6s; ■ 1: |' -: "' ‘Administrator.]
f , H;
of I lie
tys 1 6
hN t V!
iv. Ai
i -
H h
lew Brighton, Pa
tons, land a choice collec*
(Instruments, kept for sale.
Itationery. ■
music taught. fsepft
'l>^r^®V on »;** •Towwiide, Ilian* x?h~ » aforesaid,
at df Bcavcr » shalrbe! ontittjto vofo although they huri&W’
■ Wt .Haases. I: ;•* 1- -•'■!<• ■ ; ■■!,', I-:-
meetatthe Town Baffin BHdge water, p • : f 11J ft to tblVl wholes
TheSelectort distHit' will, ’W® “ “<** contained m Che list brfiwtable in
incetutthe publicbnyk-ttpipolhouse ditroaid by the Coramiiaibnere,lnn
borough. I•; . V...v‘ . -if -r ; ; :lMB.'first; ie prince a for; the jJay-/
■Hlt ,: hieeth%mittionibai hehas/qsided|ih. thei
at 'the; hotieS df • DaTjditwiiig, in%id i town j. iW" : bt ,Uait oner yehH Wo&r'c hisf applicationv
;■• .i.-N,=: : tnake. 'the'rojidenceiiii |tlio
Tha.electorai of di£frict;meet an<( that ho
it thchouse of Georgcpnngan, 'in Frankfort, does verily
: Tlie electors of|M’Guire*s iistririwillmeet ft* 1 ? that ho.is of Jbb agolaforesaTd, aijd 'givicr
it thehousei of John ; Pori,erin; the of ,?o. . - W hereupon the names of the persons so adrait
, The olcctors ofj GreenMoinship -wiil tied tp. vote.shrimp inserted into thcalphabet-l
at the hotisti of Ely ah Nisw&geb, in, Hooks; ft* 1 ■lnvertors; andla note made
■town;- |V:■ f -p 1•• i opposite thereto by'writing’ , thc-iword l, J“trtx l ? , , t
The elcetora ofj Ohio towrihip Will thebt" at *£f ,e shall,be admitted to. vote by rcas6i Of
house now 'dciupicdby Jamiijn Elliott* in said hating ‘paid a. tat’, or thof wora to
township. }'?'••■ 4' ' ’| ; ~ shill bo atlmitfcd on account \of Lis agel anil
The electors fcf i'rightop -fownVhiW (not case,;,tbereasons of- stkih [shall i
bracediu Industry dislristjUrill ' miek at the hofcalW ouvhy the; clerk*; trK»‘ shall-make-;
school'house; nehr Riclrip s Eaitih’ / s. ; in Said 1 •ft?- ftfte,notes, in the of voters kept! hv
township. .j ■ v*.*.; . thri**-! : - --V'U'i : t:4'" 'f C -I.'
. The electors Of tbc'liorbttgh of; Faliston will i -1 11 all cases where, tho name of the poison
meet at the. Academy ih,-l3dlstorii I -'fAy claiming to yotie. is not found on .the' listj fujrt
' -The electors of Patterson township will nice?
at the school house hkheiyftlugeof Brighton. ?*? right to vote, whether found there 1 or,iioti
The electors; *h[all ;'intorrupf or jmproper^-imerferp;iwith
The electors of Pulaski township will meet ftip* *“ execution of.■ | his duly, ibr'jshalj
at Dongherty[s school hOtlseV. No. 1 4,’ in I ° T atteniptj to block ,up the window or
township. J ’ * 1 M l . ' ' arenue'ia anyfwindowwhore the sama may be
.The electors of Marion township Wiil nieet hplden, or riotously I'd isturb the p|eiep]or.
M the house of George Harttcll,. jri, [in said BU pft t}«ction*or shall useipr ( pyaoticp|ahyj in
township. : |. IjT- . : 'V timiUil|(jn, de-
The electors of New, Brighton hptipugh and si S n
disi,riot will-mcei'pt the school house in said cipcfM* - " C r ip hi,m jfi^a|' r Touiig,, «jr [to
borough. I ‘ .J"■ ]" pestrpm the freedom 1 of his choice^.such- iper-
Tho olcctofes-Of.Rochcsfer °V cpnvidtioh shall fto anyijsum
meet at the iJolesville School llouse,-in laid cot cxccediiig five hundred doParm'anU be im
towustijip. .p| ■ i ' 4 [•.••■j p, ■ priioicd|. for any time not, less; thanj uvolyc.
■ -TheelectqW of the borotgh of' Rdchestcr 9p. n fh»; laud. if.it shall^e,'shown, thatl by Ijbe
will meet at the' kchobl house rttßokhi-ster. VP urt i *'1 10 WaJ’ of such offphee Whnll bo
. 'TheWlectors efiFroedom lMid dis- hpjd thafithe;persqmoffending was net|a[,pesi
' tries will meet atkhe school honse'lilpfeedom'. dent ;of, nhc city, wrird, I district ior tpwnshjp
The electors bf- Kew: Sewiotley township yft«f tft'e-said offetfoepWlscphiraitteiJi and not
willmeet at the house of Job# Teaiel,- in said fo vote therein, thed; conviptihnjhb
township. ■-■ : x -| ’ r: -• 1. i n, 4 • ■{ ‘ small be Sentcriced to joylehnektuol Icasjthlnn
• The.electort oFlndusliy, iUatricf win sheet W< **M«red nor-nthke 'tßif oao' tkohskidj jiibt
at the'school house in Industry, f. - *| ’ (*“■ ft*ch bet or wager, [either by vcrbaanqro
At which-time and places the qualificdelec- |h»matian thereof, or by wrrittenor priptertd, h
tors as aforesaid wiU cleollbj laMlot-i- iycriisement, challenge or invite any persdoim
One person for Auditor-Oenefal of Penn- ; make sock a bet%: wagir, i>-.re
sylvan ill; ' - i j‘i : ■ conviction thereof, he op Uiey.shaU forleiy.bet
One person, for Surveys ftcncraUf Penn- W tili,cs th P ft at or jpgeiici
syivnrim; ~ •’ ■ ~-. „-; . f i tolbe bet. ‘. ■■■■;;• ;>■ | > l . _ j. )
Three persons as .mer-berj of the House of * r P u y person npt| by law qualified Shall
rji: ftnv - *
E eproscpl at ives of Pennsylvania,; iii Conjunc
tion: with Washington coiirtljj |
One person for t reasurer of Beaver; county;
• One person for:xAstrictLlttorneyjbf Beaver
coentyj . ■’ ‘ : ;Ji ,
Oi\c persott Tor j Commissioner of- Beaver co;
One person Tor Surveyor of. Beaveri county;'
One person for Poor ito^e'mrccllor. of Bea
ver c unty; ,h ' 'l ‘ j
One person Tot Audito# pf Beaverlyounty;
One person fir, Coroner jof Leaver | eoumj-f 1
Two j persons for. Trustees, of j.thei Beater (
Aca4cnjy. •' ■ '• [ ,/
Notice is HereW GiyeCa,
I Thal;every potion .except .'Justice* of the
Peace, 'who shall hold any .office .or appoint-,
mcnl of profit or tlriist under the [Govferhmcnt 1
:oftho United States, or bfi tills State, or. of
any city or incorporated district, whether a
commissioned bffiqeror agatd, who >isj or shall
have.been omplbyi>d under the Legislative, Ktt-
Cchtive or Judiciajry department of ;tfeis State
for the UnitedjStates, or of any oityi or incor
i porated district; and. also that every [[member
of Congress, ahd-ift.be State Legislature, and
[Of the Selector Common Council of ttijny cityj
! or commissioner of any incorporated' .district?,
is by law of holdihg or exercising
at the.same time the offioo or appointment of
[lnspector, Judge, [or Clerh of any election of
the Comtnoivnjealth, and that md.i'Jhago,. In
spector. or any other officer'bf .such: election,
shall bb; eligible to any to fee then’ votbd for.
i Alab,.iu anti by the fourth scction-of an Act,
appcQved the 19th of April, 181 U, it us enact
edtliat Iho 13jth section oftlie act palssed July
2d, 1,88!}, entitled [an,act relating ,to;.ihe elec
tions of tbis Commonwealth, shall notj bo con-
111111 EM
fraudulently jute at any elecliohtvlthmthis
Cpranro.n wealth. or being -otherwise qualified/
shilllvoto out el' liis proper 'district, ot-ifialhy
pci-suit'knowing -the want of such qualification,
g)iall|a)d or procure. such perkohs IS yqtejphe
pc'rsdh or persohsso bffeiidmgsli|vlt, oh; cotmor
tihhjbc finedJh any sura not esced.bignjvo
buhdred ;doliavsp.ahd, bh jihitrtsijfned &r,iany
term hot l«bts lthanjlire6,,i' id s.j;J , ’? ■. ; j
.[if, dny pc'rson’snilf'vbt;. a mqre jlijin on(s
clejetitjd di«t.riet,N»r [other], ise 'radulei tly ftjld
and deliver jfo theiinspe.' ofs itjjjo ticket!, to--
gather, with thciutcmic.lo v to’ illegally, dr
shtlu vote the 'same, 1 , or anyi rson shall adi
■vise or procure another 'odo $ he orlfhpy-so
offending shall, oh cdnT.clioni jc| fined in. jany
sum not less than fiftynor more than fire hun
dred dollar's, .and he imprisoned Itor any term
not|‘ less than (three ; noir' more I than j twlcive
tnopths;., -i:; " '■|; l Jr; I
any .person not qualified lo vote, ih;|lhis
Commonwealth agreeably to. law, (except' the.
son* of qualified.citizens,:) shall appear at any
place of election for UiV purpose ofiissyihg
tickets, ot of the citizens qualified
toyote, he shall; on conviction, forfeit andpay
any not. hundred j dollars
for [every filch offence, and be imprisonedfor
any terra - pat eTceeding three months.' |' I
The i Return -'Judges of IherespectiveDis-
Iridts in this Gqunty, 'are required to mortal
’thefCoiirt the borough of Bc.ivei;, on
thoj first ■ Friday'afterthe election, beingUhe
TStih of Oot‘ober,lBSd/ht 1(1 o’clfaek, jh|:n|«hd
tlnsfe toiipwfttrth the. duties enjoined Upon
Ahm ,kiy-J*V>” ' .1 y ' .|'A• ;■ ’
And’Sy. ‘-Ad Act: relating tp the \ E\ec -
felts of this Comnipniceallhpassed
. ihe&dlfiay[ of . Julyi it- is provid:-,
&gdd dioitedas folioips .-I-
■ ■h- , — 5 .-- - |M>
. Secj Sl.When two or, mortTooiinties iba,
cooptfe a district for theohoice -of a member
or; mentors oft he; Senate of this Common l '
we<lif-'or of tbe Houso ;df representatives o&
the United Stages, or of this Commonwealth?
the Jiijlgcs of thaclection in* each county,
having met aaaforeaaid, theCJcrksshallnjske
out a lair statement of all to votes which shall
nayo been given "at isuch election, wiibih; the.
county- for ovefy ’ person voted for. as such
member or members, wbiqb shall.bo signed.by
saiil Judges and attested by the Clerks, jaind
,6nd of the.said; Judges 'shall toko charge" of
such certificate; ana shall prhdueo the same at
a niecting ofonedudge from' dlch county; :at
such p|a«B. in >(uch district,‘a3. ta' dr way bo
appointed by law.for the purpose;* nthioji meet
ing! shall be held pn the '9sa(. the
ielectiop._, ; ■ ,1 1 'o • v£.l’i;,J^A '■ 5
1 . Sec, 1 82; TheJTudges ofthe several counties
•havjo met,' as .aforesaid shall cast np thts sev-.
•erajt county,,returns and mAdo duplicate re-
of all'the'vpies given for such office in
said district, -tad of* thd names of the persdS
or persons .elected, ind onoof said returns, for
| each office, shall he deposited in the. dffiqei of
| the 1 ; Prdthdnotiry oftheCdurtqf CbmnltttPlhas
of ihelcduhty in which they, shall ipcet; gnd
the'.oth'er shall byshr^Judges be. deprdaltdd.lp
hearest.pdst office;' pieiled! ! ,atid. dlrect'ea 1 aSjin
fed: 9half-also.be the dnty 'of the ie-.
ti&hJvdgra'incvfcry case, to trahgihit;td|fcach
Of Ihepcfsons.dlectcd lo aervpitt
the! House of RsnresentttßhW of tbisContmoh-;
w'wthi .a*'certificate, deeUpa,; -^within
S;J j-,y.D ii-.J-iitr-tXl 1 ;;;; tc{!sp[S
QivsS and*
Uelithdayor September, huthd
rear.-df otfi; Jjonl one Ithansand
eigot nuwpred; . tad, sistyifive, andid the
ninetieth ; ? tar of the independence: "hi fhs
UoitedjState*. . ! < i JOSi LBDLtß,;Shjff. <(
Sitaßwv'a Ornci, V, J
! Beavjer.Sepia ’9s : y i.- |j ■ ' *| ‘
. —v ' .40TS; 'jit i,
. ~t,Tasji's . -f/iTjlai -iSSSg-
Pill S&«ji(^ > -TOjjii[)f|i,'
Koel»eitpr-,...u ;32y .*.* ,835..“
• »»;••
■ i'ColvmibTaino „ i 455 “ 1017'<■
I Salem" BUS V
:. A!tia^ce'».^.v-^.6?5:
Cam bn '-...'...,1? C5B“ 1242 pm
: UlafciVlon 102■“.
i |XirWiUe.ii....2ii , ;t3U' : >,‘ M42j “ .
L ■W^e^v-.»ilF : B2oi,'>' 21& v ’852
; LonunaTTlle 2, ;l: 910] “ 320 ■ “ 045 “ 1050 *“
icsa- w
.■ ~'Ar.' lOaO'^; 500 “ :|'!W >. !24&4t
l- r;7(WAit iMam 1255 “ :
[ Bu’cyrbs*...... jilftl? “ > 73:) «- 1229 “ ' .
,0. Sandusky 'jl2iBg| ,Sl3 109'“ 200.“
i24aPP'S4S '“ jiM™ 2£t v ‘*
, 2o4:‘‘hi)lo'“ ! 300 , “t 348 “
DplplFog.. :....■ 243 J vjios9 340 « '428 “
Van Wert _... ; , 1'?34 “ 412 •• / I
Tori ■,soo''"S J! jaOpii ' 555 '“ ;845 ]*'M
Columbia:.!:, f 34G “;224 “ 045 “ "28 *“]
Hant^Tillo'. , -Frf']| ?*' !••■••■,“ t '^l , V<£ l
Piercqlon ~...•: .]... .....V; *>:
TVariiaw'.j 039 •• 324 “ : 741;“ 817
Bourbon .„...- ...V. •* ..A], ».<
Plymoiuli-...’ 741 “ ,435‘ ! “ 848 “ 911 “
■ ' .ii •» '..;2
Valpjifaaab.l., ,922 /* ',830 1037 ‘‘104,8“;
.liohart’l:]....;.',; •‘.'..vi' ■<
(3krKe.w~’,iyl "•>■■
‘lljC.tttt.Groa’ •>, V ■*»;
IlitsijlUl J’n: • * ..“ ..
Chicago l U 20;«, 840 “ llSlOiOi lidfe
... ,i| •- - _:ti:i > >■ 1 - . - •■ ■> ■. •
■ ;■•}' ’ TE 432 “/ r
Foil Wayttc_-. r 1210P!i 1215r»t 1225.U1 65q '*f'
Van JVert' ; „.„ 233, “i 129. “ l*4i}- “ ' '727
Delpjioa i....., 315, ‘-j’ 202-“ 226 “ 806 R[
.Liai3.. ,35G,i-“j 234 “,;302 “ . 84fc,.ft. ■
r0re8t,..,..;.L-;;; 520] “ . 353:.“ -425' “(1014, >‘.i ,
UtSantluakyj*•!>6s%422. “ ~456,. “|lo4jr K- [
BicynM'j..-i|,.u 649 « -=606,1*? ,540 •UOWrkS,'
Crcsillnc *i Av : 710
-720am; 010, At “ .
Mansfield...;. , 805;l*
Loudbnvillc•_olo-.« • 787 - V1 loi) !j‘ }
W00fer..1,920 !<• 830 y.“ 84& f '“i ,-24fr H i
I 0rryi11e......;.;: 1054, ]“| 900 “ 6IV “ 313-»‘,
]MasSillou... r .i'll4o 935 “ 950 “ . 3-4:7 '‘ !
Canton ’..1 ',1200 ,-j 955 “ 1017 •• 405ri“
1 Alhanco. j; 12Ubm 1040 “ 1130 “ n(l5“
Salem 200 ;0l lilft :- 1205 pi '535 j
Colilinbiana u[| 230 “11140 “'1,231 “ 690 :
•Enen;™... 11,320 9.‘:,1220am 112 “i -635
N. liriphton- “! 1258 -' 155 -“I 7lo] --'
Uoelf’ester-™ [ .439 !‘.5..110 “-210
... {j 000-I‘tf 220 “ 320 “j .B^o
Fqr.Xew Caslle add Erie, ,6.
comiiodation Irainsj Icaye Alii
Brighton —9 00 a', "ni; 11.00 -a 1
4.43 p- m; 6.00 p. m.. For Ecj
m. For Xcw Cnstla| .Grceuvil
town, J’a , 3.50 p mi , j
Onraidafter slug.
Ijions daily*Suhday!
1 1 'i Maii..
d ■ -
Clevsland-.i. ' 8iK)«:M
Euclid street, j 8H ••
Hui1p0n....... ! 915 “
Milleraburg.. I .........
11avenna....... n 950 ••
Alliance 1949 ',**■
8ayird....... 1 1120
Wellaville .... ,1 ,110 pm
' 0«J0 ; ' /-s -i |
rp*^ ~~ l - "j..i‘‘ ;' 'Tmc. z&tJ' c;z&ej
- | ,6|ail. Exif’a. Accoii, Ext 'a;, j
frcll : ri)le.;..i ife.AM 505ph U ...V.'.
Bayard.,.. til4 “ 03(1 “
Alliance 1 ’710; f‘ "28, “
'lfcavajhna .- 800. “ 817,.“ .....j.
MiUarsburg-4 '..1.L.. 1 ., : 440ak ,Sosp.i
Ori-Tills., ‘ opT]* '
Aliron . .... r .... . 7uo “ 720 J-0
Hud50n....... 1 837 B*sl' 800-851 T “
Eiiclil‘street 942>‘ 919 •> .Dili “ ‘Ol&V-
Cleveland. .„ 955 h I00|) “ 930i000f ‘f j
" GOJXO EAST. :, : V > S
■ ? ’iVJA!!,,' Exij’s. Exp’s; ' ACCOM
8e1aire.,,../. 1050 am lOopm 950pji ~.«• •••
Bridgeport... 1 100. “ 420 “ 1002 <• .....
Lngrangej.lll2“ 513 “ 1018 “ ..;
Steubenville. 1213 pm 545 “ 1105 ,;' 535 ut
WeUiviUe..., 730 “ ; 700 “ 1200- “ 03p?,0 ■
SmUh’aFerry 152 “ ......... , 705,,-t|
Beaver . 222 “ .^746
Rochester ... 230 “ 755 “ 100 am ~Bpp “
Pittsburgh .i ( 815 “ ,900, “[.210 “J. 9X0 1 “
- . "■' i , rn “ t~~~ : "m ttt tt* - ‘
-j ;j- GOING WEST. _ •( . • .
;■ Expp. Exp’s-j Maiiv, Accdjl
Pitoburgh;-,: ] jajbor 2«e» tftlOii haMbf*
Rochester ... 830j.“i 853 •' 735 “ ol£j 9 1
8caver ; ....... ....4.... y........ ,’745 “ ;623-i4 :
SmUii'aFetry" ...... v . 820 “ 803h>f ‘
WjellSville .'.. 480. “ - 620 “ 842 “ 010 l^>%v.: - y..aH t flf|a; 9 p]
f: ■■ >4
Manufacturers’ & .Merchants*
■:p ■ INSU ban CE : CO M PAN Yi
: j.
Officef 81 ,‘j fyafar st., 'H a gatetfsfailing
-J ; l. BENNETP. Rresideritr, —5
t. W.
f*- *r <»®W. *¥tSf 1 {'■ T 'i 1 .■/
'" Insure* Steamboats and Cargoes, i p
on property »g*in»l, ttffcpdls
r, . L ofn*lJiyig*Uop. ; ; ; ,;;ajh .|, : i
T Dieiotom.—Jan»B»' 1.-Bennelt,’ 3w*lHt-
Schfrartvßobert'-Ece, litf.FershintrpM; W
lSr laiittlr W«k, Walkar.-iß*'
rßiskStaketion tile most liberaltertnaby
U*&m , I •;■■':.;■! •■ ,nßool.eoter.P#l s |p
i- COS JJtliikOND & THIRD S& I
mOBACCO ASNDFF always on hand.—
,,l'. [mySJ;oro| j
HO • a.' mV ; |Alc
bglionj 1 for New
1 2.15.p^t0;
onomy, 10,80 p,
do and Jamcs-
Ticket 1 Ag^i.!'
F. K. MYERS,’Bed,
S(Jo,,trains willle
5 oxeeptcd, ns.fol
south. , 1 >
141 »
242- “
' 800 am
: 811 “
, 915
1030 “
1229 pm
i 218 “
320' -
685 ‘
■' •' £ -
(Icsccndilijf parcntl -
the lililrJ'jtii'd &urtn r ’*
seems 4 to. bef this r oii-bf ipwvtui snysf
visitlhe iniqiiidcs' ripon ; .
: ,' «■
' various 'to the : 6r^itiSr:it’';!
riradej. !j In, tho .iirj)duc ■ V
•tubercles* rh(l',/spallj - t , .
i glands, svvellingsivfitich suppurate 4 ahil lx.- ,'
(/ cpnlp. ulcerous, jsqrftsiiitt. the stomach. nmL- :
gestion, (lyspciisuvi MiiS Xfvcr 4
Ufe ■
These, all- require tho*
Kan)bremcdy t; vitl, piirificntion and invigorii; j , 5
iron of ilicrblbodd purify 4 the Idbodytarid?,
tlio.ro leave you 4 ! 4 ’ iTO 4 -,'
i is cratnouiidc^.»«» the most effectual anil-1
i for : '
' this afflljc&%3i«^peis36fl3is&'jciaxr»f 4 ,
, tl ie jdisprdcrs, it. entasis.,; fTliaP, it is far>upevt •'
rior to ,apy; .otlmrbrotnpdyjyet AoVisodij-jis- . -
known hyjail whp Jarvis given' it Y^jjatb
r. it- o'ops : combine virtaes;trply
in tlioir this qjnsspf. "
■\ Is- indisjraijably preyett Sy (the '...,
of.pnbjicly knowji. and i^
- lias rnadb jof,tl;c:|olloftT«p discamaSjpffi'ghu
Evil, or
Eruptions, PuHples,;BlotQheB athi'Sorev
Erysipelas, Eose-nr" St AnthonyVEir#
Salt Eheum, -i Scald Head, Coughs frojri 4 -
tnbercnlousdwositsin.tho htngs/Whito, .
DySm or
CTpuilltlc Infections, KwatialDisea^
. Eordlle and, indeed, the.WliOlei
series of eompbiiuis that arise from impurity '
of f Cue reports, ofindividual
: cases. may.vße: found in - Avno’U- Au micXsl _
is furnished to the druggist*
-%l ffidiuttotisS distribution,- wherein, may
: leßrrVed tlio, directions for itsuse, nnd somo
of: tUe. voniOrJmblQ cures which it has -upide)
when, nil other rctnediosl.'had failed jo afford.-
. /rhose,,.cascs. : -;aro -’ purposely taken
from all-sections ,ofrtliercountry, ,)ii order
. iliaS,every, reader ,niay have; access to toinc/
cnc'ylio can speak, to him of its
.personal a
> Xi^'t‘ ,^l!|?^*4 -^4-l^ ,^Pl4, '‘®* ? to victims far.
, move subject to dlseasa.iiind; its fatal results
■liii in are. healthy eonstUu.tioh.st .[ Hence' it
4 .tjjjjda to, shoitqn'ajid 'docs grcidly. Sliortcn,!.
tjia of ./flitf.
vast s 4
. fc.il tis to a remedy
yiilch.iff adcqun^Q.tn:® 4 jiwe.’’ Tjiis vrc'.hoW'.
offer to the puhhc under tlic name of A veu’»
SAnsAc.utiLM, .altliyugTr it is .ecmppscjl. of,
dntoedieufsj'soine nfjvrhich cvcccd;ibe hist
or Onrinjiarilla in ■ alterative power. By its,
aid you iimy protect yourself froni tlic Buffer-. ,
inland! danger jof these disorders- Slit i
cut tlui - foul cotjruptions itliat rotund fester ;
in .tbe . biuod, put tlic ,cuuscs ol' discase, j
and vigorous health will follow, Tly its pceur: j.
..liar Tirtnbs,,lbis rhmedy stimubitcs ibo vijrii.
4 fdhcUqn® find •• thus; expels- ftho; ibftempers.; , s
vvliieh, Turk wjthih- tho system or Cur>,t out* -
oh nny pari of it 'J 4 '; . ,, j ,■ • .■i ~ ■■ •£ f.
- jTiVe | know, the, public have been ilecciveihj
by ninny 4 of Sir.'apnri[la,\ thzt ~-*,_
prbiinscd .-much and did- nulling; but, they r ,
will neither be deceived nor disappointed ini -
this.' Its-virtues have-been lifoveii by nlmn- .
dant.trial, and there remains no question.of 4
its! Surpassing excellence for' tlio euro of .tins '',
■afflicting: diseases:it is intended to roach. 4 , ■
Alibongli under the some/nahiei it is a veiiy- /
diiicronf nicdiejne from any other wliieli has
been before? tbe inople; hnd. is far more-ef-.
feetualj tiiah any other which has ever bcicn ,
available to tlie&;,,, 1 ! -;- ; • . .V'*;-, i-* •- .' .b
save sta-
S2B »*
> 45)
> . 52" “
; 04! •<
■ 75') )•
!’“ -T
-’*“ «■
. ■ Vi ; - ;
The .World’s? Great
j I Coughs, Colds, Incipient. Con*' 1 '
I . sumption, and forthe relief -
! of Consumptive patients
j V in advanced, stages ’
■ . of the disease. : ?
, This has both so long used nmlr so uni
versally known, that we,need tin ho more: -
than assure the public that hs quality is kept _v
■ Uj> to the best it jeVer has ■boon;" ami■ that it
may be reliedoil to,do ali itihas hver done. - •'
Prepared by i f Dg. JT. Ci Aver & C 0. ,! ,
i f Piftctical and Aimlyticai ChmitU,
■ - ■ If - ; .Lowell. Mast,
p . Soldbyall ■
#®&-S°l l _ *' ' ■ .r • Jr- -?•¥•*.
r •- . . ,y- {
1 ' ; ‘ ’ Afcprta*.; &<* ty i{ &U 1; IBG3L 1 -- . f ;
Cash in bank and with '■&>
'United States .Stock.V.-riF, 636, So
Real estate, unmoumbcired;.,.•,....; tji.OOB 57
vrs : ; -0»
NewFotkbanb 7OJ,-H0 (fc>
Haj-ttord baiik at0ek9...............X 200,tl&0 ;00
Miscellaneous bank 5t0ck5...;.....,„112;400 6()
Railroiid 5t0ck5U1,,...^..^,;.^;.,J}8tj,389 00 ’
■M ortjjage bonds, city and county .„ i 736; 115 00
Atlantic M. Ink: (&."\. Y. Scrip.;.“ "23 HQ QO
V 10taL...........,..., ~,f v 3,§|00j.430 OS '
LUSlLlTres:• ,i. p ‘ ; '
Losses unadjusted-andhot duti.;i::-5123,077 $2 -
.. ,;’| v ''iU ■
. iF; A. vpreat, V
. ■ iHEKDEE. Sec’y, , *j •■«.>'
C. ;
v,-- 1; v Rochester.
■'■■ 1 ' -v AND ■:■-■ .
:11t181V4 . e:IN$Triffli' - —.,•-'—:‘
R6V.R; T. TAYLOR, A. M Resident;
■fltHE Terms open respectively Sept. 12, ’6O,
I January 2, and April 5, 1860. e. ,•
Sjppprtpjiity, .fotpioatniftitin infiby?',.
branch otFscience or on- Briy nmsiial iftstfu-. I
jnent; also voeaD music,. private, flr in, classes, ; . 'p
is affbrdedbereotriuisonabrcrittßs.w.---'. -V '
- Lads -received in the-Primary Department;
gtF l * ® f ■ JtnyVdogrpe' Wipfofiiency.
Prawingnnd parting, of ,*ve*yi
receive-Che special attention of-a; first-class
artist, r -i,;,»4T*vi X' •• •
‘ ;
mm - '■■
' tJuinminsi
(Ute . Surgeon :114th Penn’a Voli.. i ,
ifTVFFERS his .services to the cilitens oi
July !&th,lBC5 U ' ..p J;P " I
•M. i'-.j.-