The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 06, 1865, Image 3

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6th, 1865.
cA iand-mSCELLA^
■.fifth annual fa
"• J.E OK TH* '
a vcr^% ricu^turalSoci£
[, , BF-nELD At: :
Thursday & Frida*
c t. 4tb l , sthi' a nd 6th, ’65-
_ Coml |iJlion not confined to oiliie:
ffifl'f Hi® e(3itor of tll6 - t
jlilt under ilio penal:-lawi
from niopwcal th. a 'man may,
JieJ fod _-j ' 4/ .
jlioVe will bo a' soldiers’ pi <f
f F;S- Ground on Thursday, j 1
! p°r n e*--B“ h 4( ro m Pi
'' uHl' be in attendance.' - Sold
j-rsiljMU’e invited. . j •
--Tho'i VV hisk'e3* seized byjjthe Col-'
ol ilN District from.3ohn Dear,
j r i^effat. was sold liist weekly
-»M:‘rshal, ( tT>i^«t.he r with .the Dietil
-r 4c. ,'Btte'whifiliey brought $2,25
'I r 1
'(gvffa'ftff’r Shultz, corr.mitted
.:iby was hot ch
jm *h the Lpjsal haii
ot w/ninsj'goocls oh false
from Kcbcrt Dunlap, of I
IgiiiV.=i«jST' aH , School— Well
!; s isd l or'iisit|“ flourishing Condi'
r{ j!j}/fj4-wic«tsaro in suteiida
of W
ami a fiijc scholar
and ProfcPat
a■A-.-irt®ff Students can ont'i
rdiae. defect session opens in
Se.khi; Skm'inary and Mus
•niCTE’-r i \V.o call attention to
icidj,' oftliis institution next w
i ire, (icsircd 16 say that it.
ally facilitate the organizatic
iscliOol, apd conduce tio the tr
f-l ilie yiji Jills,-if all who inter
sr will tie present at 9 o’clock
slay morjiing. Will
Jliins look ito this matter ?i
• It -- - ■' _ ;
fl©'f he AVakhington Review and
U.nimwr vj \\i bo consolidated, on
Ui oV-OoU&|?, Urns leaving but
LmocvaiW j'apsr in " VVllsh in•>
K l * T
■ni.ty.. The itw-angenusn t is
It- for the editors, and as bo'lh v
»aVy Wofciit jiarlizan sheets
■i/.cHill I'{sc nothing by the con
prion. ’ •
call .the aUontion . of
peis to the advertisement of Ji
min. Barker, in another column,
if for a, number of years the po|
iii cr of Beaver, and is how enf
■UliouPiyoceivo a fair Share of’ss ofj the' place. He is ar,
.itr.t. Barber, aS all his.old castor
n (esrifv, : I ■.
Churto—There is quitp ajlargi
■' atConrl.'this wep|r, o'
tte;Urgp amount of, criminal 1
: :|>n the list. Wc understand t
fw over thirty indictments
T.'Jranli JhVy ip pas's,-upon, bidsi
W li»t| ojT'Criminal eases- laidtJ
■•a l&srtefm.' By special ordt
■ t\mrl,-ihe criminal business'
sen up on Tuesday. The civil
sscatuintted until next -term.
l-aijLSTo^.—The burnt! distric
*lis aboat.-io bo re-builti M. T 1
fias bis keg factory ne.
resume operations.
null and, lumber /yard- sit
HV Kennedy & Duff has I
sr ,caascd by Miner, Son! & Co.,
wcrlrof clearing a Way the
‘■‘“•preparatory to- re-building,
m.good earnest. *lt is vhi
■DiiOn ■' of this company to on
saw; and planing
®>Stday possible. |
** m * n by the name of Step;
•■’''.verely injured afewdays
ijimestorie Qaan
filing in of'the bank. Hie
*<%’ cut And his abide joint
, J 1 ’ tho bone J[,eli| b rXtli,rown
l ° tbe middle of-tho foe
Was euileFin and
and dressed his wounds.
8R thought he could
tf » U |f ' V ?i Uri(ders t :m d he is now
o^ er e Wlll most piobably
iti ® ur S e - r > an bid lady ol
' a^ r , aB | ( arre,iteda -' few day be
2’ v n<l batter y i on a
'P niih- 8 IV6S '" Hanover tc
!t »tiie / 1B - and
fcio'T 1 twent y miles) i
; e :; UheCa " not stand wit!
f- ;evi nc» C^“ 8 ’ | yet U U P ro P«
?till i . Unconquerable &
«‘W°° k ”° opposition. - ■-
ed lbe bin - and
y3 fP?H in peaces
l>‘ •• " t.
Muster Roll of Od: H f 140th P*T.
7 V'' ■’ r 77-
| . ■; , UCSTEEED pUr. r. ■
■■ Ist Idcat. Addison Vance;
' ;2d Liant. Walter M Lawrerice’j'j
■ J Sergeants:
Wra ThorrisburgjjjosMeddy/Rob L
M Galbreath, John G Rohbf
! ' '' ' .Corporals;
>dj John : Purdy, Joseph
'M’Coy,- James Finne
mervUle.Jiio.W Slovens.
Musicians: Jr
iane, Shane.
.lex Fjljtnegan. j, , ,
PriiOfes: ••
ame, jjas, D'Babh, Tlioa
Chapman, Wm G Cow
mn, Jas Dorrian, Jno At
Hall;!, ’Wm B Hall, Eze-
Wra .Kennedy, Robert
n W Death,am, Williarti
elyinj AmFw R Miller,
dies, ■ Satnlj Swearingen,
in, David G[ Scott. ...
lid;. Ormatjd, appointed
Sergeniitsf ", .
Jlds to; V;HC;
3to ■ [do
I • .■’ Corporal; -
Tlioa Miller to Y R C;
Musician; Jno P Bry an to N C S;
|... . | : ( Privates:
James Gambron to N. CS;
Win M Caruthers tb ddoj, i
Jno Criswell to' J -ijdo; {
Jas Crooks to,B;£Uery,CjiPi
3as Hood t>Y H C; j
Jos appointed II
•David Mini ingprj tc| Bat.Cj !
James .M’Cluro u-td T R d
Alex McKi 3 bin tio . "do
[Win A Ramsey to do [
Sam! WB\ era to do V
jasP-Smart‘jto ’ do
Jambs E 36yd :to 53 dP,
Shafer Dev jrb to| ‘ do
Robert Hall to j do .
Franklin Hamilton to do
Thus Hughs to J ,j dp
Sami Keva:i to ' } jdo ’
[Silas Lock 1 art tp , do
Sami ijinsi iger to ; ; do
John Muhoriy to do
Wm Parkinson ! do
Garret Standish [to do
John Snmn; erville to do
Alfred Standish to - do
Franklin Woodrbw to del
Wm Wherby to! ' del ,
John Yollon to'j, . dq
Capt Sami Campbell, on'S
IstLieut J no B IVanco’
Searg’t W n Ewing on
Musician F D Ken to accep
Privates: 1
(■.dainsl, on S C
ton' j
if. [, do
:r Cameron , ■ do
i'arothers to ace
■ t
:;• . •
M’Cready.on S
iillor j
ooro j
■Ra j
; Gibson 'Ho
iCalhoun, Chii
Igan, Geo.Sniia
r f ; ,■■.( v
| Timothy SI
i WnqoAer: A
Hugh' Q A«
Briarly, Sami
an, W,m Cnllii
preen, John
kipl Inman,
■Laughhn, Wj
Martin, Jaa M
Ueo Mc Ship
Top Swearingc
13 Of
II of
, be
Capt Man
LrtlVnr Shi
ohn Nick I
pre ?
. ice;
tr at'
> the
in of
d to
| John . G i!
; Win JJrirni
Win CiSHte
And’w A C
n U S A
. Thomas S
■ Sami W M
Join) IT • ill
Wm)j Pur
Jno A Boh
Kewton W
u colored re
’William Y
Jasper Wl
iff at Spotls
. Joshua K
inn off at: P
, Band Cofl
•: d»eo W Ca
Ulho-S J Fo
Jus M l/ul
, Sami Sinit
Sami Tori'
i the
i the
. ood
our ( j
Je a!
Ift Liejut
C.apt : S : r S
Sorgt Tho
"r of
• '■f '-s Privates'. -
Sicwaut Campbell, of wbun
■ Jas H Beni, .on Belle Inland
Samuel' Ii 1 . Barns, of wou
Wifi Coulin j do
Alex Ewjjng ; ‘ do
Henry Jawing do
Jacob Floogal do
John C Gibb | -■ '• do
Robert Hutchinson, ofdisi
* Henry H Keifer ; do
Gabriel Miller, a,t Flprence
James Miller,, pi disease;
Tbps E ifbbro > ' do
VThpa H -Moore ,j ■ ;do
William tleCreary, of won;
Janius H Slrouse ' V'do
Wm H of. diseas
•David BTlThiteiiill, of woe
:Jas M.c Fhlllipsi - doi
■ Thus F Thorbsburg. do.
1 . . KILLED,
Sergt J MH)'Miiehell, S’pol
Corpj Grear Alexander, Got
Privates * ’ , , .y
John Blaikmojrd, do .
Johnston Berlin' lo .' ■
Ab’ra Fu ikhousbr, near Fvftnviile;
Wm \V HerroDj Spottsjlvs nia;
David Keifer, near Parmvj le; -
Wm Motts, front of Pe .orsburg;
Kobt G Savage, Spottsylvama; v ~ ;
, J as A Ts ggart, Gettysburg
Corp Geo Fox. iat Sppttsylrania;,
"j Privaiesii
W ashinglon iPHenry, at G ottysb’g;
William PurdyJat Spottsylvania; ,
Hezekiab W ijiTapey •,. ip j Y
t hole Oil, City Kailf
i9ad~is prpgtessing finely. jßetweeh
fpnrand,fiye hundred hand? 'arc,, eni
gaged on it, and ja considerable dial
ranee is) already: finished and- ready
l*pr the iron. The road will be finish!
ed from the UnitedStatoswcll to tha
mouth! of jPi thole, a distance six
miles, in. ninety j-days front its com
mencement •:Y [■
i ol
T by
' 80
tions reprei
sank detail
in Bpints a
fraud coni i
la artil'y;
I S; > . ,
Pa Anil;
J U I ' I r
t prom n;
ipt. H S
U D;
ion j (
/hirns to accept pi
bkon or. S O D;
imal, qh S C I); ri
y Ivan fa; , .
Wjhiins, on S (
aicliei-’H run; /i
ee, on S O.D; : .
' do’i' '
<3o;i foo
gbt arm
D; left
‘ter i i
ll ) ' f
lon .1
do' ,
. jp'
e-nco; j do y at;
i -.-i
Austin Miller
i. Kerr^ 5, of woun
N d
ard SliCrouso d
dsj |
u ' .{
j :
nd?; ,
of the; latest amusing fis.
tsents Jenkins, the Phoenix
alter, greatly depressed
it the insignificance of fiis
ared With that of Ketchum.
''i ■: ■ j ■ r 1 ■
‘ 1,-' »
New Brig;
i Music S»c
ter, late Seadi
well fnmiil
where, ho :
friends wit)
lar Sheet
at;.lowest pi
bep’Ot scholars. leaving for. this pur
poft& a neatly-furnished Music Purl or
adjoining bisstore, See bis card in
thiSpsper, l"
Burgess.- —The opposition which
forced Ml S Johns, Esq., to resign, on
account of alleged illegality in bis
election last winter, gained nothing
bat defeat for thjsir-trouble, as will be
seen by the following result -of the
election held last week : .
JI. S. Johns, Rep.,
S. Huhter, Bem.,
Johns* jSajority., " s ,
Stealing Fruit.—T. Jones, a boat
man, in passing the fruit giTrden of
-Mr. 0. Goalb one day. last week, took
tho liberty ito i help, himself to some
grapes,lor if 14ieli bo ivaq soon arraign-;
ed before Burgess Jolms, fined one:
dollar and, costs; upon the payment
of wliich ; ho wb< discharged, remark-;
ing, howpver, before leaving tho office,!'
“That was a d—d , dear bunch / of
grapes.” You’re right, Jones, don’i
take them next time you’re tempted;.
Horse TiueV Caught —Gco. Mer
foril, of Lawrbjtice county, hired a
horse and buggy trOin James Edgar, of
How on Friday 'evening,
August 251ht0 - drive a niilo below
O • |
Beaver. A few hours afterwards Air.
Edgar heard of him "on the ioad to
New. Castle, and believing lie intend
ed to drive off with his hOrse and bug
gy,' Ire, in coinpanyi ,with Detective
Taylor, 'formerly of the Provost Mar
shal’s office, gave chase, and succeeded
in arresting him near Sharon, in Mer
cer county, concealed in’a Coal bank,
anil recovering his property. Mei
ford is-now in jail awaiting .trial. It
is said this is not his fast offence, and
that his fatfacr-TS a respectable farmer
of Lawrence county./ " ;
, JKS“‘A'iPeligio isgjorival is now going
on in _£he Cleveland jail; Prayer
meetings are hold daily, and all lire
prisoners, the maiderer Hughey “in
cluded, have signed the temperance
pledge.'. A,young lady superintends,
the work. !
Public Examinations.
' The .following appointments are'
made byilhejjntfcrsigncd foy OXami
nation of a pp! founts for teaching Com
mon Schools in Beaver county, viz;
Chippewa i Aug, 31, McKinley’s S.._ II
Trcedom do . Scpt_l, Freedom -_ do
Ohio ' do dp -6, Fairview - dp
Greene do : do 6 r l|P6kstown,- do,"
, “Hanover do . do ■
Paccoon. -do "8, Smith’s "do
Industry"? " do— t do 9, Industry do|
Brighton"■ do ;do 14,"Bakin's do!
Moon do do 15,. Davis’ ' do
Patterson do . do 18, O.- Brighton do
NewSewic'y do do- 19, Boggs’ do
Bcodomy do do 20, Baden do
Hopewell do do 21, N. ScottsviUpdo, .
Independ’cc do . do 22, Harden Hun do
Pulaski do I do 28, Kettlcwood’a do
Franklin do do 29, Furnace • do ,
N. Sewickly do do 30, Warnock's do |
Examinations will, commence at 9
o’clock, a. m. - " Teachers are requested
,to apply for . examination in the dis
, itricts whore they expect toi teach, ex ,
jfcept thoaft-of Big Beaver arid Marion,
whq will apply at the most convenient
place. No private examinations, ex
cept in case of sickness or necessary
absence from-home,at.the time of hold r:
off at
of at
iiig public examination,.and then.only
at the written request of Schtfijl'Dircc-'
tors Parents, School Directors and
Clergymen are. requested to be present
at our examinations i-
i ‘ ,J. 1. REED, Co. Sup't.
Darlington, Pa., Aug. 11, ’65.
August 14th,‘1865. by the Uevf’J.
W. Witherspoon, in tlboß. R. Station,
at, Economy, Benjamin Feuoht, M.,
D., of the Harmony Society, to Mis?
Rebecca Ott, of Economy, Ph.
August 20lh, 18Q5; by tho same, at
the residence of the bride’s father,
Mr. William of Allegheny
county, to Miss Eliza(.Jane Bailt,: of
Shottstown, Pa.: t ( ,i: ,
"August, 31st, by the same, at thp
residence of; the bride f s father,’ John
Nevin, Esq ,| Mr; James M. Wallace
to Miss 1 Mary J.l Kevin, l dll of Beaver
county, Pa. - ■ /4 'S
August 27th, 1865, by Rev. J. Mur
raj’.J, A. Stiles tolf iss Kate Martin,
both of Rochester, Pa..
By tho same, August 3|st, Robert
Brown to Miss Susan Watt, both; of
Rochester; Pa.
-August 17,th', at the house of-JVE.
McDonald, Esq ’ by Rev. W. G. Tay
lor, Mr. Washington- Wallace - to
Miss Theresa McDonald, all of Boa
yer 00. ,j ...
_ , MED:
August 16th, in Hopewell township,
Beaver county, Mr. James Smith, Sr.,
in the 65thr’year of his age. :
'n- " Notice .
Tp Stockholders of the Phillipsburg and
\ ■ Rochester Steam Ferry ‘Co. v
Stockholders., of the above company
atthe office ofChas.B. Hurst,'
Rochester, Pa., on Saicbdat, A00tr8T26,’66, ?
at' 2 o’clock, p. m. business of great im
portance will oomebofore the meeting, - every
stockholder- is earnestly" requested to be pres*
ent,-' By order of the Board. ' .
; CHAS. B. HUBSX.Sfc y.
Rochester, Aug. 16, ’O5. . ! : a
,vj Ar*
sat. and
<ply his
if popn
io toaoli
,ed nunii
I J -
Quarterly Statement .of Th 6 Na
tional Bank *>f BeaverrCpunty-;
New Bbiouton; July 3d, 1865.
J , ASSETS. - _• ‘‘
Loans, and dlicotttits'*.... 9108,247 86
U.B. Bonds and Securities. ~»■??•*. 159,000 00
.Furniture anil Office fixtures?....... ,’j .1,96$ 95
Expenses and taxes.... 1,076 80
Due by bank 5............ - •••••■• 17.WV68
C0in.....\2,666 08
Legal Tender * other bank notes- 88,440 N
'■ •' ■ ”• ’■ $870,877 62
1 UABiume.
*145,187 50 ; j
National circulation...--.. 78,240 00
Circulation B’k Bearer Co. ■. 2.66.00
Contingent fund.... 4,000,00 <
Dividends unpaid 1*723 12 | '
Dep05it0r5.........™.... • 1861,8t7 20 |
Discount,exchange & Int’st 6,144 80
Win immediately,xjdierel wilhont'pain, ;sn
disturbances of the periodic discharge, wheth
cr »rumg from relaxation or suppression.—
They actlite a charm in removing the pains
.that accompany diffienlt or immoderate men*
strnation, andare the only, safe and reliable
remedy for I-Ushes, Siokßoadachc,: Paihs in
the Loins, BacV and Si lesj Palpitation of the
lleart, Nerrona Tremors, Hysterica, Spawn?,,;
Broken' Slcep. and other unpleasant and dan
gcrons. effects! of an unnatural coi*tion of,
jthe eexnaJ functions. In the worst odaes of
; Fluor Alius,or Whites,they effect speedy cure, i
Sr. Cheeseman’s Female Fills)
Hayc been iifled over a qpabtbb of a fcfcnto-J
R J* offered astheonly safe means
jf renewing interrupted Jin englruation; but I
must bear in midd that there is one
condition of thb female system in which the I
PlUs cannot jbe taken without prodnoing a
■ peculiar result. f The condition referredl to is I
pregnaney--~‘ih a nittarriage. Such Is!
the' iriesistible tendency of; the medicine to
restore the sexual functions to a normklcon
print the. above-named periodicals, but; as the in any other. War
host of printing has doubled, the price of pa- TV* n i wwii
per nearly trebled, and taxes, duties, licenses, . CuC6S6lttllll S , F 61H&16 Pills
etc.,-largely increased, they ore compelled to , y® ■ , ■&. tiiat- ruirritd and.sinyle
advance their; 1 terms as follows: ; ladies have relied upon for many years,’or can
■ ( T’lnPTvrS TPOBIRRS rely upon now:
i xiltillo Pills form the’ Finest Preparation ever put for-
For any-one bf the Review's— ...;t<..,,.. $4,00 wofd, with immediate and■-pertietent tuceett.
Tor any'two of the Reviews !7,00 DON'T BE DECEIVED, f Take this adfertise-
Eer any three of the Reviews 10,00 ment to your Druggist, niid,tell him that you
{For all four of the Review 5............ 12,00 IMn< ,c Female 'Medicine
for Blackwood’s, Magazine—.;..;''..,;;..;. : 4,00 f^ e T which iscomprised iu ; \ ..
For Blackwood and 0n C Review.„. ........ 7,(k> Dr, Cheeseman’s •Female Pills!!
;For Blackwood and any two Reviews.... 10.00. 'They haqc received, ahdiarc now receiving
iFpr Braekwqod and three -Review5.......15.00 l ing-thc sanction of the niosf. eminent Physi<S3ns
|For Blackwood and the four'Bevioivs..,'. 15,00 in America.- i -i . - ; / >
! The trill be printed on a greatly improv- ] Explicit ; directions with each Bbx—tie
ed quality of paper, and while' nearly all- price, Onß Dollar per.ihox, containing from
,American Periodicals are either advanced ,ip GO to-60 pills. -i V‘7 ; i 1 ■ )“'.
; price or reduced in sire—and very j Pills, sent by remitting
both—tea siiall continue to giye faithfulicopies Uio price to, the Proprietors,; or any aulhori
oi all the matters contained in the original /zed Agent, in current funds. Sold byP'hntg- 1
editions.! Hence, ogrprssent prices will jhc'mels yenenitfy., • i r !. |: ‘ :
found as cheap, for the amount of matter for- ■ ' HUDC II ENGS &HI LI.I ER, Proprietors, \
nished, as those of any of the competing per- j . I 81 Cedar istrect, Ne|w York. - '
iodicals in this country. , , 1 Wholesale and Retail by Dr. S.
: Compared with the cost of the originals ed- Smith, Bridgewater; Drl Marquis and J. H.
iliohs, whiph at the present, preminm on gold tinimen, llochcslcr; John'Moore, Beaver, and
would bp about $lOO a year, Hfiyi all Drubgisls at New. Brighton. ‘rubv23:l v
are exceedingly low. Ad4,tQthiathe fact-ihae’'{ - . L iiv,,. ,T
we make oUr annual payitibnt,B to the Di-itrili' 1
Publishersjorsaflysheets and :: , J ”
Otlehrs\ posting us at this time (JamllßcSl *. ■ - ’ ' ; ;•
nearly »2j50 in currency—and wotrnatlthat ■' FT" j ■
In the sea|e we have adopted we shall,be cn- j‘r • r ' | : 1 ji’
: $870,877 6$
i I certify that theaboTe statement is true and
correct according to the best of my knowledge
and beliefs { Edwaed Hoore, Cash’r.
t Affirmed and subscribed before me, this 3d'
d*j.of July, A.jl). 1865. _ .1: ; i
KU RENO, Asa'l AmV.
• _ r
1: rIZ -
The London Quarterly RetLeil
iTna Edisbcuou Review (Whig.) ; - t
The 'VKsnilNaTEuiUEtfiEW (Radical.)
North Bninsn Review (Free-Church.)
''S' AND
Blackwood’s , Edinkdbou Magazine (Tory
lircly justified by our subscribers and the
reading public. 1
The interest of these to Amcri'
can readers is rather increased than dimin
ished by the articles they contain on our'Cta
il War, end though sometimes tinged i with
prejudice! they may still, considering; their
great abijility and the different'stand-points
from which they are written,: bo read ahet
studied with advantage by the people oflhij
country, of every creed and party,
A few copies of the above remain on band,
and will be sold at $5 for' the whole four, or
$2 for any one.
Wo also publish tho , V
Uy Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, and -the
|late J. I*. Norton, of Tale College. Sl vols.
Royal Octavo, 1000'pages and numefeua En
gravings. .j ' , ' ■ •
PRICE'S! for the two volumes—by-Mail,
post, paid, $B. , . j . .
LEONARD SCOLT &. -CO., Publishers,
JVo. S 8 Walker Street, Mew . Yor^:.
ao pmo street;
' f >1- (West of Federal,) r
THE Proprietors .of this Es&bUshmon
have been-engaged for a number of yearn
in the most extensive establishments in this
country, in the cities of NewTork and J‘hila
delphia, where ail the improved appliances and
apparatua are employed. Being also in pos
session of the very latest discoveries and me
thods of European Dyers,- they dye and. finish
Ladies’ Silk,. Satin, and Merino Dresses inf a
superior style In many cases, these articles
are made in color and finish, very nearly equal
in appearance to new Goods. . . f
Vf9-.AU Goods returned. in Uco‘ weeks .
■i, 18(551 "
WA Lt, PA P KR, ■ i" —pi
, HANGING LINE; arc now offered to the
Trade, and buyers’ generally, at the lowest
prices possible. B©”Gall and see at, -
No. ,107 Market it. beturccn Liberty and Fifth tl*.,
marl’CS JOS. R. HUGHES & 880. ■
Planing jVlill,
81. AC K& S I1:01/ES'
Cor. Penn & Marbury Streets , 1.
Flooring; Weatherboardihg, Slash,
Doors , Fra m es , Bra chefs d-Mouldifig
Always on hand or made to orddij. £myl7:ly
rpilE subscriber has ro-oponod his office in
I Darlington, Beaver county,; Pa. 1 Diving
had over three yearsVexperienco in tho jlcdi
cal and Surgical Department of ithe D. States
Arnjy, flatters himself that he can render fell
satisfaction in either Medical or Surgical
practice, to-all who favor him with a Call.—
Xo my former patrohs, and othe'rs, I,'again
tender my professional serViceal J_
Spccial attention will be given to all "eases
of operative! surgery.' 'I . I - -
/ 4 ! W. C. SHUBLOCK, M.Dr,
jDetetSurgeomeist f. Vi V., 9lh] A. C._
IVeiVv Marble^Works!
■ \ { [ 'l).■Irons, -I
Trf Subscriber announces to the publio 1
fhat he is prepared to furnish toieusto
metsall kind of work in his line from a PLAIN
American and Italian Marbla
on hand, and all kinds ofplain ias well
a% Ornamental work done in' a satisfactory
wuier. D. IKONS.
Market »t, I door north T. Allison’s et ore.
| .= : : rural ’O4
BOSS BROTHER, & Go's. Extra Chemioal
writing Fluid, tie best in the world at the
Bridgewater Drug Store. . Try itandhpcou
Tinted. Manufactured by the American Ink
Company '. !■ j.
(This preparation is unequalled as.a Rejnvc
nator and Restorer Of wasted or inert func
tions- ' I ' , .. . ,|i '•
The nged should bp certain tbmakcjthe Bio
krent a household ]gbd, (inasmuch as jit .will
render them youthful in feeling land in
Strength, and ettable then! tbjlivb 'ovpij fcgain
the days of their pristine joy. | Itnotonly ox- 4
hilarates but'strengthens, and'is really ah in
valuable blessing, .especially to: those".jwho
have been reduced it'q a condition of servility;
self abuse, misfortune,' or ordinary sickness:
No rijatter whav the cause of. the impoljehcy of
any human. organ,, this- superb preparation:
-will remove the effect at once and forever! j_|
■; - BloKrene -
Cures Impotcncy, General Debility, Nervous
Incapacity, Dyspepsia, Depression, Losslpf
Appetite, Low Spirits, WcaEnehskof ifh.e Or
gone of Generation, Imbecility, : Mcu(nl Indo-
Jence, Emaciation, Ennui: It bus a most de
yighfful, desirable and novel effect, Upon thej ner
vons system; and all who are in'jahy way Iproa-i
trated by nervens disabilities:, are e'arncstty
advised to , seek.’ a cure in thisjmost excellent
■and upfequalled preparation.='. . , ! 1 ; | 1
Persons who; by imprudonce.havcjost their
natural: vigors ’will find a speedy andi perma
nent cure in the j , t j , . ■ '
. - •. |
: The Feeble, "the Languid, the Dispaicing.tfae
Old should give this valuable discovery a trial; j
lit wilLne found lolally.different from all other;
articlcsjbp the Saine purposes.
1 TO FjEilALES:—This preparation, is inval-!
nablo in-nervous weakness , of all kinds, as it
will restbre the wasted strcng£h :willi wonder
ful porStancneb. f ; ' .1
• It lajAlso a grand tonic, and will give relief
to i>yspcpsfa W.i-h tbe first dose. A brief per
sistciioo in its use, will renovate/he stomhteh
t§ a decree of perfect health and banish Dys
pepsiiifforeyer. r .. ;) • , j i i : - •
OnejibUar per Bottle, or six botllcs for $5,
Sold by Druggist generally. j | V j .
Sent by express anywhere,! by addressing
HUTCHINGS & UILLTER, Proprietors, :
Csnan Stuxet, NewTobk: , i
i ggySold' at Marquis’ Drug]store,! Roches-!
ter, one" door | below Post Offijos, and whole
sale tint} set ail by Dr Bridgewater,
Deafer county 1 . ■ " r -, 1 ] [nov23:ly
iron SAI-JS:
A; LOT fronting on. THIRD. STREET, one
' hundred and fifty feet by three! hundred
to an alley. I,'.' :.'- 1 . 1 s'j
, S®_For particulars apply to A i "],
CsIPT. JOHN MAY, Beaver,] or
augSO’Co | : 40 Congress st., Pittsburg. -
XTrURELBR’S Patent. Water Drawers;
YV "TExtra Chain for do I •• do
- do Buckets for do, -do
Weights and Iron Wheels; .
Dry lumber ;of all kinds;
Flooring,. .Siding; Shingles; and Lath con-j
'slantly kept oh hand. '. 1 , ]'
Building timber sawed to order without
! delay.. -7 JAS..&H. DABRAGH,
, aug3o'oS:Cl •" ■,/ Sharon Mills.
*. ..!■■■ V 4.: . . I ■‘‘ ■ ,
LETTERS of jadmiiiistrsttoa on the- estate
of JpHx B. P. Ibwis, late of'Mariei
ta, Ohio, deceased; ; having been’ issu
ed tothe all . indebted
are.required to make-immdiate payment^.and
those having, claims' will present them, rrop4
erly authenticated for .settlement. ; !
■ t BUZA A.NN IRWIN,-Adia’is.; ; : '-j
. Aug23’ss. ■ ? ''..J- Industry. I
I OFFER for ealo the house and lotinthe
borough 6f Beaver Jnsrhiflh I now rnride,sit>
uoted on North- weatcorner of the Diamond;
I have refitted i the houao in good, order and
built a good (stable; a good cistera.on the lotj
The bouse contains five rooms,and is :Conve~-
niently arranged’ for a small ;fhmilj|.,- jl’osspsj
eion [given imme<J«t ? iy> J if required. {;.
Augl6,V6S. N J. M COR^IICK
‘ ■ !
; . ,i
j 1
' iß^OßA^S^tgAiiiri
;; -p^-riF■;l xi/vR--
. :; (• Jatmrf jlj JB(&.' . : •--•:■.
. C«Btt W'Jttßk'jiS j #^^l^ ; .iiiU^26s,6Bl■, SC
l)Dit?<lSiaica 6t oc|: «sfcso
Rcal;eda<«, unm«rotor*M..~~...~ *v,ftsC:6"
8 M4;4ltf 00
*mp», CO
Mortgage bonds* irity kudcounty „. 736*415 „0p
Idiotic »: ins. Co NT- Script ; 23, 4)0 00
f ji0ui.,.....:. 3,800,430 93
• *.}••• ••■* •'/* * .-f.!- ''' '• 4 • -1 ■•■•'(■ 1. {•
’■-s’.- - •
'll'- '
\-i ' ...
■ --
Losjea urudjartcft ami not t 123,( »7 22
: j NET, r $3,6Tr,362 71. '
?P. A. ALBXARDEB, Vraati ■ 1
L. J. HESPEB, Stt’y, ; "• -..'i
t . \> i' j Roch*
Manufacturers’ ftl .Merchants’
Office: 87 Water st., Bagaley's building
J, i; BBBIIBTT. President, •
V l .: J. W. CHALPANT, Viee Pres’t.
: . W ii. P; Joins, Sec’y. ,j-" j '
Insures Against Loss by Tire
Inturm ’ Steamboat* Cargott, ■j: j..
Aijdon property In transit against thcpcrils
l;1 ■i; of naTigatidn.J • :j|
j J) hectors.-plamcs I. fiemjetl, JacbbL-
Sclurarli, Robert Lee, I. C. Pershing, sj.i W-
Wktson, L. K.-MoAboy, A.jß.j’W. Punier,'J:
\V. Clialfant.Jsaish Dickey, Wm.' Walker, B
0. John Wilson, Henry A. Weaycr
: Basks, taken ■ on the most liberal terms, by
. ' CUAS. B. i HtfRST, Agent,
rrySl'te 1 c : sjoebester,; Pja; ,
sit isiN-w.a.-sr
■ii p.
i.most pcrfccl-Piano.; Fort
122 WOOD St., PIT
. EgiiSolcAgcnta for Stelhi
j'sterri Pennsylvania! j
' C;IIAS; B HURST- ly . '
tanker 'and Broker,
eal Estate, Stocks, Government
Bonds. and other Securities.
i Conveyancer & General Agent.
I .IHE subscriber .having opened an office at’
>!■ Rocliesler,'(ih the room lately occupied
V : F. A. Fortune): respect fully solicitsithepa
■qnage of hisfriends and' the public In gen
■al. , ■ 1 , i , ■ ,
I Particular attention given to the adjustment
E Officers’'accounts,/and all claims arising'
ut of i.lieiprcscnt war, such as
'irntions, Pat rate,' Arrears of 'Pap,
-"j Prize Money, £c., Ac. )■-.
! Deeds drawn upland acknowledged..
Fife risks ; token -in first class Insurance
impanics. ■. 1 i'' 1 '• • .i! ; j.' ■
Revenue hta'mps always bn hand. j| i
Refers lo John A. Cauehey, Jos. Plummer,
tm. H. Smith & Co., Pittsburg. :
'Rochester, Mayill’fifi j. ; .j. ’ .
Quarterly Mirror jot. Fashions,
JWitk Great Improvement*, ’and Addition*, ’
f, obMPßisiNarns ] ?‘
Ntw French; Waist, an Elegant Sleeve,.and a
■’(. Misses Sack" and a Sheet of NpW )' •'
. j•• , - and Beautiful ! ,i
-. Together with nearly 100 Engravings of -
. j|< -aU' the noveltilss for n’ 1 .
Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings.
; Children's Dresses, Ac;,
Mid; valuable information lo Milliners /Drops
Makers,-Mothers, and Ladies (generally, pre
tentiug;, the largest and bcst v Faßhiou ;Maga
line in’ the World, published4T3 Broadway,’
N, V., and gold everywhere at 25 cents, or
sent by mail, .post free, on receipt of’t
iniatamps or silver.' 'Tear $l,OO with the fol
lowing valuable premium. | I i . I.
-Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to a
receipt for the selection of 60 eents worth of
.plain patterns, .from- (her designs in the! book,
lopfrora the show room, or they may be or
deredftnd sent by mail: any time during the
year, by paying postage.|-
; lndncements to Canvassers. -
* ' ■ - f , j ; . -•- j i\ \
Parlor Organs
'! '‘ ? ■" ' 1 ;■ ;■ "i/• ;
i ' AfiD
1 , 5■ iv ’ i!. '
; BSr*ESTABLISIfEMS 1530.-®#.
TinilE oldest an! most popular instiSSaSSta
i! V oiVthe kind in this country. ..-nf
."TV | “Ti ■
I'* ' r , .j ’ | • •
[; ! ■) : F6r Sale only at
_! 1 . V- ■1 ! ■ j " 1 ' ,jV ,■ " S
•( ... , |
■s ' ’ i . j ’ !
122 Wood st., Pittsburg, •
'jsSy Sole Agents for Ciurhaxt's Par
ians for Western Penn’a. j . mylO’
who intend planting .. jj ■
i Orchards, j Gardens, or Vineyards,
Aire invited to examine our NursßriesatEdgo
wioirth Station j on the P.Ft.,,W. & C.’;R. R.,j
ijjmiles west of Pittsburg, or,send for n Cal
alogud,before ordcringfromirresponSible'tree
•pedlars'.- :Ouij stock is very superior, ofilarge,
stout, -heavy Trees, and the varieties arewar*"
ranted •correct to name. 1 [Parties Trßsiding ini
the; same district, by, joining and coming-in
the Nora erica, or sending their orders hymait,'
can.have each, lot put up {separate and named,
plainly, and charged at the rates pet; hun
dred, and’delivered in Pittsbnrg or Allegheny
tree of charge. ■ . - . I - 1
i ; - v .-v- Ti L. SHIELDS * CO., 5 ;
' »ngO.. ' . gcwiokly, Allegheny ’
;;; notice ‘-:J |'^-
1 0 Stockholder* of the Smith’s Ferry
slid Little Beaver Petroleum 60. -
SUBSCRIBERS tolhe Capital Stock of the
C 5! above Company will please call at! tbe bL
fice of the Company ■ aid receive their oertifi
•chte*. :- Jr CHAS. B. HURST* V '
: ' Baetou «nd Boartdoi. pkiuiki*; I ''-'- -
ftom Ztaerp Rtej, a *vn4ni<mm l*v<ir»(it Sf’OiL: : ' ■ t ’■
• r ' 9 m L ... ”M* '■ •;
jfpn-lmrA* nerer ref oae mfiSlM vftlii
(MnnlSMiM wil Mttm(nitofl^ndlooi( : -
Sravama, V!as3a», JPoatelMtOlr , -i.
*H nflf» WWf fora Bn I»MTO»,tW!9:, ,i f
i tAAmj tnUaany ia tlml ,oa p^CUkcftl.,-jn(v <
dktoUtfcto<H>oorSAi»»PAßiuu. •i#.
tor.igpd tw,M.n l ~HT. ;•
cyfe/And Mr^rpn*,*wajwtewm-MAl^to
«nr» util wgtrigayonrßJlMiriUntJ J.7<lirim
been weß lor some swntlw.” ■ ■.V,v‘-if'! .•;' i
JVockJlfr». WtS#* ,V f
tslttilUdladSQ/DfnntoUlf. SCJf^T. _ 1
: “■Mr to»ghv»lM» ttfiloml for « ,«tr{«uc wtih a
mAiWi cTiiptk>D,irtiieb;ia»TtT7!tnnii|rKttc. 1
Katun? afforded »ny nJlef : ire tfUdjrpg i | ;
KKnicnjnpfletdjf ental ficT.” ,
>W*i C»or6!i P. P<^ f K/7 j i
Gaffe^JtotrnV'fCo^mwufUetvnrtaf tmrniiUt* * . '
*. JfllWdj y• /f. ■ ,Vv ■■ '; :'i -
.■L W for Mini ran i wjr Inwtpiw.
. Ttemar hi nrtr ftwr/wfifeh jw concUoUrwoterf
enti] if dfafhrurwi nr faUcrcs nod kaMVfll iotW- .
*nbls itflkslon. rwdEiw»iiiw.lllif>iiii|n
cmildaTbotli advice and medicine, bql iltCfcNt «Ojr, <
relief whatever, rnitM 1 took jmir BXiiMApilatXlKJ ;
ItlicmwllalrTy node my face wqnw,aiy*C Mil «B»
* .■** r»»M
cfeta.ccgai to. ftma muter tM BicMMCb kb ,
tinned ntflor.ltoiiaciniMttMWlb^*> v j.
and I ata without Cl 7 fyinpimwv af tv ChiatW IWir
1 koow of. 1 pnftet beakh, and without a, '
ZtTtipelM—Qeiicrml iim '■ ' . ■■' i
i| {' Blood. I.' . V;,. , !
u Pit. Ater. t seldom fkfl to tmvrcßnSttdj*:: :
and ScrQfblou* Sorts by tlm perssraffeg fsvofyoor' ,
8 AiWAPAHriaLA. and I have Art sow atfmftaw attprfci * i
of Jfotifrnanf Erytiptia* with it« Kq «I^ntfvi«t, ■•
possess .equals row hatt^syp. :
profession ss sreli aSte too people.??
. fYom S, E. Johmton* Watama^OHo,
« For I had the yriHwr BtriaUu ti
on 107 light
celebrated pbrsictaafl 1 ooald raeh« and tool Bn* r
dreds of do(un worth of MoBlchie; :t>i <Wh ( \
were aoiaU -thatrtho cords booaaraTiiiMe, and UM '\ .
doctors deddod tHat my and mast bo aiupu(al«da-lr. I \
began taking ymirS AB?iArARiUaA. Too«tiro bol- ! \ ■,
tlm, and aorae of jrpgHfeer tliaf hnefi • | r
cared tae r ZamnownawoliimdSoundnaaaybodT^;;
Being in a pdbllc ehiws fs knoira to orerr. i.
bodyinthU communitv, ami wboderdT , 1
all/ •• .“-j
JVotti Koru Hcnry ifanro f if. P* vf K€*XOMiis4 n .
Ci TT.% a leading member oftht
■ ment. i ?' ,• ■ . , ■■’ .. i
“I havo used vott^Ba\RsArAXnM«\ * '
for. general; delnlUt/, and for pwrifuwg thei. UdctlJ:
with rcry benefidnl. result« T .ana ‘ foci, ,toi)Sd6&oo Ift'
it to the 1 : ‘V n:;,<
St. Aiitli6ny 4 flk Firc» Bobcs Balt
'* \ SpW Eyes.
. From JTfcrwjr cStc&fcr, p*q:i rte otle tiUtar qf tke ~
Titiikhdnnpfk Jicmocrat t Peivutylmnfa.
u Our ohljr cUild, about tliree years of ago, was '
attacked Tlicy rapidly : ' <
ppmul until iticy fornVfd a loathsome' ana Vmtleht,
sore, WlitciricorCrcd his facc,^and actaallf tmhdqjf.; 1 ’
his eyes; for Bomc dav*. A applied*
nitrate.of pilvcr .nna sot i, ,
apparent:cflhct; ’ For fiflccH’day* Wc“ijiHiWetf > lua r _
hands, lest'with; tlwm lie v
tcring aikl corrupt hi a whole
face. • Having mod every- thn§ clse we jluaT
hope front, wo begun giving ygntr
and applying 1 the iodide or lo yoa
direct. sore began to Krai when wo had: given
tTic first bottle, and
the second. The diild% !faw‘Comel ■ -
out, grovr-again, mui he 1» now_ft» healthy and‘ Ulri
as any other; Xliq whole neighborhood,predicted : , .
.that tlicchildD»ust : V^y.,
- v Syphilis and UeronriaijDisMM.
Fnwn />r. JJirun Shat t Missouri. ■
!f 41 1 find your more
remedy Yor the secondary aypptoms of .
tuid forsyp|illitlc dißen&&uyqcany othemo poise tt. '
The proleeiipu are to you/ Ibr iomo of.Utfl ,r
bcKt nlodidne^wc!L'lVc. ,, ’( " .
. From Ai J. /reneft, M, t>,\ htr rmthent of 5
the Letfsiaiure r..[r : .. .*v ;
-4 “ Dnl Aykr. My deer Sir vljliavo.found yonr
. 'Saiis.vpahilla an excellent remedy fbr’,sjpW/C»i'‘
• bbtU-of secondary tjTK'v awf t?fWk A ‘
tual in aome that wctii too
to oilier remedies, .frdixnot ktvow.Ayhat W.OJiu eni; .
■ ploy with more cerUlnty-dfsd^ccit,*wheni ai triweri' ’ •;
fol alteratlve ia rcqulrwl.’l. ‘ ‘ i. i
‘ Mr. Chat. S. Jim yao-P,hmsHrir t
liail tlrcndAil lifs IcgSfiCausGtl by tlic, nbosser. .
. of mercurial which grew tnore J
, . and more aggravated, for yearn,- hi ywfc of over/ -
remedy or trcfljtmoht that ponld, hg applfc9d> unlU nm. > «
persoveriug übc oi<A>'Ki:’,sa.\iu.AJ > AlVLU\pel;eTP<!'.
him. Few £.
dlatrcsfdng thaii this, nhd it dock ;aevwml dozerr
bottle«.tocare.him,i-j- ■ V.u*v: •\‘ • - *'»
Xed.(k>rrhoeArWhitoB t Pemalo.jweaimcsa?,,
, n±c generally produced by Internal, SerofUlini* tH I
ceraiion, ana aru Yery oftai cured bytlio*
cffect.of tluH B.\ns.u , AKii.n.v. 7 Somc cohcm require, ' *
however, In aid of the Sarsapariu.A, tlio BkUhit
application of loplrcmcdiea.' ~ * ' ! ' ' ■
F>oxa ; the leell-iiiown and xrulcly-rtlcbrfitcd -/>ir.
V Jacob MottW, of CSncinnaii. ■ . ’ j tJ 1 "
** I havefoun<l'vnnr SAiisArARthUA an
alterative in diseases of Slany caaeri pf ■
Irregularity, lnturnaM’lcerHtk>n» and '%/ -
local debility, arising from tlio scrpthlona
havc ylnlded to-Jtl:md v them, are Yiylv that 1 '
when ito'effect ia pitopcrly'aidod by'.lofcil ' r
A Ituly, Uincilltny \ io nllcnr tho pnbfirntion’ i
u jjyl daughter, and* mysoif hate, cured .of'a >.
very acbiiitatuig'l>?ucorrhcca of Btaudiiig, bjr, .*
two iboftles of! Ailsav
- . ; Heart nou^l^a, -
whe i cansed by iiltUe «ysk*tn‘,.‘arc' rapftQy ‘
,'oonit by. this Ext. . o.. 1 'p
- . !■ >, - V:"’' ‘ - -:o --
Uer. - the [world.
. 1 • •i i •
. ,li ■*
way’s Einiios for
j ' [my lU’Oo ,'v.
•- ayer’s
post ess sdrnany advantages d?er-tjie 'ijUier.
purgatives in Jhenmrket, and their superior
virtues arc spuhirefsally kdowh.tfiatweneed
ndtdo more than to nssurethepublie their
quality is maintained equal' to thtrhtst ItdstttP
has peeni ana that they may be de{k>ii(Kd'W >
to do all tliat tliey have ever done. . ‘ ~.
Prepared by J, C.AYER, M. I)*, & Co.,
. LowpU/Masa., and sold by .
BSuSold by J. Moore, .-Beater; Dr. Smith;
Bridgpwater; S. J. Cross, Rochester; Dr. Sat- V
gent, New Brighton; and by dealers every
’.wherei. v ‘ noWii
Wines and Liquors, Wholesale
Groceries ‘■at Retail or by Package. r
PLOUK, GRAIN, 1 -FEED/■ &«,; ;
At Pejlep Angel’s, Bridgswsfoil
- Eggs, andiall kinds : of eonntry
produce taken in exchange, for which
■the highest market price will-be paid.’ In
.connection {with the. Grocery LhjuSr iUtre,
the Bakery and_Coiifec tiobarjt inr still carried ;
on, where, may W found a firet’ elyaasssirt-*
ment of; cakes, canned fruits, -
pickles, Lapiced oysters, &c. rA fineatoefcof
tobacoo and oigarsdf all .finey ‘Waifd^
' -N. |B; : Aj pure article! Of, wpes,
medicinal and sacramental purposes constant
ly oni hand. . ‘j. , ■ -»: r
■Spite not'forget ihdplaW;'Peter Angel’s •
old stand,, Bridge st, Bridgewater [!»ug2!3m
" 1
Itwoqabriated- 1794
THe O dest thd!U.
Over $17,( 00,000 Lpsaea pajd fc
' ) its Orgaijiiationi , ‘ •.»,>!;
: Cnsli Capital and Surplns Jan; IJ'ISCSV 1
Buildinf s, Merchandise and in-’
swede gninetLossorßattage byFire, ;|L’
: S' oa tlle Liberal
Jirich ffleme. pmOingi InnireJ
1 Risks U ten oti tbc nrtjst _liberat t}
, ' CHAa. B.B^X v ; ;t;
15 '
c. i
t TOBACCOMSTf ,• . . .
mOBACCO & -ttlWajs:; ouiiandl— :
JT Clgarja iaanufaolilrea »ixd furniahea t 9 ,
Stailors lowest.prices, [iriy3fiftm7’ |
Ms 'wnriMft‘ ; tos
U EAIRVIEW and vifenijty. ! '
! July loih, 1805-4* 7 . "
*•**?'? ■■ 2
Inland & Fir
v' s