THE' ■ ' r-,ire destroys of it; >. ■ Swift it glidetli. like I ,ft stream—. ’ ■ .Mind you make the best of., it! .Talk -not of jwoes,' “roubles or the rcst of it; If Vc have but brief repose, ■■■ .Lot us make file best mf it. "if vour friend _ inis got a heart, Tbcvd is something'tfnc in him; , tiut away his darker part. Cling to what’s divine in him, Friendship is onr best relief— ; , Make no heartless jest ol it; It wiil brighten every grief, , . If we make the bosfof it. - i ■ 1 ' -s-if' i\ . i IlaThnnefs despiscsMatc; Tislno sago experiment, .. ’• giiupjyi thatkhc wise and great:,. joy'anil merriment; y lin’pk is not its spell refined — ...ilmtejr is not the testlof it, Pat a calm contented mind,.' 1. .. That iv ill in aloe best of it.’ Trusting in thc Po#crnbovC, Which,-sustaining ’all of us I:, one common bond of love, iUndoih*£*ciU of.up, ' iriini«ocver ‘ * Porvvnvs or {'be of it Wo alU \ b If vo innlusjl»s. best M i e ousisi | THE RECORD OP THE DEMO CRATIC PARTY; 1880 -I8G5: ■ . l>]SL'Sl*N' CONVENTIONS. Ah indicated Jby the resolutions qiioi - ;.tuifrom ' tl.'d Philadelphia pi al ibi p) of Uu no Kith, 'l SGI, the maehin cnrlywhichthis scheme "was to jhe tarried oat; was that of convention;!;, .either Stale or National The parly ; therefore.doiiJnfenccfl •' to agitate’ fojr 'conventions.;, 'i’he oxpc'rioncu of t m Scat’a bad shown *how easy’it was nn ' ■ tier , skillfr.V -m a n tjp nta t i op, withsij :h wsUvunents, to carry State after State ire; llu A_national conve n tfon niiglit reconstruct the Union r> frShntherfjf-Kasiafat ptiSibl’d,w.; orja ft ■ rio.s-ofStale conventions pouhi aceoii . plhh the saiua result piecemeal, vd i Ciippjiug. fatally -the tiovernnvont —■its.struggle wi.lh rebellion. The n; ehinery iA the party, therefore, forth with -Ktjt Ip Avork. lpth: Mhl.thg'jl JpClh.was'brOaciie.Plfy iho.Hon. '6V '; jii _\VofJ*!r l > . lov ' t)Cei, i involving of course.a' * „ an S e ip the /political organi lbc |lriump!iant jSfjirtb, so as ctP-i? ;to State rights and ali o, , a centralized dominationwith ami 0 ‘ lor Psios of the day ongrt ftedi as tvfa!' 0 l r "l ulr .V bc further 'Wafced ol * w^ u ,W atrp-ngc thd ; ljbrra.B • &“ .U defer : t A M’ all - r .‘- ei r,'v.-ili hava' .to deters II I ' _j -sl'Tisr • Kf~ • ■ >'; r. 1. where her lot'' be east, and j was constantly ■ put forward that thj• other icindjdf 11 Tim I’m so, and Lplansc.’]’ -A i’l The success of teachers was . -h'er-pocuniary liability must, be, j people might’ bccom/hccuslqtt&d*tp: >t comes, thaiXthat °f Gflqrglj, of Before the, war, no Southern ■man'ertrf ’' . "Aa„• n ' n . A'i I flu,! j-sr. her for'a Shaie of tlio Federal ori| t a V d . no f ori ,, roco g A*U ( on - j^l. o not * in a ufakinlr and '"Sf f\?'* t!^^ lf : lon w-itiil which, the;party eble- 'Should accept the fpramdndi ■qthd So SoKond tfomS Jp cesttie abandonment of Vi ashing : : . - ’. . T , ri,e fM, Convention, as ; the wti. ; s ,°} s £annot oonio back uol;ess u-n . prosperous Condttioiv i tie: ind leaving- it the monument of 1 bvated the v i.h of „„': bti} n c for a ” «P«*nutiJi»Uonftl condition} j enco and] observation of every day was once, the Capital |)f a'grcat ■ orator of the day, Mr. Charjcs Ingor» Jkm Woa . Tho vhrypropbLl tore-i ' vh,lc -/ l e /^''- on 'Dikis,. sayaV.'-will not! convince'tpo nfofe that thefo Iflhould'be blic, be it; so. I wonld iather aeotj soil, made the proposed Co./’cnMon | f fiolUct p 0(1 t of .th.b gr&t quar.-*™.® i!£! iunl p S3 have his oiV j Closer discrimination exercised in re>' ,un than f hat it is no* >• w | tbo Bnb Jocl of his the arbitrament ofloleo^ontioninHr^rX.- n ° Vl'° 7°™} . tr *H l -Vard to th*no the ro |jff W- fh, , c ro [their, as-:and popped off the head of the cr", , ” Jf* T k arrcsfeJ a\|ne:ul of(bis, a member of,, ent pans of county, _sp tfat-teach. is wanting is an unimatingand- 1 ib England— in’- sJiotMyefyi^ktiSHpr^T ovco(l » af i 9°. n - g - rcB:i * rOl P Missouri, for saymgyin ora'may 'procure them bcfocMtbc ddri. | spin't of local loyally/ It; tfics. ” ;^ rr F” thaiLjneola wjjs ter/Sc:booh > open. The, mllanlagcsf that or.c man'can supply that; measure/at sonuTiengtli. as a - j t,) a'v-Jenj. Davis. 11c was' 0 j professional aroi'tirvAh* nd ftlis diet. t late' Uohytfnt io'u. t ho .cher- j rfS J/ Lkulw nVn'o ho^ f ~ow -fpwraV Vn taiichf words* 'of/earr.est ■ mutation wSuid beldiWwud by 'dtmycntions F . .. .‘•'“'cat'O. Lei th\ riumons of the -Ad- P" onl in visuingtnc scnoois tangtit •n, of eoSl gy;-find; an throughout Stated Wc I tsh^hWBehcmesriJ !< ministration object. if they dare,” |by lljpSo wbodmve read-wjorjejs on the iitguiftt people,that should u popiiionj to olK^^* a V f‘' . : ' 'Lotjl :l thcra - ~\?'. 1 Ingersoll. of Phila., madd I speech, ifc/. .It is_ quest,onablck at Ibis /day. Mpi ste|r, and { tl/0~/l ending D e mocjaUs ’ >J GC^l H lO, fro|. the Pbilr.dcl-, . !ortdd in ifidl j n the- XV. Mcr, n whether/any teacher shoMi bo dm. of Tic party bad ‘ been’ f the - lup ;yicld {o r . O mao in -^phthyll>p ■sfr'.Zfed lome^world [Jn toacb„ snl'cessji'n caifyihg tbc'S’liple iuvteci.t.o it on-.ft-sirail.ii occasion. Hu lisbijl g a ' parallel.Ytitb tbo; Eovolution the people of;thc gallantjp'tfo-; " [* o,aai '^ 9 ' l bo,l S h somewhat obscure, j and ( }eorgo Washington.■; | : \i pic nobly libWly i ’ ' MR iJ3 f; whi •i n • a r svp •Til ford 1 J^j i depressed 1 amT irritated by the lissal of McClellan. ,1/fird Lyons’ ial'dispatfcji fltalos; ■», several Qf t’he leaders of the Uic llarfy with hoth before and after .hive arrival he intelligence dt Rchoral MbClbl di>' 'issr™ The Wbjept upodi;- 13 ...... pj:. itr.ih Llioirhninds wli: 1 o t,l>o3T .wore iking to mo was naturally that ot |ign. mediation between the North j- IJIO Soufb, . Many C( cot '~ T ■' ■'■= '■ JsoHilo l i -I s - ': f • T UijgjSj f i l , 1 ;’ .. : i •• 1 ■ '' V ■' ' L ( -' u ‘' “S- ■'* ' , ■_- ■ ■ ; . ' .. f ■': T J ' iT I, ■*" .'’ ' ■ sgf.hoiyW oM ii u <•■■). ;< ■'■ , i■- : j - V ■■' ,l ’" '• j ~ —' '■< ' lr I " ■' l . 1 :-- ■■ "• I‘"■ "‘ ■'•’ i '; -' • ■' i • ■■■..' • <35, ;iro^&aiTuU r y Bni'gcstive. ' ‘•X|le path desire- to pursue to tafeb inc out of tho'miseries and; op pressions/upprif- us is obo which! the Constitution ''proscribes-—a popular Convention —2srtinnal, 5f it cun he, if noj. National,‘§l St^te-Convention. { But I took upon'd)Co)\'i:}!ntwiy(is (in ctUlpioi as'a nleans; /or, its' a infiiks] it; is-too ' \y o shall' bJcCtllo 1 death before a'Convection can be nisttfuted.' ; Still, xdtimnte resultl Sdh'h konventtbns cmaiYatirig ironi’ and dU Kk-lly representing tliujY c c»£jo ,Piv mi 1d 1 ... i; TU^y - ! ’W'<*u^d fee as tiro Convention that made the Constitution.:■ Thcy'utQulfi chamj.'.mod-. ify r abrogate.';- r .1 .. , ! ••Hon.'VT.’W.gjjoyce, 'OJ'RfcAUV Oar l -' olinn, in a loltor lo Jefferson Davis. ISG4, sanjs ■ . | ••," ■ , J , ' 1 1- I think our (only hope of . 11. satis factory peace, pno consistent \vitli the preservation of; free institutions,'.is in the supremacy jot this-(the Democrat id) party, at sotne iimd or oilier. Oar policy;* therefore,;is\to give this parti all' th,e: capital •ve. cuni Yon should, ihercfmej at once, in \my opiriion, give Aims : party all t a e-encouragement pos~, sihlo, by declaring your tviliuigncss to lan armistice apd a Convention of all the States, in (heir sove,reigji, capaci ty, to enter uppn the subjeelTof peace: •‘lt the proposed cone vocation of the| States in unconstitu tional. To ' this I reply, we ' can a meiid the Constitution. It may Jtc furthor objected that to meet the Northern States in convention is to abandon oni-jircsent form of gPycrr.- nient. ] jßul, thi? no more fotlbws than'; that tligir. meeting, us implies an a bandofniuerit of their form of govern rner.t. j A Congrcssof the tlietr sovereign) capacity 1 is tfis 'highest .tephcns.;,was suspected of be ing weak in the kneds, and,, bn Nov. 14,1804, when' a frank exposition of . bis views could no .longer injure the prospects of McClellan, ho eom'inuni •catccl, to the press a, letter, dated (Nov. 5, 1864, in which ho gave, his ■reasons for desiring, flip Convention, as proposed at Chicago: • A pargntph in this rerbackablo document shows in the clearest light lhc results expected, North and South, - from, the co-opera tion of the States Eights Democracy with rebellion; and the -fear flit abyss “There is no prospect of such prop ositrpn .(“a Convention; of ’ the Stales') being tendered, unless, ..McClellan should bo elected. Ho cannot, be elect; without” carrying a ■ sufficient nnraber of the Arhich, U,u'nit6d with J,those of the Confederacy; would: make a majority of tl.e .States. In such * Convention., then; so formed;, have,wo not strong reasons td hope and expoet -thatraxosolu ho passdd dcryingtho pow er of tho Government, uhdhr ttJo corp pact. of to codred a Chicago platform ,virtually already.- Would notfsuchajeoh vena tion probably f eaffirrii the Kentucky and Virginia of' 1708 and 1799? >'Arp these not hjropg reasons, at to; iudixce• aSj to. hope and-her, Hove that -tlroy . might? t If oven that; ■ con!dbedoncy- H-WOUld ond Übe’tvar. It a £ :Hj- p: fantfafhptf-’ taVpHhcjptoHpf the hltSmato sovereignty'.of the sevora^Htatoe.-: This fully ; covers H»rr fully as'd leror; wish . ito see it coveted'. •'* I •'•noj -frfs-yjijr/..; '.:■/?■ .y\:.i • ■■-■■ .; ■':'''- , ' v.- ; Vu ‘[ (■■ j ; - a\ • - t I3eay©r, peptpmber G, 1865- ■■ ' ! / • • A ■' r - f •‘ f & ; •. .• :'■ * . i acknoislcd-imbnt -of the principles of iHtatc Rights . j i ' Mr. 'S' ) which we escaped by the ro-clection Mr. Lincoln'. . . ! “Thor (tho ih'ayo lately as sol ’d,id und. vile a'iyran added to. their cdllOetiqrthe Bible of!» s oyer .proposed .tho-degradation, Sfary Washington, thi mother of a r o r ;l '', ruco - uuid \vi certain slaveholder' named r6o n,K r l r l “ , fon ’ a(, 'i Livingston, y.'hf. made himself mbtqrious some dmlyi.cmoraeo the doctrine of sccessi years back in a "tittle rebellion which al jf;4°? a* 1 c **? doctrine,without t wiis got up ini this ebujiUry. Mary's i etc tro.y:n tof ,\y i iusli’ Bijfdo was-vcr\* .'properly Istolen from 1 t,on ® cannot permanent y live.’ .'l’ll- th Arlington ar.d'carried'4o No\v Hngr-i • r i.n .e Ijegimring, thi» i .... ..... v ,;H •/. ixiiit}, lor if piic had rpad;|t >r. -tiro spir- i racy!invited SQe'e'ssiqh/and; t6‘ the crld, | visUnj . Were made ■it of 'tjic ;CrtligLtene.d-' Wljoso. H-; ft^encouraged- Vcbcllion withi i pVirtpa- at *VV aveiago of. about each. * htl 'k : iiltHnatc^6«ss. , |lj i ?' 'Sifoolf.wero . visiteiH.oncW; & ;go fije tmmo^jpurnal.of] li)cc.i i,_.*§3 A iri cofflrne’Hting -p*» ,Gcn;! MoigSrvafls count .of s the| battle of Lookout Mron n tfilii,' ob«eryc&—. /• • I ’’ ''jl ‘‘ft ; \Vas shining—tins ‘of 1 the. Tennessee i'rr.ountains-poh other I contrasts. It shines,' as Geiipral Meigs j is, awarefw tlie great Jplcdr at Wash- i ington, and his. truculent War Minis ter —and it shines, too, oii the stern,! iitton'iiated aiid resolved; rohej at- Uichtrioml, whoip General Meigs, of: alt men iii'.the worlds \vs;ild he most 1 sorly td chcouiiter,j 'and i who, when ‘ the. riair,*©"ojf . Alelgs t a‘n ! d!;; ! oihers are j mentioned,'toast thrill .sadly on this.i world’s ingr;llstudc.” : 1 ! ■]■ . , j 1 j j . i /, J This, 'comparison of! the - national j with tlie' robd authorities,ito.the dis-! 'advantage of the former, | has been a| favorite with tlie pcpiderapjv Thus j the same journal, th’o iljrii.;'ol Fob. 0, j 1801, inquires: . j./. j•• ' ] j ] “is it any worso|to firo| at our flag | than it is to fire into-mur Constitution? . . 1 ; And nolwAvc take upon 1 our selves toisay, that while the rebels,dat Hunger, fired at the} flag, Mr. Lincoln, in his sphere, has fired into the Con .KtiliUion; and has litcriillyintlompted its destruction'. • If the 'rebels, for fir- ' ;■ ) intj atjth'o flag, deserve to-bo,dovasta tod by w|ar, what punishment should' bo visited upon tho,President for fir . . Upon tDOj i: _ ing Into tho:Constitution V\ "And Whi. B. Re,ed; in a letter to the Hon. Hi I". Chambers.,:of Alii., pirbj- Iwhed in 7, ISQ4,''draws apicinio nf the .time when, iin. case Mr. Lincoln-should be re-elected, ' | -“Loo and Beauregard’, Johnson'and] Longstreot, Breckinridge I and - Ewell! and'Early are filled, or captured, oi*| fled to\ho gone, like the unfortunate but gallant Jacobites, like Berwick .and Sarsfleld, into foreign Service,” while "'the! work of cbnquest o t even, subjugation, if that”‘ba» the 1 wretched" '"d.”'' ated tin retctiv. worn,' Is entinstcc -to, the unsaturated Molochs to whom three years bloody, fruitless war-; fare Bavo 1 "i. So the Journal pf Jan, 20, 18(>3, commences an olab orate article devoted to the praises of Jefferson Davis, as follows: ; ■ • annual message of Jef ferson’ “f)avis ’ t6\tbe‘Cpnfcdbrafp Con gress and Abraham tincdlh’s'laßt mes sage to} the’ United, States Congress, pitoyoke a Comparison guitp damaging to 'the intellectual capacity of t|ie J?od- j oral President”.; } : iAt'the great ratification meeting of the Chicago nominationS. -held-in Phil, adelphia Sept. 17*, lS64‘,\tho Hon- fim prson in which Wsaid, as .officially; reported- in the Aye, ... -pj.-- ' is ’.not do Stajt ; o..there is hot it' man witli'ah fipfi haifrLincol n. ’, ; £L ! and;'bheera,] They think the .unlawful despotism 1 df Jeffersdn Davis is 1 ’no ’more,' uhcohSf i .tplional-and dSng’cYons trafy 1 'Usurpations of Abrahan? tn'hv Annual ; Rfiporfc of the CommDU houscswtlro; (burned- -bj| iaccident;.4 . Sehxjqjs ,-af .Beaver Oounty •■ 1 schools worq suspended dn‘account of !i: •fo?f-the' Sohoolyear end- ’I ! sickness jotl 'teachers or! pupils, add -iu 1 " cipff rJutlc ldt, 1865: , > ! the others had ,boou closed befotoi I j :V i : v doould reach thorn, i EV J. I. REUD, Cqt’jTfTTJtjrERINTENDENT. i _ . ■ | , i- ■ ■ ,| ' ! , ' —— j I | .Tqacdiqra could not bo procuredat t ’’iV v cir 1 Hoifscs.— Only ■were 'bnlit, i the regular tiiuo|. for opening the and these worc’in Independence Disi. : Schools, slndr those pi ihji-same. dis trict. Tiio.y are largcunJ co^rpodipus,trict, opened at being built aud'fnrmsiied afleimod ste-j ro'quirOd inoro;tinio;f*nd found in the Pennsy!vaofa’Seijiopi Xr-' niy yisits than usual. direetprs' cbitcthire. ’■ Partial ■_ : arrangements ‘ a " d parents’ froqtiohtlv . apepinphnied were made % building some others, ; w^> i^cofclial but liho ot {labor,';!nid ’,i:hc > *Stop,tio\l teachers-.{and high pi ice of bi mbor/causod Uiom to ; and tlm 'solicitatiqnd to pelbrn again Xo (iXcrrcd’lbVtlie prosbnt.; - 4werC' : ;vory' .freaupjiUyWaoheiw ‘ (?riL,'lids.'—The grounds pP- 7-j frequent yisUs sebdol di-;, bouses are suitably improved by f in- [ h n( | paicnts; but p|io war and .ccs anti shade irooin Eighty r ave suf- 1 the absorbing Interests ,o|f onr cOun flcioiX gradiulsj.biit are >vulio ;it inclo- j detracted much from i|ic L intorest sure's and lmvb»nn shade trees, | Ibrnieriy; .takpii, : by. parbhts in- ; tlfj) yberoitbey wercfiocatdd i-rstbc wools) ’ j . - V - lb inti 1 bd have ' insufficient: grounds, gh'ades and Inti j,, ! t; '• as formerly; jjublic exanib | ; Ttioso, intrusted with tW ideation of nations, and 40 tlfio school houses' have given tpd (.much written of directors, oxamih - ' ' ” - tf > l; 1 -v-- fitieriUan; to thd-selctbion of a central fo£i2fwn r| raiheiv;Umn a healthjr. aW pleasant ktiiatioji. goirio of t£io hp^s? es have b )bn built aw’ayfiom :Jrepub lic road, and bayo to, convoiiioucd ql and the, ground selected fy-jiot i nbw ,fit ■dan bo Improved to equal the demands >of tbo school.', ; ■ r ;i . I I believe the- condition,of the'schqql bouses and; school grounds, is !a pretty good index to the appreciation of pdx uc|tit»nal;advantagcB;by jthn p|jbqplo|—- yipwing it in we cannot but ,cotcludo, the state of i educational ■ |n> terest amoni; us is, rather ddfoeUvb; fj '. l .. *• c ' ,1 ** ■* ’ ' furniture ja— r'xitu.lo of the liouaes recently builti. is |generally,suebaa,the healtb,;qomi|ort j anilf eonvonioncc of the papilirequiro; 1 but! in oi'of-the older houses the fur? I is insufficient; and in 36it is •positively injurious to the health of jt bo pupils. ' ■ - '■'■■■ \.\ , of tho schoola woro supplied with apparatus, sijpco thy report,: Wpi are. entirely without apparatus, except Black'rboards,- dkhagtQphiedlj Cards: attil Outline:Maps.: f xj . ; - 1 TboiJniou SchoOU in. fitigb*- ion,: Rochester, Bridgewater i Falislou and, Freedom, are particular ly, in need of additional apparatus. , Treachers.— Doiiog.'the winter, tom 164 teacher®wore employed, of whom 71 wore males; and" 9- females.' £ho av erago' ago' 1 jof J hii ’ was' 33 ThiViy-eiiht.haA'noprevious-exptefi!-! riohhVf64 hdd; taught than |>nd year; i 3 Schools and” ibO. profes'Sc'd-to fihyo' road .ydjrks! on tfei’Tbi&ry =MB <■ - i . ■*,' ■■ , f ! JEstal>lislieci 3LS|IB- I V. j k e liavd adopted Prof-iWiidWoTshara’s “Sehppl Economy” and vitothods of. tii Teaching”'as our. text book 4on the ■I theory of teaching... -J 'r[h : ! h'; j’P 'i , Our hopes for the tnumjpiarvt B«c>i cess of the Common Schoel Systenv jlio in : the professional'reaping and ! training of the iaachcrai | tU' 1 pd privately,. .85 received’ al certificates; .2 professional 'and 33 were rejected.’. The ayera[go .grade p; s . xno aventgy all. the certificates issued iwas Tlicrb were '74school doctors .and pi.any pai’onts-*vjt tho'^examinations.— ! ie‘]pnviitVi|s4mtDati6i]B weye. hold than I d.esir’ed or was convenient; but j goo d tcacbers were very! | scarbo, and j did not ihtdhd! Ip at ; the time of our public examinations,, •w.ero afterwards urgedAotalcp schools and consented. Hereafter wo expect w have vpry ; few 'private - iionsl. After jafe closed, jwlll be'm^de fop lb clast Saturday of sclojimf’ and the Union' School build ;Hhg in'Uoaveiv .V"■ I , 'l* .• District i^tituigs.— ThdSo wore suc ? ' conducted in abjjut ond-balf of the districts.' , They \vero sustained by'curliest and most successful teach ■ertj- and I dm assured thif idtich good was where Hbey vvefo: pfopbrly conducted;. *: p'-V 1, ‘' ‘; j; was hcldjdu-: bpli|day ! s at 'pSTowißrij^i^m-^- 1 jiJloatp7pi members.werepfespht^and 1 die,-interest and* feeing [. manifested were of the most oncourocin" cnarac =rz\-. •:& in'iuu t,Ku t0r.,., Wo; endeavored to make this a practical . institute—one . that would meet, the ar.d demands "ofthe 'teachers ipj the schppl rppm. ' ." quiesced fin the, ppimphj that it i^sia one of the most ;ppqsdntlhud^prpfitai hie institutes over hold in j the r pointy. 1 v r The citizens of. the place gave a free entertainment tc the members of the ;* 1 • '•/'.> • 'if '.’jr . .1 • / . institute during their |i stay ot four days'. - 1 . : '-"' : : i|’ '' ' : - "17 m , ? • . * * i * * ’ NOTICE TO wftfoftlS ;■* i .■■;»>Br = 7rT l -.; ;t jGw!g'l>i3# v I- Adrertisomeata. inaerltdal _ Iterate otwU pc? ■Bquan%—; j!»eb 1 subaeqaliit fiaiwraj}» SO cents. A liberal i discount ntado yearljp , ativcrtisers^aadWloegradTßrtie'cfflelils.. i. ’ 1 ®P!f Jf ‘JP? O aeasurcjJ as.a.squaiiv ~..,[ . -, h Special notices 25 percent. to reg _■ alar rales. _ JJ .■ •t . ..• ■ _- i ; /. .'aptJf I-- I i cafils^.Jp; .Uwti 3reax ■ rmet and oilier Notices of a publiciiaUirc, free. ■ - Morale JjViirueliaru—Tho . Scriptures tvero read daily • inoalt' ttc bchoola.— .Many 6t them. were bpcjrVgd or, and teachers-pf.jtnose 1 schools' reported to mg' this, excellopl'influepebon tbc older:; aiid c.ondu,dt,o.f i U^e,hoo^ J >!S.he tcachr | ers generallyAgara /riibrail instrnctiod ? orally to lhojrjsp.ild,--n-if ■*} ' * 1 Educational >' 4^eAdiW.-^Oar i - ! B’hipn Schools" liave;;done- a go'od work; in i prcpdtlngtcachijrs/tUid wo.'have' How, •in twrt institutions at ilio county apst ,'Ffof. Taylor’s ■ Fe- Seminary an# iikS‘^Se^t’dr ih'htaro a fib rd ip g vantages!© those \vho.-wisjj ,to • , dor teaching...•>* . ' - And last .-bain}hot’ leUbJtfe tato'iiniV ppospoCtthc esiabl ish nib n £ of' A* 2Vor-V ntallScJtoQl in this blon ‘mafcPo ■the necessary fimdsV ; I 'thW iis ;ah iivdispe'nsutile requ'iMte'^for-^Ti'ti^ * tetttsfteraalWrori'gli ihfff.pild I hope tot) chiff pid?: B-rfiHHid’’ 1 pukhal Ib.i*wardvb3' tli’e; > fri6ti : ds-4)f gdiuW cffieieirt 'tb : fiifcCessfdl 1 :»inatioo.- » ' Concludinglthndrlis —-In'taking ,ii < rctrospebt ! of ike labors of tlio Isisc year, I do iiot toddci very nitteh; progress!.- 'lf-jcld : me to sby that. we'iiave.heia phf ioiSbf - mcr ground, I w.ilfnot The heavy draft/ made on •ourdfnalW leathers ! byfthe army, ami-■'other javo- r ' - cations that' offered nf or b. d' *•<■ live salaries ~Uran teach ins are the. principal causey, ..The furiiver. wiis y o!/ ■' .he expectea ftoiu.young'TOeribduca-". tod cd.-w 'til _ jkjiu spmt ,of patriotjs'ny an'd* the love'pf'/iiberty.j. It'Yaaq the i,f;of6Beion thati9o i'nany' .t*afehei!« •nobiy volunteered to go fdrtb fti :foneo of-'tbolryb'iVntry. - for should jibt have ihcccssurify j'rhpoi ded ;our Wo pbquhi- not . lof .' *o bib drawn away after^otberpui^dit^ • merely/ because they 1 pay betlolt Wc • 1 »• • ‘Ai* ‘-ia *“ a'i >ifLi •*'> •’r'", •i • * > o ; ; ! shoilla' 'always be ’wilting 'to.njihte teaching' aVrcrauncratiye 'as Jany / . or jastandh'b.horivblo occup;atioh..fT!io . ■ special aUcnilon of • , ■ is ca!lqd| to this matter,! op.,'UVat tvfci/e, t am laboring to raise the standard y jflie, Ij?**; fnoftinjg an y oara ‘or _ nqt in '. P°F 6oht,'' • • "B©.“Doctor,”, said i man 1 to : 2A'e'rr notby, “my idamgbter ;b’M a fife; and; continued for' half an wnbsa or knowledge!**' ; tbe doctor, ‘‘novepi'mind - tbto/'lhktiy: ■ ipooplocouluino 8Q all-' ii’ta/* ‘‘ J ‘ : ,|©-A tiir Ipf jlypan Edwaida, -pin, stuck in>hcr. thrt>at« auhiß : ,16 bplioyod vbor n c pk; wilt ( bay 1 ai i o> ;he* opened ; to oxtricateilv 1 SboosuflWre and is anablo to tpcak lcaii. ■' l ke&u'iif al' 6a 11>| On hoanrigpChis,’ a ! bsC6^£ili>fJ wi cS e(|jy , bb&i^od^tha^'it/Waa^iip 1 nfioqipmon thing for pOOtile’a oVea lo' opened J. ‘"»f I ” '■£» • « ' : . •*: •j; *l* I? •.»- 'hL, •', j* vi„*'fVJ t\ , .*< JJ, " .’ ,ljy matrimony, '•'. - ovPryiyear wp would rpotptit I one Vico a jipHld eooner feet mec|;j '’f' i’” ' < ' v * f T* 1113 Ov \ it, » i .>. i w BSI