The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 23, 1865, Image 1

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    ■ '“,'Whwstjn^
* Oilt': a in) ■
OUAV 4 RU' ls^
. \ .f ; -ifr , -!''u* i ' 1 YJ'jftl;' ! «W?si
•;.V «as witl/
': simitbe former; ißdito,-, (!
d Fp-'rtyir^w
.fat l* f ariaSGifen# , ‘ A 8
‘ ■ gjid'i'wftamfefi
;.i is,'i?X'fnig»l bf«rdi;.'r ;Vt
■ ’! ‘"".' ,7 „ < ■..•-f!>j"j.-j"s-i jj'ti'lhivr.-i^
- =i Of the
lie boreTiim'MwaßV
, ’ "Tn drc'smoke otui twi roar in
.. ~ -
' -i ksioVr UaliiMl.*- ipdsl tiwigfcd
-| \Lf nitil
-t:" friM l» ftrmeV^yiho^jr^^.J.
iri ,: "'■ |"'i ■ '. ' i t.
' -lie fell in ifeWtlc— *.
’ -it Thoiifdst yrarfdilJd
s pk6:thC''tratbV vbnte’isr it be. •
L xiiujigl l il l enil core. :
A 3 , f.TOT«T,!' 'xo "
*i-j'loVfelt iiCTr.w.ijJ'b foe,
‘ . rnjiblJing foVnng heVorei : •
Oli soyiiofthat’ ■'
■ Tl,e ur.ifiirm wore!”
’ >•! cjcmot tdl.‘'.9fsd.tjie aged iaan fv ,;
r have remarked tcforeJ
TjijVi uis \ritli 'GMntMi-in'iUipois; V.'n
* Some the'wat? v ' ~|
ifl vv
Then Ilip fir& ; sp'(vlc£ liinlJikrarnlTro
licsi »ith lifcfist.fijUgdff. fjrj
Tli.if agciH*! nll tKftfhjkd ;\tp.tked foi-.ft
■jonif-iiiree war. |
g.'.’gr— 1 . .
1 w — —]~r* —
THE RECOIU> OP_ THE.DEMO-' dafifch’Wfonj
.1:. ; ::it a « $ onr>«wnpbordei^;i.u
.si:i ; ;:ssio>:”ANt> : bfetw'efiA ! tjiel^<lr«fS
• .• •• '►»! -I wnomphaT^rhterct
1 The W uii has jifo dmt-hii
pd into history.' jlad. it provei iin r j thtis’ iviltyaf 'eier : ioi
1 Micct'.Hsfui, ibe. Ipoiiticjvl party ; which 1-wi'Cn t 6f’i arms , find 'b<
haj-MiCregeeaSeci ,u> ,,
•rcsa andtoubstrluct its plogrcss 'yopld' • hu 6*l 7
have t-beirricd aiid' Hb the,re? j .••
ward of ppHticabßagdcU-JVlhfi rap.p- J f*? u bd bold .pPOOgJi to, defohd soee»sinn
adcw»t.' of.Dtni nations! mffiiirs! a
'a Ihtfecpdsfnl'
j ™r v ‘Wp® WS^ps&jwli
>. to yvfive ;\W. destyuetibii WJd.bdj? W .|B.slpitaß-,ayeyo,liL'
; gswpUwn;ROv»npatfi()tiei 17; l,:i •• 'j'-"*
j . VUiViWrr and fhb : Democracy 'vhibh^ : ;pft?
ihurjfoy? d its Isiilhleftfricfcs* l tf&b * '?!?. ®*rt?
■■ great- '••principles on, .which dV-'/vfpa|®!9JsB^i-,'f^^®»^P^'M l iCTPt|--*!';-.:Fv dv&i.
fuiimii'jl. is jinw.lycc.kir.ff ;'to obliterate j -cS.fiP coptine pd,-andintorapot
-the dining record of Us <mbr«fcico &X* r f hw *‘V*° : -'
,1. >: J P*ft Slavery. hat
U (.o.tiofi of UoO. . •; iap.-ltsrt£rplt pioduccdjis. natural effects^
■ l,ar a fey'mohlbs, indeed, after tjie, * Sellf-prosor (ration is tlle.-firet
|ali o? Suraler;,,ibe indignant energy 7]a'v ; pfvnatrtfi3,- ipjplippbeen,implanted ;
'ctHfiiv peoplersuppressed open nani- *” |y bis Creatorfor i
Wai'loniiof factions opposition. Sidee I S,^ 051 «,ndmpoli.tjp^
i , ~ ■ ‘J , ' «niOi). horyover frauglit-wilh.blesfiintrß
,hft of "‘N ™ b6h ih .° *?• 1 and .beplcttts'.iPpVhcrfr^
Fassmution of ifr.. Lincoln,, tbV epntijpi]e. neccssaiy eqnficquonv.
boprliissness of the cause ..of: slavery { c v c '; phi -
and .‘state rightsdias stillod oil. Jigmn- i P‘*P» P M«»..t9-
■lion lias : .|foreop thoso j Pp/iop;jf l , . v...'.'
jiiij late Ts'irato|>>; jjl,h | -lAiidlPlijougli be^'.. ijeoicd .the const!--
-fcarifnpfi-.yynoßj. tntiuhal night of seccßsioo, ho told tbpi
ry will) vet more' nauseonl -ptarao'-ip! S«wih , , , ..‘\v'h't6fi;-at tale. 1 '
These scaiuy prnoß'.of palVihial^'are-ldnjr^ili'oi.prcjm
now. appealed o" vil .(tU
.oxsy tnay. ’H pv'fl'n- «nort yfar^jsamelfltfviHo dsktbhid ilCdrtirtrn-'Statwl
; JorgetAie wtficMioi riej>«xile(iv’ ! - 1 1 opjjojrtuniiy’-of embarrassingi dhe| ’’“Ffikthat'- oyq'ti't] 4 - ; thfij
(Joycpmcnt thl'Rb; ' fij'.’st nnefl'iil’r^dacd'ftil'svntl *
Jadlioa jadring tbe-gibonw iierio(i-when tVdnnT incatis todlitadl rcdross,:
i: 1
pleasant 4 ' tn ~cfloet tljabVp&Wd edvtor.n
Tartr n-brrS iki e‘-I i- i u tr-* -rl-ropent tpiyon bbat;tbc , 'Sdmintsy
Tardy, n hnd, bad for i dearly half -.d trntion:' of,;Mr.,. -Bac ia thd moat,
eetitary controlled tlid'destinies. of.tlip;uboroog)>lylid«ntifie(l'[ withi-sttrpi I lticUi
Crtan ‘ry, has, played so blase and trea-': plo« . of- any; (ibat,lino
waafilu'a part in'.-Uhl'bonr ! 'of perilV 4o^)^ » nd . 1 am! to.
thc to th " v'-
all'meniorics of so disgraceful and - bin- 1 , flV**
n fact. 1 It- is ' implant; J fe
in tboPature we shmiM ?? f"-'
■to be trasted andpvUo to l» : .
i>o be shunned .W.lpVobleW tol by dth- 1
R ?lvcd wiibin the next ten' y|ars W 1 •T I ’^?^. C " '' ad *? ,ited t 0
_ 0 ni o r 0 manfdnd to bo con-l" doctnhc pns acccptcd
,Wcd tp ijhoso Tvbo bavo proved thlmw “^ppn,iinu
■ • Bslyo ?,focrcanl aliko td rcpnblicanisbi ' y. P ro . I V ul ? atc j l and during^
T l l ' 4 ltmay ;‘ r
re nf Ue amiss ■to throw together; V
■ presor^tioiir^conS
. a few of'the ln n nV^%^?%I o gi,^ d f
tbo great'Dctno- thc : ,n^ t •^ om ? lie i ,lt «d truetod l>om-
has tbrou dlh 1 9QK^ iia -' P^ oed lh °
• l^. be f:ibe coasisteut anxLSfiili W’f^ 9 : <lf .^dependence
, '% bf Ibe Rotelflob;' lS9 "^°4T 1 r C I ; - : ■
**®6*Bi6h, declarejl ibnf h- :i rVTo must arpuse ouysolves f nnd ra
tonsil uiS" ■ hat v 'ktbl slayoUolder,
that it Rt • 1 Und ', > va f- ,^&^r.-A^/^nd;' ) Upbf to‘o«r' 4 Cpp- ;
cd n .? >^ 08 ? d byory measure adopt--slltutiod ps Wiippro.‘ec| bispyopCrJty
. pi, lbe nat >on lb carry on tlio r waf .spolfatiop bigot-,
_ apeppion of .the habeas ■ cormii n o a- persecution, o?j ,els| we- mnst
!cti piion cmaneinaiirm 1 .piour CoipiiiiAipn,. andl'^nionV
tender Eyentsf plaeipg , the Ihprnativo
thitirr iri ;. ; y - ahd , f axa t'pn7T6yery‘.' plainlyjbefOTe übr-doo vV,tltatjivnas unipn j
■ft>rinnatn* ilet ' ; , t0 | ' Tllich ow« ‘t^«lf
itrii result of bur, unexampled orlelso cxfinclion of ?lay t e prop
; • "S?Ici;; : . ' j . . Vi ,r er i^>iWgrp,freedom, Pf tbe
- a the sm-Th ■"•■ ! ‘l.*’■••■ - 0S r bharchy,Ta'nd.,cOnfußiiin, (
.. . ttH s was xkmptrd to;be- * Vfo boar it said, .Lqf South
-1 Q c, ED ?-:. '>./'■ , ■; Caffjtlda;gd oUt^’ H&ftntim.-faaw*.
%no»oH Y^S'badthat, bad theSoat# b1 ?-.^■o5,? a yf-? e ‘i,^.« r R?ab«aWy;i{-abo
.'•'.lhS-.JI lhnt *‘B revolt A h Wj South;, parp,
-w v r ? B 'eted bv an -..nw; r* vtr ,j I vlina.pepaiyKNipUTi of.the tTnion
?" n «d-North Uii t^ d,and irrepresmblei pqi;ffici‘■'ab.ont l ;6ji^
"“otho fi 'i > ld i r , -i. 'i
I_p BRr ; rehe|lion.J :l4 >nd|*oioj»J^>ai
•f* I-;- '‘:;?-'! T -i'4^-
rmss Si
■‘TA* JuX
. _
fiofi.rtf JtfifeSrsawn iH^tioFß|
s l jiiii®ii
smmisf% f :^
i '•.. ' .- .j. J •- ’-J ij .»VD,»|
jrdj wpmaaaif.
■. Ifr'S
Ifet'tei|_ to'SfflfeHftn early* tis
i*‘d *>)4«fi|^!«ff!fnaiftW»y??t wwijjßi
*S®f ifj bis,
tb6 Ijwjl »il*
SbWffir ■ haVoUdtff %t
Uon : rßspdfc't'Uieif 1
poliUcbl: l arid ' tnpSd' "Wh oil
•raye: - t
J>af '-thdtl ! ' WliIoH? famitlfcSl ‘pilasron Sit
, . .M>« ;
„ Jittrts.’. 1 ) wtUtouli* bracftlimib 'xYSfß’q'ue#- 1
M h tidn of rfghffUof A^dtraWpo'vfe^Voiel"
,*0 ’ceod, tfiid ai'ib’-;
!9S#? -ill disrhtftidWpf thfel: tTtfi«>Ti "cari'OC’e'tti*'
&J*\l *riihoi«f r Wo&arb^^^
?:!;■! n»'d«ttl9«^f f i N6rtlit}rn' 1 4
-• t-lwrf diwealnWiiy’mijtst c'ttt^e,l'bp^figH)tr
f «!.!«
74 ;1 J
jr a*Vj k
■ biJffi
! -if«i
■. ♦» ■ v
: <to^
p/ '
t >* k-m
■.! •
■.#' *v JW- ;.■-, .;*; t; ..■ J■ . ••, i | * . , .'.■■■ 4 1 < ,
ii'.v ’ f»*
I J&l&dti'Snd
i - 'w'ijl Hjcf WjthTrt
ibuV bv? ii^e t r b'ctif 4 1
*%'d(‘ .citizens 'td'j
<f. 77>ds?. J isft'o S&rj
tsiit\cfibnit dbtigri- '
s nfah-'thiiflTbkrq:?'
oupittio'n moMTi'-at
• iv;; .fifryt
4bet speaker
oyWnofleqUentevcr.ts aB.a„jwanal c*r. itoE Democratic portk -Bfia«9^bhirofc
Si •|MT^!f? c f,i ,n . &s?■ wmm'rw*#
iflWSiffc twpixi
s ‘‘ttf'-lkw' ’1 a V.V‘-ita mil' *2f ftHWi.-P' 1 ’i'; i.!-;;Xii't nint'.f ifil S:n!>a«fritm
■j!s 4 mt 0 at,
* u
substantial interest* ypl"jbe' bient ettppbrtl r -U
Sbirth l^ bspeciallytei; alaVehblding ' ir»t jdbr‘ jshdyrbbbbry; p|tf If * Wbri : wWe
rteiest,;.wero rdHdA<mu drawn into 8«M Wkiii£ii> vr* :
*kek>|i.’? J( ! On! the. btherlband,, ili©'Ab|
!oI jti on is ts; ‘»cou f itc d phjan r.eaey iri»-- ®o.w States;
,;umph‘.throiigh = pf;
I • rn t \ this '.>eliance;iwere.Vwliefn- tooh:’ jJaft ifnifjf Ifr b£H' thb
•**^9**? 'hdwy'swto ' ?i del
»Otliftu>»»,; >Toic6riß|t op iheir<)wrtM K.. ' •. : t r i^* ;
IH4igp^pn.pgpi) i .^o^eyji I .i^t J °f tedividdal; Stitef,- apa : of;
jbTrtjiruth'ijppeld : u's to' lifintj, ip; those lof: the' people;;baUlbatead bf
tiro ’pt 'tftasSn/'th'e ibaintnlhfiig
; Gon 6 h^e'
; ( S. on,the ddthiof January} 1861, f ftisp ' 9 #
ofPhiladbifphfa; k ? e J
of.dangers Whenever
tiona! ; ,flaa i^Eite„Stt iti ; a&r: St** P er :**:
WPS brdinanbc^oti-' a ; ■,the, S^Woaj.
sPc^.o^and,;Bbistn g * hen ”f
had;no fyordof.iproition for South, raen a principle of
ern.freisop,:it,in:thbJserios of-Omo.* mC " t .*“'
lutionp adppted3bey: | aeclared.tßeirl^’ t - refused.
■•• ‘-tsr.kW, l . ... J they asserted that., too', ofenf corner
party;faith_toibfl..tliatMthei citizens of • - . * .'.V-• *
shall bo oast; wliethoi- licitj^p^orthj Ba,d tbat
and.|lasi-whose prepip- fblcbn from , ‘ft&fr
itatcd r tiiiB . nfls^fjf!• ttyrawith., potism planted oiKin 'thb
on* brfetbawr of am. and' yet
. imngrmfeetaa-owtiomfli . ( - I ’-. i11.-,
fbircbd ) hotbed pcofiopity; nourish- n S“ tB °‘ oHf*en«v,tin4"Wdoc^a,tbitlib
cd'Sndlnvitedtt.’' y' l y, _ V ; c Pii?^,Uf o n. , ; I jSf' ’^.idespotlsm^
, . So', too, tEdWard ‘logpwoipij; ahhsld-1 wby-dpthey (joiotly to : the ppi
dt;es^ ‘tb tbe‘'o<^|9bra.tif»; Cli Kr P?' fcsss^n? ''’,sfey Bdy;Stp|Q .that by. mili-
Pt bhiiiolphia,', jjiin|p'!fs| lar y forco » anil byifranjis. snperindne-.
1863,i wlipn fioe: was
Pennsylvanian .’’*•* I ..~ '. .j:
i .-‘‘Unlrf, tVie’ : spirit of disahioriahd ticaily deprived of tbq’ crective.fran
hatVodi which'- is is"put i chisCj and ponscqaently’ that the peo
do wb in op;r midst,f goWrnWent, !,ave no more-freedom than tlfb Bbb- ;
a iV,,t.ii‘lJBpnion.spiyiflp o ti.§j»atbf p™*”'; ; v..;; ; ... \;
don't 'trddblo yoursfelvcs’ abopV* -lliei, Icodofs .of : the J)erhp*
Sbhtherh Confcddracy 1 ; take tl»e IkfamVpratio p’artjtiftnd lbo-4ditbrs of Bomo^
j-'M fi i. papprs .hclibv^>t.ic !i they' t«U.
I lilipiu pcotipatlpn onongniat/ homb "’ '1 V ' ' ' *
some lijiic.-l^iooma-v,..W)ien> Uio VPed.. , •? 6 P ®?P-S* 1:lt aro -- WQ i to ; t,linfc ?*'
era.) jjp-j, e ,^l the : hv? ,’
the tyranny, of iwiueb-. ; thby ;complain?
I brif.'t-Sb' ins'lifxt'‘ t)f' haiV<fd -I, Hrid : ! Hen Arc -ihcif. livps^o l vhTdablc t’O thl!\m
c l o3rV y/Ti n f' on ® Cti °" o f ot V' tfiViiV'^rc
I country, that section-mseJy nnn natural- : c .,, ~ .f; % ~, 1
I l am&MmmH&ii&i 41
, turf in resistance , ,i r W$ JX9
>j-( ,. j : ,..T-r- 1 ;. ,„ dnFrrDcmoeirhtib motamp.orariea-Would'
■ ißblitioajl Daitioa.: 1; *i"Vs ; , hy' ,! t£mr:
:: any: 0 Anwn ■•
.prtififttni-bf-tbptoattfblHilftr-ik'dßb^iSl'’ 9^'^.^^^^
hVo' ! af least fwWi 1 biib* ; « ardod - ** lbo groatest:-hypocrites-pc
'suslaining tbW men-Whij Ih/vve cbqtroli B^tesfe;.cowardsIjvuig... Gur
o§,tiie govwnment, a'n.d^^ltbo-olher^-bp«t -^ST a -9f th? xeyolation took up,arms
posing them. Tbemeasares adbptcd| ttSft - ,r^ t their government'to resist aft
by.those in power are usually assail* l un j¥* ta *': u POn; “tea,: and paper,.and
ed by iho; opposing ubd i thp ! P9'h te colpts;’ I '. .J)uj, th e Democracy.
pdojlde' range themselves: oh one or the ° f onr W y. ield their nocks quietly
other ferde,"in accordance withi their' tP v*° y° b despo|tism,‘and go pn
notions of what is tighf and for the' tr * in «‘ to mako money and live coin.;
phbl'ip good j This, is What mav be" if nothing bad happened,
called,the norribeonditii pf parties, lt - De, . HoCrac y; can swallow despotism
which will universally bOifoand toex- &o .'® aa^y f a dd-snbi.q{t.jtO!tbe otter dp.
Wt unless undue irifltiencai Wfiadoj^ ructi(>n of th< ? ot freemen for
use of to docejive -the- |pepplo !,or ; noariy..fiye *o/i«re./a thereiantf-ute
preiioni a faifi expression of,i.their!/ P,i -PWty? ■:' •• !■•
views. ; i i . I ; ; ■ Pnq.,^of-,;, the .southern-refugees Iqv■>
■lh a Vepu blic : ambit 1 ooStnd mcr- Ca P a i recently.declared that,ho pro-
to hav ? i the Republican! pari
pOfipW^y‘pr.Q^ingl'sVP this country, becanlso the '
great devotion U itiiieir’intcrfesis and] are'qraitors and cowards. s’- 5 ’-
'welfare, th P moo of th* gonthß) 'be.
of- tHbit' tights; ‘ aind'iJlriid^nfacH r it 'is thpy jwould .contemf vigor,- ■
a'thticb easier .matter to-asssii thnn itheir; rights and' freedom;,
'defend Ihd acti '.of. .ftlUcai deadierui ut •*«*..risked
; those who want ofßces generally av an . 4: Iwt.l all, they.-fouqd
nodnee' those w«d hold them iaW IRemoofatio , were s
Wins of ; iWo poob[e's. r tighW 1 aAdf&ee-. *>#:(>£ ««r whereyW;:
of ;»t.w*B.-.p s a^ B aj,i j9 turn it tdraef:.-
[jatp: Wdb 'bitterness. : c ? ao 1 i.h that .way. *' :' - : ~i -.i'.,
. :In. tfaisi/cgnblry,!• sineo! Iho'iphrty ii -R pPSatblo .that ,W»eti
:wliich no’w bbMHheWein?oWgqver l h- : and bodeluddd by,-
hment [came irith. poiyer.jßlpgsßaye iporAPgSi of-load's, who by thoit’
W- either. Tgreat.fenaivds:
ihppiVMpWßo’.' 'jthW:* ; -admidpfration; :or lbo merest po|^Bi^ri^*i^. :^aW«. ;
■ while assailing those -who' pfcbJ j 1 Old geniferUiii; l2 ohV rhtirnf^
li6 affaifS.With-much' vc hk midnce', has frciin busiacssj 'gaVb'thb fbnbwihg'sage ■
ffl^yl<te ; to-hiif 86daW#ecbS8or; “Cqfpl''
i C^?c 4 ., !^^®<I ? r S- ! S r wbmhi n|on sense, my son, ,is|[ valuableTii'alf'
in bnlling itsejW :
•it&ndß in tho rid|cUlt}UBallitndb ; bf ah rjiifclug;?>'£• i; i .r-
;,’ ’i “ »■' ~!i ,ii jKOT«jd«tjL_, j s
/<ri)«K aiifT',it., ; '^^j,
?{> ■i/--. fjTW i
silfTKftuV V.l ; -:|iw '“[lt*/'
~1ir,..- iii. lr.'.'-a ’ =!r '
•"’ ■i-K.ll'jrlU.'!/'
•' 'f' » niw&i#
■ .r>sile.,> fr, W 39 xr-i i±t r .*.» Jl-t*sJ->fu'd ’sniJrl-TI.ErU i tvn
SIL.3? S '‘"l;“ 3 V - a c -'^^ n r* at W%<iiHsU J iH f» tlf< dioilßi!.
er to hni.l at. ik^tvF ; Pffiß;., iRj »,,rosnn««* pi^'jßeedhaiimdiahdr
S^KT^^ ! ?s^ t ’diachafcgo* dftfttf,
«M»'OrMSi) ifosid WtSli. piiWWt I
tbo ofthis hoiti— y ■'■ 'HAil^iu' 1 * ••!.*i *' - Ait** ■• : •r’^v-m* 'i 1
brtkk'dw o t f KS' ' " B ® c&n s*- - ,ld finding thatCrouee couldr
boniop, " ot re ho way A
[]4wni D : thdd<Rcio& Cadadilk 4vrW !?—■ 77 1 b £3
was ijVkfted.^
Tjtd general Smprkioh Smonj; Wtf
clas«*; lothi^^^
to avoid the f q a “ l H r . a,,d ,od S od ,n 'WU®
rriH}f^Vk •■<>’.L: ■ W -i i!®- <»w»*k-thcir trtal, or to escape, an’ we
trtZdmtl f «ik Un '- St f. CS ’ !6ar " haye in irons.
. , ?!i Present; L n. p n e Ulf the'
coin issied .n.k-^lamat l0 n giving. jaii for the last throe years have esca
aelitqßcnte antil a eertain daie to™- Li. r j.i .' -
nOrt fi.sU.i- 4V“ ■ •J? *]!; P ed » tt P d we cannot 6*pect a greater
wrn effort to .rotainthoac criminals thah
■pay cpmmntiitjon r for hira f ‘ and- *tn 'd fishiil: ’ ■ I "; ] v .r ; :
*did *ls. .torliili^riicdy;::
part of Judo, 1863,; in company I with
vßfjritpn Lyon; wen; to,
burg, Fulton cdnnty, in time, to join,
9 r ,«» bis friend* all jgo, to be pressed
into,the rebel acryjido. He ivis Bap‘-
turod: by ’ bur] men; dt tiro battle I;bi
id condncdf ~
.-y*- g. and conn.. atJPortDel
aware; v*hcroho found' by his
friends; and efforts Wade to .secure his
release', which wore successful; :1 (
' The evidence ini favor of
gone into the : rebel sirvlice- Voluntati
ly alroiig ihnkfbw pcFsdbsl if
any; doubted it; '[This 'bcing tho ckso
hd'was ,generally regarded as a tra L (t« r
treated (U such by tfiiion men.
Edr>!t|liG>lasrt; tyo jycjirs; be tas siiebt'
the greater part of his iimofn Plata-’
dolphia stadyingi;mjdicino, only -ro
tnening, here /at- Several i spend a- fc w days'"." Hb- i -to
lornodhcro on iBd ibf.Jtfiy- last,
apdi ho, wasrhotifif d*;by the
returned- soldiers j lcaVd 'lri ! fow
hours. , were,
pppp ; riojt tp
hcihas. remained, frtijta that time until
the 'pf-esentu ■■, | •••_ <■■■■•:;.■■ ; i
t r.Ohj salurdojy ilrt irnoopj as Jaio^
!,Crouse., passed; the House,
Mer.gellleodwasylandingin front, of
it on ;tho : sidewalk.-' Mr. Crouse re
i marked “How arc j ou, johnny?y and
( passet^pniAn bp/crossed* tpe ajicy{
n’grth-of,the botpl.b .>’hoard Reed. call,
to.rhira-ita! stpp |nrd’ : ha would o&nc
Ofoyc'jhalted ; tas : JEpld "bfpi
thst'htf would Jrtotjini ‘edi idr?’
. thcr. ttW, j.u^[theni, ) jA^lVthisi, pointj
Jbjip JJ. ,Reed v ;* .strucki
Crouse. A acjufflpo ?nstad,in / whiPh
Oro ( ujia!ana-Re'tfd :
t h‘6 * rid; fiyith > jufva dTagc i nj^i4'
Ai.ends fill! Rued:
rallied Up.; the| epatj to-the: mimb-erof
mlght’lj irt’o' ?.dbu the ,mp;mo at
Crouse.. began!.to., • them they
wqre •seppnitca.*r *■' ■
vaa ki
I’a trjo
'Crdrise told’
times by Kc'ed
Vaa undcx tboj
been bit once |i
affa if was' (n 1 pf dgi|a
to come frppa ali sijd
gotrhira, I kill liinll
;soU of a ——!|’ ’Th
aided as a triumph
Aboiai nine o’clockj t
as Schell Eped was ;]
ern Union Telegr
■ mfstook him for hii
-Jr., ( and ‘ill
latter camo ‘ to the
brother, but; finding
cidedly too hot, ho
treat,'while the oth<
little, wjttry.
flora thoj-roalti or; rested *; until
Tuesday'morning,! tbb l#t,'of J Augpst
Cfibnse, it had,givon pter
! idea
fiocyersfttiflp -j|l»aii norningj witb :iria
wife he, regrets nt what
had passodf-stating: that 1 , if it
’id' do bVerj 1 jagai pj 1 ip irould. fiat dp, it|.
Ho’ ; hiifif iU» W ;■■ :
forjihia b'rptfcer,- bnjt said bis ajl
! owif notr, thdroWl i '
‘cbime stre.eV.'^dii^'^e:'
-passed ifann’a porp ar, b® ftoet
d eror; , iW Oi present.: the facte elicited
before the boijfonb^fl'iijpn^feV
Albw S^oi^B Y fiawed' betwedh'to ein.
’t /»■ r>‘‘ ' •* k* ,f "L't »!*> '■■• ’* *,•••> ?'** < , • m
Gr’b'ue’c took On kiscoat anil threw, it
\J jciij -inj&fai, jtTTBI n t j’pw',;
number of pi
ehoat litnjj and
Msihg on .ilpnc
ofi the. day. , ;
in in accordan
. Jacob Crouse was m the fifty-eighth j
S'eW? 6,f KisThgb .tho= tifao hi - bfc;
death. ! Jtc wjas , honest,- sober and i
industrious, anan who molested .no j
one,, and -he ‘ifcfSplsed; the fmfah ’ and 1
contemptible; :and if ever a ■
elalm; that : i(Onor . torlwitu
who .was ■foii.Uj:. Wtirdepedl r<sm; last l !
Tuesday ! WOruing. lie j
Iftll tbeiniehsc, ardor of bjissoftf,’ tlib'se l
t;ail:ibe ffas; ( ot oitr country in tie. l
dust. ; 'il
|th|9 -%e
lehycs, a~ largjef family -|o mourn ;bis'
■loss and withont the moans oif-support •
HO'owiU ?;follojfptf ll to hj^’jlastiresfiiig,,
placcin the .public Cemetery pn.‘
,bjy a/(V^t, ( jMnco^§^ ; p/
of. moDoy hascbeon colieotCd in behalf
of thd'bereaved family.' | ; '-j -■ '
•Hr.' (raAgoe,. in tlie ifdihtiut'gji Vgi
ermaiyJ,Hi|v!c^;fofj^ifg&t;: sajB;':'‘ f'r 1 ‘
i ‘"Iho day will, I hcliovd/stidn cohriT
i whett the [ people not,allow car-*
j life ioUtj ol •,
S.t|ioir‘hQmi)-.'.ire«.t: have ,said, ib.foK^
| papers, that, tbfe;.- ,sclu viahei
9 ths. ibtpr* .
■ niediate dpjjci),
,»4 Mi,W'Seii ; Sjhfe. wfal I, selfeof,
11 it dn Jq rti 9, a} so iji t<>i Jb .
' ct < t ,w4fi bal-te.; M*o iprjQVai lipg, ppsUjm,
_ ~
pwt«ndlfd purjid'stf 6?huiiWn& I' ®felW^t;
UiS ns, l^SraSSSSiN p 6 '4l^'
Uyatlng ‘bis (in, *1«u:,.|..„ -rf «»:
thousand acres' iiOOTssifrgippi to#'ilielt; -'••• ■-. »<'.•) w.-..j.-.-.|. .*•.*%■•
i A; Mor»Et Or.n Cas-'
well; of JBapsH J aa, :
is Ane bu nd roil ritljl,
and has never] 'dranTT mtsKiBatlriif ii.' :
quevrs noit usbq toßabpfii tn Ids jTfn. v llo
h<w*never ‘Worn' «p‘c'qti^l9^ J ]aji(l .his
eyesight ?
ybiir T'fHfef; baV'VrwwoS' ssfiHSi
bvofy J sniiime*-.Bihca fid : 'fes' c 'fKyeTtV'
eF ; b : ad; a
Kf»#UV-i3siiv!i}g ;ih good h. f calih: At
thb'a^Af-drne'ty«drk;.',, ! ’ f (-'. i ‘.' v: " ! '
fcitott jojf thia'iarli-'
j.'V'*!"? • *'ll ll . •; t .«
iked,, a number of
□da,'and that i’e
ission Ithatbo had
cane. : While t^e
wasj'takihg a walk one <iay mdbo
beautitnl aud pictaresqao environs of
Edinburg.ho met one of tlioso beings
usually termodl fools, and ti]e profbssof;
accosted him thns: j )’T .i
“How Idng: can’ a' person live wiUi«"
oat ~ : iv -,
j>P, cries appenrlefj
?s, “No;sy you’yb
? “Kill-'the ——7
lb result Ras her,
i (pr
:h,o samoeveping,
lassicg tho West*
iph Office, Crouse
i broth&j John |P.
acked birn; The
; the quarters de?
beat a hasty re
ir-was let bff-Priih l
i“Odd, 1 dirinaywoct kon, sir' b.ut
(scratching his head) how- lang.'kavo
ye.livod yefsel*, sir??? ,4 ; 1 /.
' £®“Onr Consul General, at Aloxan.
dria^ ; Egypt, reports ■■ tbaii
Jnno 27tb and July l7tb’jtbers : bad'
been seventeen hundred and eighty*
five deaths;from bbolera at -that place;
thirty thbttaandpMiplo. bad- left fhe
r' .V •! 1 ! : ’
bv- Hfipual elections^BinocllSSSy-took
ipf idus -final Jiaessagfe;-'to*
its adjoarnmeiit ;
InsttWeek; ta-dpchcßarertoipiiidtion. l
i . BSwAnsttia is, almost ,in )it|-State bf
bapkrop< ber .obafanaey,
in 6uppomng a vast, and w>sjlfilfsV«rnlyj
of IOOjOOif Swn, \yhen nobody- is goinj*
.l b.-.- .
: •*“ —- ii‘\Ttrv *>■»- .Iti'ji'.
i fir , mj;etingjof; theiStatoiSodi ;
JDemnoraQy. in
wbteJi. AleCfe pfca*
c§a crgujrial j' and i th o? Republican
; Lawyer.—A ;learndd iger; tloma n, who
fdscad« j - yon r - cat ftVo'from Sdm 1 on a
rafSS:'d^^:k^^9it':binife^(F, r 1,
you jo
day ,to save ypa tromdying to morrow
* , —rr. f "- a ■ . —ia"<c»unH m .-a-;;
■■’7'' -fi —-NOTICE-Tfp AOVERTISCBSi <' j
: 4rssrvt • .-:*|-
\i sr.Mts&ite -4;r ••■ AaTßrtffOTHßrti* fewfff to Wf
~,1 Mt ij j. . ;■;■; ("V cent - Afliberal mndc to yearly!
-v v"fod>i'M . tiji^' ■ •.•4^.
mi *j-4 s -i:N"<• '/•<■>■!;i ■• j'a'i 1
v.<> vhh-s-■'=.«■« iiiibj. v-'.:. :T
rr*. isvfe'.' Z ' l-> i SpecialArtie# 25 s>ft to reg.
• *'• : j; '...iihuli * ‘ •■••• ■-■'-■
i-'-i l *;t li:
I: ■'} i
.1, i
: : *:■; r’i
ill.; ; 1 ' '
H bb'M'.* I -
'rjl}r^^nT? 7 r:-rr -rrrtHi
; 1818;!_ _____
irsona ■ that lie. Would
that he fa id been prOO-'
lay durin j a gpoid,part.
ot bho CordnGP'a inqufcst
90 • wiUi the above fatfs
j*- v % .
... . i— *' ’
i Noir' set Professor
lar rates. V ; . v.,*..
, Basinets tskie/’T6* cents* if 4iiie» ' jiw; jftiifi?I
and other Notkwvof »:^bli'c'nature, fre*. :
'rr >i.
• 1.
•. •-i • k - i • (*. c 5
: — —ln the j IjsVwr ot, HryStovcns;
do cjeascd- in As a.preaph~
; as a I egisl nd.
.atu)Bsddfa\is« : «fflboi4- ,
. ho
|ia» a
iic&nservatiyp and, a man*,
!bo as * «
! bltizoP, joya]-an*Anatriopc; as a'
' tian, t
spdtlbsfrlii^e/rEitip^ 1 ft\bdc7bri;Chrftt :
for pardob and peab’ewA \ - [';■■']
; tSo lieircjiia'r' ; S^’tifep
“Committee oa-Prebdriicrv’ appointed,
by thre-last
:headquarteca« jpA iPJi thp .
: iBrU
an Oput:p.b;i itvia
more, than forty Imiiaipnaries ; and.
teachera fir thb" Sdl3-'ThcT eypenSO
more than A §2,000 per month. ’ There
js lti;t,he treasury
of this sun but ; In to the
treasury d anngfhejmoptl^.pf,—
An urgenti appeal ife mad.e by the com
mittee for ’
i—. ■ 'Dr. |J acpbosj (of Ajlbgehjf) now.
on: tho Continent; while ih'Pl>dndpn ’
jDuring. tljio , sorvicpv.i. this; wouW-bp
all -the dress Of, § ■.
tine.Mdn&iwith' ehaye'd headland;bare,,
fpely arid ■ though I ’this vseryicp-waij ini'
toned, with-nonoi of; tjjo ppnip of the
Bir,g%h iGburcb, yetr|fe'. preached ft
-v’ery.-plui nj .practieaj fjipm . they,!
‘-‘Wej spent}, puryca'rS as a; tale
i that; is tbtd‘” ; ;Thc(' ’ dpbtrif %ays he
| urged; his behrers toj scfefc Jesufi' ap the
.only hope Jan d' whetjhetj inpretence or
.Christ wasp.rpachoxj,! : . .■/.
| olVsprvafiojn,' underTibo ; appointment
j olj';tlib t^EQjre! g n- : Committee of.
1 1He 'Prolo^tnHt'Episcopal Gburoh, has ■
1 returned • y He reports.quite favorably
i iaypgpra |o iniiasiphary work iittjhpt
| cpu.Mtry, and . has in.augarated,a..mißK
| slon iUrcady,';Jwithp^
1 fpPfbe iwnal fbprrianjtfcs' fd -subh'riiau
ttW.l In : Hnyii ~i t is represeri ted,f h e
■ irflikejr/
wi«f* yi .'■■
cdjrpm.P Jea£p (
pdfst churc.n \at ' Copebhh>s
ibehotdepsJ wilh-ljej ready-for Aediea-
Upnn sbmp-'liinp .«jio Coming: fallor.
iwirftcr,- ‘ Consul Poirier is doing all ,ho
toan to fur her the obiebt. ■,’...
.11 or-; xa■ I ■1 '.u•■(. 11 •.^Wiln ; iviixI •.,
CtotSil >!,';»(. r-V r v 3. lirirrd'o- 'TTiJTr
~ (,t iS ~. •:.P
fS 4~.
~ y.;! j■ ■ r., i ’riT,
Scarcely ‘too, , can
praise of
to be a pi ; 6yontive apd remedy ,fsj iflie.
various , ,
fowls, .are .'liable.; Haying
updeptan,djipgly. ; ;• .andjiii:
flaraation.'o€ the
oidons •,s«s . .almpstf ‘‘a J^ocipp t 1 * •
I rqwlsVand ppociaUy|,tha youpg
lias they
two M vOr.,tl a,' ;$)»«.
sb Duld' 4>o { finely; .^bopped.;; A,sjna^U,.■-
addition of (corn raeplps'.oja'!iiri^r^T,9^|-' ;
metit;: ':■• ;■ ’ " ’ '"1 ='
' -Nonjb"6^ K o ! 61 id^S^lturiil icib^L^;
h'ib' there -m, ’ffell th atf ’.the' ttnel/.tlljis de
*sl»r^rfv, *3BsiVjk:-l .Is;*ilsp .^.othieF-^rittio:
ntial chest;]” ' JhaVo,
boetii WdagHi ’intol %\^tatofot .‘SiStf'
t6£tiTity :^ti»wy? ;';thtbttffh i! lMhWs'or
meadtiiyj’l .su6fc;" W
»%*! thei timhiTof get-i‘
'fiti. dty ldWd: I># :
hijf-' J isp ; b^6rtp¥ttT. pMS tfifel'
month;; ’ Afbanfroifp|pba hiibc& ; 16 go' ‘
thef hloftSbs.-is’[Wdiro
wBrt4!'ffailWl'a : bkhfe M Bttfcotfnt of'*&«,
■■ , ."!- ; V;--■•■;«. ; I ; " ; '
—'' ,, .‘ *?? .'v:■•■•• • •:,'*■ ft!?) I .[-I '‘v .'•■!.
Eggs-’; -
■'. ij! yv'J'Aisvifj
tared'of eating Ureir:.
oontedtab’f/an? i
it vtithi ; ihnst*ra ■ tooiJo* ::
p. Make' a. hole, ib'eocll
.b c,-:cpntpntsiont; aroi vhbrf
over f.thpV hjjipiisb
of .the; mu s tiirtt' 18 &
:■ -til- !hv,.in
egg.; and fil
into a pasti
ondi tyo’w t
(Otta uiatel
) ; < j _ f
aept of; Horses’. Feel: •
>• •> j
' '
ICOi/eqtrj gallgiK .
f;" (I l e ; I .. I ,"