The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 09, 1865, Image 4
tK I! 13 STIS DHi'G STORE ‘5;- ■ ;S Ell ■•I j D. S. MARQUIS, M. D, Cor.Bridgo at. and the; Biamoni ROCHESTER, PA., EEKP3 • CONSTANTLY ON HAND FUIA ASSORTMENT OP 'OPtTBB DBTJO* ! -i - ■ ' ' 1 ; Medicines, * DYE STUFFS, tPESFIiMESB: FANCY ARTICLES. CHEAPEST dILS & PAIN 1 ] !‘• , \ m THS VICINITY-ij v ZEfclQ W.IiJl! And Brandies, ... I FOB MEDICAL PURPOSED tj :I-- ■ ■; . -r- THE) CHEAT HAI KDB ESSER i “FLORILINE!" . Alt ARTICLES OP ■ STATIQ ITIEIR/ Usually Kept In; a Drug Store. * PHYSIItfANS’ PRESCRIPTION o*Uftai7 oourosauiu. fLEABH GALL AT THU ROWIESTISH DRUG STOIi j| ! IN jfsHE DIAMOND. ;i !i Mill. J>EMOIiI3ST’S T Quartedy Mirror ot Fashions M i With and Additions, A:v! TUB SUMHEE NDMBKBCONTAINS ' f. Vpm LARGESPLENDID FASIIIdN ; PLATES, THREE FULL-SIZED I : • PATTERNS OE DRESSES, OOMPEISINO THE Hew French Waist, an Elegant Sleeve, and i Misses Sack, ana & Sheet of Now and Beantiful braid and EMBROIDERING.patterns Togetherwith ireaidyilOO Engravings 6:' all llio novelties fop I . Children 8 .Dresses, 40., An(U valuable information to Milliners, Dr>s Makers, Mothers, and Ladips generally p-c senling lho largest apd best Fashion Majra .rlne" in the World, published 473 Broadway y. and' sold everywhere at 25 cent's,To spnt by mail, post free, on receipt of the ah’ in stamps or silver. Year $l,OO iwith the fed Igwiifg valuable premium. ■ ! Each yearly subscriber will bo enticed (1 ,i receipt for (he. selection; of ; 50'ccnts worlh'of -dam ptXlerns,.from th«[-design's in the bom ir from the show room, or they, may he hi -- dered and Font by mail time duringth '■ year, bypayingposlage.; 'f lo.Convasscrsi : B£%»Sunimer'Np. now ready. XiV pursuance of ou order of the Orphans Court of Beaver .county, the undersigned .■j-4'bninislrator of Lorenzo Childs, late npitnty,. dec d. ( vsill osposo to publio sale Or the premises, on , 1 V * KRMS . : r 0 “° f H lr<l , * io purchase mon:t .to be paid in hand on the confirmation of si b Oy tuo Court,'_thc)baTanoc in two coital, anru ■p payments, with interest from the same tine For.furlhcr information apply to John Bit yr, near the premises, or li.ilie undersign jd ■ii chas. b hurst JSankcsr and Broker ’•.• j>si> dkalku 5 is EealEstate, Stocks, Govornthei Bonds, and other Securities. IXSITE AXCE& CLAIM A6EX> Conveyancer & GeneraLAoent. f c ;/ riMIK subscriber having opened an okoo i, i-i j'*' rv K ?:°Hf S ' Cr ’ ‘he foom latplyioccnpii,: V.'jy l - A. lonune) respectfully solicit* the m T of bl . s fri ou<ls arid the pdblic in go ;l . , I ’ I f ‘l licUl ; ir a1(cnliol! iKfon to (Upj adjustment .ef Gfficcrs- acceunts, an*! ail. cliiims urisirp .nut of (he present war, such as - ■ • fc r dVnJionj, Vatcatti Bounties, Are cars of 'Pu i U n ,yc. f - Deeda drawn up undr acknowledged ■I j always on bank . Pluaimc: •, .. ytn. 11. fciqjth & Co., Pitiabunr r [ Rochester, Mayftnia m . | v . TO FAitMERS. ST Stef* p e , ■" , r 1 "-. t4r • «™i. |j J. erne 8-horso power thresher and sonaraior. ifgonrt m new and m perfect order; one-half ' •M-uokiyoV^Mow cr and Reaper.- a ■Mower and Reaper? patent drop delivery-. _ jWagon* Phwa. Itarrows.whcelcd Ilorae^rak i . Tho abovo alt nearly ne it j,%n<l of the latest improvement . | 1 \ ; Also, a largo lot of Salem Cook-and Parlor & ,he bc3t i m use and warranted in ev'cily jjekpeef. u - 11.0. COOK, = -«... or. , i^ cttr -; r) arlln^lon t Beaver co., Pa. ' V*' IMr.ii*, 00. j.i - CHARLES B. HtJKST '.L JiOTAKY PIJBf.IC* l 1 VOSFI-CR IN THIS DIAMOND I- I' ROCIIESTKB, J*T, ’ b <he Room Lately Occupied by P. A. Famine, [ttpSttij;, A DMINISTKA SoTTUST ' t of administration on! tho feW, A . M , late of Coltuhb: ; £ff ! fliio.doceased, having boeir i< : h?« a ri ~^ B i‘V uietslg,led; ,n P'ereotm indoWei • arty^uUtcntionto,i for settlement. | h I.’ ?f ° p i If#? r ’ j. .f ~ ' £ ■ ■., I'UOUC »mu; a Self-Adjusting and Adjustable! The only , Wringer \Vltii the Patent: Cog-Wheel, Regula tor;, forturning bplh iiolls together and which positively prevents the rolls from breaking or : twisting on the shaft. It “13 not only a per fect Wringet, but the Cog-wheels give it a power,- which render! it. a most Excellent \ j.Wnshor pressing- and separating, as it docs, ", ibo dirf with the witcr from the clothes, " leading them dryer, wj iter, and smooliicr than when “wrung” by hand. ■ The water can bo prcss '.d from large an 1 small articles, easier; quicker, and more the roughly than by, the or-, dinayy, old-fashioned back-breaking, wrist straining, and clothe i destroying process.— The Cog-v hccls proHe it all “wear and tear” of cldthcs|l)y the frictiinof the rolls,or break ig ing of atij dies by twii ting. I Without'-Cog-whccik tile whole sirqin of . forcing the clotli !iiro igh tlio Machine is put upon fholt wer poll, at d the cloth is made to actin thq place of C 3g-.whc.el9, to drive, tlio , »ppcr roll, causing a 1 luch greater strain up on the lower roll than (when Cog-wheels, with 3 our Patent Regulator,arc used,besides the ex tra strain 1 pou the ck th. A Good Canvasser wantedjin every: town' Liberal inducements oficrcd, ahi; exclusive sale guaranteed. 1 ; B. Agetit. ! 1 1 i 317: Srodway, New Vork. ! I J ' WM; G. WOLF, Agetit, May *l, ’CI- ; 'Borough township; . S&° -I■ H- TpDD; 3 Agent for Univcrsa _ ClothcsjWriagcn in th< Townships of Moon, llopcwdil, Indcpendcc cc, Raccoon, Grccuc, and Hanover; , AND , O CjiCjSTIX .OOKIAG-GLASS & jFI€TUHE HiAME NO3. 2MM WMMM StBEBT; , I*3 St\l,o GRAN’I STREET AND Silo [l CENTRE STREE. esta'iii-isiied IS3B, N. y. ! kstacusiiei. 1838 THIS Establishment has been in successful operation for SM y lars. aud:is the Inrgest iof Ihc kind ih the Unit id States. Wo‘have on | hand or manufacture tdordcrevery description of hooking-glass, Picture and Portraitlr'ramca, Flam nndjOmamcntsl Pier, Wall, Oval & Man tel Glasses, Connecting Cornices, Base and Bracket Tobies, with Marble Slabs,.' Toilet Glasses, &c., &c., &e. Mouldings for Picture Frames; ii» lc ugths suit able' lor transportation, pitncr Gilt, Kcrling, llosewood, Oak,: Zcbtft, ■ Birdseye, Mahogany, s c . Our now manufac tory and. cstdnsivc faci itics enable us to furn ish any article in our like as good as the best, arid as dieapas the ch ;apcst. ’ Dealers fare Invitsd to call upon fas ' IVhen they , visit,,. New fork,. ]Wc claim lo be able to sjmjili to supply them with every aril i clean our lino whichthuy can possibly purchase elsewhere. 1 1 ] SSjy*Onlcrs by makl .attended to with promptness. :Bonot fan to call when yoti visit New York. |, - \ 1 j Y * . Office $ Wareroonu, JVbj 215 Centre St., Jf. Y „ _ j i IHORACE V. SIGLER, Agent. a ,May7—Smos-l j - , • tions. Thejiijtercst to 15th June next will bo paid in advance, j This is I, now. offered bj; the Government, and it is confi dently expected that its superior advantages will make it tho ~ -| • .■ '» A Sweetand"P !9 . Willi! versus:. !• .... A. Bad preath, (- . wl J a ‘ T“y origeutlcman would remain nn dcr the ourpeiofia dfetroeaihje breath, when by using ;thei . " if ■t . ■; BdLW OF Ald it could b!c I scparrtl oil: jUowj many The Mibjefctliaiso Delio; will not mciiTion it:,.an ' norant ofj (lie fact. Te use the Bjilmas d tootli ing. j- * ] • THEIMOSy BEAT iof ancient times used li complexion; | but the c ■ oil and oilier valuable . - still inprs} valuable. • F r j -tants, a fi>w'drops'pom will, (lisped" all ft ‘ . drdps-poured oh your t beautiful] soft lather, y and whttij.. y ; , . ■ i_ When used for wash! , ; it all T,tn\ rendering the skiu soft j from bien islj. !■ 1 |; ~ For sale nit Drugstore in Bridgwater ’ DYEll(i^fci^Ri N G tj • • E'STABJ JBif Mknt ■ u lOhio1Ohio Street, i j 0-0- ' ((West of Foddivil',) . A.AIyMOIEXY, PE NX A . ■ r |' l,lE liToprietiors': or. this Establishmcn ! .J- have been engaged for a number of years i in the- most (extensive (establishments in this 1 country, in the elites o« New. York and Phila . dtlpbm, where all Iho iiliprovcd appliances and . apparatus art employee.: Being also in pos session ot thb very .latetdiScovorics and me , I hods f buropcauDye>|3, I hey dyo'tind finish , Ladies Silk, balm an- 1 M.erino Drosses in a superior s ylc In jnankr cases, these articles are made m Col or and finish, very nearly equal m appearance tjo now Oiods. iT(io\l.s raltmed i n two weeks FOp SI-ll WALL iPAPEIL | . window S . boiidj And every iautici IIANjQING LINE, tf Trade, and havers gen prices possible,] Bgy Ca Ao. 10 ( ,1/ tfk.t‘l jc/.i between PITTSBURG 1 dps. R, ’■ M6cord, Publi c . _ „ . 6FriCE W.tTH fVr !l 1 t| M p EllL, - N } J* TT 7 AT:'law, (Aoer/hr Prgvosi Marshal'-. < -lice. the!light a T. I iv • MOWI THE is' ncii ‘‘The Lijkt Hubbard best machines that, has ovct country. It possesses qua and good points in its mi seldom equaled: and never ct Persons wishing to purcS to call at Jacob Marks' Std rand examine! he machines.' Tho Superior! “ Wc!co;m I for sale by the same. SAMI i Pariington, Pa. 1 , May 31,1 ' 1 - I oncy to beautify their timbihation with palin < ingredients makes it ’ J f bathiugsufferiug in red into a basin of wa jer,, tetter, &c ' A few I liavitig-bnish makes a leaving'the -face:pure ng night and morni.ig irnph.i, and F ree. ki(.. and white and free SFIADE3,' - SDS, AND - )ECORATIONS -E IN THE 1-APETI rc now offered t» the i srnlly, at the.dowcst , 1 and see at Liberia and Fifth s u in, j‘A. ; HUGHES ilfno. marl'(id i, ■ ' - quietness otl mot 1011; simplicity of construction; case and management; elegance of design and finish. ■ 1 choice of. an iutclligeht buyer _ 'OO FLfOWERS, low many lovers it fiad Mends furever'-partes • c, your nearest, friend d yoq are yourself ig 'i effect a radical cure, ■>vash night and niocu- '^~=d > lc!tse call and examine. ■ ' '• a . r Momsou , BKAVKIi, PA , ' au gl7] Sole Ag’t for Boaycr job. iTIFUI, AVOMEN*' HILADe\.PHIA COMMERCIAL a a t i ; X. E. corner of.Zth &Chestnut St.. iI'HIbAUKLPHIA. I>A, M 'T. 11 /, 8 ,!® 111 *'.™’ whiqh was jistablishcd in JL load, | and is now consequent ly iii to cigthteenlh year of its existence, numbers among its gratuates, iundredsof.tho'niostMiic ocssful Merchants and Easiness Men of our Country, . 1 ■ ■ ■ lnstitution is goldy (6 nf fordyoungjmen facilities, for thovoifeh prena- business. ' B*. *a 1 taught arc, Book-keeping, as applicable.(o the various departments of tf-ade -1 cnmanship,- _bolh plain and ornamental : CpmmercmJ Law, mathematics,’ uXhvigation, Cml Engineering, Drawing, phonography ana Modern Languages. ; . *\ . Thtdsyslqm of Instruction-is ipeculiar'• no classes or set-lessons arc made use of, but each student IS taught, individually, so (hat he may any lime, and attend; at whaled cr hours arc most convenient. • [ 1 nro . i ' S9 . l, ? d xnnunUjt after 1 1 ho S, containing names of tho stu dents for the year, -and full particulars Si terms, &e., and. may be obtained gt any time by addressing the Principal. ’ . f. ' ] ■ | la I -extensive accommodations,' 'todc-smad reputation, and_the lengthy experience of the Principal, this .Institution offers facilitiesi su perior to any other in the country! for young men wishing to prepare for business, and IS obtain at the same time a iwit.oma, ! which will prove a recommendation for then, to any Mer cantile House.' ■■ ! j / ; n ®®"CBn' r Ksni|s’3 Series of Treatises! L m ° re Wide b ,! circulated *• “t’' 1 - -i** lIV Gr bp ,51 I - TREES, GRAPE., VIXES, kc. Persons intending planting orchards ear dens, vineyards, or improving (heir -round- J this coming Spring, aro respcctfulljlinvitc'd to' examine nur stock. The trees are Strou- from lP. K a Cl ? h? w fcct the host Sark, ics will find U ,n V Th C - rn • Pe “ ns}lvai ' ii ond (jlhio ; 1 find it to their interest to iTrocurc their truc^to^nlirac^”™^^ 0 ">« «>rl f trains* f O ,™ 1 ? 5 }^ in3 > can solc’ct their din trains, and return: m the afternoon. Cata logues scntlq-npplicauts, , a , ~, T- I- SHIELDS & .CO : fcblS ■Sewickly. Allegheny m p ft To SfakhokS:^ tiSSWerf Man mctunng Company of Rochester^ > Beaver Countu Pa i - ■ sold, the Stockholders will receive y Roclieatw, r*- tjbbard :k,. nl for Ihc salo of Vouer,” one of the f" been used in Ibis lUties of material, ecbanism, that are sxcclled. ) 9v A - DEOARME, , tobacco urisT, -/ COR.,DIAMONJ3 & THIRD ST^ Tobacco 4 ; snuff aiw*y S o« h an d-i r --iipw « . , . lase are requested in Darling ton, |fo>/ Rdko" 13 a ig o I'DLKEKD, Sen. 1186-5. ■ SEWINg MACHINES. 'j I *!:■•■■■ I ' The Best, Blest Sellable Sewin 5 machine Sow In See I •.. H ;!. - ••-*»! •■! i, :• ■ These - Machines make the 1 ‘ * . ] •} ■j . ’. 4 - |. lock-stich alike on both sides, • I: ■ , . and use loss then half the* thread and silks that the single or dou •i ■ : ■ 0 ; ‘ : bio thread- do. 11< wilklFtitcft;' Hem, 'JJ.qIJ,, Quilt, T»sik. Plait, i Qalhei, Cord, Braid, etc., .illj without I ■ . i- ■■ ■ ■ j previous basting; and afo belter adapted than; any oil br| Sewiing Machine in use to i|n£lVcque^ • I’' • i>’ 7.- •!’ | ■ changles '.variety of sewing; required-in or j . it i . ' they will sew from one to twen - • • ; V '- .! rj !i; ■ i . i ■- J VS - !- ty thicknessosof Marseilles withj • 1 - ; '.f- ri out.-stopping, and ipake evpty 'j’ .■■ ' ' ■ | -1-| !: ' -■ ■'j stitch ipcffecl; or from tW fmest ' V f gauze to , the heaviest beaver cloth, feed j ncedTo oriciTsion, or making aiiji! j adjustment of machine vv|halo\|erl l It has the following advaula i ’ . .1; ■ i ; ! ges over all other machines; i i gFarj; greater' variety of work; loautyj and excellence df stitch;! i ■ I.:'-"'. | ; '?'4 'eed and 'Uieli ] These are peculiar, .facts, and 'Mil go far to determine the w THE' ■ i PmSStTEGH CQMMTOfTTAr Published Daily by ' ' \!' The Pittsburgh' Newspaper and Printing' Conjppuiy. v , ' largest ~ v I One, tf 'the arge*. and Moai Widely Circulated FapersVin thi SMe.. ! (dives , the Earliest and - i - Fit lest InteuigenCi ■ _ Prospectus for the New Year. ’ On artuming joontrol of the: Commercial, at: IhcconSmcncedont of thoyoar, the conduo tow annonnepd j their DETERMINATION to $" e 'f *o* “»5 vi 3° r ln l° its oolhmns should rcndei 1 the paper MORE THAN E^P K acceptable to the reader/ The Rapid Increase in Circulation, datter ln*^l^l3ticc,l S* T nr con 'emporhrics, and Con-1 grpthlatory Letters from ovcry quarter, as anre ns that ourj efforts hare hot been uniuc- < cessfal. . j>; “ : . The Commercial HA3 GROWN ; DAILY In rSVnT«I°^J ln i il U now ranks 'among the ,LEADING JOURNALS in thelcouhtry* „ In °™ r ‘o fcchp jmee with the demands of ttjercadinff public, and at the same time meet i? i? crcasing Pressure on bur advertising w.o some months since INCREASED IDIMENSIONS OP THE PAPER TO i THE EXTENT OF FOURCOLUMNS. ' .. Among the leading features ate full i reliable I % TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS; ! [from -all the leUing.points,' of interest. It devotes special aHention to ’ ' 1..-', MARKET REPORTS, OIL, CIVTTLB, LUM r and. the PITTSKURQII GENERAL MARKETS. Our :• . : RIVER NEWS.: ! receives pSrticiiljiv attention, and in this De pwHnent the Commercial rival. The' , FINANCIAL AND STOCKIREPORTS, of the Commercial arc prepared with care and wiU bc found ,0 he unusually full and rclia h’ei Also, the Reports of the . i ’ LEADING MARKETS OF-THE COUNTRY embracing reports of the DRY'GOODS nn.i WIIOLESA LllkM’Alt KETS, ahd.^Vohd-Re ports of OIL SToL’K FINANCE-AND TRADE ■ .from-day to,day.’ - . 1 | • ’ While special attention 'will bo given to these several- Departments.' the Cwiimerciik lays claim to van e among the leading journals of- tlic country asjft medium • , ‘. GENERAL INTELLiCiENCE. Its aim is to give none but healthy reading suited loathe E.utii.v Ciuou;,;ifml to he a wel- i comd visitor to th : discriminating public ! i - THE PULPIT j i. forms a' pceulistj feature of iho ’C.ousrrch// ■ by giving every {Saturday nu|Oui<idr.u. fit;! -MOS, prepared expressly by a Miuistcr of Ole 1 Gospel, in Pittsburgh or vicinity, (which; al so, goes into the we.chlp,) Tiftyj-lwo discourses arc given in the 3 car, by not dess than twen-' ty or thirty diffirpl Ministers, lyithout ro gara to distinctionj Tltls. !)<£. psrtment of tho ( ymmrrchl hasfattractedimich attention; andivrati'gciiienls ai!o hciugmadclo increase its rccodmized importance and value. As a feature at ohcc novel and'instructive,, it constitutes not thc least of l|] o many claims 01 Uic irOJiimcraul to patronr.gcl • 1 ■ ’ln politics the Commercial will bo an uri dcvialmg supporter of the Union, and ohm. estly.loyal to the GovcvumcnlJ and as farl hs consistent with this aim, free irom ParUtan ship. ; /\ ; . _■,) .. a large folio sheet, ang tis published in two editions every morning; Sunl day excepted. / 1... f’ j Terms opDailv: by/mail. Sill per annum; i City subscribers, served by carriers, $lB per anuum.m advance, or, 25 cents per ..ablc to thecarrier. Single copiesU cents. • A discount made to Agents. i , Tub Satiijihat CoitnenciAt.—A large sheet, containing all tho ’ Current .News,' Misccllap f'.'erary.and Scicntifio Intelligence; and Valuable Reading ‘foe the Family, is publish pcr f ar ; c,ul,a The Henry far Werhh ■/ find Dili! if mast alwai/t aerampanu theordrr and in no instance can these terms b- ilevinlrd from. - i 1 . 'ESL-Postiuastcrs arc requested to. act ;a« agents for the Oimmereinl. \ , ' ' c °D m «K? “‘r j R;D THOMPSON.;.; Address. THE COMVtEUCIAL,. / < \ I’jittsburg, Pa. NEW BRIGHTON RETREAT AN AS YLUM FOR THE RECEP TIPN, GURE> AND TREAT MENT OP- MENTAL ALIENATION OR , r DISORDER i • ; Nervous and Chronic Diseases, j UXCI/USI VELY FOR I FKMAI/RS. ■npWIS institution is. how opcn.'for .theircorp-; :J_ tion, fare,'and (refitment of the md'prn dent class of; patients who arc laboring under mental, derangement ; or other anil jChromo disease. ; Wo special mention'of ; nervous, and ehrohic lmm the tact ilhat seven tenths of the female paiieuV, ’ that ate' committed ; tc our public Asylums, to ho treated for {disordered mindsjarcredubcd to jthat lamelitahld condition through previous .physical disorder. "By a.well limed and in,li ;cious treatment of chronic an‘3 oiefvrfus dis. jeascs, all physical disorders,, in the in;iiorjt'v' bo removed ; and (inis Ihcmiiid, [having suffered through (ho Imodium of the jhody \yill ..when' dree from!'the exciting [physical cause throw ? ff .the shackles that has hound it to worse than midnight darkness ;aud : reason will, once more, resume its sway’ [Clothed m all its primitive hcaiity a„d Wonted excellence; Hence (he necessity of all f1i,..-,. Iwhp arc laboring under the predisposing or exciting • causes, : calculated,!;: the cu'dto''im pair the mipd .t'o resort' to an • early and judicious eouvse of remedial agents. ; The institution is a large Ihrick-building iwith a stone hasonieut—four,stories high and jve l vent dated it is siti.aled On tin cieValed. laiul v/lncji commum!* alview uf entire town—adjacent hills—groves apd neighboring Streams; nil of which are calculated to pro" puce favorable impressions upoir the disorder : cd mind. . ; ■ " ’’ The Institution’’is cimjdcte in all of its ap pointments.. Having been tastefully fitted up fit grapt expense, iii inler that it may .meet the approbation and views of the most.fastidi ,l T W water' closets ind ha tiling apparatus .have been got ton tip finon thermoW approved modern scicnurioprinciplcs. Thw; department' embraces not only the-ordinary 1 bath? hat i a,s ?> the medicated,'lnarm air and ascending and descending douche for the more effectual and successful treatment of cutaneous find other scrofulous diseases. I We beg leave to'say to all those wlio tnav bo disposed to commit the interests of. a iloar Wife, sister or daughter, to our charge—may be assured that no meins, will he. spared or efforts_w.mtingon our part 10-anicliorate their condition qr to effect a restoration .to tlieir no tjwsfomed, health'and of mind. 1 For further particulars send]for a, circular; All communications should ho,addressed to i . E. KENDRICK, M. I).‘ Supl. of, New Brighton Retreat Now) Brighton Beaver Co.-Pa. T EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary ori-the estate of Basa. Kmo, late of Nqrih Sowieklv tqwnship, Beaver County, Pa J dee’d, having • b f?“ £ r * nte<l to the undersigned, ail persons indebted stud estate are requested to make immediate payment,.and those!having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. • i WM. RENO, > _ , . | MARTIN RBNO.T [ 3 . ■ New OatßJs, p». Biovl2’G2. ...._ .. Fsl~Nif;~ A~~ W/ r ®9 VE saiilros, HOLLOWAY’S PIUS : : - A - nd Ointment ■ , A LLWHDlmyeErfrnclsand Relaiivesin the -lA.. * Tm ? 0I * aT y» Mould take especial care EEatthey be amply [etippEed with thdse .Pills and whera /the hravoSoldicra and Sailors hare neWctbd to provide l them selves with them., nd bottler presentean 6d sdiit them T>y their friends! They have been prov edjto bo the Soldierfs neVer-friling friendih the ncrar of uded. ; .‘? ,• j CODOHS AND COIktSAFFECTING TROOPS WUI be speedily remdvod and effectually cured by using these Wntfrablo medicines, and by paying proper attention to, the Directions i which are attached jto each Pot or BoiJV ’ i SICK HEADACHES ANti-WANT OF APPE^ J ii TITE INCIDENIiAL|To;SOLDimS- i’ j These feelinfes which! so sadden us,.usually arise from trouble, Or annoyances, olistruciOd perspiration, or eating And drinking whatever Hj unwholesome thus distjurbinglho healthful action of the lijrcr nnjd stomach. These. dr-' F-ganp must be relieved; if Uu desire to bp well - The Pills, tahiUg acpording [to the printed in structions,' will quickly - d produce a Healthy action in bol.h: liver and stomach, aild ‘ asi a polite 11 00^ SC^“C T a ; lc r r head Bnd giod ap :WEAKNESS OE BEBIMfry INDUCED ‘BY : -I OVE{I. FATIGUE, ,j. ■ ■>! : !- ’'l ■ Will soondisappear by the uso of these iir- Ivaluablo Pills, and tHejSo dierwillqtiipkly ac rquire additional streUg;th. , Never let the how 1 - jels bo cithtr confined pr,unduly actodl upon 1 * ■lt may seem slran ; ;c ! that Holloway’s-Pills Wiould bo recoiimic id«d for Dyson tCry-; And flY** niar fy ctffwotlHP increase the relaxation! pis w a great mis.: take, for those Pills, will cbrrcct the liver and stomach and thus re noyc All the acrid’-humiirs ' from thcjsystcrii.' T liisWdicinc will Vjvc tone 1 ■And vigor to,tho whi:lo*Hrgauic syslcwdiowcvi ‘ Or deranged,, while hoalthland strengthlfollow as a matter of count >: iNbthing.wiHisliif the relaxation of-the Bowels io sure us tills W cup medicine. ~ j I |. ji . ■; VOLUNTEERS ,1 ATiIKS’dION! f",- - L , . TIONS IP YOUTH. ' dpt,;'] Soros and Ulcers, llotenings and Swdjlinirs can with ccrtajuty * « ** . ft<* , -•■M.ically curcduf; the f ills aro.laken iiigbf i and morning arid tho dintnient' be freely uk-di'jif skied in the prilit e>J instructions. If treate lin any iucr'tbcy dry. Up in ontinkk jolbcr. ; -Whereas-thk Oihliiienl will; rpmove I'fee »!D>or3 from Uio gystca an.ricave/tliol'a (iciil & vigorous mid Jicalthy majh. ; It wilbrc .luirc a liUlctpcffccyctericc ru bad cased Itoi ia suvp a lasting curd; |, \-, fi !| : *-* Mou WOUNt|S EITHER BY •'I TUB BA YON IH'y OK Sli Blt K OH Til ii B UtL ; LET. SOKES pll BRUISES. . ' To' wblcliievcry Siidicr WSailorWo lliiblc there al e lio,uiedicincs'aO safe,'sure audj con. Tcuicut as Holloway's Till,and ointment. The ppor wounded arid ahnoit dying Bulferer might have bis wounds droshed immediately, lif he wonld only provide himself with this :match- I less (liniment, which shou d be thrust into the yvound arid,smeared allaro (mill, then covered' with a piece of linen from his knapsaekl and compressed Willi a handkerchief. ’. mini iiight fridsp, [Pills, to cool the sys* tem and prevent }n(lrimatlt|!n. j, -I li Ijimpiatk and SoitmaU'? chest shouldvbe provided With these valual.lfe •Remedies: ;• i -j -- • T „ caution jNoho arc genufnb unless the words rJUUofiOif. ond /,wri/om’t are ns ri water-mark id everyit leaf of tiic book of directions around each pol or [ bdx ; Iho same may ) )0 plainly seen by holding <A< lenf to the liyht. A; handsome roward will to.any one rendering such infornia tipn as may lead (o the detection of any party orlpartics conulcrfcitmglhcmPdicines orvcnd- 1 m §irt a . a I n< ‘’- kno ' vin fe ‘hem to bo spurious. 1 *■ T; * Solti at the .Manufactory' of Profcssoti iloj.tow.-uV, 80-Maiden Lanis, New York, and' ‘7 all. respefclable Druggis s [and Dealers' in 1 Medicines,.throughout the. civilized world, id boxes at 26 cepts, 02 ten s ktid $1 bach., .i] • SSfT There is cousileriib c saving by taking* iho largcr.sltcij. ■ i, , ■[, ,1 :'" B I Dlrccjiona-f >r jjhli’ guidance lliiedto cnchpts. |RITISHIP|RipbieM 'i : 1 . ■ ■ i , j Tun Ipyi.bx Kbvikw 'Jonscrv.t) Tub. IviiiNßinttiii 11ev;ew1(Whig.) : : r j’/j -m" B lUvikW {Radical, 11 fi flip Nout.u Bin nan l|i;vifcv: (fVcc-Churchi ji [ i'| ‘ d ' -'AND . I ' . }. J BihcKwi.i.ns Er.tyiiruimjxi.uiAimc (TUy. '' ■ The American' I.'ulilHh|ci:i continue to re-' print I,ho aWc*nanicll periodicals. Iriiljiis!tho! cost oi printing has ihuOtU theprice kj3Wu ! perrichly trMd, ami .axuy .[..lies, iieenks, Uo largely increased, thjey are icumpe’kd to advance their tonus as follows: '■ 4 1 : TERMS PclllilisGS. . H. . Foymny one oolite linviclvs—.h ........ o!i 1 oriany tavo of tho‘ 11 .'viciv.t , -'oo Rcy any (hrcoofthe Review's .....I.’.' ' 'Th’oi)! 1 I; 01 ' all four of the.ltcyicwjs.', Jit,.,) *! °y' mat - h"’ood’s Mncaziheoq Fop■Bliiekwood and oile UiivitwA.' ,■¥ p, o . ror Idackwodd and any I wo !tc\ iiyvs. ...’.ilMiO . lor I.i-aekwopd and three! Ulcvi; vs... [...)■ 1 orllllapkwoniil. and (lie roiirlllcV cws...;:j.^'oo! Tjic works v*ill t.oprinlcd oh a [)reif!tu itAtlk'n- < nl rjHoht,, nf-jiapn-,. and Whll:. nearly 'all Amcrjcan, Periodicals n'rcicithc : advanced in price or reduced in size—hull yU-y uonerlilly both—ire shaU.opnlinilyoigilvc'fiithful co des Of «(.< the matters ci.i) a.ncd in iho.' orrhiiial editions, llcncp, prir pruaen L prices will [be . U .^ ( , H c «c»*ip, rfor I Ijfc Hmim ;U ‘or/iuaiulv iiir- r n'shed, as those, of any j»f ] the eohipetiiih j cr 10.1.cals in thiscunitrA-.' | J? 1 ,. . with iheiLstiof Ihb ’ itiops, which at tlic.p.-cscpt pruiliuTu .m p abouf « rcinv oii/K,rices are; f A Id (h \ ,; a i| io , fac ', ‘ wc make bur ».,...ial jia.vipents ; o ihe l!ri|i I l t u ]V* I 0 ™ -Hllcets nn<l -bnpvvj OoM-*J^ osting-us f. ".nils Jimrif (jan^JS' | ncaply j’i .si j., currc.hy-lard trust' rli in the stale'we bavr,' ado.itii.d w.j shall !. c ! t tirdy justifidtl by out sphs.-ri .efs ' and ■' reading public. . . ■' ,1 , . | I|f;e in I crest of IhcH Poyio. lib .Is do Aam caiCTcndcrs . i,, c ,| ca y ,j hiau dbai ishgd by.the,articles th[c.Y poll aihl on our f\‘ L rift 4 U prejudice,..they a^y-P(illi .cousidcriiigrllp great abihlWy and flidkiillyi-, lit jstand-pm 1 from which: they arelVriitci., t.ercul ,Ji studied.with advantage byjthe .fe.l^of'tl country, of every cpchd 'p.- r!y[,. THE.FOUR REVIEWS for 186 V) few-copics of tll o -above'icr.huu onchaii f* 0 ao!J a < !?o for' Ihe whole fdutt i. 2 for any one. ' , i 1 1| v-- ’ -* 1 wc also publish (Jic 1 i, f a'kmer’s q\ Uy Ilcftry btopLcus, of Ivlin latd J. IV Norton, of Valp Ci : Koyal Octavoj IGOO pagca and gravings. '; y - VT,- > I’UlCE‘$7 for I lie twe voli post paid, SB.j ; p 1 I .LEONARD SCOLIt& if ;. Ao. SS-iraH'cr l'ftrr. New NtarOjlloT -I D. Iro MARip T Syl, RRI1)( THE Subscriber' announces f Ibatbe ia prepared to fun niera all land of work inhislina SLAB to a CARVED TOMB; SX American | and Italia Kept on all [kinds ol ns Ornamental «mk done 'in , manner. . • ■ •!.! .j :' Mari&t'pt, 1 door koWa T. A ‘ -,j ' ■, I •jJ ■ ‘riii .1 • i. LLL :tbs c.l- Sl'O' Ihat: 13. Ml, ,or P»E. b>ir£li,- ami th« iflUlgo. , 2 vots. ijmncrous Kn imls—by Mail; (/, jAjcif york. j j ' VV/ ■ attcni * to itll 'Pr.omi»<!]iucntionii#i»jßii'to col jccuons geuurnpy. U ? cerisca Agents for col lection of, 1 ensions, Bounty, arrears of iw 'v C t?T C * l> ?*' c,c -> ol ' I’risoiVcrsor War Coper"of M.nhp Siren and the Diamjml, k , Ommceialely in I,he roar of Court House i : A*KNK'A. fjunt iVorUs ! .S, ' IV . ijiVATEi;. i (o the pJblia nub (o ojislo, i from a PLAIN PONB. ' I ;>■ wl Marble il plain a* ; well i satisfactory D. IKONS. } i fiotk ■■ rianii K §ASH & DOOR F . JAB., A. BIIOLKB VALFttEII .SLACK. ' SI.ACK & S IK) I.KS. :l. Cor. Pam Mo flJury fitreite, • ' ‘ prrrs'R.ujifj. i>a. flooring, 1 Weatherbo siting, Sash, ; ■’ ; -Vs w r*. frnd&\R™‘rke(s if- JJnuhtipg otj hand of nido .to orders [wyl7;ly '.; , I ii •B&ALVIEIRV r ‘ Jsl - THE Spring Term | of* this; Institution will: commence | -"■ h-- ■ ; | . Aesilffiy,. April 4/A, 1865, under thocbiirgeof ; j i , ! ■ Messre. F. AGNEW & M. QANTZ, If iaa&ssociale Principals. j , It 'p the.desire, and will bo the aim, to make 113/a thorough English, Classical,and Cbm fuijrcial .School, abllq silstain, the liigii chit*. aclßi 1 itdias bad k’erfltWlf'c. I - ' | To I Hose wh« desire a good English educa tion, and to those’ wbjo have been ofcontom [ pjlale teaching in cur public schools, induce- 1 i ntent hi offered from the fact that' the latter of' the Principals, for thq last twelve years, has Mc*» Principal of I Castle Union Schools* ■ Eoth are graduates. Of different colleges, and well acquainted! with the wants of our. Irfglier institutions. ; Persons, therefore, who design 'fitting themselves for college, will find .this a suitable'and.desirable place. , The former having'pecu for‘some time con nected with the Iron City College, as a prin cipal teschcf, and the!latter also being a grad uate Of Duff’s College] advantages superior to most butside of the Commercial colleges are offered to those desiring.a business education; •J Our new Academy illiiildings,;, designed ex-’ pfesdy fori the purpose, with: largo school room, class roobs, society, hall,i etc., are noW occupied, though not biitc finished. It is ex pected, however, to have them wholly so at art early day;' ' f ' ■ "* -’r~ For rates of tuition, &d., : spml| for circular? Address tliC I’rinci palii or Jlnffundersigncd. 1 if. IHCE. . See. Board of trustees,' Beaver, Va. -f*— “Unquestionably the best Sustained [ work of the kinjd tn tho World.” •[•NEW sss I ABI|IaZINE, 1,1 Critical iVijjiV j of ike I' .. jit in IJic', foremost dingazinc t f the day.— Tire fireside tjever had a more tlilighlfnl com panion, nor,l ! hc mitVu u n more enterprising, rrjenil. thiin:;'Harrier* a MagaiU c Viptfstarit (Baltimore). The most, popular Monthly in the World.— Ayire York Observer. i ‘ ~ „ AvVmuhl. refer in Inrimj of chlogyto the h%U tone and varied| esccllcnt^nf'llawbu’s —a juunJal with a inojitljlv oircula lion of about ,17b,(KM) topics—inwhosc .pages ?arjc to be fomid comes. * the choicest 1 igh n on, 1 general reading of the tiny. We speak of this work nit an 'evidence of tile American I’cople ; mid the popiilariiy. it 1 as aoptired in ineriteil. Buell nuiober coiitaiiis fully ■ tdl 'pages of .reinling mailer,' appropriately illtiiilratcil With good'wood-cuts; and 1 eloml.inesin itself the racy monthly and- the more .philosophical^ . <|MrUr|y, blended’with the best feature.', nfi thti daily. It Ini.- gre: t power in the discern-; .atijition i.if a love . pure . literature.—Tttvu.-1 |XEU a Cuide to Ahuriro\ IjHcritittrr. London. , ‘ ■! ■ *lTin yolutpys-ljoii’ijl.t imstitute of tiiem-e]ve \ii (ihniTy..of. niisocH tueous readii}/ such ar : found jn the same compass in anv other pubiicairor'i linn has 1 come Under our notice.’— ii.u,tor Courier ■ . i SUBSCRIPTIONS j 1 : - 1865. I . The I'uldisl cr* bavtj u*«V'r svsiem of; muiling by V.jiielt ibey can ?upbU iho Ma<.a -7.INR and Ueiiki.v '//:,■ u» t wlm pre fer to. receive directly iWm Ibc of piiblicßtioU' - . ! [ The p<»stage ou Haui ku * M a year which .mm t he paid i»t tbe „ I / > Temg : li.vnrEr. H MaGa/Zink. <> »e .ymr..-;....jN tjtf ' *An Kxlim copy'of;eil liei* the m* Wrr.ikLV will bo supplied gratis for every Julnb of Fivh ut S Hw each iui^uo I remittance; or Six rdjii .s for $-l| (M>. , mm.bers canjhv L : «i:ppliedj.rU nny \ A Completp Syl, now cjonprjlsjiig -Twenty-. nine bent eh]th hii|<Un£ t ,will fcc -''Oill bv express, freight at expense, of pur cbiisOr, tbrfef per volume. :-SiiigU\ vol umes, by r.tfiij, p-vi]»njd,..j£H 00- • b'lolbooses, dress * - : * V IIARPKU & BtftOTHKRS. [ . , j bi.A:iiu.i. k ; Nkw Vomc. lii'llifiiiiim MV"''l . ! ! TEETH I rTiEITY ■ ECONOMY: I . ' . j ‘ .■ '■ !] ■T' , , i; [ ' . ; ' ■ V lie ill tli Mini Beauty! : ssm- : ■ . - ■*>■ I ’■ BU. 0. W..SPKK<;,KR - i STEASr DENTAi , bhTAIIUSIIaiEJIIMftV liO i I’i:ns st . I'ittsbviki, Pa:,- is the -most- eo.u-' «n the Unit c<l Sta,tepf~AW t /;i s'i-elass Af 1 always, in Jtnce; Mf;o a lady ,1, receive mut assist in. waiting on-" ladies tin* children. ~ . , r; ] j ■ “l>l>ef ’pr npdcrlsol-j) of those 'hcautlTu' .1 nicanilc I eel hj Suctior,nlal-c vftth Artificial . wirf U' s arfanh.<l .fv| rnor in' rvcrjj respect t c any made in the Unilcdtetjucs, iWonly $l5; plain teeth only $10.: ■l. - ; ! - Keniemhrr lir.-spettce ‘ has the 'largest ns ; of Artificial IcfciU-iauJ-Jlenlal matte HaTs ever brought (o tliefoity 9 f Pittsburg thus enabling people'to! select Teeth to sup. ■themselves regarding thp let.y//;,iehrrj,c r color, me. &c., tliby require.: ] ' .i| . ■ hefrn ni'i:;- Tito Physicians, and Editors <? the‘dilVerept. papers in I‘itliOmrg iijhd vieiuit) l>oa ’i fofgct thi price—;Otily sl.> fij oxtracling the. teeth anjl inserting:a-new sc* in the best style: giiara'dlccd jto give perfee satisfaction.- Kverty optjralion peri timing U the Dental profession executed r with aeatncsf ■and’despatch. "1 . , j_- Only 'twelve hour* time required; to make yoV a set of Teeth complete so,don’t forget thf place, No. U 54 Penn sti; Pittsburg, two squares ah . ove *» , n ; pcnsjon jlirijlgc. | niyil’OS :■ <&’ l&i&xn, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, j , > OWHfAM* » lTot preserving t s*;> Verifying <Ac Brea* - !■■.,; r,r l v«iii|' • >) V ’ • V ■ AND •> •' A""*! "?****, TOOT// ; Dr- Hurd's XJURTV'/ir „• . )'; Plaster, . PDr. Hurds r , Pruerving ihe Teeth , iV/X rtt &« v Proper Treatment of Chilli"? ~' rK &vu~, ■ ■*LOBBSm-fcrcK&-' W ~ TOOTliprcks. Prepared fat in-. Ji. Foiirlh St;. Brooklyn, o®. . Price, OHE bou #®frTho Deniifl Trea&l ’ <i r «As>; Cig iii nchcs l, y fi vc,'i m,kcs i v «% Mi 'S^ s 4 ly.i viz.; ", ; , C3l >sen.J ~- Vhe Treaihion Prefab - •■ T ' pmd, on receipt of TvifJ T! ' A Hs'/ stamps. : -; ; r , . «s ts ,V The Xeuralyiu Phxfrr. i Face, Nervous Hcad.-iolir, pdgt paid, on receipt of j staples. ; s T The Xeurnltfta nnn fth size,) for Pains in (he Clii Or any pari af I he body, i ccipt of A ifly-scven cni’is l Address," ' Dr. HunTt MOVTII il'l DIHI and' TOO I'll A nj/ /] sent l ( y mail, I.nt they \ laiiicdjit your Uing orU'j they, , cannot. • sen’,l ( 0 „ rUEiAbUin , lVu;(y i)sr. tairia tlicm. ■ i *'trc J)r. Hitrif.s /V»v im?*/•«• /->' *1 Tim U.evTre ■ inucst frmmlrt and 1.c.-dp arn,'., ar ; V" t 1: Ur ! «?« J U '«* !>r. Vh n u fr - An l-hiini'iii I>( .iti H „f these prep.™,moms- haw Vn j : j Vatc practice fur jeers, sii}.!- no lenlii, ' io f Hrooklyn oir-miliains ,h rp excellence, ,wliil« eminnt UcS * ‘ or|l rceutiiwcnd tliotons i| ie i, c . t .!,c . Wi.hour--l.cMa'of .T "'l'lih ri'r u , '- v tiio pf°' */{ > »>f ,U»e .Hroohhm■ baHit'i'm ‘j)ic.!i,ve lirippy i„ know it Ji OU r frieriV -I.ev.iii.l all: p SP( A JM, t.i lilt -real secret ■„(&., 8U - *, w.«1>.«1.e fan ,h„ t hi, vr ,; c />. an- ,-n'U' "f "Pvwi-f io ;ir, *, tfmr liny t/df: ' f , - - . • - • Tbij iveil known TcllVntui wri,«. fonn.liyoue so k^Uv; family have ,Ped irall tlp . f; j r , Ipu-iUr/.jr t/u- > rrr ’ j K , - lu t cum ™-your , n>!l thoiecrisl is S.O j, T Vall| it,at lc>t the matter Wv tiiniselfi,. -' J ‘ Stir': I’ctyareof tlieur ; !iiiary T.j: l‘r, JiHI|I P Trtuth I‘oudcr jcniilairv L ,,,:mijeliarcoal, an.l i,„j, ■wearin B tl.c cii»Diel. , U»ejn.i‘ tr -' WHAT jWllu,; DRt iJFKKf’fr. ■ • ■ l ,}} r - . n,,rd V Mntolh WashlravV TixAtt Vm viilljptve young Imlica (l.atj fij.Vrf cWm swcct'.brcath mid pearly teeth. is il Ur. Jlunl'a M.iuth \V:tsK ?m>l. TJolh «yill, cleanse I lit- ni'mtf Jv nil .foul ( tifiiHj aiiil if liscll 4 iili tin- nj.-ninur. will l.h* Urcakfast taste bwowoWii Uio -,| rl \ inore ' pleasa m ly. ( | lluii.ii;c.b' of tjeslify to Itiis..' Try 1 1 1nosi: I'nir:;. ■' Ur. JI ur-l's Moutli WiisVU.U ',th ]■„ iho l{f»l pn-i'iiniiiolnj.iii ilio «v.rli cuviiiir in-i brcnH ami : giving i hr.'ilih to tin- gum?. iliVli-iro-i- ofci-. Jjizc<foC(i trfi/Ut. S{‘Tr .t/yfgl. -('.-.I Cfvi.i have‘Ken Cjivcil by.liA I'tluril'L- of cht wash., ', . ' ■ ■Ur. Uii&Vs Mouth l Wash, tfnjl Tooth p,i give nil iaiUluionnl charm.'l J conrlslilf.. make hintliiiii-ia more agreeiAii-it-; their n aiirl wives to yicir Imshaful i. ’ Thiy .sh- j! used l-y every, hnviitli. ' ” ARTi l' I (A[ A lJft irj: TU. which arc liable (o' imp:w.t to ■ Dr. 11 urd\s,- Tout fmdlic Droops euro To Ache Arising from i|crvcs,'Bui r*rv? best parents can have in 'W'*v to save their children tVc*r*i jt,wi:iurc selvcjsjfrot'ii loss of sleep :i:rl eringjr / " . • Fanners aim mcchrtnros ford Igi ncgTcejyour teeth.- 1 f^ratriJh’tij:*: you can preserved v t v.- wl Uo.thschtM'or Aster can pci. nothing her. 'Kcrncmhcr that <jni \Cur,ftmpim the Ltnuh often bvigiaate -h\ Neglect of-TcA Send for >1 lie T ratlin «J-:vn«V m-l 1} Fitch’s M3 Mf & bate to arrest. decay*|n yuur[ o - f your.ohildren’a fcethl ' \ I U A: , ' - Neuralgia Non-A«JheAjvc;lT4‘.Vf:t ace tSfp * pleasant nnd;snccct;SOTUrcnhv|;U&l ever t-itf.?-. .cd-for this painful ■ raui-.i:. im plies olio; soon- becomes fcbrji and awakes, free i-l'-p - orAf.inii^^j*i’h i O‘! ll, ' !lCC ’ : sue. j For 'JCnrkchc anji AV«a£i| '■ *? ply according ' to [and folk* r ~ surely follow.' Kot4iihi£cTtn d ebt-nsclcji-: to Dr, Hliid's C .Veur.kljli- if them. They are entiVcSv Hfijoyel. eun"U-~** ; onginal preparation. wn;^ien*i.!> v •■‘•^ I ful. . Titty are of, t mo ' face, price 15 cents/j|[U ihoij htlier applieditmio the Tu#fy, \*ric x i ?I7 Cjgntv. pv U$ niuiial dn rt-cliyl utA vie 3{>-W -• • 4Kv The American i-o jn t ll ig^-nt : c ftpprucfta!^»rcpar:it^istipdt*jii»ii'ihutc^^ 'to-happiness ,of s thus.v ] ilu'w. vu * ‘-y wont '.them. Every if? ordering the Treatise on TceiTn srjrfttMltf.}'*! might and not a fovil for the MouthfAVashT- ;o Ke sent c hy to these wo aifc compelled‘to j reply .that »*. itnpossitde to l*f PA- Thcf people .wlhto |hese •. ' *Kow li tilc> 1 ■ A Shrewd ugeiUi' cuu n.nk.o a carrying aroum Denial IVcnsuryrh? the ncalc. 1 man or woman' carry mv one and see, -oi\ : better.* a d will sell, aa samples,, lor- J? 7. liberally witlviciVjcuiars.. fits?* to to RO.intfi tJicjbusincss, tod a profit! We jiidc. spending ti benefit- of. Now Krfgk men! here is Somethin/; Mice, f takc-the.iideat its Hood. A«|f ffi ; W.Mj 11. m " Tribune Building That rcmillilnccs niay be 'n/i dencc, W. 1!. ij. Alibi,'rcler’f: Prooklyn;*to (j. Vi. (Irilßtli. I’: Ora'and Citizens Batik,- Uninkl.t 10., New York!; to I’. T. Horn tfork.cic . etc. - r .1 IST. : Mill, ACTORr- NOTIC/’K. SIJI!SOIU!!KR.S, who hiivo l"' 1 subscript iona to' tho r-uick, '•l>? ‘ s ii Fury-arid Lillie- .V will please ilo «i(, .imm A rii i r y«i. 1 ; , i'.'l .■ Se.- y Bti.i.lifaf aubsoribwe c^n} - *}' ■ '■ H IS?#* wife • 3` Wir. n filtune Hi mv, rn . l ; T- **h F*n r ri, »<llfnl 5,,, f ‘ 'I s * f '>r He W,, rsro i W,i =I IK.NT?-' .. WW??'” :'tupiiail«s- ‘“J ■ t ttiiiclo Hj 1 ’ -' ■'biJs ; iiicn. tvliicj 'AL'fnkoi'H'i ■Jm'iw i-i tlicl: . l.mM.jJ.anJ®’! md i;u - n ( ' r vf ' find 31 cW' Iresft ' • j. No IV „| P wil’l V.’" Itfit M».'- ,rJ rcsi'lonl K«? n;U>Jo;-‘* f ’ * ,