The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 02, 1865, Image 1

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    _ .]
■ YVill be Published Every >
third st„ beaver,
At $2 00 per annum in
. |gy T.pHers -and contribute
shill have prompt attention;
QUAY & RUTAN, Eds. 6
Decision of the Suprei
of Pennsylvania, Si
the: Constitutionalit;
Bounty libyr.
. Appeal from t!\f’ Court oj
picas of Indiana Chun'y
phi nf the Court' teas _ dei
AnxKty, J. *,
, Perhaps it.woiijd bo quite
> say of tins case as’Cljief Jus
. said* 'of Sliarplcsa tbd
Harris 158:
■ ,'yoiul comparison tlid most
nanseAhat has.evo’r beonjn
Hinco tlio' ibnuatjon of th:
m onL" “ The millions pf,
stake f are greater,[and tfie j
their, expenditure oven ir.oi
taut. That, related, to .sub 1
tor mere public* cpnvenit
'concerns the lives "and welfa
ciiiz&iiiy ! ■>
' Titf.t much of this money
wo must'doploro
themselves were lo<
. tied denotes :i want of legisl
domJ They wprp thcrcfoi
■ *iil'jijels,oran cxcoiitiyo m
-liie legifliilnro., ‘!But[as
hj-jifu; sarno judge] all theSo
‘ ,aiioiis mo entitled |o no :coni
.hijrc. Wo arc to cjenl with t
My »s u judicial (jucslion.
rloui onr co/j"itrtiohn may be,
... jH'nticiotfg and danji
t" .jsijfiiiot I'tif it dawn by usur
i' I t/itfriiy wldcli.dooa not beloi
- ! 'flint would be tptcommil
> wrung Ui!in any which wo c
r jiM}'" it.” f) Harrii
" [iriHUrapiion isalway
if. tiro•finistimtioijality of a
.ilib rl'ij’iie.vt by tho|com:ludin .
m:iiie slightly inip'erativo b’
■ [■‘nisi,-., ilyil ire sliciuld'iin^is!'
- I’y’T reasons foi 1)10 cjonsiit;
, -e/i tbedaw, mmed to ijivoke
it .presiiinption. Put in the
-V. IC..R !{rOo. vs, Casey,2 (.
• ;i!]j-' same learned jtrdgo stalti
iI iih:’—■•The parly.who wisl
prononneo a law nnconi,
upon himself the bn
I proving bpyond all doubt lb:
\Vo have not, only , tbo an;
Marshall, in i, Fletcher"
n'.l'r;dKdi,' &7, but tli.-U of 11
’.lL*uiniilml Judge, just: referred b
'Mi-g—;th'.-if> is another rule tv
'.govern r.s,in cases': like tiiis,
I'uit.iwe ciui declaim an net r
Wy void only tvliehriyidlato l
ck.v!y:jn\limbhj,., pi
to: irui 't h manner jpi to-leave
w lc>ir;Ujn n in our minds-”
1 w 11J l- ' ;■ i .
- VI P i r
, J iiO'.<]ueMtnur before us r
'■'TJai.n provisions';)! Use bet
- ! /-'irc:ji. ISO 1, fpr ilje. payment
•He* IP volunteers, J l . >
j'ropcit.,io .notice tbo prei-is
to bd,brought wiv|iin tbo sod
deci.-dini, ;,s no opinion sbottb
fund beyond "it./ Tbo plait
ater.-i that ihoijuefp.ndaitts art
CuiiUapt /or and to borrow !i
«tui.dollars, ■n .t lic iianio and
of. Llio Jbiroiigii of Jilairsvilfe
V l '' 1! ' 0 vbluntoer-jonl »ttn,en‘.s b
‘ to eaclj volunteer a .bounty
bundled dollars to, fill the <
■ to |ho skid !r
renuisitk>n of ! tho ! Preside
lor six .hundred thousand-niff
PT'th/J military seivice oLth
, am] thus to avoid the
'.'J7I lo bake place on tbo 5Ui
i uu ! to. make pavment
'V the. issue of tbo bonds of
lii'roagli. THo'plaintufs suy.r,
■uteresl as tux payers', lbat*°
j'-l Hie iMirougb will ■bo grt
rroased by the lo:l j, a nQ ttfe
' f' L ''jy The on
ttniHbefnro us ds, ■therefore, u
10 "’-umcipality of Biairsvillc
w -money and ; lcvyvta.xg.tfoi
mcni. for the purpose of navi 1
V-'s to tbpeo who would volu
.Inform, the.niilijtafy service t
■,f'tizcny of' thgt niunieipal
■" n l lcn ding, but as ye
cute*! draft. ■ I : J
■Thu bill was fifed on the
the draft was no"
pptij the 5th 1 of tbo f
The case, (h c ,. c
( twos no assumptioii of paste
•r»3 menis to persons already
presents tbo. single ,
fttie power' |to borrow moi
ti,-; ' : - se ' ! t 0 pay volunteers
public indisci
V l lT l .!V ,, J donb t competent
tic,, t?I. '" , ?*. !it ! uro to ; cprfor upon coun
too'ixm-” 5 *'P9. citiejs antl biroughs,
to;„i s ,ig b [ ,rr^' v money, issue
levy u! ' 0 °V"ienoe of the debt, and
** oiSf 8 1 p ®7 thc sa 'me; These
ij- b'uiiieipal.powßikin dak.
test or.i - " conferred the only
ftijsi Up " ahdk y ia that the object
lhe ati'ieifu n . i before
tl ,j.' ont of .tbo constitution in
’'.'“'taiiou l°T r n" a P .““'imi.kd. Its
kr"i ß , 6ba U POtico hereafter.—
!h « il!k?; Übt . ful . ,n l . ho ’ • degree
prdhl{j ; u‘on is moral
1:1X66 to pav <| l ? I ': ro ' r m ' 'cvy
la kain ft-A* th «.pooj i noTiy
. ° r ,^ urtho .annot
collor-ipH t f XU!ilbavt ' beet
Tht) >9Ucc-ted i° ; p ay . f or
«i 4 li Q „;7 r :f° Create apn
jleittr f or ?. l ° ’t byj taxatio
er6f ' or e nar? Ute ‘ l -* l6 . 9d e
S lh « plr& Wed t 0 a singl
°nc-J o&6’ 0 &6 ’. m tbiS instanc
- n cor,c prn the !
'%? the
iis '•gee; Civil
•; .
■■ r ■ ; j' i'
r ednesdayf
ns, by. ma : i .
ic Court i
r of thef
. i
fit) and Congress provided in the
'mi section, of the Act of.24th of
iruary, 1864,1 that the qpota of
«;s of each ward cfa city, town,
iship, precinct, etc., should boas
!ly. fts possible in proportion, to tho
her of imori resident therein liable
under military service. Section
■°vi(ijpcl tl<|at ; all volniitacrs who
I on.lfst“ after a draft shall be or
d, shall bojjdqd acted from the hum?
ordered to [ho .drafted, juspsubh
rI; town, Ac /Volunteers are there*,
o. I by-law,: tofpe accepted; ,4n relief,
tliq municipality from a compqiso-l
•service to be ejetermindd by lot or!
ear co. Does tljis relief; inVolve the
J.nblic welfare ov interest? The an-!
|wor rises ftpontabeoiisly in the breast
et erory one' in/a/ community liable
ib'thc military If nr don.. It is given
|ot by ilhe yoi<fb' of him alor.e who
iqwei the service,jbnt swells into a cho
jins ;rom his- whole family, relatives,
qad friends. ililjtiiry'service is tho
l||ghBSt duty and . burthen the citisen
e tiled to obey or to bear, tt in
ly pi vislifb, limb, and health, and is,
Nbortfbrtv a gmitev ‘burthen’ than
the taxation'of broperty. Tho loss
Mr 'injury is, not confined tithe
:y]<’*ivjitinal himself bnf 'extends, to all
the,Relations 1m abstains. It embra
t° so kourSi -to him in'the tics of
|.((!)nsanguihUy, friendship and intor-
JSt-rjto the community <which must
flii-nibh srrpp'oi't torfhis | family if he
dtunomnd which loses in him a in cm
twr wluW labor, industry and properi*
ty cop tribute to ids wealth and its re-;
sSSurcesy who assists to [bear its bur
dens, and whoso Knowledge, skill, and
} Übli inspirit conlrjibiUc to’ the general
| good Clearly llto loss; of that pari
kf bio population* upon whom tho
{Jreatest numborl depend’ and who
<f ntrjibnto most to llio public welfare
l|y their industry, skill, property, ami
good conducti-is i common loss, and
there bre a general in : ■ Tl:
■ a gl
. Common |
'he-. Opin- ji
iyered ‘ by \
j un:
13 1
S p:
as just toll
tice Black' 1
Mayor of
’His is be*
this court
3 - gover'n
noney at
urposo of
ro impor- -
re. of our
has been
i, and that
(isfely pen'-.
I ttivo.wis
le proper
icßsage to
i considor-
his stricl
, lhd| tIIJC?
piag au
ng' to da.
a greater
oh Id pos
-1159. ’
i iu favor
Jaw; but
$ counsel,
y its orh
a contra-
Kric ard
! ;ti q ,
nw, *
lit t ll IX'
■ ti!o'fc
l i ij'arj
f ,T!li
.iii jury, nose
|Cet to the draft. The
mtkss lot respects no
, oil iiink' in litb. It is
rly tho interest of thee
imt those ;• should servo
g, iv Jioso lons will sever.
, and pr&Juco th'p .least
bounty;js lot a private trans
in winch tho individual alone
p.fited. *lt banefits the public
>• 1m ueing a id enabling those lo go
o i eel they jean best be spared.- It
iu?°l in those whppay it.
yAinriiunity is ȟbjo"ct to the draft,
,|i 1 it is ■paid to relieve it from a burs
ii. (f war. It it not a mcio'gift or
elates, to H '-ari, hut a -consideration former*
of 25th' *n c * Lt J B tbofporp .not a confi-cation
of hoiui- °| ode inaipsipropprty -for another’s
(1 Ilf h «r-. ,iut jf a •jfrom.the'
0 portion : I 1 ?- 1 blic troasut.y foriA general good..—
do of our 1 si, o | -'- ’*• I;' 5 f' n V. ! -y taxation to re
-Iho von- ■ 0 111 9 [nun i ( 'l ):l iii\’i fi'cni-the stern
tiff’s bill |\H imn f s:oi ' ■ fair . and avert a- public'
-about id > ! >; '-ho loss |o( Uiose who con-
VO thou,*- : rf'f u : a '“pst ito thh public wpltaro
on behalfi! IM s k the dosigii 6i tho law, arid it
, to ‘pro-tj I 1-0 a iH'.vor to say that bad men have
j- payjjJiVr H-i Tjli }’argumc«|._ wliieb Hses
of ilirpoT •* | ts conception, tfo. higher Ilian the,
nota as- ,V f lKu d'aj'led man, and asserts
t ojn;_inon|oy sljo.uld ho ’
a tlie*rulo
hes us to
ivtlien of
t it is ko.”
thority of
va. Peek, \
lip dutin
o for say
licli must
if assent-
i the cbn- ''
inly r a»ti. t
no dov.Ut I 1
9 liar- I
, ript bo token
t- ,:i y riot already answer
f|l -by ijlio magi Undo pf-ihe public in
i .-ivofrud, ba|s its reply in the
dct-tliiit presents no such
Hsb. In our Paso jit is yet a matter
public coliiqcrn,tbe die has not been !
Il|i bv.'n the draft ;is, yet impending,
SI up one kjribvvsj who ! will bo torn
ib .the community. The case 'so
<>d v’henlbi.| bil| was filed. .
5 T thoilast
calling. I
rtf)' orr-*)
> Unijed j
draft or-;
•of Sept. |
therefor j
tlio said j
ost their j'
dib,dcbl j
ally in-1;
r taxes
II - cot .the) individual payments
lieb ierilsjpjrjli public character of
0 on.] Individuals arc
vhys|lic -recipients of public funds,
is - ]mid salaries, to, pensions,
'bounties', tor {the scalps of
nlher-n wolves, foxes, jerows . and
ukbiids,;tp, tpo pbof, oduca*
: n of the .young, as rewards for the
pi'chtyislon of horse thieves,anddeU
s, to 11 ic familijos opsoldiofs.insorvice,
hospitals, colleges, agricultural
pieties, and to other uspfulrobjects,
i sll these the rebi.pieat[is | directly
unfitted, while the public interest in
hryj if not half so-impeiious or &«
ciuc as tbd relief of a fcoinmunjty
an impending draft.-. The pur
'f t of happiness is our acknowledged
jt'damontai right, and that therefore
ieh makes a whojo community un*
appy, i i certain Ij" a social to bo
Wiidod if it can be. The siippdrtot the
6 Jh affcrds.oup among tile b'est illus-*
nitons of! what is a nitinipipal dr
aplic appropriation of money. The
a it, the party directly and solo
; h|bnefitted, wliilo'thjis pauperism ,is
f ilblie ml, and often is' the result of
'Mo. ]Tbo pauper has not the mor
* f the volunteer, while l!io comma*
ty|is injured, jnot bonefiijtcd. by his
{port. . There is nothing buta nak
|lublic duty porgirmod ip his relief.
isJearaii may be eajd of all oxpenidi
m °t public money in tho puaish
cfjt of ci-imb.. - | ; > 1
lihcrct’s also an illustration to bo
ff t c y oln those eases* '[and the/
jjd oumeEdus.j sustpining tho const!*
ji 'i. na nhibo r ' ,1 yrmposo,nn equal
(ftbonSjJsnob as flu) opening, paving,
$1 grading of street, the buildingof
WjOlrs, &b., whorb t|o owners of ad.
ffippg lots aro cpmpelloj to boar the
ipense. | McMasters vs." I Common
salth, 2i Watts 29*2; Fenelon’s peti*
7 BW 175p|Li|rby f|. Shaw. 7
furris, 258: SchenlyJvs. City of Allb
l|||ny, 1 Casey, 188u : [
peculiar, t sustaining att act inr
}’ lines
to her-1 [j!
its paiy- i
ig.boun I
i(.cor to LI
ly, un*
ihu of
. to t:iko j
illowihj; ,
foro, in- b
lebta, or
in Her-
ioy and
to avoid
•i mi n ate
)lio debt joj
» is too es
:3tion is wi
la point: tic
e, a pnb- H
, munieit ® I
war was i
' .U
* •■'A-
0.30, ■- 1 ' f; .ImLh' -'f ’rili'i-’' v t~~ -I
... 1
ly lasso, ob- 1
(w- tain
1 . >
01. 4-1-25-
- " -■---r- ;
like, sub
and rdt
Toro cion
wniily 1 t
ire wilUn
: wcstliof
-.lf . K
i'-i | T-,-.
ppaing aspecial tax of *5OO artnuai
for nineyears, upon thobdro’ orT<?
nndafor the building iof a courthou.
aijd ,ln dblivoHng tho ojpinnn
Gibson, C.J. said “Bat it js,a ipostu-.
late of the] State copstilutionJwhish
distinguishes it from jtbe Federal tliat
alV,tho power df 'tho people is jdefegiu
od;by it. pxcepf suoV parts ojit, as
are specifically reserved, and tho
whole of r jt ■ is, d’ithOiU excppturt.
vested in thoconslitupipnal dispensera■
of the pnbiic money j As regard* tax
ation there'.'is no liuiilatiDii of it.L—
Equality of contribution is pjot.-eiis
joined by the .bill 'd! rights, andprcb
abjy.bocaaso it was bo i nr
‘‘lf equality were prac
ticable in what branch of tho govern*
ment would power to. er.forcofit re
side? not in the judiciary unless’ it
wprocompotent_td sat aside a law-free
from collision with tboconstituiilc,
because it seemed to bo unjust 4 , :•
Jn Scbonly and wife vs. Tho City
of Allegheny the question arose up >n
a law to levy d.spocialtax on thj? own.
era of lots proportioned to the number
of foot fronting on bay for
grading and paving. The opinion do
livened by the present Ghiofjjuali je
sustained its constitutionality jin for
cible terms. After citing the cdscs. I
have referred to |io says—‘-Frojm tho
principles recognised lin those eases it
rnustbo-appiu'cut.thajt thejsxorpiso' of
the taxing power by] tho"degislature
must become wanton and adjust—
i bo so grossly perverted astd lose the
; character of ajogislafivo function, to
fprb the judiciary will foci tbcmsolvns
| entitled to interpose:pn constitutional
j’grpunda. To arrest the legislation ol
[ a free (people especially in reference to
! burthens self-imposed for*tho common
good, is to restrain the popular sov
ereignty, and should |iavo clcarl war
rant in ibo-.leltor of the fundamental
law -” .’j : . h .'I-
The extent of the tiaxing power eti
tered largely into -tills discussions n
Sbarpless vs. the' Mayor of Phtludel
phiar Black C. J. I upo the
language of C. J. Marshall (I, Wheat
on ,316) when I say that it may bo ox any' extonjt to whicji tic
govern men t may cliopso to dairy’ it,
and that ro lipqt-has been aSßigiiedH c
it, boeanao of Ifiegdi'-
ominent cannet bo limited.”.- Ajnahpi
gain—'“l am gt- opiniio’n .that | b ,tip
law; must be considered valid uhlbss jt
bo for a purpose in, Which the, fcot j
mnnity taxed has palpably no infer ost:
wbcn it'is]dppftnent tluit the btnrdorHf
imposed for the benefit of othefi auH
where it |would bo. so pronounced; ci
Hhe Jirst blush." In the same cajHoji.i'
ter jsfatipg the high grounds remiir >
toJustify-, the judiciary; in doclampg
law; unconstitutional, tiio pieseii
Chief Jaislicc said w,ith his usual din
phasis. ‘ifiut on loweir glrmndsTthi.J
[this, 1 and especially ora ground sp-lod
ns ihe equivocal and undefined purpot
qf municipal -eorporatiins -acts of
seinbly have never boon declared
constitutional.” . '
Tjioso strictly legal views barb bwi
beeq embodied into'r se'ntimctiti Ir
tlje iatd Chief Jnstic ; Lowriej. in *
case of municipal subscriptions.; Bf
.language ‘ .deserves tlranslation- in ;<
this case. “When pjoaplo (sayryh)
shall Lave discovered the exact bod r
[ dary ; between ’engagements thd', a
peculiarly social, and [tbosq whiel
peculiarly individual th£h- pos
tbeyj may be.morally; entitled t
ctaio thdi they andther govcrhoi
legisjature and judicially have Vi
ed their constitution ii making;
‘Contracts. But even, \ tea' they
not honestly retrace ■thcir'Htcps ,v
out making rcstitutioii to fhosp \v
they i have misled.’.' Common wQi
fex « rel. Thomas,Jra. 'Coramissid
Allegheny, 8 Casey 233. ’ , | (
Municipal subscriptions to corjpn
tion stocks-are no lbngcr aiithorisbi
but Sharplesa vs. the Mayor of Phili
delphia, sand "caa&i following in .ii
•yako,co"fi|inued toTio author!rati vo oJ
“positions of the nature‘and extent (
the taking power, and the scope i
its purposes. ; It was tljoro held; thd
taxation is not ah infringement of th
rights of property, is jnot a takin.
pnthin the constitutional brohihiiibt
nor such an injury as cin'mvokoftlj
constitibnal right to judicial reined j
If then it bo within tho’rscope ijf
municipal purpose to grant pens! jhs
pay bounties, give rowaj-ds for, thddt
structron of noxious animals, and the
arrest- of felons, employ, watchmen l ;
suppdit paupers, build iUmhoakei
badges, and markets, Md tclmri'tlbte
institutions,/Imake roads, and grade
and pave streets at priyato ijexpepse,
how much niorojs that! a public af
fair; which has for its |<jbject to pre
vent the.forcible and blind oxtrddir
lion of a valuable part Of the poplla
tion c iato a service dangerous to khe
lives and limb's of those! who; go; and
destructive of the welfa re and happi
ness of those who remi in. Bor! jean
the dilemma be avoided. 1 It is impos
ed by the . exigency oft w4r and ,the
dnty .of public i
The purpose being clearly m'ublcil
pal, of its public .’nature,l and
therefore within the adtnority totkx,
the power tomorrow mqjney in antlitfi
fi&tion of tho levy isjanc'illary, followr
hg as of coarse, unless within; kh<
amendment to the constitution j oi'
1857. This then isrthe next question.
The-amendment provides that. “Thf
legislature shall not nnthbtisejgnj
fjounty, city, borodgh, powpshipsSoai
Incorporated district, by yirtao ,pf r 1
vote of its citizens or ot i: orwise bo
come a stockholder in my enmpki
' I '■ ■ ’ -'"tY
«• -■ ~
rts :
” Ift-d .■aw*
-(‘■-I ■•■-;;■] , W r
1 !*■ - ’ •'
vciation or |cof& ?
ijftoney fori ptv|t| ,' Us drod
any ineorpoftitrorii ;ftntion, V
■tyi” for ..feirpdßO
at-gumont ihaljpoj fb«’r,e-n)oani
ion or ihdiyiidadt tl juu-t o:
+ amorulnieut to, f>r ipimdeccd ii
efaußo ” or Mb for dm
'<*' Wo 'Ww.sntf
»lion tostock^i^feJoan'
prohibition olanap
•■y not agalnst :oMajhfng monoT.
individnalß, jin' thoidnHo • 6£ those
ircpriatiODß whicjU the nob
inUrpst; tb :
'W 'olKibw
cited ‘
fcf i;
«S , jis’ would
over,thro the wbpi er to bor
row money toperfo'n djnary mux
nicipat functions/ jjl -talnly-idoea
dot prohibit' thoobf igbfmbnev
to pay contractors lor J go s, paving,
market houses, #0; orpay laborers,
, artisans, or engaged
ndbir a public wprk. 'jfn ‘ every each
obse when monpy if N»rowbd to pay
, individuals, it isf n a Mgbad sense oh
. tainin.g, money "for a F|rty.Battho
• sense Of the amendment is eyidefclly
r afesttlcted one:/ Its fading thought
-Vis: the, loan ofthd public 1 money! or
i. credit jto privato WkiMjcOrporated or
- unincorporated.) ,f ‘ not payment.
r in its proper sense Wbffih is prohibit
tpd, bqt the priyatejlussier control of
the, public fund&: .PayMontitnpliod a
previous debt or con«|iofalibnbut
hero advances op lmport
no obligaii&n ohcdn'sidfralibh; are the
J of prohibitibn.f iThoro fsl not:
- a word id the amend which id/
3 tetdicts the niorp
l Ifi dr the pledging pf'flie public qrefl
: it for a niuuicipal pqrj&jjo/tovbbl laid
out by authorised |public officers Or
agents. ; Tho purpose present
the* mpnoyi "of the jpefrilf from paa
• sing into tlije control offjprivato irt-o-’]
sponsible assoeiatiofs or parties' and
from being squandered jmhndef tak
ings of doubtlesf propriety tr! being
liable to bb lost through (the - w»i<t 6f
integrity pf thogo ongagpdin'ilk :dis.
bursement. - ,lt intended - to cunfino
‘lf®- n l < r i l?ul oxppndltilfes not only
,t to. public dhjcctsj >hit tS-riublic officers
i °V agents under their jSfpect responsi- ■
~ biiity to, the municipality. This is'
0 soon in thoj whole spetiqn'. . Therefore
. lac; municipality; shall Sot become a
1 stockhoider io apOrporaflion of ussos
j cidtion/for this lyoura-bo to makodta
t corponWoror.partdedia|MdbmpaDyC
. and-place itefunda nnd&y&a-control
d mone for*an■ "dot
t nieim that I am paying h'im ipy own
debt. Thbn 1 shpuii obtain tlio mon
i °y for mvself not fojr hid. If I bor
i rdvv to pay what(l ani.boiind jb pay !
t- borrow fop, nlyacl'f.,. Bui the expros
i- si-in . “obtain money* for.’ is i mined! -
i, atply followed and! explained byits
n, adjunct, i‘or to loan its credit tb.”,lsotb
j being hnjdd logother sen-'
toncefbefore tlio‘ pbjejet or ?p iarly,teom
. ® loh both expressions, is reached!;
.b 0 ' history of the) amendment alsdt
informs u» that subscriptions tb stock
and lomling tho credit 6t i,ho
; to privaid corporations and
■,[ associations’were 1 ,the evils fo hb rod-
J edied. But individuals are always
ln somp capacity the recipients of the
public me ney . It makes t o difference:
• lhercforo| whether ai party .pbld is a
volunteer, or a witness/viewer, juror,
laborer, pensioner, The
true question ts whether t ic nionpr- is
borowod for a public purpose land
, P a .t“ bond fide to, ; a proper person for
this purpose or it is mbrioyl
obtained as] a Joan or advance to the
usp ofipiijvatp puilticjs. " , if I *
■ln the case bbfprej us the object is
not to obiaiii money J/or tie volunteer,
but for the co'mmuniqj’, which js tube j
■roliqvTod by tho vbluntccr. Ini proper
conleinplalion, .‘.thje fbtaininu bf* the I
fnonoy precedes l buy khow edgcTbf the '
volunteer, whc/onlylbecomes, known i
• 113 “ftIsteps 1 steps for wiuld •ii.d. .close witf, tho-l
i pubhc ofler, and accept\ho, prottbied,
bounty, as the Qonsidordtion of liis
' ®® rv,ce - The! consideration ' given [oh
jus is (dost enlists
,!nto ft dangerous service, ]-nnuing,tho
fl? i $ und jirabyl and . takes übdu
himself fb|o burthen | jresting uppn tlio,
wholo ebnimunity subject to the lot:
• jj 10 wo j fart, .ak I hnvo already
shpwn, is most intimately'involved in
the draft; which otitpra dirsctly with*
injtlio;field ot paur icipUl affairs. Tho
dip is not cast, and"‘ the lot is yet un-;
certain. AH aroliablowithia thoagoS
of j tho greatest jcadalmity jfor useful
ness. The chosenLmay ba the most
vaiujablOji iiHeful/and 'needed members,
of speiety, whoectoxtriiditidii majJpro-!
ducp tho greatest injuify anid tholmost
distress; The public! interest is more
involved ini the illsibfl a draft, than in’
many evils, Irccogninod as public jn
their nature. : -An/p'bstruotlph to n ;
highway, dud a* dispriierly house, por-i
baps hurtful to butifew, {tiro punished
nuisances. 1 Even sounds' and
smells claim public attention. An, im
pending draft is an evil certainly more
, to be dreaded than the odor of a pig.
stye; or the clatter of horps: Can it !
be that citiions may bo torn from jtho
community and sooiai tios ruptnred to
drag them into a-dangcrqUS public per
f 1 and iypt comnSonity cannot! »nt
torlpre ,to fsavo them on,the ground
that it is Only a private irffairi 1 Their
property may. bo protected from ; the
storage ;of powder; :by jmunicipal reg
ulations; hut thbir; bodied oaniiotne
oaved from ( being made food fortpow-^
~® r VMbo publio defence, flt is possi-'
‘o bpld the disc of the; dollar so'
®y®B.! it oxcludea from
® ® ht ,fivery object; of pjxl)Ji§ interest
and blinds us to ev s onliment. ; of
’’ if-fir • -t* - '»’*•; j - 1 -*’ *'
. u fl
i am
i ola >
•• ;*V7
1 hoM'tbtirofbre that mo.
to save a ootomunity frOiA a
lo^ obl^nedforaDjpar Ly. cr
Ui-bnfc is a,, direct appropria
!«?? Public purpose,apd that raig.
by the cgrdinafrjj: powers of
taxation !br;a common
Ha affeormg interGstg, liappi-
J tt . i welfare of a commariity, is
naming money or loaning credit
witbin .the terms Of the
#t*|is easoclall within the letter
J-Ti/“f? lt> }. s ***s« spirit and
]V a ; Pf., all thu i exception, ,in the-
W* of 1857, when token; uJ
Us a., whole. ■ The first 1 sectiotti
the staf o dobt to seven-hundred
ty thopsand dollars:ye*; the soC
vCg uniimitod pow'ofe to contract
to repel invasion, suppress In-
Mon., and| defend the state In
II wo icyasiSns of our state ahd‘
nay. paid
.draft is n
twm 1;
npt ot
; i But
of 'the
ond gi
war. -
tbo character jit tho war attest tbo no';
eessuy clithia provisiOD. ' BuV it fs
. t J l fr t iP rotoc^°a against invaaio'n
ard ts/a fodorai.ddty,-4-
fi-uo it |is so by an express jgrant of
jw iwerj by the samefcohetitution
every right pot delegated is reserved
•*!? lho 6 . late f W people,' and-I find no.
clansej m the constitution Jby wliich
inPuCSM’ self‘protection is liken
away froth (he States. ( On tho contra
ry, 1 find that in time of war, Or when
wtuanv mjrdopd, or ini uAmEnei*tdani
gcr, not admitting of delay, tbo right
! 0 *H° keep troops or ships of I
war by oxnrps's exception.
The kind [of war is not defined, for-':
oign oreiyi!; nor isUe ddey or mode
prescribed;;or limit
’.7 »therefore, ;in the face of a
°i v |.W^? i, S.C rdm pottfsylvini'a io;
.lnOjGn|r, apd of invasions fur .within
hoii borders, bringing ruih on {thobas
anda of her citizens, who are nHw
knocking it the doors;of the legislEU.
turp fbr ; public compensation] that
toeiro is.nojpower in tho-stiio to nipov
P? r K.a. her tbi-ritory trom irrbption.and
thp; livys and- property bi her people,
is to outrage the first Jaw of inaturb
and.ofjgdvbrnraen%, and 1 , to brino- un 1 ,
mofucil.roproaeh upon the wisdem of
th6, foiindeie of.our institutions,,!Why
shajl noL th.o State offer inducements
to her citizens to - ! ntb the f^ed’o-
isaist ir
tho ravagesj of wa.
Federal; or State C<
- jdjVtho dih seb.
county, city, bbi
bu,t thobxc iption
unless such debt i
• traCted).! to cnabh
invasion, supprjesi
lion, oridofisnd itai
djlow, the oxcoptL,
things—lirst. tfaat a municipality, may
bo authohijd. to contirpqt aufobt for
defence; in Lime of warpr of ‘invasion:
and next that such a debt. may bo as-
Burned by tho state. I£ wo i suppose a
in thb ifactl, that- the
vohf njtbet gocadiroctlyinto the service
•of tbc.United Slates,, yet ibie motive
■i-ptotbj defence; . and t"ho moans thus
eraployM uc i only actnpllyjcpnlfibuto
to'.ihistpurjose, ’but experience has
•sjiown to bo most effective;; to the de
sired end In. such h warlaa this has
been,wherein is the difference 1 between
the strong,' federal arm ouMtrctchod
for our protection under tb® injunc
tion pi thfe federal constitution, and
the, feebler | bands of the male mi Jilia,
that wp should declare' aiitboritalively
that tbo former cannot bo aided ay the
s tv h 110 t he latter only> cau l bo' usodi
Who has forgotten tbo. mighty shock
of arms at Gettysburg!! when the’
whole power of the n&tioq *a( held
in doubtful conflict, by algfaeft ffftd de!i
tqmihed foe; and when for tbfa anx
ious days,. prayers’ ascended to ; tbo
god ot jbatt 6s, j and' loyal men., held
[ their breaths uhcemihl upon xfhich
side the v|ctory had settled.' It there
fore bpcoifios us, well to pause' before
wo ‘stand-on such narrow ground. Ba
ther should' we bccome humble pupils
in that great -school of ’ experience
which has - taught ‘ us hbw near we
w;ero| to!totaldefeat. s , Injview ofthese;
grave realities of war, aid of the nec
essities of defence, -how can itlbe'snp-*
posed that a free and intelligent peo
ple, in avoiding the evils,|of municipal
subscription^,-ran" so fat Into the op
posite extreme,. that they havd strip*
ped tpcnisclyes of -the power of incur*
ring a debt in defence ; of their lives
and property, at a time of great pub
lic on.orgoney 7 jOn the Contrary, oy
oryliiio and | clause 'of the exceptions',
brisll e‘- as it were, [with fljtbpl, against
this artifieiaj, feeble, anil unfriendly
Interpretation, j ! . i ,■ i;
If 1 vo refer to tbo federal constitu
tion wo- find the war powers wholly
incluc ing the duty, of protection to
the Si ales; whfio 'the, States are pro*
hibitod Bom “engaging in war unless
when actually inya'ded ojr in such im*
miner t danger as will hot admit of
delay/' | In j returning, ib tboj State
const! button | wo diicovcrjtbat the ox* -
coption ; in the sixth section of thq
amendment (foes hot stop! with a debt
contracted to enable the state; to repel,
invasion and suppress domestic insur-.
seopob,] bnt| includbsalso debtaOon
tiaCtcdto enable tbe State to defend
itself fa timerf war. Clearly , this k
©r ii
amp r ig
ly. and
berth t
car. i 1
tl}B gooid natured, {waggish Mr. G. bo
|orei-pMr, I), was, sleeping and snor«
ing furiously. Mp.G., more -restless
under pe legislative burdbns/ soon
arose andwarfeitting by' the stove,
when an elderly lady came-abbard
and desired a sleeping bbrtb. “All
right* madam,” saia Mr.,G. “I took
a. berth iwitlv my son, and you can oc
cupy my, place in thalTherth where
my bbyj is-leoping.” Taking Mr. &
at his word,- the lady disrobed (lereelf
and - lay down wiihtboboy. After a
qaietPbpoao.of some time, the - boy
(P*-W becamb {restless hem gome
ttuse. dßdTboga np kick krr i. to
lv '-m>i '
payjtient .pf I panties tojvol un teors to
?i n n r ftdefal sbirvido when it
i 1a manifest it; directlyj proin6tegi the
defence of* the Slate ?4ln spirit, purn
'Pioecj <nnd ton *nago,;thj|refore suehra
;d.Qbt is clearly] wilhin the exception to
fthd amd.ndmpiit.'
! r Tfiero! is hothing in- niy judgiflor. t ! in
tho.arggment founded upon the'allog
ed -repugnance ofthe law to tbe fed
oral power to raise and supportumdbs.
Jjbjei'o is. ppUdinflict ; of jnnsiiiation ; or
pf ppwpK .jAdinittipg ,to thb fallpst
extent: the! incompatibility of any
etatp law assuming to iregdla£e or to
interfere with the raising ami support
ing of a federal array, thej-o is ho*o.
n Q interference,,nq regulation, “and do
rppujgßSnbo. ’! Congress purposely" re
frained from occupy ingtho wholofiold
of pjiwer, land expressly provided for
the acceptance! of’ volunteers in dis
charge of the draft. , The act of Feb*
24,1864;! after providing fori the
atstmmtioq. :6jf B military service by
qiioyis among’the rfiunieipalilies of
each state_d cellared (hs6 “all vol an -
tocre w hur"inlay lon 1 1 st'aft or the draft
shill bo Ordered,, and before it shall
actually bo made; shdll be deducted
fromjthe number ordered to be, draft
ed id-such ward, town.jor township,
precinct, election distrust or condty.
This portion Of! the.field as to procur
ing I was
tojithe exorcise of any ■ means to indiico
persona to in relief of thp mu*
hieipality frgm the pending, bat as
yet unexecuted, draft. That this was
intentional. is recognised by the terms
law. \ The third proviso of the
seventh section, w;hieb provides for
transfersintOiJthoj naval Service,, do*
clared that the honjity money received
from the state,'by any mariner or .sea
men enlisting ftom’ that state, shaft ho
deducted from bis prize money. The
proviso in thegjeeond Section author!*
sing the discharge of minora entering
the, conseht v of - theft
parehla :or guafdmns, expressly ic
.jiuires sUch/parspti£ their parents or
guardians, firs, to repay to the gov-i
ernmjent audio thp\slate and'local au*\
thorities, all bounties-and advance pay!
Which may havo ftbea paid to them.’
Tbo fedoral laWi therefore dobs not as
vtral or direct the procur
.fiers. It simply suffers
i&jcitlz'ons tb combi for
njily,. and accept thoisei--
rapn, to' bo drafted,, and;
i that inducements in the
dues Will bo held out to
ent, t|iereforo, that the
gislaturo providing for
bounties td volunteers
inflict with] thp federal
.ing men, into the sCrvicb
jglo foot to stand upon,—
There is not’a .single point of conflict.
The,, state bounty operates only tipoii, ;
tlio will of the citizen to : induce hint?
toiivplanteor. and ends with his ac,- ;
cop tan co into lt-does ned
oven undertake! to determine his fit-,
ness to servo, but loaves., this to tlnS
operation . pf ; :Ui|o federal law,;. Amf
this is a docislye;. answer to the argu-
that the state bounty- throws
Upon the service' unfit persons, while
it saves the young. and vigorous. If
the fact bolsp.itjls ap argument to be
addressed to Congress to amend its.
pV punish the loderat,agents,- - It
is a igost singulftjr conception.tha'Uthc
malpractice of the federal officials in
this, respect, proves thoi'unconstitu
tionallty .of the [state law; and
utterccifwitli grciaL gravity
by jcoi nsel of coipir.anding.position, I
should suspect it bf : irony.
Jjti view of Jjhb perfect -line of do
.fnaix-ai.iori which’ separates the state®
apd federal laws in this instance it ,iJ
unnecessary to treato the case.ffpon
au tponty.;; But,]. raawcfor to the sin-.
gle /pas oof W e‘av or! yu*Fogciy' ot al 5
Casey 2T, where , the, rules governing
quesjticris .of conf ict -betw.oon federal
apd , stfhto legislatioaxiro stated and
the caljtJpod.: Thb ” rule
applied casbas 'that
the implication fgainst the power of
the !stato J can only aiiso j wh.|ro the
slate authority is absolutely aftft total
ly cc ntradictory and rcpugngn.t.
f Srrti.j Sonny,’**— A Parkers-,
f-t..)! pajpec say s j that!serer*
|emeu of the Legislature took
;s af Grafton late on the eyen
h’o Gth jult. tor Wheeling,, and
,A 1
a! g'
, ■ i' “.1" ~ -- >£s>'
tho number was MrilGv, of
lallargo proportions
a ,^ r vP-> jo* proportioual gnsl
. Those two gentlemen took a
Jgo'ther, it|soems, iri a sleeping
he little m.;an laidbebind,and
S. ■
:70 0 YK I )Ekni:AOttati:ii .
I 4aie of’;s! ~'
per*- square: each* ■snbseqnent: -ifestrtioji>
SdTcrtißors, and onlpng adeertiscnroiits. :
r A ajiaoe equal to .irirjiV 1 * Une3 of diia typo
' j \ K '■'
; .^P®?*^ l notices 26jler oonU, additioti Vo ie£"i
utor rates. :■. . ,‘J ' K-: r ‘«: ■ I .
.cards’ 76['cehft *
: MarQsges
■and other' Notice* jof a puVllo nature^rii' j t>
i ~
v ■. Tlitr Morning : Star. 4 ‘ t~. .
j I had sinc6
to take the early, train t -fr6jh;4*itbvi« >
donee to Boston; 'andfor 'this^pirpbsd:
'rose attwb o'clock ip : Ibo indrmng.i*-
Everytbing wrapped ,
in darlAeas and] hushed in
broken only by] whaV
hoar tb.o ancorthly’oKpk andrtlah of
a tram/. It was a niild'; Spread rai(l
a, cloud, the winds whist. • f
ihcnjii>-.lho last^nar.tciJhad. just jrs* \
on, aodi.tbjp^s&ra, ,r
lustre but httlo affected; by ’ •■•; !
Jupiferj two hours high, Wastho heb* : ' . |
aid pf ; tbe^day; : :the > f!
bow'tho ; hoTißon,-Bhqd|bl>ihjl ii
fluonco : in !■ the East; .Lyra ; sp|fkh|dt }
near the/zenith; Andromeda weijectT l ig *
her : newly discovered glories JhsMn V !
naked eye ini the HoUthjtHo llea'dy
pointers, far beneath'the polpvfookbd:
meekly up from the depth oK the -
iNorfh Id their sovereign. I;:,’'-
Sueh was tb|e.gldri6uS' epeciSbia ;4i i
1 entered the train. As wo proceeded, -
jibe timid alpproach of twilight became. V.
more perceptible; tbo' intonae bfnoeff
thdeky bogan lp sottenj tho Btpallflp : ■
stars, like httlP ehildren/w«nt .
rest; the sister bchms’of tho '"*■ :
son o' piclted. together;; .but - the'ijtfght: ■!
eohstoilationa-bf the rWcst ;aii'di;is6?t%T I
remained unchanged. Stoddily]<;-ihO?'- j.
wdnderoiia change wont onyHtvndtg [
t|t||tt»g'o|B,Ridden from view, ;shifted , !
the scenery of the heavens, the, glo»i ]'
_of tile, .night dUsolvod intj'.lho:;
glories, of. the dawn. ; iTho blap sk-yi r t’ ■
no w turned I softly gray; andf.thn .i,:
great w ; ateh_ stars shut up their!licrty ■' - Z' : L
oycs; llic '.’East began to- kln r 4lo^—,
Paint streaks of purple soph blashetl
od along llie sky, tHp IV-hdoSPcip^^f- - ■'
concave whs filled withtho in-flaisvir.y ,
tides', of. the mbi&iug '■ light .rajifcli ■'
;Pamo pouring down from ajb'd.vo-m tap" ,
great otaan of radiance; till
as wer cached; tho IlVud Uilb,a fl'4?S-oIV,
i P ur sl Q fiVd blazod fi'om ihe hofizpp and- 1 -
turned ihejdowiy tear drops
an~d leaf intoynbies and diamoni4B'.ry*
In - a. few eeconds tlip.ovoflasting gates 1
ol tbO: mofiiin£ - wore thrown ppehj;
.and the Lord of .the; day, Ikrrayjod.iii
'glories too aov'erp'for the ghzoof&unl,
•.began to opurao.- Ido not wondhr at ’
the superstition of flip' ancient ilagi*
iina,'who-' ip. "the- "ih&ifnirig. of ;iii-day,-
wont upto jt hah 11 It tops, of phb.trul
Asja; a«d ignorant ot thpitoio |t3ou,.
jadorod' the jmoat ~glorip?isJf®k' PLjHis.
.Dili I nni fillekL wiUiatnazo- :
; mont wh oif toTcT ffioti ip this : .
otied ago and m tho heart off'thp -
Christian -world there are' personi ')
who l can' witness this daily roanito»T
of tho i Creator, and say in Ihoir
sgjvn hearts, “There in noCod,”4--Zi'd- . ~
J Everett. I ■’ ■
f The Troth Well Si'Sken.—An
oxcdmnge justly remarks: i . < ■
; • : i‘‘Atlyci-t[sc(nenta i <are! very Huctf
1 like which, boar a Ijund-'
;;aßtly aft|o^i,niqny days, ' Advcr ,lee"s
"generally admit that 1 it 'ultimlitely,
|Sc‘Defitjt-.thcm. , The,man whd'fcj ieels-'|
dng cn.jlom; In) any branelf'of tjrado’
■ must invito and attfact by 1 notePioty.
■Business will go to ho house 6r shop
unBolicit6d r ’and could not, if-itwhuld,
Jnd it iri obscurity.’ It is a fact vat'-,
iostod i by qruyorsaV experience, iliafr merchant or manufacturer who'
is Iho host advertiser has the .boat
run of: custom. , ] •'.c’ .■'f, 1 ;',,-,
Siiiai*.—A French prioaty wh'cjlhad;
i h<srj|a|l. congregation, ;was;ono '
<jay.-.preach at the cjinrch iii| hfs
village, when, the doors being oobh;
‘Several /gdose*; camojii ; Btalkfng' , .lnp"'
the middlq of tno aisle: T-hepreuo|or r ’
jjvailing ; himlielf of t,ho circumstalico
jibseived that ho could no longer find •’ ■
■fault with the people of tho district"’ «•. -V
for | |nojnait(jridance; because,, thcjifgh
they did;, not come themselves, -they M' :
sent their representatives, .
J@*jThc French papers tolls a slprjr
of u Japanese official of.bigh ran'kTjvb’o_l.
had offended tbo Emporor
npd bad tbo costly of cerclio*' '
ny sorit him, I. with which to porbllrnv -
tho “bappj' dispatch.” Instead of i
taking tbo hint to rip up bis abdomen, (
ho tooktho sword,escaped (oaFrehch
vessel, ; and sold 'the jewelled weapon . . L
in Paris, .for 150,000 frknes, ' ;
beautiful day, Mr. Jonkiivs?”
‘‘Yes, .very pleasant, indeed/’ f'«€bbd
day for-the race.” “Each, what raqe?"
“The human race.” “Ob' go albng
with your stupid jokes, get up a g >od
Tone,. :,hko the one with wljieh I sWcr.
Day." ’“Dayl, what day’?’’ “The lay
tfio celebrate'," said Jenkins, who wont'
On his way rejoicing. . 1
X- —... I I J-.
exchange paper saysi— “thwos ’ *-
belonging to Michael McGiuqlss,
of Connecticut, spent ;
dayft and twoi nights, without sholtor, -j
V r watching and gnardingra j 1. j
Whip which their-owncr had dropped L f ■ " i
while,ndirig alongi" ‘ -
Bgi.Womon love to find in m'dif a'i - "
difficult ‘ combination a gentlejhois
wnich will invariably, jtß
force that wilt Invariably j»o
• i*
v I- --Jt-\o>;-; ..-:, rh-.
|.!U r:-
; J.j*
< Ij:
■ \ jr
■ H
■ '•>- -
i. ’ •
‘s \
- I: ? !