The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 14, 1865, Image 4
■lf , a - g MOtll ESTER | DBVO jsTOBIS. 1 - ; I " 1 i f i q- .-hi |). S. MARjaUIS. M. D., ■}{'!:. KOCHI|TBB, Fa| t : i — ■ •EEP3 CONSTANTLY ON 5 • ■' w . -_ s - : 1% FPU. ASSORTMENT OF i, Iblß/'Crj'' ’ ■■ r oiff e<^oixLc|i U *,■’ -S.?: • DYE jsTDFlrei 'j-'< .|[ ;■ . ; § 1 I f * \ | , ■ - j"• ■ .. f FANCY ARTICLE y ' ti ’ *" ' cheapest oils & r \:. '' ■ t IN ’VICINITY -I; ■ 'h— . . .jiV ■ And Brandi ‘ I FOR MBDIpAL - PUi x ii"-\ th|: grßat / li*:' I : ■ ■\ jPAII^I|BES ■s%. “FtohlLlNE if •W bl. . • 1; • 11 ALL |RTICLEB Of: 1 |t4-T|Q3STE ■f Usually Ke|t in rDrugS; >:C i PRESCR P :i 'A - • i . CABBFfeLLY COMPOUKDBD \— - w } J PIjEAB|CALL AT Tfl 3: . | lCf?-IW.'TH| DIAMOND . iliPifES" jgtf o 1 ■ : ii ‘ rj+l- '-I . T.•' -V !■ rpHE County will in, the sereral townships and bopajighs for the . of reoeiring the Comity and State for the yeal 1865, at.the times"and pin i designated bwow, tU: [H . , . !•. ; 'y#ppchester tp - pone 1, W. Johnson’s hotel; -iboro I 2, doj j\ dp Vlfaigowawr j. J 2, Ankeny’s hotel;^;; . ’yidteriSn tp ' 18, A. Eebertson’svy Njlrightonl • 14, E. ! Jflw Brighton . 15 * 16, Huron House; • / i; piorlh Sc*ickly ' 19, N.flasen’s; ; 'i ' Jftanklin 20, Antenireith’s store. Clarion ; 21, Q. H&seßfs/ ; ! 22, Geo. Eanseher’s;. Aigconomy tp 123, Geo. ,Neely’s; .' Aphlppewa /' 26, Mrs.Cnnningham’s; <-B earer, Horae’srood, 27, Jphnetdn’s. hotel; Galilee li2B, Greeting's do tp I 29, Ji P.||Bi}worth’s; ’ jf* 5K3b-°i .boro! -80, A; Jippok’s; jhUsten ■ J July 8, Toll House; jiflmiiilli ill'll mi I 6, Jos. tpwrenee’s; ■ A (jjhio 6, Kcrrfs |store; lphib I ' • •, I . ■ '7, M. E.| Pcringer’s; I 10, Swearingen’s hotel; rs; ido -i & Greene, 11,. ‘dp hi do IllanoTer & Greene 12, H. Jlutebinson’s; . f Prankfort ] 13, H.M.;M’Cutcheon’s; % • v| Hanover | 14, Shoti’; i 17, D. Ewing’s;. '-'"■S'Jndependenco- I : 18, Johjnj Holmes’; if'';do. . & Hopewell 19, Johnitlop's store; ! Sj" I Hopewell. * ■ 20, | Bcbtt’s; r J ,21, WmijElliott’s; . jvPulaski, 22, E. ijfallaoe’s. < ft <ift,Paymention be made in, the adjoining ..“w: ■ srdistricts. All licenses must |be paid before ■iclrihe Ist of July. | JOHN CApQHEY, ” 7 ' , 11; ITrcasurer; iff3 IP#"’ AVER SEMINARY : | asd .. MUSICAL INSTITUTE. • •••••X.flev. R. Tf TAYLORi | President. J j ; {MARCH ?8, 1865. V-) 5 : i $58.50 JI _ ■ I. 1 ®° r Board| Boom, Fuel, iliigal, and Tui 'jV • tion in Coimmon Branches, jld weeks.. i 'V ' ;; Lessons on Riano, Organ, [Harmonium, Mo ■ &.■ lodeon and GnSar, by superipr teachers,./ [ i; A Primary Department, for small boys and. f I girls, will be Opened. .. j [ ' | I Aliberal reduction will be made to children 1 commencing nnisio lessons- ' j | ' ! 'i ; Seduction on 25 per cent: on pll bills made to ministers’ aip soldiers’ danglers. [marl 5 I= V TaFARMERS. I will offer a|private sale, tor a few months i one 8-hors| power thresher, and separator, good as new |nd in perfect |order; one-half t ~ •• Buckeye” Mjpwer and Reaperl;Excelsior” • : Mower and Reaper, patent delivery;— . V Wagons Plows| Harrows, wheeled Horse-rake, i' : Grain Drill &£. - The above a'rc all nearly new; - i and of the latest improvementJ „ Also, a lar&e lot of Saletp lCook and Parlor' Stores-, the bSt in use and warranted in evdry respect. ' ’I .■ |B. Q. COOK, rj ' 1 near Darlington, ißeavcr co;, Pa , mar.2»,’65.i ' .. jj. " • 'I : I. , i 'i ■ fI :■ : I>lv|deiid3Vp. 14. j i'i NATio.sjCc.BAXK or Bbstbb Coubtt, \ ,• ij'- 1 ’ New Brighton, Mar 2, 1865. ■ / . 5 ; ‘ rpHE President and Directors of this Bank ' ■i Jt kave thip day declared n [DIVIDEND OP j FIVE PEB CENT, upon ilk Capitol Stock,.out oi the profits! df the last* ,9 months, payable '' 'Hq t| Stookhold«B or theirJegal[representatives 1 ■ pn demand—free of government tax.: : : IfrfOfder, to adopt a period for declaration of dividends Conformable to Ujie' lime for makf ing reports, 14 the Comptroller of the Cnrrenf cy, this bonlcSwill declare ;a dividend for two ' months on Use first Wednesday ofJuly next, and semi>onitdally thereafter on the first Wed nesdays of Jinnary and July 1 ?■ S ■ By drier of the Board: U i ■ my 10 , | BDW’D. HPPPS, Cashier. , 1 fiXEpIJTOS’S I NOTICE. XTTT'HEBEjAS letters testamentary on the, ■ Wj restate of Clenkki late of Econobytpl, Bearer 00., | Pa., dec’d, haying been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebtedtomid estate are to make , immediate payment, and.those 'having'claims : i agamsl the |ame will present .them properly authenticated for settlement. |j ISOPHIA EHRMAN, Ex’rx,! i my3’6s j Economy Ip. : i ■ 11 ■ • ■ i/ - HI/ i; I f.'.K ANbl A S, tea SS, ] POSES. 3IR/ •tore. 'TIONi TM. ME I i A. F. i I MONO, e M l h I !■ 1 ‘ ' 1. ■ • ;i.; BO ' it W£ * ts. n 3li iUW weir Pi e Ito’l ■ ■ or Vicinity I 'GhihTE3 E SA Re 3HE th GO T( FORt / ! ' :ri’ THE : ROCHE FOR t sir (<*■ ' = Cd[ '' ■ i ET IJIBBO assortn le OMEJTICS 33. era ' • ■' •? ■&' 5 - i t ys slins, ]' Gin M U'~ i ! -l; ' ■ Ticks. ;ck‘ m ufls, -< I assort: . ices in V '-i, jr L ■ !. j - , : ' A. O A.T-.T-.,. Y-FIVEP WE her it ne R TUN. ' J * I A f p i) GOODS E imoncU Hoe 115 ■' :1 ' Di; rs j PA«i IE EMI MI m B ) ft IT. ,S ?S,&c ent ion ai gUa lA?* 1 ant ■ ! %• I u I I ■ i y C*s m at INT M * Than I’illshnrf rf e I i* m ©s ■;"! -srana'i-fH FI3TBBDBOH CQMOOOUUL. , ' PMitKed DaHjf 'bjf .!'■■■•_ The Pittsburgh Newspaper end . Printing Company; [ ■; One of ike Largest and Most Widely Gradated Papers in the State: Gives Me Earliest toiid ] : : FvUett Intelligence ' ; -j’ Prospectus for, the Wear Year, j On wimping control of the Comauraml, at the commencement of .the year, the eohduo ton announced»their DETERMINATION to infuM a nine lift dad vigor into! its ;ieoltunna which should render the paper MORE THAN EVER ACCEPTABLE TO THE READER.. The Rapid Increase in Circulation, flatter ing notices ofonr contemporaries, and Con* gntalatory Letters from every! quarter, as- : sure ns that oar efforts hare not been unsuc cessful. f; r I f j ? ;| The Commercial HAS GROWN DAILY in I public tarot until | it now ranks' among the LEADING JOURNALS in the country.; |‘ >! In-order, to Seep pace with, the demands of the reading public, and at the.sSmo time meet the increasing {pressure| bnl;our Advertising columns, we seme’ months sntee INCREASED THE DIMENSIONS OP THE! PAPER TO THE EXTENT OF FOUR CQLUMNB. ,!j Among the leading features are fall * relit Me , TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS; i 1 from ; aR the leading points of interest. ,ft devotesspec&l attritionto ': ' (.'• ’i’-' 1 !■ ' I MARKET REPORTS, i | including the IRON, OIL,’CATTLE, LUM BER, TOBACCO, and the PITTSBURGH GENERAL MARKETS. Odr jj rI; * •■ ; , !.■/'■ RIVER NEWS,! Vf 1 j. ‘‘ reeeircs partioular attention, and in this De partment cthe Commercial has no rival, f The FINANCIAL AND STOCK REPORTS, of the Commenial are prepared with care and will be found to be nnnsually. full and relia ble. Also, theßepoite df the j ! .<! LEADING MARKETS OF THE COUNTRY, embracing reports of the DRY GOODS add r WHOLEBALE MARKETB,: and Special Re— ' ports of OIL STOCK FINANCE AND TRADE, from day,to day. ; j;* i :1, While special attention will| be'l given to. these several! the Commercial , lays claim to rank amongtheleadihgjournals of the dpuntryias amediumdf i I !' OENERAL INTELLIGENCE.! J Its aitn fr to giVe none but hAalthy reading suited tjo t£e Fahilt Cibolb, audio be la wel come visitor .to the discriminating public. ! I;-! t THE PULPIT I.k | I forms a peculiar feature of the O mmerdal. By giving erery Saturday An ObioibaA Srn mob, expressly by a Minister! of the Qospe.l,l in Pittsburgh or vicinity, (which, al so, goes into the! weekly,) fifty-two discourses . are given in the year, by not less than twen ty or thirty .different Ministers, without re gard to denomihiUional distinction!]: :Th!s De partment of the Commercial has attracted much attention; and arrangements areibeing made, to increase its, recognised importance and value. As a feature at once novel and iinstrpctive,. it conatitutesnotthe least of j thO many claims' of the CowMeraoJ topatfonage.,- -j . In politics the Conu&dai wilt be. an un deviating supporter of !ihe ,Rnion, | and earn-. estly loyal to the as far ns consistent with this aim,' free; from Partisan ship. | 1 ’I »|| V\: '' - ' -ij ‘j t - ThoCommertial {a a large Ifollo sheet, and is published in two editions evfryjmorning, Sun day excepted. | f-' .. ■jP 1 ■■! 'j. | '*'• Tanks or Dear;! by mail, $lO per l annum; City subscribers, served by [carriers, $lB per annnm,in advance, or, 25 cents! per week, pay able to the carrier, Single eapiesfi cents. A discount made to Agents. \i |: , v 1 | ; ' Tun BATUBDaTCoioinnoiAn-i-A;lnigc sheet,. containing alt the Current {News,! Miscellan eous, Literary, And SoientifielhleUigehce, and Valuable BSndfag fbr the Family,'! unpublish ed at sl,Mcjr{)2 Issues,) per year, ] in Clubs. •of T wenty^|a..; - ji : ■ 1. r| -j . The Mitugjfor Weelclg and DaStgmmei'eieeaye ! actompany the order and onto mtlaiiee can thief:, ! lentubt deviated i/rom. ■ ;■ j; ■;• ,'■]■{ !| ’-|- are requested; to act as : agents for the |o»rt« ereiaL' ,11 ;!■ j, |, ’ ’,' Office.! 75 FIFTH st., opposite Postqffieo. C. D 8R1GHAM....;.... ..............Editob. It. D: THOMPSON.... .....RogutnshMASAand. Address j 1 THE COMMERCIAL, | ■ l Pittlburg, Pa. i' i 13 I I OTS »/ .•' i t s 9 "* BBIGHIWBraBE&T AN ASYIiXJMPORTHERECEP TIONCURE AND TIffiAT MENT OP MENTAL ■ ALIENATION Oil i . ' {DISORDER i:'; ■ Altd. oilier ... Nervous and Chronic Diseases. EXCLUSIVELY FQR FEMALES. ■i i ; ; i; I.i ■ .i. \ . i -ii mHIS institution is now; open for the reccp-; 1 1 tibn, eare, ind treatment ofthe indepen-r deni clau of patients who- are'laboring under mental i derangement; or| other,nervous aid chronic disease. | We make special mention of neryona. and chronic, diseases, from the .fact that sefen tenths of the female patients .that are committed fc pnr public, Asylnms, to bo treated for‘disordered minds, arc reduced '.'to that lamentablej condition through previous physical disorder. By ajwell ijmed and judif cions treatment: of chronic and nerrous' dis eases, aD} physical disorders, in { the majority of leases mayberemovedj ;and thus the mind, haring suffered! through the medium, of this body will when free;) from the exciting physical cause, { throw bff the shackles that has bound it to worse than midnight darkness, arid reason will, once more, resume its sway, clothed in ail its primitive, beauty pud wonted excellence. {Hence the necessity >f all those, who sire laboring: under the predisposing;. ! br exciting causes, calculated in thi end to im pair the mind ito resort to an early ahd judicious course' of remedial agents, Vll . | the Institution* is a large brick building with a stone basement—four stories high and well ventQatled.' { lt is situated on jan elevated table land which commands -ariew of entire streams^al}i ealoolatefto pri£ duoe favorable impressions upon the disorder edmlndi{ ];-!■■ {'l ' J‘,. | ; l ’ i The Institution is complete in all ofj its ap pointments. {I Haring been;tastefully .fitted up at greet expense, in order that jil{maf meet the approbatioh and rifcweof thettost fastldi ons. { - i 1- V •'j I; i‘ | i i The water closets and ; bathing apparatus hare been gotten up pponthemoit approved modern scientific principles. This department embraces hot' only the. ordinary {baths bhti also,'' the modicated, warm air{ and ascending and 'descending douche for the more effectual and successful treatment'of { cutaneous land other scrofulous diseases. j:--- ; jj' I Wo beg leave to say to all thosewho may be disposed tp" commit the interests of a dear wife, sister or .daughter,, to onr charge—may {be assured that no means. will be; spared {or {efforts wanting on bur part to ameliorate their {condition of to effect a restoration to their ao customed health and rigor of, mind. ■ ' : For farther particulars-send for a circular 'All communications should be addressed to. ! iIT . B. KENBBICK, M. D ' -f ' I . « -V an CENT UMI Pa, W, g piaiti. - uaaettigbi on theestate of sin. Asha Jaonon, lata of New Brighton, Bearer eo-.Pa, dos’d.; all persons knowing themaelres indebted to I said estate are requested to make paymentj immediately and those basing claims against'the s*me|wi_ present them to the subscriber duly authenti ! eatetHbr settlement. ;■ I 'l ■ I ’ v i; ; ill (i JOHN BARLOW, Adm’r; or ; apflil 1 -BAML. MAQAW, MEI FRIENDS AITD RELATIVES '■ i - r ; ; •. : BRAVE 9QLOIERB AND SAUJ^OSi HOLLOWAY’S PIUS And Ointment. A LL WHO hare Friends andßclat ires in the A Army or Nary, Mild Uke eapeeW care that they bo amply supplied with those! Pffla e&T Ointment; and where the brass Soldiers Mid Bailor* hare neglected to [preside them •elree with tbem,no betterpreMnt canbeeent them by them friends!., {They hare beenjpser edto be the Sdldier’sj neret-frlling Mend in thbhonr of need. J ,]|' ';'1: h i i -., COUGHS AND COLDRAFFECTINQ TROOPS |Wm ■be speedily remored and effectually eared by using these admirable medicines, and bypaying proper; attention to the Directions which are attached to ekoh Pot or Box. I : ■ ■ SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPE ; I TUB INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. {These feelings which iso sadden ns, totally arise from trouble for annoyances, obstructed, perspiration, or eating and drinking ' whatever isl unwholesome, thus; listorbing! the rhealthfnl action of the User and] slomaqh. -Thebe'or gans imnst be reliered, ifyori desire to be welL The Pills, taking according to the printed in* i struct! ons, wiU quickly [a produce a healthy , action in-both iiree and stomach, i and; as a I natural consequence a clear head and good ap petite. I I |. 1 , .] i ■ -i, Jj, WEAKNESS OE DEBILITY INDUCED BY ■■ ."I OVEEjFATIGDE, (■'•■;!.• Wlll soon disoppear-by the rise of thebe In* tunable. Pills, and the Soldier jwillquiokly ac quire additional strength. Never let the bow els be either confined or unduly acted ijnpon. It may seem strange fhat Holloway’s' Pills should be {recommended ]for {Dysentery and I Flux,'manyiporsons traprposingthattheylwould increase,the rolaiatiDn.j .{Thisjis a great- mis take,. for these PiUs will correct the litir and stomach add thus' rebuke {all the acrid humors from; the system. Thismedieiue will gin tone 1 and rigor to the whole: organic - system hower er deranged, while health and[ strength] follows as a matter of course, i Nothing wiu step the ! relaxation of the Bowels so dure as this fam* ous medicine. .i)"j•,• '{ I -1 .1 ! VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! INDISCRE- I TIONB gOF YOUTH. | I'M'. , ; Sores and Ulcers, {Biotchings ahd Swellings* can with certainty bo 1 radically cured {if pie ’ Pills are taken,night, and morning, and the: ointment be freely used as stated in th? print ed instructions. If treatedinjanyotherman ner they dry up in One; part to {break ont in an other. Whereas, this | Ointment .will {remora the humors from the system and lease the Pa tient a rigorous and] healthy man], It {will res quire a .little persererance m bad {cased to in snre a lasting cure.! ; ' |t j . "{; r. FOE WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY .1. THE BAYONET, OR 8 ABREOB THE BUD- I .LET, SORES 6e|BRUISES, : ; 7|i ]"/' ITo which e T**7 Soldier and Sailor are liable there are no medicines so safeL sure and con venient as Holloway's! Pills and ointmejnt. The poor wounded and! abqost dying sufferer might hate his wodnds dTesked immediately, if he would only proride himself with! this| match less Ointment, which should he 'thrust into the wonndbnd smeared all around it,; then] covered with a piece of linen; from his knapsack, and with]] a handkerchief. j {Taking night and, morning 6 prSPills, to eoollthe sys-' tem and present inflamation.] <]■' {.' j Every Soldier’s { knapsack and Seaman’s ihest should be projrided with these valuable Remedies: •| rf I•{'j . j| y 1 CAUTION.T- Nono u? genuine unless the words New Ibri [land London," are discerhnblo as a water-mark in.erery leaf S' f the book of difehttons arojond {each' pot or ox; the same maj] he.plainlv {seen by holding dU ltafto the Ughi | A .handsome reward will: be'giren to any. dn]e frnderihg such ihforma lion as may lead to] the detection of any party Or partleaconnterfftitingthemedicinesjorrend ing the same, kndwinjg them |to he spurious. ;; *** Sold at the] Manufactory of professor HouowaT, 8° Middeh Lane!; New Y]ork, and iby all respectable ] Diugglst* and Dealers in iMedloineo, throughout the eirilisCd world, in boxes at 25 62jeents and $1 each- There is' eoqsiderahie sating 1 the larger sixes, j ! , If , Ni B.—Directions for the gnidam ienis inererydisolrdCrareaffixeid to May-/ 11--]..-!I 1 --]..-! ■ ■ 1 1 ' BRITISH PER. ''■[ ■| ‘ ' . '■[ VIZ. The Lohdob Qc aSbtsbiy "Ri ‘Tail Hdmbckob Pliyisw (\| Tnk W REVIEW. Tub Nobth Brxiish Betiev '' ' ■'‘-I'' .'L .:| 1 , j ; j B|*ACKWOOD*fI EDIjNBV&On MAOAZISSj The American | Publishers contii print'the above-named periodicals, I cost of printing hjtsj doaiirtf, the pri( pernearly trebled,] and taxes, [duties} etc , largely increased, thejy are. coi advance their terms as follows: ' ' j.'|,: TERMS F0R1865..,. For any one .of 54,00 For any two of thej Reviews. 1 ..... ....; 7,00 Fee any! three ofthe Reviews. 1 -... .... 10,00 For all font of. the R evi,ewg_,p......... i., .12,00 For Blackwood's |M4gaxine.S..i...... 4,00 For Blahkwood.and one Review—... —. 7,00 For Blackwood ajn'd any two Reviews-.., 10,00 For Brack wood 1 three fieviewsl.l... lB,Ooi For Blackwood land the four Reviews.... 15,00 Theworks wiUjboprinted op a greatly improv ed quality, 'of paper, i and while {Dearly , ail American Periodicals! are either advanced in price or reddeeld|in eite —mdf very, generally both—ire shall givefalthful copies of all the matters fcontatn id in l the! original editions* Hcnie, dwpraient; prices will be found as cheap j fotthe amount of matter fur- as thoselof any of the competing per iodicals in thisdountiy. 'j. •j-• '| ' , y Compared with the cost oi the originals ed itions, | which dtl the present premium on gold 1 would he about |sloQa year, our prices ($l5) are exceedingly Upe. .Add to this the: fact that we make our annual payments to ]ho British Publishers for early sheets. and copyright in | 1 <?oW—sl costing ns at this time. (Jan. 1865) 1 nearly $2,50 hr currency:—and we trust that in the scale We < have adopted we shall be en tirtly justified [by our subscribers: and‘the reading public.| .J •. | . J!j - > The interest of these’Feriodicali to Ameri can readers is rather increased than dimin ished by the articles they contain I on our Civ il War, and though sometimes tinged with prejudice, may still, | considering their great abililityl and the’different stand-points from which they 1 are written, ho; read and studied with advantage, Iby the peibple of this country, of evejry.breed and party, i ’’.i. , " f.-MH •'• [I THE FOUR REVIEWS for 1863. A few 'copied of; the above remalin on hand, and will be sold at $5 fbr, tho whble four, or $2 for anyone][ ■■ ~|i |’■ 'j Wo also publish the l;f'‘ .},! , r. By WijSZSftFiaih. late J. P. Norton] of Tale College. 2 vols. Royal Octavo] 1,600 pages |and numerous En gravings. ■ h. f . ■n ‘ h / |! ■ PRICERS? ; for the tWo volumeO —by Mail, post paid, ss<■■!.,! I I. Iji LEONARD SCOLT & CO. j Publishers, ’ Api £8 Walker StTeet, Neie YoTk. New'' Marble "W ■ ■ V- ID. Irons m aeketst., bbidge i TIE Snbaviber announces Id that he is preparedto form! men *ll kind er work iqhls line n SLAB lo a C4BYED TOMB STOj American and iXtaHan Kepi; on hand,' and alii kl nda of as Ornamental work done in, a| manner. ' i - 1 ■■''' ■ / J Markets,\door north T. All THE of this InstltuUinwiU commence ‘ ■ ■_ Jr ;j ' sf*» {’•' ' under tie Charge "of; f 1 !](..' ’! J Metsn.F. AGNEW 4 M. QANTZ, .‘! at Associate Priilcipals. .. ?■ ; It it (bo desire, and trill be the aim. lpjnake this a thorough English]! Classical and Com mercial School, andto sustain lbs high fchar aeter it baa had heretofore. ■; ' ■-] ■ . to those who desire a good English educa tion, audio those; who have been or contenl. elate teaching in I our public schools, induce ment Uofferedfrom the (het that the latter of the Principals, for the latt lwelro years, has been FjriMipal of {New Castle Union Schools. Both are graduates -of different' colleges, ml well- acquainted with the trants of our higher institutions. -Persons, therefore, who design fitting thejmselres for college: will find this a suitable land desirabte place. ;! , The]former baying beeSffor some time con nected with the liron City College, as a prin cipal teacher, and the latter also being a grad uate of Duff’s College, advantages superior to most outside of the 'Commercial; colleges are offered tb those desiring a bnsiness education. Qurlnew Academy' Buildings, designed ex pressly, for the {purpose, with large school room) class rooms, society hall, etc.-, are now .occupied, though not quite finished.’ It is ex pected, however, to havk them wholly so at an early day. ■ : | V Foriraies of tuition, 4c.j send fori circular. 1 - Address the Principais or the undersigned. ■ j.-j' H. HICE, See. Board of Trustees, Beaver, Pa. Musical Glass , I ' UNHEE THE HIEECTION OF ; Professor A. N. JOHNSON, Author] of “ The Empire-” and “Thor :] ough Base ,” ; , will te formed i t the Beaver Seminary and , ;!i' Ujmical lnsiitute, j| . j.,’. : I July 18th, 1865, AND CONTINUE TOUR WEEKS, Thu instruction will be jin cultivation of the voice ■ Harmony, Thorough Base and Musical compmition, and will continue! daily for five hours. The attention of those desiring to, teach orpetform Sac rod .Jlusic, either Vocal ■ or Instrumental, is called to .this rare oppor tunity, for improvement! ; i l, 1 -. hre $7,00." Board in the Insti tutionT $15,00 for | the session.. For particu lars address [ > B*v; B. T, TAYLOR. f TREASURY DEPARTMENT, 11 Office of the Comptroller of Currency. : I Doc. 20,1864. ) WHEREAS, by Satisfactory evidence pr,e ijentedio has been made to appear that “The National Bank of Beaver County]’ ini the Borough of New Bright on, ]in ‘the cokmty ,of ißeaver,! and State of Pennsylvania, I has bben duly organised under and according!to the requirements of the Act of cOngtess entitled ‘]An Act to I provide a National Currency, secured by a 1 pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof! approved June 8;j 1864, land has Complied with 'all the provisions of said Act required to be complied with bOfore commencing the business of Bank ing lander said Act: j J 'j ~r // i Now therefore, I Hugh M’CullOch, Comp troller of the hereby certify that “TherliatiMfai Bonk of Beaver county,” ,in the Borough if; Sow Brighton, in the county of Bpaver, add' State of-Pennsylvania, is au thorised to commence tpeVbnsincss of Banking under the Act aforesaid I ] . |. I In .'testimony whereof, witness sjis 4v, ■my hand and seal of office, ’this i 'oi J 20th da-rdf December j: 1864, : HBOI M’COLiiOCa, 1 1 Complrt Her of Currency. - - 1 -“3 “Unquestionably the a, ;e» i Sustains work of the kin tft|the World.” HEW iRMKW&W ■L it Criiicat, So ieei of the Pro*. It is I the foremost Magaiine oft heyday.— The fireside never had a more delightful cpm panion.nor (the 1 million a more!, enterprising, friendpj than Harper's Magaiine(f-Jf<tAd<it»t ProUtiant (Baltimore). T ~ j ! The most popular Monthly in the World. -j— iVin York Obeeiyer. 1 1 ,■ [ ’ We must refer, m terms of eulogy to .the high tone and] varied excellent of Haepeb’s MiOAXiss—j-a journal iwith a monthly,circula tion of about jIjO.OOO |copies4-in whose pages aretorbe found some of the choicest light and general reading of thb day. We speak of this work as an|evidence of the American People ; and the'popularity it has acquired is merited. Each number ! contains fully 144 pagcsof reading matter, appropriately illustrated with good' wood-cnth; and it oombmesjin itsclfthe racy| monthly! and the more philosophical quarterly, blended' with the best 'features of this daily, pltihas great power: in the' dissem ination of ja love of pure literature. —Tech- iraa’a iGEjijds to! American Literature, London. - ~thovmumea bound constitute of themselves a library iof miscellaneous reading such as cannot bo found in the same compass in any, otherpublicaUonthat has come under pur notice.—ilortor Courier. '■| . j. I i SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1 ! M:Lt '-1865,! Jl, 7 taking s of pa* itch: box. ppic iis. eVi*h r Wg.) "(Radical (Ereo-03 onserr, i;.> I. Uurch. 'Tory, tile to ro bot as the co of pa liccnses, opelled to |The Publishers havepcTfectcda system -of mailing by which they can supply the Maga surs aud WiiKLT promptly 1 to those • who' pre fer to : receive: thcirperiodicals directly from the qifice jof publication . | |; ' i !THe postage ouHabper’s Magazine is 24 cent* a year whichmust be paid at the Sub teriber’t post-office. ' ' ] . . ; '. 'i-'. Terms / • Harper's Maoasikb, one year......... 54 00 |An | Extra copy of either the' Magazine or ■VysitklTjrill be supplied gratis for every Club! fcf Five Subscribers at $4OO each in one remittance; or Six Copies . for $2O 00. ! [ Bach numbers can be supplied at any time. [A Complete Set; now comprising oinis Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be seht by express, freight at expense, of pur chaser, for $2 25 per 'volume, i Single vol ujmes, by mail, postpaid, $3 00. Cloth eases, f&binding,sB cents, by mail, postpaid; Ad dress 'I . '■ J .| I : ~ • v J HAtIPEB & BROTHERS, V} t ■t 1; I Franklin Square, New York: FR , _ Of ’ , SPRING GOODS, WM. BIOS’S, ;K&BCHANT TAILOR > hi BRIDGEWATER, PA. I;- joiPbs I ’ATEJj. Spring Cassimeres, comprising every (style of fashionable goods. Clothing made to order t'4 the neatest and I; ( most fashionable style. f \ ggrCall and see his goods. before nor* chasing elsewhere. - |.. [aptS . "TJUBB BROTHER, & Co r s. Extra Chemical J 3 VfritingFluid,the beat in the worldatthe End] ;ewater Drug! Store. Try it and be eonj Vineed. Manufactured by the American Ink Company , " ' ! , ’ - • . ■ i ■ ■ ill the pnblio l> to easto >ma PLAIN iMarble plainas weU ill satisfactory p. IRONS. lison’sstoie. ljunel ’« SEiAry-ErK, iA. NOBMAIi ESII ARRIVAL ' I [ AT IPLENDID ABBOBTMKNT OP ,* cotow* l***i IEBERVIHS THE '/y% tte Breath: r 3rt iij) Toothache and ' P' Purif . _~iD->--~. J*. Dr. Kurd’s: UNRIVALED ftp no , , •> PLASTER.. I "*o*4loll Presemng tkeTeeA, including /L *“*» V Proper Treatment of ChUdrtri, / or ‘*i MOSS SILK for CUm&e *l2*- . ■ - TOOTHPICKS, 'etc.,eu ' AiTl1 * Prepared it Dr. Hurd’s Dental o» Fourth St., Brooklyn, (E. D.l . > ; ?•> 77 ■Price, 0A r i?.2)o£ikfi ; or s , r 4: B^The^entorTVeamym^esfr, eight'lnphes by fire, and is sent bvir. >’' B®“ £*CS direction! for ut, i, T * p* 4 ® -> The following articles! we can send s«. W ' ‘' - ly,by mail, yii; . r ■ . “““tparite. The Treatise on Preserving lh(T c „i ... ' paid,'{on receipt of Twelve cett, B6o ’ I’' s3 *-- stamps. 1 ’ f { , ; ‘ ’.- or four The Neuralgia. Plaster, for I Face, Nervous Headaeh >, ani postpaid, on receipt of Eight stamps.! •. ' IheNeuralgia ana Mheuma use,)'for' Fains in the Chest, or any part if the body! I sent eeipt of A irtg-eeven ecn/i." , Address, .1 - 1 ' [' , (-1 WM. K.,IT -I V ribuhe Builds ■ i *i ; ' | Dr. nurd's MO VTU WASH, TOOTBPnv DER and TOOmlchE DSOPS Ct sent by mail,, but they-can [probably bo Z tained atyourDrug or Periodical Stores I? they cannot,"send to as for the' DFA’Tit TREASURY, Price, Osg DoiTlae, which tains them. : 1 I , - ; ' ; 4 re Dr - Hurds Preparation* Good ft 1 ' The best evidences that they are is, that** .firmest friends and best patrons arc.thostflrho 1 have qsed them longest] Dr\ Wm. B. Burdis '' f® ° f Brooklyn, Treasurer of the New York State Dentists’ Association, and ' thcsepreparations have been used in his pri- ■ ’ vate practice for years, and no leading citixen' of Brooklyn or Williamsburg questions their excellence, j wEile’ r eminent Dentists of New York recommend them as the best [known to the profession. Without thejaid of advettia-' ing, dealers have sold them bythe gross. Jfhe Editor of tbeßrooklyn Daily yWisarsl “We arc happy to know; that pur friend, Dr' Hurdl-is succeeding beyond all expectations with his MOUTH WASH and TOOTH POIV-- DEB.ji The great secret of his success rests t with the fact that his articles are precisely trial 1 represented to he,-las ice can testify from J their long use.’’ - \. || ■ j ij The well: known P. T. Barnum writes': “li found!your TOOTH POWDER] so good that my'l family have used it all u£ We;find it the licit j powder/or the teeth ice.have etkr used. , I shall I feel obliged if you will aehd mc another sup-] ply at the Museum at your convenience, witi 1 biP.’]i i. 1 "; .;i f 1 h ■•. ' But their cost is so small that every oncnir lest the mlatter for himself. I _ . ; SST" Bo ware of the ordinary T ootV P o . Dr. Hurd’s Tooth Poodcr contains no tdi, nor alkali] nor charcoal, nndpqliches jriih'A. . wearing the enamel. Use do other. . '{ WHAT < WILt, DR. HURD’S WIEVWS ! ? i.--' 1 ■ EFFECT* ’ 1 Drll Hurd’s'Mouth Wash andrYooihSovitt’?- will give young ladies that Client ciarmla fi- rear ... . man-p-a sweet breath and j early tooth. 1 fry them, ladies.. ' I ''' • I Dr; Hurd’s Month Wash and Tooth Powder will . oleahse the mouth from all foal tions, and if used in tibc.morning, will mate the tireakfast taste snjccter begin more pleasantly. Hundreds of persons can j tcstijfy toi this.. Try them,, gentlemen. • • Dr. Hurd’s Mouth Wash,and Tootli Powder are the the best preparations in the world for ’ curing bad %reath- arid giving firmness asd j health, ti the gums. I 1 Hundreds of. cases pf*. Diseased [lileidmg j Groin, Sore Mouth, Canker, etc.fhatra' been cured; by-Dr. Iliad’s astring ent wash. i l ’. ■ .] Dr. Hurd’s Month Wash and Tooth Powder ' " - ho- ’ ihi- ml ah' additional charnrj to courtship, ate :e husbands more agreeable to their vires ■ wiv is to their husbands. They shoul'i be I by every person having Artificial teeth, . jh are liable to imparl a taint to the month Dr. Ilurd’s Toothacbe I rbops cure Tooth- ] ache arising from,exposed nerves,, and are the; best friends that patients can have in thehoasij to save their children front torture and then , selves hornless of klbep and sympatheticsnf. ering. 1, ■ ’I ' ■■■ ~ . Farmers and mechanics I you cannot v™* l : ford to neglect your teeth. FOratriflinjsnme you! .can now gePpreservatives, than iraiea or Astorican 'get nothing -Remember! that Dyspepsia j and CitevrtptufA the Lungs often originate i 9 neglect of tee . Send f<>r the Treahje on fcelh, and read • Fitch’s! observations!pn this subject. late to arrest decay j in your ovn teeth, yopr ohildren’s teeth." • J'. NEURALGIA PLASTERS--^.-} I™* 1 ™* Neuralgia Non-Adhesive Plasters are 'h* , pleasaht and successful remedies cver presao cd for this painful ’discasc. pat>«"F n plies one, soon becomes drowsy;, fa'le*- £ and awakes free from pain, .hM other unpleasant or ipjunous consequences sue.. For Earache and Nervous Ileedc ply according to directions, and r< surely follow. Nothing can he oblaii to Dr. iHurtl’s Compress for Neurali them. | They are entirely a novel,- ct original preparation, and wonderful ful. They, are of tWo sites, one sr fake, price 15 cents, and the other - application to the hody, price 37 cents* be maifed on receipt of price and one ifc. WitAT ARE THE PEOPLE. o!*E' The American people are intelligent.eii , i wont them. Every mail brings us letters ordering the Treatise Oh Teeth, some .tu, raigia l Plasters, anti not a few enclosing folr tho Mouth Wash, to be sent by j, to these wtraro compelled to reply Ij impossible to send a half-pint bottle The people want (hese Remedies. at gyp# , 1 . ! ■- the ~! i >UANCE,FO£ Shrewd agents can make a small i carrying these articles around to f»m> DentaTTreakury is the neatest “ rlic | en j f man hr Woman _can carry around. _v. t . one and seel, or, better, a d ° ,e “’," sll r will sell, aslsamplcs, for $7. Ag cn . ( ; liberally with circulars ,JJST,“° W , W ti» loSgd into the! business, toapgo ’ a*profiti .We are spending j; bcnchtjof agents. New England , men! here is something nice,'an , Ukeltho>id«i at Us ;■ u !_ ! v Tribune Buildings, New ‘ , -Thkt, remittances may be Mayo'' aipnoo, wTb. H. & Co., refer to the Prooklyp; to Q. W. Griffith, Pres j C* Ora’hnljcililen* Bank, BrookJynrte y.* In.. Newfopk; to P. T fbrk.«lto . ete. ■ ' and usee I :.jr Kp To Stockholders in ufgcturing Com] ;", t i Beaver C mBE properly of th i I | sold, the Stockho diridejnl on present all ! GEO. C.- SPE I myl7:3w ■ r..,|- -.-l ;■ I . • ' ’■ ■ : MIII »o« fEETH &mh ’■>o. T rearalgia. I.'' ' • Wrf* in tie ■‘" -Cmu, g MI , tasiir • poatpi;^ URD, C 0. t 3‘, Men n,l .ahyofM ches,tr ' iuniy, 3 Idem will cer 6^! ™ e -SS« r ’