The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 07, 1865, Image 2

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Nofeuced the
made the 1 '
lenoanced as
!S9 in 1865. < '
been mainti
.oyed.-rour IS
t reserved, and peace re*t
jet every friend, who. ait
; ! |«anlt, tata measures to
1 lentedin HSt Convention,
i fee to it that tbefrnits of ;
i;|re not lost to" the Nation, .. , ..
Business of vast importance will.
$o presented for its consideration and
%very district in the State! should be
a with/what is said by those familiar
/• 'V with the man,. to Ije an excellent per
il V 1 Strait of the asaassfn of the President,
.■ • ■ -dL Wilkes Booth. r He. waSi the third
' of / the celebrated English tragodi
||j;/;/'I-Mb,. Junius Bratus Bootij, and
«c Maryland ip 1839. Bred to
i<§|So|B»e stage; he made his deo«(;as an ac*
pnder the name of ipirn Wilkes
ipt the.early age df seventeen, and af»
jtdfr«ecuritig some local reputation, aa*
|Hffled his fnU name, and starred it
£? . vllidring some seasons with indifferent
. Though withont the emi«
hia&ther, he is said to
|£/j|£;*nd personwbichwottlijhave,given
high'place in’bis profession,bad
fV:; % .»>
"■■ :v! *cfor'
. Of;;*.
hstinctedtbo > topre
tbe boroughs township#
lestionofohsn; the-present
of mukfngnomit in# for their
-n, Juff »!•(» : di .that he
explafhthror columns 6t
Wgus the meiht »posed, and
_ ..arguments ' : ean*, vThl#
heed ,seqi tly agitated
|«n<I v faju;aU
the negative,
tod* etther
'bleb* iiadopted, essentially
iystentj We
imakingany tsimplyto
tlain what tk ;tee designed
is recommendation.; By th-opres-
mejatiogs. are held
i those present choose delegates to
County Convention, land instruct
m delegates. whom to support as
rfirst the District, goner
yfeaving it with i jtnoj delegates to
aCtnaßhey see proper jh case the can
| didpte having . the preferencewith
draws pr has no chance of nominal
1 1| tion,. Harking is generally resorted
|: to by the voters assembled to deter
-11 mine who is the choice! of the district..
|j| ■( .It is alleged, by some that this is un
;|i fair, and many are ptipiidate'd from
!| ; indicating' their by those
Ml; standing around, in man^,
!: cases it gives rise to' fraud. Nomina
. | ■ tions in this county j bpibg equivalent
tr, - to an election,cveryyoter should'be
/i i left free'to make bis own selection of
" *,>• the pandidales he deems most suita
i . ble. There are cases when men may
Sh be prevented from peung as their , inn
clibation and judgment dictate when
thisy know theiract|op will be known.
To avoid this the ballot! system is pro
: posed. <. It will be seep by reference to
.the call of the Chajrjnan,’ that if a
jfebsnge is desired, .then the Conven-
Vtlon will determine;whether the dele
igate' system shall bej abandoned alto
~gethpr, and instead; thereof the popu
lar vote system adopted, or whether
' , the delegate systerpjshaU continueand
thy districts bo required to
. ballot at the primary | meetings. Ip
a - many townsbips the yoto is now tajdn
\ ; ’ : by: ballot, but it is pot general. Hjak
*, . ing.Uorainations by! tpeipopnlar vote—
that is ; bolding s-rcjgular “election and
i ■ ' • •-
•’t 7 }
, I. '
I ■ V
: m., -for the
attrajpin trtHunaiUona
to the aappdrter by the
Tnlpn at thexloming 0(i-
abore of a
jgreat vip
rar, which
i! failure a
in this
! We must
mr success
■ be is uid
hwro been a
ijA attached
tby for the
th c.vol
canrnowe having th
of votes the nommei
long been urged, by
this county,. and i
would be better fliii
letn. We ate not
however, that in all
be for the beat, lit
who oppose the "chi
oughs would then control tfeie nomina
tions. For instance, Newj Brighton
can cast three hundred votes a pri
mary meeting, and if all cast for one
candidate might I nominate him The
country-.districtaj cannot east as large
a .vptp iii; proportion as the boroughs,
and in? this waj| it is nigejd the bor
oughs would, unite and control the
norbinaltions. It) is said agi ,in. by the
advocates of the! change th it the bor
oughs are no more.likely to unite than
the townships, ’aqd ar> ic fac.t more
divided in their choice of candidates.
question is nbw to lie decided, and
townships baying more delegate 4 than
the boyoughs hajrc,4t r ii ttyeir power.
Let them see they dec de Wisely, for
the change, if made, will
nent. Should the poj.
tern . not carry,
balloting fur ma
determined. In this ! th.
change and is more of
nionce andfreedoWtha»*chang«..
• - MiaoeUane^
ed to £jouisville| .the
■going 'first... :
'driven through^
. =■ -Ig^seiw.aerfgii^'-'‘
y»nia :^trp6p7«Mdt%^-
sboald march hOmofrop Washington,
to fill
; ■■‘ ; |||
: pc|t|mßnt
.' ; the' -rtpy tp ■ -'f^nL|lß^; ,
ment oi Irbopd v ln United State*/
for the service. of JuirU & Mexico.
In the British
in reply to »tt Lord
Admerstbn ao’jionnced tpi England
has no iutontidp of interfering in ihe
internal affairs] pttho' United States ; ;
*Therebels;hivo '^eop^tj^
elections in T ptakin^mn
oath presoi
President aio
n* county, {,
leniency : :Cb Jeff* ...
j. The Bul»iboi>gUonß
on Saturday | were
delivery of
Series commenced ( .. r
i >hgton oo^roß
pondent B»yB|' th%t >e President hl»
alllhe StaVea; except Ehodaleland,
pl&oee In ' oaohi’ C<ing|:6«Bional ; Pis?
tHot The ejime will be ex
tended to tijd ' 3tetes. ■ - It
wiil be a year' befo&iiaban be tolin*
order p4,»re to W p
toeirirriral (it the
rendwronv rblobdi
- --f* ?A•-• '•;^-r; 1
ed in the mnatqr <rat
Thebtory ;'of »lb<;
mittedncar tßlira
Union ttlfico:
bo a eecosh f
The teleg rapt.?!
,h’ h froth N
through iroK ew
leans and Mobile.
Aifew dnys ago a|
prisoner named "VJT.
tbrongh Nnshville lou
home near Ejingstr'
He boaste d of havii
teon men daring th
iently took I delight
agony 01 iiie vie
stained villain had
his home than dea
the hands of a relc
murdered men.
: The Washington
last, says: j| A pa]
found floating in th
city (North jCarolim
ment. It baajbee.
ed, and is As.fcjllov’s: | - [ .<
! -fpnl 15,1865.
Dear John:— l l m happy to inform I
von that Pfet fads done his work well;
be is safe and Old , Abo is ip bell.
Now, sir. pll eyed are on you You
mast bring Sherman. I Grant is in the
hands of" Old GreV ere this. Bod
Shoes showed a lack in good order.
Johnson must; come; Old Crook bap
hind in change. Mind that Brother’s
oath. and you will hhve no difficulty.
All will be|eafe, and we will enjoy the
frail* of pur labors. > ! ; |
[Signe<j] : | O. B. No.-o.
ipi -ug
about 300 majority. Little interest
was felt in the result, and unMMottt
balf tho vote of the city wasTßilled.
-We-observe that Samuel M'Kinley,
Esq.,, is announced as a candidrfApr
-nomination - for the
Lawrence County. Mr. M’Kinley is
a nativg of this county, and was’ an
honest, industrious, and; cor dent
member of the last House; -
be will be returned.
The .President
U. S.. Ma.
K • • i '
by .on
The Lenopa of^kji
Thd ten ibid
this nation bos. passed
last years,- has left far
lessons if We.aballJbir''
lions to those admoi
to.bc ducor
- -
hateful heresy
The phrase which
as household words;
and shall be preserv
said j to embody. the senth
cry ipyfll apon this «d^
Another' )pupn which'- the ooi
has. taught ns is the strength of a.
publican institutions; andthe inhertmv
power: of-onrpreaentform ifgo yepft
.meat When the war flftlbrohebuk,
hvery. one feared for the gorermnenti,
thialnewfbrinof governraerttisOhoWi
so untried hy tho fierce aleinhla Of Bfa
ternaldisaentiqn. Coulditwithstand
Ihepowerftil shockaof hostile armies?
This; WM '- the which struck
consternation loth {Uw : h*ort* of the,
wisest; and whoso contemplation filled
evejn thomost aangnitjSwith; thp gm*;
yeal appirehensions.'' j ■:*: T \'-'t'-iys%sSr
Europe could present aoi
for! us hot the most' "
andhenMtheir pro’
the' hioit:
e 11 -,, :.,
> the 7*Bo l<>an
MBjBOQ. f IThe
i - the Third
C'; ~ - ■'
tot under general}
kidi to tlte d»te of I
designated SU&I
rrible ~ rajwv^om-1
nea are working
Eay, pjiued
a jSpringrfi 1 '
jg murdered seven*
e war, and appar>. describing the
iims. Ihe blood-
Ino sooner reached
kw arresied him at
itioe of one of the
Btdr of Satiuday
>er| in cipher was'
tdock at Moorhead
.jCh tha ,2d of May,
3r to the Govern*
i literally translat-
. 1
: stlonnwitall xhl
• •
-- fi,2lu)(BElt , 0;470
bice the im
tvonal dissolution
ions. We began the,
come out witp at least a_ _
credit, with resources at-all' events
somewhqrt crippled, and with a connJ
try upon such a verge of. exhaustion
a$ to render a long, period; ol repose
necessary. How different the-nctual
result. Our. credit is to-day better
than it 'was before the. rebellion, our
resources are lor beyoud our estimates,
even the .most sanguine. So far
from being exhausted'are we that the
the country is fhr more able to-day to
undertake | a war than ever before;
better able 'l9 cany itbe burden of a'
vast struggle^than any other nation
now on the face of the globe. All
thiswe have learned; in'the tour short
years of carnage,., and the nations of
the bid world have learned, it also. It
results then that we have thisfaetto
be established in the future Histories;
'lOi.aU.. governmente the Republican
is the strongest.’' i '■ ’j
I Thus is cast aside thebid lie with
which men bave-herotofone been dblu-
thd strongest,
heejjthia lea,-
looasymbol of
r government,
,pi inetititions is
mli Ae great coat
nail .hem at. We
rforl jot that, our
Sop to on than 1^
•td it thelivca oi
;jf x>ns bave been
..drificod. The priceless boon of Na
tional-Liberty bequeathed nabyour
fore-fathers "Will not be the lees jeal
ously guarded by. descendant! who
shill in the coming fntnro read 'of I the
heroic sacrifices made to perpetuate
it and whi 1 they read of the deeds
•>ae b - 'bbso | valor .ihia/tlnioq
. ved, they wijl regard
proudest boast, ‘‘l* am
: tiz'on;" ' ' f,.i I
the End War.
j»ai^of modern history
ittitipb. Tbe ; [ country
the vastpeas of its
Wa* 1 great:
il* - . '
y|O no
tb th> . Doi _ \toa| • Daniel
Lewis .airfax, a loyal roan, was'
suppoi toboelectedfromtho Alex
andriaandjFairfaxdietricta’.butit turns
bat thatthe TJuibn candidate bad only
272 votes and the Disunion'so6; ~ j
; Ten [C3unties! are yet to votebefpro
the Ist of-Jnpe. Thonew Constitu
tion ad mted; by the last Assomlbly
disfranchises all mon wHo have m aujj
iray given aid j to the Rehellion sibco
Februaiy,’6s,bat the returning Rebels
scout tl at instrument and ignore the
vote which : adopted it, and in viola
tions of its provisions they now appeal
again -to the ballot box in defense of
Slaveryand State sovereignty, whioF
they failed to maintainjin the arbitral
meet: of battlf. In consequence, of
this th» greatest apprehensions! Are
urging President Johnson to arm. Gov.
IMerppi t "with extraordinary military
powers to uphold the authority of his
Government: : ’lj ~ ' |
f .ii r i ■/ ' V-v
'itfllKßciples of the'
~d to meet at thefe 1
‘lon, oq BATDR
iroaghsat Jo 1 ,
wnshipe p. m.
'. Convention
m B*ATX*,on
ft |l a| ot.'l
ites for Assem
r HonseDirec
ladetqy, and. to
lay be brought
of ihe Union 1
Boroughs and
/ote upon the
■esent •delegate 1
'em, bywhich
made by the
popnu.. . - navingitbe;t|igh
est number of rites to be'the nominee, the
election vo be conducted ih thi usdal manner
of holding eleotiinp, or whether, Instead.of
the present marking system,: voting byfballot
.shall be snbsUtmed. Delegates will come in
strncted'ttf ro|e upon these qnestiohs.and de
termine in convention whether any change
hhall be made] and!, if so, which, system shall
be adopted. ] By order of. Committee.!
■ |■; JAB. BDXAN,Ch’n.
the number of|- Delegates
it is entitled: |
.4 J .L...|.......8
' Marion... 1 ..............2
■(.M00n... .4.............4
New 8right0n.........!
New Bewickly _......4
Norih Se*ickly......B
Patterson!...'... .2
Pulaski ..... .2
H The'fojlo'
'S' : ; ’|
JKTON, fidro.j
\t«*Eiiii|* ! v
' BjgB8»T«5 ;
r *B6ro«g&;
.da for Ih first
of expounder.
/ ardimportatat
. authoritatively ptat
resolutions adopted uf
kof the Democralic and poa>
Utaon citizens of Kentucky
ie Haljl of the jlloirse of iiep>
held ir
reseßtitiljes. in
day, May[24, ,1 i arid publi shed at lengti
in the [Louisville Dernoc -at ofthe 29 th
Wo hopalio boo thorn ip the Pittaburi
Post.' ||! T : ,
'!; Resolution. No; 1 declares for th
trial: of by= vegularjadicm
tribunal* |an the usual form of indict
meet. J 1 ■; v, 'I ; ■'
[ I No.|i2 [pronounces ag dost thocon
| stitntinnjal araohdraer t abplishih;
slavery, jas subversive jf State* rights
■.'No 3*aeclaTes against t be enlistment o
slavesy because it aking, privit
property [for public use ■ without co n
riensationl ! v -[ ■ ■ j’'
,;.i NbJdU for “the Union of'the State
as founded by our fathers,” accord
ing to the foregoing ideas, apd th
reserved bight of each State to seced*
at will, | “subject oily to*the ije
stnCtiocs. and Timitatic ns of ;the Con
stitutidn” l ':.,
jiUo!' 5 is for free; speech and' h
libertjy’ of the pressr-exercised I' -
'Advocating: .the doctrines herewith
se . forth. (The lasi clause is under-
Hs in favor of keepifig the ir.ili
bortiinate to the civil authority
defidedlye f idedIy “in favor of the
♦iwSwoof! a liberal, kir.d, anil con
ciliatory policy towards those who
have I eon! In arms Gov
ernment,*’ and to this
(nlcrt made by .General,' Sheriijjn with
General Johnson” is fully endorsed,
“as wisely {adapted to restoreipeedily
toe peace And. Juufmdny-pf.lheDnion
and make every thing lovely.
[No. § is: lor retrenchment; and econ
omy. >'l | • -I ‘ ‘ '
■ rflere/ 1 wd have the Democratic
doctrine right from the, fountain;
hind. How do 001 Democratic brelh
iron hereabouts, who undertook to
hb so mild-mannered, lately that they
were scarcely able to recognize them
selves like; it ?-~Pittsbwq Commercial
r WILL giye Uie above reward for any in-,
formation that Will lead to the detecti<in
If the person, or persons who poisoned a
lound belonging to me. K
June7,’6si WM. S. PABCLAY.
- :- —- ~r-;
Notice to Contractors-
SEALED .PROPOSALS will be revived ad
the Commissioner’s office, in Beaver, np
to June 24, 1865, for the extension
It Stone Work, and also for Wooden Super
itruction of a Bridge across Raccoon creek,
hear Robert iPotter’s. ‘ -I
J Bids will jbe received for each separate part
of the work, and also for fhe whole contract.
■ | i By order of Commissioncrf.
•pjane T,’65. TO S. BARCLAY, Cl!k.
, KJ hereby given to all persons that niywifc.
(Susanna t-mith.haa.lcft my bed and board
iruhont any reasonable ciuse, and they are
Rtcncdinotj to harbor or in any way give her
uredit, lobmy account, as lj will pay. no bills or
Cdnins of her contracting after 1 this date...
" ' " V I JOS. SMITH,:
| vfiroene tp., Beaver c'o.-' r
etoch : of the Pha-
Ferry conir,
SwiiifiJtevty: not&od'ithit • lb* last instal
thWiiioct l» i». due. and payable to'
JacoV-Btrawacher. Phillips--
Tmrg, oa 'ok [before thol6thd*yof June, 1866.
i,\»y oMw of th*
je? !;“TH- ; CffAS. B. HURST, Seo’y. .
TPfc'WMATKTKQ ih; the Post Office atßocbes
' ter.. iPa., JtaiW let, 1805:
AlienCharles,Briekley * Bradbury, Bell
BaherMissliellie, 2, Cramer
J,Dickej Miss AjjgJe,Torey Ihit co, Hamilton
BSBiJiiUdger Jaoob.rpbrtieQ'Beil, Jenkins
Johnston MoIUe, S, Jodonsmsid, Johni
Son jßil'taheih J.Jackison HenHeUa, Kennedy
Lewis Xn
htusAleiino, .ITKendeyjH,
MaSwfesny James, Oyier Isaac, Reinhart Cath
arin&Rcby S B, SimthCrawford, Fris Sam*
wVWyWr' ‘ Waters Mlm Fannie, WOr
liama’jllns 1 Joseph, While Miss
Maiy;~ ‘ "‘' l '
28cU It it!
pabUo »l l. P. H., -o» that d*y,
o»iSi»;iwmlMfc* i attito do*
of jeMNW ffttwr-
nwitin ;nr ofthe taderalgmtti own-
Vf-Uw wm, in.; oddtw
iwtt at K«w BeOTet couaty, Pa. -
Jane 7,*66. ‘ tHOMAB;
; Executor’s EotecE ■V N
T' BITERS, terijunenUnr. on tie «l*te of
1/ Bw. Bno, late N S«wicUy
townihip, Be*TW C«alitT, ;P«.', 4<»’d, iuiTlßi
beta granted to tie nndermgned,»ll-persona
indebtedio «id estate an. requested to make
. fend those* Bering claims
against theeamevill present them properly
anthentjgafedfarsettlement, i ' ~ ■
- ; i-j'--.W
-: timbered-*-
1 thelkft 'bawtiufl beOhioriver,]
'fi&Ott &<mi\ih»iawar4ti Beaver, '6 from the
Mid within sight of
theseatof extensive.
snlmni aliom.’ j Two _cbmfortahle Log Dwel-’
njfcßraM'Ob! the farm. Soil well adapted
to crwtn .growing and grazing; At least 100
underlaid with two veins of su
i! !’ i. ; i ■
One fo ir| feel, the other three—adjoining the
twell “Porter Bank,” which has been
open andi worked for manyyears, the coal on
which is represented by steamboat men to bo
the, best; found between Pittsburgh, and New
Cumberland. .' An 8 acre-lot;' added lately to
the farm, serves as an outlet to the River. An
Inclined | track of 25 or 30 rods will run the
coal from tho 4 feet vein-'to the water, 1 and a
track half that distance will run it from the 3
Teel orloWer vein. ■ | ‘ ! -'i ’ -j
FIRE CLAY and LIMESTONE, of good qual
ity, and in great ahundaifcc,..and supposed
also to contain a vein of excellent IRON ORE.
- -T
terms, and further particulars, iur
" quire of! - JAMES BRITTAIN, Shippingport,
’» (near the premises,) or M. WEYAND, Proth’y.,
A Bearer, Pa. . M i | Maj 31’C5:4t.
M Arine,lnland & Tire Insurance.
' - . AMERICA, : : S •
.■; Philadelphia: j
Incorporated 1794. Cho rtcr Per pet uni.
The Oldest Co. in the U. States. 1
Ofer $1|,000,000 Losses paid iniCasu, since
' t j | . its Organization. ~1
■ Cash! Capital and Surplus Jan. 1,1865,
; 7l.
, Buildings,; Mcrehandisa and Furniture in
sured against Loss or Damage by Fire,.
r on-the ] most 1 Liberal Terms. s
Bnck and Stonq DvetUingt lnturcd Pcrptlaatit/.
Risks taken on the' most liberal terms, by
t ! CHAS. B. HURST; Agent, '
18 lmyBl’66 !■ M • I • Rochester, Pa.
lx j£,— ■,.!—L—! U —-
TkOSS BROTHER, &,Co’S. Extra, Oheuncal
Jl Writing Fluid, the best in the worldatlhe
Bridgewater Drug Store. Try it and be eonj
*9 rineed. j Manufactured by the American Ink
'.n' Company' , ■
"I >!' 1 !
»f -
1 ' *
By enthbrity of the siewL, o{ ..' ■■'(
ury. the tie ?£****
tion Agent for tUMIo if
offer? to the piblio (h e ttri*f W
twiisw »a*C2»!*-
Unthm per -ot. fattereetper »«L~ ilgk 1 "*--.
16th, 1865, and arc pajtblj thre^y*^
‘ 5^20 :
i Theee bonds ajfwU ? p rcß i a .
are exempt, as ar 9 ell the dorertWit = **
from Staff,i County or
adds front one to threi pra u
Value, according, to tl e.r,( e
property]; j The interest fa Myrtugjr
ally by coupons attacl ed & « cll n
may off and a lit, to i,ny bsuXorb^j
The in i
i One cent per- di
Two eente . 41
2o 3 44 44
$1 : , 44
i Notes jdf all the c
be pfttnptly furnishi
tims. -i T ] •
;J apo
■ Tlie of ihii
ly similar in form al
Thirties already sol
•merit reserves to its!
terestin_goH coil
7 3 lOths in currei
dnettha interest in{
i This
id pri
d, eii
Clf th
ip . at 6
■ currej
at the time when tjiey si
The ffelrrery of the nj
June,»od will bemade j
uoudyafter theidite. {
Theellgtit phangemad
this I Xh|r|dSerieB affects’
| : The payment in
equivalent to the carrenc;
ernte. ■ I -i
• to spociopnymenta, f
of which: Only willthooplion to!
in Gold; be arailed of, would so i
equalise prices that purchases made
per cent; in gold would -he fully
. : hose .made with seteh and three; teal
In currency. "rJi"’"
t &'
. Bq^*cmiPtioa»|T»iitbß
National Bank of
. B| HUHSp
' _■' •:; V-j.. ”;;, ■■. ASD DSAIB* Wf
Beal Esta^Stocka,
Bonds, andother
Conveyancer & Agent
rpflß BobMribcr
I. Rochester, flntie H e |.
tronsgsof Ids friends aaA Oie;pnW
of 'Offieez^ ? Meotmtt, j and au el
cmlof the pn-scnt w£rj such is
f ’ Prize Money,
'®eeds drawn lap rand sclmowh
Fire risks; taken in: first ela»
’ CoffiptmeB;-'---{T ----ii-
Revenuo stomps al
Refers to John A.
gm.i 11.-Smith & Co.j
WRochester, *May3r
; Foil!
J\ i in 3 miles of 1 ;
Remington, on tiurP
Also’, several desira'
ceai Ibw. Inquire of
•' mj-31'66
Manufacturers*'; & Merc
UW; 87 .TPrt/erSf.; BagaW 1 -
l :'T ’ J/L.BENNETT. .
■{: j! w-,chaU'ant,\^^
'b|m. P. Jcwks, Scfc’y. ; ■ tj!
Insures" Against lose oJ
j ’lmurci Steamboat! awl
And on property in transit ftg*‘ D
.» |]- ~ lof navigation. 4 ,
■ ]BinKCtoßf).— James I-.
Schwartz, Robcrt Lec, »• .« pits:*:
Watson, fc. K,. McAboy.'.A:> ■ ; ,
; W. Obalfant, Isaiah'
■g] Cuehnell, John WJsoni
ißisks t aken on the ™$S”aK
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ImySl 65. . •
Sh e
rfIHE undersigned; s
. I “TO* £iyA/
best machines thatjjap. ’ 0 f
chantry. It possesses
nha:good; ■
seldom equaled and. npypr J alf ryi*
Peraoha wishing o purely
to cqll at Jacob,Marks S lo j> ,
and-examine the michiuci. s
The Superior
for sale by the samci _ ""i i>uts $•-
Darlingto^-Pa-I'M*? ■ -
E» '
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nations ntmtj »jj
ii Series are
irilegeato (hi
i ept that the I
■ option of paj
I' per cept. insl
Subscribed wi
! ocy up to July
bscribe, !.' -
)td of this ,
omence on thi
iromptly apd
||e in the coodi
only themuiei
gold, if made, '
ij interest of tbi
ways bnKirn
onlaining C2i
the Uailroad
. Fi. W.ixf;
& houses and Ifl
4- ' Bocheii
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