The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 07, 1865, Image 1

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    j^l^^iraUoa.^^ l 'leadersdni-- g nnid protijcf K J f 1 ! i"' *" -jji||ftK|" V^- o^*»^r 3 r l |^^i^ t ’ae|eDciM fbr^
T34e j6ld Woman ujdi year.
611 the. : borders of -a > | forest
which abounded in all man of wild
Ibeiistfl, there once lived an . woman
with her husband/ John, , t Driven by
hanger, h bear ono day - made an at-'
lack; on the rude cabini that sheltoied
tom. John promptly retreated to a
poßjtion iii
terveyod the battle betwcojubiswifo
and the bear, : not raring mhefi which
fide whipped. When at lastjbo pld
inly proved victorious, bo.camo,down
>nd haiicd her With, tl|e cbngratnla*
.fori, “ Goodness alive, Peggy I ain’t: that
i Hg bear t that we killed !”
So, now that
his ‘bear,”; the Ecbolliop, t|
: coming np and sla\
;?,ood naiuredly oh the shonli
goodness alive I i am't tnaid ;
i|4 what ice killed /” wi
e <o every intelligent mind; a
Sdmil that two wore greater
Vihatthe “bear” would be st
|l|s men who adopted.the d<
(of the Chicago platform 4b a I
I** B a “failure,” the men who
tie have her ih
‘■didn't believe in Abplith
u 'lod slavery ‘hi Diviuo i.
tiro normal condition of
Ur,” who prated about “tl
, corruption ofi the
l |
Southrona could never
i, ftrci;-); who pjiod thy public'mind
.v.-carjsomo;dfSsertA,ious bn “the
‘’■• debt,” “the high la|ces l ”“iho
[Wj.w extravagance;” who dalldd Mr.
l a “buffoon” imJ aj tjyrantj”
''aver rejoic'd afa Union,victo-
i'feh'.iso “if was only prolonging
'•war; who put on lougfj|cqB when
F aw a wounded sokiiorj but nev.
! telo," 1 hands in their packets to
_ 'eye his suffer! ngfamily; | all those
Wa!. Bl0 ° d qU ’°- Uy b - v "’hJlo| the fight
° n ’ ' riL '' ou t a word-of com
iorT f ° r lbo ®° who wbre fight
fanv 0 £ ' Ule f° r expect.ing7iind
whJn I ?^ h that^ e ':**•?■
ej-y - P - 1 hen there wore, otb
°nto«. C ' Dion as are welUknown in'
Raided 1 • tl ' l< ! St ’ - oro even more
'‘•beat" the
Wbo k ?P t at 3 Bafc dis
in d'eir en 6fibt ’ but wbrc W' livo
wiukT^l 6 * 601 aDd ® ecre t aid;
'asav l d a f tba “ be K” aismuch as
" ° aheA ' i Old Fellow, we're
Davis in! Disguise. —The idea 01
Jeff. Davis, lh( aristocratic, the digni
fied, the haiigtity, being caught run
ning off in ore of Jiia wife’s drosses,
is too majli for the gravest - ’ man’s
gravity. It is the pathos of rebellion
—the most ridiculous Plajst ditch” that
'Could have -been imaginejd. Emerson
tells about a Western street that be*
gap as a£fbdd avenue, jtbrned intp a
common street., then intp a pow-path,
and tberi intp a eppirrel track and ran
up a tree. St t this is nothing to the
career of the rebel who began asPres*,
ideht of tpb Southern [Confederacy,
then 1 turned; dl ief, then [became! a'ln*
fiUve'FrOmjustice, ana was finally
elected whilo runningin one. of
his wife's!old dresses Journal, j
par-Fonr year# ago
Times wrote, (“the great
dead.” Wood®* what the
to-day I i, Bather a lively
men, and
bility does
the specified
are interested , wl precise
information 'at the iaa itself
and from the circulars which it distri- i
bates, '■.£ |r. - ■ -
| i We heartily command this and all
kindred efforts aa likely t > bo useful:
and as;,indispensable, but we by no
means stop there, sTiiio urging duo
Wont! to those ’ facili* : —th'
a ion * .w«( ~.;cb —those
'means ofholp which makes it easy <
for those desiring to | : helpitbe soldiery
to direct their effort* inlsome safe:
'channel—we are far,from thinking that*
'all oar duty is done in cabling atton
|tkm to them. ' Wo hrge Sstill more:
itrenaonsly that each individual ought
to feel himself boundi to oqntibate his
personal efforts toward the same
which the Bureau contemplates and
works forj* We want every, man andi
i woman to feel that theyow&omethingj
to the armiekthat have saved the conn
try. Asking for pothingoo the ground
of cbfrity, we ask for everything on j
th£ ground of dnfy! land j obligation.
(Let no one appeal foi-i charity to the
the London
; Bepablic i*
Times ibinka
eh 7
«this bou
lor Hhb. d?|
4. It requires very a
chlnory f<fls its collection!
For these ali-sdfflciotl
I hope that other \ modes
will be fcand ,to take
this, which, moreover, ;
discordant with the , cha
people.-; 1 ■ _' 1; -i
ament: going the rounds Of
hat Ptesident'-Lincolc (614
Ithatbewaa oi; Jewish do*
for it<,origin simply this :
p, talkWgwith a rabbi, joc-
Irked (Lincoln)Was
f Hebrew stock, aabjg £a*
|ree sons who were respebt
a Abraham,lsaacaasl Jacob.
1 .! -.M ■ .•■-i L’
Thk stal
the press t
somebody j
scent had
nlarly remi
probably ol
tber had tfa
jd hOnOra
iciencieaal ot
collector mi
send it by
whichi‘oe ii
lected bjs
The law
it vis la»t
peridentl; i
cent, penal
(ice', now il
notice ial u
We l»av<
ly to point
ment, add
dreddof o
and ycx&t
msive ina-
V! • 1 /’ i ■
Ljb reasona wo
of taxation
tho place of
is essentially
ictor of. Our;
onojlist Boiaotimo’ ir|
> is required -within twenty
.altertogivo notice intone
erl. in each county, stating
iwhesfc and time when, the
te .! If not maid by the
6l the 1 time specified■' the
nst give! a personal notice,or
' mail to each {porBon, foi|
a kllowcdaleopf 20 cents
not paid within .ton
tb&Bomngor mailing of
tain percent. is to be added!
stand penalties may be ccl*
listraintL ! [
is different now from what
, yjoar, in regard to' the ton
penalty,} Then the ten pot
tty wont Ibefore personal no«
11 goes ontendays after such
: ailed or sent. ]
sheen thnsparticular,blear*
; out the law, anp it* reqnirb
Its penalties, because hun
nr readers orej. interested,
due attention to this they
hems elves mnch trouble, lose
0n.,.' ■' ■ j- ' •
, /. T. -i Btodkton, , jr - of
itbeCharoh of ie Hew Teetliment ini
Pbiladelplna,we believe theoplyono
organised upon the principles;. be;, has
been, advocating for.spine years past,
intends to apecinl -attention to
the new movement for Christian
fbnrecently ihtrodaeedin several of
the large cities. y : l,
; —The HewUm (Baptist); Theologi
cal Institutein Massachosette.foand
|bd.;in liSSb.has graduated ; fire ban- 1
fired and mgbt students. Oftbese
twentywthreo have been foreign mis*
sionanos,' and fourteen bay* been
presidents ofj colleges or theological
Seminaries. •;;v ; .' i/T-.-.
ji' J —itt tbq stated monthlymoetiDg of
♦heßoardoLmanagcre of tbd Amenf
can B 1 ble*3<&bty £ held on
resolutions were adopted inregardtp
theobserva&ceoHhe Jnbileobf the
Society, Hearty iwenly-eightthonsH
and volumes nrere donated to various
thoHo^erfc.Methodist Conferemeo.—
,of tbb mili
Christian faith under tho teachings of
Fuhc b au.
w!U regret to hejar, that
ysrhilo iho speeches at the anniversary
American Temporanae Union
.'•fare excellent, but few were present
tO bear them. This shows-how little
nitoatioii this cause is receiving these
tlMbe. - 1 ;
—The tenth annual mefeting Of the
Young, lion's Christian Associations
of the United States and British Pro
vinces; will bo hold in tho city of Phil
adelphia, on Monday, Juno stb,in the
First Baptist Church.
I—Keblo says the! man who is per*
plexed by religious, doubts should be
advised i to cure himself, -.not) by the
physio of reading alnd controversy,but
j by the,diet of Holy living.'
L Lutheran Seminary in Phila
delphia hasalready received {847,(}00
toward the endowment fund, and it is
expected the whole' sum desired will
be; secured. I ■ . ; - .
—lt is said that Itcv. Mr. Kyan of
St! Louis, li tO bo Bishop of Louisville
in; place or Bishop Spaulding, appoint
ooßiahop of Baltimore'. 1 1 ! .
A-Tho aggregate; receipts to the va
rious' Baptist Societios jbr the past
year, will amount-itopabout four hun
dred thousand dollars. ■
—ThC General Synod of tbo Eeform •
ed 'Proteekapt Dajtch Cbarcb will meet
io New Bruns wick r N. J*, to-day.
■L-XhO sum of Was con-'
tributoA last year by; the Philadelphia
M. B. Conforonco for thurch extension
| and improvement. ! i
Wo heat oij duilie numbpjr of fay#
BaVje|pl<|wpd ia ; tfijpir .wheap
fields, and have planted them to cotn. ,
The chinch bdg 'is already making
havoc.among tap props,, and farmers
dard hot tjuati totbeirwbeat. -.Under
the circumstdnoosr there should have
boon .no wheat sowed in this county, ,
thja springy -thp.fplly of such a courso v
is being, felt.j A 1 good deal ,|6f. > th«j '
wheat land will| bo[ turned under, (.and
There .
stock in Mi'
sheep; a*h>
ares idf/l,
to. ..
•, , i- 'I ■ I
iff ojriiye
iRr th'e in
iUa 1860,
icfffftie' of ' .
•£| •
ipronW iii
rl I •* '■ >V -
’ i • t ;.